THE SCTiANTON TEIBUXE SATURDAY .MORNING. AUGUST 11, 1894. 3 STELLE & SEELEY 134 Wyoming Aye. PMOS ORGANS We will show you what , you want. GOOD BREAD -USE THE- W WHIT And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALK TO ' THE TRADE BY The Weston Mil Co, LEVARI! OF COUNTERFEITS J THE EFW1HME POPIJUR Punch Cigars HAVE THE IMITUIS G.. B. & Co., ffpnrlnt'i'l "n Eertto G'tia. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Spruca Street. To the Republican Party of Lacka wanna County: I hereby announce that I Will be a candidate for the office of recorder of deeds of Lackawanna county before the next Republican convention. H. L. HALSTEAD. LETTERS FROMTHE PEOPLE Under this heading short letters of Interest will lie published when accompanied, for pub lication, by the writer's name. ThkTuihunb will not bo hem responsible for opinions here cxprcsseii.i MR. ViNOUNG DEFENDED,. Editor of TnE TniBUNB: Di ur Hr: A copy of the Scranton Times of An?. 7 ha ju.t teen received, and I was greatly amns. d nt an nrticle on the last page on "lhe Postnfllce Thief," in which there is almost a column of abuse for Post master F. II. Vandling. The Times claims to bo '-the only Demo. cratic daily in Lackawanna county. From a perusal of this article and from an in specilon of the paper in general, I confess tunc my congratulations are one to rour county. A county that has uo Democrat ic daily newspaper ig certainly greatly blest. and when it is not inflicted l.y more than one such pa pur per diem it is entitled to a considerable ueyr-e of felicita:iou. There are parts of the attnuk on Mr. Vandling, or which, being a nou-reideut I know nothing as to the truth; bnt there are other statements so absurdly false that I shall steem it a favor if you allow me (pace to let the public know It and thus Know how much dependence may be pUxed upon the Postoflice reports in the paper or a man, wn, 1 understand, was one of the "very hungry and very thirsty" crowd that yearned lor appointments about a year ago, but were disappointed wnen tne patronage was divided: round. The Times nrticle declares that when the robbery as discovered, Mr. Vandling was "up at Lake Henry with a party of convivial frlend," with whom, it con. Unties, "he has been most the time since his anDolntment." "eel ebrating his appointment, fixing up slates," OIU. Now the fact is that I was in Scranton a week- with my brother-in-law and his Wife and oneot their children and thrnnish Air. Vaudliug's kindness we. nrcnninani-d by a lady cou.-in of his, were entertained last t rmay and Baturdav at Lake Hani-v. My brother-in-law and myself are staunch .Republicans, both ladies have Remihlican nympatbies,and.theboy is being trained up iu tun uouuuai way ue anouia go and wblcn I hope he will not depait from when he reaches the voting age. The convivial part of our enrlno there was confined to beverage i like coffee ana waier, wmcu cueer out uo not inebri ate; there could have been no celebrating nor slate fixing, that is evident. I kuow that Air. Va .dling is a Democrat anu l am sorry mat is so: he is a fine ri low and would make Bnch an excellent Re publican, you know, but he beat the malicious sorehead in tne raoe for post master; the sorehead d es not miss a chance to rail at him; and any decent na per should be g ad to ex pose the mendacity of which said sorehead is guilty. I read The Tribune every morning While in Scranton, and I feel sure that It w ill accord Mr. Vandling the benefit of mv denial of some uf the bat. slanders in the Times. J. Joseph .Lawrence, Yonkers, N. Aug. 9. Eucklen'e Arnloa Salva. The best salve in the world for Cats Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Bait Kheum. Fever bores, 'letter, (.happen nanus, miDiains, Corns and all Hlriu Eruntlons. and Dosl. tively (.'Tee Piles, or no pay required. It it guaranteed to nive perfect satisfaction cr money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Matthews Bros. Dr. ' Gibbons, r, f Van. Ta.Ii nt m ntl1 U- In Vi t. Q-nnlnn V.A, V,H V J nil, UU 114 r HU.VM office, 441 Wyoming avenue, every Mon day from 8 in the morning until 9 in the evening. o I Fee lo Dyspepsia o LOUR s BEST TROTTING YET Three Heats Were Required to Decide Each Race. OUTSIDERS WERE THE WINNERS The Track Dusty and a Trifle Slow, but the Finishes Were Speedy and Exciting C. M. Sanderson's Billy the Only Winning Favorite Keeley Surprises the Talent by Beating Magnolia Abigail Also a Winner. There was the usual attendance nt yesterday's races of the Gentletneu Drivers. Fonr events ware trotted an I ach required three heats to find th winner. The truck will triflidus'y and slow, excepting possibly in the 3 5J race, In wi ich 'he heats were worked offinlKH. l.lOJand 1.17. The feature of tile sport was the un certainty in selecting the winners. Fanny Blair and John Hannon ap peared to be the favorites in the second race, bat the first horse tamed tip in Mr. Crawford's gray pacer CoX'y, Iriven by W. G. Parke. Duke carne I the hopes of the majority la the 2 50 I s' and gave his admirers a trot lor tbeir coutt euoi, but Dr Hauser's Ab- ih captured the list two ileitis, al though she was a rank outsider. Mag nolia was looked upon to win the last vnt in a walk, bnt N-t pulled down 'lw first beat and Keeley captured the tbor two lieutsi after bmng reminded iy Magnolia that he had been in u race. Uncertainty aud sev- rsl close nuisties made the sport snore exciting than at any of the previous meetings, which, added to th fact that tne last nc wits over at 5 35 o'clock, sent the crowd home well snUthd. W. H. Garh-urt sn Trllly Way an i .tuition mile in 2 204. wnicb would have bren three seconds bett-r if the in ire had not broken in the seeond qaarter. THE RACES SUMMARIZED. Following are the smuin tries: Frank M-HftVld. starter: E. J.Giodwin. timer, Louis Bunnell aud J. V. Hutchin- on, judges. Fiist race 4 00 class-- Hilly, b g., C. M. Sanderson 2 11 Nellie, g. m., John Boore 18 8 Harry B, b.g., J. A. Swayzs 3 2 3 rea, D. , Al. XLtUUD O 4 4 irorgle SV. b.m, John Fritz... ... 4 6 S Flai-T, a.m., Job a T. Richards... 6 6 0 Time, 1.81X, 1.23, 1.29. Second rae -JUKI class Cony, f i., W. O. Parlte t 1 1 Fanny blair, b.m., a M. Shelly.. 13 2 John Hauuon, b g., CM. Sanderson 2 2 4 Frauk 11, br.g., F. U. Hazzard 4 4 3 Barou Lass, br.m., Vf. jermyn.... 6 5 S jiunioriuo wood, Drs .j. jermyn, o Time, lib,, i.ia$. Third race 2.50 clai AbBiiail. br. m Dr. J. W. Houser. 3 1 1 IJuke. bl. g.. U T. Payne 2 2 2 John. b. g., Dr. Q. E. Hill 14 4 Daisy, b. iu., C. 8. Seamaus 4 3 3 Tune, 1.10X, l.lUli, 1.17. Fourth race .40 class Keeley, b. g W. Jartnyn 4 11 Magnolia, bl. m., Dr. J. L. Wenti. 2 2 2 Net, b. m.. James Mtars 14 8 Jack, b. g., Dr. G. E. Hill 3 3 4 Time, 1.10. 1.17W, 1.15. Keeley owned by G. M. Hallstead: Net owueu oy i. u. trawioru. The opening ra reqaird no great ffurt by Billy. He oatclusssd bis fi Id and will appear in speedier company Inter. Fanny Blair and John Hannon were the most prominent candidates to win the first beat or the 3:UU race. John Hannon broke at the bead of the stretch and lost to the mare by a length. The same horses had it out in the second heat, but both broke a few lengths from the wire and Loxjy was placed first, Fanny Blair bad the worst of the Inst start, but took second from John Han non on the last turn and wni only a half-length from Loxey at the timsu. DL'KE STILL IMPKOVINQ. Abigail was third on the first turn of the first heat in the 2 50 race and fonr lengths behind Duke, whom she caught in the stretcu. Both, made a grand drive for second position which Duke got by a bead John won the beat handily, but was not a figure in the next two beats won by Abagail from Duke, who was always within bailing distance. Net's good form lasted jast lontr enough to win thu first heat of the 2 40 race, after which Mr. Mean could not keep ber in hand. Magnolia gave Keeley a severe chase in the two laat heats, bat broke in the stretch both times. Go to FoynMle, Excursion Bates One Dollar. New York. Ontario and Western rail road will run excursions Wed nesday and Saturday. Trniu leaves scranton b.30 a. m., returning leaves royntelle 4.50 p. m, Good fishing. NORTH END. Andrsw Manyski Ralievtd of His Watch on Main Avenue. Andrew Manyaki was wavlald by two men at 2 o'clock yesterday morn ing at Main avenue and Oik street anil relieved of his watch. Tne Polander was returning home when the tallest of the man pnt his arms around his neck in a most loving manner aud appeared intensely anxious to know the precise state or bis bealtb. Andrew conld not understand this sudden outburst of affection from a stranger until he found his watch miss ing and then gave the two footp la the full benefit of a vocal solo upon the one word "police." Fortuiulely Lieu tenant Spellman heard his cries and ran down and held the two fellows un til Offieer Reese Jones heard his call when the two men were locked up The watcb howaver was not found upon tbem and Lieutenant Spellman returned to the place of arrest and with the. use of a dark lantern found th watcb In ou adjoining garden where it bad beea thrown by the thief. Yesterday at polic court the prison eri gave their names as Joseph Knight and Thomas Riley and the prosecutor was registered as Andrew Manyski. Alderman Fitzsimmoas, after bearing the story, decided to bold all three for conrt, Knight and Riley to answer the charge of highway robbery and Miny ski to appear as a witness. Kulght gave bail In the sum of $500, Riley $200 and the Poland. $200. AGAINST SUNDAY TIPPLING. Holss-ln-lhf.-Wall Will Bs Watohsd To morrow. Slots the Shebeen question bai been dealt with la The Tribune and an evening contemporary, general opinion Indicates a less astir trade in the speak-easles. Some supporters of the movement will, bowever, take an in terest in the question tomorrow, and certain placet where a good Sunday business it generally tarried on, will be watebed with tba intention of asoer talnlog bow tbt Yarioui placet affot boys of tender ages. Tbt interests el tbt taletokttptr are directly assailed andt it regrettable that they lack inffioitot eusrgy or courage to take up this qatstioo once more. At one time they ware sazC'iss ful in clearing the second ward of these immoral duns and with a littl organization they could succeed otice more, lhe publia are aikiug why the hotelkeepurs are holding aloof and tbeir reply would be of interest. NORTH END BRIEFS. The annual ball of the Eureka Base Ball team was held on Thursday night at th armory, where a large and r. spectable company filled the spacious room. The chorus of the Methodist F.iil-coiiftl church will have a day's outing at Lake ir iiioia next i ueiuay. Miss Anna Mullev is spendimi her vaca tion at Block Islaud. Miss Elija Guest, of the Globe Ware house, is spending two weeks' vacation at Liong island. Mrs. Cummimrs. of Jacksonville. Fla.. visited Patrick J. Kenny, Delaware, Lack awanna aud Western crossing, yesterduy. A hearty iuvitation is exte ided to all friends of the temperance movemcut to attend the meetiug tomorrow morning, at the Welsh Uongregutioual church. Services will be held tomorrow evening at the Puritan L'ongreu'aiionnl church. when the Kev. U. A. livens wl.l preach. The morning services will not be held ow ing to the Sunday observance movemout meeting. Richard O. Llovd and Evan J. Edwards and lady friends drove to Lake Wiuola yesterday. Mrs. A. E. Cheuowetb, Wayne avenue, is visiting friends at Duryea. The case of William Bartuuiss against Thomas Alexander c:imo before Alderman Horau last night. Alextndor struck the prosecutor ou the arm with a sprig while at work in the .Varviue ehaft. The alder man advi-ed them to make an amicable settlement, and the go d advice was acted upon, the iloleuutiiit payiug costs. Dr. Donne left today for Philadelphia upon piofcssioual business. WEST SIDE. Reess Keriou-ly Iijurcd by a Mule's Kick. Thnmis Reese, a youiic man residing with bis uncle, Thomas D Davieg, on North Bromley avenue, was serioualy inured at a .clock yesterduy uiornlnu' in the Diamond mine by being kickul by a male. R-es was workinar on a cir in front of which the imiuinl stood, Suddenly it dealt him a vicious kick in thu al domn, aendiiiR him reeling. He waa removed to his heme. Ihis is the third young mm th it has suffered in jury at the hands, or rather th feet, of this mule and it will probably be killed. LITTLE WEST SlOt NdWS NOTES. James Gradr, of this side, has returned from a trip to Chicago. William R. Williams, of Newark, N. Y.. is visiting friends on Norih Hyde Park avenue. B'uckbprries for canning today and till next week at Mason's. Miss Anna Peters, of the Sloan, is visit ing friends on thU fide. The Sloan and Central mines will run an ixcursion to Mouutnin Perk morninc;: tlio Dodge exclusion leaViS today at 8.o0 o'clock for Lake Ariol. Mis Anna Oiifliihs. of Laudis sttcet. will epend her vacation at Lake Idle- wile. Hammocks and Baskets, largest assort ment at Mason's. Mrs. Th mas Samuel, of Avenue A, is at South Gibson on a visit. Mr. aud Mrs. B. F. Stone, of Archbald street, will leave tomorrow for Maustield. Sum McKeever, of Jackson street, will leave today for Harvey's lake on a week's visit. Mrs. Whitfield Jones, of Jackson street, received a fracture of her right le Thurs day, while de-cending a flight i f stairs. She was carried to her room and Dr. George B. Reynolds was summoned and set the bone. She is now resting ea-ily. Cooked Ham aud Lunch Meats at Masou's. Mrs. James Roberts and Miss Irene Roberts, of North Rebecca avenue, are visiting at Philadelphia. Mrs. Ben. Evans, of Twelfth street, left today for Philadelphia to spend a w ek with friends. Elegantly framed pictures are being sold for half price of frame. Chicago Art Co., 127 Penn avenue. Mrs. James W. Davies, of Twelfth street, will leave Monday to spend a week with friendi. at Wilkes-Barre. Hop Tonic, Pale Ale, non-alcoholic, 1 1 per dozen at Mason's. SAYS SHE WAS SLANDERED. Mrs; Eotruth Therefore Brought Suit Against Mihiel Qllgalloc. Mrs. Jennie M. Estruth, of Arch bald, declares that Miohael Gilg illon, of the Kama place, has grieviously slan dered ber and she nan therefore bronght soil in the sum of $5,000 against Mr. Qiletillou for damage done to ber repu tation. The fair plaintiff alleges that on August 5 in the presence of many per sons Gilgallon declared that she had been guilty of acts in ibe past which would lead the publio, to believe thai she was an unchaste woman. These statements, she Jolares, were wholly untrne. i CFFXEr. OFF DUTY. He Ma7 r.H.'s i from His Position on tht Ptllo Foiot. Officer Harry Haag has retired from active police work for au indefinite period. It is probable that he will resign He has been on the force for about two years and was always rated as au ef ficient olncer Fcrsn ton's Business Interests. . Tiik Thidune will soon publish a cure fully compiled aud classilled list of the leadiug wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton aud vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views oi our pnbiic build ings, business blocks, streets, etc., together with portraits ot leauiuz cuiznus, no eimilar work has ever given an equal rop resentation of Bcranton's many indus tries. It will be au invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement or tne city, utie circti lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to thee concerned us well ns the city at large. Representatives or i ns Thibu.wb Will rail Upon THOSK WHOSK NAMES are dkbikeo in this edition aud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please have notice at the oltlce. Musie B'xe Exclusively. Best made. Play any (iedred number of times, uautscbl & Sons., mauuiacturera, JU3U chestnut stroet. rniinucipnia. won derful orchestral orgaus, only $3 and $10. Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re- tinirefl ana Itimroved wir.ll new tunei. . $40,000 Fchool House No 27. E, L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this mouth, to be mult on Columbia avenue. Lots for sale on this aveuue at low prices for a brief period. Arthur Frotbinoham. Building Material f r ?ol. Inquire at Conrad Schroeder't office, Commonweann uuuuing. Restful to tired toilers, bread made from Pillebury't Best. IL Rate of Taxation for City and School Pur poses Announced. VALUE AND TAX BOTH INCREASE Figures Showing Where We Get Our Taxes From The Ratefor City Pur poses Will Be Thirteen and Six Tenths Mills and for School Pur poses, Ten Mills Two Thousand and Fifty-Nine Dogs Assessed. City Clerk Lavelle yesterday com pleted his computations on the city and school tax levy and announces th u the tax rBte this year will be 13 0 uiills for eity purposes; and 10 mills for school. L ist vein' the assessment was 12J mills for city and 10 for school. The iume.e in the r ite is owing to the I uildiuir of the bridges. The total valuation for city purpose is as follows: Occupation, $1 141.410; real and p ronal prope-riv, $18 118,749; total, $10,293 180. There are 19,411 persons woo .pay $1 apiece for keeping their jobs, in other words an occupi tion tax. Docs that are assessed $1 npiece number 2 848 and those that cost their owners $1.50 a head nnmber I ut 11. The nnjouut of property as-""fl-aide for city anil city special taxes is $?G 525 754 and for suhool purposes $J0,234 240 worth of property is tax ihle. Tne ciiy valuation H $300,090 higher than it was laat yjar. Appended is a tabid showing assess able value in each ward: s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ?:!;::::!: B : : : : i i : : : i i : : i : : i i : : : ! iMMMMNhMMiMis? S Z t ?, z Z S a S ; ?! 2 ? i a o O 1 SsjaHsiSSKsriii&i.l-S'.bs.Btfs p 1 Sirs" W I sk. MM - i'O1 x. '-c ta e (trj"Js r P ? 2kI 2 Is E. 09 Z 5: y. -5 z, 0 J ft C it 4. L" -1 q MR. MULLEN INTERS A DENIAL. Says lb at His Speech Was Not an Amusing Kudley. Putue Miiilun nf lUinnnlra. onlled at The Tribune ' offiee yesterday and stated that the published accounts of the citizens meeting at juinooaa it week ago to protest agaiast the erec tion of a new school house at Mooeio had clone him an injustice. Tie denied that ills flneecb had been an "amusing medley," as was stated, and further denied that he bud ar raigned companies or corporations. He simply stated bis views ou the school qti stions and believes that he did that clearly and lucidly. COLONEL MONItS POST. It Will Attend Reunion of One and Forty-Third at Montrose. Colonel Monies post of the Grand Army of the 11 .public, ot this city, has accepted tne iuvitation of the One Haudr-d and Forty-Third regiment of Pennsylvania Volunteers to be present at its reunion at Montrose on Sept. 4 The Susquehanna County Veterans' association will meet with the sur vivors of the One Hundred and Forty Third, and the eveut promises to be a most memorable oue in Grand Army circles, WILL CELEBRATE THE OPENING. New Boulevard Will be Ready on Sep tember 1. The new boulevard to Elmhurst will, it is expected, be thrown open to pub lic travel on Sspteraher 1. Colonel Scboonmaker stated yester day that it is the iutention of the own ers ot the boul-vard to have a grand celebration on the opening day. What kind ot a eelebratiou it will be has not bi-cn decided np in as yt. A Syrian to Fpeikin St. Luke' Church Dr. John Saadi, interpreter during the Nile expedition for the relief of General Gordon in the Sondnn, of Africa, will speak at St. Luke's Episcopal church on Sunday evening. This is his first visits to this country. Ilis address will be on "llohum. n eilaui-m aud the Gordon Relief Expedi Hon." A cordial invitation is extended to the public generally to hear him. The ser vice Is at 1 o clock. To the Sea Shore Via the Lshlgh Valley Saute Special excursion to Atlantic City via Lhigh Valley railroad on Aug. 15. Extremely low rates from all stations. Tickets good for ten (lavs. Apply to agents for tickets, time of train, Pullman reser vations, etc. Water Filters. Pure water secures good health. T. F, Leonard, at 605 Lackawanna avenue, has f r sale four styles of stone water filters that are sold at prlceB within reach of all. aud aro us easily cleaned and taken care of ns a water pail, and will last for years. The filter is all stone, nothing to rust, cor rode or become foul and will fitter from four to twelve gallons per day. Drop in anu see them. Warded Off DI.eaee. "I have ned several bottles of Hood's Sar-arpnrilla and found it to be all that it is recommended. It lias warded off dis eases from several members of the family." Mary A. leaker, uiinnurst, ra. Moon's Pll.t.a cures sick headache, TIME TO GET ONE. .75 , Ladies' Watch. Btein Wind a, ti.i H t. arrantel. RfiXfordJesfllry US Lacks, Ave. KEEPS THE COINC 'j. I ii - -i c - -1 ' S -1 1-r g - M i , I ' - v. - m i t'a 1; x k r S 5 IEN DOLLARS FOR FAST DRIVING. Robert Davis Gives Himself TJp and Settles for His Miad.mianor. Robert Duvies, for whom a warrant was issaed about tea days ago for fust driving on Washington avenue, and who could not be fount1 by the police officers, yesterday went t efore Al ler man Fuller and after plpadintrguilty was sentenced to a fine of $10 which be paid. A number of other arrests tor fast driving on this thoroughfare are to be made, to Captaiu K lwards statet. MONDAY'S GRiAT EXCURSION. Thousands Will ViH Mountain Park on That Cay. There is every reason to believe that many thousand persons will go to Mountain park ou Monday on the ex cursion of the congregation of St. Peter's cathedral. For weeks past energetic committees have been completing arrangements for this onting, which will be one of the most enjoyable of the season. There will be music, games and every thing that will tend to interest aud amnse the mnltitnde. COLLISION T PROVIDENCE. It Has Resulted la Dr. Donna Suing Jesse A. Brady. Dr. W. A. Doune, of the North End, ves'er iay begun an action to recover $500 damages from Jesse A Brady. , Ii is alleged in the declaration that on July 19 Briuly so oureleisly and neg lig ntly drove a horse and c irriag) ilong West Market street that it col lided with the cirriage of the plaintiff, wrecking the) latter aud badly injuring his horse. 1)1 KD. E ASTM A N, Francis E., daughter of Datiiel Eas' man, of 4J1 Birch atreot. It) years and 0 mouths. Interment at No. S cemetery. Services Sunday at 2.30 p. m. at St. .Mary's church. Import Samples m8an 20 per cent, less than import prices. No two pieces alike. Flower Vases, Jarden- ieres, Plates, Chocolate and Tea Pots, &c. To secure REAL BAR GAINS, come at once. WEIGHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Strike Scranton It would causa little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Our line of Groceries is complete and you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURN 4.7 LACKAWANNA AVE. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest In the City. The latest Improved fur nlshinRS and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. - 2S Wyoming Ave. CHINA KILL You Meed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. i 1 308 Lacka. Ave. I M CLEAMG SALE I I li Soz. Lace Gaps To be closed half value. CAPS, worth from 39c. be closed out at liSLL I At less than HALF VALUE and other a wi j ' ma a goods in proportion. 9B:EIIIEI3CgEl9a3E3IGaifiIIIIESirBiaiE3IBIIIIIEIIIIIIEIEllIIIlBltlIIIII!IIIIIIIIEIIIIllllIIkrS Scientific Eye WILL EUY A FASHIONABLE SOFT BRIM THAW AT CONRAD'S. It's a Great Shock m fothe folks who are e1aimln they undersell 111 others to find that without the least fuss or hlutnr we are Kivinu custom ra the beu Ititof sue.h opportunities as t icse. A Mricilv High Grade IiluM-welgh t (Vheel, 18U1 pattern, f. rSHO cash. 1S!I pattern, S150 Wtieel, for 75. 181)4 pattern, 100 Wheel, tor 8S easti fhuse prices make the business at our store.' FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Haloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office to their Warerooms, NUMBERS 141, 143, 145, 147, 149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8081 THE CELEBRATED PIANOO .' re at rreienl tba Most Pepottr an rrofsmd by beading AriUll Wsrerooms : Opposite Colambus Ilonumeat, .33 Washington Aw. Scranton.Pa. Ml m nJ ' . Vi J Li put at LESS than s to $1.25, will Testing Free By DR. DR. SHIMBERG, The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner vonsness relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyeglasses and Spectaoles at the Lowest Prices. Best Artificial Eyes inserted for to. 305 SFltUCK ST., Opp. Old Post Office. K. A. HULBERT'3 City Music Store, H WXOMQK AVjj BCBAMTO& TFIVWAT SO! DECKKU BROTHERS An ILIULNICH & BAOia, PIANOS tUsoa krge ttoek at finaVeUut) CUBICAL MEKCHANDISHj MU8I0, UXO, KTO. Another Advocate of Ansssthene OltS. HENWOOD & WARDELL: GKNTLE.MlON-It atTnrds me creat pleasure to state that yoar new proes4 of eztraetlng teeth was a grand success Is my ease, and I heartily recommend It t all. I sincerely hope that others will tost Its merits. Yours respectfully, CAPT. 8. K. HUVANr, Soranton, Pa, Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 816 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav 21 make a great red no tloa In the prices of plates. AU work guar autoei first-class In every particular, A. W. JURISCH 1 435 SPRUCE STREE1 BICYCLKS AND SPORTING GOODS. Victor, Gendron, Eclipse, IiOvelL Plamoaa and Other Wbeela. ROOV ttnntne and soldering all clone away with by the nse of HAHTMAN'8 HAT KNT PAINT, which consists of tusredl nt well-known to all It can be applied to tin, galvanised tin, sheet iron roofs, also to briok awellings, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling-, cracking or breaking of th brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many years,and it's cost does not exceed one fifth that ot i he cost of tinning. Is sold bf the job or pound. Contracts taken by ANXOMU HAUIMAMN, M7 Birch 81 m sm sfnsi i wirrv.'. 1 , i,,ris;