TIIE SCIIANTON TRIBUTE SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1S94. F MILITIA Col. F. L Hitchcock Favors tbe Passage of Soma New laws. t MEASURES THAT HE ADVOCATES Would Have the Laws So Framed That the Militia Could Be Or ganizad on a National Basis for the Protection of the Country from Invasion or Any Sudden Emergency That Mifiht Arise. The discussion now tUUug the press of the country upon the itvui lability of tho NatlniMl Ruartl organizations of tlio several states for national military operations, oilensive and defensive, prompts nie to reproduce some aiisrgos tionson this subject which 1 nmile In several Articles published in sundry military magazines several years niro. Those articles were written in the hope of promoting sonic concessional lei;is latiou which would make our several National guards available for piu po-es of di Tense or otlbuse, as they might be needed In cases of emergency. It was at a time when General Sher man, the eommauder-iu-clucf of the United States army, had recently in spected the National guard of Peun sylvauia and had publicly stated how secure he felt with such a well organ ized, disciplined and drilled body of troops, available for all purposes at a moment's call. I pointed out the fact that, although as troops they were all his glowing eulogy claimed, neverthe less as a matter of law they weie not available for any purpose outside of the state ol I cunsylvaiiia. NYbat Is tiueof our National guard lu this respect I presume is true of the National guards or organized militia of all the states, for all are orgauizeu un der much the same laws. LAW OX THE SUBJECT. The National guard of Pennsylvania Isor&mtiimxl under the act of assembly a'.-oroved April 18. 1SSD. Section 1 of this act provides "that the active mil itia of this commonwealth shall here after be styled the National Guard of 1'eunsylvauia, and shall ta sutyevi tu all times to the orders of their offi cers." This clearly recognizes a distinction between . the "active" or organized militia, who have voluntarily enlisted fur a certain definite period under this act., and the general mass of citizens able-bodied men between the aces of IS ,.nd 4o who under the constitution are liable to military duty under the general term militia. The obligation to military service of these two classes of militia rests upou totallv ditlerent foundations. The ob ligation of the former is wholly under and hv virtue ot his contract ot enlist nieiit, which has beeu voluntarily en tered into by him uuder the provisions of said law and for a delinite term. The obligation of the latter ari-es out ot his duties as a citizen uuder the or ganic law of the laud, to come to the defense of the country whenever cir cunislauces may require his services. OULlciAl'lON OK THE CITIZEN. The obligation of the latter mani festly extends to any service that emer gency may require in any part of this country. It was under this obligation that our armies were filled up by draft ing during tliu latter part of the war of the rebellion. It is equally clear as matter of law that the obligation of the former the National guard if limited by his contract of enlistment and the laws under which the guard is organ im, and which the first section of the act, above quoted say, the guardsman shall he at all times "subject to the order of his officers." The power of the officers is defined and limited in subsequent sections. Section 05 provides that "military duty shall require the attendance of commissioned officers, non f?ommis ioiied officers, musicians and privates on all occasions of drills, parades, and encampments, and a time service ordered by" his superior officers, etc. Section 67 provides when guard may Ik; ordered out for active service, mid if is the only authority for such Be r vice. ft reads as follows: "When an In vasion of or insurrection in, the state is made or thrcatened;or a tumult, riot or mob shall exist, the commander in chief sliall.call upon th National guard, and at his discretion uiiou the unrolled militia (the second-class above-men tioned) to repel or suppress the same. .. Now in view of above facts, the oft related statement that the National guard is available at a moment's no liee for service wherever needed in the 1 "tilled States, is clearly an error that might under a sudden emergency prove very disoMtrous. I am now speaking from a military standpoint, which re gards such troops available only as arc absolutely subject to military orders and discipline. NO MOKE PATRIOTIC MEN. There Is no more patriotic body of men in tho world than are our own suburb National guard, and most un doubtedly every man would promptly say yes to any emergency rail by the general government. Put this proba bility does not fulfill tho military con ditions j availlbility. Such an emergency as would occur In case of a sudden invasion from our long and unprotected northern frontier, as was thought possible only a few years figo during tho Behring sea im broglio (when the secretary of war tele graphed the adjutant general of Penn sylvania asking how quickly he could put the guard enroute for Uuffalo or Cleveland) would Involve a service of several months' duration at least, with all the probabilities of actual war with n powerful foreign nation. It is clear such a service Is not con templated by the National guurd or ganization, and it is exceedingly un wise to remain in a position wtiere, owing to emergency conditions, such a service might nave" to lie asked from It. The guards' special work Is to take care of our own atuto, more cannot and ought not to he asked of it, until it shall be if ever organized upon a na tional basis. The old maxim, "iu time of peace prepare for war," is us applicable today as ever. The possible need of a large army for defensive pur poses ought to be recognized at onco. THE CANADIAN MILITIA. Themiiitla force of our Canadian neighbors is organized on a different basis froni our guard. It, is ati auxil iary of.their'regular army and can be utilized at a moment's notice. This w as exemplified gome years ago during the Manitoba rebellion where it did prompt and effective service It is the pride of the United States that we are not a military natiou in the sense of maintaining a large stand ing army. But that pride would be found a most expensive luxury in case we should And ourselves suduouly in volved in a war with our northern neighbors. They could put 100,000 men well organized and equipped across our frontier in forty-eight hours, lnuotu they would probably occupy every iru nortant Htratei-ic ooint. including all our large cities from Oswego to Duluth or Portland within less time mini forty-eight hours; the advantage of which cannot bo over-estimntu1. It is highly probable such nn event will never occur. Nevertheless experience proves that It Is "the unexpected" that happens. Now the point of my article is this question, how can we provide a national militia force which shall be available for emergencies, offensive and defensive, wherever required through out the whole United States? For purposes of defense against mob and other disturbances within the state, i.e., arising out of the population such as labor disturbances and the like, the present National guard organ ization ought to be amply sufficient. If not It can bo supplemented by the regular army, and thus be made quite effective. I'KOTElTlON OF I'UONTll'KS. To be able to meet and repel inva sion by forcignifoes, along our vast'land frontiers, we need to be able to mobilize at once a largo and thoroughly organ ized and drilled body of troops from all the states, if necessary, at one or more points; to meet invasion by in vasion mid carry tho wur off' our ow n soil, into the enemy's countiy. This would necessitate campaigns of from three to si.vinonths' duration at least. This time being secured by such a force at hand, there would be time to orgauize an army in t lie ordinary way which would be ready to lake their place in due time. Such a force might be obtained, it seems to me, quite feasibly, in the fol lowing manner: Let congress pass a general law for the organization and equipment of tho active militia of the several states, to bo known as the "National tluard," alloting to the several states their proportion of this body according to population, het the eutire force be say 'M,iW men, di vided into proper proportions of artil lery, cavalry, infantry, etc. The entire cos't of organizing, equipping and main taining this guard to be borne by the United States. The enlistment and instruction of the guard to be the work of the states under their own officers, as heretofore, conforming, however, to the system of rule and discipline of the United States army. A certain num ber of officers of the regular army to be detached to the several states as in structors. Tho beut litsof this act of congress to be available to the stales, upon the enactment by them of laws accepting Us provisions and providing that said troops shall be subject to the call of the president of the United State till times through the governors of the states, for the purpose of repelling iuvasious, for a period not to exceed six months at any one time. PAID HIGH EH WAGES. These should be paid a little higher wasres when so called out than the regular army so that the service shall not be undesirable. They should have certain privileges granted in consider ation ot certain terms of enlistment, e. g., exemption from jury duty, from all military taxation, and from liahll it v to draft. They should have uni forms which should ha handsome and uniiiueaud distinctively their own as a National guard, and alike through all the states, except that certain pie scriljcd badges should indicate the several states. It should not be like the uniform of the regular army, but the uniform of the citizen soldier, such as every young man of patriotism and honor should lc ambitious to wear at least for a term of one enlistment. This guard should take the place of the present National uuard or active militia of the several states, and could be made to do so by reorganizing under the new laws to be enacted as above suggested. In such event the men enlisting would do so under a new contract of enlistment made to conform to the new status, involving a possible nation al service as well as the ordinary state services. I believe such a scheme is entirely practicable, and would give us a suprrb army of sufficient strength for emergency needs. WOULD UK AN EDUCATOR. It would, moreover, be the education al foundation of an army of almost unlimited size should a state of actual war require it. It would give us the power and security of a standing army, without its burden, and this would be the proverbial ounce of prevention which would make a war highly im probable if not impossible. The states would be the gainers in every respect. They would have a better organized militia force, under their control as heretofore, for all purposes of internal protection, without t he general govern ment for such support, would receive its ample ipiid pro quo in the security and protection of a magnificent army at a nominal coat. F. Ij. IltTCIfCOIIK. Montrose. A large number of people were at the Lackawanna and Jl, 'iitrose depot lust niirht at 11.20 to se Company (i start for Oettysburg. The boys were happy and anticipated a good time. Iu the meantime the sUy-at-bnmes will be lonesome and will he ginil when tho oacampmutit Is over and the boys urn at honiM again, 8. Hunting Sayrc, of Virginia, a former business n an hrre, Is calling on li is (rivnds in thin vicinity. Ueorge Hulpin is ubie to be out on CIDtChbS. Will McCnusland, of F.lmira, N. Y., Is visiting bis brother, Lieutenant H. J. iMc (jRiialand. The parade of the Montrose (lrn depart ment has beou finally fixed for Snpt. 0. O. W. liknr 1 exoccted to addrosa the people of llro-.klyn, l'a., on Sunday in the Met hod 1st Episcopal chnrch. Theodore I'etl it, ot Brooklyn, N. Y., is upending his vacation here with his fina lly, who have been at Nelaon Hawluy'a fur some time. Mrs. IJaney lindoll and son, of Park Place, Scranton, are Visiting Mrs. Bedell's parents on Depot street. Miss' May Lane, daughter, of px-Mhiiriff 8. F. Lane, Is visiting friends In .Hcrantnu. The bebring innnler cane will bo the must interesting case for next week In court. Hebrlng is to be tried for murder lug his iufant child. Thoevldenco before the justice was convincing and tho grand jury found a true bill. ,Beecham's. pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by. constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. . Book free; pills -25c. At drugstores.or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal'Su New York. TfiE Dr. John Saudi, of Afriou, will loc tnr next Tueiilay vtilug in St, Da vld's church on Jucksou itreot. Mr. Saadl wut interpreter to the English rorces durlug the Nile expedition In HUurntcd lor tho relief of tho fainoui Ooueral Gordon in tlia Soudan, Afriou. lie uho luboroJ for leverid viirs as a self-sustaining wlrmiouurv in Morocco, North Africa, ami ban Una all poaaiuu opportunity to know and itndy Idaiu tm iu its various nhnsoa, Njxt Tumi dny evening at 7.30 p. in. in the auovo eliuroh the people of onr city will hava an opportunity to hear what ho tins to say of "loam's faith and traditions." Ha will also Kak of the condition of women in the east and givo a brief sketch of the Gordon raliaf exiwditlon. Dr. Saudi bus come to this country to prepare himself more thoroughly for luUaiomry work. II is now a stntlnnt of tint University of Pennsyl viinift and tiering the summer mouths delivers lectures in the towns and cities of our state. No admission foe will be charged, hut a free-will offering will be taken to aid the lecturer in hie ef fort to secure (renter qualifications for foreign missionary work. IN3TAUAI ION SERVICE. The congregation of the Evangelical 'Lutheran church, on Cedar avenue, lias given a call to Arthur Iiiitze to become W.iotier of the parochial school, organ ist of the churcii and ohon-ilar. lie is n young gentleman from Saxony, tier tunny . and lias been in the service of the church for a few months on trial. The Eranguliual Lutheran chnrch has a prescribed ceremony of Installation for its touchers a well s its pastors, and a week tomorrow Mr. Uutzit will he installed by Kov. Frederick Holler. Ho is required to austvor a aoriot of questions and pledg himself to faitli lully teaoli the children intrusted to him iu tlii faith of the church which engages Mm. The congregation also pledges itself to aid hlui in all things. This ceremony ti.ilta the office of the Wsolier and places him sucond only to the spiritual leader of tba church. The parochial school has continued its session throughout the summer, and now lias au enrolled membership of nighty scholars. It is open lo all chil dren, whether parents are members of the congregation or not. EVANGELISTIC WORK. Last Thnreday evoniug, Rev. C. Higgin eon, of I'ricebnrg, preached on tho lawn In front of tho Primitive Methodist parson age lu lireeu Uidge. A large audience wai present to listen to the able discourse of tbe divine. Iter. Dauiul Savage, of Oieou Ridge, has raised but voice loud aud strong against Frear'a grove, where dancing and beor uelluig are carried on far into tbo night. Mr. Savage believes that the place demor alises the youth of the community, who npeiid their eveuinRs there and return home, in no peaceful mood, after mid night. . Tho quartette of churches in the North End are fully resolved to vigorously carry forward tho campaigu against Sabbatn desecratiuu in that part of tho city. The expressed aim of the movement Is to se cure a batter observance of the Lord's Day. The loading spirits, at present, Uud thi'ir chief obstacle Iu popular iiidltference. Tliia they will combat by holding public meetings on Sunday. Hau'ii a mooting will be held tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock in the Congregational church on West Market street. 1U morning aerrice will In held in the CalviniHic Methodist, the Welsh Bap tist aud the Paritan Congregational churches. Theso congregations will joiu iu the union service, which will be addrossed by Kev. L). A. Evans, of tbe Puritan church. Giber brief addresses will bo made by both lay and clerical brethren present. PLANNING FOR PROFIT. The Ladies' Aid society of the Hickory Street Presbytorlan church, will hold a picnic at Central park on tbe 25th hist. Next Monday evening the Puritan chtip-b choir will give a concert in tho Providence Methodist Episcopal church. Active preparation has been mndo, and one of the best concerts evur given by home talent caa be expectod. The pro ceeds are to be equally divided between both churches. Next Friday the junior pastor's com nutlet', of the CJrenu Bulge Primitive .Methodist church, will run un excursion loFarview. The Ladies' Aid society has charge of the refreshment! and will pro vide for the needs of all. The train will Mart from the Green Hldge depot at 8 a. in., and call at 1'rovidonce, pricoburg and .lermyn stations, i he beiiout is to aid in making up the pallor's salary, which has not beou paid iu full owing to poor times. A week next Monday, Aug. 20, the Young People's uuiou. of the Welsh Bup lijt churches of northeastern Pennsyl vania, will hold a convention at Pulsion. A good programme has beeu prepared. Papers will be rend nud addresses deliv ered by some of the most active workers in the association. A largo delegation Is expected present, and great Interest is taken by the young people of the churches is our city which are members cf the union. A week next Monday evening, tbo 20th Inst., Prof. Haydn Evans and party will Klve a farewell concert in the Jackson Street Baptist Church, before thoy leave tor a tour through Wales. Mis Julia Alton, the accomplished viulinint, will ac company the party and will take part in the above concei t. The 'party Is well pre pared for the journey, and an exhibition of their accomplishments wlil bo given on t he 20th Inst. Experts sny that they are able to held their own hi the land of son if, and this farewell concert will be a ju.st exhibition ot those artists' work. CHURCH WORK. Holy communion will bo observed In tho .St. David's church tomorrow inoruingat 10.30 a. ni. Bev. A. V. Bower, of Now England, will preach at the Plymouth Congregational church, tomorrow. The pulpit; of tbo First Presbyterian church will bo ocenpied tomorrow' by Kev. J. btewnrt Dickson, of Philadelphia. Two stained glasa windows presented to the Ht. David's chnrch by the Church of the Good Hhepberd, Green Ridge, will be placed in the church today. Willlum Parsons, of the West Bide, will preach at the Providence Presbyterian church at 10.30 a. m. No evening aorvlce will be hold. The Elm Park church has ofTorod D. L. Moody the ui-o ofltsbouioof worship to conduct two weeks' service in Beptember. Mr. Moody baa not yet replied. Uov. Daniel Bavage, of tho Groeti Rltlge Primitive Methodist church, will speak tomorrow mofulng on "Religions Dwarfs" and In the evenlug on "Christian Work." The Washburn Btrcot Presbyterian church will nnita in worship with the HimpHon Methodist EpNoopal church, to morrow. Kev. L. U. Floyd, V. O., will preach. Next Tuesday evening tbo monthly busi ness meeting of the Christian Endeavor society of the Grace Reformed church will ba held. All the members are urged to be present. Tbe union Bible class that meets every Thursday evening at the Grsoe Reformed church, is suspended during tbe uert tbrea weoki, whilo tho pastor, Bov. Goorga Al rich, is on his vacation. Hey. W. Davioi, of Providence, leaves today for Mabanoy (!ity. A new Baptint chinch will be dedicated tomorrow, at which Mr. Davies will officiate, assisted bv ltev. Jacob B. Dnvius, of Plymouth; U'ev. William l). Thomas, of 1'lttntou, and the pastor, Hev. Hugh C. Williams. Last Monday evening Floyd E. Puller, sou of Buv. AI. I). Fuller, ilullvemd un in teresting looturo at the Wyoiiiiun assem bly on tho aouth. Uo gavo a v.-ry vivid picture of thephysiciul characteristics of that part of our country, and dwelt es pecially on tho educati'iual aud religious noedsor the p -oplo. ins talk was enjoyed by all who lieani him. The Wyoming camp mooting will open next TueNitay, the l lih lust. Theve annual gaihnrlui'S are well known to ti t religious public of our county. Tnu coiiiuiitleo iu charge has studied the spiritual interests of all clasKON, and the programme premises ouo of the most profitable sessions iu the history of the nsmclatioii. With the pas tors of this district, other eminent divines are expected to be present, one of whom is Bov. 11. A. Butt., U. I)., president of the Drew Theological seminary. These wiith iug to attend can secure tickets for tbe round trip from our city for f I. SUNDAY SCHOOL WORK. The (Junduy school of tho Green Bidge Presbyterian church will hold its animal picnic at Laurel Hill park next Thursday. Tho English branch of the Hickory Street Presbyterian Sunday school will hold its pienio next Thursday, Aug. Ill, at Laurel Hill park. The Handay school of the Providence Christian elnuoh held its annual picnic at Laurel Hill park yesterday. A pleasant day was enjoyed by both teachais and scholars. The Sunday school of tho Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church con templated holding iu annual picnic in the Bound woods last Thursday, but tbe thunder storm in tho morning interfered with their n'runp'inents, aud the little ones witn their parents and teachers spent a very pleasant day in the funday school rooms of tho chnrc i. Next Thursday evening the Sunday schools of tho Gcrmnu jMothodlst Episco pal churches of our city will bold a con vention at tho Mission chapel iu Peters burg. Delegates from the i irst German iMulhodist Episcopal church on Adams avenue and from tho Second church on the South Side will to present. Kova. (i. Ifmis. sor and J. Filter will Pave charge of the moetini. the latter cmitlenrau will ne. liver an address on the "Outpouring of tbe Holy Ghost." The t pec ial subject of the session will be "Consecration," and the aim of the convention is to Infuse into Sunday school workers greater enthnsi asm. THE CLERGY. Rev. D. J. Williams, of Peckvillo, will occupy the pulpit of tho First Welsh Bap tist church tomorrow. Rev. W. II. Pearcc, D.D., of the Elm Pnrk church, is spending a part c( his va cation in Thousand Islands park. Profopsor Herman ltoe, of Townsend, Del., will occupy the pulpit of tbo Peuu Aveuue baptist cuurcu tomorrow. Rev. 3. Putor, of the Second Gorman Methodist Episcopal church, is spending the week witb friends at Lake Maplewood, Rev. D. A. Evans, of the Providence ? u tan church, will occupy tho pulpit of Kev. W. F. Davies at to-morrow evaaiug's service. Rov. R. S. Jones. D. D . of Provldonco. will occupy tho pulpit of the First Welsh congregational cuurcn, on t tie west aiuo, tomorrow. Rev. B. O. Newton, of Plymouth, who is woll known In onr city, is in feebla health, and bas not been able to preach lor tue last month. Rev. D. W. Skellinger, of the Washburn Htreet Presbyterian church, left this week for Spring Lake, near Ocean Grove, whore ne cxpocts to spend three weeks. Rev. R. G. Jones and family, of tbe Westminster church, ere expected home to-day from Unndilla Forks, N. Y where they have i-pent the last five weeks. Rev. A. W. Cooper, of tho Hampton Street Methodist Episcopal church, will leave next Thursday for Slatervillo Springs, N. Y., where he expocts to spend ois vacation. Rev. D. 11, Klnter, of the Providence Christian church, spent the early part of this week at Calkins, Wuyno county. He returned home Thursday evening aud will occupy ins pulpit tomorrow. Rev. R. S. Jones, D. I)., of the Provi dence Welsh Congregational church, will leave next Tuosday for nurmehrooK, whoro he expocts to spend a week, and will preach thereon tbe Kith Inst. Rev. D. P. Jones, of tho Tabernacle Congregational church, left last Thursday cenlng Mr Chicago, where liu will supply te Weslevan church for four Suudavs. Lev. B. J. Evans will occupy his pulpit to-morrow. Rev. Georgo Alrich, of the Grace Ho formed church, luft ibis week for his va cation. He and his family expect to spend l liree woeks at Mount 1'ocono, Mis pulpit. during his absence, will be supplied by Kev. rreuerick L,yue, ot uetroit, Alicu. Rev. and Mrs. A. F. Chaffee, of tho As- bury M. E. chinch, left yesterday morn ing for their vacation. They expect to spend four weeks at Cooperstuwu and Ocean Grove. Mr. Chaffee a pulpit will be supplied next Suuday by Rev, Arthur Thompson. Rov. N. F. Stahl, of tbe Grcon Ridgo i'roKOy terlan church, returned homo last Tuesday from his vacation, which was spent iu t-'outhport, Couti. Mr. Stahl ex pects to occupy his pulpit ou the morrow. and at the morning service the ordinance of tbo Lord's Supper will be observed. Kev. M. D. Fuller aad family spent tbo week in the Wyoming camp ground. Ono of tbe best "things beard tu the assembly th s year, was nn address by Dr. H. li. Dolierty, of New York, on "Christ tho Teacher." i'or logical cohesion, perspla uity of thought and elegance of diction, It was one of the best elTorts of the learned doctor, and will bo long remembered by those Who beard aim. TflMOnROVPS CHUHCH SERVICES. Saint IjUKK'h Ciumou Rev. Rosorsls' rael fector. Twelfth Sunday aftorTriuity Holy Communion, 8 a. in.; servlco and sermon, 10.811 a. tn.i Sunday school and Biblo class, a. SO p. m.; evening prayor, p. in. SAtNT Lurk's Dunmobh Mission Rov. A. L. Urban in charge. Sunday school 8 p, m. evenlug prayer ecu sermon, 4 p. m. FinsT Baptist Chuhoh Pastor Collins will preach Sabbath at 10. HO a. m. and 7.H0 p.m. Morning theme, "The Glory of the Cross." Tho ordinance or communion fol lowing sermon. Evening tbeine, "Tho Christiau Hope." Heats free. All wel como. WAsnnuRJi Stkkkt P'iicsiiytkrian f'nuiteit Union sorvicos with the Simpson Method st En -conai cnnrcn.and the oastor. Rev. L. C. Floyd, will preach morning and evening. All seats free. Strangers wel come. GllRKN RtnOK PRFRBYTKRIAN ClIURCn. Oummunlon aervioe conducted by tho pas tor, Rev. N. F. Stnbl at 10 80. Evening service at 7.43. Grace Oburoh (RnwiRMKn EpisoopalI Between Linden and Mulberry streets, on Wyoming avenne itov. u. u A I Neb, rec tor. Servloas. 10.30 a. m. and 7.80 n. m Rev. Frederick A. Lyna. rector of Trinity Reformed Episcopal church, of Detroit, Mien., wiupreucn oota morning ana even' ing. Calvary Bhkormisd CnoRcn Corner Monro avenue and Gibson street, Rev. W. II. Stnbbloblnn, pastor. The Dastor will preach morning and evenini?, Iu the even ing be will give na account of his trip to Greenland. Ei.m Park Cuukch Preachinrr mornlns and ovening by Kev. E. M. Mills, of El- mna, . i. Ubacic English Liithkiian Church Rev. Foster U. Gift, naatur. Services ou Sunday ut the Youul- Men's Christian as sociation at IU 30 a. m. and 7 :i.l p. m. Sunday school at 11.30 a. in. Everybody welcome. Pknn AvrtNOK Baptist Chukoh Pro fessor Herman Hoe, of Townsend. Del., will proHoh morning and eveuiug. Ser vices at ln.au a. ui. and 7.80 p. m. Bible school at 'A D. in. Youun Peoule'a Society of Christian Eudoavor at 0.30. Howaku Placb African Methodist ElMSCOPAL CllUUCU Rev. C. A. McGeo. pastor. Preaching at 10.30 a. in. and 8 m. Morning topio, "Tuo Law." Evon- nir. sermon to voumr men. tonic. "The Pure In Heart." Jackson Sthkict Baptist Chuhcu Tbe pastor will preach tomorrow, morning aud evening, ut 10.30 u, in. and 0 p. m. Theme, morning, "A i'raying unrmt." Evening, Christ Uuder 'Irial." Communion after evening sermon." Thk Ciiuncii ok ran Goon Siikchejid Green Ulduo street aud Mousey avouue. Dr. John Haadi. interpreter duriui! the Nile expedition for tho relief of General lordon In the .Soudan will deliver an ad dress tomorrow morning at 10.30 on "Mo hammedanism and It Inllueuce." All seats free; all welcome.. Young Pooplo's Society of Christian Endeavor, fl.45: even ing prayer and sormon, 7.HU. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stock and Bonds. The followmif comniete tnino shotrinir tba dav'i fluctuation in ftetlvo stocks is suunlled and rovis.'d dully by Lsllar A Fuller, stock urukors. Mi wvouima avenue: i Opeu in. ... n'M High est. 1W A loiw 71 V I ft I7MJ 1:11 PHI is; iiii" i3m rills ll'i l.Ui tl,-i i,'4 Low ost. !!ia lll.'l 4.4 50'4 niiii 7111, .l tit IT iat4 IsuM ll'i 27'li 41 '4 11 (l.l'i M'4 ir.' Zi i;i'H im ri!';4 is I'Mi 1 s W Clo lne. K'VsJ IIW, Am. Tot. Oil. Aui KuKur. ... A.T.&S. F.. Can. Ho Ca. N. J...., 4? Chic & N. W llils loiij O , II. & 0 71ft Chic, (las Vc-), (?.. O. C. A Ht. L.. 37' , 71-f, 7-H 7l Ool., Hock.Val. & T. l"tfj 17.), D, & H l-'tl-'i inn I)., li. ft W JMi D.AC!. F. ISM is (Crle H. K. Co..., :tsH Lake Shore. I., ft N -13U' J .. t, ..111! .. .. i .. 14 .. I'l'-i .. b'0 .. IS Manhattan. Miss, t'aa Nat. Lead N . Y, & N. E N. Y. Central 10 N. Y.. (. & W N. y ., . 4S w a. h. co North Pac North l'ao. of I'm ir.tt ill Jl'5 Omaha Pae. Mail ReHdilli? Hock Island tt.T 1H S'l-i IS', is in M-'a 10W 4M 'm lH (114 leu, )f.t ml Wt, 411M If-M mm; Ht. I'aul ., C. I exos & l ac 1 'Ai Union Paeiilc Wabash pf Western Union lOHi i V & L E W. & L. E. pi d Chicago Grain and Frovlflona. RrnANTOH. Auir. 10. The following anota- tlons are supplied and correct?! uajiy Dy Lia- nnr K f uller, atocK uroK3rs,i-.i Myominn vo nuu. WIIKAT. Bent. f7 r.7 t4 Doc. May. t (13 OeeiiUiK.,.. UlRl.twt Lowest , ClouinK , WllN. Opening GO'-i llltihest. Lowost Closing , OATS. Opening HlKhest , UK E'i Sil'.J MH 31 )CT .i:i45 l.Wll Pit) 71 HO 7. 710 7ef. 7Uj 6o4i ,17 Ijowest,... Closiui- .... ... I'OKK, OjienlliK JilKliest Lowest Clusini; LAUD. Opealn? UiKhost Lowest Clo'-iinfr SHOUT HibS. Ooeiiinu Highest Lowest Closing Scranton Wholtaale Karkt fiCRAXTON. Aug. 10. FllUIT ANnTRODrCE Urlod apples per pound, BJiaic.: evap oratod apples, llaltc. per pound; Turkish prunes, oaac: KnglisU currants, ia'JJic.; layer raisins, fl.T5al.S0-. muscatels, SI. 00a 1.43 rer box: now Valeucias. uaic ncr pound. means aiarrow-rats. fd.ti'iaa.ia per bushel; mediums, fisai.w. riAS Green. t'l.lBal.'iO par busnti; spllL (2.R0a2.60; lentela, 5 to 8a per poind. Potatoes Now, per barrel, 2.0Oa2, Onions Bimbel, UUc. Butter 17c. to 21c. per lb. CB-tttSB 8ato. par lb. F.GOB FrMh. HalOo. Mkats Hams, 1.1c; small hams, l"Vc; skinned haras, lie; California bauis, li) sc.: shoulder?, 0c; bollios, BJic; sraokod brsiutrnst bacon, l-'c. MOKEU Bkf.f Outsideg, 18Wc; sots. l.lc; iusides and knuckles, 10!o. Acme sliced suiokod botf, 1 pound cans, fi'i5 Uor.eii, PntiK Mass at $15; short cut, tlfl. T.AlinT.nnf In Har.yM nf II. I. twtta 0.( In 10-ponnd pails, Uc: In R-poind pans, uc; it-pound paiu. lot. per pound; compound lard tiercoj, 7c; tubs, life; 10-pound palla. 7'iC per pound B-ponnd pails, 7JB'c. per pound; 3-pound pans, be. pr pound. Flour Minnesota patenK per tHtrra'i. f4.0ha4.; Ohio and Indiana amber, at W.25; Uraham at S8.S0; rya tloar, at (B.(K). Fird Mixed, par ewt- at $1.2S, Grain Rya, or. 1 corn. C'Jto70e,: oata. S.i to two. par bushei. Kyr straw Per ton, fltlalO. UAY-JH.SOalli; New York I'roduce Market. New York, Aug. 0. Flour Quiot, un ennngoa, Bteauy. Wheat Dull, unchanged, firm; No, red, atoro and elevator, 68Jc.; nlloat. fma.; I. o. ., SUaSUXc. ; UnKtadcil red, Wari'.ic.; JNo. 1 northern. (IG'jiUiTc.: option were dull and irregular, closing firm and unchanged from yesterday; December and September most active, sales included No. " rod, closing August, fiHJc; Soptom ner, fili'ic. ; iictooor, tM'XiO-; December, IW'UC ; May, tuc, corn Dull, aearca firm: No. a 03Vo. elevator, 03c. atloat; opticus closed firm at HalXc below yesterday, trading dull May and September most active; Aiicnst, lilc; September, l0c.; October, Olic. jjeceinuor, 01 ic. ; may, tsiKc Oats Dull, lower, weak; options, weak dull, lower: August, IWc; September, .:c; uctouer, yac.; spot prices, JNo U4:1ia35'i,c; No. U white. 4142o.: No, Chicago, RflaaOWc: No. 8, Ho.; No. 3 wbito, 40a4lc: mixed western. 3Sa30c. whito do., 40r4.i. white state. 4lialrc. BnEr Steady, dull; faimly.f 12al4; extra mes, -fNaa.ou. Bkkk Uamh ouiot; t'J'i Tikkteii Bkrc Dull, steady; city extra India mess, f l7al. Cut MitATs (uiot, stiiady; pickled bel Hes.lU tis..S8. : pickled sboulders.O'iatlMC. pickled hams, lljialilo.; tuiddles, nominal Lard tinner, quiet; western steam $7.b(; city at TKa7Vo.; September, $7. 7S rollned, firmer; continent, fS. 10; South America, ttt.85; compound, GadVo. Pork Qulat, firm; mesa, $14.B0al4.7S oxtra prune. $IUalo.E0. Buttkh Stoady, qniet; Btatn dairy, 14aUlo.; do. creanierr, I7ac.i Feunsvl vania. do., 17ail3ci western dairy, lajfalfis.; do. creamery, 14a'J8c.; do, factory, ISKalRKa.: elgins, 2Hc; imita tion creamery, 14al& Ciikksk Firm, good demand: state largo, YaWc; do. lancy, vc; no. small, 7iaUo. part skims, iiaoc; run aklms, VlnSMa'c. Eons Firmer, light supply; stale and Pennsylvania, 15ial(lo.; western freab, 14alBc; do. perciuo, IU3.75. In Holland. Mich., C. J. Doesbury pub llshM tha New, aud in its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Eoleo- trio Oil for coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrn ana asinina. EHERAL NEWS OF INDUSTRIES The Reading Coal sod Iron company ns, It is stated, pructioally agreed to accept 21 per cent, as , its proportion of tha total output of anthracite coal. This means a surrender of .0.1 of 1 per cant., as its ratio under tbe present al lotment is 21.63 per cent. Tbo work of readjusting tho percentages has not, however, been completed, and there may be changes tilth" present arrange ment', but the New York, Ontario and Western, which did not come in under tha old allotment, must he provided for; its percentage will probably be 2 or U pur cent., aud it is to makeup this allotment that the Heading baa agreed to a reduction of its percentage. 1 tie allotments will.it is understood. bo based on tha output in June, which aggregated 5,112,(100 tons, the largest month a output on record; the Kend- 11 g s percuuiiige for tha month was 20 pur cent., and was made In face of the fact that seventeen of the company's ollieriis wore idle for hulf of the month, and six were idle for tbe whole month. It was the ability of tho com pny to mine 20 per cent, of tho total under sncb circumstances that gave force to the argument that ita r'trular allotment should not exceed t per cent. ... The strength of Lackawanna Is ac companied by tbe revival of the rumor of a distribution of tho company's Bur- pins. It la said tnat the distribution will be in tho shape of a dividend of new slock, and that tbe holders will receive about 20 to 25 per cent, iu new shares. L ading ufliclals of the company mriliuticttlly dany the report, however, and say that uo "melon" is to h di vided among the stockholders. Phila delphia Stockholder. Ia tbo review of tho Iron trade, the Fbiladulnhia Ledger navs that the pros pect of roal and ccko resumptions bas produced a somnwliat easier le.-llug ou Bessemer pig. There is do doubt the market ia broadening aud that the early foil will sea a considerable lu- creane in the demand. Consumption is still below normal. The toU) output of pig iron for tha year c:dd Jalyl was about 00 per ceut. of tbe total of two years no, or about 5,200.000 tons, aguiuat 0,000,000 tons in Xb'.ii. The cpetiing no of tbe Eowmaa's Creek division of the Lehigh Valley has made possible the development ol trie coal lauds of isiilivau and Wyom ing county, and next fpntig that work is to begin in dead earnest. There was wastalk at oue time tbat the Bowman' Creek lirauch would be leaeed to the Pennsylvania, ratb&r than have it build a parallel line up into the mountain; bet it is now be lieved that the Pcnusy will make 1 joint traffic arrangement with th Le high to reach i'.s coal lands, as soon a tbeir aeveiopmeat is finally decided upon. The officials of the Lthigb Valley railroad buve recently come iuto the pesaos'ion of genvenirs which tbey prize very highly. Sometime ago tbe weigh scales in tbe Packerton yards were reconstructed. The two lengths of steel rails, which for years held a position directly over tbe scales, were removed and carefully guarded. These rails have been cut up iuto small pieces, and after being highly polished, pre sented to the officer of the road. Tbe resting fact connected with the eonvecirs is the fact that upon the rails were weighed 100,000,000 ton of coal. Tbe president of tbe E is tern Minne sota road bas created a stir among the elevator men of this section of the northwest by tbe announcement tbat rttes on wheat in the elevator of the Great Northern road at Dnlnth and West Superior would be practically cut in two, much to the benefit of the farmers. Tbe new rate will go into effect Aug. 10. It is estimated that tbe new rates will mean a reduction of over $2,000,000 in elevator earnings, Minor Ixdcstmal Notes: Pen nsy' vania officials report a decided improvement iu hhirmentB from Chicago and from points along the line. Tbls year's excursion business of the Western New York and Pennsylvania railroad is said to be the heaviest in tbe history of tho company. A New York syndicate is said to be negotiating for some of the undeveloped coal lands owned by the Beading company near St. Ulair, and lias also Old Mr several tracts owned by parties lu tbat locality. The annuel meetiug of the stockholders ot the New York, Susquehanna and West ern Kailroac compauy, tor the election of directors and for the transaction of such other business as may come before them, will be held fccplenit'er 0. A niostsurprisini strike of free milline gold ore bas been made in the Annio lode, llftoon milt east of Mosea. Col., by the Fnlleuwider Bros. Assays have bneii made with tbe astonishing result of $4.1,000 per ton. The cold is found in a honeycomb minrtx, easily worked, almost crushing in the hand, uiucn 01 it is viaiuio to too naked eye. The re-orgnnization committee of the New York and New F.ngland Railroad compauy has Issued a call (or tho third as sessment under tho plan of ro-orgnniintion as follows: $0.3.1 per share on the preferred stock and $. on the common, payable Aug. HI at tue Alnntiuttun Trust enmpauy, New York, and the Old Colony Trust company, Bostou. Tbo Loliigh Coal nud Navigation com pany, which is still working 011 repairs to dams and canal banks caused by tb May freshet, sustained another acnoyanco on Tuesday, when a portion of the Delawaro canal bank just below Eastou gave way and made a hole four leet deep and twelve feet long, thorough which water In tho lovel poured Into the Delaware. Iu recognition of their bravery aud lldcllty to duty during the recent strike, fifteen of the yardmators on the western division of the Chesapanke and Ohio rail road havo been presented with suitably inscribed badges. Were the railroads gen erally to follow tha rxainiilo get by tbe CbosapaaUu aud Ohio and reward tbeir employes who remain loyal during similar emergencies It would, no doubt, teud to establish a alroncer bond between tho va rious management and their men. Fou enracho, toothache, rtora throat, swelled neck and tha results of colds and Inlluuiuiation, use Dr. Thomas' Eclootrlo Oil tbe great paiu dootroyor. Stand at the Head. For thirty year rmebor Wateh Case have been endorsed by every prominent den lorln theTInlU'detatet. TI10 Puobor trado mark In this country, 1 and tho Hull mark In I Kng land are a (ruornn- 1 toe of pure metal. 17- Jcwcl Hampden movo roenta lu Ilucbor cruel struid at tbo head. If your dealer does not keep our watehea mall us your addiens and we will send yon the panie of a dealer who does. This JXiebeii Watch Wobkb, Canton, O, ff RUUY JEWELED I IViTO ADJUSTED fcjffl CTTRKS DYSPEPSIA CUKES DYSPEPSIAj CUKES DYSPEPSIA 1 Having suffered from Dys) permia for three years, I nl cided to try Bubuook Blood Bittkkh. and after using 01, bottle I found myself so mu bettor tbat I was eucourmti to use auothor; after taklni this I And myself so fully re stored thst Ido net need an; nor medlolnc, feeling trol; graieiui 10 u. d. n. Mas. O. Wnrra, 1 Tarwrn.Onelda Co., IT.!; DFXTKH SUOE CO., Inc'p. Capital, 61,000.000. 1SKST t.r,0 KHOK IM THE WORLD. "A dollar tuccii li a dollar tnrnul." Tbli Ladles' Solid French I'ongola Kid Bot. ton Uoot dollvored frea anywhere Id tha U.S., on receipt 01 unli, Monny Order, or PoiUl Note fur tl.Mi. Kqnals every way the boots Kild In all reti.ll stores fur M.iO. Via muki) thU boot arsolTes, therefore wa gnav mif thof, itufo and iwnr, nd If nnvoiitt fa not miniO-ii will refurid lh money nd anothpr pair. Opora or Common 8rnf.. wt-iths C, I). E, ic RK, mzc j to B unrt half ili. and ymr titr: ivrf'r -w. Cuts- loKiie FREE Bexter Shoe Go., SSl& ficeeial fertai to l'tultti CENTRAL RAILROAD OF i( J, LEHIGH ANO SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Antbraolto coal used exclusively, insurln clitunliiiesa and comfert. time TAHi.E in r.vrr.rr may 21), lfl4. Trains b-ave Keranton for Pittston, WJIke. Barro, et:., at K'Jt. K.lii, 11.30 a. m.. 12.61 2.01 mWJX P n For Atlantic City. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newara nnd Elizaboth. HMi ft-inrwis) a. m , 12..VJ (exprosa with BnffeU parlor tarj, 'JM (uxprowj u. m. Bonday, tli l. m. Knn JlArcii Cui'NK. Allkntown, Bi:Tnr,t ni:.M. EAhTOS ai.d I'liiLAblxrHlA, 8.J a. vu 1VL.J, (exce-jt Phiiadelnhia) p. iq. riuuday, '& 16 p. in. For LuMfi FiHABi n. Ockax Gkove, eta, a 8.W (witb throuir'j car) a. m., liflp. m. For Kcitdinir, L'.-banon and HarriBburg, via Al!r;ntou, i.Jj a. in., 12.IW, 6.00, ii.m. BunOar. 2.1. p. 11 1. F'or I'ottsville, f.20a. m., llt.30 p. to. K' tuiniuir. leave Xnw York. Ion of Liberty slr'-'t, North river, at !U0 (orpres) a. cl, Un, l.o-'1. 4.ffi ('xjirrt- i with Ballot parlor car p. m. f-ttniav. a. ia. Loavi- Fhdadelpliia, Keadlae Terminal 8.JJ a. m., 2-00 and tM' p. m. Sunday, 6 'Zl a. m. 'I'lirouiib tickets to all points at lowest rati may be had 011 applicatior iu advance to tut ticket ucnt at liit station. li. Y. BALLi WIN, J. H. OLHAt'FES. Gen. gupt. DELAWARE AND EUD BON RAILROAD. Commencing Monday.July ti, all trains will arrive and 'ilopart from the new Lack-in-atira avtnue station a) "firm Trains will losve Pcrsn- W If IP ton station for Carbonado JrfW ' and interrrodiati:' TX'ints at fi v 2. a). . 45, 7 (XI, e. a a ri i 11. 10 s.m , Il'.O'i, 2,30, S-tS, o.lo, 0.15, 7.fc", 9.10 sad ll.Jp.m. F'or Farviow. "vTavruart and Honosdale at 7.0U. h.Sj and 10 111 a-in., li.00.2 SO and 5.15 p.m- Fi r Aibanr. "aratopa. the Adirondack and Montreal at 5.4i am. and i.2ti p. in. For Wilkos-Barre aud intermediate points at 7.45, 8.45 Jt and 10 45 a m, U05, L20, Hi, 4.W. 5. IU n.i'5. 11.15 and 11. s p.m. Trains will arrive at Scrnuton Station fr nn rarbondnlo and intorniediiite ooints at 7 40. S.4'1, .M dA 10.40 a.m., IS CO, 1.17, .34, 140, 4.51, 5 55.7.4"i, 9 11 and 11.H3 ip.m. F rom Hounsdale. Wavm..rt and Farview at 9.M a.m... UiOn. 1 17, o.40. fi i) and 7.45 p.m. From In ntreaL earatoza. Albauv. etc.. at 4.51 and 11,;J p.m. From llkes-Barre and intermediate -joints at 2 15. K0!. ltt' 5 und 11 55 a in.. 1 Ui. 2 14. S 9. i.ld, 6.06,7., U.03and 11.16 p.m. v.-jir-."' mi 1 iiAY li, 1M4. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia anl New York via. D. & H. R H. at 7.45 a.m.. 18.05. 2.3! and 11.3S p. m. via D.. L. & W. R. R.. tiOOl MW.ll.ia a. m.,and 1..I p. 111. ixiavo --cranton lor nttston ana wiiks. Burra via 1).. L A W R H a.Ol ads. 11 31 a. m , 1.30, a50. ti.07. 8.611 p. in. ave ranton for Into Haven, Hazleton, Pottsvillo and all points on the Beaver Maadow and Pottsvillo branches, via E. A W. V.. b. 40 a.m., via D. & H.R.R at 7.45 a.m.. liOi, 2.SS. 4.1m p.in.. via D., L. & W. R. R, 8.00, 6.0J, 11.20 a m., 1,10. 3.53 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem. Easton, Rrtolir.g, Harrishurg and all intormejiats polnta via D.i H.R.R. 7.45 a m .12.0i. 11. Si P.m., via D., L. & V. R. R..fc.00,S.OS, 11.30 a. m, l. tii p.m. Leave Scranton for Tnnkhannock. Towand, Elmira, Ithaca, Oonova and all intormedlite points via 1). & H. R R..K 41 a m.,12 05 and ll.i p. m.,via D. L. & W. It. R., 8d a.in.,l.:i0 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Ni air.ira Falls Detroit. Chlcaso and all points west via D. & H. R. R,, M5 a-m..l2 0.i,9.1Ml.f p. m , via D. L. Ai W. R, R. and Pitb-toa Junction, a.m., 130, 8.50 p. ul, via E. St W. R rt., 3.41 p. m. For Klmun and the west via Sulammcv via D. A 11. R It. a.m., Ii06.ii.a"i p. m.. via D.. U W. K.R, AOS a.m.. l.Mand Wlf p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & IV Junction or Wilkos-Biirre and Now York. PhlladolpSia, Buffalo and Sosponsion TFtridee. UOLLIN" H. WILBUR. Ofln. Supt. OH A3 S, I.Ki:. lion. Pass. Ag t, Phila.P. A.W'.NONEMACIIER.Asa-t (Jon Pas. Ag t South Bethlehem, Pa. DELAVAPH, LACKAWANNA ANIJ WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave 9e.ranton as follows: Expresa for Now York and all points East L40, iddj 61. 8 (lil and U 5: a. m.j IS to and SM p, m. repress for Easton, Trentoa Pbdadnlphta and the South, i.15, H.O0 aud D.65 a. m ; Ujf and S.M' p. tu. Wasbinirton and way stations. S.5 p. in. Tnbyhanna aocommixiatlon, A ll! p. m. F'xpr.as for IMnnhwntoo, Osweio, Elmlrav rorninu, Bath. Dansvlllo, Mount Jlorris and HutrHlo. K .10, 2 14 11. 111. and 1 24 p. m., making closn connections at Buffalo to all points in th West, North west and Soutbweau Bath accommodation. IU m. Iiiughamton aud way stations, 1X37 p. ra. N lcnoboa accommodation, at 4 p. m. an4 0,10 p. ia. Blnnhsmton and F.lmlra Express. ftW p, m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oewetra, Ctica and Kicbflild SprtngA 2.15 a. m. and l.J p. in Ithaca. 2.1fi and Bath (ia. m. and 154 p. ra. For N orthmnlierlamLPtttatoti, Wilkos-Barr rivmouth, lUoomaburg and Danville, making cl i oomu ctlons at NorthuinN'rland for Willlamsport, HarrlKburtf, Baltimore Wash In uU 111 and tho South. Northumberland nd tntitrmediata stations, 6.0U W a. m. and UV nd 4.07 p. m- Nantiroae aim intermediate stations, aia and ll.ai a. m rivmouth and Intermediata stations, RV)and8.5ip. m. . Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on aU " Vordet JlllaMnformatlon, pockety ,tlm! ;tblo tc. apply W M. U Sauth, city heket oino , ajj Lackawauuaavanue. or depot ticket oulc ERIE AND WYOMING VALLET RAIL 1 h0AD Trains leave Pcranton for New Tork and In. termediate points on tbe Erie railroad at 6..1S a. m. and 8.24 p. m. Also for Honosdale, Hawley and local points at 6.85, 9,45 a. m , and Ail the abova are through trains to and from Hotiesdaln. An additional train leavea Scranton for Lako Arid at 5.10 p.m. and arrivos at Scran, ton from the Lake at 8 15 a m. and 7.4-i ,m. Trains loava for Wdkes-Barre at 8.40 a. m. and 8.41 p. m. HASSON STARK. AT THK OLD DEPOT HOTEL, FACTOR YVILLE. 1r prepared to rooeiv summer boarders and furnish riss for tourist to surrounding town and summer resort. ." 11 1 What is More Attractive Than a pretty faca vrlth a fresh, bright complexion? For it, nso Pozxont'i Powder. rromoies Digestion .-Jii, K 11 II