The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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&3e cranfon nStme
nfaiia tnuii Tmu auueiae.
hav. MsNSasa
rwM ft
''I'rliiters' ink," Ilia recognlsm! Journ4
for advertisers, rain the ht'KANTuM
Till 111' NE as I lie best advertising- medium
lu Northeastern l'euusylTanla. "Printers'
Iuk" knowa.
N HIa-"V
for Coternor;
lr t'KNVKU.
For Lint ten ant Governor:
or Ali.iuulny.
forAvdilor General:
for Secretary of ltemnl A ffnlrt:
for Congteiimntii-aULarqe:
Election Time, Kov. a
A ringing veto of the tariff bill,
coupled with the candid confession
that the Democratic misfits in congress
ure incompetent to meddle with the
question, would nave 0 rover Cleve
land's reputation and revive the
drooping business interests of this vh
tirnized nation as if by magic; but
Cleveland is not built of the metal nec
essary to do it.
Lynching, and the Negro.
Eepreseutative Blair, of New Hamp
shire, did not succeed in getting the
tariff-mad congress to consider his
resolution providing that the com
missioner of labor be directed to inves
tigate and report in regard to assault,
by men upon women throughout the
country during the last ten years
which have led to unlawful violence
in the way of punishment and also to
report other facts in regard to lynch
ings. Consequently we must witness
the curious anomaly of an investiga
tion of this American subject con
ducted under the auspices of a society
of English philanthropists at whose
head Is a British duke.
It is, perhaps, Just as well, however,
that the collection of data touching
this phase of current crime should
have been left to non-partisan and im
partial agencies. The lectures of a
young colored woman, Miss Ida Wells,
upon this subject have recently awak
ened exceptional Interest in it. Miss
Wells, in defense of her own racp, con
tends with a ce tnlti degn e of vehe
mence that a liiriiu prniioitinii of the
crimes attributed in the press ilis
patches to negro ii-m.-iil mis should
properly be attiilmted to Caucasian
brutes who use tho negro n- a shield.
It Is also her contention tiiat the per
centage of violent ciimes of this char
acter committed by negroes in the
south is little, If any, larger than t lie
percentage of those committed by
whites; but she charges ihe southern
people with concealing the evil deeds
of the whites and of magnifying the
evil deeds of the negroes to such an ex
tent that a startliugly large number of
Innocent negroes are annually lynched
in order that guilty whites may go
Miss Wells, as a witness o this sub
ject, is doubtless herself given to ex
aggeratlon, conscious or unconscious,
It mny be safely ofllr ncd, however,
that lynch law, hasty, iiiful and pas
eionateasit Is, form an exceedingly
unreliable tribunal for the trial of
crimes against the person. Whether
lynch law ill orcan be ever suppressed
In sections where the Illiteracy of both
whites and blacks Is large,ls a question
we are unprepared to answer. The
black man is the victim of circum
stances that In the abstract entitle him
to great sympathy; but this sympathy,
among the majority of whites, seldom
takes a concrete form south of the
Ohio river; and the racial antipathy
mus evuienceu snows little lr any
signs of yielding. The future may
educate and uplift the southern freed
man so that he will not be a frequent
victim of lynch law; but those who
expect such a state of aflairs to materi
alize duiing the lifetime of this gen
eratlon are exceedingly optimistic.
One of the piteous disappointments
of this administration has been the
decline and fall of Daniel 8. Lamont,
THE EXPERIENCE of having to feel
grateful to a pack of legislative high
waymen for having at last effected a
compromise with their suffering vic
tims whereby they consent to let the
interrupted business activities of the
people proceed after having mulcted
them to the combined satisfaction of
the socialists and the trusts Is such a
novel thing In our history that we
must be allowed time in which to get
accustomed to it.
It MAYposslbly beHoward Mtitchler
was unaware that Pike and Carbon
were loaded.
Out with the Anarchists.
Congress ought not to adjourn with
out passing Senator Hill's bill to keep
anarchists out of this couutry. This
meusure has been indorsed by the
state and treasury departments and by
an overwhelming proportion of the
American newspapers. It provides
for inspectors to be stationed at the
principal ports of departure from the
other side of the ocean, and no Immi
grant is to be permitted to laud unless
supplied with a certificate of approval
from oue of , thi'se limpd'tors. Aiiar
ch'itta und other utitltMralile characters
who may have eflei'ted a lundiiiK i
Ameriea lire to beri-turned tn 'lie place
whence they eiiilmrkeil, hikI hhucoiiiI
attempt on Uit'ir Hi t to laud in tills
Oolllltry Will ColHtitlltdMIl titlVu- pun
mlmlile by liiipriHiiiiint'iit.
There nulw dy of proni'm'iH in
thU country ri'tidv' to defend the an
uivhist, 1I is mi ler tho Imu every
where. Smiii Fiance will exHl him
and then lie will In take liiiimlf lo I lie
"land of lilierty O'Toks the hcu" wIudhs
liberty lie will use us u mIiMiI to murderous-
jilottiiiKM und incentliary eon
(piracies. Wo have ignored tho itn
archiHt long enough. Ho is a danger
that is getting larger with age; and the
sooner we buckle down to our clear
duty in the pivniim'H and both kick
and keep him out, the sooner will our
sleep at nights lie more peaceful ami
our activities by day gain iu tranquil
ity and lose in bloody frictions.
OnoAXiZEi) ignorance, prejudice
and vice have won a Kiilistuiiiinl vic
tory in that portion of the Democratic
tariff which taxes incomeH; organized
greed, In tl);it portion of it which en
riches the t ugar trut at the expeune of
the American consumer.
Sons of Secrcy.
The desire to reform the economic
ills of popular government by hailing
signs and ptisswonlsappcars to be upon
the iuerease in this happy land of com
mon liberty and equal rights. The
latest addition to the number of grand
secret societies formed for the double
purpose of rectifying the blunders of
the ages and likewise of supplying oc
cupations and salaries to their unself
ish promoters is of California birth and
has aims that, like their parentage, are
glittering in tlieir elfulgeiiee. Tho
name of the ucw order is the "United
Sons of America;" its emblem, tho
Stars and Stripes and the ktteis "U.
y. A." The organization, ue arc fur
ther told, is
loyul, imriotlc, political naM. a il nil I
Uoii-eeannau. It is weret ar:l has duns,
i assword-, etc, 1:h constitution provides
for complete citv, county, ion Tt-s-dotiiil
Hud uuiiouitl iirg ,nlH inn, ui.d tim e
ample rovisio:ni tor fund iiec esary to
Carry inn mm umiutnln i Ins pl.t ot orit'iii-
IZ'lll'Hl llllll l'T OOU !UC ill - US I'nUllMlgns.
Its prmnutrrn art rill miviit ilvr woi,
mill usk in dor will uU ' a nard Ik'bl fui
the tree cmi una f llwr. It will hid T-e
sueh I'lunlitliiifM ot all p r 1 1 h u nre in (ml
aeconl wilU Its prlneipiei, unit wuer
thvM n o IhcIiIuu it will hoiuitist cumli-
Jiites of lis own. Thi prim iul s of lin-
order demaud tUe eimu meut uml eutortv-
leeiit ot Uwh fir llm equal proteelicin of
labor mid ei.piu), n;ul fur tuu ttrbltriitinu
ot nil uitToreuues lwtwn"ii employer ioel
euipoie. declaring nain-t tlw importa
tion oi rue ij loririll irtu ir Nil I nijHlll'H
rjiilii p,il of Ix-u '. mid calls lor thu
Hbnoliiii! emit ill by tUe u-overiilUi--ut of nil
rui n id i l 'i'pii lines.
Already, we are assured, "thousands
of jinmilueiit business men throughout
California and the west are enrolling
themselves ninong its nieniliersh'p,"
and in a comparatively short time it
will, of course, "revolution! poll ies."
This is the regulation formula. Were
the new order t i lie heralded In a in in
ner different . from this style, it might
prove too great a shoek to the routine-
In in ; readers of newspapers, who ex
pect "revolutions" in politics with as
much lond regularity and, mnl'er-of-taet
earnest Hess as they do changes in
the moon's ihu-e-i and alternations in
the seasons sis-akiiii;, the
Uiiiti'd Kons i f Ani' iic.i wniiid do we l
lo iinilc'rstanii, llrst and linallv, that
tho temper of the times is not aus
picious lor oaili-iiouipi political organi
sations. If their objects in life lire not
fit to be exhibited and defended
frankly and fairly in the open, they
hud belter change them and notseik
their nchlevciiient by means of plot
and intrigue carried on behind bailed
The fit'GOKSTiox of Frederick- t)oii
lass and others tl'iit a inomiment do
erected to John Bown at, 11 irper's
l'crryhiis nwa eiud coiiiilcrulile in
terest among (Irand Armv men. H
seems strange iii'leed that in ihevnr
ions incmoiial enterprises of the past
thirty years, in u hicli lilting triluncs
have been paid to the heroism of many
of the country's defenders, t lie great
martyr in the cuu-e of froeilom should
have lieen forgotten. John Brown's
methods may not have been in stiict
accord with law and order us inter
preted by the courts in slave holding
states, but there is no disputing the
fact that he was a hero and that his
action at Harper's Ferry hastened by a
number of years the emancipation of
the American slave. In the distri
bution of monuments let not the first
great martyr iu the cause of freedom
be forgotten.
Under date of Aug. 3, Candidate
Slmrerly's paper, In an inspired dis
patch ' from Washington, announced
thnt "tho house conferrees, backed up
by tho house and tho president, have
forced the senate conferrees, bucked up
by the senate, to make numerous al
terations In the somite hill, which tiie
conservatives and Republicans paid
must never be changed. Jt is a sub
stantial victory."! I recisely ten days
later the house swallowed tho senate
bill unaltered lu a single syllabic, and
left the "cuckoo" organs, of which the
riiihidtlphla Record was chief, to
wriggle as best they might out of an
utterly unnecessary hole, dug by their
own stupid distortions of foreseen
The Democratic party has "held
Up" the business Interests of the couu
try so long and fo relentlessly that
many merchants are seemingly glad to
get relief even by handing over a k.t
Xentuge of their incomes.
Mb. Cleveland might secure re
venge as a last resort by stripping
Viceroy Wilson of bis yellow jacket.
F.CKliKY B. CoXK Is quite content to
let Willie limes pay the funeral ex
penses in Luzerne.
Optimists are already predicting
that with the tariff "hold up" relaxed
business' will boom. They teem to
forget that , business would soon have
boomed of its own imperative necessi
ties without all Ihls long wrangle ; and
that the Infinite anxieties and almost
infinite losses of the past fifteen months
have befallen In conequeuce of a need
less threat, uttered by Democratic
high way ujou lutent solely on personal
The Democratic pirty Is the Jesse
J ones ot" American isilitics; but it will
never iil'iiiii play and win so audacious
a I'l iillileuce game on the American
Hrkt TTahtk hciran writing when
but eleven ears of age. It will thus
be seen that Bret lias much more lo
answer for than many have supposed.
The one cheerful retrospect lu the
whole gloomy episode Is the relatively
minor fact Hint tlm Nova Heotiau syn
dicate "got beautifully left."
An elevator and a walk at the
government building will be thank
fully received as two of Democracy's
part efforts at atonement.
Our interesting friend,MaJor Sam
Losch, of Schuylkill, promises at this
rate soon to become a connoisseur in
the matter of political defeats.
We trust that drover Cleveland
has conned well the teachings of his
; exuberantly solicited "object lesson."
Gettysburg may have done as a
field of battle; but as a pleasure resort
it seems to be a doubtful success.
Democratic I'kv.tknse will lie care
ful in future campaigns to secrete its
balance sheets.
David B. ILms latest attitude
seeiiis to bo that he can stand it if the
others can.
The TROuni.E in I'ittston appears to
consist largely of an overplus of misfit
llnward Mntcbler's Carbiin county lieu
tenant, Oeorno V. Eoier, freb from ibe
scene of lis munipln at Wilke-Uarre
lnit wt-ek, w bero Le liclpel to nominate
I. is Henub iiaii brother-iu-luw, Jonn L.ei
ennug, ran up ainust an utiexpecteu Ui?-
teit at iiiHiii'U eiintia Mounay, wnou
hobert Klutz ccllle'l the Cai bju crcrea
sional cnnferriiei niiiin-t L. 11. liiirber, by
a voi e of 44 V to 'hrt only scaip
iliud bv the B'r factioD wa tho ebair-
inanalilp nf tbe r uiay coiniimtee, wbicb
vteut to fbomas B. ('nii. tue aaine
day returns from 1'ike conu y shoed
that the i.i to'i vili.or-coiiKressiua i unu
lo t Unit last hope. Ko:binir abort of a
iniri.cle can u w, it seems, bring ab ut
how ard .viutculerN r"iioiniuation, ileapue
the fuct that a inoiitl. Hit be Hpeeur-d ai'
iiiont invini ib e. It h in order to trot out
tbe fmi.iliar , inetiii bor ubout tho nucer-
titiutied ol pulliici.
A special di patch from Pittsburg quotes
S"i retarr E X. Itandoluli ( tbe State
Leiigue ot liepublu an clubs a o iiiflriniug
the previous auuoiiiiceuie it thai itiipre
ainiliiiive Jack Uobi win. ot Midia, would
uot be a ramliitatii for re election to tbe
league pro Jdeucy. The iliimtch says tba
Vice tfre-i'lent Ever tt Warren of tbi
city in regiii dud as m t likely to be bis
Major Satu Lncb'a defeat In Schuylkill
lor tbe congressional tiomiimUoii comes lu
tbe naturn of a familiar ex erieuc -. It
bus been the mnjnr IncK ot receut yearn
to he deleuied quiie a otten a-t to be mic
cesblul; uevurtuelusH, he i-i a plucky U iter
who neV'T savs die. 'fun tune .i nj
Li fell bad tbe b n -tit of tue active suii-
pi rt of iieeotmiy oignnzation, I' Clil llu
s veral ieiul. in ot I 11 euio wh i Had
liHU'rlo been bis lee, 'i'lio htipeii
eirei.jttli of X- el gu -iiih:i itriliu.n, of
iiini r.-Ville, lu IU- Inge to -.v us of the
cu my, iio ever,ovriiiiaiitl tue inaj ir'g
i ml in i he mini i.nericti-, and the luttt-i
Fuecumbud j;i no fully on tue tiiat but. at.
A f, ature i f t!i iichuy kill Ripubli
c in iD'.vuetioU was I Lei airing plat
t 'im Hdojiied. I.i it was tins plank
siipiiiio nit by leiiion or thu a
Hoi oihL'iy vrf'ii (jated piipiiailnu: Kb'
koIv.i1, ihut ivhiie we weieouu lo our
eluT.-.i all persons eiulgMi iuk frnin
foici(;n ln:idilio -ek Ameriiau I.i Ilio:
mid are U ted by p iueiple au l tcuc:i
li g to i ecoiue true Am tic u cull n, we
coudni i such livvsa permit til l'iioiant,
anaicuiiil a ml cilmiiinl clnsKea ifotbe
lauds to B'tt; here, a id st t luifn t, law
s leu Id on eu'ic'ed to prevent sU'b from
roiil. ig here. Wo le oin ii.-iid that ex
aiiiiiiniioiis i t the emigrant sinuia ne
made before be uibiilE and that heavy
l 'iialtl b ' provld 'il lor Ihu failur to eu
toici- sucb w o.esoui' lawn," Auuturr
iMercsiin plunk ns this one, mude
iloliblc e.i by t ie ni';iein W mhlngt"!!
since its aoop Ion: "lUj-ilven, mat we
regard i he ninth non-id ; brire, Vaulf is
tin rn,' as used bv iln i. moc tic par y, as
a Klialn, a luniii aril il'.eillotue volei
uu I v,e iillhlii ti ls fuel the mine p si iv. ly
u w, hiii. cli. e I aolug I em i botu
lii'iis. of ciiuuh-ih a... I hoj the t'lesi'lrut
binelf, mest ihai th.v do u t k.i w
what it ni n. s nut t.e Voter shoUid no
longer ie lui lud tuer by."
Thsronllniiel nil eitiibity as tn whffhe
x-VI e i'lesiileut iloi ion, of New Yurs,
wi.u a e n-eitt to i.-.m ins party to vict iri-
as its cauiii aie fi r govi ur in tue E:n
pire state, n iiifoiceil, permips by certain
elements ol oppi R.lioa to bun Hint bav.
beeu crowing us convention day dfawi
ueur, has loi I its eflei t in el cii iti t a formal
Htiiiouni'oiuent by ex-.-enati r J. Moat
Fan-eU, of Elmlrii, that he will be a can
diiliit" him !!. "i. Hindi go before (but
ci iivention," he n c nri d la Now York
Momlay, "una candidate for governor. I
have no hoMWi'iiiii lu Bnyl g that. 'J h-i e
Is no ren"n v hr 1 auou.d ii 't tak my
i lenut. ami the party Into my eonll leiice.
Tbe ion itious now are ol i ii- t tbe same
as in ISUI, only they are br nl-'tiel and iu
teusitloil, and my fnnds wuo were witti
rue t lieu ure anxious t h it 1 abould be
caniiiuaiH now." innsmucn as tue ex-
aeuutor Is yoiing, we.diliy, bniiiUom elo
quent, enlli. st and peiauuully popular.
there wouin seem to uj a nur hii w
reaiou In his ambi.ion to retrieve tbe de
feat which Flower g ive to hi in turee years
ai(o, aud incidentally lo get in line for the
Republican presidential liyhtuing two
ycurs bi uoe.
In fnr awav
lirosiei-qua Cnthay,
VbiTe tbe b o sings ull night
In a willow tree
Liy n lad, S'llt ihu,
Crave niHii weui fonb to fight,
There where LI UuugCJhuiijf
Ami IZi Wun l.nng
Aud b Id t'nee t hi Choo Cham,
With (Jhaiig Wong Uhiug
And fiam Woy Mi a
AnnCeico Vab Wee Woo Warn.
There was hword nor gun,
liul each brave oue
A tom-tom wildly beat.
And they all cri-d "llool"
At tbe foe aud fl w
To fe a d snug re leat,
'J her- were LI Hung Chung
'And Ki Wun Lnug
And bold tbeet'bl i!linn Cbnm,
W Ii h Una iu Wong thing
Aud Sera Jlov blug
And fierce Wan Was Won Warn.
Mn Mood was spilled,
No on was kill"'!,
Dut they ail march' d home once more,
, And to this d iv tell
II w they d ove pell-mell
The foe from tuelr -acred shore.
'there were LI Haof Ohunjr
Aud Ki Wnn Lung
And bold Cue Chi Choo Cbnm, 1
Witu L'baiig Wang Chlng
Aud bam My Hlng
And flero Vv aii Wee Woo Warn,
i Chicago Journal
Appor ionmani of B-publioan B priiin
ifttloD AraoDf tha V iou Dintiict .
Pu iiunt to meeting of the RpublU
on Cuiimy commute .rid on July 14th,
Ib04. t e t'onuiy CoOTnllnn wi I b
h .it on Tut-hUay Ssptemlier 4 ta, 1694. st 10
o'clis It a. ui., iu Uie lourl bmi-e m Sumu
o.ii, lor Hi, of plticinK iu noniiiia
i u c tidal o , r lie loll .wing Uuiu -d
efd to I v.'ted f ruMlie UrXl n'-io-ril
r.H. lii.u to bo bell N. VSUib'T tt.ll, ls1:
Cot'iirms, E rfw tU dinriei; JihIk-, Foriy-
Oltli Jlllililiil llt I let ; slieiltr, Irea-U'.r.
lerk if courts , rotbouotary. dimrict at-
ruey, levorderot deods, ri;iiierot wills,
I'd jury couiiuiB-louer.
Viuilauca committees will bold deUgnta
rleeuouii on b iturdny, 8 ptember 1st, ley.
oetwi-Fu tUe buun or 4 auu 7 p. iu, iu.t
wilt also give at least two ilnys public
notice of the lime aud plao tor boldiug
id elerttoui.
Kacb election district ihould elict at tie
aid delegate elecliou, two quullllvd pur
loin to nerve as vigilance commit tee for one
year, and Litre Uit'ir uauipi eertiflud to, on
the credentla s of deleiiate to tue Uuuuty
Ibe r-Dreoentntlon of deleeittei to the
County Convention is btsed npon the vote
east lam fall tor Fell, caudiduie for judge
of lupreaie court, be being tba bigbrst
officer voted tor at aaid it ate elfouoti.
Under tills rule the several election tiixtricU
are euutledtu rtprnsoutatlou us follow.
Arehbald borough -
Istdist , 1 1
iiddist i
lat ward, 1st dl-tt.. II
1st ward, 'ini dint.. I
'il ward 1
1 11 uiat I
Uilward 1 Olyebaut buroub
Binkulv lioroub
ward 1
im warn z
I ward 'i
-d ward ii! ixl ward
jiaward 1 Raiiamn t'lwudliio.
D t iu.iiily..., i HcrauKiu c ty
lliflou towiisiiip. ... II
I'oviuntnii t wnalliu 1
lat waid, lit d St..
1st ward, 2d dine.
1st ward, il l diat..
2d ward, 1st dint.,
lid W..M. ltd
2d ward, d dist...
li t ward. 4: li dist..
2d ward, At h dit . .
Ud ward, 1st diat..
ild ward. 2d dist...
4th ward. 1st dibt..
4t'i ward, 2d dist.,
4ib ward, 'id ilist..
4in ward, 4th diat..
bthward, l-tdlst..
Mil ward, M,
6tb wurd, ttd diat..
fit h ward. Ull disc.
Mil ward, Istdist..
(Ith ward, 2 1 dist. .
"til ward, Istdist..
Tth ward, 2d dist..
7tb w ird, ltd dit..
Stli ward, Istdist..
Mn wa d. :ddt..
lilh ward, lardist..
C'arboud Jo towu.-biy
iM.rineasE aiht.... n1 1
.No. ad at 1
CnrbouUale city
lat waul, 1st diat.,
lat ward, M d St..
Xd ward, lat (lint..
i.M ward, it . diht...
I'd ward, ud dnt...
IM ward, M di-t..
ikl ward, iiddist...
11 1 ward, 3d Uiat...
tti wind, lit dint..
4th ward, -d
4:h var l, lid dint.,
fitn ward, laid t..
iitb wurd, 2 I Out..
Ill li ward. Istoiit..
lirh ward, 'iti d St..
Licks 'U l ity boio
ihc waru
d waid
Iluumoro lioroutib
lit waru, Ixt li st..
Is ward, iiU d t..
id ward, hit dbit..
lid w.nd, M dlsL..,
lid war'i, 1st dial,.,
3d ward, ii-l diat...
ild ward, d diat...
Kin warn, M uihs.. ii
p.l h wurd ii
lltu wurd, 1st. Hit. 2
Uili ward, lHt His; 1 :
lllth ward. 2d dU. 2!
4tbward I
tit i ward
hi h ward, Ut dim..
Utu war i. 'i i diat..
l .th ward, ltd dist
14th ward, 1st dist 2
1 th ward, 2d 2
Pith ward, 1st uiit ii
l .th Ward, iddiht, 2 1
Eluihum; owunkip,
t ell t'lwuship
is aist
2d . 1st
ltd diat
I ilui waid. 1st dist t
liiih wain, 2ddl-t. 2
Wth ward, 1st 2
IV til war I. 2d 3
idtliward 1
inch wurd, 1st d ut 2
lUtli wird, 2d uist. 1
IDili waid, 11 ihst, I
iuiu Ma d, 4th hist 1
2iltb w id. 1st disc 1
2 ith Ward, 2d dist, 1
Uitu ward, M (list. 1
2 st ward 1st di.t. 1
21sl waid, td dist . 2
Gluiiliurii li'iro iitb.,
(loiildboro bor' ugh
nn -id townsii u
Jettm son township.
i io , u ooi ougu
lt ward
'M ward
ild ward
LackaWhiiua towns'p
xtortuust., ,.,..
hOllt'l dint
Went dit
K st dnt
Ncriheiat dist...,
HouiliWfS dUt
, Ab:iiKt"U towiis p 2
1 Hprlngilrook t'wu p 1
I s) ott township 2 :
I'Wav r y hoiouijh... 1 1
I a Pi. irue bur u -h.
Leh h townhi'....
1 Wiii'on norouKii
Mi.UiHun t.iwu hlji.,
Maj II Id hoiougn,,,
tiewto.i tv. nsii.p. ,,
IS. Al liiKt'n inn ns'n
2d dist...
' Otal....
Old Form township
D. W
j. w. BrtoWNivo,
ew rat ry.
PAINT cracks. It
often costs more to prepare a
house for repainting that lias been
painted in t!io fiat place with thcap
ready-mixed paints, than it would
to liave painted it twice with strict
ly pure white lead, ground in pure
linseed oiL
Strictly Pure
White Lead
form9 a permanent base for repaint
ing and never has to be burned or
scraped o(T on account of scaling
or cracking. It i9 always smooth
and clean, io Le sure of getting
strictly pure white lead, purchase
any of the fallowing brands:
"Atlantic," "Beymsr-Baunun,"
"Jawott," " Davis-Chambers,"
" Fabnestock," '' Armntronj le Kcelvy."
For Colors. Nat'onsl Lend Co's Pure
V.'biM Lead T iit nit Colors, a om-pound run
lo a J3-p.'iii.d Ici-k of Lead r.nd m jorronn
I lints. Savis Innt anil si.tioyani't in Iran liniK
fhldri, mid iinuirs tlu bvst ia. ul thai it in iui
F l ie to pat on wood.
Srmi us a tiostal rnl anil fet nnr honk rn
.mils und color-card, net; u will pruUblyuvs
you a good many dollars.
Jrnt fcreft a tilo nw Un of SILK
SHADES In choice color and aiylta
Our stark of Bniqnt, Piano ami
Parlor Lump' ia couiietu.
lllliind China, Ctrlibi1 an'1 Am- r
lean Cliimi, Dinimr ami Ten 8hi in
many styles; also a nnniber of open
stock tattr from which yoo can
teltot wbHt pinre you waut.
Sc CO.
422 Lacka. Avenue,
w ;.?
For many years tills Piano hns stood In the front ranks. It has been admired so 'mncb for Its
pura, rich tone, that it las bi-oorae. a standard for tone quality, until it Is considered tUo highest com
pliment that can le paid any Piano to say "It resembles tha WEEER."
We now have the full control of this llano for this section as well M many other floe Pianos
Which we are selling at greatly roduood prions and on eaiy monthly
ur goods and get our prices
ratle Invigorators In Dress Goods
, New Fabrics and prices that will arouse the lethargy ot
between. season trade and set all shrewd buyers to thinking.
How long can these low prices last?
LOT 1 All-Wool French Serges, Hop Sackings and
Chevron Mixtures, 40 inches wide, actual value 50c.
Frice for a fsw days only . . , , .
LOT 2 Consists of 65 pioce3 of the latest novelties
in Illuminated Jacquxrd and Covert Effacts. Fra9
Wool Frice
LOT 3 Comprises all of New Triton, Vicuna, Mel
rose and Vigilant Suitings strictly all-wool and
silk and wool, at tin invigorating price of
This will be an
j glimpse of what is going to be worn for
; coming falL
xL ic tors
7ith the New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are male
inj extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
CM Laclia.
A Full Assorlant
A 590 pi-;? 10x12 KojIc, boun-J
In cloth, sheep b.ick ami corners,
guaranteed tt give satisfaction,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bros.
ttatlomrs end Ennrvirs,
317 Lackawanna Avs.
Dr. Hill G Son
t tss-th, IW; bt sat, 11 for BOH
Srid troth witliont (ilatfM, Palle t rrowa anj
brid work, call for priesa and rafera .ans.
aONAWlA, for ixtruotmg WoUl wituoul
pain. Moatbar. Kogaa.
Y. M. C. A.
Letter Ccoying Boo
interesting week throughout to catch a
Brothers &
ioo .sen.
I Shoe Store
S Ee'.liaj Agents,
I 227 Lack Ave.
w-t '
At Greatly reduced Prices
Creain Freszars,
Foote & Shear Co.,
518 LA ( U.S.. AVE.
"Jenny Lini" Cantelonpss.
Green Corn ani Tomatoes,
Lima Beans, Plant, etc.
and Get the
Best. .
paymoatl Doo't buy uutll you auo
3 5c
dresses during the
x J
!."( Spci St Dp. Tribune lies
In addition to the flnpst Una of Nrw Whasls on tha
li'arket, wo ofl'sr tha Mnwina; Bpac al Biriraiia for
Aiwust: 1 8t arns Bpscial, I ''mon 'iie'lal, 1 ImpiriaL
8 a.'tr-landi, II M il-stlc, 1 VI' to , 2 Hickori aad Col-
all iu portect C"D.ition. PriciM from ty
18 to
ui.ll auu S'.rure a Kennina baruain
Don't Forget It.
or ine-
Scranton Press Club
Lake Ariel, Tuesday, Aug. 14
From Jim or single ah II to tba big- elirht.
la.eil s til. cn.upetjd lu bjr al1 iba best raw
Lg clubs nud uaiamau iu America, and
Butwoon Attompv C. Pmith's "Klvln C1oll(!
and Csiitalu Jo aib Qrseubalifb'a "Arial," ot
awara, is, d.
futiL mux nton all roiurs.
Prnm SiTsntou. Dunmora. Avo,a. Plttston
and 1'urt Blan lisrd Adults. si; childran.iMc.;
sVKK-ial E. ic W. V. train. From Oirliou lala,
ll.wi; N: ya id, l. 16; Jsrmyn, 1. IU; Arch
il d. wintun, Prk villa. Olyptisnt and 1'rioa
b ii I, (I i spiTisl D. A H. train. From Ply-
mouiu junction, tlkas-Hsrr. Parsons anil
Mmsrs' Mil It. S125: i. ul Iv A H. tr.l,.
From Honratlala and Wblta Mills, 7.'joi from
H winy, .ie.! si. ll E. ft W. V. train. Sura
train service borne in the svnninc.
tint, your tickeis early aud avoid tha excur
sion day rusti.
Wat. h iiearttianrr local eolninna for othpr
Veterinary Surgaon and
Veterinary Dentist.
Prnmpt attention to oalla for treatment ot
all doni'tstlo auimula.
Vrt 'rlnsry Modlninptnarafully comDonndel
and for sale at raaeouable prieoa.
Offlec st tbe Bluuio Carrisfr Work, lil
DlX l OUSr, Bcrautoa. wuare 1 direct aboe-
iUK afuruooua.
Oradttnta of ths Amorioan Veterinary Col
leva and th Columbian Kthanl of Dniniun-
lire Ms liplns.
Well, Sir!
Yes, sir! We
Lava a special
ist here to fib
you who does
nothing else.
Sit right down
I f r T and have your
f If eyes fitted la
ascientltto mannor.
Inserted In THE TRIBUiNS ftt ttl