The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 08, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Have You Seen the
It is well worth seeing, bring
ing to mind some of the artistic
features of the World's F.iir. The
bridge Is mude of (istilo Soup. It
is a pure White Castile, and U a
floating Soap; made only from
pure vegetable oils. We aro sell
ing it at the unheard of price,
2 Cakes for 5c.
We are enabled to put the Soap
Ou sale ut this low price by special
arrangement with the manufac
turer, who is anxious to introduce
it to the trade in Scranton!
It is already having a big sale,
and wo may have to pull the
bridge down in a few days in or
der to supply the demands; there
fore, if you wish to have a look at
it make your visit ;n early as pos
sible. Bring the children with
you; such a sight is always wel
come to the little ones.
For August, Now Ready.
Describes and contains the lead
ing Fashions, latest Dress Mate
rial, Stories, Anecdotes, Humor
ous Illustrations, Valuable Infor
mation, elevating and pleasing
reading for the home. Given
away to those who call for it at
our store.
rx Academy
A refined sell, ol home. Pnparos for tlie
up8i o i eg s.
'I hoi'diu'li ccr.irai'S in Jhisic and Art
Teachers' Llasa uivea be.-.t preparation fur
I oniiin r ial Course includes Typewriting
Rim mhii maun.
Posi ions stTuroi! for O.r.i.luntpa.
fcoiid i,r new illustrated circular.
i. il,, A.M.. Principal.
Misses Bril?"t Ldlv, of PhiUM-
pliiii, a former ArchbiM lwly, and littr
cousin, Janet. hUj of Philadf lphiu, are
Visit in i relatives I. erf.
The school bourl held nn important
uinetlm? on Jlondny veninx. rrnst
dent Lally presided, and nil tbe other
mi rakers wer preset. The reunlar
order of business whs suspended to
nllow Mr. Bown, repr'Sentini? a ui
firm, nn opportunity to explain tu
merits of lii boo Is. The board de
cided to pnrcha a set of hi m ips for
the central huilnin if, and parts of sts
for the bniMinKiin thn irt and Third
wards. The teachers wlio tanirht last
year were re-etnployed for the couiitii:
yenr. and Profesaor J. H. White was
re-enuBged for another term of thro
years. It w is d cidwl to ooeii the
schools on Aug. 27. The fixing of tli
teauhers' salaries and the placing of
them will be considered at the next
The new Traction company ta9 not
us yet made an effort to strinK tbe wire
at tbe lower end of its line nearer to
tbe Scr.mton line, and passengers are
still obliged to walk about 200 yards in
order to travel on either line. Tbe
present arrangement is causing con
siderable annoyance and it is hop el the
condition complained of will soon be
The East Side band will bold a grand
excursion to Farview Ann 20.
Tbe special train on the day of the
great regatta of the Press club will
leave Carbondale at 7 31. and will leave
here at 7 48 All who desire to nur
chase tickets will find them on sale at
Jones, Simpson & Co's. store, and
Monies' drng store. They will also be
on Bale at stations along the line.
There will be a 100-yard foot race at
Greenwood on the 20ih of this month
between Joe McDonougb, of Green
wood, and young Mike Maugau, of
Oilmore avsnn, for $23 a side.
John Nallin, tonsorul urtitt, of Main
street, was arraigned before rjquire
J iiara last evening at the instance or
tbe lay lor BnibUnir and Loan 9-n)cia-
tion, The case appears Nallin bad
some dealings with the association for
whicb tbey seized on bis Davis street
property, wbicb is now in the sheriff's
bands, to be sold on the 11th of this
month. Threats were made to burn
down tbe property and when tbe asso
elation got an inkling of the matter
they sent a watch m in to take oare of
It. Mr. Nallin visited the plase 011
Sunday night and threatened to do up
tbe watchman, A warrant was issued
for his arrest. The squire held bim in
EjOO bail for his appearance In court
Miss Kate Jeffries, of Davis street, is
visiting menus at Miner a Mills.
A lamp exploded at the temperance
nail lust night and a big nre was bare
ly averted by the timely assistance of
Janitor Jim Wallace, who sacceeded
In extinguishing tbe flames before any
damage was done.
Yon tig Etidis Fasshold, of Green
wood, died last nigut from tbe effects
of cramps after about 3 boars Illness,
b uneral announcement later.
Adolf Lalloz, carriage mannfaoturer,
1 in Uttrroll street, Buffalo, JN. states
was tronbled with nansea of the atom
ich, sick headache and general debility,
burdock islooa Bitters cured me. ; '
Highest of all in Leavening Fowcf .
1 c Ifewdfef
Mrs. C. H. Munn n 1 little dnugiitor.
who have ben visiting relative in
Nineveh, N Y , during th put tlir
weeks, return. I to their home in this
city yesterday afternoon.
Phil lwrv. of Uieontu, iN. ym
yesterday in this city.
Miss Minnie 15ow-n tins returned
from her viii'iition nt Maulins, N Y
John B. IIyt mid latuily, vt Kivcr
street, will leave today for u stay nl
Oitean Grove.
Walter Keed, of the Olyphnnt Gaz
ette, was u pleasant visitor in this city
MisBes Grace and Brtha Mattinway.
of S.ilem avenue, are visiting Bingham
ton frie nls
The 5-months-old child of Mr. and
Mrs Hugh Nicol, of Birkett str-et,
died yesterday rooming at 10 o'clock
f cholera infantum altera oner 111-
Yesterday occurred the opening uy
of onr new Hotel Atu-rlcan and this is
another hotel winch Carhondnle eau of. aud one which reflects great
credit to the mnnatier and proprietors.
A large tiuinber of guests partooi of
the first spivad The meuu was us
Little Neck Clntns on Shell.
Con 0111 me Jurdinlere.
Queen Olives. Celery. Sliced Tomatoes.
liuKeu vvinte r isn, ueiery nance.
Boiled Ilatu, Champugno Sauce.
Broiled Squab on Toast.
i rogs .Legs isremlou, lomnro s.inra.
Apple Fritters, Wine Flavor.
Claret Snujrie.
Stuffed Turkey with Giblets.
Kibs or beef, rtrown 1'otntops.
Spring Lamb, French Peas.
Boiled and MiMied Potatoes. Ureeu Corn.
String Beans. . Beets.
Suuw Pudding.
Apple Pie. Bluckberry Pie.
Plain White Cuke. Macaroons.
Lady Fiugers. Vanilla Ice Urea in.
Bananas. Pears. Mixed I uts.
Crackers. Cheese.
Tea. Coffee. Milk.
The Gjriunnu oroiiestra was present
and furnished music much to the de
light of the guests.
H B. Brennan left yesterday on a
business trip to Philadelphia.
Miss Adelia Peuworden, of bcrantou.
is the guest of Mrs. G. W. bamson, ol
Canaan str et.
Mrs. Catharine Morrison died at the
home of her dauirhter, Mrs. George
Sbaff of No. 143 Tenth avenue yester
day morning at 10 o'clock, after an ill-
nS ol eight weeks. Deceased Wis
bom in Ireland in 1S20. Tbe funeral
will be held Thursday ifternooti.
This evening the Mozart hand will
go to Crystal lake nuu will render an
open air concert at Fern ball.
Miss Jennie ligue is visiting nttston
The Hook ami L id.ler compiny will
give a moonlight excursion tun even
ing to Mountain p irk. The number is
limited to bfty-bve couples.
The civil service examining board
will hold an ex amination at tne higi
school building this morning for per
sons desirous of entering the
Mesirs. Reap, Mangen, Cliffy rd and
Donuely, of the council, aim Special
Press R pres'utative T. S. Loflu.i, are
xtiecte 1 homo from their junket by
the latter eud of the present w"k
Thecitiz ns are consiilering whether
they will uioet them on their return
with a brass I'and or a galling gun. An
interesting time is look"d forward t
when the time arrives and som per
sous were hearil to suggest that tn-
Keystoue hall be engaged for the ooca-
sion in order that everyuoiiy might
hear tlie report.
Joseph M i liaon, of smitbville, ago 1
10 yours, a Pole, died soon after beintf
almitted to the hospital yesterday
Early in the day lie left his homo t'
look for work. He boarded the lust
car of a coal train bound for tho Hill
side mines. In some way he missed
his footing and fell niid'T the wheels
When tHken from the traitm it wis
found that tne left leg was cut ' it close
to the body. The const nit flow ol
hloo 1 that resulted in co:ise(iti neo pro-
luc 'd his deAth.
Joseph Feldman, formerly of this
place, t ut now npp'Cticing pharmacist
of Brooklyn, N. Y., visited am mg
friends here yesterday.
The E igle Hose company drill fquad
went to VVilkes-Borre yest-rday ntur
non, where they g ive a drill on 1 1)
ntiure in the interest of the W 1 1 It s-
B.irre Engine and Hose company, N
Litter they went to the latter a pic
nic in Hanover park, nnd gave another
At a regular meetini; nf Company C,
Ninth regiment, Ip ld Monday evening,
Sergeant James Buckley wss honorabit
discnarueil fit bis own request, and
James Loftus was elected to fill the
vacancy. James Thompson was re
elected first corporal of the company.
0 Four Big Successes,
Baving the needed merit to more than
make good all the advertising claimed for
them, tbe following four remedies have
reached a phenomenal sale. Lr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
nnd Colds, each bottle gua anteed Elec
tric Bitters, the great remedy for LlVer.
Stomach aud Kidneys. Bucklen's Arnica
Salve, the best in the world, and Br.
King's New Life Pills, which nre a perfect
pill. All these remedies nre guaranteed to
do just what is claimed for them and the
dealer whose name is attached herewith
will be glad to tell you more of them. Sold
byMatthews Bros', drug store.
The Christian mission will hold their
first C'imp meeting on Siiml.y next,
Aug. 12 in the Father Matthew grove.
Good speakers from Olyphant, Peck
ville and Jerrayn will be present.
John Bentham and James Wilkinson
are practicing on a brick yard truck
previous to their accepting positions ou
the atrset cars.
Ex-Conncilman T. P. MoNulty, of
Carbondale wag in town on Saturday.
Miss Mame Broderlck. of Avoca, is
the quest of friends in town.
Mrs, Mary Welsh, of Halstead ave
nue, is on a visit to friends In Carbon
dale. Judging from the number of
drnnken prsonaseeu on our streets on
tbe Sabbath a stranger would think
tbe saloons were opeu and doing ousi
ness. This Is quite wrong, as the
toughs take home large quantities of
intoiiuants on Saturday night tor Sun
day nse,
William Jenks Gordon, of Dickson,
la snff-ring from' blood poisoning
brought 00 by being in contaot with
calm and lulpunr water.
Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Clark's Green.
Messrs. Fr-il Brown, Will Lynch,
Arehio Conrtright an 1 Albert Fish
s" in several days camping and fiiiuhit.'
at Lik- M' Jrmn.
G-orge Nichols, Mies Fannv Deacon,
Frank Baire t, ol' !:in,;h"iuto 1, and
Misa Ly lia Perkins, Will Lynch and
'ins uirrie biuuu epeiil lliUisnav ui
W. V. Good and f uni'v returned
from a visit at Mnticy ou Tii 'sday last.
Howard Akerley is now convales
cing. Judson Wells is erecting a new fence
in fro it of liis residence, which adds
much to its appearance.
Mrs Georg Wells and son and Alias
Minn Wells are spending a week with
friends in Georgetown, W.iyne county.
G-oriieA. DiiBree, of Philadelphia,
will addr 'ss tho people of tins vicinity
n Aug. 9, on "The Noble Work of the
Knights of Honor" iu the O 11 Fellows'
F. F. Spragu and family returned to
tb'ir home 011 Monday last.
11. L. Northup spent several days
with tri'-uds in Tuukautiock and vici
nity, returning on Satnrtay.
Mrs. J me Lie, of Wilkes-Barre, is
agiiii at the home of heru.ugnlor here,
Mis. Elward Luisev.
John Fiuch and wife, Eiwene Dale
and family aud Mr. and Mrs Wells, of
Scranton, were visitors at J. B. Aus
1 hi' on Sunday 1 int.
ltev. Anderson K-yuolJs,of Waverlv,
supplied the pulpit of the Methodist
Episcon il church on Sunday last. Pas
tor T. H. Parsons is confined to bis
nome with dysentery-
Mrs. F. S. Benedict was much elated
over bur catch of u five an 1 a half
pouud pickerel from the Cit'iUi i reser
voir ou Friday last.
John L Lutsey and family are spend
iug a short tlm3 with his p irents Here,
A festival is to b given in the Meth
must Lpiscopal church p irlors on
lhursdav evening, Aug, 9, by the
Ladies Al 1 society.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mu'lin spent
butidny with irieuds in M 10-10.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. Vv. Rhodes spent
Sunday with Mrs, Jerome 1 nomas in
Harry Gardner, of Einghamton, N
Y, is visiting friends here aud is evi
dently hereon bu-iness.
Many of our towns people spent the
day yesterday (laejday) ou the Dulton
excuision to An. 1,
The Justus and Clark's Summit Ball
clubs crossed 1 ats at Justus on S itu -
d iy last, the latter winning, having
been the first club to beat the Justus
club this Beason.
Mrs. Stevens, of Binghatnton, spent
11 week with Mr. and Mrs. L. M, Pot
ter, reluming on Monday last.
Rev. G. D. Moore, evangelist, will
erect Ins campaign tent here in Xich
ola' grove and nuld services beginning
Saturday next at 7 BO p. 111.
Samuel Smith will c "triplets his new
dwelling this week nud will occupy it
F, II Greene is erecting a fine resi
deuce neteon his recent pnrclitse and
will add much to the improvement oi
tins part of our village.
Mrs. Richard Lu-weliyu, who wa
very eick, is improving.
Willie Moran, boh of Mr. Moraii, of
Rich Uiondale, lull his thumb ti.dly
-tn tared with the c irs in the liiin
Dr. McGnite was called aud diussed
tlie injur -d m-uub-r.
Harry Vizziri has improved his fins
property hy mul ling a rot uning w ill
Mrs. Harry VizzirJ contemplates
taking :i trip to Wales, her old home
ou Au,'. 24
Tony K gati, who had his foot Bo
badly mangled, is doing well nnd -r the
killful treat tti-ii of Dr. McGnire.
Thomas Bryden inten Is starting
outs' furniHiii.'ig establisluuout in til.:
Giieitlier biiililing.
lhere is quite a number of new
buildings going up an I we will soon
nave a thriving and prosperous town.
Dr. McGuire, who came here about
a month ago, is doing ull anil has a
large practice. We wisll hi in success
as we toink he is capable of doiug what
is to be done.
Emblem Division, Sous of Temper
ance, will bold an entertainment on
Srpf. 21 lor the hem (ii of En. 11 Evans.
i iio feunil , wi-rs vmII cross bats with
tne Mo Iocs 011 T.iurdday at the River
side grounds.
Mrs. W. II. Gordon left ycsier ay
morning for day visit with
relatives ill Bull do, N, Y. George
Gordon, Councilman John R. Price mi !
wife and d iiight.-rs. E lith and Smrb,
also left for Lull do nnd Niagara Falls
Tomorrow morning the Price library
111 moersand all those who wish to gi
10. u, will enjoy day's oniing tu
L i;e Ariel Liorary hall will beopen at
7 15 for those who propose going to
nrile there, inw.iting for the e bo
streetcar, Messrs V inslow and W il
liams will have charge of tare. Every
one will provide their own Inncil as
the library will not fnruisu any kind o(
Elwin Kdeter, of Sjrauton. is in
Mrs. Matthews and daughter Miss
Lulu, of Cleveland, . O , are visiting
Uonesdale friends.
Miss Sifgord, of Potts vi lie, and Miss
M iry Peum in, of Scranton, are the
guests of Mrs. W. M. Gardner.
The advance guard of Company E.
consisting of S rgeani Robert A.
Smith, Corporal George E. Wood
ward and Privates B -nj lain G ird
tier, jr., Harry Eade, Wnl Weston,
Fred Wuitzel, Fred Bunnell and Wal
ter Fowler left yesterday for Gettys
burg. They were accompanied by
Conrad Wulif, who will be Company
E'a cook during camp.
Mrs. Dr. Schernierhoru left yester
day for Bridgeport, Conn.
Mrs. Josupli Gilllspie, of Soranton, is
visiting frieudy in town.
When Baby was sick, we Ravo her Cantorla,
When she wub a Cblld, sho cried for Castor!,
When she became Miss, she clung to Costorla.
When sho had Children, she gavo them Uostorliv
Concluded from Pace I.
once I eel wolcoun He do s n H d
scend to posiu : for politic il ell -ct; h
just meeis people man to in in, aud as
is wtniom compe itor, J. Uenueit
mith. would sav. "lets it bo at that."
lie is liberal in views and in purse, but
not prill, gate or xlravagaut j and tne
liegt irieuds he h is irf the neighbors,
rich and poor, tint know him best
lie has always a kin llv word !'or tiiein.
uid they stand ready to sw-ar bv him
The news of the nomination of Mr
Leisi-nring, while not unex iccted here,
nas been reueiv d with ureal satisfac
tion and already tii re is tmk of tender
ing liiia -ii monster ovation up m bis
turn to his idem-ant home nl Unpnr
TII-. STIR,il!J e.'t50LUriOM3.'
r: fUnnhlicii
s ri'ronslv Arieiira
nt Deni'-OMOV.
crnai'im Trib-tne,
Aug. 7 Following
the 1 0 inp o,
I'C' iul to tlie f
are lie :i Milutious unanimously
udnptHii ;
The li"inblicniis of Luzerne county, in
convention usseiiiele.!, n new their fealty
to liei ubiicau pi ii.iipli's as Bet forth lu the
stale 1 liitl'orin nf the party. They declare
ineinseives in luvor ot a po.icyof protec
tion to Amei icaii Industry, and deplore the
criminal iufatiiatioh which seems to have
taken n.ii.Hesri'jii of a Democratic presi
dent nud congress to break down the bul
wark ot national pros perity.
iney Hectare lor siauility 111 political
purpose aud for honest administration of
C.0V01 nnient. in the nation, state and mu
nicipality. They denounce the Douircratic
in flense of reform Which, in practice, puts
party above patriotism and uses i ftlco lor
personal ends: which banks on its federal
control ilirmigh me solid vote ot a section
weiui-u logo nor by memories 01 it common
treason to the republic "with all winch
that iinpliua" iu tiiAiilh.u, expenditure and
nuniinisiration: which coddles to every
.shilling phase of e pillar liu oice and de-
ine 11s itself to uiarcii uuUer every buuuer
winch promises a vote.
One year of blighting Democracy has
wiiliered the rich hlossonis of u thirty
years' ltepiibliculi prosperity.
We rejoice in the magnetic personal
qualities of onr standard hearer for gov
ernor, the gallant Daniel 11. Hastings, and
we pledge him the enthusiastic support of
the followers of the lamented "Plumed
Knight," whose devoted friend lie was and
whose mantle has fallen ou such worthy
shoulders to bear it iu triuinpiiaiit march
tliiough the state to an overwhelming
November victory for himself and cou
feiees 011 the ticket, our Honored Grow
and Bull aud Lynn and Mylin and Latta.
Wo be.-peak eariy attention in tho com
ing legislature to the neglected senatorial
apportionment, aud urge uiir senators and
members to active i Hurts tor a readjust
ment, of the districts by which this coumy
shall receive representation iu some appro
priate relation to her large population.
We plenge n united siij.port to the coun
ty aud (oiigrcsulounl ticket this day put iu
nomination, and call a lieputilRau rally
l'retii today till the polls cl se ou election
night that shall place l.n.eruo at the head
ot the column of Republican Couutics iu
the Hinie.
Resolved, That tho county committee,
appointed under the rules to conduct the
party campaign, be nutiior.zuj and em
powered to niiiko nominations iu the event
i f the death it withdrawal of Candida es,
without reconvening the county conven
tion, and they are empowered to certify,
Verify and fiie the cei tuii ates of btuu nom
inations in conformity to law.
Til K essential lung-healing principle of
the pine tree ha finally been Hiicce.-siul'y
separated all I rolliied into a peif -ct c ugh
medicine. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup. Sold by all dealers ou a guarantee
of satisfaction.
Mips Grace Ra.lingson is visiting
Mioses H.ittie and B sie ilnrtm.
R v. D. W. C. x, of Alden, Pa . oc
cupied the pulpit of the Episcopil
church last Sunday.
Jodie Beard.slev, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
is spending his vacation here, thei;n -st
I his father, C plain II F. -aril-dey.
lion, George A. Post, ot ,NPiv York,
one of tlie most tuco s.ifu! tiewpap r
men in tne city, w is calling on his
triends le-re yest-r lav
A. 11. Kool'l, of Bair.lo. N. Y, cam
home 1 is; Sunday 16 aiteu l the
of the late Ltzzie Hunter.
Anson Biicti.ird is here spending a
siiort vacation.
A G Park, of Hickory Grove, this
county, is the uu stof S. S. Wright.
Attorney E I ;nr Turrell, of N w
York, is thegn-stof bis mother, ou
JI .pie str-et.
.ir and IVIrsj. El Austin and child,
of Mauch Ciiunk. tire visiting lrienilb
E. N. Jonckes, of South Orange, N.
J , is spending his v ication with Mr.
111 1 Mrs. B H. .Mn! ford.
N. P. Ayers and wife spent Sunday
last in Lithrop with Mr. and Mra. L.
B Miliar
Tlie advance guar 1 from Company G
I f Montrose last inght at G 2J to join
iheir comrades in Scjantou on tn ir
way to Gettysburg. followii g
iiersons compilse the gu ud: Corpor 1
Joseph Birney in command; Privat e
rt 1111. m .uitier, wn.i iiu miiiui, y
iJarney, Richard Watrons, Wirt Couk-
Ji, O iari' rm st r II. S. Coukliu.Ci
Cook W. F L. Hirtig, Assistant Coi k
William 11. Dennis.
1 he SiT.iiiioii julnlee sing r gave a
concert iu Ciuip -1 hall ou Mouii iv
The s rvices ov r the r -mains of tl e
late Henry bei.rle Were largely at
tended Here 011 Monday, liev E A
V i-rner, assisted t.y R-v w, D Cox,
. Ill 'i itniL'. Among those from out i f
tjwn were Mrs. Junes Conrtright and
Miss H-itti- Miller, of Wllk. s-B irie;
Mr and Mrs 1 H. Welling, ot Treii
ton, N J.j Mr. and Mrs. S F. II iys
and J-lines Warner, of Scranton ; War
tier Searle and wife, of D droit. Mich
R iv Searle aud wife, of Butf lo, N. Y
and E. R. W. Searle aud wife, of Stis
A-' ' .' ! l
Nervous and Weak
All broken down, unnblo to sleep, distress nnd
burning In my stom.n'h, smothering and choking
spells this was my condition when I began to
tivko Hood's Harsapiirllb. I have taken 3 bot
tles nnd frri likr anoihrr nun, can work
with ease, weigh over 2ui), nnd Bin currd. I
shall ever bo ready to prnlse Hood's Harsapa-
rllla. ,1. I Giussinokr, Kew Grenada, 1'a.
N. IS, Bo sure to get Hood's and only Hood's.
Hood'8 Pills oro endorsed by thousands.
f 1
'. J. L. Gviaalnucr
J. II. Vosburtr. Ilia nonnlar nnd verv
1 l 'lising barber in this city, is visiting
fri-nds and relntives in 1) iwrmville N.
Y. His shoo is beinir run bv T O
Heath, of Pouv Citv. Mint, .lnrintf bis
Alida Lawrence, of Dinghamton;
L uisa Liureuje, of Conltliu, are the
Bursts of Charles Lawrence, of Chase
a Veil lie
Miss Sidle Dity, of Pitenon, N J.,
is stopping with her aunt, Mrs. Gjorga
Wilcott, on Chase avenue,
Mrs William II .over and children
loft, today for Candor. N. Y.
Jennie Sawyer, of C m lor, who h is
been visi iug friends in town, bus re
t uraed honi ).
F iniii" Siminroll was in the Parlor
Cit v 011 Satur lay.
Walter Smith, wife and d nightar are
calling oti friends in New York citv.
While playing last eveiiiu a little
dau , 'titer of ,M W. Fenian, of Ruilro:,d
street, fell and brolto Ir-r arm.
Bcm-T.; Mr. and Sirs. B R. Tanner,
ill .'. it, a son.
Airs (Jliireiiu) BtriiM, of Elmira, is
stoj.piii'' with friends and relatives in
tins mace.
Tne Ilillstend Fira company will
have an excursion to Likt Ariel about
mil Ho of S-nteuttier. The do-
will b announce I later.
B. (.'l.ffor, of Binghatnton, regis-
ered at the Mito pdl houn titty.
Junior Christian Emloivor ha'
neon organized 111 too I'n sbyti-ri m
church, with Mrs Frank Kuapp as su-
Rev. J. Marsland and wife, of Sus
quehanna, are visiting ut the Presby
nuu parsonage.
Forest City.
Frank Ciiiiningiiam. sr , a uinrh re
spected resident of this place, died yes-
rday morniiig of progressive para
lysis, after an illess of three months
luratiou. Mr. Cunningham was horn
years ego at County Leit-
ren, Ireland. He imigrated to
tnis cuntry iu 1S53, settling
at (nekerton, N. Y. 011 a farm,
in lay9 came to this place where be en
gage l in real estate speculatl n and
ouducted a wholesale 1 in nor business
He was one of our most enterprising
business men aud has been very suc
cessful, amaxsiug a small fortune. Ho
was uenclomanly to everybody and has
a host of friends throughoat this vi
cinity. He is survived by nine children
as follows: J II., proprietor of the
popular Forest Houe of tnis place; T.
W., station agent for the Lrie at H-r
rick; Frank, Dosttiiaster of this placo;
James C, Erie operator at the Forest
City station ; Peter, operator for tho
Ontario and Western iu tuia town
Mary, wife of J. H. Connolly, postm is-
er and m-rchaut of htarucca: K ithu
rine, wife of Henry ONeill, a contrac-
r and builder of this place; Alice
and Jjnnie, the two youngest daugl.
ters livitig at home, i'lineral notice
will uppear in Thursday's TmiiUNE.
The Unit pi States Will Soon Be Iutle-
pendant of Eurrp,
WAsnisoioN, Aug. 7 within n
short liui- ordinance oilier of the
army hope to set the Unit-I S. ales en
tirely indeiieiideut of Europe in the,
manufacture and stiptilv of finok -1- s.s
powder. Specific ilions are being
pare I now tor Lids to supply tile 111:1-
rial, and recent ixperiui-nts Iav
shown that the prospective nid i 'r ar;
ttilly capable ot giving a sup.-rior ar
ticle. I:i future the supplv of sinokeles
powilT purchased for the me of the
artuy will be wholly domestic, us that
alone could be dep-n.led 011 i.i tl e
event o1 a w r
Are Pure
Sweet Gentle
And Mo
Mothers and
Children '
Are their
si pel
Bold throughout the world, Trlco,
C'utli nra, Giic; Sonp, U5c; I'.i-nolrnnt, 11.
l'otter Drug iiii.l Clieiii. Corp., Solo l'ro
prlotor, l',otoii. C3"IIow to Cure
Bklu and lllood I)1mmisv," mailed free.
Is an Improvement in Soap.
In the Trolley Soap old methods
and niatcriuls are superseded by new
ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the
clothes sweet nnd clean and lasts longer
than other soaps.
Ask Your Grocer for It
If he docs not keep it send us order for
or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds $--S-
Joseph $. Thorny Elinton,
227 Chestnut Street, Phila.
pi riiflispic
AT .
mo IT
11 11 iiaanJ
400-402 Lackawanna Ave,
3 A
We can serve you well. All the
desirable kinds are here and at
right prices. Then we have
other kinds of
t loor : Coirerin:
Linoleums, Mattings, Art Squares,
Linen Crumb Cloths, fit
Byzantine, Smyrna and Oriental
Rugs all sizes, from a single door to
sizes large enough to cover an entire
1 LK
U Cl u
406 and 408
1 y
I fc ' v j , r n r ll
No tales or history goes with the goods
we sell at our
Odd and End Sale
You will find money by attending our
Odd &nd End Safe
It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap
nessthat distinguishes our
Odd md End Sale
Figures are eloquent when used to indi
cate the value weare giving, at our
Odd and End Sale
From a critical inspector you will turn an
eager buyer at our
Odd and End Sale
Goods marked in plain, large, low figures
at our
Odd and Bnd Sale
Lacka. Avenua
Building. Carbondib.