THE SCIt ANTON TlilBTTNE -MONDAY MORNING. AUGUST 13. 1894. A BALL Scranton Won One and Lost Ono to Spring flold Saturday. BUFFALO ALSO DEFEATS OUR PETS The Bisons Had No Very Difficult Time in Doing It Yesterday and Likewise Coming Dangerously Near Passing Us in the Race for the Pennant Standing of the Clubs. National League Games Played Sat urdayInteresting Base Ball Gos sip. ..1 IIILE SerantoQ was fortunate enouirh in IT VVi-VWt breaking the inonot ' . Ml oby of tho long string of defeats, which she had sus tained since enter ing the Eastern league, by defeating tho Springfield club in the second irauie played Saturday, she also lost two L'nmi sines our Inst report, one to Sspriunfielil and one to Buffalo. A glance ut the subjoined ta ble of percentages will convince- any ren ler that she will have to put up a differeut article of ball if she vf itbes to remaiu eecoud iu the championship race. The percentages of the clubs, uurn ber of games won and lost by each, and their standing iu the league race, is as follows: Wou. Lost. Providence 6 J 2S Fcrauton 44 CT liuilalo 51 44 Erie 40 'M Wiikes-Barre... 4U oil Syracuse 41 4H SpriiiKtieUl US 44 liKghaintou.... 3 5S Per C't. .000 .S43 .5;i7 .r.w; .MO .4bS .403 .2S4 WE WIN A GAME. TJmplie Snydet's Eys Wsre Very, Very MsdJy. Surauton bcso ball enthusiasts who, saw the two gum S.iturJur afternoon, ut the bull park between Touiuit Ca bill's Amendments to the Constitution md the Ssarlet Letter from Spring- field were compelled 10 exercise a large measure of that quniily which made Jol immortal. Umpire Snyder robbed the Scranton club of the firdC game, and added insult to Injury in tne eighth inning when be ordered Manager Cahill out of the game because one of his decisions was questioned by Cahill. The crowd on the bleachers became excited and moved threateningly to ward the umpire, becoud Baseman Lynch of the SpringfieWs added fuel to the flsuie bv wnlkitig into the field with n bat ruised and exdahaintf. "I will bit the first m hi that attempt to assault the umpire." OfMeers Palmer und Jones managed to clear the grounds and the umpire evidently mdu uu his mind that it would be better to let Cahill finish the game. A most unjust decision in the second Inuiog by Surder was responsible for four runs. The Scranton club rallied in the seventh inning and batted in four runs but were tillable to overcome the lead of the visitor. Blackburn pitched a r.ue game. The second gime opened witb Quarles in the box for the Scranton club. lie pitched a remarkable game and installed himself as a favorite with the cranks. Miller pitched for the visitors and was found safely for fifteen hits. The Scrautoin scored two runs in the first inning, three iu tho second, fonr in the fifth and one in the ninth. The visi tors did not score until the fourth in ning and then a run was let in tbrongh an error of Phelan's. They made two runs in the ninth. The Scranton club was somewhat demoralized owing to the manner iu which the player were stationed. Ca hill at first was out of poiition, as well R8 Donovan in right and Kogers in left, The muff of an easy fly by Rogers in the ninth inning was responsible for the two rtins scored. Lehane. first oaseuiau, and Hoover, center fielder. with 1'riul in right will form -a team that the other clubs in the Eastern league will find it hard work to over come. The scorn: First game SCBANTOX. H. PO. A. 0 0 0 Cahill, lb 2 .Tohnion, c. f 1 Patchen, c 0 Korits, 1. f 1 Mickey, 3b 1 Plielan, 2 b 0 Kmitu, a. s 1 lllaekman, p 0 Friel, r. f 1 Donovan, r. f 0 2 13 1 5 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 2 4 3 8 a u a l t o 0 1 0 Total. 7 15 24 10 0 SPRINGFIELD. k. a. P.O. a. E. Shannon, S3 2 2 4 6 1 Donnelly, Sb. 1 1 1 6 ( Lyuch, 2b 1 1 5 2 0 Koheffler, rf 0 2 0 0 1 UoUmuus, cf O 1 2 0 0 Niideau, If. 2 2 11 Leubv, c 10 2 0 Ureckonridge, lb 1 0 12 I Uruber, p 0 0 O 0 Total 9 9 27 14 3 Scranton 0 0101140 0-7 ripringiield....! 5110000 0-8 Earned nias--Scranton, 0: Springfield, 1. First base by errors Scranton, 1; iSpnng- tJeld. 3. Left on Doses bcrautoo. 10: Sprinpfleld, 9. First base on balls Oil Blackburn, 6; Grubor, 3. Struck ou: By Black hurn, i. mree case nits Calnll, Bhefller. Two base hits Johnson, Patchen. Rogers, Phelan, Friel, Sbefller. Sacrifice lilts hiniin. otoieu uuses tilcltey. ttuan lion, 2; Lynch, Leahy. Doable plays Shannon to Breckinridge, lilt by pitcher Sbeftler. Wild pitches Gruber. Passed balls Patchen, 2. Umpire Snyder. Time ot game l.ou. Second game SCRANTON. R. . H. P.O. A, B. Cahill, lb '8 0 5 0 1 Johnson, c f 1 3 S 0 D.,i...n n i n R n Kogere, 1. f 2 1 2 , 1 1 Hickev. 8D i i i l Pheluo,2b....u 1 4 4 It g Smith, s. s 1 2 4 4 0 Uuarles, p 0 0 0 0 0 Blackman, r.f 10 10 Total .10 14 87 8 4 SPRINGFIELD. H. Shannon, 8. s 0 Donnelly, 8 b 0 Lynch, 2 b 0 hcheffler, r. t 0 Iiottenus. c. f 0 Nadeau, I. f 1 O'Meart, e 0 Breckinridge, lb I Miller, p 0 Leahy, 1 H. P. o'. A 1 4 3 0 8 0 8 8 5 0 10 0 2 0 0 8 0 1 4 0 2 0 : 0 (10 0 1 0 0 Total 8 8 2C 8 Scranton 2 8 0 0 4 0 0 0 1-10 S E MI Sj)ringQeld....0 0010000 2-8 Earned runs Scranton. 1. First base by errors Scruutou, 5; Springfield, 4. Left on oases scran tou, : spriugtieiu, iu. First buie ou balls Off Quarles, 8. Struck out By yuurles, 4; Milur, 1. Tro-bse uits Johnson, Lynch, Leahy, stolen bases Lyuch, Schelller, O'Meara. Leahy. Double plays Smith to Cahill; Miller to Lynch to Breckinridge. Hit by pitcher Blackburn. ShcQIer. Wild pitches Quarles. Umpire Synder. Time 1.55. tiicgey out, trapped Dan rule. WILKES CARRE ALSO WINS. McLaughlin Holds lb Eri Slugtf.n Dowu. Wilkks Barke, Aug. 12 Tbehome earn club wou a game yesterday from Erie and the pcpulation of this sleepy town feel greatly encouragou. noiow is ttio f ore: W1LKES-BARKE. I F.U1K. K. 11. O A. E It. H. O. A. F.. r.vte. If. ...3 1 2 0 liN h'ls'n.'ibl II 4 2 Slwn'D. Sb.1 1 0 5 liSmith. ss..0 12 11 1 1 11 0 1 KMd. lb...O 0 8 10 Lnzi.tte.rf.3 3 1 0 0' He ts. i f...l -3 3 (I 1 Laity, cf...l 1 2 U U I'li.-r. c.u 12 10 (lllleu,3 b..O 1 2 3 0 Kuclint). ;M 1 8 5 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 W'ruur.c.o U b II 2 V ul'vko.lll WoM.h'u.Rx0 1 3 4 0:!lealy, rf..l M'Lgh'u,ii.U 1 0 8 0 Uerdii'u.p.l Total 12 27 15 ti Totil ... 0 8 24 12 8 V ilkes-Iiurre 3 2 0 U 0 0 3 1 x Krie 0 2000400 0-- 6 Karncd rans-Wilkes Darro 4. FrieO. First base ou errors- Wilk.'H ttarre 8, trio 2, Left on Uimh Wilkes Harre 7, Krioft First baso on bails-Hlf 5k-Lail.'liliii I, off lb'iii'iou 1 Htriult out Warner, Lu'.ly, Van UyKo 2, flt'jilv. Hrrnprimi l.fzdl.lo. TV; tmse hits - Stearns anil Li-zotte. Htilo! bases Lyte 3, V.m Dyke 1. Unublo plays-Mol.aUBUim to MuMuliou to Stearns. Hit by pitcher-1 lealy, V nriwr. ild nitehea Ilerncloii 1. I'ass.-H bulls -Berunr 1. Uuiiiire Swart wood. Time of game- 1 : 40. OTHER EASTERN LEAGUE GAMES. At Syracuse Syracuse, 8; Providence, 7. At Binchamton First came, biugham- ton, 4; Buffalo, 0. Second game, Bingham tou, 7; Buffalo, 11. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Baltimore, 20; Now York, 1. Brooklyn, 11; Boston, 10. Philadelphia, 10: Washington. 7 (first (jame). Philadelphia, lo; Washington, 4 nwond trame). nttiitmrif, b; i-omsviue, z. Cleveland, II: Chicago, 9. Cincinnati, 7; tit. Louis, 0, SUNDAY GAMES. DISASTER AT BUFFALO. Tommy Cablli Statuory Badly Shat tered b? the Bitona. P:rvi7.M.i N Y. Auir. 12 The nianim ataudilv tinlled awav from the Serantons iu today's game and by-con tinued v nifsinii ot tne Dan puea up ilituen rntis while their otinoliente were aceumulatiug six. IIofTer wan found in only one ttniiaj wl tlisn not to any great extent. Liweos' work tit n!iort whi notable nnd "Sleeov" John- ton pnlltd down a few iu center Hold in good stylo. Attendant, -S.ul'U. hcnre: SCRANTON. R. h. P.O. A. K. Cahill. 2b 2 4 0 1 1 Johnson, cf 1 3 il 0 0 Patchen. c 1 0 0 (I Lehme, lb 12 7 0 liogexs, rr u i i u Hoover. If 0 0 0 0 Smith, ss 0 1 0 2 Hickev. 3b. 0 n 1 1 Douovan, p 1 1 0 2 Totals 12 24 0 4 BUFFALO. iu H. P.O. A. E. O'Brien, 2b 8 2 2 4 0 Uuyd, 0 4 - o u u Collins. If 10 2 10 Dalv. if 0 1 2 n L),.wse. 3b 3 3 3 8 0 Clyuiar. cf 2 3 2 1 0 Leweoa. ss 3 8 2 3 0 Urqnart, lb 119 0 0 Uolfer, p 2 2 0 10 Totals 10 17 27 13 Srcanton 1 0004010 00 Buffalo 0 4 1 2 1 2 2 4 x-10 Earned runs Scranton, 2: Unffalo, 10. Left on bates bcranton, 10: liutlalo, 9. First base ou balls Off Donovan, 8; Hof- fer, 4. Struck out Do:iovan. 2; Uollor, 2. Horn, ruus Eovd. Lawees (8), Uniahnrt. Three-baae hit O'Brien. Two-base hits Cahill (2), Johnson, Loliane, Smith, Clymor (.'). Stolen bases Cahill, itickey, Liewees. Double plays ijewees, urqunait. lilt by pitcher By lioover, u urion. umpire Uoescher. lime t.iw. WANT THE FRANCHISE. Both Toronto and Alleotowa Daeire to Step Into Blturhainton's Sandal. Wilkes-Barrk. Pa., Aug. 12. The directort of the Lastern Leaiuo Baas Bill association, met at the Wyoming Valley hotel here this afternoon. Among the members present were Jaiues Franklin, of Buffalo; Thomna Burns, of Sprinirheli; George Kuutz, of Syracnse; E. sr. Bogdrt, of Wilkes Burro; Thomas Murray, of Provl lnce: P. T. Powers, president, of N"W York, nnd Leo. W. Long, secretary, of vVilkes-uarre. Iutormation had been received that IJinghamton disbanded on Saturday night and the whole alter noou was scent in trying to verify the report, which could not be done np to 5 o cloak this afternoon. Tbay then adjourned to meet he'e again tomor row. Toronto and Allontown had repre sentatives present who desired to be admitted should Bingbamton drop out. President Powers left for Allentown tonight and will return tomorrow mornin'. v.nt OFF Y0U(frL, . II- i Mrf( t . . . lake un rour nesh and1 bit in Your Bones'' ig a tray to bo comfortable in Summer, said a wit. Would re lieve you, too, of all Summer ail merits. Caunot do the impossible though. The mercury give3 aa addi tional jump now and then. You acknowledge its power by your physical exhaustion or rather did for now Johann IIofTs Malt Extract is always with your bag en route on your fcihle, at home, sea shore or in the mouutains. Why Jo causo it counteracts all the effects of hot weather. Aids digestiofi Cures wakefulness, indigestion and nervouHuess also. Beware of imitations. Look for signature of "Johann Hoff" on neck label . Eisner & Mendelsou Co., Sole Agenta, Kew York. EL MI DAY Completo Arrangements for Entertaining Many Thousands. RF.SS CLUB'S LAKE ARIEL RACES List of Entries Includes Some of the Most Famous Amateur Crews and Individuals in the Country Oars men from Chicago and St. Louis Will Compote Reception Will Be Given at the Press Club Rooms To night. The Press club committee arranging for to-morrow's reiiatU at Lake Ariel feel very much gratified over the large number of entries received for the dif ferent .events uecordiuir to the list printed below, It is claimed that among the rmn who will compate are some of the most famous amateur oars men in tho country. o netail which will add to ths con venient of the excursionists will be oegleete I, and the course is so arranged that the races can be properly wit nessed. A signal gnn will be fired at the beginning of each event. ihe list of entries contains that of a senior single from the Weatern Kowlng club of St, Louis, and a single four from the Delawar Boat club of Chicago. These oarsmen will arrive today liom the National regatta at Saratoga aud will he immediately transferred to the Erie and Wyoming Valley railroad and the laUe. The fallowing honorary members of the Serauton Preis club have been del egated ts a special honorary reception committee (luring the day at Lake Ariel: uon.U. W. Archbald, Hon. F.W. Uuuster. Hon. H. M. Edwards. Hon. VV. L. Connell. mayor: Hon. John E. Barrett, Hon. J. A. Scranton, Hon. J. tl. fellows, ex-mayor: lion. John P. Kelly, Charles K-jbinson. Clarence E Pryor, James (J. Builnv. D. w. Powell. John J. Fahey. Gorge S. Horn, Henry 1. Koehler aud Bernard Mezargee. These gentleman will have places spe cially reserved tor them on the IlQisb judges' barge on the Pines shor!. Visiting ottrimou and their friends will be tendered a reception this even ing at a social sestioa of the club ut its rooms. The affair will be decidedly informal, and the only invitation itiued is a general one to nil members and their frla !s, who uro nrg d to ba present if ouly for a brief period. lue lollcw;ug are the entries: JUNIOR SINOLKS Lcne Star Boat club. Now York-B.Gra- ber aud B. iUiuzesheiiner. Griiy's 1 erry Bout club. Philadelnhia John O. Fxley, Ououla bout club. Burliunton. N. J. 11. K. Pbiilips. Union Peat clnb, New York A. G. Wolf. lustitute Boat clnb. Newark Frank Co- burn. JUNIOR DOUBLES Gray's Ferry Boat clnb. Philanelnhia nnnu -uonaguau anu joJa J. i-xiey. thinker City Hargaclub, Philadelphia A. K. FJ tou, E. h. jionut. rr , . . -r : , . ... JUNIOR FOUR-OACED SHELL. Star Boat club, Plymouth, Pa. M. Fin niclj, bow: O. Beattv. 2: Ueorce Callett. 3 J, Forred, Btroke; eubstitutes, W. Spare and Edward Beattv. vesper Boat club, Philadelphia B. P. Elliot, bow; William Hussey, 2; Oscnr Ihorn, 3; U. M. Hughes, stroke. INTEltllEDlATK SINGLES. Gray's Ferry Boat club, PhiladolphTa Charlej Coe. Ponusylvaiiia Barge olub, Philadelphia J. B. Juvenal. Lone star Boat club, New York W, Goodkiud. Uuiou Boat clnb, New York A. G. Wolf. INTERMEDIATE HOCBLRS. Gray's Ferry Boat club, Philadelphia Charlos Cone, Robert P. Kyan; Hugh Mouaghan, substitute. Pennsylvania Burte clnb, Philadelphia Charles B. !ix, J. IS. Juvenal; A. J. In graham, substitute Lone Star Boat clnb, New York W. Goodkimi, B. Urabor; B. Minzesheimer, subitituto. Institute Boat clnb, Newark William Murray Otto Kuchler; substitutes, Al. Carney, D. Howe. SENIOR SINGLES. Mutual Rowing club, Buffalo, N. Y. William Aman, Hartford Howing club, Hartford, Conn. K. N. A therton. Vesper Boat club, Philadelphia-Edwin Hedley. Lone Star Boat club. New York W. Goodkiud. Western IlowiDg club, St. Lou'.b Fred Uocuig. Institute Bos,t clnb, Nowark E. J. Car ney. SENIOR DOUBLES. Vesper Boat, club, Philadelphia O. P. Lawrence and Edwin Iledley. Gray's Ferry Boat club, Philadelphia .Tohu O. Exley aud Charles Cope; Ko bort P. Kynu, biibnitule. Pennsylvania barge Club, Philadnlphia Charles B. Dix aud J. B. Juvenal; P. J. Wall, substitute. Iustitute Boat, Club, Newark E. J. Car ney, H. U. Seatou; substitutes, Wm. Mur ray, Otto Kuchlor. SENIOR FOUR-OARED SHELU Vesper Boat Clnb, Philadelphia E d win H.alry, bow; C, p. Lawrence, 2; Oscar Tiioru, 3; William Hussey, stroke; sub stitiitts, H. M. Hughes, R. P. Elliott, W. J. Swoeuey, A. J. CoHingbam. Triton Boat Club, Newark: V. C. Holt, how; John Davidrtou, jr., 2; E. D. Castles, 8; Ezra Briuk, strose; C. Hatflold and U. IS. Harwooil, substitutes. Btur Boat club, Plymouth, Pa. B. Ruth erford, bow; T. Collett, 2: X. Mullen. 3; ,1. Morris, stroke; U. K. Wing and A. For red, substitutes. Delaware Boat club, Chicago, III. Will iam Weiuand, bow: Johu T. Heody. 2; William l.uu. 3; Mux Lau, stroke: eubsti tutrs, J, J. Commiskey uud E. P. Vickers. SENIOR FOUR-OARED (IIO. Triton Boat club, Newark F. C. Holt, bow, C. HudfleUI, 2; G. E. Harwood, 8; VvrtiRrinlr Ht.rnlrM .1 Tl fuatla n.1 Davidson, jr., substitutes: Harry Cushion or narry roiinro, co&swaiu, Passaio Bout club, Newark A. J. Hd gos, bow; F. A, Champlln, 2; I). C. Pell, 8; H. B. Toleu, slrokj: H. W". Hhoads, coxswain; J. L. Joukiuion, substitute. 8SNIOU EIOHT-OARED SIIKLL. Triton Boat clnb, Newark, N. J. F. C. Holt bow: A. M. Harris. 2: G. E. Har wood, 3; C. Hadllold, 4; Massie Milne, 5; John Davidson, jr., 0; J. 1). Castles. 7: Ezra Brink, stroke; C. AlcD. Wills and Carl E. bupbeu, substitutes; ;llarry Cahlou, coxswain; uarry ruuaru, suostl tn to uoxHwaiu. First Bohemian Boat club, New York- Names of oarsmen not yot received. Eureka Boat club, Newark, N. J. U. M. Jury, bow; Harry Winkie, 2; R. Crane, 3; IS. Cox, 4: l' lisle, o; J. J'oimnurf, O; S, Hemphill, 7; T. Kelly, stroke; Frank Par ker, coxswain; J. Kcbneider and J. Nagle, substitutes. The train service to and from the lake will' be as follows: From Scran ton, 5.10 p. m. today; 6 35. 8 15. 8 45, 0.45, 11.15 a. m., l 15 hiki Mk p. m. in. morrow; train leaving Curboudale, 7.81 ii. m.; tmin from Plymouth Junction, 7.15 a m. : traiu from Port BlancbtrA a. iu. ; traiu from Honesdale, 8.55 Bums, Scalds. Bruises aud all pain and eoVeaess of the tlesb, the fir&ua House hold reVnei'y is Ir. Thomas' Eolectric Oi'. Be suM you get the genuine. a. u. A Word. ITanfi of all kind coat that tnucft, ea ttpt Situationt 1VanUd,which art intert Agents Wanted. 47 ANTED SMAR V LAD V AGENTS ON kooimr.f. b.iinnloj fr.e. WM. RIPi'hY, uuiir ulturr. iiii'linintl, . Help Vantcd. AITANTI D - GIRLS FOR GENERAL I.. 1 1 I I... I ..n.u ...a. rhuiiK'H, Utioi'ui'S, uUM tie, furnished hotels, pr vnto lainilies. coutra'tor, fai:tTl -s ' tc STAlt EMPLOYMEii'T AGENCY, 415 Spruce street. For tienL l.'UH KtNT-A NEWLY FITTED HOUSE J on Brcick street, lnonire of JOHN bilAFFEU, :m Drinker strt. I.IOH KhNi-ONE-IIALP STORE. I Hennavonne. j- liur month. J?Oll RENT- STORE ROOM TO AND M 1 S)iruca stroot. Inquire FiiANK JEW EEL, phutoKiauli Kidlery. i;6RirENT-NK'ELYVuitTis"HV!D HALL 1 suitubl.) fcir Ioi'.ko rooms. JOHN JEli WYN, llil WynMiottf aVtoiuo. Strayed, 4JTRAYKD FROM HOME OF STANLEY Eevendusky, Duryeu, Pa, on fciunday, Auir. ft. a bay mare, hnward to person r teruiitK hoi s. Rcji Estate. COilA.NToN HKS L ESiAlhi AND IN- O VESTMENT AGENCY, otfers baiv'alna as MlirAS: CITY BUSINESS PROPERTY. 10 ft. front bv '! ft. deeD. oil Suruce stivet, routs for $700 $10,000 ill t. I runt byW foot det-p, on Spruce Btreet, corner alley 10,500 Thesi' together give SO ft. front on Spruce street between Fenn and Fra'.klin, with alley on side. Spruce street property is advauclng rapidly. 1 1TY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER jUuNKoii AND VINE streets. lot iOxsfi, two dwellinvs, SU,i 00, (jiving a nice resilience and sn liieeuie for small investment; ALMO A FLOT OF 8 LOTS, givinir I'M ft. front ou Monroe avenue, near Vine btreet. Those make a Hrst-ehs residence plot in a aovlrable locality, it not sold iu one plot will sell above separately. WEST SIDE. Lot frixIbO, South Main avenue, adjoining residence of Smith B. Mott, pri-e, i'!,7W; also lots un Rock stieet aud West End place. Only four let'L. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A BKaUTIKUL EOME AT DALTON. PA.. niodorn house, spring water pipf d int i it from hill hack, barn for tin ee horsm and two cows, benue-y witli c. menf? I lloor, voiincr fruit. ilil " lawn, uruud outlook; one and a half to timer, acres, aa desired. J.YDW. Also lots of about sumo si::o ou Western Slope, Dalton. Cad or addro.-s SlilTIt B. MO I T, Manager, No. 4-1 Luck, ave. real- board trade. Special Notices. XTOTK.'E THE FOLLt.WINO IS A COPY of a pitition presjnUsl in Sidfot counc l of City of Sorantiu, P.i., June 21, Isnl, for the pavlni; of Franklin avouun withsliwt uspliall, P'lVeiiii'Ot belwcen Kprnce and Vine streets. To the h"Uor:ible tIhj S'.-'iet and coinmou councils nf tlmOity nl Scranton: 't he uiidersiuned owners of oronortv alait. tinif on Franklin avenue, betwueu Spruce struct and Vine street, respectfully petition your nouoranii' oouios inat sam aveimo be- wceu too poms nairn d, be paved wuh sheet L-q.nalt paveuit'nt on a Courroto base, 'hn price not to exceed two dollars and si xty-Hve i-oiilsi s ILri I . ai' Kiiioii,, v:i ii I tlwt. t h. . ciottr. may bo set with curbstones so far ss the same limy uo iiei.Tstitti ) , iuiil ijuu vosi yi mtlu 1IU- provement t' ush-'ssod nainft abtittm?owii ers. avcordinjt lo the feet front rule; thai the sses.siuent.s be made payable iu live annual installments: ai.d vour ijetitiun.irs witl ever pray and etc. W. L. Oonmdl, J.tsenb Rooe, Jauios flushes, J iKilida Sbort, M. T. Blacl.. .JacoU A. Sliiil'er. O. Loiik, Sarah HriUcn. 40, Maria culler, H. E. McOonald, I'. Fred. Slitfl'er, Carl Fell, E. T. S-.vai tz. Saniter & Levy. K. K. t-'iothauiLd. Willmin H. lliivin. V. W. Roesli-r. Estelle S. Uei man, I he DicKson, 31 fu. Sen' onl'old. by James P., 11. Tliroop, Pre.H't.. Knulv M. Stuvens. T A .T llimnlh The Lieiawaro & Hud M. Kemmerer, sou auai 10., oy n. a. i.ibieuoinoer, 11. Y'oiintjs, ind. VicoS. A. Conistoclr, I'rcs't.. V. M. 3lv. D. K. Onklcv. Jared J. t'ostens. Mary Ooodwia 1 he forifvj mg Is published in pursuance of provisions ' f a resolution of tho city couueils of City of Sci uiit 111, l'ouna. Al. T. LAV KLI.E, City Clork. Hcranton, r., Aug. 10, niM. THE ANNUAL MEETING OK THE X stockholders cf the ocrauton Forainif Conioanv. for the election of directors am) tile transaction ot oiu r onsinois. will ne tield at the oflice of tlm company. In tiio rity of Scranton, on v eunesoay, august at j o ciock p. in E. u. CHAMBiitiLl.N, secretary. VOTICEH HF.KF.BY OIVEN THE STOCK holders of The Scrauton Axle Works that the annual meeting tor tne the election of ohicorsund the transaction of such other busniOMS as mav come beloro the meeting. will b held at the ollice of the company, at tlielr factot y, i nursday. August 1, Kiui, at J o ciock p.m. THOS. it. ERWIJf, Secretary. Scranton, I'a , An. 1. ISM. Vou 'ANT THIS HEL1C KEt'KlNY i Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly War Illustrations 1 1 1 -1 tr. Two Volumes Polio, 8l'j.:l; payable monthly. $i')u. Oel vered by express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. 11 unOY, tils Oibjou. street, Hcranton. i'a. 1 ) LANK BOOKS. PAMPHLETS. MAO A l) zinos, etc., bound or rebound at Thb Triiiunh vtlicu, Quick work. Hoasonablo price. H I EAL TICKETS CAN 13E HAD AT 144. Ill corner ripruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for k'LW. Good taulo board. Legal. AUDITOR'S NOTICE THE UNDER, i' V B'eued, an auditor appointed by the Or phan's Court ot I ackuu mm county to puss upon exceptions nits! to account oi ana to a tribute fund in the hands of i bules Oardner, cxecut jr of ths luht ill of Henry Chase, de ceased, horoliy Klves notice that ho wtil attend to attend 1 1 the duilo of hli ntjiiointment at the olllce. No liOs Spruce street, l-ovnutou.l'a , on Friday, ihj e'th day of August, A. D. Ml, at 111 a. in.. a-, wli cli time nnd place all I orsoiH havlnir c'aiirs naln-it tho said estate must present t leni or be forever tnsrealter ue- 1 i :.. 1 9 1 uiuTl'U oiu coin lie; iu oil mm luuu. UAVIO W. aKUWN, Auditor. "INSTATE OF THOMAS MULLEN, LATE 1 J of the city of Scranton, county of Lacka wanna, State of Pennsyluanla, deceased. Letters testamentary upon the above named estate havinit boeu emoted to the uudersinnml. till persons having claims or demands against tho said estato will present thnn for payment and those indebted thereto shall please make liiimeuiate payment to 'l llOH. J. MUIXEN, Executor. .lESHrr-B II (Nil. Attorneys. Architects' Notice. AKC1UT fCTS' NOTICE COM PETITIVE plans and speoilicatiotis are invited for a city biilidinir to bs UKod for firs department house aud police pat rol station. A prospectus of tho building rauy be soen at the office of the rity clerk, at which office, the said plans und snecltlca'.ions tiro to be submitted on or before Wednesday, August 'ii, 1SS4. By order ot city cooneiw. M. T. I.AVELLE, City Clerk. Scranton, Pa., July 'M, IM Situations Wanted. 1 irA NTED-CLF.ANINO OR SCRUBBING by the day. MRS. CONWAY, S44 hmtiottstroet. A BOY. Ifi YEARS OLD. WANTS EM V ploymeut; will work for small wages. Aooress a. u. :i;ii iiusioau court. yANTEI). BY A BARBER OF LARGE anu variea experience, a position. Aa oross u , iJox 'ai, Avor.a, Luzerne Uo., Pa, IF YOUR OLD BOOKS NEED FIX ING, SEND THEM TO The Scranton Tribune BookblndlngDeptt Our Hosiery Department is a busy place, because the STOCK and the PRICES ARE RIGHT. ON SALE NOW: Boys' and Girls' Cast Iron HOSIERY, 3 Pair for SO Cents. Children's Iron Clad HOSIERY, 2S Cents a Pair. Above two lines will outwear any other stocking made at any price. SPECIAL: 100 dozen LADIES' FAST BLACK HOSIERY, 10o. a Pair. Verj extra Tfllue. For Gentlemen: 500 dozen Seamless Grey and Brown Mixed, 5C a Pair. CO dozen SeamleBS Mixed One-half Hobs, eqtnl to Shawknit, .St Pair for 25c, 60 dozen Fast Black Mixed, ' Hermsdorf Dye," 2 Pair for 25c. SPECIAL VALUE in Ladies' CONNOLLY & mum Pine jFifore !Za.ttres3es Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company THE CATHEDRAL To that beauteous aud romaotio spot, Mountain Park, -ON- M on day, Aug. 13 It will be the great stent; one of the finest gathcrinjs of the season. Take the family along. Refreshments sup plied ou the grounds. S?-Trains leaTe Jersey Central de pot at 8, 8.30, 9 and 11.30 a.m.. 2 and 3.30 p. m. tSRemember, tickets are not good on "The Flyer," 12 50 p.m. epiasopns cursion TO- -TO- Glen Onoko AND THE SWITCHBACK TUESDAYJHJG. M Trains leave D. & H. Depot ul 7.45 a.iu. Tickets for sale by all the mem bers. Central Railroad of IU, SfECilL EEKSI11 BATES -TO- GETTYSBURG FOH THE National Guard tncampment -ON- AUOUST 11 TO 1a, '94 Special excnrslon tickets from SCRANTON will be sold. ?ood to ko August 11th to 15th inclusive, and for return uutll August 18tu inclusive. FAKE FOIl KOt'ND TRIP, $0.43. SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. U. E. CROFCT Proprietor. niHI9 HOUSE Is strictly temporsnce, is new I and well furnished and OPENED TO '1 HE PuBLlO THE YEAR ROUND; is located midway between Montrose and Scran ton, on Montrose and Lackawanna Railroad, six miles from D., U ft W. R. K. at Alford Blatiou, and live miles from Moiitroiei ca pacity, olKbty-flvei three minutes' walk f rom It. R. station. GOOD BOATS. 1 1SHINO TACKLE, &o-, FKEE TO tit liS 1 8. Altitude about 2,000 feet, xiusllinflf In this respect the Adirondack aail Usui ill Moun tains. Hne groves, plenty of shade and beautiful scenery, making a Hummer Resort unex celled In beauty and oheipness. Dancing pavilion, swius, oroqnet gr ounds, Ac. Cold Spring Water and plenty of Mil It Kates, 7 to SIO par week. SJl.OO per day Excnrslnn tickets sold at all statlo ns on D. L. & W. linos. Porter meets all trains. Successful Discretionary Speculation. Deposits of $2T and upward raooiveil. Our specialty Is haudlln the trades of persons not In a position to tniko a business of following the markets. This department Is in cbara of a competent expert of IS years' experience. Dividend paid eeml-u-niithly. HlBjuest reference (Tl ven. Correspondence solioitea. F. T. KVANS, .IK., & CO. Room Rlalto Bolldlng, CUICAOO. Fine Hosiery in Silk and Lisle, also TEICES PREVAIL. 209 GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE I OF THE Greea Mt Itetaea -AT WEDIESDH ftFTERKQQH, August 22, 1894, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admission, 50c, Grandstand, 15c The GENUINE New Haven "iattioshel" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1800. Eew York Warerooma No. 80 Fifth Avenuo. E. C. KICKER & CO., Sole dealers in this section. OFFJCB 1X1 Adams Aye., Telephone BTd'e Scranton Park WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Sett We sell Furniture as cheap aa any house in the country that in tends) to give honest value for the money. Try us. laiinipiton or "iiy.-,. ut mall unpaid. v 1th bEFORE I N 0 AFTER USING. no oThir. AU JimS e'b i Ii ii E K B ., M.u.0 Teaip... CH.OAGO.iU. For Sale in Scranton, Pa., by H.C. SANDERSON, Druggist, oar. WashingtoD and Snruco streets. -i - vT-"V wnTT-a vxtra-TKOTAZi PU.I.8 and take no other. f 1ST Send for TiroulM. Price 1.00 ,.er Iw, b Boxe. for S.UO. ie57rvp'r.4;MKMlC!JVL.CO.. - Cleveland, Ohio. sfrm iTWrf -'-M-- ' " tor Sale byC. SI. HABKIS. Druggist, r.vs.w lWN My'-' &,m.inflnoodBaTCllsbl,niontWT,r8(ralttini meateine. vn7 """ Dp- Peal's feC Th.y are pr-mpt , sate d certain In result Thejsnalne (Dr. Pl'i) Bsrer 4lp- ISL s;nanrwheie.l.). Addros.l,JULMBtOS)U,, Clevel.nd.O. Forsale by JOHN H. PHElPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. BCBANTON AND WILK ES-B ASRE. PA- MANOFAOTOEKB8 09 LocomotiYes and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office. SCRANTOfl, VX Opera Lengths. LOWEST WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. I CORNER Lacka. and Adams Aves. Dr. EX Grewer The Philadelphia Specialist, and his sasoctatel staff of English and German physicians, are now permanently located at 811 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON. The doctor is atrraduateof the University of Pennsylvauia,formerly demonstrator of physi ology and surgery at the Medico Chirnrcical College of Philadelphia. A specialty of Chronic, Nervous, 8klu, Heart, Womb ana lilood diseases. DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of coufidence. sexual veakness in men and wo man, ball rising in the throat, spots floating before the eyes, loysof memory, unable to con centrate the mind on one subject, easily Startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull, distressed mind, which unfits them for per forming the actual duties of life, making hap piuess impossible; distressing tho action of ihe heart, cansuii' flnsh of heat, depression of spirits, evil forebodings, cowardice, fear, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of i-ompany, foeltuK as tired in the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, mefoHion r.f thoiiebt.. rienresHiou. constipation. weakneuH of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have been given up by your physician call upon the doctor ana be exatuiued. He cures t be worst esses of Nervous Debtlity.Sero fula.Old Sores, CstarrhPiles.Female Weakness, Affections of tbe Eye. Ear. Nose aud Throat, Asthma. Deafness, Tutnora. Cancers and Crip ples of every description. Consultations free aud strictly sacred and coulidential. Office hours daily from 9 a. m. to 9 p.m. Sundays to t V AVirder wu ale m written gnarantee to nire IJSW" "iTwtJ? Ln ,ir,,,.im a.w forlt. taie i mi, Hrimp. p i uiii u oiiiwhtpir. m I'enn Avenue. EVERY WOMAN ... ... v . J .ir.hAwi hAimid. if tou want tne get PsnwvPOlfSl P3BIs Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and