TIIEY PURCHASE PUBLICITY in jou rnals that are ou tlio up ward jump. EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCllAXTON. PA., THURSDAY MOllXING. AUGUST 9, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FlOi OLATION mm SGHANTOM BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHE PAPER li LIVE BUSINESS MEN Dou't tia up with down-at- tho-lieel newspapers. S! mm T It Looks as Though a Compromise Kid at Last Been Effected. THE DUTY IS TO REMAIH Oil COAL But Iron Ore Will Be Admitted Free. Sugar Cuts No Figure in the Case. The Senate Provisions on Woolens and Cotton Goods Are Cut Into but Little The House Gives Way to the Senate in Nearly Every Instance. Washington, D C. Aug. 8. THE ''tomorrow" upon which the tariff conferees have been for weeks promising mi agreement at list gives promise of fulfill ment. When the tariff co lferees ad journed at a fow mtnut -s before. C o'clock tonight it was with tne under standing that, at the session tomorrow morning nil the details should be arrange I and the repub licans were called in, iu the afternoon, and informed of what their Democratic colleague had done. One of the most prominent managers on the part of the senate made the em phatic statement that tomorrow would see the edd of the conference, aud that by night there, would ha either an agreement or a general break op of the conference But one thing, ho said, could postpone the result any longer. Should the house conferees agree to an agreement, aud the agreement of the details consume such thu as to run the work over into the nest day, that would be permitted, but other wise the close of tomorrow wonll wit ness the end of the conferees on the tnriff Mil. So little is ret to be accom plished, however, that there is every likliliood that the Republicans can he called in at an eurly hour, and there would be no surprise if tho senate should have the report of the conferees at a reasonably early hour iu the after noon, IKON ORE TO BE FREE The bitch that still remains for set tlement is iron ore aud coal. So far us the principle is concerned, thesu items seem to he disposed of finally, one of them is to be free and the other made dutiable. These matters were the sulj.ct of three distinct changes to day. At 3 p. m. it was decided that iron ore should he made free abso lutely and that coal should retain the rate of 40 cents a ton fixed by the senate for a period of five years, at the end of which time it wus to be free. Subsequently a proposition was made to fix a sliding scale that should reiluce the duty a specific percentage each year. This was antagonized, but the honse men, anxious to gHin as much in the way of concession as possible, per sist d and the result was that this mutter was left until tomorrow morn ing for final decisiou. At the coneinsion of the confernee one of the malingers on the part of the senate said that if there was an m:r"tment the sugar schedule would Minin as it was published by the United Press Friday of last week, to wit, 40 per cent, on raw sugar, 40 per cent, on the raw sugar in the refined and one-fifth of a cent differential on refined augur. SUGAR CUTS NO FIGURE. As far, thn, ns sugar is coucornod. it has cut no fiunrrt in Die nnniurunna mid is looked upon by the conferrees as semen. Lead ore, about which there has been a great deal of quiet talk, is said to be in the same w iy. An tffirtwas made in some quarters to have the house rate, whicii greatly reduced tin duties, restored, hut thi man nnt As indicati d in these dispatches some uays agu, inn senate rale on tooacco will nrobablv stand, and whUlrv whinh was dif posed of by the conferrees some nays ago, win oe put uacsic to the one dollar a gallon provided for in the bouse bill, with the proviso, however, that tne bonded period may be extend ed frnlll flVH tn elrrllt-. vaiir htr thu tM.ir. n " j .w ment, after the end of five years of an additional tax of five eentn ner rrullnn per year. It is also understood that the senate provisions on woolens, cotton goods and the metal schedule have been cut into, hut little, compared witt the cuts npon which the house insisted, There urn innMf-.itinna Hint: tha rail. son the conferees did not finally settle coai nun iron tonight was that the sen ate members might have an onnortun ity or consulting with their colleague to see how the proposition submitted iu tmuerence was received. The latest nrnnoaitinn la in rvnf. Irnn ore on the free list and reduce the duty un coai uve conts per annum nutil gradually reaches the free list, proposition that will tint he, nonriw so acceptable as the other, whlc'i leavi it untouched for five years. A careful canvass or tne senate showed the sen ate conferees that they should nol touch coal without imperilling tb whole bill, while iron might bo tatn pere ' with without having any disss terons effect. When asked tonight what the policy u mo minority woniu De, .Mr. All rioh. the Rennhliean lml,,r mm.i. Id that thoy had no policy "and would ke Ul uuve uune nniu tney Knew what the Democrats intended to do. With smile. Mr. Aldrieh nhaervsrl that t a the Republicans would be about the capi 4..1 . J ,1 N .. i- iir mi luuiurruw ami woniu Keep in eyes open. SHOT THREE WOMEN. W. D Judklns Runs Amuck and Then Suicides. Des Moines, la., Aug. 8. The littl Tuiage of uuaritoga. near here, this morning was the scone of a horrible tragedy. At 10:?.0 o'nlnilr W n ns, night baggage man of the Burlingt on roau ui mat place, entored the hom his betrothed, Miss Jnde Murnhv. e of and after a bitter quarrel drew a revolner and shot ber. He then turned on her sister, Mrs. Jotia Towns, and fired a tinuet into her. killinir her al OVER ARIFF mother of the girls, rushed into the room only to meet with a bullet rom the revolver held by ttie appare ntly insane man. Her injury is Buch bat the physicians have lutlu hops of erlife. Jenkins then turned the weapon on himself and lire 1 n bnllet nto his own crain. He died ail hour later. Jenkins lial been drinking heavily .T several davs and it is believed thu murder and suicide wus the outcome of quarrel between himself and Miss Murphy over bis intoxicated condition. The women wore higbly respouted aud d oou circumstances. WAR IN LABOR CIRCLES. The Societies Are at Loffterheud Out in ritt-burd. PlTTanro Aur K The American Federation of Labor is wugiiig war against the Knights of Labor here. The brewerv workman's union has issued a circular denouncing the local Ivuiuhts of Lnbor officials for accepting a si-ale lower than that of the union, and alleging that thoy are iu collusion with tile brewerv proprietors to destroy unions affiliated with the American Federation. TAMtEKS' OATH. A Queer Society Formed for the Pur pose of Making War Upcn Colo rado's Erratic Governor.. Colorado Springs, Col., Aug. 8. Dr. J. T. Reed, who was pointed out to be detectives in Denver as one of the principals in the Tarsney outrage by ex Deputy Sheriff Wilson, after he uiido his confession, is a prominent mine owner and politician Ho was brought to this city last night iu com pany with Wilson by Sheriff Bowers, and bonds were given for his appear ance. Wilson was locked up with ex- D.-puty Sheriff Psrker, who has also uindo a confession. A document was found on Dr. Reed when he was ar rested in Denver, which read: In tho presence of Almighty God and these wituesnes, whom I have this day chosen us my associates and companions, I do most solemnly aud sincerely promise aud swear that I will do my duty at any and all times ns may be pluuued and agreed upon bv these, my sworn com pauious, in exercising just aud needed punishment ou anarchists and such other criminals and murderers, aud strikers in Cripplo Creek, aud their sympathizers either in high or low positions, the execu tive of the state not excepted, as we shall deem guilty of crimes ngalnst law abiding citizens of the Luiti-U states, wnere nuumn lives have Deeti wantonly sacrificed, real and personal property destroyed or stolen, und many hanpy homes broken up. "I furthermore pledue myself to go wheu duty summons, aud face whatever danger may bo encountered iu the work assigned me in tins order. To which of all I pledge my sncrort honor, and I will assist my brothers in this compact to mete out just punishment to any of my companions should they expose nuy of ttie secrets whereby any or us may be apprehended, legally or otherwise. T all ut which I have hereunto pledged my sacred honor and oath. So help me Uud." TI.e grand jury bus returned thirty- one indictments, most of which grew out of tho Cripple Crek trouble. The cases of the tnrrers of lieuerul lursuey have not been passed npon yet. NATIONAL GUARD. General Ordnrs Issued from the Head quarters at Harrieburgr. Harrishuhg, Aug. 8. General Or- d-rs No. 13 were issued from the head quarters of the National Guard to night, and contain the ratings of the various companies as the result of the spring inspections, Inspector General McKibbin speaks of tho excellent con dition of the guard and commends the good work of the brigade inspectors. The City Grays, of this city, stand at the head of the division. M"ior Frank Sweeney, inspector of the first brigade makes some important r"Comraend itions. He thinks sufficient attention' is not given to primary drill and Bnggests that every recruit be ns. signed to sqnad drill tinder a competent drill mas er and U'-pt there until thoroughly instructed in all of the foot moments as well as in the manual of arms. Niuads or this Kind snonid De required to drill, he says, at lea-it twice a week. He adds: "After a careful study of the crinciples laid down for the company in the battle formation us given in the drill regulations, it is my opinion they aro not applicable to the small companies of the National guard of Penney Wania. CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. .TVtn Tiiann n T turnvnA mlnnK man crushed to death under several tons of coal in tne nail nimo. Michael Rocro, who murdered Anthonv Labera, nt Hnzleton, last March, has been captureo at uutavia, jm. i. Twentv-six-year-old Aunie Rntt. form erlyof Hinking Springs, committed suicide at Laucastor by taking laudanum. Two young children of David Raybould were drowned while playing on the baukB of Lake Lamoud, near i'mllipsburg. Encmeer W. Seachrint, of Coatesville. was caught between the cab of his engine and a post at Lukens' Mill and seriously injured. Leaning over the dasher of a Pittsburg electric car, John Press, of Allegheny, was struck and killed by a car passing on the other track. While attempting to cross the trolley tracks in Muhanoy City, 4-year-old Joseph Taraschutt was run over by a car aud instantly killed. Rev. J. C. Kranse, of Pottsville, who left the Evaneelical association aud joined the Lehigh Presbytorian, has received a call from the West Urove Presbyterian church. HEARD OVER THE CABLE. Bismarck Is said to be almost free from facial neuralgia, and now sleeps soundly The Marquis of Lome is said to have written the libretto of an opera, which liamisn juaccunn will Bet to uiubic. The Hungarian government will try to enforce the colonizing of gypties, of whom there are said to btU7Q,Uuu iu tne country, Brazilian bishops are .advised by the pope to establish charitable associations for laymen, aud use their influence in politics. Enrico Lucrhesi, the anarchist who was arrested Id Corsica three weeks ago, charged with the murder of Editor Giu seppe Bandi, ot Leghorn, has confessed his CHIflESE PR SUFFER DEFEAT bo Pigtails Are Driven fran Scikioan will) Tearful Loss of Life. REAT REJOICING AT Y8K0HADSA n the Further Battles the Chinese Have Been Defeated by the Japs. Celestials Lose Five Hundred Men in tho Last Engagement Report That the Mikado's Fleet Has Been Worsted in a Naval Battle Chinese May Live Peacefully in Japan. Yokohama, Aug. 8. FURTHER battles havo Wen fought between the JapinesB nnd the Chinese and the latter have boun defeatod. Seikioan has been taken bv the Ja panese with trifling loss. Tlio Clii nso in this eng igemunt lost 500 killed. The enemy fled in the direction of Koshlu. Tho Japanese are in possession of Yaahan An imperial ordinance jtist issued permits Chinese to re.ido in Jupan on condition that thoy engage in peaceful pursuits. ihu greatest excitement prevails here, nt Tokio and other large towus as u result of the victories of the Japanese troops. Knuiors. however, are current here that the Japanese naval forces have b.ien defeated in an engagement with Chinese warships. WAR JIUST GO ON, Shanghai, Aug. 8 It is oflioiallv re ported from Tien Tsin t lint the efforts of Great Britain an 1 Russia to bring about a peaceful settlement of the dis putes between China and Japan hav failed, China is willing to pay an in demnity, but she refuses to surrendor her suz-raintv over Corea, Thu Chinese government has cloeed the Ampin g and Takao lighthouses ou the island of Formosa. A dispatch from Hon? Kong says that the Viceroy of Kwang-Tnne h'H enlisted 5,000 black flits with which to strengthen tha garrisons of the Canton river forts. In addition, the Viceroyhas stationed four gunboats at Tiger Island, in the Caniou river, and bus laid mines at Foo Chnw and Tamsni. The Viceroy of Kwang-Tung hns also closed the lightaouses ou the southern coast. ALTO ON A AGOCI. Thi City Asitated by a Hitrh Grade Scandal with the TJiiual Features. Altoona, Ph., Aug. 8 Street rn mors this afternoon pointed to a bank ,ud social scandal in this city of no mean proportions, and investigation later on fully corroborated this and nukes the matter the one topic of conversation here tonight. Thrt man in the case is Hurry A Gardner, cashier of the Second National bank, but the woman is not so well known, although she is said to be a well-known and highly-connected resi dent of H.'llefoiite, who has been living nt a hotel here for some time as the mistress of the defaulting cnahier. II. A, Gardner, as is now known, left the city nu Monday night aud it is assorted that the woman accompanied him. Bank Ex iminor Miller has been in the city since Monday and bss been working on the books of the bank since Tuesday afternoon, discovering it is said, that Gardner hns tikn witn huu in his flight at least $20,000 These tiguras are trebled, however, by some people, and the defalcation may be much greater than is given out. The woman in the case went by the name of Mrs. Gordon. She also, it is sMd. has a Philadelphia address, No 2017 Mervine street. Garduer has left an interesting family aud before going wrote bis wifo a letter in whicii, among other things, be told her to kiss the baby for him. Until today the missing cashier en joyed the most implicit confidence of the business community. II is a mom tier of the house furnishing firm of II irry VVaviio & Co., and his sudden downfall lias created general regret and consternation. The bunk officials say that the bank is all right and the general imiressiou hero is that it will be able to stand any run that may be made on it. E10PEWUNT POSTPONED. Michael Farlena Attempts to Run Away with HU Frind3 Wlf. Bristol, Ph.. Ang. 8 Chief of Po lice Snxton todny rudely interrupted a proposed elopement nnd escortud the lovers to j dl. They are Michael Fari ena. of New York, and Mary, the wife or Siuiuel Norrlti, The Gotham lovi r came here a week ago and ho soon became enraptured by the charms of his frioud s wife. While the husbind w.is absent this morning Michael and Mary packed their trunks, nnd went to th railroad station intending to go to New York. Then it was that Chief Saxton .uccnih- panind by the womati's brother arrived und ended tho love making. LUTE'S CHIME. A Convict Released Upon Parole Tries to Murder HU Wife. Erockpout, N. Y., Ang. 8 Last night Mrs. Houry Lutz heard a rap at her back door. She nskea who was there. The reply wa9 that it was, her husband and that he wished to speak to her. As she opoued the door he seized her by the throat and be nan to drag ber toward the canal in the rear of - the house, at tho same time striking her on her head with a knife, cutting a deep gash above the eves. Then begau a terrible struggle, he trying to cut her throat and she trying to wrest the knife from him. She received a eat nearly severing the first finger. At this time ber mother aoceured on the scene. Lutz struck bis mother-in-law in the faee, knocking her down and then fle l. Lutz iB one of the partv of firebugs ar rested two years ago and was just re lewd from th Elmira reformatory on parole. Mrs Lmz hud refused to live with him Bince tho release and it is supposed this was the cuu.io of the at tempted murder. FIFTY KILLED. Results of Turribla Eartlqiake In Ficily. London, Aug 8 The Rome corres pondent of the Central News telegraphs tnig evening ss follows: The earth quake entered in tho province of C.- taniii, tho towns Fieri, Aei and l'isane w re totally destroyed and great diuuago was done in Zertoiti, 'tmnisi and Ziffsrana. Fiity lersons were killed and scores were bos erely injured. Hundred of villager I'd from their homes into the open ountry, abandoning everything. Tho government officials are sending upplieB and Burgeons to to the diu ressed districts. THE PITTSTON TRAGEDY. Coroner'i Jury Dcldes That Fersons Killed In Shaft Wire Alone to Blame. Fittston, Pa, Aug. 8. Tho coro ner's jury which has been investigat ing tlio fatal Accident ar. the West I'i'.tston shaft on July SO, by which Col. A. G. Mason, division superinten- leut of the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., and William Wilson mine foreman, wtiro killod, today returned a verdict that the shaft was not in a proper con dition to hoist or lower a oar. As the men killed were responsible for the condition of tho shaft there was no one for the jury to censure. COWBOY FREAKS. The Wife of Evangelist Rice Again Gets Into Trouble Down at Atlantic City. Atlantic City, Aug. 8. Mrs. J. R. Rice, wifo of the Cowboy Evangelist, was the central lljuro in another sun- satiojnl uli.ur this evening ana now lies in a precarious con dition from the effjets of au alleged brutal assault that wus made. SitiC'3 their trouble with the authorities some weeks ago Rice aud bis wife have been living quietly at the Castlo on New lork avenuo. Iheygot behind in their board and on Monday they were notified to leave. They agreed to quit the hotel at the end of the week and apparently tins was sat isfactory to the management. When Mrs. Kico came in this even ing she went to bur room. lo her sur prise she found bor possessions scat tered about the hall and a uig padlock on me uoor nt nor room. iurs. xuce went to the office and demanded an ex- idanation frcm Manager A. B. House, One word led to another and finally, it is said, House called Mrs. Kice a vile name. Sue Hud her prayer book iu her band, and when the epithet was applied to her, she hurled It at House. Ttiis act enraged the man still more, and coming from behiud the office be is alleged to have struck Mrs. Kice aud knocked her down. Then while she lay on thu fl mr he is charged with brutally kicking her in the stomach aud only desisting when pulled away by a uialo guest. As a result or the alleged assault unun her Mm Ilioe was thrown into a hiiih fever, aud as she is in a delicate condition her injuries may prove ratal. No arrests wore made tonight but it U expected House will be arrested to morrow. SIOUX CITY WANTS A FIGHT. Her Best Cttizant Would Be PUastd to Welcomq Corbtt and Jack.on. SiouxCity. la., Aug. 8. A meeting of the business men of this city on Monday night is just made public, in which the matter of securing tne cor bel t Jackson fkht ws discusied. Ther is a law against fighting in Iowa, but as two other states cgrntir here it is believed the authorities can be slipped. Forty thousand dollars was assured and it is believod this is all tho money that is needed. CHARLES LOWRY THROWN DOWN. Had a Collision u ith a EicycU and Was IiJ ured. Constable Charles Lowry hud a col lision-with a bicycle on i'enn avenue yesterday afternoon. El ward Robliug was ustride the tireless steed and be fore their assault Lowry went down, IU was badly cut about the face aud head but his nijaries are not or a sen ous character. FLASHED FROM THE WIRES. Oregon's hop crop will brenk all records, Bull worniB are doing grcat.damuge to Texas cotton Holds, People aro fleeing from drought- Btriekeu regious of Kansas to escape star vation (Iriof over the dentil of two children led Mrs. Adelaido Stuck, of Now York, to shoot herself. .TiMilonsv drovo Mollis Farrish, a Jackson (Miss.) in gress, to braiu her Bleeping hus band witn nu ax. The flrt convention in America of the Priests' Ecclesiastical league is being held at Notre Dame, luU,. Pnimllsts of Topeka charge Governor Lleweiling with protecting disreputable resorts iu the large cities. The Illness of Police Captain Devery, of New York, postnonos hii trial ou charges of bribery ana currupuou. in n flnlli flirht to settle a quarrel. Jo seph Wilsey, of Kolfe, I., fatally woundod ilermau urowu, Bieuun luiuiui. UnfTalo fisherman wore Bhot at by rniniilmn iroverniuout cruiser off shore and forced to submit to s search for forbiddon nuts. Lightning that struck Mrs. Francis Cowles' house at Liberal, Mo., uncovored the counterfeiting den of her son, who was arreBted. On charges of trying to dynamite a train Charles Flint, Robert titeele and Fred Nichols, strikers, were arrested at Mis- BOUllI, ilollt. For snanklnii Louis F. Tobin, a youn man. Mrs. Charlotte Bmith, president of the Woman's Rescue league, of Boston, was lined (10. Midnight flames that destroyed her house fatally burned Mrs. Knights, of Mechanics Fulls, Me., aud a youug son of THE SENATORS INDIFFERENT Awaiting Action on Part of Tariff Conference, Tiuy Arc Apathetic. . HOUSE HAS THAT TIRED FEELING The Suspense Over the Tariff Muddle Makes the Transaction of Important Business Impossible in Either Branch of Congress A Bill to Pro vide Chicago with a $4,000,000 Postoffice Inaugurates a Season of Filibustering. Washington, Aug. 8. 1I1LE nwaiting definite action . ou the part of the tariff con ference committee, senators today manifested an utter in- diil'ereno to all othor matters of legisl ation ami were unable to furnish a voting quorum on the otily import ant bill for which consideration was asked. That w is the house bill lo establish a ntiiforni system of bankruptcy. Senator George (Dem., Miss.) mived to take it up nnd got an ullirmative vote of twenty-seven on two roll calls, but the aggregate vote came only withiti four of a quorum, and he was obliged to with- iraw the motion, giving notice that no would renew it tomorrow. There were, however, soino dozen bills of minor importance passed by unani mous consent, lncluling one for the exposition at Atlanta, Gi., and the conference report ou the ludian appro priation bill wus presented and agreed to. The professional lobbyist lias pro voked the linger of the Populist senator from Nebraska (Mr Alleu) to the ex tent that n bill wai introduced to-day by him imposing u penalty of flue and imprisonment in the common jail upon anv person who "habitually attempts to uiluence the legislative action of con gruss by solicitiug momburs." PUBLIC I1UILDINU3 LOCATED. The house. Bitting in committee of ibe whole today, took action npon sev eral bills authorizing the erection of public buildings, but they got no further iu their progress to passngo. They provided for buildings at the fol lowiug places, to cost not excoeding the sums named: Newport, Ky.,!j7o, 000; Bruktoti, Mam, 75,000; Pater- on. N. J., 2U0.t)0J; South Otnana Neb., $200,000; Pottsville, Pa.. $00,000; Cumberland, Md., $T5.0U0. Upon Hie bill to erect a post office in Chicago at a cost of 1,000,000, a season of lllihus- bnstering was inaugurated, which, after two hours eventuated iu the ad journinont of the bouse without ac llOt). Iu the morning hour the reiolutions agreed upon yesterday by the commit lee on the itidiciury provming for an investigation ot the charges made against Judge Ricks, of the United States court for tho northern district of Oiiio, by the Central Labor uuiou of Cleveland, of the sequestration of fees as clerk of the court were reported by Mr. Builey. (Dem., Tex,), und after some criticism by Jur. urossvenor, (Rep., Ohio), who said the committee und acted in a hasty exparte manuer, thoy were ngreed to. ANTI-ANAHCIIIST BILLS, The house voted to noti-coucur in the action of the senato, which substituted Mr. 1I11U' anti-anarchist immigration bill for Mr. Stones bill providing for consular inspection of immigrant, and the matter was sent to conference. Mr, U mns i )int resolution was pass ed directing the commissioner of labor to investigate into the effect of mn chinery npon labor and appropriating $10,000 tnerefor. Also a resolution authorizing ttie citizens committee in connection with the Kuights of Pyth ins conclave to illuminate the doiuo of the capital at night during its continu ance. VERDICT IN THE TIGHE CASE. Died by Ills Own Hund While Tempo rarily Insane. The coroner's jury in 'the case of Thomas B. Tighe, who was found in a dying condition In bis home on Dun daff street, Carbondnle, Tuesday, by bis wife, met yesterday in the city ball, (Jurlioudnle. After n short consultation the follow ing verdiet was agreed upon: "We find that Thomas B. Tighe came to his death on the afternoon of Auirust from wounds intlieted by himself by a bullet diicliarged from a revolver in his own hands during a fit of temporary insanity. A. P. A. MEETING. The Grand Lodge In Seoiion at Wilkes Burrs. Wilkfs Barhk, Aug. 8 Tha Right Worthy Grand Ludge of the American Protestant association is in session here to lay in Odd Fellows hall. It is large ly attended andis composed of mem bers who are only American citizens, native and adopted. Among the pas worthy grand masters who are in at tendance are John Gilkil, Philadelphia A. C. Smith, Beaton ; Jacob P. Diehl Pittsburg; John O'Donnell, William S. Stewart aud James (Jearns, I'uiUJei nhiu. The officer's of the grand lodge In ses sion are: Grand Muster M. F. llolling. of St. Louis; Vice Grand Master Wil Hum Nicliol, of Philadelphia; Gran Secretary William Spence, of Philadel phia; Grand Treasurer A. C. Smith, of Boston; u-rana uiuipuin iiiv. Alex. Sloan, of Philadelphia; Grand Con ductor William S. Stewart, of Phlla delphia; Assistant Conductor William M. Austdl, of Chester; Worthy Graud Tvler William Meyers, or Trenton Worthy Grand Guard Martin Froh man, of Pittsburg. Over 100 representatives wore pres ent from Pennsylvania and Now Jer ser. Ohio. Missouri and Kentucky also have delegates here in the interest of the order. The eventns session was a short one aud was devoted to organization, and tho legality of Jehn Knox lodue. of Philadelphia, was discussed, but not de- cided. Tho election of crand officers tomorrow promises to be a lively one. For worthy grand niis'er the fiVhc will be between William McPherson. of Phil adelphia, and William S. Howell, of Scran ton. bor worthy grand secretary, ttr.11.. XT:. l . 1 il . l . v iinaui i iciiois ann tvuiiaui cpenoe, both of Philadelphia, are candidates. The parade tomorrow will be a large one, and it is txpected that 4,000 men will be in lint. PATERSON REDS SENTENCED. D nbblr, the Dynamiter, Sent to Prison for Five Y-arn and Six Months. Patf.rson. N. J., Aug. 8 The con victed anarciiist8 who led the memor- lil riots of the Hilkworkurs during March nnd April last nnd who wore onvicted for assaulting working- men, throwing bombs and writing hreatoning lottors. were sent- need this morning by Judge Hopper the court of quarter sessions Charles Doobblor, convicted of placing a dvnuraito bomb on the lawn of the house of William Strange, a raanufao- urer, in Ann, and writing threaten ng letters to Mr. Strange and Jacob Weidman, was sentenced to five years n state prison for bomb throwing and is months for writing the letters. Rob -rt b 'ldel, his companion in the etter writing business, was sent to tate prison for one yenr, Charles Starke, August liouto, Victor Glass, IL-rman I ishbecker, and Hutro Schil- iug were oah sentenced to one year u state ptHon for assaulting workmen nnd rioting. Audrow Hob lor was sen- enced to time months m tho county ail for rioting, BUFFALO UACES. A Drizzling Rain Renders the Track Unfit for Use and a Cessa tion Is Necessary. Buffalo, N. Y.,Aug. 8, A drizzling rain which began early in the after noon transformed the race track into n sticky circle after two races bad been deci led, ami a cessation was necessary. Neither of the two events decided fur- liahed anything sensatio'iul. Starplex, by Duplex, won the 2 18 puce in straight heats, a different one trying to force tne stallion out in each heat. Jc-lle Forest tried it in tho first mile and fell short by a couple of lengths. M ind P was the next one to go efter Starplex, but she tired in the straight aud died away In the distance after having led until this point. Harry Victor went at the favorite in the final heat, but Gers could nof make him show in front under the wire. Cocoon, by Cyclone, was tne favorite in the trot, but in Arena, bv Al cantara, xiie more than fouud her match. Directum, the stallion cham pion, was driven a mile in 2.00J. Hie- kok tool: tho blacs meteor t;,e hist quarter in 02! seconds, aud occupied only !!0 seconds in going the third quarter. Coming home, the stallion tired in ttie stretch and com pleted the utile' in 2 00 H was ac companied by a runner. To morrow s card iiicludos the free- for-all trot, thu Nightingale-Green- lander special, witn two mile hent, best two in three; the 2:18 trot, the 3 year pace and an exhibition mile by Fantasy, 2:0t?:;-. Summaries: 2:13 class cliws, pacing. Starplex, b. s., by Duplex, dam by Ke l mot, (.Mclvay) Ill Maud P.. gr. m 4 2 4 Harry Victor, bl(t. s 8 8 2 Jo-Ile-Forest 2 8 l-'orudale 0 4 5 Little Pitt 6 5 3 Carrie Onward fi 3 9 Dalgetty 7 (i T. N. 11 in 7 fl Merriuiark 0 dr. Time-2;iai, 2:12U', 3:13tf. 2.24 cIiish, trotting, fitW. Arena, b. ., by Alcantara, dam by beneral Knox Itjoldsmith). 6 111 Nettie Wilkos. b. in 1 3 4 5 Cocoon, bile, m ..... 2 5 2 3 Seranton Hello 7 7 8 2 General Alger 3 4 0 6 Colonel Dickey 8 3 7 4 J'alatino 4 G Srtis Vera 5 S dis Time 3.17J, 2.15, 2.1SX, 2.20. CHOLERA IN LONDON. Pationts Affacted with tha Disease Ar rive from St. Petersburg. London, Aug. 8. Four patients from the steamship Balmoral, which ar rived nt Gravesend yesterday from St. Petersburg, are declared to be suffer ing from Asiatic cholera. The Balmoral, upon arrival yester day reported that oue of her seamen died the day previous of cholera. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. This congress has already beou in session 3J0 days. Cnnirross will investigate the Ohio labor unions' clmrgo against Judge Kicks. The president has ton days yet in Which to consider tho river aud harbor bill. It is estimated that that tho revenue re ceipts from whisky for August will reach ii.iiuo.uik). TlipKepublic of Hawaii has boon officially recounized bv tins Government, llieom- cial stntemont will probably bo made to morrow. Senate amendments to tlio bill to sub ject national bank notes nnd greenbams to utato taxation nave Deeu acceptea Dy tne house. Tho bill tormv $12,000 for injury to the schooner Henry U. Tilton, struck bv a shot fired from tho Randy Hook proviug ground, has passea congress. Major E, U. Kirk, quartermaster's de partment or tne army, win oe retirea to day, making a vacancy that must be filled from tueurst ueutenauts or tne line. ThOBolaromoter invented by Lieutonnnt W. 11. lieehlor, United States navy, will bo testeii on the North Merman Lloyd steamer Weimar as a substitute for the compass. A medal of honor has been granted by tlie war department to jiowou u. Treat, sergeant of company I, Fifty-second Ohio infantry, lor uixiiuguisueu gallantry in risliiug uis mo to save a comrade at Buz zurd's lioost, Ga., May II, 1:04. If 1 WEATHER FORECAST. Nmrtfl I Washington, Ang. 8. Forecast II 1 for eastern i'iirtsii;auin. threat' S Atitiinr wciithai: but vrabaliltl with. nut rain; southwest winds. For western Pennsylvania, local ihowers and thunder storms? cooler, southwest winds becoming variable. FINLEY'S CLOSIRG-OUT SILE -OF- Commencing today we offer our entire stock of Scotch Ginghams at 19c per yard. Those who know the quality of our GBGHAIS will realize the fact that they are the best value in the market today. 510 an! 512 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS 1 OTI1HA Wholesale aei Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reilly & Davie's Take off the old and put on the new; That neatly-fitting, easy shoe. When low prices rule ns now they do, Who would deny himself the newt Burt & Packard Shoss Make U3 Friends. Lewis, Reilly & Davies 114 WYOMING AVENUE. vui m mm We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor la needed you are- promptly told so. We also guarantca a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street, tmm BEL . most instantly. Mrs. Murphy, guilt, i Charles ilcUovrn.