TIVR RCRANTON TRIBTINE-SATURDAT MORNING, AUGUST 11, 1894. Z$t gcranfon txxku PUSLISHtO DAILY IN SCRANTOII, PA- TMi TRISUN PUSUSHINO COMMNTi I. P. KINQSBUfiy. INIIUi MaRaM. raaana. QH.V, MANAttCn IKTIRIO at THI poaTOWIOK T CMTOHt "1'rlnteiV Ink," llitt rscoicuiied journal Inr ftilveriLora, rutis tlio M'ltANTON 'J KI IIINE. the et HrivrrtUliiir medium In Nortlica.t.ro l'.nusylvaiila. "I'rlatur." Ink" knows. KJKANTON. AUGUST 11. 1H. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Gotwnor: DAXIKLH. HASTI.N'OS, (Ki'K.Nim. lor I.iruttwinl invernor: WAUT.ti I. YON, Of ALLKUHIExr. lor Auditor (itnernl! AMOS II. JIYUN, OP UANlMHTUU. for Secretary of Itcrnnt A fain: JAMF.H VV. LA'tTA. OK rilll.ADELflin. or Conrwium ei -ill-l.a i y' UAI.l'SlIA A. OROW, ir Sl'gijVKII ANNA. OKOKUK r. Hl'Ff, or wkstmoiiklanu. Election Time, Nov. 6 "THECRi'lSEof the Junkutccrs" Is a book that may te expicteil to reach the book stalls un soon as Pittston bor ough's itinerant Reformers come home and sober up. The Flaint of the Yankee Farmer. .There are doubtless many farmers within reach of The TKinrsE who, noticing the gradual decline that has occurred during the past ten years iu the prices of farm products, and not pausing to make deeper or more gen eral inquiry into tho subject, have come to the illogical conclusion that they have been specially siugled out for Impoverishment by hostile int'tu euces expressed in legislation. These are now hovering on the verge of a political revolt, uncertain what they would gain by it and perhaps iudill'cr eut to what they would' lose. We ask such poisons, before giving themselves over as the sport and plaything of Populist mountebanks, to consider thoughtfully some homely arguments maile in a recent speech by Governor 2selsou, of Minnesota. After showing the unfairness ot the claim that agri culture, has not prospered during the la?t thirty years, Governor Nelson (juotcd the following interesting statis t ics: Up lo li0, wo nre tolJ. onr ni.tlouul winllli wiis fquully distributed between tlif In; trier ami the rest ot tha peoph. Iu u -r words itaat the w.ltu of our farm-i-th wnt t that tiiiNi not le.-s thau 5') ymr i-i nt of tin-eutiri! vtaltli of the nation, und that Mil u thnt period the rute of in-n-asf iu Wealth lia beoii gradually to the lihiulvuntnijo of the farmer uiil in s tlm larmer's uure of tlm Bsuregati) wealth was uiily 2'J per ce'it. In em r . the farm ers hiivrt not incrouud as rapidly in we.iltfc Mine l WW in (he renof the nation. This I may l.u truo. but it eitiivly fails to etib- j list, I but our furiiH-is tui ve not bueu tbrilty I find pro-pi-Mim. UptolMii wo wer, to mi uuu-iiiil decree, h:i ngi iciiltnral people, Unr uirriciiltuiHl pppulniion was in Pint i vear 17,l)i',il. Oontot n total .f :!t,(jnO,(j()0, i wi in- in it was uni'.wu our, or u to: al cf Ci'J'J MiCO. In lisUt) the population if nnrriti.-s vas 5.WHJ.MU: in 18'J'J over IS, (00, i(t)0. Iu bijo onr manufactures were In tlii'ir infaiii v. In that jeur tliurt) was em jduvt'd l,:!H.Ui)rt men iu our lactoiies, us a-.'-iinst4,3-JS,000on onr (arms; wb! iu ift'Ji) l lime wns U.O'ASJo men umployed in mr fuctories u. iit'iiin-it SlijCO.uiM mou nn onr fariii". In ISM) thero wns mloycd i:i :nHnufiuMiriii u capital of $l,009,Soo.715 as ugainst i'i Mi.47.i,a.;.'i in ls'l l. Iu ISUJ the vi:iue of the 'ilucts of our manufactures " $!.t8OW'.l,U7i;nsagainstt'J.'!7li,17O.I5i0iii lMd). In our riiiiroad svnteiu wa still in us I'bililhuod ui.dundi'Velored. iVeliad tnon in thin country butSO.O'O miles In iperallmi ns against 170. ii' mile, capitul-iz-d at fid, OHO, 000,000 in 1833. Thesw Ii,;u:i") ulTord n very cl ar and smiiifnctorv es I anal ioci why tb Inrreiixe in fnn valuej baa not, aiuce 181,0, kept up witli the in rea-9 in wealth iu other directiouB. While I b pace, by corapHrison. bai beau lfs yot, couHidered by iiself, tho growth of our farm lndnatries bus been rapid a'id luarTelonsi. In IblXJ there, was i,(i44.077 I..runof the aggravate cre':e of tu7.il-,. acreF, and of the valuw of $(1,H43,(H jio?, UK njjaitiHt 4 5'H,6I1 farms of tho augifjata iicriaye of (1J3 JlN.fil!) nrr, and of the valu of fia.oIOi.y.M:) in im. In 1n;o the value of M e siotlc was $l,(i9,3j;).l)l.ri, and of impleinniits mi l ninrliinoi y t'W' 1 IS, 141, na mainst ,3(W,7t7,5;a of live stv CK, and 4U.247,407 of imiileiinnts and machiuory in 18'J . In 18(!o thera whs pro dnced n:j,l()4,n.'J buobels of wheat, US (;:i,ls5 bushU of oiln, 15 825.808 bushels of liarloy nnd f 3, 7!, 743 bushels of com, s amilnst S'Jfl SHiOOO bushels of wheat. .1 .'.'(. (21,000 LusheU of obU. IW.OJO.OOO bushel of barley and l,4S9.07l),000 bushels ot corn in and tho ratio of incrense I. ii" buen as grant since 18'J.') an Iu tha de cade ending with that year. Under a protective InrifFtho farmer has experienced an increasing home market, which consumes 80 per cent, of the total product of our American fauns. Had he been less partial to wheat, which Is subject to fierce com petition abroad, and more partial to oats, barley, flax, hay, potatoes, cattle, hogs, sheep, cheese, butter and eggs, products which are In good demand at home, he would have been better off and there would be lcs9 cause for the unrent that is noticeable in rural com munities. After showing how diver sified crops bring profit to the fanner, Governor Nelson continued: It, has been tho fashion of windy and reckless reformers in the past, and I pre sume it is still tbe faxbiou among these men, to Insinuute and charge that our far mers receive much les lor their wheat here than the foreign markets warrant, nnd thnt a large nnd unreasonable margin of profits is absorbed by the middle man or exporter, and hence comes the exceedingly low price. Those who have at all been versed In the subject have known and al ways maintained that these charges and iuidunationt have been unfounded and false. Fortunately, proof positive Is now at hand. The Minnesota legislature of 1BV3 directed the board of railroad and warehouse commissioners to ascortnlu and compile, from time to time, and to publish in weekly bulletin tbe price of grain in foreign markets and tn our own, mid the rates of transportation ba tweon snch markets, for the purpose of ascertaining the'differencoln price between here and abroad, the cost of transporta tion and tbe profits of the middleman or exporter. From a statetnsnt aompiltd from tbe bulletins Issued by the board (or tha mouths of November. WJ3, and May and June, 1894 months when water trans portation was open and availableand when tha greatest volume of wheat was moving it appear that the average price of wheat during these months was 6a 84c. per liuabel at Dulutb and 76.40c. per busheljat Liverpool a groes difference of 15.03c be tweeu the foreign and doineetlo market, nnd that tbe exporter, after paying insur ance, transportation ratoa and elevator charges, bad a net margin of profit of 1.04c. per bushel. This roughly explodes the old ciimpuign falsehood of a margin of from 16c. to 20c. par bushel to the middleman or exporter. In concludlug thlB portion of live lucid and convincing speech, Gover nor Nelson noted tho fact that lu 1HP3 the United BtaUjs exported 10,000,1X10 bushes of wheat. Argentine exported 31,000,000 bushels, India exported iV, 000,000 buslielH, Australia exported 10, 000,000 bushels, Chill exported 4,000, 000 bushols, Canada exported 5,000,000 bushels, a totaliof a,(K3O,C00 bushels. Nearly all of this wheat was shipped to western Europe and I here It caineiu competition with l.'0,OOit,0(H) bushels of surplus wheat exported from Hungary, Russia and cho Halliau slates. These ligures sorve to show bow the American wheat farmers, with their surplus of 120,000,000 bushels have to contend iu the markets of Europe with a surplus of "S0,(K!O, 000 bushels from other count t ies. Manifestly relief from this country must come mainly from two sources: inciv '.st'd home demand and loss pro duction. Less production must come through diversified farm ing and increased home demand through the maintenance of a judic ious protective tariff, whereby tho army of consumers may be enlarged and equipped with ample means through profitable employment. Capi tal must furnish labor work, and both combined must furnish the farmer his home market. The American fanner cannot rule to prosperity on a political wave which assumes things which are not true viz; that he is intention ally oppreseed, that the losses which he has experienced have been the re sult of political conspiracies plauncd against his welfare, und that the ny to set him up again is to pull the in dustries and the railroads and the urban workinginen down. Justice knows no favorites and no favored classes. Law in this country must be general not special. Prosperity must come to the masses, and not to certain classes, as a result of pillage or extor tion. The main diflietilty with Mr. Vand ling and the local Democracy 6oems to be tho former's inability to regulate ths civil service in accordance with tho Ideas of small fry who desire to share ill the official pkiiu harvest. Tub IJKrrm.iCANH of Luzerne county do well to ''denouuee tbe Dem ocratic pretense of reform which, iu practice, puts party above patriotism and uses office for personal ends; which banks on its federal control through the solid vote of a section welded to gether by memories of a common trea son to the republic 'with all which that implies' iu taxation, expenditure and administration; which coddles to every shifting phase of popular finance, and which demeans itself to march under every banner that promise a vote." This is a savere characteriza tion; but the presence in politics of men like "Hilly" limes makes it just. There is more luck in the result of base ball games cud in journalistic scoops than tho.se interested care to admit. Our Boys at Camp. Ere Tin; TuinuxE reaches many of its readers this morning the brave boys of the Thirteenth will have pitched their tents at Gettysburg where they will enjoy a week's ouiing. It is one of the duties of the National guard to go into camp every year either in brigade or regimental en campments. The outing this season upon famous battlegrounds will prob ably be one of the most interesting that the Thirteenth regiment has ever enjoyed. The historic interest about the great battlefield will no doubt stimulate the soldierly instincts of our militiamen, who have long since ceased to be re garded as ornamental soldiers and re kindle the fires of patriotism that ever smolder in the bosoms of (he state nnd nation's defenders. Whether at work or at play It is a pleasure to know that tho members of the National guard from this section of the slate can he relied upon to conduct llicmselvcs in the chivalrous manner of the true soldier, and the good wishes of the community neenmpauy the boys upon their pleasure trip. In 1397 Baltimore will celebrate the centenary of her incorporation with a centennial exposition. This affair will bo equal iu many respects to the World's fair and will contain all tlie side features of attraction that made visitors to Chicago forget the regular exhibition. The location of the city being midway between the north and south, the city has many advantages as a meeting place for peo ple from both sections who come to view the sights. Tho Eottom All Rip;ht. Some of our esteemed Quaker City exchanges have shown an inclination to be facetious at the expense of this city In publishing accounts of the re cent Hyde Park cave in with glaring headlines glviug Information to tho effect that tho "bottom" had fallen out of Bcrauton, etc. We beg leave to as sure all that the bottom has not fallen from under Scranton In any sense of the word. The slight depression of positions of the earth's surface on tho west side of the Lackawanna river which gave the landscape an appearance of undulation In certain places, while causing tem porary embarrassment to people who had made different arrangements in the matter of cellars is nothing of a nature that will allow the city's vital ity to ooze out Investigation will convince any visitor that notwith standing these occasional drops In real estate, the Electrlo City Is upon a sound bottom, geologically, financially and otherwise. Unsophisticated inhabitants of dis tant counties who imagine that an or- dlnary cave-In can swallow up this most progressive of Pennsylvania's thriving cities have evidently never been sufficiently Instructed In geo graphical and statistical branches re luting to our commonwealth. A lftkr from Dr. Daniel Strong, of Kturrucca, which appears In The TitimiNE today, will bo ot interest to readers who are engaged iu agricul tural pursuits. The doctor's able urgu moots against free trade, given from the standpoint of ft granger, are hn 1 1 and convincing, and no patron of the paper who is engaged in farming or bus the best Interests of the patrons of husbandly at heart should fail to peruse this Interesting communication. Jtitsicv justice Is still unerring. The ringleaders In the Paterson silk mill strikes have lieon convicted and sentenced to terms of Imprisonment from one to six years. AT THE Pie Counter. Stories of the mishnpi nnd aggravating lis well in amusing cplaoiit-s Hint cnu bj traced to the IVuiist lviuiU iniirnjiga ii ct'tiso lnw would Oil ninny volumes if prop erly recorded. Tbesupposilion that the em imbiiil kuot is tied more securely by a rniirtiiige lioetiou hits boxn dinpullt'd by tint divorcooourt loan ao. Tbu only per son who derivuD real tvnuiit lioin the. net Which hill caused do ninny couplns to 1'lui lu-iofs lln bolder iuto status where no b'.ws of the kind exlstf, H tbu clerk of the Court, who leveives a foo fur eneh docu ment issued that renders nmiriinvny logul. To evervono else connected with a limtri- in, mini d )iil, tho law i-i a miW;uicoof tho fina water: a species of legnl blackmail ns it were, levied on gnod-nttureu, lov blinded people, wtio willingly, iu most rases, submit to the. imp isiuiou, feeling that th prizes obtiiinml ars well worth the trouble nnd expense. .lustlcp Courti ight, of Jloutrose, rolhtoi an aimiidng incident show iug the amount of Muiiblu that cm be caused by the silly law. A young couple who wnro working on n farm live or six r.iiliB from tho town (leci.ieil st tiiM time ami to (id insrne.l. Unite elaborate preimiHtloiH hud been undo for the event, as tho youug pei p'.u were held in high esttein iu the commun ity. An eltniiul rep;ii.t hud been prepared nnd numerous guests from thoturrouuditig country Imd u-sinblod to wilnosa tho cor don v uud assist iu the ineriy-mukitig of the evening. A few uiouionls before the hour for performing tho curomouy the of fli luting clergyman aslted permission of the groom lo look ut the mariiiiijo license. Tlie young man, who hud nevnr heard of such a dreuuient, was staggered when informed that the reremony couid not proceed with oin a liconse. Hut ho was not slow to act. In a few moments tho youth and his pros pective bride were speeding behind ii f'ist Iioise in the direction of Montrose, while the guests and mi u inter waited. The bridegroom appeared beforo the justice breuthless nnd explained the situa tion. The nmnistrnte started to inako out the papers with the. remirk: "O; course the young lady i of ngo." ''Not quite." replied n.e blushing girl. "Well,, your parents will have to nin the application then," mlu hiss honor. Here wns auothor obstacle. The young wonmu's father was iu an insane asylum nud hor mother was on n visit to lelatives in a distuut btate. The groom became uurvous and the brido looked heliilem ai tha justice strokod his silkeu Uurusldes thoughtfully. "WhRt shall we dor'' implored the disappointed croom us Ins bride seemed further re moved by oaeh new feature of Hie law ex plained. "If it were dnyligiit," snid the imigiBli'Ste, "perhaps na oi-Uerof the court could be given that would nllow tho np pointuitut of a guardian who could sic,u tlio paper, nut ID id loo late n nueuipt any nrch inciisma now. 1 see no other course, lor you but to get out of the mute," continued the justice. The young people look tbe advice of tho magistrate and drove to a littie towu tilteeu miles uwy, called Conkiin, just over tho state line, where the ce-einouy was performed by a New York clergyman and no unpl'usnut questions were asked. They returned man and wile without the uid of Pennsylvania liceuse, for which at present they enter tain no very high opinion. Takiff TiNur.hS Caucus: Talk, talk, tnilt Will tlio talking never cease? Talk, talk, talk Can tho country hnve no peace. Sugar n::d iron and coal, Trusts and duals havo the floor; Mills may clo-e n:id men may stsrve, The nation grow hick nud sore. Talk, Inlk, talk Though it's nollilrg but oinpty sound: Talk, talk, talk 1 ill it makes one's hen I go round. The capitol dome Is n g.H b vlloon, Tbe weary giibliie tills every ear. E'en gives disgust to the man In the moon, And Mill no end of the talk n near. 7Vo.' 7'our.i. Wkloojikd by St. I ktkii: St. Peter Whose making all that racket out there? i e.w Oliost It's u.e. "Who's me?" Tin mi editor." "Yw. I see. Oils of those fellowa who brut a plimtotolvo tho present financial st.riuirenrv. etc." No, 1 had m theory to offer." "Whal I Tiie-i rnaie right iu and pick out your robes."t'if',a;o inn, ClGA Jlf.TTKS Cii;nretle rmoko is not bnd When in ibis linlit it's viewed It not only kills the, niirrob., But ns well the worthies dude). Exchange. AN Exception to tiiic Rum. "Well, said the mnn who tried to be philosophies!, "there s always room at the top. vou Know." "I've heard bo, but If the weather keeps up i m looKing lor ino rnermoinotr to prove to thecjul.rary." Washington Star. liOOND TO BR AOItFJIAilLI. Gentleman You are really charming, Dielll frauleln. Youiir Lady-Pray do not flatter me, mein Merr. (jenilemati Yonr wih is mv command, you frouzy old frnuip. Stifnb'asea. Yk SrHiNO Port's W.rhion: What Vnndlinff said to Campbell U A qusstlon of veruoity. Between two citizens of bus iness and fair capacity. 'Tissail, indeed, to witness all Thene Bymptonis of hypocrisy Ar.d wormwood, too, aud bitter gall That notr pervade Democracy. t t The Modehn Evb: She aired with (treat intensity her woman's rights propensity talked of tbe aoul's immensity, and books and books she wrote About man's aslniuitv said that It was in flulty and vowed in each vicinity that woman ongut to vote. If we would baveprospeilty, she said with great sevsrity, 't wa due to our pos terity that men should share the voke. And wby should Insobriety be base man's Impropriety? Aud with Immense anxiety she atkod, "tfhall women smoke?" But while with much loquacity sba dwelt on ner capacity and with niucn stern pugnacity she cried, "When will this tour" Her husband quit liquidity and home with deep timidity darned socks with grei t rapidity while baby called her "pop. Tom Matton in Judge, THERE is but one way in the world to be sure of having the best paint, nnd that is to use only a well-established brand of strictly pure white lead, pure linseed oil, and pure colors. The following brands arc stand ard, "Old Dutch" process, and arc always absolutely Strictly Pure White Lead "Atlantic," "Bsymor-Bauman," " Jowett," " Davls-ChainbcrB,' "Fahnostock," " Annstroug & McKelvy." If you want colored paint, tint any of the above strictly pure leads with National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. Thc5c colors are told In one-poiiiid cans, tach can being suitiucnt to lint J5 pounds ol Strictly Pine Whiei Lead thu desired sliidc ; thry aic in no sc-ii'Jc rcariy-ini.c(i 'uints, hut a combination cf peifcctly pure color; in Hie handled form lo tint Strictly Pure White Lead. Scud us a Histnl cud nnd get our book on paints uud co'.ur-ciird, lice. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New York. Revised Official Programme' OF TUB Laursl Hill Park ML s Sopt 6 and 7, 1894. 1. 5Iendolssi.il i'a "lln-itin? Sunj " for choirK not to excied I'M in number.... Efl:)U s. "oliirli (Mozart), lor Cutli'die. i lunch ruoirs, nut to exceed !i) in nuinlHir nnd not lest tiiun Hi In nnmlvr 'M 3 ".irniu i 'VeUnre." by U-iol,l, ii,r bras . ;iiul i-.'imI bands, not to ex'-eed Xi p.eiv- .ID) 4. ' Star Mniii(!!i'. l:nine r." lor iilille school cLoir.i i.it lo cxiv.'il iiin ntiin hur. No si'liol ir ever IU yunrti of it.-o to ii-irll ) . to in th s iMiitesc, umi tho K m let s or I'lin liiotur i of tlio vurl ,us chorines must he t ni:lirs or s-'hohirs-ot llio various selio ls tho contesting choii s r pivsi'iit Ami a Oohl .I i1k1 to tho kvidor. "Tho lliirtyi i uf th Aionii '' fur mala parties nut to exiiee I 40 Hiid not Iohs tluin 'J5 iu ninnlmr, witii ou.irioL l.V) "Wol'lm ji'K.n," a (ie.'iiun (,'Ih.i, hy Ko bier, for Ovrinan imrtirs i.o: less thnn PI and not over :!"i in number.... 10U "Hie linilal of the Birds ' and "My True l.ovo Hath My Heart," both se lections pub ishoil by Novelto. The p irtios n t to exoe id i'l in iiuinh -r mid not lo-n than it) 100 S. Pooh i) (quartet, "i'ho Sea H.ith Its fuiTlM, ' nunrauo. Alto, lenor nml Has. PiiiKiitti. Published bv Novella 40 9. Oiurtnt, ".Mudeline." by J. L. Koockul. unison Co., publ sliurs 20 10. Duet, "Ihoiw.) turds (Y Drtnu Awen- yiH), by . illiuin Oiivies, Oxford 1 11. Honruno. ' Tlio Promised Land, by Paul Ho luoy, in K Kbit. Boozy, pub lisher. New Vol 12 li. Contralto, "(Juaru My Uol.ived Ono," by AiilcoIo Mucboroui. boozy A Co , New York 2 l.l mritone, Tornador, by Bizutt Ditt son As Co.. publishers 1: 14. Tenor, "Oruheus and Ills Lute," in B Pal, by Sir Arthur sullivan. Slnw Philadelph a, publisher 12 lit, Cornot o:o. "i he Soerot," 1 It,, "i'tio Wniidnror," by Schubert, buss s ilofrom M st uidard sonvs, for bass V ii:.o. by Ihu John (,'hureh Co 12 li. Kni(llli oration on "Dnntel Wobstor. " Time, hftuun iniuutos 2 1H. Welsh itocilution, "Ca actio' us' Solil 0 uy." by .lolin 11. Po.iell, Ksfi.,Hcrnn ton. Mr. Powall will a!sj nit as adju dicator oil this collection 1 CONDITIONS. 1. That tho adjudicators are. niilhorizsd to divide prize whfre merit is equal, and to withhold prizs whore merit he nis i tlieient. i. That, the committee siia'.l havo power to nominate other adjudicators instead ot any v. ho m .y be Iniwpacitiit d by illness or other Uiiiorseen causes. I) r.iimtt eomeruinstRiiy decislouor any Competition, Hlnll not ba uiado at any of the sessions ot tho fmlical, 'U slisll bo for words I In writing to tho secretary at tho tluio tile alleged cause uncos. 4. r-lmuld only oNH ehoir or band enter In Nos. I. U aud 4, the competition shall hn withdrawn. In thn choral competitions anl the uii.lo und l'einaM coiuiietitioiis lbs aocom paninijut shall ho liuida.l to the piano, the Aineiican organ, or both choir and partic may provide tlnnr own aecjinpauistH. 5. 'tne double quartette, llio nUHiVrtto. duet, and ma o and fo main solos nnd tbo cor net a ! will use the piano forto only, H. Should uny choir or competitor sinir out of the key, tha adjudicators will hy vo power to declare such out of competition ut any time durinK the contest, aocorJliur to their discre tion. 7. ( leiirs and romp ditoislvoeal an.l i.istru inunt i :) musrseid ilnur na'n'ii to tho secre tary on or t of or j A U2 ust -0, IWi, and hcvo.n pmy eai h i.am i with one dollar as proof o! (rood taith, tin dollar to o rotiirnel to each cho r and competitor utter tleilr appeainnnc in th . ".Litis s s. if n-i; ss u-y.compriMtorB will be expected toatt-nd rndimiiian ont sts. 9 'I he cnimi't o reservo tlip ritht. should C'l-cuiiihtuncna malio it ne.icssurv, to h..ld liiino.' conte..tRin any hall that cun'beseimred lor sucii pm psfle. III. The 10-tival -eUl be held 0:1 tlio days ndvenis (), but in es-i the work will lie more than can bo Accomplished nu thfsfl ilnyH i 'SwiH totorm uatn tho work will be hel l on iSaturda,, Slept. H. lsoi. J. J. UOHEHTS. M.D., Clialrm-.il. JOI1N V. MOR.11H. ttoe rotary. LilH Washhurn utreot. Scranton. BABY CARRIAGES II ' A ' - It 20 PER CENT. REDUCTION nn onr entire line of CAKTUAGra. COURSEN, CLEMONS Be CO. 422 Lacka, Avenua, BUY THE MUSICAL FES La. For many years this Piauo has stood in tho front ranks. It hai been admired so much for its pure, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com. pllmont that can bo paid any I'iano to say "It resembles the WEBER." We now have the full control of this I'iano for this section as well as many other fine rianos which we are soiling at greatly reduced prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy uutil you sco pur goods and got our prices - GUERNSEY BROTHERS' MEW STORE, GOLDSMITH'S CARPET NEWS y O THOSE who are building new homes, as well as those who intend embellishing their present homes, we beg leave to say that our STew Fall Stock: is rapidly arriving, and orders that are placed from now until September 1st (during the slack season), that they can save at least 10 Per Cent. No larger collection of all of the best makes to be found anywhere in this city, and we consider it no trouble to show our goods. Curtains .and Draperies Are a Specialty With Ds 13 White and Gold Rennaissaiice, size S feet, only White and Gold Corrugated, Extra Stag and Massi?e, size S Goldsmith 3 With the New Valves Out of Eight. Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels, M 314 Lacka. Ave. LANK A Fall Assortment Letter Copying Books OUIi SPECIAL: A nOO-pasa 10x12 Book, bonni? In cloth, sheep back aud comers, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. FITTE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING, E ros. Stationers and Enaravers, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill & Son Albany Pentisfs tetli, JU1..W; tt nnt, H: for ROM mpj Und teeth tvltliont filatos, called crown and I riiWe work, call tor prlr.es and rsferenoen. lONAlrUlA, lor extrautiiiK tUl witugul tlu. Nu ether. Ho gas, OVER FIHST NATIONAL lIAMt 224 Y. M. C. A. DUIUOINQ. niHIl I HMvJP,HPfl epolds Special Sale of E Brothers & iioe Mor Selling Agents, !ka. Ave. EVANS & POWELL, , PROPRIETORS. i:i!I!SEJSiiViteitiStiHeSHI!SBSniUKi!IHUi:Si38H8C9N THEY ARE COING S AND WILL SOON BE GONE I At Greatly Reduced Prices f e THE KRMAINDER 5 OF t)UH STOCK OF ! hlkSKk I t REFRIGERATORS, I 4 9 2 f Cream Freezers, . OIL AND GAS STOVES Footed Shear Co., O 513 LACKA. AVE. FANCY "Jenny Und" Caoteloopes, IIOMPl GHOWN Greea Corn and Tomatoes, Lima Beans, IU Hut, etc, PIERCE'S MARKET and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE, SCRANTON, ICE 0 BAZAAR asols feet 6, ojIj - 49c. 73c. Company. COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY VA Spruce St Bp, Tribune Olca In addition to the flnout lino of Now Wheals 03 the market, we oiler the folowlnir Special Buimlns for Ansust: 1 StcarriR Sper-ial, 1 Tnlon Social, 1 ImpirlaL 1 Clevclaiids. 2 Majestic, 1 Vi. tor, 2 Hickories and 5 CoJ umhias, ull in perfect oonJition. Prices from 945 to 8100 eacti. Cnl! and secures ueuulns bargain. 3 3 Don't Forget It. THE GREAT BIO esatta OF THE Scranton Press Club Lake Ariel, Tuesday, Ang. 14 FI.EVES SCULLING RACES. From Junior single shell to tho Us eiirtit oared aiirll, competed iu by all the best row ing clnbs Bnd oarsmen in America, and A GKEAT YACHT RACK Ritwnin A ttrtrmiw P Qmltli'a "trii.ln. rlA..J and C nptain Joopb Ureenhalijti'B "Ariel," of .ewa 1 1(, M. J. Srt-CIAL 1KAI.NS I BOM ALL TOIXTS. KXCl'KSION TICKKTS From Bcrnntoo, Danraore, Avoca, Pitlston aud Port Blam-bard-Adults.Hi chlIdren,Wct apor.ial E. & W. V. train. From CartHimlaie, S1.SR; Mayfi.ld. ti.if,; Jernivn, L IU; Arch ba d, Wintou, Peckvllle. Olyphant and Price barg, fl; special D. & H. train. From Ply mouth Junction, Wllkss-Barre, Paranna and Miner' Mill, l.i5; simmal D. & H. train From Houcsdale and White Mills, Tie! Irora Hawley, 5.1c.; special E. & W. V. train. Surs train service home in the evening. Met your tickets early and avoid the excur sion dav rimli. Watch newspaper local columns for other lntormatlon. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Dentist. TF.IErilONE S019. Prompt attention to calls for treatment ot all domestic animals. Veterinary Medicines carefully compounded and for sale at reason ahlo prices. Office at the Blume Carrtaw Works. 121 DIX COURT. Rcraiitnn b.nl .hr. Ins' afternoons. flrillllllftt nf IK k in..)... TTA. f.1. ........... v u,,, nuiv.jv.nu .tuvrium j Ipse and the Columbian School of Compara- iive nieiiicine. Well, Sir! "Spectacles!" Yes, sir! We have a special ist here to fit you who do83 nothing else. Sit right down r I Y If T and have youc 'F II eyes fitted in ascientifio manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. Inserted la THE TRIBUNE tt tha tate of ONE CENT A WORD. f iv ' W ADS. J X