The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 10, 1894, Page 8, Image 8
8 TJIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNINGS AUGUST 10. 1SU4. How to eep Cool Is a3ked by every one during these summer days. Tho seasida and mountain retreats offir a solution of this question. But none of these are complete unless you avail yourself first of the right kind of material to wear. For our August offer ings of requisites we have chosen exception ally SUITABLE ARTI CLES and recommend them for their Useful ness, Reasonable Price and Desirable Quality. TO DRESS WELL COST Is a problem that must be faced by many. Eas been largely due to the fact that we furnish goods ia style ani fh'sh of the high-priced at a Low Cost. GORMAN'S f p. 5 m h E" m Academy iwciouy villi:, i.v. A r. fin' il soli ol ltiima. Fr-piroj for tlio Ot-st I'' 1 eiT H. ln.r.auli foii-a"!t in Minie nml Art Ti'iii-Iiits' t. la.-n (jives bt preparation fur jraol'ini;. ( enem-rela! Gairso iueliHU-s Typewriting ami H.nitliaii.l. Fosi miis s cure 1 fir (ir.i'lnates. Keud f r in w iiimernteil i-in-nlar. 1. J!. LouMi.S, A.M., Principal E!m hurst. Mrs. Iswir DpHv. tvtio tins been in feeble health for a Ion? tira', pissal p"RCefnll nway last Sun 1 iy aft'Timo a. lira. Dwif vvn9 burn in Ne'vtnn, JT, J., in 1813, and wan ther-fort 73 y' of ntte. At th nr' of (i years it r pa rents moverl to Provident", Ln,, wli-"-" they resiiled for some time. In 1S:!3 nh- ws nnUed in m arri.txe to Lmau D-peW, ami when tli is plaos wiia nil a formt they pettled on a farm ntmnt half wny between Moscow and E ra horst wher they live I a prosperous life for sixty-two year, minimx a I rif--family. Tub fnneral wis held in the Moscow Metliolist Epis-jopal ci.nrcn WfdiK'S lay morning lit 11 o'clock, U v S. C. Simpkinc, ths p".tor, officiatin'. Six prundel ildrt-n noted us p ill bear ers. The stricken hnbnnd, who is in feeble bealtb.nniJ fiimily have the sytu patliy of t h comranuiiy. Messrs Ilack-tt and Bunnell, of STunton, ppent Snnday visiting C. F. E Iward. The Elmhurst and D.lton Bie Lull clnbs played a fonr inning irtm at Ariel Inst Tuesday The Duttons gcnr'd but three hits off Ba-rtree'a de livery. It wag not a very ex siting con t"8t as the score below snows: Elmhurst 3 9 5 4-21 Dniton 0 112-4 Another game will be arranged in the near fntore. Hotel Elmhurst is complotaly filled with boarders, they beiiiif, unable to accommodate all that demrs to como. It is probable that ' t ie hotel will be enlarged the comi'iar spring. The E mlinr.nt Base Ball club wnn permanently oruaniZ'id last Monday emuing. A. B. Clay wag chosen as manager and Dorrance Fnller will cup. tain the clnh. Any challenges to the Elmharst team should be sent to the malinger. Olyphant. S. E. Akerlv has brokan ground for ths ereetion of a new business plaaa on bia lot on Lackawanna street. Miss Annie Kid, of Philadelphia, is Visiting friends on Lackawanna stroat, Michael McLoughlin has moved his family from the Sweeny bnililimr on Lackawanna street to his residuum in Bl.kely. Wednesday morning, while, making a trip from the Lackawanna Coal com pany's tunnel, situated on the moun tain ai'ip, the small locomotive in chars of Engineer J. L. Thomas be came uncontrollable and dashed down the tracks at a terrific rate of speed. When near Johnson's store the en gine left the track and toppled over a Bteen embankment, totally demolish ing the engine and severely injnrinK iUr, lboma8. The accident will caua the tuunel to be idle for an indefinite period. Editor W. J. Sohubniehl. of the Gz itte, returned after a ten days' vaca tion In York state. The Youuir Men's Christian union will hold a lawn social on Harper's lawn In Blakely on Am;. 20. Adoi.f Laixoz, carriage manufacturer, 119 Carroll street, tinffalo, N. V., states: I was tronbled with nausea of the stom ach, sick headache and general debility. Burdock Blood Bitters cured me. Bur Success OP! ml Highest of all in Leavening Towel. :L If Dunmorc. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Spencer nr spending a mouth at Now York and the geimliote. Alius Kate Conway is viniting frismls at Nay Ant: MUs Maine Gilliunn is spending her vation at Lk Wiiiola. Mrs. L H Fowler bus been elertml president of the L idieV Ai l society of the I'reshy terian church. Mrs Lydon and eon Patrick are spending a week in the conntry. The fii'ieral of the late Mrs Martin WaUh took place yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock from her residence on Siiort Hill. Interment in St. Mary's cemetery. Mrs. Terrene Cliff. r 1 (intortained a number of her la ly trien is at her home on Appl avenue, yesterday afternonii Amont; those present w-re Mr. T. J O Uoiinell, Mrs, Thou. (J linn, Mrs. Ed ward H'nuitn, Mrs, James Collins, Mrs. John SOium, Mrs. Win. Mc Harty, Mrs. M irtm (iibbons, the MUse Margaret Murphv, Ella U'll ar i, Ma'.'ie Loftus, Katie McUoniiell ami B. WaNii. John L iftus, a biuhlv resp-'oted ciM zmi of this horonjiii, died at his home oa Potter stn'et, Wednesday eVciiitii;, a'tr a lineno;; illness of miu. is' aithmii. The funeral will occur to morrow lii'iini:i from bis late resi-dr-iic cm Pou t street. Westly l'inell and daughter have re turned home fr.'iu New Yirk. Mieh iel C ur die I sii'ld'iily T'aura day nioriiiiirf at bis iiom on Biakly tre"t. Mr. Carr leav.s a widow and several small children to mourn bi.i lOliS. Ttiomus Kelly u ill at bis lioui on Franklin ctreet. Olio Winters has returned from Lake Willi la. Christian So diner mi 1 Mn. Micii.i"l Lntz are visitiu:; t'.if'.r brother in Way ) county. Ail etlu rs Uaviiu; fiil d, council h is it last d.'fi led to a hand in inv-.-ti.:atii!;( the or., 'in uf tlu late lire, dy namite csplodoiis, etc , an 1 as their first move have ,iut ori,'d Uurjj; - Uuuk in to off t a M.fii.'ieut rewerd to create an iucMitiv will result in tile ge.iroa and lirtecti u of the mil. en ants who starie 1 tlie I it fire 1(t t'a "Cornei:i" iiid shattered Bryan Ho il-y's ilwt llluy; Ui use with dnia:uit'. 'Int nhort and incomplete inves.iija'iioiis that lmVJ been undo aftar th-s.t out- raes h.'.Ve resnl'ed h::d council not would li v S - illy b Kiiiliy p.rt'.os ifoiii; I. ss :is has :;l w .ys all tUe ill-asCT' tH All in ;,o:uui.;, un i t ik 'ii a ban I "n forjtoftan, t .e fr.'e an 1 '. I uu -:i the cas dunny X tnvsteii.Mis eon- 11 i.;r 'tious tiia in 'li aliuost a hav-" -i-i t.-d t iis oor n u ill v. T;e coiiiicil's action wnl be a nr iiitic ation to all who uwu uropertv witmn the b iron.:h lim its, where, beca ise of the fr. qU'eit ou tUiTeiice ol hre, they have to pay a lare insurance rat and lately have been much in tear tnat tun cuuip uiiei would cane d ull policies T e Sonntoa and Water com P 'uy is laying a new mtin ..Io.j Mill street, Joseph Keller is building a new resi dence at Little En,l ind. . Tne police will perform e. mnci up-preciat-d act if tli"y will c.iirin.i the yoniiK tneti who play ball bickof tlie corner of Elm and Dudley streets t ns lan iU-iato during tli- gwos that ia less emphatic nti-t re.-kless of filthy phras -s The tilk is loud and reviling that lady residents in that section ari forced to l:e 0 indoors while these yoniiK frentlomen are in the immediate vicinity. A houe was struck and slightly damage at Buuker hill during yester dav's storm One thousand people enj yed the beauties ot L ik" Ariel yesterday. Miss Maggie Motf itt is spending l: r vacitian at Atlantic City. Slie will visit M.neh C iunk before her re'.uri. Chief Victor Bnrschid will accom- p my the Tiiirteeutu reginnut to Out iyi-linrg. Miss Nellie Palnvr has returned from a viit with Staten Island r 1 iiives Coinmiisiouer Bi niche is m ikiiu ox tensive r pairs ou a number of tae bor ough timrouuf ires. Conductor Joiiu Cnnnell will soon r move to ids new residence on Dudley Street. We are clearing out the. whole of oar stock of Uiih e things. Chicago Alt (.'o., jv7 I'enn av.-nue. Ff.ur b:g Successes, Ilavins the needed merit, to more than mnlie pnod sllthe Advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies have r mlied a phenomenal nale. Dr. King's Kew Discovery for Consumption, 'ongns nnrl Colds, each bottle gun anieed Elec tric Hitters, the great remedy for Liver. Stomach and Kidneys. Bin klen's Arnica Salve, the bmi in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies lire guaranteed to (lu just what is claimed fur them and the dealer whoso iinine ia attached herewith vi ill be glad to tell you more of them. Sold byilatthews Bros', drug storo. Honcsdaic. The funeral of I la Bechlel. the 11- yeiir old (laughter of Charlts Bechtel, was held from her home at 3 p.m. yesterday. The services were con ducted by Rev. William Sohmidt. Mrs. II mry II ill and daughter. Miss Antoinette D. Bill, loft for Luke Win ola yesterday. Paymaster II. B. Snyder, of the Del aware and Hudson Catnl company was in town yesterday paying the employe? of the canal department. bcrantnn Press club regatta at Lake Ari.d Aug. 14. The Hones tale Citizen has just is sued a supplement to its regular sheet. The supplement contains a brief his tory of Ilotiesdale and a sketch of uanrly all its business house). Price burg. John Kano of Maple str-nl, and Mrs. Margaret Judge of Dickson Flats, wpre united in the holy bonds of mat rimony on Wednesday evening, Ii-vr Father Shaniey ofilidating. The young collide, who are . well known and highly respected, will commence housekeeping at onco in a newly furn ished residence on Lincoln street. Mrs. F. F. Mendiickaon of Scranton, Miss Bertha Price of Plains, and Miss Lulu Hern of Ashley, were the tfn. sts of Mrs. M, McPherson of Dickson, yesterday. A special car containing several effi cials of the Ontario an 1 Western rail road stopped nt Throop depot on Wed nesday, The gentlemen alighted uud Latest U. S. Gov't Renor't. walked over to the Richmond breaker, where they were courteously idiown through Hie works by Superintendent Thomas ( Jrier. ilu. 'iamnas Barrett was visiting friends in Carbondalo on Wednesday. Four mom hers of the Gospel Messen ger held an open air prat er meeting on the lot near the Catholic church la-d idglit. Tlie sneaking and hyiilil sin g ing was highly apnivfiuted by u vol y orderly crowd of people. Carbonrialc. At an early hour yesterday morning necurro 1 tile ilat!l of Mrs. Bi'ilg.'t Kiliiulleii, of Woollawtl avenue, li ce is 1 1 w is (il ye u s of age, an 1 was a native of lr I in ! She had resid-ii in this city since 1S.V3 Sim is siuvivel lv two children, Bridget and Patrick. The funeral will occur on Situr lay nf t rno hi at 3 o'clock Inlerin .ut will he mad.- in St. Koso c -m-'t ry. On Thursday, An; 23, t no Columbus band, of this place, will holla picnic in Murdoch's giove, on the W-st Side In the moniiiig of til" eventful day tile ColninhiH band, iiccompanied by the G'Ttnaniii b nd, will parade th" urin l ipil sireets and will then march to the grove. Mis. Mary Edwards n'.:d daughter, Lizzie, ot l'ml: Ftreit, (lie visiting iri -nds in ti e Welsh fed tl- ineti', Sus-il'i-haiiiia county. B irn, to Mr, and Mrs. Gorg-Diw-soii, of Pike Hire t, a d iiig iter on Thursday morning. .Mrs Ann Dr.vy di.'d Wodues.l iv afternoon at h- r home, ',',"! So itt street, at the ago ol G'i y ' .rs, alter an iHno-" of about three week. Sho is survived i.v one daugnier. .Mrs. (.'h irles Jordan, Funeral services will be held this after noon at 3 o'clock, The remains will l iiiteri'-d in St. Hose ceniot -ry. Yt sterdav mortiing a sp-viul tr-iin "rom Koresr City con wed t.n fuii'i'il of tae late Fnnk Ciititiingh un, sr , to this city, wo. re ;.io rem una w -nin terrr'd in Si. cemetery. Tae p ill n.-.irers were M..srs. J. li. B ii, I'a' i ick 0'i.l ira, J mini Wai;.-, ,'o n Gil ! igher, Jo.ia lie Don i. Id and Taomas McCormick. Mrs. Cnarl'-s (1. Evans and c!ii'd:'-:i, of lerrace piree:, l.-l'' yi-M'cr I iy for a I WO Weeks' Stay il XinaVnl, X. Y. Lat ev.-nii.g i-horliy h-for 0 o'clocl;, one o; the lialians unjiloyed in tlie Park street s -wer, m 't with a paintui accident, lie waV ..t work in the ditch v,-!i n a large stone toil in tinon him a'riiiltlg It i in on the foreriea l, clVli-ig a severe g ash, c aU-iug tne lilood to fl i'V freely. Dr. .1 S Nil-s was cilled to euro for tho unfortunate m m's needs, after wnicii tu was removed to Lis home. Mh sr". Lewis Davis, William Thnmas and William G irv have retmuu I home from a visit, at A'lautic City. Miss La II illeimiclt is visiting r.da iivjs in Si-aju 'hanua. Kaiph Bi air was in Oieonti, X Y, yet-rday attuding tie firemen's tournament. Mins Cora Black, of Waterbury, Co m., who has b: en the gm-st of Mrs. W. il. Brees", of Lincoln nveiiU', leaves today to visit Siiirivci relaiives. Tickets for tho Press Club regatta, t) on sal- at th folhjwtag places: ! A. K-lly's drag sroni, Frank Brown' r .-taurant ; !;; ltiiion's news ni.:e, Frank Av-rv. P l ica rrean.erv, Mia.;'s Inn, A. W. Reynold's drug store. Tic'c.'ts at the ab .ve placs tnu-'t tie -sell uig.-'d at tho d-pot lor r.tillOld licketJ, iMiiyl'kld. A M, Place, wiosi rtore was burned last Sunday morning, will resume oiisiii.'ss in the stor- room lately occu pied t.y G-nrge llutchius as au ice ere mu p .rlor. Mrs. Divid Aleiidl-soii.of Hill slr.'et, Was i i Seranion y-st-r lav. .li--s Ann a S i il 1 in w is a Cirbon da!-1 visiior Tlinr- lav. W. J. B-rg. n vi-iled the Electric City ye-terd v on iniiin-H. A u urn ' er of ymiag people front this place attended a p .rty given by Thorn is II r', in Jirmvn, Wednesday i v. iiing Willie Hopkins, of Elg-rton, w. o was i-jnr-d w' ile it: b.lbing Wodns dav, died ye-;er.l iy. jim K la rt no ' h as returned U' in Fore.-t Cil v. The clou Is which preivded the storm oi yesierosv were ho lie ivy inar li e r.ain n -cessary to light the lamps in th hoU-ilM and sior-a air. mid j'drs. U nnis Jkilk-r were la Carbondal" vester I iy. A. E. I'iffiny m ide a business visii to Scninion ThuiHiiay iiiorniiig. Onac'itntoF a siiort wuor cupply tlie K. -y-itone colliery is idle. 1 li" Erie lire ik-r was idl yesterday for a want ol c its. i tie remain ing nn-i ol the twt'H re cently horn to Mr. and Mrs. Pitrki; McDonal I is v -ry ill. Th Mayfidd band will hold a regu lar TOnenrsal this evening. Aims i;.)b-i i' ,.rri'i l"it last night on the 5.10 D laware and Hudson train to visit friends at Pittstou. Old i or'c. John B Carey and famiiy and J W. Toornton and family are occupying ti.u cottage oi Mrs. J, L. Hio at Like Carey. Frd Nnylor, who h is boon cotiDiii d to his home by sickness, is able to be around again. Supervisor Conway is walking thi roads near B ibylon. Mrs George Drake, jr., and family, have returned from u vinit with frioinls in Nichols,, N. Y. James Salmon, town clerk, made a business trio to Avoca one day this week. Qii'ea number of onr peotde at tended the Gospel tent meeting in Avoca on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Walter Smiles and f amily visited relatives in Pittsmn on Thursday, Tho r gnlar m 't'ting of the Old Forge school board will be held ou Monday evening. Mr. Thoinpon, of PiUstou, the celo orati'd checker player, was a callur on friends this wee It. Frhrn Ttnliy was slel;, we gave her Cm-torta, When b!io was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Custorla, When blio had Children, sho gave them Castorlo. Pittston. Tlie coroner's jury i i t ie ciea of th West Pittston hhaft nccid-nt mat i:i '. quire James Gibbons' olliua Wednes day afternoon, and after a brief hear ing rendered the following verdlc : "In the second openiug of the El'ter shaft, Lehigh Vdley Coil comn nv of borough of Ex'tr, on Jaly 2, ls'.Jl by reason of displac-motns of a gin I , winch, coming in omit act with ucir liage, tlie said carriage was pnll-d from the cross piece mid f 11 I bottom, c .nsia ; the daath of A G M .sou and William Wilsati; a. id tie: jmy do lurther find tint ihe second op 'iii-ig oi toe Ex dor shaft w -s not in pn-p r con ditinn to In. st' or low r in -n at. the lini the i:ccid"iit ' ..inr d. T. P. Uyd r, Anel ll"Vnon, A. Caiiilihe'il, T. mill is Sniil-s, Joan II -ne, jurymeii." Fire Bjss Jec il) G r; a. viao Was aslii le th tup of the carriage when tho ae id -n't oi-ciii'iu, was the moat; iuiaor'-ml wii-in-s He::tatnl tiiat th - crrri iga wis let down theshuft and hoi.-i'-d up f r th put p -so of t still ; it. Th i carriage made tho trip without anything ln-in.: li:ii!aci)d or out ol ( I'd T. 'i'l'e in -n then rot mi the carriage and in . -scHinliag the shaft they di-covered there Wis something wrong wita th - guides When they were ahoiit to ascend tie .diafi Gates was told to V on the tap of Ihe carriage to put in the shoe tha' the others would put on the I) itioin. I hey must have uileil in doing so. lla thought the ciniagiiwas in the . est of con ii'.ioa The LuzTiin Av-nii) B . cliuich Wet I'lll-lon, was the sivim of il pretty nuptial i-voal yester liy morn ing, at It) o'clock, it being i Un m ar riage of Mis EliZ ib'-th Bevoi and Lu cius C. BI akt sic-. Tho ci-retuony was performed by tin: it v B D. Tiioni v, I). D, ut Toronto, ('ana ia, hrother-iu-law of th-' hrid". lie i.vas assisled hy the K-v, J. lj.mry, p-.tstor if the idiiu-'h. L o:;; li lora tho hour H t f l' th-cer.-niuny lii ads cf the young ciiiile li.'gan to .taer at the church. Tae .Ian; ,,:id omnii'ils clouds lluii liovcrad (iverh-ad in id i th) ou. look for the happy event anything but a uleasaiit one. Happily nowiv-r as tne drew no ir tn Mill's soft rayi-Cast tln-ir shad. avs alum the scene in il. iag it a tno.-it delightllli o::o. Tne c.iiirch w is tastefully il 'fur ited Willi p.lms and po!t-d plants Tan 1 ri le looked m. ist charming, she was a! lii-ed in a g-iwil of gray f.iiile, iiiuime l with t lie chili' n and poin: dlleliess lace. In h.-r hand she carried i bouipi'jt, of l ri lai r.'B-s, Tee bride ent.-rol ti.u elm: -Si laniii.; on the :iru of her bio.i-r Phidp K. B v, n, on tl-.o cp.i.isito side of I. : church t ho ;,i ,1.11:1 enter.-d acco-'.ip mled i'V i is brother, i i irrv Bi.ut- s! -. After ihe knot I::. I be -h ti nt tile w ddilig party r.'p .ir. d to the h.'tii' i.f the oride's in niier, Mr-. J-ni'j Watkiiis, on Y'-rk aveiiu ', wa.-r" a d-iightl ul l'.inca, winch had been pr p r -d, was he:'iil pall. 'llell of. Tl.e n.ippv c .uple lo t on i tri.-f ttip to e.-t.U rn cities. They will ivtiuu to W- st l:i :!. I cf r- pro-eei-ding to New M-xico, wn-ro .Mr. lil.tkeslee is imere.-ted iiiagdlmiit mg ci iiipany un 1 wh-re he and bis .tide will m:.k a their I. out-. Mr, Bi.ili. .' formerly rcsi.l d in Wi-t P.itstoi:, but h s b.'.-n in lLo West fur tolll'leen years. Among the gu -sts at the w-d.lin' wer the following: I rani Ser.nton, Mr. m. I .Mr'. J U iJ iiulm .:to'i Ij-wiiand Jennie Il.iu'inglou, M'- s Er. :er Kow- lau I, idr. mid Mrs. T. II. i alki as and irmly, Mr, and Mrs. William Me dia ve. Mrs. Wiiiiam U McCiave, Mrs. Z. Pi ic, Mrs, John Ilowarto, Mrs. 'Villi mi llaiiley and Miss Hinl-v 1'oronto, li v. Dr. ami Mrs. B 1), I'homis.M -srs. Wen -efl and Llew, lly: Tnohif; Wuito Haven, Mrs. Mirtha Ul.kesiee, iiiiiber of the groom, ids sister, Miss Li.akesl-e, an I lirot a-r. Harry u mesice; (jitiis tii-o-u, .ui s .Mary B van; Wyoming, W.J. Davis and family. Th- remnant of the committee who left here some ten days ago to inspect the pave of v.;iii us cnies returned home yesterday. Tn-y brought wiia i in-iii a cupping of a coaip! m nil.iry ('.h nolle taii U from ti:u V iMilugton Posi, (D C.) Mr. is iinoted as a merchant prince willi stor. to upon ; Mr. U v.p ns tli- 1 111 of the Piitst iu .Sl-el ai.'d '.v'roil ;dt Iron 11 uiga Conipaay; Mr. Cdl'fird as a pl'iillliht hoielkeep 'r; Mr. Dmii'lly as being on. of tho iiiidiaul I -g il lum inaries of the Luz me county bar and Press A 'i tit T. T Lifiusas iieiug tne i.aiidioai- st man i a town, with six feet iivn incaes to adorn his stalelim s", I'ne scoool ho ird will h.'l.i a epeei i. ni.'eiing this evening for tne ptirpo o' iiHsiniiig tlie icacii'-rs t.i Hi -.r p tions lot tho hi -ui I : i.tia year. ill- an I Mis. I N U.rt t and cuil I n il, of Poll id dp.. i i, aro i.i in I's in ith.-r, M:s W. Biii.ur btr.n t veiling the Holland, ol Tmk e s irial liitig-l.ealin'; prin-ipleof th- pine if e ha- linaliv been siuve-sUil y sepaiale.i nil I ro ile d into a p l -ct c alga hieil.cine. Ilr. Uno.i i.irvay I'l e .vyr'ip. hy all du ilera on a j;uaru:iit-i! of .-atisfaclioii. Tin fuilT-il of 111 id." Fasshnld, who H" 1 Tn-'sbiy at terooo i c t bis hoin i a ( treenw ind, will 'cenrthis aftenioou. lot rm nt w iil he in id iu th" 1'ir.tsto a Aveiui' cein-tery Tne tu-iuh-rs ol Hie Green woo I K 'g fluid will ntiend in a body, George El wards and raster, of King, ion, are yiii ing nt the hoiu.' of I-.i.c. I) i vis, in Greenwood, this week, 'I'l'"" U-tltl'-n that appnar-'d in Tun TltlhUNHof yest -r.lay is being circu lated aioniid tee town to g -t signers All p-ra.itis wishing to have tin ir names upon it will liad it at McD.m ongh's store. Minooli a may w-ll boast of having one of tho best nmatiier bas a ball clubs in tlie county, whicn may bo s. en by their playing. Catcher John O'N-dl', of the M .lliw-r BiseBill citlo, is a genuine, typa of b ill play-r, and m ikes i first clais catcher and is poo l with tn- slick. After a little experience and practice wita stronger clubs he would mako a very valuable play r for the State Li-aglM team. A foot fall club bus recently been organized at Greenwood by sonui of th. best talent iu the town. The club is sues it challenge for any club In l he county, at any time agree 1 upon, Wil Ham Gornially, manager. Forty-two boys were arrested last evening for stealing apples. They were arraigned beforo Squire OUtrt an 1 directed to pay the costs. Avoca. Mr. Lawmnc't M ir ilian will loave town on Monday to contest in the races which will take place in Alb my Ho will also visit Boston and Puiladel phi a. Mrs. M. J. Iienp and Miss Ella Cal lahan nave returned home utter speud ing a few weeks at Atb.ntin City. W. 11. Hol lister, L .1. B Xier, etq , .Michael Whaleit and 1 nomas iwiziiiu mnns m 'd' a business trip to Wilken Barre o i Tiles lav. No meetings are being held in the different churches on account of the set vie s being held in the uospel tent The interet in the Evangelist meet ings U increasing aud tht uttoudauca ia very encouraging ts Mr. Bliss and 'boss who are assisting him in bis org. The singing which is :tti imp ir ant factor iu the work, continues in--piring, and large numbers are at racted to the meetings thereby. There vill be no meeting on Saturday Union services will b held ou Sun'lay 1. 1 10 3D i. in. 3 30 and 7 30 p. lu. Ail ire welcome ai any of nut services. Gospel hymns No. 5 and 0 aro used at ill services. This afternoon between I ami 5 o'clock u meeting will be hul l f ir children. The sn' j -ct will be "A Ciptur-).! Boy." All children ars in- Vi led. 'J bomaa liv .nr, of Dunmore, called on Avocn friends yesterday. Wavcrly. Miss K ito Gardner, of Clifl'-trd, Sns- luelianaa cuiaty, is upending a wjuk vitii Mis;! Eiteilii Bdlly. It. II. Martin and Louis Ilolpb, of Jerinyn, are visitors here, Miss !1 ittto .Matthews and .Master llurv Evri is, of Providence, un the u-sis of Mr. and Mrs. William Rice. Miss Ulna Lui'r, of Hyde Peru, is vi- 1'iag .Miss Christiana u Bold at the Liitie I ) -Imonico." .ii-s Emily Wiiliaun, of P.-ckvilh", is visiting at her uncle's, F. A. Parker Mi -a Cord-Ill Carpenter, sisler of Mr. Frank C-rpenter, is serio:t!y ill. Frank Wincholl, who has b-eu visiting at D-hVer. Col., for a year, has returned homo Mr. an. I Mrs, Jos-nh Sniecher and family, of Scranton, were inn gu -sts of Mr. and Mrs, Atidraw Mahom-y on Tu.'mI iy. A grand ball will he li-dd nt t!i" rial; ij.iuidiy night. Mudu by W. Sloii" Everybo-ly, young and old, and of ail den. .ini.iati. uis were shaking hands and wisaing long life to tin 11; v. F II l' u-sons upon inn first appearance on tn- street- here Tu -slay alter a severe Of tWO Weeks, 1 I 'V. .iO'lll WilltCll Will hold H-l ViC' i it lb" Fr- c M-t h- dist church Sunday morning at IJ .10 .Mis S erlihg Bedford is going to in y the la-tut i-8 of As; my 1't.ik today u:r a week or m .re. Tho iiiiisiiico wnich tun existed In tho ro i Iway in Iront of tiie Im-iiun-s lortion of the borougn has been re move! by our si r-et comiiiis loner by li. ling in with a first cl .ss conghmier- to st me winch lils t.m bill. Many thanks, d a ar council and coiiimi-nio:ii-i . 11 v. J, A line aural, th'j 1 rm r pal lor of the Biplist church, with his wit", is visi ing among his former par- pi. tuners, cnj .ying their ho p.lality. initial -il wi ' li Hid pura air of our hill con :i try. II h is b-en m id he, 1 h for some tiiii', hut it is lioiod that he will rapi Hy r-cuper it. -vi's.-t llbiiiune K-nnsly, accniiip'tni-d ny Mildred Green, .ire Hp'-n-dng a week ct Carbonlale, visiting Miss Louis Siocnm. The pulpit of th" Bip'.ist c urc'.i will h occuai -d morning .ml evening by 11 V. A. B -rg-:i IP-owe, the new pas tor. Horning snl j .' : "Th" Han i B--in-lit li llu Wing." Evening: "'Lin's Wife." Tho ex Minion to Liko Ariel wis very largely attended. S ven car-iw -r) w 1! tided. B f.veen f"iir and five hundred woit from D dton a id Gi -n-in' r u. Ev-ry one s-.eind to b" having a good tune, p .riicul-irly thechillr n and yuui.'g The m Try-go-: hind and swings were crowded with p-isscittrers an I the steain'ooat was well patronize,.!. It was a ple iur.ihlo occ i siou nod great c.r-dit is due the super intendents of tiieWaVerly imdDiltor ii .ptist Sand iy schools for th j mauaer ui whic i it was in inaged. Ikillstcail. Winnie Tiugley is vUiting iu II .p hoitoin. Dr. Fietcher, of Su-queltiinn i, was in town tuj til si of the Week. Tne teachers' m eting tomorrow i Vi tiing at Arthur Meado's. Fruit in this s-c.ioa is said to b) al Ul-at it total fail!!"-. ..I:.;, li'iihis rjlialiU'i mid .M it. r Ciia-i.e Clark, who have been vi-Pin it tii.i n si.l-nce of Joan Pik.-, on M,.i stre-t, have returned hum- . Aelue lJeiiVern, ot ItortleilsVil 1.', is vidnng trieiids and relatives in tn.. :C . C-lonel W. o.l, who has been sick, in recov. ring. Sarsaparilla is carefully prepared by expel iciavd pliaiinaeists from Sarsa parllla, Biindelion, .Man !. Iiihi; er .e t'ahl .....-A"l.ilie. )ck.l'insis-eiii, perries, and other well known remedies, TheCombiiiu'inn, 1'ro- ao.l-mi and 1 ar ..pinha, o ess are Fivuia'.r to 1 loo I's iviiigitstriniii.nilenai 7 power Peculiar to It-''.!', not pi sesscd by oilier medicines, ilood's 3 Us J t.1 l HIV 1'impl !. hi'iu Scrofula, Salt Kheum. Sores. Boils, s mid nil i.ther aiTeetions caused by 'blood; Dyspepsia, lliliousite: s. Mel lieadiiehe, linli'.n'-tion, Phi'umalisin, Kidney Debility, Cat and l.iver Coin Plaints. It, i., N; What we. Say, but, what Hood' Sar'apaiilla Does, that Tells the Story Hood", y Mirsaiiarilliv WURE Sarsaparilki Hood's Pillo are Kenlle, mill ami elieelivft -. NVV'.H. 1 r. :1,ie.i',..V-V.:,l Jl,t ',.S. TI.CS. RLKINTCN :i: ' U 'M Is an liiiprovcmcnt in Soap. G In tlie Trolley Snap old mctli(u!n and materials are superseded by new tines. The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer lluui other soaps. . Ask Year Grocer for It. If he does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, r for a Box mo cakes 75 pounds $4.50. jcph LThoma? Ellpnton, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. r MiaiiEBiBsaiBiBBBcssigg imi iiimigtiiiiiEiHiiiiiniMiiiiiiiuiiiimiiim THE La SALE AT li. ii J.ffMjaj Commences SATURDAY, AUCUST 4 GREAT BARGAINS TjGESa-IbSISSLiaSInFSialBblttnSBSffBElllllIIIIBaiflllBIIIIIIBeBIIllBIIIIIIISaillllllllliS IF YOU ABB IEW CARPETS We can serve you well. All the desirable kinds are here and at right prices. Then we have other kinds of loor z Coireriiig Linoleums, Mattings, Art Squares, Linen Crumb Cloths, k RUQS! RUGS! Dyzantine, Smyrna and Oriental Rugs all sizes, from a single door to sizes large enough to cover an entire lloor. 406 and 408 BRANCH STORE: Watt mmmmmmm No tales or history goes with the goods we sell at our Odd arsd End Sale You will find money by attending our Odd and End Sale It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap ness that distinguishes our Odd and End Sale Figures are eloquent when used to indi cate the value we are giving at our Odd and End Sale From a critical inspector you will turn an eager buyer at our Odd and End Sale Goods marked in plain, large, low figures at our Odd and EDnd Sale -.-- --nt'tii 11 iiniiiii iifiMt- -r'i "'- GREAT R f A IHINilli'IG OF EOKER Lacka. Avenue. Building, Carbondale.