The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 10, 1894, Page 5, Image 5
Till SCli ANTON TIIIBUNE FIJI D AY MOTJNING, AUGUST 10, 1894. Unlike ihe Fashions Or other, baking powders W3 ' ?. . sir Cleveland's Baking Never Varies. Yen can Horrmanfi Mcoro FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenuo dzc' ia'1 a Have your rui.I.AKR starched in the o'fl ivuy, when you can have them dune with oot buttoidioloa (or TWO CLNT9 KAC11 Lac wanna LAUNDRY Vli Alii"; OFFl-ItlNlr roii A F1AV DAY;: Whipcords? Jacquards Henrietta 3 AN!) Fancies FGfWEUY 75o. and $1, fur ONLY Id every desiiablo tdiade lears I i!5 LACK! AVE. If you want Carpets, Draperies, Wall Paper or W i n d o w Shades; come to us. We have a full line of goods, and our prices are very low. Williams & McAoulty 127 Wyoming Ave. To my friends: I hereby announce that I will be a candidate for t'io nomi nation of district attorney, before the Republican County convention. JOHN R. JONES. CITY NOTES. Tribune rrniii TH leaving f ir tlx Ir iiiiimi r'i vac .ill on can luive tlit-lr f ivoi ito pnimr Hfiit to tlmm nltl.iilir oitrit ist, lv notifying Iblx oMic nf tlio tlc-Hlj-Ril channel in the i.iiicav' aildi'fcsM. Traction company ou.pioyes m-te pui.l jesterday. Tins pveiiinit tbe Young Men's institute will hold an miportaut Ousiucw iiieetius. Six tramps wore ai-n atod In t'uo .leroy Central yards yesterday morning, but were released later on tboir promiso to move on. The supply committee of tho board of school control mot yesterday to consider the bids f'jr school supplied for the cornhig year. Tbo Second legislative district Demo cratic committoo will moot at the Pacific botol on Anoint 11 to fix a time for primaries and convention. An Ice ov,.om p irinl and band concert will he held on the lawn cf Henry Hir-t, Court street. Fridiv vmi1i,i;, An'imst 10, undir the ausplues of the Luther league Tho Indie of tbo Green Ridgo Woman's Christian Temperance anion will hold a enke mid ice cream social in their room. 615 Green Ridge atrnot, this evening. All are welcome. Tho Gnen Ridge wheelman havo placed on exhibition in Berry tho jeweler' show v iiidow the priz-s which they oiler to the winners of tlio events nf their race meet on Wednesday, August Marriage licenses granted yester day by Clerk of tho Court Thomas, to John Gilhojly and Slsry Sillick, f-iiy; John V. Fadilen, Olyphant, and Mury Alice Murphy, Djninore. William Hall was admitted to b ,il by Judge Arch lathi yesterday in tin sum of t'AO., It all Thornton becoming his se curity. Hall i-charted by bin wife with ii'sarilt und battery and milking threats. Ob application of L. V. Wtdctnau J mice An hbald yeHterday appointed Dr. I. H. McGuirc, of Fell township, and V. E. Den nis, i f (li rboiidale, to appraise tho estate nial i.'ffects of J. J. Jauswick who mcently mad au uiiiiieut. rrofossor F. K Wood has felectod hij faculty for the comtntf year and has se cured some of the ntronp;efc man in the business college world. A reception, when tbe students will meet tbe new faculty, will be given Monday nltfUt, Aug. 27. Chief of Police Simpson and Ofllcor Mnir leavn todav on thoir regularly as- Ricned annual vacation, which will be spent with the Thirteenth Rogiment at Gettysburg. Glilcnrs lay, uiuca aim Sloat, also members of the regiment, will co to caran. At tbeir own expense they have engaged hpecial Oflicers Williams, 8urdam and Bryant to serve during their abeenoe. Pabht's Milwackeb Bkeb. cool and Rfarkliug, at Lehman's, bproce street Hagen - i Powder always depend cn it, VI yvn iVA TODAY. Several New Horses Will Be Seen on the TrackSome Probable Winners. The card nrrangriJ for this after noon's trot tin ? nee.! annnaf tho Gti tletru'U Driven at tha lliiving purk is the rnoat of auy yet prepared by ti. rnuiii.r commitl.K'. T!m !ursi nppu.,r to well chiM-ifi 'J, hut ki'V ral have not tnttud at the ni'otiiKS find otliLT'i havo citliT boon fH back or nlvar.Ced a c'.a.w aiAlleacli event fl.-.ira in nir of doubt t:s tar as the winner U i;o::C!'l'in d. C. 31. S iiiiLr.-'o i, rcciinliy uKcL.l to i.ii iiil eriihip, has im entry ia the til st and yricn'iit rntv. Jus-pli Ji-rmyi's stallion, Ji'iia1. rim Wood, and II. 11. Ht-yn-li'.-t Dr. (. '..; mi bcr, will make la.iV il-lu' i.i fie 1! O'l elm... Walt, r Jennyti' Fro-1, and Dr. Hunger's Abi .i.ii will bo men lor tlie first tilil'' in tho S oil class, to which event (J. S. tfeam.ui's D.iiy lias been transferred from sp;edii r comoanv. J. L. Craw ford's Ket (Famous Girl) hits been dilveu IkU ly by Jain-'s 31etm and h;:s -!:own 3 itch linprovemou: thnt she i ccnaiJereJ ehBiblo to the fastest race on the card. The experiment of last wool; in trot ting a heat of each riico until allure finished proved no uttisfactory that the sumo moth d wilt b ' err.jiloyjd tadi'j". Th4 en'ii nr. .n follows: Firit race 4. 00 claw Georj;io W,, John Fritz. Nellie, n.m., John Uoi.ore. Harry h, h.t:., J- A. swayza. Fred, b.u., Alox Duuu. Hilly, b.g., C. ii. Binidorson. Fluxey, s.ui., J. T. Uiehards. feetond race 8.00 class Dr. Ciiambirs, b.g., 11. li. Keyuolus. Liaiuiiiou, b.jr., C ii. Suudersou Frank 11, hr.ii., I: C. Hazzard. Coxuy, g.c., W. G. Farke. ilunibiiiio Wood, Jr. i'.. JoseiU Jerniyu. l aimy iilnir, b.iu., (i. Ji. i-helly. Huron Liiks,, Walter Joruiyn. Third race 2.50 class. 1'ixJ, b'.g., W. il. Jerinyn. Abaitail,, Dr. J. W, liousor Dsiny, b.iu., C. S. .Sj.iinar.s. Jack, b.a., Dr. Chavles Hill, l'eo Dee, b.ia., M. II. Dale, st. Men, h.L'., R. Ci ippeu. Duke, bi.g.,'L. T. Payne, Fourth race "J.l'J class. Johnuv, br.?., C'hurlus Kchadt John, b.g., Dr. G. . Hill. Xet,, J. L. Crawford. Keoley, b.(.'., W. M. Jerinyfc. Magnolia, bl-in., Ft. J. Wenta. Farmer Dny, b.g., L?vi Puiterson. "(Jeiitnur" inliiuiites that the niiik? np of the card reoders tho picking of winners diliictilt, but his selections, which follow, lira based upoti relibl information and on form and quality should finish very nearly as nauiod: First rnco-iOOclass-l, Billy; 2, Harry R; 3, Fred. Second race 3.00 class 1, John Ham men; 2, Coxey; 2, Fanny Iilnir. Third race 2.60 class 1, Fred: 2, Daisy; 3, Duke. Fourth race-2.40 class 1, Xet; 2, Keo ley; 3, Magnolia. In the lirnt race Nellie uiav L'tt one of tho leading popitions. though it is reasonably certain that the three horses mentioned will rinisli in tha order se lected. Harry ii would be given a Let ter position if lie wire more disposed to recover from n break. If ho is steady ho should win. With three now hows in the s.-coiid race it is difficult to make a certain bc ieclion, and if John Iliiuiniun's stock is inistiaoted Coxty and Fanny lilair are snre to have a battle royal. Fred, unolher debutante, is ton ted a winner in the third race, but nil the others are entitled to consideration und any of thmii taay coma first at the wire. This is tho most dubious ruce of the day. Kteiey Lave a tost of r.dtuirers iu tl'c last cvaiit i'Ld will probably win it proves a Uisappointment. Johnuy niiiy surprise the talent us he did on the lirst racing day. . Wood's Cullega of liuainesB and Short hand. To the t'lii-lio. (Since tho organization of our school we have given to the citizens of ticranton and Pennsylvania advant ages in tho commercial and stenographic work equal to Unit of tho best colleges iu tho largest cities. Jore than J,(Wtndents have attended iu a sinitlo year. A tJrnnt MnlliiHil. has been inspired to' higher living and have won important places in the business aud professional world. With the experience and success of tho past wo propose to givo our patrons of tho future higher, more practical, and thor ough business aud teiio;:raphic courses. Conditions in the business world havo changed. Schools inii-t change to meet these conditions. MntJents must be taught to do as well as to think. The. fnci'llfi is cm iiiipufiwU factor in an institution, llcri'titforr rfl hnrn rifuc'iffi' our tench' rs -this year wo have enga'.(l men who have inado n record nnd acquired a recitation. Wo havo lad good pupils in the past. We shall have butt T ones in the future. Ao biKfiti'M trhoul in the Unite I Stulri can exhibit n inure coinpet.'iii, calture.l and efficient elnH of aggressiro teachers. The college will reopen August 27. Day nuu night sessions. Old studeuts, students who have not couipleti d the coarse, ami prospective studontK, ar iuited to call. Tho ofllco is always opon. F. E. V()OD, President. Bceroer's New Dlnimr Itoomn. Drop in and see our Inneh and dining rooms, they are uew and clean. Nothing but the best of everything can be found on our tables. Our regular dinner is 25 cents and is the best in the city. Ueeinsr &Son, next to Elk buildiug, Franklin avenue, Buy I ha Wbr and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. Pn. C. C. Laubaoit, dentist, Gas and W ater company building, Wyoming ave nue. Lutest improvements, tight years in feci au ton, Shoe repairing promptly attondod to at tho Globe bhoe store. Places Wbcre Ibo Military Iika Has incorporated in School Course. Been mm Id IT IS DG"H Opinion or Colonel E. H. Rbple on the Subject Idea Has Found Favor With Some of the Most Disting uished Men In the Co jntry Useful ness of Military Training to the Country in Time of War. Following tho rfconuniiidatinns br ing tii a do throughout tho country to school boards by the Grand Army of the K-piiblic that military instruction be !id(iptod;by mutiit'ipal, state and national authorities, nuo. p irticnlarly in viw of the recent suggestion from tin Grind Army po-in of this city to the i.wird of control, Tim TitipfNt: has sought In forniiilinn i-.nd o in'ons on tli'.i subj-'Ct from n vcral n'.Uhrrituliy.i ;nilii.iry men in i.-'rauton. The idea U not i'ew hn bus leva id- fiocl i.e I'iniiy "l ft l;v'r. pi'mni-i .en: men m t. ,, countrv t siien au tent tin t ii'i'ilary t.i;dng in many cities of ihe Union is new compulsory or voluntn y. A p irtial !t of cities whrrssnch in struction is obligatory is as follows: Helton, Bronkline, Hydo IVrl:, jowell, Lynn, New I! ilior I mi l W(.bt:i-ii, M n, iicchmvitts; BiuOitv.?!rU. ; ; ). ido 'prin Col. ; C.'oiioird, N. ii. ; Ntw rort, Ky,; Vnsliin.on, I). (.',, sind ionkr-is, N. Y. J;ilitaiy tr ilrii'i'r is ! vi Innt'iry in n lar ;e nuta'tur of mii iic ip.Lti'V, nmoiit; waich tiro t:.e :;,.i. - i :ii!.': i I 1 1 1 ; r r ; i. -i iiu -t t i ; Cint.'iiii., i-v I i '. ; C .imul D lull' and .iiti..s. li. ; Gcnev t and I'.n'i Jervi-., M. V. ; ,J rsey -.:ty Ktid J. ii'.ii"; La m iMrl, In.': : Uni.iha; icaltl.'; :sup;vtor Wij ; Tan.:- , .en, M i., and wiiuii.:, Tilmn. 'Sr.,m iih-o 1 i ; t h it will be a en tl. it for a m-.n l Ion, i'a practices ave voiy joiicraily iu operation, coi-ONi-i. liii pr.K tAvo1.!-; it. Co!'ii1 E. 11. Ii: p: 1" is honrtily 1: f.ivr "-fli.e nd option of iu-.iit.i--y ia- TUCUO I ill t'l.l pill. lit- sc:i..ui : o" li'.-r.iii'oi:, iui-1 vh"-u ?.-..cwl by a i':t,i: v:.E reporter for hid opinion ou tl.o pro j tt, Bitid: , "Tho policy of the Unito l btaies in maintaining u uuull staulini; army leaves t'.io tiefoiic of the co'.iiiiry i.. liu'.e of win to tiii i:poii hasty ltvios of volunteers, bat tlui n.pi iiiy with wIiIlI. wars aUvanco i.owadi.yu has vodact.,! tiio lime for instructing such levies t a very i iuail period. To provide ugi.iir.l :'Ui:U couiil.rfMlCV is l.ioinilil Tvn.t .or tho movement l train our youiti so liiat t.-.ey liny be prop.'rly instr.ic'.ed and prtpuied to rally to tho protection cf the country ct short noiico. Ga the ot'te. r han I such instruction will be of and phyi.ical btmiit which will stttnd them iu good stead drjnn0' a lifetime in pursniu of peace. "Tin; position of tho Grand Army of the liepubliu iu the mutter is wml iliustraled l.y their endorsement of tl.o language of General Harrison, who 'The or--i!iiz 1 army of the Unitfd istc.tes, even if w-i include the state militia, iu of Insignificant propor tions when contrasted with tho armies nf tho other gnat powers. Our strength is not in these; it is ia the great reserve to bo fun ml in the iu-striH-ted youii? of onr land, who come to its defense in time of p -ril. ' WHAT MIUTAliY THATNI.VU WILL DO. ''Very properly th- Grand Army recommends Uio udoii'.iou of a coiuso of military training; among scholars iu public und private schools, ns well ns iu high schools and colleges. It will impres3 upon the rising generations the fact that, aa American citiz ns, it is their duty to bring to tho doienci cf their country in tint of tied tho edu cation of youthful days. At the last natioual encampment of department commanders special attention was given to brintf about this obj ict, and posts ol tho various cities uro pledged to ;:c complisb the result ar.d to co-operate with school boards in obtaining, whdu r- quired, national aid by provision of i.nns, equipiaents nnd instructors,." A (act wl.ioli will havo much;ht in eveutualiy l.ringiug tuo matter of military iustrucliou into general adop tion by schools thromil.out the 1-ind, is that the idoa is upproved l.y tome of the most proiiiinoiit and public spirited men of tho Republic Among these might, be mentioned General Harrison, Governor Unswell 1'. Flo.ver, Captain li, L. 54 ltnski, Joseph J. Little, Gen eral It. V, Sliicum, G-neial George W. Wingate, Gorpral Jlorac l'ortrr, Whitelaw U -id, Charles A, D.'.na and St. Clair McKeiway. Afttr an exhauitivo inv;fltigatio:i, the committee appointed to report on the original resolutions coiumotidiii'' military instruction in the bjIiooih, fc ot:ua?nd"d the project without reservo or coadilions. Tho i-cmmittpo w::s composed of Captain E. L. Z i!ins!:i, of ;h-i Fifth Utlitoc! .Su'ca artillery; Floyd Clatksoii and Juieph J. Littl of lew York, ExcerjitH from their re port urn ui followa: "To bo potentially titror.g Iu ian nnd tioeny does not tlono ensoro i ff-.-tivo and prompt ac tion i cr('iiiiiZition and inilitaiy train ing are requisite. It is cuntraiy to our Republic's spirit to in lintain a larg iMaiilin army; we look to thp 'o;.! lor defense sud thf-y must have mili tary trailing, which ny utiusrsal sjr vice, as in other countries, Is entir-iy out of the question v.-iih ours. fj. ciuhdnif tnlliiary iiistrivuiciu to lo given during school ye ;rs is taken from the productive energies of the country. ESCOUIiAOrS MKSTAL VKlOIt. "On tho contrary, physical tr iiiiing encturat;e8 aud eiihiinces tu phyhieal and uieutal vigor of the l ots, t -mil. s tbtm iistful hnluts of (-r.l'.r audmi! ordinatlon, tends to give ex-cutlve ability, nud seu Is them into the active world l etter lilted to Cope vrith Us difk-ulU'-s." Tno obj-c'.ioii tiiiirht be riiiii-d tbet the lnilit.'rv feature i f i dncation would detract from ment.-l utu lies. 1'join an iuvi-3t.igalion of the methods employ d .."ner,.lly iu eiiii.s wnioa have a lopt.' 1 tho pr j"ct, this olj ction is pbiialy mi l successfully m.d. Hoys of all aires ur.i drilled fifteen minutes ouch dr.y in sotting up exer cises, facing and salutes and marching by atm.-i In, and boys over 12 years of ago are drilled from on" to two hotir i p r week in tho exercises mn'iti.mod. mid in tlio manual of uruin and in com pany nnd battalion forma' ion. Whore teachers were not fnuiiliar with the drill, the ssrvlc-JS of volunteers from the national guard have been secured. As proficiency increnssd, much of the drill w is conducted by the officers and non-commissioned force of tho sohool battalion nndor the Btincrviaion of touchers or proper instructors. Iu many cities tho oflicers of the fohool battalion are selected from tbos -displaying good scholarship, combine', with proficiency iu military matters aud a manly bearing Threo candi dates are sslooted by the toacher i voted for by the boys and the elected formally nppointcd by the principal, Whiloit is desirable to uniform the scholars, the m ittor can be loft to them and thtir parents to decide. A plain uniform costs no mora than ordinary clothe;", and a cup and blouse should ba worn at all times. Swords aud belts for the officers are usually providod by tho authorities aud Leloug to the school. I'LI'IL'S favor it. The idoa of military training cas already entlmwd boys, parents nnd many iii.-mU-rs of the board of con trol, and In order to bring tho matter to a point lor final ndoptiou The T mis use would suggest tho following simple course of proceeduro: First, The board of control should use ile ir right lo est ihli.iii a law pro viding for physical exjreises; jscond, Kuggestions aud co-otnr.-tlim should be givou by the Grand Aruiv and National yuurd oflkers of tlio city, it has yet to bo I mrmvl that there is opposition to the proj-ot, nnd till board of control is only waiting for tho edorsonii'tit of citizens to wm-raut it in Cnlaiilishing either i voluntary or com pulsory physical rxorcis; law. Con s iueut)y, impetus 1 1 nuld be given and the columns ..f Tun mili'j i ar j at ta libiiosil of auy tor obiervtuious pro or Coll. YANIiMMf JHmKS IT. Says Ho Never Admitted to Insocctor Owing Thr.t Ho Had a Thief in His Emoloy, Post rai-t tor Yai.-'i!:r,g emphatically denies that !io uttered the siatem-i.ta Hsviibi-il to hitu by l'l-ipriotor C-nnp-u--ll of tiit-Tiiios, in v.-'ui.-.i it is nlin;eu lie ted to I: . .. nily !:ei-1 Siiir a 1 11 c mi i.i 10 a i'.;iliL.Nif: I' 111 'sti r .said. i-l;'i: tj.ui.-ry t :i 111 Hi-.-, .::ploy. joiers. yjttin-v h r.v tioiu- of the un ; p( : ter ycalerday the jio-l- ' la i.use-or to .Mr. 'C,u::p-- aj iu v. hoiin r tr not ii.-i ng! was laisii-.u,- for v. ,l'('. v. pac: HI. n , 1 a.ihWt led 1;; .t S IC. I W ,fi til l 1 11 lit tueio va-j cso l.ul extdai.Hid Dnt ii :i(,- laVcitorious or irregular r.L:,ut Hi duapn-i.iranco. "Th-.. p.icki.g.i i-i (iiie ition v.-1 i-oii'i .Initio ,i 'W jiry a 1 10 G -..i'lp.- lji,..yo.. 'iui'- oviier c-nii ;i:iii;.l olid it Was aoid to 1 ic-i'd. A we I; latter (.'.rner J. on -i il r -. 0 ad- 1 pn - 1-ivli iiu anitoiino ; i tint h- bad found ibo owner iu Green lcid,-e and that 'die tvs i nqtj ni ti tr for tlio paeka.p.i. The p uik.ige could ;ioi be iotilid at v .e tini", but when t,,o (uiperinteii-.ierit of carrior. Harry i',. H byte, ciuio to the ofliei) and iearii-id Ithnt. the owner v.'.,s i.njuiring for tho ji-u-katio bo jimdnced it with tlio e:pi(,naiioii that luliiid taken it out to icq 1 1 r- among the Ge -;; Hrov.-ns for 'in! own or. I iu vs i r-.t'; 1 th - in ittoi ,:J --i-iii-tlo 1 ny t.-.-H ih.".! th-r." wa-- iL.-tliiu-; invguLr about its deliver). " "The fifty cent oit'iir about wbi.:ii there is no much ado is anoiiirr bii. a boo. A letter wl ii.-li had cont liimd a iii'ty cj'it pcii.-d Ihroui'li the t.llici'. Tlio fifty c'-itr was b-st a;:d the mantur of its diuupn-Mrr.nct is an everyday occurr-nico. Coin will slip out ul a letter it it is not carefully si. .led and even in ciij of its being; properly sealed the com often breaks throir;!i tlio r-nv Icp". T.,o le't-r in juwstlotl was (k livorel to the d au .-liter of the man to whom it was n;l l--e-seit. She delivered it to her laot'vjr and thi mothor iu t'uii to the pirty nddresse-l The fifty cents w 13 ju-t as lik-.-iy lost while pissing through tbo hands of tho family as it w.'H while the letter wt i in oar ham!?, coiu-.i (ivmtly Iconsidorcd the inaf.or t') hi of very small importune-." "Tho lottcr to II. l'riidl?y, of Tenn avenue, which ms delayjd for a number of day, was aocidently put into Humphrey lira Hcy's box. IIuu plirey Dra-iley wan at that time on Hi wedding tour, consequently tho letter lay in bin box until 1, returned. "'At Id the Times c'.iare;i,"coilclud-,'d 3ir. Vaudliug, ''tin public can best judge whether or not they uro prejudiced, Thoy da not have any effect on me nnd the inspector has injured un that bo sees tlio prejudice whl'-'i prompt tip m. '' X. tv.-itlistandiiij t;.e denial of Post misler Viiiidling, Mr. Cntimboll in iuts tliat ill'. Vandliiig liid t.dmit lo i.itu iu tlio j.res.--iic of luopcotor Owing iiiat Lo had a cotfeoi.! tiiiiif iu his .-.SSoe. Ho tho mattT stands. At a lata hour 1...U evening .1 r a at or that the iuVi.'i.til,.lt.i'JU of tin inspecting had cul:niuiit.-d in tho tirrwt of .ismi-pecti-.l individual wn eniphatiL-Ally de nied by Inspector E gertoii. Fa::iu-' i, u t: -'aivisw. For a delig'dfni trio so to F.u viow 011 "s-.ilorday, Aug. II. .Ir. will be one of the best. c.r.tll.;rs of tie sea-,1111. There Wlil ho a luiHi bull game, shi.eting gall.iry, and I leiity of otiar atUactlons to niu'ko the day a ph nsant one. Set an ton (liviHinn Mo lid, Uniformed Itimk Knight, in' Pythias is going on that date. The laro for tiie round t. lp is ouiy (!) cents f,,r ,-idillls, and 'M ilren. This is the lo. est, rate (dl'i-red this seii;io:i, so (In not v. iss it. Uertnatiin bund nnd orchr.stra will furnish the mii-ic. Vho train will leave tin Delaware and 1 1 litis m i.ewdopot ou Lucknwnntm ayeuue a t. l.i a. in. 'tickets tor wilo-.t Mac's book atore, it-id Conrad Lutlu r's jewelry sk-re, 107 Wyuiuiiij; avenue. . Thk lll. etrlc'ii woiki-rs will hold their fli-sl annual picnic a Laurel Hill Pari: next --Saturday, Au.r. 11. A Imlstion ID cents. Tie-re will be all kinds nf refreshments on 'he grounds, aud (jai i -s of all kinds wlil bo had. Co: way Kouie, 132 .'id 13 & Venn Ave., is where you will ulwavs Ibid good service Mid courteous treatment, tlio table is ai w.iys supplied witu the best iu the luarlti t. Transient, and local irade solicited, I wit.n juoseiit ono thousand dollars la gold to any one whom I cannot cur of ept b luiccouvul-ions or lits. lnt . F, Uumwrii, III 1 .Spruce street r-cruntou, Pa. C4-03. Ectt.l33, 23ccnt3 VvOHTH !; l 23. lC-oz- Dotilos, 25 cont3 Piaast Iinportod, 15c. 01.50 a Dossa. Bloater Mackerel Largest end flaost fish ofibrod in years. 2Cc. per pound. E. G. C0URSEH, 429 Lacka. Avo. TAX till It Is Now R'lady to Receive the Signa ture of iliiyor CoiiQili. IT PASSED GN THIRD REACIKG Pstitioi cf tho Sc.ranton HlutiiinatiiiEC Herd antl Lil.t Company Pre sented to Common Council Last Night Cc -nmunicatlon of Control Icr Widmayor Tho Incidental Fund Is Exhausted Resolutions Sent to Committee Other Cnsinoss. The Polo tax ordiunuca uow neerb only the sijjuiitnro cf Ihe inay,.r to mnkn it a law, pro id in; it liu-i i:o lojinl iit'.vs, nivi il, is undoubtedly nil rijht in that rcsix-ct, as it was carefully drawn up. It rrcei sd the vote of very memlier prosent it last night's ommoa conoeil uiiieling, vritii the ex ception of Jlr. S'.v-jeuey, who was ex cused fiom voii'::,'. Mr. Iwer-ney (I -clined to voto lor tho reason that by jiifsini thi.1 or-lwanco b-i claimed the IU11.1..11 .i'u!, II ml an 1 Power Company, whoso peti.ion is nuhjoined, would 1 scape from its contract of sup plying free light 1,0 t'.ia city Im'udiugs. Then wars a short discussion over r. petition from tlio Serantun Lluminat ing Heat kikI Ii!:;-it cotupauy which at present is funii.diing all the city build ings light free. The petition rcpr.'s-htH that 'the co. t of the lights now being furnished to the i-ily ball and fire engine house amounts to 2,-lOU a yaar. Tiie oihor i-locttic lighi couipmiici en joy as litnoii privilege as tiie oiU'iiiii- Tbo p.'litioners siy they cannc-t s -e ( th .-ir w-iy cl-ar to furnish t'no liglihi I after April I next and would like that ! council would make some arrangements wl.ei - I v -i -; I'.-r itiutut or . ) i.v p-o-.o i,ii-.;iU b.i I' jUr. fcnv..vw.' v.Mi f.r holditist this '01 ipany to tin cmit'.iet an l exon rat iiii theia trj.a too p "iio tax whoa it is p.o.EOd. t t!.T Mi'.. MOIK S,v!l). A j t'-.Vir :ul-i ". xii .-o-.'-i itiuott'it to only y-'-'M',) Mr. T.iolr timngi t this .voatd - no', b- j'ist and stn;;t-iteJ '-hat cu'Jiicil ; take steps to have each of the throe ; Cimpaniej bear ui equal shire of t'io i lairilep. None ot th eoiupn ties, Mr. i .t-tt'-i1, could to cut.i;.'elled to far- I iiisu fro-.! ligiit to tho city, i'.!tlion,Mi i they night havo iiu lo 11 wr'ttcn ngr-.- ! i merit to do t-o, ior ties reason that oi:r t courts huvo decided that : the city c 111- i I 11 it 1 'gaily re.-eivo any privilege of I ml kind (.- frmio lis -s. Tho p-i;itioj : I was received nnd iil.-d nnd Irnui till i 1 eleven to iVttr vt-j l' r.-M -ivo l ir is evi- I dent that the p.'-titiou will bsgrantol wiion it is broiiilir u;i for can-jidera- j ticn. A coiatmriiefctic-n was nc rived frota j tho city enginei r asking v eniiis. i m to 1 make some BIi;Lt ulturalions lu tin bridgo plans. Tiie matter was referred to tho sireet" n:i 1 bridges committed. Controller Widm-iyer, iu : eoiiiiunui catioti, iiitoriuel council that tue inci dental i'u id ij al-uost deplete, onjy 3,0'J'J reaiuiuiujj lo its ere-.. it. Inas much ns tnero uro lu flight dra'is for Kil.U'U ag.iin r 11 i:i fund, ho recom nieuila that too appropriation for the Lieku wanna viaduct be trans ferred lo tue incidental laud and that $1,000 set aside for painting tin ball la the mtmicip-tl bull I104 bo used in payment of tho jrround rent for purks. T.10 finance coir.mitte- was delegated to loo!: after the matter. Tin board ol health called attention to tho unhealthy condition of the neighborhood of StuHird Meadow brook and B.iuderson'j crei k, nnd urged upon councils tin utic -siity cf con- 1 si ructing s-v.-'is in those lociliti.". j The communication w.ib referred to tho j sanitary couimitt-'e. ; R- solutions awarding tho following I c.imtrac.s wero referred to their rt-spsc-1 tivo committees: North ilaiu avenue, culvert, to Julius Mau-r; Prospect ave nue, culvert, t ) Corcoran iv Douahoe; Fill ou aveiiii.', culv-rt, to Corcoran Ac Douahoe; sidowallts 0.1 Seventh sireet, to Walter Gnvt-s; laying eide .vail.s ou Soui.a ilaia avjam, ta V. II. O'Hara. iavi:;i; iisii s-rr-iiur. Tho ordinance p.'ovidim; for tho ptv- ingot vine .tr.o; wi:u v.ei taken out i" ' hands of tho committee and p.issid, Mr. il-an, w ho refused to sign it, explained t,li-it he was not in tavor of ufpbalt as its repair was too expomuve, A rn-olntiou providuiij: for tue aihtiiliu. 1011 01 tho diijesi ot city laws and ordinances was introduced by Captain n-jteul to, A r solu tion granting .Jnlui Sluplierd )er'ji:s sioa lo couiiMCt property with tne D .-acoii iitrii.t si-'i'r w is introduced by .Mr. iMorris e.. l tuloptod. Resolutions were passed unking tor grade ou Fur ktr 6i root, Caarbs strei-;, First, i.vonue, Dodge court, Second iiv-min, O'Couaor court, Third nvuiiu,-, Dowiull court, Fourth iiv.-mie, iiorau court, Fifth avenue, Railroad avenue, Bellevue bin", C-asey tdnce, K uie iilaee, Luzerne utreer, between 'j lurd and l'enrth ave uui'S, bellows ti'.ro -t, O'ljoylo street. A resolution, introduced by Mr. Kegun, providinjr for repairing and piloting Llaglo i-.oso carriage was passed. Mr. llegan alno i-itroducod a resolution ilirectiii;? tin city engineer to instruct the Central railroud ot iov Xij Lf-uU ii a I " .111 I uuaJ for decorating. We Paint aud Fire China to Order. ci-5 Come in and 0 &:v o See Gur New Goods. W. W. BERRY, Jeweler 417 LACK A, AVE, Best Scv-3 cf Teeth, $3, 00 lucludln? the rInle exractlnj bt ttKiU by ua it-tiiLiy iiuT vJ" ees. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. iaa tviiooii-NU avu Jersey to place their tracks to grade on O'Doyle street, formerly Fifth avenue. A resolution, of which Mr. Sweeney was tho father, was introduced, dlreot itiir tho city clerk to olicit and invite comp"titivo plans from at leant six reputublo bridgo companies for tbe superstructure of Linden street nnd floating Brook bridges. The resolu tion also provides tint th-se plans shall be of no expense to tho city. Mr. feweeiipy explained tutit the olj'ict of this resolution was to r-.usiat tue city t nginror in mal:iuthe best set of plans possible. tiif, r.iiiuui-: oRDiis Axcn. The Linden stroetr.nd Koaring brook bridges ordinance wero referred to the streets and b-itjyt -s commitie?. The follov;in;r ordiiianccs parked first aud second leading: For paving I'ina street, between Washington and Clay evenuos; for purchasing horses for the Neptune Engine comp my. Ex-Po!icc Oficcr Olcrson's Sistor Denies That His Reason Has Bcoine Detiiroiiid, On Monday ex-l'olioo Oflicer Frank Glmisoii and his f-mih'. of tho W.-i" Side, left to v'uiit rebltlV-H 'it W-illi.-n ..Vntr, lir.idfnrd county, and E'.aiira. 't'tiis e.avj rise to th.- report that 3.' r. Gleiisou had la-conn Iimno and that it nad tie-m found advisable to remove to an insane asylum at Owegs, N. Y., for trcutinent. F.r r siut-ii Mr. Gloasou wis clubbed by t I'ii-jer Thoijisa Lewis he has at in tervals compi.i.ia.-d of ii-.ins in bis bead and this fact T-ve color to the report. A few wt- a.', a:; Mr. (jl .'.son rcsi.tmd iroiu the foro... K:i v i as his reason for hii notion ta. t an i-lior- v.-as boing Made to (':ifi;ili'i;e I His f.Up-rior; ot-ch.'fil at tin.- titu-i t'oal nothing had beta hoard 0. 4 pin 1 to buvc lnui r.'-i.'i.-vo l from tlie I'orco ai: l thai ho iJi.i-.t hav.t been inn do the victim of a tale bo irt r. jir. Glenson'.j ii':tor, Mrs. Thomas ilodi-rit-k. ol E'-ci: -i'.s court, was 8j.-d l-u-t ui'iit by ti reporter, trio ilenio I that h, r hro:ir;r la ins, mo and s .id t'.ia br .-.'i nt. cn : visit to friends at Vati"a Cunver a .id EiLiira. lis has been working in ths C'ouli iniilal uiiiie, sin said, bat bint Friday night had an attack of heart trouble A LI i TV mmm 1 H s is n2,r at hand figura " qnnrt, IU mnvt, 55. to u:3 tliam, so ah:ai. 1 ipi.ivt. (j-nnart, 8-(pinrt, or. Z .-,-ni-t, l'.-iuii- IS ruiirt, 90c. 7r 1 c. Also C: 1-auart in Fruit , doa. ,113 : 45; E BATTifi a CO. j 12G Penn Ave. I We are now prepared to do busiue? ss at build- our new 0-- 1 Waslilneton Ave. EU KA I 1 j 1 j V.i' j l"- I -U L l" li :0. nv&uii i Of Ml SHOES !g And you'll not be treating you-self righi; if you Jon't take advitulags of it. Ev,rv shoo in ihe Iio-jpo is reduced 1.0 cost, aud many gools suca ns RUS SETS and till SUMMER K1I013.5, a good deal less than cost. WHITE CANVAS CXFORDS, test quality, worth SI.EO a pur, will basold fur 75 CiMTS. Sc:v.o Unit ars soiSod r.nJ tlisoolorad will bo ssll far 25 CENTS a pair. There is no half way business nbou; it, but n -rat houiefnil sITOE at t'io cost of nitiUlnir them. LET U,'5 !:EE YOTJ. ra ,a r;, 3 r LADitS' SUITS AftiO SriRT WAISTS, 33 PE3 CHIT. CFF. LADIES' WHITE FARASOLS, 40 PER CENT. OFF. Don't You ROWN Thanks Bis I-' . - x u rr cj iu s: ac -- 1 a o and decided to take a short vacation witb a view to benefitting his health. SEW MINE FOltEMEX. List of Thoss Who It'ooiv.d Ctrtlfloitet from tho Stats D.psrtaiact. Thomna J. Stewart, seoretary of In ternal affairs, yesterdsy forwarded to Mine Inspector Dlowitt certificatos for those who had psssod a Bucosssfol ex amination for uiiuo foremansliip anil assistants In the second district. The list of recipients is as follows: Foi-fmi,u HowhII G. Reese, Robort Fj. Owens, John T. Davied, Frances FJ. Ccsirove, Alfred I'owoll, Isuao Wat uins, Thomas F. Jones, David A. Jones, Edmund Daviog, John Connolly. Ajsijtauts Frank J.Campboil, Evaa Walters, Lswia K Duvies, John Deve raux, Edward . Davi3, Daaia Mat thias, Cuarks Iliiiuaworth. Reci Thomas.' KNOCKED DOWN AND ROBBED. That's What Jacob Korean Says Hap psnod to Him Tuesday Night. J..eob Morgan accus-d Thouiaa Thomas brforo Alleruiaii Fitzsimiuuua yest rlay of having ussaultod him and robbed him of a pair of pants on Tucs day night last. .Vnran says that be wa drunk mil thul Tiiomus volnuteored to escort lun homo When they reached a B-.-iludo 1 spot near tho It .und woods Thorn n sec upon nun, itiioekjd hna suiisel ss and stole from him a pair of trousers which he was carrying undor his urui, Tho al leimaa held Thomas lu the sum oi f I'JO to appear iu court. M'j-,11: Pilli-bory Flour sold tbnn any oth -r brand made in th United States. E SATISFIED with nothin r but the best. You will be satisfied if you call on J. BOLZ and get some of the bargains he is offerinof. A C5 Coat for $1.49. A C7 Coat for $3. A Fino BlackClay "Worst ed Coat for $5, worth $12. Lacl-hx Capes, all 0M3 J, for 9Dc. Laiios' Tailor-madaSaita for $175, worth $9. STORED nnd INSURED IF AL1ERF-D LY US, Fit EE OF CITARGB During the Summer. h 1G3 V7yoiain Ava. rsicuxT oitvi: dank. 8LAKTO zcj wyominrr ve. TTT a maksiialtj riiii.n & co.s 8 BUTTON ADDOTT, " 1 DITTTON All.'iOTT, I IT 7S Ct 4LUTTOX GEXEVA, L'U luIllJ -i-uuTTGN iseptuxe, a Pair. BIAURIT, J lu White Elaclc, Tans nn 1 Grey. Former Prices, $1, 1.23 and ? 1.5.1. BI HATS 4 f '..51 :f AT Now On of GOOD Cor. Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. ST3AW HATS, 25 TtiT CENT. OFF. u M EN'S ODTIUQ AMD KEGL'GLE Sl.iftTS, Grsnt'y RaJurjptl in Fr'os, 10 CM Think So? Ml! fflfi 'S BEE HIVE X