0 TIIE SCEANTON TEIBTOiTI-TIIIJIiSDAY MORNING,' AUGUST 9. 1S94; ASE BALL Providence Makes It Three Straight from the Disgruntled Scrantons. . BUT WE'LL GET THERE BY-'IB-BY The Club from the "Town Near Scran ton" Also Loses and Drops a Notch In tho Pennant Race Erlo and Sy racuse the Other Eastern Leaguo Winners Standing of the Clubs. National Leaguo Results Base Ball ond General Sporting News. ELL, WHltes-Barre, it was not onr fault that the Blackbirds stepped in between ut. Tha fact that you were several rounds further down the ladder is the secret of it. Proridence yester day took tlie third conseontive game from the Serantous, aud thus mude bur position at the top of the Eistorn league pennant race very difficult to nrruouut. Erie's victory over Bina hxintoD places the former in third plane, Wilkes-Burre having lost her sixta consecutive game to Buffalo, and only holding on to fourth position by the narrow margin of two point. Syracuse aUo won a closely contested game from SpriuifSeld. The pureeutajres of tha clubs, num ber of Ktiuiep won and thulr sttiudiut; in the league race is as follows: Won. Lost. PerC't. Providence fiO !i7 Hcranton 4:) 34 Uric 88 t!3 Wilkes-ttarre... VJ 87 Buffalo 40 44 Syracuse 4i) 41 SluiuxUeld U0 4.) lJiiigliatiitou.... tii ,55S .MD .513 .611 .4' ) I AM .2'JU SIXTH STRAIGHT. lUason Why We Failed to Eefeat Prov idence Yastsrday, Tha would-beve-been champious of the- State league went down again be fore the snip-shot fluid play and the wback-tiy-whaclf wiilcw inuslo of the luij-litv men from Provideuco yester day, "it's a long road that has no turn," but the borne team has bean turning so long In the same direction that we have tear for the future. The score of 11 to 2 might have been reduced if Douorun bad presented the Provideuce men with fewer tissues on balls, if the team work had been stronger or it the hits bad bsen less dis posed to fall into ths evr-witiD' paws of the other Mlows. That's the story. Aside from Donovan's predisposition to put the ball anywhere but over the plate, be pltehed us good a game as Sullivan until tho eighth inning;, when he whs fallou upon for four long hits, each of whlcu was good for two baues and which netted three runs for the visitors. The local nine individually pluyed good ball, though Caliill migh be criticised for letting two hot ground era go by htm and Smith and Rogers made the bleachers groan by indicisive fielding and muscilage lingers respec tively. WMU Johnston, the new center fielder, failed to appear like any great potatoes with tho stick, he covered sev eral uill-s of territory oat In the Held and corralled many a sky-scraper. Cahill found tbe leather every time be was at Dat, with one exoeption, but be either flew out or could not beat tbe ball to first, and the same hard luck fell to the lot of Donovan. Rogers was le't on tho bases four times, and to bis good stick work, and that of Side wheeler, Massey and Staltz, belongs most of tbe credit for the work at bat. In tbe sixth, eighth and ninth innings the home team was retired in one, two and three order, and in the seventh but four had the ehauee to rnp at the ball After the fifth inning we were not in tbe game. Tbe work of tbe big men from the small state was excellent without ex ceptiug any player. Knight, left field, caught the grand stand by several difficult catches, and Strieker, second base, and Rogers, first base, made dif ficult plays. In the seventh inning Rogers, of Scranton, soratohed third on Dixon's poor throw, and everybody drew a long breath when big iliiisev moved him self to the plate. lid spat npon Lis bands and after two vicious and inef fectual swipes the crowd made ready to swoon. Massey gave an extra Litali to bis troussrs and knocked tbe third and good ball out of sight over far left field. When it came down Knightpull ed it in after a running jump in the air. It was one of the best exhibitions of a fielder's judgment seen this yeur, Here is the agony: SCRANTON. R H Cahill, 2b 0 0 Johnston, c. f 1 0 Rogers, c 0 8 Massey, 1 b 0 0 Wetzel, r. f 0 0 Halts, L f 1 2 Smith, s. s 0 0 Westlake, 3 b 0 1 Donovan, p 0 0 PO. A. E. 2 6 1 5 0 1 L 3 0 W 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 1 1 2 1 18 0 1 1 24 14 1 P.O. A. E. 8 0 0 0 6 1 2 0 0 18 0 0 2 4 2 8 3 0 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 27 13 "I 0 0 0-2 Total 8 PROVIDENCE. r. n. Lyons, a f 2 liassett, 3 b 2 Knight, If 1 Kogers, lb 1 Dixon, s. s 1 Strieker. 2 b 1 Murray, r. f 1 SIcAuley, o 1 Snllivan p. , 1 Earned runs Scranton, 1 Providence, 8. First batte by errors Soranton, 3; Providence, 8. Left on base Scrauton, 7; Providence, 8. First base on balls Oil Donovan, 7; off Sullivan, 2. Struck out By Sullivan, 1. Two-base hits Knight, Bnssett, Rogers, McAuley. Lyons, Sac rifice bits Smith. Stolen bases Dixon, THE SPRING OF ETERR4L YOUTH. Carlabad may bo truly termed the Spring of Eternal Youth. For centuries the famous Sprudel has been used as the best natural remedy for constipation, catarrh of the Ptomtich, dyspepsia and liver and kidney complaints, dia betes, etc. Best taken when out door exercise can be had. Bo sure to buy tho genuine imported ar ticle only, which must have the signature of "Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agante, New York," on every package. 8tricker, Murray, Sullivan. Double plays Smith to Cahill to Massey. Pawed balls Rogers. Umpire Snyder. Time-1.40. OH MYI OH MM OH Mil For the Sixth Oonstoutlve Time Wilkes Barre Loies to Buffalo. Wilkes-Barrb, Pa., Aug. 8. Wilku-liarre lost today's game vnth Buffalo by errors at critical points and failure to hit tbe bill when bits were bsdly needed, Ksenan pitched very effectively for the home team, but be did not reewlva the support that Holler did. Attendee, COO. Weather fine. WILKES-DARKE. BUFFALO. II. II. O. A, L.I It. I1.0.A. r. OillonSb. 0 1 1 3 l O'Br'nrb. 0 14 8 2 Ui'ssrf.'... 0 ISO ODr'bylK.S 1 6 0 n l.;;ot'oir. 1 14 0 "Collins if. 2 Ho:tscf... 0 1 4 0 OiDaly rt.... 1 Viiruuro. 0 0 6 0 0 Dose lib... 1 2 2 0 0 110 0 10 2 0 Kniiolb. 1 1 8 1 UCly'orct.. 1 14 0 0 Put tit 2b.. 1 0 0 0 1M owoess.. 0 0 8 a 1 Mo'ou us.. 1 J g 0 ORovdc... 0 2 0 t) 0 Kueuan p. 0 1 1 0 Oiliu'tior p... 0 0 1 1 0 Total 4 8 24 4 aTotal 7 0 27 It) 3 Wijues-Darro. 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1-4 Bullalo 4 000 1 020 X-7 Earned runs Wllkes-Barm. 1; Buffalo, 1. First lao by error -Wilki'H Birrs, 1: HnlFalo, V Loft od b s Wilkoi-l.'iivre, It; ltutlalo. 0. Flrt bmouu balls-Off Keeuan, 1; oil Hollnr, 2 Struck out-I.ezotto. (.lilkni, Vani.r, Koauan, I'ottit. O'Kriun, Dowso, lloyd, Hultur. Tliroo-l)He tiits Keen m, JIcMnhon, Cnllln.s, Duly. Stolen IwsoD He t, 1. Hit by jiltcllur Lbwi'o. t'ollms. Wild pltdiKS Kuuiin:i. 1'uas.o.l balls Wurtitfr. Liapiro Swartwujd. Time-l.oj. OTHER CASTS. UN LEAGUE GAMsS. At Syracuse Syracuse 2 2 000000 04 Springtkld....2 0000000 18 Hits Syracuso, 5; Springtleld, 8. Errors-Syrucu.su 2, SpriugtioM 0. Bat teries Kilroy and lioas, Millor uud Oineara Umpire Doeschor. At bingliamton ntnshamtou ..0 3102000 0-0 Krie. 0 2101080 x-7 Hits UinghamtoB, lii; Erie, 7. 12r ron liiuglmiuton, 6; Erlo, 2. Butteries Buryea and Rafter; iiorudou and Ciuu lion. Umpire Kottrick. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Brooklyn First game Brooklyu 0 0000000 11 Baltimore 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 2 4 Buttorios Kennedy and Daly, (ileasoii end KubiuHou. Umpires Lynch and Emlio. At Brooklyn Second game Brooklyn 0 0020021 05 Baltimore 7 1 0 2 0 0 1 0 213 Hits Brooklyn, 8; Baltimore, VI. Errors Broolt'yn, 1; Baltimore, 1. Batteries Suintnersgill, Daub and Kiuslow; Eper and Hobiusou. Umpires Lyucu and Ems lie. At Wtishlugtou Washington ..1 3 0 0 0 2 1 0 0-V3 Kew York....? 0 0 1 0 3 S 2 0-10 Hits Wushlugtou, 10; Mow York, VI Errors Wnsbinittou, tj; New York, 4. liutterios ulliVKii ard Mc!.4utro; M-kin, Ut-rmau, Vvusterwit aud Wiium. Uuipiro Kuefe. At Boston Bonton 2 0 0 7 0 0 0 1 0-10 Philadelphia ..I 1 4 0 (5 0 3 0 8 IS Hits Boston. 11; Pkiladdphiu, 2i Er rors Eostou, 8; Philadolphla, 2. Batter ies Stiyetts, f-taloy aud (ianzell; Harper and Buckley. Uuipiro GaiHuoy. At Pittuburg- Pittsburg 3 0 1 0 2 2 0 S 10 Clevoland 1 001100 03 The Clovelnnds refming to abide by a decieloti of tho uuipiro the gams was given terli's Ehret and Sugden; Petty and Zimmor. Umpire iloglaud. At Chicairo- Chicsuo 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2-11 Cincinnati ...,0 3 1 3 0 0 3 4 x 14 Hits Chicago, 19; Cincinnati, 10. Er. rors Chicago, 12; Cincinnati, (i. Batterlus Mctiill, Strattou, Kittroclpe aud Srhrivor; Dwyer and Murphy. Umpire AlcQuado. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Scranton vs. b'prlnglleld today. Two gilt-ed(;ed ruuniiig stops by Strickor yesterday put the bleachers oa tiptoe. Marty Swift, the manager-ia-doubt viewed the Rame from the grand stand. Be was given several, opp rrunitlet to criticise the playicg, but refrained from doing so. Sullivan and Donovan nre alike in on respect. Off-colored judgment on balls and strikes doesn't seem to trnublo them. Huilivan's invariable auswor to tbe worst end of it is a broad grin. One of the best games of baso hall ever wltneisod at Taylor was played there jes ter 1st between teams repreenting the Loyal Knights of America aud the Ameri can Mechanic, and reultod in a victory for the former by a score of 12 to 10. Howells and Davla were in the points for the Kuights aud Morris aud Bydon were the Mechanic's battery. Murray, who covers right Hold for Prov idence, i a good ball player and at heart a clover fellow, but he shows poor Judgment in wrangling witn tne umpire ror tbe edi fication of the grand stand. The crowd yesterday was roady to dub him many ugly names until near tbe eud of tbe game when a little fellow inside the ropes wus bit in the ribs , by a foul ball. Murray coddled him and the crowd "wus Wld 'im" afterward. Hacli is base ball. ENTRIES FOR TOMORROW'S RACES. They Give Promise of Some Fine Con tests. The four avents carded for tomor row's races of tha Gentlemen's Driving club have filled to the extent of twenty seven entries. The horses appear to have been well classified, aud clone and hard-fought beats will probably be witnessed. Following is the card; First race-4:00 class Georgia W, b.m., John Fritz, Nellie, g.m., John Eenoro. Harry ii., b.g., J. A. Swayze. Fred, b.g., C. M. Sanderson. Flaxey, a.m., J. T. Richards. Second race 8:00 class Dr. Chambers, b.g., H. U. Reynolds. John Uannon, b.g., C. M. Sandurson, Frank II., br.tr., F. C. Huzznrd. Coxey, g.g., W. O. Parke. Mambrlno Wood, br.s., J. J. Jermyn. Fanny blair, b.m., O. M. Hholly. Baron Lass, br.m., W. M. Jermyn, Third race 2.50 class Abagail, b.m., Dr. J. W. Haulier Jack, b.g., Dr. Charles HUE Fee Dee, b.m., M. H. Dale. St. Nick, b.g,, R. Crippen. Daisy, b.m., C. S. tieauians. Fred, bl.g., W. M, Jermyn. Duke, bl.g. L. T. Payne. Fourth ruce 2.40 class Johnny, br.g., Charles Scbadt. John, b.g., Dr. O. E. Hill. Net, b.m., J. L. Crawford. Keoley, b.g., W, M. Jermyn. Magnolia, bl.m., Dr. J. L. Wnntz. Farmer Boy, b.g.. L. A. Patterson. Mollie, b.m., Ambrose Spencer. COMING BICYCLE RACES. Will Be Oonduoted by the Green Bldge Whetlman, At tha Scranton Driving park on Aug. 23 the . Green Ridge wheelmen will hold their first annual raoe meet, It is one of tha youngest and most pro gressive bicycle olu os in the state. It is organized about one year, bat in that time fifty-five members have been en rolled. Tbe club bouse, which is situ ated id Sundurson's park on Wyoming avenue, is very neatly furnished and the boya are justly proud of their success as a bleyole organization. The responsibility of holding a race meet is a large one, but the Green Ridge wheelmen have fearlessly under taken the task aud promise tbe publio an afternoon of pure sport, such as has never before been seen lu this city. The races will U or class A mt.u only, which are always the most hotly eon tested ones, and some very fast time no doubt will be made. The programme of the afternoon is replete with inter esting races, among them being quar ter and half mile dashes, mile lap raoe, mile open, two mile haudloap, also a race for boys under 10 years of age. The Lackawanna oouaty champion ship racs will awaken muob interest as several local cracks will partislpate, among them being Gregory, Gilmore, Newmnn, Wiuans and While, CYCLISTS TO MEET IN DENVER. The League of Amirlosn Whaelmsn to Entertain Thouianda of Visitors. At a meeting of tha executive com mittee of the League of American Wheelmen tho following programme was outlined for tbe entertainment of guests during the sis days of tho na tional meet at Denver in August: Monday, Aug. 13. Tho moruiug will bo devoted to uu informal reception at head quurteis. In the aftoruoou a general day parade of all tlie wheelmen is contem plated, la the oveuiug a formal reception will be made, followed be au entertain ment. '1 uosday The morning und evening will be given up toievoral runs, it bciing the intoutlon to so diversify these ruiiB n to meet tho capacity of every visitor, Due division will be takau by railroaT to Pal mer lake, ut the summit of tbe divide, and will muko tbe ruu bacK to Douvsr on whoeln, a distance of tltty-four miles of continuous easy descent. Wad.ietday A grund league picaio will be held ou top of .Mount Lookout, seven-' teen miles from Denver. Tliuriday Morning, trial heatu; after noon, rucss. A new ouo-thlrd of a mile track, fifty feet wide, has beeu laid out at tbe Uenvor Wheel club nthletic grounds, in tho buart of tho city, itnJ no expound will bo spared to inalto it the fastest in tho country. Iu the evening a grain.1 Leaguo of American Wlieolmeu ball will bo given at t'olumeuiu bull. Friday Mornlug, trial heats; afternoon, races: evening, illuminated parade of wheelmen. Thero will also bo u banquet League of American whoelmeu oGlcers. Saturday Murniug, trial heuU; after l.oon, races; evening, farewell reception, outertaiument nud presentation of prizes. Following tbe moot it is proposed to orgunize a tour of tho wheolman from Denver to Colorado Springs and Mauitou. WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL. The ono thing which prevents Sanger from utilizing his extraordinary physical strength aud undoubtedly great kpfd is lark of judgment. A well Ttaown exprt says of him that all his riding is done with hl.s legs that his head counts for nothing. Exchange. Another bicyclist will attempt to dupli cate tlie trip of Thomas Hteveus by riding around the world on a bicycle. It. I. Wil martb, a physician, has started from New York to girdle tho globe. Mr. Wilmarth has boon riding for some time, and takes thij trip with tbe object of becommg bet ter acquainted with the various countries. He expects to consume about three ytars lu making the trip, auJ, as hi plans are now outliueJ, he expects to visit every country excepting Clnuii. It will be a great surprise to cyclists to lnirn their revered Idol, Cbumoiou Arthur Zluimeruun, has decided to turn his lal loiits to tbe statue. This is the cane, how ever, and if his plans aro not changed, New York will see him in a cycling com edy about Christmas time. Leander Rich ardson la writing the play, In which the 1 : fit 1 edaler w ill muko his debut, und us coon n tLn work it completed it will be ror warded to Zimmerman for approval. The play will be iu four ucts. For the good name of cycling it is to be hoped thr.c some of the half-baked riders who think thay aro embryo Zuumermaas and Johujous, aud who go flying down tbe strunts and across tho intersections at full speed, will be hauled up with a short jerk. If tliey only Jeopardised their owu necks In their wild eights of peed, their performances could ho regarded with downright composure by the public in geuersl and tho law-abldlug wheelmen iu particular, but they don't. They are nedgtid about by a luck which appear to euvo both iheir bonss nud their whuels iu the evout of u collision. It is well, perhaps for the (trout body of local whoelmen that Philadelphia has such a Hb'iral-iiiiiidod director of public sanity h .Mr. liettli.r. Otherwise tliny migot find th'dr privileges curtailed, lie pond iug ordinance in councils to restrain vi lieol meu from riding on I'hestuut street dur iLg eertuln liunrs of the daf Is the logical ouicoiuh of tbe ludllleicuce bl.ivo by a si.iull ft very small percents of cyclers for the rights of otheri. Chestuut street is too narrow a tlnrougHfare for sprinting wheelmen to show olf their at taiiiuielits, and during the duy, when traf fic betwesn Broad utrvotund the Delaware is generally congsHtod. a uprtid laBlur tuuu six or seven miles an hour is a mcnaeo to tho lite and limb of those who are com pelled to go from oue side of the street to tue othor. It took a loug while tor local wheelmen to live down to the opposition to their favorite pastime, and now that they enjoy all the privileges accorded to horse owners, they should demonstrate that they deserved tboe privilegns by re Hpecting the rights of others. Philadel phia Press. Eysptpala and Indigestion In their worst forms nrs cured by the UF6 of P. P. P. If you are debilitated and run down, or if you need a toulo to regain flesh and lost appetite, strength and vigor, take P. P. I'., nud you will be strong and healthy. or shattered constitution and lost manhood P. P. P. (Prickly Ah, Poko Root und Potassium) is the Itiug of uli medtcluos. P. P. P. is the greatest blood purifier In the world. For sale by al. druggists. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. George La Blaucbe, known to tbe fol lowers of the ring as the "Marine," In tends to go to New York to seek a fight with some good man iu tho middle-weight clufs. La Blanche is willing to tackle "Drooklyu" Jlmmie Carroll. Billy Meyer, who is at present out west, writes to au eastern friend in thiswise: "I would like to got a secoud try at Ab bott. Although tbe decision was given aguiust me in lioston, I was not disgraced. I can get backing for a tidy sum." Arthur Valentine, tbe English light weight boxer, has wrlteu to the Olympfo Athletic club of Now Orleuns, to tbe effect if that organization will put up a purse and allow bim expenses he will come to Ainvrica and agree to box btautou Abbott to a finish. Joe Walcott, according ' to his astute manager, can beat anybody in the world whose fighting weight is butweou 133 and 140 pounds. Walcott is willing to bet f503 to f 1,000 that ho can wallop either Htauton Abbott, I Horace Leeds, Austin Gibbons or Charlie Johnston. The proprietors of the pool rooms in Troy, N. Y., have been notified by tho police to cIopo their places. They refused aud will tight to police In court, ihuy claim tlioy are not selling pools, and merely conduct a telegraph banking ac count between persons lu different local ties who wish to bet, aud that betting iu itself Is not illegal. Smith Carr, a member of the Columbia Pistol and Kifle club, of Ban Francisco, while practicing Tuesday broke uli known records with the pistol, Carr shot at on American standard target at a distance of fifty yards, ten shots to a string. The total number of shots be fired wai 1C0, anil be scored 09 out of a possible 1C0 011 three different strings. His total score for the 1,000 shots was 95D, which also ex ceeds all previous known performances. Mother! Motbsrsl! Mothsrslll Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty yeurs by millions or mothri-s for their oliildreu whilo teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paiu; cures wind colic and is tbe best remody for di arrhoea. ' Sold hydtuggists iu every part of tho world. Be Bure and ask fur 'Airs. Whitlow's Soothing Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-lire cents a bot A Word. ffanfs of oil kinds cost that much, ta sept Sifttutfons B'anfeiJ.uiAfo ur inttrU tklCS. for Rent VOlt UENT-8TOKK 511 LACKAWANNA I a.,., i in..: nv c.ifV aiu, AU4UIIO V All.--. -, 421 Luekawuuna Ave, I70R RENT TWO FL'UKlBUi.D HOOM8 1 at 214 Wyoming avenue. WOH UKN1-ONK-11ALF KTOltE. 120 L I'enti avenue, $110 per mouth. T.iOR RENT NICELY FUU . 1S1IEU BALL V sult:il)l.i for lodtfo. roouia. JOHN JiiH MYN. lll Wyoin 111 uveimu. Agents Wanted. YrAN I'ETj -BMABT LADY AGENTS ON ' good par to sell mv goo'ts to honso koepir I5niil03 free. WM. HIP ft Y, niiu utctur.jr, cinciiiuati, obl'. t I ENT8v ANT F.D.0 SELL KW liDI.Sl 1 1. lnn'ot I'oKdor. A hiuo orttdio:i!oi- of biirfS, Moan, m iths, ro4t'h-B, nuts mid nllhi S 'oi vorinin. hami'l HJ". poiipni'l. iL"5i (I02. to HK'JUtH. .-vt(i'ntH, iphii nr liidieH, chii mu'ro 2 tojfiaduy. Cir'iilar fre'. Adlioss J AS. 11. JollSSYoS, B.eU lll't'k, Pitt bilrt', IJr. Resi Catxte. COUAiNToN HEAIj KIjiA'IK ASl) 1M- P VESTMENT AbENCY. oilers laran!ii!i an follows: tlltV HUS1.NESS PHOPBItTY. 40 ft. front lr,- SO ft. deep, on tjpruoo street, rentsfr? ?"0J $10,000 40 ft, trout bv W feet deep, ou Spruco street, corner alloy 10,500 Tin-so together Kive M) ft. front on Spruce strm-t botw.cii I'enn u:id Franklin, with alley on si'lo. Spruce street property is udvauulng rapidly. CITY HESIDENCi I'ttOPEHTV. COHNt'.K 510NUOE AND VINE Ktreots. lot 6lixS5, two dwelling.'., JO,' Oil, giving a nice residence and m Innm) for tmiuil investment; Al.SU A I'l.OT OF 0 LUi.S, givm,' ISO ft. front on Jlo iroo uveiiu. niwr Vino street. Tlie jo make lirdt 'l; i ri.. uco jdotlua dclriiblo locality. If notaoM iu oue plot will sell aoovo separately. WEST HIDE. Lot 60x1(0; Houtli ib.iii avotiue, adjoining renldonee o( Huii.h 11. ii'.U, price, Si'.TjO; ulso lots ou Hock xtrout nud West Eud place. Only four loft COL' NT11Y l'UOPEUTY. A BEAUTIFUL iloJIE AT DA ETON, PA., modern nous, nprliut w.it'T piped intit from bill liack. lmrn for tliron iiorso nud two gowm, l:eunory with ceineiitil lloor, youn fruit, lino liiwu, grand outlook; olio und it bait to threo acres, as desirud, 5 ".'SIU. Also lots of ulmut H-iinn size oil Weatorn Slopo, Hulton. CkII or addrews SMITH B. JiOTT, Manager, No. S21 t iirV-. nvii.-rwir tio.ird tru lc. Hcrees At Auction. AT AUOTIOX-AT CUSiCE'B stable, Scranton, Friday afternoon, Au;. 10, at I o'clock. Larir woru, rs and good driv ers. Every liorui guaraiuV-i: nt rnpreun'.eii. '. ;. MQ'iKI-:. iichltecls' Notice. A HCHITECTS' NOTICE COMPETITIVE u . pinna a:id Kpeolllcr.tioiiH aro invited for a city buikliiiit to bo ued for Hi 0 dcpai-tuii ut houso nun police patrol stiitiou. A prospectm of the buildinif mav be ieen at tho olllce of tne city clerk, at which office the buid plans aud spoclllcikiioiii are to be submitted on or betoro Weduesday, August '!, l.".W. Dy order of city counclU. M. T. LAVELLE, Cltv Clerk. Scranton, Pa., July 2. ltli4. Special Notices. YWANT'HlT I Prank I.elto' Illustrated Weekly War Tilustrutious IWl lsttj, Two Volumes Polio, II0..VI; payable monthly, J;! 00. Del vered by eipriss coiuDieto, prepaid. Addrei p. O. MOODY, WSOlUon btreet, fccrautou, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAGA allies, etc., bound or rebound at Tub Tkiku.nk office, (juiok work. Uoaaonable prlcn8. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, corner Spruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal licseti tor A 60. Quod table board. Charter Application. TyoTieTiirHE IN appll ation will bemnda t J tboUovernor of the State ol l oninylvama, on Friday, the tenth day of Aupuat A.I). 1U. bv W.A. Con nell, W.W.Van Dykis S. W. ltoburts, IlaiiBr.u t a' pouter -ml Vlorace E. llai.d, und'-r t hi .'.i-; of Assembly of the CoirTuomvei.ltii of Pruiisvlvaliis. urtitb U "An a t to provide for h-i in ernorutioij acd n guiutiou of cor lain c.orpoa'iil us," approved April Kith, und the s.ii j)! Clients thereto, for the charter of un intiii''l corporation to bo cllo l "The Nay Au Shale Hrlok C.mipany," tho cburm ter aud object of hich U tho inaiiufacturo en I sale of building brick, pnv Ui'S I ric-lr, tiles and other arliclos 1111.de from clay, sitiid v o'tli, rock aod miuerals.or oi titer or ail of then, aud for these purposes to Lave aud posHcsa und enjoy nil the rights, benellts and privileges of sail aot of assem bly und its uppleniAuts. JESSUPS & HAND, Solicitors, TVOTICE IS HEREBY U1VEN THAN AN application will bo made to tho Gover nor of Peunsy'.vanta on Friciiy. the third day of Auust, l,ill, by Samuel P. Iioysr, Oeorgo W. Usrui'S, Joaiih B. Dblison, O. S. Johuaou nud H. II. Holes, und-r the Aot of Assembly entit.ud "Au act to provldo for the In corporation nud reJulition of cirtuiii coi poratlona," approved April 20th, 1H74, nud the suppleuionta thereto, for tne charter of an liifnilnd corporation to be called "Tho Wy oming Oil Company," the character and ob ject of which Is tuo nilulug, producing, sell Intr and torinif of oil, and for theso purposes to have, powo.s and enjoy all the rights, liHuents and prlvlUifes of B'loU act of aisem blv and suiipleuients thereto. WILLAHD, WAKKEN & KNAPP, Bolicltors. Situation Wanted. ADOY, 15 YEARS OLD, WANTS KM ployuieut; will work for huiuII wajjes. Address A. D. S llullstead court, Vr A N T EdTb Y A B A It UE It OF LAKOE and varied experience, a position. Ad dross it., Box 'IS.i, Arocu, Luzoroe Co., Pa, OITUATION WANTED IVY MIDDLE O aired woman as housekeeper or could tke euro ol invalid. E. D., Tribune ofllco. CITUATION-WAtTEDBY A YOUNU Ci I nly sowing by tho day as drcssmukor sad underwear. Address, U. T. N, Successful Discretionary Speculation. Popoaits of J!5 and upward received. Our specially is handling the trades of persons not In a position to niakfl a business of following tho markets. This department is in charge of a competent expert of 10 yeurs' experience. Dividends pnU semi-monthly. Highest reference given. Correspondence sollcitod. F. T. K.VAN8, Jit., & VO. Room S40 Itlullo Uulldlug, ClIICAOO. Hallstcatl. N. L. Tyler, who has been spending A few days at Three Lakes, has returned home. Becrotary Adair, of tha Railroad Young Meu's Christian association, aud wife, visited Diogbamtou ou Tuesday. II. Bufkiu, of Hackestowu, N. J., who has bsen stopping with friends here, has raturoed home. Ban ford Swurlz aud family are at Three Lukes, Blaucbe Kelly, of Biughaiaton, wbo has beeu visitiug Miss Gertrude Nich ols lias returned home. Mies Florence lintobiugg, of tbe Parlor City, win calling on bor sister, Mrs. Earl Talmage, on Tuesday. Frank TingUy, of Hartford, was in town the first of the week. O. E. Heed, clerk at tba Mitchell bouse, wbo bos bosn visiting friends in Capo Vemiion, K. Y bss roturncd borne. H. 1. Strait, of Spenoor, N. Y ii stoppiug with friends lu town. Mrs. Ur. F. D. Lamb and children are visiting friends iu Clillord. Tba Bremen of this plaoe will haf parade her on tfept, & Ladies' Muslin Ondervear, kirts, Special Mid-Summer Sale low On SKIRTS FROM 50 CENTS TO $100 G0WN3 FROM 50 CENTS TO 4.25 COVERS FROM 25 CENTS TO 1.50 None but tlie best materials used. Superb workmanship. Lat est novelties. Correct shapes. pnuHfin v p. ml Ml ap b mm ww fi mi tvbii m 9i a m n mm v i'7i,.i i i at e n Lr yESLLa Vtf yab&iKUB, Opp. Court Eouao. 111 i Are NO W Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, THE CATHEDRAL r To that boauteous aud roniautic spjt, Mountain Pari -ON- Mcnday, Aug 13 It will be the great event ; oue of tu finest gatherings of tbe season. Tak tbe family along, ltbfreshnients sup plied on tbe grounds. g"Truins leave Jersey Central de pot at 8, 8.00, 0 and 11.H0 a.m.. 2 and 8. lit) p. m. Remember, tickets are cot good on "The Flyer," 12 30 p.m. xcursion TO Glen Onoko -AND THE SWITCHBACK TOESDAYjM m Trains leave D. & II. Depot at 7. '15 a.m. Tickets for sale by all the members. WW V thill RSO BR n 11.2 , III HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAE Solid Oak Bedroom Set! Wo soli Furniture as cheap as any houoo in tha country that in UiiuL to give Louest value for tho money. Try uu. 205 m m ti' OHt AND mth USING. PitS V .tJ liiGodrutlTelBDofltbericxciiui(dbTOTerfJrarUoB.ulniir'Wi. ji3 tf 1 xoi mIvo uie of toLuooo.opHitiortlniUla.iti, whlohlesd to Irmlir,nw" MfSl". A ,iP-Juiraioii.rlUHiliT. Cntecnrrle.llnMlF'Hit. Prex,e)for. V ,XJ.f.fL.iSb2i 2.&iLji!L&...l. ...,1 ,t.AM.v. l'lrnlr fPiw- m,lb. fl 1 1 ittli WlAt J. Alt f Of 1 1, tK For Salo in Scranton, Pit., by H. C. SANDERSON, Druafjist, onr. Wushinatoc aud Suruce stroota. MM- Thesreatreniedy tlie aouerallTe i ni, L-ni.LTAn ii.M u ittohui oniee to cure orreiuna ine Dion'y, fom i. v". ." , A, , Dili ulU.AiiUAiri.lt ISLKil. jor (j4,o. uu, ioiT'd;iliEMlCAI.CO.t.l;v()lauil.Cblo. tor Hile byC. M. UAltHl, DmcclaU 17 feuii AenuS. -J'oUsllSKiEK to Car For Spvuce ale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Street, Scranton, Pa. iL as't4kWb,iii.iiiI llaiolnAuu Aut lung. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO 6CRAUTOM AH'O WlLKttS-BABHE. PA, MANUPAOT0RER8 0 Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. general Office, BCEANIQH PA. gowns end I 209 GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE EACE MEET CF TUB Green BlUgo Wheelmaa AT Scranton Driving Park WEDIESDM AFTERNOON, August 22, 1834, at 2 O'clock L A. W. Sanction and Race Rules. Admission, 50c. Grand Stand, fBc MMMMMMMMMMM. m SPRING HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. U. 2. CKQI'Ur Proiirlotai. 'U1.' IlDl'W: U strlotiy t'.'Uii jrauTO. U bm 1 Ul 1 tU tiK.li.3w4 ;t:). 'ii'i-.'.'ol' In A :r.i: iX'b..io Tiiti vr.Ait av.:y:; located m!dwy botwesn Moutxo-a au-1 S::ri. tuc, Qii tutiwrrsj nii'l ijMC4-vuui.(i Uilroiil. wli.-j r..im 1'., 4 U 11. ul. Alfoi' l SiUiou, uui tlra tnlloi train U-'i'-r i.; o.v f i;y, vifbt-tlvoi threa ti,uuius' WuiH. t rout l. K. statioit. l liHU Til OLS.818. Altitude about 2,000 lout, eiiualllng in this rcpeut tho Adlroudnci und Cabiiiil Uoun ta.us. l ino groves, plenty of thalo and beuntiful FciHivi y, mail lo if a S'imm.ir Keajrt ucoi ceiled In b'u ny und cheivums , L'aiii lng pnvlliou, Hwin , nrnijuot gr oiiuda, &e. Cold Si rlug Wuter und planty of Mlik- Kutsa, en to CIO per week, fcl.50 per duy. Excursion tickets sold at all stations ouD. h. & W. linen Port'. meots all trains mm aye. uit.ftl.Mrl ru.n. ui'h Weak Msworj, kiiol Drain Power. Hcil..'bs. WSof'ilns, Lo.tManliood.Nlabtly Kuililon, KerTOiuiwM.aUAritliilaiidloifof powr nootl.ot. Adareau NkUVU UUEDCU., Mnronlo ieiuple, CttlOAOO.iU. DR. MOTT'S Nt:UTBQi fornerToun prortnitlonaBdallneroBoi'ei ontanii of eittier tax. iiueu on r.orTou. " '" - r Lmt MauhoiHl. lnipoieiioy, Nlvhlly Kiuiulii. i onwrui Rrror, I Wnm ir,..lv ii.m i,l 1'oliuTOOr OlllUlD, WblCD IfX'l tOlO uLtlonandiiiiaiiltT. Wiih evetr iili oroer we l ft written gum- vk?Pm mm ilt m a i "w,ii .... nnin wtk aid with wnifren rouiDiAiillly, I.oMOfBoitial rower in elthm tw lliToiuulurT KulUiloftl Quid kUCMUat. n nKlpe,l,u. .'JyB .ructgs Ivan f. coimumMlm " i"t(i ( P"r l ky "'' bon.1 for M, Wilh evct. rA mdr wV .iv wrllUn uultt to ouroer roluuj lU moaui. ASilr .. Pharmacist,, cor. Wyoming Avenue and Gors et Covers WASHINGTON AVE. Lacks. anTTdL Ave Dr. EX Grewer I The Ph)lartlpM SpeoinHst.and his as9odate4 1 oif i.t rhit n. ' , I., ...... ... .....-u uiliiuil imh;..iu, are now permainntly lwatsd nt 811 SPRUCK ST., SCHXXTOJf. Tho d'x tor is a pra Junto of the I'ni vorsity of i rounsyiYaniR.roi'uiorly d;iU"nitrgt;oror plivsl- ! OloT and 8UlKPrv ilt thn Mi rti,Hi.rliirn.rirnl ' Collcjr of Phllp.d'lphia. A specialty of ProPl0 rous, b'tiu, Uuart, Vvromh and ElooJ dlsa.ues. ! diseases of the eots sistem The Bvmptoms of which are dizziness, lai.k of . COU &fleL '.'O. 8(,ZUnl WBkkllOHa ill men Atld O- i niHn. ball rising in the throat, spots floatlnf i tforo the 'yb, ot of mcm"ry. uniitilo to con eectrate the mind ou one subject, easily ! startled wht-u suddt-nly spokuu to, and dull, dintreiised mind, which utiuta tlia-n f'r per- piuis inipoMible; dlntroniii.g the ai:tion of tue cart, dm, 11 nusii of LhuI, il.iesnon 01 spirits, ertl forbod:uv, i-owardice. foav, dreatui, niffiaivhUy, tiro easy f '-omT uny, (soling as tired m tbe lu.i'.u vWn jelix llij,', lack of tr.n-v, r, .! v, , tr .'.n!,ii:ih', fi.'iifiinlun of thoui;l t. ilt-r- -i;i of.nMir,tio:i. I" VT'.-i'.L'ri.f;s i.f tl.v liiiib, t'tc I L,.aU bo t.ff''Ct"dl 1 ehcuid c nw:t u- iuiuituuiUly and to rtntor ! ed to perfect hoallu. I LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured. If you have beon p-irou op by your physician call npon tlie doctor ana be examined. He cui us tlie worst cases i f Xurvuus Dubility.Scru ful. i, Old Seres, ( uttirrhPiles.FKmale Wealcness, A flections of the Eye. Eur. Nose and Throat, Astbiim, Uei.fucas, Tuiiioia. Cancers aud Crip J.l'e of every description. Consultations froo and slrlet'y sacred and coutid. ntiid. I tHce hours daily from 8 a. m. to U p. m. Sunday 9 to 2. The GEXUI2TE Xcw Haven ' "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 18G6. 2Jew York Warcrooms No. 89 Fifth Avenua E. C. RICHER & CO, Bole dealerss in this seotioa. OSTICB-ia Adams Aye., Telophone BTd't, H E Scranton Tribune A V' JOB EVERY description of Job Printing in the best style of the art. Promptness and Punctuality particular point. Experienced, practical and com Detent men in charire of each branch of the work. We rln nnt tnnlrp a diam shOW o( cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a Specialty. BUI Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dcd$ IS ONE OP THE BEST EQUIPPED ESTABLISHMENTS IH "t rf nw msjs WT v fori-:'-: J X n