1'IIE KCIi ANTON TRIBUNE -TITUESD AT MORNING. AUGUST 9, 18D4. PUILitHCD DAILY IN SCRNTON, THI Taisue PuiutHiNa Company. K. P. KINQSaURV, (MM INfMIO AT YMC KBTOPVI! AT GNANTOH PS KCONA-OLAM MAIL HATTCB. "Printers' Ink," tlio roeot'ulieil Journal for advertisers, lutes the SCIIANTON Tit I III N E us the bust advertising lued luin hi Northeastern Feuusylvaulo, "1'rlutora' luk" know. HCRAKTON. AUGUST 9. 18SU. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. for Governor: Daniel h. hasting! OF L'BNTKU. Tor Litlltcnanl Governor: WAlI'ER 01" ALLUUHUNY. lor Auditor General: AMOS H. JIYLRl 01' LAJiCASIUK. Sor Secretary oflternal Affair! JAMES V. LATTA, Or fUlLAUGLl'HIA. For Congrvsemen-al-Liiriie: UALURH A A. GROW, OIT SLSgUtHANNA. GEORGE K. HUFF, OIT WEHIMUKKLAMX Election Time, Nov. ft Peace-lovino advocates of the Wilson bill urgue thut'a measure of some kind should be pussed iu order that the couutry may bo relieved of the BUspeuse and uneortaiuity of tho hour. An eurly adjournment would do more to relieve the nution of sus pense. So long as the present congress Is in existence a feeling of uncertainty and unrest will prevail, no mutter what disposition it way niako of tho tariil bill. National Guardsmen, Our citizen soldiers have been active during the past few days making pre parations for the annual encampment of the national guard, which will be held at the historlo battle ground of Gettysburg next week. Advance de tail are already enroute for the famous battle ground and upon Saturday the reveille will arouse iifteeu regiments of the best equipped, best dr.iled and bravest militiamen in the country. According to Adjutant General Green land's latest report, there will be draw n up for a week of nrmy life in the Held the First brigade, with 2,751 men; the Secoud brigade, with 3,170 men, and the Third brigade, with 2,0-! 4 men. Pennsylvania has reason to be proud of the fact that when it was thought that militia might be necessary to quell the riots at Chicago the members of the national guard of this stalo were the soldiers selected upou account of their excellent discipline and re markable eilleiency. As Captain Iaidgers remarked in his report to tho war department, the members of the Pennsylvania national guard "are no longer regarded as play soldiers by anyone, but as a well-organized, well lnstiucted and well-disciplined body of volunteer soldiers, who can be de pended upou to carry out the orders given them to preserve the peace." The annual encampments whether brigade or regimental, are looked for ward to with pleasurable anticipations by members of the guard who take in terest in soldier life, and the outings are a source of great enjoyment, giving as they do glimpses of actual service in camp existence and opportunities for greater perfection In battalion and other drills. The bravo boys of the Thirteenth who will leave for Gettys burg tomorrow evening are to be con gratulated upon their high standing in the National Guard of Pennsylvania, and The Tribune joins with their hosts of friends la this section of the state In the hope that the Gettysburg gathering will be among the most en joyable of encampmeuts. If the Scranton base ball director ate would engage a large hall and charge admission to their meetings, It is believed that just at present the scheme would prove even a greater drawing card than a game with thd Wilkes-JJarre nine. Will Cftmpbell Speak? That post office robbery may lead to interesting complications. The Times charges that the combination of the safe in which the stamps were lept was known to every peruon employed about the position, even including the charwoman. Postmaster Vaudling, backed by Inspector Owing, has made a demand on Proprietor Campbell of the Times to name one person asido from the postmaster and his assistant who knew the talisman that would cause the iron doors of the safe to swing open. If Mr. Campbell refuses, and he says he will, the postofllce department at Washington will be appealed to, and if warrant can be found In-law a rigorous eflort made to compel the proprietor of the Times to give freely of the information he is believed to have at his command. Hut dismissing this side issue it would appear that if Inspector Owing poRsesses anything like the analytical mind and keen perception of his proto type, Sherlock Holmes, ho should hove no very great difficulty In un raveling what at first glance seems a most mysterious crime. At frequent intervals well meaning people raise their voices at the disgrace of an open patrol wagon on our streets and wasto loads of sympathy upon the occupants of the vehicle who are obliged to endure the curious gaze of the crowds on tho streets during their enforced rido to prison. This talk sounds nice and proper, but whilo moralizing upon the disgrace of tho ipen patrol wagon our friends could very properly at the same time advise feople to keep out of mischief that is iable to Insure them a ride in tho de spised conveyance. Soberly speaking, . it Would seem that persons whose pro pensities for evil pay the patrol wagon freight are not entitled to any great amount of sympathy. Debs continues to make the assertion that he will never engage in another strike. But .the intentions of Debs have ceased to be of interest to the public at large. Debs hus had his day and his descent to oblivion has been rapid enough to satisfy all of the mis directed trend of his ambition. Falling Into Line Previous to tho Luzerne county Re publican convention, held at Wilkes liarre on Tuesday last, the Wilkes Barre Hecord had been one of the most bitter opponents of John LeiHenriug, tlio congressional nominee of the con. ventlou. Iu its support of Morgan IX Williams, the opponent of Mr. Lelsen ring, the guns of the Record thuu" dered unceasingly us hot shot were poured iu tho direction of the Leisen ring camp. In spite of the efforts of the Record ami friends of Mr. Will iams the convention willed that Johu Leiseunug should represent Luzerne iu the next congress. The Record did not sulk lu the hour of defeat, but was first to rally to the banner of tho chosen candidate, gracefully submit ting to tho will of tho majority. Yes terday morning the Record contained a manly acknowledgement of its de feat, with assurances that tho paper would be in lino at the coming cam paign to right tor honest government and the protection of American indus tries, us usual. In an editorial which sparkles with the spirit of true Republicanism, tho Record says: Having finished tlio mastication of a lurge hikI strinpy dish ot crow we rise to renmrk that tho Wilkes-Burro Kocord is fur tlie entire Kopub'.iuiu ticket, heurt aud soul, from now on until tlio closing of tlio polls next NoYomber, We fought tho uomtontioii of John Leleurlu openly uuil squarely. M e wore for Jlorguu 11. Willia'rs first, lust an J all the time. We bolioved he would make tlio atrougor candidate of the two. The cou vi'Utloo yesterday thought otherwise and we accept Us vnrdict us the si'iitiiuont of tho Kepubltcan party of Luzerne county. For that region no paper iu this county will support John I.oifenrlng more heartily than will tb Willies-birrs Kocord. In every political finut somebody must be teuton. The flirht for tho Uepmbllcun con gressioiial nomination lu this county was oue of the tuott notublo iu Its history. Mr. LelsnriiiR won by a majority of twenty-one voles, lie won surely and i entitled to the united support of tho en tiro party. Uo Is our candlduto now. Not the can didate of any fuctlou or diititot, bin of the entire county, uud all factional dis agreements should be wiped out, ull per sonal animosity forgotten iu the oue craud effort for the success of the entire ticket. To our esteemed KepubUoau coutuinpor uries who fought so manfully for Leienrlutj we extend our heurtiest con Krutulatlons. We aro glad that tho fljht is over, for now we can all turn in for Ho whole ticket and work shoulder to shoul der until it is elected. This is the one issue that divided us. That Is pant and gone uow, and wo acsure our contemporaries that thoy will find the Record right with thorn lu the AV'hc to the fiuisli. We shall not feel at ell offcruiod if they indulge in a measure ot emu'.iaiiou over their success. Noittier shall wo talcn It hard should they seo lit to "rub it in" to u for a day or two. We a-sure them that we shall endure the castiKtlou with ull due huinallty and after it over turn to with a will and Banc fur the Republican ticket with all our might. The foregoing has the ring of true metal and is an illustration of the spirit of harmony and good nature that should follow Republican nominating conventions where the battle for su premacy has been fair. Front present indications the united Republican party of Luzerne will have little dilll culty at tho coming ejection iu placing an effective utitmp of disapproval upon Democracy and demngosism as repre sented in our mother county. Hix defeats. That is Scranton's record thus fur in the Eastern league. Let us hope that the string of defeats will not equal the splendid record of victories our club made in the Statu league. Who Receives Benefit? An exchange remarks that Ameri can wool was selling at CO cents per pound when Renjamiu Harrison went out of office. Now, under the agita tion for free wool by the Democrats, the same can be purchased for 30 cents. The sheep raiser probably knows this aud is rnuklug plans to go out of busi ness, after losing moro that 50 per cent, of his investment, but there is not a sign of benefit in the reduction to bo seen by anybody consumer or dealer. It would bo quite au able argument ou the tariff whittling side of the house if some good follower of the Cleveland banner could give an 11 lustra tiou of marked reduction in woolen goods to the consumer, or demonstrate where tho benefit comes lu. In this particular instance the article lu question fails to "adjust" Itself in accordance with tho ideas of the enthusiastic tariff reformer. Will Postmaster Vandltno in duce Proprietor Campbell to talk? That is a much mooted question just now. Advance of Corn Prices, A most remarkable event in the his tory of industrials occurred this week when the price of corn suddenly roso above tho price of wheat on the New York murkot. Tho nctiou of corn caused a panic in Chicago speculative circles aud fortunes were made and lost in the pit in a few hours. An ex change remarks that the significance of this event becomes moro striking, aud its economic meaning plainer, when it is recalled that throughoutour entire industrial history, until the re cent vast extensiou of wheat culture, the price of wheat averaged double that of corn. Moreover, while wheat sells now for barely half the price it reached os recently as 1S01, corn is ruling well above the level of such years as 1878 and 1871), when the v paper inllutlou premium on prices for the first time vanished. Nor is this difference due alone to possiblo dumage to this sea son's crop; for at least 600,000,000 bush els could be deducted from the govern ment's latest estimate, and still leave a yield of corn as large as that of 1878. It scarcely needs demonstration to make clear that if silver demonetiza tion had broken the price of wheat, tbe present advance In corn, even with the undoubted speculative exaggera tions, would have been wholly impos sible. Decline In wheat Is undoubtedly due to extensive cultivation during the past few years and tlie failure to work off the surplus in European markets. Many of the European buy ers who a few years ago drew largely upon tho United Htates for food sup piles now secure wheat from Brar.il and other South American territories that ure gradually entering iuto com petition with this country. Since the decline in wheat a year ago many hopeful speculators, especi ally in the margin fields have ventured frequently iuto wheat chances, positive that the present prices could not long prevail. Shareholders have Indulged in many vain dreams of luxuries that would follow the lucky morning that hus never dawned when wheat would suddenly leap to its old figure of oue dollar per bushel. Thisivcentexhibi tiou of market vagaries in the unex pected fluctuation of prices of corn ought for a time to dispel the hopeless dreams of wheat speculators, having so fully demonstrated that wheat can never under existing circumstances re gain its former status on a solid busls. President Cleveland's exhibi tion of disgust at the recent labored tribute paid him by Senator Vilas is a new proof that (hero is such a thing as overdoing the business in the matter of spreading taffy. Better Mail Service. Postmaster Vandling announces that the department tit Washington has al lowed five additional mail curriers fur this city. Tho increased force will on- abla Mr. Vandling to ivdiwtrict the city and have mail delivered by the curriers at more frequent iutenuls during the day. There have been somo complaints heard in the past because of an insulll clent number of deliveries in certain parts of the city, but when the work of redisricting tlie city is completed and tlio new carriers aro at work, it is be lieved that Seianton will have a mail service commensurate with its com mercial importance. A force of thirly-two men is none too large to give an adequate mail de livery to all sections of this widely scattered city, but with such a force at his dispo.-al Mr. Vandling believes be will be able to give entire ttuisfaciioii. Wrnr the arrival of the western hot wave theyoung man who possesses a best gun becomes more aud more im pressed by tlie startling tales in refer ence to wholesale poisoning from ice cream tlfit appear in tho uuwsi'apjrs. Tin: Coxky army lias dibi;ud;'d and Uncle Sum has kindly betit tlio members of the forlornu hope to tVir homes in tbe liuckeye state. Another dream of glory Inn been dissipated. The national debt wus increased nearly ffjO.uOD.OOO last year. Yet many of tho Democratic; reformers cm still speak of the wcilt of tlio present ad ministration without a blush. Cakhondale's doom is to be crowned with a base, bull club. Let no one hereafter charge the Pioneer City with lack of enterprise and heroic aggress iveness. A T THE Pie Counter. There is on cberviug librarian In NdW York who thinks hn con tell the soason of the year timply by looking nt the librury record. Hi snid to a World writer the other day: "Look at this record for yes terduy of books drawn out: History, 1; snlenne, X; biography, 0; essays, 1; lloliou, 5'4 That' a fair summer record." Ilu took a record for January out of his drawer. It wae: History, 5; science, IU; biography, 4; religion, 2; esbuys, 4; (lotion, 115. "That's a fair January record. Now, let ui look at Itu.t year's September record, uud you will luurn somutbliiK that will surprise you." H wus: History, 1; science, J; blogruphy, it; reliion, 8; essays, fiotioii. iW. ".Now, the fiction road in summer is al tnont altogether of the light sort, titaudArd authors and serious writers of modern fiction aro rnrely called for. In the fall the; standard authors and essays and religion have a Kraat run, Tho rea Kon? It is simple enough. After reading light stufJ nil summer, when people como back to town, the consciences jump up un d tell them that they ore potting alto gether too shallow nmi lllppant, aud they go In for something serious. Then, too, naturally one can appreciate T aackoray best after he has had n diet of trash. Two mouths from now the girl who went about with a yellow-backed novel will bo deep In Emorsou. When January comes thoy seom to feel that thoy have atoned for their sins, and it is then that tho best modern authors are roRd almost ulto iTftber. You will notice that publishers bring out the now works of novolista like Mrs. Ward, 111. Hardy, Mr. Twaiu and Mr. Merodith in January or February. Tho reason Is apparent." What FlooiiilU Him. Uigautic dumb bells ho could litt From eight o'clock till four, And he could ride upou his wheel Two hundred miles or more. The people came lor mile to see The weight that he could twirl. But he swooutd away whou hU wifoaekod him To fire the servant girl. J&icAunoe. In Japan. Jatipouef o secretary You say you want to serve uaf American Yes, sh e I "And you are from the United Btato.i" "I am, aire I" "And you uudoratuud military mat tcrE:'" "As a book, sire I" "What military service have you seon In America that would makoyou valuable to nnf" "I'm a pension attorney, sire." Cleveland I'lain Dealer. That Summer Girl: I thought she was a jewel quite As precious as the best; I called bor suoh by day aud night With fascinating zest. But when one day 1 kissed her cheek 'Twas so with Hour defucaj Tim flavor of my Hps did spenk Tbe damsel more like paste. -ZJoston Courier. . All the latter-day playwright wunti is time and be will unfold all tbe mysteries of all the world's Industries to an eagerly Imbibing public. Arthur U Bidmaa's new play will have for Its rcnlistlo feature the Interior of an old mill, tbe motive power for tbe running mar-binary being an old wator-wheol which will bo turnod by reul wet water. . Handlb With Carb: The expressman bad just picked up an elaborately packed article. Excelsior Matured from between the slats, and the admonition, "Handle with care," was painted in bin letters. "I wonder what's in horsf be ex claimed. "Something that thoy'or mighty particular about." "Yes," replied a fellow workman. "Hare it says 'fragllo' and just under it 'brenk alile,' aud on the other sldo is tbe waruin' 'lift gently.'" "Something mighty precious, I'll, bet. By jinks, I've got au idea, I kuow what itK" "What?" "A chunk of armor plate. Gimmo a band on It. and for the lovo of lifo don't jar it any mora'u you can help." Wanh fiiyfon War. Complications: The king of (,'orea looked blue And he murmured, "Ketweon me and you, With tho Lion, tbe Dear Aud some Dragons to sparo, ' Thoro is troublofor mo iu tho Zoo." U'ustoiyJon Mar. A Summer Way. Blot be the tie that binds, Though It cost breath and dollars; It's bettor than tha oue that climbs Above our tallest oollurs. Chicago Inter -Ocean, FOR DELEGATE ELECTIONS. Apportionment of Republican Hepreeen tatlou iBom the Various SlsMots. Pursuant to a mooting of the Ropubll can County committee neld on July 14th, 1SU4, tho County Convention will be held un Tuesiiay.beptember 4th, Ife'.U. at 10 o'clock a. ni., lu the court house at Scran ton, for the purpose of placing in nomina tion caudidutos for tbe following named offices, to be voted for at tho next geueral election to bo held November 0th, 1S'J4: Congress, Eleventh district; Judge, Forty ll:h Judicial district; ahuriff, treasurer, clerk of courts, prothonotary, district at torney, recorder of deeds, resistor of wills, and jury commissioner. Vigilance committees will hold delegate elections on Saturday, Ht'ombar 1st, butweeu tha hours of 4 aud 7 p. m, They will filto ylvo at h'n;.t two days public notice of '.b'j lii.io uud place for holding Said eleettoim. Each oluctum district should elect at the dnid delegate election, two quulilled pur eons to serve as vlgilnnce comuiitteo for one year, aud havo their names certified to, on the credentials of dolcfiitss to tha County Convention, The reprcentatiou of delegates to the County Convention is bused upou the vote cast laiit fall for Fell, candidate for judge of lupretuo court, he being the highest ollicer votod for at said Hute election. Under this rule Miosuvoiu! cljctiou diatrlcta are entitled to rspreMSU'atloii as follows, viz: Archbald hnrnntih- lst ward, Int. illst.. 1-t ward, 'H Uist,. M ward .'Id ward Blithely borough lstdlxt 1 l iMdixt 1 li bM:nt 1 it 4-h dht I 1 Olyiihnut borough I 1st ward 1 '21 2.1 ward 2 m warn i.'d ward a yd ward. Mward liimtou township.... Clifton towmliip.. .. ' oviimton t.'WushiD I Hansom township... 1 8.rantou city 1 1st ward. 1st diet.. li -I Irt ward, 2d dlst.. 1st ward, ad dlst.. 2d ward, 1st dlst.. Xd wurd, 2d d.st... 2.1 ward, - d diet... 2d ward. 4th list.. 2d ward, 6th dist.. 3d ward, 1st dlst.. Al warn. 2d dist... 4th wsid, 1st dist.. 4i in war, I, 2d illst.. 4,h ward, 'id (list.. Ilh ward, 4th dint.. Cull ward, l-'t dlst., Mli ward, 2U d.st.. 5'.h ward, Hd dist.. fith ward, 4th dist., Dili ward, lutd'st.. tltliwurd, 2.1 dist.. 7 Ui ward, 1st dlst.. 7th ward, 2d dist.. 7th ward, 8d dlst.. Ktli ward, 1st dist.. Ntli waid, 2d dist.. Uthward, 1st dist.. lull ward, 2d dist.. pith ward Utli ward, 1st dlst. lith waul, 21 (list. I J til ward, 3d dlst. 12:h Ward, 1st illst 12th ward, 21 dlst. J.ith ward, 1st diut i:ith ward, 2d (Hit. lHth ward, 8d dlst, 14ili ward, 1st dist lull ward, 2d diet. lMli ward, 1st dist loth ward, 2d (list. l(l:)i ward. 1st dist llith ward, 2d illst. 17th ward, 1st dist 17th ward. 2d dist. Carbon. I. ile township ixoriuoiuji (hs,. ... Not th west dint.... Ko. V filHt Carboudale city Int ward, lt dlut., Irtt ward, 3.1 (Vst.. I'd ward. M .list.. LM wurd, 2.. Jilt. .. id ward, ad dit... ;M ward, hit dit.. M ward, MdiM... 11.1 ward, o I .-.-.it.., 4tll wurd, l:.t (list.. 4Ui ward, Xd disc. 4 iii wure, lid l:sb. . it.'i war J, mi liist.. ntu ward, 2 I (liat.. '5tii ward. lHtiltst.. 6th ward, 'M dint.. L'leks.in City buro lit ward 2.1 ward Ounmore lioroiii;h 1st ward, 1st dist.. 1st ward, 2.1 tli.t.. 'Al ward, Int .list. . 2d ward, 2d diut... Hd ward, 1st (list.. Ud ward, 2d dint... lid ward, ltd dist... 4th ward 0 li 1! I 3' i; ' u l 1: 0 1. r ii i 0 2 1 1 1 1 li li II ' 1 (.Ui wsrJ 1 Dthward, lKtdlst.. 1 Uth ward, 21 dist.. 1 Elmhurst lownsiitp, 1 l'ell township 1st dim 21 (list 1 Hd clist 1 Oleiiburn borough.. 1 Mouldnboro borough 1 Oieenfl.ild township 1 Jeifersun townsliip. 1 Ji-rinvu borough lttlli ward 1 llith ward, 1st dlst 2 l'jill ward, 2d dlst. lt'th ward, 3d dint, iflth ward, 4th dlst 20th ward, 1st dist 2'itli ward, 2d dist. 20th ward, 3d dist. 21st ward. 1st (list. 1st ward 2 2.1 ward 2 M ward 1 Lackawanna towns'p North (list 2 Son tli (list. Went rllit K istdist Northeast disc..,. Houtuwest di-jt. ... Lai'lumo brTuuifu, Lehigh township,... Mi-dlson towTisiiip.. Mnytleld horouirb... Newton towie-lup... iN. Atilugl'n i.owiis'p Old Forge township 21 21st ward, !d dist . 3 S. Ahinirtun towns'p 1 fcurlmi Brook t'wn'n 1 S.'uttMlWIIKlllp 2 j wuver.y iioiMUgu... i I 'Wlntnn borough 2' Istdl-t I II 2d dist 1 1 Total 134 Attest: D. W. POWELL, Chairman. J. W. MtOWNINd, Heerotary. BABY CARRIAGES (r-,, i ', l..;-...- CENT. IJKUUCTIOX on our entire line of OAliMAGIS. COURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. 422 , Lacka. Avcnua. BUY THE -ST- 20 PEH For many years this Piano has stood in the front rauka. It has beon admired so much for its pure, rich tono, tiiat it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is oonsidorod tho highest com phment that can be paid any Piano to (say "It resembles tho WEDER." Wo now have the full control of thi9 Piano for this section as well as-mauy other flue Piunoa which we are soiling; at groatly rodaoed prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you seo pur goods and get our prices ' , '( GUERNSEY BROTHERS' HEW STORE GOLDSMITH'S CARPET NEWS y O THOSE wh o are building new homes, as well as those who intend embellishing their present homes, we beg leave to say that our Mew Fall Stools: is rapidly arriving, and orders that are placed from now until September ist (during the slack season), that they can save at least "JO Pei Cent. No larger collection of all of the best makes to be found anywhere in this city, and we consider it no trouble to show our goods. Curtains and Drapsries Are a Specialty With Ds Spe anil Geld Rennaissance, WMte and Gold Ccrrugatea, Extra Strong and Massive, size 5 Goldsmith With tlie New Valves Cut of Sight Our new Bicycles arc now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. , VICTORS, SPALDING, OEDEMA, GENMONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low price3 Second-hand Wheels. on J. 31 4 Lacka. Ave. B&8 A Fell Assortment Letter Copying Boob OUE SPECIAL: A 500-piiT3 10zV2 Book, bouni? lu cloth, ahcep back and corners, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENQPeAVINa Stationers and Engravers, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill $ Son Albany Dentists 6"t twth. fVW; host sot, f 8: for (roll car and fouth without plates, culled crown and prlilifn work, call tvr prluui and rei'orenoiii. l'UNAl G1A, fur extracting UU) Wlttious liaia. Mo etlier. Uo gas. OVKU yiKKT K AllOS At HANK. 224 Y. M. C. A, OUILDINQ Reynolds Bros. 8 B of Easels omi sal size 6 feet, only Brothers & m : Iter ,p Ceiling Agents, 227 Laclta. An EVANS & POWELL, PROPRIETORS. ;u:i2!tiUikUiCslifUSHKiUHffi ai lireatiy Keaucea prices 3 OIL ANOGAS STOVES ? Foote & Shear Co., 613 LACKA. AVE. FANCY "Jenny Had" Canteloupss, HOM13 OH OWN Green Com ani Tomatoes, Lima Beans, Ui Plant, etc, PIERCE'S MARKET and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE, THEY ARE AND WILL SOON BE $ijj. THE REMAINDER OF OUK STOCK OF 4 ALASKA I REFRIGERATORS, ! t ICE BAZMR 49c. 73c. lest 6, onlj Company. COLUMBIA BI0YCLE AGENCY IU Spruce St. Op, Tribune Office, In addition to tbe finest line of Now Wheels on th niarket, e otter tho fulowitiir Spocfal Barifaius fog AUKUft: 1 StMinm8rw-m!, i rjulon Special, 1 Imp. rial, Uevclani h. i MaJ.'!o, 1 VI .-tor, i Hickories aud J CoU nmbiaa. all it, iiprrect condition. Prices from 815 tO lOO uaca. Call and stcui'o a Ku&olne bargain. ml m giSMl g Don't Forget It. THE GREAT BIO OV THE Scranton Press Club Lake Ariel, Tuesday, Ang. M ELEVEJt SCDLI.INQ RACES, From Junior slnglo snail to tlio big eight orcul shell, compotad in ly all the bust row ing clubs and oarsnum in America, and A GltliAT YACIIT UACE Botwuen AttnrnovO. Suiltli's "Flying Cloud" aud Cai.taiu Joseph AJreunhalijU's "Ariel," of Newark, K. J. SI bCIAL 1UAINS 1BOM ALL ?OIMS. KXCVKMOK TICKKTS From Scranton, Duninora, Arora. Pittston and Port lilaiiebardAdu!ls.$l; chll(lreu,iVJc. sii.H-ial IC. A: W. V. train. Kroru Cirlioiidulo, iliS)-, Mayiljld, 11,15; Jvrmyu, il. IU; Arch na d, Wintuu, PockvUlc. Olyphaut and l'rico. burg, tl ; special D. & li, train. From Ply mouth Junction. w'ilkss-IHrru, Parsons und minors' Mills. $1.25; t..uul U. Ji IL train From HonuaUule and Wlilto Stills, 76o; from I!j'lny. ojo.; mwolul E. W. V. train. Sum train rrv. o '.ioiu.i In ttio sreniuir. Utt your tiokuts early and avoid tho excur sion tlav rus'i. W'huU ucwapapcr local oolumus (or other iulormuiiou. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Dentist rromi't attention to calls for troatmontof ail domistig uutmals. ' Veterinary Modiolus oarofully compoundol and (or sale at reasonable yrlces. t.R?1?.,,!,119 nlumo Carriage Works, VX UlA i Oh KT, hci auton. whore I dirsot shoa uig aftiru.;aM Graduate of the American Veterinary CoU logo and the Columbian School of Compara tive Medicine. Well, Sir! "Spoctacles!" Yes, sir! Wa have a speoial ist hore to fib you who dooa nothing else. Sit riirht down TY ami have your eyo3 fitted in a soientifio manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. Inserted iu TUB THIBUXIS MteofONE CENT A WORD. tat