THE SCBAKTON TRIBUTE MONDAY MOROTNG, AUGUST 13, 1894. L OF In commenting npon tbs poiltion of thsResiltuK railroad, the Philadelphia Stockholder Buys: It ig uoae too toon for Reading; ssourlty bolder to seri ously consider who will b the best man to aiiimoiwter the affairs of tbe company one it is reorganized, for upon the bend of tbe company will rest tbe responsibility to maintain its in solvency aud to ttxpaud its earning ca pacity. Without a capable, safe presi dent the Reading bad'.as well cot be re organized, cxtept for temporary advan tages. In its later history it has not bad an ideal man for the chief place, although Mr. Uowen and Mr. MsLeoJ were, each in bis way, possessed of a high order of ability. Tbey did not, however, combine all the qualifications necessary to insure to tne Heading a credit suoU as it should have by right of its intrinsic assets. In their time they, though, did good work as well as some poor; tbey played a necessary part in tbe development of tbe K jad ing. Tbe time bus now come when, proporly reorganized and Mr. Enrle appears to have hit with pscnliar happiness upon a suitable plan tbe Riading no longer needs men of th (iowen and McLeod stamp. What is wanted is somebody safer that is the word; somebody who has had experi ence la ' the management of rehabili tated .corporations, aud demonstrated extraordinary capacity for such work; cartful, cemmanding, soufidenee, aud, besides, a Philadelphia!, with the city's best interests in mind. , Tbe Harrisbnrg Telegraph says that the proposed completion, of the South Mountain railway by the Pennsylvania Midland company is no bluff this time, because Colonel Avirett, vice president of that organization says so indubit ably. A meeting of tbe directors of the Pennsylvania Midland Railroad company was hold at Hurrisburg at which Vice President Philip V. Avir fett, of Hagerstowu, Md., presided, It was decided to employ a corps of en gineers to relocate the line f ruin Harris bnrg to Slatingtou, Northampton) county, ninkiug a preliminary survey and mnp of the old South Mountuiu line. The surveyors will report at a meeting to be "held in Philadelphia ou Aug. 10. At this meeting tbere will also be r"ports on the numerous' important poiuts along the road, pro poses for. building the rotd will be in vited and tbe question of bonding the road considered. The headquarters of tbe new road will be in Uarrisburg nnd will opened in a short time. Chief Kngiueer J. H. Murphy, of Rd ing.who was In the city today with his corps, have made a hasty surrey of the line and wili begin another next week, Blurting ftotu Reading. James March, jr., of Lebanon, right of way agent, with bis assistants, Messrs. Bradley, of near this city, aud Calluhan, of LjU mm, sturud out this moruing from this city and will go over the route, aecnriug old rights of way granted'to the South Mouutaiu. In case of tho re 1 uhuI of a land-jwuer to come to terms with the company, deviations from tho old rente will be mad". Vice-President Avirett, who is also superintendent of construction, and an old newspuper man. was seen at the Lovbiel hotel this morning, and stated Hint tho Pennsylvania Midland is no thii'f. "I am well aware," said he, "that you people have been hood winked before, but should no uuforssen circumstance arise, n railroad will be iu operation between this city and Portl iud, Fa., at no very remote day. Our ccmpauy has solid financial back ing and a capital stock ot $1,500,000 nnd we propose to boud to that Miiiuunt at tho start. We do not fei.r the Blue Mountain company. which claims to have a prior right to llie old bcutu Alouutalii line. Uaviuir purchased tlw rights, title iiud iuterest of James Maroli, of Lsba- nou, wiiose right to tne owuersmu of the line was established by the supreme court, tor a sum la the neighborhood ol SCoO.OOO, we intend to go ahead und Luid i Liu line, just ns though there whs no Line iilouiitain company. Should the latt'-r obstruct our plans, we will upply to the courts as the necessary rnuedy. Mr. March has taken the bulk of tbe sale money In stock in our company. We intend to construct the iiue clear throngh to Portland, a distance of 110 miles from this city, having acquired the route of tbe Penn sylvania, Portland, Pougbkeepsie aud Boston between Siatingtou and Port land by the March purchase. Tbere will also be a branch of nine teen miles from Strauestown to Reading. Connections will bo made with the Pennsylvania in this city and in Reading with the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western in Portland. Onr ultimate object is to complete the line clean through to Springfield, Mass., using the oft-surveyed South Mountain nnd Boston, which gives a ronte ibetween Harris burg and the Hob 140 odd miles shorter than any other. But for the present the line to Portland and Reading will alone occupy our .attention. Traltii egfeeruenti will be made with the 'Peunsy and Delaware, Lackawanna and Western, and we expect to do a good coal business. This will be an independent line of which G. G. Wil liams is president." . ' The McMyler Car-domping Machine company's system of handling loaded cars in putting cargoes of coal oh board vessels will undoubtedly ' create as radical a change in tbe soft coal biui nees of the lakes as occurred when tno Brown hoisting machine was applied to ore. At the Astabula plant of Pick ands, Mather & Co., who are backing the builders of tbe machine, six big steamers were loaded last wsnk, and three of them, the Kearsarge, Chootaw and Pease, left with cargoes aggregat ing 6,500 tons, while the Pope was being loaded at the same port with on of the best rotary hoist plants on tbe lakes. The dispatch given the steamer Illinois was must wonderful. She was relieved of a cargo of 2,33(1 tons of ore and loaded with 1,421 tons of coal la a single day. A record of S60 tons loaded in sixty consecutive ruinates has bsen made with tbe machine. More big steamers are booked for loads at this dock this week and even greater dis patch is expected. t The special arbitration committee, composed of J. C. Anderson, general passenger agent of the Ontario and Western ; James Charlton, general pas senger agent of the Chicago and Alton, and A. J. Smith, gsnsral passengsr agent of the Luke Shors, which has been Id session at Niagara Falls to settle a dispute between tbe Lake Erie and, Western and Pan 4 Handle roada over, a portion of track owned by the former and which is need by the latter, bas hot yet rendered a report, but is expected to shortly. The piece of track oven wbtob tbe dispute arose is between Indianapolis and Kokorao, lad - I GENERA NEWS INDUSTRIES The month of August is one of very small anthracite tonnage, and for this reason one may look forward to a firmer coudition of business, as a supply not beyond the demand naturally results in better prises. The proprietors of this f uel have the matter so largely in their own hands that, with anything like unity of action, tbere is no reason why the trade should be permitted to go iuto tne condition it has been iu during the months of June aud July. To re turn to the plan formulated earlier in the vear aud make up the tonnage to 83,000, 01)0 tons plus, say, 1,000,000 foe the demand from former soft coal users, is the proper idea to have in view. This naturally means a restrictive policy for tbe remainder of the current year. There is an increasing production of bitnminous coal In all parts of the couutry, aud ulready iu some districts there is tbe cry, that steady work can not be had. This shows that while the strike was successful in depleting the market to some extant, as soon ns work was resumed the output was rushed aud in a few weeks again there was an oversupply. Coal Trade Journal. All of the Reading Coal and Iron company's collieries shut ,down last night for the balance of tbe'week. The immnuse production of anthracite during June and Jnly has overstocked the market, und a number of the col lieries will remui'i cloiod during next week to enable the company to work off some of its surplus stocks, General Manager Henderson said today that th work of the Reading collieries dur ing tbe present month hud been very light, and that during the first twelve days iu August such of them as are working would not average more than four or five days. Tte Sehnylkill Ileal Estate Title In surance and Trust company, of Potti Ville, bas entered up sgaiust the Schuylkill Electric Railway company au action in assumpsit iu the protbon otary's office. The defendant company bus defaulted in Interest due the Trust comiiauy, the amount being between $5,000 aud it 1 000. The declaration by tbe plaintiff s have not been filed aud therefore the exaet fignres cannot be given. The Reading R .ilroad company is a large stockholder iu the trolley road aud it was only recently that tbe road was transferred to a syndicate of Philadelphia. This syndicate was to assume all this indebtedness, but have defaulted on the first Interest du. e e Minor Industrial Notes: Postal trolley cars areabout to be started in .Breoklyu. The earnings of the JJew York Central for July wero i 158, 002. ft decrease of fTt.S.- 22. Tho Erie is ni,'Hia honoring the issue of tickots from tho Dausville aud Mount Morris. Philadelphia and Heading eugiueers ore being examined in writiug, at Heading, on tbe rules of the company. A company in which II. Q. Bromloy, of Philadelphia, is Uio It-ailing spirit, will bulla a uirgo textile mill at Lebanon. Petroleum is to be used instead of coal on tho locomotives of the Klga railway, in Russia, iirnl ivsc-rvolrs are to be built for this purpose at life cities, capable of con taining collectivnly 1.0J0.000 pounds of pe troleum. Specimen Cases. S. H. Clifford, New Camel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, bis stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to au alarming degree, appetite foil away, unci ho was terribly reduced in tieiih and strength. Throe buttles of Elojc iric Bitters rural him. Edward bhepberd. Harrisbnrg, 111., had) a running sore on nts leg or eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes of Buck Ion's Arnica Salve and his leg is ouud and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had tlve lnrgo fever cores on his leg, doctor said he was incurable. One bottle Kleotrio Bitters nnd one box Buclileu's Arnica FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. New York, Aug. 11. The govorumftnt crop report for August iihowing the re markable decline in tbe condition of corn ot iiti points to nil 1 per cent, bad a weak ening effect on the railway stock murliet today. London also cabled selling orders on this report ns well as the further com plication in tanif mutters at Washington ami the railway list in consequence lost )i to per cent. Net changes show gains of ti per cent, iu the industrials nnd ius-es of au equal amount iu thenctive railway list. Tli8 following oompiem taoio showing tno day's fluctuations m active stocks is suppli-d nnd revised duily by LaBar & Fuller, Hto.'i! brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- HU-h- Low Clor ins, est. est. inf. est, Am. Cot. Oil... Am Suifsr. liKiM A.T. A B. V 4'ij Can. Ho....'. 50 Cen. N. J chic si. w mm Q., B. & Q 71 i Chic. Oa HW C, C.C. ft 8t. L.... 3W Col., Hook.Val. AT D. 3i a 13i)(i D., Ij. Se W D.4C. ' IT?)!- tCrie 14 . K. Co Luke Kbore IHI r.. tb N M.uilmttaii lis Miss. Vsu: 21 Nat. Lend 4,4 N. Y. &N. E l;,Vi N. Y. Centra! i'Mk a. Y., o. vv n; Jf . Y S. Jt W l.Vi (J. 9. ('. Co S!l North Pao Nortii Pac. pf H:t Omaha Pae. Midi Kfiiidlntf H& Kock Island t".Y:i H.T fit. Paul ftiw T., C. it 1 1K',i Texas & Pc t'nion I'aellic Ill Waliasb pr U$i Westurn (Tiiion H V.& L. E iOti W. & L. E. pfd l(V;:i 4:2 M KM!'. so i&i" mi 5J i:K i.r iii.1., 181.; 141 i;m Hit HI ift$ '! Mi 14' ' :'.( i ; l inn I t"H ' Ui - 444 W.i W I Hi " i m vm Saw lis " 23 IA'4 i.v 1W4 2l?l5 U4 W4 ml it 14 if'4 ' nil t-s m t:i:i4 1 '!', ID 14M my . . Chicago Oram and Provtilons. FcrAnton, Ana. ll.-Ths folJowlnij quota tions are supplied and corrected daily by La Bar ii Fuller, stock brokers, Ul VYyomln ave nue. WHEAT. flout. Dno. Mil-! Way. 4 CI OooulliK..,.,. Highest Lowest,,,..,. Clostuv MM friW UUKiN, Opening.,.., , fi.5 llWiost 6WJ r"4 ra 61 Srt 3. Lowest (vK'i Closing b'.t), OATH. Oiieniug !W4 HiKhest ill'li lowest. 81)16 Cloninir 802 POHK. Opening inquest j.i'iii Lowest l.tsj- Closlnif;. 1K35 LAUD. Openlnif til Hluhenti 7eg Lowest ,,,, 740 C losing 7ju KIIOKT RIBS. Spninu 710 Hnrhent txt Lowest , 705 Closing , 707 New Tork Produce Market. Nsw YORK. Ana. 11 steady. ' Wintsr Whk4t-Low (trades $1.85aS,50: JiV'.'10 S."cy ,3402 e0i fl0-. Patents Ki.7aan.iW, Minnesotit nlenr to. M.9 m. h. straights 3.00a.9.60; do., patents 3.40a4 un sviw i.omo.iw; cuy mills W 6!)ft.(15; do., patents $4!d5a4.S5. Rye Mixture W.2oa2-50; saperBus I1.60a3.10j flae fl.&Sa 1.95. Bonthern Flonr Dnll, steady, sommon to fair extra t3.lOaS.00; good to choice do., 10 003.50. Kya FlourOnii steady, fa.o0a8,10. , ' Corn Meal Quiet, firm; yellow western, t2.90n3.00; brandywine, 3.20. Kvu Nomlual; western, 4Ns57o. Bahi.ey Malt Dnlli C'nuada country made, KOuHSo.; western,65a 85c,; two rowed state, 73H70o., six rowed state, UOabSa VVhkat Dull, unchanged, firm; No. 2 red, store and elevator, 6sa.; atloat, a59c.; & o. b., .WaMJljc: ungraded red, 54a 5Uc; No. 1 northern, 6tc. ; options wore moderately active and irregular, opening weak at MHo. decline on lower cables aud foreign selling, advancing Ka with the west, fell V- on easier cables aud closed linn at unchanged prices from yes terday ; September anil December most ac tive; sales' included No. 2 red, closing Au cust, Sojc.; September, fiOcc; October, OOh'c: Uecember, (fciJic.; May, C7'c. conn Dull, srari!-', c. lowor, with ontious; No. 2, tlic; elevator, 6Jc. afloat; opticus were dull and weak at H'i 130. decline, following the west, with rains iu the belt aud local realizing; May most active; August, tlojc.; September, 00c; Ootobor, 5tltfc.; December, Buc ; May, 65c. Oats Dull, lowor, weak; options, weak, dull;. August, 84c: Hupteniber, 84?.; October, SM;c. ; snot prices. No a. H4a 3sKc.:No. -i white, 4lM0c;No. a Chi cago, 85,0.; No. 8. M.Vo.; No. a white, 't'f. : mixed western, ,i5c; white do., 87a4$c, whlto stutv: U7a4Sc. Feud Bran, SOnSic; middlings, 85a aOdc; rye feed, 80a5c Ray Dull, weak; shipping, 60a!i5a; good to choice, ttusOJc. Hoi's Quiet, easy; state, common to choice. Salic; Pacillc const, 8sl'Jc. Wuoi, Fairly active, ltrm; domestic fleece, KMic. ; pulled, lSaillc; Texas, lUaUc. Behp Dull, steady; family, 812aU; extra mess, JSnb.50. Bekf Hams Dull; f'22. Tient'ED BEHF-fcileady, qniet; city extra India mess. $17aI8. ClT AIkats Stendy, quiet; pickled bel lies, 12 lb..,S3. ; pickled suouli1era,0!vutHe.; pickled hams, 1IJbI2c.: middles, uoiulual. Laud Dull, firuior; westeru steam t7.S0; city nt 7Sa7!tc; September, i7.SU; refined, firm; continent, ts 10; South America, (H.S5; compound. 6tt0tfc. Pork Qutt, firmer; moss, 14.75ul5.00; extra prime, tlttnlH.50. Butter Fair demand, steady; state dairy, 1421c; do. creamery, 172ie.; Penn sylvania, do,, 17a-3c; westeru dairy, I2al0c; do. creamery, 14a3c; do. factory, 12Jtfal5c.; elging, 23c; imita tion creamery, Hal 7c Chkssk Firm, fair demand: state large, 7ao.; do. fancy, Kc; do. small, 7H(aUa; part skims. 8a5c; full skims, 2aac.' Kuos Fairly active, Unn; state and Pennsylvania, 15al0c: western fresh, 14al5c; do. per case, $U2.?5. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Aug. 11. Tallow was in better demand and firmer. We quote: Prime city iu hogsheads, at 4!c; prime country, in barrels, at 4tfc; do. dark lu bands, 4c; cakes, at 4c; grease, 3tfc. This P.ev. Wm. Stout, Wiarton, Out., stateo: Alter beiug ineffectually treated by seventeen different doctors forHcrofula and blood disease, 1 was cured by Bur dock Blood Bitters. Write him for proof. WEAK I.GEN Y0"R ATTENTION nisniMswejwi,,,,, lb CALLED TO THB Cray's Specific Modlcins IF YOU SUFFER from Nor- wuiTuin. jviu iuto. "w-i vous De bility, Weakness ui' Body and Mnul, Kperina tulrhea, anil luiuoteucy, and all diseusus that urine from ovur-huinlneneo und wlt-ubus". :is Luhs of Memory and Power, Dfimisbs of Vis ion, l'rouuuire Oid Ano and iimny other dis ciises thut lead to Iusunlty or C nibimiplion Olid an early jgravo, write for a pamphlet. Address (jftAY MI.D1CINE Cu, Buflulo, K. Y. The Speei(lovllcdiciue is sold by all druh'trists at S per packno, or six puekatios in- in,or sunt o' mini on rereipt or monpy.Biid Willi every 6.n order Wf (.llflfiiMTf f acirn or nio;iey refunded UMMmflBaMUM 1 49 "On aeeount of pountenelts we have sriopti d the Yellow Wrapper, the only genu ine, bold In Scrantou bv ilatthews Urol PAIN CURED IN AN INSTANT. Lot liadwar's Ueady Belief be usod on the first Indication of Fula or Uneasiness; If threatened with Disease or Slnkuess, the Cure will be mudo beforo the lainlly doctor would ordinarily reach the house. CURES THB WORST PAtNS In from one to twenty minutes Not ona hour after rend ing this advertisement need any one SUF FEh WITH PAIN. ACHES AND PAINS For headaohe (whether sick or nervous), I'jotbache, neuralgia, rheumatistn, lumbago, pains nnd wuukness in tho haek, spine or kidneys, pains around tho livr. tiletirisv. swelling: of the Joiutu and pains of all Units, the application o! Bad way's Heady Belief will afl'ord immediate mtn, and its continued use for a few days effict a permanent cure. A CURE FOR ALL t Summer Complaints, j juyseni;ery, uiarrnea, Cholera Morbus. A half to a toaapoonful of Rendy Relief in a half tumbler of water, repeated as often as tho discharges continue, and a flunnel ml nrateii with Ready Koliof plnced over the stomach and bonols will altord Immediate reliof nud soon effect a cure. internally a half to a toaapoonful in hulf a tumbler of water will, iu a few minutes, cure Cramps. Spasms, your Stomach, NauHea, VoiniliuK, Heartburn, Nervousness, Sleep lessness. 8iek Headache, Flatulency and all Internal pains. Valaria In lis Various Forms Cured and ' Prevented. mere Is not a remedial agency in the world tliat will cure feyor and ague and all other malarious, bilious and all other fevers, allied by HAUWAY'8 PI J.Li, so quickly as BAD WAY'S BEADY BELIEF. Travelers should always onrry a bottlo of Bud way's Reudy Relief with them. A few drops lu water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It li better than French brnndy or bitters as a stimulant. Miners and lumbermen sbould always be provided with it. Price M cents per bottle Bold by all drug gists. ALWAYS RELIABLE. PU RELY VEGETABLE. Perfectly tnstuless, elegantly costed.purife, rcgulato, purify, cleauso and streuvthen. RAfoWAY H PILLHfor the euro of all dis orders of the Htomach, Hotels, Kidnys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Dmnueai, Ver tigo, Cosliveuess, Piles, SICK HEADACHh; fKMALK COMPLAINTS, U1MOUSME8S, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION AD ALL DISOKDKKS OP THH IilVKU. Observe the Following symptoms reaultlug from diseases of the dl gee live organs Con stipation, inward piles, fullness of blood in the head, aeullty of the storaaoh, nausea, heartburn, di-tguat ot food, lu Invss of weight ot tbe stomach, sour eructatloaa, sinking or fluttering of the heart, click dr or sulfoeat lug seusatloiis when la a lying posture, dim ni as of vision, dots or webs before the sight, fever and dull pain in the h-ad, delic-lency of persphatiou, yellowness of thu skin and yes. pain lu the side, chest, limbs, and sud den flushes of heat, burning In the flesh. A few doses of KADWAY'8 I'lL'.B will fr the system of all the above named dlsordeia. 1'rlo SSe. per bux. Bold by druggists ot sent by mall Bend to DR. RADWAY A CO., Lock Dox Wh Mew York, for Book of Advice. . piwin PILLS, What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Blillions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms aud allays fevcrlshncHS. Castorla prevents vomitinj Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates tbe stomach aud bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tuo Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. " Castoria Is nu excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their chl Idren." Da. G. O. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. " Castorla Is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day is not far distant when mothers willcousider the roiil interest of their children, and use Castorla in stead of the vnriousquack oostrumswhich are destroying their loved ones, by forcingopium, morphine, soothing syrup aud other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." s Da. J. F. KiNciiELoE, Conway, Ark, Tho Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, New Tork City. 1 PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT ads g: Harvelous Cures in Plrwl Pnicnn hi wiUwU uaiduii Rheumatism and Scrofula 2 2 C5 P. P. P. purines the Mood, bnlldsnp the weak and uelillitatoil, fflves BtteDpth to ve;ilteued nerves, expels dlspasea.glTlitg' the patient health and hiipj'lnesn where sleknePH, Rlnomy feelings and lnumtu io llrsc prevailed. Kor prliuary.Beeeudiiry and tertinry ayphillJi, lor blood poisoning, mercu rial ool-rou, uialurla, dyspepsia, aud iu all bioed and itln ill.eunes, like blotches, ploiples, old ohronle uleors, totter, in aid beau, bolls, erysipelas, eczema- wo may say, without fear of coulnnliotlon, that K P. P. In the be C blood purlller la the world, and makes fugitive, spoody and permanent eurea u ell caes. lidles whoao fj'flteiiis are poisoned and whose blood iu In an Impure conill tlou, due to monutrual Irregularities, are neouliarly beaeflted by the won derful toule and blooii oleaasinK jireu ertlesof P. P. P. -Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potaaslain. beinNiiKiiiLi), Mo., Auj?. Hth, ls'J3. 1 enu apeak In the htKheHt terms of your lueiiiciue from my own pomonal KiiowluitKe. 1 wuealTeeted ivub heart disease, plearlsy ami rheumHtl.-m for 3.1 years, was treated by the very bent fihyslcltiits ana spent hundredth o, dnl urs, tried every known remedy with out nuilhiir relief. 1 have only tnkea one bottle of your P. P. P., and can oheerfully se.y it has done me more food tbao anything 1 have overtaken, can rei-oinmend your mediclno to ail eutXerer' ot the above diseases. MKS. M. M. YKAltY, fjpr jgtteid, Ureou Cuuuty, Mo. CE ? 2 4i TUB National Mi of Scrantoa CUGANlZliD Wi CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000. FAMUEt. IIIXES.tPregidont. V. W. WATSON, Vice Preaidont A b WILLI A 1.8, Cashier. CI RECTORS, PAntmr, Htnbw, .iamkh M' PvcnnARti InviNo A. FiNon. Pikiu-f. R Finlbt, JoSKPIl J. jKHMYlf, 11 H. KKMKKK1L, C'uas, P. Matthews, John T. Pohtiii W. W. WATSON. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bank Invites the patronage of business men and ttrms generally. Hotel Wayerly . European Plan. First-olaM Bar attached. Depot for Bergoer Kngel's Tannhssusor Bear. IE Cot M and FitotSts,, PtiilaJi Kent doeirabla fur rssidenta ot N.E. Peno tylvunia. AU eonvenlenees for travelers to and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Mtreat station. De sirable for visiting Berantonlani aad p le In the Anthraolto itagioo. T. J. VICTORY, ( PROPRIETOR. CANXOTSKHOWYODOO ITiSIDPAV FREIDIIT. SI M aJiaaraitislsnl flnsljr bnlshed, nkktl pkUiJtHraiUd to liUl Main DHfT WUII, iiiMaumii srr IVRrfl Wllfl a , .i. n.i.tu a. If ri ii 4of Hkntll. HU-Ni UlDg'l.'iJIe tutl ft croi(trL ;srto( Slwl jllhfUswippa ftnf wkrt oa mm. luuiriTnm nonuHSBTMiuirta ift ftdiac, 18,000 now fae. World1 fU Mrdal fcwrll iruiohtrt Bnrt tlUch Bru. ttuf fran I tottry t4 mti rfUr't n4 ftftii'i ktoflu, rrarC CatThlafJUl indtvid lo-dv fr Duwdkia or Urrn fret r rt CC enUW ne. hiIIkwdUIi nnd Ullmpsw of th World'i rlr, OXfOR3NF0..Cp.ialMAr!!.CHICA00,ILU ts iWiai.x;ivi.'ji;0 Castoria, " Castorla Is so well adapted to children thai I recommend it aasuperiortoany prescription known to me." H. A. Archer, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castorla, and although we only bavo among our medical supplies what la known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castorla bas won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital axo Dispensary, Boston, Hasa Allen C. Surra, Pres., and Old Sores Catarrh, Malarias aad Kidney Troubles Are entirely remoTeil by P.P.S. Prickly Aah. Pote Root and Potas sium, tho greatest blood partner on curth. Aberdkhn, O., July 21,1601. Mbsok.i. Liphman Blum., Savsnnub. Ga. : IIK4R biits I bought a bottle of Jour P.p. P. at Hot Sprluirs,Ark.,aud It bas done me mere Kood thuu three tnonthn' treatment at the II it Springs. ( Bend throe bottles C. o. D. BeapocUully yours, JAS. M. HKWTON. Aberdeen, Brown County, 0 S3 Cnpt. 1. 1. Johnalon. To nil ithom it mav cencrrn: t bpro by testify to the wouderf ul properties of P. P. P. for eruptions of tba akin. I auflered for several years With an un sightly and dlfotKreiihle eruption on my laco, I tried every known rerao dy but in vain, until P. P. Y. was used, ani am now entirely cured. (eigned by) J. D. J'JICBTON. Savauuali, Oa, Skin Cancer t'crrd. Testimony from the Mayor of &quin,Tex. 8Hriw, Tkx. , January M, 1693. Mekhxs. I.ll'i'MAN B.iou., Savannah, Qa. : UtnUeiHtn 1 have tried your P. P. P. foradl.ieuseof the skin, usually known as skin Ciineer.of thirty years' etiiDdiiig, and found great relief: IC purines the blood and removes all Ir ritation from the seat of the disease aud preveots any sureadiuu: of the sores. I have taken llveor six bottles and feel conlldeut thatanothor course will effect a euro. It has also relieved luo from Indigestion and ucuiuuea troubles, Yours truly, CAPT. V. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book en Mi Dissases MM Frea. ALL DBUQOlSTd SELL IT. LIP? MAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, ri 9 S3 4& o . ;3 Llppman's Itlcck,Savnnnah, Ga Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200 SURPLUS, $250,000 This tank offer to depositors, ovary facility trarrHMd UT tholr bo lances, bn.I. nesii and rrnMbtiltr. Hpeeinl altentlim iren to bnslneaa ao coaiita, Interest paid on time depiMits. WIL7.IAM CONJIKll, rrosldrnt UI O. H. A'lXIN, VIce-J-rtialdeBt. WILLIAM H. PKOK, CMhloa miiKCTOHa TCIIIInm Coii;icll, Georire 17. Catlln, Alfred Hand. Julie Arelibald, Honry llalln, jr., Willlniu X sutb Lather Hli-- DEITKR BU0N COH tna'p. f apltftl, 1. 000,000. BEST !. BJIOU Us X1IK WOKLft "A dollar nd It a tailor tarntd." TUsTdlns' Solid French DniiROla Kid But ton toot delivered free inywhtra in tho U.S.. an receipt or Conn, Money urdrr, or Vestal Koto for 1 .60. Kaaslt evsrv way tho boots sold In all retail stores for 8J.W. We tv.tke this boot ourMlvea, tkenfors we war- alf uxju, tttu ana wntr, and It any one Is nof utlslled we win reruna mo roouty er send another pair. Opera iionimon benss, ). K, t KU. 8 and half And yo urilt' if nt you. Uluatrated Cata lotus .'.f-ilS"' FREE Dekter Shoe Go 3 FEDERAL ST., I BOSTON. M ASA. Jj)e(aJ ffrms to Dialer. HASSON STARK. AT THE OLD PFPOT HOTEL, r FACTORY V1LI.E. Is prepared to receive summer boarders and furnioliriiis for tourists to surrounding towns aud summer resorts. sna. an. "flSS nmpies, biotcrses I SI . imnm .wxii..riu. WnS o or i ; v s-j ff ' J4 BUSINESS AND, I'M Yell lAMg AMiSUHdtONi DK. U. EDUAK DEAN has removed toSIC Spruce street, Svrautun, Va. (Just oi posite couri-bouse bquare.) DH. A. i. CON NELL, Office 2ul Washington avonua, coiner Hiirui street, over rranckesdruK store, Kosidence, TiS Vine st OUieu Hours: IV.Ju to 12 a. m., and S to 4 and UjiJU to 7.30 1 p. m. Bunduy, 2 t.3j). m. DK. W. 11 AI.I.EN, OUii cor. Lack wauua and Wualnuston uvea. : over Leon ard shoe store; oilice hours. 10 to 12 a. m. and Uto 4 p. m.; eveniugs at leeideuee, WaahinKton sve. U(.(iL. KltKY, Piaotlie Uiuitud to Dl. XJ eases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Tnroati olllce, 1 Wyouiiug avo. Uosiduuoe, Hi Vina Street. Ili. L.M. GATES. IIS Waubiugton Avenue. XI OJHce houru, S to S a.m.. l.aoto V aud t to 8 p.m. Kefidence Hos Madison avuiiue John L. wentm. u,ume7 w nTT l I'oiniiiiin wealth bulldlnir: residence 711 Mailluonnve; olHeo hours. U to U 2 to 4, 7 to 6; Hundnys i.HO to 4. evenlnirs at realdenoe. A specialty msdo of diseases of tbe eye, ear, nuea and llirout and gynecology. 1) K.KAY. I ifi PennAve : 1 to 8 p.m l call 20W. Dis.of women, o'wtelrics and din. of chil. LAIVVKIIH. I M.C. KANCK'H Law aud Collection of. (I . Hce, No. 817 bpruou St.. opuosito Foreat House. Scranton, i'a, : collections a specialty tiirouxhout Pennsylvanlat reliable correspond ents lu every couuty. 1 KSbUl tt & 11AM, Attorneys and Counsel. tors ac uiw, Coiuuionaeallh building, Vi' ashing ten avo. w. 11. JKSSUP, HOI1ACK IS. HAND, W. H. Jbbsui Jit W1LLAKD W'ARREH & KN API', Attor neys and Counselors at I .aw, Kenuhlican I'lilldiuir, WwiliinKton ave.. Scranton, Pa. llA'l't'KKMON la WILCOX, Attorneys aud 1 Counsellors at Law; otricoa o aud 6 Library bulldiug, btiauton, Pa. I'.ciswsi.t, R PATTlItSO W 11.1,1 am A. Wiixiox. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM .1. HAND, At torneys and Counsellors, Commonwealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21. w F. UoYLE, Attorney at-LaW.Nos.19 and 20, Burr building. Washington avenue. H ENKY M. SEKLY -Law ofllces lu Price building, 12S Washington avenue. IRANK T. OKLI.L, Attorney at Law. Room J 6. Coal ExchanRB ScrantonPa. MILTON W. I.OWKV, I Att'ys, 227 Washing C H. VON HTORCH, t ton ay., U stjuare I A.MES W.' OAKK('iKI). Attorney at Law, tl looms tl, S4 nd b' Commonwealth b'l g. O AM UEL W. EDliAR, Attorney at Law. O Oilice, SIT Hprucest., Bcranton, Pa. I" A. WATKES, Attorney at Law. I J. Lackawanna aue.. Hcranton. Pa. i2J 1 P. SMITH. Counsellor nt Law. Offlet, I . rooms 51, f5, fri Coiiiiii'iuwealth bnllilinu. c K. PITCHER, Attorney at Law, Com . mon wealth builalnc. Bcranton, i'a. C. COMEOYa. K!l Spruce st. DH REPLOC-LE, Attorney-Leins ne' . tlated on real estnte iwurlty.4(iB Spines. F. KILL AM, Attornev-at-Law," IM Wy ! oming avenue. Sersnton. i SC'IKIOI.N. OCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA Scthu O tou, Pa., prepares boys aud girls for rollers or busluess: thoroughly trains young children Catalogue at request. Bet. Thomas M. Can.x Walter H. Bcell. MIBS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue. Pupils received at all times. JSext term will open fvl'tembor 3. IKNTIS1S. CI C. tAUBACH, Surgeon Dentist No, 113 '. Wyoniing ave. R M. STHATTON. rfl Tenl KTi-hnre. I O A VS. rPH K REPUBLIC Savlugs and "Lean Asso J. elation will loau you money on easier terms and pay you bettor ou Investment thau any other association. Call on S. N. CALLEN IKR. P'nie Bunk tmi'dine- t.EKI)S. a CLARK & CO., Seedsmen, Florists T and Nureerymon; store lit! Washington Rvenuo; green houxo, liJ North Main avenue; nt ore telephone 7f2. TEAS. GRAND UNION TEA Co.. .loues Hnw. WlKIJJeritKKNS. 09. KUETTEL, 6i5 Lackawanna avenus, ft Hrranton. Pn.. mnmirr of Wire Hcreent. IIOH:l.S A Nil ItKSTAVRANr. rpHE WESTMINSTER, 217 219 Wyoming Jl ave. Rooms heated with stenmt all inou ernjinproyemeiita. TkiimAh, Prop. rpHE ELK CAFE, Ijb and 127 FraukHnave" X nue. Rates reasonable. P., Proprietor. WE&'i'JliOTF.R HOTEL. W. Q. HCHENCK, Mannor. elxteenth street, ono block oast of Broadway at Uniou Snnnre, New York. Amerlran rian. Sit S( P"r day and upward. t'OYNE HOUSE. Europoairifau;ood ' rooms. Open day and night. Bar ' sup plied with tbe best R H. COYTTE, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, near D L. & W. pas seuger depot Conducted on the European plan. Victor Koch. Proprietor. AKCHITI'XTS. ) AVIS A HOL'PT, Architects. Rooms St Hi and M Commonwealth h'ld'o. Scrantin. I L. WALTER, Architect. OIHce, rear of urn mm v asnineion aveniio. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect Price building. I2S Washington Ave.,Scr.nton. miMKU.ANKOUS. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA - MUSIO FOR bails, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dines and ooncert work furnlnhed. For tonus address R. ,1. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming ave.. over Hulbort's music store. HORTON D. SWARTS WHOLESALE lumber, Price bulldtncr. Scranton, Pa. MEGAI'.liKE BKOTHEIUJ, PKINTER.-' supplies, envelopes, paper bans, twine. Warehouse, W0 Washington avo., Scranton, Pa. H ORSKS AND CAKl5lA4ES FOR SALE at KM t. apouse nvenue D. L. FOOTF, Agent T.KANK P. BROWN Ss CO.. WHOLE I sain dealers in Wood ware, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 'JO W. Lackawanna avenue. E. Robinson's Sons' Beer Brewery Usnnfnctnrers of the Celobntl PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY IOO.CXX) Bbls. Per Annum. Ladles Who Value A refined complexion mast use Fouoni's FatsA der. It produces a soft and beautiful skin, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J, LEHT6HAND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal usod exclusively, insuring cleanliness and comfort TIME TABLE IN KtrECT MAT 21), 1894. ' Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes. Barro, etc., at 8.2u,, 1L30 a. m., 12.60, 2.0JL i m, R.m, 7.25, 11.U5 p. in. Kundays, 8.UU a. m2 100, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Ailantlc City, 8 20 a, m, lor New Vork, Newark and Ellzaboth, 8.31 (express) a. m 12.50 (uxpross with Buffet parlor cur), o.U0 (oxpross; p. m. Bunday, i.15 p. m. Foil llAum Chunk, Allentown, Betdli- f-.8'" ud I'Ull'AUELPHlA, 8.20 a. m. Ii,i0, 3.JU 5.00 (except Philadelphia) n. in. Bunday, 2.16 p. m. a.Ef ,?."" fiRAn. OCEAW Gkovb, etc, at 8 i" f lu through car) a. m., VIM p. m. tor Reading Lebanon and Harrlsburg, v Allentowu, 8.20 a. m., 12.00, 5.00, p.m. Bunday. ,le p. m. For Pottsvllle, 8.211 a. m., 12.60 p. m. lteturnlng leave Now York, foot of Liberty f'or.'''i rlv,!r' Bt H'10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.J0, 4..V) (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. (Sunday, t!) a. in. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.0J a. m., 2.00 and 1.91 p. m. Bunday, 8.27 a m. n'lirnilL'll tlflfMtu ull n..lnlu 1.. . . - may be had ou application in advance to the IVDOIl,H, tUJ LUI1UII. U. P. BALDWIN, D.n P.,., J. H. OLIIAUPEN. Gen. Bupt. DELAWARE AND HUD BON RAILROAD. Commencing Monday, Jul v 'III, all tialUHWlll arnveand depart from the new Lack awanna avenue station us Vgf If t Srtf am'oIIows: B U ft Trains will lesvo Scran. Km W r Htu"on f"r Carbondala AmF " arol intermediate points at ' 1 2.):0. ft. 10. 7.0U. 8 .25 and 111. Ill a.m. 12.00, 2,20, 3.55, 6.15,0.15, and 11.20 p.m. For Purview, Waymsrt and Honesdale nt 7.00, 8.25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00,2 20 and 5.15 pm. Pi r Album-, Saratoga, the Adirondacksuuii Montreal at 6.4i am. and 2.20 p.m. For Wilkes-Harro iind Intermediate points nt 7.45, S 45. UHS and lu. 15 a m, 12.0), 1,28, ills, 4.00. 5.10, 0.05. (U5 aud 1L38 p.m. Trains will arrive nt Bcranton Station from urboiiilalo and intermediate points lit 7 40, 8.40, .K4 and 10.10 am.. 1210. 1.17,2.34,3.40, 4 54, 5, 9 11 and 11.113 p.m. 1 rem Honesdale. Wayinart and Farvlew at ( ill a.m... 12.00, 1 17, 8.40, D 55 and 7.45 p.m, From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.51 und 11. ii.) p.m. From ' tlkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 2 15. 8.01, 10.08 and 11 50 a.m., 1 10, 2,14, 3 i, 6.10, 6.08, 7.2), VM and 11. 10 p.m. VAV IU. ISWl. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia an1 New York via. V. & H. K R. at 7.4.5 a.m.. 12.05, 2.88 and 11.88 p. in. via D., L. & W. R. R., 6 00, 8.(.11.2fl. iu., aud J.IW p. in. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilts Barre via D.. L & W. R. R 8. On, 8.04 11 01 a. in , 1.8H. a6U. 6.07. 8. i0 p. m. , Leave 8crantonfor W hlto Havon, Hazleton, Pottsvllle and all points on the Beaver lleadew and Pottsvlllu branches, via E. W. V., 040 a.m., via D. & H.K.R. at 7 45 a.m., 12.H5, 2.8S. 4. p.m , via D., L. & W. H. K., 0.00, 8.01, 11.20 a.m.. 1.30, a) p.m. Leave Scranton fur Bethlehem, Enston, Reading, Harrlsburg and all intermedlatt points via D.& H.R.R. 7.45 a.m..l2.0 i, 2.H 11.8 p.m., via D., L. ii W. R. R..6.00,8.0J, 11.20 a. m., 1.80 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, Towand.i, Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva aud all intermedins points vie I). & II. K R..8.4-I a.ui.,12 05and 11. to p. ni via D. L. & W. It H 8 0 a.m.,1.) p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester. Butfalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Cbh-aga and airpolnti west via D. A; H. R. R., I-.45 e.m.,12 0.!'.10.11H p. iu.. via D. L. & W. R. It. and Pittston Junction, 8 OS a.m , 130, 8.50 p. m vis E. & W. K.K..8.41 p. m. For Elmira and thu west via Salarannoi, vis I. A 11. R. R. c l i a.m.. 120 5,8.0 p. m.. via D.. L. & W. R. H., ,8 Iks a.m.. 1 .10 aud 6.07 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L & B. Junction or Wilkes B.irro and Now York, Pliiladjlphis, Euffalo and Sospension Bridge ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Gen. Burt CHAS S, LKE. Oen. Pass. A t, Phlla.P. A. W.NONNEMACHER.Ass't fiju pass. Ag'6, Bouth Bethlehem, Pa. DELAWARF, LACKAWANNA AKO WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and ah points East. 1.40, 2.60), Mr, 8.01 and U Oua. ni.; 126) andd.ron. m. Express for Kistoa, Trenton, Philadelphia ami the South, 6.15, 8.00 and 0.5) a. m.; ami ,i..-'i0 p. m. Washlugton and way stations, 8.55 p. m. Tobyliauna acorn modation, 6 10 p. m. Lvnr ss for Mr.ghamton, Osweio, Elmira. Corning, Bath. Dausville, Monut Morris and Eulfalo, 12.10, 215 a. m. and 1.24 p. m.. malting close connections at Buffalo to all points la the West, Northwest and Southwest Bulb accommodation, Ham. Bingliamton and way stations, 12.87 p. m, NienoLou accommodation, at 4 p. m. and 6,10 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmira Express, 8 05 p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuso, Oswego, L'tlca and Klcbficld Springs, 2.15 a. m. and 1.2 p. ui. It hues. 2.15 and Pith Pa. m. and 1.24 p. m. For Northumberland.Pittston, WIlkesBarre, Plymouth, Bloomburg and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for Yv'illiaiusimrt Hurrlsburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and the South, Northumtierland and Intermediate stations, 6 0i), U.fa.) a. in. aad 1-3U nnd 8 07 p. m. Nauticose ana intermediate station, 8.08 and 11.20 a. m Plymouth and intormediats stations, &M and 8.52 p. ra. Pullman parlor aud sleeping coaches on all express trains. , . . , For detailed information, pocket tims tables, etc, apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offlo Bis Lackawaunaaveuue, or depot ticket ofnc ERIE AND WYOMING VALLEY KAIL ROAD Trains leuve Scranton for Now York snd In termediate points on tbe Erie railroad at 6 ii a. in. and 8.24 p. ni. Also for Honesdale, Hawloy and local points at 435, 9.45 u. m , and 324 pm. All the lx)ve are through trains to and from Honesdale. An additional train leaves Sorsnton for Luke Ariel at 6.10 p.m. aud arrives at Scran ton from tbe Lake at 8 26 a m. and 7.4 p.m. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.40 a. in. aud 8.41 p. ui. In Pllfcl June Villi. 189 L Nsrlb Uoiiiid. Meum Bound, 20204i20a Stations n r- w d a (Trains Dally, Kx. cept Sunday.) lArrivo Leavei it u n. x. praiiKiiu .... 7 4 West. 4ii fltroeu .... 7 M weehswken .... 8 lu lArrlro LesveU mt m I Ii LKinci.c Junctloui 6 001 2 iSi I il lluncock 6 06 2 111 18 SlHillght Presum Fsrk Couio Poyntello 7 61 IVIOl .. T STiill! 40?A p II T suits a;ioioj 64 2M 4N) 4 6S 7 aRIS4 ISJI00I VWitura ivj 7 lCII2.Mll 48 Ilelniont Plensant. Mt, lulondalo Forset ( tty 1 CiuboniUls . W'lm Bi Wife May field Icruiyn Archibald Win tun PeckvlllS Olyphaut Dickson Throop Providence Park Place Bcranton 6 46 0 56 S5 816 60S 8 09 606 8 l, 618 hilt 7101 8 Mill All 9 I.V S 841 684 fltHtiiM si? ro in! ....lino;, Tx7(8 88 68f ti 82! 13 48 ana 6 4in ai; ii os 11 84M 645 oivll is s nil sariii.v dm !WI 611 6 61 7 4ft 0 64 6 61 7 4S) 8 SW 6 5 ftiWIl 111 6 as Ii 07 7 6 0 604 607 6 21 11 05 7 54 4 07! 6 ID 614 il on ? 761 801 4 10, 10 4 lil ( 11 11 (H 8 38 fO 18 1IIW 8 3:i! sfiari t 6 It 6 M r M 6 10 r m 10 551 81 I05 4 SOi MIA M ravo Arrive! 4 M'r m All tmlns run dully except f iinSay. t. slnlfles that trains stop on signs! (or pss sengers. secure rates via Ontario Western before purchasing tickets and save meney. Day and tilhgt KxprosB to tbe West. J. C. AKbirson, Oen. Pass Agt T. Mltcroft, Dir. Posb, Agt. Scranton, Pm. WC CAN OIVK VOU SATISFACTION t '.'aalliui Lome ana see us about the Job Work you will need soon. x.1 :rjf tr 205,20:1.201 S SIP K u m I' II .... T .... .... TH' .... .... TOO .... PUPS 8 au,' 8 in i oh .... Mil .... The Scranton Tribune Job Dept ;
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