The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 10, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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Notwithstanding the lnbor troubles
lu the ConnelUvllle coke region, Bays
the Philadelphia Stockholder, the oat
put and shipments of coke hnve steni
l!y increased tu such an extout that
they now exceed the figures of the cor
respond. period lnt vnr. For tho
vek endoj July 21), 1S9J. the output
was 88,100 tons; for the atimo week this
year it was 10i,i)77 tous, while shin
laonta were 5.0'J3 tons, iiRainst 4.839
tone tho same week laot year. The
v.'oeklv ontniit tiu ! sbipujutits since
July 20, 1803, show great irregularity;
(or that week, ae statod, the output
vas 38,100 tons, from whiou it di
cruasnd In the next four woelis to 27,
COOtonsj it then begun to iuertase, and
for the week mdod Djo. 3'J the output
was back to 87,031 toun. After moving
irregularly around tbtae litfiumi for sev
eral weeks, another spurt wa made, and
for the week ended M arch M the out
put aggregated 113,1)21 ton This was
the highwater mark, and tho strike
which followed a few weeks later
lronght the output for the week ei;ild
May 19 down to ll,!i!) tons. Since then
there has been a steady advance, ani
for the week ended July 23 (the last re
port we hav rcuivn(J) the outyui ag
gregated 10!,t77 toes. The lauge of
changes in shipments docs not, of
course, show hucU a wide fluctuation,
for the reanon that tho various coke
companies have large stocks on hand,
I'ttt they decreased neverthli from
6,030 tons on April 7 to .?() on
April 19. Hiiics then sbitmontti have
i 'jn(iHcd, and for the wk ended July
28 they au'.cnnie l to S.OC'i ton It n
k.iowu thai output ad well c.s sh'.ptEentU
l.i.-ve liirg lf increased jiuc th ui, I; in
to what est nt wo ura unable to sUte
ut this time.
The Lehigh Coal and Navigation
company and the inter-Coouty btreet
linilwny company, whiuu U backod by
Philadelphia capitalists, are at logger
beads over the latter's proposed line cf
tlictrlc road betweeu Ltuafori and
TiimiKinu. iu Kh1:u township, .Sahuyl
kill couuty. A li'bt is o.i oetwefii the
two companies, ai d the first buttle has
been won by tho company,
Which bus applied lor a;i injunction to
re.nre.iii tho tstrott railway company
lrom buildinj its i;:id between th
loiuU u.u::eU; t.i. cne will b. tru -d'
t ..!uy. Th',. clstiu U iu ld that tbe
1'iltnr ciri'ii".;.y ii...i uo ' le.-jil ri-'ht
to the mad, a::ii th it tiu ei -mu'iietiioi
cf a utiu of rulV!.y will rorieusly
itrj-.fde the I'.eiui--:' 1 1 :!. -'ovi ,ii li: i
(. . in p any, v. i e i r i;'; liM t':;a :ou
t.iiuoui i.iio oT the i-'..k' n: lUlia t-wii
f hip, u.j.fcj. l.t the roc'.U lviidiiu itom
Laubi'ord to Titmaqtid, whi 'u ro.d-i, i;
U requiroii uy at! act ct Ks-ietiibly, to
k'jtp iu repair. It is uUo charged that
t no Biipervi.icr of tho township de
clined to give tun railway cjiapany au
thority to conbtrutit its line until utter
il bud agreed to employ the supervisor
i nd Lis sua lis long he livod, and a
vrittou ngreeujetit to this ti'f.;ct wus
c-nttrcd into. The case is
l oujiitraulu atliutiou, not only ba
causrt ul th.i ri.LjLt t.) bi:ibi the road,
but bocaUrio ot tne eitaige pret'envd
i.M'iilist thy tup rvuor; mid itii of lo
cal interest l oaaw I'hiiiidelphia cap
ital is luvebtrjd iu both cjiLpauios.
With one or two exceptions earnings
reporUd yesterday continued to con
tr.iHt favorably with the record of a
year, ago, uud also with that of early
l;:Kt line nth. liig Four decreased i;i
July ai),000 and was one of the excep
tions, an was n!so Dejiver and Kio
(irande, w'nich tor June had a decrease
iu net of $109,1.13 New York, Outatio
nf.d Vist ru on thfl othor band triado
for tho same period a very satisfactory
Bhnwin;, increasing its gross earning
3,(109 and its not $11,752. Now York
Ct-ntral made the usual pour showing
in Ju v. It op'-ruti'd 2,;!99 miles cf
in' d, "o more than in the like period of
lf;93 Gross earnings nmnnuted to
!,::(, 158, 002, a decrease of $708,223.
According to the Blnghamton Herald
f )W people in this country realize the
1'ncrmous tusk Kussda hn.j on her hands
in tho building of her isi Dorian railway
which, t xtending from Chidiabinsk on
the west to Vladivostok oa to oast, a
distance of 7,100 VjiMi or 4,700 liiilos,
will cont when octupli tei ui're than
Iir.D.OOO.DOO ronbl'iB, or about $200,900.
tt)0, and will o'.vn rjp a section now iu
wilderneis. It is owned by the gov
ernment and will be operated by it.
Boine portioiiB of it are now in operi
ttou, but the main hue will not be com
pli'tod lor nt leaKt ten years yet. There
is ample reason for the Ilunsian bear
lookiug to Chinese nggresjion in
the present dWtnrhanie o'-r there,
for while China is exceedingly sluggish,
sue has in time pant looked upon' the
building of this roud acrons country
nortu of her as a transgression of her
rights and may in tlm BttiMiipt inter-ieit-nce.
This pomibility has not made
Russia any too friendly, nnd in the
prfseut struggle it is declared she would
like to see China conquered. The groat
iiortnern wall has kopt out northern
hordes, bnt whether or not Japan and
Russia will not yet divide Chinesn ter
ritory between them is a question that
time only can answer. Russia certainly
nets as if she hud tin interest in Japan's
It is reported that the Chicngo, Bur
lington and (jaincy Railway company
lias acquired tne Mississippi River nnd
Bonue Terra railroad, which has forty
seven miles of tho road ruuuiug from
Riversido to Doe Kan, Mo. It is said
also that the Burlington people will ex
tend the road to Memphis and build it
conneoting line from Riverside to
North St. Lonis, a distance of twenty
uitfht miles. The road purchased rot
$810,000 to build and owns $55,000
worth of rolling stock.
According? to tho last titiiveraal stat
Utics the railroad mi'.o.uro of the
Uottod Ktat-s is ul out 15.1,000 mil.
more than the whole of turt p, t'-,n
greatest railroad 'Mvi-ion of the old
continent; 140,000 miles more than
Asia. 153,000 more than Africa, and
148,000 more than Australia. Our rail
way mileage is about 800 miles more
than that of those four great divisions
of the eastern continent combined,
whereas their B!ftrrirat receipts are
annually about 808,009,000 pouuds ster
ling more than ours, which shows how
much more bnsines is done ' on a
greatly reduced tnilonge without in
creasing the rates.
JiiNoit iNDUSTitUL Notes:
Brncker's wire nail mill, nt Clovfland,
tho larui at concern lu the country, has ro
mimed f mr several mouths of id!ouesn: it
will work double timo in all departments.
Net earnings from traffic of tho Ontario
and Wontem. July 1, 189,1, to Jonofti, 18u4,
ngjregiitffi ft. 199,579; bond interest and
charges, 1090,012; earned on stoclt, f ttU,
604 A Bpark thrown from the furnace Ignited
the roof of the engine house at No. 2
Z-Jorth Lebanon furunce Tuesday morning
and damaged the building to the extent
01 SI
of $3,000. Several firemen and laborers
wore more or less paiutully hurt during
the fire by the breaking of a ladder aad
the fall of ha!f-burued timbers. Tueir in
juries are not serious.
The Truuk lines aro geuora'ly reporting
that their freight bunuesi betweeu Chi
cago and the eeaboarit is better than last
summer at this time; they are Bonding
more freight went, and the live stocic eiut
bound in nuproeodoutod In amount, owing
to scarcity of corn uud pasturage woat.
The stoppnr;o of the Reading Coal and
Iron company's collcrios for throe days a
wop!.-, as announced, Is net nlono the remit
of Blackness of orders, but is in part caused
by the shortage of the wator supply at
many of tho collerios. If the region is not
soon visited by copious ralu storms thnre
will bo grout inrouvouienco and extra
heavy cost caused at all the operations.
Tho EdgiT Thompson Stool works will
start up m-xt Monday, giriUK work to hov thousaud men. .unboning Yalloy Iron
nuilH nro resuming after long periods of
idleuess. Cci!emuu& ShioldM, of ().,
bavo bora idle a year; the (iirard (O.) roll
ing mill hi'.s been cloaod for six mouths;
Iliowii & lionnelK of Yoimgstown, O.,
have been laying niT men for a year. All
are running in lull today.
Cure lor Headaohe.
As a remedy tor all fornn of ITeadacha
Klectric Hitters baa proved to be tho very
boat. It uffects a pminanent cure uud tho
most drendod habitual pick headaches
yield to its inuueuoe. ' urge all who nro
hlilicted to iirocuro a bottle and give this
remedy u fair trial. J ii cases of hubitm.l
cenL;tiintioii I'aeolrie Hitters cure3 by f.iv
ii g the needed tone to the bowels, nud few
r.n-i.8 long resist the nso of this m "liciuo.
Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty Cents
tit Matthews llros. Orug store.
In Uollaud, Mich., C. J. losabury pub-li-ihes
the Newi, and in its columns
strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Kol o
tnc UU lur cmtulis, colds, Bore throat,
catarrh and asthma.
rtlCh i uui I'O id".
Xt:w YltK. Aitif. 9. M'all street r.
view: The railway and miscellauninis
uro market was strong and higher dur
ing the morning sow-ion on abilicf that
the tariff c;ufirrees would roach a pett!-
laont shortly and nport a bill to their re
spective houses. In addition, tho sterling
exohanj t ii a downward turn ami
p'i-to.1 rats woro re 'need to 17 and
49. This vas con lidcrod us tnciudng t!mt
g.ll rxporta wotild slop for a season and
roiitributi.d not, u little to tao strength of
t':" share inirttot. Ti:.1 grutn ma: k-'ts It id
still l.i sb influpiira on stoe'es and b't l
trader, in the latter '''le ronfllo'it t ! . i r
the diiina:re alh-ged to have b n Mi.-.tai;!".l
to corn w ill not .be barn out by tlu i;nv
i'i'!.::'.ent r ort .In.- -u'r-v. ': h '
star;; in i.a in d -i; Ver, tie! L lai.-vile
ai.d ;.'. bvle, t!u ' iiM'i'tur-s V-a !. tob.-.cci
"In, r ia
-vliieh t!n:r.- i U'iowii to no
i .-( a. Tn i ;: i-t.iI mm !:t-r
s;r ii ran-l a'jvw fi-'i.i
i U-thr.- -n tL;d.w. To a1
I. i- ry -! . ' r t i ;
loft :V f.r:,i t i '
to :J pel CO .1
f'.le. W ro 1 -Ii
I'lie l iud lOili" ;
M it 'ict i L.t:!.
'ill -l.n'.i'j. The loadie.;
tu( tl. fc'tirt intur.-itia tie'
iieiiiy u'.id loiaily ll th.) isslio.j c
i.n-itit! a i r ';-a:".".i.
tii'i- c:utio hii tv.-iar: tti-i
nl I'll.
l!;iv-V !l letuat:-
ivo smelts ii Nuiiplie I
nnd re.-'sisl i.,;iy i.y irini- l ullor,
bi'oUoia. i.i V Yuuiuu u.-tua.;:
Am. (".it. (HI
Am Ku-oir. V"'i
A. T.Aid.1" I!
(V.:. :-o PH
(Vn. N, J 1M",
Chic N. W let:';
(., B. ft Q 71.'i
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c, f. c Ht. L.... :;i'.'i
Co)., Iloi-k.Val. & T. M
1-. H H... 1 :;'!;
1)., tj. H W l"'',t
i). a u. v i-u.
Kilo 1 1 V H
(. E. Co .17
Laic Hlioro 1
I., to n :-(t
Manhattan H":!'i
Nat. Lead 11
N. Y. Hi K. E ll'S
ill ra
If :.,
r, i
1 1.',
t s
Is 1 i't
N. Y. Central...
N. Y O. is W...
N. Y H. & ,iY...
IT. S. C. Co
Xorlh Pac
North I'ae. pf....
Vac. .Mail
!,' ..'k Inland
!-t. l'aal
T., ('. I
Texas A: Pae
L'ljiun fa'diic
Vvahash T '
Wi.-.i.-ni l.'iiioti.. ,
M'.fc!.. E
w. iL. i:. t'fd....
ll.'.l ai-4
II I.'. (Mi
1-i In'5
rhtoauo Cfrala a ul l'rovislom.
S(.UANToa, Aug. 0, The following quota
tion.! an supplied uu I rorreite l dally by la.
lltiri; Kuller.stuelt hroiiorj.Ul Wyoaiiuif avo
nue. WlfKAT. Fot. Pi'c May.
(Tenim; ri;s uAi
IliuUtat , ,
Cli to-jir ,
Oih ninit
bin est
l.i.v.rsl ,
I onve-it
Ml' dff liibi.
l illl
Usw Toi-k l'K iiit a Ilnrket.
Ki:V YoitK, Aug. 8. Flouh Firm, bet
ter demand.
Whicat Spot mnri.-ot, dull, firm, y,r
up; Xo. S rod, store and elevator,
5;'C: atloat, &j;!c. ; f. o. b., SttaWJsc. ;
niiguidcd, MaMc; iN'o. 1 northern,
("v.i'c-; optious clos-jd steady at XirXc
over yesterday, trading moderately aotivo
and chiolly scalping and switching;
Sejitonibar and December most active;
Xo. 2 red, close, Aiut .st, iS'o.: Fepleia
bur, tsjic.; October, OJc; Deceuib'-r,
ti,';C,; .May, 0?c
t;oHK Spot, iiull, lower, closliip; firm;
No. ti, 0';ini",',;'o.; olovntor, (il,(u Kk. ailoat;
oplious closn1 i-temlv at oyer
yestordav, w.tU trading light: Mav and
Ueceii.ber most active; August, -J4'i!.;
September, lilc; October, 01c,; Decem
ber, 57Xo ; May, 57.:.
Oath Exports 2.S90; spots moderately
nelive.tirmxrj options, dull, firmer; August
IJaJlc; Seiitembcr, Sti'c: Octnber, yT'.je.J
p: prices H J. lOJ.aoO'.: No. a white'
41 t'Jc. : No. 3 Chicago, .W.aXTc.; No. it.
No. il white, 41c: m..od western,'
:'.i37c. white do., l'aoO, white state, 40
J.ii:wif-Q li. t; family; S12aU; extra
i'r.r.v Hajis Dull. 2i
Tiitncmi ltKKP'-Steiidy, dull,; city extra
India iuen. t!7al3.
CtT jMf.ais Ht.-ndj-, quiet; piclth'd bel
lies, S3.; pickled shoulders, O'fnGWft!.;
plt-klod hams ll.-il'Jn.; mid'Pos. nominal.
Laud Dull, steady; western stoam
closed at flf.O; citv at 7; option salrs,
none; September clospd JT.fia; reUned,
firmer; rontinont, f7 !lf); Kouth America,
compound, fl.itl!c.
I'otttC-Flrm, active; mess, Cl-I.50al-J.75;
extra prime. $!3.il3.50.
lit:TTi:u-Q'.iiet, steady, Btato dairy,
Mtiwlc; do. tror.mery, lTaSte.; Poniisyi
Uo" JTn-eO. : western dairy,
lijal(ic. do. creamery, MaL'ic; du.
fetory, 1'!h15).;c.; (lgiu,, SJa; imita
tion creamery, Hal7c.
('nEiisi: More nctlve.flrnior; state large, 7
nOo .; do. fancy, do. small, VKidlkc;
part sltlms, .Inac; full sktms 2a2i,,'c.
Loan-Light receipts firm; etiite nnd
Pennsylvania, 15c.. weatcru fnsh, 13a
Mi0.j do. per case, fla3.75.
For earache, toothache, goro throat,
swellod neck and the results of coldi aud
inllamniation, use Dr. Thomas' Ecloetrio
Oil tho grout paiu destroyer.
Loaded nith Statlatlci.
Now, thcrs'a a young North SIdo follow
Vi ho used to be a (teueral favorite. But bo
tool; to statistics, and he's been n nuUanco
ever since.
A Sunday evening not I0113 a,To found
six or eight young people at a Dearborn
avemio residence. They couldn't play
cards. They didn't feel like singing. So
they forgot, to light the gas, sat around the
grate fire nnd talked.
A young man who bad iust returned
from atrip around thowi.rld to'd amon;;
other things ot a clovor thief who Kaintd
tntrancQ to the tre.u-.urc chamber of an
lud inn ra.i.ah.
"The thief," paid the traveler, "thou
turned his attention to uu immense chest
full to the brim with silver coins, lie filled
n sack until ho couid just btugi'or under it,
uud even thou be bad to make live trips be
fore the chest was empty. There was jutt
tl.OftO.WU, uud"
"The woigltt of Sl.POO.UOO in silver cijn,"
broke in a voice from the dusk, "is oS.Oi'.O
loumts avoirrhipois."
A youu; railroad engineer rocouuted tho
marvels of the new railroad up Dike's
"This wonderful piece of engineering,"
lie said, "is the highest railroad iu tho
United t-'-tatiS. It is"
''The highest rniliwal In this country,"
Faid the voice, "is the Denver and South
Park, a branch of tho Union Pai-ilic, at
Alpioo tunnei, ll.Ku feet, ubove the sea
The conversation turned to the celebra
tion of birthday aiinivorsaius.
'Ylii,t a pretty cut-loin it is," said .1
pretty girl. "And it is .so did tun. 1 was
reading the otlur day that it dates back to
the times of the early Saxous. 1 think"
"ill Hie fortieth chapt er ot ijeiiesis, twen
tieth verse," said the voice, ''yiK, t- ill find
the following: 'And it came lo pass tho
third day, which was Piuuauh's birihday,
tout ha made a I'c.-e.i, to all bis sonant:,.' "
A young man who 1m inakinr; a name for
Limacif 111 the electrical world di...coiir.iml
on in.-; favorite tin ise.
"1 I.:. ee Ik en pin imout Iti on Mm ill-cau-hso.nt
lan:i," be .said, ".- in. Imvu sue
ccvdeil in out that .,tJ J
Lours, and"
"The longest time on record," broko in
the voice, "is 10,3 luiurs and 1J miu
Utos." Then tboy talked o novels.
"1 don'ttLin!. it's fair.'1 .said f he host -::i,
n piviiio.iTii-l I4i,:i le, "that nil the aulhor-i
:!.oi:ld niiiku their heroiuw brtiiiettus now
adays It isn't "
"Last roar," interrupted 'be voi:a, "out
of ,VC hiroino-t '17..' were b!o:i-.le."
Thi.ti tiny m!!.c-1 ot j-ulag home uud
Went. (Tin ... !-o 'i .-I'-uue.
Ail', i -o lo Itnys,
I am often a. ';.'.! whct'ior I cntmtder a
tra '.o or a ;t..,f. ,i:.:i the better for boy- to
ent r u; on. 'i'l. a i-aly attsw.-r 1 can make l.-pe::ds l;-.:a ll .-' !inys th-ui -lyes
if a Ivy a :.e I'm- inoel. mis, aii rignt.
lrX bo a I.e.1: iKUiie. if he pre!';:- law,
i f him t-ndy In.' I'ev on.tliy, 1 ti: i':r
lii:chat'ir.. 1 i:.i vi ry , ,n i of nni-a .' and
l'.ti i-a'a-e. H11.ei.1v-: I leach lav t
i f forty scholars And f ti'nt thai. I turii
lrom my daily work t luioka c.r re': "ions
e-ei-ci.-.-) with 11 leeiing of Joyous anticipa
tion. The ennditiona atirrouriding b-iyi and
lurnual lab'.r bavo change 1 much in oi tin v
yeain. No boy who iscmplovcd by me g a s
throne;!; near so much as 1 did. 1 boar t!ai
marks on nr" hand yet that were Hie re
mit of hard work done when I was 11 boy
learning my trade, lu th is era f niachiii-i-ry
work is far easier. Hut there appears
to he a strong dislike of lnvinal iaU.r
(imong boys of the pro-i-,t geaerat ion.
Perhaps tlijs i-i to tin to the
prcvtU of our largo cities uud the progress
tif education.
Put, atkr all, if a boy doesn't bavo a
taste for mechanics, let him look elsewhere
for his life work. To boya that are learn
ing trades I would say, Do your best and
work your hardest. Yon will have no
brain worry, but. you will gain knowledge,
ikilland physical strewlu, and you will
find the calmer pursuits of life more truly
delightful and proliutblu. To young men
nnd others ia business for themselves 1
would f? ay, Slid work on. Don't give way
to adversity. When dark times came upon
me, I always trusted it was for the best,
end patiently worked on and hoped for
good times tnconiengain. And they came.
Today I 111.1 not:, millionaire, but I tun in
coiiil'iu-iabh) circuinstiaiccs, and happy.
John Stephenson in L'idies' Home Journal.
A Horrid Keepsake
There is a curtain collector of queer
things win owns a skull another man's
skull nnd tiinrgh it is on a ishclfwitha
lot of other dead beads representing cra
nk:! types of (lUTerer.t races, it (livens at
tention f rem them by the fact that its eye
Rockets are en en. The collector says that
it is believed to be the skull of a British
officer who was killed in one of the battles
of the revolution that took place in New
Jers'-y, for it was found In a shallow grave
wheru a number of bodies b:ul been hastily
burled. Pays tho-collcrtor:
"The poor follow was laid out, to n reive
Christian burial, and, 11a usii: !, pennies
were laid on his eyes to ke ep the lids down.
A clot h was tied over his lace to make tho
eyes closo ivoro rpiiekly, but as the bat tle
began to go adve rsely, or as the dead and
wounded began to gather 0:1 the hands of
the men faster than they could be taken
care of, a trench was dug in a hurry and
the dead were piled in!o it. Interments
i re often made so hastily that dying men
are buried with the dead. The moistine
from rain and dew rusted the copper pen
nies, and as the M sh disappeared they sanJl
into the eye sockets when; the green ru
was taken up by the poriiui' bono, nnd til
fktill wi.s Indelibly marked as you toe it,
No, it is not exactly pretty." Brooklyn
Troublesome. Similes.
It is said that many years ago tho pray
ers of the First Presbyterian church,
Princeton, wore asked on behalf of an aged
l.nly who was not expected to recover. Tho
elder who led the devotions earnestly
prayed "that she might be restored to
health and strength nnd once moro go
ubottt like a 1 oaring lion, .seeking whom
she might devour." The trut h of thin may
not he satisfactorily vouched for, but the
llev. Dr. William Aikmun, formerly pas
tor of th" Spring Street chun.':' adirms
that be one" attended a prayer to sing iu
New Jersey, and one of tne brethren called
upon prayed that they might align I'criii
as "calves of the Mali" and be r.nele "meat
for the kingdom of heaven." Now Voi-k
At (lln Tiii.
"Of course there Is plenty room r.t the
top," thought the ambition young man,
"uud I am going to get there."
H ho took the key, and after traveling
about half a mile high be got to his room,
right under the roof.
If there Uanjf morid to the story nt nil
it tcacht a us that If a good room is wi.nted
lower down at tiie popukr total it. had bel
ter be eugnged lie fore the height cf the so
too. Philadelphia Time
He Wrlt: Love Vei-uen,
On tho top floor of one of the tall-nfc
buildings In lipper New York toils uu old
man who h:.s probably written morn po
etry than any other single, man living.
1 1 is business Is flint of writ log ihe "pint
le" ii Miocs which one finds in the civ. p
candles of the day. I'oetry which could
never e t ho light of day in any ot her w ay
is hidden In tissue papered "party"
I bud an interesting talk with firs man
a few days ago. 1 Iu has bei . twenty years
In the business, is over aixty j eara of age,
nnd htvs Hormnnhited n fortune, although
he still kc-i'ps up the semo monotonous
poetical trriud. "It Is a curious trade, you
think, 1 siipposp," said th? old man, "yet
tmiig one must do it, and it is very prolita
b!e. 1 have built fourteen city and conn
try houses out of it, and in n year or two I
Bhall lay down the pen for good, and let
ome one else take up the work. How do
I write so much? Why, it has become
eocoud nature to mo. Those 'mottoes' are
simple; anything will do, and the moro
fiilly they are the better. I know it is per
fect tnu.h.iuid it is preposterous to dignify
the thing-, wi'.h the word 'poetry.'
"f r, "ml three ihyi of every week bom,
nnd r .ji off, 1 suppose, a hundred of these
things everyday. Why, I oflcn cat my
lunch in 0:10 Land and write with the
ctlierl Yet as I say, it is profitable, much
better than 'vritiri.; had novels, for after
nil my vo, 0 iM'virdoniiyb.irm. They are
Lilly, I grant you, but perfectly harmless,
nnd yoimg lads and girls lil e to bo merry
over them. Dour me, ! suppose I've married
many a couple with I his pen, aud if you'll
iweuso me I'll just write a scoro or more
before we go out to lunch," and in about
fifteen minutes the old man was ready to
('0 with m", carrying in his pocket an en
velope lull as the lesull. of an hour's work,
Cwr. I'ovon .)-iir.)n!.
rtle:l Ol'ii;'u ot S- orri4.
"Oh, dear!" is equivalent to "O dio mio,"
"Omy Cod."
"Thimble" was originally "Ihnmb bell,"
the t himble formerly having been worn on
tne thumb.
"Slav" is not ihe "slave" of the old ety
liii.ilo.'ist.i, but, in reality, a person ol nobb
"Ilntti 11 row," the famous London
street, caincd its name by being called "la
mule du rot;" in Kiijlih, "the king's pas
sage way,"
"!):::i,ii.; ,11" i-dent d.i loon, "the lion's
tin. lb," aud "vinegar" was oaoe via aigro v lite).
".Madame" is "my lady," aud ".sir" hat
lieu OKiraolid fr.r.a .lie Latin "senior"
liiiottgh ibe French.
""i-euif I;,- pa alive t he I, :' in phntv',
bis e let us, "I wice oocl.o'l," and a"ven!let"
J:s '-imply a vi re iMct-it 'n fit U" s tying).
An "1 ...1 1" uo , aa "el i r" In piimiiivo
VK'i.'W. while "1 i;.u" is the sumo as
"papa," and "" and "kaiser" are both
ca sars.
A "villain," before tliostigmnof digr:ii'0
Vns attached to him, was simply a laborer
(' the "villa" of a Komaa country gutttln
111:111. ";J;u..'.;e"oTiee n,. -rot a rosins--' ible, house
Vifa; a "Lua' o" was idmply a boy. "Jim
winy" is a ri:i.iini..oencci-f the cla.ssical ad
juration "O geiuini," Us- d by the Koniam
Whin I hey ci'mI 'in-: !he twins Castor
and Pollux to help 1 hi 01,
"Lor I" is the old An :lo-:'i:i-;o'i "Ida
ford ' (I',':.1' .'i n!..;: ;? To., I.ati-, t-rai
for "1 .o.d ' is !..! tun, wl-.teli ha.s given
lis "il .i:iiuie,'' ; 1 id l a m . r prcacuer.
kt. l.OlL-i Hi-jigbl ,'.
.1 V: lu:. ale Knife.
An'.tCipi 'la in 'e e ' - , oar-'. In ..,l;!':i."i,,-d
i'l ilv ta.i i-i: ;.; Ace :iy, i;U at
tenl i, mi w.1.1 :! i' o-t t to a, id r: .- I rei a
M'ticiMl'li: : : '. in 1 a 1 t lie I al !e oi;)o:-ii .,
',:iei Volacio i ..,o, ; 1,, 1 :ir, o coi'i
t'pl'le .;i it.i.i. his uu,, iin I.) means nl a
1.1-,1'e. 'l'he ocet.iele amiiscd If it did not
horrify t I.e. so" el -i, or; he could hardly uu-iV-raand
l.,e..',:ne of: o aohleacoiihlenanco
l.t-1 lo iIAt in.;ii;s':e l a presence should
consume cold . 1 ; 1 1 lo jae for bn-aklast, an-l,
more slo.i '.'::: : y.-t, so p iu tlej tnonsl ions
coinostible .villi n vulvar, plebeian knife.
"Tell .11 1," k: id oar fiiei.d to 1 lie w li.i-r.
after the venerable s laogr had 1, ft the
1-onni, "w-a v :.'-. ih.t old who
flu. 1 1-led in ihat ;u roi.ioin, cold pie so iu-tiiiiii-iouily"
"Vl.i.t, ,t," a.i , .. ; d the v.. lit. t proud
ly, a.-, ii- dreiv i 1. up ii fail height,
"tbi.t, i.i;, v.j.s ilr. Wl.itikr, our fuiutitis
"Oh, if ih.ifa the cse," cried our friend,
"it's all right, cold pie or no cold pie. I'm
free to nay that whatever .Mr. Whit tier
does needs no apology r justification."
Our fri, nd meant it too. As an earnest
of bis :di:e. rity ho cap'tired thiiveit knife
with which t!i.j famous poet bad oaten thu
cold apple pie, laid that knife is now 0110
of the most tro.'.fciirod pni-sessions of the.
(lentleioati who gave us this hit ensiling
narrative. Kagt-ue 1'ieldia Chiia;) .S't'.vs.
I'tiiKiiilt the Omiii",
A giil in Kentucky lias recovered VQ
ilania.ri.s from a steamboat cotniainy for
nai'iing 11 boi.t nf'rr her without n.-k't:;;
her jii.-rmi.-isioii, and they mu. t len.imo the
bo,".t. .She t'xik (ilVcn -e. at 11 marine Hem
statin that "Ki Mo M.irsh.'i! took the low
er chute and run her nose into a planta
tion." Del.- lit i'Yeo Pro s.
A '1 1 liihle'iill.
"What was thu of the revolution
ary war;''-' w..s 0.10 of the questions .iskod
at Lie. iinal exiiuiiui.tion for thu term.
Luy I'Upil, wiih one exception, 1111
swer. d ii. as was expeeud. One girl wrote,
"l'iie caii.-i'of' wns
the breaking out of tho cousuilut ion.''
Journal of Kdueathan
Wife (reflectively) I do wonder why
men I'mif bald nnd women do not.
lloo iml liocatiseof the intense activity
of men's brains.
Wile And why is it women bavo no
Ilii'iband llecause of tbeintonso activ
ity of their chins. Pittsburg Bulletin.
-u.-.;. m ir -m C.'.l.l.l.ll TO Till!
r. .v f. uieui, iiiyusii j.eiueiiy,
ti'.') fmn't Criiifl,i f'nilinim
tiieat bliyhsh lieiuedy,
J y-, "l viaj a Luctiuu i-iu;t)iaa
.s-a ;,: F YCU SUFFER ''
iiir-TM.1! r;jvn - WiUM IJ'. '
l lity. V- c;ir!!i.sfl oi'Tj-.-ly i ii '1 Him!, S'lnrmv
tiivli'a, mid !rr.inri'ni'y, niui alidiH. i
i Ji -iin I'ver-nnlnl, ' iu'1' ut.U nil-;'lius ,, f Mimoi y Hinl l'uu-rr, I )imi, s) ol' V i-i-ion,
I'r- t.cnirv (i'.U Ak hvA m.iny otlicr di
I'usi'S tnut U 'u t JuKiuky or l.'cnwmiipUoii
uud nn ourlv frravc. wn" tur n pamp:ilt.
Address UiiAY MJ-.Di'MNK CO..
.r. Y. Tlio -iwifl JlcdH'inc n snlfl liy jdl
tlnur'ists ul pt-r j;ivkaifM, or six p:n.k;u''4
Ur i.., r liyr.iuil n rocojpt mum -v ..tnil
Ah ever,- ?.').00 orJcr Wc CUAA JE
n onvp or ptuTioy vat umU'd. iwMKMMNNin
i V On iifcouMt' vt niniitf'rUMts wo h:iva
;:tii;ptiil thu Vcliiiw Wrappor, to only bl-lu-ii
'. t t-iti In Scran tun v -ilutthcvv l;ro4.
lti:sv fil..f H-Mil'l J.S i 'i'l Hi VUKLD.
'.'I i j.'.ir Af t u (i ' '';ir WU i?." ...
TMET.:ulU-h"i;Uii L nncilt)ti(jolaiii-Hu(.
fo'i !:o. t J-iUvt" rcj fi'''- m ywh-?rn in tSo f!.S.,ori
or J' -l d Note (nr I. .'mi.
J"pi;'H Ctorr wnv l!:o btn-a
Ful l In n'l rctidl ninrca tut
J '.,''). We j i ii n thU hnui
on: nl'.vs, tli.n. ii.; o wo (.;(
t.7j'(''' tJ-'l', '',''' I" !-'.
Ul;d If OVP fi )'X R'tt,f j
vn v. i'f.iiiu-i tti m-'iifv
TPl'iidlillOl)iiTpf.U-. Ol'Ultt
i uu i.i "iii.-ni'ii c'(mih(
wli!:hs V, Ji E, Jt K K,
'eli'H 1 to 8 and lint
PryT::n 'tn Pn FESERAl ST.,
, .ll fiT-MS M J.-.O.'iOI.
At li 1 m tir iv rniovnted lieeieieil ITotel .it
I LAltK'H h'CM.MIT, isuoW 'i-eii,uv,I tn fur
liit.h ti-ivo in moil noil s-ieinl jiii-iiny w-ttli
the LA'I, NKW-r,'l'Yl.EH KKiri, linulu
ei- ilouhli', to t ilt" them tu I nke VVIu-ln.
(irnv.'l l'oii.l niul ail niilnirhaii pniutH mil
Semun'i- ri .-i jrt.i nt re is-'iiihio inie A hit'.fn
ln'iM-y iiiti-nc.innocteil witti lioU'l lor truv cl
tllk' pilhll".
t . r ii-' )
.iL.-AV' '
at THir. or.n DFPOT HOTEr.,
Is .r, imri,(I to reoelve miiiuiier bounlorH nnil
Au-niiii rh: for tourists tu uurrouiiJiuij to hue
uud summer resorts.
r.'anr'r; cf Ccranioa.
CAPITAL, 1200,003
SURPLUS, 1250,000
T1i!r liniil: nttm l-i ileniihltors rverj
fucill-y Miirrnnletl liy ttielr Iniiunccs, lul.
lirnt ami rehiinimlOillty.
hjifi-iul uireiitlon liivi'.u tn bul;ik4 ao
COU11U. lnlei ot j, 1. Id uu liiuo ueliuulli.
H:,7.TA1I ro.W:'T.T, rinildrnK
OI.O. Ii. AT, Vit'il'rMdiii&
Uli.i.iA.v; u. l'lXi., ciiBhlek
1 tttiX'lOii.i
Wllllun ('iiiinull, iii-nien it. Cnflin,
Alli'id liiiinl. O unci jticl.lia!il, iiimy
la, lln. jr., .U:ii.L.i 2'. ti.jit.ii Lutncr
National Limi cl huiti
t.ltlfAXlZl'.D IM
CAFsTAL $20,0GO,
SURPLUS $30.ooa
f' A J! CV I j 1 1 1 V VIS , 1 1 'Ten i d n t.
V.'. W. WAV '.ON, Vlcu fn-sidint
i.. Ii. WlLLiAilsi, C '.liihr.
F.vwrsr. IIiJtr .t.ur.". V EvrnnAnr, V Kl-.-p, I lie.' T. '. l': .l i V,
.li s i.i'ii .1. Jto:..:v, 0. i. ."i."' .'.
lUA I'. llAil'in. -.-, lix V. l'ok'j.l
.'. V. Y.'AioUJI.
Ull'.i 1.1, d LMUl. L'LV.'-iuU.
7, . (ti
o -- -m .1 u m , m ,i.
Y hi !' 'It' ''i'M'!
Lsrga Medium and
White Clovor, ,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates t?
Farn.3, Lawns end
I 0 I
i. n n f n '
I'Mitifacturcr cl the CclebratitJ
100,000 Bbli Par Annum,
AMD mn CO.
HaiaifActurera uui De.ilcra in!
IHiiiBiailiaj ani Lubrication
Linsoud Oil, Niivtl'w m3 Oiipo
linos of nil pnvJes. Alio Grensa
I inien ( nn;l C.'ullicry Cmn
j.ottnd ; :ilo, ft lnro Uua oU lJur iiix C.'itiJIus.
W Msn hnnillntli Fanmns CR0W?l
AC-H'E OIL, tbs only femily mluty
Imruing oil iu tbo mnrket.
WILIJAM MAS0M, F.?.ms;:r.
Ornen: Toil Exstinniro, Wyoiolutf Av
Merkaall'luu brou.
riivsii i..ns ,i.MiM'i:(itns!i
DU- l- KLuIli 'iKAN'liM'rouioViHl tol
lirui:u struot, ro-raiilun, In. (.Just oi
1 o.sito ciMiri-hnuLj .Si.-.imu.;
U- A. J. v-UNNIOLL. Oilii'M v"iTHhiUKton
avoriiiu. curuer Sjn-iioa btree.t, over
I' raiieiuj u Urajr wore, ltet-iilune,), ;a Vine t.
( :uee lii iu-,: ,(.,.., 1 1 1;; ,u m, :.nJ S to4 una
t :li to i.tiU p. in. htimluy, ti lo;i p. in.
J". W. U Al.l.i;, (JM.o.l cor. LilekA
wnnimnnil V.'i.i,liini-toii aveu. : ovor Leon-
W. Ii
:i:nm nn
fill hL.xi .ito.-...; (,lli. 11 hours, I'Jtol.'a. Ul. llle!
',' in.; tveuiUo'S ut ixjlJouto, itili.
V, a:-.liini;ti.ii nvifc
it. V. L. !'-t;EY. lr-T.itfV''lt'iiitT to It
XJ ca...-oiiJ ti.u I'.j o,, auJ Threat;
cl'iee, 1-; V j-omiiii; uvj. Hoohluuoe, il Vii.o
I '.il. I. M. ti ,'. rk.l'i, :TTi-tim Aviiii'.
J ' l lh'.'i) liiiui-d. t to 'J u.ui., l.tkl lo ti aiiii I
to S Ji.tll. iiel,l. v'tll-l) iylil .Maitisou llVi UUrt
I OILS 'K Vi;X M. Ii, OiUcw iiT "T
i' '..'oirinoiiweiiitli huiUlin;: rei! 'lieu 711
To"ti!i!oiift7e; otiteo iiohrs. IJ n 1:!, i! to 4, I to
t, I'nioij j 2..7j vn 4. eve:;ini.'a ut reiiOeuee. A
n oi bill) 1,.,-olt! ol in. -, iiae.i ui tho eye, wtr, uoiw
liml tliioiitn I,' I'yiiociiloffy,
it. h A V, t!m 1'eiiiiAvii ; 1 to II p.m ; otilt u'"iy. woiii-oi. iih-.hjt ru- ami ilin. ol eiul.
LAW V IKt'-l.
il . tl, o, ,'o. ;,17 bpi-ne-.i opj.n.sito r'ureit
Jousii. derail 1011, in,; coih etieim u Biieei.iliv
throughout i-'i'iio: yhauia; rohuLlo oorripunu
I . t 1 m i .!'! eo.11, ty
i l.:-.:.-Ll ej KA..L1, .'.tt iniovi aiel t'uuten-t-tf
lorn nt l.ivr, Coiuieoi'iv.'iiltl' bulliliuj;
Waiiliint'lcn uv V. M. o .:p'.i'i",
joi:.t'K K. Hand.
V;. 11. .liei'M', .fiu
UJ ii,I.AK!)!'.i. i;iil'f A: IC.SAl'l', Attir-ni.-yii
etui t oiiom'Ii.i:! at I.av,-, iti puhliuiu
1 illii'l....'. Avietl io ;l, li ,1V".. Hernn'im. 1.1.
1 i' J'i ili ell.l it WiLiCDX, Atiol-ney.-l ami
1 (:.iui...;ei-i. '4. L:iv.-; olLoea 0 ua.i t Ubr.u'V
builuiuu. 'ic: 1. 11, i'ii.
l;o.wi-.i.c, IJ. !V.TTBitsr
V.'ii.i.i.i m A. W'Tf.riix.
r.i-TtTJi illANV), 'Vll.r.iA.M.i HAN'b.'At-.
V toi-ni.'-i ni'd t'oiul. ellor Conmiouiveiiltll
1 'Ohio
imm t:. ? ai"l
;' i.l'., .1 ! tol 1,1",
-Law. -ii -I'l ami
- hiniiii'i no. nee.
e.l, I'm i- 1,-a
7 I b .". i . i il. .M-.l.l.V "L:..v olii on .u l nco
J'l 'e :l.he- l'i . V, (-.!. ;'n:i a" Ml':.
j ' .1 A " :t I i iK'.I.b, A: to: oey al 1 aw. ltuuu
i o. .'l'4 ICXeliMIK. . TI,: too. i'a.
.V.I.ii X V. I.i U !;V, i Alfyi. 2.7 AVuKlung-
'. II. MP? S'll.ti! II, (ton. -IV.. C. 11. F'!lll!0.
j A .'..-, V.'. .ii i , oil), Atl'Tiiey ut Law,
i' r.i'.ui!' l-t. M nnd tlV, Ci nipioii'veii'lih h'V
(, A.i IJ!.'. W. i'.D,; v.;:, Atton ey at Ljvb
I ' too: :i!7 Spv ;., Uri-anton, IU
1 A. WAttll-H, At'on.oy nt La-.v, -Ci
.1 T .'irV.iivan'ia n-if... S'--ioit.,n. I'.i.
; i'. .'-i'.U'! Ii, ('. iinollor ,-it T..iv. . O-U-u.
r - : M, l'ooi.ii,;,iv,,attli r
' i ii, IU; lit ei, .'.i.oii.i-v- nt. Law, Com-
'. moiovi! t l.i,l!n ti' rt'-i anion. I'll.
(.(: .:.'!' '. . 1 'o., in-, r '
IJ. ItBi l.l'.il.K. . H'O i;i".' . I.i.e.;-,. i... o-
.1 ' linleil mi n il eht 'te m i,-- Sp'-ue,
7 ' i". KILL AM, Ai:o:nev .a-l.awT iii "y
' ) . i ii'Tieiii'.-i, l.,, I- i , it , i .
it'i)'. i.e.-' t.m; :..m:k '.'a .-:;;; a, t-era.i-
! 1 1. :.. i ; pi-, i -''i"i i. -. .1 , iii, for- I'. ;,.
or l,,e:l, , t:i-o oe;.;!:iy t''UJua ii'e.iirf chi; u-eu
Liitli.u Jil UL I c-iUf .-t.
;;:. ThomA- '.-. (.'A..' !,
Y., leri-.t; 1 ! . 1' , io i,.
if :ss v.uiii );;; i-:it:.- hlSi)E:tuA.tT':M
.'.il mil t--h, ii.' A'inioM ii'.e'.iii... i'lifili
r. celve.l nt iill tii-ej. .'eit torui will opou
t:,.pt,.o,l,,,r 'l.
I)i. S . i: i.
' f. LAt'KACH, Sui-awa I, lio, Ui
i- t . 'yol!il,o,' :lVi..
i. j-'i i;., i Ti ,.1'e... I',, -it I'.- o. .
in A
't in. ui. rt i.i,;i; ;;.vin..-s a-.d LTio a-
c . ': . . . i.i lo. n von e. ney on r t,-i or;
-.- i y you hel.'er en Investment than env
ill ei- as oetat:,).!. Ca'l mi B. N. CALLLN-
i i It. I I- ' ''.ie. ' nnil:-':-
.-!,.: I.
f H. ft. ARK is LO., r-i'eoRinen, Ftornti
anil Kur .i-ryinen; i-tnro 14ii Vashini,'t n
iivenim: M"en, hiiJ Nurili Main avomie;
t lore l"lri,.ioi,o ,
it. AS.
1. 1, ami rxir-N 'i i . i:ii.. .i,m,.M nTTi.
t I i:i: si i;i.i ?,s.
j (K- nrKTTIL, 'h I.:iel:,-iwnnna nvnti'.',
' S' l-niOi'ii, i'ii . i -iti'il r t V.'ii-,. -ii-r, ieii4
lie ! l i s Ar i: ie
Al tt.lN I'
'jV K VES-J l-IN.STLK, 217 Vlil Wyoming
i. nvo. Loom.-! heated wuli HV'ain: all iiuhi
fin iiiiproriMiu iiIh. C. M. Ti.t man, Prop.
rpilH II.K (JAFK, IS, and K Fi-anklm av.j
M UJe. l;at-.-a n iei'l iibb'.
1'. 7ai oi.kk, Iroiirletor.
l:Lb'i'jiii!;,h-i:K! 1 If i'l i;i.i.
W. ti. fCIIHNrit, Ilnnnuer.
K.xtceiithstr', ,i.o block of iiroadway,
ut l''ii.ui Sii'inre, S,r Ver:c
Anier'.i'.-m fi'nn, i'Xl' per tiny anil upward.
'oiVNiJ IHil'liK. Liu-i.po in plan: Ih'oo.l
roomi lipim uay and nti;lit. liar Blip
l.licd with the beob
P. TT. coy RTri-rrtor
IU UATo:.; iloUM"., near !)., U A V. pa
O tt-n.rer depoL t'uiaiuot. d mi the Luropomi
pirn. Vn Toil Kuril, l'mprlofor.
AX IS .V tlUCl'i, Ali tr.teets. "lio7ili!Tir
'.'a nr 1 'S, V- "oiioi'v-e-iltli h'ld'ir. Sera'iion.
V I.A1A1.
I J t (' ICW a:-
VALTF.U, Ai i lnti et. ohleo, rear of
tnnwton aveiii.e.
Ji L. l'l'.OWN. A -eh K Ar.-hlte.'t, Prion
I l'liiMlinr. I .'it V iwhlnprtiHi Ave.,s-rnnton.
ii;s i i.i...m:;ii s.
balis, piciitiN, p.r,-ti.-i, rocoptionii, wed
liniiiM inn! ooi.eovt worli lurtil-ihod. i'or torim
iniili o-n 11. J. l.auer, i-oiidaeior, 117 Wyu.uibjf
i.e.. . ii'i.r Ttiiitirrs store.
(.DiiflN It. hWAKYa- '.VltOLKSAI.0
hinili-r, rriee hiiiloia,'. Fi-raiioin, I'a.
1 1 tiAKi'Ki'', ribo'i'iii'.Ks, r::iN-j'F.Hri'
lit nipeiiea, nveloi paper In. n. twiniv
Wiirhoustv loO
ton uvu., beranton,
OKbK.4 AX!) C'AS,'KTAUl-.d FOit HALE
at t.'i.iou3.i nv'uuii.
D. I.. FuOTE, A Rent
'l'kXsKl7l iioiv.N " cnT," WHOLlT
I sale ib-iilerK in Wnndu are, r, iritauo uud
till Cloth, i'.U W. I.iicka-.vaiinn avennn.
Hotel Waverly
1'iiropw.ii Plan, l-li- t cIilis Tar rtt'iohftl
Ie, poi for Bcrsnoi- ti l.u'.i"
LIE h 15tti end Fiftsrt SU, FIM
Jiont d -nimtihi fi r rr'Ht.-leMts cf K lj. rnnti
--hiiiita. Ail fiir.veulmieeH lur travelers
t, aim from Vtrmd Htiei t ptathm and ttu
tl'v.i-h'l!t a:i-l Mr.rkot Htrri t i,ai..nn. 11
ilriil.le f"r r'fttiiir Snraiitoiituiui wjd iw
lie lu Mie Antiii-iiol'.-i K. i -i.
Tks Fir.cs tin tho Citf.
Tlio lateBt, Imjiroveil fnr
tilflhlnss nnil niipuratus for
keepiiiff nietit, butter uuilega,
233 Wyoming Ave.
we cin give vou
e 111
aboht (he Job
. . l-init lri .K C ItO
V Worn you witt need soon.
The Seranton Tribune Job DcDt
Anthrnrita coal usoil exclusively, iasuriiii
ticuuhiina anil comfurt.
Trains leave Serantou for Pittston, Wllknv
Bnn-o, ete., nt 6 I'l. IMS, ll.S) a. m., l'IM. 2.0L
V ,' ' 5', ' I T': ll V'J tU"Jy. ) B. ul,
l.eii, S.l.i, 7.10 p. in.
Kir Atlantic Citv. 8.20 a. in.
For New York, NownrK and Ellaib it'i, S.'JJ
CeXi.ri.'iM) n. in., 12..VJ (expreHi wiih liullut,
V-u lor carj, (esproba; p. iu. Buuday, Hi
tiiiillAirn Cnrxx, At.l.r.NTowv, li;Tiir.R
VJA: f'.?.'" l'HIl.ADKI.l'lllA, H.JU a, in..
l. t. 11.1 III t,f .... I'. . , ... f, ....... V - . .
huiHlav. i 11, . m v "-'lW I'. w
0 ,'', T ""ANOir, Oci-an Giiovb. etc.. at
For KeailinK, Lobannn anil' Hiirrisburff, vi
2.1-i p. 111. ' ' ' 1 ouuaay.
10, r i-otuvll!,., P.Cda. nv. I?..! p. m,
Itoturtinip U-avo N'uw York, foot of Liberty
i1ir;';..'N;,!iw tixn' at l',") (p--''k- .
.11, l. ii. 1... 1 (expiva witu xuuiui p-tor cari
I'. nL Minilay, 4.;l a. m.
l.eail lJiij.t,l,,li,lii.. l...lln.. T i.i nn.
. , l .'M ..L.t'iiiin ll'l llllliai, O. IJ
n. m., fcW an J 4..) ) p. m. Kimduy, a a. u..
. .. ..... .. ui.,1,.1,1 inn Minis in, imrifet
inay hv l,.nl Un :iupi;o:iti ,a iu advauuo cu ttJ
tioiiol uuuut at thj biatiun.
U. 1'. ItAbDWlS,
J. n. oLnAt-PEjr.
0"ll. hunt.
huK HAfMtuAL).
rore.ioeiieinir .Vninhv.Jnl-
y . I ml tirii.,.,-11 in vivo an, I
fi f'l,'i"'l't troui thu new Laok-
V f.' ..-,f"lliv.'.:
1 1 1 li't 'l''a'.- "- ill I invo Fcra
U L ton stntion for Carbomlii
A?" " aio! int, rim ihate pointN
' '' t:.'M. i,.V, 7 I), XV.") .itel lu
I ' aee nn , rim luaie pomtN at
' '' t'.O. a. to, 7 IHJ, H '.'."i .iiel in IU
ll.lll.. 12.W. it.M. U.1,1. ;.".ri fl 1(1 iin.l
1! :.'U ,i.ui.
I or I'ui'viow. Wayuiart and IloiioiOalj at
i.e.l n.:;-, ,;,! p) pi .,Ili jo (Kj.a.ail and 5.13 p.m.
i . r A.liain-. ti.-iialn-.i, tie-.iiliroiuiaokaaud
J'o in-il nt r. 4 " a in. anil 2,Ai p in.
I-', r Wiiin Carre and liiteriiH-lhite points
m 7 t',. i- IV ii :i- -ml i.i .i.j ,..1,,., 12,11.-, 1,0,1
l.lil 11. in, i.e .-,. it I.i nnd il. tu p.m.
7i .ui, i will ai'1-iyi'iitsoiuiit..u Station fr m
' 111 boo tale ami iniei nit-diiilo poiiilM at 7 40,
Kl". I' -I and iil.l'i mo,, liiii, 1.J7, 2.:il. ail),
4 M, a V.; 4 !l ,1 and ll.: p.m.
I 11.111 I Inn"- lull-. WV-inari and Farvh w at
8.: I a. i.i... e.'.oo, 1 17, :i. 111. i ii nnd 7. i.i p.m,
Fr 'in n'l' : ai-alo,-a, Albany, etc., at
lo t and 11. -i p.m.
1'" rii.ii ibc-s- barro and iutornn-diato points
nt'.' ii. K.0I. 10-15. -mil 11 Vi a.m., 1 lti, 2,11, 3,;i'J,
i.l'.i, tins ;,J), ti.n.liur! 11 :0 j .m.
liAV IS. IK: I
Train leaves .Seranton for PliilailMnhin mi,1
Koiv Vo k via. 1). A- 11. ll It. nt ;. V, a.m..
ii.;.i mid lliJS p. in. via D., L. ts W. It. It., 000
8.111. 11. 'ej) a. in., mid l.: p. in.
Leave Heranton for Pittnton and Wilkis.
Iiarro vin I).. L. & W. Ii. It., U.UJ, b.OS, 11.2J
a. in , 1.8 1. tlo 1. e.iJ7. . e p. in.
Leave Seranton for Wlhtu Haven, Ilnzlnton,
Pn Its villo nnd all points on tim lleaver
Meadow and Pntthviil.1 In-nneiies. via K. W.
V.. h M .1.111.. v a I). A nt . n .111., 1J.!'5.
S:i. 4.1. p.m. via I).. L. A- v. It. It., ii.UU, .!. 11.111., i.:ti. p.m.
Leavn h-iaiiton lor Metli'ehr-m, Kastnn,
Ueadiiiu, Iinirishiir and all
jiomtn via U.Ai 7.15 a m ., 2.:h, ll. M
1:11., via U., L. is W. ii, l:..u.00,b.Uj, llJOa. 111., p.m.
I.envi) Seranton for Tunkb-ni'ioek. Towandi,
En,.. oa, liliae.i. U,.;iova mil ail intorinedl it 1
j.omts via i). tell. U.K..H.i,,a,id lLil'i
p. 111., via I). L. Ai W. 11 It . a . m.
Loiv,-.- lanoni l.,r lioi tie't n-, llniTaln, Ni
I'li'ua Fall 1, Jiotroir. cinrixu and ail nohiu
iv.vUiiUoVil. U. H. -.i.i i,.tn.,l:;'r,.'.i.r,.ll.8l
p. m.. via Ji. L. A- V. it. Ii. aim Piu-tn
.lunelion, mH a.m., l.Jl). S. .0 p. m., via li V.
Ii it., I'.41 p. 111.
Bo- Eba r.i and th) wo t via ' al in-uioi. vi
A- il. it. 11. x. i.v n,in latii.0) p. in., vail..
L. A- V. ,H.0S 11,111., 1..111 nad 0.U7 p. in.
I'u.lmiin p .i-lor and sleeiitn orb. V. chair
far 011 nil tiairs between I,. It .Iiuin-lon nr
W'i l:es-lt irr,) and X.-w Yir., I'nilad lp ill,
Buffalo and S sm-n ion iti i ) '
HOI, LIS H. WlLllfjrt, Gon. Sunt
PIUS. S. L"B. 0"ti. P.isi. A,'t. Phil.i., fl.
A.W.X' iXXSMACHEKWt Q u Pais. Ai't,
teouth Botblthem, Pa.
Trnina leave Serautnn aa follows: Ezpren
for Now York and all p-'intH East. 1.10, Z'J),
6.15, 8 UU and l).,i: a. m.; 12 fi aud o..V) ), m.
Lxrrei-i for F.aston, Trontou, plidadelphtu
and tun .South, alV, t.Od and t.j) a. m.; U.jJ
ani 3..V) p. 111.
vViihluiiL'ton and way etationa, ti.'Jj p. in. .
Toliyhauna iiC'-oniiiiiiiia'.loii, (U0 p. m.
l-.xpr 89 for bintbamton, Oswega Elmlr.i,
rni nini;. Hath. iJaiwvilIn, Mount Mnrru anil
Uullalo, l'J.le. 2 1." n. m. and 1 21 p. m., making
rloso connections at Huilalo to all poluU iutbt
We.-it, Xortliweat aud Southwest,
iia'h neennunodation, 11 a. m.
Biiiijhainton and way Btatlona, 12.37 p. m.
N ie iLl-011 aoooiuuioilatioii, lit 4 p. m. ttna
O.l11 ! in.
BliiRliaraton and Elmlra Express. 0.05 p, rn.
i.Xiris tor L'ortl.iiiil, Syru'-uie. Onwof
Uticu and Uichlleld Springs, a. in. aud
p. r.i.
Itliuoa. iM, and Bath Pa. m. and 1.21 p. m.
liir N oneuinberhinil, Pit 1, ton, Wiikoj-U,irrk
Plymouth. Uloninsbui't; nn 1 Daavilln, making
ei,,se (o.nii.etious nt Nnrtlomilvrla'id for
Willi. iin.-iiort. I'.arrHburj, liatliuioi'O, WasiK
iiiL'ton and tho South.
Northumberland a ml Intermediate station
t oo, lilii 11. ia. n::d nnd ii 'J7 p. m.
NantienK'j ana li.tornieuiave eU'Jona, & 4
and lli'i a. 111 Plymouth u:.d uitermodiat
B'l.tions, 3.HI ami S 5.' u. 111. .
Pullman parlor ana deoplnB eoachos on all
lor UO.uiled iiiformatiou, roekettim-tn I"9,
otc. upply w il. L. Siiiiih, city ticket o:Je
ilii Laokawaunttaveuuo, er duvot Uckut 0U0
in Kin axd wvoJUNii Valley eaii
Vj aoau
Trniu:, leavo Horonton forXowYorl! nnd bv
teriueiiiat.' point-H cm tlio Krio iinlrnad ut U..J
a. m. mid ii.J-1 p. 1:1. Also for Hnni-s.lale,
I, v. ;'-y and local poiutB ut ll ;j, 0.4j u. m .auJ
A' I 'he nbove are through trains tej ant
from Ib-iKsdiilo.
An aiidiiiieiil train leaves Seranton for
Lako Ariel a: a.10 p.m. and arrivw at Seran
ton from the Like at 15 a in. a'ld 7.1) p.m.
Ti.iim leave tor W llkes-Uarro at a. ul
aud a il p. m.
1 1
St'HAXTfiN I'lV'llOV.
In i:ir.'el Juiie21ih. lSfll,
Knrtli llniind.
ihiiiii h lli'iniil.
2IJ-5 .'03 Jtit
iii02 en 1 200
Slatlims I- -
t. (Trains Pally, Ex- I 3
J.. . I eopiMinnay.) p O.OP
.' i .-irnvo Miivei i M
-'"! Y. Franklin SI. .... 4i ....
1 b'i .... West- -Kinl nt root .... 7 M,
70.'i.... WoeUiiwlion .... 8I11 ....
r v f Ml
Tuin v
. :ti 1 ni'! .
t. ,1,., .1
7 : VI to . 1
Leave a ir m
0 Oil! 3i, ....
a or' a it ....
6 1H, ll-ii! ....
n! a 311 ....
g:i , viir
(l i t! lV'1 4 : 'I
I, :.-. n r. 4 M
Hint 11., lit
Pi cut nil JMrU
I'tivnti lie
ri'"'H"t M.
1 1 -'t 1 ity
Wl'tte ItrliKo
Pock Kilo
1 in k l'nioe
1 :.s l- ill in'
7 r. ' I'.' l,.i,ilH'
7'.". it! oil, 'J O
7 Itifej.-"' I' :K
7 n vi 1 .in i m
f'ISH! 8 -! (5 1)4
; mi s ! 5 is
7 w tit-i r.ti
7 87 HO.. R37
a tatiS 4:1 fo
7 m; ;i m
7 4(1 DM I 51
7 J :V 5 54
7 4.H , 8 f-9 tl 59
7 Ci 4 III! 6 91
7 M' 4 07 1 07
7 Ml J tn 11 in
(lallll 3 1 1 1' la
ni'lflhll fl i 'l
fll Ce ,...!lill)',
11 -ii n .':! tun
(iS.,,11 IS Ha,
;w fllla Sail
ft V I 11 11 t- M
'.' II Ii7 844'
1) Hi in i! , k :i
0 IU II in H.SI
(i 14 11 (" n:t'
HOel 4 1 6 14
MUI4 17, UK
t- 0", Iill eO
fit ltlt,.'i7 SSI)
0 lUjlO.',.-! H.1
hoi 11111(111
bo nvo
Arrive a nr up u
All trains run dully except Siiiiiluj-.
f. HiuiiKa tbitt tmiuHbtop ou signal for pas.
8011 ire rs.
t-eoiire rates via Ontario A Western before
U'-oli.isliiKtl'kets and save money. Day aui
Klllt't lCxuross to the N est.
.1 C. Anderson, Gin. Pass Agt
T. I'lltcrolt, Plv. 1 ass, Agt, scianten, Pa.
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for Improvement of the com
plexion, nothing equals Pozzom's Powder.