THE SCTtANTON TK1BUNE TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 14, 1894. 3 STELLE & SEELEV 134 Wyoming Ave. We will show you what you want. GOOD BREAD -USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston II Co, EEWARE OP COUNTERFEITS J THE GEWtllNE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INiTtHS G.( B. Se Co., Carney, Brown & Co. lift's. DR. H. B. WARE will be in his office on and after the first weak in Septem ber. To the Republican Party of Lacka wanna County: I hereby announce that I Will be a candidate for the office of recorder of deeds of Lackawanna county before the next Republican convention. H. L. HALSTEAD. PERSONAL. John J. Kaufman is expected to return from Ocsan Grove today. Mrs. J. H. Ton ey is the guest of Mrs. J. L. Wenlz at her Duhon home His Sadie Spencer is the guest of Mrs. John A, Luchworth at Lake Arid. A.'r. aad Mrs. William Hfae, of Pasadena, (Jul., are visiting their cousin, Mrs. C. E. Pryor. Miss Alice Benson, of Green Ridge, left yesterday (or an extended visit at Clave laud, 0. The ilUies Leora and Nellie Lewis are spending a few days at the Salem camp meeting. Hisses Uargaret Tropp and Margaret Scbimi ff returned home yesterday from a stay ai Eluihurst. Street Commissioner Philip Kirst de parted yesterduy for Atlantic City and win be aui'Dt a week. YY. H. Davis, supsriutendentof Sanquoit on jittnuiaciunng tympany, spent bua day at Paieroou, Jf. J. Misses Lona aud Gertrude Wnrnor. of Gnschei,Itid..urn vibitiuR their friend, Miss Luiiiuu waruarc, oi lUunroe avenue. Miss Ai. A. Uilroy leaves this morning jor a iwo waeas yarauou witn ner parents anu menus in uinjuamton anu .ew lork, John Gibbons, Danial W illmms and Su perintendent Heemcr. of the noor board. leave for Philadelphia on officio! business today. Major J. B. Smith, of Pittston, rondo a biMUess Cull in Scranton yesterday and -as warmly greeted by bis many voteran menus. Miss Carrie Bishop, of Caponse avenue, uroen Kidg-e, Is enjuymg a month's visit with her sister and other relatives in New xork city. W. R. Robbing, formerly of Carbondale, now of Seventh street, waa sworn In as special for tbe Delaware and Hudson new depot on Saturday. Fred Tropp, of the accountant's depart nieutoftlie Delaware. Lackawanna and western railroad, raturuod home yester day from Philadelphia and Barnesville, wnere oe spent a ween. The Pof.svilln Evening Chronicle says that 0. B. Acker, manager and for over a year last past editor of the Miners' Jour nal, left on .Monday to take a position with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad company, with headquarters at bcranion. it pronouncos Mr. Acker conscientious, careful aud pains-taking newspaper man, who has gained tbe high esteem 01 tne community. To the Bea Shore Via the Lehigh Valley Boats. Special excursion to Atlantio City via Lehigh Valley railroad on Aug. 15, Extremely low rates from nil stations. Tickets good for ten days. Apply to agents (or t"irt, time or. train, ruuman reser vations, etc Go to Poyntflle, Exourslon Bates One Dollar. N w York. Ontario and Western rail road will run excursions Wednesday and K.tiirrlntr. Train leaves Scran ton 8.30 a. m., returning leaves Poyntelle 4.60 p. m. Good Ashing. PitxsBTjRY Flour Mills Of 17,600 barrels a day. have a capacity Bnoklen's Araloa Salve. r tint 1 vii In tha world for Cuts . Bruises. Bores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum.. Fever Sorts, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns ana eu mid juruynuu, .iwoiv nri PUna. ot no Dav rsoulred. I i. mr.nti to nive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 86 cents per PIANOS ORGANS o . 1 A Foe to Dyspepsia , i SNOW WHITE FLOUR box. For sale by Matthews Bros. IS I Says He Will Not Rest Until the Charges Are Slftei HE WMTS AN INVESTIGATION And Will Ask Councils at the Next Meeting to Appoint a Special Com mittee Mayor Connell Gives His Opinion . of the Frable Charges. Opinions of Select Councllmen Con nell and Westpfahl, The sweltering weather of dog days cannot hold a candle to the caloritio register of beat produced by George Frable's inveinbuiont ugaiust the slip bod expenditure of ward appropria tions of South Side councilman. The Twelfth ward eonncilmen against whom Mr. Frable appears to have speo tally directed his remarks are on tha war path, freighted duly with a full assortment of scalping knives, and war patut. Select Coanciltnau James Mauley spsaks openly, declaring ttint he will not rest until councils appoint a special somuiittee to investigate the charges in order to fully vindicate his character, which be pronounces will bs the result of the Investigation. The views of Morgan Swssney, the member of the lower branch, are substantially the same as Mr. Mauley's. WHAT MA YOU CONNELL SAW. Mayor Connell was seen in his ofttcs yesterday afternoon by a Tkidune re porter. He stid: "I do not believe Mr, Frails meant that any of the conueilnien ar dis honest or that their methods of expen.l ing the ward appropriations savors of crookedness. The couueilmei), unaily all of them, can not fiad tiuia to over see tbe work dose in their wards and for that reason, perhaps, it is ohnrgad that tbe money is expended injudic iously.'' Ales T. Connell, selsct councilman of the Tweutieth wurd, said that Mr. Fuble's charges were not worrying him. "All I have to say.' said Mr. Connell, ''is this: If any citizen or tax payer of the Twentieth ward, or of any other ward of tbe city, or of any city in the United States, wishs to examine the papers eoutalning the acoouats in my dlstrtst, I would be (lad to have tits sail on me at any time." Councilman Connell outlined a seheme to remedy tne grlevauee ootn plained of. He believed tbe ward ap propriations mtgbt be eipsuded more satisfaetorily under the supervision of the street eomutsslonsr. With three or four assistants the street commis sioner, being empowered to use his dis cretion in the mutter, would be able to do tar ketter worn than under the present system. OPINIONS OF OTHER COUNCILMEN. Councilman Wsstofahl said be would hail the day wbeu the ward appropria tions snail oe utsu ont or toe bands or the couneilmen; for if every deserving man in the ward is cot given a jab on the streets considerable criticism is made. Mr. Westsfahl said that since be became a ineuibsr ;of tbe councils und it became a part of his duty to expend tbe ward appropriation and tbe work has been done to the best ot bis ability and the accounts are open any time for inspeotion. Mr. McLann. ol tbe f ourteenth ward: Mr. Battle, of the Twentieth, and several other couueumea gave similar opinions. PARTIAL TRIAL LIST. One Week of the Term of Court Has Been FlU.d. Conrt oflicers are now working on the September trial list and hive one of the three weeks ot the term filled. Tbe eases which will occupy the first week are appended: MONDAY, SEPT. 17. Josenh Fellows and C. Smith vs. F. E, Lonmis and John II. Fellows. Ejectment, William H. liarcy vs. Hillside Coal and Iron company. Ejectment. Charles ti. JicAvery vs. n. u. Ulttord and Marv Clifford. Anneal, waeos. John ilunon vs. fclk mil Coal ana iron company. Appeal, wa'-es. Isaac ureen vs. a. u. Mote, executor or the estate of Mary Mott, deceased. Ap peal, wages. wiinam xtamDo vs. uooerc vcstiaKii. Wages. Thomas McHale vs. Bridget McDonnell, administratrix. Feigned issue. Mrs. M. E. Ainey vs. Eliza Brown. In terpleader. iannio M, May vs. Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Company. Interpleader. b. 13. llott, assignee, vs. Charles Sr. Jad- wln. Assumpsit. Mary McGuinness vi. Wilke-Earre aud Scranton Railway company. Trespass. Peter corrni vs. liocae & t uddeu. Ke- plevin. John G. Jenumgi vs. Lcnigu valley Rail road comrauy. Tretpas. Isaac li. relts et al. vs. Delawnro, Lacka wanna ana western Kuilroi-.d coi.inany. Trn.nasc. M. M. Eaird vs. Walter B. Curtis. Tres pass. TUESDAY. SCPT. 18 John Ftaunican vs. William Fallon et al. Troipass. C u. KIce vs. Fidelity and Casualty company. Trespuss. city of Scranton vs. J. R. Kent. Sci a. Mutual Life Insurance coaiD inv vs. U. S. Johnston and C. Winton. Ejectment. Auu Munley vs. city of Scranton. Tres pass. George Sanderson et al vs. Lorenze Zeid ler. Ejectment. EnosFlynn vs. Patrick Moran. Appeal. Claud Pitcher, by his next friend, C. R. Pltchsr vs People's Street Railway com pany. Trespass, John Caff ray et al vs. Marearet Ilealev et al. Ejsctrasnt. WEDNkSDAY, SiPr. 19. James O'Brien vs. Delaware and Hn'son Canal company. Treipass. Greenbaun & Co. vs. Sol Goldsmith. Ap peal. Tnomas Jordan vs. Jones, Simpson & Co. Trespass. Benjamin Ilowey vs. James Wilson. Ap peal. Swtetser, Pemhrook & Co. vs. P. F. Mo- Donnell. Replevin. S.W.Edgar etal vs. N. Hallstoad, Winton Coal ompany and Dolph Coal company, limited. Sci. fa. Margaret Hamilton et al. vs. John A. Lee. Appeal. Mary . Chatnplin, administratrix, vs. George M. Watson. Assumpsit. Mary Jordan vs. Mary Regan and John Regan. Ejectment. Christian Alton vs. school district of Carbondale township. Assumpsit. Musio Bom Exoluelvsly. Best made. Play any desired number of tones. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1030 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. . Won. derful orcheatrial organs, only to and $1(J. Specialty: Old musio boxes carofully re paired and improved with new tunes. $40,000 School House No. 27. E. L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this mouth, to be bunt on Columbia avenue. Lots for sale on this avenue at low prices for a brief period. ARTnun Frotmnoham. S. B. DrjHiKY, mate of the steamer Ari zona, had his foot badly jammed. Thomas' Eclectrlo Oil- cured it. Nothing equal (or a quick pain reliever. ' I ftl IflijIFilllD IIS & Concluded from Page I. Fred Barnard und Albert Daviea..tha sergaaiit-niujors ot tho First aud Second battalion, huveono ot the neatest at ted np tents on the ground. Duo ot its unique fratures is a clothes rack pateutud hv Mr. Barnard, which can be fastened to the tent poie oy means or. a thumb screw. Eu route to Gettvalmrir fnnt.ln P. n Fellows, of Company F. received a tele. gram from Corporal Freeman and Privale illtchell stating that thov bad minuud the train and requested information us to what thoy should do. They were directed to prooeed to Gettysburg on the llrst train, Polico Officer Block, who in aiiininher of Company B, called on members of Troop or the U lilted States cavalrv. venterdav. Mr. Block snrved with them at Leaven worth, Kan., und during tho bittiug Bull troubles a low years n;io. .Mr. Block was then a member ot Troop K, of United Stutes cavulry. Major C. C, Mattes was thrown from his horse during dress parade on Saturday, but fortunately escaped without injury. His horse reared on its bind lees and thi-n full sideways, taking the major with him. Mr. Muttev lug was beneath the horBO, nud his escapo fruui a bioken limb is matter for congratulation. Ilendnuartors Clerk Woistuflue was on tho engine goiue to Gettysburg when the crown sheet Imrst aud made the locomo tive a tit subject for tho repair shop. Richard derived littlo enjoyment from that ride until the unginoer succeeded in getting his iron steed under coutrol aftbr the crown suout burst. The rain which continued t fall with out intermission all day Sunday, kep; mobt of the b 'Vi within their tcms. Munyof them upsnt tho day in Gettin! their arms aud equipment i 1:1 tir.-st class condition for yesterday's inip'ctmu while others roved over the battlefield iu the rear of tho camp looking tor relics. As tho train ot elsvou cars sped on through the niht, enveloped 7 tuu iu lit that arose from the Snmiuehamia, iii".hhii- gors Irom tho ronunaudors of the ditl'erent conipauies tlittod through the train to t'w ucacuuiarters car, in the center of the train, beariug reports of the mouibership ot the companies to Adjutant U.'uerul Millar. Roaimsntal Clerk Richard Wo'senflns wa honored with a call from Major Girst, of General J. V. S. Gobiu's stuff, tiaturdoy, ho suminoued the ettlcisut reimeutal clerk to bripule headquarters to act as clerk there. Joseph Davis, who was Mr. Wci.enfiuo's assistant, will act as regi mental clerk during the remuiiidor of ou- cumpuiout. The people of Gettysburg realize that thay do not havo an encampment everyday aud are making money while they may. A trip to tne camp grounds on a bus costs from 16 to M cents. Milk is sold for 10 cents a quart aud kerosene oil brings twenty. ono cents a gallon. Relics aud tales told by eyo witnesses of that memor able event, cau be purchased at li Ue prices. After tho inspection toduy the rille team was excused (rum further duty in camp and allowed to return home. This was done because the team will have to go to Mount Gretna on Aug. 27 to shoot in tho state matches. Tho members of the team are William Stout and W. W. Younsrs, of companv D, Rlvso Wutkins, of beadquar tors und licury cullen and Peter Kooling oi company v. The long crass on the parade zround in iront or division headquarters became ig nit'd Saturday afternoon and burned fiorcely for a time. The wind whipped tne names rapidly over the ground towards the camp of the First brigade, and muny tents wouia nave undoubtedly doh de stroyed but for the prompt and effective action or the Oetnll sent to light the tire by ueuerat snowaeu. Chief of Police Simpson, who was pres ent at the battle of Gettysburg in tho ca pacity ot a urummer boy. Is much sought after by the soldiers who want to have the positions or the dillereut generals and their commands pointed out by a man who wus on tho spot. Musician McDonald was al.o on the field on tbe third duy us a drummer boy and can relate many interesting inci dents of the buttle. Captain Kellow was with General Warren when Round Top wus stormed and had a part in that des perate adventure. lie had nn opportunity to become thoroughly familiar with the battle held and its surroundings and talks most entertainingly concerning it. Before the train had been long under way Headquarters Clerk Weisenllue had prepared from these reports the following tubulated statement of tho number of men each company bad on the train: Field und stuff, 13 officers, 8 non-commissioned offi cers; Company A, 3 officers and S3 men; Company B, 2 officers and 51 men; Corn puny C, 3 officers and 56 men; Company D, 3 officers aud 57 men; Company E, 3 officers and 51 men; Company F, 3 officers and 51 meu; Company G, 3 officers aud 51 men; Company 11, 3 officers und 53 men. Total, 41)3, out of u possible 470. Tho two mi-slng men were Corporal Freeman and Private Antchell, of Company F. A guard was stnnoniu ou each car to prevent, the guardsmen from passing from one coach to the other with a vio.v to preventing ac cident. SOUTH SIDE. Fair of St. Paul's German Evangelical Church la Octobir. The congregation of St. Paul's Our muu Evangelical church, Prospect av enue uud Beech ttreot, will liuld a fair lasting two weeks, Wuioii wilt Le npjned ia Germauia hall ou Monday, Ujt. M. The pastor, Rav. EI ward Lanj, liaa prepared a com plots programme for tho two weeks the fair will bo hold, and there will be u;iu 'he left undone to repay .the visitors iu the line of enter ing to the senses of pleasure Usin bsrs of the parish are imtuitrloujiy sauvassing for articles for the fair. A CHANCE FOR COCO HORSES. Are There any Sju'.h Elli Owners Am bilious for a Itac?. It there are any good horses on the South Side, at leant any that ere capa ble of giving tneir uust to tne speed ers from Taylor, there is a show for them now to win some tneuey. Several Taylor horsemen informed a Tuibusk reporter that they ure ready to rues against any horse the South Side can nrnduce. Is it possible that this flourishing; community will ullow this ciiullengo to go unanswered? Dr. J. L. (jrirU'.lis, ot Taylor, will answer any queries that may be addressed him- SOUTH SlOt JOTTINGS. John J. Murphy, tho bright young law graduate who has been ill for two woeks, waa able to leave lis oeu yestoruay. The blovcle club composed of mouibsrs of Ihe Scranton Athletic club, have elected the following ollk-ors; President, Charles Rosur; secretary, Albert Westpfahl; treas nrvr, Peter Marker. James Connell lodge of Odd Fellows will hold a regular meeting at Truehan's hall tomorrow night. Mrs. Michael Natter, or cedar avenue, ts seriously ill. The marriage of Mis Sarah Moore, of Brick street, to Joseph R -uard, of 1'ittntou aveuue, will take place tomorrow after noon at John's church. The choir of St. John's church will enjoy an outing at L.ake usury next Jionany. Miss Mary Erobson, of Genet street, is Visitlug in Shamokiu. Druggist F. L. Terppe has cansed the beautiful poplar shade treos in trout of his residence to be cut down. Thomas J. Moore, mnnagor of tbe Meadow Brook and Mlnooka stores, is re ouperat.lng rapidly and will be able to re sume his duties in a week. Miohaol J. Cusick, of Duryea, is vilitij his parents on Brook street. WEST An Instructive Discourse to Be Given This Evening. DR. JCKN SAADI WILL LECTURE Several Interesting; Subjects An nounced Three Vagrants Miss Connections and Ride to Jail Pic turesque Scones at a Polish Mar riage A Number of Important Notes and Personals. A lecture which will be interesting will tin jriven this evening in St. David's Episcopal ohuroh by Dr. John Saadi a native of Syria, who will speuk on "Islam's Faith ami Tradi tions," "The Woman of the East," and a short sketch on the "Gordon Relief Expedition." i he lecture will commenoe at 7 .10 o'clock. No admission fee will be charged but a collection will be taken up during the uveuiug. Dr. Saudi has delivered leotures in many oitles each with unbounded satisfaction. The following are a few opinions of the piess on the leotures: RODE TO JAIL. Three Vagrants Arrsstsd for Free Fas- sage. Detective Kemineror, ot the Dela ware, Lackawanna aud Western Rail road company, caught three men giving tueir names as Jouu martin, Audrew Shay aud John Mullen, all of Philadel phia, as they were louvlng a train ou the Blooinsburg division yesterday aft ernoon. 'ilia men were in the car at Pittston, where tho detective boarded it, and as ttity loft it a short distunes below the crossing on Sorantou street thoy were csugut. The vagrants were taken be- lord Alderman lilair, who sentenced oach of them to ton days in tbe county j ill lu defuult of a $3 tiuo. A POLISH MARRIAGE, A Picturesque Scene Wltnssssd at a Wedding. Tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Lingia on North Bromley avenue was tbe scene of a typical Polish wedding yes terday morning. The contrasting parties were thair daughter, Miss Mary Lingis and Muthew Breskoutz of the North End. The female portion of tbe bridal party was dressed iu a pioturesque manner, of their native land. After the cereaiony an exoellont wedding break fast wus served. The newly wedded couple will reside in Proridense. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Mrs. Stephen Myers and Mrs. John Whenler, oi' North Bromley avenue, are guests or menus at scnouoiauien. Ooorge Wstzol, who has resided at Nan- ticoke for tho past two mouths, has re turned to his home on r rink street. Mr. aud Mrs. Matthew Gross, of Wilkes- Barre, havo returned borne after a visit with Daniel Mohr, of North Sumner ave nue. Joseph Phillips, a clork at Far roll's store, has returned from New York city. An accldout which might have proven seriously occurred last evening on iNorth Alain avenue. As car JNo. 77 of the Swet laud street line was muking a trip to ward the ceutral city, it collided with t two-wheeled gig driven bv Edcar Davis. of Eynon street. The oar struck the wheel of tho vehicle and smashed it. Tho horse took (right and the gig overturned Davis, with a companion, were carried a short distunes in their precarious condi tion, but fortunately without lujury. Stephen Huuhes. ot llazloton. is visit ing at tno home ot v . j. ungues on isorth Main avenue. Miss Susio Brown, of Plymouth, has re turned home after a visit with triends on this side. Mrs, Thomas W. Phillips and daughter Margaret, or isoutn Main avenue, have re turned from Atlantic City. Druggist John S. Davies, of Eynon street, is on a trip through New xork scat. Misses Maggie Burnett and Lizzie Stan ton, of Plea-ant street, are spending a two weeks' vacation at Lake v mola. Martha Washincton ChaDter. Order of Lastern Star, run an excursion to Lake Ariel yesterday. Mrs. Jenkins Morgan, ot North Hvdo Park avenue, left last evening tor Seuule, -waso. ueiuro leaving .airs. .Morgan cuter- talued her numerous friends at her home. We are clearing ont the whole of our stock of tine etchiugs, Chicago Art Co. l-f i'cun uvenue. William R. William', of Newark. N. J.. returned home last evening after a visit with b:imuol Rogers, of llydo Park avenue. Tho new stroet car schedule will co int effect to-day, Tha last car will leave i nmklin avenue lor tiyuo fork, mnking e run to Lvnou street and lay lor, at 11.35 p. m. Only ono car will be placed on tuu bwotiauu iino. CATHEDRAL PARISH EXCURSION. 3,003 People Ei Joy the Bracing Air Mouatain Park. The lnrgost excursion of the year was t tint of the parish of St. Peter s eathe dral which wont to Mountain park yet terday. It required seventy-five coaches to carry the pleasure seekers from tlnscitv and tbe crowds mcrcass later in the day by delegations on the rcirNilar trains. At the grotuiJs the refreahmen stands were managed by a tireless corps of waitresses and many yame were there to furnish relaxation to the muscular ones henton feats of streuetli A very haipliomo sum was realiz from the procseds. Tbe only to mar the day' njoymnt befell Tbomus Oerrity, o: 322 Gibson street, who was u-jsiHting 1 ollocting tlukots on one or the merry go-rounds and fell ort wuue the ma chine wsa moving rapidly. Tho acci dent oscurred at uoon and Mr, (ierrity wr.s nlnced on the 1 80 train an brought to this city and the Lacko wanna hospital. An txaminutiou showed that bis leg and one rib were broken. Building- Material fcr Bale. Inquire at Conrad Schrooder's Comuionweulth Building. office, Shoe repairing promptly the Globe Shoo store. nlteuJod to nt TIME TO GET ONK. $3.75 Ladies' Wa!ch. etem Wind an. I i. V arrante.l. RexfordJewelry Company 813 Lacka. Ave. Ecranton'a Bnslneaa Interests. Tux Trihune will soon publish a care fully compiled aud clussiliud list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests ot Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound In book (orm, beautifully IHut-tratuU with photogravure view of our public build- lugs, business blocks, streets, etc.. toeotber with portraits of leading citizens, No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton'B many indus tries. It will bo an invaluable exposition ot our business renounces. Sent to persons outsido the city, copies of this iianiisome worit win attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation ts on a plan that cannot fail of good results to thowconcemod as well as the city atlargn. Representatives of Tiik Thihunic Will call Upou T1IOHK WllliSK NAMKsS are dkhiiikd in this edition und explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of thnir residences in tuin edition will please have notice nt tho office. Water Filters. Pure water secures cood health. T. V. Leonard, at 605 Lackawauua avenue, has or Bale four stylus of stone water lilterj that are sold at prices within reach of all, nnd are us eanily cleaned and taken euro of s a water pail, and will lust for years. The filter is all stone, nothing to ru-.t, cor rode or become foul aud will titter from four to twelve gallons per day. Drop in and see them. Warded Off Disease. "I hnve used several bottlos of Hood's Sar.arparilla und found it to be all that it is recommended. It has warded oft' dis uses from noverul members ot the fumilv." Mary A. Venkor, Eluihurst, Pa. Hood's Pi u.8 cures sick hendache. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothsrolll Mrs.Wins)ow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over titty years by millions or mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the guniH, alluys all pain; cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for di iirrhoaa. Sold bydiuggmts in every part f tho world, lie sure und ask for "Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-live cents u bt- le Import Samples mean 20 per cent, less than import prices. No two pieces alike. Flower Vases, Jarden- ieres, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To secure REAL BAR GAINS, come at once. WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Should Strike Scranton It would cause little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATC HES.D I AM ON DS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's, Our lin3 of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them bein th9 finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 59c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBtM 417 LACKAWANNA AVZ. AYLESWORTH'5 Meat Market The Finest in tho City Tha latest improved fur nishings and apparatus (or keeping meat, batter and eggs. 38 Wyoming At, A II JILL You feed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Slartiia & Delany Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. ailBimEI!IBCMIII91ClIt !IIIIIIIIigiII!IIII!IS3gieitlllSIISIEIIEI!9EIII!in!l1imilU Ml SSSI Til ia lit 308 Lacka. Ave. 1 tsa i i ,,am mm CLEARING SALE I 56 Ooz. be closed half value. E CAPS, worth from 39c. be closed out at LLIU To At less than HALF VALUE and other goods in proportion. 13illll!I!;i!IIIIIIII(lllllli:ilEIIIIISSIIIIIIIIUIIIIEIII3IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlB Scientific Eye For Fall Wear 305 Lackawanna Ave. It's a Great Shock IP. to tlio folks rrhn are clnlmlnir they undersell ill others to tind that without the lojnt fnse or Waxter we are divine cutnmrs the ben. etit ot such op fegt initia a tliena. A MrietlT I. .h Ormln I.lclit-wetglit VVhrfl, 18U4 putiMi-it, f.-r 1 10 1!3 viittei n, i-tftO Whenl, fur 75. 18114 pBltern, 100 Whnol, for aKS eali rhebo prices make tho business atourstor' FLORE Y HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Maloney Oil and Manufactur'g Co. '1 c, ii -r VINEGAR AND CIDER 141 TO 151 MERIDIAN ST. THE CELEBRATED PIAWOO lie at Pruta! th. Untt Pennlar and fnhmJ ht LraSilvi AVtuia Wsreroomt; Opposite Columbus Monument, AQ5 Washington Av.Scrantor,ia 9 ."-Y . j. II IS Lace Caps I out at LESS than 1 to $1. 25, will OPZr I 6Ui s Testing Free By DR. DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on the Eye. Ileadaches and Ner vousness relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyeglasses and Spectacles at tbe Lowest Prices, liest Artificial Eyes inserted for K. 303 Sl'KlCIi ST., Opp. Old Post Office. R. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, 8TKIWTAT SO DECKER BROTHER! B KAMCH & BACK PBANOS Alar a larr sSMfcsf InWM HVSlCAli MKRCIIAXDISH Anotlier Advocate of ilnssihene ORS. HKNWOOU & WARDELb OKMLl.MIN-lt afliirde me Slfanr to atat that yonr new pvveea of.ltracling trrth waa a sraBd tnceaaa Is mj ee, nnd I heartily rocnmmexl It M all. I alncarely hope that othare wlU taitlti nirilii. . Your, renpoctfiilly, CAPT. 8. B. BUY ANT, Sorauton, Fa Kenwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav SI make a great redan tlon IB the prices of platea. All work guaV anteed flrat-class ia every Derttoular, A. V. JURISCH 435 SPRUCE STBEE1 BICYCMOT ANP 8PORTINO ooona rioter, Qendsfln. Eclipse. LovelL Diamond and Other whaela. ROOF tlnnlnff and eoldeiinv all flone away with by the nse of HAKTMAN'8 PAT- KNT PAINT, whieh eoualnta of Ingredients well-known to all It can be applied to tin. Salvinleed tin, Kheet iron roora, also to brio It wellinits, which will prevent absolutely any crumblins, cracking or breaking of the brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many yearn.and it's oont dom not exceed ona fifth thatot the coat of tinning. Ia sold by tbe Job or pound. Contraotn talren by amomo uAuxjaAN.wr BhrebSi i