The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1894, Page 2, Image 2
TJJE SCIiANTON- TRIBEN"E WEDNESDAY ITOUNINO, AUUSUT 15. 1894. BASE m3 Lam aama The R.juTcnatcd Scraaton Team Los.s 0.; Mora Game to Bili.o. - EOT BV A VERY NARROW KM Wllkes-Barra Plny Ball and Wins an Exciting Eleven-Inning Game from Providonce Syracusa Loses to Erie and Elnghamton to Spring field Standing of the Clubs Na tional and State League Results. Base Ball Gossip. ATE was against tbs Scrautnns yes terday, urn! they lost h stubbornly con tilted fr-me wltb the DnlTalo club, l'ravid e ti ce lost a well i'l ny-l Mine to ilk'-Barr- L(Ttt, the I'rovideuce uiieher, loslni? the first game, tin season tu the league in whicb h b is offi'dits 1 in tli twlrler's box. Erie ami S ringtt lit were the other Eastern leantie victor, the former winning from Syracuse aud the Utter from Binghamton. Tbe percentages of the ciuls, tiutu btr of games won and Inst by each, and their standing In tbe league race, follows; Von. Lost. Providence M lip, Buffalo 3 44 r'crsnton 44 M9 Erie...;.... 41 !!7 Wilkes-Barre... 41 40 Syracuse 43 44 Springfield 41 44 Blughamton.... V3 61 Per Ct. .640 .Ml! .5;w .JW5 .5im .4S8 .4SJ .'J74 OUR CLUB BRACING UP. Ten Iuninas Were Necsssary to Xfat the Ciihill. Yesterday Buffalo, N. Y , Aug It. It took tan inniugs to decide tbe contest of tbis afternoon and tbe Bisons pounded a victory when Q'lnrlvs left bis nerve Boyd liti fled to right and Holl-r to left and then O'Brien piloted the ball to center, and the winning rnn came In. Daly and O Brien collided in tbe fifth inning and the former was so badly shaken up that be bad to retire from tbe gam It was this circum stance that tv- tna visitors tbe leud. Attendance 1.403. The .cure. SCEAXTOX. 11 r 0. A. 0 C y Caliill. 2b Johnsoa, cf 1 Patrheu, c 1 Hoover, If 0 Rogers, rf 0 Lehne, lb 0 (Smith, as 1 Hick.-y, 3b. 3 Quarles, p 'i i ti a o l 4. J 17 o 0 1 3 2 (i Totals 9 .None oat when winning rnu was made. BUFFALO. P.O. o 6 it I 3 6 3 1 1 A. O 1 0 0 0 2 0 4 0 2 E. 0 c 0 0 0 u 0 ( 0 0 O'Brien, 2b 3 Drauby, lb. Uoiiinn, it.... Daly, rf Urqnai t. rf ... Dowse. 8b.... Clymer, of.;. Leweej", '. .. Boyd, c,.;..,. Hoffer p Tok!s ... I I 10 30 S f 0- t 1 - ll . . . Fcrin'on...l Buffulo ... .4 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 1) 3 0 0 0 8 0 I I) turned rnus fVra'iton. 0; Buff 'I TMt on bn- S ran' ". tt; BuiT'il Flirt base on b ill Oft Q iarie H, ;'Hc,1tT 8. 8trncn out 3v Q urle i off lV Holier 4. Tlire-bi-e Tv7 -ba-e bitn J .hnmiii, H i.iVer, Houers, Hickey 2, Q mirlH. O HriMii, C'yinor. Stolen baa tt.fhfn, 0'drj!i 2, C . li im, Duly, CIvniMr. D iil!e pinvn UrMUi ', Lewi-eH. Hoffi-r, Lew. o1, Dr .ubv. Hi W pirri pr Patch, n, llo ivcr. Wild I itoli 6 Q.iarles. Uiuj ir OoeschiT. " lime 2:10. WHKtS. BARE WO STS PRC VI0EN! It Took Elovnn laninee to Wr.t h Oem- from the Champion. WiLKES-BaRRI?, Ailrf. 11 The L ,d ers of tne iiaKOe had a Kre it el- ven Inninf battle to. lav with Wilkes Barre. Lofett being in the box for tilt visitors He loat liii Dm g m-. Men kin tiitched for the "oun trf in a muRnifiVent gtm', r.cdviiiK aim mt perfect support, 'lbe f-atnre of the game were Knight's Doldinit, Lytle'r work at sesond and tbrei dnume play by the Proldenoe inftnld. Attendee , on. W1LKE8-BARRE. PKOVIDEXCE. H. H o a. e Tyttle, 2b..l f I 4 I Pettlt, n..i t t 3 0 HtcuniMbi 2 11 a 0 I.RZi.Ue.rf.O 12 0 0 h. ii. o. a. a. I.vom. cf..O 2 8 l)ilu'i.;)h..l i 1 8 1 12 2 1 4 1 2 0 a 1 o Knlfrht. If. .11 Koirers. lb.0 Pe tu, rf...l 8 8 0 Oill. n.3 b. .1 0 1 2 Hwa, rf....O 0 4 0 Wrner.c.n 2 8 1 ileakin, p.. I 0 0 4 0IO on y,as 1 a.i.ii i. i Murray.rf 0 .Mci a'l'v.c.l OILovett, p...l Totals.. .. 12 33 17 2 Totals... 6 11 33 Ifl Wi!kes-Prre..2 021000000 1-6 Providenoe....0 80001 1000 0 8 Earned rnna Wlll.-a-Ila rn, ft: rriVidenre, 8. Left on b.a.-Wilkca-llarrn, tl: Pinrinniira, 8. Bnae on halls Off Mo kin, 5: off l.ovwt. 4. Struck out-Hem, Jl. akin, BogHmX'. oney. Thre baae lilta Dixon. i wo l ane lnia Htrlcker, Htrna Hacrlflro Mia-Olllnn, Wamer. Stolen 1 aaei oonnv, McChiiIo,-, Warner, llonl.le playa-IM n 1 1 Strlrlr. r to Ko((pr, 2 I ,y ni to R icra. Kit by 1 1 irber t'o ney. Umpire -Pn.'dor. Tirae-2 iM. "these Are My Jewels,'' said the Koman matron, pointing to her " children. The joy ol motherhood is oiten paid for by the loss of strength. The Hum mer is so weakening to tho mother so trying to tho child. A little of Johaun Hoffs Malt Extract taken by the mother gives her strength and allays the poevih riessofthe child.' Look for the signature of "Johaun Hoff" on neck label. None other is genu nine. Eisner & Mendalson Co., Sole Agents, New York. s 0TH-.R LAST tRiS UiGJi REiUlTi. At Erie Erirt ;...8 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 P 14 H.uecue. 0 0 0 0 0 l) 0 (I 3- '! Hit Erie. 17: Syracuse. (I. Errors Erie, 0; Hy recuse, Si. ll.itiei ie li rnthm nud Beiger; Barui'tt and lies , Uuipbe bwarwood At IJiunbiimton niiLliant.n..l 0 0 3 3 1 ft 8 0-11 hpiii gliel I....I 1 U n II 1 H JitiH ltii ir'tHiiitoii. 17: -priiiun.'il. '!-' Uri'ors - Dili l.ii ntnii, 6: t-pi l tij:Ii-li1, .. BMtoriiv D l.uinv kii I Kilter: a.iilor and Laby. Umpire-Knock. NATIO 4 L UaGUi. At Bo.tou Boston 0 0 4 4 3 9 0 10 x-ii Plttahurg 0 0 I 1 0 0 8 0 II 5 Hits Boston. S3: Pittsburg. 7. E-ro a- Boaton, 1; Pittabtirf, o. Bitte in Nio li and Uano!, Humbert and Jiaidi. Urn- plies llnaKlaud and Liusile. At Philadelphia Philadelphia..!) 0030193 0-7 Louisville 4 a 0 13 0 0 0 8-13 Hits-l'bllailolphiii, 9; Lonlville, 14. Error Pbiladulpliin, H; Louisville, 8. Batteries Car-ey and Oiady: Kuell aud Urinim. Umpire Kuufe. At Baltimore Baltimore.. 3 00010000 3-6 Cincinnati.. 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 I li- 5 Hit Ualtuioro, 14; O.ul-Iii nn' i. 0. Er rors Baltimore, 3; Cincim uti, 0. Bi tcned iiloa on nud ltihiu-ou; Dwyer uud Aim pby. Umiiiie Clark. At Washington Washington. n 00000 0 00 0-0 Cleveland.... 0 0 0 0 0 II 0 0 0 1-1 lilts Washington. 4: Cleveland. 4. Er rois Washing uu, 1; rimclni'd, 1. Lin t terifft Vlevivr and .K Guile; Vuiii.g uud Zuuuier. Umpire II ui st. ST-.t LAGU1 At lLiz'.etou Hazk'ton, 13; bbenau- flouli, a. At Allt-utown A'.lentown, I pbia, 7. At Ijaucanter Lnncaster, burir, 3. rbiludel 0; UarrU- At Heading first game Reading, Poitsville, 1, Second game Healing, Pottsvllie, 6. BINGHAM f ON SI III IN IT. Hi But from Irjeui Inlictlon Toiouto Will Take b Jrii cW Wilkks-Bauuk, l'a., Aurf. 14 E. F. BoMrt, a uiruioer of tne Eaeiern leiuu- dir. ciois an i pri t lit of tin Wilkrs-B.rro Bill aajjoi.i.ioii, to uUht lay' : . "Tbe E intern leii.nn sitnilion re uuius ilie i::ie. Bititihiuitou is mill in tbe leagu-, au 1 tne 1'r ivi lonoe club will go thrix aud play Tntire lay un ui th HrraDKHtueat luat w,,a in i.lo wiih BnSilo ami bpriuKtiebl. l'rciideiil l'oets pKeeed ilin u'i iiit U irr tolwy wu-nnt.- ti H J in ci'tupany Willi Pr kI l -ut r'r iiiullii, ol nix Bniilo clun, U'ori' Ki'i'z ci., and otieM, win will vied Torouto, and it 1m qnit t .at ado her rilv will be In rraditie.a to t k tliiitiitm oii'M fran c.iisr Friday it Stuir Uy of tiiis week. 1'Iih Sir intou club w . (.clieduleil to pUy in Biulixuituii Fi i liy and ij itni lav, tun it is qait p.isdliU th H t:i -new tnouitier to tnke Binghamtou's place will go to 6er niton to pi tv, thin iransb rriog tti- n IU lioiu Bl.igham 'OU to bcrunioii." SCRANTOh Pi Y S DEP-RT. F ur Old Slat- Lauara flu wi b b lH:ud.-lpli.a Cub Piich. r L n Ti in Fbuinaxhan, -i!wtioHr da-s-'y, z mil n Wke of the di-fu ut Serm on Ki.iie cH.-ne te nn lii.V simile I Wit.l I'lllli d Ipbia whieb riuo tu.-y wil in net in 11 Z etnn to I y. bial'.Z and -Vi.ieeoy wi'i ( ribald y 1 li-iyilr i p.'Milioli at on'.'', an : Lou i.'Ul will e pi..C I In th" laX vviifij is arm has i.ciV rd .rum a t. ka' ret. '1 ha iraui.f r if the pisyere to othi-r Clli-a wuild indioat.) t nil. II' i ,ro' i ie pn line iwrii aoaiido.i'd s i f ir a the b riiiloti pl.tyeis r c licein-d. I' i now r. p ii l l, in l tnl a local irof. s-1 team will uol be til. .In tuit, fd iu Carnmi'Ule. GLINTS FRkiw i ltd OI M0AI3. Gor(fe St ilts of th" old State leagna cluh, nas witu R '.i liut;. Stcond Bisuimi L Del , i f Spiiiit'flld, is a plater who e h'-ml uee.ii r-ilm ui.-. J ihnnou la co I a niai'er a has b un fewi iu a So. auto i tin f.M-iu -luce the dayi if La.i O Lxary'e ludinu. TUo Ainbraeitea, i f the Weat Bid', cUaiiiige the t ouict. to a a no of b II on h udny iiioriili.g uexc nt U n'cl i:k The Infer elnb wl l na e Mi ti li of coiit-S . Answer thr u;;u Trii-xnc. Th Reub'Mia an I ' ynt'iiai plu'el a pui.e i f ha. I aitU- Dr. viu ! pur.; na na . . It rrsjl.ed l i a vii'.o y l r iih m -u- fM'n', i he ecore b i.ijf ll in 7. McA nlr v. and Lenn-ril Wore the u ;nni 14 jn.c i r The Jnm- B y- B11 e B .11 iu'i, f Pine Br ok, the Klectnr-, o: iih S 11 Ii t-nle, to a l'h ne o' ball on lb" 'M h, at 2 3 1 p. in., fur S10 md". John Mni.iruy, i-ai-taln; Bill Iro.Mi, inauagjr. Anbwer thn ugh TRiBusis. A bate ball team comprsod of t e mem bers of Lieutenant Kara M. (t iltln Camii, No. 8, Sons of Veter.iiii, will p av name of ball Wltb U. a. Smith (Jainp, Ko. H'l, Sons of VetHran, of Jurmyn, Wedue-d iv, Aur. ISatFarviaw, wnere lheeveti coun'y veteruns' asificiation will meet on that day. LABOR ANO THt BALLOT. thilnd Iphla Uerord, if m. 1 It the workintzniim ahali cm: his ballot for the bot int. rt-ta of the pe' p'e of tne whole country hi owu intif.-t- canuot poKibly RiilTef. Wliila there ore many seeming wruiiKS to l erihii'd iu the rela tione that eiixt betwe-u employer and empl yes 111 thl- countrv, thrir ii;:btfnl determination can onlv be nrriveil at through dincUKelon hi men competent to look at tmth aides of a case. In any event, a better settlement of disputed q.iesiion i to bopeil for at the bands of lgal tribunals than cm ever be reached by a strike, which in later years has almnat invariably been attended by acta of violence. THE AMINOMtNT ACCEPTE3. Trrffces-Zorre K'-mnl Says the Kcuanton Thiiiunk: " 'Give tbe country a rest,' ears Bin. It hag uad too much i f that already. 'Give the omiu try work,' ays tbe IteMihltrai partv. Which la the wisor cryf" Tlmt'a good talk. But what' the mutter with glviinr tbe Democratic party a rest and the cnun tiy work at the aame tinii-f That would be a d'.iible-barrulb il,brwch.loH(liiigatr. ka of policy tbut tbe people wuulu guiuly welcome, . Fremiti Vr'uuioil Iio-ptctnra. Women uro chosen in Traiici! as inspect ors of work of women and children in fac tories. Here there is 11 limit of n!;e; they miiHt bo over thirty mid not inoix.' Hum forty-flvo. They must p.isa an oral and written exnmiiiatiou In the text of Mia laws bearing upon tho su ij -ct, and they Diuat prove that they hiivv lived at leant five years In tho department where they are to mrvo. They have l.'0 ci,talililimeuls to visit . In a tiiontfi, and ci)ticpi'tiliii these they must report to the prefect. Tlicy are all awortt in. The salary la about 1,800 francs 3tf0) n year. New Vork Sun. Fob Barns, Scalds, Bruises and si pal and soreness f ihefl.. h, the crand liou hold rem-dv is Dr. Thuiiian' Eclcctrio O , Be sure you get tbs genuine. Oil, THE L1IES! 175 Died in Boston in 17 it gi, 1 i Cho!e,,a Infantum Is Raging Now. Lactateii Fool Should Fed to Isittla Ones. August a Critical Time for Thousands. Every Mistake h Diet Must Bo Avo:dd:l. Tlied' Stb rate i-o-s up with a Jump. There were aluiO't a iiuudrHii ess of inutlility ilu to dholcM luiaulu n iloue ill U Mtoii .luring the laat Week, aaya the II -rai l of hatcly. Una hnndr d v uiy-tlve babies died Iroin i uia and e'inilarcau-, 'li e fcarlul j imp in the inlaut deith r .t that c m. in Auutt is diu tu iui pr .pr fi-e.lnu iluiuw ' ot wcatiu r. In thousand ot uoin-S whra love Mid Watclllulil' Si 8 'i III to baV( aur rouiided haby witu ivry Safoanard, ibt.'He two co iditioiu that lea l to chol era lufautUiU often exlat lUipropt-r ilit-t aud poaaitily of contagion lu lou t. '1 beseoaaes are prevtintablM.atid t v--r death In 111 in lnt atinal disorder shows either iiegUct or iuir luoe on the p. it of pareuta There is no roason .today why baby should not r-emv.' proper uourisumsnt, nii'l be kept alsolutt-W free from any poaiit'illty of i 0 t glon. L ictated food H always obtainable. i'llikU'i ,nn mill inolliura who nave brought tip a f mily of uiitMren km w now iiutritions how easily dUnt d, and bow iiliHolu.rtly pure Uotnted fo d Is, aud I'ow eaaerly u is tak-n by rhi -leu that cannot lake other Uutiriab tueiit. L elated food S.iv.-s bahiis' iiv a. Theill'd of a child from six months to tore ye. is old tbould be s cur tullv r.j;iil ilel h in tne Ur'. we.ks ol its life And d iri iit bo' w.iatner e pvci.illy, ilia fl:-al avni)totu of dlarrhM tloUld ihUie red . tibial Wati'llf ulll-. Cliildiru V.IIO nr evidently Hot thriv inn, who show a lack of en r-r, who re Ufionin; lit:lt fretful, tiiin an I weuk, mnai (iiii'ldy itain slrength, or the alight n Ut'k of d arrhet that a strong child readily overo ues will prove fatal. There is alwavs a c ane of slllit miaiakes in fvfding baby, and in u t w.atlier snub err US olteii result iu cholera infant uui, in Cis-i liaby is noi strong aud abnn lantly nnurisiied prop rly fed on l ictatel food uevor hticei nib to cholera iii'au'iuml Tbe eXirifiit'e of hundreds of pnyai ciai.s, puhlio Institutions, uud tbon in.i of mothers provi that l iottd f i d U the salrs. article that can h. iird u the iiirl of yuuuir cbil Ir. u dm i ir tbe hot ui.iuilii, Motheri wno hav. nev. r nsed lcta tt it food ahoul l riuembor that 11 W hi xp n-iv- na to be witniti the rach ol tin- liuinblect boiue. Euonith Ul U cm be irom a dollar iac-k.n I. 1 i-t urariy lour we- k. Tu -loolHU-pr. p irxd from plain directions on c:. pkaecoal ins III. ill live ceu:s i tart, and Uc atid fouil a.iv.n lablra' H WS iM Jl F iwM WhL.V fyf fit Cone.-j:oaif. air. l.dNDOX, Au,. 4 ih.- muiii t In tbe Al biuu cmliery .-xpioHion lliqneat wa eor rcrtiy 10 e-h d e 1 in Ilea columns thr e wei-l.a ego, aud th- probability ut cennur upon 1 h.' management nas heeii burns oui, Tne i; quiry n ended over tiitie daya, t on-id n.bie luiHirat was nmiiitt-ate 1 ii tbe pr a-ei-ili.njjt and as the lu-t evening pr j.'ee leil a eroAil uninheri u a coujib ol i.oi-au.i coi.gre.tea in tli Market n iHie to 11 wait the Veidh t of the ill' y. Voward o'clock tne exvit. m mt b l.iifiiae, 4,fcialiy w tu it became known that ihe ju y i.a.i diaa-ireed, it being re- 1 in toil Unit all ot 1 hem Hi I'll rtnl ihe 'iuii:ngr'a ver i iu and t lermnal 1ugaev.11 IU I' "I IU u.llllUii li Slli Clor. H i iini"i; h it tlie heal 01 ine 10.. in b.ciiie that "in 1 f lb ju ) meu, 'I. J. me-, the late c 'lleeiui f .r lb- L-'l-viaihii puri.-h Iniuied, all, I 1 r-lo a iv, p h 11 111 be piuvideil. A vi-Mirl w.. atrtv il m 1 1. 30 p. tn , eli rover dor h-.His' libera inn. '1 h j.i.y foil nil .h,u in - d Ci.iM'l 1 i,v stir u;ii ill ex I i .n ,.C gts iut fo k (il ice ut tu-A. hi. hi coll.eryoi J in 'J l, till, whii li ixpio-i 11 was acc'leiatel uud . Xi udeJ tiy ma! nm , bit ihi J iry dieayieed aa to the hx.i t plaee at Whicl. the fi lo toil bad It- 0. mm, and they were iiiiHiiiiuou-ly of opinion that b"t fl'iiig wiia iru'liixij in the olllery when tha men were at woik wiihout pnciutioni as to their safety and cou rary to rule-; they were also of opiuon that the uniler-inaiuigMi' u. gbctoii Id- ilu;y in not KJiini; that hi auboidi'iaies 1 11 the niglii -IhIih pFi'ionneil their dutie iu accordniice Willi rules: I but Ih tlrenieu were uell unt in uoi reporting gn- wn:i f.itiu.l' and I bat tue. e wh. uot a proper aynluni ol wniei nig in tht till 11,'. '1 he jury hinde tho l illowing recnui 1 en daih ci: -(;)Tliat li t-flru r in un b r shall be nbsoitiieiv prnlnbiteil: (!) that a l ul I woralni nlmll be p.'upn i tout I 01 gobbtd; (it) 1 bat a reconl ahall ba kept ot ihe nnu.liei of men ii Ilia mm- at all hoiirn; (I) ilmt thorough iiifpeetlon hail mire Ireipiuntly be made by II r iluj.o Ilea' iiispn'tur-. beca-ise wn cuiiaid'ii' ihe preaeut 1 X 'imiialii 11- by tlie workmen' iepre-enliiiivi!n are w rllil-aii. 'Ihi. U'ill ,w. .1. I... Veutiiaied iu Pai limn -nt, 4,1, Min.1.11 ..... .... ,11.' " U'lLIUJ Owen. Votharall Motharallt MrsAVInhli.w'a Hoothlug Syrup hs b-eu used for over fifty y.'nra by milliom o; motbera for their imilijien while teeiblng with perfect succeMs. It sooi ha tbe child, softens tbe gnuia, allaya all pniu; cures wind colic and is the i est remedy for di nril.aia. f-old bydtngints iu every part nf i be world. Be sure aud a-k for "Mrs. Window's t-omblng H rui." aud take no no ol I. ei kind, 'lweuty-bve ceais a but- ' le TllK F1.0T1I1.NGH AM Onenlnsr Event of fie reason. tVI HN M)V I VR.. Alii I 81 13. Grand Spectacular Production of RICHAriD III ELABl HATE ( nn'Vi:a. UOl.U ( UH ACO! S' O'tl'.'.S. . C EH OF BPLi NDiiR. Owen D Jnii"s (Emu nil D' ury), aa.. I.icliard .1 n p'l Kn koiii as. .Hi i" v Vl and i o m nd Wli i in lUennril ... D k of Mi.rkintilnim ' Iss iary LinliiMkie Youusaa ' jman Y ix.ili. til Mi-al'lla nwiaaa ijueh-wo York Mifca K tt'e M Dulie m Lady Anniit PO-A Great Cnnil a ivor Klfty Po ipln-ftO auiil ) ih os bttieir d uaia ou sdt be ginuiu Monday, Aug. .a IF YOUU OLD BOOKfl NEED TlXr INU, SEND TIIEil TO The Seranton Tribune Bookbinding Dept. C03T A Word. ICwti 9f tilt Harf e '' s apf i'lfuatiime II uMif.'AfeA ore iafr'- Cenls Wanted. v aoodna tu sail m ' oo a to ho'ias kao ri. vm lei r e. Wil. iiit 'u nine ii ct tt. ( in l nitl, '1 I Helo Wanted Females. V MiiluH.u lioa to syeuk Ou m. n. 1-CENT STOItli WANTIdITa HOOD ItUHISKHB WOMAN b i la Inilualrionsa al willmu to work; muat 1 ui lklii oi I whM tHiii'-nrou, lor lmrina in-lit iitiiin; Hi weakly; uonriu to o. ilrem K , Trilmu ill vi. Ali tor Kent. 1 1 Ut U N ON';-tlAl.F f'i'OUl5. 1) L I'imii avoniiB f m per month, lXm KB .T-Nli El.Y-KU i lttHKI) HALL 1 a lit ml lor In l,'a ronins JullN' JliU MYN, 1MI Wyonini iv.iiiii... Loat O ' - A rUU DOU; B .AIH r A' bl ck Bi ll d w ti the ha k and m cm o'f .la front lout Flmtw will li. ro warded b leiuinmt, t UU Korth Uuiflvhl avmi . ' rchltee V Notice. A Will i' C l fl" Niri ICE-COMPETITIVE -A pinna and hpt'eilleatiniia lire invite I fer a h li uinir to hi n. e l fur lira d piirtm.'nt housn ana police patrol uttt'inn- A pioapi e n . of tU" hn llliig in iv Iui no.'D at tbu olllcu of tho city i lerk, at nbicholtlee the a. Oil p nnnuu.1 flici'ltlra lont are to hu suhniittu'l on ur h'toru WtaliiMuJuy, AtiKtint liW, By order of city Council. 11. T. I.AVELLE, City Clet k. Krr:mton, Pa., July ':4, 1MH. Ipeclai Notices. rjUE WILSON LUUBEli COMPANY, 'UEItEA, Vndor a certain indenture, ilnt d tli. rlrnt ilav of June, IHJ.l. mnila be tw un The Vi ilson Lumbar Company, a cor 1 ora Ion oriraiuzeil uml r tin huva of North Carolina, ami the uniii ruaii' il, X e Lacka viiiiua Irni.t anil Hue 11. noot I'l.lnniiii v. a cor) oration ni'i nniz .1 undi r tbe lawauf renn-i-vlv uia aa ir.iat o. r eur.lfd June 13, 1Si3, in thu UexlHt i 'h oillee, I'alil U county. North Carolina 1 1 B ok I'' of Uoi'tKaes on ).ui;.'b 6tl 1 1 Sill it ia, among ,trr UiIiikh, provinud ihu. u o. iHiui anau . inaii'i in in- payment m any infr reat hue therein tor a xty u.ivk nttri any Kmi..niriul lusalluient mo re. if ahnlt fall dn ' un I h i ilemaii lu'l, or shall veirltct O' fall to aet ami or cauio to la ot aiid the iiiHtallm.'Ut of i nir tno i-an 1 ilo.lura (,$1.0 il) un mully ;o t ie urn tloii nt a sinking f uU. fo thspicof a xty iLys after the tliiie m ti n d for au b ii' tloi, aunh i.e e t or fluie in .as bi oVnmeii 1 1 bo a f Tiei uiv of Inu endit on of t e trnat muru in and bu aud in tlint event it Blind bo lawful for the ti u t a. Ui on th . r quo t of tne owueri of h luajurityiu val' e iflue Ion le then vi.U and IIU. toe! to lip, U au I I H.) pnOt.illU if tin land and pnv.,.riy of Ih i trut u orta ) Ui--s. ribed, i U'l t aell fa d land to the hi 'll, hi hill lo for iaih at tlw court I o ian dix r lu t'ul.l e I comity, North Carolina, li at adver tiainif t!i sanin once a week lor tliirtv (Ulj daya iu oni ne iupapar pnhliahed Pi' e.yunty. and one ni ipnn r publiaU d In Suiau.nii, l u., and uenn MieU i-alu t" ioiiv y tbu m tn tli i imicnas ira in fuo almpln and i ut of Ih i uioiiu.'s r eaiv -d from aaid a Is io pay B.U.I huuiia and internal, with uoaU ol uale, etc. And Wh T'-as, Dnfault lma bo n nmde in t iepnyniei.t of the inupons iicoompiiuy nt tno loilt.a. ureil by ad I tru t nor KHUO.aml 'he pi,ni,'iit of tbe mita'lmu t Into the ink i g land, a id Hid d-.ault bin coutiuaed lor more tbi'tt dixiy dava. uul W h reas, 'ihe undeisifrnid lisa been reque-t d by tun hollars of ,be mujority ol th "o d lasneil u idi" anl s curat b ai'il l in 'uni t atfO to p- eti I aii'l a 11 tile lauds, lhlns franca iaes, im; rove noma rontiaeia. a(rr.'imi:it , clioei in notion, pi'ivtluea auc i.pou teuai.c a therein rouv yed. Now. I lu r ro e. Tno Lu . wanna Trua and Hafe De' nt t o-npune h iro y uiv a no tice that it w 11, upon t le l!)t!i day of ;-ei t m Jwr, . '. !.. at IUoMojK am, at theoouit h.iuB i door in Leiioii, ald'.vall i-ountv. North lar. lni. p idtisidal lb- a nla ii his. inniiiisea. m;irove nn iti, c nuaits ag ee m-ut, rhosoa .u ctnri. pr Vila .a and ai'pnr ijuineea in aiil tius: uiirtgago dmcrlnei. and set to; til. 'IHr. i A' .KAWSA TRUST AND SAFE DEPOSIT H)., itune... n.J. AMJi.Ii (i.V, Vice Pros Juut rHA". H. IV.. LLE , Attorney Y TICB-THK F LL WIN'O tS A f OPY i.s of petition pr saut wl in Bel. nt eonne I of Ct y of .'Ciant mi, P '., J una 111, MI4, for tin pavlmr nf Frauiiliii avouuu with ah 'e( asphalt paveme t ho' ween i-pruee una V nnat.eeta, To the h nor h e ihe a lo t and common'if th of b -ranten: '1 he uud r.nt n id om iu rj of property 'Ut t'n on Kranaliii avenu -, h"twe.-n Snnn.' aire t and Viuo itr et, rnsp oi fully pet tlnD your hu1 0';h e llnlies that a .id avenuu bs twn tlie p ' n a nam d. be pavud lib sin el aspb lt pavement on a co.ireto bus', li pr ce not to 'X i.-ed two dolhira a d siXty-flvc cem -I ii it'll ei' Kqnarn yard; th.t th iaiii may b w t wi b enrh stom a ao far as the name in u v b n-eessirv: tbut Ilia r(mt ' f and nn prove n ut lm i ssa i anaiiiht aliuttinitown eia. arc nd ni to tne feet trout Mile; (ha tin aa ukh nenta b inadu puyuhla in lle,.nnu;ii ins all m its; a d i our putitiunor ovo' pi ay aim - tc. W. L. C m mil. Ju i n il n ; u a, it. T. U aui., U. I ...IK. laria Zel. b r, C, 1 re , ttbitfer, E. T. Hwarts, E. K. t'ro haiuel, J S'.pll fti'OS, I in in la Sum", la ob . .- loll, r, K.r.ihUr ff-a. 40, M. E. .MeLoi.a d, (ail Fed, inter Si Lew, V'illUin H. Uavis, V. . K lealer. i b" Dickson, hy Jiiun a P. Calaua n uerma ., Ufa. i-cb. enlold. Liui.Soii,l. II. '1 In oop, 1'i es t i.m iy in. Mtuvens, I. A. Fu enlist. J. Tlie Delaware1 St tlud M. Kemuierer sou ( iiual ( 0-. by 11. A. Bittenb nder, w. Youukb, kud. Vices. A. Cnmstock, Prea't., F. M, May, I). K Diiklev, ' Jural J. Puateu il TV llnod.rlil. Th f.ireolng t published in piiraniincu nf provisions n a ronoinii u oi inn city ccuucili oi in bci ant n, retina Al. '1. LAVKLLE, City Clerk. Pi ranton, Pa.. Au in, 1S'4. TUB ANNTJuL MKETINii O ' TH1 Jl atuekliol.lers of the tjernunu Forging (I niiiai y, f ,r t o el 'itmi of d raetora ami 111 lianHun of o:U r b.lsl.iws will be lt.-1ft at tlin on ce ui the company. In the city ol her iiiton, uu iVedneailay, AucUHt IU, Isui, al, a u ciuoa p.iu B. F. CrtAMBItRLiy, Secretary. VuU ANT IBIS KKL1C RKI'ltlNT I Frank'ln'. Illustrated Weekly War inns ratio is isti nii. rw vo.umos Folio. tlii..'; psyablo ily, t-'). Il vered hy express , o npe e, prnpain. Aunrns r , o, ali.)OL)Y,tiis(iibou atre.t, Seranton, Pa. l , t ivlf TinriK PI rliur tr-ru ii wi i rum.,.., .n.i.i .iijaiao. ni j l i nea, etc., If'Uud or relaiuud St Tuu Imui'Nie oCictf. Iuick work, lteasouablu I riera. MEAT. T1CKFT8 CAN BB IT AD AT Ul .M corner bprwe street and Franktiu ave nue, i wenty table hoard. meal tickets tor SW. Hood LARGEST DIVIDENDS ON RECORD i tier eent. avnr iffo mo thlv dividend paid the tlrst six ruoinlH oi 1SSI by THK AMI-.IXICAS SYMlIOXTK T i the r 'Inn's as the res tilt nf profitable ipeo uiuiiun ii lue.aa, rnu ia, hi c, JlMMIiV, ii y, MA I' II, - AIIIL, M IV.- - .IIIMC. - - JH.Y, - - 100 1 NT, . SO I'KIt ( I NT. 40 PKIt CKNI. . 100 P: It ICNT. HO I'Kll ' UNT- - eo i-K cn.vr. KO PI It Ci N . I onervntlvomsv'a'!"nie,'f ' a'ahlisheil INHV Bunk is - re ice. VIU to (l.fOO tan isltiv -atud w th m re than tbu uaual d g ce of sa.uty by our Plan or hYNKII ATK aPKf ULATION, Which asuirea the largest returns oomi atlblo .tu auloty. Po not be influaueed by anyone who a s it I 'Impossioleto nay sium lurun uliinina until y no osv ) ruau our ii anuiil ' f in formation Tbat wlHob I-'B to so ne la compara tively ruay 'outliers A. A Il.ToM 0.,Micra i'uoltlM Ave, tbleago, 111, onno On account of cxtetnivu altarati )Q4 a )r la progress at our store, we will conduct a SPECIAL CLEARING SALE FROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 13T. Our purpose is ti reduce atock lu order to accommodate tho largo purchases we lave made for the fall trade. Tricca will bo aucli that you cannot affjrd to mbs this opportunity. Immense Attractions in Every Department Our limited space forbids any further details in regard to prices. Wo only ask you to visit u and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods can bo sold under our now regime. With tho addition of 1,500 square feet of floor space, which with our present capacity will giv us 5,500 feet, wo will be wo l qualified to satisfy the demand of our large and increasing business. When liiiishiid we will have tho but lighted, attractive and convenient sloro in Seranton, and our LOW PKIUGS will CDUtluue to bo our drawing card. OHHOLLY Ik Pine Fibre Mattresses Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Seranton Bedding Company, Central Railroad of N. J. TO GETTYSBURG lOil 1I1E Naton I Gu rd ncimpment -UX- AUGUST 1 TO 1B, '94 8iert'd etflnralon t'ek. ti from PfHANT N will liesod ir nd to no Auut ll h to I5tb iu iu vi, and lur rctuin until Auguat 16b.. iuclnaive, KARU POU HOU.VD TUIP, $5.42. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Suequ han.u Co. V. E. CitOFUr Proprljtor. HIS HOTfPE Is strictly tnmprsnm. Is n'S aid a-ll furi.alni aul ipojf il 1 ,H '. PUUi.lU Tdrt YdAR It iVJKI): ta located m dw iv buwien Mnutr i e an i 8 ;r n ton, on .untrosi an I i.uo.aif iu m Ilallrnil, mx miles f-mn .1 . L, 4 t. it R at Alt ir I Bia'loa.anil llvimiln frtn S ismo; ea i a itv. e clity-llrs; three m.uu es' walk ( roji k. U.'atatiuu. COOK It AT '. HINfl T CKI.E, Sic, Fit IE T - KS n. Altltn 'e ahull J. SHI eat. raiallini in this leapo, t the A liruud iuk and Citiuil Muuu- tain . . . ins irroves p'anty of sh.H and beanttini fc'iiery. inaama a Mnniiu-r neaort unex ce led In bea ty and ehe ipu mi Lancm,- paviil ui. swlu ts, cro iu-t (jr ouid , &c. Cold Hpiiu c i.t.;r nud pi nuy oi Mbk Unto., S7 lo VIU per Sfll. ai.Uii per ley Kxcurslon tickets sold at all statio as on D. L. W. lines. Port, r unets all trains. Charter Application. NOTI'E 18 UlCBJItY OI.'EN T.I AT AN nptili. ail ni ul b iniide to the Uovai nor of l''n ay iv.inia, on taa i.eeona lav i Auitust, Hill, at hi i.m. hy CUsrl.s At M ill n. newr ii. 1 1 rk, W.Ui m C . ;, V il.iam J. Keuniiiiiiu a id d ,r on w. V nn, uuder ;h ct 'i t A-s" ably, en Itlo l ' An act to provtn f r the "leoro ir'.,o i i d r-t ilit.o i o? c r ta u c .rno a I nV P r ve t Aprli', H.l, mid the u p cine its tli 'r -to, f r tb i ukar'er ' au tut nl'ii ' rnraton o 04 cainu T " Sin-Hiiton l' !m a i C lUiiianv," til cb rict-r an i o i t of whiciii lor hepir-po- of thcmuniifaetmeors Icnf nou or bio 1 or o' any n bjr metal or article of commerce fro a me al. woo 1, or n t i. ami lor ( ies p ir- p a.s to nave, po.-s 'si sn l enjoy an tno n nn, l'snelits nnd iirivileg i- nf nald S"t of assem bly aud auppl ono its til rem. H . .1. Si KEKTEB, Solicitor. NOT CK 18 liEl KB UIKN TH.T AN nn icatton ll lie luad-i to tha Hover nor of th rt ateof Poniisvlvanli, on Wnlees dav, t'leelgbtb day of Aiiiu .t, M), hy K.t wird T. Muriris. Fr 'd rick J. Piatt. Orlando 8. Johns.m. William T. Smith. Ma 'K 15 f.att and Jos ph C. Fiatt, under the Act of Asa' m lily of tun CommnnwiMilth of Po inayWania, emitled "An act mpruvnle for the luonrpnr ntion and rsgul th o' cortain corporat ous." Bpprovul April IIS IKT4, aud the snppleineuts thereto, for thai haitet of au intended cir porailim, to be Oul.ed "Thi .'-rraiiton i lea trio ci nst rn t Inn C. mn.ui ," the charac er aud nb ct "f w, tell ia the nanufa fttro ur nishliiir, er-otinu and installation (ail or either) nt elo I rie or eteiiu ul iiits for 11 lit In.;, drilling, haul -to a i l pumiiln, or elee til ' power g ii"ra ly. lu an I ahon' uii o eur m n nr opera Ions and I'Vi ors; and ur the in iiiufs "tur o- m-nlsblua of all kinds of B.ectr cal maulnn iry, and f appl ances used lu op ra' int th" e ne, ant lor tlieae pur poses to have nd possess and enjoy a l the l igh'a. lieneliti and privlh g. s of ihu sa u aut ol use mbly and its su m.anii.iits THiis. F. W LLrt Solieltnr. Reii estate. UltAiN'i'ON ItKAl, iiti A IK AND IN VESTMENT AUIiNCY. offers bsrgnilis as U I ows: CITY BUM LH PROPERTY, ill ft. front by uu ft. deep, oa Spruoo street, rents for ;iKI $10,000 40 ft. lruni ly 60 feet deep, ou Hpruoe street, corner alley , 10,500 'I hes.i togntner give K) ft. front on S;. nice strnet betw en Penn and Fra kiln, with alley on el In. Hpruce street property Is advancing rapidly. ( ITY RF.SIDF.NCE PROPERTY. CORN I' H M0NR11E AND VINE streeta lot &HXS.V twodwelllms, ill, (). giving a nice r, shleuce and no inc, in lor sniallinvtaitment; ALkO A PLOT OF il LoTS, g rin 11 it tront on Ho roe avenue, near Vino street. The.e make a llrst-clnss r. ihlenee plot In a ile-li ahli. locality. It not sold iu oue plot will sell above separately. , WEST BIDE. Lot Mil HO, Houtb Main avenue, aJ Joliilmr resilience of 8ml h li alott, pri e, (.'.oiO; ulso lots un Hock street aud Weat Kud place. Only tour loft. CO" TRY PR"PEnTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DAL TON. PA.,' modern house, spring water piped Int It from hill hack, baru for tu ne liorauiau.l two cows, l euneiy witi cements 1 floor, yntiug fruit, tine lawn, grand nutlonk; oue aud a bait to three acres, aa desired, f,li00. A so lota of about s one else on Western Slope, Dulton Cull or address BillTil a iiOi'T, alansgnr. No. 421 Lack. are. -rear board train. "1ATALOOUK OK RI AL ESTATE FHBK J to all. Please send for copy, U. EBNL81 t OMI.OYS, Price Bud Una. Situation Wanted. InTED-CLEAN NO OR SCRUBBING by the day. Mud. UUiWA, 641 Emmstt street lly&W WALLACE 209 W-' .-eS W GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OF THE AT Seranton Driving Park WEDNESDAY fflERNOOil, August 22, 1894, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admisuoii, 53c. GrnlStinl, 15c The GENUINE New Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 18C9. New York Wareroonis No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. " E n nn . C. BICKER & CO., nisi i .li .i Bole dealer in this section. OFFICB IS Adams Ave., Telephone BTd'f WHY HUT flee our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We sell Furniture as cheap aa any house In the oountry that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull m MiD 5.C7 EiAimQQD -- I." lr..;i ltilKiiPtiMnataiiftrtr . u . .umpilon or IneanHr. . ny nisll nrenHd. With .;n..s k.aaax. e'tkasawMMav PtnF san nf 111 Kim ..:.Ti na.i kkiBVK EKU CO., aia.oaio tempi., For Bale in Seranton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, Dnyrgiat, c. Wajhinftoe snd Snruoe atreots. PFrlNYRflYfll roraale tivC. M. HAItrtia, lira let. SomsUnsa asefls a rsllsbte. wonthly, rstralstuif medleiw. fi t " .hatiaraatdruMatiauldbattasd. 11 you want Ue keel, pi Dr. Pcal'o For salt by JOH s H PHI1.PS, Spvuee Street, Seranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ BCRANTON AXD W1LKM-BABRK. PA. JIANCFACTOBERS Of LoComotiYes and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. GwenU Offio SCBAJNTOX, TX. allace WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court Holm 7 it- J1Z7t'?&- CORNER Lacka. and Adams Avei iM flr Dr. EX Grewer The rbtladolphl. PpHsVst,and his asociatJ staff of F.mrllnh and Peeiran phvsltvans, are now permanontlv located at I 811 SPniTK ST., HCIMXTOfl. I The doctor Is s rraduste of tbs University of petinsvlrsnis, formerly demonstrator of physl olcpy and surirerr at the Wedico-Chimrrical Collepe of Ihiladelphla. A specialty of rhrorto. Nervous, 6kin, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEAS S 0? THE NERVOUS SYSTEM syn conOdenee, s-xual went nans in men and o floatink' , man. hull rising in tbe throat, o'S liafore the eyes, lofaof mtmory, unaUa tneno- ! rentrate tbe mind on one subject, ess Ir a: art id when suddenly spoken to, and do J, ( istrrreed inli.d. which unflta thera for per forming the actual duties i f life, making hap- fineaa impisa.bla: dhtresaing the actios of he heart, runs ng flash of beat, depression M spirits, evil forebcslliiea, covardioe,, dreams, melan. holy, tire eaay of company, feeling as tired iu lbs morning as whin ret r lnjr, lack of enerfT, Bervnrsiiins, trembllr(, confusion nf thought, dei'ressinn.constlp'itiou. weakness of the limbs, eto. Tboee so affect 4 should consult us immediately aud be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. i If you have been given up by your phyaieiaa enll apon tbe doctor and be examined. He cures ike worst rases i f Nervous Detiility.Sero fuls.old 8' res.i atarrbPlles.Female Weakness, i ACtecllor.soi the Lye. bar. N and Ihroi.t, thuia. Deafness. Tumors. Cancers and Crip- I P a of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. flloe hours daily from ta. m. ttanp. for symptom i Lienks aud mv nook ca led "New Life." , wili r y ; thousand dollars In uold to anyone 'b. ml cun..t .cure of EP1L-IT-0 , CONVULSIONS or TIT. ,, DR. E. QRF.WEB. 311 Spruce Street, (krautju, Pa. & Go KG Vil RESTORED! 'NIRVE8EKD. el.srral ri.ilF si" um tomn all asewat .lw i.AW&.!!WX!&? aisTafliSuTa.. loss of ll..iluaha H akaril HflHaV lteaaacbe,Wake(ulnex tLhprMX cnii"rn oj moi " ".' v "i . rnB. , .i.ia er .tlmulanta. waica iraa w tn!r. r k . j..a . ., ...u-OL ail Can he carrlea li vest pocMU , 1 a f ft order we I perbo.e)for'. : 7,;Lr we al ve av wrltiea an 'nairainiav w rt. Aikforlt,ui"e riroul.r free, neiucr M., . MMItl PILLS. ever offerea to baaies, eapsoiaUy reoommend ad to xoarriea iiaoiaa. UT I'enn Avenue. EVERY WOMAN Only harmless tSi Pennyroyal PHIs Pharmacia, eor. Wyoming vn ....