The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 10, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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I -A X I mm
It Cnrrl. s tlio CJre-at World Willi It, Lot
Lessor Mortals Say Wlnit Tlu'y Will.
"Twenty yonrs n jiian or woman in
even tlio smartest not of Xi'v York society
woulil liavu been inizzlrd to ulvo a dellni
tiuu of the term 'giunl for.n,' which is
now tei constantly lined. Tlio pnnl oM
knigliU ami claims of tlmo days wlio-o, lunediiis mid ednealiim had tiiuglit
tlicm all that is comprised inthatwv'.l
worn term had never heard tlio expres
sion nii.l ni'UT r.'ilied it to themselves
lr their friends. They wern n fined, edu
cated mul aecomplished men ami women,
full of that delicate appreciation of others
and that unwillingness to hurt the feel
ings or irritate the suseeptihilitiesof thoso
With whom they were brought in eontaci,
Which is t lie very essence of rellm incut,
ll is true) Unit the men bumrtimt'S eclivo
Utti raneo to a sturdy found oath wiilmut
cariiiil consideration of who mhtht hear
theni, and the dear old dames would In
an unguarded moment ash a direct (ues
tiuu touching the affairs of their friends
or neighbors, which in these days is tiin
first and greatest oliYnso against pood
form. Hut, for all that, they wcio honest
and true, overilowiiiK v.iih the milk of
hunian kindness, and ready nay, jIui! to
give, of their time and their strength to
nurse the sick and sinTi'i'ing, to watch by
tho dead and to comfort; the broken heart
ed. All tho.'.o olhccs of love and devotion
helped to soften tho hearts of llio.-e who
ministered and to annihilate the f.inns
of sclllshiuvs and self sci king which aro
latent In every human heart.' And tho
nature thus puriiicd and elevated rcuclcd
upon the outer man and g;ivo to tho
Women u Bofinessof manner and sweet
ness of expression which ono seldom sees
now on tho faces of those who have passed
0 years of ae."
Good form, as the writer of tho fotvpo
in;? explains in Harper's Hazar, had its
origin in Knjdand and is taken in with its
mother's milk by every English child of a
certain birth and rank. Americans who
havo not had tho early trainini; must, to
attain it In perfection, 1:0 throunh a
course of polishing I might Bay pumice
Btoniii); by which every natural emotion,
every impulsive movement of mind or
body, may bo forever stilled. Never to
nsk a question, never to show feeHn.'j.
never to utter u syllable betraying fear,
love, curiosity or even interest in thoso
ubuut you; to keep the body in as com
plete subjection as the mind, with every
muscle and liber in absolute repose and
not uu e.vchi.-h trembling even wero a
bomb exploding in tlio street or a treo
struck by lightning before your door this
is good form as tlio Kii.glil understand it.
Tho uhsenco of it is very had form and
not to be tolerated in the beat society cither
of London or New York.
That it is attractive in ninny instances,
Rives 11 wonderful linisli to tho manners
when set off by perfect taste In dress and
nn ever present watchfulness to discrimi
nate, between poliicne-;s and snobbishness,
is beyond a doubt.
A Tenor Who, When a Mttle I5oy, Sun:;
for General Sherman's Soldier.
"Why do I think so much of that heauti
fill old song, 'Annie Laurie'!'" said Albert
U. Tides, the tenor, to a reporter at a
gathering of musical people the other even
ing. "Well. I will tell you. Ever since I I
wits two years old I have loved that song, j
It was tho lirst one I ever learned, anil 1 j
was fully seven years old before I cared for j
mother. One day, soon alter 1 lenrncd it,
my lucthcr missed me from the house. She
made .1 diligent though fruitless search for
me in the neighborhood for several hours,
finally a policeman came along who said,
after listening to her story, 'Why, that
must be the little fellow with long yellow
curls that follows the Italian organ grinder
nearly every day and sings"Annie Laurie"
for him. I just left the pair at the corner
of street.'
"I often think what nn Interesting ap
pearance I must have presented on my lirst
concert tour. I had run away from the
hoitso in order to go barefooted, and had
followed the organ, singing when its owner
played my favorite tune. When I was
only six years old I had the honor to sing
'Annie Laurie' before General Sherman
nnd his staff
"I shall never forgot that day. It was in
ISl'4. The army hail just returned from
the south and was encamped on Hiker's
Island. One day my brother, who was an
aide-de-camp to the general, obtained per
mission for my mother and me to visit the
island. I was dressed in black velvet, with
n wide linen collar, and had a soft hat of
black felt stuck jauntily over my curls.
As I walked about the village of whitecau
vas, the officers nnd men would conic out
nnd hug and kiss me ns they thought of
their own dear ones at home whom they
should soon he permitted to see again. I
was the lirst child they had seen since their
arrival north.
"Some one, probably my brother, had
told them about my song and they inane
mw sing it. As I sang, the tears would
flow down the rugged clicks of the dear
old fellows as, with broken voices, they
joined in t he chorus. Their approval took
ft practical form. My pockets snrm began
to be heavy with coins of various kinds.
Many a man gave me the last cent he had
in the world. None of them had much
money at that time, I fancy.
"I received just 4T1 00 besides a bag of
crackers which a kind hearted soldier gave
me. Dad luck, however, attended me.
The tug which had brought us from this
city wont awnynnd left us. We had to
hire a fanner to take us in an ox cart to
the ot her side of tho island, where we took
a ferryboat.. The farmer charged us five
dollars, which about used up my first pro
fessional fee.
"My love for t he song is so well known
in the fnusienl profession that an American
woman violinist, in order, ns she said, to
keep peace in the family, has nicknamed
my wife 'Annie Laurie.' "New York Trib
une. Wnshlng Tret tt u Maniago Ceremony.
Washing tho feet seems to be intimately
connected with weddings. In the old Ro
man days the feet of the bride and bride
groom were washed after the ceremony
hud been performed. The custom of wash
ing the bride's feet does not seem to have
been so prevalent as that of washing the
bridegroom's. Wood, in his "Wedding
Day in All Ages," only gives one instance
of the former. Ho says, "Among the nn
cient Poles tho bride walked three times
round a fire, then sat down nnd washed
her feet." He refers more frequently to
washing the bridegroom feet.
In India the daughter of a Brahmin is
dressed by her father in a festive dress, and
washm the bridegroom's feet, the bride's
mother pouring out the water for that pur
pose. In Malabar the bridegroom's feet are
washed by a young relation; and in some
parts of Java the bride, ns a sign of her
subjection, kneels and washes tho feet of
the bridegroom when he enters the house.
Somewhat nnnlogous customs prevail
among the agricultural classes of the east
of Scotland. The actual ceremony is fall
ing somewhat into desuetude, though the
"feet washing" is still the name given to
an evening of hilarious enjoyment preced
ing the marriage by a day or two." The
practice is common in the norl h of Scot
land both in relation to bride and bride
groom, and so far as the latter is concerned
usually gives rise to some horse play.
Chambers' Journal
Thackeray' T.nve for IKiislo.
Mrs. F.itchie, Thackeray's daughter, In
her rcmini.-cenecs says that her father nl
ways lovw! music, and understood it too.
He knew his opera tunes by heart. "I
have always liked," she says, "the little
story of his landing with his companions
at Malta on his way to tho east, and as no
one of the company happened to speak
Italian he was able to interpret for the
whole party by humming the lines from
various operas. 'I'll biglietto Kecolo (iia,'
Kays my father to the man from the shore,
'l.asco dareai' I.i niano,' and lie helped
I.adv T up the g'.ingwny, and so on.
"e used sometimes to bring Mr. Kll.i
home to dine with him, and lie liked to
hear bis interc.-ling talk about music.
Through Mr. Dil i's kindness the doors of
the Musical I'uion (lew open wide t i us,
audit was there 1 lirst heard Dr. Joseph
Joachim play. When I listened to tho
familiar happy si ream (lowing once more
before the crowding listeners 1 could only
marvel with wondering gratitude that
such a strain should have accomplished
the opera of one's long life in all its varying
scenes and combinations."
a book ran each gown.
Jtirtlc Olinllefs IlinUii the Ctrl Who Would
Crt'-.ite 11 Scieut ion.
A certain publishing firm has taken to
advising its women customers to buy
books for summer reading according io
their bindings, these to lie chosen with an
eye to the gow n which is to be worn dur
ing the process of perusal. This idea is
good r.s far as it gees, but it sug eds some
thing better in itself it is loo simple 11
tn'hemo to satisfy an Intellectual woman.
A more thouglu fill plan is to mutch the
title of the volume with the co.-tume,
which will give scope to Ingenuity and
add a uniipie charm to the indulgence of
literary l.isiu which could never be en
joyed If one looked only to the blue, red or
gray linen of book covers. Tho real color
of n book is often decided by iis name, and
It Is that which should be selected in har
mony with the wardrobe, since tho bind-
!ng Is proved to be uiieharacterisl in by tho
fact that it frequently varies indifferent
editions of the same work, while the title
remains I he same.
Kor the of women to whom this
Is a new sii"gc;b,n a few hints are sub
mitted, which, it is hoped, will serve to
turn their attention in the tight direction
and si iniulate them to moo complex Indi
vidual eoiiihina; ii.tis.
"Point Lace mid Diamonds" niav be
read to tiil up the tedious minutes 1 hat in
tervene b: twe i n the conclusion of dress
ing for a rece'i.ian and tin' arrival of tho
carriage which is to take one there,
"llcariscase.-'ii.l Rue" is i:n admirable ad
junct to a half u oimiing cost nine. "The
Coming Race" sl.ouid he read only while
weni ing the v: ;s of one's favorite upon
tin; turf. ''I.' to From lh II." which is
far less dread Till than it sounds, would go
well with a n d and black gown. "Water
Rabies'' appropriately accompanies the
bathing suit, while wiih a yachting dress
nothing could be hotter than "'Ships That
Pass In the Night."
Many other i oks will commend lh"in
Felves to Woit.e 1 preparing n ; ummei" ward
robe ns 11.-. f.d under various circir.u
stanees. The K heme is 11:1 excellent one,
providing, as it does, for i :;t Vila!, if not
internal, con.-istetiey. thot brightest a:.d
most becoming jewel in the entire list of
A ski tch is given of a yo.ur'gii l's gown
of blue and whiii china silk. It lias 11 dou
ble skirt sli c'.;,iy craped on ti.e ii ..hi .-ido
and a round boi'.'. e triuimtj v."i:li white
silk muslin ruiv's to simulate a yoke.
The balloon puiV of the lccv is cotiilr.ed
In the middle by a band of white ribbon,
and wi.ite rl'ibe.: l.-ll. surrounds the
waist. li.Jkehs in Line China" should
be carried with thi.i c..t ..lac.
Jfiitt: CuoU.tX
IniHrtuiH-c of Tcfitiiiciil Tapers.
The iudiliVreia e displayed by the largo
majority of workim 11 in engineering shops
nnd other iiglc t ries to producing any
thing belter than ", he average standard of
work, or to r.'.i ... t !'e:as-. v;'s la-yuirl t he po
sition they happen to occupy, is lamenta
ble. The superintendent of a large siiop
said recent!;.": "I want a man for foreman
of one of our shoes, ; and would you believe
it, there i s not one out of t he whole tic'l) that
1 would tni-i. I never saw such n lot of
men in my life, they dnli't care for any
thing. Tlii re is'i't a single mechanical pa
per taken by one of tiie'.n, and yet 1 hey are
H fair average."
A pr.iniiat 11 ". ra'iway journal makes tho
excellent s.iggesi ion that enterprising and
progressive man ofaauivrs should supply
trade papers to their men at tin ir own ex
pense, holding that the increased eflieicnry
thereby promoted would rej."y I hem many
times over.- New Yurk Commercial Ad
vertiser. '
Sugar Will Malio Vcci Tat.
"Good Oaten Anne," of Kugland, died
of obesity. According to the physicians of
her time Anne's gros-ncss of body whs
caured by herdrinkiiig hot chocolate nnd
milk, sweetened with sugar every night
; before sleeping. Nothing fitfus one
; more rapidly than sugar, five ounces of
I which, eaten daily, it Is said, will increaso
the weight ono pound a week. This is a
fact for the consideration of the lean who
Wish to become stout. Pittsburg Dis
( itch.
White House YVcdiltllK.
The first wedding to occur In tho White
House was that of Miss Todd, a rehilivo
by marriage of President Madison. Then
In their order eunie the weddings of Klir.iv
beth Tyler, a daughter of President Tyler;
John iju'.ney Adams, Jr.; Miss Knsten
ami Miss Lewis, both during (lencral JiilK
Suu's administration; Miirthn Monroe;
Nellie (irivnt; Kmily Plntf, a nlcco of
Presidout Hayes.nnd, last, President Cleve
Clonm and grayness 11s of breaking night
Till tho .tune day awakens, till the hush
lircuks into song of throstle, and the. lush
Long grasses stir and quiver, dewy bright.
A world of dusky crimsons, with tho wliito
Snow petids budding, mid tho fragrant blush
Of tho in k-s r oso-u'i ever deepening flush
Of (lowers that wait tho love kiss of tho llyiit.
Bo breaks tho morn of roses; but, alnsl
DoadJ unci) havo left (heir ini'inuries, a flowor
Pressed between storied leaves, a twist of grass
Once fitted to my lineer in that bower
Of twilight blooms. Oh, lovel though youth
must puss,
Llfo holds tho mein'ry of that Rolden honr.
C. A. Duwbon iu Clmui'jcrs' Journal.
Tho Dicycl Miml rive. ?! alsu tlay lis Tnnlo
and CouiplLxiou I. rovers.
As lvportcd by the New York World,
T.Iiss I'imiiccs Willaid's coinple.'iion im
prover mid eyo lnij lilener is tho bicycle,
reseriii.d by I!r. 11. W. Kichardsoii, 0110
nf Kiiglan;t's greai '-i bygicui. is. She
lakes il in large do. aei! i t.ik her ;!0
hours to le.v ii it. In learnin:; Miss Wil
lard had two rules and I'ede nolo them.
Hhe says: 'The major premise I took was,
'I will not fall. ' is rule one. Tin vo
is an old Yorkshire proverb, 'It's dogged
lis does it,' which I took lor ru'.otwo. I
used to repeat it a times."
Other thimrs besides tho bicycle that
Miss Wilhird look for he.r heidth while in
Kng'nnd wee:
"1 ivo me.iis a day. I never thought I
would conic to it, but I did. 1 had to.
There is no resisting Iho'lieavy, boggy cli
mate in any oilier way."
'And were your lei th under tea all tho
' I must admit that I drank ten. I took
lb very weak, wiili lots of cream, but I
j ftiis never uble to ih ' line it. As soon as I
! moke a pretty maid brought me a pretty
1 service, with shell cups, 11 pot of the ira
t grant, stemming beverage and u (ii: !i of bis
! cuits. At o'clock I had more tea, wiih a
I breakfast of fruit, eggs nnd toa.-l. At
, wo bad lunch a lunch, but not
I heavy meat. Heef steak W:is oideied for
us, while tho f;:mily had ehickon. sinah,
lish or some otner light meat. 1 very soon
! lost my liking lor slenU and took what
the rest had. We had tea and caraway
cako at fi, dinner at t, and at instead
of more tea, 1 had laaian corumeal and
1 milk."
llxtrnct of 3Iurrow Tor Amrmia.
It has been claimed, according to tho
New York Herald's Kuropoan edition, al
though it has never been proved, that tho
marrow of tho bones of young animals
takes a part in forming blood that is to
cay, that it t r.mslorms while globules Into
red. From this theory has sprung tlio
Idea of using marrow in the troni incut of
unicnii'i, as has been tried by M. Hixou
The physician of the Selford Royal hos
pital claims to have obtained excellent re
sults in two cases of chlorosis and inn
small hoy very much weakened by repeal
ed los of blood by the administration of
n glycerin extract of red al marrow tak
en from animals freshly killed. After it
few weeks' treatment microscopical ex
amination of the blood showed a noticea
ble increase In the numhemf red globules,
and there was at the same time improve
ment in the general coniiiiion.
The extract usid had t he nupenvanco of
ndark red liquid not at all unpleasant
In odor or taste and was given in doses of
one or two tca.-pooufuls a day.
She Obeyed.
"Now, mamma, 1"
Thus the child began, and was stripped
Bhnrt by her mot her.
"Lottie, iiow ninny limes I've told you
not to begin with 'Now.' it is 'Now,
mamma,' 'Now, I can't,' 'Now, I will,'
Now something or other continually.
Don't say il again! The very first time
you do I will send you to stand fifteen min
utes in the corner."
Little Lottie knew full well the terrors
of that puni-hmei!'.. What an eternity it
seemed to her to stand that length of time
with her face to the wall, not allowed to
turn around or speak till told that the.
time was out, for always after about three
minute she felt sure I he fifteen minutes
must lie passed, and that she, forgoiicn,
Inii.-t stand lliere always! So cautious Lot
tie retreated wiih her di !! out of mamma's
hearing, and it being already bite in the
day escaped coiideiiinal ion.
When the little nightgown had been
donned and mamma said tenderly, "Now,
darling, say your little prayer," Lodio
faiicd to notice how the catcher had Lrell
caught 011 the "Now," but utiawerud:
"I can't 1 musn'i."
"Lottie! Why not:-'1
" 'Cause if 1 say my ' I lay me' I
must st nnd in ! he corner." ilousekccpt. .-'
Weekly. .
To Imitate t.i!in;;any.
In the lie. mifact ure of furniture it is
oft'-n found ti.a; 1 xceih t.t iis..ils both :i
economy 111:1! elleet are gained by li.eahil. y
to i in it, -it e valuable h;,i '.coeds. The French
art I- an is especially si; i lied in I his ai t, and
will produce a suieiie so like the wood
inibated, in texture, deti..-ity of lute and
polish, Hint many cxpeit j udges will ofo n
me !ake I he bnital ioy I u-1 he nal Jial wood.
The appearance of mahogany is given by :
the following process: The surface of the ,
wood having been made perfectly smooth, I
diloied nitrous e.i'id is rubbed in.
To a filtered mixture of one and a halt '
ounces of dragon's blood, dissolved in a'
pint of spirits of wine, 1.; add. d one-third
that quant by of e of soda. This
gives a veiy thin lie ;:d, which i, brushed
wiih a soft !:rtis:i over la wood. The pro- j
cc.-s is repealed, and : bar, y ( he wood as-
suim's I lee e.i ernal ap laranee of mahog
any. If t he compasit ion has been propel ly
made the -'irf'ice wit! sv.-emh! an niti
flci.d mirror, and should 1 his bt i!;i: aey at
any time be ia. paired, it ran in r .-1 q i,y
rubbing the surface with a little cold
drawn !':: I oil. New York Commer
cial Alv ;;!
t." - . . u 31:ieliinc Now.
A lecta; ." so well known as he hopes
to be always u- c; a typew riter iu answer
ing litters a-l;ing hiiu to lecture, lie,
writes an i.i roeious hand, but not so blind
as to prohibit the possibility of decipher
ing io. His explanation of his custom,
however, is extremely practical. "I was
once invited to lecture," he said, "at a
place where I had always been ex I leincly
anxious to speak. The letter of iu vital ion
was very complimentary, nnd I answered
that it won!.! give, me great delight to
speak at sucii and sin h a place 111 such
and such a subject on a certain crcuing.
Imagine my surprise when I received a
note regretting that, previous engagements
would prevent, my speaking nn such and
such a subject, etc. Since that day I
have always had toy replies typewritten,
and 1 have never found reason to regret
my reformat ion.'V-Now York Tribune.
Our Huge Internal Cniniiit'rcn.
Statistics of our internal commerce have
never been accurately collected, but it bus
been estimated that the domestic produce,
moved nnd exchanged iu this country dur
ing ls'.Kl amounted in value to $'J..,()Uli,()!0
000. Tiie annual river commerce of Cin
cinnati is valued at more than i.i!i,ti(lt),(ti!0.
The tonnage that passes up and down the
Detroit river annually is greater than that
which enters the port of Liverpool. Tho
number of vessels that enter ami clear at
Chicago exceeds every year by 7,000 tho
number ot those that enter and clear at
New York. The tonnage passing through
tho Sault Ste. Marie in IH10 exceeded that
passing through the great. Sue, canal by
1,000,000 tons. Senator 1'rye in Forum.
Iti'pol it ioim.
Louis XIV said to Doilcau, on receiving
his epistle on the passage of the Rhine,
"This is line, and I hIioiiM praise you more
had you praised mo less." Tho same com
pliment had bam paid before his day by
Queen Margaret la Heine Mnrgot to
Frederick the Great is reported to have
said, in reference to a troublesome assail-
ant, "Tina man wants me to make a mar
tyr of him, hut ho shall not have that
satisfaction." Somewhat like, though not
identical, was the remark of Vespasian to
Demetrius, the cynic, "You do ail you can
to get me to put you to death, but I don't
kill a dog fur barking at me." All tho
Year Round.
The i.lvei- anil tlio LceH.
The liver depends upon the legs for ex
ercise. The movement of the body keens
the liver from becoming torpid A torpid
liver and gastric disorders cause unsettled
nerves and painful and frequent headaches.
All these things come from the biat I hat
the legs and the liver are n,,t exercised
enough, that tin various digestive jiees
have not been absorbc by the system, it
has been demons 1 rati d in the ce," of bile,
which i.i absorb,-.! with great rapidity from
the iiilcsliuis and re-cxen li d by the liver,
that il d ks not pnus into the ycncrul tir
culatio.i at all.
As the livn' gets its principal power from
the activity of the body, it will be seen
that the proper distribution of the ga.-.tilu
juices and oils wliiili aid digeal ion is du
pi ndeni more upon the steps a woman and the manner in thich they aro
taken, than upon the quality and quantity
of the fund consumed. Jcuncss-Miller
In Decollete (towns There's n Tendency To
ward lucrciiM-il Covering.
Tho latest fashion In table arrangements
is as Interesting to most hoiisck epers as
the newest thing in dress, so they may
like to know Pint linger bowls are by no
means out of date and probably never will
be unt il olives and nuts are eaten with 11
knife and fork. The water in the bowl
should be ltikev.arai, mid in place of tho
slice of lemon to w hich our eyes have so
Ion;: been accustomed a tiny bunch of
sweet violets tc.-ts upon the siirfa:'e. This
is to ho removed, dried v. it h the napkin
nnd worn us a corsage bouquet or in the
Spcn'dng of the table, we learn by way
of Paris that a Philadelphia chemist has
invented a series of essences, or rather
gastronomic perfumes, with which wo
may so scent, and idealize a slice of plain
bread as to fancy w hile eat ing it that wo
are dining on roast pheasant , patede foio
grits, partridge or other substantial deli
cacy. The persons to whom this iuvun-
riXNrt: covrx pi.t""vi:s.
tion would be of the ino.-t benefit nre thoso
who habitually live upon bread and would
therefore be glad to break the monotony
of the diet by lit lea-t a suggestion of
something richer, even though the sugges
tion had no more solid a b:i-is than did tho
feast of the llarniecide. Hut the essences
seem to be almost as expensive as the gen
uine articles of food, and few of us like to
pay for pretense when we can have reality
for t he same amount of money.
There scns to be a teniicni y toward
milling decollete gowns high over tho
shoulder again, instead of cutting them
straight across and leaving the curve of
the shoithh'r uncovered In the stylo so
much in vogue last winter. Not that iho
latter fa hion has disappeared, but tho
other is reappearing.
A sketch Is given of two designs for tho
fh eves of dinner gowns. T.acli reaches
rtily to tho elbow'. The fir.t is of silk
triniUM'il with embroidery and pearls and
finished Willi a loose cut)'. The second is
of whet, wiili 1111 application of guipure,
and is left open on the outside to show tho
arm. Ji iiii: CiiOLi.liT.
A Lawyer's Iiirniiic.
A lawyer's income is not anything like
so steady 11s 11 physician's. One lawyer
who earn -d o"i,Ik)I) during the year before
la-t, coiuYssCs that he took i'l only JI(l,ti.)o
last ear Such variations are not merely
frequent, they are almost to be counted on.
It is to such variations that lawyers as
cribe the spendthrift character of the sue-ce-eTal
men in their profession. When
they mat.e money it s.'cns to come over
whelmingly, and, as it comes after a period
of enforced self denial, it is apt to go as it
One well known lawyer, who has recent
ly est nl.ii -.he I himself in, took Ji:!,'t:i)
i;s a l' e in a recent c lehra'.r 1 will case. It
gave him prestige, but in the year that
suee, .vdel that event he did not earn as
inn h as he git from (hat single case.
New Yark Sun.
Correct IdagnosN.
Daci cr-Good inotn'iig, .Mr. Lover. What
can I do lor you)1
Mr. Low r-I 1 called, sir, to to ask for
the hand 01 of )..-ur daughter.
"Humph! Appetite good?"
"Not very."
"!ow is your pulsef"
"Very rapid w lien -when I am with her.
Very feeble v, hen away."
"Troubled Willi palpitation"
"Awfully, when I think of her."
"Take my daughter. You'll scon bo
cured. Ten dollars, please.''-New York
Cod mielemej I will not apologize
Tlio wni-kni!iii-lii is his; if firm and fair,
'I ne credit of its siren ;tli I do not share;
If il be rudely retire. I, ami men ilc-piso
Its quaint design, i.i.d deign lo eriiiei e,
1 make nn murmur, for 1 have no 1 arc
I question not the builder aci-o lmr there,
Relieving s' ill licit nil lii- w:u: nre wise.
Tli is Is the one sweet 'bit V t 'ml 1 chih:i:
To keep the palace chamber 's-.ol and pnro
And lily chaste with I'l. whiii I hey endure,
And ail the many turret lielits ulhiiiie;
To pour love's v, inc. mid bid the world tako
p.' i'l.
Around t Tic purple altars nf my heart.
-,Iii mes New! on M c ! i-.-'. . in ( 'oicagn Tribune.
rrvuj-.; , 0 tho physical const I--.
.'V - tut ion often comes
W.;:- from unnatural, ner-
niciotiB habits, con
tracted through
i ? ,' .. ', ,'.; 1 . . iguora nco o r
' '-'' '' ' ia'.'.o!" " - from excesses.
i-tr'&PZj. Sue" habits
- '-ylv: .- resn t, in loss
-.-Y''iT of manly
power, nerv
ous exhaust
ion, nervous debility, impaired memory,
low spirits, irritalilo temper, and a thou
sand and ono derangements of mind and
body. ICnilepsy, puraiyais, softening of
tho 'brnin ' nnd even dread insanity soma
tomes result from such rwkloss self-nliuso.
To reach, reclaim nnd rcstoro such unfort
unates to health and linppincss, is tlio aim of
tho publishers of a book written in plain but
chaste language, on the nature, symptoms
and curability, by home treatment, of such
diseases. This book will be sent sealed, in
plain envelope, on receipt of ten cents in
st'imns to pnv postngo.
Address, vVorld's Dispensary Medical A
soeiutioii, 003 Muin tit,, Buffalo, fi. Y.
1 rmimip.4
riiysii'ittns by the thousand recommend
Space will not permit the publica
tion of one per cent, of the names of
eminent physicians who consider
liOVlN'INE indispensable in treating
all su:h cases. Here are only a few
out of many, just to show what a
great food BOVININE is:
1!. Swnrmstcill, M. I).
W.isMnitnn, T. C.
Wilmiiiiaeri, itjl.
Wnt.:rl"o, la.
l'itt -ljuix. l'a.
ToruiHo, Can.
Se'i.iuton, l'.i.
Watli.i;.;..n, I. C.
I'lltslmrc, l'.i.
Ki( Iniionil, 'a.
Si. J..I111, N. II.
In li m.inuiis, I ml.
Philadelphia, li.
K. C- (iuuull,
K. Whin-,
W. Ceuli-lee,
W. 1 tu lle a,
. .. M.tniii,
l I" VCy,
S. .M'irii-.i.n,
II .Mo.irc,
. W, James,
Tiiese and twenty-five thousand
others have taken the trouble to write
us statin"; how they depend upon
BOVIMNE in all children's illness.
Sold by all druggists.
i;u.i.i,oi,J.Il I iVlu&ilvtl
left. HEGRA'S
t 1 n r'fBn
Pmrwrn FrtoS.:Io, Mnple
, : . y...- 1 .. .1. g.
ii.i.ij-i, n....... ..I...
Se t-.'-n mill Tn. .: T, :i
it ::g th'i r.hhl tj lti r!i- .-V'-v.' is
lt d fres'e.iiei.1, pro ;;..;i;e; a y'-.i. yM
c':".r Kid luMiii.y c ".i-i y JJA-..JC--
p'.'xion. Pnpi.-ric.cvoR.1,.."0 '
re.tir'.tijns nil '.;;.". 7 hsrmlesi. At nil
uiuKgstorniiufed ierveeii K-ud for Chculur,
V!0!. C!1J SC.? I flmrljr lnreniiiirtHo 01
rwin . .ii In.,' s.i.-.p, u-.'.-iiVl ISr 11.3 tfit -l, ii.tI without a
rleil l..r li.e i.ur.-ry. i t :v LiA duiuutoly lue-ili. vlf ., P-Ifn'iS r:e;l.
(. . C. L;;TTIMEIi'J& CO., Toledo, O.
I'. r sain liy Mitttlioiv Itnis. null John
II. l'lielpl.
EllOOHtEll BT THE HlCirsT McbicU, AuTKOmTIrt
JriX M i l'-nAi.rn will euro you. j.
Jf, .11 JTss,""!"!' 'roil l.""Il tn Klitl,
r'r.-imColiU, t(opeThr
' iimin.",iff nlif.f. An
n r.ii'i
Cllltri.nlM. Hi. n.irrv
In pnoint.roaflT to nr on t:rt ineiram.n of I'.ilif.
lniioiutMi p r.v i.;!pen jgormuiiont ('nre.
Hiiti-liii tieniriii'riuti'eilorieonov ri'lumleit. Pi-lro,
f'lrl. Trial ti fit DniKKimil. iieclntercil mail.
U) ccuta. i. D. Cl'j:,)';i:i, Lir.. lliroe Ihvirs. Mid.. D. S. i.
f,1TITi.r-! 'J'lie etir.'BV nuil naf.t remeily fnr
iew..i a i.tfi. n'l skiniil' puses. I'ei'nui. lii'leSat:
Tth?um. '.'.I lllirim. r.ifM. IVomUrful rci..
r.'.v ..r t'lf.rX. I'l-lrv.S.a ctn.iit llrilK-ri I B
'Mi l." .m- l.r n.sil erie.a .l. j'l.;r.'? hiiIihtc. Uft L.f
l'..r Kill by .llatllicu'4 Urim. unit Jolin
II l'i i.ip.
fo$'lK''kJ Made a
lstoay.'f'-;'' k'VKvell Mar
isthiy;f' 0f Me.
THE CKZAT ,ioth Day.
;ii oiliiei's thciilime resnlis In III) lny. It n. Ii
I'.e.i llllllv illnl cllli-dy. Cm is llvlllllliilll(rsl;iil
Vein nun ii will ret.un thi'.r lest nnuiliuoil, ami eli
..nn w.ll rii-iivi-r llitir ynetl.tiil vie-el' !y nsiii;
itt.V! '.). It ielie!;ly ,n,.l sun ly rislo.i s N. rviiii.-
lleM.l.ilt Vlt.lllly, JliUHM,. ni-v. Nilllitly lMllL-siOUs
..' t l'..u. r.l'.'iliiij M-'i.i..ry. Wiisiinir liis.-iisrs. nm:
ill ell' i l o i:i.!! aliiw. iir exi'i'-R ami iliiliM'l'i tion
.. hu ll nn lifs en., tor H-ii.iy. tiusitii.i;s or n.-n-renri'. it
.. t ulilv eiii'i s l.y shu lnii; i.t the soar ot disi a .s. h il
eiei'i .'it ii I've Inn. ii1.. I litiiml builder, lirinc
i: I' i It tiie p etc clow to in(, rliFi'lna-'dir
''!" ! I''' of vn.itli. it :mU oil' Insani;.
e.l I'uh'.iiiMeti.'ii. Insist on liavnm !t'-;'l'(, ti
: ' r. I: ran tie iT.nie.l in v. st i n, 1. 1.
t.tlll ; . r r:e l:;..'.-.(.r fix tot" -.i.tM), with ll
written trenniiiiPo to uro or rvteiiie
'.leillrv. Aiiilf.S3
"- e" tt'iT St.. CHICAGO. ILL
Tor se.Io by Mnttlien Ili os., Uruvelotn,
I'ruiitnit, I'n.
s n m m. m m A
'a l5 TUF CIQT
f 3.5? PCLICE.3 Soles.
5LriD fOH CllflLDGUE
Vou can hiitc itinni'v liy inii'ilniiiii VS. L.
l-.niuiiia rhucH,
Because, we me the lure, est niiitiuractitrers of
cilvtihsed slioea in tiie world, mid Kuaiiintec
the value by stnntpiiiK tiie niiiiic nnd price on
tl'.e bittern, which prole-els ; on ngaiiist hinll
juices inul tiie ii:i.Ulle'inan'H prolits. Ourshoc
tiiuitl custom work in style, easy filt-.n nnd
v.i.-'.titiiT finalities. Me have them sold t-vety-when.
;'L lev.i r ;nii-i'S for the value nivcn thr.n
un oilier in. il.e-. Talee no substitute. If your
dealer can lul supply you, wc can. Sold by
mi 1 ar,3 2 Comnsanvisalth Blf a
llade at tlio 3100910 and KUtill
Lnillin & Eiind Powder Co.'i
Electrio rtntterlp Fiiboi for explod
ing blasts, tNifoly Fuse and
RepaunoChcmicftl Co.'s High Explosives
Ladies Who Va!uo
I A refined complexion muBtnso Pozzonl's Pow-I
dor. It produces a soft and beautiful skin,
1 "sn 8. .vvy
V. ' l'-'e s." XI
1 S V? .:T;
S3 m
" 'I .v ..-w'-
V t v-'vgeV HC ..II, ll!
The above brand of flour can be had at any ot the following merchants,
who will nccupt Thr TniBUNit flour coupon ot 25 on each one hundred pounds
of tionr or DU on euch barrel of flour.
t'cr.inti.n-F. P. Prle. Wimhinpfton avonno I
(ln'.il' Bi-ainl.
Dnmiioro F. P. 1'rien. Go'.d iMn Prand.
liiiiumrii F. D. Manluy. riujie'i'litivo liranl.
llyiie 1'ark ( iirKou te Duvla, Washlmrn HU
Gotit Med il lli-itnd; J A. Hears, Mum
avenue, Siiinrlut.ivo Ilrrind.
Gri'mi Itidi,'" A.Iy.Sp -nenr.Gold Medal Brand.
J., riiijH'rlntivo.
l'lOTidi-nee l enner & Clinpiell.N Main ave-
mio, Superliitivn l;rand;C. .1 Gilloipio, W.
Markot Htroot, (told .Med it Bi itod.
OlytihHnt Jural' Jordan. Superlative BranX
lVekvilto sli ill-r ft K- le r Hup'irUittT).
Jermvn -C, U. Wi .tern Co. hiiporaiatire
Arelitial'l Jotu-H. 8 inpson te cto. . Uold Medal.
Carlioniliilo-B. 8. Clark, Gold Modal Brand,
llnnemlalu I- N. Foster St Co. Gold Modal.
Jlinooka M. Ii. Luvollo
Dsalar in Choica Confections and Fruits.
1437 Capouse Avenue.
.Ti:ssoi'S KNGLISH
Biftenbender &Co.9S
W'boluoale and retail dealers' in Wagonmakers' and Blacksmith'
That wa will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVE3 SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weight, ounce for ounce,
cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variaty of new pat
terns to select from at
"Uo star wa3 ever lost wo once have seen,
Wo always may bo what we might have beon,"
Scranton, Pa.
and 23 Commonwealth Building
Msnufnctnrwlnt tho Wapwallopnn Mills, Lu
minu rnuuty Pn., and nt WU
miugtuD, De'luwuro.
General Agent for tha Wyoming District,
n8 Wyoming Ave., Scranton Pa
loii'd Katlonal Bank BuUding.
ARKKnim. '
Tiins. ronD, Pittst n, r.
JuHN R SMITH & KON; Plymouth, P.
E. W. MUUJttAN, Wtlk-hrr8, Pa.
Amenta for the Hnpnuua CUoiuloiU Cvn'
I W Ulgti Eiiilmivu. -
Ttom X 7. Tribune, Kov.1, 1M
The Flour
"CniCACO, Oct 81Fh first offlciatj
Bnnonncement of World' Fair dl-
plomns on flonr has been mad A
medal hug been awarded by the
World's Fair jndires to the flour manu
factured by the Washborn, Crosby Co.,
In the great Washburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis, The committee reports
the flonr strong and pure, and entitles,
it to rank as first-cluM patent flour totf
family and bukers' ua9.M
& CON tl ELL
Taylor-Jiirtcre Co., Gold Medal; Athertm
& Co., MurlatiTd.
Turyna Laivroiive Htnre Co., OoM Medal
Moo-ie John MoCrtndle, Quid M tat.
1'ittBtnn-M. W. O'Hoyle, Oolil Medal.
Clnrk'a Ureen-Frace & Piirker, Hupi-rlatlva,
( lrk'ii Mimmit-K. M. Vouiik, Gold Medal.
Liiiltou-S. E. Finn & Son, Gold Modal Brani
Niih lon-J. E. HHrdinif.
Wvc-rly-M. w. iliaB & Son, Gold Mednl
I' ai'tnryvllle Oharlw Gardner, Gold Medal.
Hnnhottom-N. M. Finn & Hon, Gold Medal.
Tobyhanna T.ibyhanna Leniisu Lumtief
Co., Gold Medal Brand.
rtouldsburo-B A. Adama, Gold MivUl Brand,
Moscow Gaijte & Clements, Gold Medal.
Lake Arii-1 Junius A. Bortree, Gold Medal.
Forest City J. L. Moritaa & Co., Gold Meds
OPP.y FROM T A.M. TO 11 P.M.
IVal or tha tKt qnallty fjr domeatle nfa,an4
ef all alzna, deUTared In any part of tlia cltj
at lowetit rrice.
Order left at my offlca.
Roar room, flrat floor. Thirl Nntlonal Bank
or aent by mail or tulpphone to tha mine, will
recelvo prompt attention.
r-reoial eontrarta will be made for the sal
and delivery ot Buckwheat CoaL
i.u-.m-e aiii uii jwniiii!', iwia
parmtOftQtlrourtd I
in JO toWdayt tj
Man o Rn-
0(lV under iTUttnnt7,MM oy fMu,wwwj.
.'otitivtprwhamd 100-ptgt book, illnitrited (ran
Ufifrom pM.plcourrt,rrthyaiHiL WhtnHotlprinfi
tnd MarnrTlfcil, Oar fflnnlo Remedy will