HIE SC17ANT0N TKIBIJNE-TVEDNESDAY MOENINa, AUGUST 15, 181)4: L OF A Hamburg diip.teh syi: R-prsan-tatiws of tbe pounsylrsoU Mi lUud liillrosd ompitnjr visited this pi so on a tour of luspi otlou alonif tbe Jin) ot tbs rJoutb Mqoiitsia railroad, wbleti was partially graded tbrongti this s-e-tionuss-ly twenty yssrs ago. Msnv tboussnds of dollsrs were txpeuded west of Hamburg in gradlug, coti etrnctlug masonry for bridges, eto. Tbs farms through wblo'J tbs projeoted road wus to pan were badly datunged liy cats and embankments, and tbe owners will now bs pleased if the road is built, la many oases the daing"s Nvtll not be augm-nted. wblls the com plsiion of the road would supply much needed railway facilities. There are hundreds of farmers along the line who r.re obliged to haul tbelr proluots from tbrse to twenty miles to reach tbe mo.t uecessible msrkets. The PenusylvanU Midland railroad would bs able to co i Ufot with botb tbe Reading and Feua tylraais systems at tbis point, Pnbllo announcement hai bean made that the Altoona and I'bilipsburg Con necting railroad will be opened for f reight and passenger tnffl'isfar hs jrloniiials tbis morning. This road will giva an imuisas- soft coal touoaga to the B' adiuir and B eoli Creek rail- rosds. S xtien tr cius will be ruu b bWseu I'bilipsburg aud Ilouizlule. There has been some discussion in Wilkes-Barre lately, according to a correspondent there, over rumors that the coal In Luzerne county, botb in the valley and ou the mouuUins, was be :ng mined so rapidly that in twenty or thirty ye trs the operators would have taken out all the entbraoite they ootild vlth safety to tbe sarfaoo, aud the chief industry wonld be at an end. Although the rumors were not gener illy believed they causd so in 3 alarm. 'Jugineer 'WlllUuv 11 riturdoTatit is, however, prep trsd to dispel them by toond facts embodied in soras interest ing statistics be bas prep ired. H es timates that tbs supply of oul in the county will last at the present r ite of production for at least SdO years. Tuere nre ab ut 07.000 aores of coal iu the county, with an average thickness ol thirty-four an t ona-u.ilf to U Tlia nr-'Seiit net yield for each acre is about b50 tons, niMklng a iiMspective total ol l,o,l,0 )0,()00 tons, it is estim tie I t'i t luis lot 1 there have bu JJ'JO 009 tmis min-d, leaving tin 1 rrouud l,371,00O,0OJ ton. Caloulaiing Hint vi. is in s is removed at the rata of 7 TOO 000 ions per year i; would take 00 )Ait to exuaua tbe supply, Tbe movetutnt of eastbonnd dead freight from Cbicsgo was very heuvy during the past wg, the total baring Minouiited to CI GOJ tous compared witu 17,783 tons in the previous week and 'i,Vli tons for lbs corresponding week of last year. The movement of dres-id bef was unuuuslly largi 29,030 tons or uenrly one-balf tbe total suipments. Tbe largest tonnage was carried by the Michigan Central 19, 10) tons Tue other lines carried lu- following aUKUnts: Fort Wavne, 0 717; E.i, 7.065; Niciel Plate, S 372; Laka S ,or", 'i. Ku7 ; Pan Ilundle, 4,790; U.aud Trunk, 4,407; Wsl.ssn. 3,543; U ltimure and Ouis 2,240; Big Four, 1,439 No new developments In Atchison . iCiirs.re exp-cleil utstlr jTjflH't"'rl' mi, all bare completed bis ex autii.dion and made his lull report. Mr. Little will leave for Duuver iu the latter part of the week, to examine the books of tbe Denver and Rio Grande rail w iy whicb will occupy blin for a couple pf weiki. Oiibisrstorn lie willresuma work pu tbe Atchison books. A. DougUs, auditor of the St Louis aud San i'ruclsco railway, Is now lu N-w York, ami will assist Mr. Little during in week in examining the books of that company. A itory comss from Denver, tU Cbicsgo, to tbe Csct tbat a movement s on loot by which the Chioago and Alton proposes to secure coutrol of tbi Kauaus Puciiiu by purchase, when the wort gage is foreclosed. Tue policy of tbe Alton has never been one of exten sion, an 1 this is the chief reason ttiit tbe eotuptny bas always been in a Uroug tiiiaiiciiil cotiditiou aud able to pay 8 per ent diviJeu is, when its competitors have been forceJ to reduce or entirely suspend the payment of dividends. A Mihob Indcstrial NOTES! Some very heavy flrst-clsss engines built at Alumna sre coming west for service ou tbe Pennsylvania lines, Isaac U Rice, It is said, Is to bs the next president of the Philadelphia aud Reading, he having Influential support. The Pennsylvania uompnny is promoting number of firemen wuo showed them selves loyal during the recent Deo striko. Tbe Southern Railway company is cut ting down expenses all along the line. A number of removals, it, is stated, are con templated in tbe traftlo department. Tbe statement of the amount of coal transported over the Huu'ington and Brond Top road for tbe week oudeJ Satur day, figuregated 67, 29d tons, an increase of 1V,U49 tons over the corresponding week ot last year. Southern railway officials say tbe rnt look for au early improvement in business is quite marked, and if rutting or irregu larity In rates can be avoided the earning exhibit will show marked lucreases witu . most of tbe southern roads. It is ssld the July statement of the Pennsylvania will make au unexpectedly sood showing. If the earnings show atiy decrease it will be email us compared with tbe figures from the same month of 1693 which were $:37,2 larger than in Juiy, 181)4 ... f. The employes of the Colebrook furnaces havo signed a petition ss.ing for au in crease of wages and have prexentod the same to Superintendent Valentine. The men working on tbe outside now receive 9a rents per day and ask far $1.16, and the inside men receive (1.13 aud now ask for $1.40 per day. The recent ntterances ofJ.T. Brooks, third vice-president ot tbe Pennsylvania company, in relation to the issue of passes lo public oillcera Lave started a discussion in wetteru railroad oi roles, aud should tbe eastern and western lines tuke concerted action to do away with this so-called evil, it will not be a surprise. The Ebervale1 portion of the 'tunnel, which is to drain tbe water from that and tbe Harlelgb mines, was completed Saturday evening. There Is about COD feet to be driven yet before the water will be tapped. Two shifts of men are employed, and It is expected that the mines will Do tapped In about two months. Tbe Ferris wheel, which was exhibited at the Woi Id's fair, will tbis week be re moved from Cbicsgo, The Lake Shore has leased the car from the Peauylvaula com pany whicb varried the big Krupp cauuou to carry the wheel. Tbe axle weighs sev enty tens aud It wilt require several trains of flat cars to convey to its destination tbe material et which the great wheel wa composed. ' : ' Freight men predict that the present scarcity of oars will Drevall for cpmej th.y argue that thearala movltial now ts lbs lsst oroo. arid . fill ,., Ill the UMon 1..' l?. Sf 1 mm mi INDUSTRIES era or in elevators, there Is no room tor itoring Bruit) ; consequently, they must ithip it, aud wha the pew crop U vut of the way tbe old mint be moved, as hulil rs are tired of retaining it for higher prices., . . The special arbitration coinmittea, con itliig f J. i:, Anl ri)ti, general uian- Beroftbe Ontario ai.d Western; Jam ( brliou, ueii ra ian;er atfeut nf tb C .i ngu ami Alton, unci A. J b niili, (U rral ptsiig r ag ns of ta Lak Suor wbiuu bss been m ei-ssiou aevoiai diyat Niatfira. If a. la, iryiui t eHU th'Ul!iu:t betww.ii tbe Panb.iudl" a id tba m h I ar.il Wet-torn oyr iraekiiji 'Uilief-t, will, it U . xpec ed, render u.l-loa this wank. Hereafter, on tbe Jersey Central, in tusking ud coal tiaius the euudola cars aud tli a'mali "Jiiuiale-" aro to be kept nepurut. uud tbis will require additional cbiltinn in tba yards. Tram a now made up bare aiull cars sandwiched betworu large (rnuduliws aud wheu a wreck occurs tutul Ui'St ruction follows. A mishap on the roud in Jersey several eveuiugs ago remitted seriously on account of tlie uiaku up of tbe train. Tbe ordor requiring uni formity was tbeu issued. F. il. Wllkeuson, general freight nrent of tbu Ciucluuatl aud llu-kin iuin Valley, states that tue railway mauHtfHis of llij ctial roads are disappointed in tUat so little commercial coal is inovitii;. Tbe nisnufticiorie are not resutniug opera tlous ns expected, and a large per cdut. of tbe coal unw moving U ful for railway or for dotniHtio pnrp.is s. To hays Le'U up to expect utinus, hosuys, wli tbe minus resumed w..rk twice the toduae of coal should be uiiA'iug. Drop pi out men on account of the pnrt l Ley took iu tbe I) rbs junk is still g .in on. U i oue division of tba P.muiyi vatila lines five engineers aud twolve tire men were difclnrted U-t Week. Two of tba mutineer bud hwu wlat tbe cumpnuy twenty yearn. The WabseU people tuiu i bey re ui out through with the tiiugree atile ta-k, aud now u.ive no.ia of tbe urik e s or promiueut strika sympathizers in their employ. Oil tbe Nickel-plate a good deal of weeding out. of disloyal meu nus bulug guiug ou for three weeki past. Good for Old si Well as You ig. M'iikn-Varre Record. In President It Vinson's call for tbe con vention of tba Pnnyivatii Kepiililloiiu League clubs, wLicb is t j meet at Harris bur Sept. 6, it is proposed to make this gatlierins; the graud overture to tbo jubi-l-e cf Hepubhcan euthuiia-m wbk:h will culminate in Nov imbar in the elecciou of Hastings aud Lyon by phenomenal ma jorities! This is the Delaware chieftain's earnest way of proposing that this league coi'Ventioa shall be a fluinR introductory to the splendid revival of R-ptiblicHnlam that U expected to sweep over the. Country during tbe autumn canvass. Tba league bus done good work in tba pint, is doing it today a d will undoubtedly eontiauu to do it iu'tbe luture. In it the yonuifi-r aud more aggres-ivee'enniot in lb' par y 11 nils a natural vent for its superabundant en ercy aud znl; and m'niy of tt.o ol ler inemb-rs are not nsliauia l to enter into tbis lively spirit of tba party's young llo d, feeliug that it is iu a pjliticul souse a reat stiufulus aud an elixir. TnE KeV. Wm. bTOCT. Winrton, Out, state-: Alter b'ing in ffectu illy treated by seventeen different doi tors for Scrofula and blood disease, i was cured by Uur dock Blood Bitters. Write him for proof. Ep oiuiati Cases. ' S. II. Clifford, New Casel, Wis., was troubled with ueurulgU aud rheumatism, bis stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to au alarming degree, sopeii? fell away, and be was terribiy reduced m ili-sli and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters rurad kirn. Edward bbepberd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on bis log of eight years' standing. Used three bottle ol' Klectna bitters and svveu boxes of Buck leu's Arnica halve and bis log is ound nnd well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0., bad live large fever sores on his leg, doctors said be was iucurable. One bottle Electilo Hitters and one box Luckleti's Arnica 3 lve cured him entirely. Sjld by ilat thew Eros, drug store. FINANCIAL AN J COMMERCIAL, Stocks and Ponij. Nrw York. Aug. 14 Wall Street London prices for American securities re ceived before bn-iness showed dericl-d faitisnnd rca ed quite a bullish feeling among local operators. As a result tiler- wiii nu advance to active railway list ol to 1? per ennr., while distillers jumped i to 24 )C. For a time tb course of prices was uuee-tuiu nnd trad ug wa; limited in volume. After mid lav, however, the market was enlivened by a sudden break in sug ir to VA on li,'bt sales. Que rea son for tbe bre:io is t.iut oue operator iu the room covered orders and offered stock down at a lively rate. In the afternoon trading migur recovered to WiW aud left off at 1074. The railway Issues develop d greiter strength and kept aloft from tbe industries, made the best figures for a long time. Exchanges show gains of to 1 percent, in the railway list and losses of to 1 per cent, in the Industrials, bal-a were UJ2.710 th irei against ii58,'JJj yester day. rue following compters tai"t snowintr the day's rlnctuatio'is in aitiv stocks Is s'iplled sud revised dully hy Lallar & fc'uller, slooil brokers, liU Wyoming aveuus! Upon- Hlh Ijo.r CIos ft. HI H'7!4 il!4 01 mm 1 1o, 81 IriT. et. Am. Cot. Oil... Am Haunt..... X. T. & H. ran. Ha Cen. N. J ( Lie A N. W. :vi4 61 111' 1"6 Tivn U.s SI t Ii4'f. ri llot hi.'itl 7! lmiji . li ,. M .ll'IVs .11X1 C..B. ft Q. rim ........ 76 li Oble. Uas... a. C. V. A Bt. L. Pol.. llock.Vsl. A T, r. ti u v.ni Vli', 133 Ittri l 1.. At W , I) AC. K Erie K. Co t.ske Shorn f N lUnhsttan Vlss. I'ae Nat. Lead N. 1 . a; N. 11... . S. Y. Oentrsl... S. T..O. W.. N. V.. ti. V.. U. S. C. Co V orth I'ao North l'ac. pf... Omaha l'ac. Mail ilfsdiui Kock iland K.T fit. Paul T.;C. & I Texaa Se Pao.... ITnionl adtlo.... Wubanh p" Wrstorn Union., W.K K VS. &h. il. l.J... 23 l.St :i l.'IHi lit 1M W -i IM 4 Hii4 ii" 4 . Wi iW it) IHJi 111 , IS Ill's , in, 4tm S4'i 1.V.J 40 lis 11)0 IVA ii" 4 bill 1)7 UK uo to'-S HI I, W:i 10 l!.' Wi 's HW 4Us Sl'i lo . 5:t'i 5 Vi,i lit .lli lo'ii .Ml HIM 1 ntt 4 !.-.' u I'.'.'i IO i r.'J ?'s 1S1. p.;' 1 1 "-ti '4 H'.l 4U4 4 Hi U7 III V i,:ii4, JIHl VH I Hi itiW t'Je 41H Cli Ckto Oram and Provisions. PrnANTOM. Ana. 11. Ti e Jollowln? qnota tions ar j tuppltad an l eorreotol dailv hy Li bar ui Fuller, stock uronurslJl tV'ro.n.n at -nue. WHEAT. Onenlnv.,,. Hllfliest.,,. Lowest Choline COKN. Opening.... Highest laiwest Closing..,,, OATS. Opening UitthcHt Lowest , Cloehm Rent. m id t4td (CM K'( Mi's inn Stay 0-. K'i 6!l ,VW 1$ 61 l,i bin 4h 4 i' WW ;iih WEAK MEN vour attenti3m " IS C'.f.LLD TO 1 US .mv jfiii uroat CtigllhU lienicdy, yd Qy Gray's Ep:cillc Kelicine -t4 IF YOU SUFFER tmm N"r' 11CnTWIM. MO. j .mm... VOUS 1J- tility, Weakness of Body and Mind, Kpermn torrbea, and Impoteney, and all diseases that arise from nver-indnlKence and self -abuse, u Ljss of Memory snd Power, Dimuess of Vis ion, Premature O il Ave and many other die esses tbat lead to Insanity or Consumption sud an earl'" ersve, write for a pamphlet. Address tSRAi" Ml DKJINfi CO.. BufTala MX M... TW. Mfc.A N. Y. The Kpeoiflo tiedioioe is sold by fill di acjlsts at t per psckaiie, or six packai(t for tior sent by mall en receipt of money. nnd with every i.0tl order W PI'ABA Tff s cure or money refunded.-- Iron account .f connwrfelU we ft? Vrflow Wrapper, th. on.y we have ilv drnnii told In Bcrautou br Matthews Lros. PORK. Opon io?...... Highest Lowest Uosinir LAUD. Otiening- Burliest , Lowest Uosuift bHL'li'l' 1,11-S. riieniiiR IllKliest Lowest tlotiui: VM 11.71 l,i.y r,a 7:,S 7ij I'sw York I-ruduo Msrhet Kew kuiiK. Aug. 14 -Flock HcM Stetulv: buyers bidding pic. nnd r. WhkaT tlrmer, aeiiv ; No. 2 led, sl'-re ai d eievutor, afloat, SSeM'c; f. o. b., 5: dUc.: uiigreded red, 5.ia5llc.; No. 1 nort -eru, CrJatitiJjc; options cli sed finii at lalJi'c. over yes erday, wilh tradiu. fairly aalve: December and Bi-ptenibei' most ertlve; sule included No. i nil, closing, Anu'UHt, bhs. Bepteinlier, 6Pj '.. October, 00'o.j Uccember, 0c; May. (17XC coin Bcarcp, stronger, dull; No. -. 6J.ai4'., elevator; 04.(l4c afloat; ot tious wero active aud flnu at vance, Alnv aud Kcptenibcfr most aetiv. ; AugUHt, 62Hv.. Set tember, fli$c.: Uet(. be:-, 6Uic No. 2, OOo. Decemlor, iTv Mav. loju'c. Oats yulet, firmer; rprions. more ac tive, ti mer; August, 83!iio.; Septemb", 4c; Octolw.iij t.: spot price, No 2, UH: No. 2 white, 37 87'c; No. 'i Chicago, a-J .; No. awhile, ml 3 i.o.j Jmlxed western, 3oMH"-i TVhlie do., 3ta40c.i white star 4i!c, Prttr '.uH. steady: family, 10ol3 J Ki n tlAils Du 1; 122 ilS. CfT ilKATH Cj'iiet, te ly: plculnd le ! lie. 12 p i di, be; idckled sjoul -ers, C''i.; pickl-al bams, 1'allc. Lard K u.er, quiet; western steam, do ed, 7 05; sales, 10. Pouk Fume , quiet; mess, f 15 il5.; enri prime, till 411.5 . liUTTEit 11 net, sti-ady; state dairy, 14 i 21e.: do. creamery, 17i !M; western ilaii'j, lUalO.'.; do. creamery, 14n2.ic.; do. faittory, 12vnl5VR. ; elgiis, Uu.; imita tlo i cream ry. 14il7o. Ciikesb Firmer, quiet; state large, . 0'c; do. lancy, l);c; western, Miiai., 7", lOitj; part skims. Static.; full skim , !);'& Fbiledelphla 1 allow Market. riULArKLllilA, Aug. 14 Tallow Was firm at tLe recent advance. Prices were; l'niiie city iu hogsheads, prime country, iu barrels, 4Vc; Uo. dark K barrels, 4c; cukes 4!c; grease, 8Jc Rev. SAMUEL EftPP, ANN ARBOH, MICH. WRITES ABOUT Fyphoid Fever " Last summer my little boy was taken very sick with typhoid fever. For many days he lingered between life and death. When every other nourishment was refused by the stomach was tried with an immediate in crease of vitality and strength. " After such an experience I cannot help believing it is the greatest food in the world." All Thyslolans Knd'orso It. Bovinine ratifies the liunirer nf eonsnmntlves. Il biiild!i muscle, Lone, and stiunnth when; everything clo I nils, sad is palatable to tin: most delicate slunuUk For sale at all druggists. THE DOVIMNE CO., NEW YORK. Hotel Waverly Enropnnn Plan. Flrst-elasn Psr sft 'eie In pot for Lerguer A Lull's i'suuiiujr Beer. Ufa m Mtfiwv Jtost dosirslil'i for residents cf N.K. Teen t ylvsiila. All eonveiiiences ler trsTele,' to Si d from Broad Htreet station and tl twelfth sud Market Mr.-t statiou. lm llraLle for Vlsitiux SorautouUns abd p lit ui the Authrsolte Hevioa. T. J. VICTORY, PhOhRIETOa HAS30N STARK. T THR OLD DF.POT HOT El FACT. KYV.LLi:, Isrr re.r-d.to raiwivn s iiuuht biar1e"S and fnrnisurl for tonrls's to surrouudiu vo.vi.s and tuuiUier resorts. snrc H E Scranton Tribune m juu 6sA DEPT. . . . nXvERY description of Job Printing Lf m tue Dest style of the art. Promptness and Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, practical and com petent men in churge of each branch of the work. ! We do not make a sham show ol cheapness aud curtail the quantity or quality of the work. , . Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. . BUI Meads, Note Heads, etc.. printed i at short notice, v Estimates on all kinds of printing, ; small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. ii ONE OF THE BKST EQUIPPED ,' ... ESTABLISH M ENTU IN jTilE CITY. WW PAIN CUR D IN AN INSTANT. Let J' a 'way's I aily lielteflie ne l oq the flrl Indication of I'aluor UhchsIihsi; If tbreateued with Disease or Me mess, tbe lure will ba made before the lumlljf doctor would ordinarily resoli the bouse, CI KKS Tim WO:8T PAIXS In from one to twu. ty miuiites Not oil " uour after rosd li'K ihU elvortis 'rajat need any oue 4UF HiK WITH PAlA. ACHES AND PAINS For Ueaduo'io (whutlur sick or nervous), tx tharJe, ueui'aU a. rliouinatlHm, lumbigo, pains nud wuuku ss iu the L k, siln'or Vidii.'jrh, t ains n ound the liver, pleurisy, swelling of the joints and pnius of all kinds, tli - uim licjit on oi lihdway s Keaily Kuliuf wilt slfor.t iunui-ilifite.is", and i s contmiKd use (or a few days i U ct a permanent cure. A CURE FCR ALL Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus. 1 A tardf to a trjoonf'd of lle.d Belle' in a hall tumli er of water, r -reateri as of.eu us tneii.si harg. s ciiiiiiin e, au.i a flaunel sst- i orated w.ih lieulv he lef ol io.) I ovor the s ouiui li au i Ho e i will aiford iniiuudh.ti reiiei and s.n eli.-ot a curt. i'Hern lly half to a teaspoonful In half a t .mliler of wati r wi I. in fe t m uuIuh, cure t rumps, Bpasnn. Sour btemacli,Nsus a, elidtui , llcurib.ir:i, rvoi.sijess, hlwo-.e I leeinesn. 8'ck Uoaduclie, l'lululoucy aud all I Intornul paius. ! sluluria In lis Various 1 orun Cured and 1'reveoted. lucre is not a remedial agency In thn world that, vill era lever and Bguu and all other tuulai ious, b'llouH aud ail other fevers, ai .ed by HA WaV'.h PI L . so quickly aa HA1 , W.' V'S KuUY HELlF.i1'. Travelers should always ciirry a bottle of Hud war's ltmuly Iiciioi witu them. A few diopa lu water will picvout el' kness or pains Ironi clun e of water. U 1. better than trench brandy or bitt rs as astimuiant. iilmers snd luuiluruwu should always Le provided with it. Price ou cents por bottle Sold ly all drug gisw. 5Pv I uJ mi la us UK U V PILLS RLVAYS BEU'ELi PUBELf VEiELBLE, I I'erfently tastul 'st, elftRantlv eoatid,pnri,M, i rejf .il itu, purity, cloimo and streuklheu. ; IiAl) Wa Y H i 11 LS for the cure of all dis oruers n' tho Stomneli, I e" ids, Kiiln ys, llladde , K irv 'U4 Uisnaios, D zjiuusj, Vr tio, Cotiveiiei-S, I'.l.'B, bicii hi; 1 1) ven i; j FKMAtiK COMPIiAIXTS, 1 ujuocsxnss, : IXDIfiESTIOV, Di'bl'lll'SlA, COXSTII'ATIOX A.l) ALL DISOKUKItS OF THU MVUn. Oliscrve the tnl!owl;iR kyuiptoms ruiultli frum disen -es of ttio d.ges'ivo organs Con stipation, 1 iwai 1 piles, fidluuss of Mood in the bead, uc.ulity of t; e siuicach, nsusea, heartburn, disgust of f o 1, lu laess of weinlit or the Ntoiuaclj, si ur eructations, s n'.i k or ttutteilnirof the In art, chok iu or suftiKMit lni; sensations when in a lyln postnr.., iliiu ii' ss ' f vision, dots or wnlis b lore the si nut, fever and dull paift iu the h ad, deQi ieiicy of tierspli ation, yellown.rs ot tho slciu nnd eyes, pain iu menus, rlieit, limbs, and sud den Hushes of heat, burinr.g iu the fl-fcli. A few dosesot' KAD WAY'S I'lL will fr .-e tbe system of all the above uamd disurduis. l'llo 25o. per Pox. Mold bv diUiests ur a.'til bv malt. Sand to DP. RAi'VTAT-A CO., Loclt Box tki. Mow York, for Bo k of Advicu. Ensessis sr tic Hiohiit Mtsiost. Atmiesmes CATARRil VUJ i'w.iuiii. 'iins Mcvrvor ltotAt.vn will cure you. A ViUIlde, f,,l Lonn to Hiitr,rAn 'fY from t ! ,1., fcoro Tbr.ia t, ij Toflnrnr-t, llrsnehttts, -"l' v miiieiilatertlil. Aneflident " " romeitT, convenient to csrrj In tH!"lrot,railT to ti'" ou (list tndleaiinn of cold. 'nni;niiel Use l.OVets I'ermnneitt Cnr, Putl.t acilon puaranto.'il or money refunded. Price, AO r(. 'i'rlal fn n nt lMisstnti. Itealstered mall, Ul ccuu. H. S. IKMil, I.:., lua fLi.ri, x..i., C. il. L CFfSHMAW'S MrriTHII The surest anil safest rstn1 for llli-l. I nvl aiUklndlsessai, Kiiema. Iteh.Sall Bhenm.niil PnrM, Hums, C'lu. tVondorrul rem eily Mrl-ll.KK. 1'rlce.tS eta. at lims-n a I I1 Jiats or t'y mil tl prepsul. AiMreassaahove. Pril.r K.r sale by Matthews linn, and John II. 1" eiu Hi FRED WEICBEL At hl newly renovated and llcened IToW nt ci.AUK'.-. mJIJMI i', is now prepared to fur uish trace in men i ,d s ' il iv i w with the LAl'UoT, NEW S'I YLIJD I.1GS, xlulo or doubl , t . t iko til m to I iiko Win. la, (irneel Pond and all suburban points and Summer rei r i at rowmbl.) prices. A liuve liory i -ir n cjnujotod with noted lor travel m,' puliiic. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT IWn PnTAQQl! ran i w invu (? Marvelous Cure 1 b in B!oo:i Poison if Rheumatism and Scrofula V. P. P. jtirlt!s tho Mood. bnlMino tho nniic aul (luliilltaliid, til i is siisnglB tn woHksnnil rioi vus, pipols H-;iiteii.i!lTltit ths pntltat health nnd ia'ltU'ft wiisre nlckuesr, Kln.imr fusliuss i'.nd l.mUniio ln( irevnlli.:. For nrlgmry,si.oondry and tsrtinry HyplilflH, l.ir nlood )o'ii,Uiu, mercn rml pouon, mularii.. dynpepAlH, hu i in nil I'io.'.I uud kkln dlnouu's, llkn blotches, pluiples, old ohronlu ulonrn, tKttsr. scsid homl, bolls, erynlpiUn, ecienis- vo may s.iy, without (cur i f piintriidlotlcn.thatr. P. r. litkohcbO blood imrili.r id ths vrurld.snd uinkes po.ltlvo. spuodj aud psruuasut ourus In pll orsui r.slicn wnu.s syslsuis ins polsonod sad ivlon.) blood i In ad lDipnrv condi tion, due to insnstrnsl lrrsularltl!i, r peouliuriy bousllisd hr tho suu di-rlnl tonlo nnd hloonelsuusliiif prop erties nf P.P. P. -Prlokiy Asb.l'oka Itootaud l'ousslum. Hrniyoriri.D, Mo., Auk. Hth. 1hu3. Ioiiifoo.kin tlis hlnUvst turma of four liioilicius from my own poraonsl knoiflsdirs. 1 stss sttuctsd wlrtl hi'iirt (llnests, plsnrlsy snd rheuinstlani for l "i y vnrs, ra trnatsd by the Tery bsnt ritiyalfllass ana spnuli bundrsils ot dp iirA, tried svsr known remedy wltb out Bndl.ig rollef. I hure only tukoa ouo Pottle of your P. P. P., snd van rhesrfully any It has dons niemors) food than anything I hare ever taken, can reoommend your medicine to ail SUlZdrsro( the above diseases. lilRS. M. il. YRART. Bpr igfluld, Oreen County, Mo. 4rJ " ts o o Summer ComplaintSj mm U 11 V) il U U v 1 1 1 1 n ) 1 1 1 1 1 n l i 1 1 n i ii Third National Eaiik cf Ecrantoa. ORGANIZED 1C72. SURPLUS. $250,000 This bank cfrVr. tn tfcriosltnrs ever larlllljf wnrrHiitrd liy their balances, liu.l. nest and I't'spenslbllity. hprelal attri tion j iveli tn business ao Cuuuts. lLturcati paid ou tiuaUeyutUs. WIL? I AM CONNVT.T, Prm.li1. nt OliO. H, ATtt, Vli ! if.ldent. U 11.1.1 AM H. ItiK, Castile UlllKC'IOIta William rom ell, lnri;a II, Tatlln, Ifnil llsnil. .la. lies Arrhliolil, I enry Hello, Jr., Ilillluui 'A'. sm.tl Lutuer l..,.i- TUB Mdtionai Ml cf Scrantoi CliGANlZEJ lJi CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000. FA YVT.Ij MIN'FfVProsH -nK V . W. WATSON, Vice Prusidoak A. U. WILLIAMS, Cuohiur. HBKCTOns. 8AMrr. fTivrs. jAnrs Jf' F.vrnnkni, IllVINO A. 1 INCH, I lElU'EB. KlMJilf. JcmU'H J. Ji iimyv, M. f. Ki:mkiich.. CUAU. P. ilA.TULW, JoliS T. PoiUkli. V. W. Wavsvm. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC. C0NSLRYATIVE and LIBERAL This lisnk Invites the patronstJ of business nivu uud Uruis tieui-raUy. W.U IS THE BEST. NOSQUEAKIN& 5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAWEIiEDJALF. 4.'j.y Fine calf ikl'iSAEi 3.5PP0LICE.3 Soles. $2so2.W0RKlfiCMC- 2I.7Bcys'SchcilSh;e3. ladies. 19S92.'I.75 SEND F0 CATALOGUE V.L.-D0UC1.A3, BROCKTON, MA53. Ion can save money hy purcbunlng W. L. Ilotishis HiiMes, Becsuse, we are tlie largest manufacturers of advertised shoes in the world, and Kuarauue the value by stnmninir, the name and price cn the bottom, which protects ynu agolnst hivh prices end the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy futkijf aud wearing qualities. We have them sold every, where at lower prices for the value uiven tLnn sny other make. Take no substitute. If your c.ikr tuuuot supply you, we cuu. Soli by E. J. L-SONASD. Uiil.jJtu..iUil llwh.l.J rot.'r DR. HCDRA-a m mm fw . ....... r u-'J Itemoves Frsokles, Pimolet, KunhiifN ftll.l T.'. S'ld n, 1 lrnn tl, khln 1 cr'l. . I thtt aud bculthy ni.Wii. V-.''JCV- pfcxion. FiiperlrtDiMPi-e prrparatlurs a'.:d perhctly h.nrrr.'.'Jl At all WUg4lits,or Biailci for JO. is. bcud lor Circular. VIOLA SKIN SOAP l stmrty IncrapwtMs u s .ln p-i,t.'ji,is Sut, hBlutJl fs tin and wlUirot a rlvl h lit. nurwryt AwoluwW pun, uud d.li.iUl uuiui. nud, Ai 4re.-l.u, Fries JS Cents. G. C. ClTTNER&&0.,To;.oo,0. fur sale by Slatthew lirus. and John U. riielps. Pimples, Blotches sM slMsMilsyTTssWllMMIIiriMMl 111 Ml ?.nd0!JSores Catarrh. Malaria rail Kidney Arc onlliily rciuovcd by l'.P.r. Trlcklv A-h, Polte Itnnn nd Potno si. m, tbs iirtttiu.i b.oud puilllur ta uarth. luitnnnira A Till "1 1901. r-W 2 Uessas. iii'riiAN Hiios. fesvauusH. Ca. i OKA.R fcnth 1 bought aholttoor your P. V h has dim v r. ut not 9piinits,Ars.,ani liuio mo nmre uii.mi i i;:m ilous i,..ti,mn,if 1 1 tli a tl. (.'v. PI tic B. Jnon His1 huad tnree buMit a (', o. L. Ucapeclluh.v ymMs. JAfl. M, NPWTO, Abordeeu, lirowu C'ouiiiy, 0. fapt. J. O. Joiioalou. To nil whom it timw conrrrt t hers by testify to ths w..uilor(ul propt ttius df P. P. Is. lor oruptlona of ti ikin. I suffered for aovursl ) uura w it h ,in un ailfthtiy tnd dia rminhlo eruption im my fnco, I tritd ever' knoivu n me (ly but in Tnln, until p. P. P. was used. 1 ami am uow uutlMiy cui'ol. . (Sbjnedbyj J. U. .initMSTOM, baianuali, UlU Kkla Cnnrpr Cured. Ttillmonyrom Ik Mayor eirjiifa. Tar. ( BrgmH, Tfx., January 11, Hrssas. tirUAf Pros., titivninnh, Ou. I (r.jilii'iifn I have tried your P. f. P. tor adneaaii ot thefkln, uauallv nown ss sltin cancer .of thirty Vfr' , FiinihnK, Slid fotiud (treat relleti It purules ins mood and reuiorca sll If ' ritstlon from the Bunt of the diiuaao and prevent any aori'Sdlns' of tli son's. I have taken ilveorsi buttles ' nnd feel contltlont thstsnother coume , lll ertoot a cure. It uai u'.-o rollsved me rrom Indlffi'Sllon aud stouscu troubles. Youri trtilv. OAPT. w. M. RUST, ' Attorney at laiff. Boos on Biocd ma Frea. : ALL DRUGGISTS BELL IT. LIPPMAN CnCS. PE0PRIET0E9, IJppman'sBloU,ITauinali,OB 1 shoe BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I 1. i .si I k. A . w M 1.U1.O.N s I H. U. l-Mi.11 ltA.M 1, us teuioved tolilli XJ biinue ti.cl, ttiniiou, is. CJust op- lOS tt b'UI' -hoUnS M1.1M.J I ju. A. J. u.f.t.L.L, OlUce ul VVuhingtoo 1 aveuua, lomer t-pruce stteot, uvus I ranuse s drug sloru, Kesidenca, !& Vine St. CCjco hours: lu.oil to Is a, m. and X to 4 and ;ilto7.UU p. m.Bunday, S to it p. ru. DU. V'. K ALLE.V. " OUice" cor. Lai s wanna and Wushumton uv,w. : over Leon ard alios blurc; oUwu buhl's. IU to VI a. m. aud II to 4 p. m.; tiveuiuj) at ituiuenco, iliH. w'asliiiigtou are, 1th. CL. KKiiY, l'raetlce liuiited to Di XJ eases of the Eyo, Ear, Noso sud Throat; omco, la Wyoui.ug uve, Uusldeuce, Hi VlnS Ktl-,U.t 1) U. L A. UAl'lifj. US Washinirtou AvenUJ. (Iflii-U lw,iir Kltl in 1 :m in U and to 8 p.m. He.-dduucu M llndlsou avenue Cill.M U M. I J., OIUclw hi and '"! ti (!oramonweatlh building; rosldeuca 711 Sladisoiiavo; odloe hours. U to 13, i to 4, f to b; bunduys 2.8U to i. evuulugs at residence. A rpcrl:dty made of ilireases o( the sys, ear, nosd sud throat and gyueoulugy. li.iiA , Sail'cunAve ; 1 toUp in ; culUCOJ. l.s,ot women, ohnttttrie and di-. of clul. I I ii ions. )M C. KAMI h S Law aud Collation of . Bee, No. 17 Bpruee St., opposite Fori'St Tuuiw. Ui runton, J's, ; cell, rtioi;. a stachnty tiinauhout Pvniisylvuuiai rehuhle coiiuspouu cuts iu every county. ii-wu, o ii .iiuiiiieys and V uuiur l. it lots it Law. Cwuuioowea'.th building W SshlUgtuQ SV VV . II. J ESMtTP, KoHAcii K. Hams, v, u. jKmup, j it. Ulh AHl). WAKlliiN li.,AiV. A.tor- t nu) au I l on ihoiun at Law, itepulnlcau I nlMm ', V,,shl,i,:t' n nv., Kr. unto,,, V,i. I j l l t.i:3 & lil "A, tloroslj I a..l .1 Ounatlloi at Lav.-; oUlces (I sud o Library tuiiding, bttiauton, Pa. l OkWKt.t. II. rATTlSOS, i IM.IAM A. WlUXiX. A LI' UiL) HAND, W 1L11.V .11 J. HA N L), At "V toruevs and Counneliora, Commonwealth imiuhmil-. no.nn. iw, -o nnu i. w V. IP iYLE. Attorney -at-Law. Ko-i.UI and iu. Mitt bulla (U.:. v nsuiiiKton av. n i. II LN it At. kYKLY Law oIlLui iu Pr.ie niiiiuiiii;, i;u iv asiiliiKton av.-nue. J.HiANK T. OK-LL, Altorm yat Law. KooUl Ii. Coal Kxctmimo. S. ratitoti. 1'a. JJiLTu.N W. IdVVhV, I Att'ya, S.'? Waslnn ('. II. VUN S'I'dKi H, (ton av , C. H siiiiato AilhS W. uAKl'i iiiL, Attorney at Law. .1 rooinf ftn, fH end tiS, C"Tnnionv;ei,U1i b'l'iT s A-ML'tL. W. LU'iU. Atuirnuy ac Law. O Otll. B. illl hprit''et.. Seranton. l a. I A. W A nttS, Attorney ut Law, Ul ii P. HAl.TH, Couusellor ut Law. Cftice, I . rnrens W, M, M ('omtnonwenltli luiildlii..'. i i n. lili liLH, Attorney at Law, Coui- Troiiw-n th liolloiiif. Si-runtun, ra. . Clljil.i-i VS, :.;i ripi no, t. Dii. l.t,i L..(iLi., Attorney Loans uo;i. . tisted on real est t se, urity.4US ripru,",. HI. KILL AM, Atlorner-at-Luw. 1-1 Wy . eminwTMVMn,i. H r mfou. M (,( I s. tJCUOOL OF l illi LACKAWANNA, bcr.iu O ton, Pa., prepares hoyaand girj. tor coll.yj or Inipin 8M' thorouK'iily tiu.us yuuurf children CaUioiiue at reyuout. Ur.w. Thomas M. Cam WALTKK H. l.L'BI.I. Ml VOKClTtH'3 KINUKKUAltThM au 1 Fcliool, 412 Adams avenuo. f updi r. ceivel nt all times. Next term will open Kepte-nbop 3. lu.N IMA ( ('. l.AUHACli. fcuioou Duutiat, Ho, 113 V, Wvelnlill? ave. K M. M I' A I T' IN. f.. . ..,i l-'v.-ii-r," rpui; KLPCBi.IU B.iviuas and Loan Amw X ciutiou wiillom -, ou 1:1 uey ou easier term and p.'.y you Letter on Investment than any other nsvocl'itimi. Oil on ti. N, CAi.Ll.N IiFK, Dime Bank Vnlldln,. F.l':ls. C- 11. CLARK & CO., (seedsmen. Florist T. and Nurserymen; ktore l4ti V.'athiui.'tou n venue; tireen bouse, liiV) North Mum uveuue; store tleplmn 7 1'HAS. MKAMl C.NjilN 1 EA CO.. .In,,. Hr a WIIIK hi I K s. I OS. KUF.TTEIj, Oct Lackawanna avenu t9 Sfrnotnn. I'a.. ranni'r of Wir, Sfrp,n lioi i:i.s ami i;iTAttjrANTi. ri'liE VI EST.1NKTEM, 2i7 2W W'yominx X ave. Looms hi'atod with stuaiu: ad mod ern luiproveiuents. C. M. l ltt.MAW. Prop rpilH 1XK CAFE, V-S ami it; frauklln avo--L cuu. Kutis rausiiuablii. r. au:u i,Eii. rroprli tor. 'Lb'l'iL&aTKit Ki V.I." ' n. rinmin, iianaffor. bixtecnth strrwt, ana block past ut llroadw.17. at Union bqnarc!, pw Yort r. nirri' hii f.irin, y.).... ht uny anil upwnr'l. CuANi'j LuUnii, fc.un imii pMn: nwl i rwnns. I'lu-Q tiny auJ cibb liur su llied witu tliu Wsr. 1'. IT. fPTNE, Proriintor. (,'( 11AK1X1N llOL'ISK, u.r U, ti is . pa O StuttiT Ufliut. l oiidiirti'd oil th KurupeaQ AIUMU'IKCTS. I fAVl.s t lii'ui-i', Arulutwil-i. Knoiiw Ul, jT L. WALTKii, Arc-hit ct. Oflico, icarof I j, (PQ Washington avonns. If L. 13KOWN. Ai'i'h li. Ari'hitoct, Pries r . biiilcliiiii. liid Vnsliintrton ATe.,Srrant. MIS. KI.I.A NKttt'S. )Ai;i',K'S OHCHESTKA-MUSIC FOB X) Lslls, plniiios, twrtles, rarnptfons, wod dinirs and concert worlc furniahed. I'm tornn sddrexs K. J. Buuvr, conductor. 117 Wyomiun nv.. ovw MnHiiTt's limnie store. H OUTON P. BWAUT3 WIIOLEHALlt lumber, rrico buililiiii Kcratiton, l'n. Ml-.OAKUKK UROTUEUH. PR1NTE1W suppll 'S, onviilopi-s, pnpsr linys, twins, WartfUouso, 130 Wauuiuglou ave., Bcrauto 1 a. II Oi;S'. .-i AN'D I'AHRlA'lliS FOB SALE l.t 1 ClIllOUH- IVU1IIIP t. L. 1'OOTF, A pant T'iIaNK i'. llu;..i it ro., n jiUl.H X S'li li '( 1 In i niAwsre, t or ls,;o a. id fill C'oth, .'.O W, LppIih wsmia i-vonu-i. E. Robinson's Sons' Beer Brewerv . L'annfartnrers of tts Cclobratol PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 10O.O00 Bbh Per Annum, For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of ths com- I plsxlon, nothing equals Potion's Powder. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF H I LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Atit'.racin coal nsed exeluslvoly, insurluj eleauliuess and comfort. TIME TAB LIS 1M Bl'PECT MAY 39, 1H. Trnins leavo Sersnton for Plttston, Wilke. Poire, etc , nt B 1114, 11.30 a. m., 1J.5H 2.04, f.' i?-'' 7Ai! ll'Uu tuudaya, V4U a. ul, l.uo, i.lo. 7.10 p. in. For Ailantio City. 8.20 a. m. For New York, KewarS: and Elizabeth, 8.39 feinress) a. m., 12.50 (express with Buffet parlor car), 8.U0 (express) p. w. Bunday, i!5 P. m, a ' "1:nl L1IUNK, AI.I.ENTOWN, BETQLC- VF?: u ,tTV!.ud I't'ifcADEi-piiiA, .ai a. m.. R.AS.J0. 5.UU (exoepc PhUadelphia) u. in. bunday, 16 u. ui. . LlN0 BnAMcrr, Oce aw Grovb, etc, at 'V. tvth turouiucar)a. m., 12..V0 p. in. For Readmit, Lebanon and HarrTsburff, via il? m" m'' 5,0' p-m- BuuJay- For Pottsvllle, 8.3) a. m 1J.WI p. rn. IleturnliiK leavo New York, foot of Liberty f V?'!''!',11' rlver' (express) a. m., l.lli, 1.J0, 4..I (express with Builut parlor carl p. iu. Kunday, .l a. in. Leave PhUinleliihia, Heading Terminal, &03 0. m S.00 and 4,itl , m. Bunday, .37 a. m. 1 tarouKh tickets to all points at lowest ratos may be had on application lu advauce to tbs ticket aguut at tbi slat ku. U. P. BALDWIN, J.1.0UIACSE Gen. Supt DtLAWAHE AND HIJD- tU.M KAitiltUAU ton station for Carl) uiua o an I mi . rmed ate po nt ut 2.S0. fi 4.i. 7 IIU. " i nnd lu. Ill fi.m ,12.on, 5,J0, 4.1j, U.IS, 7.5, 0.10 aul 11 .'in p.m. , or l'aiview, Vaymart nnd Hot esdals ."t 7.0 H.a'i and 10.10 a.m., 12.00 U0 nd ft.lf, p.m. F r Ailiau . haiatuKn. the dliouuucksuul Mo ti-.. il at 5 4 1 a iu. and 2 J p m- For Willi es-Darr..' and iiiterineolate points nt 7 41, s 41 0 lis and lu 41 a m., liO.1, l,2u, loi, lni. i.l.l, U.lCi, 11.11 and H,:!8 p.m. tTraiua will arrive at iior.iutou station fr -rn u. bniidulo aud mtei mediate points utTJO, 8.11', e.3l mkI 10.li) a.m., 11! HI. 1.17, S.aL a.1'1, 4 11, .1 :.r, 7.1, U 11 and II. St p.m. From lluiuedale. Wayinr.rt and Parvlcw ut B.::4 a.m.., litfi, 1 17, a Jj and 7.45 p.ni, F, im lli;na'eal, ."urutua, Albany, etc., at 4.11 and 11.. p.m. From ilk. s-harri nnd Intermediate points at 2 !',. K 01, H.IH6 auU 11 a.m., 1 111, 2.1L i ji, 6.10, d.l. i.2 ', U.( aud 11. 10 p.m. in AH 1.1, 14. Train leaves Scrnntnn fur Philal!pli!a an l New York via. D. & II. B K. at 7.43 n.in.. U 8.8 ""il U -if' p. in via D., I.. & W. It. It , AIM, b.H8.U.l!U a. in., nnd LSI p. in. Lnuve rifranton for Pittstou nnd Wilkst Karro via 1).. L & W. K. h., D.IAA IM, lUi a. m.l.i, atl. U.II7. K Hp. tn. Li'sv" Kcninton for Whltu Havin, Ilazlototi, Pottsvllle nnd nil puititu ou tbu Biiaver Jleaili w and Pottsvi'.l.i lo-nnclies, via L Us V. V.. i4 l ii.tu. ,v n I). liU.ll. at 7 ;5:i.m., S.!W. 4. : p.m . via D L. & W. It. It., O.00, .) 11.21 a.m., IM II..VJ p.m. Lfnve Brranton for Kotblohprn, Kaito:i, Hciidinir, llarrlfbnr anil nil ItitcrmwUaH p..iuu v a Ll.& Il.lt.lt. T i) a m .12.0 ll. H ti.ni ,vn D., L. it W. it. Itd.w,.a ilM a. ui., p.m. Lpiivo Scr mton for Tunklnnniclc, Towanli, Elmi.a, Ithan.i, Otfusra anl all iuiermcdliti points via L. & H. lt.U..h.i n.mUUj ami 11.1s p. m.,vi,t U. L. Ss V. K. K.. 80s a.m.,l.:l p. in. Luavw Surantnn fur K'wlinstor, B illnlo, Ni SRiirs Fulls, Detroit, Chicago and all ti)Int westv:aD.&H. It. R. -.15 a m.X'Oj.ll.Ull.iH p. in., via D. L. Sc W. It. It. and Pittfitoa Junction, Mil .i.in , 1.30, 8. iu p. m., via E. & W. K.K..H.41 p. ui. lor Klmirii snd tUa we.tt via Salimiuoi, vh U H. it. It. ci u.iii., ii U.i.ti.Dij p. ra.. via D.. L. at W. K. i;.. ,S.0S .i.in., l.:0 aud n.'l7 p. m. Pullman n irlor , m l sluuniii' or L. V. cliilr cat s on all trains between L. St B. Junction or Wllkos-lfcirro and New York. Pal adi'lsi his. Lull.ilo and rj"iienion Rrldirs KU1.L1.N H. VVlJdiUH, lion. Hlipt. CIIAS. S. LI E. O-n. Past Air't. Pliila..Pt. A.W.N(tNNKMACUIiB.Ai't OJU.Paas. At, fcoutli Ueimtiieui, i'a. D EI.AWiKF LACKAWANNA AND t, idnpint wit, iviin t rains leave gcruod-u a iuuuhs; .pte for New York aud au points t int. 1.40, tWk 6.1.', 8.UI aud Uo.j a. m.; 12 5j aud 3.W p, tn. ....... 1 .1 . ...tl . r.xpress lor taaton, 'irenton, i-niiao.oipai no lh,t South. il.V t.OJ aud U.ii a. LU.: 11J and 3 Wp.pt. k. ... SMrUtOn auu lilt rLULJUiis, bt. tu, iobybannik scouiniouatlon, tf lO p.m. xpr ss for BltiKliaint.u, Oswei'O, Klmlrs, Cornintf, Bath. Dansville, Mount ilorri. ana bufis o. 12.10. 216 a. rn. and 121 p. in., makiuj i-iobo coiiiicctioi.s at Bullalo to all points In Ui Vint, Northwest snd rtoutbwesu Hal b scconimodntlon. v a. m. Biuglinuiton and way statlous, 12.37 p. m. Mcuol on accomruouutiou, a. 4 p. ui. and 6 1' p. m. Blnghinton nnd Elmira Eiprens. 605 p, ra. Express lor Cortland, Syracuse. Osweji. Ctica aud Kicaficld Sprmipi, Hi a. m. and 1 P'ltliaca. 2-15 snd Bath " a. m. and lit p. m. lor Xoril.uuilierlaiid.Pittstou, Wilkas-barra, rii'inouth, Bloomaburn and Danville, maklt J close oiiuectloiM at Northumberland for Villiauuport, Harnsburb', Bultimoro, WasU. liiiitou ami the South. Jvoitnuuili rlimd nd Intermedlato stations, (IM. g.i.i a. iu. sua i au and 0.07 p. m. Nunticoao sua iiitornit'diato stations, s.m and H i" a m Plvmoutli aud Intermedial tuiious, U.:'ind 8.5 p. m. , . Pullman parlor sud steeping coacnes on all "'or dstailu'dinformatloii, pocket tlnn tablos, etc , apply to M. L. BiuitU, olty ticket offlcs. Sti La'kawanuaavouuu. or depot Uckotofaos, ERIE AND WYOillNtl VALLEy BAIL. KOAD Trains leavo Scranton for New York and In termediate points ou the Erie railroad at UJlj a. in. aud iS4 p. in. AIk for Ilonesdale, linwloy and local poluts at diii, fUi turn., an! 3.'ti p.m. . , A:l tbo above are through trains to and from Ilonesdale. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lakn Ariel nt 5.10 p.m. and arrives at Borau ton from tho Lake at 8 W a ra and 7.4 l.nii Trains loavj lor Wllkos-liarre at 8.40 a. in. and p. m. SV'IIAM1 IVIION. In I U. rt June S lih.l SOt. Kunh H.ninil. Muuih Hound. S03 03 HOI ffl a a. 3 I iO M4 SCO Stations 2 J . 8 ? iTrnlna Tlnllr. Ft. 2 ? 2 X v. - wpt, -uiuiuy.) H "S S Arrive Leave ji m N. V. Franklin h; 7 4 ) .... West 4'.'ud street .... 7 63 ., wceliawknn .... R 10 ,. Arrive lavp m m .... t:i i i.ii 8 !0I 1 d'.l nance!, miction, 6 mil a 6 Hancock rilurllilbt Preston Park t'OltlO Poyntt llo Utliniiiit rit'i.-ant Mt, Unloiulnle Korst't ii. Csi bii'da'B WUilo Bridge MuyUelU Jermyn Archibald Wlntou t'eekvilla Dlvi limit Plrksoii '1 aioop Provldenoe l ark Place t-craiitun ft t G 6 18, o8i, S'l .... r B-.'ia mi mi, .... SHI .... UClT 2 B0 4 M) t M 4 M 8i 6 OS Sen Bod S i 6 ifl 7 SI 3 Ol" TJSlliMOA M :-8 7 S8 i is S.-., i o io; B4 us p no oil 8 43 7 Will i.ii 1)3 0 5; 10 f ,S ! IMS! IB Wi 7iH ii mis. II 81 la 7 in 6 61 6lh 7 J41 81141 dill (Ui.o: ti-H T Ii7if8 881 6 37 t ej'iii io'm ui fli ll ...iidui :ti 8 i.'i.fa -a 6 41111 SW 9 01 7 81 7 4'! 8 451 8 4 6 35111 U 85' H?lfr.l.l B4i 181 7 431 8-4! 8 51 611 II 111 fill 7 4 8 8, 8 81) 7 M. 4 04 6 04 GUI II (.7 8 41 6'Jllll U H II 7 841 4 OT 8 07 7(61 410 8 10 8 mil 4 u; 14 P (11 ft 17 IH 8 Ool 4 t lit) 6 ip u ail 8 no 6 U II o-i hH'i fO i::lfl71 8 Ml o in in. 8 T II A MA S Leave Arrlvei A at P at All trnliiR run diilly except Sunday, t sltri.Ulcstliul tiuiua stoy uu sls'ual for pt8 leiiKnia tcui'o rsifs via Ontarla Western before r,nrrhnMlr;tli'kflts and save money. Day kni NlhvttltNpreastotUe stt. J C. Anderson, Gen. Pass Agfc V. FUtcroIt, lily. l'tYbti, Agt. isci-antoo, Pa, JUB CAN 4tVt VOU SATISFACTION mm Come and see us about the Job V Work you will need soon. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. f I rommouc'lnjj Monday.Tuly .:!!l' a'-r.voand IM If U pnrt iromtiio new , ao,t-y-'lf ;wsiin avcuue station as 9 Trains v ill lo .ve Fcran- Mr C St