THEY PUKCIIASE PUBLICITY in journals that are on the up ward jump. newspapers. $ EIGLTT PAGES 5 G COLUMNS. hCRANTON. TA.. MONDAY MORXIXG. AUGUST 13. 1S94. TWO CENTS A COrY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MB THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER LIVE BUSINESS MEN Don't tie up with down- at- the - heel STATE AGIST PULLMAN PARTI & Petition In Court to Declare tbe Company's Charter Void. BLOW AT HEARTLESS SYNDICATE Attorney General Moloney Files Pa pers Declaring That the Pullman Corporation Has Usurped the Powers of a Municipality and Has Exceeded Its Rights The Fight Against the Soulless Corporation Will Be Determined and Unyielding. Chicago, Aug. 13. HT 1:20 o'clock yesterday afternoon A Attorney-General Moloney sp irit peered in tbe office of tbe cir LTU enit clerk of Cook county and tiled a petition covering sixty pages of type-written legal-sap paper askiug for a bill in equity against the Pullman Palace Car company, and culling upon It to sbow cause wby it should not be prohibited from doing farther busiuess under tbe laws of tbe state. It is charged by tbe attorney-general that tbe Pullman company is doing a score of things in its corporute capacity that is not empowered or authorized to do. Its right to own and maintain tbe big Pullman building on the lake front in wbish the headquarters of the De partment of the Missouri of the United States army is situattd is direetly attacked. It is further charged that in violation of law the Pnllmau company ii operating enterprise, in . eluding theaters, botels, water works, electric light plants, and gas works; that it is conducting real estate enter prises by building, owuing, leasing and renting dwelling bouses, and that by engaging in one or all of these enter prises it is exeeedisg tbe power and authority conferred upon it by the act of legislature under which it is operat ing. Tbe powers whieh the state has con ferred upon tbe Pullman Palace Car company are expressed in section 4 of its charter, which, as set out in the at torney general's petition, reads: "The said corporation shall have power to manufacture, construct and purchase railway cars with all conven ient appendages and supplies for per sons traveling therein, und the same may sell or uae. or rjermit to be used in each manner and upon snob terms as the said company may think fit and proper. " RESTRAINTS UPON ITS POWER. Tbe restraints upon its powers are contained in section 6 of toe chapter, which is: "It may be lawful for the company hereby incorporated to purshase, ac quire and bold snoh real estate as may be deemed necessary for the successful prosecution of their business, and may bave power to sell and convey tbe same." Tbe company, the attorney-general says, praotically baa usurped all the fiowers and functions of a municipal ly. The making and selling of gas, the establishment of water works, and all tbe powers usually attaching to cities bave been assumed, it is charged, without warrant or authority of law. Another thing attacked Is the ownership of stock in the Union Foundry and Pullman Car Wheel works, its charter, according to the petition, giving it no power to own stock in other corporations. It is hurged that the Pullman company furnishes power to tbe Allen Paper Car Wheel works, which is no part of tbe business of a company incorporated to constrnct and run railway ears. Tbe petition concludes: 'The attorney general for and In bs naif of the people of tbe state of Illi nois prays the court here for leave to file an information in the shape of a quo warranto against the said Pullman company, and that it be required to appear at a set day to show by what warrant it has misused its powers and franchises, and by what warrant it has assumed, and still assumes, to exercise tbe aforesaid powers, privileges, and liberties and franchises, and to show eause why Its charter should not be re voked." The action taken by Attorney Gen eral is said, means a "fight to the finish. The attorney general left the city as soon as tbe petition was filed and no information was given out t bis office as to bis whereabouts. A bearing on the petition will be bad a week from next Wednesday, Aug. 22, but it is not determined what judge will bear the ease. M'CUROV JOINED THE FIGHT. And Died on Bit Way to the Hospital from 6tab Wounds. Camden. N. J., Aug. 13. -After spending the evening drinking with some companions, John R. McCurdy, aged 27, a resident of ,Cramsr hill, started for home shortly after mid night, but unfortunately for himself in passing a notorious hoos at 102 Me chanics street, kept by a Mrs. Bott, bis attention was attracted by the noise of a fight going on within. McCurdy bad drunk enough to be quarrel some and he forced his way into the bouse with tbe avowed intention of joining in tbe row. He found several men fighting and be took a band in the fray and was speedily thrown ont of tbe bouse. Shortly afterward he was found bleeding on the sidewalk, and while being taken to the hospital died. An examination of his body showsd three stab wounds, and death probably resulted from Internal hemmorrhnge. Tbe police visited tbe bouse sad ar rested John Eckbardt, George Bott and James Kelly. Tbe police believe Eck bardt Is tbe man who used toe icuiie. HUNDREDS ARE ENTOMBED. Terrible Fat of the Tollers In Polish Coal Xflnee. Warsaw,' Aug. 12. The extensive coal mines near Dom brows, govern-iH-nt of Gradno, bave been burning since yesterday afternoon, The fire was startid by an explosion of gas when tbe full toros of men was under ground. The main shaft was wrecked, and comparatively few miners have been rescued. Tbe latest teport is that several hun dred men are entorobaJ in the mines, and that all hope of saving them has been abandoned. Tbe mines are owued by tbe Franco-Italian bank. RETURN OF THE JUNKETEERS. TJi'Jmt Attack Upon a Newipapsr Rs portar Occutoa Much Sympathy. Special to the Scranton Tribune. Pittston, Pa.. Aug. 12. Consider able comment has been occasioned by the return of the jnuketeers. They strenuously deny the impsachaont of their fidelity of duty made by the Troy newspaper which has figured so largely in this episode; but In the face of tbe amusement which tbe junket has ex cited these denials fall flat. There is a feeling of sympathy, how ever, for tbe newspaper man who ac companied tbe counsllraeu on their jaunt. He went us a matter of busi ness in tbe capacity of an iudividual citizen, and yet has, in csrtsin quar ters, been subjected to ridicule and censure for deiugs in wblob be had no more part than that of the witness who sees and writes. Tbose wbo thus uu justly attack hiin should reflect that were it not for tbe newspaper publicity which has been given to this junket, many things might bave occurred more damaging to the eauic of municipal reform than those things that did oc cur during tbe celebrated councilmauio tour which came to an end last Thurs day. As for the official particioants in the junket, tney are bearing from tbe peo ple, and will doubtless hear further from them in the course of time. CRUEL EVICTION. Mr. Pullman Proposes to Turn His Starving Employes Out of the Company Houses. Chicago, Aug. 12 Mr. Pullman has decided to turn tbe strikiug tenants into the streot. He made up bis mind yesterday to evict them at their homes this week. Legul papers, which must be served on tbe starving strikers as a prliemiuary to settiug their goods into tbe street were understood to be iu course ef preparation la Attorney Run nel' office under positive orders of Mr. Pullman. Second Vice-President Wicks confirmed tbe report Unit the tenants would bs put out of tbe bouses as soon as the compauy could get rid of them. Tbe excuse given for turning strik ers out of their homes is that the bouses are needed by new workmen wbo bave taken tbe places or strikers. There aro now nearly 400 vacant bouses in the various kinds in Pull man, as many as will bs needed by new men for some weeks. Should tbe compauy carry out its programme in this regard, and there is little doubt that every striker wbo does not go to work will be put out. tbe town of Pullman would be almost wholly depopulated. It would be, say tbose wbo bave watched the course of the whole trouble, tbe most cruel evic tion this countrv has ever seen, if not one of the most heartless recorded in history. it seems Inevitable that no leas tban 5,000 men, women and child ren will be turned into the streets. At least 1,500 strikers are tenants of the buildings of the company, most of them men with large families. Few, if any, of them bave paid a dollar of rent since tbe strike was declared. Meet of them are on tbe point of starvation and so poor tbey could not pay an ex pressman for hauling their goods out of town. Th strikers have steslily avoided discussing tbe possibilities of eviction, sltbough they were warned that it would snrely come. They have been hoping the trouble would be settled in some way that would not drive tbem from the town. Tbe sitnatlon at Pullman yestsrday kept on getting worse for tbe strikers who still bold out. Nearly one thous and new men wern employed from down town and 100 additional ones engaged to report to-morrow. Th company will tuen nuve nearly i,iuu, or within 800 of tbe number it expects to work this winter. Tbe large pro portion of tbem are new comers. DEED OF A DRUNKARD. A Lanoaattr Mao Shoots Els Next Door Ntighbor Lancaster. Aug. 12 Frank B. Shib ley. a well known school teacher, was shot and probably fatally injured this afternoon by Ueorge Simmons, bis next door neighbor. Simmons whs drunk 'and imagined that Shiblcy was too in timate with bis wife. Tbe ball lodged in Sbibley's bead and tbe physicians have thus far been unable to find it, Sinmons, who is 63 yesrs old and a orominent engineer, was arrested and beld to await the result of Shibley's injuries. After bis arrest he said he intended te kill his own wife as well as Sbibley. LANCASTER IS DRY. Traotlon Oars Stopped for Want of Steam. Lancasmr. Ang. 12. All the eleo trie cars of tbe Pennsylvania Traction company were compelled to stop run- nine this afternoon owing so iue ex haustlon of tbe city water supply. A new seotion is placed in the main feed Dine from tbe pumping station to iue reservoirs, which, it is expected, will be completed tonlgbt. In the meantime tbe city is without water; although the reservoir is full of water, it is beld in reserve in the event of fire. FORTY BRAVE MEN. Conoeal Their Faoie with Masks aad Whip a Off-no fleas Woman. Grantvillb, W. Va., Aug. 12. At a lonely place neur Alinnor forty masked men tnlded the cabin of a women named King, and dragged her from her Dea in her night clothing. i Tbe men stripped her, and while one man held uer bands the other thirty- nine took tnrns at giving her two blows eaoh witu hickory swltebes over ber bare back. Sbe was left senseless on tbe ground. STILL HANGING Ml Outcome of the Tariff Muddle Is Yet i Matter of Conjecture. SENATE WILL NOT YIELD A POINT The Situation Remains Unchanged With No Hope of Improvement. Friends of a Tariff Reform and Those Who Desire to End the Sus pense Now Look to the House for Relief They Urge the Members to Accept the Senate Measure and End the Deadlock. Wasiiinotom, Aug. 12 TIIE week just eudd left the tariff bill banking in mid air. What its condition will bi by the time the present week is ended, th most sanguine politician will not pre dict, There is u strong hope, how ever, thnt the time for action has arrived, and that the long and exaeed ingly tiresome struggle is about to oettse. The situation has become clear to a certain extent, for it is no longer a question of choice be tween the senute bill and the Wilson bill bnt between the senate bill and the Mckinley law, The action of the sen ate on Saturday in going iuto executive session to shut off debate was accom plished only by a tie vote and that wus reached by the votes of the two Louisi ana senators who the day before voted on a similar question in the opposite direction. Mr. Stewart on the Repub lican side of the chamber, despite the entreaties of bis colleagues, refused to remain and as tlio clerk began to call the roll left tbe chamber without a pair being provided. At the conference of tbe conserva tives and the steering committee of the Democrats on Saturday tbe opinion was general that tbe Hill resolution wonld puss by a good majority if a voti is taken, and it was believed then that a vote would be reached tomorrow afternoon. A member of ths conferrees on the part of the senate said this af tr- noon that if the senate passed that reso lution the conferrees would certainly bring in a disagreeing report aud the senate would bold that it had the bill before it euljuct to its action. What the action will to there is no contrarity of views, as Democrats aud Republicans alike now admit that if the bill gets before tbe senate again it will be de feated. A RACE FOR TIME, Democrats who want to see some sort of a tariff bill passed by this con gress look to the house for their poli tical salvation, and tbe situation now appears to be a race for time. Too house, in caucus, will be urged to take up the senste bill and ascept it as it came to that body and thus end the strug gle, some of the Democratic authorities on parliamentary law in botb branches maintaining that this can be done le gally altbongb tbe bill is now in con ference, tbnt, at least its show of legal ity would be as good as that contem plated by ths senators in demanding a disagreeing report on the bill so that they muy kill it. Tbe action of the house caucus is, therefore, fraught with mush importance to the future of the tariff bill. No business of any kind can be dono in tbe senate nutil this struggle is un raveled, for there appears to be enough votes to keep tbe matter before tl.e senate a ceitain number of hours each day, It is said that by Monday it will be proved to the Louisianna senators that they cauuot gut the bounty wiuoii, it is as serted, tLe house conferrees have promised tbem and that as soon as they know this they will again vote as they did before on all motions intended to help defeat tbe bill. Tbe debate in tbe senate on Mr. Hill s resolution will be gin promptly after some routine morn- lug business on Monday, aud when it will end cannot be foretold. NO FILIBUSTERING). Leading Democrats wbo are leagued with ths administration in this issue say that there will not be any effort at filibustering aguiust it. The only item of business arranged for tbe bouse this week is not, strletly speaking, honse business at all, but is of general import ance and value because of its possible effect upon tbe business of tbe house. That is the caucus of Democratic mem bers called for 10 o'elock tomorrow morning to determine npon a policy to be pursued with respect to tbe tariff bill. Upon the issue of that cauens may and probably will largely depend tbe subsequent proceedings or tbe bonse. If it shall be determined that busl ness is to be will undoubt edly be proceeded with along the lines that bave been followed during tbe past few weeks. A few committees still remain on tbe list of applicants whioh have not been awarded a day for the consideration of business re ported for them, and the committee on rules feel inclined, if the opportunity and time remain, to grant the same privileges that other committees bave enjoyed. Friends of the proposed new publio buildings in New York and (Jhloago are pressing tor a day in wblcb those project may be considered and a vote reached on tiie question of author izing their construction, Under tbe rules tbe committee on the District of Columbia may ask for tomorrow s session to consider its busi ness, and Chairman Heard says be will endeavor to secure tbe passage of some bills of pressing looal Interest. OUTKAGE IN CHINA. Christian Missionaries Maltreated by Heathen Hobs. San Francihco, August 12. The steamer City of Pekin brings details of tb destrnctiou of tbe American Pres byterian church at Shuklung, near Canton, th mention of which was contained in tbe Oriental mail. It seems thnt anti-missionary riots began in the urefectural town of lung Kan in June, as the result of the posting of plaoards containing vile charges against Christians The niob appeared in Shnklung on June 19, and pulled down tbe churoh. Luckily, all the missionaries escaped, bnt a Chinese convert, Kting lap, was overtaken, braten to death end bis body thrown into the river. Several Christian families in the vicinity were sul jicted to indignities aud robbed. Some soldiers then appeared on the scene aud effected the arrest of two rioters. The next nolnt of attaok was the Romun Catholio ouurcb, Taose inside the church fired at the mob and beld them at bay for some time. At this juncture a squad came and dispersed the mob, thus saving the building from sharing the same fate as the American church. On June 2 tbe church at Sam Kong, a village of Tssn Shiog, wus sacked, snd a girl sged 10, belonging to a native preaolier s family, was curried away. Fortunately, in the middle of the night, tne Christian brothers were able to secretly open the door of the bouse where tbe girl bss been tauten, and sbe was conveyed safely to Canton. Simultaneously with this disturbance an anti-miisionary demonstration took placs at Liu Pou. Under cover of lsrkness a native preacher, with bis family, bad to seek safety in flight. The church, however, was left un molested, as it was owned by a man of tbe powerful Wan family, wbo pro tected the Minding. lu Tung Kuug City the vilest aud moil exciting rumors are current, and uad It not been for tue proximity of the Church of th Rheuisb mission to the Manderiu's rusideucs, and for tbe dally protection of Its premises by a tquad of soldiers, who bad been applied lor ny tb missionaries ut an early stage of the riots, it would in all probability have to be added to the list of demol ished churches iu this disturbed dis trict. A comnluiut against the Tuug Kung magistrate has been til -id with the American consul at Canton, and an in vestigation will bo made. JAPS REPULSED. In a Recent Battle at Wei-Hai-Wei They are Obliged to Retire with . Heavy Losses. London, Aug. 12. The Central Nws correspondent iu Shanghai says that th Japanese made a second nttMtnpt to disperse the Chinese fket at Wei-lloi-Wei, on the Chinese coast, to gain ac a. a to tbe port. After an obstinate ficiht thy were compelled to retire. No details of the losses of Chinese or Japanese in this or Thursdays'! naval encounter can be ob tained lit this time. List nigbt a Jupuneso fl'ot attacked Port Arthur, tbe station of Cbtnus r'ei Wang snuadiunl Tbe Japan bom barded the town heavily, but were un able to gain any advantage. Event ually tbey were forced to draw off. Their losses bave not been ascertained in Shanghai, Tbe Japanese are reported to have lost h.-avily, though it is nut knowu that they havo lost any of their ships. There is no news to indicate which fleet has the advantage. TAITAN'S GllIEF. Its Citizens are Humiliated at the Ac tion of Dr. Stephens, Who Disap points the Historical Pilgrims. Nayack, N. Y. August 12 All Rock" land county fells humiliated by the action of Dr. Stephens, of Tappan, in refusing last week to allow the histor ical pilgrims, while they were at Tap pan, to enter the old '70 stone house where Mnj r Audre was imprisoned while awaiting bis execution. Other historic points in the little village, in cluding Andre Hill, where the spy was executed; Washington View Park, where Washington's army was en camped duriug tbe Revolution, and at present owned and occupied by Mrs. Mary E Barber, great grandaughter of a captaiu in Washington's army, were visited. But the old stone house was kept closed, and while the pilgrims had a longing to see tbe interior of the ancient structure, used as a tavern in 1710, they were obliged to leave Tap pan without having their desires in this respect gratified. A fsw days be fore the pilgrims cssus, S. Chase, a resident of Washington View park, called personally upon Dr. Stephens to ask permission for them to inspect tbe old stone bouse, but tb doctor is reported to have suid that if they wanted to sss it so badly they might raise money enough in tbe crowd to buy it and put it in repairs. tbe old stone honse is one of the most important relics of Revolutionary and Bute-Revolutionary times, For years Dr. Stephens bus refused to al low anybody on tbe property, and at one time be built a high board feuoe around tbe house. Tbe wicked little boys of Tappan, bowsver, objected to this fence aud gradually they carried It away, piece by piece, until tbe last vestige of it was gone. Tbe building is now in a shaky condition, aud not many more years will elapse before its walls will full iu. BROKEN AXLE WRECK. A Tramp Serioaslv Itjured on the Penn sylvania. Harrisburo, Pa., Aug. 12. About 4 o'ciouk this afternoon a broken axle caused the wreukiug of ten freight oars near White House, on tbe Pennsylvania railroad. Michael MeGrath, one of three tramps who were stealing a ride, fell between tbe cars and was so badly used up that both arms were amputated at tbe City hospital. McQrsth's home is at 1033 Park place, Brooklyn. HUN AGAINST 500 VOLTS. A Street Railway Engineer Klllsd at th Fowsr Hons. Tkrrb Hactb, Ind., Aug. 12. F. Bosley, night cngiueer lit tbe Street Railway company's powerhouse, was instantly killed lust night by a curreut of COO volt of electricity, lie accidentally leaued against one of the muchiues while cleaning it. , 0 SOLDIERS GETTYSBURG Their Eatbusiam Slightly Dampened by the Drenching Rains. THE IfiliD IS SIX INCHES IN DEPTH A Quiet Day in Camp Dress Parades and Reviews Dispensed With Gov ernor Pattison's Opinion of the Troops The Programme of Exer cises Today Officers in Command. Special from a Staff Correawmdcnt. Camp Crawford, ) Ghttysuuro. Auu. 12 f EEPING- skies uud mud covered soldiers are th features of camp life today When the Tuirteeutb reached here Satur duy morning the duat lay six inelies deep on the roads leading to the old batllvhold, but today the mud is sev eral inches deeper than was the dust on the previous day. Captain F. W. Still wall, of company A was rogimental ofliuur of the day Saturday aud Lieutenant Frank Rob ling, of company C, commander of the guard. No sooner were the boys located in their tents after arrival than guard mount was announced fur 3 o'clock. Rogimental drill occurred at 4 and at 0 p. iu, liress pnrado of the Third brigade by regiments was watched with interest by Unneral Gobln and members of his stt.lf. The total mt-mbersiiip of tbe Third brigade is 4,8;;S of which the Thirteenth bus 470. Iu camp is located where Pickett's men I'oruK'd for the lust desperate churye. Tbe First brigade is on the ground in front of win-re Wiloox held his uieu, while tbe Second briga.le is on the ground mad historic by the presence of Pender. The cavalry, artillery and regular United States troons are nuar- tered ou the other sidn of the battle- held near Cemetery Hill with division headquarters on the rebol side'of the battlefield directly opposite the Bloody aucle. This morning rain bpgin to fall at 4 a. m. and bus continued all day Adjutant W. S. Millar was selected to mount the Firet brittade guard this morning, but the raiu prevented as well us tbe evening dres? parade. Tbo rain also prevented the outdoor reli gious services coutomplatsd. Last night Rev. Charles Smith, colorod, of Montrose, who accompanied Company U , deliverod a fervent exhortation to ttie members of that company. Csptain-H. a (Jhase of Company C was regimental officer of the day and Lieutenant B. D. Corwin of Compunv A regimental commander of the guard. Dr, W. O Fulton was brigade medical ouiuer of tbe day Minor John P Ernest of the Fourth regiment was officer of tn day, und tomorrow Major (ierst will fill tbe same important po sition. Lieutenant Coionel Hotfman of the Eighth regiment was oftioer of the day aud Colonel Wetherill of the stuff of General Snowden's staff officer. Tomorrow inspection will besinjthe Thirteenth regiment will be tbe first called upon to undergo that ordeal Tbe Twelfth, Fourth an I Ninth regi ments of the lhird brigade will also be inspected tomorrow afternoon. Over ten soldiers were in tbe guard house Saturday nigbt for visiting Uetlysburg witnout permission. John Mitchell private of Company F, will be court martUled for making threats against Officer of the Dsy Frod. W Slillwcll 011 Saturday. Governor Puttison and staff, his troops as escort, arrived from Harris burg Saturday, duBt-covered and weary, They made the journey on borset.,cK, The governor epeut today quietly iu camp in bis tent adjoining General Snowden's. To a Tribune reporter to night he expressed bis admiration of the splendid showing the citizen sold iers of tbe state make in cum p. ''My only fear," said the governor, ''is that the very disagreeable weatbor today will cause some suffering and much annoyance and tend to mnr tbe sueoeas of th eucampment. It has abolished the dust, however, which is something to be thankful for," concluded the governor, with a smile, as Generul Snowdeu approached to cluim his at tention. J. F. M ARE K0T GUILTY. Thirty Persons on Trial for Anarchy Eackpe Convlotlon. Paris, Aug. 12. Th great anarchist trial ended today in the acquittal of all th thirty defendants on tbeoharge of anaroby. ibree ot tbe prisoners, bow ever, were found guilty on other charges. The morning session of the court was devoted to the finishing of the speeches for the defense, ihe prisoner, Jean ttrave, made in bis own behalf a short but impressive statement, concluding with the words: "My communism is Proudhon. It belongs not to the bis tory of crime, but to that of thought " The prisoner Sebastian Faure spoke eloquently. "Aly only crime, be said, "is preaching, like Christ, uuivereal ha poln ess. Bustard, Bernard and Cherlcetti also spoke briefly. The presiding jndge submlttod sixty questions to the lury. After two Hours deliberation the jury acquitted all the prisoners or auarcuy, uui uuuviuteu Ortiz of bnrglary and Chericotti aud Burtanl of receiving stolen property. Ortis was sentenced to fifteen years imprisonment, Chericotti to eight years at bard labor and iiertanl to six months imprisonment. In the case of Uertani the sentence is tantamount to release, inasmuch as he has already un dergone six months detention. GONF, BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. Altoona Dank Director Still Yearn for Cashier Gardner. Altoona, Aug. 12 It was learned tonight that the directors of tb Srcon Naiiounl bnnk are making an t-ttjrt cuptnre II, A. Uaroner, their Uelt. lug cashier, as to uie rzsct ampun of money stolen, no one knows at the present time, and perhaps no one ia a oie to give a good guess except isanK Examiner Miller, who is warking at the books and keeping hie month tiicbtly shut. As day succeeds day, however, and no statement ia given ont, the public estimates continue to increase, and it now generally thought that the 1 mount stolen by Gardner will exceed $100,000. BICYCLE 11ACE. LaBt Hundred Miles of the Great Relay Bun Easily Covorsd. Denvi-r, Col.. Aug. 12-The last 100 miles of the great relay bicycle race was covered under the moBt favorable oircumstuncos A clear sky, little or no wind, aud a smooth hHni roud that was an inspiration to the flying wheel men, who forged ahead at a gait that would have don credit to a locomotive. The sand storm which the Nebruska riders ran into last nigbt was a most unfortunate occurrence. It de- ayed tna race several hours and pre vented it being completed iu six days, as was anticipated yesterday wben tbe news that such excellent time was be ns made iu Eistern Nebraska was received here. But west of Julesburg this moruing the sun found the mvsi- tlents m-esage moving steadily west ward sixteen miles per hour. 1 he couriers arrived at Cneyenns at o.'.'j'J p. m., where the best riders of that city received it with a second s loluy and were off for tbe south like he wind liie road from there to Greely in Btnootb and hard with oc casional hills or slight rises giving tbe men ncuauc tor an occasional 1 coast. Ihe Cheyenno boys were ereeted a few uiilns north of (ireely by an escort of local wheelmen, who set a killing paee on toward their city, arriving there at 7 17 p in. Tue pouch wus transferred to the Denver boys with the same celer- ty with which it has been changing hands ever since Monday noon and the remaining filtv-two miles of tbe course was covered witout incident. The message carried the 2.037 miles by the wheelmen was as follows: War Df.pahtmicnt, Sioxal Oi-kk k, ) Washington, L). C. Am:. 0. 1MU. t To Brigadier General McD. Cook, com- mamiing 1110 department ot Colorado, Denver, Col. Uknkhai.: Tbe chief fdsnnl officer ot the army bends you official greetings in thin mcsMagf, which he hopes nna believes will be transmitted more than half way across the broad confine of the United States in shorter time than has ever be foro been possible through tha nhvsi- cal PlTorts of man aloue. Undertak ings of this character which tax human endurance to the utmost for this pleas ure 01 cuccess atone ana not lor pecuniary reward, uuur well for the future of American manhood, and thus for Ameri ran commonwealths and the union which they constitute. lours very truly, A. W. Greely, chiof signal officer and brig, gen., U. S. A. Wheu the ui-Hsaire was received Governor Waite wrote to the president notifying him ' that it had been de- lvered without 'iceident and Gener 1 C 10k sent a similar letter to General Gretdy. MADELINE TO STAll. The Heroine of the Famous Breach of Promise Suit Has Signed a Contract with Mr. Roberts. New York, Aug. 12, According to the Herald, Miss Madeline Pollard, whoso recent breach of promise suit Rgainst Congressman W. C. P. Breok inridge gave her widespread notoriety, is to go on the stage. She has just signed a ooutraot for a forty weeks' senson with the unusual privilege of renewal, with Mr. Nelson Roberts, for many years connected with Mr, Daniel rrohuiaus business forces. Miss Pollard will make her profes sional dubut early in Oetober, probably 111 c;nicago, ana later win appear in this city. The manager of a promi nent theater here is now making efforts to open time for her. Ths play in whieh she will appear is not yet de cided npon, but Mr. Roberts told me last night be had in contemplation a new work which contains a strontrly emotional character, which he consid ers just suited to bis star. "i met Miss Pollard, said Mr. Rob erts, whom I saw at tbe Hotel Marl borough last night, "abouts month ano on a tram coming from Ilultimorc. Soon afterward I entered into negotia tions with her which nave resulted in thiscontruct. Last Wednesday night I took her out to a small town near the city and tried her in a little piece called 'Tennye.' She really surprised my expectations. "Miss Pollard has been living quietly here in this ci ty for the last four weeks, but today she went down to a small beach to spend a few days. A well known actress is with her giving ber lessons lin stage technique. I would like it clearly understood that we do not inteud to 'boom' Miss Pollard by ber connection with tbe breach of promise suit. She has always had an ambition to become an actress.and now she believes that this is tbe only pro fession left open to ber. Sb has taken the advice ot A. M. Palmer and Frank Sanger, both ot whom hay commended her purpose of going on the stage. The play in which sbe will appear will have no reference whatso ever to the receut trial. I shall sur round ber with tbe strongest company I can engage, and on this aud on her talent as an actress I bass my hopes of success. " WILL MAKE GOOO ROADS. Coxeyits WiUbt Set at Work by Mary land Officials. Baltimore, Augnst 13 Wordsn Moor of the Maryland II 0 use of Cor rection intends to give the Coxeyites an opportunity to make good roads. On Monday morniug the Coxeyites who were arrested at Hyattsville last Thurs day and sentenced to throe months in in Bridewell will be put to work on widening a private road from Jessups to tbe lnstitntioa. When this work is completed other employment of Bimilar cutiraoter will be undertaken. J 1 WITHER FORECAST. P Washington. Aui. 13. Fortcatt for eastern I ennjileatit'o, fair, warmer, east winds, becoming SMithtrly. For western Pennsylvania, FINLEYS Summer Sale OF INTERESTING PRICES TO BUYERS: One case Webster 10-4, Scar let and Blue Borders, 59 CENTS. One caso Kenwood 11-4, both White and Gray, Borders Scarlet, Blue and Orang3, 93 CENTS. One case Reliance 11-4, both White and Grey, Borders Pink, Blue and Drab, $1.35. 50 pairs Hampden 11-4, All- wool and Shrunk, Borders Pink, Blue aud Lemon, $4.50. One case Eio Vista, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders Pink, Blue, Lemon and Drab, $G.0Q 30 pairs Sacramento, Califor nia, 12-4, Borders rink, Blue and Drab, $8.00. Crib Blankets in all sizes, with latest pattern bord ers and colors. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ays. MINERS' iLCLOTHI Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. TELEPHONE NUMBER 4m. Lewis, Reillf k Davies Take off tbe old and put on ths new, That neatly-fitting, easy shoe. Wben low prices rule as now tbey do, Wbo would deny hi in self the newf Burt & Packard Shoes Make Us Friends. Lewis, Reillj & Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. We Examine Ejes Free of charge. If a doctor ia needed you are promptly told bo. We also guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES L The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street. BLANKETS 10 II
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