The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 14, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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oes better'work J jT. a
than a heapingb-i.'
spoonful' sesr
sof others-
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Have your COLLAH8 starched In the M
wav. when you can have them done with soft.
' pliable Buttonhole. lor TWO CKNTS EACH.
FORMERLY 75c. and $1, for
In every desirable shade.
ears I Hagen
If you want
Carpets. Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.-
illiams k
127 Wyoming Ave.
To my friends: I hereby announce
that I will be a candidate for the nomi
nation of district attorney, before the
Republican County convention.
Tribune reader leavlug lor 'their
nimmn'l vacation can liar their favor
ite paper tent to them without extra
cost, by notifying thle office of the lo
slred changes In the paper's address.
The Wyoming camp meeting will begin
thin evening.
The High School committee of the board
ef control will meet to-morrow night.
Block signals were tried on the West
EMe electrto lice yesterday with good suc
cess. Richard Beers, a teamster, was sent to
the county jail yesterday in default of a
10 fine for righting.
The regular meeting of the Green Ridge
Women's Christian Temperance union will
be held at their rooms, til 5 Green Ridge
street, this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
Albert Johnson, of Everett avenue, re
ceived his naturalization papers yesterday
morning and yesterday aftornoon was In
jail for fighting on Jackson street.
The weekly report of Secretary Briggs,
of the hoard of health, shows that last
week ti:ore were thirty-four doaths from
all causes and seven cases of contagious
The Danghters of Poaahontas will hold
a picnic at Laurel liill park tomorrow.
The crest sachem of Pennsylvania, Harri
son Neebitt, will be present and speak on
the principle of "Freedom, Friendship and
By order of the president a meeting of
the Niutu ward Republican club Is called
for Thursday evening at ft o'clock in the
Central Republican club rooms to elect
dolugates to the Republican State league
convention at narrlsburg bept. a.
The meoting of the Turner societies of
the F biladelphia district will meet here
Monday and Tuesday of next week during
the progress of their biennial tournament.
This Saturday evening the various visiting
societies will be tendered a reception by
the local Turners.
The sale of boxts for the bloycle races at
the Driving park will occur this morning
at E. J. Stewart's, Young Men's Christian
association building, Wyoming avenue.
Tickets are for saloat the following places:
Florey & Holt's, Young Men's Christian
association building; Louis Conrad's,
Lackawanna avenue, and K. J. Stewart's,
Young Men's Christian association build
ing. Letters patent bave been granted W. B.
Culver, et this oHy, by the commissioners
vl patents at Washington, for a useful im
provement in steam separators. The in
vention is calculated to aid largely in the
Supplying of dry steam to engineers at
short or long distances, and has already
stood the test at the Connell Goal compa
ny's mines, Bterrlck Creek Coal company.
Monet Pleasant colliery, Delaware and
Hudson collieries, Koowles titeein Pomp
tompany and othor plants.
Pabst'b Milwaukee Bbeb, cool and
sparkling, at Lobman's, Spruce street
Conway House, 180 and 134 Penn Are.,
is where yon will always find good service
and courteous treatment, the table is al
ways supplied with the beet In the market.
Transient and local trade solicited.
Bay (he Weber
and Jet the beet, At Guernsey Bros.
; Opinion Day Is One of the Busiest la Court
History. .
Judges Archbald, Gunster and Ed
wards Each Hand Down Important
I Decisions The Swetland Stroet
Eridge, Sunday SodaWator Selling,
Grading of Streets, Sewers and
Other Important Matter Roceivo
Attention from the Bench.
Yesterday was motion day la court,
which is the day set apart during mid
summer in order that the bench may
clear awuy accumulated business be
fore the fall term opous. All three
judges sut during the day and an im
mense amount of business was trans
acted. The large number of lengthy and im
portant decisions handed down shows
that the judges have not beeu idle dur- ;
ing the summer vacation. Some of
thsss opinions no doubt required caru
ful and lengthy research and no small
ainouut of manual labor. Subjoined
will be found the substance of the
duy's transactions. '
Viewers' F.-port Set Aside by KuIIds of
Judge Arohbald.
The most important decision of the
day was that banded down by the pres
ident judge, in which be sets aside the
report of the viewers lu the Swetland
street bridge case. Iu summing up the
very lengthy oplulon on the question,
Judge Arch Laid sayst
The viewers were appointed to ascertain
and determine the damage and bouotUs
accruing from the whole and their report
should show that thoy have doue so. As
it stands, they have only considered apart
of the case, aud the map which they re
turn Is correspondingly defective. The
fourth exception of tne city is sustained.
Aud now, Aug. 13, 1SW, the report of
the viewers is set uside, and therefore the
case is recommitted to the same viewers
for further proceudings and report.
ft. W. Aruuuald, P. J.
The viewers were Anthony Bauuinu,
John Cawiey and (1 F. Van Nort, and
they awarded damage us follows:
Dominic llealey. $ 1. 500 ; Slur y Keegan ,
$50; Sarah Collins, $30; Elizabeth Cav
anaugh, 50; Domiuio J. Gorman, $30;
Kate Pierce, $30; James Heuley, $120
aud 900; Fronk Shifter, $000; Thomas,
James, E J ward, Julia, Isabelle White
aud Mrs. Helen Iiyau, Mrs. Jennie Mc
Dounell and Mrs, Mary Gibbons, rep
resenting the White estate, each $09.
The total damages allowed by the view
ers is 3,1)10.
By haviug "only considered a part
of the case" the judge has reference to
the viewers' refusal to in tea to L A
Finch's claim for damages, and his
statement that the map is defsstive is
based upon the fast that it did not
show the whole improvement inteudad
and the lot numbers were not accord
ing to city maps but numbers used ar
bitrarily by the viewers.
Sunday Soda Wattr Must Be a Part of a
The cases of Druggists Ryan, E.
Moses and Baker Hengler, whom Rev. '
F. A. Dony had arrested for selling
unnecessary articles on Sunday, and '
which cases were appealed from Alder
mun Post's decision by the defendants,
received the atteution yesterday of '
Judge Gnuster, who gave an opinion
bearing on each particular case. ,
Judge uunster state! that inasmuch
as conclusive evidence went to show '
that Druggist Ryan's clerk bad sold
soda water on Sunduy, aud that the
supreme court hue decided that the
tale of soda water is illegal on the Sab
bath day Splane vs. Cora. 35 Pitta
L?g. Journal, 102 S. C, Ibid. 23GJ no
latitude is left for the exercise of his
opinion in the mutter; so the defendant ,
was adjudged guilty and sentenced to 1
pay a hue of $ t and costs, or undego 1
imprisonment iu the county jail for a .
term of six days. i
In the case of Henry Hengler, who j
runs a diuning room, bakery and soda !
fountain, Judge Gunster decided tbut
it was not contrary to lav? for Mr.
Hengler to provide dinners or to serve
soda water us a part of the bill of fare,
but iuasmuch as the evidence iudioates
that Mr. Hengler sold soda water to
others than customers of the dinning
room he was placed iu the same cato
gory as Drnggist Ryau.
In the case of Cigar Dealer E. Moses
the plea of former conviction was sus
tained and Mr. Moses was relieved
from payiug the fiiio.
Judge Aro'ebald Says the Report of
Viewers Is Very Defective.
The exceptions to the report of the
viewers of the Fourth sewer district
were sustained by an opinion of Judge
Archbald who declares that the report
is very defective.
There was no ordinance attached to
the petition nor was there exhibited
any map or file to show the contem
plated improvements. It w,as also
claimed that the damages awarded by
the viowers were not actual but pros
pective beoauBe the property owners
on account of the insufficiency of the
sewer were liable to damages from
surface floods. The judge asserted
that if this olaim be true it must be
made the subjsct of exception.
Borough Offlolala of Sunmere Kay Be
Iodlvldually Sued.
By authority of an ordinance of coun
cil, which, however, was not signed by
the burgess, the street committee of
Dunmore borough, in October, 1801,
secured a gang of men, including sev
eral borough policemen, who went to
Daniel Powells place, on TJlukely
street, moved back his fence six feet on
one side and three feet on the other
side, cut down his cherry trues, lilao
bushes, moved buck a shoe shop and
damaged the fence that was moved.
The borough surveyor then directed
that a sidewalk be put down on the
land takon and it has been so done and
paid for by the borough.
Mr. Powell sued the borough for
damages, bnt was non-suited on the
grounds that the parties whooommi tted
the alleged acts were liable, as Individ
uals, inasmuch as their work was not
sanctioned by the proper authorities of
the borough. Thle Judge Gunster sus
tained in a lcngtny opinion. He also
held that Mr. Powell can prooeed
against the officials as individuals.
Judge OuDster Dissolves the ZejauC'
tion AgalDst the City.
Judge Gunster rendered a decision
dissolving the iDjunotion to r-rtrain
the city of Soranton from constructing
section A of the Fifth sewer district,
snl from colleotiug the assessment
levied er proposed to be levied.
The gist of the opinion on the ques
tion 1s that the complaint of the plain
tiffs, that they will bave to belp bear
the expense of sewer laid In streets on
which their property does not abnt, is
not trne in one sense, but the evidence
shows the seotion to be constructed is
virtually one sewer and abutted by all
the property in the district. They also
claim that ordluanoe uuder which the
imnrovomeut was being prosecuted is
invalid, but the iuJge decides other
Judge A rob bald Stale with Thle Ho
usotoua Question.
Judge Archbald dealt with a number
of grading oases iu which oplulous
were bunded down as follows:
The Bromley aveuue, North Lincoln
avenue and Oxford street eases were
continued until the nest term of argu
ment conrt to allow the city solicitor
to moke amendmeuts to the exceptions
to the report of the viewers and supply
proofs. I a 't L a first two oases the city
solicitor held that exorbitant damages
had beeu awarded.
In the Fig?streot case Judge Arch
bald strikes oil the appeal of the city
from the report of the .viewers award
ing damages.
The proceedings In the Rsbecsa ave
uue case were dismissed at the cost of
the city.
The Tenth and Twelfth street oases
were referred back to the viewer for
further report.
The appointment of viewers In the
Meridian street esse was revoked.
The Old Boards are Continued for
Hirse Tears.
Judge Arohbuld reappointed the old
miners' certificates exsmluiug boards
for a term of three years, dating from
July 1.
The upper district board la composed
of Henry Collins, Michael Gilroy and
William D, Morris. The local board
consists of David McMyue, George
Frey and Miles Gibbons.
One Case Is Considered by Judge Ed
wards. Judge Edwards decided yesterday
that Patrick Kearney, who had insti
gated proceedings to reeover damages
from the Central Rillroad of New Jer
sey on account of the floods ou the
flats, bad sued the wrong company.
It was the Wilkes-Barre, and Seran
ton Railroad company that built the
railroad which euoroauhod on the river
bed and caused the fbod and the judge
oeiu mat toey and not tlie lessees of
the road were responsible. This de
cision will Hffsct a number of similar
cases instituted by other residents of
the damaged district.
The license of Bornard Yankoski, et Toy
lor, was transforied (o Shem Burker.
Court fixed Thursday. Sept 13, at 70:
o'clock a. m.. for tho acknowledgment of !
treasurer's deeds. j
The liceuie of John Banks, of Carbon- '
dale township was, on motion of R. D. !
Stuart, transferred to John Polko. !
Watson & Zimmerman yesterday filed
papers in a divorce case iu which Margaret
Nogles declares that Kdwurd Noglos bus
deserted her.
Mrs. Wary Wahon asks conrt Ito compol
Mr. aud Mrs. William Mahady to pay her
1,000 for slander. All the parties live iu
Lackawanna township.
On motion of I. H. Burns, court yester
day grunted a rule to quash the proceed
ings in tho matter of the division of the
First ward, of Ulyphaut.
In tho contested election of Morgan
Sweeney and J. J, Mauley court, ou mo
tion of U. W. Connolly, extended the time
for taking testimony twenty days.
On motion of Mujor Everett Warren a .
rule was granted to show cause why the
liceuee of Jacob Yerke, of Pricoburg,
should not be transferred to Johu Rem
becki. Marriage licenses were crantod yester
day by Clerk Thomas to Wesley Stevens,
of Sterling, and Minnie Simpson, of Mos
cow; Thomas A. Corey, of Maple Lake,
and Mary Kiloa Rodney, of Madison; Man
ford J. Dovaue. of Lehigh, and May
Cook, of Nicholson, Peter J. Foy and Ellen
O'Malley, of Scrauton: Joseph Ray aud
Caroline Dreoker, of hcrauton.
Common Pi.kas Nellie Rdssenuil against
Samuel Resseqnil, jr.: Divorce is granted
at the cost of Samuel Russequil. Desertion j
is the ground for the divorce.
Luther Foster against Jsanoy Fostor; in
divorce: Rule for oounscl feo?. "The do
fendaut has the right to have aid from bur
husband's estate to unable her to establish
her innocouce if possible. He cannot make
this serious chargo aud cut her off from
the means of refuting it. The counsel fuo
of $500 which is asked for is extravagant,
but we think one of i'M would be reason
able." Judgment is given accordingly.
Fred R. Jenkins naitst R. T. Howell:
A new trial is granted. Oil account of an
error In the printed trial list the defend
ant's attorney was misled.
Robortson and Stoue against Georgo
Ilighfield: Judguieut of non pros, given
for want of a narration or declaration is
etrickon otT.
Puff and others, executors, against
Smith: Caseetuted. Judgment for the de
fondants. Edward Mulholland against the Rush
brook Water company : The exceptions to
the report of the viewers ure set aside and
the report approved.
In the caio of John Brannen, Adminis
trator of Margaret Brannen, deceased,
Judge Archbald today gave judemeut to
the plaintiff iu the sum of $13$. 32, with in
terest, and set aside the rest of the vordict
in the ca-e.
James P. Farrell against Reheoca Wolf:
Judgement is awardod.f or want of snffiolent
affidavit of defense.
Quarter Sessions The commonwealth
against Goldman. The will to strike off
tne defendant's recognizances is discharged
but the amendment is allowed.
Sept. 17 ut U a. m. is the date fixed for
the hearing in the application of tho trans
fer of the hotel license of John Moore iu
Taylor to Henry Noegll.
In the matter of the road in North
Abington township, court orders that the
report of the re-reviewers be set aside nnd
confirms finally the report of the viewers,
Common Pi.kas Harry Depuy vs. J. A.
Brady: Rule for new trial made absolute
and new trial awarded.
Nicholas Kiifer, assigned to Frederick
Durr vs. Walter O. Prank and Frank
Leader: Auditor's repjrt coufirined nisi.
In re petition of Meadow Brook Water
company for extension of time for com
pleting works; Hearing of petition Bet
down for September 10, at 10 o'clock a. m,
Hunt & Counell, Limited vs. A. U.
Rauschmayer: Defeudaut pleads non
W. H. Withers Paper Go., Limited vs.
A. n. Ranschinayer: Walter Briggs ap
pointed referee.
Hunt & Connell, Limited vs. A. H.
Rauschmayer: Walter Briggs appointed
Biddlc Hardware Co. vs. A. H. Rausch
mayer: Walter Briggs appointed referee.
Pottetown Hardware Co. vs. A. IL
Ranschmayer: Walter Briggs appointed
Seltzer Clabr Hardware Co. vs. Albort
H. Rauschmayer; M. A. McGinloy ap
pointed referee.
Scranton Uas and Water Oo. vs. Lacka
wanna Iron and Coal Co. I Case ordered
put on trial list for term commencing Sept.
24, 1804.
In re appeal from report of auditors of
Olyphant borough: W. A. Lathrope ap
pointed auditor.
Kate J. Redden vs. Isaao T. Bedden;
Rule granted to show oause why decree in
divorce shonld not be granted.
Lacos Shifter Coal Oo. vs. William Sprin
ger: Court allows amending praecipe.
Allon Cigar Co. vs. D. B. Beemeri Court
awards an isiuo. v
In redumuges by grading Luzerne street,
city of ticrantoni Rule granted to show
cause why execution shall not issue, re
turnable Sept. 10.
N. 11. Levy & Bro. vs. Iiadore K. Good
man. Court allows record to be amended
by changing name of defeudant, Isaac
Goodman, to Isadora Uoodman.
Uriuk vs, Williams. Court grants rule
on plain till and cluiinaut to ehow cause
why they shall not maiutuiu or relinquish
their respective claims.
R. A. Ziuimoruma vs. John Ransom et
nL Rule granted tr show cause why
judgment entered against M. E. Lutz shall
not be opened una defendant allowed to
The oommonwtiallh by its relation with
E. J. Chapmnu against Asa Nichols and
others of the South Abingtoa school
board,' Judgment is entered iu favor of
the defeodaut at the cost of the relator,
O. H. Lutz, defeudaut, and the Scranton
Traction company, garnishee, against M.
h, Fritchey. Certiorari. Procoudiugs are
Putrick Tuffy aud wife against J. S.
Miller: New triul is refused.
Frank Smith against Joseph Kimbosky:
Certiorari. The proceedings before Aldor
inau Williams are nftirnied.
Durr vs. Reploglu: Tho rule for judg
ment for the defeudiint non obstante viu
dicte discharged and judgment ordered
to be outered on the verdiut for the plain
tiff. Ives and Burns vs. Christian Storr; Us
port of refuree set aside ou the exceptions
of the defendant and case Is recommitted
to him for further report.
In re estate of Saruu Nichols, Bill of
John P. Scragg approved and auditor di
rected to pay the same.
Iu re npuoiutineut of Lackawanna
Trust aud Safe Depoiit compuny. Ap
pointed trustee for Muuie McLaughlin for
tho funds which shall come to her hands
from W, J. Utind, administrator of the
estate of Putrick Tiorney.
Says Cost of New No. 27 School
Will Exceed Appropriation
by $9,000.
At last night's meeting of tho board
of coutrol Controller T. & Jennings
wus chosen secretary pro tern, owing to
the absence of Secretary Fellows at
The following bids for the heating;
and ventilating of new No, 19 school
were referred to the building commit
tee: B. G. Carpenter & Co., plan No.
1, $3,800; No. 2, ;t,500; No. a, $3,800;
No. 4, $3,800; Hunt & Connell, !f3,:51;
Smead Wills Co.. f l.fjtiO.
On motion of Mr. Wormser the bids
for a retaining wall at No, 25 school
were referred to the building commit
tee and the committee was empowered
to give the contraot to the lowest 're
sponsible bidder.
The bids for supplies were not read,
but were referred to the supply com
mittee, to report at the next regular
meeting of the board.
The building committee's recom
mendation thai the contrast for build
ing the new Ka "1 structure be
awarded to Contractor E. G, Hughes
for sd'J. 03U was objeotsd to by Mr.
Wormser, whose protest sprung from
the fact that the amount of the con
tract was $0,000 more than the appro
priation for the ereotion of the sohool.
Mr. Notz made a very logical speeeh in
which he gave figures comparing the
relative cost of school buildings iu the
past, and be proved to the satisfaction
of ull but Mr. Wormser, who voted
alone for the first time sines be beoamo
a member of the board.
The recommendation of the building
committee that the mineral under the
site of No. 27 school be purchased was
The supply committee recommended
to add the Monroe reador to the list of
text books.
On motion of Mr, Uitohell. Cannon
eer Joseph R. Chase was allowed the
privilege of occupying the high school
site for the erection of a tent in which
be will produce a cyciorama of the but
tle of Gettysburg the lust week of this
An adjournment was made until
next Monday night
What Has Btcoma of 8. B. Coston t
Ob, he is in his tent near Lake Ariel
woods, building up for another year of
euergetlo work among bis shorthaud and
bookkeeping students. School roopeus
Sept. 2.
Mur.E Pilkbury Flour sold than any
other braud made in the United States,
Wood's College of Business and Short
band. To th 1'ublio. Since the organization
of our Bchool we have glveu to the citizens
of Scranton and Pennsylvania advant
ages in tho commercial and stonographic
work equal to that of the best colleges lu
the largost oities.
More, titan 1,0U0 students have attended
lu a single year. ,
.1 Ureal Multitude has beeu inspired to
higher living and have won important
places iu the business and professional
With ih experience and success of the
past we propose to give our patrons of the
future higher, more practical, aud thor
ough business and stenographic courses.
Conditions iu the business world bave
changed. Schools must change to meet
these conditions. Students must be taught
to do as well as to think.
The faculty it an important factor in
an institution,
Utrttnfort w ha 00 tduaated our
ffuaienf this year we have engaged men
who have made a record and acquired a
We have bad -good pupils in the past.
We shall have better ones in the future.
No busintsi school in the United States
can exhibit a more competent, cultured
and efficient class of aggressive teachers.
The college will reopen August 27. Day
ana night sessions. OKI students, students
who have not completed the course, and
prospective students, are luvited to cull.
The office U always open.
F. E. WOOD, President.
40c. Per Pound
Buys our Fancy Old Mandeli
liug Java, the finest Cofl'co
3fc Per Pound
Buys our Triple-blend Java;
will match any 3'8o. coffco sold.
30c. Per Pound
Bays out- Fancy Golden Rio.
25c. Per Pound
Buys a Good Coffee at
. Boet Coffee House In Soranton,
' 429 Lacka. Avg.
Aanounccment of His Death Is Momentarily
Unless Some Pronounced Change in
His Condition Occurs Ha Will Be
Allowed to Remain at Cape May,
Scranton Priests at the Bedside of
the Prostrated Prelate He Made
No Request to Be Taken Here to
News from the bedside of Bishop
O'Hara brings no cheer to the anxious
thousands who were yesterday puinod
to hear through This Tmbune of his
dangerous illness. He continues iu a
semi-unconscious condition, recogniz
ing those of bis friends who are per
mitted to soo him, but only seldom
speaking to any one.1
Rv. Father Rellly, rector of the
cathedral, stated yesterday that there
was no truth iu the rumor that the
bishop had asked to be removed to
Scranton that be might die in his
room. lie never made such a request,
and in fact the question of ramoval
was not discussed when Father Reilly
was at Cupe May, It was thought,
however, expedient to have arrange
ments completed to convey him home
if deemed advisable.
The bishop will be allowed to remain
at Cupe May, where everything is pro
pitious for bis cuse. There he has the
tender attentions of his brother, one of
the most emiuent physicians of Phila
delphia, and being adjacent to Phil
adelphia it is an easy matter to call in
consultation any of the great medical
men of that city.
Rsv, Father Golden, who was the
bishop's companion In his travels, and
Rev. N. J. MoManui. of Providence,
are also at his bedside.
It is an open seuret at the Episcopal
residence in this city that the an
nouncement of the bishop's death is
momentarily expected.
Polios Ofilcir P. O, Walsh Resigns from
the Foioe,
Police Officer P. G. Walsh is no
longer a preserver of the peace. A
ssrious cburgo filed against him con
cerning his aotious while on duty
caused the resignation.
There was to have been a hearing in
his case this afternoon at 3 o'clock iu
the mayor's office, but bis resignation
disposes of the case.
Bis Fatal Journey in Bsaroh of Good
William Kolty, of Balins, Ira
land, came to this country some twelve
months ago for his health but received
no benefit by his change of climate.
He returned to bis native country a
couple of mouths ago, and died among
his friends. His death is much re
gretted by all who knew him.
Out Hetl.
The bi-annual meeting aud tournament
or the Turner societies or the Philadelphia
district will bo hold in this city Aug. 20
auu :i under tho.auspices ol.the local luru
Sntvrday Evening, Aw). IU Reception
of the delegates from Philadelphia, Wlll
iamsport Alleutown, Wilkes-Burre, Tren
ton, N, J., Camden, N. J.
Monday, Aug. SU Grand parade of tho
Visiting societies. All local singing and
other German socioties will participate to
Central Park garden; sports and games
between visiting aud local Turner socie
ties. Admission to park 25 cents. Picnic
all day und evening.
Tutudai, Any. '41 Mammoth excursion
to Farview. Trains leave Delaware and
Hndson depot at 8.30 a. ni. Tickets for
adults, 75 cents; for children. 40 ceuts. For
sale at C. D. Neuffor, Fred Durr, John T.
Fahronholt, city; Schneider Bros., Charles
Schencb, Chnrles Kirst South Side;
George Wusuch, Joseph Ziuimorll, Hydo
Committee: Lonis Gsohkiulk,
Fi:tn Hi mm 1. kk, Secretary.
To the Kipub icarni of Lackawanna Co.
At the earnest solicitation of many
friends I hereby nuuounce myself 11s a
candidate for the office of register of will?,
subject to the decision of tuo Rcpubiicau
county couvoutiou, I take this moans of
informing my many frieudg that 1 am in
tiio held, as I may not be nble to seu nil
whom I should liko to see betore tho con
vention meets. Remouiburiug the kind
ness heretofore shown me, und assuriug
tho Kopublicnn voters of my gratitude for
past favors. I remain
Very sincerely yours,
Wiu.iam S. Hopkins.
Musical Trmt at ths Y, W. C. A.
A girl's glee club, with violin, guitar and
! piano selections, also solos by some of the
! best local talent iu the city will make tho
' eocial this evening at the Young Woman's
' Christian association, 205 Washington av
! euue, very enjoyable. AH young women,
j especially those who have nover visited the
I "Rooms," uro cordially Invited. Icecream
I and cake, 10 cents,
I '
j Heamsr'e New Dlninu- Rooms.
I Drop iu and soo our lunch and dining
j rooms, they are now nnd clean. Nothing
but the Pest ot everything cun be found
ou our tables. Our regular dinner is 23
cents and is the best lu the city. Bcoiner
& Son, uext to Elk bnildiug, Frauklin
We Paint and
Fire China
to Order.
Come in and
! See Our
New Goods.
W.W. BERRY, Jeweler
Best Seta of Teeth,$8.oo
Including the painless extracting
of teeth by aa entirely new pro
cess. 1
S. O. Snyder, D.D.s.
Seven Drachms Instead ef Five Crops
of Wlntergreen OIL
Mrs. Ellen Leader, of Roeker street,
Clover hill, died yesterday from an
overdose of oil of wlntergreen.
Mrs. Leader was a great anfferer
from rheumatism, and read in a news
paper that oil of wlntergreon was an
excellent remedy. Armed with the
newspaper extraot she went to a local
drug store, but before being supplied
with the artlelc she was warned to take
but fivo drops at a dose. She was also
supplied with a dropper and statod that
she thoroughly understood how to use
tne remedy.
Dr. Thompson, of Providence, was
called la seven hours after she was taken
ill, but although be npplied all remed
ies and did his best to save her life, hit
services were called upon too late in
the day as the drag had tuken a deadly
bold of the patient. Mrs. Leader bad
evidently beeu impatient at the slow
operation of the oil and In order to ac
celerate its eflicaey had taken seven
drachms In twenty-four hours, acting
quite contrary, to the instructions of
the druggist. '
Coroner Kelly was communicated
with last evening and will probably
hold an inquest
Professor Uaydn Evans and the party
selected for a tour iu England and Wales
wm uoia a concert at tuu Methodist pis
cupul church ou Saturday eveuiug.
The sum of M has beeu received from
David btepheus toward the txuenses of
W. T. Thomas, who is ut the Philuaolphia
nospitai, malting the total amount sub'
scribed $33.
Tho Richmond Shaft Accidental sssociu.
tiou will run their annual excursion to
Lako Ariel on Aug. 21.
Armit Thomas. J. Howell and D. II
Rees loft yesterday for a fishing vacatiou
ai j.aae Duenuan.
Elegantly framed pictures are being sold
or uau price or irame. tuicago Art Co.,
is renn avenue.
Miss Alice Benson, of Green Ridge, will
peuu ucr vacatiou in iiovuiaua, u.
The handball contest for 50 at O'Mul.
loy's court, botweeu Ciimpbell-Morgiin aud
Kell-Purkos, resulted In the victory of the
first couple. Score, 31-13.
The large crowd which patronized the
Preserving Kettles
The time is near at
hand to use them, so
figure ahaad.
I qiiiii t, J oiurt, O.rmart, K rioart,
25c. 35c. 40c. 45c.
10 quart, 12-quart, H cju.irt, IS-quart,
55. 65c. 75c. 90c.
Also 1-quart Tin Fruit
Cans at 45c. doz.
126 Penn Ave.
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new build
ing, 322
Washington Ave.
am mst sa
Of SHOES Is Now On
And you'll not be treating yourself right if you don't take advantage ot it.
Every shoe in the house is reduced to cost, and many goo Is snob as RUS
SETS and all SUMMER SHOES, a good deal less than cost.
WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, best quality, worth $1.50 a pair, will be told
for 75 CENTS.
Somo that ara soiled an) discolored will be sold for 25 CENTS a pair,
, There Is no half way business about it, bnt a great housefull of GOOD
SHOES at the cost of making them. LET US SEE YOU.
It's an 111 Wind That
Blows Nobody Any Good
Our large stock of SUMMER GOODS has proven
an ill wind to us, but 13 blowing to your advantage.
We are offering our
on Summer Goods. Embrace the opportunity. The
Discounts offered last week will be continued-ONE ,
Fatlior Whitty society excursion to N ew
Yor- returned home much pleased y eater
da; corning.
Miss Susie Fisher is spending a week with
relatives at Plymouth.
Miss Katie Uaegerty is spending her va
cation in New York.
Y WIT T. hrnafinf nn. tVtnnaotiA Allava In
gold to any one whom I cannot cure of epi
leptic convulsions or fits. Dr. E. Qbiwir,
311 ripruce street, Scranton, Pa,
BE Satisfied with
nothing but the best.
You will be satisfied
if you call on J. I30LZ and
get some of the bargains h
is offering.
A $5 Coat for $1.49.
A $7 Coat for $3.
A Fine BlackClay Worst
ed Coat for $5, worth
Ladies' Cape 3, all shada 3,
for 98c.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suit 3
for $4.75, worth $9.
During the Summer.
sX a JElC3X-
138 Wyoming Ave.
next dime: bank.
OFFERS the btt
business education
of auy institution
of its kind in the
country, at mini
mum cctjt The pro
prietors are instruc
tors with years of ex
perience and know
thenecetsitiesof the
business work. In
struction is tbor
ongh and practical.
College building is
a beautiful structure, well ventilated
and possessed of all modern conve
niences and is located on Court House
Day and Evening Sessions.
will open HON DAY, SEPTEMBER 3.
Our Journal tells all about us and our
mothods. Send ns your name and you
will get it by mail.
Back, IMtmore & Co.
h Adams k and Linden Street.
128 Wyoming Ave.
Hip Pads, Stocking
Cor. Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves.
mm hats