t THE SCEANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1894. 7" GENERAL NEWS .OF The Iron Trade BevUw iayi! "The Iron trade txpeeti little from August, and ill exprctattons are not being ex ceeded In current business. From the south comes the report that one large producer aeeured an adranee of 23 oenta In recent ealei, but this is offset ky some cutting from quoted rates by certain western producers of foundry iron. Eastern couiutueri of Bessomei are in the market, but hare not yet been able to get Pittsburg producers to tneet their ideas. Sales at Pittsburg are of small volume, with prices ap proximately at a valley basis of $11 for deliveries three months ahead, buyers Truo ordinarily enter the market for round lots of billets have confined themselves to small contracts of late, the condition of the billet market, as well as that of Bessemer pig, making it out of the question for buyers and sell ers to agree in their foreeast of the next three months. Latent Pittsburg transaetloBS indicate less flrmusss in billets, with nearly all the mills in Pittsburg and Wheeling districts run ning to full capacity. With a tariff bill substantially agreed upon, as now seems to be the fact, thire may be au attempt to emerge from the uncertain ty that has so long bound bnsinsss. The final disposition of iron ore and ether items of interest to the iron trade bodes no improvement in prices, to Bay the least, if latest reports as to terms of agreement ore to le acoepted." General Manager Henderson, of the Reading Coal and Iron company, says, in response to a request for information regarding the report that a readjust ment of anthracite percentages is con templated: "There is nothing unusual now going on. Tne anthracite mana gers are continually agitating this question. At present there is no inten tion of adopting radioal measures. - At the meeting of the anthracite coal sales agents, to be held this month, it is probable that the question of readjust ment will be disoused, and the mana gers of the anthraette companies will then eonslder it. It is true, as stated, tbat President Harris is opposed to a reduction of the lieadiux's atlotineut, and I think it can be said that be will ot consent to it. It is foolish to sv that because the company mined 20J per cent, of totul lust month, when only seventeen collieries were working, that its regular allotment should not oxceed twenty-one per cent I think tbat is n reason for giving the Reading a larger allotment. All the collinrias have been olosed for the balance of the week, and a number of them will be olcned next week." For the year ended June 80 the Illi nois Centrul railroad reports gross earnings of $20,857,464, an increase of $002,274; expenses, $'4,869,416, an iu oreaseof l83,42; and net, $0,238,043, an increase of $470,793. For the six months ended June 80 the Nickel Plate road reports gross enmities of $2,589, 075, a decrease of $006,753; expenses, $2,215,296, a decrease of $844,527; aud net, $322,770, a decrease of $352,226 For the first week of Augast the Wub a?h road earned $277,000, an increase of $12,000; Texas Pacific, $100,395, an in crease of $11,308) Canadian Pacific, $859,000, a decrease of $60,000; and Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Mioul gau, $21,260, an increase of $1,767. The submarine torpedo boat project bss again come to the front. The board of naval bureau chiefs have been looking Into the past action ot the de partment and baa taken steps to have the construction bureau examine the plans for the Holland boat and report on tbelr feasibility. There is an ap propriation of $200, 000 available from last year's appropriation bill for tbis purpose, but the ordinance officers, who carefully examined three com petitive designs for this underwater craft, decided that they were impracti cable, and, moreover, would be of no service were tbey operative, because of lack of light under the water to navi gate them. Statement of shipments of anthra cite coal (approximated) for wok ended Aug. 4, compared with the cor ' responding period last year: Diffor- Rfglons. 1S94. 180,1. c.nc. Wyoming 403,851 426.3.i8 Deo 26,707 LehiKli 1&1.M5 14, Kit Ino 81" Schuylkill.,., 181,589 200.724 lea 25,13.) Total 720,385 7704U Doo CO.U'J Yeur to dat.Ja,2'J8,St)8 24,1131,1)73 Docl,(Uti,170 Hixor Industrial Notes: Shops of the Lake Erie and Western road are again running full time and full buuded. Coal trafflo with the Ohio roads is ac tive, and Hinited only by power to haul and cars to carry it. The New York Central road earned In July a,lCS,(X)2.78, a decrease as compared with July, loU3, ot IT08, 223.69. The first step ban been takon by the Southern Pacific looking to a revival of tne Transcontinental Puatenger association. W'oktern Pennsylvania window glass manufacturers say they will insist upon the 40 per cent, reduction In the wage scale, Owing to the dullness in travel, the New York Central has consolidated the New York and Chicago limited with its North Bhore limited, between New York and Chi oao. Frank Stevenson, southern traveling pas senger agent of the Pennsylvania lines, has been appointed special passenger agent of the company, vice J IS, Bronson, pro moted. A suit has been entered at St. Pniil against tho Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul for failure to ooinply with the iuWr state commerce act lu regard to reports and statlatics. Shops of the Pennsylvania company all ever the system are now rnnniiiu igbi lionrs, six flays of the week, instead of thirty-five hours per week, as for some months past, and. in the car-repairing de partment the men are woraing ten hours day. It is well settled that the Baltimore and Ohio was the purchaser of tlie Balimore S. . . I j GOETHE'S VISIT TO CARLSBAD. - There is no doubt that the life of the great poet was greatly pro longed by drinking the waters of the Sprudel Soring. We have the Sprudel Spring brought to tw in the form of Salt, which is ob tained by evaporation from the Waters of Carlsbad. The . Carlsbad Sprudel Salt (powder form) dissolves tenacious pile, allays Irritation and removes obstructions by aiding nature. It acts soothingly and without pain. Best milts obtained when out door exercise can be had. The genuine has the signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Agents, New York," on bottle. INDUSTRIES i and Lehigh at the recent sale, which gives the Baltimore and Ohio direct entrance into the anthracite mines of the Philadel phia and Heading. The road runs from York to Delta, Pa. J. W. Eelnhart has resigned from the Atchinson system, of which he is president, and one ot the receivers, on account of several severe adverse criticisms ou his conduct of the affaire of the road. Ue is being ued in the New York courts by one of the stockholders. Work will bo begun on the Blughainton aud State Line railroad on Monday. This ia the New York eud of the much talked of Wilhamsport aud Btnghainton railroad. The Blnghnmton Herald thiuks the road will be linished from Biughamton to the stute line this year. The Pennsylvania railroad in July moved 107,05 loaded cars, against T7.U7U in June, and 71,180 in July, 6'J3. From this It would seem the Pennsylvania road proper did cot suffer iu its freight business from the Debs strike, its immense coal traflle increasing its business. The West Elk rolling mill and chain works at Lebanon, have commeuced work ing extra time, owing to the iucroased number of orders on hand. The sixteen inch mill of the Pennsylvania bolt and nut works, which had been idle since last full, is running ou double turn. It is rumored that the Peuusylvania will consolidate some of its trains between New York aud Chicago u ulcus there is an early revival in busiuess. Tho south western lines of the Pennsylvania system uro now currying more passengers than is the northwoatern system, iu proportion to the business of years past. The reoeipts of the patent office during tho past two months lanvo ueeu lower tliuu at any time for tlirse or four yenrs. The receipts during July of lat year wine tSS.OOO, while tbis year the month's aggre gate was iSS.OOO. 'In June of this year the receipts aggregated i'J9,0CO, a decrease ot about 81,01)0 from tho previous June. The Gleudon aud Gulf railroad, which Is oeing built iu North Curoliua, about thirty miles of which have been completed, will be extended from Glendoc, N. C, to Char lotto, N. C, a distance of about ninety three miles. This extension will open up a valuable section of country containing large deposits of iron ore, coal, browustouo and timber. The rapid recuperation of the Pennsyl vania railroad from the offsets of the re cent strikes is shown in its stutouioutof ocal aud coke touuagu for tie week ending August 4, which covers the amount of coal as 255,670 tons, and of coke Ti.'M tons. For the year to date the total shipments of both are 8,114,001 tons, against ll.bOd.olu tons In lb'JJ. Tho Mexican government, by ducreo iu eucouragemeut of gold tululug iu that country, has provided u serios of conces sions to miners In the shape of remission of duties ou tools and plant, partial rebate of mining tax for ton y ars aud exemption from federal impost. Similar exemptions are grauted to persons who will oagago in irrigation in Muxico. f There was a conferance'vosterday ou the Philadelphia and Heading railroad re organization, belweuu George H. Earls president of tho Finance company o' Philadelphia, and Frederick W. Whlt rudgo, counsel for the general mortgage bondholders conimltteo, headed by Fred erick P. Olcott. It is said that the so called Olcott committee will join iu tho proposed organization. Business with the locomotive and car works as yet shows no sign of improve ment. Ouly two car works in this coun try are now In operation, and but four of the locomotive works, aud they are em ploying only one-third their usual number of nieu; however, car aud locomotive builders are very confident their business ! will revive as soon as buslaoss does gen ! erally, as a number of roads are in need of ; new cars and new looomotivoj. A BONANZA HACK DRIVER. ' Mike rinianlgn'i Itccolkxlious of tlio I'lnih Days In California. " Kuto Huyes lined to give mu $50 a night 1 for driving hor from tho Rnlctto House to Alugulro's Opera House $00 a night, mind you, in 1804, And that was nothing in a day's work. Why, I've often efipo clully of a day when tho steamer came in from Panama and It with tho mulls nboard why, then I'd get $25 u trip from the dock to tho Rnzetto Houso or the Tcbnrua, us It chunccd, and 10 trips wus nothing fur an winy day." That wus wlint Colonol Mlko llnuinigun suid to a San Francisco Examiner nmu. lie Is running hacks ut El Paso now and mak ing money. But, bless you, what is tho money of to day to tho slath ers and slathers of big fat slugs that used to roll around in the iif- MIKE MiANMGAN. tlesf What Is a plcnyuno $3 plcco for au hour's Job compared to tho shining show ers of glittering gold tiat camo for hack hiro in tho days guno byf And, to think of it, thoro was only one hack in all California ono solitary car riage and Miko Brannlgan owned ft,. Ho did not own nil of it, of course. Thut would havo been a monopoly too groat, too vast, too ponderous to bu tolerated evon In n country that reeked with gold, but ho held a third Interest in tho outfit. Jim Truvers and Johnny Crowo held tho rest. An Australian had bTought over tho rig finn Sydney, and they bought It from him tif $1,000. Horses they picked up nt $lo0 n pnlr, "nnd between you and rno and tho ' next ono," explained tho colonel, ''tho pities weren't worth $10. ''When wo got out tho new cmrinifo from Brewster in 1854," continued tho : colonel, "Kate Hayes paid $300 for tho first rldo In it. Two hours It was, nnd ( four horses. Yos, you bet tho money oauio easy, and It wont that way too. Oo i Into tho Eldorado of a night or maybo tho Bnlla Union and throw down n fifty Slug on the first card that was handy. Jim MuCabo had a Gorman girl ho paid $30 u day to for Just sitting over tho rotilotto in tho Eldorado, so thut tho fellows would como In Just to look at her and blow in their dust. Ned Itngadnlo paid thosamo to n beauty In tho Bella Union, but what was $30 or $300 then?" . i:iiipsti'l:iQ Item. "Do yon see that linlyon that trotting horse!" said Charlie Knickerbocker, point ing to a female who was alternately rising in the air and pounding a saddle. "Yes; what of hcrr" replied Uus Suob berly. "Nothing, except Bho reminds me of paper on Wall street, always rising and falling." Texas Siftlnga. Developments in chemical science pro mote bolicf In the existence of elementary forme of matter not yet actually observed. Certain peculiarities in the spectrum of the lun are thought to Indicate tbat mnch of Its matter k still in such elementary forma wlug to JU Jutense heat. Bptoimea Cases. B. H. Clifford, New CasseL Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, bis stomaoh was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and be was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Bhepherd, Harrisbnrg, 111., had a rnnning sore on hie leg ot eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Eleotrio Bitter and seven boxes of Bncklen's Amioa Halve and his leg is onnd and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had Jive larce fever sore on bis leg, doctors said he was Incurable. On bottle Eleotrio BitWrs and one box Bncklen'i Arnica jj if 9m FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Etoeke and Sonde. The following oompiet tame s&nwrag tna day'afiuutUHtiouilu aottre atnoifi ia sup))ll4 and revised Uily by LalSar A Fullor, stoolc broker, Ul Wvoinlnz avenua: Open- Ul;h. Low Clos- v In j, ant er. ii. Am. cot. oil sr.'M ai ma Aw Uugiir. UiU lLUlk luMj KM A.T.&B.1T 6 m 5 fi fail. 8a tW'i fr-'H 6 ' Ceu. N. J, CUic N. W 11I4 lOfiW 1UIU t)., B. ft Q 7IU 74 7 1 U 7!i Ohi. U, 75 75U 7"iM C. CCA St. L.... 87)4 374 7i4 87W Col., Buck. Vol. AT. IN'i ls'3 W4 I). & H 135 W 131), 13s$ D. .L. St W O. C. F JKM ;! ( ISM Hi Erie UH 15 uli K' 0. E. Co 3U 'J mi Sf Lake Shore 13iiU 131 W.lj WM 1. AN M M 6li Ml Manhattan 1HM U7M 110)4 H?Hi Mlh.luo 27 2svJ li" S Nut. Lad 13 U 42'f N. T. fcK. E VM HI lr'M 1 V. Y. Cautrul W)l ai f N N. V u. It W liiW 'H I'HJ ilH N.Y., . JsW 1M4 15)6 l'4 '" u.s. c. co a ii-')s U;t) North Pao ;;;; North Pao. Df 10 l'?fi 15 )M ' Omaha 33 3H 3 -ae. ilall ' Iteadlut: li H' JVJs : Koek Uland til V0 M st. Paul m4 mi w m T..C.AI 1, I $ m Texas A Pao H Wi ,Ws ' J I'ni.m PaciUc H " 4 !M V'alsh pf VH 15H Ml m Waatorn Uniou WJi ,1 J ' 4 WILE l' I'M W4 ;h W. & L. E. nfd m M 4U 41)4 Chicago Grain aud Provlilous. CcilANTOW. Aug. 13.-Tbe followlnu qnota tlonK are euniillod auJ eorrHUtail daily by La liar A Fuller, atoek brokers,lil Wvoinlat av uuu. WHEAT. ( Rent. Dfc. May. Ononlug liH KJj IllKllUtft M'b M '"'k I.owoat 64i 57 l"l3fi UnHlug MM 6TM O-'Jl t'UKN. fiwulug lf!i .... I'; lluhoat .... W Loweat fti .... H : Ciouint; f)l?4 .... M OA'1'8. , C'lKMilua sn .... mi ; Iliu'hcut : .... :Hi iU.weat "' .... I C'loainn !!W?t 314 I l'OUK, 1 Oix-nluK lT ; HlRhcst I,uwuat U17 CluHlrit; PM5 .... .... ! I.Akn. Opening 737 HiuhoHl 7'U l.owt'Ht 737 . Closing , , 70U tiHilKT nina. OliMilug 707 HibrhvHC '"-' Lowtist 7:5 Closing - -5 loranton Vt'ligleaals Market SCKANTON, Aug. 13. FkUIT ANnPllOIlfCK Dried apples per pound, ()7i). : evap oruted apples, 1 luHc. per poaud; Turkish pruues, fiasc; Eugllsh currauts, tiltfe.; layer raitins. il.75iil.S i; muscatels. il.OOa 1.40 per box; new Vnleuclos, Cii7. per pound. Beans Marrow-fats. $3.25a3.?0 per bushel; mediums, t'.'.bOal.UD. Pkas ureen, ll.Ual.20 per bnsheli split, t2.M)a2.60; lvutels, S to Sc. per pound. .Pot atom New, per barrel, !U.5Ua&75. Onions ISushel, fioc. Butter 17o. to 21c. per lb. Chms 8ia0o. per 10. Eaos Fresh. 1515X& MiATs-Haui9, Vic; email hams, 13Xc. ; skinned hams, 14c; California bams, 9'c: shoulders, 9c; bellies, 9;ac. ; smoked breakfast bacon, 12c. Smoked Belf Outsides, lsc.j sets, 15c; insides aud Knuckles, 10;,o. Acme sliced smoked beef, 1 pound cans, dozen, Pokk Mess at 115; short cut, $16. Lard Leaf In tierse at Ue.; in tabs, OX.; in 10-pound pails, 0'c.i in 6-pound pails, 9;c; V-pound palls. 10c. per found; compound bird tierces, 7c; tuba, c; 10-ponud palls, TJc per pound; 5-pouud pails, 7o. per pound; 3-pouud pails, 8c. per pound. Flour Minnesota patent, pr barret. M.00a4.25; Ohio aud Indiana amber, at (3.25; Uraham at I3.6U; rye Hour, at (3.00. Fkkd Mixed, perewt., attl.25. Graih Eye, 65. j corn, C4toU7o.i oats, id to 6Uc. per busheL Rye Stiiaw Per ton, $l3al(3. UAY-14.50al6. l.'w York Produce Slarket. Kew YoitK, Aug. 13. Flour Dull, easy. Wi.nteb Whvat Low Krades JI.Sj:i2.50; do . fnir to fiiiwy fia2.9;i; do., patents fA75t3 2a Minnesota clear J3.25n3.05; do., straights 3.WuM.5; do., patents fcU'ta-t 00; low extras Jl.tirm2.50; city mills 3.5Da3.05; do., jintents i-l.V5a4.C5. Wiikat Active, for export; low steady; No. 2 ica, store aud elevator, 57li57Xa; atlont, 57Ha57f.; f. 0. b., 57a5Sc: uu graded red, 54ii58c; No. 1 nortlieru, Oti'o-; options a' tlve and Irregular, closity steady at laHj'O. under fruturday; DsCcmber aud Hupieir.bcr mot active; No. 8 red, closed, Au?iHt, 67,'i'c. ; Weptouiber, SSe.j October, o0,'&; Docemhar, iila.; May, CC'c. cons Dull, Kcnrce, lower, with options; No. 2, 0;iiaO!o.; elevator, OOalil.Ko. atloat; options closi'd firm at a. uudr r-'aturdy, trading moderate; May and September most active; Ancust, OOJ'c.; boptuniber, Wiio.: Ootobor, f)S)t'c. ; Not:ii bur, 5Mic; December, 5l)!c. ; May, 55o. Oats Fairly active; weaker; options, weaker, mora active: August, 3330.; Sep tember, 33'c.; Octr.hcr,34i!.; snot jirices, No 2. 3233.: No. 2 wblt. 3CJs37a; No. 2 Chicago, Uta; No. 3, d2c; No. 3 white, tlialitlHc. ; mixed western, 3:i'a 84c.; white do., and white state, S(in40:r. HKKr-8toady,dull; family, fl0nl2; extra mes, Was. SU. HeicK Hamh Quiet; iZii'i'A. Tiehcei) Ui;RF-Qiii'.!t,;nuiidyj city extra India mt:s. tlSislT. Cut Meats fteady, dull; picltled bel lies, 8.1.; plcklod shouiders, 0)c.; pickled hams, ll'aiac. Laru Ster.dy; western steam, 17.85: rltv, refined, firmer; continent, '40; 8011th Aniorica, ffj.60; compound. U(!o. PoitK-liuii't, firm; moon, tl4.75.tli.00; extra prime. J1313.50, BuiTKR-Hteady, quiet; stute dairy, 14a 21c; do. creamery, 1723c; Punnsvlvaiiiu, do., 17a:i,'lc; westurn dairy, 1'jnliij.; do. creamery, 14a2Vc. di. factory, 12,S,'a 15X;c; olgiijs, 23c; imitation creamery, 14al7c. Ciiekkk Firmer, qulot; state large, 7a OVc; do. fancy, 6)4 c; part skimu, 3a(lc; full shim' 2a2c. Eutis Light receipts, firmer! state nnd Pennsylvania, ICalbc; western fresh. 14f?iil0c. 'i allow Steady, quiet; city, 4;.c; country, 4a-ic. Philadelphia Tallow Slarkat. FinLAPKLi'H!A. Aug. 13. Tallow was firm at the receut advance. Prices were: Prime city in hogsheads, 4c; prime country, in barrels, 4KC.I do. dark In barrels, 4c; enkos, 4c; grease, U$e. Crlliolelng a Youug Lady, "She would be a pretty girl fur but ono thing." "What's thatr asked Charley. George Hr face Is always covored with ptirple and red blotches. Cnsrley-sOh, that's easily euough dig posed of. Used to be the name way my self, but I caught on to the trouble one day,' and got rid of it in no time, George What was it? Charley-Hlmply blood eruptions'. Took a slioTt course of P. P. P. I tell you, It's the boss blood eorreotor, The governor had rheumatism so bad that yon could hear him holler olear aaroes the cunntry every time be moved. He tried It, and you know what an athletic old sent he i. now. If somebody would give Mlsa Daisy a pointer, she wonld thank them after wards. All tne drug stores soil it, "If I gave you this ulckle I suppose you would go right off and spend it for drink." Tobe Tatter Nope; I'd wait till I got 10 cents. Exchange. Tint Rev. Wm. Stout, Wiarton, Out., States: After being Ineffectually treated by seventeen different doctors for Scrofula and blood disease, I was cursd by Bur dock Wood Bitters. Write him for proof. A SUi.TMrT.V3 DAY INCIDENT Wlilch Illustrates the Proverb "Prldo Goctli ttoforo a Full.' The youn.y man with tho peppor and suit suit, tho yollow shoes nnd tho Btrow hat .bound about by a varloolored ribbon wus walking just abend, observes the philoso pher of the Chloago Ucoord. lie seemed to know Unit I10 was uiudo up for display, for lio kept looking In ut the show win dows aud pulling down his culfs. At the corner ono of tlioso sudden gusts of wind which set-in to oouio from nowhere blew off his struw hat, the ono with the vari colored ribbon. ilo liuulo u grab with both hands, but It was too lata Tho wind hud taken it off his head. lie saw a hut rolling down tho street, traveling on one cdjjo. Of oourso ho was after It. l'(io It!" shouted a policeman. " "Hooray!" yelled tho corner newsboy. Tho pedestrian found tliuo to stop and encourage him In his chaso. Hut tho hut hud u long start on Mm, and tho wind Cg) TT was holding out. Ouco ho saw tho hat topple over and lio quietly on tho cohblo stones for a moment. Then u puff of wind raised It und sent it wheeling along at an increased speed. Ho did not hear tho Jeering laughter of tho tnmstk:rs. With Hps firmly set and nostrils distended he run, gaining every moment. Once he was delayed. The hut ran under a coal wagon, and ho had to go around. At lnet the hut run Into tho curb stone near u eoruor street Uuup, and with a puunco be wu upon It. All flushed nnd breathless, he picked It up, and then ho loaned ugulust the lump post to rest. Amuu, also flushed aud breathless, camo running up and took tho hut out of his hands, "I'm much obliged," suid ho. "Forwlmtr" "This la my hut." ''Where's mine, then?" "Ilunglng behind you nt tho end of tho string." Sure enough, ho Imd.forgotton all about his new liathtrliig. The l'ii-Ht Aluminium l'lunt. Aluminium hus steadily advanced in im portance of lute years, and recent discover ies, largely reducing the cost of produc tion, cannot full to lead to a considerably augmented output of this metal, which ap pears undoubtedly destined to play an In creasingly commanding purt In the metal lurgical world. The name Ls derived from the "nlumcn" of the Itomuns, though the metal wo thus designate in not believed to have been known to the ancients. Mngralf, in tho middle of the Eighteenth century, proved the earth nlumluu to be a distinct sub stauce, but it wus not until about the year 1828 that Wholer, to whom must be credit ed the true discovery of aluminium, first succeeded iu extracting the metal. Alu minium remained, however, a laboratory product until some thirty years later, when St. Claire Devllle, uuder tho auspices of Napoleon III, perfected its manufacture, and placed the mctul ou a cummej-clul basis. The flint works for producing nlu minium in any quantity were established near ArleK, in France, aud by what has Bince become known as the Devllle process. The metal could bo procured "in Paris in 1857 nt ubout 7s. (Id. per ounce. Chambers' Journal. Humor In Souio Old WI1U. A certain Lieuteuaut Colonel Nash left an annuity to tho bell ringers of llath to "toll dolefully" on each ounlversury of his wedding duy, uud coutrito Mr. Withipol, of Walthaiintow, left the bulk of his prop erty to his wife, "trusting," ho say.s, "yea, I may say its I think, assuring myself, that tho will niurry uo iinin, fur (ear to meet witli so evil u husbuud as I havo been to her." Mr. Jasper Mayuo nt least consid ered himself witty when he bequenthed to his vuU-t a wurnout portmanteau, ns It contained aomethiug, said the will, which would make him drink. Theexcited valet ripped open the trunk und found a red herring in It. So, doubtless, did tho Scotch gentleman who, in 1077, left to his sou's care bis two wor.st watches, "becaiuio," ho said, "I know he Is sure to dissect thorn." All. the Yenr Hound. (fccccham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free; pills 25c. At drugstorcs.or write 1J.F. Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Duebsr-Hanipden 17 Jewel Watches are known bv rail. 17 m .a , ... RUDY JEWELED j 1 , Te r t s tn 1 1 91 adjusted Ml experts to be un- 5g? and accuracy. The Dubcr Watch Works, Cnnton.tO. fiotel Waverly European Plsn. Hmt-olasp Dar M:ehl lvpvl for Brgu iinrel Taanhur Gear. 1 & Col 15th U Wot desirable (or rsrIAtnta of N.H. pnn irWaul. AU MattiitanoM for travelers to and from Broad Street tlaUun nd tha Twrltth and Market Btroet ttatluu. Ds tiralil (or Tlsltini Soriiiitonlan Ml bo tl hi Ui Anthracite Heirloa, " T J. VICTORY, PK0PRIET0Q. CITRUS i Constipation. CLUES Constipation. CURES Constipation. I write that you may know the go-id I have received from B. H. H. I wan all out of health and sullurlng witheon stlpatinh nnd hiiiouaneia. I tried other medicines, but tliuy fulled In do any good. At hint I bought u bottlu of U. B. B. and huf,r I had nsd It all I went to work as well as evor. Ous NKi.aoN, Box fi6rtrvlneton,WarraoaP Acta On the Bowels. 'tiird national Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $209, SURPLUS, $250, This banli offer to ilpumltrrs vir fnollltv Murrui.Kd liy their buliinces, buul and r.oniblllty. hpoolul at Untloo c'lvi'U tn bUBiniit o couiiU lututest raid uu time deposit WIL7.IAM CONNKI.T Tretldont. CliO. II. CATI.I, VU c-l'rivtldent VV1LUAM II. 1'ttK, Cn.hlck llJiLCTOliS. William Connnll, (,ooiqe IT. Catlln, A If rod Uaucl. Juuioa Arclilinld, Hunry lieiln, Jr., VUllaui X Kuitb Lutbar Unita TII13 TOAOE National Bank of Scranton. CliGAMZED inn CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000. FAMUEL niNES.IIPrpiildint. V. W. WATSON. Vice Presidoat. A. u. W 1LL1AM.-S, Casliiur. DimxTons, PAvrit, IIines, jAvrs M' EvRnnAttT, ihvinq A. FiKrn, Pieiu'eB. FiNusr, JOSEI'H J. JKHMYS, Si. B. KEMEItniU, C'UAs, 1'. Maiiiikws, John T.founu. W. W. Watbom. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites tho patronage of businosj men aud urine liuuurully. Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealers in: niaffiiMtin antl Lubricating Llnaetd Oil, Nnpthas aud Gaso lines of ail pradca. Axle Greasa, Pinion G reuse and Colliery Cma ponud ; also, a lame liuo ot Vat ruffiae Yas Candies. We nlso buudlo the Famous CROVd ACHE OIL, the only fumily oafoty burning oil in the market. WILLIAM MASON, Manager. Office: Ceal Exobanga. Wyoming At ' Vorki at l'iue liruuic Scranton Tribune PI JOB. . . DEPT. EVERY description of Job Printing in the best style of the art. Promptness nud Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, practical and com petent men iu charge of each branch of the work. We do not make a sham show ot cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, . Cards and Posters a Specialty. Dill Heads, Note Mends, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates an all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully g iven. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. 18 ONE OP TUB BEST EQUUTED ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE CITT. HASSON STARK. AT THE OLD DKPOT HOTEL, FACTOKYV1LLE, la prepared to reeeive Hummer boarders and lurniali rli (or tourists to surrounding- towns ad summer resort. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL FUYSlllAMS AMU bt'lKitON DH. Q. EDGAR DEAN Las removed to16 Biruce ktrvat, PcrniitoQ, la. (.Just oy poalto court-houao bjuuia DU. A. J. CON NELL, Odluo M Washington avonus. eoruor Snruc atroct. over Oancku s druif sturn. HcBlilniins. :i! Vina at. Oitice hours: 10.31 to 12 a. in. nnd to and toJUW J. m. Sunday, S to 8 pjn. 1) . W. E. ALLEN, Otllce cor. Lack Wanna aud WushinirtGn htm. t river Lfinn. ard bhoe store; ollico bours, 10 to 13 a. Hi. aud p. in.; uveuine at rosluouco, uvm. r.aaiiinyton avo. DK.U L. FKEY, Fraction Umltwi to LM eueos of thu Eva. Eur. Noun mid Tlinmt: otllco, Hi Wyouiiu vo. ltusiduuce, US Vine BUI!Ot. DH. L.M. OATHS. 16 Waahiugtou Avenue. Ollico hours, 8 to Sam.. 1.1)0 to aud 1 to 8 p.m. Ki'sldeiico DDI) MadtKon avonne 101IN L7WENxX"Ml.roiUooT'5S aud il o Commonwealth lmlMlncri rosideuoo 711 Sladisonavu; olllue hours, Id to la, t to I, 1 to B; fcunduya 2.10 to 4. evenings at residence. A epcciiilty mado of ilireasos of the eye, ear, nose sua uiroui uuu Kyneoulogy, DU. KAY, 2nd 1'enuAvo. ; 1 to llp.m ; call S00S. Ilis.of women, olmtetrirs nnd Ms. nt eliil. LAWVEKS. T M. C. ItANCK'S Law aud Collection of I . fieo, No. H17 Spruce bU, opposite Forest IIouho. Bcranton, l'a,; collections a specialty throughout Penimylvauia; reliubio correspond ents in every county. JiiMlil'S it LAND, Attornoys aud Corniest. lore at Law, tommon wealth building, Washington avo. W. H. Jessitp, lioiiACK E. HAifa W. U. Jkssuf, Jn. U MILLARD. WAKItEN ti ""K.NAPP, Attor nejs and Counselors at Law, Rcnublicau buildine, WaahliiKton avo.. hicnmlou. Pa. 1)ATi'i'.li80N te, WILL'UX, Attorneys aud Counsellors at Law; ollicus u uud S Library tuiidinv, bcrantou. Pa. lioBWBM, It. rAmnsoB, Wll.I.lAM A. Wiixikx. ALFRED HAND, WILLI AMJ. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors Commonwealth building, Idioms 19, -II and 2L F. HoYI.E, Attorney at-Law.Nos. 10 and 20, Burr buildm, wushiut'ton avenue. n ENltY M. KEELV- Luw olllces in Price bulldluif, 12b W'lishlnijton avenue. PRANK T. OKhLL, Attorney at Law. Room J 5. Coal Exchange. Scranton, Pu. HILTON W. I.OWRY, i Att'ys, 227 Waalmig C 11 . VON STOlU'll, ( ton v.. G. 1L wiuare. 1AAJES W. OAKKOKD, Attorney at Law, l rooms and H5.jC'onimon wealth b'l'g. C'AMUEL W. EDUAll, Attorney at Law. 1 J Unico, 317 Spruce St., Scranton, l a. A. WAT RES, Attorney at Law, 123 J . Lackawanna ano.. Srranton. Pa. I) P. SMITH. Counsellor at Law. Ollice, I . rooms 64, 65, Ml Coiniimnwenlth bnibiina. R. PITCHER, Attorney at Law. Com- . mr monweaitu b u I !n i ntr. tirrauton, l'a. C. CUMEO Y S. xispnico'tt. OB. KEPI.OULE, Attornev-Losns uo?o Hated on reid estate security. VM Hpmce. 1" P. KlLLAM, Attorney-uFLaw, 12U Wy oinitravemie. H-.-rHnton. SCHOOLS. SCHOOL OK THeTaCKAWANNA, Hcran ton, Pa., prepares lioys and girls (or oollnff3 or business: thoroughly tiaiua vount; childron, Cutulotiuo ut ruyuodt. . Hkt. TnoMAs M. Cams; Walteh II. Briiix. M1S3 WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil? received nt all times. Next term will open rVpteibber 3. I)KN I'ISTS. I ' ('. LAUBACH, burguou Dentist, No, llj . w yi yonuiig ave. l! M. STRATTON, ndlce (Vinl Kx'lian;n. I. HANS. rPHE REPUBLIC Savings and Loan Asso- -1 ciatlou will loan you munoy ou cusicr terms imu puy you Duttcr on investment tnan any other association. Call on S, X, CALLEN I'Klt. THiiH' Bank bvildincr sekds. CJ. R. CLARK ft CO., Seedsmen, Florists T end Nurserymen; etoro 14S Washington avenue; croon house, ltfiJ North Mum avenue; store telephone 7h2. TEAS. UUAND UNION TEA Co.. Jones Bros. WIRE M'KKKNS. I OS. KUETTEL, 5i5 Lackawanna avouua, Scranton. Pa., nm'iut'r of Wire Swiw 110TK.I.S AND It K ST A I' RANTS. 'JM1E WESTMINSTER, 21T-2U Wyoming 1 avo. Rooms heated wllh steam: ull moj un improvements. C. 31. I human, Prop. 'i 'iic r.uiv uArrj, ii anu i.'i t ranklln ave- -l nue. uutos re:isoniiiiii P. fciKULEn. Proprietor. J LSTJH.N&TER HOTKL. " W. O. SCHENCK, Managor. Sixteenth street, one block ea3t of Broadway, at Union Square, New York. Americin plan, $:ilpr day and upward. 'OYNE liOUSE. European plan; irood w rooms. ii)on uuy aua uiguu tlur sup piled with tho nest P. n. COYNE, Tronrletor. SCRANTON HOUSE nenr D L. & W. pas senifor depot. Conducti'd on tho European pi'ui. n'tok Mien. I'rnprietor. AKCHITI f IS. DAVIS HOUPT, Architects. Rooms lit, 26 and ai Comninnwealth b'ld'g. Scranton. I." L. WALTER, Architect. Ollico, rear of Jii wiii iisuinuion avenue. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Prioo . .iiimiutr, iz-i iismiipion ATe.,?crnntiin. 5t isc!:i.im:(ii:s. 1 Al EU'S ORCHESTRA -ML'SIO FOB li balls, picnics, pnrtioa, receptions, wej-tiine-a anil concept work furnhhod. For tevm niMiosa It. J. Bauer, rondnctor. 117 Wyoming avo.. ove'- uuiiievt s music store. ORTON D. SWARTS W'HOLESALE itiniuer, rnco iju'.iiiiuk, Krrnnton, l'a. M- LliAUOEK BROTIIEKS, PRINTER Funniles. envcloncs. naner luiira. twin Wnrohouso, ltiO Washington ave., ' Scranton, t';i IfOIiSKS AMD CARRIAGES FOR SALE 11 lit 13,1 Cupousa n von lie- D. L. FOOTlARent. ."HANK P. LHOWN & CO.. WHOLE siil (balers in Woodwaro, Cordage aud el; cioth, i,0 Y. Lacuuv-unna hvcmio. Robinson's Sons Brewery JIannfacturtrs ot the Celobratoi) PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbla. Per Annum, A Handscmo ComploxSon I one of the greatest charms a woman can possess. "PnaaoHi's Oomplbxioh Powdbsi gives R. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J, L. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DiVISIOH Antbracito coal used exclusively, lnsurluf cluauliuesa and comfort. . TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 20, 1WH. Trains loavo 8cranton (or Pittaton, Wilkos. Barro, etc.. at .$, H.lo, 11.30 a. m., 12.60, 2.0JL 8.;w, 6.011, 7.25, 11.05 p. m. Sundaya, .(J0 a. iu, 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. in. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, NowarK and Ellznbeth, i.W (express) a. m., IL'.iW (ezpross with Bullet parlor car), &iW (express; p. iu. Sunday, Hi p. m. Fon MAiich riiiTNir ini K!1 FST0" aud 1'BILABK.LPHIA, 8.20 a. nu U.iO, 3.J0, 5.(10 (exoopt Philadelphia) p. in. Sunday, 2.15 n. m. For LONO HHAHrriT flrflv flnrtv otn .1, 8 (,lli through car) a. in.. Vim p. m. ' ror nenuinff. Lietiauon and Harrisbnrfr, rla Alluutown, g.a a. bl, VIM, 6.00, p.m. Sunday, 2.1,i p. m. t or I'ottsvllle, S.20 . m., 12.50 p. m. Iteturniiior. leave Now v.nir ru.t nt r.ivrt r,,f.0,.t:ASw TiyvT- nt iuo ("depress) a. m., l.ln, 4..f (oxpross with Builot parlor car) p. m. Sunday, t:i a. m. Leave I'hiliululphia, Keadlne Terminal, ftOI 0. tn., 2.00 and 4.) p. in. Sunday, (i 27 a, m. Through tickets to all points nt lowest rates may bu had on application In advance to the ticket axuut at tho station. li. f. BALDWIN, (Jim. Paid A Lank J. a OLHATTSEN, ' (ion. Bupt. DELAWARE AND HUD. SON RAILROAD. Conimencinit Mondav.JulV to, all trains will arrive and depart lroiu the new Lack awanna avenue station as follows: Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondaie and intermediate points at 2.20. 6.43. 7 00. 8.2.5 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00, 2,20, 8.55. 6.16, U. 13, 7.25,0.10 and 11.211 p.m. For Purview. Wavmnrt and Honosdalo at 7.00 8.25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00,2.20 nnd 5.15 p. m. 1... H All....... (J... . .1... ..II I I .l ill JLIunil), ruiHLIH, IIIU null uuulKltn uuu Mm. treat nt 5.4i a m. and 2,20 p.m. For Wilkes Barro aud intermediate points at 7.45, 8.45. .38 and 10.45 a.m., 12.0.3, 1,20, 2,'IS, 4.00. 5.10, 0.(15. U.15 aud ll.:i8 p.m. Trains will arrive at Scranton Station fron Carbondaie and intermediate points at 7 40, 8.40, !.:u and 10.40 am., 12(0, 1.17,2.114,140, 1.51, 5 55, 7.43, O il and 11.33 p.m. From llonesdulo. Waymart aud Farvicw at 8.34 a.ia.i 12.00. L 17, 8.40, 6.53 and 7.45 p.m, r ruin jiouireai, Buratoga, Aiuany,, etc., as 4.54 aud 11. .11 p.m. From v llkes-Barro and intermediate points at 2.15, S OI, 10. "5 uud 11 55 u.in., 1 10. 2,14, 3.3K, 5.10, 0.08, 7.2J, 0.03 aud 11.18 p.m. MAY 13. INI Train leaves fiorftntmi for Plillnrlnlnhla and New York via. D. A- H. R R, at 7. 45 a.m.. 12.03, S.88 and 11.38 p. m. via D., L. 4s w. R. R., e.OOt b.Os, 11.20 a. m.,and 1.30 p. in. ieavo ncranion tor I'lttston nnd vvimm. Burro via D L. Sl W It. It.. B.Ou. SOS. nisi a. m ,1.80, aft). 0.07. B.iO p. m. ijenve Scranton for W Into Havon, Hazloton, Pottsvlllo and all point on tho Beaver Meadow and Pottsvlllo branches, via E. Ic W. V.. tL40a.tu..via U. & ILK R. at 7.46a.m.. 12.0a. tM. 4.i p.ra, via D., L. & W. R. R., li.00, 8.08, ii. ao a.m., l.mi, aou p.m. Leavo Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading. Harrisburu and all intermedlaW points via D.& II.R.R.-7.15 a m.. 12.05, t.84, 11.31 P.m., via U, L. Sc W. K. RM.00,5.08. 1L20 a. m., 1.3U p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, Towaudj, Elmira, Ithaca, Oonova and all intermedltta points via D. & H. U.R..8.t a m., 12.05 aud U.3S p. in., via D. L. ts W. R. It., 8 0S a.m.,1.30p. in. Leavo Scranton for Rochester. Buffalo, Ni SKaru Falls, Detroit. Chicairo and all noluti west viaD. & U. I. R., s.45 u-m., 12 05, p. m., via D. L. & W. R. R. and Pittstoa Junction. 8.08 a.m.. 130. 8.50 P. m.. via E. & W. K it., 8.41 p. ni. For Elmira and tho west via Salamanoi, vl U & H. R. It. f.15 a.m., 12 05,6.05 p. m.. via D L. As W. H.R., ,8.08 a.m., 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair ears on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkos-Barro aud New York, Philadelphia Buffalo aud Suspension Bridira. ROLL1N H. WILBUR, Gen. Snot CHAS. S. LEE, Cron. Pass. A't, Phila.'.Ps. A. W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't Oen.Pass. Ag'W South Bothlehom, Pa. DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express (or New York and ah points East 1.40, 2.50, 6.1 8.00 aud 9.5o a. m.j II 56 and 3.50 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadelphia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 aud 9.55 a. m,( U.6I and 8.60 p. m. Washington aud way stations, 3.65 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 8 10 p. m. Express for Bingbamton, Oawepo, ElmlrSj Corning, Bath. Danaville, Mount Morris ana Buffalo, 12.10. 2 15 a. m. and 1 24 p. m., making close connections at Bull alo to all poluts to til West, Northwest and Southwest. Bath accommodation, S a. m. Biughamton and way stations, 13.37 p. ra. NicuoUon accommodation, at 4 p. m. anfl 0,10 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmira Express, 8.06 p, ra. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswegdk Utica and Rlchlkld Springs, 2.13 a. m. and 11 p. m. Ithaca, 2-15 and Bath 0 a. m, and 1 54 p. ra. For Northumberland, Pittaton, Wilkos-Barre, riymouth, Bloomsburg and Uanvlllo, making close connections at Northumberland (or W'illiumaport, Hurrisburg, Baltimore, Wash, iugton and the South. Northumberland Hiid Intermediate stations, COO, 0.55 a. m. and 130 and ti.07 p. m, Nanticoao ano intermediate stations, S.W and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and intermediate Btatieus. 8.50 and 8.52 p. m. . l'ullman parlor una sleeping coaches on all express trains. .m. lor deuilod Information, pocket tmv) tables, etc., apply to II. L. Smith, city tloket loffloe, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket oUlo T7RIF. AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL, VJ ROAD Trains leave RcTanton (ot Now York and In termediate points on the Erie railroad at 8.34 a. m. and 3.24 p. in. Also (or Honesdale, Huwloy and local points at 6.35, 9,45 a. m , ana 3.24 p.m. , Ail the aliovs are through trains to ana from Honesdale. An additional train leaves Scranton (or Lake Ariel at 6 10 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton (rem the Lake nt 8 20 a ra. and 7.45 p.m. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 8.40 a. m. and 3.41 p. ul. flCRANTtlM MlVlHION. In Flfrct June Slid, 1801. North Bound. Mouth Bound, 0.1 203 HOli 20id4;200 3 S Stations v f.iinine I'lill, -" rent kiimlnv 1 ? m..i.,a rHi, c. Anlve l.eavei N. Y. Franklin U West 42nd streetl Wcehawken ill' IlauVi'i'k Junctluni 6 (Wi "2i6i Alrl-n I..,.., BSOi 1 16i .. 8 It 1 0U .. 7 6-1112 Mi .. 7SlllC4ill .. T 45i!2 40A Hancock 8 06 818 B5 Starlliiht Preston park Coino royntelle Ui'lmont Pleasant Mt, llnlondale Forset city Carbondaie White Bridge Maydeld Jermyn Archibald Wlnton Peekvllle ... Olvphant Plrkson Throop Providence Purk Place 8 8d 141 1 V 12 25! 10 10 6 4i 6 45 6 55 7 88 12 1 10 1)4 7 22ll2('3 1 111.112.1!' c ii 1 1 .411' 5: U 'HI 84 19 Ml 710 TM1 6 51 1181 11151 tUH'MiaiV did f 11431 ....119 0 641111 23, 0 01 8 3511 IS! 5T tst 684 6 69 0 32:rni5i 8 54. 6 Wll 11 8 2nll m 8 21111 05 8 6! 7 4ft 8 6 8 44 8 41 4 uVU 804 4flfl iof 4 10 6 10 6 IU 11 Wi 8 39 8 1411 ( 8 88 (0 JB.fllW, 8 8:11 60214 17 lit 6 054W4 6 10 10 56i u 80 Scranton P II 'A Hi M Leavo Arrive! ia vr tt'v u All trains run dally except gundsy. (. slgullles that trains stop on signal for pa Bengers, hecuro rates via Ontario Western befort tinrciinslng tickets and save money. Cay nfl hlhgt KxpressW the West. I. O. Anderson, Oen. Pass Afft T. Flltcroft, I)lv. Pass, Agt.acraiitoa, P. wc can oivtrou . SATIBFACTIOM Hi! Com and see us about the Job V" rrvrit jrui xuu nieu won. The Scranton TrlMine Job Dept. X b U4 .... 700 f Mir Ml