G T17E SCR ANTON ' TRIJiTNE TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 14. 1894. BATHING COSTUMES. Jodio Chollet Says Thay Do Thing Better In Franca. X woman fashion writer has lately lift ed up her voice ngulnst tho Institution of show bathing gowns, used hull tho duy as promenado costumes along tho beaoh garments fitted over a I'ronch oorset and jievcr worn within reach of the spray of tho ocean. It Id very rarely that anything ' is said against this custom, whioh is odd, ondldcring how exceedingly 111 bred, even j vulgar, It Is. For a woman to show so plainly her de sire to minglo with tho puhlio in tho stage attiro of a burlesque acirfss is not to ralso her in tho esteem of well mannered per- I sons. If she goes into tho water, short I skirts or nmio aro a newssity; If shu niero- ly lounges on the beaoh, they arc not, and i sho haw no excuse for appearing in any j except the accepted costume tf the ago. The clothing should bo appropriate to j tho occupation, and it is .s absurd to uso ; n bathing suit for dry land wear as it .would bo to go into tho water with n par akol and bonnet. It is only in America that this stato of tilings obtains, for abroad sea battling Is conducted as a business rather than n social function and affords littlo scope fot BATHING SVIT. airs and graces. In France tho bathing man who takes a woman Into the water is her companion only during their immer sion, and as ho is of tho servant class there is no question of social amenities. He attends to his business so thoroughly thnt when the bather emorges she is drip ping wet to tho crown of hor head and lu no condition for conversation with her friends. Tho liberty of American sea bath ing is much pleasanter, but it ought not to bo abused and made tho excuse for a display of bad manners and mistaken van lty. A great number of Frenchwomen wear suits cut all in one piece, without a skirt, ' tho trousers being niado in so flaring a shape that the inside, seam forms almost a straight lino. This gives nearly as much fullness as a 6kirt and is much less clumsy. A sketch Is shown of a bathing costume in two pieces. The blouso and skirt are ono garment, reaching almost to the kneo and belted In at the waist The trousers nro gathered in by an elastic band around tho bottom of tho log, and the short sleeves are similarly socurod. A plastron, embroidered with an anchor, fills lu tho open front of tho bodice. This costumo is more suitable for mere bathers than swimmers, as tho latter requiro a nuiou suit, with removablo skirt. THE WOMAN BICYCLIST. Sbe Now Attracts Little Attention If Be comingly Garbed. Tho woman bicylist is now so ordinary a feature of both town and country road ways that sho attracts littlo or no atten tion unless sho is dressed in so striking and unusual a garb as in itself renders her conspicuous. Yet but a very few years ago, whun tho woman's wheel was first brought out, what a universal outcry there was against it as unwomanly and immodest! Now it has becomo nn insti tution, und tho exercise is considered no moro unfeminlno than horseback riding. Tho general public Is utterly unublu to argue from analogy or learn from expe rience, however open to conviction tho in dividuals composing that public may be. Otherwiso wo might say that the present agitation and alarm in regard to woman's entrnnco Into politics aroquitont futile and unnecessary as tho former crusade againt her adoptlun of the bicycle. When tho BICTCLE COSTUME. now order of things is established, none of tho awful consequonccs so long prognosti cated will bo seen to follow. A woman will still bo a woman, will love her hus band and children as much as ever and do her duty by them quite as faithfully. Political power is great, but nature is in finitely greater. Womon 60 years hence will look on us as wo look . on the women of Miss Bar ney's day, who were called and even called themselves 'females" and swooned regu larly several times a day. The most con servative among women of the proxont would bnvo been regarded then as a phe nomenon of rank radicalism and a fit can didate for a straltjocket, into whloh attire she would no doubt have been speedily placed in order to keep the country from going to the dogs. It seems to be impos sible for the human race to admit the fact that It is still progressing. A sketch Is given of a bicyole costume of cloth, consisting of n coat, plaited skirt and trousers fastening below'the knee. A pique vest is worn under the coat, with tie and collar. Punishment fur Stealing In Tangier. A New Yorker who has spent some years at Tangier, the quaint old seaport of Mo rocco, and who returned to And the news papers more than ordinarily full of the ndsdoinglr Of bank and trust company of ficials, thinks It is fortunate for the offend ers that they did not operate in that Afri can town. "They don't mince matters over there," he says, "for a man who loses sight of .the distinction between his own proper ty and some one else's. When a thief is caught in the most trivial offense be is told to hold up both hands. Then they ask him which hand he would like to keep. When he has made his choice they out off the other. This naturally creates a preju dice against kleptomania in its various forms. 1 dont quite know wnat tney would do with a bunk officer who got his clutch on a million, but I guess they would Bave the hand with its eonteuU and throw the rest of him to the sharks." New York Times. A Story ef MeUsunlnr's Vanity. To make himself look more manly and robuMt, Meissonler frequently incased his diminutive legs In huge cavalry boot. He prinked dally before the mirror, and was never weary of comparing himself with other small men, to show that he was real ly not so very little. To the end he cou tided iu his friends the pangs he ever Btif fered on account of his small size. Occa sionally, but only occasionally, did Meis souier find the desired consolation he sought from his acquaintances. One after noon, as the sculptor Dubois entered his studio, Meissonier exclaimed joyfully: "What do you think! The corn doctor was Just here, aud what do you suppose he says? A six foot grenadier cannot get any bigis'er corns than mine." San 'Francisco Argonaut. THE WOMAN MODEL Here Is a Good Word For the 1'oor Mala Kex. A woman Who is tin artist's model by profession has lately written to tho news papers complaining of the treatment sho receives from urt studunU of her own sex for whom she poses uud unstintedly prais ing, on thu contrary, the couduot of tho men artlsU by whom she Is employed. ho asserts that during a number of years f( experitmoo in the profi&sluu sho has never encountered ono woman artist who has treated her with commonly decent courtesy, whllo men huve been uniformly kind and uttentlve. Thse statements aro Bo sweeping aud pluce so large a class of young and old women In an unamlablu light that It is only fair to let It be under stood that if they aro true this nwdel's ex perience has been an entirely unique ono. Womeu art students, although exceeding ly businesslike, are usually polito to their women models und considerate of them, In spito of the fact that many of the mod els take far lees pains to pose well for girls than for men, being paid at tho samo rato generally 60 cuts un hour. Tho Injur ed model, having announced that her fig ure, is perfect nnd given the bust mensuro as 34 and the waist ns it!) inches in proof of It although tho erfect woman's fig ure as shown In uutlque Greek sculpture has a far larger waist in proportion Inti mates that personal jealousy is the cause of the rude treatment. She lias evidently been peculiarly uufurtunute in her profes- SILK GINGHAM QOWM. (tonal engagements, for girl students aro, as a rule, lavish. If discriminating, in their praise of a model's beauties and are almost unanimous in preferring women rather than men models, although tho lat ter usually hold the pose better. All mod els are expeetod to have personal advan tages of somo sort; otherwise they would not be eligible to the profession, und they are far more liable to bn condemned for too littlo than too much beauty. There is one habit which men and women stu dents uliko fall Into that of regarding tho model us nn object of urt rather than us a human being with ears, and so discussing, praising and criticising without the least personal fueling As far as social ostra cism Is concerned all well behuvud mod els uro kindly used by well bred women, and drapery models, of which tho com plalnant is tut; are In little danger of equivocal treatment, slncu girl students frequently themselves pose in costume for tho benefit of a mixed class und uro not so unreasonable as to condemn another girl for merely doing the same thing. Tho sketch shows a blue silk gingham gown trimmed with ecru guipure. Tho collar is of white silk. CHILDREN'S SPEECH. A Few Timely Words lor Fathers and Mothers to Keuivuiber, It is odd to note what uppureut contra dictions prevail among persons of the usu al amount of culture uud intellectual un derstanding. A tolerably sure test of tho true mental standard of a family hi tho way in which its children am reared. When they uro grown up, those same chil dren will learn to conceal their lack of real delicuuy aud rellned tastes, but whllo they nro biiiull they will bo o fuithful in dication of the Influence. that uro molding them, It is well known that during the first flvo years of a child's life it is peculiarly susceptible, to educationul influences, bad or good, and thu foundations aro laid of Its futuro habits of thought und conduct. Yet an immense number of supposedly sensible and cultivated parents llnd tho greutest pleasure in teaching their chil- LITTLE GIRL'S FROCK. dren, just loarnlng to talk, vulgarities of language and manner that they would condemn In a grown person. They find a charm and plquanoy In hearing a little girl 8 or 8 yt&rs old use the "tough" phrases of the slums or ling a song cele brating in the argot of thieves the feats of celebrated burglar. Tho utter incon gruity of the thing amuses her unthink ing listeners. Gentleness and courtesy are not so vig orous a natural growth in the average charaotar that they require extirpating treatment while that ' character it still in its in fanny. If a ohlld is taught the bold hnpertinenoet of a street gamin, she Is sot to blame for repeating them In and out of season. The blame lies with the oeraan who Instructed, fcet, ui who will BotiDUess punish hor later for remember ing the lessou too faithfully. Tho illustration shows a little girl's frock of iky bfuo liberty silk. It is trim med with a scarf trimming held in placo by rosettes. The wide while collar is bordered with laoo, and the short puffed ileoves ajn similarly finished. MADE OVER MILLINERY. Difficulty of Remodeling- a Hat For Seo oud HraHon's Wear. It Is far easier to remodel a gown satis factorily than to mako over a hat for a sec ond season's wear. Tho skirt of a costume may be sponged, nowly faced und prassod and fresh material used for tho sleeves and vest of the bodloe, and the effect will tic to make the gown almost as neat and new looking us it was in tho llrst placo, pro vided the stuff was good enough original ly to be worth the trouble of making over, liut a hat or bonnet must lie fresh in order to be attractive. It is sometimes possible to reti'lm a lino felt shupt, uud expensive BTKAW BONNET, buckles or similar ornaments may bo worn over and over, but struw, velvet, feathers, flowers and ribbons must be crisp und new unless shabbluess is an accepted con dition of tho rwult. Birds and ulgrets are much less worn than they were. The strong feeling that has beuu aroused agulnst the uso of such ornaments sluco tho knowledge was gen erally disseminated of the dreadful cruel ties inflicted in obtaining them has had a marked influence In decreasing their fash lonableness and therefore diminishing their sale. Ostrich feathers, which am much employed this year, nro the most beautiful trimming always. As for birds, a clever woman very justly remarks that there Is nothing truly artistic or decorative In a corpse. The bluet shades, all of which have a moro or less strong tinge of purplu and aro even more trying thun thit color to tho majority of complexions, are'out in force nnd are seen in ribbons, gauzes and chif fons. Diaphanous stuffs uro greatly fa vored for the trimming of summer huts, and scarfs and choux of mousselino do solo and crepo du chine nro a feature of reigning mllllnory. Chip hats are well represented ami uro most frequently seen In tho form of low crowned flats bent tutu sliupo. Whito chip trimmed with white tulle und flowers of ten form nn accompaniment to tho fash ionable all white gown. A sketch is given of a straw bonnet in the natural shado beaded will jet. It has black velvet strings mid is trimmed with roses and a ribbon bow in front and a small cluster of roses at tho back. WOMEN OF THE FUTURE. Jndio Seems Just a Hit Strong Minded and Progressive. How Interesting it would be If wo of tho present day could see posterity that pos terity which could never bo wltliout us, but which will yut look buck on us with wonder and pity not unmixed with con tempt! If we could ouly huve nn Idea ap proachlng accuracy of Its standards, say 600 years lience, perhaps we would bo more patient with existing conditions, seeing in them u step toward that higher level. Tho most featherbrulnod woman of today would, just as sho Is, have been a miracle of learning nnd accomplishment 6u0 jeurs ago, when tho ability to load Mm !; fekW ACCOHPION 1'I.AITLDfiOlVN. and write was something to bo proud of and to render ono n person of consequence. Tho present Is truly ' heir of oil tho agos In tho foremost lllcs uf time," und tho scientific knowledge of tho stupidlst school child now would huvo astonished tho sages of the ancient world, and when the futuro shall have becunio thepresent wo now living will bo soon to bnvo been wallowing In grossest Ignorance in spito of our self satisfied conviction of onllght enment. This gives an immense amount of room for thought in regard to what is known ns "tho woman question," al though why there should bo any moro question of woman's progress than of man's Is In Itself a question. The general awakening and movement among women now considered so unnaturally subversive of all proper conditions will no doubt prove to be but fnint Indications of the complete ohnngo in woman's position and outlook whloh will ooour, a ohango not brought about by speechifying or arguing, which are rather symptoms than oausos, but by tho grout law of evolution, which prevails In tho mental nnd spiritual as In the physical world. Persons who object to the word "evolution" may substitute for It "the spirit of progress" or "tho tenden cy of tho world to grow better," either of which means the same tiling lu substanco that Is, the natural law by whloh beings "rise on stepping stones of their deud selves to higher things." Hearing this law in mind, women of the present may feel confident thnt it 1h only a question of time when their sex shall enjoy freedom, equality and fruternity. The sketch shows a gown of accordion plaited white crepou and violet llborty silk. A gold buckle and violet ribbons are employed as trimming. Ills Remain Ornament a liuor Hur. In two of the beer suloons on the east side of New York city there are two small orystal bottles which contain not liquors of any kind, but a dry, powdered sub stance. When one of the saloon keepers was asked, "What Is that in the bottler" be replied, "The remains of a mun, tho Mhos of a friend of mine who was cre- KM mated." Once In awhile tho bottlo is tatt en from the shelf on which It stands and placed In tho center of a table at which beer Is served to people onoe acquainted with the doccused man, who talk of his Virtues and give reminiscences of his lifo. The Clef's Eccentric Doctor. Professor Znkharlu, tho czar's physi cian, is extremely eccentric. When ho is called to attend a patient, spechd arraugo mchtb must bn made in tho house. All dogs must bo kept out of the way, all clocks must bo stopped, und nil doors must hn tlmnurn ...... .n Vl'li.oi lin naL'H questions regarding a patient, he permits but ono word in answer -'yea" or "nay." LAPSES OF TACT. Saying the Right Things at the Wrong Time. Wo have all no doubt experienced sev eral of those dreadful moments whon our social &ood ungel deserts us and leaves us to suy whatever iuoppurtuno thing conies Into our heads to our after surprlso und shamo. This is a recognized condition of things. Witness the popularity of those painful jokes introduced under tho tltlo of "Things Better Left Unsaid." Tho spirit of perversity seems sometimes to seize upon one's tongue, unif one listens aghast while it proceeds quite independ ently to commit ono in the most appalling manner. A Spanish proverb runs to the effect thut it is ill talking of ropes in tho houso of a mun who was bunged, but how is it possible to resist the intolerable fasci nation of tho subject of ropes lu such a residence? No wouder that tho people of tho mlddlo ages believed thut his satanio majesty personally utteuded the steps of human beings and got them into truublo through no fault of their own whenever he could manago It, for certainly a demon of contrariety often seems to guide our actions mid influence them udverscly against our particular wish nnd will. It operates even when wo are quite uncon scions of it. Yor exiimplo, how prono evurybudv is to loudly condemn somo pur- GLACE SILK COSTUME. tlcular weakness or foiblo In the presence of u person who uftetward turns out to bo especially possessed by it! If wo are in spired to express our disapprobation of certain habits or tastes, it is sure to bo at a time when our words will seem to have a personal and critical application to at least one of our auditors. No amount of what is vulgarly known as "crawfishing" after wo discover tho circumstances will carry us back to our former vantage ground of polite nuiicommittulistn, und we must forever lifter bear the consequences of un opinion probably half funned uud hustily uttered on the spur of the moment. If somebody would only sugegst u safeguard Hjrainst theso lapses of tact, to which even tho cleverest und most worldly wise per sons ure subject, ho would win the undy ing grutltude of muny umlahlo and well meaning people who suffer more from causing awkwardness than their victims do in beiug placed in an unpleasant posi tion. A sketch Is given of a costumo of ecru ghico silk, with gulden brown figures. It is trimmed with gulden brown inoiro nnd ecru guipure. Tho round corsage is gath ered in at tli" waist aud nock and has bal loon elbow sleeves. DRESS AND DISHWASHING. Why the Rules of Hostess and Cook Are Antagonistic. iMnoo the cIki."!-'; V 'h nn-l alcohol rtovo came into general use thedemand for ben zine and other cleunsiug fluids must have sensibly Increased, for every college girl or other young woman possessing an inde pendent upuruuent of her own in which sho may do us she likes ami entertain her friends as sho wishes has set up a minia ture conoking establishment and mcs.scs away to her heart's content among stull'ed furnltiu-e and urt draperies. Theoretically there is something very charming in tho idea of u young lady in a silk and lace tea gown making ehucolato fur her admir ing f riends, but there Is so unpleasant a practical side to the matter that fastidious girls think twice before turning their re ception nnd sitting room Into a kitchen. A womnu who bus a distaste for grease in the wrong plaeo hinted at this inconven ience to her college hostess with whom sho was on intimate terms without In tho least desiring to belittle tho social gathet lug thnt had tx-cn held lu her honor. But the collegian replied that ns sho usually woro half length sleeves sho has very KILK MUSLIM BODICE, pretty arms uud washed dishes with n mop sho oould oook unythlng and oleur up after it with absolute neatness. The guest could sny no more in common decency, but age In st her will she was cunsoiohs that many of the student's pretty silk end challle gowns were spotted and disfig ured and bore unmlstukahle evidence that their wearer had combined tho antagonis tic roles of hostess and cook. It ought to be understood thut eating and drinking are not a necessity of soolul Intercourse,, although there is nothing more pleasant than to be ablo to offer one's friends the hospltulity of tho table prop orly. The sketch shows nn afternoon bodloe of light blue silk muslin trimmed with Irish guipure. It is aooordlon plaited and Is cut square at the nock. The fuipure forms a sort of yoke and half hretellea. The balloon elbow sleeves are gathered Into a ribbon at the bottom, and the belt Is of ribbon, Juinc Cholut. w if DON'T BE DECEIVED by any craity dealer who tells you he has some thing else that's' 11 . .. . nnA mm !jDr. Pier ob's Fa- Oon. Is it prob able f The only medicine which is (ruorontMci by It's makers. If it doesn't benefit or cure, in every ease, tbevH return the money. It's a special medicine ior young gins juist entiling womanhood; for women at the critical " change of life;" for womeu approaching connnemsDt; nursing mothers; aud etwry woman who is run-down. ReM.n-ille, RocMnoftam Co.. If.C. T)n. R. V. Fiercjc: tltar .Sir I want to any that vour Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription aud nisoovery have done me more good than the puyslolan who has treated me. Altur tak ing vour medicines, I g-slncd several pounils. I th"lnk your " Proscription " the best medi cine lu the world for ladles. fflE-TRQLLEY SOAP' Is an Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soap old methods and materials are superseded by new ones.' The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer than other soaps. " Ask Your Grocer for It. If he does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50. Joseph S.Tfccm&fl Elinton, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. PbiitdfrnpM Clflaff- RESTORES VITALITV Made a Well Mar of Me. THE GREAT .loth Day. niEixroix niiiviurj-sr pi'oiiiifrs the nbovc results lu HO duys. It a-tj rowi-rluUy aud quickly, l ures when all others tail YouuKinouwiUri'tuiu their lot lunubooj.uua old uirn will recover their youthtul visor by umds Ftl-:VIVO. It quickly nudtiurely restores Kenou uesH, Lat Vitality, Impot.-ucy. Nightly Emissions Lost Power. Fuilinif Memory, Winiiuit Distunes, aud ill ctl'ei'tH of scli-iihutt! oreire.saud indiscretion which unlits one for x'udy. business or marriage, it n"t only cures hy starting at the seat ot disease, but maltreat nerve Ionic aud blnoil builder, brins K tuck tho pink flow to lulo checks and re toving thu Uro of youth. It wards oil Jnsanit ii't Consumption. lusKt on having HKVI V, n Ihfr. It can be carried in veil pocket. By mill 1.00 per package, or eix for C5.00, with a pol re written fruuruntca to cure or refunc c money. Circular Iroo. Address rmifilKECO . Rvr St.. CHICAGO. ILl For siile by Matthews Tiros., brui'glsts, fccrantoii, l'a. 5 Fertilizers Larga Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT A COH NELL COl Rooms 1 and 2 Coititnonweilt. Blfa 6CIUNTOX, IA. MINING' andBLASTI N Q Hade at thu MOOS TO and EUiU DALE WORKS. Lafflin & Rand Powder Co.'i ORANGE GUN POWDEB Eltctrlo Batteries, Fujmm for explor ing blasts, Htttuty Fuse and RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives BUST MI.SU htfoio m vk wmu.i. This rallies' Solid r roach Dncl Kid Btit- .... . .J-tl 1 . U.. I., th. f i,n wBiiwikucumin iron hut w uiw . u i...' -J.1..-L. UIUU Oh r rvuj wniiw. j " . . : or Voahd Not (or Kqtult wrjr f U koot old In all null ttoru for IM. Wa makt this boot ounelTM, tkorafort w fiiar "fr.?ifi ant' ins ft "V" an """j and if nj out set aattitled 6 iriil raruna 101 muuvj r Mnd another pair. Opera Toe or Common fltnw, wliilai C, 11. H, an. lies l to ana nun ,!. Seail your hm; u m uou. Ilfuitratod Cat. loanis Dexter J fiTfiiSSSfi? FREE What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, use Poizoni'i Powder. mm IBthDay.f eed and 11 PO POWDER 2 SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The above brands of flour can be had at any of tho following merchants, nbo will accept The Tribune flour coupon of 25 on each ono hundred pounds ot flour or 60 on eaoh barrel of flour. Ecranton P. P. Price, Wahinton avenne I Gold Medal Brand. Dunmore-F. P. Price, Gold Medal Brand. lunujore F. D. Mauley. Uuperlativo brand. Ilydn Park Caraon ft Davia, Washburn 8t. UolU ileaal Braiiu; J aepli A. altars, Main avenue, Sunarlntlve Brand. Green Kldjie-A.L.ripencor.Gold Medal Brand. J. T. alcilaie, superlative. I'lOTidenoo Keuner ft Chaiipell N' Main avo- nne, Buperiative nraua;u. J uuiospij, w. Market atroot. Gold Muilil Brand. Olyphant JumcB Jordan, Superlative Brand. Pw kville Shalfor ft K. Is ir Buperlatttru. Jermvn C, U. Winters ft Co. buperalatlre Archkald Jonos, 8 mpson &Co.. Gold Medal. t arbondale o. ti. Clurlc, Gold JUoaal Brand. Uoneadale-I. N. Foster ft Co. Gold Medal Miaooka M. H. Luvolle LOUIS B. SMITH- Dealer in Choics Confections and Fruits- BREAD AND CAEE3 A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1 1437 Capouse Avenue IRON and STEEL NOItWAY IRON TOE CALK TIKE MACHINERY EPKINQ SOFT STEEL ANVILS BfcLLOWS HORSE NAILS BLACK DIAMOND SIliVKR EXTRA SPECIAL SANDERSON'S KNGUSII JKSSOP'S ENGLISH CAST STK.EL UOUSE SHOES WILEY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS. CUTTING MACHINERY. sittenbender&Go.,Scranton, Wholeiala and retail dealers' in Wagonraakers' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIES. 0 KWOW? That we will GIVE you beautiful naw pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce, of your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of new pat terns to select from at ercereau 807 LACKAWANNA AVBNUU. "No star was ever lost we once have seen, We always may he what we might have been," A HAPPY PATRON OP TIE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. Scranton, Pa. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building.' TRY US. DUPONT'S MINING. BLASTING AND SPORTING POWDER Manufactured at the Wnpwnllonen Mills, Lu tome county Pu and nt WU mitii(,uu, Dataware. HENRY BELIN, Jr, General Agent for the Wyoming DUtrlot, n8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa. IbirU National Bank Bulldln iOBSCItS. THOB. FORD, Ptttston. Pa. JOHN B BWITH ft bOK; Plymouth, Fa, K. W. MULLIGAN, WOkea-Barre. Fa. Agents for the Kepauue Chemleat Com. tauy'e BJgh EavloalTee. from (A ft 7. Zrituna, Aon.1. Wt. The Flour Awards "Chicago, Oot 81. Fh flxai offioUt annonncamant of World'i Fait di ploma! on floar bu been made A medal has been awarded by the World's Fair judgei to tbe flour manu factured by tho Washburn, Crosby Co , in tho great Washburn Flour Mills,' Minneapolis. Tho committee reports the flour strong and pure, aud entitles, It to rank as first-class patent flour toxi family and bakers' use." MEGAR6EL & CONNELL ITBOLESALE AGENTS. Taylor-Judfa ft Co., Gold Medal; Athertoe fc Co., Superlative. Durya Lawrue Itore Co.. Gold Medal Mooaio JuUn MeOlndle, Gold Modal l'ittaton U. W. O'Ruvl,, M,,l,l M,.1l C ai k'a Gronn-Praga Si Parker. Superlative. Uark'e fcuinmit-F. 11. Younir, Gold Medal. lJaltou-S. E Finn ft Su, Gold Medal Brand. Mi'hubun-J. . Harding. WaT.rly-M. W. Bllaa ft Son, Gold MedaL Factory vUU-CbarlM Gardner, Gold Medal. Hopbottom-N. M. lTinn ft Son, Gold Medal. lobylianna-Tobrhauna ft LeUiulj Lumbar Co., Gold Medal Brand. Oouldiboro-8 A. Adanw. Gold Mo HI Brand, Moscow Gatite ft Clementa, Gold Medal. Lake Artel Jumna A. Bortree. Gold Medal Forest City J. L. Morgan ft Co., Gold Meds PARLOR8 OPEX FROM T A.M. TO U P.M. bPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SUP PLYING FAMILIES WITH ICE CUEAil. ' WAGON WHEELS AXLES SPRINGS HUBS SPOKES RIMS STEEL SKEINS R. R, SPIKES SCREW & Connell MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. (Vial of th best quality fur domeetle ase,an4 f all slue, deliTered In any part of the oltj at lowest price. Orders left at mf offloei NO. 118, WYOMING AVENUE, Rear room, first floor, Third National Bank, or ent by mall or telephone to the mint, will reeclve prompt attention. Hcoclal eonlraota will be made for the sal ana delivery ot Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. I EL03D P01 U S.ain- sjiVnl I ear. mmn mnuv, mm vwu.wu M rlliv piolt ad lOQ tw buok,illtntte htm 4 lh h. pMV. iri Kb t .a W fen Bt Spriui ae i.iriui, -Mi ML0 HmeJy will