The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Fashioa at a Standstill, but It I Time to
Wear and Enjoy.
It Is now the soason when fashion 1b
nearly at a standstill. Summer wardrobes
are all arranged, and it Is too early to think
of fall ones, w onion want to wear and en
joy the pretty things they already have
rather than go through the fiery ordeal of
chopping and being fitted. The odors of
town, although quite as characteristic in
their way, aro leas appreciated at present
thun the fragrance of sea and country
places. The smell of plueg or fxuiu soa-
m wwwm fir
wed In the sun la better than all the man
ufactured Manioc In thu market. If somo
one would only invent i method of bot
tling it up fur winter use, the stock of pot
pourri jurs would drop hopelessly.
The woman who U enjoying thoso scents
at first hand Is undoubtedly already pro
vided with her outing suit of black, bluo
or brown serjje, made with nn unllued
skirt and bluzer or Eton jacket. Such a
costume nicy bo worn with a thick or thin
bodice, as tlio weather demands, and will
endure any amount of rough usimgo, ruin,
epruy and dust. She also bus her dotted
or flowered muslin gown much frilled
and furbelowed, which she puts on after
her return from boutlng or Ashing excur
sions iu the ufuresuld rough and ready
garments. A bath and a fresh dress are
wonderful revlviilers after futiguing exer
cise, so it is worth while, nioroly from a
hygienlo point of view, to have several
nulusook gowns ns prettily trimmed as one
can ufford. Uf course sho has a broad
brimmed flower luden hat to correspond
and long wash leather or silk gloves, as
well as a white, scarlet or dark bluo sun
umbrella to keep the flowers on tho hut
from fading. She has not forgotten tho
light silk gown trimmed with luco for
formal occasions nor the two or throo
evening gowns, ono probably of black net
or grenadine In fact, it is doubtful if
her wardrobo is not well stocked with
most of tho things in vogue just now, ex
cept possibly the newest Inventions in
gauzy arrangements to be worn around
tho neck and shoulders. Something fresh
In that lino is continually appearing, and
tho latest is shown in the cut. It is uf
black mousselluo do solo puffed over the
shoulders and fulling in two points in
front. It is draped across the upper part
of tho chest and is collarless.
Jadlo Cliollet Discusses Them With Her
Usual Good Sense.
In these duys, when "novel" is merely
an alluring natno for on essay on social or
medical problems fllnisily covered by a
transparent veil of narrative, like the gel
atin coating of a quinine capsule, it is
hard to find a book that may be read for
the sheer pleasure of it, with no necessity
for diving into the dark depths of science
and ethics. Even tho ordinary society love
story, that once most popular of talcs, has
been thrust into tho background by the
crowd of dissertations on brain wearying
themes that beguilo us into reading thom
by their specious claims to the title of
light literature. There would be danger
of a revolt In favor of dimo novels if it
wero not possible to oncd in awhilo get
hold of such a story as Stevenson's "Treas
ure Island, " full of delightfully unabstruse
mutineers, buried gold and bloodshed,
and so well written that tho reader, liko
the recipient of Sam Wei lor 's valentine,
Will "vlsh thero vos moro."
Without wishing to add another now
theory to the innumerable host now buzz
ing like bees In different bonnets, It may
be suggested that possibly somo women
have a lurking fancy for personal experi
ence of moving accidents by flood and
field, not as strong as tho adventurous in
stlnot in men, but still strong enough to
glvo a charm, in addition to its own
charming style, to such a book as "The
Admirable Lady Biddy Fano," for In
stance If we could all livo in caves for the next
month or two, tho lntorost in dainty sum
mer gowns might relax a llttlo. As wo
cannot do that, we must bo content to read
"Lady Biddy" on tho voranda In tho pret
tiest costume that the heat permits. A
sketch is given of a gown of old roso
foulard. Tho round skirt, trimmed with
four bands of white lace insertion, has a
plain princess tabller In front, tho left side
of which Is trimmed with black satin
bows. Tho buck and right sldo of the
bodice are trimmed with three bands of
Insertion, while the left sldo is draped with
White laoo to match. Tho corsago opens
In a V over a full plastron of white silk
muslin. The elbow sleeves consist of two
puffs finished by a lnce flounce.
The Sound of Thunder.
One of the most terse and succinct de
scriptions of a natural phenomenon is that
recently given by M. Hirn, In which he
says that the sound which Is known as
thunder is due simply to the fact that the
air traversed by an electric spark that is,
a flash of lightning is suddenly raised to
a very high temperature and has its vol
ume, moreover, considerably increased.
The column of gas thus suddenly heated
and expanded is sometimes several miles
long, and as thsduration of the flash is not
over the millionth of a second, it follows
that the noise bursts forth at once from
the whole column, though, for an observer
at any one place, it commences where the
lightning flash is at the least distance.
Id precise terms, the beginning of the
thunder clup gives the minimum distance
of the lightning, and the duration of the
rolling of the tbnnder the length of the
column of heated air. Professor Him also
remarks that when a flash of lightning
strikes the ground it Is not necessarily
from the place struck that the first noise is
Again, he points out that a bullet whistles
in traversing the air, so that we cnu, to a
certain extent, follow its flight The same
thing also happens with a falling meteor
ite just before striking the earth. The
noise actually heard has tieen compared to
the sound produced when one tears liuen;
it Is due really to the fact that the air rap
idly pushed on one side of the projectile in
front, whether bullet or meteorite, quickly
rushes back to fill the gap left iu tho rear.
St. Louis Republic
Iloral Obligation ami I'ernonal (are For
the Little Ones.
No doubt we cun each of us remember
occasions in our childhood when we wero
denied pleasure that, in thu light of
mature years, wo see was Innocent and
might easily liavo been granted. Child
hood Is or should be the golden age, 110
period when humanity is irresponsible
without being blameworthy, simple In Its
requirements and easily pleased. While
a foolishly Indulged child is 'one of the
most detestable beings on the face of the
earth, there is no need of denying a child,
or a grown person either, for that matter,
any innocent pleasure that It is possible
for him to enjoy, Innocent pleasure being
taken to meuu a pleasure which does not
hurt himself nor liiconveuieiico anybody
else. When a child asks to be allowed to
do a certain thing, the parent often says
"No" automatically without stopping to
consider whether thero Is uny real reason
why the request should be denied. It is
worth whllo to weigh tho pros uud eons of
this mutter, trilling as it may seein, for
early associations have a strong influence
in the feeling with which grown children
regard the father und mother. A llttlo
child soon learns the difference between
loving sympathy with his small Interests
and lndlffercnco or opposition to them,
and once learned tho effect of the lesson is
lifelong. Tho state of mind Induced by
the needless thwartingof pet wishes is not
a favorublo ono for tho growth or even
maintenance of family affection.
To provide the necessaries of life, food,
shelter, decent clothing and tho average
amount of education for tho child whom
wo havo called Into the world without
consulting him is not enough to merit his
lifelong devotion and self denial. Such
provision is a moral obligation in simple
justice. To rightfully possess our chil
dren's devoted uffcetion wo must deserve
it by giving something beyond tho neces
sary care that an animal gives its helpless
young. Wo must enter into their inter
ests with sympathy, advise them without
personal prejudice and recognlzo the fact
thut they aro not merely our satellites, but
that they have a distinct personality and
inallcnablo Individual rights as strong as
our own.
But this is wandering outsldo the
bounds of a fashion article, and fashion
must here be considered. Tho larger figure
in the sketch shows a gown of blue sorgo
trimmed with whlto braid. It is slcevo
less, arid tho bodlco opens In front to
show a frilled shirt of red cambric with
whlto dots. Tho smaller child wears a
lawn gown which has a triplo capo to
match, both being trimmed with Valen
ciennes lace. -
They Are All Colors and Styles and Are
Vry Pretty.
It is such weather as this that causes the
luxuriant blossoming forth of parasols.
They spreud themselves in tho sun like
tropical flowers and display as brilliant nn
assortment of tints, besides being much
larger. Tho evolution seems complete
from the big greon leaf, which was doubt
less tho first parasol, and which always
shelters tho 111 fated Paul and Virginia in
There is a great variety shown in black
alone. Besides tho usual pluin silk and
satin ones, now left mainly to old ladies,
there are Innumerable puffed and ruffled
arrangements in black chiffon and mous
seline do sole. Figured silk grenadine is
also used, stretched smoothly and thinly
lined, so thut tho light shining through
indicates tho figures. Other black parasols
have bonds of luco insertion, cither black
or white, set in at intervals.
All white parasols, covered with china
silk or taffeta and having white enameled
sticks with a china knob, aro niuoh llkod
for general use with muslin and other thin
. v
costumes. There aro more eluborate onos of
white silk muslin and lace, flounced and
furbolowod to match tho fluffy gowns and
highly trimmed hats now In voguo.
Entering the domain of oolor, Die scarlet
poppy, ptirplo clematis and blush rose
have all their prototypes, very beautiful
and also expensive, elaborately trimmed
and fitted with valuable porcelain handles.
There are likewise plain scarlet and dark
blue sun umbrellas, well mudo and much
moro serviceable, although loss costly,
which are usoful adjuncts of a modest
summer outfit where economy as woll as
beauty has to be considered. In low priced
goods plain natural wood handles are seen
bearing a frame covered with Japanese
figured cotton stuffs, mainly in bluo and
whlto, I
It is reasonably safe to prodlot that tho
popularity of china knobs and handle
will soon wane, and that- natural wood
will again come Into favAr for expensive
umbrellas and parasols. The latest
Frcnnh doslgns show bt'mboo sticks, tho lr
Hngular swelling whato the stem of the
plant joins the root firming tho handle.
v -.1
Self Esteem Is the Itcst Soul and Heart
Padding In the World.
Time out of mind the vanity of women
has been held up to public execration and
ridlculo as tho cause of extravagance,
envy, jealousy and other undesirable
things. For tho suko of argument let us
admit tho soft Impeachment and not ven
ture to suggest tluvt u woman's vanity has
tho effect of Inspiring the least cultivated
of her sex to some attempt at neatness und
decoration, while that of a iium of tho
snnip class Is so. strong that ho often con
ceives himself li resistihlo enough to dis
pense w'ith all pretense of personal care.
Nothing need bo said about that, because
it is undesirable to habitually draw lines
f demarcation between men and women
and place them in comparison unfavor
able to either of them. But there is much
to bo suid tin thu ulllrniutivo side of the
question, ''Is vunitylo bo donlrodur not!'"
A woman who has n reasonable sharo
of vanity will dress becomingly as well as
neatly and thereby help to brighten the
world, which needs nil tho brightijjiing
that is to bo had. She will bo courteous
becauso sho desires to appear woll. Sho
will read a little, even If she has no tasto
for it, becauso she does not wish to be
thought an ignoramus. But these are
mere externals not worth considering In
view of tho main advantage, which lies in
tho fact that self esteem is the best soul
und heart padding In the world. It Is sen
sitive to small pricks, but is a shield
against wounds in a vital part. Given a
thick cushion of vanity, tho possessor is
secure from all fatal thrusts in tho region
of the ufTootlons, all stubs of conscience,
ull lusting, soul iniblttering humiliations.
Dress is a vain subject, and a sketch of
ono is therefore appropriate. The gown
illustrated is of electric bluo diagonal
cloth. Tho double breasted Kton jacket
fastens with li.rgo pearl buttons and is
cut short enough to show a folded whlto
silk sash at tho waist. Thero are double
rovers of bluo cloth and white moiro. A
whlto bosom, collar uud culls aro worn,
and a black ncokt in.
Bow a Woman of Forty-five Slay Appear
When youth is openly admitted to bo a
desirablo thing, it seems strango that many
women who aro past their first bloom
should chooso to appear so much older
thun they really are by means of the
wliulcsalo usoof cosmetics. Bleached hair,
fucu enamel, rouge and penciled brows und
eyelids would make a girl of 15 look 25,
and they make a woman of 45 appear nt
least 60 In spito of tho fact that they aro
putently artificial in all eyes except thoso
mi i t
Ml B mm
of tho wearer. Although such accessories
aro employed by many a woman of un
doubted social position and perfect propri
ety, they invariably glvo tho Idea of vul
garity and arouse a feeling of disrespect In
tho observer. In itself there Is no moral
transgression Involved in tho uso of cos
metics or artificial coloring for the hair,
but such practices aro indications of friv
olity and bud tasto, and their suggestions
and associations aro unpleasant in tho ex
treme. But leaving that consideration en
tirely out of the question it remains un
deniably true that face enamels bring Into
ghtujtiy und unnatural prominence the
wrinkles that they aro supposed to con
ceal; that golden locks and penciled brows
niako the pleasant middle aged eyes bo
neath look positively blent', and that It re
quires only the additional touch of rougo
to convert a woman of 40 thus "nmdo up"
into nn octogenarian.
Simplo cleanliness, which means wash
ing tho face as many times a day us is neo
cssary with the aid perhaps of some sort
of lino soap; good health; tho use of an
emollient, such as camphor loo in cold or
suuburning weather, ami a dust of rice
powder no bismuth on hot days, will
keep the complexion in ns good condition
as it Is possible for it to be, provided there
Is not some disease of tho skin thut re
quires medical treatment. Foco specialists
bs a class are to bo regarded with sus
picion. Many of them make up their own
complexions artificially, although they
profess thut tho phenomenal pink and
whlto fairness Is a natural cffi-ct caused
by special scientific treat mcnt. A good di
gestion and philosophic views aro tho only
certain aids to youthfulnossnf appearance
A clear skin depends more on the general
health than on anything else, and no in
vention that human beings have yet pro
duced will prevent ono from growing old.
A sketch is given of a tea gown of black
niervellleux lined with grass green Bhot
silk, the sleeves being of the latter, covered
with black net. Accordion plaited black
tint drapes tho side of the gown und fulls
from the lower edge of tho sleeves. The
rallies are of merveilleux, bordered with
ecru gulpurt',
The Other Hide of the Illrd Question.
Looking at it from my immature stand
point, I think the people who make such a
fuss about birds worn on bonnots are very
illogical. It cannot make the slightest dif
ference to the bird whether it is to be worn
as "a thing of beauty" after it is klllod, or
eaten to sustain human nature. It hurts
the quail just as much to be klllod for our
bonollt as It docs the Wrd of beautiful
plumage. We can Just as woll eat vegeta
bles or cereals us quail, but the fact of the
matter Is man lnys tribute to all othr ani
mal life, and if would bi true rofurmers
and logical ones we would not weai the
skin of the kid, or the beautiful coat of the
seal, or the leathc of the sheep or eow, or
any of the choice fabrics that cost so many
lives. ' , '
fc fit W&ftxM M.Trt 4
Be consistent, dear reformer, and take
down tho untlered stag's head from your
library walls and discard the ostrich feath
ers from your kuightly cap or spreading
fan, for ostriches are reared and kept only
to provide you with these luxuries. And
a bird pie is as groat an atrocity as a row
of stuffed humming birds on a woman's
hat. Detroit Free l'ress. '
A Tierolo ltuuicily.
Clara-Why in the world uie you going
to marry Mr. Slimpursef lie hasn't a
penny to bless himself with.
Dora The doctor said nothing would
cure these horrid littio pimples but u long
continued low diet, uud I'm determined to
save my complexion. New Vork Weekly.
Utterly Useless In Some Cases, but Tocnl
lilorelne, Nevur.
Thonowspaporenro continually publish
ing jokes at the expense of tho unmusical
young wouiua or girl who persists in prac
ticing upon the piano und going through
singing excrolh'es. Thero Is no moro rea
son to find fault with the lutttir custom
than with any other sort of gymnastics,
forevonlf a girl run never learn to sing
proper vontl exercises properly practiced
strengthen the throat and lungs and there
by improve tho general health. But piano
practice to ono who has no tasto for it is
utterly useless. Tho confinement und
crumped position ure irksome iu tho ex
treme when there Is no compensating in
tollcctuul pleusure, und tho feeling thut
too often accompanies faithful practice,
tho foellngtlmt tho pupil Is constitutional
ly unable to achiovo a musical result, no
matter how laboriously sho perseveres, hud
a depressing and unwholesoino effect.
Yet thousands of parents persist in set
ting their daughters tu learn to play tho
piano In spite of natural uverslon und In
capacity, and thousands of girls throw
away years of their youth In attempting to
accomplish what is to them lmposslblo.
low much Ixater It would bo If fathers
and mothers would huvo their children
taught tiiuse things which they uro cupa-
blo of learning and which will be usoful
to them! If a girl has musical talent, by
nil means cultivate it, but if sho has not
let her learn millinery, dressmaking, hair
drcsslng, something that is available for
everyday use. She is not obliged to mako
it her profession if she does learn It, and
sho will be amply repaid for tho small
outlay of time and money by the ability
to assist herself and her particular friends.
Noliody, man or woman, no mnttor how
Intellectual, should bo entirely helpless
and Ignorant as to handicrafts. Thero Is
nothing degrading in a practical know!
edge of any trade, and in those days of fluc
tuating fortuno such knowledge may on
occasion stand between a girl and desti
tution. So, if you cure for your daughter's
welfare, teach her a trado as well as ac
complishments. A sketch is given of a young girl's gown
of rose colored crepoti trimmed with bands
of white laoo Insertion. Tho skirt is plain,
but tho corsago is crossed in front over a
full plastron. Tho tight sleeves hnve a
puff to tho elbow, and the collar and licit
are covered with Insertion. The light
brown straw hat Is trimmed with roso col
ored ostrich tips and ribbon,
Styles to Suit All Tastes and For All Occa
sions. Bodices differing from tho skirt are
moro worn than over. Silk lawn und mus
lin aro ull employed for these garments,
und every degree of cluborutlon Is seen,
from the plain shirt waist to tho compli
cated uffulr mado of laco, moiro ond span
gles. Thero ore styles to suit every occa
sion, but thu prettiest bodices aro not nec
essarily tho most expensive. Blouses of
milled lawn are often moro becoming thun
those of richer materials. Somo pleasing
ones are shown made of soft silk or crape
with a wldo collur, Garlbuldl front and
folded licit, but tho yoko oiTeot Is usually
employed und Is uccentuutcd by a trim
ming of double or oven triplo ruffles
around tho shoulders. Huinetlmesliretelles
extend from slitmUlur to waist kick and
front, tbobodico being full lietwocii them.
Tho new Eton jackets are tighter nnd
longer t han thoso of lust season and show
a tcndeiicy to closo In front In either sin-
mm ha
sVil'tV. .i-i J Ji
4JKU1I r te..- rr-jr All.VI
gle or double breasted stylo With lorge but
tons. They oil buv re vers more or Icsb
Conspicuous, usually faced with different
goods, and uroworn over a vest or plastron
preferably of a brilliant color. A stlllly
starched shirt bosom of whit or tinted lin
en may bo worn beneath the jacket, bright
ened by a gay silk sourf, or the triangular
Btineo over tbe ohest may be filled in with
ohllTon ruflle When tho jrtckot has open
fronts, they generally display a neat duck
or cloth tailor mode vost or a rufflod
The standing collar still prevails In
'splto of the weather and 1 often supple
mented on tho outside by anotner naring
one still higher. It Is as uncomfortable
and therefore silly a fashion as was ever
Invented for this season of the year.
An Illustration Is given of a sort of Eton
Jackot, double breasted and having double
rovers of contrasting color. The fluting
cuffs of the glgot sleeves ere also double.
The jacket closes with two rows of thrbo
large buttons eaoh, and the V nt tho throat
shows a plain linen band collar and a silk
cart holding a Bearfpin;
1 IV
IE 3ST X 2T1 33
In the hand of a Burgeon
rives vou a feellnir of
; horror and dread. There
is no lunger iieucwuj lur
its use in many diseases
formerly regarded as In
ourahle without cutting.
' me iriumpn 01
Conservative Surgery
Is well ' ted br tbe
fact ti
ifnVy cured without tbe Umie und without
psiu. Clumsy, chullna; trusses can be thrown
away I They nnvrr cure but often Induce in
jlntninntlon, ntmnviilutlon and dmtn.
TUnJflfJC Ovailan, Hbrold (Uterine) and
uiiiviiv niuDT others, are now removed
without the perils of cutting operations.
PI! F Tlilvlfli? however larjr. Fistula
rLE I UlVlimO, nn, other discuses of
the lower bowel, aro permanently cured with
out iiHin or resort to the knile.
(JTnfJC In tiie lllad'ler, 110 matter how
O I Ulii- iHrrp, is crushed, pulverized, wash
ed out nnd perfectly removed without cutting.
TPIfTrEF Urinary l'assane Is bIpo
wllUulun rumced without cutting- In
hundreds of esses. Kor pamphlet, references
and ull pHttlciilHi', send 10 cents (in stumps)
to World's tilkpcnhary Medical Absolution,
No. oti3 Main bueet, liullalo, N. Y.
Is an Improvement in Soap.
. o
In the Trolley Sonp cM methods
and materials are superseded by new
ones. Tho Trolley Soap leaves the
clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer
than other soaps.
As1! Your Grocer for It,
If he does hot keep it send us order for
or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50.
Joseph jTficmag Efipnton,
227 Chestnut Street, Phila. e
Made a
Well Mar
of Me.
produces the abnvo rcaults In 30 days. It a U
powerfully snd quickly. Cures when all others full
Youiik men will rt'taiu thuir lost manhood, and old
men will recover their youthful vmor by usiim
KKVIVO. It quickly and survlyrcitores N'ervou
ui'tw. Lout Vitality, Impotency. Nlgutly Emissions,
Lost I'ower, Falling Memory, Wastini! DIaeaseH, anil
all effects of self abuso or eice-u and indiscretion,
which itulits ono for study, biiKiness or marriaito. It
not only cures by startinn at the miat of diswe, but
is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, bring
eiff back the plnll flow to pain cheeks and re
toriiin tlio fire of youth. It wsrdH off Insanity
ml Consumption. Inaint on having KEVI VO, no
tlicr. It can bo carried In vent pocket. By mcil
'1.00 per package, or six for 85.00, with a posi
vo written gnnrantee to ruro or refund
he money. Circular free Address
vr. f:r:DICINP. CO.. 63 River St., CHICAGO, ILL.
Foi sale by Matthews Tiros., Druggists,
Scranton, I'a.
Large Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
coiE3 1 tr,j I CotniKilth Mi
ilude at the 1IOOSIO sua RUSU
LfifHin & Rand Powder Co.'l
Electric Batteries, Fuse for exploit
ing blasts, tafetr Fuse and
RepaunoChemicsJ Co.'sHlgh Explosives
ittlTKB BIUIK CU., Ino'p. Caplts!. Jt,000,000.
"A dollar ivd ft a dollar tarntd." ,
This ladies' Hoi id K'rauch llongola Kid lint
ton Hoot delivered f anywhere lo the U.S.. on
roueijiiotuuin, Moesy uvasr,
or I'ostal Not tor 1.64,
Kiinalt every way the boots
old In all retail stores for
li.tO. W make UiU boot
urwilres, therefore we ?var
anlrt the Jtt, ilylt and mar,
and If any one is not satuiled
refund tho money
1 another pair. Opera
or Oomiuon Benee,
i.i.. . i i." i.-...
u, m An..
uud half;
fit vou.
lustra tod
Dexteh Shoe Co, BOSTON. BUSS.
jjHCiai lemi to vtaw.
Ladles Who Valuo
A refined oomplezlon mast nse Ponont's Pow
der. It produces toft and beautiful skin,
r-, JL. f: "1
Bfv if
The above brands of flour can be had at any of the following merchants.
Who will accept The Tribune flour coupon ot 25 on eaoh one hundred pounds'
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Ecrnntnn -F. P. Price, Washington arenas I
Gold ndal Brund. 4
Dtinmore F. P. Price, Gold Medal Brand.
Lioiinioro F. D. Manley. Uuperlativ Branl.
Hyde Park Carson & Davis, Wa-hbtirn St.
Gold Medal Brand; J- nepli A. Mears,Maiu
avenue, Superlative Brand.
Green Kidife A.I.SpL'noer.Gold Medal Brand.
J. T. McHwle, Suporlative.
l'rovidonoo Fenner & ' 'happell. N- Main ave
nue, Superlative lip , l;0. J Uilleiple, W.
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Olyphj, t .lamps Jordan, Bupnrlatlve Brani
lVrki .u-sliat.'r A K. Ist Superlative.
Jnrmvn C, U. Winters Co. buperaiative.
ArchhaM Jonos, Simpson S Co., Gold Medal.
Carbon. i'o-B. S. Clark, Gold Modal Brand.
Honesilit.H-I. N. Foster & Co. Gold MedaL
Minooku M. H. Luvulle
Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits.
1437 Capouso Avenue.
Wholeaals and retail dealers' in Wagonmakera' and Blacksmith'
That we will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal wei2ht,ounee for ounce,
of your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of new pat
terns to select from at
"XTo star was ever lost we once have seen,
7e always may be what we might have been,"
Teas- i&fasa &m$ niHrinrn
I ML fit UHtt
Scranton, Pa
2 and 23 Commonwealth Building.
Mannfaotured at the Wapwallopen Hills, La.
Suroe runnty Pa., end at W li
ming Ion, DeUwara.
General Agent for the Wyoming District
118 Wyoming Ave, Scranton Pa.
third National Bank Building.
THOS. FORD, Pittstin. Pa.
JOHN B BMITH & BONs PlTtnenih. Pa.
E. W, MULUGAN, WlUes-bar Pa.
Agents for the Kupauue tihemigal Can
pauj'a High EzpkwiTsia. .
from thtS. 7. TrOmtu,Kov.l,MX
The Flour
"Chicago, Oct 81. Fh fint cffloUt
innonncement of World's Fair dl-H
plomas on floor bu beea mad. A
medal baa been awardad by th
World'g Fair judnei to tha flour manu
factured by tha Waahbnro, Crosby Co.,
In the great Washburn. Floor Mills,
Minneapolis. The committee reports,
the floor strong and para, and entitle
it to rank as first-claw patent flour for
family and bakers' nse."
Taylor Judge A Co., Gold Medal; Athertof
& Co., Uuperlatira.
Duryea Lawrence Store Co., Gold HedaL
Mooiic John MoCrlndle, Gold MedaL
Pittston-M. W. O'Boyle, Gold MedaL
Clark's Green-Frace & Parker, Superlative,
Clark's Hummlt-F. M. Young, Gold Modal.
Mlton-S. E. Finn A Son, Gold Medal Brand,
Niihulson-J. B. Hardinu.
Waverly-M. W. Bliss & Son, Gold Modal
Factnrjrville Charlee Gardner, Gold MedaL
Hophottom-N. M. Finn A San, Gold Medal.
Tobyhanna-Tobyhanna Lie&lali Lumber
Co., Gold Me-lal Brand.
Oonldsboro-S A. Adams. Gold Medial Brand,
Moscow Galire tt Clements. Gold MedaL
Lake Ariel-James A. Bortree, Gold MedaL
Forest Clty-J. L. Morgan tt Co., Gold Meds
& Connell
ilUd LUEii
ftealof the Met qnallty for domesWo nse,an
f all slaea, dolivered in anr Part ol the citj
at loweet prioe.
Orders left at my offloa,
Rear room, first floor. Third National Bank,
or sent by mall or telephone to the mine, will
reeeire prompt attention.
Special contracts will be made for the salt
tay.vutt saosed be do Jn eae-sl.
PceitiTeproelVand Uo-pese beei, tthttenSed rem
Ukpm VM.leiated.heii irr BeU. VaemBotprtDSi
ese) aefeexihu. Oar RermKiy wffi
piettieeir eare. iw." mMMurn w.