The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 10, 1894, Page 2, Image 2
THE SCTANTOIf TlirBUiTE -FRIDAY MORInINU, AUGUST 10. 1891. BALL lii9 Sympathy Strike in tho Scrantoo Tjani Causes a Poslpontiot. FRUtlDfiSCS LOSES TO SYRftCGSc And Poor VViikscy Drops Down An other Pen, Buffalo's Defeat of Dinghamton Doing Responsible--Standing; of tlio Clubs National League Results--Basa Call and General Sporting News. JIE E.sknn loagne Kazan scheduled to be played between ei p r i n gfitld ii uu Sorauton y. sterdny was postponed, all the old Stitt a league players, b one or two exceptions, bavinyr engaired iu sympathy strike. X('V-tl'.'!)fllflflK Altlll- rver C'aiuil will have a full team in tho ileld todiiV. In the other Extern leaijua gaines Jilnytd yesterday, Providence loBt to ttyiucnse, Wilkvii-llarre ta Erie, aii'l Tliii.tliiiiiitnn t. 'Piill'.il.-, Wil:.- .a.".nri'i. by bur dofoat, n.iow.i DulLilo t 4 jro into fourth place. The percentages tho clubs, nuiubtr of gumes t.'oii and los'. 1 y each, Mid their f tpuiliiu iu the league race Is as followa: Won. l.o-t. IVrC't. Providence u?rni'loii Eil. 1'ulT.ilo Wilkiw-Hrirro... ISyrueuie Uingbamtou.... tt :.S .Oil I'i ' .jaS !7 -it .r.ii; '".) us .fied 11 .o..o jo 4:1 .-i;!j KO GA31E WAS PLAYED. Kmbir8 cf th? Scrnton Club Had a Svrapjtlm io Strl':". Thre was a climax yesterday ia tbo tas' ball war. Tin; Sorautoti club re fused to fnou tho Ii hi uui!oi' tiu ma HKeuinnt of Mr. Cihill, Rud thero'or ) r.o gauie v,ih piny 'd with 8 n itiirfi dd. Th pbiyers Bai l that pMt.'o:i:iUy tboy hid uotbin-r. ajjaiiibt lit. Ohiii, but that in their opinion Mr. Sivift hail uot boeu fnirly trc-itel by thy nE'iici i' ion. M4. Swift whs K""n by a Titin'.'N." re-!-rtrr nt tli3 St. Cltarl"s liot-.-l at 2 p. la., and spoke us follov.'.4" "I have justbal a co'if-Tcnc4) with J. V AiU. r., c! C irb :..l:i!o, Mid L..V lecide.i to take fa'l fo-.trot ii a ciub I hat in to bu l',er .i. Mr. Ai'.i u lias dir. cfoil mo to una ti dub at ore '. List Jtouday I r.diM 1 .-,11 of 1'.;; players who nero with nis in tlio Statu hugUH and I will liijiu as many of tli-ia as care o go with mo to Car!:ou laU U; tbo end ol tlio w--;'u I will havo a dub !':'ady to ;o 011 tho li"ld and will talw t'-eiii away on a trip. When w. re turn tl'.H rGU:id ut (Jirb i'idal.) ,V':1 ba iu n'uditt ! ; fir in. I will 11 1 onea tolu Ki'ap.'l L; 'erutary DiddloLoek for Ihn vacancy tiit oxiatj in tbo Stat.' l:a'!i;, and 1 boliovo tlicM will bu 0:10 Wry poon." ''I linvo don? my beat," coiititiuml Mr. fc-wift, "to .it tiio boyrt to fjo out and pi.iy thia attenioon, liat tby ro las 'd to take my adviea in this iu ut r. The players certainly did r.fusi to K on tLe lii;iaouil, with tlio exc-ption of RoireM ir.d the playor obtained fl'OUl thf Trn" nlnh. All MlV.irtj tit ivin tiiu strikers over failed mid tno idea of baviiirf a puiii) had to be abandoned. M.'iia;:r Cihill at once wnt to work to got a club in shape tor today. Horf era and l'atehan agreed to eiju as catcliera, and Cmapfijld, who arrived in tho city irou Wilkes-Btrre yo-itir-day, and Donovan tho liteli'Ta, with Cahill at s.-cond. Smitii, short, and Johnson canter field. A lirsc au 1 third base man, two iiei ders and at leant another pitdier ar needed to fill iiDtlmdub. Manner Dan Shannon, of Wilkes Bw, telegraphed that hi would let Keiautoa liav Outfielder Lczatto, but bo bud uot arrived up to a lato hour last night. Manager Cahill hag teloitraphd to Providence 1;. I., for auotilor otufldder and ia alao after Whitehead, the third baseman of tho Einghuiaton club. At all events he promises to have a club on the diamond this aftornooa to face riprinjjiielu. Tomorrow two games Will be played with tho same club. Secretary Botts of th local ueiocla tiou claims that Mr. Swift bad no power to release players last Monday, na he was uot then manager of tho club. The officers of tho association decline to say what action they will take BRainst tho men who refused to play yesterday. It was currently reported on tho I'roet yesterday that several members of the local association had endeavored to dispose of their stock. Late last night it was roported that Mr. Swift had abandoned the idea of placing a club iu .Carbondsle nnd tiii.t the Scranton players would si-ii wher ever they saw fit.Masaey probably with Manager Cahill. STILL ANOTHER DEFEAT. Wilkiii-Ifarra Loans a Gum to Blnckbiidi b7 Looaa Plnv. the WiLKES-BAititE, Aug. 0. Wilkes Barre's erratic flsldini at critical tiiiif s, coupled with Blackburn's wildutss, lest Vithout the Sun the Earth Would Be a Was to. Its gcniul r'aya mean life. Some times, though, tho heat disagrees with 3'oti. A ay bo it will lie only a trilling ailment maybe exhaus tion: nnd most smioua. A iiide care would avoid thid. Tho tak ing of Johaun HolTa Jlalt Extract would "set yoa right" would .keep you right." It ia a nutri tive stimuUnl, but not an intoxi cant. It exalts the rncrgies, aids digestion. Beware of imitations. Look for signature cf "Johann lloU" ou neck label gg tho inline to Erie today that should huve bet-n wou by the home team. Wilkes-Barre has wo 1 but seven rut of the last twenty-nine champi oushiy names played. At a meeting ot th directors here this afternoon Cmipfidd nnd (Jairles, both pitchers, were re leased, and other important ch inxes are to be mailo ia the team within tii- nest few days. AVonthor line. At tendance, 7l)D. Scerf: WILKES IA RI! B. 1 ERIK. II. II. (). A. F. II II. o. A. V.. r-vt!o,lf....'J L' 1 (I Uivh'la'ii.SI 11 II 11 (I f (diV:!, :.b.:i ;i a 5 1 mith. s..S a 8 t' I. iv. t'.lr.-J 111 e (' l-i 'I. Hi. ..I :t 7 1 1 iuiit, B.l 1 2 (I U l.iillv, i-t.,,1 A 0 11 II. Ks, n"....:J " 1 U 1 llinis,.:i, !!'.: 0 S 0 Hir.ii'i.ii,:!!.!! 1 II 2 ii'Kii.'Iiii.s ::l;5 1 II Z 1 I'el i .31m1:! 1 II H II V 11 l.i-Uo. il-J 1 2 e 1 ntls. ,(... 1) I :! 1 I llrwr, c.l 2 C 1 0 li'n, wl (' 11 a 1 il..;nv, 1...I '1-1 m iiij'ni, 1 1 1 i) a 'I't.,1 ij )j ;i T,,tMl ...12 17 :i U 1 V,"iik. ,-li.ine 0 a ,'i :l 1 u 0 n )- ': l.r..- 2 2 1 II 1 II 2 2 x III KarAod rmun -Wilki'R ! o H. Krlo 3. I'i l-a:ij nti (m r h-k- 'i k.'vl; u - " l-'i 2. I.'f:. entMH vVilic- Itariv , l.:! " . first I'.'i-" ou IciiU -or" l;i,.-kinirii ". ml' ll-a!y I ttri -k ( nt 1 '! -ji. L"Z.ittn lllM. I.'l.iirn. 'c!. I.'i.iim liom .-i.l. . ; Lai n. )lilv. Tji-') Imsj htt-l.wli- I.i-.-.. tt . l i.'lil, !.:i!!v. T-v. l.iM.hiN A'.m t'ykf. 1..:mii.i 2, I vt!.', l'cttit, ''miili, Kulniu. Stul. 'U lias. Vail U.vk... limiliiu 1 lny.-. -1 -ill.. 11 to 1.- . ilit l.y pitch r lly Hlii.'l.'..uni I. I'ji.'.l 1 ;U Vi'ai'uer. l'uijiiro Sv, T 111 1 j. 0TH A3TtR.'S Ltr.OJE ClUES. At yracir o - Pyrncnsi' 1 0 0 H 0 1 0 1 B ( l'rovidoiici'. . . 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 1 0 I'. liusi) hits Syraeii"i', 12; iVovidnnci'. II. Knvni Syrarusi-, 2; rrio-id'uce. 2. fat ton.'s lless nnd Hauswuin anil JMcCauii-y and lj',vett. I'lnpiro-llooiaer. At i;iii),'Imiuti!i l!lir:liiir,toii..l 0 0 ( 0 iiuua-o 0 0 (I (I U ia!i lli'.b BinjJ.atiiton, Ci-rcr l:Mli;i.lsjMon, 0. i' 1 0 (I 1- 1 0 0 .! 1 -i l; K.ilValo, '.1. ,'fl'il.). .1. I- tii in? JJii'fi.r ;.nd I'l'laiiKy; V ic kery. Linipie--iOtriek. Uniuhai '. At v'af hiiiii) i "A ii-li;r. ;t..ti . .1) 0 12 0 (I (I 0 0 I'.'ow Vuil;....l 2 0 1 U 0 0 .'I x- 1 llits Vn-.lii'ij,'iii, 7; N'i".v York, 8. KiTuM Wnsaiiivjton. 0; New York, -I. ii.ittiTU's ijani and .Vd'uire; Mo.-Lia and i' lirill. l.'mpire Il-jv'fe. At Cl i',.-f"ii".i;-o...7...'i 0 2 0 0 ! J n-in Cineiatiaii ....0 0 ', 0 0 2 S 0 0 (i liils Cinrii.'!i, 1:7; Cin-imnti, 11. llr-rori-t'liicai-o, Cin.-iaifiil. ''. Itntteri-i r.i'illiih d'i'1 Shrir-r a :d j. 'arret t n-.,-3 'An: p;.y. Ui:!;iro Me mdo. Ai Ui-uf.klyii Hi'.M;i;i-n (i 0 2 :; ii 1 .1 2 s- ii lia ti Lor; 'i 0 1 1 :: 1) n 0 (-. ; liu' i''i, 1' ; I nl: in-.' iv. 'I. ' rors lini .l.'yn, -1; Il.i'ti'iioii', '.'. I'.iit.'ri".. Sh'ia and iti,,-l.'v; ijawko and ituiiiiisou. U.jiin Lynch. A'- .'til..- n K-i 2 1 n 0 fi 0 0 n ,-ii i'io'.a l.'lr. hi 1 ..1 11 i 0 (j n 11 (I '.' - 2 li'-i-H. '..'a;-., i I: i )nl:..l.-t , .i,. :, . i , ii'.4.--l 'n i, : i i la.i i p:. ;. r i- - II; ds-.u 1. it '.!'., .M; i.-.jic- b... i: ley. i 'iipiiv -u.i.'i'n. y. At i'il...ti;r; - T'i!4 ' ei4.; n '10 10 0 12 0 1 L-'.'i v.l!-.' ') S 0 0 1 0 0 (i 1 Hit I lit bnri'. tJf t.iuii.vill'.', 12. I':-. r a I'ittxliiifi.-, :.'; ijuniHviili', :l. l..uti.'i'-- -' 'b'f. a:;.; .' littauaiijg n il Un::. Ui.ipir.; I i"i'a.,i:.ii-l. ST.W 54 LCCGiiS. -t i;.;ni b:r."-il 'ni '.jti '-?, 2; U:i:il.-ti-ii 1. At Laiuv-t'.'i'Latic.-.iroi'. 7: ohennu- d..M', At Kendimr Reailintr, 7; Allentown, 3. ui Xiuladolphia Pm.a. ielphia, Wj l'otis- vil.L', :.2. - . wa;jt scsiaioN r l Ay e r.3. 3Innaor llanrlall U.u T.-licraplird to a Nuiabni' . f Tlioia I'lllLADKl.l'lii A tier. 0 Manifr Uindall, ot 1 no Philadelphia tjlaU' Li';i:;u.; club, has televtrapu 'it to I- iana- fliaa, Miuaoy, Wrstl ik-.. il:).cr.) uud Stc't4;. tho ball players uleivl by M:ntiH,"r Swilt. of tho Kcranton E int ern Li'B-,'u club on Monday, imd who r. fusi'd to play with the Sera 1 ton t, ::;a beeaiu.o Bivit'l bad bivn di po.-.i: I, to report hero and play will) hie team tomorrow. HOIiSON'S FH'ST GAME. Hold tho riilladolpliUa Dawn to EbrM Iloilsou made his dobni; for Boston yeiili.rd.iy iu a N :tional L'-ague twirier au.l held tlie Puiiadelpuias down lo eight hits. TliHai were well scattered and the Quaker city boys only Kecuied two runs u.i them. Thy support yivjil to if id son was faultless and Boston wou by a score of 11 to 2. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Tbo Loii'ivillo National T-j'infino dub is to p ay at It.jaiiiti'j on Monday. AlleiHown has nupplanted Shenandoah as tho leader in tlio fit n'e lenguu r:tco. lliiic'hainton has a now pitciiiT nnmed Alliens and a ikort stop named JJnmuiit. Slieai'on, ol' t!lo Eno leain, is reco,;nii:il Mthobist ba.-.o cttaler in Uia Eastern b'ftpne. Scranton and Spriiigliidtl will nlay lit th i oavk tliUnflornoou. Tomorrow two games will bo played. I.Io'nn, in the t iiifinnali-Chie.rgo game on W'.'tlmday, mailo two run.;, had one hit, three put outs a:il one error. Hccilm;'' club Is to h.ivo sew nnifona. Tli" f id. d blu".i arc to zo. yu:ij.4. r '-rr is also crgauizing a Heading resirve team of amateurs, There is a probability that All. nfiwn will (Icr.crt the State leagiiK for tho Enut ern. King Kolly has bis eye ou tho Eing hauitoii lraiithifO. Tonv Mnllano has been rdeniod by tin Cleveland club. Ho was given several cbanci 9, but failed to nhov to the satis faction ot the niaiia.;i.aieiit that he had not lout his cunning ns n pitcher. Wehiiig, of tho Philadelphia Nationiil Eongnn team, pitehnd for the Stare league club from the Quaker City on Wt'dimMlny iiEnir.i't. I'ottiville and ctrnok out fourteen men. It ia the record ot the aeaon. Tim Y'ou:ig 'Pennies defeated tho JIul bnrry S:rei Stars yentenlay by n r"oi-o .,f 2)tolH. Hiitierlen, U. baiih nrnl H. Cice mnii lor Young Tennies, mui Ueon:e lo!m !iin and Ankle ilohbia fur the .MinUnry Street HiaiM. A 1 ei nli 'r fat'ility nl tend" vrand itandM. TIiokc on th" Bosloii, Cinc.i.:u and i I : I - -u.'li'biagi-'.utnlrt wutu ili-hirie ,'il l,i )i.0 ilii Beiibi.n, 1 1 every esse tho Paltimoi- e'eiii was in tho citj when the nisc.sier in curred. Are tho Oriolos hoodoo.if Sevoral of the Buffalo players have pet DP.ineH. For iiiKtauce, Clyiner is known to uiiiny of the fans 113 the ''FWkli-.l-faeed llov," U'lirieii an ''(.'hewing Oum Johnnie, " Collina as "Cnekoo," Lewoe as "The Clomi mini," llowne na "The Senipni r," lTrfii bart ns "TUe Soueoi," Hollar na "Tea Uernian," Vickery aa "The lioilud Lobs ter." Cote, of Lancaster, made a verv timely bit Tnosdav In Iho game with llnzletoii. It was in tho tenth inuiug with the score tie and the full. 1 lie plii'-ky rati her picked up hm luvoritd bat and, takaig u fumy to one of John Ely's ciirvei", lie slammed it on tbenoHe and Kent tho bad over tho fence for a home mu. Ro uli, four mns and a victory. Y'erterdnv's Philadelphia Record snyse "Manager KanUall eaid yesterday that lie had received a letter fr..m oho of the Scranum playeie r-t.itiag Hint thuy wer di Sati-.Hi.d with tho mana.romeiit. it 111 dull niy.i be ordcreil the follimiag jdayera to report to the l liiladelpliis Bta:o (n:;iie club mdny: Fla'imigliini, pitcher; Eugers, catcher; estluka, thitd bi.30- AFRAID OF CONSUMPTION People who lose fi sh are in danger of coiibUmptiou. Libt wei;;lit is to of '011 a sig-i of t-uiua "wastiusr disease" which gets its st irt from ludig'-stion Cure liie indiite;tien and lioalth iB rapi'llv regained Paskol 1, the pn-dignsted food, pre vents inditrestioii by its wondertul in virgorating and nutritive pi op rt ies. For K'S' ot vigor, dull feel in 3.4, head aches, constipation, sour rising', and r.ther symptoms of dyspepsia it is a sov'-reten euro. Pisl o'.n r -pidly increases tho weight. Under its iiourishin.; power the noetic ii soon loaves tlio censnmntiveV i'iei.1:, tho skin psmuiea tno hii) of t-enltii, the night sweats c?ai. the cough iliai away, and tiio emaciation is loai under a co uiug of sjlid.warm and norm ii U.h, PiitkoU is not a medicine but a food, pleas int to tho taste and lyreeable to l" Wfik-st stom-u'li. !3eiiig pre -tli-(.rested it ii abporli-d ly th. 1 systi-m tbo iiiit .nt i; i.i swallowed. A p.i.a;i ilet iiiviag full purticular-1 r.l 0111 Pa-aMla will Ui a 'Ut uu upplie.i tiou to t ie Pr -l)ig st 'd Food Co.. SO I'k!" St., N.w York. rem: Stall, left ii.d'l ba-e." JU is:4. 'V, lint l'resi'lont. N. E. Young r 'ferreil all tji" paper, i:i tla- hi-raaton ia o between t'le Stele "till Knaurii l...'..,ai;i tithe tri ll ma! lioaid, and it is lik ly that a decis ion will ik tiii(!!ifil iu a lew days. Under the untiou d lu'ieo.ii.-ni, sc-aaiua l stilt Stale lea ,u ternury, as tno players were hignid 10 Kii :u leaguu contracts r.i. ,'aiy ;(!, three du4i b 'fore Serin ton left he t:i'.n league, they will imdoulitodle be a'.'.',';..!.;J iu tlio lutitr.-1 allt.uei:tii.i 'The i:.isl,,ii Jvioiv.s says: "V. It. Parks i-. I'eii'.iui'M :h il:.rr;..burs cluti will be 1 1 bf."'ie I to J! . j,i a fe v ilam. The V, 1-1.01 Tr;n i; 1 .'ii'pa.r.' lias 1 : . e I to fur- ei ' 1 ;.d g. 1 1 : iri . ..v. ! I '.o Ir v'n re !. ?:( ''" !.:i' i.r: I'me. -.' Ill i;.. I.. '. ."I -. . i;. : i; K Ve- e:'.-'. o.-;i -r el' lini llat'i'i-b'.l.-g el'ilt, has be- 11 not died of tlio luiliuvn :..'!, s 1 lloied end h:s llnai nusiVer is awailed with con wdi'inbl" aux ety muriig local h'Veis of the l.aiiuu.d gcaie." V.'cd'n -aday was ti'o la-t aiipeariiuc.4! of tl.e Cle- claaila in Piltsljnrg this aeason. Tii" vl it in eciili.a'.i'd the event by an esb'Dition i'f rowdyism never H en oa a li.ll :i-!d b.ifore, at l-at not in Pittabarg. 'J'lio elimas came 1:1 the ninth, . .1.11 them vi r two .i:f, hp, I .'mii'-i- ..11 third. 't'" be..ii an, I ll.'.s'.;! ,i,d had ni! aHerealion. and i'.''.! -y 1 iu:tei,.' 1 a Ui:i)ii4i' Win,.'. In the w-:s cair:t idl' third 'I'i.o i, in im throwr . .-.I'.' 1 In; 11: ik "he r.vHoinent '. ninn-r en I . i .'l '1 L. ui", to Ca lei i r S'lgdea, bu: ' V. or, wiiu vi; and threw it .ver l:.i' tml, IMIlUlll 11 .e i:r,i':d :! TIiih ti'il. 1. 10 lii'i ip. To 1." i.b'Oit belli. e; the 1 niie 1 1 lie uame, bat b"an ill ; lOiiet iimpi'e, u ho ::. i"--, .1 v v.'olinxu ".) to ".i.'t;i 1: at 11 i-T :n. ; r..!.-: 'l'!.. liiwi't t h- ;-.-i ',! i'l arouah the . r I'-; I 1 'i t' ! 1 Dtnil " : : "IT I n;i ,! II b . .i t, ';!.,,., 1 .'; ,:e.t v. , a rv'o. .Ic-: "C". and ih".. '. wl ' a 1 1 .iv 01 i I. huaglaiKi wi. . ,: 1 ig 1 ; I,!. : 1. l:;r i. a '.' I'Hd !.. 1 !e".l '1.1I.. 01 ia ti.e ..'. !- fol" a.i o'h r blow' '. I" -tru;-k Eiuvt wt he :; "ee l t '. m ai d ti'. 1 :';.. )hie- wa- tilled ivim -, .'i.l :r.,i' i. T l'" i!i v.-alkej through J e crowd ir d into the bus f unrounded by a Lcwl'jjg mob. - OF TiU v;HE Tiie offices u t'.ie secretary of tbo L":i:M" ol Ameriein v. heebna 1 has been ,.r:.:...f, i r 'd fi'o-ii Uost-m I At Hi;, on. Vi.., V'o in.-'d.i;.', tho mile m ;'' i'M',l for tie wo. Id w:i cut four, 'il 'h- ot a 'ccoud at the coe of the day's re-iu-i bv Fr-d -I. Tit,.:, of New York, mid E. 1). Cnli-inae. of St. Louis. The new mar:; is Tlio tuuti rode their lhvt iiail iu ;J s cund 1. Il,;:r.4 Y.'laieb-r, the American, won the onu mile prole-.-ion.d handicap bicycle race fit I'l.-iuimibam, l-ig. Wlioeler ii ar ted from t no tidrty live-yard mark and woe by tear yards i.i 2 nib. niea and if: s'.-cuUi.s. Edward-, of ijinaloa, whs ..i', and Jain s, of CavdilV, third. KdwaiiE an I aUo start, d I'rom the :hirtv-l!ve-ynrd Mark. Knrry Liar.ktr, ot Pittsbarg. was t ;ateil iu his boat. Art iiiir A. '' inmerniiii!, iho champion, did not caliph te. Arraneeinoms for the G-.0.1 ftoads torn nan,e.:D at Asbury Park Aug. HI, ol n..u Sept. 1, ,110 being pu -hed v.'ith vigor Iv,' the pri niolei-s. Ainonif the lirizcs for ti e lliree ..ays v ill be cii; lit III st-ela .a In cyeles, too majority of them b.-ing donated by the ,ea -lifiii oicyele ininiul.nilureiM. The cup lor the metropoiitaii disniet cham pionsliip wili be the liuest of its kind ever oiiem.! fur h cat competition, and will be made from a f pecial b' sigu uud will oat over ? .YD, outside of the" gold medal that pees wi'.h it. Eil'i rls will be mad.) to get (hanipioii James Cur be U to allow bis paces ou the wheel ituiiniithe tiMitiiaaie'it, as ho did t'liui! tram4,' with Champi m Ziinmer. man 0,1 ine wlieo'. while piepai in4; tor his great encouut ir v. lib Charlea ililclicll. Tom nek, trainer of John S. Johnson, S'tys tho la! tor and ho may leave for Europe in xt wci k. Net; illations are pend ing havinjr m view tne li.ini.'.iiai.) vint of tbo P'ur i.. l-.'.gland, wldch if i fl.Tted will lirohaiily culiniualo in a tour of the enmiu eiit. if ho gnus abroad, ,loliii;on will not turn proftr.-io.'id; iu fact, bo will compete in few if1 any rar-.-s. The visit, will be for the puraT.., i f brecl.-irii: record:-. After a ii'tlo preparatory tnnningho will go for nil the existing recorda up 10 ten mi :es, stanilii.g i-tart and Hying star!, paced and nup.iceil. If a tuiir ol the coi.iint 111, he muUe, he will nl tempr, lo create new iie; uros lor all 1 bo; I iieineces in each coun try he vir-is. jlo in:.y al -o conipcte in 11 nil:)il...".' ol :-p"ci:illy urra'iged raci s, if per mit, for i.uu'h l e urantt d by the la.'.iguo of American Wheelmen rmri-g board, G , 'i - r. 1 '.;rifl!3 H0TE3. Horace r. d Owen Ziogler are to 'i.eet in a four n nr.d cante d at. Atluutie City on .Von lay evening, Aug. 20. Joohey "H'Kipp '!" (;i'ri:o:i does a great d"al i f walbintr to get down to weight, aoineliai' s ooirg eight miles a day. ('baric4. KitcheH, the Enulisli lienvy wcight p.,.;il::.f. has ioiin iince 1 uu inten tirn of reluruiug to the United li.ntos ia Oct b.r. Tii.'ie were twenty owners of rnce hiiise" at the recent brighten Lleach meet inn wbo-e winning 1 aegreipitu.l 01. ly $23 eaeh, aud e gliu vtiusu hcrses landed .50 each. A. T. Drvis. of ('unn-johario, champion sl'.rinler if New York fate, id.iI John J. jN-iol,-, of '.'hi l-.''a, ilie.-nii'pioii of M.eisa clii'setts.aro matcliod for a lmi yard race at I'.ilatkiu ;..n I-1, fear Albiuy, next iiond.iy, lui a pur o 1 C t'.'i,1. 0. J. 7:fin iiy uii'l Ed'.'-acd Ai"- on, ell, of VYiiM'ir'O ', I.'l, I live tio i!'; n ye,! a ; : ; a Ii ' :.ii II - iu, 4i: r. ;. ev el vi!-, at lll'i I no i'i, lor 111 ' c 1.1a j iin -slnpoi lii'law are. Tae II ill is 10 01,1111 oil' wilhiiifour weeks, iu Pennsi Ivunia ur il rvland, aud will bo lor i'M aud ru ceipts. There will bo decided, in private, on Aiift. 15, the quod ion ns to who is tho bet ter mini, Wayne Wine, of Pending, or Leon Taylor, colored, lato of Mul, Icon's combi nation, and iticblcntnllv a pu:se of 2(i',l wiii bn disposed of. Both men are In ac tive tralnlm.;, and the ko promise) to bo more than intoiWini!;. The now owner-) of theEoiiisvilla Jockey club have leaned Chun bill Dowim for fit tecu years. The Io by distances are to be reduced to a mile uud a ipiarter and tho Clark ittalre? to a mile or a mile and one cIlIiiIi. From fJO.ui.'O to lo.OH) will be apeiit for stakes and pnws at tho coming spring meeting. A foreign book may bo opened. There win na extraordinary termination to the match between the Lebai-.terhhirn and Murrey eriekob teams In the county series nt Leiier.tor 0:1 July 80, .Surrey cad mud Jito tuna in the lirsl imiingp, nguinst Ui acoi'i'd by thuir rivala. Leloestor fol lowed on nnd added 171 ruua to win. The Snirey men went to the bat. lor tho Bocond time, brimful of cuuiideuce, but failed to 'T in n ra u M 'J a u w t- 1 1 !... 1 fTar.U of all kind cost that mucTi, m ffoi -l-'fauiitiis WahUJ.ishi'.h era ias-rti- l-or ftent. Ii'lt M.N4 , -U.N'M-HAl.H'' STiJ-lli I t'eioi avciiutv ? 11) pur uienlh. !2e li'i: !:KST--STt.:K t'U :3 iND :n V --l'-iie. Mi.,.., li.ipe.r. FaMC .IIAV H.T., i 'a a.ciap.i e.i.ll -i y. j .' ni 1. xi, ici.v r 1 a'lil-lll' , ),( .,. ID, V-l W.l'.'.U ii. JOHN Jhlll- V.YX. II!) W'v iiimi't .iv.'in:. Cconi.3 Wr.nted. UT A N" 1 T. I ) - s T U LADY A O E X TS O X ltiio.I to sell iii' -00 s to houso keo "'l4'. .1 niii le-s ir e. W'M. lill'.'l'.V, m Di li 1 et r. r. ( inci' ii iti, 1 ! i . 1..c:ji f.r.ta'i'4;. t'CU.V.Ni'UX' Hi' IIS. A 111 AM) IX- VKVI'MKXT AUiiXCY. 0. 1'ers liaivieiis as i'i tuna: CITY 111 sl.sKSM I'UOrERTY. In ft. front la- "i.i it. ilei'i), on Spruco hii ei t. n-.iis r.,1- "-Te.i il'i.iiWi 4) tt. n an bvo) i'e'L i:e;p, onS'i-iie- street. coni.V nU.-v I'i.TiO ) 'i'lvse I..,'-hicr -livo Nl ft trout; mi Suriai- rdreet Letwein l'enii i.ial Kra, lilin, with alley on side. Spruce Htnvt -iruperty is advaaciiig rapuliv. CITY IIirsllinXCK Pirtd'oRTY. C lUN'I'.H JI.-NIM, A.I VIXR streets, lot Wisxa, two iHvcllinc-, n 1. ifiring a nice r, si.teii-je :.n inc., nc for small investment: Al.hO A l'iiU'r Ol. :i l.(l'!S. K'. iii,' 12) It. trout oix Xo .voe :ivi-mi;. ne. r Vine F:ti''-''t. 1 hew " a tlr-! .-! ss 1'i si.lenee plot in a lle-ii able linMl-tv. It I. of sold ill ouo plot will bell above sea ii-;' f 1v W KST S1D17. Lor, .) 'xl.-a. S "itli '.lain avenue, a'' loiidiiK ri-.i.K-o,. of -Sim Ii il i,.tt. pri e, S2, 7.VI; ills. . ION .)!, Il lk IT, et i'llll W' -l i'.ll.i ll.llM). Otlly 1'uiil lilt. '"! TI.'Y I'd' 'Pl'tt'fY. a ii:vi;t(1''CL ujik at i.:, 'o:c, i'.., inieliji'ii h,.::s , i.prini; w.-ili-r pipul int it ,Vi bill k, liai 11 I' jV til !-,' 1) Jlorsoi ...:,! two ceVs, 1. eimi i-y witii it ui oil t lloor, ,juii.: fruit, rii" l.iwn, urim 1 (.-c.Mo ,k' om; inn1, a halt tv three ;.';r. s, (I-, desir." I. i'l.lioe. A nu I'iIm uf aPuitt soiie sUo on Westji'U Hlepe, Oi..l. 11. (,' ii: or -..1 II ins SJIITli 1'. MO 1 T, i', Xo. I'll l.fiek. avi'. re ir Onsr-l li'ii'l''. - rclii'.uc::-,'' rilotice. A i:curr: cts' :!' iri;- compiiti'I'ivi' ,!in i: ami ;ieeilii .tioie a.'e 111 1 it I I .r e. f,:t,' 1 , 1 1 a liie to p. nil .01 lire it pui'Lnii'iit 'joiis-i ; uu poi'. o pitlr,.: ,:a na. A a. spec 11 o. th ' Im:1 ii.ii .. iv lie ,e, a at the ..l'ico el the 1 .i . '":' 1', ,",f. u loch (.'la c the s.ii'l plans and i i.'ji'ii ::, " i ... i 1 "., a 1 ; 1 i !e I ,e.i h. iei'c U iln.'s isy. Autrii t .'2. l "l. l y in! ro" :itv iMlllt'ilS. M. ','. I.AVI'.I.Li:, City Clerk. Sera:, ton. I'.i.. .ia'.v '.1. l-:-l. s p.;ci j: : ti ;t:i. TitK a. s: A.NXIMfi Mlih'I'lXU (;.' 'I HI' i-.. i i.i 01 il., fv-i-uiiiai loi'irii. ( .lajen y. e 1 iect.o:, of im .j' .; . ' f o' 1 I icat ... wid 1 1 h.'!'. r'.ri.,-. 1 cc i the np::ry, in ti n citv ol 1 "!: oa. o'i . I'd.ioseay, A'.iKiist 4!, 1MI, n: ii o elook p. 11 il. i. ClIAJiiil.iri.iN, Fecretiiry. VUI' Vl AX'l' TllIS ItUaV-ltKfltlN'T 1 Frank Leslie1., Illustrated Weeklv War llinstratiiM.H IS'il-1-4,".. i .vo Volumes Keliu, ili'.ai; pajioiie moet ilv (: .. Jiel vi-rrd by r.pi4, s i-uneiie:-!. prei:i,d. AielveVa P. U. .11 alU 1, i.i.- i.iibaai hti eet, H'l'aUlill, I'll. JJLANK SOUK::, I'AMl'HI.KTS, MAOA 7.. nes, etc., b.,uu, or reuoini l at Tun 'iTiiui Nii ellieo. (.'nick work. Ku.nonablu Ilii'.'S. MKAL 1 K.'K 1 'i'H (.'AX HE HAD AT 144. ei.i'uer Ld r..iO is: 1 , t uud Fra.tTliii ave mie. H'eiity meal tickets lor voA). Oiki tul-io lioard. Legal T,V-TA TIC KiV i:4!iA 1)E WITT.DKCEAoi:!). ... J Notice u hereby g v n 'hat 11 rule lao 1 n Kniiittd to !.i,nv ca.'sn why ,)ano T. lie Witt, ex.'cutrix of the last will and ti-shuiv lit of said ih uiileat, nil ill mil be discharged from the duties ami liabilit ies ol her nppjiiitai.'Mt Aiipln aiioii will be mi. 10 to have suiil rub made nbs.iluio aud tho executrix discharged, July 2, iMd. 8 II. l'UH'l,, Attni iiey fur execiuriic E:tuation3 Vi'antcd. A BOY. la YEARS OLD. WANTS l.M--liloyineut: will work for Huiall winycs. Auilia-ss A. I. S.. lull llallsiead ciiurt. U 'AN Till) 1IY A IIAIMirnt Y)rM,Aitlil'4 and v.ii'i -d exp 'liiaiee, 11 p, sition. Ad lire's li., Hex 221. Ai-oea, Luzerne Co., I'r.. OITCATIOX WAXTrd) 111 Mli)I).K- ' aaoJ woman as hens -kii .per or roald take euro uf invalid. K. 1). , '1 rilaino eilieo. OlTC.VTHix' WANTGI-1!Y" "YrfXll Lillys win;; by th 1 d:y as drit-siiiaker anil uialerivnar. Address, il. T. X. Successful Discretionary Spallation. Deposits of ! J and iip .vurd rsia ived. Onr specialty is In. inning tnc ' n ies of per-inns not ia a pof.ition to make a l.usiaoss of foUowiu:; the lnarki'tH. Thia deparlmunt Is in cliarno ot aeunipcteiit ex peri of hi year:-.' expe rie'iee. Dlvi I -iiiis oui.l Ht'iai-iniinililv, lliiraest iriveii. Corj e.,ioudeii,'e snooKed. I' T. I IVANS, .lit., & 1(1. .'.eoiii 21(1 Itlaltu Hulbllli-, UICAflO. make any stand before the bowling of I'ougher and lliilyard,ai,d were all out for 115. I'ougher took three wickets at a cea' of '.7 1111.:, and Uillyard bowled live fcr IS nil. 3. Di) Aug. (5. at the Seaside Athletic club house. New Yuri:, a ten-rotiuu con test will I like place between "Jack" McAulIlT", chainiuou light-weight, nnd Yoang (Iriffo, I'l'ampiuii feather-weight of Australia. Although Hid aniuuat uf the puree is not n ado public. Doth ini'ii thought it was a 1 air ,Uer and bej did not hesitate to aigu the nrticli's. In the event of a draw the purse will bo equally divided. Forest City, Pan (1. Jones, of Taylor, has dinrge of Davis' drug store fern few days duiing the ubsenco of Alfred Taylor at Taylor. Mr and Mrs. I). E. Evuos and A. M. Uillett, of Gibson, were in town Tti's.l 'V. A forest fire has been raging in the vicinity of Ilollenback's mill since Monday, A number of men have been lighting th flitips to prevent them from spreading to tho mill. Ilariy Jon s, of Scrantin, was a business c ilier in town yesterday. A larg. number of poopis attended t e Coris iaii Euiiivor tic ursion to F .rvi. v vi bIi nl v. Th" ' o ; ' .',!' n.l M (l'.)I .O S. 1' i v 1 . 1 u i)i'!i.'i'.' 11 a 1 In 1 no nr ii', it . 1 ugb' r. W A. Price, ol Scr int .p, is roiiew i ig lii -pi .iiitanc, s iu thin place for a tew days. rytpcptda nnd Indignation In their worst forms nr cured by the nno of P. P. P. If yon are debilii.ntel and run down, or if you need a tonio to regain flesh and lout appetite, strength aud Vigor, take P. 1'. K, and you will be atroug na Luilthy. J or ahattered eonstitutions aud loKt niauluiiid I'. P. p. (Priclly Aah, Puke boot and Potassium) U the kiug of all inodleiiKH. P. P. P. Is the greatest blood purifier iu tho World. For sale by al uruggiabi. 1 1 Mothfnl ITotbrBl! Moth,rall Jlre. Wiuslow's Soothiug Syrup has boon used for over fifty years by millions of mothiM-B for their children while teethbiff, with perfect success. It soothes tha child! iiefteus the gums, allays all pain; cure's wind colic, aud is the best remedy for dl itrrhcoa. Sold bydiuggists iu every part of the world. He sure und auk for "Mrs. Window's Soothing Syrup," aud take no do other kind, Tweuty-Uye cunts a bot tle. t j 11 1 1 1 A Word. wonnoiiy-fe Wallace Our Hosiery Department is a busy STOCK and the PRICES ARE RIGHT. ON SALE NOV: Eoys' and Girls' Cast I Children's Iron CI id II Eoys' and Gills' Children's Iron Above t.vo lines will outwear SPECIAL: 100 dozen LAPIE1:.' FAST BLACK HOSIERY. 10o. o Pair. Vsry extra valm. For GentS3rn,?n : 000 dozen aeamles i (irsy and Erown Mixed, Sc. a Rialr. 00 d izui Seamless Mixed Oou-half Hob", equal to Siiawkoit, 2 Palr for 2 So. CO dozen Fast Blt;ck Mix id, ' Hermndoi: Dye," 2 Pair for SSc. SrCCIAL VAIAJL in Ladies' 5 w s ei Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHE A P by GO! Tha Scranton Bedding Company, Lr THE CATHEDRAL t -n , ). ii : it i: ! 'i To that l.o Miteo'n r.rd rima-.tle v M o r d ay, Aug13 It will lie the 0rvat event one ii tie Illicit r Ulurings on' tha sedof. Tak" the f iuiiiy sioiig, Uifrsshuu -its sup plied ou tb gr-nioils, tl,"'Trains leave Ji;ii:;,7 Central J i tit in fl, b,:ti), 0 aud it a., iiaud BiiJOpm, CT'emembpr, tin'-;atg are cot good on '"I he flyer," 1J o,) p.r.l, -'10- Glen Onoko AND THE-- SWITCHBACK TOESDAVADG. 28th Trains leave D. & IE. Depot nt 7.J3 a.m. Tiekets for sale y al! the mem lier.s. i " . T IM Bee our J'il TEKIs' DOLLAI1 Solid Oak tiodrDoTii ir'eU Wo sell F.iruititro a-3 cheap as tiny iiotise in the country that iu tenus to jr'vo honest value for the money. Try us. m mb to? m r in n m - rTv F t'f Jl i-44444,4'WW a li.lllii-'4i'W i niilc.oiiifur. lli,m.ii.ill- r-. M ;' i T.wi en--i'i, i".i')- a-', We"1' Menn:'. l,,i- ai: 'InOii Power, llcie'r cl.e, WT.V-'fuim'si., f jri - W V,' ' y !' : M ,n!ai,,U,N'i;luljr 1 nil id., in n e . 's.a! . I'r'On -.itiei Iosh in' pi-i-er V ' 5. -t j .t ln('.IveOrii.i'itJ.ifeltlier.-e.v.'aiii.'.:ll.vovere.M'i' i., oulH'll "I "li u"444- ' "i '..''"lieuHn ei I'l.iiiceo. i-titun i rtiOeailiitit. ivlitch l.e-a io liillrnilty, 0-:.-'IXT""44)4! A 'Mii.i,rtoiiiii-?))f. aliv. ( oa I , e iirlii'.l-' 'st ;'Vl. t. t 1 per bov, (Hm .ivt'i-.iify... y ai It ., -t'l'alil. On ! u: r. .uuS ih.-Mioner. "trunt.'irm itM tu Lili, ua. r. 'Ii'.:". For Salo in Per tntyp, ly Hnrl Hiirtrc:) -stivol-j. T'l'.rTMT ltll,I.A.A vfl") I ; ;'!,':' :; V ',;:i 'M! 'i ' -J L ' '1 j! : ! i 'i t ': ,".,t a r.-lr f. .. rr. www n - nriv i- - s4. i '-:' L 44ri.m'4l It r rii'pular. ill. SiOTTM ClIlr.JIO.AIj CO., - Clovoiuud, Ohio. ForKHln lyC. Sf. M.IK KM. Ururu'wt, 1T I'min Avwmip. EVERY WOMAN . Cott()Uao3nr.od)iarclli.blii,monUily,ra(44iltln!I um.iicluc. Only liarmlsu Hid tho parent drugs should be uhcJ. If ou waut tho hoBt, gut r'j ;l 1 -l'V For sale by J0HM I-!. PHEiFS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. rs V They lire nrerapt, nms arfl certain In result. 1 hr eurulne (Pr. IVal'B) iieio THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ BCUAKTON ANU WIIjKES-DARRK. I'A.. W NCFACTUKIiUB OJ LocoiaotiYss and Stationary Enginss, Eofe . K01ST1NG AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Guueial OHioe, BQIANTOX, TA. I! V Cast Iron HOSIERY, 3 t;3lr for SO Cents. CI id LtOSiEUY, i23 Cents a Ralr. any other blocking mnde al any priuc Hue Iliwiciy in Silk and Lislo, a! ntlCES 1'IiliVAIL. m&n lips VJ Lillet 209 in-H-iSS-nB GP.,':.ITD CLA33 A BICYCLE RACE SBBT i.,r i'.iii 3craolon Driving Park Aagnst 1 18945 at 2 O'clock L. A. T7. Sanctioa and Race ili-CS. AdaiiSiioa, SOc. Grand Etana, 15c SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Sus-jtuhAitM Co, U. E. Ci'.OF'JT rr ,.in lot or. 'I'lIlS li'OL! K iMitrlrtly t unyor.vii is now I uid Midi furnish ..-,1 ami Ol'ES -.l4) Tu '1IIK I'Uni.lC TilK YKAR KoCKD; Is In 'iitod niMw.iy Ihitweon Mouirosoun I Scran ton, on .)lo:itrosj nuil l.:ickuviuui:i i(, ;ix luik'.i irom 1)., 1., ,V. It. U. nt Alford H:ntinii, -m 1 llv.i mil h fnun M ntr,H!i; o.-i-iiii-ity, iiriity-llv.); throu raiuutos' walk t roni It. K Htflti.'ll. (.OOl) IIHAT4. I ISIIIXG TAtKLJi, ic, liti E T eiiisis. Altitudo about K.i'im fui't. cnuilllnf In tlii.i ii'-ii', t Ilia AdiroiiiU.'ij and Cutiliill Moun tains lino er.iv,'. plenty ..f nhilj and beautiful Fi'iui'.-y, innkinic a Suauuar ltosurt nues i i'ilo 1 In li.';ui'y a::.l chu :;ui ' i.i JJiuioim- onvllicn, M.viu,'s. uro'iui't (Tr ottnds, S:r. t'uH ."mlii,? Wnt"r and pl.'ii'y or Milk KltllM, -3,1 LU fellO JMIl UUOll. -bLTlO pir l.l. Exrurslmi tlokotn sold at all stations onD. 1.. fi V. lini's Tort r LieotK all truius. im.n m. i - v -rf. .i-n m? m r-nr r4 lOIti iFitlr44- l'-. eriler l.'n LH'" i Wi'lileil jnuirii.lioc ill curv : reui'i r tr-... s.,,t,i l.y all ilnii'ii'i4. A lerii, int" - : - . '-I'Mei: m ,,.,,:,. f,,n..-,'e. i'uil-aco.ILI. " ' ' r : i :rlri4',)tr44tf v' -t -"-,ViI. , C. SAJERSON, DruKjisit, or. Wabhlngt-j-j ', The ocl? Bftfo, euro amS rollomo em" io t'll.ti Cadios, n -- III t! t(ifeir'l c-.i to mur.'ii.a a.i - rj".; -iir r. r;...f and tnlro no i nona- udioe. I'rl, tier kUXl OOXV tot $oAO i dlrap-0. Fliarmaclst, ccr. Wyoming Avenue and place, because the so Opera Length. LOWEST WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court Hous3. V 2k Z 2 COKXEU Lacka. .nd Adani3 Av23. (:r;:(v ;j;.. 'C-? hr -i- ": .. .','' " V''4. ''4 r . Dr. EX Grewer - rbiJali' Sp'Tlniist, and hiit.ini44ittte-)l BtarTof Ensllsh nnd Oi-rmnn phvuldans am iri.? p-rtnum r.tly loct.-a 811 til'it L'CK ST., SCIXMOX. Thu ,1 -tor k. a .ri'.i.-linitf rf tit" Unlv'slfT of P'iC! vlvai ln,f iri;.erlv n. ...-:, :. vrato-ii!.vs i.loL.y anil si:r(.'.,rv at rlic J:i diro-rinr irnii'nl oIIhkv of rhilndi-lphia. A Hj.i-i'inlty of J l'.rni.ic. Xorvous, fc'kiu, Kurt, Won-.b i'.nd IllOOIl (liS",'iHI!i). DISEASES 0? THE SEE7CUS SYSTEM Thn Hi-mntoins of which arn ilizrlnpsn, lr.f k of ciitilli l.-iii ii, s,'tu,l wiinkni-sH in no-u tout wo man, ball rlsini; in tlio throat, FpotR floating bi'foro the eyes, lussof iui'iii,.ry, unnl'lo to con rpiitrnt.i tho mint on mm sul.Jc-.r, enllv Binrtlcil whi-n malili'iily ep. 'o'ii to. ami dull, iliHri'sBid ininil. whii'li untltH thorn for per. fnrniii:!.' thi'ai'tn.'d ilutips of lif,;, maklimbap piiii'HH iinijoFKil'lu: (liitio.-iiiii; I'm action if the heart, enusiiin (lush of heat, il"prilon of Fpinta, evil furoli"iliiics, i-oivarilifu, f. ar, j dreams mi-lanchuly, tiio rasy of r.unpar.y, I f H'linf; as tired in tho iimrniiii: as when ri'tir j lui', laek of oniTny, liervoaHn .k, tn'inlilinK, Chui'ukIou "f thuuL'lit, l,.pressi"n.i:n:intl;.atiou. i VeakneFs of the huiliH, eto. 'J41ioko so iiffi'i-ted I rhould c -insult ns Immidlately aud be rostor I ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Youui; lien Cured. If you hive lioon piven up by your physician cr.l! "upon tho di clor and lie examined. Ho cuios tlie won't eaten of NervoHH letiility.Srro lu'a.Oiil Sere-i.i 'atarrhPile.Teuuilo Woaknas, .'-.'Tecti-.i... uf tlu h'ye. K.iv, N.-.-i' and Vhr.ut, Hthuia, li. afn-'ss, Xiniioru Uincoio i.ud L'rii4 t.lrs ot everv oi-Ri rii-.tion. Cot.sulNri ins irej ami utriet'y sr.c-id and cnniiuiuii,.!. l'.le . liuurs UuUV from tla, m. to 0 p. m. Bimuay v to 3. "Hathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1SC3. New York Warerooms Xo. 80 Tilth Aveuuo. E. C. BICKER & CO., Bole dsalors in this section. OSTICB-121 Adams Ayo., Telophone B'l'd'f -tTi fiHE Tribune A W JOB i l! dept jTtvURY description of Job Printin-j Lf "i the best style of the ait. Promptness nnd Punctuality a particular point. Experienced, practical and com petent men iu charge of each branch of the work. We do not make a sham show of cheapness aud curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Poster a Specialty. mil Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printings small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job DcdL 13 ONE OF TUB 11EST EQUIPPED 0 I i i !..... ., ESTABLISHMENTS ISt THE UTY,