4 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 10. 18!)1. STELLE & SEELEY 134 Wyoming Aye. PIANOS ORGANS We will show you what you want. GOOD BREAD -USE THE- And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOB BALE TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mil Co EEWARB OF COUNTERFEITS ) THE EENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS G.. B. 8t Co., tirnr'ntml nn Earth C'qflf. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfra. u,na uut.Mi; buuAUK. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED TO THE EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 406 Spruca Street. Cfike Honrs: j !j TO 11.80. to G. To the Republican Party of Lacka wanna County: I hereby announce that I Will be a candidate for the office of recorder of deeds of Lackawanna county before the next Republican convention. H. L. HALSTEAD. PERSONAL Aitorney F. P. Hoban was in Wilkes Barre yesterday. Dr. F. D. Brewster arrived home last night trom Southold, L. L B. L. Richards, of Quincy avenue, re turned from Ocean Grove yesterday. Sirs. Alnrgaret Sullivan and daughter, of Capouse avenue, are visitiug in New York. Misses Julia and Abbie Den man, of South Hyde Park avenue, are visiting at Baltimore. Mrs. Stephen Chappell and sister, Miss Bulla Thomas, and Attorney A. A. Vos burg are spending a few days at Heart Luke and Montrose. Miss Lillle Koch, of Now York, is spend ing a few weeks an the guest of her cous ius, Misses Emily and Josephine Koch, who are summering at Fleetville. James F. Doyle, who recently sold out Ilia intercut in the Exchange hotel, Bing ham'.on, of which he was purt proprietor, is spending a few days in this city. G. M. Wallace and family, A. E. Ketch am aud family. B. S. Ketcham and family, Eugene AlaiHU and family aud W. S. Lam bert and family are campihg at Crooked lake. Announcement has been made of the coming marriage of Frederick Forbacb, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western tmggage ilice, to Miss Kate Schaefer, of Petersburg, to take place on Aug. 10. Musio Boxei Exclutivsly. Best made. Play any desired numbor of tunes. Gautschi & Sons., manufacturers, 1(J80 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Won. flerful orchestrinl orgnus, only 15 and $10. pecinlty. Old music boxes carefully re paired aud improved with new tunes. Scranton'i Builnaai Intrits. TnK Tribunb will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scrnnton aud vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our pnblio build ings, business blocks streets, etc., together with portraits of leading citizens. No similar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's many indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. bent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those coucerued as well as the city at large. Representatives of The Thibunb will call upon thosb whohb namks are DF.sinno iu this edition aud explain its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their residences in this edition will please Kave notice at the ollloe. $40,000 School House No. 27, E. L. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this month, to be built on Columbia avenue. Lots for sale on this avenue at low prices (or a brief period. Arthur Fhotbinqbah. Sncklen'a Arnica Salv The best salve in the world forCnti Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Bores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and post Mvely enres Piles, or no pay required. It a guaranteed to give perfect Satisfaction or money refunded. Price H5 cent per box. for sale by Matthews Broa. Pii.LHBtjBT Flour Mills have a capacity of 17,600 barrels a day. & 1 ft Foe (o Dyspepsia , i SHOW WHITE FLOUR FAIL TElf COURT Will Open With Meeting of Grand Jury on Monday, Sept. 10. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL COURTS Dates Upon Which the Terms Will Begin Grand and Petit Jurors Drawn Yesterday by Jury Commis sioners Ward and Kowo and Sheriff Fahey Names of Those Called Upon to Serv8 the County. On Sopr. 10 the fall term of court will begin with the nineting of the grand jury and on Oct. 8 a two wenlm' tertuot criminal court will open. Next Monday the common pleas trial list is to bo made up for the term of court, which will open on Sept. 17 and eou tinne for thrsn weeks. Yestordiiy Jnrv Commissioners Ward iiml Howe and Sheriff Falvy drew tho following grand and petit jurors: GRAND JUliOItS, MO.N'DAY, SEl'T. 10. Richard Morris, laborer. South Abiuirton. J. V. Black faruior, Jefferfou. Aiionuel Uolland, laborer, Scruaton. iMvid Davis, miner, Moosic. M. G. Robertson, veihumn, Scranton. John Gibbon, jr., bookkeeper, bcrauton. M. li. Bennett, miu-r, Jormyn. Eugene M. Honeywell, builder. Jormyn. Adam Sctiroeder, brickluyer, Kcrautuii. Fred Swurtz. Scranton. J. A. Penmau, constable, Scranton. pylvester iieiue, engineer, Moscow. Wiu. Uramer, macUiijist, Cirbmidalg Thomss Clark, miner, Carbondule. Wm. Wiuton, miner, Scrnnton. Fred Kiipp, laborer. Scranton. Charles Hart, carpenter, Scranton. Jacob Fries, miner, Scranton. Patrick Hannick, engineer, Olypliant. Wui. Giilliu, farmer, Sjiring Bruok. Lobn W. McLean, tnit-uii til. Scranton. Peter M Donald, gentleman, Carboudalo. James S. Crawford, supt., Carbondule. August Webber, cur punter, Scrautou. l'ETIT JUKOHS, MONDAY, OCT. 8. Edward C. Williams, watchman. Scranton. William Eagau, machinist, Scrautou. Wm, R. Allen, clerk. Cnrbondale towns'p. Joseph Hi key, mill hnnd, Scranton. Joseph Walker, inventor, Clark's Green. George Nichols, engineer, Scranton. cunrlesiN. Broniou, miller, Cnrbondale. llichael G iuuhnn. luboror. Scrnutou. John Wagner, laborer Scranton. Thomas Line, hotel, Scranton. A. artin Gannon, mill hHU'l, Scranton. Joseph G uld, engineer, Fell township. James B -ll, merchant, Scranton. A. P. JlcDoiiough. liveryman. Dunmore. Gilbert S. Grifliu, farmer, Clark's Summit. Fred Colvln, painter, Scranton. Robert Wilson, eimineer. Scrauton. James Philbin, mill hand, Scrauton. Gonier Davis, engineer, Jormyn. George Wuench, barber, Scranton. UwlijUt Khiuevault, fanner, Carboudalo tp, A. J. Lundy, teacher, Scrautou. Patrick McCabe, farmer, Cnrbondale tp. J. H. Allen, engineer, Scranton. M. M. Darling, baggage master, Scranton. Patrick Conuers, mason, Moosic. Hugh A. Jone, foreman, Scranton. J, V. Shump, carpenter, Glenburu. John Walsh, operator, Scranton. John Dempsey, minor, Moosic. J. W. Millett, alderman, Scranton. M. W. Hufford, carpenter, S. Abiagton. Andrew Nichols, uiiuer, Scranton, Thomas B Boland, weighmaster, Scranton. W. B. Stansbury, harness maker, Curbon dale. Carl Fell, Scrnnton. John D. Thomas, policeman, S-ranton. John Kurtz, lumberman, Scranton. Geo. B. Brown, lumber merchuut, Scran ton. W. H. Roda, machinist, Scranton. Joseph Speicher, barber, Scranton. Michael Cawloy. miner, Scranton. Samuel Jliller, farmer, North Abington. John J. O'Boyle, agent, Scranton. Thomas Hoyt, millhand, Scranton. Tnoinas Loftus, miner, Scranton. W. A. Grady, carpenter, Scrauton. D. A. Smith, farmer, Newton. Peter Dorsey, coachman. Scranton. John E. Coyne, teamster, Scranton. Thos. Reddiugton, hotelkeeper, Wiuton. Samuel Gresp, blacksmitu, Scranton. M. Haegenberger, merchant, Scranton. Fred W. Kierchoff, clerk, Scranton. Fred 8. Barker, scalemaker, Scrauton. H. E. Harris, foreman, Taylor. Frank Zimmerman, foreman, Scranton. Henry Browning, miner, Bellovuo. John Simpson, merchant tailor, Scrnnton. Michael Gowan, conductor, Carboudale. PETIT JUKOnS, MONDAY. OCT. 15. R. C. Drum, merchant, Gouldsboro. Christ Muscat, laborer, Scranton. John Hon er, conductor, Fell. Thomas Mangan, miner, Minooka. William Knight, constable, Benton. Clarence Biesecker, farmer, Madison. Lewis K. Cook, conductor, Scranton. Anthony Judge, miner, Scranton. James Ormes, fireman, Carbondule. Charles Raynor, cigarmaker, Scranton. John M. Burke, fireman, Carboudale. John Mnffatt, shoemaker, Carbondale. Frank Klenschadt, machinist, Scranton. John Vosburg, farmer, Soutn Abington. M. Baumgardner, clerk, Scranton. Levi H. Clark, engineer, Scranton, Owen Flannery, laborer, Carboudalo. John Langan, clerk, Olypbaut. Abram Grosvenor, farmer, Scott. S. W. Cook, merchant, Jcrmyn. Thomas Joyce, laborer, Scranton. Wm. McClave, inventor, Scranton. Samuel Whaley, farmer, Waverly. John Holliday, steel blower, Scranton, Morgan B. Morgun, agent, Old Forge. Frank Smith, clerk, Carbondale. Ilenj. D. Moyles, farmer, Eltnhurst. W. G. Farhold, salesman, Scranton. Wm. Evans, carpenter, Scranton. Michael Healey, miner, Moosio. W. J. Atkinson, teamster, Scrauton. J. J. Howarth, lnmber mercnant, Scranton George Burns, miner, Dunmore. Frank Moyer, contractor, Scranton. Frank Lewis, farmer, Lebigh. John K. Cameron, jeweler, Carbondale. John J, Paving, miner, Moosic. John D. Evans, collector, Scranton. George Fashold, blacksmith, Scranton. Edward Burke, miner, Olyphant. J. T. Fahrenheit, merchant, Scranton. Thomas Levison, merchant, Carbondale, Anthony Walsh, maBon, Scranton, Thomas B. McAnulty, merchant.Arcubald. Michael McDounell, agent, Moosio. P. J. McDonnell, miner, Carbondale. Arja Powell, bookkeeper, Scranton. John Allen, miner, Fell township. W. R. Williams, gent., 15th w'd, Scranton. George Gebhart, assisslaut supt, Jormyn. Patrick Foy, butcher, Scranton, Albert Graves, farmer, Scott. Fred Piatt, electrician, Scranton. Frank P. Christian, electrician, Scranton. George B. Hoffman, clerk, Scranton. Peter Bennehoffer, butcher, Scranton. Fred Lloyd, watchman, Blakeiy. PRESS CLUB REGATTA NOTES. In order that the people on shore and in the grove may know when a race is start ed, a signal gun will be fired from the judges' barge. This will give every one warning that the race is on, and all can be on baud for the grand linishes. There will be a large number of white satin badges to present to tbe ladies who accompany the Press club excursion to Lake Ariel next Tuesday for the rpgntta. The number is limited to several hundred, and they will be pretty souvenirs of the day. The double-sculls and the four-onred shells are showiug up big iu the eutiies for the regatta. TheBe races in all the several classes will be among the greatest of tbe day, and as it is necossary to start some of these at 11 o'clock, it is essential that peo ple get over to the lelie early. The membors of the Scranton Press club win hold a social session at tlmir rooms on Monday evening and eniertain tbe friends who accompauv the visiting oarsmen. They especially inviie all their friendsand honorary members to be present, if only for a few minutes call. Those who have been there before will not miss this recep tion. r William Qoodkind, of the Lone Star Boat club, of New York city, will arrive in this city today ana go immediately to Lake Ariel, and spend the time intervening be tween now and Tuesday practicing for the races of the Press club regatta. Mr. Good kind is very prominent among New York scullers, having been successful in many of tbe regattas held in that part of the country. Among the regatta entries rocoived yes terday were those of a senior four from the Delnwaro Boat club, of Chicago, and a senior single from the Western Rowing club, of St. Louis. These oarsmen are ut the Nutionnl regatta at Saratoga todav and come here ou Monday over the Dela ware nud Hudson railroad, and will be transferred via Johnson's switch to the .Erie and Wyoming Valley ruilroad aud thence to the lake. The following honorary members of the Scruiiton Press club have been delegated as a special honorary reception committee for the day of the regatta ut Lako Ariel next Tuesday: Hon, R. W. Arclibuld, lion. F. W. Guusler, Hon. 11, M. E awards, lion. W. L. Conuell, mayor; Hon. J. A. Scran ton, Hon. J. U. Follows, ex-mayor; Hon. John P. Kellv, Charles Robinson, Clarence E. Pry or, James G. B'iley, D. W. Powell, John J. Fahey, Georg.' L. Horn, Henry J. Koehler and Bernard Mogargeo. TRIBES OF RED MEM. Witness an A dip. ion and Hunter's Degree Work. A large number of It 'd linn followed tile trails from the South Side, Provi dence and Ilnle Park last night to tile camp of the Pocono and Lv-lIii-IInnnu tribes at 410 Lickawatin:i HVenu", where an adoption w is made by teams from the two tribes. Alter the adoption the hunter's de gree conferred upon three mem bers and the pow-wow lasted until a late hour. WEST SIDE. Miss Elzibeth Jo. ph Married to William P Snath. A very pretty wed lin was solemn ized last evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Joseph, of Avenue D. Tne contracting parties were their daughter, Miss Elizabeth Jane Joseph, to William P. Snath, of Olypliant. The ceri iiiony was p-rformed in the pallor, by lie v. V. D. Thomas, of I'ittston, in the presence ot a large number of friends. Th brides maid was . Mias Elizabeth Joseph and tbe groomsman Joseph Honer. The bride was attired in a ccstunn of dotted cream aud carried white roses. The bridtsmaid wore a handsome dress. After thu crreinony the gu-s's sat down to an excellent wed ling re past and a sociable evening was np nt. Tbe Cuui'oro-Auturicati Ulee party sang Heveral selections. The newly married couple will refide at Breaker street iu Olypiiant. Among those present from O.ypbant were T. F. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. A. Stithel, Georgi lloyles and James Williams. AN EVENING PARTY. Mr and Mrs. LnJwiv EnterUin Dis tinguished Visitors. At the house of Mr, and Mrs. Lot Lnd wig, of North Ilyd? Park avnu last evening a social was given in honor of Mr. and Mr. Djnister. of Philadelphia, and Miss Mun, of Mout roso. A largo nnmber were present and Rn enj iyuble time bad in dancing, games and other social diversions. Ryfresu ments were served at a late hour. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. John Thomas of Lafayette street, is re covering from an illness, Mrs. Morgan Thomas and Mrs. W, C. Jones have returned from Lnusford. Mrs. M. Muir of Montrose, is visiting her parents on North Rebecca avenue. Miss Mary Owens, of South Sumner av enue, is visitiug friends in Carboudalo. George Brown, of Robinson streot, will leave this week for a stay at Montrose, Mr. and Mrs. William Lewis, of Eynon airti are spending a week at Lily lake. Tu s E. Richards of North Main avenue; is recovering from a sprained ankle. Miss Maggie Davios, of North Bromley avenue, has returned from a trip to Bal timore. Mrs. Thomas Phillips and Mr. and Mrs Streeter, of Jackson street, are sojourning at Falls. Sam McKeover, of Jackson street, will leave on Saturday for a weok's sojourn at Harvey"s lako. The Misses Snrah and Kate Kresje. of North Hyde Park avenue, aro visiting friends iu Kresgevillo. Oliver Paul and daughter, Miss May, of North Eromley avenue, will leave for Ocean Grove ou Saturday. Mrs. James P. Harris of Swetland street, gave a 5 o'clock tea yesterday in honor of her sisters, Mrs. M. Muir, of Montrose, Pa., and Mrs. William Demp ster of Gurmautown, Philadelphia. N0ETH END BRIEFS. Rev, D. A. Evans will prench nt the Wolsh Baptist church on Sunday evening. The acting rector of St. Paul's, Green Ridge, is eutertnining his parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Dunn, of Wilmington, Del. Mrs. B. andM. Walker, of Pittstoh, and Miss Agnes Rvan, of Philadelphia, are visiting with Miss Kate Clifford, of Yard street. Mrs. Ruth Davis is recovering rapidly from the accident to her foot and will probably bo nble to accompany her friends on vacation on Saturday. An ice cream social nndertlie auspices of the Luther league will be held at the resi dence of Henry Herat, of Court streot, this evening, A baud will also be in attend ance. Extensive arrnngpments are being mado in view of the Odd fellows excursion to Harvey's lake tomorrow. The train will leave Cayuga, Providuuce at 7.15 and will stop at the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western depot at Scranton at 7.30 aud also at Bellevue and Taylor. The Green Rnlce Baptist church hold its annual picnic yesterday at Lnuial Hill park. Iu the nf ternoon various piocei of niUHio wore sung, conducted by T. Owen Charles. A new choir is being organised in connection with the church and the mnttor has been warinh- taken up by the Christian Endeavor society. Choir prac tice is hold each Suuday from 8 to 7. The following were elected officers of tbe Welsh Bnptiftt Church union in con nection with the Young Po iple's a a icia tion; President, Jehu M. Jehu; vice presi dent, Mrs. W. R. Owens: secretary, Mis E-ther Ann Jones; treasurer, W. T. Thomas; choristr, George Duvios: organ ist, Mi ks Bertha Simrns. William Pugh, John H. Evans and Miss Jennie Evaus were appointed to attond the convention at I'htston on Aug. 2D in connection with tbe Young People's Baptist union. Elegantly framed pictures aro being sold for half price of frame. Chicago Art Co., 1U7 Penn avenue. Butldinir material frr Sale. Inquire nt Conrad Schroeder's ofllce, Commonwealth Building. DIKI). ESTMAN-In Fcrai:ton, Aug. 0, Francis, daughter of Daniel and Lizzie Estmnn, nged 10 years and 8 months, at the fam ily residence, 4J1 Birch street. Funeral on Saturday. CROFT In Scranton. Aug. 0, Edith, old est daughter t Mr, aud .Vis. Isaac Croft, at the home of ber parents, 611 Kressler courr, at 6 a.m., aged 10 years, 6 months and 4 days. Siroudsburg papers please copy. GEORGE KE11L HELD. Other Men Whom Dr. Haggerty Had Arrested Were Discharged by Alderman Fuller. Gforge Kerl, tbe Conway ITonsn bar tender, was held in the sum of $1 000 bail by Alderman FulUr for assaulting Dr. William Haggerty. J. D. Clark became Kerl'a security. W. A. St. John, John Nilanrt, William F'atchen, Simon Coffey and P. P. Jordan were also cb irged with assault out were dis charged. The defendants were repre sented by Attorney John B. Ceilings, and Dr. Haggerty by Attorney E. C. NewcomU The plaintiff and M. J. Kceley agreed in their testimony that on the night ( f the , fracas lvrl followed Dr. il.i-g rty from tne 1'i.cilic hotel and precipitated the trouble by hurling n barrel at the plaintiff and afterward jumping upon him aud kicking bis face and body as he lay in the street. John O'Uoyle, of Lackawanna nvo ntie, testiiied that be saw St. John, Coffee and Nilaud walking down tbe street, the former reciting some trouble lie bad with Dr. Haggerty at tlio race track. To Coffee and Niland, St. Johu said: "Hoys, let's go down aud take a drink and see the f uu ; if George 'does" the doctor I'll go bis bail." At this point in the proceedings Patchen, Coff.iy, Niland aud St. Jehu wire discharged on motion of their at torney. P. J, Jord.tn was given a fur ther hearing because in the evidence of Keeley, Jordan appeared as having par ticipited in the tight. Tbo evidence of St. John, Frank Gadsw jod-t and Jor dan convinced the uld Tiuan that the latter figured only in the capacity of a peacemaker and he was discharged, THIRD ANNUAL TOURNAMENT. Will Be Etldb theSoranton Lawn Club at Piatt Place. The third annual tennis tournament of the Scrautou Lawn club will be held Friday aud Saturday, Sept. 7 aud 8 on the Piatt Place grounds. The events will consist of singles and doubles for men only, nud will be open to all comers. Handsome prizes will be awarded winners of each event, for which tbe entrance fee is $1 for singles and $1 50 for doubles. Play will b.i called at 10 o'clock a. in., S"pt. 7. Eutrits will t- received until 0 p, tu. Sept. G by Alfred G. Hunt, treasurer, or H. S. Kirkpat rick, secretary. Auuounci nient of the tourney has been niad to various clubs and players iu ail the nearby loolities, au l U is probable that the tournament will in clude a larger number of players than iid tbe contests of the two preceding years. Tne date seems to have beeu hotter choseu tliau that of the Carbondale club tourney at Farview, Aug, 10, which may be too early to attract tuu hundreds who aro at the summer re sorts. Tiie Scranton nll'tir will prob ably signal the return of the social ele ment and will h the forerunner of a succession ot informal gaities until tiie men aud young ludies leave for college uml school. SCRANTON DELEGATES HOME. Eoport National Tenip-ranca Convention at Cliicigo Vaiy Successful. C. G. Boland and James F. Judgo, of this city, delegates who attended the annual convention of the Catholic To tal Abstinence Union of America at St, Paul, Minn., returned yesterday. They repoit that the ccuveution was a most earnest and proflubl one und that by it the hands of the Father Mithew workers throughout tlui country will be greatly strengttient d. ltev. P. J McMauus, of this city, was nominated for second vice president by M. Burke, of Carbondale. His name evoked much enthusiasm and he was unanimously elected, The next convention of the union, one year hence, will bo held in New York city. INSTRUCTED FOR WARREN. Delegates of the Thirteenth Ward Club Elected Last Night. At ft meeting of the Thirteenth Ward Republican club last evetiing iu the oQice of Alderman Bailey three delegates and as many alternates wero elected to reprcssul the club at tiie convuntion of Republican clubs at Il-ir-risburg Spt. 5. E II. Shutlell, C. S. Fowler, jr., and M. W. Finn were elected delegates, aud C. B. Gardner, A. C. Bailey aud C. S. Jacobs alter nates. The delegation will support Major Everett Warreii for president of tie State League of R -publican clubs nnd will leave Scranton the day preceding the convention. ACTIONS TO RECOVER DAMAGES. Brought by Elawltts Atralnst Central Railroad of Haw J.iriey. On Oct. 10 last, Miss Frances L.Blew itt, daughter of Mine Lisp; ctor Patrick Blewitt, was injured by jumping from a passenger train ou the Central Kail road of New Jersey, Two trains col lided at the Fifth avenne station aud Miss Blewitt, fearing she would be in jured, jumped. Her leg was fractured and she bus been unable to use tbe member since. Yesterday two suits for damages were brought against the company; one by Miss Blewitt to recover JiO.OOO dam ages, aud auotuer by ber lather for ffi 000. Attorneys Jessups & H tud rep resent the plaintiffs in both cases. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Tte funernl of the late Edward Fasiold took place yesterday afternoon and was largely attended, Mrs. Bridget (jninn, an old residont of th city, died Wednesday at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Tiguo, of Pittston avenue. She was 75 years of age. The picnic of the Saengerrunde at Cen tral park last night was a delightful affair aud was attended by a largo number of singing societies of this ciiy nud its vi cinity. On Saturday afternoon the funeral of the late Mrs. Kate llartmau will take plure. She was a highly lespccted lady and is survived by a husband uud three children. Services will hj held at the Hickory street Presbyterian church nud iutermeut made iu Pitlstou avenue ceme tery. An interesting social event wns the birthday prty tendered to Richard Read miller at bis home Wedneml.iy evening. Among those who attended it were: .Misses Kate Troy, Kat Burns, Maggie Konp, CanJiue Krnft, Maggie Luby, Minnie lier noski, Emma and Nannie Barr, Katie Kloss, Mamie Eiilen, Li.zih Gauz, Annie Roiick nnd .Yessrg. Joseph Poll, Joseph aud Jacob Brier, James Johnson, William R. up, Albei t Kraft, Henry Weis, Johu Krueaier, Henry and John Sieinlino, George and John Hetler, Frank Kloss, Frank and Joseph Readmiller. Brotherhood cf Railroad Tralnmtn. Fit st grand excuision of Moses Taylor lodge, 42n, to Northumberland ami dem ons' park Aug. 14. Trains leave Dnlaware, Lackawanna and Western depot at 6 a. m., stopping at Taylor, Pitta ton, Kingston and Plymouth, THOSE ELECTRIC SIGNALS. The Entire Frolcville Una Slay Be Sup plied with Them. The recent test of hand-operated elcctrio signals by the Scranton Trac tion company on four switches of tiie Providence line proved successful. The signal company submitted a proposition to tho Traction company to equip the eutire system, but a further test is desired aud negotiations lire pending to first try the signals on tuu entirit Peckville lino. If the signul company consent to do tin- and the result is satisfactory tho entiro system will evontuiilly be sup plied with the lights, To the Gea Ohor V.n the Lohlgh Vulioy Route Special excursion to Atlantic City via Lehigh Valley railroad ou Auv. 15. Extremely low rates from all stations. Tickets gocd frr ton dnvs. Apply to ngeuts for tlckeis, time of train, Pullman reser vations, etc. " Water Filt-ra. Pure water secures good health. T. F. Leonard, at 5o5 Ijuckawuuua avenu ', has for sale four styles of Btonii water filters that are sold tit prices within reach of all, and aro as easily cleaned nuil taken care of as a waier pail, and will last for years. Tim filter is nil h'tone, nothing to ru t, cor rode or become foul und will lifter from four to twelve gallons pur day. Drop iu nud bee them. ' Ward"d Cff DUcaso, "1 have u ed several bottles of Hood's Snr.-arparilla and found it to be all that it is recommended. It Inn warded off dis eases I'roiu several nic tubers of the family." Mary A. Ycakor, Eiuihurst, Pa. Hood's Piu.s cures sick headache. SOLE AGENTS FOR" LIBBEY'S GOT .GLASS LARGEST LINE OF Haviland & Co.'s Cllina Wllit0 nnd Dacorated. Silverware, Lamps, Chamber Sets, &A WEICHEL & MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Strike Scranton It would causs little more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW ' SPOT CASH PRICE LIST HAS DONE . WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Cur Inn of Groceries is complete ani you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored T3A, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; 70rth 75c. C. DITCHBURS 4:7 LACKAWANNA AVE, THE CELEBRATED Jrft at Present the Must Popnlar unit rrifcrred to Ijt-uilnii; AruiH. Varerooms: Onysite Oiluttfws Monument, R COP tinning and soldering nil rlono away with liv the nsoot HAIiT.MAN S i AT- ENT PA1ST, which consists ot ingrcdi nts well-known to all It can bo applied to tin, Salvinizod tin, sh -ot Iron roots, a: so to brick wclllmja, which will prevent absolutely any crumbling, cracking or broukmit of the brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many yenrs.nml it's cost (lnna not excee t ono flfth that of :he cost of tinning. U sold bj the job or pnuud. Contracts taken by AN TO MO UAjailAIsN, fc7 blroh St. eifi en You ieed Them Aud a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and lilack berge Coat. tennis. Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AYENUE. if pi p IU LJ L N 308 Lacka. A II loz. Li To be closed half value. CAPS, worth from 22c. to be closed cut at mummy I At less than HAL? goods in proportion. t- t-.?',,rrri(';"r,n)tf7;'i;ii-ri5'!r"''''"',,"i'",','rrIr-'irf;Tr"' Scientific Eye . The WILL BUY A FASHIONABLE SOFT BRIM F fttA El AT CONRAD'S. It's a Groat Check "Vv; ( To tho follti wlmnm clntm'n they nnflnrwlt 111 otheri to fi ml that with mt tho loit fuss or blunter wo are triving cutoiii' rs tho ben. eilt ol such opportunities ns t iese. A Stnoltv Mli;ll (irndi l.lL-bt-welgtl t' H heel, 18111 imllern, f rOltll eiisll. 1H!I3 piiltern, SI.IO Wheel, for If!': lHtlltiiittern, 100 Mieel, liir ,l.'i csli,, Theso prices mako tho bnsinegs atourstortv' FLOREY & HOLT Y. II C. A. BUILDING. Malcaey 0.1 and Manufac turing Company Have removed their office to their Warerooms, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147,149, 15) MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE KUMI33R. 8GS1 SAPOLIO 'S LIKE A GOOD TEMP2S, "IT UH2D3 A BIiIOHTNES3 BVESYWHEHE. The proper thing for HP s t .1 r-1 ci U U l cut at 01. -C, v: LESS 12 ft Cli V 2 VALU2 Testing Freo p., TVT rip m.T"f Tp-T r S)ecmlit on tho Eye. lle.nli.ciie.-i mi l i'er. "i P ifi - ' to u 1 I 1 l t ! i i voUMie.-.'i veiU'Veo.. Lao s; aim lmoioveil iS'yle ot EVj;l-te:.e nnd ripect.iclc at tli Ljuo.t IViCiu. liect Artilicial Kve-i ius.'.-to i for utlj SI'Ul'Ci'l hi'., 0,1.. UiulVs; (Xuoa. tl. A. EiULEERT'3 ity Musio Stcro, fTFvIW A Y SOV DiX KIOH lii'.OTH5'U3 KUAKIOil 'l.ACJi Hi Anullior Advon'.c of Or.S. IIKN'WO(H) A; WAIliH.l.I.: OI.M'l.i;li:N-It. uari!R me ri-oiiI ploft-sitre toal.ttt thttt our iteiv i-oi-imi llf CXtrHctillU Irrtll Wilis 11 Ul'll.l.. Mirt-t it my Case, Hull I henrlilv receuiUM'Tnl It 14 nil. I him rn I) luiliv Hull iitlivm Mill ieat its ill) rilis. Youth reNrti-rl fully, CAl'l'. U. t. lUlVAit,' l-cruutoii, Henooi & Wardell, DiiMlSlil, 816 Lackawanna Ave. Will on mid utter Slav 21 make ',-ro it reiltrn tlon in the juiccR t,t iilntes. All soik kuur aulouJ Urut-cLibH iu ovoi y particular, 3 A. V. JUKISCH 435 SPRUCE STREET BICVCLKS AM) KronXlNO GOODS. Victor, GeoJron, Kelipso, LovelL Diamom and Other hucla.
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