THE SCR ANTON TlUBUSTE-WElWJaSDAY MOILNLNG, AUGUST 15, ISO I. .ml- The true composition is published on every label, information not given by other manufacturers. You know what you are eating when you use Cleveland's. Norrman&MooreBlfi DAY liT IHE LIE FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue DOFT Have your COLLAIil torched In the M wt when Ton on bt theia dons wltn tort, Utteble Butt' nhok. for TWO CENTS JtAOIt Lackawanna THE. LAUNDRY WE AKE OFFERING K)K A FEW DAYS: Whipcords Jacquards Serges Henriettas AjnD Fancies FORMERLY 73o. and $1, for ONLY 59c. In every desirable shade. Mears & Hagen 115 LACKA. AVE. If you want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or Window Shades, come to us. laHSHMSMMMaHBSMasM ' t We have a full line of oods, and our prices are 127 Wyoming Ave. To my friends: I hereby announce 'hat I will be a candidate for the nomi nation of district attorney, before the republican County convention. JOHN R. JONES. CITY NOTES. Trlbnns reaileri louring for their Mitumer'D vacation can liavo their favor ite inpnr unit to llmtu without cxtrn out, lv notifying this ofllce of tit de clrert chungc In tile paper' Hdtlrm. The lower hallway of the Wyoming House is bt ins laid wtn tiles. A son bus been b rn to Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Ruole, ot N"W York street. The (-hi-ridsn Monument association's ways and moaus committee will meet this evening. The funeral of thn late Wlllinm Jeffer pon, of this city wilt be held tomorrow Uteruoou at i o'clock. The Taylor council has rescinded It ugreercent allowing the Traction coui Vauy to lay i s tracks throuiib the borough. John Mulderick of Lackawanna town ship, was committed to the county jail yesterday for aggravated assault and battery. At a regular meeting of the Honiepsthlc Medical society to beheld at Wilke-Barre tomorrow. Dr. H. B. Ware, of this city, will be one of the ersayints. iHirlnB the abjeiice of Corporal Frank .V. Branda at Camp Crawfor I, the youug iadit-s at Peckvilie wbo are flrilllng for an tzbibltiiin in f.tucy and tnllitury inarch ing lor tbe benefit ot the pHckvill Metuo liat Epinconai rtaurch, will be under the iharee of Mis D, A. Jones, of this city. Pabrt'b Milwaukee Beer,' tool and nparkiiug, at Lohmau'a, Spruce street Conway Home, 133 nd 184 Penn Ave., is where you will always And good service und courteous treaimnnt, the table is al ways supplied with the best iu tbe market. Transient aud local trade solicited. , Wood's Collet of Bualnsss and Short hand. To tht Pu&ffe. Since the organization of our school we have given to the citizens vt Bcrantou and Pennsylvania advant ages iu tbe commercial aud stenographic work equal to that of the best colleges in the largest elties. Afore than i,000 students have attended In a single year. A Great Multitude has bean inspired to higher living and have won uuporiaut places Iu the business aud professional world. ll'i'tA tht txperttnet and success of the J at w propoee to give our patrons of tbe fatur higher, more practical, and thor ough business aud steuographio ooursss. Conditions in tbe buslneas world bsve changed. Gcaools mnst change to meet these conditions. Btudeuts must be taught to do as well as to tbiuk. 2 Vie fatuity m, on Important factor iu ni institution, - - Heretofore wt how educated eve (cachra-this year we bave engaged tnen wbo have made a record and acquired a reputation, . - We bave had good pupils in the pant. We shall bave better oues in tbe future, Ho butintu tchool in tht United Utatet can exhibit a more competent, cultured nod efficient elsus of aggressive teachers. Tbe college will reopen Auguit XT. Day r-nc night sessions. Old stndenta, students who bave not completed tbe courae, and jTospnntlve Students, are Invited to call. The offloa is alwavs open. F, E. WOOD, President. very low. ; r Williams k Mrlnulty m tw w J A pure cream "of tartar 'powder. "Pure" and "Sur. Scranlon Press Ciub Regatta Proves nounced Success. fro- EXCELLENT RACES WITNESSED Thousands Lina the Shores of Lake Ariel Newark and Philadelphia Oarmens Capture the M.tjorit of Iha Prizes-the Plymouth Club Makes a Good Showing Against the Cham pions Notes of the Day. The thousand who ycKterdny flock I to th shores ot L ik Arinl prove t t ha the people of Kortbvnstrro IVnnayl Vaiil.i enj-y bot racing, wnich was in troiluoMil here only one year go, and also prove that they bnve niiswcrvinv coufiiibiiae iu the I'rvss club aj enter tainers. Nearly every e 'ctiiin of thi part of tbe Htatx waa r'prwsrntMd. Surintoi nnd the Immedinte vicinity sent over about 2,00i) people oti three excursion nnd two r'iiuUr trains. Lara excur- I hIoq crowds ttlnu came frotu up the v tl lev on th lm of the U -lawarn mi l Hudson from Plymouth and intermxdi at sta'ioim and ulsi from llonui dale end llawlty. The fact that this lurift crowd wis bund1"d without any delays or acci'h'tit re 11 'Cts r . at credit upon the Erie and Wyoming Vlley Uallroad company. That uo a Hingis riimtirhanc; ocmrr-i I on the uroniids nfi'cU much credit on the rrowd itsdi. M. K. Sanders and the Press club committee who mauaK"1' the event aru a!s) worthy of ureal comaiendation for its unquulifl d suu in every detail. Wtiile there were many other sources of enjoyment at the lake the attention yesterday was entirely riveted on the water. While the crowd in the main knew but litt.e of boat rainir,it never luiless enjoyed tue contests, and b' came worked tip to nn enthii-UsUc pitch at a close and exciting flaiil). A QHEAT DI8APPOI.NTMHNT. The blitieat of the few disappoint ment of th day was the announce ment that Elwiu H-illey, auiat ur (l ampion of America, had been dis qualified by the ISutional board for pawning one of bis medals, and conse quently could not contest in any cf toe races. Another disappointment we.8 the refn4.1l of the Eureka Boat club of Kewaik, N. J., to enter the elht-nared crew against the Tritons, of Newark. This disappoint mnt waa ne to the fact that a few evnings ago while ont for a pr ictlce i-pi 11 th two crews accidentally got ! abreast of each other 011 the P.nSiic river and a short spurt occurred. Th Eurekas were so badly distance that they did not care to travel 100 miles In a hopeless cause and conse quently tbe Tritons had a walkover yeaterdav. ; The prettiest nnd most spirited race I of the day was the senior singles. William Atnan, of the Mutual Rowing club, of Buffalo; Oicar Writz, of the ; Paxslac Itmt chU', of Newark; and E. J. Carney, of tbe Institute Boat clno. ' of Newark; were three of llo llev's dis t putmits for cliatupionihip laurels at all 1 the big regattas and since bis di: quail ! ficatlon eacu has felt conQient that the victor's palm was his. When I these mn met yesterday it was a me t , ing for Mood and also to decide, virtu- nlly, which is the champion of Am r I ics. They pulle l thir bsst rsc ami : as a resnlt the spectators witoene I a I L'rand content of skill aud endarano'. i The Br.ff ilo man, Awm, won in 5 09 with Wirts only one an I oui-t otu c ! on la behind him This lime is re i matkably fast fur still water. THE ROYAL PASTIME. The yiicht race w s a fizzle as far ns ixcitement is concern, d. It might ' eve possessed some fin points in tne ryes of yachting cranks, but thnre points wer- too flue for the aver-g- resident of L irk wanna s shor-s. At- l torney Smitu's Flyiag Clou 1 is a beau tiful craft and a speedy one in heavy weather. Captain Oreeiibaugli's Ariel is built expreealy for sped, carrying twine as mnoh sail as the Flving Cloud, and ontclssflug ber in every respect but beauty, As there waa no more of a breeza at Lake Ariel yesterday than there generally is at a Prohibition con vention Mr. Smith's boat had decidedly the worst of it. It w is reports 1 that t'm A-lol wiu 'y a large margin and as PHpper Grecnbagh wag uwarded tbe Dm (linger vase tbe report is VrriS'td. For the poor contsst the blame all lies ou the l wind. The Tritons of New Jersey ware con fident of winning every race but th senior four-oar, lu which thsy wera pitted against the Star Boat elub, ami their snrniisea wore proven to be quite correct While they succeeded iu de feating the Plymouths, the margin by which they won was so small that the latter clun may feel justly proud of their showing against the ehamplnns of tbeconntry who do little el but row. The Tritons' time was 5.18 and tbe Plymouth's 6.25. SUMMARY OF THE RACES. Junior slnele scnll Hngh Monahan, dray's Ferry Boat club. Philadelphia, lint ; Frank Cibnrn, Institute Boat club, Newark, If. J., second. Time. din. , Intermediate niugles J. B. Jo venal, Pennsylvania Barge club. Philadelphia, first; Charles Cope, Gray's Ferry, second. Time. 8.01. Junior four-oared shell -Veper Boat club, Philadelphia, first; Hiar Boat club, Plymouth, secoud. Time, 6. SO. Intermediate doubles Pennsylvania Barga club. Philadelphia, first; Orny's Ferry, Philadelphia, secoud. Time, R:41. Junlon doubled Institute Boat club, Newark, flratj Quaker City Bnrge club, Philadelphia, second. Time, (l:?A Senior four nhelli Triton Boat club. Newark, flrat; htar Boat club, Plymouth, second. Time, ft: 18. Senior double Pennsylvania Barge club, Philadelphia, first; Vesper Boat clnb, Philadelphia, aecond. Time, 6:45. Henlor four gigs Tiitoo Boat elub, Hawark, flrat; Paeaaic Boat club, Newaik, second. Time, & 25. Senior singles William Aman, Mntual Junior Rowing club, Buffalo, first; Oacar VNirtz, 1'nhsalu Boau club, Newark, second. Time, Henlor eight shells-Triton Bat club, Inewark. Time, mile aud a haif, 7.29, Those who bad (barge of lbs regatta ar plven It low, with tbe positions they filled: Refer e, Charles W. Prlosnndati!!, Falr moniit Ilowiui? ilub, Philadelphia. Time, keepers: J. Howard B ck, i'ennsvlvauia Bulge elub, Philadelphia; Blai cliard Clui' man, Mou annocka, I'iiUtun, Pa.; H. . King, Mar B ait club, Plymouth, Pa. Jodtics: J. h. Ballantvne, Artnur Kull esaociation, Elizabeth, N. J.; M. J. Doyle, Inatituie Boat club, Newark, N. J.; A. li. Hopper, P.itsule. iinni ilub, Newark, N. J. Siarter, O. lIcD. Wills, Triton Boat cluo, Nework, N. J. Preca 1 lob's committees Repntta K Handera, ch Hnan; P. A. Barrel, A. E. V 'ruk P. W. Oa lender, W. It. Unfile , L. J, Lynett. priai'leut ex-i flleio. Ite.vp tion to. J. I.vnea, Fv Preee; A. F. Mc Nullv, Aichbabl Clliseii; I'. A. Barrett, iele;)'.m; J. E. Kern, Kepublieau; Tuninaa J. Duffy, P. W. lialV'her and A. E Vurl U, '1 1UUUNK; Captain B. K. M"r ria CarbjiiU Ueiad. J. U. ltopewll, Register, iiouorary ineuilx-re Hon. Y. L. Couii'l', mayor; Hon Jobn il. Kel lowe, ix-inavnr; lliu. it. W. Ar hbild, Hon. F. W. (iiiu.-Uar, Charlea li biunou, Olareti' e E, Pryor, lion. II. M. Edwards, lion, John P. Kelly, Henry T. Koehlov, Bernard Megargee, Jnm ia U. Biiley, Juun J. Fahey, D. W. Powdl. TIIIAL LIS! FINISHED. Ntxt Three Wek of Common I'leai nd Clvd Court. The trUl liot for the coming three weeks' term of common pleas and eivil eonrt is presented below. The list for tho fiint week whs published in yes terday's TmnUNB H3COND WEEK. MONDAY, SUM. S2. Fcranton Una and Water company Vi. j Liielian nna Irou aud Coal company. naaiimiivif. l.ntuer Foster vs. Nancy Olivo Foster, j (inone. Sarah A. Hoffman vs Lackawanna Iron and Coil company, trespa-M, Join Dumiii g vs. l'euubylvania Coal compaav, trespata. iary Scott vs. city of fc'crnnton, tres-pnn-i. C. L. Eice vs. William A. Conuoll, ap peal. Cbarlei A. Burr vs. John Case aud H. 8tone, eject ment. Micliael J O'Mallev vs. Thomas I. Mul len, xeont r, aaaump it. New York Bowery Fire In-uranco com pany vs. Fnd Tbeia. & Hi. u, a-siiuipait. Mary Layelle vs. 1'iudouiial Insurance company, auiuptiit. Tbomui Hi b vs, Delaware and Hudson Canal company, treapaa. Margaret Hushes v. Belawareaud Hud son Canal company, trespass. Barker, Bulla and Ureg vs. T. F. Leonard, appeal. Ackerman Bros. vs. E. Wise, appeal. Ackorman Hi op. v. E. WIkc, epprul, TUESDAY, HIll'T. -23. William Moore vs. James Rowloy. ap peal. Anna L. Baxter vs. W. B. Duggan, ap peal. lleorga D. .Wetkerhill & Co. vs. D. f Ryan, appeul. N. McM auus vs. Oeorge Coopsr, tre? pa -a. nxth Schloss v. II. N. Unnuoll, ejeetineut. MirliRHl Wrnbelslil vs. 8. W. Franazika an I a. W. Krava e'o, app'i. Thomas Carroll vs. Fireman's Friend I IiihiirancN Company, asHUinpiit. j Woikiugniuu'e Building and Esving 1 Fund Association vs. John iiabngau, mi ; fa. I Mary Jordan vs. Aloxaudur Groiau. trespsHH. Robert I lnsley and Michael Oouovan vs. John Welsh, trenpsa. WEDNESDAY, 8KPT. 2t. Albert Hume v. People'a Street Bhilway Coii'paiiy of Luzerne County, treapais. Winifred Barrett vs. borough of Blukuly, trespass living Davis et al, executors of the os Mile of Joseph Lee, vs. Elizabeth Lou, j ctnient. E. F. Boyle et. aL vs. Qnrmnula Fire Ineniance i oinpany, ansumpait J. Sauheratei i vspieaiaut Ridim Taml iniprovoineur company, appnnL 1 Edward M. Aiurray v. Anna Murray, ' ejectment. i II. t. ...... l I u I . Wiutmi, trenpapB. .uniKnir. .uiiiidjr gi, ui, B, UOfOUKU Ol J. W. Raub vs. J. W. Altken, assumpsit. Janu s J. tiallairher v. lVmnvV Kiimhi. Reilway company of Luz -rue couuty, tres pass. TI1IRD WEF.K. MOMIAY, OCT. 1. j llnry Colliua v.x. Carbuudnle Traction ( company, respnse. I A. B. Stnrgee, trustee vs. Dagobixt A. ' Fiiaer, eject ment.. 1 al. Tyler, administrator, vs. 8. P. Fen cer, et. al., rppeal. Ironclad Manufacturing company vs. Fnruiers' Dairy com pan", aksumpait. Illuminanug 11 eat and Power company vs. Ackerman Pros., appeal. J. A. bcrnuton Si bou vs. Becker Bros., appeal. Spruks Bros. vs. Catherine Norton, sci fa. Albany County Bank vs. C. W. Fchank & Co., appeni. Ueorue A. Campbell vs. Elswoi th Myers, trespnaa. Frank L. Froment vs. W. II. Taylor, as sumpsit. Isaac E, I.aBar vs. Greenwood Coal com pany, tre'pa"8. Thomaa Duvidson vs. Thomas Sanders and James 11. Jenkins, a-uiiipsit. R. .oBiittier v. Jacob B Iz, aaiumpslt. Whlto & Metzgervs. Richurd-. Lumber coini any, assumpsit. James Dover vs. Aaron McDonnell, an peal. TCEfc'DAY, Ol?T. 3. William J. Campbell, administrator, vs. Anaiiatia Dunn and Thomas Duuu, re plevin. JPcliael Di-Viue vs. People's Street Rail way company of Luzemo couuty, tree pa ti. (1. M. Green vs. Joseph Plnlhenberg aud C. W. Mord ok, sci fa. Jucob A. Thomas vs. Joseph Platheuberg aud C. W. Mordock, sci fa. Martha U. Phelps vs. Cornelius Ruddy, ejoeiuieut. W. P. Connell ft Sons vs. J. N. Rice, appeal. W. D. OMturhont & Bon vs. Anna R, Freeman, appeal. Tbumns Davis vs. D. F. Kearney, ap peal. Hmger Muunf aoturing company vs. John Znrflcll, tret-pass. Jotepu Ordumus vs. Pulanki Association, appeal. WKP.N-EHDAY, OCT 8. Richard Evaos vs. New York and Bcraulon Coal toinpauy. Iiudted, appeal. Johu Evans v. New Voik aud bviautoii Coal coiupauy, limited, appeal. Jauiai. M. Everhart Vs. George F. Nes bltt and U. Mortimer Lewis, ejeotmeut. Edwlu Ferris ft Co v. A. J. Merrill, so i fa. Fihel Bros. Vs. E. Gorman, assumpsit. Alex Mosiowsky vs. It. J. Uallaghor. appeal. Benjamin S. Lewie vs. E. W. Ives, sci fa. T. R. Walker Ss Ron vs. T. II. Withers Paper company, limited, assumpsit. Gallagher A Go. useot 0. XL. Putnam vs. J. A. Barron, sci fa. ' New Teutiu Miuiug and Bmolting com pany vs. Adelluo V. Smith, et al., exeou (or, assumpsit. t 11 Infant l:fl ca tha Frcb or St. Joseph's Foundling Hcmi m WAS SEER WALKING AWAY The Door Eell of the Home Was Rung, rt 0 O'Clock Monday Night When the Sister Answered the Bell She Found an Abandoned Femala Child Wrapped Up in a Crown Woolen Shawl-Child Was Well Dressffd. At 9 o'clock Mondav nifc-ht the door bell of St. Jooph'a Foundling Home was rung aud the sinter who answered the call, when she lonkaoi toward the atrHt, e w a mail walk lelsnrely away. The olj 'ct her errs rested r.pon when nh irluuoed down on the door step was ; a little blue-yd bate nestling in a j warm brown woolen minwl on the door ! mat crowing complacently with all the I idncerity t'f its liiii heart. I bhe carried the infant i nil la. Aloni? I ei le the tot on the door mat was u I nursing bottle fii"d with w win milk , and atiextr i outfl of S.v-.d lliilgolotues wrapped in i newspaper I A MYf.Ti:ni(if8 CAS Til" babe IS a fern ile chil I and to all pearane" i abou three; we k o'd She is a plninp, healthy bundl-of hu uiani'y. whion f ci lends mot'-ry to theciarf. AS far as the chills health n I nppaaruiife ure concerned th- re lj no reaaoti why ev.n etuel paren'a "hmtld desert her. welg is abnu1 ! fiP'een pounds, ba a pair of larire oernlaii titled orbs and a wvll shaped . head crowned with a growth of golden 1 brown hair. V irions cot. j ctnres are made as to I the ('bill's p.u-eutagv. That she was : dress d by fi male bands is evident, ami ! from the fact of th supply of cx ra clothing it appears that the desiruon i waa prrinedit ttad. The quality of the ! chilli's clothing indicates tuat her ad i vnt into the wi rl.i had been prepared j for by fairly well-to do parents. No j tell-tale marks could be found oil the j cloihing. , The chil l will bo named toiay. Th aitars will have it baptis d by a clergy man and the title by wbicb her frieudx accost her when she rowa up will be Marv Jerom. She will have the honor Of beitiR th flr-t eMlsl left 01. the doorsiepof the home aines its e8t iblisom-ut i i this city lour years aio. VETS AT FAltVIEW. General Jamae A. i saver Has Bant Hli R-grt . Today at Farvlew will wltnsa ti e Sf ven-County Veteran association's re union, nnd it is probable that tbe grounds will contsiu tho largest mini ber of persons that have thronged Hie popular resort this year. Governor . William McKinliy and an array of other notabilities are announce I us the i speakers who will address tbe veterans I and their friends. A speeial exou.-slon train will leave uv ii-t IH ..... 1 nut UUUOUII IJlJ'-' lib 1 iu hub luuiuiiift,, mil vj utviiiK lick-ts exchanged nt the station the it 8 IB th a lmirninir. hut liv havinir privil-ire will be given to depart on :. ,n n 1.. me 10 i'j or noon Irani, v isunig pong will i 1,1 t at the Curbondale Seventh avenue station on station on the arrival of the morning trains and go in a body to Karview from the main station of the Oravitv road. L will be a disappointment to ninny, the veterans pirticul irly, to learn that fi n-ral James A. 15-aver will not b present. A letter from tne ex-Gnver-nor stat s that a volume of budn-aa awal's bis attention, that h' bus just returned from a six weeks' abeuc roui borne and bas au Important en gagement at Pittslurg. A very iutensting banquet will be givn the spi.k"is. ilistiBgniBhed guests and newspaper men at ilottl Anthracite this evening. IT WILL GO THROUGH. j BkgUamton and 8 at Line Railroad I Will Ba Built. I It is reported '.hat tho bid for grading hue State Line and Ilinghamtou rail- I road, in wbieh several Scranton people f .. .. i. l a s i . are iuter'Steri, has been awarded to Contractor Leonard, of Eiughamton, aud that work will be begun at once. If tide suteuiatit is reliable the sup position that the present company se cured ibe charter for apeeul all v pur poses, and was a follower of the oi l Uinghaiuton aud Wiiliamsport rail road is qu -she 1. Tbe prospective line will extend outh from Bingham'on Into Su-qii"-luntia county et Silver Lik-, ironi w ich point the Quit direet route will b followed to a point on the L-'hig i Valley railroad uear Mesboppon, Wyo miug couuty. A COftGtOUS PROOUCTiON. lhat Is W'nat ib Coining Presentation or E ch nd III rromi.ii a to Be. Our playgoers bave naturally been asking qursiions ooiie-rning the forib coming presentation of Stink-spear ' sublime tragedy, ''itichard III," nt the I'rothlngliam nn M jii lay, Aug. "2, and iroia the beet sonrce of iuformatiou .t him I, it is safe to predict an event of artistio signtfioane. Assuredly, with fifty capable people, lie. Kiel ly well known and able nelor, tue great nn I luipr-isive iutiiUnts luvoivd iu t e oattle end coronation scenes and lie fuueral procassioii, will bu da ply inter simg, us no coiupauy presenting tbe tragedy ever gave it b-re with 'h t number of players. The special imiblo Will lie Un rotl''dV j Vei, h. vvill 40c. Per Pound IB OWNS THE BABY? Buys our Fancy Old Jlamlili ( ling Java, tho Uncut Colli o grown. 34c. Per Pound Buys our Trlpltvblend Java; will mutcliany 33c. coffoosolJ. 30c. Per Ponnd Buys our Fancy'Goldcn Eio. 25c. Per Pound Buys a Good CoCfoo at E. G. COURSER'S Colt Coffoe Uouae m Qorautou, 420 Lacka. Ays, also the magnificent costumes, all his torically oorrect. The object is to give Riohard with all the glittering effeeta of artful accessories, which will la done in a surprisingly delightful way. The drat professional appnarancs of Miss Tlllle Lewis, the well known elo cutionist, is hq event of importance, ml hr uiiuy Scrntou friends will no don tit tear it ii mind MI'S Kiiti" Mt Cat'-, the fvr-ni K'triiio of Sr. Mary's choir, W'bk -a- B.irre, ipp-r in h nw creaton, lint j.iuiuis to if1 v n much ploaure in ?r t- tv s ill In hitiivrto lou in oum-dy. Tiie ml of r -m rvel -uts will hevin t tii time al the box til a of the FrutLing-btttu. Q'JiET D.Y AT CITY HALL. by Ab.sice cf l'uines Alde from the regular routine work of the many municipal departments at tne city hall, the presout week Is being marked by a sinful ir laxity of busi nesa. During Monday and yesterday the number of visitors and the amount of business transacted in the mayor's de partment were less than "lining liny similar pori 1 1 of thi prseut admiula tratiou. The maor's only caller yes terday morning w .s a plauriible mt n with a sadnative suhscrlpiioii p p r. SOW FoluTlirPttABLE. Movement Started by Ccuncilmen to Have t;ie Rec nt Charges InvestixaleJ. 1 - men are anxioiH to cl-nr Provi lenoe oi It is prohaUe that tomorrow nliht'a : hes pest, let tnem roo; o it any c ise meeting of ulct council will de- of hypocrisy In their midst aud show v-io; seuaaiiou il biisinom iu r- uniform exumpl", WaioU is always I . lion to the resent alienation of J rong.jr than preo-pt. Qemge Frable at a South bide board; Thtre is also anoi her duty for mini? of trade in eting that the eip-udiiure j br and that is to lead tip ir congrega- of ward iippropriatloas by councilra in have besn miiuaiiugHd and that m.'ii wbosa names were ou the pay rolls nnd not worked. As previously stated In Tint Tkidunr, member will se"k to bavu an inveiUlgatiou made. A meusure will be oliereil providing tor tue appoint ment of three leading moinhers as an i'jvestigati'ig c iiuiiiut -e, which ehall be instructed to bear evidence and com Del the attend iuc of witnesses. Tbe : public charges made by Mr. Frabl luaiimt tha city fathers are considerod in a varied array of lignta by I .1. - n. - r 1. 1118 '"""'"n'Mi. luany pooo-p.a. . "? mnnT 1 ,u WT' 't l ,"" D"UI" ' wembi-rs assume that ii.asranco ..s ll.'H w,'ra m I' L V piacif ill 1'ieir pajoeii 01 (.lie uny, ii -hooves them to protest, by nt least seek ing to prouiot an investigition. 1 I ne sentiment aguiut Ur. fratil i la very strong among the last mentioned i el. ment, aud it is likely that the Un- gnage of the coU'ioilman will ba more;! forcible thin gutlo in tbe discussion ! of the matt r. CYCLONE Kaft'b VICTIM INSANE. 1 Mr 3, Un Coiooiau Will Ba Sent to tbe Inaauo DrRrinaiit By order of Judge Archibald, in conrr, yesterday, Mrs. Elleu Corcoean, of the West Si le, was removed from the county jail to the insane depart ment of tbe Hillside home, Abjut a .a .1 -""""' "'y"1"" ago, while a number . , - ,j , .. I ?' Ptd women were par tie! pat rg ' ln, "nrn tou jo.i.uuauou as tu. e : o( Mrs. Corcomn. on Swi - tin ti I street. . ., , ., ... . 1 1 i U) Late, one of the gueste burled ' n "ru.-. .amp uoran, pusiuig ura 10 ccr cioiiiiiiH nun burning her painfully on the face, hands and back. The homo cauht firo and Chief For ber hud warrants isued f or the arrrs of ilia em ire crowd, Mrs. Corcoran was charged with keeping a disorderly house and could not furnis'i bail. She was commit tu! to lul, where It waa j fouud her miu 1 h id become FOR B. AW.S NO MUSCLE. Youcg Kon'a (biiktlun An.cU'ton Ces ron Bas Besn Blar ed. The rirular class work iu th Yunno; Men's Christian assooiatlni gyrnu isiutn sturted last eveniug with a rush. It waa the intention of the directors to have only one class a week during August, but there hug been such a d j mand for body building work this vsar that two classes will be giveti, ou TU3S day and Friday evenings. The classes will be for m-m only. All the regular classes will be started Sjpt 13, aud the opmng cxhibltioa Will be given in tbe hall Sept. 0. On Htl. Tha bi annnnl meeting nnd to irnament nf the Turner societies of tne Puna le phi die-riot will be nel I in thia ciiy Aug. iO aud 21 uuOui 'the auspices of the lotal'luiU. ver-in. Saturday Eccnina, Aug. JS Reception of ibe il'loixat' s iioiu I' Iphit, V.'ill iuinsiMirt, All 'Ut iwo. Willi-'j-Bair.1, Tieu tun. N. J., Cainde i, N. J. Monday, A wj. SO Grand parade of th Vl-iting sorioiie'. All local si ging aud other liermau sociotios will participate to Ceuiral Perk girden; sport- and (.aims between visitlug aud local Turucr aocie- lies. Admission to pa: k 3 cent-'. Picnic all day and evening. J'ui'sda), Awj. f Ma:nmo:h rxcmslon to Farvlew. Tralni lavn Delaware aud llndo.i depot at 8.30 a. m. Tickets for adults, 75 rents; for children. 40 cents. For 1 snloatO. D. NaufX.o-, Fied Lmri. J dm V. Fabreuliolt, city; tichi'.fMur Brou., Charles Schonch, Cnurl'n Klrat, Sou:h Side; (ieorge Wuench, Joseph Zimiuorll, liydo ' felK. Committee; I.nuia CianiinnLK, Frku i.UMMLKii Secretary. WHBTE FOR DECORATING. We Paint and Fire China to Order. Come in and See Our New Goods. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACKA, AVE, Best bets of Teethes i00 Juelndlng Ihe painless eitraotlni t teetU by au cuuioiy UW pie cent, S. C. Snyder,' D.D.S. TUB NOltTII END I)EXS. Many Proprietor are Now Playing Wary Some Famous Localities. The tliobsens in the lower end of Provid-noe presented a different l .ppearmce ot Son lay Inst, and wr .vi entW not unions to court 1 ny I'll iin "tteutlon. Tl tha ; Buh and Hiahworlts w r', however. ; busier tnan ever, probably became the old P oz rs from 'h other end had gone tonvvnll th- iniml er. There are four shebens on Putnam .ur-iei, which are of the respectable ! iyp and where a quiet and orderly I business is carried ou. Cusick avenue I boiats of two eimilar establishuient.;, 1 tchi(.li uru cla. n.twl i.f a.1 .n fulilir A:i ! ceut lines and muoh the same class of patrons irequent toe rooms, inoro are j about twelve ou West Market, street; i i"M are conrfucted rospeotably, some 1 are uot. McUououb avenue is not m hind nnd supplies one or two holes for its cuatomeis, who will not condescend tJ patronize the botela, aud Cayuga sir et does a good bnsiuiss in illegal liquor trafllu aud bas a few populur re ooi'ts. Some of these Bh' benni pntroii iz d iu rare li et mo by men who d .r.- uot or will not be 1 en In hotels. The privacy of a shebeen 10 tin in is j'lst h rlicle lor a ri-rioel and pure mind Here is an instauen whre luiui'ers of tll gnepel can, if they have i-ullljleiit piuck, follow tli exutiplo ot Lisnov Uarieu aud publicly impach to. 111 f uVboerlnv. If profsedlv Clirisilnu lions in the Agitation that is fust ap proaching to compol thow idSfials who now nesjleot their duti" to carry out the law faithfully and honestly. As the Ri'V. D. A. Evans reinarkel it tbe meeting ou Sunday, the move ment Uiil-it not be all talk. A good maxim suggeated is "L ss Talk nnd 1 More Worlc," for stirrly talk will never close the detestable duns. I wn.L present one thousand dollnrR in fold to tiny one win m 1 cannot cure of cpi. piiccoiivulionHorllt. Db E. Gukwhi, 8;1 Sprucu street, Scrauton, Pa, STT,Tsrwzmsrvz skt,' m are ?. AGATE Vmm'M Kettle Tha tima i3 noar hand to U33 thani, at so figure ahead. Squart, 25c. i quart, 35c. Cquart, 40c. K-qnart, 7c. 8-quart, 45c. 18-quart, 90c. 10 quart, IS quart, 55. 65c. Also 1-quarfc Tin Fruit Cans at 45c. doz. ' 1 1 ft 1 BATTIN & CO. 126Penn Avo. We are now prepared to do business at our new build- 322 Washington Ave. EUREKA LAUNDRY CO. mm n mt sale Of SHOES Is Now On And you'll not be treating yourself right; if you don't take advantaga of it. Everv shoe in the house is radtics I to oost, and tinny goo Is iiica as RUS SETS and all SUMMER tillOF.d, a good deal less than cost. WHITE CANVAS 0XF0HDS, u:st iuallty, worih $1.53 a pair, will baso!d for 7j CENTS. Soma that an toiled am disjoloroj w II b3 sold for 23 CENTS a pair. There Is no half way business about: it, bnt a great homefull of GOOD SllOiS i at the cost of making them. LET Ud SEK YOU. I i . i . ,ii It's an ill Wind That Our largo stock of SUIOEER GOODS has proven an ill wind to U3, but is blowing to your advantage. XI q aro offering our Bag Discounts ;oa Summer Goods. Embraco tin opportunity. Tha ! Discounts offered last week will be continued ONE 1 VEEK LONGER. BOWi'S BEE HIVE 324 LACKAWANNA AVE. WHAT IT IS, IS IT? Bad Words, Eidiwalk acd a Boss Hake a Blddli. If there Is any good reason why the several hose us?d for sprinkling the grass of Court House square, are left menacingly strung across; the squara sidewalks at night, there are many -ear citizens who would like to know tha meaning of the practice. It may be fun for the person or per ions rexpoDsible, but it Involves more lanjer than pleasure to any person who sprawls ovur oue of these rubber narea iu the night time. It Is no un-l-u d thin? t i see the meditations of mine lut hour padvstrian roughly dis turbed as his toe coru-s in contact with toe unobserved hose and he fl ips to the aidewalk alter an ungraceful mid-air pigeon wing Some day the oonnty any pay a snug turn to placate an .rate's bruises. Kard on tha Avanne, f Srown UooJ morning, Mr. Jonei. I ton that you are weanug glasses. How much uid they cost yonf Jones Thii tceu dollars. Brown How is that? Jouiia 1 paid tS for examination and to for the .'lasses, ami tu,.y nre nj aatufau tory at that. By the way, what did your ilatsei cost? Brown Four dollars only, Miue were purchased of Dr. Bi itnberg, of 305 Spruco meet, who examines eyeg frea aud gnar antoes every 1 air of glasses to bo satisfac tory . T'.uMo S'.xaa Excloalrtly. ToM nied. May any de-ired number of tnuea. tlntitschi & Souk,, manufacturers, IbUrChextnut street, Phi'.adtdphia. Won rlerlul orcbeatrial organs only t.1 and (PI. hpecialty: Old mu-ic boxes carefully re paired und improved with new tuues. ' Resifui. to tired toilers, bread from 1 ili-bipv'a llt. mado B' E SATISFIED with nothing but the best. You will be satisfied if you call on J. BOLZ and get some of the bargains he is offering. A $5 Coat for $1.49. A $7 Coat for $3. A Fino BlackClay Worst ed Coat for $5, worth $12. Ladio3' Cap33,allshad33, for 98c. Ladies' Tailor-mads Suits for $4.75, worth $9. STORED and INSURED IF AL'IERED BY U3. FREE OF CHARGE During tho Summer. a 133 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME SANK. 128 Vyominn; Avo. Hip Pads, Stocking Supporters, AND A LARGE VARIETY OF REAL SHELL PINS W--V.ig. ' BI HATS mm uSM. AT 0 TITT1T1T1 n vv. 't.'i.i' "T.j. v 1 n 1 1 ni r.i v iatWift' 1 1 1 Ml IV .A K' 17 i 11 11 ir Cor, Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. Furs H L Aw V. lows Nobody Any Good