The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 15, 1894, Image 1

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MEN Don't tie up with
down- at- the heel .
PUBLICITY in journals that
are on the up
ward jump.
T 311C5
Colonel Ripple Congratulated Upon the Excel
lent Shewing of the Thirteenth.
Old Sol Smiles Upon the Camp and
Brings Cheer to the Hearts of the
Drenched Militiamen Successful
Parades and Reviews Adjutant
Millar's Methods Complimented.
Uncultured Philadelphia Guards
men, Who Have No Soul for Music,
Arrest Wandering Minstrels Gen
eral Notes of the Camp.
Camp Crawford, )
Gettysburg, Ang 14 )
Sl'REATOR. ofHouifstead fame,
who to in camp with th Tent!)
raiment, of the Second brigade,
bad the distinction of Ivlng chosen
division officer of the d.y. Lieu
tennnt Colo-el Lwis, of Phila
delphia, is division HtafT offioer. Tlie
weather was di-lihtful todav ;ind camp
life really enjoyable. The Eighth regi
ment, of tho Thirl brigade, was in
spected at 7 o'clock this morninc, and
later the entire First brigade, signal
corps, artillery aul cavalry had the
same experience.
Governor Pattison and General
Snowden and their staffs viewed the
troops as they passed through the
bands of the inspector, Major King, of
the Twelfth regulars, offier of tint day
for the Third brigade, Adjutant Millar
mounted brigade guard this morning,
assisted by Battalion Adjatant Conk
lin, of the Thirteenth acting as brigade
sergeant major Captain William KA.
low of Company B is regimental oflio-r
of the day aad Lieutenant Fred W.
Mnson commander of the guard.
There was inspection drill of the
Third brigade this afternoon and the
members of the Thirteenth diitin
KUlshed themselvs by their proficiency
in drill as tbey did during the inspin-
tion of arms and accouterments on the
previous day. They made better time
than any other regiment in the Third
brigade going through the inspection
drill. Colonel Elliott, division luspeC'
tor, conducted the drill which was wit
nesd br many division officers.
Tomorrow the First and Second
brigades will have inspection drill and
on Thursday there will be a division
Now that the inspection is over the
members of the '.thirteenth nave set
tied down to enjoying camp life. The
expectation of inspection is always a
. thorn in the side of the guardsmen,
and they are much pleaeed that ic has
come so early this year. The members
of the regiment di 1 tbemslves proud
and there is no doubt that tbey will
continue to oecnpy the high place in
the official report of the inspection that
1 tbey have in the past.
Though the boys had a great task in
ridding their uniforms and shoes of a
two days' accumulation of mud. they
succeeded admirably, and every officer
and private was as neat and spruce
looking as unstinting la Dor could make
That the regiment most favorably
impressed the inspecting officers and
those who accompsuied them was
shown by their comments.
"That the regiment is male np of
tborougb soldiers is evi lent from their
fine appearance and perfect mntiterly
of all those little details which some
members of the guard are prone to
neglect, but which above everything
else denotes the thoroughly trained
soldier" was what Governor Pattison
"I believe that the National guard
is improving year by year," remarked
Adintant (ieneral (irenland, "and the
Thirteenth is one of the regiments thut
is setting the paoe."
"A magnificent body of men," said
General Snowden.
''That is one of the crack regiments
of the state." remarked one of General
Bnowden's staff to Captain Rogers, of
the regular army, who is watching the
Inspections for the army department
''That is the cratk regiment of the
state," retorted the captain as h
watehed the members of the Thir
teenth pass along in review.
After the inspection Colonel Ripple
received many congratulations on the
nne sbowiug bis men made. The field
for the inspection was measured off
and the flies planted by Adjatant Mil
lar. After the Inspection of the Thir
teenth was completed the eolonels of
the regiments that succeeded it on the
inspection grounds sent requests to
Mr, Millar for permission to avail
themselves of bis work in preparing
the field. It was, of eonrse granted.
and shows that Mr, Millar's plans of
laying ont the field found favor with
the members of the other regiments,
, Ihongli every ctlort was made to
have Adjatant Millar accept the first
lientenancy of Company B, he deolined
the bouor. About a week ago he told
the members of the company tbat be
could not accept, but on Monday Cap
tain Kdllow and a committee of the
officers of Company B waits on him
to have him re-conslder bis determlna
tion. They were unsucoassfnl for the
reason that the field and stuff and many
of the line officers, as well bs the entire
membership of Company E, earnestly
requested Mr. Millar to continue as
reuimental adjutant. Colonel Rlpnl
also personally requested Mr. Millar to
remain in bis position as adjutant, ana
ont ot deference to their wishes, he
consented. i
This is Mr. Millar's eighth year
adjutant, and bis perfect knowledge of
tactics and the duties of his office
make him an invaluable man. To him
belongs much of the credit for the fino
showing the Thirteenth always makes
In onum .
Today the field was dry and in good
Condition. The spirit of tbe campers
bav ' arise wonderfully since the
weather cleared and they now go abont
tbelr duties with great Eal The reg
ular cuinp routlue wis resumed today
and drills, dress parade, guard and po
lice duty kept tbe boys ooonpled. To
morrow the division maneuvers will
begin and culminate Friday in a grnud
review. There will be two division
reviews of tbe troops, one for the gov
ernor and the other for General Snow
den. At this writing there is small
prospect of President Cleveland at
tending the encampment.
1 he soldiers continued to get in the
Gettysburg guard house in-great num
bers for leaving camp without a per
mit. On Monday afternoon a Gettys
burg band mad its appearance on the
streets attired in the regulation Na
tional guard trousers. A Philadelphia
regiment was doing guard duty in the
town at tbe time and tbey arrested the
tmisio dispensers in a body. It re
quired two hours of explaining on the
part ot tbe musicians to obtain their
release. The camp continues to at
traot few visitors, for about the only
thing the Gettysburg people like about
the visitors is their mney. They
seeking to obtain nil of that they can
by charging big prices for everything.
J. F M.
None of the High Offiosr of the Regular
Army Ar Expsct.d.
Gettysburg, Pa. Ang.' 14. Gov
ernor Pattisou said today tbat neither
the president, tbe secretary of war nor
General Schofield will bs in camp nn-
ss something unexpected turns up.
In fact none of the high officers of the
regular Briny will be on band,
so fur as the governor knows,
although all were Invited. They de
cline on the plea of duties and other
engagements which required their
presens elsewhere. In consequence of
the inability of the president. Soretary
Lamont and General Schofield to oome
here. Governors' Day hus been fixed for
Thursday, on which day the great in
spection review of the division will be
Colonel Green is determined to pre
serve discipline if he has to arrest a
whole rgimnt. In faet tbe provost
guards last night did arrest almost a
company of guardsmon who were fight
ing tbe battle of Gettysburg over again
in the Battle Field hotel bar room, near
the cemetery. Tbey wsre carapoied of
members of the Fifth and Sixteenth
regiments and the fight was short but
1 he police force attempted to qnell
It but were ignominonsly routed. Then
tue sheriff called on the provoat guard,
who charged the fighting guardsmen
on a run. captured and losked them up.
Today the men were severely repri
manded and put to work cleaning up
the woods.
H. M. Carting, of Company F. was a di
vision orderly on Saturday.
Edward Harris, of Uomoanv A. was a
brigade orderly on Monday.
Company C's crpat nonnlaritv Is ntfeatpil
by the large number of vi.itors it enter
tains. Corporal Branda h busilv encased tilt
ing snap thots of interesting points on the
famous field.
A horse owned bv Batterv B of Pitt-
burg, valued at $139, dropped deaa utter
drill on Monday.
E. Frank Gardner, nrivnfn nf fnmnunn
D, was in the hospital under treatment on
Monday and Tuesday.
The Third Brigade baud of Pottsvillo
gave a concert by request at division head
quarters Momlay nignt.
Ou Monday Major C. C. Mattes was hon-
ored by an appoinimeut to the position of
Di'igatie oincer oi tne day.
William Gould, of ComDanv R. lift Ada nf
the highest polished guns In the camp.
The stock is beautifully colored.
Quart 'master James W. OaUfnirt fa t.n
be appointel judge advocate of tbe Third
brigade in place of John P. Albro.
Tbe health in D rnmnnnv fa eroatlnnf.
but one man being on the sick list aud
be was unwoll before leaving home.
Captain D. B. Ainev. of Montrosn. wan
called home on important business Mon
day, and First Lieutenant McCaualaud is
now in charge of Company G.
Captain W. B. Rockwell, of Comnanv II.
was regimental officer of the dy Monday,
and Lieutenant It. M. Stratton, of Com
pany D, commandor of the guurd.
James Moir. jr.. is one of the new mm-
bers c.f company C. He was formally on
tbe roll of ibnt organlzition but his term
of service expired eight years ago.
Sergeant George Malott and Corporal
Frank Malott, ot Company B, received
telegrams on Monday annonacing the
death of their nephew at Hcranton.
A wrestling match between W. n.
Lewis and William Evans of Company D,
has been arranged for Thursday evening.
It will take place in the company street.
The inspector complimented several of
Company D's men upon the excellent con
di ion of their guns. But one man had tbe
slightest appearance of rust in his piece.
Frank Harris, of Company A, was Colonel
Ripple's orderly on Monday, and George
Khoemaker, musician, the smallest man in
the regiment,- was orderly to Adjutant
Company G spent Sunday evening in
an eminently proper manner. Nenrly
every member of tbe company gathored
under the mess tent and lndulgod in sing
ing hymns.
Privatrs BanmeUter, Evans and Faatz
are gaining quite a reputation for story
telling, and are constantly drawing forth
laughter and applause with their jokes
and anecdotes.
Ted Richards, of the Thirteenth drum
corps, is considered by many the best
bugler in camp, not even excepting tbe
strong lunged gentleman who "toots" at
division headquarters.
Anthony Smith, a young man employed
In Company C's mess teut, was taken sick
Bnnday night, and for a time was in a
serious condition. Be was removed to the
hospital, where be recovered.
Private Ike Brown has grown fat dur
ing tbe tew days already spent In camp.
The cause ot Brown's corpulency is not
known, unless it be owing to tbe fact that
be is slesping in the oommissary tent
Compauy B gave an entertainment in
the company street Monday night. Tbey
had It lined with large paintings of freaks
to advertise the affair. Tbe piotnros were
obtained at the old Eden Musee, Scranton.
James O'Hara, of Scranton, is in camp
with Company II, of the Ninth regiment.
Mr. O'Hara is a warm personal friend of
Captain Flannery, commander of company
H, which is located at Pittston, and has
been a member of tbe company for years.
The disappearance of one ot Colonel Rip
ple's spurs just before Inspection on Mon
day caused no end ot agony of mind to bis
faithful body servant, John Annaman.
John succeeded in locating tbe spur, much
to his ioy, before tbe colonel donned his
riding boots.
u ronte to camp Corporal Hanahoe and
Privates Laugan and Jordan, of Company
V of Pittston, NiutU reyiiueut, were guilty
of unsolUierlike conduct aud arraigned be
fore I'olouel Price. Their replies were dis
respectful and Monday they were sent
home pendiug a military inquiry iiito their
Accordiug to the Philadelphia Record
the "boys of the Thirteenth regiment have
prepared a voluminous petition to Colonel
Hippie to have their company streets
paved with asphalt. Thov say they have
secured the consent of two-thirds of the
property-owners and intend to assess the
rest for beuellts."
Private John Mitchell, of Company F,
was released from the guBrd house on
Monday by Colonel Hippie and rejoined
his company pending the disposition of his
case by General Gobin. The latter has not
yet decided whether or not the court mar
tini to pass npou the case shall be called
while the soldiers are in camp.
A number of Thirteenth's Btnff accom
panied by members of the stuff of the
Fifteenth and Eighth regiments, took a
gallop over the Held Monday ufternoon to
view points of interest. The party was
guided by Chaplin Logau, of the Thir
teenth, who tnkos the greatest dolight in
recounting evouts of the great three days'
Company C, of the Ninth regimont, has
Issued a challenge to the members of the
Thirteenth offering to play ball with a iy
team composed of boys from that regi
ment. The challenge has been accepted
aud James McGoli'deriok and Buff .Million
are engaged in selecting a team from the
best players of tho regiment. They intend
to wipe up the mirth, figuratively speik
tug, with the Luzerne soldiers when the
two teanu come together. It has boen
decided that tho battle shall be fought
within the shadow of Longstreet's old hos
pital, Harry Young is the comedian of Com
pany C nnd furnishes no end to merriment
fur bis companions. The latter on bun
day night, however, decidod that It was
not proper that Harry should be compelled
to furnish all the amusement and kindly
lent their assistance to help him out.
Young retired to his tent early and soon
thereafter a noise resembling tbat of tbe
Eighth rpuimeiit dram corns when in ac
tive operation, accompanied by an inward
movoiuent or the teut naps inuicaieu mat,
Private Young was enjoying peaceful
sleep. Then the conspirators weut to work
and ranidlv trnn-tormea loung into bu
Indian by the judicious use of colors. The
next move was to carry him into the com
pany street, but while that feat .was being
accomplished the man nolding Young's
feet slipped and down went tbe victim into
tbe deep mud. That thoroughly awakened
the Indian, who started in pursuit of those
who had colored him. Ho was unsuccess
ful in capturing anyone and does not know
who uis tormenters wore, out revertneiess
savs he will naint Charlev Il'imilton a
bright Vermillion before camp breaks up.
R. J. Beamish, the representative of the
Express in camp, bad what he considers
tbe most thrilling experience of his life,
baring what he underwent during the re
cent baseball unpleasantness at scrant iu
Mr. Beamish had occasion to go to divis
ion hoadouartera Sundav evening nnd ac
costed the guard at tbe west extremity of
tbe line to obtain permission to mvaue
he.idnuarters district. Though armed
with a provost marshal's pass he
was directed to proceed to post one a
qnarter of a mile away before passing the
hue. A light raiu was falling, the muii
was four iuc .es deep and Hicbard's desire
to travel to post one was not very great.
He argued with tbe soldier with all tue
persuasive eloquence at bis command, but
tbe boy with the gun had his orders and
he proposed to obey them. Kicburd very
reluctautlv and sorrowfully bad to wain.
Putting another furl in the bottom of his
trousers he started oft. His route was di
rectly in front of division heHilqnarters
where the horses boots had made the mud
anusuallv deep. As he passed General
Suowdeu's tent, the men grouped about
the brass sunset gun like so many statues
Htt.rae.ted his attention. The cull was on
a rise, of ground above him, and while he
watched the gunners, his foot went into a
deep rut. vile tried to recover uis equiu
hrium. and inst at. that moment tho sun
set cuu was fired. Beamish was directly
in front of it and. heedless of the mud, he
droPDed to the ground In tho hope of pre
si-rvuiir his form intact. Ho succeeded iu
the luiter endeavor, but when he appeared
iu Gettysburg an hour later with pale face
and shaken nerves, there wer signs about
his peraon of his recent conflict with the
mnd. During tho rem iiuder of his stay
in camp he will give Ihe sunset gun a wide
He Is Charged with Having Murdered
His Cousin, Joseph Preinel.
Strong Evidence.
Newark N. J. Aug. 14 Police Cap
tain Duly, of the Third precinct made
formal charge of mnrder against Henry
Kohl today charging him with the
mnrder of Josopli Preinel. The latter
was Kohl's cousin. On Satnrday, June
10, the body of an unknown man was
found in schlnder s crPK, near Dead
Horse crossing of the Central rond. At
the time of the finding of the body,
heavy granite block, weighing about
seventy pounds, was on his buck but
when the shoulders, and tbe body wuh
Win it face downward in the creek with
scnroly a foot of water nround ii.
It whs supposed to bu a suicide until
an antoiisv revealea n iraclurea skill
nnd marks of strangulation. On July
13 Mrs. Kohl, the wife of the prisoner
accused her husband of having com
uiitted the mnrder nnd declared that
he bad confess-d to ber of having
committed the orim. Kohl was ar
rested on a charge of assaulting his
wifa and has bten held since on thn
charge. The detectives worked on thu
mnrdr accusation and have succeeded
in finding a chain of circumstantial
evidence. Two men were seen going
down the Central railroad tracks on
thn n iirht of the mnrder in tbe dlrec
tion of Sahiuder's creek, apparently
ha vine a struggle.
Tbey hove several witnesses to swoar
that at 6 o clock in tne morning rkobl
told them that Preinel wa drowned
while the body was not discovered
until noon on Saturday.
Mra. Mnndls. alias "Tom King." th
woman horse thief of Oklahoma, is again
A town called Blanca has grown ud on
the new gold fields discovered in Colo
For the first time in eight years a black
bear was captured in the White Moun
Gas, probably taken on purpose, killed
Bon lthnues, an American electrician, in
Montreal hotel.
Lord and Lady Aberdeen are boing en
thusiastically greeted in their trip through
the provinces.
Tn an attempt to remove tracks of
trollev road, whose franchise bad expired
Alderman Charles Scbriver, of Benton
Harbor, Mioh., was shot In the leg by W.
W. iiean, tue raiuoau proprietor.
The Third Term Bee h Fiercely Buzzing In
Cleveland's Helmet.
The Great Reformer and Free Trader
Laying Wires to Secure Recogni
tion in 1896 Senator Teller Says
That There Is Scarcely a Move
Made by the Executive That Has
Not This End in View An Opinion
That Nothing but Death Can Pre
vent Cleveland's Becoming a Third
Term Candidate.
Washington, Aug, 14
T it evident that tne long and bit tor
fight ou the pasauge of the Wilson
bill has at least served to clear up
the political outlook as regards the
lines on which the presidential oam
paign will be conducted in 'DO. It is
generally conceded on all sides that the
lections this fall will be the skirmish
prior to the great battle two years
later, and already tongues ar wag
ging and political leaders prospecting
as to who will be the victorious stand
ard bearer. No one doubts but that
the presidential fight will be one of tbe
hardest aud sharpest ever fought, and
that the burniug question will be the
reinonitiZ'itiou of silver. The follow
ers of the white metal are daily making
urge acquisitions to their forces, and
he indications are tbat tbe tariff dis
cussion will be a secondary issue.
It is iu view of the fact that the
silver men propose to make the money
question tue paramount issue in th
next campaign that politicians are
casting about lor a leader who has the
winning qualities. Curiously enough,
both in the Democratic- and ltupuull-
can parties tbe candidates who are
most talked about are already trim
uiiug their sail for the coming silver
breeze. Among the former may be
mentioned Senators Hill, Gorman and
Biice, Secretary Carlisle and Via
President Stev.icson; while among the
latter are ' .loin Heed, liovernor Mc-
Kinley, tx-President Harrison, Sena
tors Cameron and letter and other.
only death can stop HIM.
But besides all these possible candi
dates there is another thut promise to
come to the trout, and that is Grover
Cleveland. Senator Vance, of North
Uarulina, whose knowledge of meu aud
tuiiigd was most remarkable, used to
tell bis friends a year ugo that Cleve
land would make auother race for the
presidency, and that nothing but death
would prevent him from ruuniug for a
third term, iue question of bis candi
dacy at taut time, meroiore, turus on
tho wisdom of putting bun up, like
Preaidont Grant, for a third term, and
the views ou mis budjjcI expressed lu
cloak and committee rooms around the
capitol are more or less varied.
For the past week or more the writer
bas been gathering the private views
of members of congress regarding the
third term candidacy of Mr. Clnvelaud.
aud, strangely euongh, not a Republi
can iu either home was found who did
not believe that the president would be
'the man of destiny" lu U0. Among
tne Democrats, in many lnstaucos, the
wish was not tathur to the thought, for
the presidents rr lends in either branch
ot the national legislature are by no
means as thick rs the "haves that
strew the brooks iu Vullombrosa." But
tne feeling seeinud to be gtiuiug
ground that there was no escape from
such u dilemma lu view uf the eigue of
tne tiiuug.
But the queition of Mr. Cleveland's
third-term canvass is pivoted on the
exigencies of -.the political situation,
aud not merely on his availaulity, and
whether or not he is actually cocniz
ant of "the logic of events," no one but
he can say for a certainty. But the
political prophets say that the presi
uuiii is tuorouguiy awake to thu situi
tion nud is planning and suiting hi
actions accordingly.
Sjuator Teller, of Colorado, in sneak
nig uuouc in matter, una this to ssy
'It looks very much as it the prvsiden
was getting ready for a third term
There is scarcely a move be nukes that
bus not this end In vidw. He Is an icou
Odast so fur ns Democratic traditions
go and hisicareer thus'far Is something
little short ot rt inuruable. Do I think
lie would be willing to make the race
for a third-term oflicet Most assuredly
1 ao, auu it looks very much as if the
fates would be in bis favor, despite the
. ..... ..."
opposition or tue leaders ot bis party,
us at Chicago.
Senator Cbaudler, of New II amp
shire, (poke in the same strain mil in
tim.tted that nothing but death woul
prevent a consummation of tbat kin
so devoutly wished for by the present
Incumbent of the white hous. Other
senators and representatives expressed
themselves in a similar Key, aud oon
gressmen, like English, of California
were outspoken in admitting that ''all
things were possible with Cleve
land, as with tbe Creator of th
Universe," Congressman Bellamy
Storer, of Cincinnati, said he really
wished Cleveland would rnn, for n
"wanted to get a lick at him again.
Governor MoCrearr, of Kentucky,
would be pleased to se the president
on the whit house race track again
while such anti-cuckoos its B.iiley.
Texas, and Fithian, of Illinois, would
play their part ot Niobe aud weep till
th advent of the millenium, were thev
confronted with such a ooudition
Twenty-Fourth Annual Session of
Slot Castl of th Ordir.
Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 14. Tbe twen
ty-fourtb annual session ot th Bs
leot Castle of tbe Ancient Order
of Knights of the Mystic Chain
Pennsylvania beguu ia Columbia this
morning. Delegate were prsnt from
all part of tbe state. Chief Burgos
Hess, of Columbia, mad an address
of welcome, to whioU Seleot Com
macder J. W. Wrrner, of Johnstown,
responded. Reports ot the various of
fers were received and reforred, and
te mark degree was conferred on fifty
ne candidates.
This afternoon there was a parnde of
the order, followed by a prize drill.
Young Lady Killed While Sitting at
Her Window In Norfolk. Va.
Norfolk. Aug. 14. During a thun
der-storm in Norfolk county yesterday
fternoon Miss Mary Harper, the la
ys or old daughter of C. V. Harper, of
the Norfolk and Carolina railroad, was
truck by lightniug while sitting at an
open window or nor resiaenoe near
Pinner s Point, and instantly Kiilea,
One side of her body whs burned and
blackened by the electric fluid and the
other left bleeding in several places as
if scrutched by a cat.
William Davison Eustalns Injuries from
v hlch He Will Die.
Philadelphia, Aug. 14. While
William II. DkVison, of Ripley, 0.,
was performing on a tight rope this
fternoon at a Kiverslde garden ne ten
thirty-five feet and struck on several
chairs, breaking three ribs, injuring
bis spine and sustaining other hurts
from which he will die.
Davison was blindfolded on the wire,
and had just succeeded iu standing on
hla bead when he lost his balance and
Second Day's Races at Rochester Are
All That Could Be Desired by
Enthusiastic Turfmen.
Rocn ester, N. Y., Aug 14. The
second day's races of the Grand Circuit
was held at tbe Rochester Driving park
today. Ihe truck was lu excellent con
dition and the weather beyond com
pluint. Tbe crowd was far larger than
witnessed tbe races on the first day,
though not so large us has character
ized tbe circuit races in this city iu
P'ist years.
Gilcurry drove two very pretty
races the 2 20 pace and the 2 30 trot
for a year-olds winning both quite
handily. . Iu the 2 20 he was behind
Daisy Despaiu and in the 3 vear-old he
drove Kosebiid. The 2 I.j class was
wou by D.iudy Jim, a son of Young
Jim, nnd bo proved to be the surmise
of the day iu tbe bottinn; ring, jvtriy
n the day Dndy Jim sold in the auc
tion pools lor 10, while Cobwebs in
the same class brought s-jO. bum
v!.15 class, trotting: purse, $2,000.
Dandy Jim, g. Young Jim,
dam (Japrola, by Daniel L,am.
b.Tt (bimm)... 2 1 1
Cobwebs, ch. g 1 3 3
Auut Delil, b. m 7 7 5
Maud Co., blk. m 5 li A
Billy A. b. g 8 8 4
Edith H. c. m 8 6 8
Medio, b. s 4 4 6 dr
Aline, b. m fl 5 7 dr
Time. 2.12. 2.11V. 2.12. 2.13.
2:30 class, for three-yeur-olds, trottiag;
purse, r-i.iwo.
lted liua, ch. c. by itcu. tera
(Curry) 1
1 1
Limonera, b.c 2
Time, 2.30, 2.17, 2.U1.
2.20 class, pacing: purso. ?2,000.
Daisy Despain, g. in., by Kiled
ford (Curry) 2 1
Ello Eddy, b. in 1 5
Judge sterling, ro. c a A
llissie Hal. blk. m 7 6
Ferudule, bik. m 3 3
Lenora, b. m 4 7
Abdtto, b. m 4
Lui-y II, b. m dis.
Jo Ho, ch. s dis.
Time, 2.13, 2.15K, 2.10, 2.18.
Brotherhood Union of Pennsylvania
Oathsrluir New Membsri.
Reaping, Pa , Ang. 14 The Broth
erhond or the Union, ot Pennyslvania,
convened here this morning. Judge
II. Willis Bland delivered an address ot
welcome and sessions were formally
The reports show that the order is in
a flourishing ooudition aud has largely
increased in membership.
Inducements Offered to Arrange a Fight
Eotw-en Corbatt and Fits lmmoiis.
New Youk, Ang. 14. The Olympi
club, of .Mw Orleans, today offered
purse ol VM.vm lor a tight bet wevu t itz
simmnns and Corbett, the winner to
take nil.
Fitzstmmons immediately nccente
the tif.rmd Corbett wired from As.
ourv Park that if. Fitzsimmous would
put up his money for a side, bet b
would tight him.
Freia-ht Train fans, Wrecking Twenty
five Car and Killing Two Man.
ISaston, Aug. 14 A freljrht train
on Iliilrotd of New Jersey
parted while descending a grade lien
here this morning, and two sections
came together with n Crssh. Twenty
five cars were wrecked, and the trucks
were blocked for several hours.
Brakemnn Jonn 3. John, of Phillips.
burg, N, J., was badly Injured,
Mrs. Kislick Family Stabs Ber Eueband
with a Putohnr Knife.
IIazleton. Aug. 14. Durlug
family auurrel last night Mrs. Georg
Koilick, ot Treekow, stabbed ber bus
band three times with a butcher knife.
Th latter died today, ihe woman
fljd and has not yet been apprehended
' The quarrel grew out of jealousy
Kosliek had obarged hi wife with in
While nlavinff with matches at Land
ingviUe, little Maggie Long was terribly
An oil well spurting 2'JO barrels a day
was struck In Dunkard township, Ureone
Thn furniture in the Populist headnuart
rs, Allegheny county, was yesterday seised
tor a debt.
While in the west, Thomas D. Thomp
son, a young Pittsburg man. was eaten oy
a bear, on July 14, his frUnds havlug been
so intormed.
he senate;
'assage of Bouse Bills Placing Sugar, Iron
and Coal on Free List Ii announced.
As Soon As Monday's Journal Had
Been Read a Message from the
House Officially Announcing the
Passage of the Pop-Gun Bills Mr.
Vest Became Angry at the Mention
of Sugar Trust Tariff Other Con
gressional Matters.
Washington, Aug. 14.
THE SENATE had early official
notification today of the pas
sage by the nous last evening
nf tbe four bills placing on tbe
free list sngar, bituminous coal, iron
ore and barbed wire. As soon as the
reading of yesterday's journal was
tiished a message announcing the
passage of those bills, and making no
reference to tbe tariff bill, was deliv
ered by the chief clerk of th house.
Subsequently tbe bills were laid before
tbe senate, one aftr another, were
read a first time and went over until
tomorrow on an objection by Mr.
Munderson (Rep., Neb.) to their second
rending. Mr. Vest (Dem., Mo ) indi
cated a desire to have them taken no
t once for consideration, but that was
prevented by Mr. Mnudeon'd objec
In connection with those bills notice
was given by Mr. Hill (Do in., N, Y )
tbat be would offer an amendment to
each of them repealing all provisions
of law in regard to an ineome tux. An
objection to the third reading of the
house joint resolation extending the
general appropriations to Aug. 21 was
made by Mr. Aldrich (Hep., K. I ) and
that measure also weut over until
Mr. Vest (Dam., Mo.) manifested
much indignation to a resolution of
fered by Mr, Hale (Rep , Me.) to print
5,000 copies of th tariff bill as passed
and in which, resolution tbe bill wis
Inscribe! as "the sugar trust tariff
bill." He declared that the senator
from Maine had no right to give the
bill such an appellation and that his
doing so was an outrage on the senate.
The resolution went over without ac
Mr. Chandler's (Rep., N. H.) resolu
tion tor an investigation into tbe recent
elections in Alabama went over till to
morrow, and th senate at 2 10 p.m.
The bill introduced by Senator Allen
(Pop., ISeb.) granting a service pension
to soldiers, sailors, marines and their
widows and orphans, was reported to
the senate today adversely from the
committee nn pensions.
Senator Vilas today introduced a bill
providing that widows nnd minor
children of soldiers and sailors in the
late war, filing csrtificates as such,
under tbe gnral law, shall show by
complete evidence that the marriage
through which they obtain title to it
was contracted prior to the passage of
the bill.
The enrolling of the tariff bill was
completed last night aud tbe commit
tee on enrolled bills is now comparing
it with the original text from which it
was copied.
lbe committee expects to complete
it work tomorrow in time to have the
bill signed by the aptaker and vice
president for transmission to the presi
A Newly Married Maa Chanrsd with
Mur.-terlnir Hi Former Rival
Minneapolis: Aug, 14 Edwin
Hatcher, of Plymouth township was
found dead in the woods; shot through
the body. James H. Hatcher was ar
rested lust night for the murder.
It is stated that both boys had been
in lov with Miss Lena Burger, whom
James married last week. Statements
nnd admissions have been made sine
which led th authorities tt arrest the
young husband.
A TJenperat Berlin Tbisf Wound Sev
eral of His Pursuer.
Beklix, Aug. 14. A policeman tried
to arrl-Bt a man numed Scbewen last
evening upon a charge of larceny. The
uiau rim and several policemen took
after him. Ciiiz.ius joiued in the
chasrf. When his pursuers came too
uear,Scbewen turnsd and tired tit them
with a revolver.
titter he bad fired six shots and
wounded two policemen and several cit-
ztjus, he wa run down and captured.
Trade Not Aff otad by the Frsient Tariff
TCmv Yiillk- Anir 1.1 At tha nffinaa
of tiie American Sugar Refining coin-
tvinv tliHrn iu flhRillnr.Ml v nn ilianimition
shown to discuss the sugar sltintion or
ti e proonmmios ot tbe tana miasur
becoming a law.
Th unirul niikrlraf: liaa tinf hnan A tm
focted, and well informed psople in
the trade report it firm, but they do
tn l.-wtlr fnl .Innlilurl ti,nir,llian t nnfil
the question of the duty is definitely
Th Weekly Bulltiin for th Stat of
Washington. Aug. 14. -The weekly
crop bulletin issued by th weather
bureau today shows the following:
Pennsylvania Corn will be short,
potatoes light yield, pasture and buck
wheat improving.
WAbfllNQTON, Aug. 14. Fortcait
for eastern Pennsilrama, n-
enamng cioudmens wun showers,
.i... Hrmth uiiiifiu htfianiiun aouthwttjit.
to.' western i'ennsylvanht, increasing
cloudineM and snoioers, cooler loumwesi
unaiiJ, vecommy norm.
0 TO
Summer Sale
One case "Webster 10-4, Scar
let and Blue Borders,
59 CENT3.
One case Kenwood 11-4, both
White and Gray, Borders
Scarlet, Blue and Orange,
One case Eeliance 11-4, both
White and Grey, Borders
rink, Blue and Drab,
50 pairs Hampden 11-4, All-
wool and Shrunk, Borders
Fink, Blue and Lemon,
One case Rio Vista, Califor
nia, 12-4, Borders Pink,
Blue, Lemon and Drab,
30 pairs Sacramento, Califor
nia, 12-4, Borders Pink,
Blue and Drab,
Crib Blankets in all sizes,
with latest pattern bord
ers and colors.
510 flnd 512 Lackawanna Ave.
Wholesale and Retail
H. A. Kingsbury
313 Spruce Street.
Lewis, ReiJIy & Davies
Take off the old and pnt on the new.
That neatly-fitting, easy shoe.
When low prioes rule as now they ia,
Who would deny himself th newt
Burt & Packard Shoes
Make Us Friend3.
Lewis, Reilly & Dalies
We Examine Ejes
Free of charge. If a doctor
is needed you are promptly
told bo. We also guarantee
a perfect lit.
The Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.