8 - THE SCRANTON TKIEUXE -TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14. 1894. How to Keep Cool Is asked by every one during these summer day3. The seaside and mountain retreats offar a solution of this question. But none of these are complete unless you avail yourself first of ths right kind of material to wear. For our August offer ings of requisites we have chosen exception- ally SUITABLE ARTI CLES and recommend them for their Useful ness, Reasonable Price and Desirable Quality. TO DRESS WELL AT MODERATE COST Is a problem that be faced by many. must Our Success Has been largely due to the fact that we furnish good3 in style and finish of the high-priced at a Low Cost. GORMAN'S Clark's Green. Mrs. Frank Gardner left bare Thursday to viiit frinds iu Scott OD Mrs. Geonre Wells and son, and sis ter, Mrs. L ura Beahe, if Vilke- Bsrre, returned to their bom- yeeter day (Monday) utter a three weeks' so journ here nua u friends. Georfte Post, of Newtrk, N. J., will spend a wkat the home of his father- in law, J IS. AmtiD. William runups, or went bni, wis the guest of his brother, Frank Pbil lip, on Thursday of last wank. The Meaars Roberts, of l.enoiville, and J, L. Lntsey, of Scranton, ant Mine Nollie Lutsey and Miss Nellie Cal len der, of this place, ara spending a abort time at Ucean tiruvo. George A. DuBree, of Knights of Honor fame, returned to his home in Philadelphia on Saturday last. D L. Patrick, of Wilkes-Barre, a truest of his sou, H. N. Patrick, weak. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wheeler, their beautiful pair of twins, was last with wore guests of J. W. Mulleuiz ou Friday and aiturd iy. Quite a number of the members of the Grand Army of tbe Republic untie! pate attending tbe excursion, to Far- view this week. The Rev. G. D. Moore, the evangel 1st, arreted bis Gospel tent in the Nichols grove on Saturday, holding tbe first service on that evening, and three services on Sunday, wtaiob were well attended, Services during tba week will be held every afternoon and even inz. All are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Oz -nbiach, of Green Kidge,spent Sunday witu tkeir friends, Mr. and Mra. Silaa White. A party was tendered by Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Akerley to their daughter. Miss Geneva Akerley, ou b riday even Ing last. About thirty guests ware present Among them were George H. Nichols and Miss fanny Deacon Harry Stone and Miss May Armstrong, of Faetory villa ; Miss Cole, of Scran ton: Minnie Gnernon, Clara Laltue Cora Guernon, of Ciiinohilla; Mis Harding, Miss Mayer, Miss Sanderson, of Scranton; May Akerley and George Akerley, of Glenbnrn; Miss FIoTink bam, of Waverly; Kate Atherton, Lydia Perkins, ot Clark's Summit Miss Luella Frace, Miss Lizzie Fraae, i.mma Uoon, 11. JNortbup, W, Coon, A. O. Courtrigbt, F. F. Brown, w. IS. .Tarifar, x. '. barker, T. ri. Green, of Clark'c Green; Ned W. Nichols and other. They spent a very pleasant and enjoyable evening, ad journing at a late hour. Throop. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Billman, re turned home on Sunday. Miss Edith Smitk was in Throop on Bund ay. William Ease, Thomas Evans and Alfred Gill apent Sunday at Lake Wi nds. Mr. and Mn. William Cosine, of Petkvllle, cpent a few hours In town on Bundav evnnlng. Frank Faheringer, B. Bamfield, J. B. Faherincer, G. Stanton, M. Hainond, Oliver Sympson, W. M. Coleman and George Short, of this place, are among the boy in bine at Gettysburg. Richard Ross, of Scranton, was in town on Monday. Miller Faheringer, of Providence, called In town Monday. John Sykes, burgess of Throop bor ough, has one of tbe finest furnished offices in the oounty. TBI world is always interested in the cure of consumption; yet its prevention is of far more Importance. Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Byrnp is gnaranteed to cure coughs and colds. Bold by all dealere on a guarantee of satisfaction, GRAND DEPOT Carbondalc A party oui posed of tb following person who comprise th member of th Baptist choir ud their friends ware rscorttd tn'rough No 3 inla on Saturday evening by Foreman Morgan Thoma; Miisfsld Mltonll. of Koran ton; UenaDiley, Sarah Darig. Mlonia Tttllman, Nattia Burdlolf, Eula Carey, Emma mid Sarah Swigrrt, Ella Hub hard and Lil itn Job, auJ M-ssre. DmUl Difii, Jaraf Campboll, C. R Mann, VYlllixm Thomas, Jobu Ctilltoii, Morgan Watklus, Freemen Tlltnan. Clmr! and Oliver Bailor, A. It. Joue aad B It. Elall. A benefit picoi will be held in Miir- dock'i gro on Saturday of this week in aid of Mrs Jain Cardan, wiuowoi tba lata aomuion councilman. Tbt) causa it a wortoy ona and abould r it a literal patronage. An infant child of Air. and Airs William Scull, of CUrltu uveuu. i8 ill with cholera infantum. On Friday evening of thia weak will occur tua appearnuoe ot nayuu Erane' concert company iu the B.tutut tnbernavle A fin tuuiioal treat is iu tors for tha people ot Carboudale. Dr. J. J. Tboiuusou, ot baleiu ureuue, made a business trip to Sorautou yes tar uay, Lust evenlue tba Lrla nyar. due in this oily at 0 o'clock p, m , struck aud killud an old man at No. 10 bridge, a poiut a short diaiuuce abora this city, lie bud bau in that visiuity picking berries, aud was ou his way homa, walking dowu the track, and had stepped out of the way of a coal train in front ot biiii, und stepped directly in front ot the Erie fiyr, ueeliuif death iuatuntly. His tiask was broken and ha was ottierwis sadly broken up. No one ou the tralu knew who be was but ha wal supposed to be a resident of Jermyu. He was placed on the train and brought to this city, Bridget, the Uysar-old daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Ttioma Lyucb, of Cot- tug street, died o:i Suuday from chol era infantum. Tho funeral will be held this afternoon at 1) 3d o'clock, later- in cut will be mailt) in St. Ivose eouie tery. Ueorg Rodgers, of Suranlon, who is spsuditig a few days with menus at Duniiall, called ou turboudale meii'ia yeeterduy. (J. 1'owler. nr.. was admitted to tbe boapital ou butiday evening sull -riu from debility. Ills condition yesterday was serious. J. E Sears.clerk in Hotel Aothraoite, is speudiug bia vacation iu Buffalo. Delaware aud Hudaou steam road employes reoeired their pay yesterday. John Uouldou, ot Duumoro, apeut tbe Sabbath In this city. W. D. Iran It. of Scrauton, was a visitor here Snuday. jUlts Katie Kelly, of Kiver street, is visiting frieudsiu Sorauton, Pittstoa. Arthur, son of Mr aud Mrs. Willinm Johns, of Morris all'V, rec.-ived pan ful injuries at No. 9 thaft yesterday, where be is employed us an ouwiu driver. Wbilc attending to his duties be was caught between a Car aud the trestle rail and had a ri broken and one of his legs crushed. It was bis first day at work driving, lie was a brother of the boy J uns, who was fatallv hurt at No. 10 shaft about a month ago. Dolpli Glennon, of Port Griffith, and Miss Rose Hand, daughter oi Michael Hand, proprietor of tba South bi le brewery at Scranton, will be mar ried st the South Side Cathollo chnreu, text Wednesday evening at oo clock Ed. Hutlcdge, of Pine street, will be groomsmau, and Miss Agues Glen noti, a sister of tbe groom, will be bridesmaid. The ceremony will be perrormea py uev. rainer meiiy 11 r. Ulennon aud his orlue wilt go m housekeeping in a cozy bora-, at No. 11 Exeter street, on tbe West Side. Gazette, John Cowan, of Butler street, who was 1 inured lu tue uiues a rew uay hlto. is alile to oe arouu't one again C. J. Daroy, or imoago, agent ior Gormlev & Jeffries, manufacturer of the Rambler biaycles, was iu town vesterdav. Tbe marriage or uicnara junney, ot South Main street, and Miss h la McQun, of Sbastopal, is aunoano d to take place at St. John cnureu on Wednesday evening, 'the 20 n inst. Dr. Anna Law left yesterd ly for Philadelphia to accept a position a nhvaician in the Charity hospital. M J. Ford, who ba charrn of J. II Honck's West End apotbeearv, has re turned from a fortniirht's sojourn at Aabnrr Park. Mrs P. Graham, of Nw York; Mis Marr Madden and Miss Kttie Manley, of Hawley, are tbe guests of Mrs. B J Conlan. of Pine str-t. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kelly, of Brond street, spent Sunday with Luzerne bor onirli relatives. M. J. Golden, who holds a responsi ble position lu Philadelphia under t ie Pennsylvania Railroad company, is visiting friends in fiis vicinity. Dalton. Tbe Baptist Sunday sohool mad their excursion to Lake Ariel last Mon day, and it was very largely attended by many from this place. Harry and Miss Alice Dixon, of Kingston, are visiting relatives at this plaee. Mrs. Stella has been on the nlatk list for a few daya, but is recovsring. Miss Cora Bevans, of Scranton, is spending a few days with Miss Carrie Slot. The Salvation Army of Scranton held a meeting at Lily Lake last Sat urday and Sunday and it was very largely attended by many from the surrounding country. Their meetings are very Interesting aud their must is fine. Mra Brown of New York is visiting her sister, Mra Brlgg s, ot this plaoe. Mr. and Mrs. Stiles of Bingbamton spent Suaday with Mr. and Mrs Charles Rice of this plap. Mrs. J. J. Jeunings is around again attr her long nines. Mr. ana Mrs. ueii &oigttt nave r turnsd to their horn in this plaee after spending a few weits with relatives at Cooper town, N. Y, A very Interesting game of bas ball oaanrred at this plaoe last Saturday be tween the Aotlves, of this pla and the Tritons, of Tunkhannook, which resulted in a score oi 11 to 7 in our favor. Mis Nellie Barns is visiting friends at Blnghamten. Miss Hattl Fistsr, of Pottiville, Pa., is visiting Mr. A. G. Ives, of this plaoe. The Methodist Episcopal Sunday sohool and the Christian Endeavor ociety of that eunreh held a plcnio at Lake Manateka last Friday. Mia Lucia Barton, of Clark' Sum mlt, i visiting friend here. Mrs. W. L. Culver, of New York city, i spending a few week at the residence of her (liter, Mr. W. A. Dean, of this plao. Mis CI audi Van Fleet, ot Walls Till), i visiting at this place. Mrs, C. C Miller, of Buffalo, Ii visit lng at this place. F. M. Francis, Surveyor Simmon, of Laplume, and om others of this plaoe have been very busy surveying tua borough lim throughout the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Will Gtdis, of Scran ton, spent a tow daya this week witn Mr. aud Mrs. A B. Davie, of this place. Jcrinyn. On Thursday last a very serious ae oideut occurred at tha Delaware) and Hudson Coai company rallroid bridge just u.inb of their station at thia pUi" it A strret, A voun lad about 14 years of ag by the name or Morlev wbau alighting from the cubooie ot a moving train fall 'liroun the brhlge a liataiice ol 10 r 13 f-t to tha highway road below. D - M inley wai aum monel immediately to administer to his wants, it was found ue-jry to out several stichoi iu his cheek. This ic tbe stcoud one who his ratten through this brllgo tiii season and several hare fnllun through it before ho were cripplud for lifeorklllei ontrtg'it. Ihe funeral of William Eutlake was held Suuday and wus very larg -ly at tended. Services wore heli' iu the M. E. chureh at 3 n. m.. Hjv, F. G'lidall presetted the tnaiul s.'i'inou iu which ue spoke with feeling upon tin life of tho deceased. Interment was made In the Jertuvo cemetery. The pa'l bear ers were J. G. Stioph'Td, Satnud Linn- man, William Lengmaii, W. J. Toman, Joseph Waters and N. 0born. lhe (Jiitano and Weetern will pay on btratitou divleion Ihurslay, Aug. IU Hev F G'lidillwlio has nceii talt ing a vaottlou for some few daya at Farview and viaiuity returned borne Saturday. Miss U. A. Flaherty is taking her va cation at Gulf Summit, witu her parents. The Uozirt band, of Carhoudale, will give a free oprti air concert on the lawu of St. James hpUcGptl church here Thursday ev-nlng, An 10 Re freshments will be served in Ui- tnn ment of the churon by tho Young Ladles guild. Don t forgot th excursion to Mouut- aiu Park, Au. IS Forest Cily. Thorax Joues, of Scr iuton.a stndont at the University of iVunsylvani , vis ited his school friend, Bert Blnkeslee, last evenina:. Lew F. Alleu, of Clark's Summit, is visiting at his borne lu this borough. Rev. H.J. Crane, of Uniondnle.gave a very luieresting talk on his recent trip to tbe Christian Endeavor con vention at Cleveland, O ilo, in the Presbyterian oburch Sunday evening Tbe speoial eleotlon is to oe held t day which is for the purpose of build ing a borou;h bulldine;, with loclc-up, aud to take up all outstanding orders aud bonds aud balance for general im proveoieuts on streets, etc Ine last assessed valuation of tnxihln property iu sail borough Is 1 139 807. t x'"t- iug dht of said borough is $o57 The amount of the propo d incre-ia'j indebtedness Is $i,U0O, said amoutu being 08113 per cent., which witn th existing debt will amount to .OG5303 per cent, of the last assessed valuui m of the taxable property in said bor ough. The polling places for the First ward Is at Jl. J. Collins ulllje; Second ward voters in basemeut of Fleming Home. This electiou in all probability will be carried by a large us joritv. Lost Lrisi Saturday afternoon Di tweeu tbe lllllsiue company s small railroad crossing and the Erie station in this place, a valuable gold watch and ouain with two lookets the pro party of Miss Eunice Jones, daughter of William T. Jon's, ofYandlitig. A suitable reward will ba given for the r tarn of the property to the owur. ' A burglar or burglars broke Into Aid' rich a large hardware store bumlay night or early Monday morning. The eutrano was made by taking a pane of gins nut of on of the windows. Only fsw revolvers ana UulVei wre taaun It is strange tbat mors articles were not taken. Poihly a gang tbat will rival the Jesse J ine or Dalton gang is being nrs in !!.! in our mi 1st. The Athletics do hereby challenge the 'ilonlcey Uuintoi" to a game to be playe ou Thursday, Auj. It), at ' p. m., on the grouau of the Athletics In this lac. Answxr this challenge in euueailay i Tkioune, if accep ed or not. Priceburg. Fire pis discovered in the tower o Jt-rmyn's air shaft ai No. 3 breaker a 5 o'ciook ou Saturday afternoon. Th Mtixiu-iur gave the alarm and Eagl IIos company quickly responded an Xtlugmsiied the bra before anv serious dmag was done. A bai y girl arrived at the borne of Chief of Police Muuley yesterday. A number of our citiz-us attended the excursion to llarveys lake on Saturday. A Vounz barber arrived nt the home of .Michael Donnelly ou Friday 1 tat. Mln Aline Callnhau who bas boon visiting i r uncle P, K. Callihau the BiiitT r-i, will be tendered a fare well rei ;).i :t on uoxt Tuesday even Ing, prev ':i t hor departure for her home in i i r; bnrg Dr. V. P. Kennedy, C. G. Itogors, James R id, Joseph Reynolds and Samuel Pritcbard, rinzon of tlii borough and m rubers of the Tl.ir teentli regiment, are in camp at Get t ysbnrg. we are anxiously waiting for some one to bent th iv publican corres pondent nuke a story. Joseph Uelily and sister Mrs. John Cairns have returned kouie after pending the past tew days in New York. Tue Christian mission members owing to the uncertain wealuer did not hold (heir omp mt'titi on Su i d.ty. Services were held in Munic hall In the cveniug. Honesdnle. Grover Hollister, of llollisterville, called on friends here yesterday. JIlii Lllth (ireelay, of KoMntou. is the guest of friends here. Miss Fanny Forbes, SiTauton. is spending a abort time with relative in town. Mr. Cbarle Lyle and daughter Mamie, of Philadelphia, and Miss Kite Farnbam, of Seranton, are vleltiug at th home of Fred C Faruham. E Theodore Smith, G. W. Soblois, Wtlkes-Barrc. and John Frotuer. Scranton, registered at the Alleu Home yesterday. The service advertised to D neiti la the Delaware and Unison depot Sua day ware held at the Episcopal church. Miss Heckcr, of New York, who hat been visiting Honesdale friend, re turned home Saturday. When Baby was slob, we gave her Castor!. When she tros a Child, she cried for Ciutorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Castorls, Arehbahl. Mussr. Flau.'itthau. Mussey and Wesilalce, ot the defunct Soranton State bague team, callel ou Mart Swift yest-rday. l nomas Foley, of Soranton, eauoa on frieuds ber on Sunday. 11. C. Liudermm, of Main street, returned on Saturday from a brief viait to Canadensis, Monroe county . lu some parts of the borough tnre bas never been such a scarcity of water s at present. Tbe creek are well Iried up and many wells have a's tried on account of the continued lrought. At to R .yinoudah ft, dull aud breaker mine water ha beea used r neveral weeks. A pipe baa been oonneoted witu the main of tho Arch- bald Water companr at the Riverside store and au effort will be made to force water to the Raymond works. On t rid iv uiuhl a number or boys entered the gardeu of John Linderuiun ou South Mam street and stole a quan tity of fruit aud damaged nearly all his vegetables. This is but one of mauy iiuiiar depredations thut have been committed lu thut neighborhood re cently, and it is only natural that peo ple living there should expect promo tion from these miduluht marauders, Attention has been called to this matter before, but the warning have uot b.en hueded. The parties who committed the latest theft are known aud will he arrested. Mr. and Mrs. E. II Ritter, of Psck- vi Ilo, visited at th home ot Andrew Clarkson ou Sunday. Mrs John pfoor. aud sons George and Walter, and Mr Lottie Linder man and sou, Harry, are visiting rela tives lu lloiiesdale. To lay the treat regatta of the Prsts club takes place at Lake Ariel and it is exp'oteit that an immense crowd from bis part ot the valley will attend It. It will be, without duu.'t the greatest amust merit of the season and all who can should witness It. Atchbal 1 Hose compmy bus ehariie of lb arrange ments for the excursiou in this part of he valloy ami they hr.ve mad prepara tions to accommodate a large umvrd lickets mav be had at Monle's drag s'ore and Jones, Simpson & Co', store ino price is only ?l. The sciiool boid met last evening. All the members were present. Presi- leut Lally presl led. 1 he meeting Whs held principally for the purp m of as xia'i'Ug the taoun and nxiug the salaries. The educational otmmlttee, to which these matters had beea re ferred, reported that tbe member war unable to agree aud the matter was aid over until a latsr meeting. Tho selection of janitrixis for the eoming term provoked oousi'israble dtseussiou. It was finally decided to retain those of last year at the Ridge, Elitcrton Creek and Third ward schools. At this meeting the selections for the other luil lings had not b-en made. Dun more. R-v. J. R. Duvies, pastor of tbe Fourth Aveuue Presbyterian ohurcb New York city, occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church Sunday. Mr and Mrs. T. S. llopkln have turned from a week's visit to Lak Winoli. Arch Washer and Charles Potter were visitors at Lake Winoia on Sua dev. With the exception of one the entire corp of last year' teacher have been re-appointed for the ensuing year. Harry b until bas returned from Chicago where he has been located for some time L. L VanWormer nttended the hop at tbe Lake Winoia House last Satur day evening. John Wolf, of Providence, wa visitor her on Sunday. A new time table went into effect on the Erie and Wyomiug Valley railroad yesterday. The Lake Ariel train is tbe only one affected by the change. It will now leave Scranton at 5.10 p. m and returning leave the luke at G 43 A. II Alleu i about to erect resid hue at the corner ot Fifth aud Dudley streets. Tbe Blublrds Base Ball club, of this place, beat tue Little Tyoooug, ot Scranton, two games last week. Peckvillc. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bridges, of Jer myu, speut Suudav with tho latter'i parents, Mr, aud Mrs, James Nute, at B-ll Place! Burulars broke Into the blacksmith shop of H II. hoii'Ckir last Saturday oierbt or early Sunday morning and stole loin i carpenters toots, lhuy then went across tho bridgo and broke open the back door of tbe tailor hop at A. A, Ayres aud took aVut $100 worth of r.ady-tnadH clothing. Mrs. J. B Sweet, of Ashley, and Mls May Dewitt, of Puiladelphla visited Mrs. Joseph G Uy.l last b.itur dav. The remains of Clmrle Brown, the son of the late Mr, b imtiel Holcotub, was buried ut Prospect cemetery yes torl'iy. Mrs. S, W. Arnold who has besn visiting with frl-nds at Conneatieut lor the last two we-ks returned home last Saturday. P. G Hirdingand Josoph Q'vnn spent Sun lay with the latter par-nts at Lake Ariel. Guaranteed Cure. ffo authorize our ndvertieed druggist to soil Dr. King s .New Discovery for Con ruinptlou, Coughs and (.'nils, upon this condition. IT you are aniieted with Cough, Cold, orauy Lung, Throat or Client trouble, and ill use thia remedy aa ill reeled, Kivlug it a fair trial, and experience no beuttlt, you may return the bottle and have your monuy refunded. W o could not nmke this offer did wo not know that Dr, Kinu'e New Dincoverv cuiild be roliud ou It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Matthew liroe'. drug store. Large size 50o. and 1 1. MinooUa. Pat M tv, of Hyde Park, called on Minooka frieuds yesterday. Will Connelly, of Si rauton, called on P. Connolly yesterday. Mrs. John Gormally, nee Catherine Ryan, of Fort Wayne, Iud., is vislllng her hone on Main street. R"port ha it that th Greenwood colliery will toon start ou full lim. Ths gam of base ball ou Saturday afternooti on Burks' ground between lhe Bit Smasher of Taylor and the MsTihwer of tbi place resulted, exp.otad, In a vletory for the home club by a score ot 9 to 4 Maggie Gaughan i visiting A fuss Courielly, of Needsm's Patch, this week. Mis Cell a Nailln and Annie Council, who have besn sojonrulug at Atlantlo City l av returned horn. M. II. McDonough was lotd dole kit to attend at tbe Yonng Men' In stitute convention, which i to b hall at Louisville, Ky on th 5th and 0' a ot Septsmbar. The society ba decided to participate in a parade, whlh will be held ou the same day, consisting of all the different council in th Atlan tic jurisdiction. The oprtta which isjjbslng re hearsed by th Minooka choir under th tuition of Professor Davis, will be produced oi the 27th ot next month, John Egn, tbe Times correspondent, who bag been attending sohool at St. Thomns' college during tbe past sea son, will leave Thnr.id.iv for Baltimore to euUr iip.m a theological course. Branch No. 184, Youuk Mvu's ir.tti- tute, of wbtcu lie has been an active member since its organization, will present him with a set of books as a token of their esteem. The Ti mes will he represented iu thia district b P. F. Cuaiok. The Mayflower Base Ball lnb. nf this plaoe, traveled to M xisio yester- lay an I put up a soed irume with tua Ponndors, of Avoca, Tho genre was: '.yflmors, It): Pounders, 1 What Is the mutter with theoltlzsns who had so mueh kicking in rnard to the school building at Moosic? Whv ou't thny come and have their names Igued to the putitllion at MuDouougb's s tore j Mr. and Mrs. Therou G. Osborne and family, of Greeuwood, returned bom yesterday aft -r a week's outing iu Sus quehanna county. A. U. Doud, of (ireenwood, left yes terday fur Montrose. Supervisor Michael Gibbons is re covered fully from his recent illuoiis, Miss Lizzie Lovering, of u.eunwood, is vial'iug in Brooklyn, lhe murriage of Miss Kitlu lioban nd Michael Hanahoo will occur to morrow afternoon at i o clock at bi. Joseph's cnuioti. Mies Maine J udL'e returned yedtur lay from Lake SVitiola. I.nllsleuri. A movement is on loot to eularue the membership of the R.ilroad Young Men's Chiistien association in this place, which lutliiuttou is one of the tin I iu this aeetiou of the state. Great credit is to be given to the L'enlal and pleasing secretury, Mr. Adair, who conducts tho lutue vsry skilfully. liortt, to Mr. and Mrs. rred Van Former, Aug 11, a son Euward U Hiiu and family apunt Sunday witu frieuds aud relatives at New Mllford. Rev. J. S. Croinpton, of Grsut Bind. will address th gonp'l iu -nti g uc the Railroad Young .Men's Cnrlsti.tu aito- oiatlou next Suuday. All are welcome. J. J. tottiptou wusia Alford today. Fred D. Lamb, Tiik Tiiiuunk corra- poudent at this plao, spent Siturday nd buuay with his gruu'liiar juts at Royal, Pa. l he Hallstcad Fir E igine and Hone compauy and the it. C. DuBhs Hook and Ladder company, of tan place, will give a dtiuo la Fireinau's hail on Tuet- lay, Aug. 14, to defray the expenses of tbe annual parade wbish 1 to tak plao her Sept. 0 Alar ion and Ltllie Church are visiting friends in Brldgnw.tnr, N Y. miss Annie 11. Dunham is viuitinir friends in Scranton, S. P. Morse, the editor of the Grmt Ben 1 PlaludeaUr, whose plant was de stroyed by fire some weeks ago, is in New loikelty buying new type and other Material. Miss Carrie Trundall, of Kirkwood. la th KUt ot Mary Scot ton. Mrs. Nellie Hardcastle is visitlmr friends in Clark's Sumit. James Taylor, jr., of Ithtcais spend ing a fsw day with frieud iu this plaoe. Mrs. John Curtis, of Scranton. is call ing on friends in town. Charles Capwell aud Vincent Wil- mot visited Xline lakes today. Miss Jennie Adair, of Chicago, is visitiug bar brother. Secretary Adair. of tbe Railroad Youug Men's Christian association. A conversational Bible study is being conducted lu the Railroad Youuir Meu'g Christian Association rooms every Sun day morning at v.oJ o clock, wbiou is tor men ouly. Blackberries are vary plentiful in this section and are being sold for 10 cent per quart. Mr. and Airs. Arthur Thompson, of Oueouta, is vleitiug at th resideuce of Charles Cepwoll, ou Williams street. Peter Koch, frem the Moody school, is now presetting th icospel in the opu air in Great Beud. lie is to be ou this side ot tbe river next week. James Kirby calltd on Scranton frieuds today. Mrs. I nomas McAloon, of Nichol- n. is visitiug her sou, John, iu this place. John Snow, who bas been visiting friend in Uinghauilou, bas returned home. Michael G tthsny, of Binghamton, is the guest ot William Suilivan. The teachers' uieeliug will be held on Friday evening at the home of G. W. Capwell ou Cuui ch street The Infant aon of Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Carver, of Great Bead, died yesterday uio.-fiir.g. Tim furioral will be held at the homo at '2 o'clork. Old Forge. Fred Avery, of Kink's Ferry. X. Y is vis lting at the home ot bi uucle, M. V. Marie. Th Traction company began work on their line in Oi l Forgo tosvnship on Monday, at Carbon hill. They had laid the tie for some distance when they were waited upon by the super viaers, auditors, and a committee of citizens who requested them to uspond operations until an agreement botwnsti the towushln aud tha sotnpsny aonld i e signed. Messrs. Walrous aud Am uihimaa, for th company, were there during the afternoon, but they came lo no agreement. They will in-ot this morning at 0 o'clock to complete tl.e erre Ifein nta Like a New Woman I am feeling since I took Hood's Sarsaparllla. 1 was suffering from ladigeetiea, Catarrh ood's Sar8a- i parilla aad Mirk Headache and did not have aay r'ures . -,!.. T . . VV J say Hood's Sarsiinarllla wwwww has cured me of catarrh and all my other troubles. Grack Wilson, IlalnesvlUc, N. J. Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills, constipa tion, biliousness, sick headache, Indigestion, MR. FRED WE1CHEL At his newly-renovated and lleenied Hotol at I'IjAKK'K SUMMIT, Is now prepared to fur nish travelinj men aud eoulal parties with the LATEST, NEW-STYLED K108, shutle or double, to take thom to l ake WhiMa, Gravel Pond and all suburban points and Bummer resorts at reasonable prices. A large livery baru oouueoted with uotol (or travel log public Miss Urace H(fon il UJSllilllilllllllltlllllllllilllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,,,,,!,,,,,,,,,!,,!!!, THE: GREAT PS Fill I WIT SALE AT HE FAIR 400402 Lackawanna Aye, Commences SATURDAY, AUC5UST 4 GRE IT BARGAINS ul!l!2S!3!:i3i;!C2i2S:ill!tI9!ISISIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllIIIIIHIIlllllllIlk?, mm n SHADES Fine Holland Shades, with heavy knot fringe, Hartshorn Rollers, iOc. Plain Shades, 20, 25 and 30c. each. Measuteiueuts taken aud shades put up by experienced workmen. Ie Carry All Widths Store Shades in Stock. Brass Extension Sash Rods 15 and 20c. each. v A few Vienna Porch Shades left that we will close out at cost ICEHK lb SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. infQsf.ymmvff .'iwwjffie.4Stisaiisa.M nmtmemwS'i Due to tbii Fast Arrival of Our Immense Fall Stock. y7E ARE anxious to dispose of our VV remaining ODD and END Stock, and this is how: $21 Dodrooui Suits. , ij'.V) Bedroom Suit. , $'2S Brdrooui Suits. fl)5 Bi'drocin Suit. $15 Sideboards $18 Sidbtiosrd if .'l Sideboards :10 Sideboards P3 Parlor Suits.... $10 Parlor iSnits...,. $o0 Parlor Suit ifTj Purler fcnlta. ... ,... Numerous other things iu the Kockers, Carpets will bo reduced to make it interesting: 65c. Ingrain Reduced to 85s, 05a Ingrtiln Rduced to 45o. 75c. Ingrain Reduced to 53o. $1 Tapestry Brussels Rdood to 75o. 00c, Tapvttry Brussels Roduoed to C3e. 75c. Tapestry Brossels ,.Rduei to 60a Rugs. Art Squares. Mattings and Oil Cloths will also be chopped. Bsmem br. nnr Liberil Credit Offerings holds g.iod during tbi Reduction Sale. Eacli Rducd to $14 RduceJ to $17. Rdcd to $20. Rednsed to $20. Rducd to $9.50. Rdad to $11 50. , Rdod to $18. Rdaed to $2 Rdaod to $28. Rdad to $33. Rdued to $40. Reduced to $50. Furniture line cut equally 83 low- Desks, Tables, etc. V 1