The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 10, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Published oily in dcbantom, P i b Th
Tnibuwi Puuubmino Company.
Hiw To Dinii l Tmiunt Buiiom r t.
tNTSRtD AT T.'C PM'O.nOi CfcMTPl, M..
'Ti-inleiV Ink," Ihu iei-u;;uized journal
lor nilveiiUais, ran tint sdiAMOM
VI; I i;i N jiiis tlio bft HtHi-rtlHiiiu uu-.lluui
in Nurlliouiteru lonujjlvuula, "I'lliiieiV
Ink" kuuwi.
fcCKANTON, AUO'fJbT 10. li'M.
for Gwernnr:
ot i.m'li:.
1 or LUuUiumt (,Vi v?im-.-
WAIi I'.it LYON,
01 AU.lllllUINY.
l'cr Aud'to:- C ,if, i!:
or i.a.casti:i!.
for &nWrin of .rail .1 ''.
.SA.'-iKS W. l.AT'i'A,
o,' r;i.T..i.K: ! 1 1 v.
fur (.0lls,('S...,!('...,,'-.r;.. .
i.-Al Oil A A. '1'; TV,',
SI'-.'tT ::: . XN..
cl'.PKdi-: Ill'.T,
Ob' W KS T ..lOlllll.ANU.
FUctlon Tinif, Sow ft
No'.vp., Vaxpunt! s.iys he. never
i.ilinit'cd th:it there wes v. thief iu the
poslnllice. Mr. (';inii'.n'irs rejoinder
to tl'is l'.ii denial will he awaited with
inter 'st, but. in the meantime the man
win) stole llie st, imps continue;) to en
joy his liberty.
Midsummer Rrhx ltinn.
An exebamre aptly reniar'.-c- tliat this
is the season of the jcar when the
t . . .. . . a i . .. i
pieaeuei is one 01 tow 11 a.iu i-saian nas
everything bis own wav. Ailhoiii;li I
this' may not be ia all' i. t.ovvs a 1
iru.hf.ile.M.lanalio.1, it it -.critd,. that I
nsi .ii of .elation is usu -tUv ii.-.i.i-1
I'i it in re'ii'.ioas zd a' the mivroaeh of
liiidMuniiicr. When il.e average nrtti j
i.nfu 11... i;a,. ..!..wl.,. 1 u!,i!i!
shirt front and dons a neline ;,,ir- j
mi-tit in its stea 1 he usually lay-, a-ide 1
his proper and unbinding no.iou-of;
uelvivj;)!' lor sonic that aio iiou-li more
llexible and ea-e-ti'tin''. This does
not ice- -ir'v n-'-ait llitu he n-lln- I
:"bt r..:.i:
hut he iii I niti vole l,..(-oiii 's more char- 1
it-.l.'e and fon-ivm-' toward tho-v who. j
laelor- Lis strcnh of will, are uior.'
..: 1 ,, 1 ,
, li-dllif, li.ail lie.
The acute angles of exUoniit prtw I
prietv ure molted into milder curv-s 1
..feomfirtaitd envemence by mid-;
It s aioi.,:.i' imiliii i.i1""".1"w'r""- """"""
f'-.t even the Puritanical fathers wen)
lf? on the very warm Sun-!
days. It is not liLely ttiut thev td - -
lowed relaxation to an extent that 1
would lead one to indulge in ironiis
eaous vil.-nics or lish in sC'i'iLsleti.".!
nooks siipphid with refreshment cal
culated to la-utrali,'.' snake bites. ;ut
wh.t shall say that as they sat iu pm riy
ventilated mooting houses of ye olden
time, listening to labored desciiptions
of that locality that is hotter even than
a debate between Scranton base ball
directors, their minds did not revert
with longing to surroundings more to
be desired where limped streams
rippled in the woodland dells or the
mountain breezes swept through leafy
Lut goodness is none the more so
for being miserable. A comfortable
Christianity is better than a painful
piety. It will do more to strengthen
those within and invito thoso from
without. The slight apparent advan
tage Hatau may have during the brief
season while the minister is away on
his summer jaunt is more than ofl'set
by the renewed force and strength
with which tho evil one is attacked
later on. What may now appear to
he lc'igious relaxation will stimulate
the good man to greater deeds in the
Master's vineyard as the labors me re
sumed in the golden autumnal season.
It's as i-:xthe.mi:lv dull day when
the Chinese war correspondents can
not furnish the details of at lea4 one
battle for the edification of the reading
Tut: ye i.l over the fact that the.
)emoerats have carried Alabama still
echoes throughout the luud w herever
an unterrilieil find can voice to join the
chorus. Under present cuiditiuiis it
surprises even the handful of free
tradeis left iu the country that
Democracy could bo successful in
the slave-driving, secession-soaked
state of Alidiama, so this temporary
exultation should be looked upon with
good nr.turo by Itepnblicans. From
now on Dtniocratifi crumbs of comfort
will be very scarce.
The AVEitACiK candidate is not par
ticular active nt present. The slate of
the elements makes even hand-shaking
an exertion that few care to in
dulge in.
Expensive Fun,
Wise heads at Chicago have already
begun to lay plans for saddling the
losses occasioned by the riots in that
city upon the state of Illinois. Their
plans have been anticipated, however,
and will he balked at the outset. The
same move was attempted iu this state
years ago, when our common wealth
was asked to settle a damage bill
amounting to a million and a half for
property that had been destroyed in
the Pittsburg riots. In spito of efforts
of orators, lobbyists and hood Icrs, the
Pennsylvania legislature t racefully de
clined to assumo the debt, and Alle
gheny cftunty has been forced to pay
for her fuu in installments.
The lesson will doubtless prove a
lusting one. The good citizens of
nttsburg and Chicago who wcro in
clined at the time of tho riots to smile
upon tho work of destruction and who
looked upon the troops sent to preservo
order and protect property with aver
sion, have probably realized that there
is a serious side to the strike business.
In future It is not likely that .strikes
that lead to the deatrue'.kn of valuable
iroirty will moot with any innrla-il
encouragement from residents of either
Pittsburg of Chicago.
Tin-: M2.i.i:iw .f the Hcranton Iluse,
Hull dub till struck out yesterday.
Juii'f now the, editorial writers upou
many cf our esteemed contemporaries
are hushing theiu -elves into a fury over
the c.ctbn cf lib royal giblets, the "t-on
cf Ueaven," oiherwiss cuiiercr of
China, who luisuppioiniated Li Hum,''
yellow C'oi.iu to think of it,
'there is toinethini; decidedly j-'liimiiitt
in this yellow jacket business lliut de-
H'rv ? censure, it is n mnuer ot n-gu-i 1
that this Chinese statesmen With forty :
thoUiauu BoldieM u liw Heels, and
titles a yard oig, who has erowu b',ay , HOJc wjta UHm (thl)1,i,.h the work of
in drawing a salary from the gowrn- annihilation will doubtless bo maiori
nient, should he asked to pull down his I ;i!y ijasU-ned all around.
vest by an almond-eyed youth w ho has j ' .
no practical l;novied;re of the civil ser- ! h docj.'TITL if (he newly dis
viee., rndertxisliu eireu;islaiues: Me ; ;(iverid suosianee 'iiieh, it is said,
ajiive that this uiiMophiiiticaU'd, black- i will eat RoU, will ever oecoine pe.pu
il'.ieiied, yellowfaeal, elo html -cared , )nr. Jiost ;!le ate able to keep the
monarch him acted in asi-aimful , :iii-UoM juarkct from becoiiiin;' stagnant
ner, and it is time that be was 111. a!
a war'.1 ti'f eople ovr this way
are getting d"wn 011 mm.
Tim: Va:;;t,i h- ('A'ti'::i:i,i, row i 1
dii i'tes that tiiere is sniiU'thinjr rad
ically wrong i-iiia r with tiie l.ianaLie
ment of the Secanton postotlice or the
di;u stive origins of tin- local Democ
iacv. Tini'. will probably locate the
Cusioes-j Her'C;.-S
The.':tory of the conslaiiey of orr
bn -M'i men will bj ooe of 1 'ie brinlit
eki juigci- ia tit..- bislory of the presci t
period of liuaucial di-.tre-s and strin.;-
uev. 'J lie biavo iiieiehauts !ind mnu-
1 ul'.o Uiiei i who, during; the loi.'
! months of deiiivs-io'i, w iu-n business
'Htcrprtsc!; weiv touerm;r ana n;un;; .
upoi, ,iil,-s and nunt 1 ton iiumI Uam
n! 1:UT' '"'l'1' s'c!,',:'-'
u,;,!t"1 1 -v h vi A "'' "
il u .: in o I in n- pa; :, way. aro nul--l
!ii for
r 1 tr ! .ii'L !'t .i'.' pilar
ci Is of coinmetce in niofion in try -
in.'., li.iii's. Mit'-h of tin- MtllcriMif of
the pi's! liioiith.s has without doul t
hem o. c:ioiH'd bv the timidilv of
I; at; ('-. and bar
Hi' UlMliii-
,: tit'tts Who -e n,a.. er'iT.-. at lnsti-'e .1
wf '
.leab'iied (leph-Sf-ioli relreiiled .
ibeii .-1 1 . 1 1 1 1 t : ' bu-.-ii.g i;p tvmlaiilo
c ; 1 a . 1 :ri .. m.-.'m Hi.'." cs.,ie , 1.1 ;
1W many a worthy nter-.riseov.-r j
11 1 'n,i",!'a,'.v ' tl,i- !
Th-.'ento;'jr:s:..ofn.aiiehiisi!us-' liii.ii,
!w-ver, who l.cep Hair I'.aeliin-.y j
n",vl w"",--""u-'i !, 11 1' 111 ('ri1''1' j
'r? -f. j
is a retVcshinp
cx:iuiile of American
em'P "- ld.ilanthr,phy. r.ot
"'''y miles Iroin us shops have been
nr"u" "w ' ,LV "m,,w mM 1
uicl lctve oecn p'liu wuu regularity, ,
when 1. 01 an order has been taken for j
goods liiaiuifacunvd and not an out- j
1 1 ;, 1 , 1 1 i .,
siue dollar lias been received to sap- j
port the establislnnent. hxtuuples ot
this illutrating the faith of earn
est, brainy men in the resources and
stability ot this great and glorious
country form a marked contrast with
those of the shivering, nervous clins
who retreat in disorder at the lirst sign
of financial stringency.
All honor to the sanguine business
men whose faith has been the means of
saving the country from even greater
depression than that through which it
has just passed! With the dawn of
returning business vitality may they
enter upon u season of prosperity un
paralleled in past ventures.
Bteajisiiii' companies lhat have
been largely instrumental in populat
ing this country whit the oll-scouriiigs
of creation are now endeavoring to
undo the mischief by luring the
vagrants away by ollering low passeire
rates to the old country, and it is said
that the balance of travel at present is
in this direction of Europe. If (be
good work can he kept up a few years
it will doubtless aid materially iu solv
ing tiie labor (jucstion.
Those Wooden Pavements.
Reveral titties in the past Tin: Tmn
iiNF.has (tilled attention to the dan
gero 'sand unhealthy condil ion of the
wood-block pavements of the city r.nd
it now feels constrained to do so again.
.Something has been dune in the way
of preliminary work to .relieve Wyo.
ming and Penn avenues of the un
sightly pave they are cumbered with,
but more rapid piogiessmight be Made
in securing a better, safer and lis
disease breeding covering for these im
portant thoroughfares.
Tlrrtt the wood pavonu'U'.s arcs now a
dis,.tiae'.' to the city isa sen imcnt Unit
is readily concurred in by cvciyone.
ThCieforc let tho task of tirratigin:?
to ri place them begin at onco in right
good earnest. Tho summer is already
on the wane and if work is not
promptly entered upon it will bit im
possible to complete arrangements so
that the streets can bo repaired before
United, public spirited action on tho
part of property owners and city olii
eials would, in a few weks, number
the rut infested block pavements
among the the things that were.
The New Yokk lleiald 1ms com
menced printing news from the Korean
war in Chinese and Japanese charac
ters. These tea box despatches are
doubtless thoroughly cnj.iyed by yel
low renders who have not been able to
muster tlio printed hinto of the 'Wieli-
can man," and many while patrons of
tlio licl'uld also probably find tho de
spatches as interesting as much of tho
utull'lhat appears iu the paper.
The hklmoeuknt Pico?, who
caused cjuite a breeze in Kcranlon sotno
time ago by their unique methods of
spreading the gospel are again in
trouble down at Atlantic City. Xews
of their latest exploits does, not sur
prise any who are familiar with their
antics In Scranton. Tlio cowboy
preacher and his fiery companion are
evidently on an earthly pilgrimago for
notoriety, uud they occasionally get it
with a vengeaneo.
Patrick Tekkence Powi'iis lias
been successful, so far ns placing the
bVranton club in the hands of the man
of his choice Is couecrned. Now let
him turn in mid help Mr. Ctihill to
l ive us a winuing club, Bcrauton will
have nothing else.
i?eitA?.TOX,.s syniieithy strike will be
over today. Several of tlm local ball
players have returned to the fold and
Manager Cahill is authority for the
f-la'cnieiit that any strikes tliat occur
at tlic ball jark today will not be of
the Kyrnnathy variety.
a iiai.i- jtii.uoxeans of corned beef
imx L. UtUU iil to the nemo of aclioli j
,n j;0rea. If the canned beef does its I
1 iiy t'kt-ir 11 eflhrrs.
. AIu. AjiK't.MAX v. dl not hu a ea:eii
::. f.,r en . Ife l.-.-l-v(,. tliat
tin demand for him to sacrilkv litm-i-i
If tiii.s year is not, iu-ty fiioujth to tv
iiiil'etiiat he should neglect his lU'i
vate business.
.1 k
Fie Counter.
Co Alii.AD:
Pv.-''!pr. sw.-ItT, nr:nt!
St.- anus i'i ih') d".v;
Wilt and all U'c prasfl
liuru t'u bei.vlin;; tilue!
tiat Wii slil! reainan.-r,
A 'i ( a li!;.. :nv-c,
IliUi t I.; ' ''"I
C&M'S v, .1 11 I
1 tivmi.T
imil Imv!
.it. 1 ( .1-.',
Tii" 1 '0 "'h 1 ' e;'
aid ' he f!i".-ier. 1
"i-eh" tin.!, I i'i 11 in "intoi'il'l. It was 1 I
!. t.oni'y of n ! i 1 1 1 : r: ii.-lii.-il Aaeriiuu
d.vm lor inioiy ye as."
'Wi'!, Titus, iii'iii'1! yc liiu-i'5 X.fii'i
yr :i," exelniir .1 t:ie pai'iot with cia
p!,.i ii.
' lliM-i' oMi';ivl t.t jKirt with it, liow
1 , - " I 'latimi' d tlio f.-iacii-r, "mid fir 1
in ., j-.-.i r "r in it lii-liiiiLi-.l to a Xow York
i.l. 1 1 tiiiin." LeiaJi'. i 'I'll
III': JviXD :
am "'liin:: 111 a concert fir tin)
lit i f tliu e'.iaixii. Woa't vuu tako
'-A.w. Slmip-Mr 1'iv.Uwl i-ofas.-s to go
anv pluec w!.. r.t t ! m to li.t inusic,"
"'I iw l-if'-' iri-i ill' L 'he irrni oe ' 1
., J,. ."-chyo
'.'.. ..
ijw LusY Skasox:
And cow t'.t ji-.y, clnslvo rioth
O'ido at his leisure sprawl-..
I tut 111 tho cloth.- cli-st, at bis eaS'
Uroivs fat on ci'.-.nplior Imlis.
J 'hituilclfihia liecurd.
c0 HLAUiinc:
Author-Well, professor, bow do you
like my n'-w piuyv
Critir S-ili-ndid! Wondnrful ! Po rrvdis-
,jc, j,,., , iUy !0 ljur,,,.,V!. in it. Bvea
lueir uiaivgao n stolon. iioriit Veipcu.
Too Many of Tih:m:
Lii'ilo Knrl hits been visitinr? his jnniden
nu ut, who tnudo him some delicious choco
late, rreinpted by grut. Hide, ho pioiuteos
to marry her when lie will bo jjrown up.
(in tLo way home, however, ho remember
that he bus made the same promise to four
other maiden limits, Jle turns back, coii
.Hciuiit.uusly, and says to the relative, who
ui.sw-is his 1 iiji.-in p rsou: "Auut-.o, Pin
afraid I can't do it. There aro too many cf
ynu."yiii'jenUii Jllaelter.
On Emkiuatio.v:
When a luncheon of turkey to go with a
01 three cent malt liipjor tho foreigners
They hick tlie-.njelvea roundly for not
fnu tier
To the hind of the brave and the homa
of tho "free."
Tammany Times,
Capital? Well, Uatiilti!
Yv'igB Yuu lhenny fellers aro lucky in
one ivipicl. Whoa a r.inu wants to start
out ns an author ho il')0:m't require crpitnl,
as men Htitrtinif out, in other kinds of busi
Hess always do. (inly a pen nud ink nnd
p iper tiro i.'iiDit:-;h for linn.
Ukks t-tUly) I KU'-s'i you d.'ti't reuliiio
bow lnimy po-tnge stamps it takes with
yt.ur 1 amu'crum ooiniri; back to you (ill
the time to bo Bent out nyuiu. HonmrcMe
l.radfi.rd -I aiwny taonnht Wl'l, Bitiks
woro the piin'.p; and now 1 am suro of it!
I'.rndford i;.n'ts paid that what suilod
Uitu suited l.ia w.'n. .YooWih l ife.
Pnoriat Vii.'.v c.p the Situation-:
CIiub Aro yon not nfrnid that someone
will marry ye i for your money!1
Dora I would rather bo niiirriod for
rr -ncv than for beauty.
"Ot ail tlniais. WhjS"
"lli'imty I'.ului bet in.eicy raa bo kept at'1 Aote inl: lice.!!.
Tm: Cui:ciai. Moment:
Within th hnmiiio: It's net sht) cwung.
S" (trfc.'fnl lino i-'i I' drl
I! or iiniiK Hoove l.or l:ci I woi".. fl l!'.,
j ivelv bevi'iid co n; .ir".
I c nt 1',-i'ir h- 1 II w'lil.l,
Pnpli.iiiteil tiy her itraiv,
1 iii Uiailly a liiush mid uiuilo
lie saw ujioti hor face.
And then lie heard her softly say,
f irst lonkiin; all about:
"Xiov, pi- a-e, Tom. turn yonr bend away,
I'm (loilit! to ROt out."
A I'AXtiEUOt s Caiut:
CM Oi ini, p.s Sure that girl loves you
inst.. ad i f y.'i.r ir inc.-. ?
h'lii Al i.i.iii I . Wi'V, she actually
kn-ps " u . t i f til - kr--se I five nor. .
Old (.one ippi--iioiii! Tiilit's bid, Rtie
limy ki'i-i 11 u, i after marriage. Exthawjc.
liir.UstrAL JiETU(i;: ' J
Wife At lUrs. (.irejiif 'vn'a reception to- I
day I no-t Alis t-ling-'n ft-ltik, the author
of 'llui latest liti'iary no. .8 .lion. Jt rnbiy u,:iy woman. Isn't I
)., ? I
"Why, ye'.. How did you '.now?" j
'l-l.'i-iIi'i-h i'm s hi r ln-r uiiij a i not strict :
ly li-.-iiiUful, but tried. .Holy fauianuliut."
uj,. ;
A Lovru's Lay:
A p'llden lni'id my Clnire I nl.ylc :
nil golil Her ticses vie; 1
There's Koliliiu suu-iiinn in her smile I
And gold light iu her look.
On irolden L'lorios reft my gnzi
tlowe'cr at her 1 look;
Hut most with inn one vision etnys
Iter eoldon pockothooltl
iViiit) Vorfc ITurafd.
Could Dispense with Luxury,
Mothor diino, you must cliooe between
the two. Will you mnrry tho man who
loves you or the inau who can drens yonf
Uauchtor Mumiuw, as . an up-tj-da'.o
girl I must reply that ulthoiiKh love is a
very detdrable ttiiuR elothtu are au abso
lute necesidty. A'ew York I'rcas,
Myhtkry Solved: l,....r.J
Unsophisticated cook If yon please,
mum, the butcher savs 1 shall net 5 por
cent, nu ntl tlio ordor's I tflve blui. What
does t'ir.t mean?
JUstrosB It meiins, Mary, that wo shall
bavo u new butcher. 11 stun Hwahl.
Conclusive Puoof:
I henrd the otbor day ice cranm and
sain watur wcro injurious to tho com
nb'xion. do you think of itV
HIib I dou't buliove u word of It. Mar
lied women dunt buvo any better cotn-lili-xioua
than bu-Iu. liidiiiH'ipolia Juiir
iui(. v
Was On to Ilia Dialkoj-:
Mrs. Bmnllwort Who was that woman
ypu wero talltiug to over your tokpnone
Jllsl 1 caiuu into jour o'Jico mis aiior
Mr, amullwort I wauu't taikiug touuy
it rs. rtmnllwort Oh, tcm, you were. Do
you tiiinlc 1 cannot recognizo tlio stylo of
Vi.iee you uso in talking to a wouiau?
Cincinnati Tribune.
JJloomeks to Cutaway:
tntd tha bloemcrs to thn cutaway:
"We may distract tlioir nerves,
lint Wi- di'iy them any day
To get 1.111 curven,''
CU it (Kol I'i'.tin littler.
Apportionment of Kipu'ollcan Represen
tation flmonir tho Vaiiou Dlst'tetu,
ruibinint to a nioiitint; ot the U. -publican
Cuuuty coniiiiitti.'O odd on Juiy,
ls'.rt, ti.u lutiuty Convention will be
held on Tui'bUay,Sifploinbur -till, lfi'.tl, at 10
o'clock a. m., in the court house ut Scran
ton, for th purpose of placing in nomiiia
ti' it cn-uiidiitci fur the followlti.f ii.imtd
oliiee.-i, to bo voted f"r nt tt.o next (,'enoval
elei tinu to bo held iNovonibi'r (itli, 1KI1:
( oi4:ri"is, li uvula dwlrict; Jiultti-, l-'oity-Ji.Ui
JiidUiiil disirii t; Bli-iift, tri-nsiitur,
cliric cf courts, etoi joaotary, district at
t'.rn.'y, rec'ir'ln-of deeds, r.'(!slcr of wiila,
and jury coiiiniiiirioniT,
'if! lance e.'tntmttot'R will hold del"Rat
elect 1011a on Smut-day, N-pteinbor 1st, lstlt,
liptwi-eu tin. ln.urs of I and 7 p. iu, Thy
will uli-o plvo el lciit two ilnya public
notice of the tin. e aad pluca for boldiug
f. .i. el 'cMnnii.
b.u li election ili. tr ct hIiouM elcet nt the
r iii'l ilcloHivio olc lie:"., two (I'lidilli'd per
rons 10 nerve as" vi..iliiiicc cim.uiitti'ft for one
yprtr, 1 lid h:iv tldr Mi nes certiiieil to, on
l tie ctedeutial., ot ui'k..tea to tue County
Ihe ri'iiri'seutaliou of delcrales to tho
County (. onvciilioa i-i bised up iu tho voto
cast lust full for 1'elt, caiididiilo for judyo
of Ti'iueiiie court, hu liein the l:if,-!i3t
' lih-cr voted tor ni stud stale ch-ciiou.
U.idiT litis rule tho several election districts
1 are entitled to reprc-eututiju as tolloivo,
I Ar. I1I..1M boroi'itli- I ImI ,
Istw.-ird. Jl 'M i!tst
l.-l ward, ill ufct.. 1! li 1 dut
- 1 Hai l 1; I'll Mlht
II ! wrrd 1 Ul I'leuu bw-uusli-
jllhlaily borouith - ! I t ward
lit w.inl :!. ward
l' wanl v. iinl
Hu v ari.t 1 Il-.iisiini ti)viiMiiii'-.
Jl.- t...l town .llip..., 1 srraiu.ili c'tv
cliftuiitowunhio.... 1; 1st, v.. oil, Lit .list,
Coveict in t .wui-h i i f ) -t wurit, ill disc.
Cai boa. 1.. In lou'iiil.i cii ward, II' i dirt.
Mni-Llicast dist.... 11 IM want. Pir di t.
I.oi'.lovi'i.tilljt.... V !.' I v: ril, ll-l il.M...
ivo. Hdist 1 '.M ward, : ii iliBt..
Carli uiilalc city- ; L' I wanl. I'll diet.
I-1 ward, 1st .list.. ') '.'. ward. Iitli ili-t.
tt.-uii, li a
I -.vai-il, 1st ilist
1 waul. 1st Hint,
"i ward, dist..
I. 'lwar.l, IM di-'...
li 1 ward, 1- t ili.t.
II. l ward. -M ilict..
t,il ward, 3d iIim . .
Itli ward, Istili'-t.
.11 wanl. Jd dist.., 0
til' ward, 1-t dist.. 2
lt:i war I. I'd ill!.-,..
Itli vi aril, at .list.. :i
I'll WHi-ii. Iihdist.. H
ut il walO, Ktlllst..
i.tli v.-ur.i, AX (list., 2
,'iili ward. '.A ilist., II
Mil waul, liliiii t.. i
4tli ward, ;! I ili.ic
Itli wunl, ll 1 iii-1
..til war t, 1
list.. 2 i.tli Wl.M, l'.tllist
Mb u-.-iid, : dii,
t rii! warluhtliijc!'. 1 1
II. Itli wunl, iii (lit., (1
i i 'Ii wanl. X I ilist
tilh ward, l-.tili-.t-
O'h ward, "d dist.
Dick-inn fity baro-
lst ward
Ijiiniuui-i' borinteh-
1st waul, 1st il.ot .
Is' ward, :M ili-t.
-'.1 war.l. l-,t ilM.
! miward. iLiiiist.. i :
s, Mil war t, 1st nist., :
i stn wind, ;.d dist.. s 1
i' mi. wanf. wdist'.'. u
1 li'lliwul-d I
lltli ward, 1st dist. !!
id wanl, M dist ... 1
I Itli ward, 21 dist. if
11th wind. Hi! (list. I
cil warn, 1st ilist. . I
lid ward, id ilii-t..
I!d ward, lid dit. .
-Itli ward
fall ward
tilh ward, l'.t iliht.
Htll warJ, i l liist.
Elmluirst lovvnsliip
r'ell tnwusliip
1st dist
Jd .list
::d dist
' Jli-nliiirn boronuli.
1 ll!ili ward. 1st ilist 1
I I Jth wiii-.l, 1! I dist. 1
1 l.l-li want, 1st lirnt 1
1 llith ward, id dist. li
1 Ulth ward. IM ilist. '
1 Ht!i ward, 1st dist 'i
1 lull ward, "d (list. I!
I. .Hi ward, 1st dist It
1 1 itli ward, l!d dist. 8
1 I'ith wind. 1st .list "
1 Jiiih wiii'l, lid disc. -
i 1 Till ward, 1st d:st :.'
( Jmildsburo bai tni;h 1
(iio 'iill 'ld towns!. ip 1
lTtli war 1. M diul. tl
1,-th ward 1
lI'..'1'S..II tuWII illit).
1 llith ward, 1st dist
'eriin u ln.roiigii
1st ward
ltd ward
1 HUh w.'ird, SM di-t. 1
i! llith ward, liil (list. 1
inn wain, nu iiisc i
Dd ward. ,
1: anh ward, 1st (list 1
I.u'.'kawanna towns'p aitli w ard, V'd dist. 1
Jiil'lll ilist
Hi-.h ward. Dd dist. I
Hoiith di-t
lNurtla-abt ibst,....
(Si.uLloVeSl :iit...,
Liit'luiiiu bnro:i'f;h.
l.i'h'tili lownhii'....
Mi dis..n t.. n-lii...
.Mny li -KI liuroueb...
Acwton towiislnp...
N. A Itlt.itt'n iowiih n
1 'Jlst ward 1st di ll. 1
t! lst ward, ltd dist . It
IIS, Abintttiili towiiB p 2
1 siinio; brook t'wn'u I
1 S, utt. I'.wiislill 2
I'Wiiv.-riy lioru.ttth,,, 1
1 Winton horouttli
i 1st dist 1
1 2d dist 1
Total II-1
Old l-'oi K'e towuship
D. W. rO W ELL,
Uiui I'm mi,
.,..iv"S '. ..r-j-r -iy.
? SAV.v .! Tl
n i l.'IVs- '!-. '..-' .... j
on rr
l:i:i)U(.TIOX on our entire
lino ol CAlU.'iAGl'X
422 Lacka, Avcmn.
T?ni TvtnTi-ir venra tills Tlatift
puro, rich tone, that it lias becomo
nli mm it, flint f.nn lm nniil nnv Pinnr
Wo now havo tlio fall control of this I'ituio for this paction &i well 'aa many other fino Tlanoa
which wo aro soiling at greatly rodttcod prices and on oany monthly paymonta. Doa't bay until you auo
cur gooda and get our prices
yo THOSE who are building new homes, as well as those
who intend embellishing their present homes, we beg leave
to say that our
iMOW 1
is rapidly arriving, and orders that are placed from now until
September jrst (during the slack season), that they can save at
least IA Per Cent.
No larger collection of all of the best makes to be found
anywhere in this city, and we consider it no trouble tb show
our goods.
Curtains and Draperies fire a Specialty Wlili Hs
Special Sab
and Coll Ronnaissace,
Wliita and Gold tongas, Ex';ra Strong M itm m 0
: Goldsmith
With tho ITw Valves
Out cf Sirdit
Our new Bicycles are now
! to be seen at our 314 Laclia-
'vanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
t , ti , -it- i
vjiris vvaeeis. vve are muiv
. , i
ing extremely low price3 on
becond-hand Wheels.
el'i Lacka. Ave.
i rwv
l I'TlJ
A Fall AsscrtnGiit
n i
A COO-pago 10x12 lloolc, bount?
in cloth, s1i-op baclc nnu. corners, !
(juarauteod to givo satid faction,
Only 9Qo,
StatlDii T8 and Enjir vsra,
317 Lackawanna Avo.
Dr. Hill S Son
' P f? f
'i v t r V
et teeth. Jl W; best wt, t; for ttoM rap;
ktul tw-th witaout pin ton, cnll'd crown mill
brldiio work, call tor prlcis : d rei'epr;0 i.
TONALU1A, lor extr iotiurf uuth without
tbia. MoetLir. Nuttiii.
ovru nr.bX kaiionax. baitx
lina nt.nnil In tlin frunti riuik'S.
fun i
Letter 10
Reynolds Bros.
t f i i t r i r ?v i i
Y'w j J) I
a etamlard for tono quality, nntil it ia cousidorod tlio highest com.
tn nn.v "Tt. roa. mldnu illin APIjER.
y, m. c. a.
ri n
size 5 h only
Brothers &
'--".... -'' jiv'.:'!.- r-'r-.'
Eelling Agents,
m Lacka. Ave.
V LtUIH 1Z 9
&t Greatly Reduced Prices
. !
$ Craam Fr bqzovz,
FoctoS: Shear Co.,
v Ml LACKA. AVE. 0
"Jenny LiM" Cantelonpes.
Green Cera eM Tomatoes,
Lima Be-ins, Hi Plant, etc.
nnd Get the
lias been admired so much for its
V.t In KJy L.-J ; J
Id 5, cnlj
1 O
224 Spruce St t, Tribune Offica
In ndditli.ii to th" fltiest line or Inw Whed. ct tLa
markcl. -.v . ..( ,r t!..- M..-.viiu- id H ..riad-.m f.
Avi'isi: 1 ht. m.1 ik S,.-iiai, 1 t'nio.i Siioittl, 1 Ininjiial,
2 Cl-vi'laiKls, 2 M.i.i-tli-, 1 Victor, lfieki'iloH aim ."i C"l
imitiins, idl in perfect e-.n litlon. Pries fr.'ni 4.i to
aicti eari. Call ami nccuru u iienuiuo burKiilu.
rr-'-i. iL:?1r --" a
Don't Forget It.
Scranton Press Club
Lake Ariel, Tuesday, Anj II
From junior Hinprlo shell to tho 1In elIit
. ured s.iii-11. eonipi.-ted lu by nil tho best row
ii.g .dubs, and o .irriicn in Amerifii, and
A GltlCnT VAt'lir HACK
n.-twi 'u AU'.rni'V Smith's "Flyiu Cloud''
and Cni.tftiu Jos' iih UrenuhalU'a "Ariel," ot
.MVark, M. J.
I'l'iin Srriinton,, Avoi-.i. Fittston
ni'd r.'rt H'.ni Imrd AdullKjlj eti 'Idreu,5 lo.;
"I'l-emi f. x v. v. uuin. rri.iii ( ,.i ii.iiiiia.o,
Sl.W; Maylbd.!. Sl.l..; Jeruivii. frL 1: Areh
1m d, Wint'in, Peek vilie. (llyi-lmnt and I'rleo
bniK, ?l; ii'eial I). A- II. tniin. from Ply
n.i'iitli .lii"ctl.n. v ilken-Harre, Parsons nnd
Min.'iB' Will.. 1.26; Hiavial 11. A- H. train
l-Vi.ei TT'jiii'(ln!i! and W.'iiti' Mills, 7;V; tr.'iu
rinwl.v. tt'c: R W. V. train. Suro
tn.iu servi.T houio In the evcniinr.
U. t your tickets curly an I avoid tho excur
sion diiv ru&h.
Wntch imwijiiii'iT local columns for oth r
Vetorinary Sur;ooii and
Veterinary Dnntist.
Fmmiit attention to culle for treatment of
nil donuMtlo uniniaiu.
Veterinary Me.Iiclin-9 cretullr eouiiioundel
and for 8. do at roaaouable prices,
OfM.-e at thr Tiluino Carrl-ijto Works, P.'l
PIX l ilt i!T. SieiaiUon, whoro 1 dtrjt shoe
Iliti Hfteriui'lii
Oraduate of the American Veterinary Col
lucre and tho Columbian School of Compara
tive Me iii'i'io.
7ell, Sirl
Yes, sir! Wo
hnvii n spccial
- isti liui'o ti 06
you wh'i d)33
iiothin.r oho.
f ' eyes tilted iu
asoientia.i manucr,
Inserted in THE TR1BTJXB ftt th
iota ol ONE CENT A WORD.
?1T ADS.