THEY rilKUIIASE PUBLICITY iu journals that! are on tlio up ward jump. EIGHT PAGES 50 COLUMNS. SCllANTON. TA.. FUIDAY MORNING. AUGUST 10. 1S04. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SGRANTON BUS iAr m bier mmm mi LIVE BUSINESS MEN Don't tio up with down-at-the -heel newspapers. 0C$$$$ yf NESS HEN TIE TARIFF CONFERREES STILUT WAR la Spite or Anxiety for Agreement the End May Be Far Away. HOUSE RIEiMRS VERY OBSTINATE Reports From the Conference ara Anything But Encouraging for Friends of the Wilson Bill A Pro position to Tax Iron and Allow Coal to Enter Free Has Aroused the Coal Senators to ActionAny Deviation From Schedules Affecting New Jersey Will Make More Trouble. q ft Waiiinoton. Aoj. 9. OU'TPtlE report." says Mr. Wilson. "i hat he president hud 11 minshed the comiiromlsf U agreed upon by tne confer r es vu coiil, uar and iron or yeater day, is an adsorb invention. There is not a word of truth 111 it and you can s y so. The president bus never intpr lered in or.r il. li -r itio-ia in tne slight est manner, lie has treated the mat ter with great delicacy." This ntitlioritativ statement madd ly Mr. Wilson whs called out by the storks th;it wer circulated about both winirs of l ha capitol today. As the members of the house dropped into th chambers' this luortiiun they li'id all he.:rd the sunn story, which had evi dently criminate 1 in the hotels lust niKht. Th story Wiis related with so much circumstantiality of detail that by the hour of noon a dozun members conl 1 h found wiio claimed to know pisidvly that it was correct Later in the day came a new r-port that the conlerrees were furtherapart than ev. r; that the senatetconferrees acting und r instruction "from the body had fl itly repudiated their promises of te day previous and that "a dig inreo in.; report would likely be mado to morrow. FKEE IKON OR FKEE COAL A nieinU-r who is a manager on the part of thehouoe, said that yesterdaj the proposition was m ido t.'itm that they uiixht have their choice between free iron ore or free coal and that while this matter was beiijf discussed Air. G ruian made a proposition that the bouse should have free coal and that irt'D ore should remain at 40 cents a ton. According to this conferree, this proposition was accepted and Mr. Gor man then gent another oiler in tho shape of fre sugar. Tina conferree was frank enough to admit that this second offer fairly took away tho breatuof the house members, but 8. id that after they had dis cussed it for a short tims it was d c'.ined with thanks. He add the house conferreea had m id.) ud their mind that they did not want free sugar but teat they would stau I by the sugar schedule they pr viously suggested and which had been agreod to nil around in conference to wit, a duty of 40 per cent, on raw su-tar, a doty of 40 percent, on raw in the refined and one-fifth cent a pound differential for ll)' r fining interests. So far as the house was concerned, said ttlis con ferree, th' y stood just wuere they did last night, lor a tiuiy on sugar, iron taxed lit 41) c-ntg a ton and free coal. PliOMINENT SENATORS' OPINION. This morning, he said, the seuate in sisted that the proposition should tie fre iron oro and coal dutiable at 40 cents a ton, and the house refined to accept it. Alter the conference this afternoon one of the most prominent senators on tlie committee said that he would never vote for an agreement that included free coal for the rsason that such a bill could not pass the sen ate and lie did not propose to lend him self to any scheme tiiat was intend -d us a trap to get the bill into the senate, wi.oro it was to be killed. This benator m idd the emphatic btat-ment that coal could not Ln free, and he declined to say whether there is an agreement in sight or to Bay that there was not. ''We may agree in an hour," said he, "or we m iy be here for 6. vcial days and po3sit)ly forever." Tho co il men in t bo senate ara up in Brms. t the thought of free coal, and it looks as If ail tnat had been done was nlmnt to l.e undone. As a matter of fact, wl i!e coal and iron ore are play ing an important part iu this discas bion, they by no means occupied all the attention of the conferreeg today. HOUSE WANTS THE EAKTH. It was Baid by one of the senators that as fast as an agreement was reached on thing something els that could not be granted by the sen ate was asked by the house and insisted upon, although to give it was imperil ling the success of the bill. Tne whole conduct of the honse conferreeg : p-nred to be, this gentlemnn said, that of people who were seekiug to consume time and cause delay. This after noon the demand was made that the woolen, cotton and metal schedule be reduced, and this nt once set the senate conferreea by the cars. They told their associates that they eould not do it and the speci fic assertion was made, with the an thnrity of the gentlemen referred to hy the senate conferreeg that if, the sched ules is question were change 1 that neither Senator Smith nor Senator Jlnrpby wonld vote for the bill and that any effort to change the metal schedule wonld start Senator Quay again und no man conld tell what the result would be, but even the most san guine friends of the measure would feel that its defeat was near at hand. Any deviation from the schedules now in the bill affecting the Industrios of New Jersey and New York will be opposed by the two senators referred to, even to the extent of voting against ti e bill. All these things were told the couferrens today, but they only laughed at it and professed to look upon it as wat they oalled a great game of bluff. It all events it is known that when tha conference adjuorned tonight, shortly before 0 o'clock, the house was still urging that these schedules he pared down and the senate was still urging that to do so meant certain de feat. TI1U OUTCOME STILL UNCERTAIN . W hat the outcome will be is uncer tain. One of the senate conferrees to night said that he would not say that au agreement wag iu sight, uor would lie predict that an agreemvnt could not be speedly reiiched. The whole situa tion was, as he expressed it, "in the air" with the possibility that something might happen at any moment. Both suits are becoming d'SUTite and there is a vast amount, of chafing at this delay. There is a probability and that is all, that the Democrats may reach a conclusion tomorrow and be able to call iu the Rpubliotu col leagues, but there is nothing certain about it. If that is not done some one may nuke a motion that the senate cou'errees be discharged. This would bring affairs to a crisis so fur us the senate is concerned. What the remainder of the week will bring forth depeuds entirely upon the turn of events in the conference room tomorrow and the temper of the senate. There is a deep undercurrent of resent ment at the obstinacy of the house con ferree, as senators call it, and a pro longation of the terrible tension to which eongress has been put may pre cipitate a sudden and unexpected end ing of the whole business. OFF"ioTrCA311 Gov. Pattison and His Staff Leave for Gettysburg This Morning by an Overland Route. Harrisuuku, Au.r. 9 Tomorrow morning at 5 o'clock Govrnor Patti son and staff and several United States army otlicen detailed by tli war de partment at Washington to attend tiie encampment will start overland to Gettysburg. The governor's troop will act as an escort. The governor will be accom panied by Adjutant General Greenland, Assistant Adj itaut General Alex. Kruinbbmr, Assistant Q larterniaster G-neral Henry D. Paxiou, Commiss ioner General Richard S. Edwards, Lieutenant Colonel Rollin II Wilbur, Lieutenant Colonel Jauieg Dntly, Lieutenant Colonel Wylie T. Wilson, Lieuteuant Colonel Sivery Bradley, Lieutenant Colonel Archibald H, Hold ing. Captain Alex Rogers. TJ. S. A. Mnjor General Snowden,(J l wtermas rer General O. E. McClellau, Brigadier G-nerals Wyiie and Schall and other ('fuVrs ut already at Gettysburg pre paring for the encampment. Advance details from all the regiments have ar rived and tents are being pitched. Tne two tdg days next week will be Thurs day and Friday, when the reviews will take place. IIOBOSCAPTUltED. Tha Arm; of the Commjowsal Arrested Baltimore. Washington, D. C, Aug. 9. Shortly before 4 o'clock this morning before the inmit's were asleep, tne forty special policemen from Baltimore under chrrge of Sergeant Gilbert, swooped down on the Coxeyiteg en camped at Hi'-thlani', u-mr Bladens burg, Md., about, six miles from Wash ington, andcipturu l the entire "army of ttie commonweal. The offl ers loft five of the 11)3 men in charge of the place with the warn ing that unless they vacated within three days they, too, would be arrested The camp is a large one, covering about tight aeivs and contains about forty tents and improvised thatched roof ah inties. The men now in camp say that everybody th"re had money in his pocket when arrested and provisions were iilentiful. "General" Coxsy's son Jess stayed at the cirap last night, which be does not usually do, but this morning when tho raid was made he hid beneath bis bed and so escaped ar rest. ' The arrested men were taken to Hyatlsviile and put on board a special train for Bridewell, where they will for three months work at hard labor. Jacob R. Cox-y, who is now cam paigning for election to congress in Oiiio, was telegraphed by Marshal Rnl locfc, of the "army," and the general isexueoted to coino on here in a day or two and look after the welfare of the men. AX OLD MAX'S FALL. It Eoiuitod In Hit Daath at the Lack a wanna Hospital. 1 John Kerwin, an old man, who re sides on the Smith Side, was fatally in jured yesterday by falling down the iron steps at the Traders' National bank at 3.45 p. m He wa taken to the Lackawanna hospital, where it was found that he was suffering from concussion of the brain. At 10.30 last night Mr. Kirwin died. He Is 70 years of age anil leaves a wife and several crown up children. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Pottsville will change IU volunteer Ore department into a paid service. Seventy-nine raihvar charters have been granted iu this state since Jan. 1. A supposed mad do? hit Mm. Schott, of Pottsville, and ber condition is serious. Schuylkill county's almshouse is filling with immigrants but recently arrived. A gas explosion in u Pottsville mine dangerously burued Petor Collins and Peter Mazitnsky. Trackwalkir John Has was fatally manglod yesterday by a Pennsylvania train at Lancaster. Three Lancaster lads were yesterday ar rested for stealing MHO worth of regalia from Odd Fellows' hall. An oil stove exploded near Itazloton, burning John Crawford and hi9 wite, and consuming their heme. Suits for damages have been brought againt Reading bv the Salvation army, which was driven olf the street. A wenld-be horse thief knocked down John Miller at Sinking Spring, and escaped before the farmer could shoot. Persons who stole logs lodged along the SnsquehBnna by the Alay fluod wid be pr BKcntod by the Harrisburg Lumber men's Exchange. Starting around the world Inst February, nt Boston, dressed in a paper Buit, Paul Jones bas reached Pittahurg, and Is on a fair way to earn the $5,UU0 tie set ont to make. HAWAII BOBS yp Ifl HOUSE Tho Dreary Suljct Atfain Creates porary Excit:m.'ut. Tcm- A BILL TO INCREASE TEE DILITIA Spirit of Weariness Increasing in the Senate Upon the Hawaiian Ques tionMr. Boutolie Raises a Breeze in the Lower Branch A Bill to In crease the Efficiency of the Militia Arouses nn Argument in Which President Cleveland Is Criticised. Washington, Aug U. THE senate seems to have reached that coti lition of apathy and wenriness that unfits it for any serious legislative business which is uot connected with the final disposition of the tariff bill and the winding up of the Ion:; session. Today's sitting came to a-close at 1 40, and a part of the time had been given to the consideration of executive business. Nothing of public interest marked the hrief legislative day. THE HAWAII CHESTNUT. The Hawaiian question come to the frout strain in the lioiise today, forming the sol j ct of the most spirited and interesting portion of the proceedings, Mr. B iiiteile raise 1 it as a question of privilege. He repudiated the reported imputation that in introducing the resolutions recognizing tiie Hawaiian republic, he had sought 'o obtain a partisan advantage for the Republican party. He was desirous only of main taining the honor and dignity of the government, and of observing the unbroken traditions of the country and of congreis He criticised the failure of the committee on foreign af fairs to act upon Ins resolution and de nounced the Hiwaiian policy of the ad ministration, especially the last act, which he described as the grudging, baiting, secretive recognition of the repuldlo of II iwaii by tlie president. He was called to order by Mr. Oilth- waite and Mr. Cooml s, (Deui ), and re- quired by the epeeker to take his seat, titter tie had 'V"ked rounds of applause from bis Republican iifsoriates. B fore taking his seat, Mr. Bintelle unsuccessfully endeavored to get nnnm mons consent to ui ov tnat the com. mitteeou foreign affairs be discharged from tne further consideration of ui resolutions and that they be considered by the house. CLEVELAND CRITICIZED. . The bill to increase tlie i frici ncy of the militia came up ngjiiu and gave rise to a diFCusnon in winch the. recent riots nt Chicago were referred to. Mr. Fiihi in (Deux, Ills.,) criticized Presl dent Cleveland's order sending federal troons there, while Mr. Cannon (Rep., ill.,) vigorously defended it. Most of th session was occupied, by virtue of a special ordnr, in consider ing private claims idlls. Six of these were passed, after which the house ad journed. TIIE ItEI) MX'KS. Darsjcurous Sec ;v of Outlaws That Infest the fountains of Colorado. Colorado Springs, Col., Aug. 9 Thrte huudred and twenty-one indict ments, most of them being in connec tion with this recent labor troubles at Cripple Creek, werj returned by the grand jury. The report of the grand jury to the district court giv.g a clue to sonic startling fusts which upon investig (ion, prove that tin worst of the Crip ple Creek miners' s!rins is yet to come. The evidence before that body ij held under lock and key, and could not be seen but from outside sources. For a month past tlieie has been a steadv shipment of arms and ammunition to Victor. It is said that at least eighty one cases of arms have gone in there from Denver, Pueblo and Luadville. Tliere exists on Bull Hill an I in the camp two societies witu a membership of several hundred, who are led by Jack Smith and Gaueral Johnston, both of whom were in command during the late troubles, hut lied w'ue.i tlie militia ar rived. They ara bolh on Bull Hill nt present. Smitti is an ex-convict of the worst character, Johnson is an Ar kansas man, and whs expelled from West Point for an assault n General Logan s son in a hazing scrape. The societies that exist on Bull Hill are reguluny organized societies of Mollie Maguites and anarchists known ns"RlNecka at the camp. Several letters have been received by miners who are not in sympathy with them, consisting ol a piece or red Uintiei bearing the inscription in black ink, Dc'aiu. The causo of the anticipated outbreak is the fact that the gr..nd jury returned 321 indictments, the major portion of wuiuh are against tlie leaders of the re cent uprising on Bull Hill. The lend ers demand tnat they shall be granted immunity from prosecution and em ploynient in the mines. Tho sheriff re fused to talk when seen, but Haiti that bo would serve the warrants handed in by the court under the indictment handed in by the grand jury. He is well informed of every move of the mollis juaguires and Uud iNecg so cieties. SMALL POX MOT. Deulzn of Hiliwaiikn' South Elds Ba b 1 Airalnat Sani'ary Laws Milwvukek. Wis., Aug. 9 The re hellion ugainst the enforcement of the sanitary law bearing on email pox cases has assumed alarming proportion in this city. The seat of war is the sotith side, and particularly in the Elevnth ward, where the isolation house is located. Assured of police pro tectlon. tho health department van with six health otUors, proceeded lasi evening to the honse of Ferdinand J Butler, at No. 730 Muskego avenue, where a child was sick. An alarm wits aonnded, and in ten minutes a mob of 2,000 people gathered. There were hrents and a few stones were thrown. lSeforo much damage was done a fquad of city police arrived. The health oilic-rs broke in und sum reappeared with tlie cull I. i::e crowd became furious, and as the vm started up charged it. Apiirol wagon, tilled witn i. Ulcers, arrived just in time to repel the ussiult. Ihe van, strongly guarded, passed t 'trough the uiob, winch pursued it, hut tho little pi tient wtis safe iu the hospital before the leader of the mob ranched there. Then the rioters threatened to over turn the van. St oics w?ro thrown and clubs brandished, but the polio tin illy cucceeded iu getting the ollijer.s an 1 van safely away. At a ni.isj me ding last night 3,li()0 people, a great mauy of whom W-ie woinon.choere 1 speali rs who denoliuo u the he, ill ii department, ULd Cuunuts- (doner KcinoHter. NIXON CAUOIIT. Aftir Puichttiiiw a 'A ihi Clay Fhy- ticltn B turns Horan. Easton, P'., An. 9 Dr. Warford Nixon, aged 39, was arrested at lliegels- vihe, N. J., today by the sheriff of Hunterdon county, N J , charged with toe murder of a two weeks' old child, found in tho cornfield of J. b. Hunt, near Riegelsville, on Monday last. Tne mother of the child was Mary Haycock, who had been living with Dr. Dixon. While the coroners inquest was in progress on iii"Sdiy evening Dr. Nixon suddenly left Riegelsville, 11" turned up iu Eiston yesterday and put chased a bicycle for $G0, giving a worthless check In piyin-nt. lie re turned to Riegelsville. last night. SKVE3MK1LLE1). Bock Island Train VViccksd on a High Bridge la N b ask i. Lincoln, N-b., An:r. !) Tho north bound Rock Island passenger train was wrecked on a high bridge between four and five miles south of here bhortly after 10 o'clock tonight. Seven persons are known to have btou killed. IIIX01M) LOWERED. The Time for Four-Yeal Olds Reduced by Fantasy in the Buffalo Racjs Ycsierday. Buitalo, N. Y'An' 9 Fantasy by Chimes, lower ed tho 4 year-old record this afternoon, when accompanied by a runner she handily went thu route in 2 which cuts her own record by one naif a second. About 3,000 people witnessed the prand circuit. In the sneci il race be tween Nightingale aud Greenlandnr, two mile heats, best 'two in three, Nightingale secured the first heat in 4 30 J. which reduced the nice record lot- the distance from 4 4J but was 4. J seconds short of Greeulandnr's exhibi tion tiiae last year. The first two miles made Greenlauder so lame that he was withdrawn and Nighting li covered tne second he:it alone in 5.01. Alix was a etroug favorite iu tho fre tor-all and sho handily, took the first two heats. 1 .-.mlico went at her hard in the second lient and came back again in the third. This time the strong ion of Meaner outfnoted the daughter of Patronage right at the wire. It was now on the vergo cf evenin,' mil the racing wis postponed. Hi I the race gone on Pimlico would prob ably have won. but Alex will have a chance to recuperate with a night's rest. Summaries: 2. IS class, 3-year-olds.pncing: pursc,$l,0C0. Rokeby, br.s., by director; dam Lilly Stanley (McDowell) 1 1 1 1 Hue k Frau klu, b.c 1 3 4 2 Sidmnnt, b.c a 4 2 4 Hello Acton, b.f 4 3 3 8 Time, a. K 3.1: '.'.lit, 2.15. 2.1S class, trotting, purse S'.'.UUl). Miss Neisou, b. tn bv Norfolk, by Auiericau Clay (Curtis). .. . 1 1 iiHlloua, br. in 3 2 f Commodore Poter, b. s 4 8 2 Blown Dick, br. g 3 0 4 Miss Gr. gor, b. m 0 4 3 Edith It., h. in 5 7 7 Aunt Delilah, b. m 11) 5 11 !uby, br. in 8 0 ti Fon st Hoy, ch. g (1 11 14 Cora J., gr. in 7 14 in L mghrini W.. br. g 11 8 H Sixtv-Six, b. g 17 111 8 Pellorine, h. in 13 13 12 Rensselaer Wilkes, b. h 13 1.1 U Overholt, b. s Ill 15 U Domineer, t. s 14 dr. Captain Walbridg", b. s 15 dis. Time-2.l5Jtf, 2.i; 2.1.'i;$, Match race, two mile heat, two iu three, purse jy,iWii. Nightingale, b. m., by Manibrino King, (Deer) 1 1 Go onlander, br. a., by Princess, (Patterson). 2 dr Time, 4 :;!!, 5:tllK. Free-for-all trotting, purse $2,000, (un finished. Aiix, b. m , by Patronage, dam At lanta, (.McDowell) 1 1 2 Pamlico, b. s ft 3 1 Pixley, o. tn 3 2 5 Plioetie Wilkes, br. m 0 4 it Itella Vaena, br. in 3 0 (1 Walter 4 0 4 Hylaud T., b. g 7 Uis Time, 2:1.9, 2:e;V 2:1(1. Buildlnirat Notch Burnd Djwn. At 1.311 this morning lire broke out in n dwelhmr bouse alongside of the Dela ware, liHckawaniin and Westorn railroad at the Notch. There was no water avail able and i hen-fore u alarm was not sounded. Thu building was entirely do alloyed, TELEGRePHIC SPARKS. Tho boycott on the Union Pacific has been declared on Dy carmine siriuors. The sealing schooners Thomas and Say ward, reported lost In Artie sens atosale. Rev, Joseph Cook is prominent in the Congress or Keligions at uiig iseacn, u. 1. Tho torpedo boat Eib cson started down the Missis-ippi from St. Louis ou her way to Brooklyn. All Mexican Journalists imprisoned for political and other onenseg nave been par doned by President Diaz, The naturalization of Mrs. L. Louise Patterson, a Swiss woman, at Cleveland, is the first case known in this country. Algernon E. Snrturis, grandson of Gen eral Grant, arrived at New York from England, where he Has oeen at school. New York police will prevent the Ooxeyites from visiting in a body the Stock Exchange or any other public build big. John Cralne, of Lima, O., a farmer, who had been bunooed. became crazed over his losses and was sent to au insane asylum yesterday. 11 it WORKERS !'.irn if! LU 111 BELLEVUE SLOPE Cave-In Caught Tw3 H.-n LMora Ti'.cy Could Mako EiCipe Fruii Dliliict. SEARCHERS HAVE LOCATED TUELJ Rapping on a Pillar of Coal Has Been Answered, Showing That the Im prisoned Men Are Alive Every Ef fort Being Made to Rcacli Them. Great Destruction to Property in Park Hill Wrought by Sinking of the Surface Fifteen Acres Affocted, I:XE of the most disastrous cava ins that has ever occured in this J citv took place yesterday in the lie, 1 vue slope. By it two hu man beings were lmprifonod in a liv ing tnmh and a vast amount of prop erty damaged Tlie scene of the dis turbance is iu wl'.ut is known as the Park Hill section of the city. The unfortunate men ara two Polish miners known us John and Frank. They were working in a chamber which is in close proximity toor directly in tho district nlr-ctel by tho fall. Richard Evans, a miner, who was at work but a snort distance from the Polauders, saw tlietn last as the roof begin to work. He shouted to them to run for th dr livea and then sturte 1 fnr the foot of the sh aft Looking back he beheld the Pol mders milciuif for their chamber, h iving been cut off from escape by t i" r iclc, which begin falling just us they were starting to follow him. Ev.ns would havo un- lonhtediy been c iu : ;ht h i 1 his cham ber beci farther in towarda the head. Luckily he was working jtist nt the edge of tlie cavc-in, and by his timely llHcoviry oi tb'j roof being in action, ho escaped from beneath the f,ill. LOCATINll THE 3Ii:.. A soon us word was received at the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western coal ullice tiiat the men had been im- piisnutid steps were taken for their r - covery. liigiiieers and surveyors re paired to the sceue and with the as sistance of Evans und tne churls au 1 maps of tho mine workings it was as certained that the chamber oi the imprisoned men, wliura thoy were most likely shut in. was located direct ly beneath tho Waguer property on II in iilou street. Tnis property was not affected by tlie disturbance, although the houses on ihe opposite side of tho street were badly shaken. There was a bare possi bility that the two men hud uot been killed and might yet be in the cham ber. General Manager S:orrs resolved to work ou'this meagre hope and nt once telegraphed to II. P. Simpson, at Wyoming, for a steam drill. Tne word was sent nt 5.30 and within three hours the in - i nu I machinery were on tie spot. The setting up process was im mediately been n and at liliduigUt tuc drill was ready to be set in motion. It will be necessaiy to go down only sevenly-livo feet to reach the chamber where the men are supposed to be. It was decided that a 2 inch hole should be drilled, and under the moat advers cir camstaiiccs it will not take over thirty six hours to reach them. If the cun ii tions are fnvorahlo it is thought thi: time can be lowered to half that uutu b r of hour.!. At a l ite hour l ist ni ;ht Tiiomas L). Davis, general mine superintendent of the Delaware, Lackawanna an 1 West ern, with a gan; of men entered the slope mid t y mailing a lengthy detour succeeded in reaching n poi it twenty . r thirty feet from the chiimb, r where tho men are supposed to be. A pillar of the thickuess of possibly twenty f e t wag belwuuii them and tho I'oli.liders' chamber. MKN FOUND ALlVli They rapped on the coal anl received an Hhswer. Word ws Bent to the sur face that the men had been found and alive, aud in a twinkling n largo fore of volunteers organ. zJ to dig them out, It was decided to drive a tuiiiil through the fallen rock, as the in- u could be reached quicker that way th in y going through the solid pillar. Tne drill hole from the surfac was dis pensed with, although tne drill was no! taken away. Every hope is now held out that the men will be rescued alive ml tne time it will ri quire to rach them all de pends ou tun condition of the block 'd gangway. If no uuforseen obstacles are encountered they will undoubtedly he re idled bofore the sun goes down today. No cave-in of recent time if indeed of any period, ever left such traces on tho I'lirfaoe. Tne topography of the disturbed district is entirely changed. Hampton street, wbjch stmtained the severest shaking up is hilly where it was heretofore level and where it for merly dippd towards Iho south the grade is in tha opposite direction. Lots that were unite level before the cave- in now have the appearance of hill sides and in some places the earth has sunk lower than the surrounding sur fitc, making pits and gullies of vary ing dimensions. As for fissures, the ordinary surface cracks, whlcn wo in the coal regions are nccustomed to see ing, they are everywhere. Not a house in the locality escaped being damn gel Some were affected more than others, hut. nit bear the elf -el of the terrific ceinmotloii. Cracked foundation waIN, fl mis) covered with broken plaster, chimneys toppled over, hnuses leaning this way or that, pitches torn from the house-', buildings moved from their foundations, fences twisted and broken, sidetvalks uneven and fligs standing on end, cellars flioded Irom broken water pipes, wells dilnlup and scores of other evidences or the earth quake were to be seen on all sidos, The distnrbed district covers an area of about ill teen acres. The most violent effects of the Bottling are notlcsable la tho region embraced mm ou within n bonn lry lino beginning m th comer of 11 impiou an I Eighth stiv an 1 extending along the nu"y I'jighth street to about lb" cetiireof t lien field at the en I of tlm Ox'i t culm dump, just off Ltiz-rne Hire i t hence tiol la west to thu point fifty yards from its en 1 ; tni i: through the clump -otitliwest to llanij. lou street ; thence along the centre ui Hampton street to Eighth street. iho worst dam n go resulted along this line, which is on tho edirn of the settled locality, The dump shows the xtensivam si ot tne cave-in more than iny one thing, Tim end of the pile has hopped down leaving the tracks oi. top six or seven feet clear of the culm, showing that the settling at this point was very great. A house inst across Fellows' street from the dump, owned by Mra. Mai nly, now Iuib a r HpHctable mss-m! cellar uniler it, something it did uot boast ol before ti e ctve-ln. Tho house restod ou blocks and was even with the ground. Now a person can easily pasa n heiids and Knees from one slue to tho other. Tne house of Jin. Mary Mullen, 108 ilamntou struet uufl' rod the greatest damage of all. The building was mrown out of plumb, the foiiud-ition walls cracked aud thu stones knocked out of place, t'ie plastering was torn down, too cellar flooded the weli dried au.l the house so badly wrenched that in several rooms it is possible, to tee through tho cracks in tho sides of tho house. William Langnn's Iioiiho nt 5i 1 Ilamri- titi street is six iuchi.s out ot plumb, tiiu outer wans are cr icke 1 an I a sum- mor kitchen moved two feet out of its original position. Mr. Langan and bis wile wore in tnis small outhouse eating dinner When the c:;ve in occured. They were both thrown irom their chairs. so BUdu.-u uud quick was tho move ment, i nomas Gavin lions-1, 0 )0 Hiiintdon street, slid bick'.vard six inches, the rear ol the house protruding that dis tance over the foundation walls. 0'.hr properties which suutuiued scuere d im age were as ioiiov.s: John Tit-ns, CI Hamilton street; E I ward M-rti!, 022 Hampton; Charlts JJnrkc, 702 Hatui.- toti; Doininick McKeown, Fellows street, and houses on Hampton street, owned as lotlows: JHicu ltd Graoau. Thomas Kelly, Louis Foster mid Mich iel Sunup. ON Till! SOUTH hW.:. The Hampton itiYet homes which were daiuautd are ull on the north side of the streut. Those ou tl.e south side, suffered but little damage nu:li as cracked plastering, doors and wiu iovs ut ol p.amo. making it impossiuU to op n or cl iso thein. Nearly all the nouses ou itllows struct nro small woiiden shanties and tue only no,ic ablo datuago lvsu.ii.ig to t... ux was t.n.t all oi tlioin were lop-sided. Tlie m lin water pipe on Hi.wptou street was brukju and it was tiecrtsa.irv to shut off the water. This was not luue, however, uutil many cellars were il.oded. 'i'nu cave in occurred just at 12 21 at a time wheu tho majority of the people at dinner. Tne exeitemont tnat ensued C:m be better imagined' lb in described. Many stories wre i by The, mau, while ou the scone, of people being thrown to tiie lloor, toppled utit of chairs an I knock -i io the sidewalk, but only one iusiaaoc was related of any one btiuguurt. This was tho caso of an add lady culled "Granny" M.ili.i, who was lifted iutj the air by tue upheaval of a 11-ig alone td-lewalk hiuI thrown against tne bno was piinfully bruised hut not hcveri ly injured, a! though tin shock m iv prov.i s ii us, 'll-being upw ivds of 80 yw'irs oi age. None of i tie j cn'l'j li-.r-el k'?ep lir-1-goiug or laupa burning iu their uous-'.s last night, us there wrie miny i-v -detices during too atleriioon that the ground was still wording. TKOLLKYCUASII. Serious Col'.i-iim .11 a Streot Builioad Ni nr Hr.z'etrn. Uazlktos, Pa, An.:. 9. A verv S'ri ous collision look pmce on t'n-j tr:i!lev roa 1 this morning, Dot considering number of casualties nn 1 damaged condition of the cars, the fact that uo ouo w.i'i kilbd outright seeiii3 rnmrkible. Au open car started from H z'tou with liit'ea P'lss-Migers. At H-irleigh it took on n lew mora and pr- eeeded ti Hhervitle where it took a side tr tck to wait for a car frem Freoluiiil. After w ii'iug ten minutes Ilia car started ont nt r pi 1 rate an I a short distune abivo E i-r-vale collido I Willi a closodcar. Tlie passengers on tin open sumni r car jump"! to savj th. ir lives just as the "two oars came together with au awful crash, The women and children wer-i picked up hy a doctor Kiiniiiioue 1 from Ehor V ile. William Ward, of Carloton. was call jht between tho cars and ci'iulud about tlv ho iy. Motormiu Scuiilon wis billy hurl about the ho id, fa-: and limds. Airs. MeG e and diu;IUr, of Encr v.ilo were thrown among the rockn md W"re cut and bruised consider ably. Rilph D tii'iro. of Freehold, was cut and hruDcd nbout the head .n i A. W. Unk, of Carlet.m, had his head an 1 fact cut. S.mii" lil'wi others ri'ceivd hrui-i s and scratch-s. Tue accident was duo t) a tiiisun icrstaiid of the rules of the r.m 1. WAFTED OVR THE SEAS. Hi -ni irck snys tho anarchists should be treated n are the pies nf Vaidin coin! leu closely. Ne.irlv -In,) American pilgrims attended nias at thu Vatican uud were blessed by the j ope. By a new treatv bet we mi Norway and Spain, Norwegian ildi will b.i admitted in to Cuba duty freo. President Peixoto, of Bruit il, has i. tended the sta'e oi siege until Aug 31, iu accordance with the senate's wisu. Because the Diet of Goiha relusei the usual subvention of fcl.Jdn to tlie court theater, Duke Alfred has ordered it closed. Signer Cuciniello. director of the Kom brunch nf the Bank of Naples, and im plicated iu the bank scaiicals, has died in prison, . - - . WEATHER FORECAST. Washington. Ane. 0. Fnrtcnst fnr euxtcrn I'cnnsijtrnnia, nii; cooler; tiorfAensf iciiici.i. tor tiWern iiiijicoaiii, fair, coocr; tioi-iA-east tenuis. Summer Sale BLANKETS! INTE33GTING FRICS3 TO BUYERS: One rase Wui r,t lt 10-1, Scar let and Blue UordoM, 59 CENTS. Ono ea4J K'.nwood 11-1, both While and Oiny, Holders Scarlet, Hlue and Oranya, S3 CENTS. One case Kelianco 11-1, both Wliitj and (Jrcy, Uorder.l 1'ink, Hltie an 1 Drab, $1.35. 50 pairs Hampden 11-1, All vrool and Slirun!;, Uordcrg l'iuk, Blue and Lemon, $4.53. Ono case Tin Vista, Califor nia, 12-1, IJjt'der-i Pink, Blue, Leutou aud Drab, $6.00. o0 pairs Hacra.ncnto, Califor nia, 12-1, Borders l'iuk, Bluo and Drab, $3.00. Crib Elankets in all siz33, "with latest pattorn bord ers and colors. 5iQ and 512 Lackawanna MINERS' ILOLOliO WLoIssala nl Retail, H. A. Kingsbury 313 Sprues treet. TriJ.Pi!(iXK XUKEEK 40-1!. Lewis, Beilfy k Davie 'DO Take o;T tho old and put oa tho new, That iicatiy-flitinf, easy shoo. Wl.en low prices i ule as uow they do, Who would deny hi.nsc!f the newf Burt & Packard SI1023 Mako Ua Friandi. Lewis, Raiily a Davi 0.J 114 WY0KIM3 AVENUE. sQtfif - We Examina EjS3 Fr of charge. If a doctor is needed you nro proniptljp told so. AVe also guarantee a perfect lit. LA7H3T ST3ELIIT3 SILVER N07ELTIE3 The Jeweler, CS Spruce Street. I J. IBL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers