I a THE SCEANTON TIJIB TINE T U E S DAY MORNING, AUGUST ,14. 1894. t BASE BALL Cabin's Indians Evidently Mot Used to This Species of Buffalo. BISONS PUT US TO UTTER ROUT And the Club (?) from the "Town Near Scranton" Is Demolished by the Coming Champions Erie Loses to Syracuse and Binghamton to Springfield Standing of the Clubs. Interesting Base Ball, Bicycle and General Sporting News. OWN we go I Buffalo victory over Serautou yes terday permits the former club to move up into second place In the Eastern ltigu cbnuipion ship raoe, elo.ely followed by Erie, which clab lost to Syracuse. Wilkes- Banv ia also on the toboggan, holding on to fifth place by a margin which the outcome of today's contests may possi bly wipe out end t forte her into sixth place, Syracuse pressing her sorely. The percentages of the clubs, num ber of grumes won and lost by each, aud their standing in the league race, is as follows: Won. Lost. TorC't, Providence M S .05 Buffalo 63 44 M-i Pcranton ....... 44 :;s .oil! Eric 40 XT .M'. Vilkes-Harre. . . 4D 4d .5( 0 Syracuse 43 43 .4!4 Springfield 4d 44 .47(i liiughamton.... H3 00 .270 A RATHER ONE-SIDtO ARGUMENT. The 8orantoo Contingent Unable to Hit Fr-Lagutr V.ckery. El'i'FALO, Aujf. 13 The Bisous had a roval time today, Blackburn, the Seratiton twirler, being a larKt-aized barn door, as ulmost every ball riitclied by him eucouutereil one of the Lutl'lo I'Bta. On the otter liauJ, Vickery did just us he pleased with the but$iu'-n of the visitiDg twain, and only allowed them to score iu deference to their wouuded pride. The score : fcCRAXTO.V. R. It. P.O. A. E. Cnhill, 2b 0 0 4 1 O JoUnsou, cf C t 3 1 1 Patchou, c S 3 8 0 8 Lebstie, lb , 1 3 8 1 0 Rogers, rf 0 0 1 0 C lioovor, if 0 2 3 0 0 Hmitli, ss 0 0 3 4 -' Hiekey, 8b. 1 3 1 2 1 Blackburn, p. 0 0 1 8 0 Totals .. 4 11 2 13 7 BUFFALO. IU II. P.O. A. E. O'Brien, 2b 2 1 8 4 0 Drnuby, lb 1 2 11 0 0 Collins, If 13 3 10 Daly, if 1 8 2 0 0 DowBe. 3b 3 1 1 1 0 Clymar, cf 5 5 3 0 0 Lewees, ss 3 3 18 1 Crquart, c 2 3 3 1 0 Vickery, p.. 3 1 0 8 0 Totals 2D 19 27 13 1 Scranton 0 0000011 24 Buffalo .0 1 8 1 0 4 7 6 x 20 Earned runs Scranton, 3; Buffalo, 8. Loft on bases Scranton, 11; Euffalo, 4. First base on balls Off Blackburn 3, off Vickery 5. Struck out Vickery 4. Home runs Drauby, Daly. Three-base hits Johnson, Coilins, Clymar, Lewee. Two base bits Hoover, Ilickey, Patcben, O'Brien, Collins, Clymer, 2. Stolen bases O'Brien. 2; Clymr. Vickery, 2. Double plavs Collins to O'Brien, Lewee to O'Brien to Drauby. Hit by Pitcher By Blackburn 1. Wild pitches Blackburn 1, Vickery 2. Passed balls Patcben 1, Urquhart 1. Umpire Loeschsr. Time 1.56. STILL OVER-ANXIOUS. In Th.ir Had Endeavor to Head Scran ton Wllkta-Barre Los.a Another. WlLKES-BAHRE, Pa., Au(f. 13. Keenan lost his own came today In the lust three innings with Providence, by injudiciously giving the heavy batters Blow easy balls at critical tines. Hits were made in these innings. The home team as usual played a rocky game. Attendance, 900; cloudy weather. Score : WILKES-BARRE. PROVIDENCE. R. H. O. A. E.I II. II. O. A. K. TyttKlf... .20 U Lyons, of. .3 2 4 0 0 Khsn'n.lib.l 8 13 i!jliixon,3b..l! 3 1 1 tl Hteariis,lb.O ISO 1 Knight, If. .0 3 3 U i Lazotte.rf.l 14 0 1 llogors, 11 1 18 0 0 Re ts, cf...l 18 0 VCooney.ss. 1 2 0 8 1 OillRti.3 b..O 1 2 1 0Ntri'k'r,:ih,S 112 0 Wrncr.a.ll 0 8 0 CMurray,rf.2 1 5 U 0 McM.irn.inn 0 8 2 4 MeCaTy.c.l 3 4 0 0 Keenan.p..! 114 O-.K'd'h'm, p.0 0 10 0 Totals.. ..6 11 27 10 el Totnls...U 10 27 0 1 Wilkes-liarro 3 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 0- A Providence. 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 t 3-11 Enrnod furs Wilkes-Bare, fi; Providence, 6. First base on errors Wilkes-Barre, 1; Providence. 3. Left on buses-Wilkes-Barre, 8; Providence, 11. First base on balls off Kei nan, 2; off Rndderham, 2. Htrivs; out Lytle. McMulion, Kuddcrliam, 2. Threc-baso hits Kninlit, Dixon. Two-base hits-tttoarns, Betts. Stolen bases Warner, Dixon. Jlo C'auley, 2. Donble plnys Stearns, unassisted. Wild pitches Kuddcrliam. Umpire Snyder. Time Left OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE RESULTS. At Erie Erie 0 2100200 0-8 Syracuse 0 1000012 2 G Hit Erie, 12: Syracuse, 11. Errors Erie, 2; Syracuse, 1. Batterios Hnly and Berger; Barnett and Hess, Umpire Swart wood. At Binghamton BlniUamton..0 0000201 08 Springfield.... 0 1 0 8 S 8 1 0 x-10 Hits Binghamton, 11; Sprinirfl-ld. 10. Erroi-s Binghamton, tl; hpriugUeld, 2. Batteries Dnrrea and Barter; Oruber and Leahy. Umpire Kettrick. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn Brooklyn 8 10 12 18 1 x-18 Boston 0 01100120 5 Hits Brooklyn, 18; Boston, 10. Errors Brooklyn, 0; boston, 4. Batteries Stein and Dailey; Hodsoo , and Tenny. Umpire Uaffney. At Baltimore Baltimore... .0 0000000 1-1 New York.... 8 0 BO3O00 0-5 Hits Balilmore, 9; New York, 9. Er ror Baltimore, 8; ,New York, 8. But teries tiawke, Esper, Inks and Jk.binson: Mnekin and Farrell Umpires Lynch and Eeefe. At Pittsburg Pittsburg 5 8000400 21 4 Chicaso 8 8 0 g 0 2 0 0-17 Hits Pittsburg, 12; Chicago, 18. Errors Pittsburg, 4; Chicago, 4. Batteries Ehrei, rtrhith, Colcoloujjh and Jlerritt: Terry, Hutchinaon and Schriver. Um pires Uoagland and McQuaid. The two games fct Philadelphia between Washington and Philadelphia were post poned on account of wet grounds.- STATS LEAGUE. At Altontown AUentown, 13; Philadel phia, 0. At Hazleton Hazleton, 18; Shenan doah, 8. NO UNCROWNED KINGS, THANKS. Toronto and Not AlUntowa for Easttrn Lsague. It is probable that Toronto will be accepted by the Eastern league la place of Binghamton. A meeting of the board of dlreetori of the league at Wilkes-Barre Sunday, received applieations from both Allen town and Toronto for the Binghamton vatanoy. Neither proposition could be aceepted as the meeting had received no official notification that the Bingoes had disbanded. Yesterday morning, however, the word was received that the latter elub was ready to throw up its franchise. The Toronto elnb was represented at the meetinat by Walter Burnham, who wanted the directors to give him a few days grace to complete bis nego tiations for the transfer of the Bing hamton franchise. This proposition was accepted, which indicates that the Eastern league wants none of un crowned kicking king j. The games scheduled for Binehamton will be played by that club until Tor onto ii admitted. NEW LEAGUE AE00T. A Movement Started to Form a . Strong Interstate Circuit for Next Year, It is common gossip iu Philadelphia that both the Kiutoru and State Base Ball leagues will die a quiet death at the end of the season, as far as the runsylvanii clubs' connection with either league is concerned, aud that there is a probability that bcrantou aud other Pentuylvuuia clubs will be represented iu an iuterstnte league with New Jersey. Au uuthoritive spotting writer says: 'ihe success of the Pennsylvauia State league during the past two yeurs has created a desire among the larger citWi for an organization which will be more representative aud take in a greater area of territory. It has been proposed to turn the State into au iu-ter-atate leugue in lti'JS, and applica tions for franchises from outside cities) have ulrady ben received by Secre tary Diddleboek. New Jirsty partis want a cirouit formed to include Newark, Treutou, Camden aud Philadelphia iu the east, and Wilmington, Ilarrisburg, Lancas ter and Heading i'l the west. Preai dnt Buj.miu 11. Zjit, of Heading, favors an interstate league, with Treu tou and Wilmiugtou iu, bat he warns the other six cities to coiue from Penn sylvania. It is hardly likely that the Easteru league will be iu existence next year, at least with its present cir cuit. A movement has already baou etartel in New York to form a uew league with a circuit composed of New ark and Trenton, N. J.; Albany, Syra cuse, Utica and Uouhmtor, N. Y. ; S ringCeld, Haas., and Provideuco, It, I. llutf rtlo is expecUd to take Cleve land's piac iu the National laague. and Erie, Wilkes-Barre. Scranton and Binghamlou will be lett out in the coU. The Eastern league has not paid this eeaion, and not over two clubs iu the circuit have tuadj any money. Scran ton is still State league territory under the national ugreemeut, and us it is al ready tired of Eistern league society, Marty Swift will have no trouble in or ganizing a elub there. Wilkes-Barre, if it wants base ball, must naturally drift with Scranton, and with the East ern league out of the way. President Bogert will see his way clear to join the new organization. The cities avail able for au Interstate league are Phila delphia, Lancaster, Uarrisburg, Blad ing, AUentown, Shenandoah, Pottt ville, Iluzleton, Lebanon, Easton, Scranton and Wilkes-Birre, in Penn sylvania; Newark, Trenton and Cam den in New Jerasy; Wilmington, Del., and Binghamton, N. Y, Oat of these a good eight, ten or twelve-club circuit could be seleeted. Whatever is done toward the forma tion of an Interstate league will be done by the clubs now composing the Pennsylvania State league, and (it is safe to say tbat all that finish this sea son will be found in the circuit next year, no matter whether it is in a State or an Interstate league. NOTES FROM THE BALL FIELD. The Scranton and Troy teams have lost elevoa straight games. St Louis' outfield is so rough that the players call it the ''Bad Lands." What are the Scranton directors trying to do, kill the game iu their city? Ex. The pitcher's position will not be re moved next season, despite the kicks. But many pitchers will. Scranton has proved a valuable addition to the Eastern league we don't think. Try again, Pat. Ex, The New Yorks are now only one game behind Haulon's men, and are marking time with the Bostons. Pitcher Harper, of Philadelphia, is said to look and act like John Clarkson, and uses the Bame slow delivery. Dan Stearns who played first base for Buffalo the early part of the season will play first base for Wilkes-Barre. Shortstop Jennings acceptod thirty-four fielding chances without an error in his lust three games at Eastern park. The Bqf.ton players lose less time from injuries or bit-knots than any other team in the leaguo. They are nearly all short, stockily-bui'.t nmu. Captaij Aosou's colts are coming np rrorn tue rear most Deeutirully. Ttie old gentleman will land in the first division al most to a certuiuty. In these hot dog days the Philadelphia rooters often think of "Harry" Wright and wish the old man had chargo of that team. New York Herald. Of the western teams Boston has found Pltteburg the hardest foe to beat. So has Baltimore, while New York has had least tuccesa agidtist Cincinnati and St. Louis teams. The pitciieis of the St. Louis team are not noted for base st-nliug. Bteiteustein and Uuwley have only one each to their credit, whilo Arthur Clarkson has yet to steal bis first base. The PitUbnrg club signed Menafee, the Louisville pitcher, having exchanged Col colongh for bitn and giving a pretty sum to boot. Meuafoe will accompany the team on its eastern trip. Should the New Yorkers win the champ ionship they are promised by Dinby Bell, De Wolf Hopper nud ilarshnll P. Wiidir the biggest benefit in the fall ever tendered to a cbampiousliip base ball tenin. The Bostone are not so "cock sure" of winning the championship this year a tliev were last seaeuu at this time. Two teams are giving thorn such a run that they know there is a pennant race. Scranton ia having some of the experi ence Bprmcliold had a little while ego iu waiting for players who had promised to route but didn 't. If sue comes on t of it as strong as bpriugfield has, it will pny to wait. Syracuse has signed Catcher Smith of the New Bedford club to take the place of Archie Wilson, Whose injuries received in a recent gatue were more eerious than was anticipated and necessitated bis going homo for treatment. There is no puuitbment too sever ; for the treatment ttie swelled heads of the Scran ton team have given the patrons of that city. Even if they ere not permanently blacklisted, no reputable munuger will ever put himself at the , mercy of such men. When the shortstop aud third biineiini make seven errors between them, tnd the whole team makes bnt nine errors, It is a specimen of pretty rocky ball playing. That was the record of Sheibeck and Joyce of the Waahiugtons last Wednesday. Boston Herald. A meeting of the board of direetors of the Eastern leagoe has been called to meet in Wilkes-Barre at the Wyoming Valley hotel. At this meeting applications from cities to take Binghamton's place in the league will be considered. There are two or three cities after the franchise. It is pretty certain that the Pittabnrg club Is playing ita last aeason on the pres ent grounds. A syndicate has offered to erect a new grand stand, construct a new playing park aud to pay a part of the ren tal of the old grounds if the club will take a lease of the new premises for a term of years. The offer has been practically ac cepted. On Thursday afternoon at Uogan park, the James Boys and the South Sides will play a game of base ball for $35 a side and gate receipts, winning club take all. Ladies will be admitted to the greuud free. Grand stand, 10 cents, Game called at 4 p. m. Positious of the James Boys: Mullurky, catcher; Nolan, pitcher; llorau, first bate; Uuuster, second base; Deen, short stop; Couehliu, third base; P. Ragen, left field. Ed. Williams, center field; Pos nor, right Held; J. Uullarky, captain. The James Boys would also like to heur from the Eurukus for Friday this week. There was no game at Hcranton yoeter duy because several of the players refused to go on tho diamond. Those that were particularly mutinous were Staltz, Vtet 7.11I aud l'laungau. These men are strik ing In the hopes that the club will thereby be forced to throw up its Eastern leugue franchise and return to the Pennsylvania State league. They are aware that as players they are not strong enougb foi ttie Eastern.' league average. Of course they do not give this as their pretext but it is the real one. They know that they will boou be released for incapacity and want to stave this off as loug as possible. -Buffalo Evening Times. Catcher Gunsoti, who was playing right livid In the game of Thursday and whe was hit on tue hand while at bat by a pitched ball, is still confined to his bod at the Luzerne House, and when he tries to Hot up he gets confused uud cannot stem to hold hiuisolf together. The ball which struck him rebounded clear back to second base. It was an awful crack and the won der is tbat Uunson's skull was not frac tured. He explains the accident by say ing that he was measuring his distance to the plate with his bat. He had his bead down und Blackburn pitehed up the ball quickly so ' that Uuusou had no chauce to avoid it. Wilkes-Barre Leader. THE REGATTA TODAY. Oatsmeu Are Here In Large Numbers to Participate. The regatta of the Seraaton Press club takes place today ut Lake Ariel. Every thlug prumisss a great event, and those who go to thb lake will have the satisfaction of witnessing some of the most warmly contested rases that ever took place at any regatta. There is no doubt of a large attendance of people from all parts of the valley. The traiu service is a most admir able one, aud those who sanuot go ou the earlier trains can go oat later in the day aud yet be in time to enjoy some of the finest races aud exhibitions of rowing to be witnessed anywhere. That people muy thoroughly under stand the train service tne following schedule is again published: Delaware and Hudson spscial Leave Caibondale, at 7.81 a. m.; Mayfield, at 7.37; Jertuvn, at 7.41: Archbald.at 7.48; Wiuton, at 7.5t,':Peckvil!e, at 7.54;01yphaut, at 7.G3; Dickson City, ut S.01. Delaware and Hudson special Leave Plymouth junction at 7.15; leave South W ilkes-Barro, at 7.30; Wilkes-Barre (L. V. station), at 7.30; Paraoue, at 7.85; Miners Mills, at;7.38. Far from all stations, fl.35. Erie and Wyoming Valley Train Leaves Port Blancburd at 8.44, Sebastopol at 8.48, Pittston, (Broad street) 8.54, A voce 0.03. Avoca (Main street) at 9.05. FZrie aud Wyomiug Valloy Trains lenves Honesdale nt 8.65, White Mills at 9.05, Uawlsy at (1.21, Erio and Wyoming Valley trains leaves Scranton at 0.3, 8.15, 8.45, 11.13, a. m., LIS and a 20 p. m. Bauer's band and orehestra will fur nish the music of the day, and will see that there is an elegant suflioienoy of melody to meet all demands. Those people who miss the regatta are euro te miss one of the finest day's sport ever known te this section of the county. WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL. The wife and daughter of the new presi dent of the French repnblio, are ardent bicyclists. Delia Fox has followed Panline Hall's example and taken to bicycling to reduce plumpness. Maurice Sloan, of the Scranton Bicyele club, enjoyed a ride to Lake Winola ban day morning, returning in the evening. Bert Chase, of the Scranton Bloycleclub, will probably act as starter at the bicycle races which take place at the Driving park Acg. 22. The entries for the races Aag. 22 are coming faster than expected, and from the present outlook no less thun forty racing men will be present. The Century Cycling club, of Syraouse. has decided tbat all prizes won under its colors shall become the property of the club. This will result in their Class B members dropping out. Scott, one of tho fastest Class A riders in the county, who hails from Plainstteld, N. J., has entered five events at tbe races to be held at the Scranton Driving park on Aug. 33 by the Ureeu Kidge wheelmen. The Chicago bicyole girls are firing defls at one another. Mist Hettie Bicker has issued a formal challenge to Miss Annlce Porter for a 100-mile road race over the Elgin-Aurora course, to take place any Sunday in Auguit. Louis A. Onllahiin, the bicyclo racer of Buffalo, who leaped iuto fame by beating the world's K.vunle road race recently, if one or tne lightest riders ou the wheel. He weighs 134 pouuds, and could train down to 118 pounds. In ten years American cyclists have re duced the mile record from 3:43 to leas than 3 minutes, a featonce supposed to o iinposniiiio. ino epeeu nus oeeu gained by better machines and tracks. pnoninatic tires and improved skill among riders. Leanfier Richardson, the playwright, i writing a comedy in four acts. Oue of the I en turns will lie a home trainer rare with revolviug scenery between A. A. Zimmer man and Harry Wliealer, to be produced iu New York for tbe first time about Christmas. A. Kennedy Child, of Hartford, Coaq., secretary of the National Board of Trade of Cycle Manufacturers, will be ploased to send any one actively eugazed la the cy cling trade or kindred industries, a copy of the charter aud by-laws and other liter ature pertaining to the association upon receipt of a 2-cent stamp. g L o o k H e r e aj8 There are a great many eards, harnhhlfh. rimilnrs iruii tiftie ,NX -j - advertising matter constantly being distributed among the public. ATol everybody has a taste for read ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw people's attention by some thing catchy and rarely seen. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. v A is able to please you in every j&mA respect. m&. m CEWT A Word. remfs of ad ktndt cost that much, m mi Situations Wanted,V!hioh are inttrU Agents Wanted. WANTED-8MART LADY AGENTS ON booA nr to soil mv uooila to house keepers. Samples fr.-e. WM. RIPPLY, nuu- nisctnrer, Cincinnati, m i Helo Wanted Female. V salesladies to sneak German. 4-CLNT STORE. For Rent ll u i M i. i L- U I I IP un'MUtf 1"f 1'onnaveuHa t' l"r month. isoit RENT-NUTKLY-FUlt-NlSHED HALL F Riiltnol.i f,,r In I jn moms. JUHN JElt- ilYN, 1111 Wyoming avenue. Real Cetate. CCKASTUN REAL ESTATE AND O VESTMENT AGENCY, 1N- oll'urs bariralns us follows: CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. 40 ft. front by 60 ft. deep, ou Spruoo street, routs for $00 810.00C 40 ft. front hv 50 foct deep, ou Spruce street, corner alloy 10,500 These together (tive SO ft. front on Spruce street, between l'etin and Franklin, with alley on sido. Spruce street property is advancing rapidly. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MONUoE AND VINE streets, lot 50xt", two dwellings, Jii.iOO. giving a tile resldenco and uu income tor small investment; ALU A PLOT OF 3 LOTS, giving 120 ft. front on Monros avenue, near Vina street. Thoio uiaku a lirat rlass residence plot iu a de.iruble locality. It not sold iu one plot will sell above scparutelv. WEST SIDE. Lot Mil 180, South Mam avenue, adjoining residoueeof Siuilh H. Mott, price, S'.',76U; also lots on Rock street aud West End place. Duly four left. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BEAUTIFUL HOME AT DALTON, PA., modern house, pi lug witter piped nit i it froiu hill buck, burn tor ttireo liot-so and two cows, lien ne ry with cuinnntrl lloor, young fruit, tine liiwu, grind outlook; oue and a bail to three acres, as desired, I6.WI0. A lso lots of ii bout 8uu size on Western Slope, Daltou. Cull or address SMITH B. HQ t'T, ManaKor, No. 4i!l Lack. ave. rear board tradi?. ( CATALOGUE OF REAL ESTATE Fit El! to all. Please sund for copy. R. LB NEST COMEliVS, Price Buil-limr. Special Notices. vroTicE-THB following ib a copy is of a petition presented in Select council of City of Seratiton, Vt., Juno '21, lfH4, fortlit paving of Frsiiklin avenue with shoot nsplull pavcinont between bpi uce and Vino streets, To tho hoiioralilo the select aud common councils of the Oitv of Scruntou: '1 ho undersigned owners of property shut tin on Frutikliu aveuue, between Sprues street aud Vine street, respectfully potitloc your honorable bodies that said avenue ho tweou tho poinia named, bo paved withylnet asphult pavemeut ou a concrete base, tin price not to exceed two dollars and sixty-flvt centsfiL'.tSS) )er sgnnro yard: that the saint may bo set with curbstones so far ss the same may b nocusiary ; that the cost of .ud nu provemont bs .saesod against abutting own era, according to tho feet front rule; that tht assessments be made payable in live annua; installments; and your petitioners will ever pray aim etc .V. L. Conned. Joseph Roos, Luciuda Short, , Jacob A. Miitl'ur. Sarah Griffon, 40, M. E. McDonald, Carl Foil, Sainter it Levy, Willisin H. Davis. Junius Hughes, K. T. Black, G. Long, Maria Zeldler, C, Fred. Shiller, E. T. Swartz, E. K. Crothaiuel, u. w. Housier. EstellaS Herman, The Dickson. Mfcr. Co.R. HohiHinfeld. by James P. Dickson, K H. Throop, Pros't., Eunly II. Stevens, I. A. Floischet, J. Burnett, The Delawaro Hud M. Kemmorer. son Canal Co., by H.A. Uittenlwuder, O. Youngs, ttua. Vicefl. A. Coinstock, Pros't., F. M. Way, D. K. Unklny, v Jured J. Postcns, Mary Goodwin. The foregoing Is pnbllnbed in pursuance ol provisions of a rosoltrtiou of tho city couudH of City of Scranton. Peniia. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., Aug. 10, 1W4. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF TUE stockholders in Scranton Glass Co. ful the election of directors and other business will bo held at tho oflico, 34 Lackawauua ave nue, ou Saturday, August It, at 3 p.m. C. HEN WOOD, Secretary. The annual meeting of stockholders In tht Green Ridie Btoro Company, Limited.wlll he held immediately at close of above meeting. 1. H. STEELE, Secretary. TOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations laoMHrt.i. Two Volumes Folio, 110.50; payable monthly, (ZOO. Delivered by express complete, prepaid. Addioss P, O. MOODY, 018 Gibson street, Scrantou, Pa. BLANK B00K8, PAMPHLETS. MAG A linos, etc, bound or rebound at Till Tkibunb otlioo. Quick work. Huaeonablt prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for 3.50. Good table board. SP0RTINC POT-POURRI. Linton easily bout Starbuck in the 100- kiloinetres bicycle race at the Velodroint Buffalo, Paris. . Noucy Lee, a $5,000 trottor with a record of 2.1u, belonging to William O'Brien, died at Bourbon, lud. Fletcher Robbius, prize fighter, who fcugbt Jimmy Lindsay, of Omaha, at Plattsmoutu, Neb., last week Monday, ii dying aud warrants are out for Lindsay mid Keferee Oriswold. Tim O'Rourke and Mike Haley are uiuk ing a combination hard to boat. "Go anc get a reputation for your man," suyi O'llourke. "We don't need it," replie Haley, "for we've got the money." New York Suu. Professor John H. Clarke is trying tc uootu nnnaoau in tno American Athletic club, lie has offered a gold watch as a prize for a tournament, open ouly tc club member, commencing Monday, August vj. uuirius ciose nattiruay. F. J. Jenny, class A, at the matinee race of tho Utica Bicycle club Saturday after noon, rode a half mile in a competition it) 1 miu. 2 sec. Iu au exhibition half mile on a tandem Jenuv uud Euui George, tm paced, rode iu 53 seconds, the record tor the wot Id. At the Wilmington Rod. and Oun clnt shoot tiftturday tb prut, a silver piltuoi aud cup. was won by Ueorge Will lain Spring, with Oeorte ll. Huber second. The club uiateh with the Uuymont Gnu club resulted hi a tie, each Warn scoring 138 points. ' In a telegram to a St. Louis paper w lillHui fcohon, president or tue Olympic club at New Orleans, said: "Olyinpiu olub will give f 1,000 for tJiesiion ana Mtzslui moim at 153 pounds at the ringside, con test te take plane six weeks from date, Auswer if Creedoti accepts." Creedon was found at Poua's theatre, aud without hesi tation accepted tbo terms offered by Presi dent Ucboll. George Slddoue, the well-known eastern ligbtwest pugilist, is in Washington foi the purpose ot makings match with Jack Bolau. The latter is already matubea tc fight Stanton Abbott early iu October, hut it is understood that he is not avane tc making a aiatch to take place shortly attei tbe battle with Abbott has beeu decided. Mddoue looks iu prime condition, aud the probabilities are tbat a .match will bt mads teuay or tomorrow.. . Billy McMitlau is Mot iu good humor ovai the failure of Fred Morris or Mike Itacdy to accept bis challenge for a light, and statta that lie is tired making efforts tc get them into, the ring with him. Hit backers are now. in correupoudeuoe witb George La . Blanche, "the Marine," iu an effort to make a juatcli. These moa are as nearly alike as two men well can be In height, weight aud reach, and if Uta meet ing is arranged for It snouia make an iu teceeting boat. - Fon Bums, Scalds, Bruises and all palni and eoreaeas ef therleth, the grand house hold remedy is Dr. Thomas' EoleotrioOH, onnolly On account of extensive alterations now in progress at our store, we will conduct a SPECIAL CLEARING SALE PROM NOW UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1ST. Our purpose is to reduce stock in 1 .1 T,. C Ml . . . . . nauo. xrux-a win ue sucn tuat you Immense Attractions in Every Department Our limited space forbids any further details in regard to prices. 7e only ask you to visit us and ascertain how cheap Dry Goods can bo sold under our now regime. With tho addition of 1,500 square feot of floor space, which with our present capacity will give us 5,500 feet, we will be well qualifiod to satisfy the demaudi of our largo and increasing business. When liuished we will have tho best lighted, most attractive and convenient store in Scranton, and our LOW FRICliS will continue to be our drawing card. CONNOLLY & Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, Central Railroad of N. J. sfecul mmm mm TO GETTYSBURG FOR THE National Guard Encampment -OX-AUGUST 11 TO 18, '94 Special excursion tickets from HCUANTO'N will be sold, good to uo Auiiust 11th to loth inclusive, and for retain uutil August lbtu inclusive. 1'Altli FOR HOUND TUH', $5.42. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. U. E. CROFUT Proprietor. mniS BOUSE is strictly temperance, Is nW I and well furnished and OPENED TO A 'IBB PUBLIC Tlii YEAB BOUND; is located midway between Montroie and Scran ton, on Montrosa and Laokawuuu Railroad, six miles from I)., L, W. It 11. at Alford Station, nd Ave miles from Mjutrou; ca pacity, oiifhty-flvo; throe intuutes' walk f rom h. K. station. UOOU BOAT4. 1 ISUING TACKLE, &0-, IK EE TO lilKSTS. Altitude about 2,000 feet, equalling in this respect the Adirondack aud Cattktll Moun tains. f lue groves, plenty ot shale and beautiful scenery, mukiug a Summer liesort unex celled in beauty and cheapness. Lancing pavilion, swiiws, croquet gr onnds &a Cold Spring Water and plenty of Milk Kates, S7 to S10 per wauk. t1.50 per dy- Excursion tickets sold at aU stations cnD. L. & W. lines. Porter meets all trains. Successful Discretionary Speculation. Doposits of $?5 and upward received. Our specialty is handling tho trades of persona not iu a position to muke a business of following tbo markets. This department is in chariio or a com potent expert of 1 years' experience. Klvldeiids paid aeuii-invutlily. llignest reference given. Correspondence solicited. K T. UVAS, Jit., & CO. Room HO Hlulto Itullilliig, CHICAGO. Lost. T OSTA PKH l)OU: BLACK FACE, lJ black stripe down the back and tne claw off its front fcxit Findor will be ro. warded by returning to UjO North Oarlleld avenue. Strayed, t'TKAYLIJ TO TUii PUEM1KES OF 'iua O undersiKued, a brown and uniy cow. Owner oan havo samoby paytuar dam -ires and cost of odvertlslug. II. A. KIN'Or-BUHY, 4U9 Qulncy Avenue. lecal. "INSTATE OF HAUKIET LYMAN, LATE Vj of tbe township of Madisou.Lackawanna county, Pa., deceased. ' Letters testamentary upon the above-named estate hnving been granted to tbo under signed, all persons havmi; claims or demands iiKulust the aaidostate will present them for payment, and thoso indebted thoroto will please make Immediate payment t ' O P. VAN BHUNT, U1LES A. LYMAN, Exec nor. WATSON 6IEHL, Attorneys tor Kst.itw. Administrator's Notice. IviTTuinfACAdTAT J of the cltv of Scranton. county of Lack awanna and state of l'ennsvlvania, decii.Sfd. Letters ot administration upon the abovo naniud ututs liavtuK bu m granted to the uu- ucrnu;umi, no i-iauni iutiib maiKl. aaalnst the aald estate will present tliem for payinout and those indebttd thereto Will pieaso muse UQ11UUIKI.U l, lueoi. E. D. COLLINS, Administrator. O. W UK LIS, Attorney- Architects' Notice. ARCHITECTS' NOT1CE-COMPETIT1VK plans and spec ideations are Invited for a city buildluir to he used for fire department bouse and pollut patrol station. A prospectus of the building may be seen at the olllce of the ulty clerk, at whioli olllce the said plans and speclllcations are to be submitted on or -fore Wednesday, August !, 104. By order of city oouuoils. M. T. LAVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., July M, lttt'i. Situation Wanted, WANTED-CLBANINU OB HCBUBBINO by tbe day. 11 1W, CONWAY, 014 Emmott street A BOY. 15 YEAH8 OLD, WANTS EM ploytnerit; will work for email wages. Address A. D. B., 831 Hallstead court. IF YOUR OLD BO0K8 NEED FIX' 1NO, SEND THEM TO Tbe Soranlou Tribune Bookbinding Dept. & Wallace order to acoommodate the largo purchases we have made for the fall - . .... cannot auoru to miss tliis opportunity. WALLACE 209 5ris;Safcs GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OF TUB Green Ridge Wheelmen AT Scranton Driving Pail WEDHESDHY AFTERNOOH, August 22, 1891, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admission, 50c. Grandstand, 15c The GENUINE New Haven "Mailusher1 Pianos ESTABLISHED I860. New York Warerooma No, 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. RICKER & CO., Bole dealers In this section. OTTICE 111 Adams Ave., Telephone B'l'd'g WiSe2S!w WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom iSetf Wo seU Furniture as cheap as any house in the country that in tends to give honest valuo for the money. Try us. m am) 207 HUIHGQD ease., such a. We !brTsii.rPld. WlthaoBlerwelwwritwnm rOREtKBifTERUSIKfi.iootVer. Addw.s -Vlfctll BBKDC-U., Ma.onie Temple, .CHIQASO.UJ. Ji-s-' JsTi-M. itr sir i a i 1 1 i II i an 1 1 tit m aaai.fr For Sale in Sorunton, Pa., by H. C. SANDERSON, .Druggist, cov. Washinffton uid Suruce streots. A 09k iSh 3m MM i i' nrfl iinii i PSS The rt remedy yHpm M'ntfti Worry.excfuMvo tineot TubBcoo or opium, which ;jMi uinpUunsUmliiBamty. With very i4 order w hit i libk UiUi AJili sU lUi Jur na.oo. llK. N. eiusv.rv. iUiRAKiKr, k.Cer. I'iiL at K DICING Foraale by JOHN H, PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. 0s $m m Wat THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. CCSAMTOK AMD W1LE18-BABBE. VJl, UAITUrAOTOBEBS Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, Gaueral Offioe, SOUHIOJt TX, SSAVL Lacka. an a Dr. E). Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, and his assoclate4 staff of EnKllsh and German phvslclans, are now permanently located at 811 SPItlCK ST., SCU ANTON. Tbe doctor la a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of phvsi oloity and surK'-rv at the Modlco-Clilmrirlcal College of Phlladelpbia. A apeclalty ot Chroulo, Nervous, Skin, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OP THE KERYOUS SISTEI The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, axual weakness In men and wo man, ball riaiug- in tbe throat, spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subject, eaallv startled when suddenly spoken to, and dud, distressed uiiud, which unfits them tor per. forming the actual duties of life, making bap- f inraa impossible: distressing tbe action of be heart, causing flush of beat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardioe, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, foaling as tir.d in the morning as when retir ing, lack ot eu.rgy, nervousueas, trembling, confusion of thought, depression, constipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect healtb. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given np by your physician call upon the doctor and be examined. He cur., the worst case, of Nervoua Debillty.Scro fula.Old Sorcs.CatarrhPUes.Female Weakness. ! Affections of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 1 Asthma. Deafness, Tumors. Cancera and Crip. plea of every description. Consultations free and strictly sacred and confidential. Office hours daily from 9 a. m, to 9 p.m. Sundays to 2. nmm Am RESTORED!" NERVE SEEDS.- I'M vaatrfavrfaal Msni.tl StuSlN satuit Sam. u all Hanaaa ritaa Memory, bono Br.ln "owi V.S.'tliSi'?!- JXrJ1 i.ostMunnoou, wiKDiiy tmnsmii .iTJii.Jiiii: in ()iioratlTe(livn. of .ItlierMioauwdbroTerexenlon, youthful rri ei('e"ilvu.a ofU.bnooe. opium or. tlniulsnts, wlilohlojid to Iurmlty. Ow .,-r,ffi.T!fTn.i.,ifv.mii haoarried in vestpocKet. S1 per boa, forKS, CirCllinr m'w. P"IU MJ nil UlUfc tiabr raiv. n-- RESTORED I1100D 1 i-iimiiniifrn-iTwri'T . .mm - for nervous prostration and allnerTOusdlscnses of Youthful Krronw n lena wi-u wriupn tTUsir MO'lT CHiM 1CAL CO.. tlovclaiia. O-iat RESTORE LOST VIGOR Will br.ee von nln e wk NiTTju.Debltilj Lom of ! foww in .llh.oi, oou.iiaiptira or luuoltv , SI .on per bui'by mil, bn.M tot SJ. With ar eoj.r we uiva . nritt.,n ,a Anr. ex iuaa lu. moaey. aaar-ii CO.. Cl.ol.ud.Oli.o. Pharmaclat, cor. Wyoming Avcnut and lie sure you get me genuine, . 1