e www , 8 TfTE SCKaNTON TEIBUNE-SATURDAT MORNING. AUGUST 11. 1894. How to Keep Cool Is asked by every one during these summer day3. Tha seaside and mouatain retreats ofFar a solution of thi3 question. But none of these are tomplete unles3 you avail yourself first of the right kind of material to wear. For our August offer ings of requisit93 we have chosen exsaption ally SUITABLE ARTI CLES and recommend them for their Useful ness, Reasonable Price and Desirable Quility. TO DRESS WELL AT MODERATE COST Is a problem that must be faced by many. !ur Success Has besn largely due to th9 fact that we furnish good3 h style and flash of the high-priced at a Low Cost. GORMAN'S KOKEAX 31VIL. )o fflc-a in j hut C untry Are Back N'i" b r- f he Ant leluvUn 8ort. Washington, Aiu. 10 Little intr m;.ti.u 1 1 t:i- transmission of t ti Uniieil Stitea mails can be caa-tnd by tun wnr over C"r, and bo npDrelien aion of Htiy surt is f-m-rtsined hy ffi ciuUof tbe prsi i ffice departuvut Curea has. no regular postal system, ami suoh crude service as is maintain, d ii either und r tlie authority of tl J.irnui-se srivrauaent or tliroutfb pri vate enterprise. There ar three post ofB '8 in tbe kingdom, at Fnsam Pn, Ger Z iDshin nnfl Jiuaen, whiuri are under J ipnen jurisdiction. All otber nrrngctnnt (or carrying tnnila are made by privut business estal.listneiits, as in Cnina, beyond Shanghai. Tne a mo nut of mails transmitted between Korea and tbis country is naturally v.ry small, and is forwarded witn the mails sent from Japan A dispatch ponch is dent regularly Viy onr lepr i lion at Sooul, Korea's cap ital, to Yokohama, and reaches the United States thr e or four times a month. Its transportation from Seon. to Yokohama is accomplished solely tbronifn arrangements eff-cttd by the state department. Steps were taken last spring by tbe Kor-n govvrment, through tbe legation offluials beri, to secure all neceasary iu ormatloo pre paratory to admission into the Uni versal Postal Union, bat since then no action baa been t ik-n. AFFECTS TANuLEFOOT TR'OE. High Frio of Our Will Make Go d v V hiskv a L ixarr. Chicago. An. 10. President Green hnt, of the whisky trnst, is reported as having; ordered all the distilling com panies in the trnst to shnt down at once. It is said this order is dne prt ably to the recent sharp advance in the price of corn and to the large anion in of stock that the trust at present has on its bands. Tbe distillers mannfaetnred the present stock with corn that cost thera 24 cents a bushel. With tbe cereal ranging abont CO cents, as at present, there is no encouragement to tiisra to make much whisky. It would be a loss. Pcckville. Rev. J. B. Sweet, of Asbley, was a caller in town last Wednesday evening. Among those who ai tended the Chris tian Endeavor excursion from this place were Mrs. J B. Grover, Mrs. William James, Mrs. Henry Oberts, Mrs. Jannis Williams and Mist Ethel Boweo. Mrs. Cowans, of Freelaud, is visiting her (ion, James Cowan. Grace, the beloved child of Mr. and Mrs. George Mines, died at their borne venter day morning at 7 o'clock from the effects of swaliowtng a shoe button several weeks ago. The dei'eas-d was aged A years and Vi days. The funeral service will be held at the Grassy chapel on Sunday afternoon fit u o'clock, conducted Dy tne itev. . f. Doty. Interment will be made In Pros pect cemetery. Don't fo'get to get your ticket for the Union excursion to Lake Ariel on the 201b, two weeks from next Wednesday. Four Big- Suooessss, Saving tbe needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the 'following four remedies nave reached a nbenomenal sale. Dr. King's Kew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs , and Colds, each bottle gna anteed Elec tric Bitters, the great remedy for Liver. fctomacli and Kidneys, Bucklen's Arnica fcalve, the heat n tbe world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills which are a perfect Sill. All these remedies are guaranteed to o just what is claimed for tbein and the dealer whose name is attached herewith w ill be glad to tell you more of them. Hoid bylluttkews Bros', arug store. ft WORD TO THE GRANGERS Dr. Strong's Suggestions Iq the Interest of the Alliance Party. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO FARMERS The Sage of Starrucca Thinks That the Best Interests of the New Party Can Be Served In theJ Annihilation of Free Trado An Able Argument Against Free Tradu From a Farmer's Standpoint A Side Boom for ex-President Har- Edit r of Tug Triiil'xe: Knoviiiir vur sympnthy for the OrtitiKO or Fanner' inoveimuit, 1 und you the following for the bum-tit of the grunge fleiui'iit that may read your able paper. It would sr-em that the urntiKe or farmer i-lussex will tmluiall.v form the bai-kbimu and foundation eli-tuciit of the new political party, that must ne- uiuLiiii'ilii uwni liui i trill lit lti l 1 1 ilMI 1 ',;,' 7 1 power aim uiuueuue iu mo uinim States. The farmer is neither a laborer nor a manufacturer - nor N hea niiihlle-nmn. He consequently occupies socially n position between capital and labor, which makes him iniiepindt-iit of each to a certain decree, though atill givlm; him a community of InterexU with both that tits him, bet of all, to niter tain that "happy medium'' of political opinion awl principles now so needed aiunnx tti, in the growing conflict be tween the employer and tlieeuiil-yed. He is to become, 1 think, the niUiinil arbitrator and balance wheel in tlie new political rgaiiizitiou about to rise out of tlie present political chaos. Uld party lines are broken up. Jv'evv ones arc being formed. I should like, therefore, the funning class to understand how their interests are iu the present politi al status, closely allied with the success of the IJopubiicau party, no matter how widely they may diverge from that party in the future. It is but common-sense to under stand, that it must be more beneficial to our country and our people at large, to keep our money and our labor at home, than to fooiirhly B'-iid them abroad. 1 rotec-i ion certainly ;eeps both these at home, whereas free trade or "lai iff reform," falsely so called would send millions to foreign lands that ought to be spent within our own borders. Cons queiitly a free trade policy must be injurious to the country. And the truth uf this stuteJient is too evideut to need any commentary. PKOTKCTIOM UELPS THK FABHKK. Furthermore, I k .ow it is often stated, that protection helps the manu facturer at the expense of farmer. Hut this is ndioaily false. Protection aios the umnuf.icturtT simply to the extent that it tuaUea tiianuiacturing en erprises possible at fair wages to the working mau. But in ist of u I protec liou tieips the farmer, by creuiing general prosci ity, asthehistoiy of our country shows, and brings a grater amount of wage-money into circula tion, thereby atloraing the lanucr a ready home market fr bis produce at remunerative price. Any la.nicr ought to understand this, especially at the present hour, when the simple threat of free trade has already paral yzed our industries and withdrawn money from the circulation, until nut ter is uow selling at 13 instead of i5 cents, a pound, and iani"s at 2 instead of 5 cents per pound. All of which proves, that we. don't want theories we don't want pontics wnat we wuut is business. And, surely, so far, free trade cannot be called a business suc cess, whatever else it may be. Now, Democracy at the present hour, means nothing but free trade which, as we all can see, is injurious to the tanner and ruining the country Every fann er, then, should alliu himself with l lie Kepublican party to ueteat the tree Untie policy. This is but common- ense, freed from all party bias. Oa the other hand, do not the farm.' ers wish to see a new party a third or Alliance party formed; Hence the great Alliance movement in the United Ktates winch neeils simply wisu ui lection on well-delihed principles to become a leading power in our national po itics. Consequently, farmers have no interest in prolonging the existence of the present great po.incal organiza tions at the exp-nse ot retarding the definite formation of their own party. I mean as follows: At a glance any one can see that the Republican parly has too great vitality too good an organization and espe daily too many sound conservative pimclples to bo near lis end. nut the same cannot be said of the Democratic party. Indeed, so far as its o'd traili lions are concerned aud its fundament al principles, it can he said to be al ready on t he verge of d isorgan izat ion. Even the future great leader of the Democratic party, Senator Hill, has oncnlv declared In the senate that "to maintain itself Democracy Is actually reduced to recruiting all the rag tag and tiob-tniled element ot the commu nity" which means the dissolution aud near overthrow of any gieat poll tical party In America. Aud a simple review of the Democratic movement since 183:2 will make this fact evident to any Impartial observer. THE BIKTlf OF FRKE THADE. Previous to 1832, the policy of pro tectionwhich is now exclusively Ke publican belonged as much to the De mocratic as to any of the opp ising pariies. After that period, however, the interests or slave y forced the majority of Hie Democrats Into the free trade lines. Bo that since then the fundamental principles of unity in that party have been slavery, free trade and state rights which latter from the old Democratic standpoint, meant also the right to secced. These three made up the old Democratic trinity the gods the Party invoked the idols be fore which it bowed and the buttle cry writteu on the banners around which it rail ed. But session or state rights as formerly understood und slavery disappeared forever from among us with the triumph of the "Boys iu Blue." For years the Democratic army was routed. Unfortunately however, free trade remained and it was the only principle around which they could rally their scattered forces. No other war-cry was familiar to their ears, or found that echo in their hearts which could lead them Iu unity to bat tle, because free trade was all that Du ally remained of their old ba'tle tl g against northern industry and prosper ity. Which fully explains why the first time the Democrats regained the directioti of public all'iirs after the war, they regained it with the cry of free trade. Therefore, If we now crush the free trade element if the free trade staff and wing If the Democratic party Is now routed, the old purtv will soon be a disbanded army the last prop will have been taken from under the falling edifice. Then the party most virtually dl-i'iuct; and its adherents must seek new alliances and new I d: rs. Tlie old sol. hers of Democr.iCV will not go vcr to the It puidi un ranks. Long acquired habits of tli ii'ili t -old prejudices and lniux mused lancunes will be too powerful. But Democrats will flock to swell the ranks of a new parly and must consequently rally around tlie centers in the third pnrtv already formed by tiie banners' Alli ance and Populist movements. TUB COL'UKE FOIt FA KM K US. I hold, conseqiientlv, that not onlv practical y, but hIso politically, it is of vital importance to the fanners that they vote, from now on up to the next presidential election, with the Kepub lican party. Thus they will surely Inisieil the disorganization of the free trad" stall' and wing of Democracy, w hich alone holds the party together. From the ruins of tbe old party a new one will be formed of winch as I have said, the farming cln-ses will he the back-bono and the balance wle el. Finally, I would add one word more to my brother grangers. Let us not forget that this free (ratio movement which is such an evident curse to all business prosperity through out the laud, is no more nor less, as 1 have Intimated, than the "tail end" so to speak of the great dragon of the ' . ... rebellion. History proves il and pros- lent acts uroc a in it. because flee trade is the last ren aining person of the old southern slave trinitv. Now, ''The Boys iu Blue" barred, as I have said, the two first persons of this old aiitl-Amcric in trim y, when tbe last gun was 11 red iu 'U at Itieh luond. Therefore, when in the next presidential elections, we sweep free trade forever from our fair land and send it back to "Hades" from whence it came, what inline more uppr'priilo in which to conqti 'r what slate-mnii and patriot better filled armnd which to mil v, than the orave soldier, Hen Harrison'.' ex-pre-idejit and the la t the very best probably of the great Boys iu Blue, who can succe-sfully aspire to the presidential honors of our country. Let Harrison, then, become the ni' rlcaii iainl Oeorge to cut in pieces the lasi vestiges of tlie old dragon of i he rebel liou. Bo be it. Daviki. B. Strong. Starucca, Pa., Au. 10, lsvu. Elmhurst. Mlm Ath-e Pot. if Msli uipn, is visit ing Mr . Hi-ron Hi.ckintliaai. Mrs. William Pereo. l S.rantoii, vis- ltd friemls in lo.vn Tuesday auJ Wednes day. ilianes Helen, Maud and Audi Suy.ter attuiolel tbe Chriktian Kadeuvor conven- ion nr Karview lasi W- lne-ilay. J E. Harding, of Ki -hels n, and pro- piietor of one i'f the largnHt stores la that mwu, whs enllieg ou I lien. In iu this place Fnd iT mornu g. ti. r. Uutterll- Id and Protesnor Lewis 1). Aquauo ecj ived a tMiiair excursion to Kiz-r'j peiid 1a-t Mmidav and Tuesday. Mr. and. Mrs. t. V. ilsrlovv were call- lug on Hi'irtntou fri-udi Fn lay afternoon. A. IS. Dunning, of Sennit ui was tha g ie-t or h s m, A. b Uuunius;, Jr., and idUilly on w uueiila iftil. i. Clir.-uctf ;jtcve.;5 i viiitinj; frijnJj in M'ii'ow. Mrs D. E O'd mid rtl'.dr-jn are visit ing frie di in V vue county. Proresur .var in, or tlnriuya, hns bea ei.ifgd a principal of iho Elmhurst graded hool tor the lorar g term. lheh u-e or ILiul.-s W nitney on tbe Exsl side Ih fust hearing couipl-tion and when Cnisi.ed it will bo a very pleuBaut home. El ner S'elev had part of his limb ampn laied and is doiug well af ter suou a pain ful operation. The ti.llnwtng are the late arrivals at H t-l El in burst; Vr. and Mrs Curtis Ciane, Mrs. McK-e, Mi Mel. n McKeo, K m raiiton, U. Lri est Cotnegvs, Mr. and Mre. -A. J. (Joi tell, Mwter Ed ar Council, Mr. and Mr-. A. Uldmi;b, Ma-terKalpb (ioldsiiiuh, Jinn il, lJhelp , wl e aud lung iter, Lohm 13mm II. ij. A. Patterson, Samuel pro trick, VV. It. Storrs aud wife, Mrs. Jam" Kuthern, Mr. Tovvusead, Mi-s Ada Urignt, jlr aud Mrs. Moiri (iold sinith, Mise M. audPiuiine Goldsmith, Misses Jilldrnd and an I Morris, C .nrad Schroe ler, Mr. and Mr-. T. A. .Stein and sen, Scrantou; (J. Seemen, Mils N. See men, C. 1 Harvey, H. (J. llolden, C. (tor tin, New Y rkciu: Adam - tesjner, M.D., K-ial!iuni; W. Buckley, Washluxtoii, D. C; Mi-s (Jell M. Osb ir.ie, ArliugMu, Pa.: F. M. Evnns an I wife Misses Nettie and Lillian Evaus, PhlladrtiiiUia. We are clearing out stock of tine e chings. 1 27 Pbiiu aVt ntie. the whole of our (Juicugo Art Co., Honcsdalc. While wasliln clothes In the op'n air at h-r home in Mouut Plassut Timrsdnv, Mrs. A in Uarrian wm stru k by light nini( and instantly kilied. It wa ah nt ').'M and dai k "threat - nine clouds had covered tne skr. Mrs. Ilarruaa id: "Il must be r iming hard at fionesdale." Th"ii thro whs a tl .ah t lightning taat carried fatality in its wake. J. Kirk Ro-e left yesterday for a trip to Alliauy and New York-. A par y coniimaed of Misncs Florence II m, L' ui'M li udeub r', Harriet llau to K itlierlne Hlantou, Charlotte Donr llitigei, Clara '1'orrev and has, We-ton, the g e ts of Mr mid Mra.'W. F sjuydun will lenVd tods for a oriva to Montic-llo, where tn. y will witness the Kinneas and return homo .Unudav. Forepaiiun's circas w.ll show at Hjne dal Sa uid i.v, Sept. Stli. Rev. John N. Lewis Jr. will conduct the servi ea n. the D, & H, depot 'Sunday. Tne depot services Bra special services for boa men. i ls Cnra A ;n merman, of Ilawley, is visltiiu- friends her. J.irvis Tlinpe. of the Wyoming somiu ry. isspeudiug his vacatiou wuu uii par ems. Willistn II. Ije aid rinutjh ter, Louise, are e Joying a trip to Philadelphia and New York. Misses L ah LoU. flattie Ln'.o.of Ilones-dl- and Ned W und ward, t Hawley, nar rowly esoai ed a serious accldoni Tlnirs (lav. T in y.inaif la lie w roT- Irivi 'g. Impure Blood Caused large Deils niy face and nerk I was told to take Hood's Sarsnparlllu faithful Hood's Scrsa- 1 JlHU 2arilla ly, and after using 3 battles was free from Cures all eruptions. I am per fectly cured and lu x- oelleut health. A. J.IUvenport, Milton, N. J, Hood's Pills ar A purely vegetable and do uot purge, iaiu or gr.a, Try a box. iio. Mr, A. J, Davenport k NEW HAN OF -HIM What Paines Calery Sheriff t'.v' . -J-MT t''A. -Sif' 7. mm '-t,;..,;.'Vi While the sun shines the former make hay. Men and women wlvst stnra ol strength and nervous en rtrv has f ill-i 8) low that It b-rdv k'eps them tbrouxh the day shouol till their veins now wiih fresa blood foil of rsd cor puscles, aud store the million tin v nerve cells with enersy bv mns o Paitie's cslery cmp' und, while it is -nuiuier aud the son shines. There are now few drafts upon the strength of the hod v ; no wlnt-r colls to resist, nor spring isnguor to draw on- tak. It is atnscinf how rspid y 1 1 is uow posMtde to lay up nerve fore and vigor, over and above t : dallv . X- peditnre, T os who suffer from kid ney troubles, liver or stomaoh wenk ueases, and rheuinatiiiu Qud no tiui so suited as th present to ovrsominiz these diseases hy giving thse ov-r-work-d, p"orlv fed orif ins nlond that is rich aud pare in quality, and sure to invirforste. This i what Palna'f clrv sompnnnd isil' iug all over the con itry h;ls It is ftiiiiuier md while every cue feels that now is taw time to gt wall. Tlut liiont reinsrkihls hlood and and in turning around at tbe corner of hast and Fourteenth streets, a wheel of the buggr lir.ke, the ladies Were bidly frnthtened but uninjured. airs, m ui A. Ksy. of Plttsbura. s t i lling f i lends here. W. vv. Wo'id made a haatv trln to Mid- dletowu yesterday. the nietntiers of Company E, left here yeslerday at 1.85 on the Erie aud Wyom ing tor Ki 'tiysDnrg. Valier Whitney and vi alter W. Wood sec unpaided Company E to Gettyabura. llirv win act as wator carriers. Ueurg" P. R"8, uf the Wayne Independ ent, is the late t addition to the fast in creasing ran us of iiuuesdale's cyclists. Carbondulc. Harry and Stanley Rettevv. of John street, ar'-visiting relatives in Etstou MesBrs. J. J. onahnn and i ll iiiem Mes- sett are enj wing a trip to Ni igars Fa Is. Mrs. C W. Meyers i.ud duidreu. of P rt Jervis, are visiting tlie former's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. li. W. Harris, of Belmont street. TheTallmsn Dii famiiio' of this section will hold Ih-ir Htieenth annusl gathering at the home of II. M. Talhn.in iu Harford on August ii'J. 1 be following programme win be ren dered by the Mozart ba d this evening rrom the 11 tel Anthracite balcouy: "S nr hpaiuded Banuet;" march, "Cctnps") 0," hurrell; cornet solo. "Seel the ConnuerinB Hero Comes," lia tninn. U airce II. Acker man: Igsvoite, "Fancies," Dalb. y; ov r ture, "Faatastiqile," Imla yj tlsrlonet solo, "Coining ihrougii the Itye," ( antn sia), Thornton, ". .'i.cAndrew; waltz, "Lucille." Siivd.-r: grand selection. "Ilo.- cacio," Von Soppe; march, "LiDerty B -ll, " Sotia: ' Am rica. Charles Clift, a trainman employed on Conductor William Aunger's Uelawnre and Hudson imin bad tne mi Idle fln uT on bis right hand crushed heiween the buinpera yesierd iy ui'Tiiiug while efidea- voting io make a coupling Mis- uni y Jones, i t K.vsr Btreet. is vis iting relativ.-s at Eikdale. The funeral of th late Airs. Bridget Kil- hullen, of Wotidlswn avenue, will ho held this a ternonii nt 3 la o'cIuck. In the absence of the pastor. Rev. E. E. Jeps-oi, the pulpit will be occupied hot i tiiornlng mid evening by Rev. Jumes I'oue. of Pruatoii. The ri-maiiisof Edivnrd Dunn, an infaiit. son of Mr. and Mis. Frank i'unn, of Ri b- uiondale, were iutorred in St. R isc ceme tery yi s erdny aftoruoon. J.ihu M 'Oonoiijjii, employea at No. 1. shaft, had a fool b nilv criuhnd while t vvorg yenerilay lnornlug hy having it caught between th bumpers of a Inp ol loaded cars whicn he was sianduig un. A.iss An in Haugerty retarued t her home In 8rmion y.sierlny afternoon af er spending a lew day with berauut, Aire. AlcAn.lrew, ol Hpring street. Jnmo-Barrett has returned home from a visit with friuiids in Most 'U. Hallstcad. A new Btreet bsa biou laid out In the w. stem part of town, running from Du Boir sire t bark to the creek, cming out ut C W, Alun-on's new house. A new street has nU, been opened from New York avenue al Aire. K.ng's to connect with the aove, Thomas MrCarty Is having city water put iuto his bouse on Front street. T e public schools will open Sept. 3. J n uies Uionte, the (lemma who bad his arm so badly smash d that it had io be amputate i a weoa ag", left yesterday f.ir bis native rouutry, where be has a wife and six children. The R C. DuBois Hook and Lidder com psuy will hold lis annual election of offi cers ou Aug. 15. Wyoming. H. C. Knights, of Wave ly, is visitiug his daughter Mrs. Be her. S rvlcei at ths Presbyterian N. W. T.. A. church Sunday morbiue at 11 o'clock as usual, and In the afternoon at 4 o'clock there will h- an open air preschlug sarv.ee on the church lawn. Everybody mvited. Rev. aud Mrs. W, A. B-cher sod chil dren attended the Chrl-tiau Endeavor rally at Farview, Wednesday. Eurl Rockway was hurt at ths Mount Loi.knnt mines Thursday. He was restiug quite easy lat evenlug. Atrs. O. P. Gamett is Convalescent. Itev. and Mrs. F, P. Doty, ot PsckvlUe, Compound Did for Sinnott, Y?sV3.V." Pis 1 '''..K-SvVn.lHijv nerve remedy of this contitrv Pain' vl 'iy eomponn I in k-s new, vi'or- ua red blood; rem iv s disease from vnal organs hy rienly fee ling worn out n-rv tis-u-s all ov-r tho dy and nil ling np the strength of the bo Iv tnat is wny it uak.?s people s qnickly Well. ' Prof. Elward E. 'Phelpn, M D ,LL. D . of Dartmout h college, firm pre pared Psln-'s oelnry coinpound. It has in 1 t'ie hertr approvd of p lysioians and scien'ifio uie i all nvr the world. It ru k people w-ll. Sty D pnty tiieiillJnho Sinnott.of Vhitehail. Nw York, wuost portrait is giveti atiove; "In my opinion, Paln-'$ cl"ry oom pound is the best ruiedy in th world Ihivben troubled with infl.mim- ory rheutustlsm som twelve yars souietlui-s crippled Tor three mouths t a time A friend told me to try Pdna's cel-ry o unpiunl, un 1 I am now on my twelfth bottl-, and it has mails a new man of me. I heartily recommend it to avry one troubled with rheumatism.'' It makes people well were guests of Air. and Mrs. Joseph Mc Rill Wednendav. Mrs. Aduai Robblns. of Sixth street, nre. seated her husband wiih a flue little daughter Thursday morning. Avoea. Ths font services were again well at tended on Thursday evening, re pie ninereu rrom tbesurrouuuiiiff towns, inn G spel as prcacb-dby Air. B iss is making au iticreaslnir impression upou the neonlo. niter meetings are uelU every night alter the usunl a rvices and last for twenty miiiu'es. Wsterdny afteruoon Air. Bliss spi'ke to a Inre number of children, taking tor bis subject "A Cp:ive Bov" Some change has b-en nrndu iu tbe nrrang-ments of the meetlugs as an nounced. ()i Sunday roaring the'e will be tbe usual church services at It); ISO, tha teut sorvices being omitted. In ih aftr uoou a union meetitur of tbe Sabbsth school, nt '.'.3D will be addressed by Air. Hns. Liiion services und. r canvas iu the evening at 7.30. Miss Perrin will sing nt these services. There will not bo nuv servic- to-night. N . 5 aud 0 hymn boks are used at all services. Aliss Maine Kane and Nellie McGlynn ended on Pittstoii friend- yesierdav. Airs. Goodwin, of Luzerne, is visiting her son, Mr. Hugh Goudwiu, oa Parker Btreet, Alis Lizzie Sheridan, of Plymouth, is sptoalmg n few weeks wiih fri-nds I town. .Mi-a Canie AlaeDoisld hns returued home alter spending her vacation at Lake Ariel. Anoi.F Lai.loz, carriage runnn'nctnrer, ! Ill larroli street, liutlaio, IS. i., Btules: Iwastronhlel with nausea of the stom ach, sick headache aud general debility. uuruooK Ulood bitters cured me. ' Vhen Tiahy was sli-k, we gave hor Custorta, Alien s'ae was a Child, she cried fnr Cutorla, IVlien s!ie b"carno Miss, she clung to C'astoria. tVhcn she had Children, she gave them Castor! .... ... -in. -EYSOAP- Vks. m mm tew;y. !;c';i:v:;;5;j4f I, ! 4:-!.o. .-haj. LtKINTON.V'.;X. !r '- - -. -;.si -.'4 Is cn !:r?rovcxcnt in Soap. 0 In the Trolley i'o:tp ckl methtaJs mJ materials are superseded by new jnes. The Trollry Soap leaves the .-follies sweet and clean and last-, longer ban other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It f he docs not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, r for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $4.50. 'eph p.Thom$.EIIpnl;on, 1 rvss-..i n.t owl. MR.. FRED WE1CHEL I At his newly renovated and licensed H0t.1I at CLARK'S aUMMir, is now prepared to far nlBUtraveinr men and sieUI parties with the LATEST, NEW-HTYLED BIOS, sinifle nr dnubl.i, t tik" them to I ake Win. la, (travel Pond and all suburban points and Bummer resorts at rewn ible nrfous. A lare livery ni a eonueated with nvtel tor tray el ing public HirHniiiiiKniuuii iiiHKHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiimr THE GREAT SALE AT THF FAIR 400-402 Lackawanna Ave, Commences SAT AUGUST 4 GBE AT BARGAINS ;!3i!ijicafi::2::2Sii3!;iiiiis;iJi!;niiiiiiiiiniJiiiiHiiiiiuii!iiiiHiii!iiiiiimh; IF YOU ARE We can serve you well. All the desirable kinds are here and at right prices. Then we have other kinds of Floor : Coverings Linoleums, Mattings, Art Spares, Linen Crumb Cloths, k RUOSI RUGS! Byzantine, Smyrna and Oriental Rugs all sizes, from a single door to sizes large enough to cover an entire floor. f , KERR & SSEBEGKER 406 and 408 Lacka. Avenue. BRANCH STORE: Watt fc,T-'-t'l'VS'v'ip.tii!i i.iiiiij,.wwioisiai''v.,ytWlfl.l,' l'!!.'",'wwy" No tales or history goes with the goods we sell at our Odd and End Sale You will find money by attending our Odd asid End Sale It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap ness that distinguishes our Odd and End Sale Figures are eloquent when used to indi cate the value we are giving at our Odd and End Sale From a critical inspector you will turn an eager buyer at our Odd and End Sale Goods marked in plain, large, low figures at our Odd and End Sale jt" ,l,ni 1 ) " ' ' isisssjmJ URDAY, THINKING OF Building. Carbondile. 1