The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 09, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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T The " strength of Cleveland's
baking" powder comes from pure
cream of tartar and soda only. It
effervesces more slowly than
powders containing alum, ammonia
or tartaric acid. "
does better 'work?
spoonful'' " Jr
of othcrs." jfjr
JIo have the best results
the oven should not be too hot,"
and it is not necessary to hurry the
dough into the oven.
Clevelurul Haklif Towder Co.,Now York,
Successor to Cleveland Brothers.
fJorrman& Mooro
120 Wyoming Avnuo
Eave your COLLARS otarohed In tne oil
ay, whon you os.u bv thom done with soft,
lible ButtonhoU tor TWO CENTS KAOii
Whipcord 5
FORMERLY 75c. ant $1, for
OEY 59c.
In evtry desirable shade.
If you want
Carpets, Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us,
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
iliamsi iAnoltf
127 Wyoming Ave.
To rr.y friends: I hereby announce
that I will bi a candidate for the nomi
nation of district attorney, before the
Republican County convention.
Trlbnns mailers leaving lor tliolr
Humor's vucutlnn can have their fuvnr
!! iapiir emit to them wUliout rxtru
ckt, by notlfvliie UilH nillce nf the Uu-
ilcd chiiii04 iu tho p4ier' acldruss.
Attorney C. 8. Woodruff, usal-noe of
Jobn L. aud John L. L.;Travis, ytmtorday
filed his report Trii'a Protbonotary Pryor.
Among tho unquestionably attractive
features at Martin's hotel on Penn avenue,
is u family of raitk'sualtes, four in nnui
ber, one of which Is ton foet lonif.
F.ufus 0. Bryant, Al Williams and Frank
Snyder have beeu appointed fubstitute po
licemen to take the places of Officers Bloat,
JJay nnd Block, who go to camp with the
Marrinpo liconsos were granted yester
day by the clerk of the courts to Martin F.
Jlorau aud Unditst L. Wright, of Arch-
bald; Frank Burks and Lavina A, Walnh,
i t Minooka; William Iiughes and Ella
LYiuovau, of Bcrantou,
At tonight's meeting of common council
the ordinances providing for license taxes
on electric wire polos, and providing for
the vacating of the abandoned Plttston
turnpike betwpen Giblions and Sanders
Btreita will probably bs passod on third
And Unci reading.
Pocnno Tribe, No. 230, Improvod Order
of Bed ilen, will have an adoption tbls
evening. A largo delegation is coming
ovor from Hyde Park and Bouth Sido to
witness tho work of Pocono and LeliHhanae'
team, which is said to bo the best in the
valley. All Kcd Men are welcome to the
ball at 419 Lackawanna avenue.
Contractor Ferguson's bids on Tenth
ewer district work were so low that the
city engineer's estimate was cut nonrly in
half. Tne city englneor is consequently
engaged in preparing a new estimate
schedule so that the dense in the contract
which allows a half payment on the ap
proximate cost will not so closoly approach
the entire bid.
Opan AU Night
tt Lehman's Spruce street.
Baemtr'i Ntw Dining- Rooms.
Drop In and see onr lunch nnd dining
rooms, they are new and olean. Nothing
hat the bent of everything can be found
en onr tables. Our regular dinner is 25
cents and Ib the best in the city, Besmer
&8on, next to Elk building, Franklin
Bop bitter pale ale, mineral water, gin
ger ale, mild'oherry beverage and root beer
at Heiser & Warnke's. ' J
I3uy th Wsber
and get the beet. At Guernsey Bros,
Mears 1 Hagen
Postmaster VandHog Interviews Proprietor
Campbell, of ths limes.
Mr. Campbell Would Not Say That
Either Mr. Vandling or Colonel Os
thaus Knew Anything About Busi
ness, for He Didn't Know Says
That the Postmaster Admits Em
ploying a Known Pilferer.
The Times article, saylnc the combi
nation of the post olllue safe wui known
to many perwtie and also charging
Postmaster Vundllug with kuowiugly
koepiug self eoufessod thieves in bis
employ, was the onus of u rather lively
ejcchnuge of repartee bstweeu the pout-
master and v. j. uumpbell, proprietory
editor of th Times, yesterduy inornlug.
Mr. Vaudling, iu company with In-
sosotor Owing, called upon Mr. Cniup-
djii ana asaeu that hit in alia known
the names of the persons who know the
combination of the wit. Mr. Camp
bell said that Information was in tne
keeping of the gentleman who wrote
the article. The name of the writer
wui then asked for, but Mr. Campbell
declined to give it. lie was then asked
to sand the writer to see the inspector,
lie rrplled to this by euylug that he
would iuforui the guntlemun that tho
iuspsotor wished to see lilui.
Inspector Owln; stated that If the
Times people know thut there ie a thief
in the ofika aud as was before stated
that nearly every tnan in the post office
know tbaiafeoouablaation, it was their
duty to make ths matters known to
the authorities. By refuting to do so
tiiey uiaile thsmtelves liable to the
charge of shieldiug criminals.
II r. Vsudliug then aned Mr. Camp
bell if In his opinion he (Vamlllng) and
Colonel Ostlinus could bo so void of
business principles uad so derullnt iu
duty i:s to use the vault us it come
from the luuuufuuturers without
changing the eow bin atlom Mr. Camp
bell replied that he knew uothlug
whatever of the business qualification
of either of them. He didn't know
that tbeyovn had any.
"Do you not know,"snid Ir. Vund
ling, ''that Colonel Onbaus was for
tnauy yeaie financial manager of tho
Thirteenth regltnentV"
"No," answered Mr. Campbell, "I
never knew of that, I have heurd that
he had charge of the renting of the
armory, I have the greatest respect
Cor Colonel Ostbans and cn vouch for
his being an honorable man, but I do
uot know that ho bus any bueiuees
'You mar have peculiar idena of
business qualifications," said Mr. Vaud
11 "Well," said Mr. Campbell, "if you
did uot have respeot for my opinion on
that ueation, you should not have
akr) t."
? Vundling stated last night, iu
. ng of tho interview, that it was
t evident that Mr. Cjinpboll trlml
ie could to make It appar be
n? iuepcotor's eyes that hv and
Ostur.rte warn incowpotont.
' dlln expressed luinsel; aa very
uned with the cltect tho tutor
A on t ho inspector.
Whju Mr. Campbell' was spoken to
in reference to tne rueeliug he vertued
the aceuunt giveu above aud added
that he had compelled the postmaster
to admit that the position the Times
hud taken wus correct.
"When we bad discucsed the ques
tions oi muiness quanucations,' said
Mr. Campbell, "the question of the
self-confetstd thieves was brought up,
To e.-t the Times rlfht I put the ques
tion utrect to tne postmaster, 'Was
mere not a package stolen troin your
ofllee since you took charge; did you
not discover the thief and is he uot
now in the tost office under your em
ploy.1 Mr. Vaudliug admitted tbat an
employe bad beeu detected iu a theft,
but it was only a matter of twenty five
cents and he was not proseuutud.
'Thou,' said I, 'you must admit that
the Tinio Is right iu that Btutuiuent.' "
iir. Campbell further stated that he
had no desire to lower the present post
master in the eys of the department,
bat he only wished to prove that the
Times was right in what It said.
A reporter of the Times was sent by
Mr. Campbell to interview Mr. Owlna
yotterday afturuoou, but Mr. Camp
bell declined to say whether or not he
was the one that penned the article lu
Air. Campbell stated thut he does
not propose to uivulse the source of
any information he is possessed of.
atidthatif the postofUce dopartmout
earcs to have Dim arrested it oau do so.
lis will be fortified for sueh a contin
Suparlntecdsnt of Poit Offloa Inopaotora
Arrivee lu This City.
Genoral Edgorton, chief poetoflke in
soector ot the division comprising
Pennsylvania, New Jersey aud part of
Maryland, arrived in this city last
evening and was in consultation with
Inspector Owing until a late hour last
night, lie is the oldest man in tbe ser
vice, being upwards ot 00 years of ago,
and is reputed to be one of the very
best aotecuves lu tne government sor
That no small amount ot importance
is attached to tbe postofQuo robbery is
evidenced br the presenoe of the chief
lntpeetor. It is bnt rarely that ho
leaves his headquarters in Phlludel
and when he does it is always on buei
ness-of the greatest importance.
Charles Gabiioh'e Great Exhibition at
Laursl Hill Vntk.
TTnnrarrta nf It 500 nemona saw tha
balloon ascension at Laurel Bill park
yesterday afternoon and evening.
On account of an accident sustained
by Miss Lulu Randall at Cincinnati on
Monday, by which her foot was injured,
she was unable to make the nsceujlon,
and Charles H. Gabrioh went up both
afternoon aud evening-
Iu tbe afternoon he ascended a dis
tance of 8,000 foet aud in the evening
attained a height of 1,600. lie made
his deseents with tho Hdsistauce of par
auhutea, both times landing near the
Catholiochuroh at Donmore.
It was one of the most sueovirful bal
loon ascensions ever seen in the city.
Martha Washington Chapter Excursion
" to Lake Ariel.
Martha Washington Chapter, No. 8,
Order of Esitern Star, tbe ladies'
branch ot the Free Masons, will rnn an
excursion to Lake Ariel over tbe Erie
and Wyoming Valley railroad ou Mon
day, Aur, 13. This without doubt will
be one of tha most delightful exour-
sions of the season and promises to be
well attended, not only by all Manous.
their wives and families, but also by
their friends from both far and near.
This will be a grand opportunity for
mothers to take their children for a
day's outing ;to enjoy the cool mouutalu
breegei and the bunting on tbe placid
waters of Ariel, in which the yoauj
take so tnuaa delight.
All arrangements huve beau made to
make it a day of perfect enjoyment,
and those who full to aaeomuauv this
excursion will tains a treat llaner's
orohestra will furnish the muilo of the
day, and that in itself is ample guaran
tee of a pleasant time, Kefreshmeuts
will be served on the ground to those
dvairlug it.
biinirnlou train leaves the Erie and
Wyoming Valley station, on Washing
ton avenuo, at 8 u. m aud returu-
ug, arrives in Kurauton at about 7 p
in, Adults f.iro for round trip, 75 cautt;
ohlldron, S3 oente. Tickets may he
obtained from members of the ohapt.r,
or at tho station on inorulu g of the ex
cursion. W1IEKE AiTe WE AT?
Manager Swift Discharged and Mr.
Cahill Employed, but Action Is
Said to Be Illegal.
There is every reason to believe that
tho baio ball muddle ouly beoume more
muddled last nlirbt aufl today flu da the
ussoclntlon iu worse shape than it bus
been sineo the bcqluniug of the dispute
over the question of munuger. Nobody
now knows wuuro tuey are at.
When the meeting of the directors
was adjourned on Tuesday night amid
excitement that prevented any action
neing taken on the matter of employ
ing a mauHger, it was dteidad to meet
lust night.
At the hour for tbe ineotlncr Prosl-
dent St. John aud Secretary Betta were
the only members of the board of di
rectors in the room. Mr. BMts hold
the proxies of William Hobb, Arthur
Murtlu aud Mr. Davitt. Manager
Swift and Edwuri Robinson, the otbor
motubers ot the board of directors,
were not prisent or represented.
Mr. bt. John refused to call tne
mooting to order, holding that Mr.
Belts and hinuelf did not constitute a
Ae left the room aud Mr. Beuj, who
represented with the proxies be bold a
majority of the members of the board
af directors, went into executive ses
sion, UUpjiue I with the eervlcet of
Manager swift and named ill. Uanill
hie successor. Letters were then writ
ten by Sforetary Bett to both gentle
men advising them ot the action of the
board of directors.
President St. Jehu laughed whan ho
learned whit had beoti done and ha t
bo hesitation in declaring that the
notion of Mr. Betts was illegal and
auioanted to nothing. Ho said tbat
there had been no meeting and there
fore no buiiness could be transacted.
"It the directors of this association
do not want Martlu Swift for man iifer
let them step np manfully and say so
by their votes, was his declaration.
''I civet to allowing thmn to stab him
in the back by tneens ot a proxy, und
that's the reason why I refuted to call
n meeting to-night. Personally I am
iu Uvor cf Swift for he la a good niau
and hns proved his value to tne nctocia
Uon, bnt am willing to drop hiui, how-
ver, for tho iiake of harmony uud the
lntcrem of the gume in tliia city.
now stand ready to choose scmo other
wan biisidaii Car. ill orSwlft.
Stockholder Jordan, who wai with
Mr. St. John at the time, gave it as hia
opinion that several members of tbe
club will refuse to play today uuder
Cahill. They said tbey would not and
he believes they willstiek to what they
Manager Swift will have a consulta
tion with J. W. Aiken today with re
gard to placing a club at Curbondale,
If be agrees to assume control ot it
there are many who believe that not n
few members of tbe Scranion club
would be willing to follow him there if
he asked tbem to do so. Those who
know Mr. Switt best say that he would
uot do uuything of the kind.
The members of the association who
favored the einployuieut of Mr. Cahill
as manager say they have the kindliest
fouling for the members ot tbe bcran
tou club aud wuut them to remain lu
this city. It they attempt to jump or
iu any other way make trouble, tbey
will be huudled without glovea, it is
Piteher CampQeld, late of Wilkes
Barre, will join the Scrantoo olub to
day. It is probably that Richard
Phelan has beeu seen for tbe last timo
in a Serantou uniform. lis was
quiet, gentlemanly player, who kuow
ail the points in the guine uud could
at times show the best of tbe youug
blood how to play tbe national game.
Letter Issued to Tnem by County Com
Tbe county eommiesloners have ad
dressed to tbe tax collectors iu tho
borough end townships ot tho county
the following letter ot instruotious;
Kir: In view of a receut decision of the
supreme court of Pennsylvania docluriuu
tne act ot Juno S3, 1885, coi.atllutional, the
county coinmisiioners In pursuance of said
decision, instruct you to proceod with the
collection of state, county and bridge taxes
ee follows:
On nil stato, county and bridge taxes
paid to you within sixty days from tho
uate oi giving nouuo, you win anow a re
bate of 5 per centum to the portion paying
the same.
At the expiration of sixty days' period
you will collect the whole amount of taxes
cburgeu on tne aupucate witnout making
any allowance or deduction whatever, ex
cept on certificates or aoatomont granted
by the county commisaioDere.
Vbon tbe duplicate bis bcon in your
hands six mouths you win then rrom that
time on add a penalty of 5 per centum to
all taxes remaining uupam.
They Were Hade Man and Wife iu tha
Court House.
Frank Burke and Lavlaa A. Walsh,
of Minooka, wore anions those who ud
pliud for a marriage lleeuie to Clerk o'
tho (Jourts 1 nomas yesterday.
They appeared In wedding coatuui?s
and as soon as the license was inaue ou
Alderman Fuller was sent for aud
made tho young people from Miacoka
man and wife accor-Jing to the solemn
form prescribed by law.
Less Tha Half Bates to Colorado.
On August lQtb and 11th tho North,
Western Line will sell exourelon ticlceta to
Denver, Pueblo and Colorado Bprlugs and
return at ioedln(ly low rati; tickets
good for return pasHRite until September
l.ltti. inclusive, bonu veetiouletl trains.
Palace biooplng cars and Superb Dining
cars tiirougu uoiwoen imoaiio and Denver
daily, via the Culuago and JNortn Western
Railway. For detailed information
to agents of connecting ( lines, or address
W. A. rural), uenerai rsesenger and
Ticket Agent, Chicago. '
Dr. C. d Laubarh, dentist, Oas and
Water company building, Wyoming ave
nue. Latest improvementa, Eight years in
Shoerepairlng promptly attended to at
the Ulobe buoo store. , "
tee Thousand Persons Wera In Attend
Unions from Lackawanna, Wayne, Lu
zerne, Susquehanna and 'Wyoming
Counties Sont Delegations The
View Was Obstructed, but Nothing
Hindered tho Enjoyment of the
Throng Music, Addresses and tx
ercises Made During tha Day.
The rally and reunion of Christian
Endeavor societies from the five coun
ties nt Frviow yesterday u sao-
ess iu poiut of cumbers, enjoyment
in (I rullious zeal.
Larly in the day a light mist buna
over the valleys und cluug tunuciously
to tne tin no pa, una aunug nearly the
whole of the day tho sun was oirtullv
obscured. The signs Boeinod favorable
for a downpour, whloh, howevur,failed
todampeu the spirite of ubout 3,000
t'.udnavorurs from Lackawunna. Lu
zerne, Wayne, Susquehanna nnd Wyo
ming counties, who made the trip to
Farvlow and participated in the exxr
clsns. Most of the throng was com
posed of youuu people wlioie enjoy
ment of the outing uud meeting was
The only (lleuiuolutmont was that
the almost incompatible view on ordi
nary days was restricted yesterday.
From the observatory, Waynurt lying
below could not be sjeii.
Every incoming train from both di
rections brought delegations, and at
10:30 o'clock when the Woyuo county
Endeavors arrived from Roues i ale,
tli attendanc9 was much larger than
expected. Many groups were pro.
vided with home male lunched.
Bannr'a band was presunt and their
ra.idltlon of a eaered selection ut 11
o'clock was a signal for tne pavilion
to bo occupied by as many as could
gain admittance.
lvev, T. A. llUKhes, of Montrose,
president of the Bi-Oonnty union of
Way no1 aud Susquehuuna counties.
presided and culled i'ca assemblage to
order. He said Mosos from the sum
mit of Mount Nebo had a far view of
the promised land which he could
never roach, but he hoped that the
CliristiBn Endeavorers from this Far-
View would get a uoar view of thai
promined country to whloh they all
hoped to attuln. He trusted that tlie
many gathered there would be tilled
with the Holy Spirit aud moved by an
uc'ivo burning zeal us ardent as ton-
i:uua ot lire to proclaim the teachings
of the Suviour aud the words of salva
tion to those hungering souls in noed
of savlug grace.
A selection by tbe bund and tha con
gregational sinking: of '"What a Gath
ering," led by Tallie Morgan, preceded
tbe prayer by Hev. J, J. llaukla, of
ilawley, 'lbe ootiijregatlon then sang
"I Will Sing of My Redeemer."
A letter from Rov. J. F. Wilcox, of
Hones title, who hud been seleeted to
lead the meeting, explained thut lllneee
prevented hie being prwesnt. He of
fersd hie regrets by reference to texts
which showed him to be "absent in
the ibsh bnt present in tbe spirit."
The morning address was delivered
by Rev. T. A. Hughes, whose subjeet
was "The Ludoavorer on Paimos.
Every Eudeavorur, be said, had his
Patmos as well at his Enhesus. He re
ferred to the banishment of John from
bis church at Ephesus to live among
tbe olrendors of that penal eolony on
the ilo of Patmos, and bow he was
able to lift himself above hla environ
meuts of sin and wickedness even to
see suub celestial visions as are record
ed lu the wonderful book ot Revelation.
lie advised all bis hearers to take John
us a model, to ignore, to elevate them
selves from the degrading surroundings
of tho world aud they would one duy
see the same heavenly visions thut were
permitted to the author of tbe Fourth
Gospel, the boloved disciple of the
The afternoon's programme included
a band concert lu tho puvilioo, ad
drones und singing, and when tbe day
was done the gatuerlng was as a unit
in its expression that tbe day bud boen
ouo of physical and moral benuiU.
Changes That Are Using Hade la Court
Tho court rooms at the court house
are being renovated and pnt in
clean uud presentable condition for the
fall term of court which opons next
Carpets have been taken up and
clonncd and that which covers the floor
of court room No. 2 is now being re
layed. In the main court room the rail
which separates the barenelosuro from
tbe auditorium has boon moved, l:v
creasing the epace within theenolos
Seata have been taken up and tbo
room is receiving a thorough overhaul
Black and Whlta Revellers Arrested by
Fonr colored men. oue of whom had
a white wife, end two white women
were haulod np before Alderman Fitz
siinmons and heavily fined for creat.lug
disturbance Tuesday night.
This crowd occupied the quartern
over Bubcock'a fed ."store on Franklin
nvonue and frequently annoyed the
Fresh Fruits are de
licious. Full line.
$1 to $1.25 a Basket.
10c. Per Quart.
60c. Per D02311.
20 Cents Up.
429 Lacka. Ays.
Jersey Peaches
neighbors by their carousals. Com
plaints were entered aud the house was
raided by Constable DeLong and
Spoclul Offioer Tlerney, who succeeded
ia landing the eutire crew before the
bar of justice.
The white women were not a bit
abasliod tv tho revelation of their con
sorting: with oolored men, but went
away after tli.iir nnea had been paid,
arm in arm with tholr male com-
punlons. The police will keep an eye
on this little colony, and in case ot
further disturbance, they will ba eu-
verely dealt with.
Eunttarlun Would Hot Allow That
Constable to Arrest Him,
A strapping young Hungarian who
drives a wagon connected with tho
our shops created considerable excite
ment yesterday morning by wiping up
the plunk pavement near the car sliopn
with the person of Constable Wioe
and a Polundor, who was to prosecute
the churgo upon which the liuuguriaa
wns wanted.
Weiss ordered the Hungarian to got
down from hie wagon and wh9i he
refused, the constable, with the assist
ance of the .pro-iecutor, attempted to
pull him oE the seat. Then the Hun
garian did come dowu. He came down
heavily und landed upou tbe constable
and prosecutor. After thoroughly
whipping both of them he resumed hia
place on the wagon and drove ou as u
nothing had happened.
Later iu the day tbe warrant for his
arrest was plaood iu the bands of Offi
cer Coleman, lie was found on the
data and quietly accompanied the offi
cer to tho station home, Ou the way
thither he told the officer that he
would not let Weiss arrst hint.
The Hungarian wus wanted in the
first pluce for obtaining money under
faise pretenses, bnt now ho will have
tho additional charge of useault uud
battery upon un offioer to answer.
Postoffice Department Allows Increase
of Force of This City Names
of New Men.
Tho Dost oHcj department at Wash
ington bus notified Postmaster Vaud
liug that uftur Sopt. 1 live additional
mail carriers will be allowed for this
This wag pleasant new3 for the post
master, as ho has bi'en anxious sluco he
went lutoolllSJ to rediatrlct thecitv
und give more frequent deliveries to
certain sections ot the city, but bis
tnitod force of carriers would cot
uliow him to do so.
At present Mr. Vaudling bah a force
of twenty-eeven carriers and the five
new men will give him it force or tuir-
ty-two. Those who will receive too
appointment uro tho present substitute
carriers in the order of seniority. Their
names are Elmer Affick, Gvorge Jotioj,
(colored), V. C. Cannon, Johu IVIaloney
and Richard Grimes. That will leave
only ono substitute George It. Gehrer,
ou the force. Additional substitutes
will be nppointod us soon us toe result
of the recent eivil service examination
is made known.
Alter the first of September there
will b three deliveries duily on Sand
erson's Hill, four in Providence aud
throa iu the business section of uroen
Ridge. Hyde Park Las hud three de
liveries for some time pust. Oue of
the new carriers will be put on the
South Side and two more in the central
city. -It is the intention to create a
new route to include Washington ave
nue from Luukuwunna to Viuo street
with the intersecting streets from
Washington to A lame avenue.
Excursion to Farvlaw.
For a delightful trip go to Fnrvlew on
Saturday, Auq. 11. It will bo ono of the
best outings of tho season. There will be
a base ball gutue, shooting gallery, and
plenty of other uttractions to make tbe
day a pleasant one.
Scranton division No 00, Uniformed
Rank Knights of Pytbiu3 is going ou thut
date. The fart! fur tho round trip is only
00 cents for adults, and Sti cuute for chil
dren. This is tho lowest rnf-s offered thin
scneon, eo do not mlse it, Uermiuna band
and orchestra will furnish tbe The
train will leuve tho Delaware and Hudson
now depot on Lackawanna avenue at Mj
a. u.
The Electrical workers will hold their
llrst annual picnic aLaurol Uill Park next
Saturday, Aug. 11. Admission 10 cents.
There will be all kinds of refrntthments on
the grouudu, aud gamoe of all hinds ,wlll
be hud. '
Conway House, 132 and 184 Fenn Ave,,
Is where you will always iind good eervion
and courtaoue treatment, tbe tuble ie al
ways supplied witb tho best in tuo luui'k-t.
Transient und local trade solicited.
I will, prosent one thousand dollnn In
gold to any ono whom I cannot cure of epi
leptic convulsions or tits. Dn. E. Gkuwki;,
Ull Spruce street, bcrantou, Fa.
di i:d.
FASSOLD. At Greenwood, Tuesday, Am?
8, Edward Fassold, son of tbo lata Ed
ward Fassold, proprietor of the Green
wood hotel, njied 10 years nnd 7 months.
Funeral Friday ut J! p. in., from the residence.-"
Interment at Fitteton Avenue
LOFTCS Jobn Loftus, ngod 65 years, at
his residence on lJariior slreot, Unu
luore. Wddiiosdav evoniiiu. Funeral Sat
urdny morning from St, Mary's Catholic
church, Duninoro.
n mm mm nm I
We Paint and
Fire China
to Order.
Come in and
See Our
New Goods.
W. W. BERRY, Jeweler
Best Sets of Teeth, $8. oo
Including the palnlons extracting
of teeth by an entirely new pro
tens. S. O. Snyder, D.D.S.
Dr. Haggerty Will Try 'to Havo Con
way's License Revoked Hear
inR to Take Place Today.'
The men whom Dr. nagjorty ae
cusos of ussaultiug him were not ar
reatud yesterday, although they vrero
exnectiug a cull from u constable at
any moment. Seme people who don't
know the combative doctor very well
believed that he hud concluded to let
the canes drop rat'.ior than court the
further notoriety thut they will iuevi
tubly brintf. How fur thoy wore wrong
in their eormisea is to be judged from
the fact thut tuo doctor has not ouly
not let tho oases drop, but h&s begua
other litigation as well.
Yesterday afternoon he stated to 3
Tkibuke reporter that he would have
bis assailants arraigned before Alder
man Fuller ut 1) o'clock this uioruln;:
and thut he hud instructed his j.ttorncy,
E. C. Novoom be, to petition court to
grant a rulo to compel P. J. Conway to
show cause why his license ahull not
be revoked.
Tho doctor suys ho cun prove that
the Conway houne is open on Sunduys
and thut liqaor bus boon Bold there ou
the babuatb.
She Could Not Siatid Her F.odjrlck'a
111 Troatmnot.
Mrs. Edith Carpenter of tho West
Side, yesterday bgan un actio i to st
core a divorce from her husband Fred
r . i . , .
1 Pfeserving Kettles 1
The time is near at f)
hand to use thsm, so h
f. figure ahsad. )
U-'liuirt, 4-jutirt, Cquart, 8-(mart,
25c. 35c. 40c. 45c.
10 qaart, :2-!uart, It-quart, IS-quart, r
G5c. 75c. 90c. U
I Also 1-quart Tin Fruit
Cans at 45c. doz.
a H
I I mm go. I
126 Penn A vs. t
We are now
prepared to do
business at
our new build
ing, 322 .
Washington Ave.
Tne Scranton Business College
Now aud liftud.iomo buililiug. All modern improvenicats.
.LoL'atioa the best possible. Quiet aud healthful.
Two Sessions Day aud Evening.
Three Thorough aud Complete Courses :
Business Course. Shorthand Course. Combined Course.
Proprietors fully alivo to tho w.iuts aud reciuireiuou'i3 of busi
ness men.
Teachers who have spent many years of active work in couutiag
rooin aud class-room. OPENING DAY, SEPT. 3.
Office temporarily in (Jaraer. Brown & nKOJf 13UITMfli?R ,?f f,f)
Co. 'a store.eor. Adams Ave and Linden DUtA, niilliUAD 0i IJ.
Of SHOES Is Now On
And you'll not he treating yourself riht it you don't take advantage ot it.
Evrrv shoe in tho houao is reduced to cost, and many goo Is such as RUS
SETS nnd all BUMMER SHOES, a good deal loss than coat.
WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, best quality, worth SI. 50 a pair, will bo sold
for 75 CcNTS.
Scme.Uiat ara soiled anl disaolored will be sold for 23 CUNTS a pair.
Thero la no half way business about it, bnt n ijreut housefull of GOOD
)E3 at the cost of mahiujr them. LET Ud SEE YOU.
Don't You
Brown Think
b bursas
. - Z
a; rc
erick Carpenter, who is a resident of
scott township. Attorney u. J. ueedy
Hied the papers in the case for Mrs.
lhis warring couple were married
un March 19. 18S8, aud Mrs. Carpenter
declures that ou and after May 1, 1B01,
Mr, Carpenter so ill treated her and
aiudo her" life no burdensome tbat on
May 18, 1893, she wus oompellod to
withdraw from hia homo in Scott
township. They have no children.
The Dies) Was Caused by a Defoctivo
At '1 15 yesterday f.fternoon a &'
broke out iu tho factory of the Soran
ton Caramel company on Cepouae ave
aua. Tho cause was a (iofeulive fluo.
The flames were extinguished with
out the aid of the firo companies.
Eat 1!w;au made from Fillsbnry's Best
and ho hi'nUhy.
nothing but the best.
You will be satisfied
if you call on J. BOLZ and
get some of the bargains he
is offering.
A $5 Coat for $1.49.
A $7 Ccat for $3.
A Fine BlackOlay vZorsi
ed Coat for $5, vrcrtli
Ladies' Cape3,ailsad83,
for C3c.
Ladios' Tailor-mado Salts
for $4.75, worth $9.
f Sn r US. rl:E OF CHARGE
J .is Durins tho Summer.
KiaJ a eLcJ' Vitay itsjBP JZ,:
1S3 Wycaiins Avo.
Vy 'tir j u v2 Lii XJ-
12S Wyoming Avo.
i P UT1 OS G B N' S V A. L " 1 7 lAl 1
In 'hiia Black, Tan3 und Gr:y
Former Prices, ?;1, 1. S and ?t,50
mm bi
t, - "1 IIHTfl
OA ! 0
Cor. Lackawanna and
Wvominp; Aves,
s Its
.J .thr ll
2' w tvt.
Greatly Reduced in Prioe.
Think So? .
I'J o.