THE SCI? ANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1894. GENERAL HEVS OF Secretary Ptrik McBtydn, of to United Mine Worksri, but given bit Indorsement to tbe proposed plan of regulating tb bituminous ooal produc tion of the couutry to the a:taal neces eitlet ot tbe markets to maintaiu living condition- In th trad. H save: "Tbe miners favor the plan contemplated, recognizing that by tbia mean only can tba coal business be conducted to the profit of the operator and ulnar. We are ready to assist the operator at any time they under take the plan so anscosufully practiced by the anthracite operators, bhonld the oporators dem the plan practicable, we will call out evary man we cun wbeuevor aud as frequent as the markets become otom looked. By kteping the supply even with the demaud prices ean be fairly maintained, end thvre will be no excuse to redue prices or waes. The producing ca pacity far excoods the consuming ca pacity fid the effects of overproduc tion are against any permanent adjiwt; Mont of prices or wiuloi,' ratur. I shall five the figures which evury operator will reooguizs to be as nearly accurate as it is possible to bo, showing the uvcoiiity of ear tailing the production, e bus been sug gasted. American ooal twlds have a larger area than any country iu the world, England not acoepteJ, although she hits produced more coal each year than America, for the reason ibut the English miner works more steadily,and the market of the world are open to English coal, while Americuu mi tiers work fewer uays in the year, nud our coal is almukt wholly dependant opm bom cousumi'tiou. Iu the induing trd' th-.'re ure 400 000 man employed, 250,000 of tula DUtnuer b-iug digxers, ni'cor'iiut; to the oftkitil statistics. Four tons psr day run of mine is a small days' work for the miner wonting under uvrago conditions. In cne dny N Hip mlnluiuui jiroJncttm amounts to 1,000.000 tons. Working five days per wotik, or SCO Uays iu the year, ttie an nual production r-nches 800,000,000 tout, or exactly 100,000,000 tons iu ox oi'is of the oo:uu;u;i:ioLi under normal cou'.lttlous. It can be readily ntn how easily surplus itoolca can be produced, nud we know from tho bitter experi ence of the part what results follow. The only way the situation can be mat is by tlie method sttgrosled to regulate the pioduclion and prices, as the unth t'licltu pr j Incurs are doing We have urged it for a lou time, and I hope to see thu opurutors rnako the move at uu early date. With well autboutiO'tted cases ot sale of uutbrucite ooal So ciutB below ti-"j July circular price the demoraliza tion in the trade in iv be said to btve reauliod i'.B extreme limit. While this ib ua extreme case, yet none of the companies profess to be uuintuiniuu prices, and a reduction ot 40 ceuts is ttie usual offer. But even this reduo tiou does not stimulate trade, and the month of August, which is usually an nntlvunn T.rninia.ia til Via nna nf tha dullsbt on record. Now Belaud buy ers are tailing but little, and tako only stove and chustuut sizjs, the New York trade is dead, the wastern mar kets nre glutted, nnd the Pntla adilphia local trade is very quiet. Tne output for July was clone- upon 3 000, 000 tons, aud ua 5,112,000 tons were mined in July the stocks in light are simply ovarwhelming. Dealer every whare report a raluetance on the part of consumers to lay in supplies, ami or tiers that are usually filled io Juue have not loan sent in. The only hops for the market, in the opinion of the Phil adelphia Enquirer, is a strict observ ance of the sales agents agreement to produce but 3,500,000 tons iu August. This output, with the large stocks on baud, will merely restore the trade to normal conditions by the first of Sap terubar. There is fully a million tons more coil ubore ground than there should be, and until this surplus is worked oil the market will be back ward and prices will be just what the buyer cuoosee to give. Reading, it Las always bsea plain to those most familiar with it. was to be saved, it at all, not, says the Philadel phia Press, by any great feat of finan cial leKardemaiu, but by economy nnd a careful husbanding of its resources. The painstaking economies of Joseph Harris have steadily improved the position of Reading, until prudent men are willing to loan it a sum enffiolent to meat its mors pressing necessities. Under a plan, shadowed iu the Prsa more than two months ago, lUy 29, about $7,000,000 of collateral trust loans are to be Issued to tike up the receivers' ertiflcatee of $3,750,000 and Interest on the general mortgage fours to about $2,700,000. This disposes of m debt which now stands ahead of all other obligations aud pays the only interest on wbieb a foreclosure suit can be based. Io addition, a floating debt of 3,500.000 is to be funded and the currjnt resoursas of the company enable It to tide over $5,000,000 of oar trusts. This modest and moderate ar ronaement will undoubtedly have Its fair share of profit to those wno finance it, and it would be wiser if these profits were stated; but it also postpones after existing securities tin indebtedness which now precedes them, and it gives the road a considerable period la which patient economy can slowly put the toad on its feet. Minor Industrial Notes: The Milton Oar works have received a contract for building 400 coal cars tor the New York, SusquHhaiinn and Western railroad that will give employment to 409 men for a short time. John Redlngton, assistant supervisor on the Lehfgb Valley railroad, has been pro moted to supervisor of the Lehigh division, vlco Richard (.'affray, promoted to super visor of the whole road. The large Coxe engines are now burning bituminous coal, and according to the Wilkes-Barre News-Dealer, it is already showing its good results, as one tank ot it will last for two trips, while a tank of anthracite only lasts for one. The shipments from the mines of the Cumberland coal region f ir the weak end ing July 28 wero 111,141 tons, and the total shipments for the year to tlint date . 1.7S4.858 tons, a decrease of 643. 079 tons. , as compared with the corresponding pe riod of 1893. Both the Reading aud Pennsylvania railroad officials iu Reading report more active demand for cars than there has been for Rome time, and better Indications for revival of business than has existed Since the depression begun. The iron trade is much more activ, though the coal trade is Btill rather dull, owing to the hot weather. A spark thrown from the furnace Ig nited the roof of the euglne bouse at No. K North Lebanon furnace Tuesday morn ing and damaged the building to the ex tent of $3,000. Several firemen and labor ers were more or less painfully hurt dur ing the fire by the breaking of a ladder and the fall of naif-burned timbers. Their injuries are not serious. The stoppage of the Reading Coal and Iron company's collieries for three days a week, as announced. Is not aloue the re mit of the slackness of orders, bat is to IIDUSTHIES part caused by the shortage of tho watr-r supply at many of the collieries, If tbo region is not soon visited by copious rain siorius there will be great incouvauleuce and extra heavy cost caused at all the op erations. Th Knur Vnrlr Knuin..liiiiina and West ern is now bringing aoout 100 cars of ooal a day to its new terminal on tho Hudson rlvnr at Edgawater on the west sido of tha Hudson river north of Weehawkou, N. J. This coal comes from the Wllkes-Barre and Eastern railroad that which origi nates on the lino of the Delaware LiOcica wanna and Westoru being haulad now aa formerly to Jersey City terminals of the Lackawanna road. Of the M,ti(H035,418 invested in rail roads on Juu 3J, ISM, ta,B5!, 334,078, or 61. SU par cout. paid no dividends wnut- evr. Only 4.flii per cent, puut us nigu us 7 per cent., ouly 6.21 percent, puni ne- twoen 0 and 7 per cont., only u.oj per couc. cf the whole paia from 5 to 0 per cout. and the rest paid less thau 5 par cont. If it paid anything at all. The bond ed indebtedness amounted to $5, t!:!5, 69,821 aud 13.3 per cent, of that, or (007,141,203, paid no interoHt, Work has began on tbs Inter-County Electrio ratlwav that is to connect Tama qua. intuit Hill and Lunsford. This U the company that bus the right of way tlnoui;!i Tatn iqua und L.uia.'oi J bat is be ing euraostlr opposed by the Luusford ollieinlb of the Lohicb Coal and Navigation company. Tho road is to be built by the waiwneM Electrical (Jotistruction com pany, which built and equippod theFioo Inud externum! of tho L'.-higli Traction company. Worn was begun Ri tue Uaiua qua eud with from sevouty to eighty men. In Holland, Miuh., C. J. Do-sbniy pub lishes the News, and m its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' EcIho- trlo Oil tor coughs, colas, sore throat, catarrh aud asthma. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stack and bonds. Nkw York. Aui. 7. Wall street re view. Ptucks, except tor a half dozen or so, during the m iriiiug ruled higher. In the oi. tiing trading a determined drive whs tmi'lo ou Burlington and Q.iucy, the stock bing forced down to 70 on heavy allien, bat tile offorts to braak tho stooit were so transparent that the avernijra trader bold otf uud was not disposed to salt i Vu:i after tuu Heua(ioiial rise in corn b.ilh I'. ere and iu Chicago, which dumorai iz. d ill i uhortu tn that cereal. Prices ad van. ed by easy sta;;cs until tho last hour when there was u sharp rise based on Washington advices that the ur ill conferees hud airrued upon a meas ure providing (or a small duty on sugar uud placing coal aud iron ore ou the free list. The market closed strong and to yt por cent, higher on tbo day. Lackawanna advanced 2 to 1H0. Sales for tho day ag gregated 123,741 shares. Tha (ol'.nwiDic compieto taoia sauwiait the day's fluntuatioiu in aettv ntooka in nupplied and revised daiiy by Lailar Si Fuller, stools Urol.crb, 111 Wyomiuii uveuuu: Open- llib- Low In . at, et. Clun 4l.i;s io V" 7114 Am. Cot. OU 4m Sugar A. T. & eJ. F Cua. So. Ceil. N. J Chie & N. W..., Q., B. ts Q Chic. Uu? . 2TMi -T'a T'i .lllo 1174 105 . 4 4 . 4U i'M V) in i pii" 19 mi m w uu 10. W T3 8-jjB 13iV' 4,54 1U4 lo C, C. C. ft St. Cel., Book. Val. AT. D. &ti l:il 1.14 ho mi stwi mil D., L. U W D. & O. F tfrto (i. E. Co MX . ID .' SIft . 47 ,114'i . MH . M '. trwi ; i'i'4 La1.: Shorn... .. Ss N UanhaHau..., Vlu. cac Nat. L"ad ,,,, N. Y. A N. E K. Y. Cantral X. V O. & W N. Y., B. Ss W (T. S. C. Co North Pan North l'ao. pt Oir.nhu , Pc. M.iil ItnudloK Rock Inland B.T St. Paul. T.. C. & I Texas & Pao L'ulonPaclflo Waliash pr Western Union W.&U E W. J1L. E. pd IN li si VV4 -?s Mi 8t2 Mil iti!4 19 m 15 ion 4ld 1714 in mi 1)M 6UM ii. 1; fist 1m Is'i ' lev 4U-is m tU4 Chloajo Oram and ProvMoai. Scrakiow, Aue. 7. The following- Quota tions oro aupplla l and oorroctwl dally by La bar Ji Fuller, Stock brokers.121 Wyojilui aye nuu. WHEAT. Ormiilui; , Highest...., Sotit. fiTti EM t,i CO 5 m in iitVi 1.I15 :!;o 7i:0 IKS (IH7 6f5 197 Dec. im OSS mi r. 64 llav. Luw,, , tlchluK , CORN. Oin'iilnj HiKhest Lowest...,, , Clusiii),' OAT3. 0H)ll!l)( lh;bcit , IjOWOrtt Cloning br, DT.S0I4 ill 5 lis Pi' i'4 , IKI . as lOUK. Oiienlni? Blithest Lowpfit Clfidllll ,,,,, LAlfD. Opentua.,,,,, UlUlieHt Lowest Clnsinif. shout hiaa. Orienliii? Highest Lowest. ,,, Clotlug. New York Produce Karkat. New Youk, Aug. 7. Fwun Quiet, hold nrmer. v heat Dull, firm: 2o. no: No. 2 red store aud elevator, o'J'.'hu'jWc.; afloat, 6'JWc: t. o. b.. GOatWka: Ko. 8 ungraded red, C4iC0c.; tio. 1 uorthern, G7Xa77c; options cioseu mm at vaxe, over ysner- uay wnn tradiog active auu chit.ay m switching; Decembar and Soptembar mast aciive; sales lnciudoa 110. A rod, clcwisr, Augnnr, ootc.i Keptemoer, UJct Uccai bcr, G;tc : May. taUa COiiN Sr'Otcarce,dull;dccidodly higher; o. i, ooucjiO.j elevator; 07c. alioat; oi Hons wero t-xcltod and .irregular and au' tive at 4u5Xo. advauce, closing firm; September and May most active; August, OlJiC.; Soitemher, O'Jo.; Ootobor, 6c; iiovwuDcr, 01a; uecemnor, 07o. j ilay, 61 !c. Oais Dull, lower, weak; options more uoue. aironger; AU((ust, ic.! Hoptem ber,37c; October, Sbc.j spot prices, Xo. v, usaJiif.: JNo. 14, wulte, 44a44Wc; No. ciucaijo, 8a4na: iNo. 8, 87c; No. i whito, tc.j iiiiieu wemeru, iyjaiuc.i white do, and whito atate, 4(i5(Jc UEiv IJmot, stendy; family, $12aJ14 ezirn in', Bkkf Hams Dull, $23, TiEitcku Bckf Steady, quiet; city estro India mass. $17al3. Laud Dull, firmer; western stoarn $!M; option sales, Septomber closed at Pork Quiot, firm, old moiis, tW.50al4.75 oxtra piime, tlilnl.1. flUTTBii Fair di'rannd.stendy, ntatodniry 14i21c: do., 17&'.'3iv, Ponnsyl vauia, do., 17a23a.; western dairy, lal6&; do. creamery, 14a2Ua; do. factory, 12al5Xc; elfins, 8Jc; imita tion creamery, 14al7c ' Cheems Firm.falrlv active: statolnriro.7 n8Jic; do. fancv, bfc.i do. miull, 7Ja 9,V.; part skiius, y5c; full skims, Euus Steadier, more active; state nnd Pennsylvania, 15c; weRtora fresh. 12)ia lBa; do. per ease, tlu3.00 Cure for Headaoha. Ai a remedy for all forms or noadncho Kleotrie Uitterg hoe proved to be the very beat It eff eott a permanont oure and the moat dreaded habitual sick headaoheg J""'"; iu illDuuue. We urge nil who are umioted to procure a bottle aud give thia remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual conetipation Eleotrlo Hitters cures bv alv. Ing the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine, iry lt once. Large bottles only Fifty ceuta at Matthews Dros'. drug store, Fob earache, toothaoho, sore throat, swelled neolc and the results of cold aud InUammatlon, use Ur. Thomas' Ecloctria Oil the great pain destroyer, Little lUiody's GreutucaH. Little Rhody Is "somo pumpkins" of a stuto after nil. The siunlleKt of all tho states, she has the largest population per sqnaro mile, or 813.44 persons. Tho figures of tho last census show that if the whole union were na densely populated it would contain W5,708,ftS0 inhabitants. Now it is seen for what Rhode Island is distinguished above all her sister states. She has leeu observing Lord Baltimore's Maryland mot to, whloh rendered into plain English reads, "Increaso uud multiply." Washington Star. The Negro and the Earttuuiuke. At Port Augusta, iu Jamaica, One of the defenses of Kingston harbor, on tho oppo site side of the inlelof Port l'.oyal, Is shown the tomb of u negro, who iu a greut earth quake won swallowed up, anil apparently buried alive iu a chasm which wus opened under his feet. A luomeut later another convulsion threw him out on the surface iiguiu, undamaged but for a few bruises, scratches and ic.ire, nnd ho lived for many years at'terwurd. All tho Year Hound Slurried, but 11ml Never Seen a Tree. A lady mitsiuiiury told mo that after no end of entreaty and coaxing, a native onco consented to let his wife go with her for a drive. The carriage had to be closed, with the shutters down, but tho Hindoo woman could see between the chinks, and she clap ped her hands and shouted lor joy when she saw u tree, for it was tho fln.t ihe had ever seen in her life. Mrs. Eavid Kur in Jeuuess-Miller Magazine.' A Very Old Bitder. Prench scientists itro puzzling over a spider which was discovered In a cavity In u stone. H is estimated that the stone must be ut least 4,000 years old; this not withstanding, however, the spider hi quito lively and very youthful iu its antics. It is blind uud has no mouth. St. Louis Re public. Much of civilized history could be written In hu e. More than almost any other luxury it has been tho burden of statecraft, tho concern of kings. The Moore brought it into Spain along with other arts. It is Col bert's glory to have planted it securely in Prance, whence tho Huguenots took it to England, Helgiimi and Plunders. A snuku's lower jaw is attached to a sort of outrigger extending buck from its skulL, Also the two halves of the jaw ure connect ed by elastic ligaments, so that it ilnds no difficulty in so stretching its mouth side ways und perpendicularly lej to lie able to Hwallo'v niilmnl!; lm'eli li'i.-'ertlian itself. WEAK MEN your attention y fel Gray's Sp:clilc Medicine IF YOU SUFFER from xt- lUlUTOH. Wiu IUU n... . VUIIJ Ul- Lility, Woaknoss of Body Bial Mind, hporiua torihon, und Impoteucy, and ull discuses that arise from ovor-lndulpenno und self abiue, ua Lous of Memory und l'owor, Uiniuoss of Vis inn, Prematuro Old Ana uud many otiior dU eai s thit lend to Insanity or ( "lisumptlon and linearly irrnvo, wrltefor a pamphlet. N. Y. Tho Kwoiflo liedicino is sold bv all drutfulsrs at S per packaifi;, or six paokinjes lor Sw.or sent ny man on roeoipi or with every V-W order VVP RU Af!AMTr a cure or money reimuien. imiwwimwiw IOn account ot cmiutorfeicj v lciva adopted the Yellow Wrappor, the ouly gcuu iuu. bultl in ticranton tv Alulthuws Lros. GRAIID CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OF TUB Green Ridge Wheelmen AT Scranton Drivin August 22, 1894, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Race Eulea. Admission, 50a Grandstand, 15c MR. FRED WEICBEL At his nnwly-renovatad and licensed Hot -1 nt LijAKiv 15 ji.uit, u now prepared to fur nuu traveling men uud sucial p.irtu.a with the LATF.ST, NEW-STYLED lilUS, winkle or uouiiik, v lamj mom to J.uKo Winola, univel l'ond und nil anuurban points and ouinnior roaorta at roasonnble uricen. A larno livory burn connected with Uotul tor trav el uiK puniic. HASdON S-TAKK. AT Till; OLD ORPOT HOTEL. PACTuKYVILLK. Iu prepared to receive summer boardera and furukhrluB for tourUta to 6uivouudiu towua and aumiuer rceorta. aS j a PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM ai' aja IHarvGlous Cures Ein Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula 1- P. P. P. pnrlllei tho blood, bnllda up tba weak and flebllltnted, Rives stronKth. to wei.kenud uervns, cxpHs dlssii-'is.glTlinr the p'iMenr health and bapulunsa vtbera sleknoss, Klooiny fcalli.8 au3 htssltude UrsC provullud. Yor orliaarr.snoundnry aud ti ayptdlU, lur iiljod t,ulsoidnir. i t'al poison, malaria, dyppopsl Knr orltaar .snoundnry nod tertiury C3P iK. mereu- 'ElStS. and ill nil lK.u!i( blood and skin diseases, llko CH tetter, si aid head, bells, ory4!plns. r . ecieirm- wo liiuy say, uttUeut fesr ot ouinradlotlon.that P. P. p. Is tho bead a i blood imritW In the world.ond timties .- . poaltive, spue dy aud peruiuueut cures Gv-" Hall tswi. mm. . JLadlas whose systoius sro poisoned v utm wnnso btoou is iu au impuro ooiku- j;i tl'ju. dus to mnnntriml IrrxKiilarltles, eif- Oerlul tyiilo uud blood cleani'lns prop ortliisof P. P. P.-Prlokly Ash, Poke Knot and Potassium. t'?niHcpnu,o, Ho., Auif. Hth, -I osn speak lu the bltfhost terms of your nioiiielua from my own personal SJ -f-. . Imnwlmlire. 1 was niTooted with heart! disease, pleurisy and rueama'dsui for Si , years, was treated by the very host , phvalclanaaud spent Imiidroils of itrjl- , larn, tried overy kuown remedy with t? out Endlier relief. I have only taken one u'iliiu vi yuur i . i. . r,, t.u.i vi cheerfully any It has done tuoniore rk. . fronrt rhan nnvtlilnir 1 ImVA ovur tttkeu. il I osn reenramond your medlelno to all aufferors of the above diseases. n. , MRS. M. M. VEAItr. 6pr jflluld, Gioon County, Mo. " g Park Oil, THE CATHEDRAL EXCURSION To that, beauteous nud romantic spot, in Pari, -OH- Monday,Aug.l3 It will be the groat ovent; ouo of the finuat Katheiina of the season. Tult tha family uloiijr. Hefrcahmcnls cup pllod on the grounds. ifTrnln leave Jersey Central do pot at S, S, 80, 0 oud IUU B.ui.. 2 uud 8.yDp.m. E'Iloraemlior, ticltot3 nre Lot good on "Tho Flyer," 12 rj p.m. 3C'4 V V "CJ'jtaJ'j-tj hf? ISTHSBSST. La NOSOUEfcHINa CORDOVAN, WFlNECAlf&lftKiiAKa CLtS. Ik EXTRA FltlL. LApico ft 1 Tf 1 iT You can euvv mnnrr by piirckuuiuir W. L. lilcllUlllll Miucm. 1) we u.e ilie ltircrst lnaDufucturerft of lulvcrtissd cliiics in the world, nnd (unrautce the value by ftamnltii? the name nna price on the bcttom, which protecla you against tiisli ririt-ea and the middleman' DrotiU. Our ahoea enunl custom work in style, easy fiitiiiK and - 1 ! 1 ...... 1 ...I I V. I iriTly qulllirs. hc nu ,liviii nun, niriy. vbere t.t Inwer orlce.1 for llievnlue tiveu than any otlicr make. Take no nubrtltute. If your cculor cauuot auppiy you, v.b cuu. aom ny E. J. LEONARD. Eaaonoio t tHt Hiohsst Mioirat, AuTMonirist Z . i.;iAi,ttt WIN CUpO virl. A I 3,w.woiiUeriiil beoa to duffi-ren NT .,' if twr'. Colds, .Sr,roThr.t, (7 STin -'iniiMfni-a, Mi-oachltls, Vv 7? orUATrjFEVJJlt, Aforii tis'irt -V 4n!infi'itf rrlir.f. AaeRjcloni ' ' reine'li', convenient to cany 1 ropket, rnailv to rr i en unt Im'.liniiun of cold. 4 OTillnnod Vo :ijefJe l'eriuanent '"lire t:r.iisia:ili'n(niarintei'tl"rnionnyreliin.le(l. Prler, il els. Trial fren nt Druwls'i. ltcllercd mail, W.ccuu. B. I. CUauu:(, Tim tinu, Hid, B. S. i CtTCJI-i JSXJ.T!Sr S3 rr1TI-1 fl 1 'J1.1P ,,,ro" J af est rpitierty for l.'jiwU J irJL. aiisKindiwasui , Rt'iama.lteli.galt Htiemn.nUl Sorps. MurnH. ruts. Woiirirfiil i-A,n. p!gt.i or hy mitU prepaid. AiMn'tisns ultove. Dls.s lor sulo by Matthews iiroa. und John 1L riiolps. r;S3SA'S Bemovcfl Fro5:los. Plmptji, Liver Moloi, BiaokHwadst ati.-ir.urn ami ient aim re. aiorca me utm io lis une i the skin to its origi- 1 i;.S lefihndia, producing A1ifWJf. and healthy com-it? t?, WaVJ; on. fiuoeriDrtoallfucft-' ' not lii ar nl.-iion. BuiwriortoalifacA preiiurutioiiB and perfectly barmlcfi At all oruUu, or moiled lor SOcu. Ueud for Ciroular, VIOI-A. 6KIN SOAP l simpir tsctirsMo ss skis (.'urif.vlng foip, uuuiialCfl fbr Uiu tollat, anil viUtuut s rlvtt fut t!Q u'lnnn-y, ifiaoluirlT vura axid tV'ILiiifly mull fatjd. At dnifrrii'B, PHne2Ceafs, G. C. BITTNEH 6. CO., Toledo, O. For snlo by Mattlioiv Iiroa. II. Dielpa. and Joliu PEXTK3 unoB te.,inc'?.fiipK3i,8i.ecf)(fno. hilSt m.e.o n'oii iw tue Vvoulii. "A tloiliir taciit U a dollar" This Ladlen' Solid I reuih )oni;oliilildUut. too itoot dclitorcd frto soy whore iu the U.S., on reuviptuiussu, uonoyuroer, or l'uiud Note fur tlM. Kcuals cvary wsy tho boots cold In nil retail nor mi for t!M. Wo male this boot ouruclvcs, ttioreforo nto aor antt tho Ji'., Ityle and wear, und li any cuo is net sutttdi d lip we mil iciuna tno muuoy or 64tid another pair, Opera loo or C'emmnn Bunts, winths c, i. a, n lie:, i 4U;y Xslios 1 la j aud half i- :'ViL FREE Dsxter Shoe Oo., K51& Szrclal trrmt U 1talitr. Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores r -J.t o aflS Catarrh, Malaria Art'rar?r!r?- fcl riciuy ei:ii i utiu liu.'w mm , Bltun, tho ereatest blood purifier oo ounb. AirBnr.F.r, O. . July 21, m. ME3a:. Lrci'M..N Ull'iS., CUVlllUlull, On. i Iiuar (ins-l iioiielir nhotilonf your P. P. P. at Hot sprint's. Ark. .and It ha done mo more K"ed than throo , month' Ireatinnniat tha Hot oirliit;a. ' Hoad rhnio IihiMm 0. O. U. Ucrtuuclfuily yoiirs, JAfl. M. KWTO'Sr, Aberdeen, llruou Cuu.ay, O. Cnpt. J. O. Jolinjto'i. Jb tiH nhorn it fny ronefrm I here by testily to the wonderful uropcrtiea of P. P. P. lor eruptions of Uia nk'.n. I suflenid for sovyral years with un i.a alKhtiy sad duKreou,iu orup'.loci .u mi face. I tried evsry kuewii rem. i ily but in vnln, until P,P. P. was used, and ntu now eullroly cured. (Blguodby) J. D. J()ilNBTOi, Savannah, Ua. mitln Cancer Ctirad. lei'.imon! Jromtlii Mayor of Snulnfcz. Peqpik, Tax., January 14, Messrs. wePKAN linos., eavaiinch, Ca.i Uenikmen have tried your P. P. P. for a dhteaso of tho si. In, usually kiinvii as -skiu eanear,uf thlity yirs stai.iliiiB, uul found (treat rullaf: it p'irli'.uo tha Wood sad ren.oves all tr rlutloii from the beat of tbo dlsoma nnd prevents any spreading of the -iy V r'J 3 i-t? !f9 sO C' -sjy DDIT9. I 1HIVO UBIIOTI II,.... a' . and (eel ounlldeut th.itnnct'iureoari o will ereac a enro. It baa also raiiuved tin, from inOiKl'Stieil BUU BbUUUVU troubles. Vn,,r. fti,le. CAPT. W. M. RU3T. Attorney at Law. M Oil LU DISC023S MM FiU ALL DE0QOIBT8 BELL IT. LOPPMAN BKOS. PROPEIETOR8, i Ci Id ppm mi's Ulock,JavBnnh, Ga ' ' affvAk '-' J-i SEND FOB CAT.VJlSUS - . W DROCKTOrt, MASS. , mm :i.i'.wjji rt ii rl I.r ! u . ,TH.iltA nun i t hv ir IS.HS.WJf S fhird Rational Eank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, 1200,000 SURPLUS, $250,000 This bank offers to rispotltore aver) fnclllty wurruutrd by tliolr buluucua, bul aifSH and K-apoKblbillty. fepeviul attvntiou Iveu to business so cuuula, lutervat paiit on lima deposit V1L7.TAM rOXVVl.T Piosidnnt. OhO. II. i'A'ILl.V, Vic-;'iei,iJoiit WILLIAM U. 1'UtK, Cuablck iiiUkCTOita Wllllnin ConiKdl, Geori K. Catlln, Alfred Hand. James Arrlibulil, H,nrv Delhi, Jr., VUlluiu otb Lather TH IT; National Mi of tonton CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000, EAM'JEL IIlNES,Prcsldeut W. W. WATSON. Vvca l'reauiani . L. Yi'lLUAali Cuabief, ninr-CTona, PAwrEr, Hinet, james M' Evrr.nAitr, 1KV1NO A. t (Ken. j'lEHCKi). riNUiir, Jolililll J. JlJit.MYW, Id. rt. KEMi:IIEit., Cuas, I'. ilAiiiiiiwa, Jons T. 1'ouxuu. W. W Vl Ai'bUX PROMPT, ENLRGETia CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This 1 auk Invites tho patronao of businoij men ana urtua ifeueraiiy. Largo Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. bin's Sons LAQBE3 Bee: T5 Brewery Ilannfatturors of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Por Annum, Atlantic Roflnlng Co. Manuluoturors and Dealora in: Uluiaiaatiiig ana Lubricating LinsooJ Oil. and Oaso lines of all ftT93- As, ra89 Pinion Grease nuJ Colliory Com pound; also, a lurt;e oi lur. rnfilue Wax Candles. Wo also baudlo the Fomoua CROW?) ACME OIL, the only family aufeiy burning oil in the market WILLIAM MASON, Manafjor. Offleo: Coal Exchange, VTjouuns At Beeds and OH S Stagey jlsmd USINESS AND PROFESSIONAL I'H YSH 1AMS A.MJ t HUtO.NS. DR. U. LLUAtt LEAN hue rauioved to 010 Spruee btroet, berunluu, la. CJuat op- 1'OS.te cuui i-iiuiino btiuaru) - ). A. J. LONNELL, Offlce IflJl Washiniftoa U avenue, comer Hnruce atreet. over 1' i nucku s drui: sccru. Itesidanca. Tii Vine as. Otecu hours: 10.3o fi 12 a. in. nnd S tot aud jmto p. m. Sunday, Z to 9 p. va. K. '. K Ai.Ll.N. Olllco eur. Lack JLr wanna aud Wnahini'tDii uvea. : over Leon ard shoe t.tuiej ollice hours, 10 to 13 a. in. out a to 4 p. m. ; svcn.urfa uC lculuuncuk uu.n. Wasblrifrton nve. H. V. L. FHKY. l'rnLtl hunted to Ui 1J ousee of the Kya, Eur, Noao aud Throat; i;lll''f, lit Wyumina ava. ltosidoueo, Vlua tirePt. li. I..U. ClA'l Lo. lZo Waaliiuaton Avenuj. U Olilce hours, li to 1.110 to i aud X to 8 p.m. Keiiidence ;; iladison avenna "itijfjnrwEsxrM.'' I), oiiiosTau and.M ) (kimmonwenllit tiulldlnrti residence 711 Maiiiaouevra: oliliu hours. 10 to 12, IS to i, T W t-undava 2.U0 to 4. evuidnza ut reiildouco. A specialty made of disoasoa of the eye. ear, uoaJ aud throat und (tynucoluKy. ) K.KA V, ail) 1'ennAvo 1 1 to 3 p.ra ; call 20ii;, Ui.j.ot women, oiistetriea ana ills, or ciill. I.A WYK1W. T M. C HAKLK. ri l,sw end Colieotlun ot. l . flee, No. HIT Kpruoo t, opiioslte Forisit House. Ikinnton, Tu.i collections a specialty throughout Pennsylvania; rellabio uorreapouu- ins in every county. JH 5bUi b Jii HAO.U, Attorneys and Couusul. loia at Law; Couiniou wealth bulldiiiKi Wuouiutfton ava. W.ll. Jt wrr, HoitACE li. Hand. W. H. Jtrtsup, Jn. W ILI.AKD. WAKHEN Us K.SAHP, Alt',r r.nys and Counseinrsat Law, KenuLlican t iiillilimr. Wsi-lilMi'ten nve,, seinnton. fa. IjAlltKhU.N in VVILUO.V, Attorueya aud Counsellor! nt Law: vlliuea o aud li Library LuildiE, ttiuntou. Pa. Hoawttf, IL rATTBltSOB. William A. Wim ox. A LPKEU HANI) WILLIAM .1. UANU, AV .bV tornevs and Counsollors. Commonwealtb Iniildiiii:. Kooius it, :SaiHl'i. vv F. IjULL, Attorney ttt Law.I.'os.lU and lliur biiildm, ashington avenue. H LNKY M. bEBLV Law olllcos lu Price huildini;, VAii Wnshinuton avenue. VUAi.K T. Ulv.-LL, Attorney at Law. Room i I. l nal l.Yehani'ii J.iTiiii Mill. I'a. ;L'iON W. LOWrtlf, ( Atfys T V ashii: 11. VOX KTH'.:. I ton ay,, C. II. square IAJ1ESW. OAKKOhl), Attorney at Law, riKiiiis &, W and 85, Commonwealth Vl'g. ( 'A'.HUtL W. KDtiAK, Attornuy at Law. J Olll.e, !I17 Hpnlcost., Hcranton. Fa. L A. WATKLS, Attorney at Law, t'3 i Lackawanna nne., Hcrnnton. Pa i) P. SMITH. Counsellor at Law. Olllco, I . room:-, r.l. .Vi, 1$ C'eniiuoiiiveuUh btiildii'. li. PlTCUEii. Attorney ut Law, Com . ntoiiwi'a tli Ijuildiii;;, Seiantoii, iJa. C. OMi'.ms. .121 Suroeeat li. hUPLuULii, Attorney Loans nexc- tinted ou real cstnte security.HOs Spruce. F. K1LLAM, Attornev at-Litw, JaJ oniini:aVMnop, Kranton. M HOlil.S. (j'CHOf-L OK Till! LACKAWANNA, Scran O ton, 1-a.. prepares boys aud iiirla toreoUces or liusitieiis: thuroiiiihly truiua young children. Cutalctiuo ut reyuejt. ilr.v. THOMAS M. CANS, VV ALTKK ii. BUEI.U. r 1S.S V Oi'.CfSTF.It'S KIKDEUUAKTEM il and fechool, 412 Adams avenue, fupili receivtvl ut ail tlxei I-ieit term will upeu hoptoiiber 3. UI..V l i vi n. Ci ('. LAUBACH. buigeou Dentist, hu, lli Wyoming ava. If. M. MH AT TON. fiffl f'n.l F.vrhM,,e. LOANS. rliIK KKPUliulC SbvIuks and Loan Anso X elation will loan you muiioy oa oucicr terms and pay you better on investment than any other association. Call on S. N. CALLE.N-r'l'I-'. 'Inno Rank 'niild'nv SEP. 1S. ( Ii. CLAHK & CO., Seedsmen, Florisca vJTt t.r.d Xuraorymen; store 14(1 VVaahingtoa avonuo; creeo housj, IjjO horth Main avenue; stnro telerihono lri2. TKAS. GKAND UNIOM TF.A CO.. Jomw Bros. W1RR HCKKKNS. TCS. KCKT'IFL, 6i5 Lackawanna avenna, heranton. Ph.. mnnuf'rnf W'ire Sereens ho: i:ls ami kkstavtiam's. PUK WESTMINSTER, 217-21il Wyoming 1 avo. IIoiium heated wkh et"aru; all mod ern iiniirovemunts. C. M. Thumaw, Prop. rputl LLK CAFE. US and 127 Franklin ave- jl Due. nates reaaenauie. P. ZiKULurt, Proprietor. V i r Lh'riuii, bTFFt Htyi FtT iiv u n L-miL'uiii. v if. km. oiiatfl tiu jnaaarer. Sisteentli street one block east ot Urcnulway, ut Union Square, Kew York. American plan, J3.5U per day and upward. CbVN!S HO'tTsiS, kuronoan pku: jjood J rooms. Open day aud nltilie. Bar aup pllod with tha best P. TI. COYNE. Proprietor. CU'BANTON HOUSE, near D U & W. pas ij seuRer deput. C' jnductod ou tbo Luropoun p'n7!. vii row ioi m, i rnpi ii-Tiir. AKCHITKCTS. AVIS ifr 110CPT, Arehltccti. Bioiua 21. 2S and So C'eitinionw.'alth ti'ld'cr. Hi ranton, J.i L. WALTEK, ArehiUct. Office, rear of I J. 808 Vi'ushliiv'ton avenuj. ? L. BROWN, Arrh B. Architect, Prico I liulidinj. lie V unhliiiflon Ave.,icrantnn. 31IM'KM.AM:Ol'S. BAUF-K'S CkCHHSTRA - MUSIO FOil LalLi, picnics, patrtios, rtfuptious, wed dines and ooueoi t work furnished. For terms address IL J. Bauor, conductor. Ill Wyomiu, ave.. over Hiilbert'a ntusu store. H OHTON IX SWARTS-WHOLESALE lumber, Prloa buildina Sr iantou. Pa. MhUAUGEK BHOTUEIW, rKINTEKS" sappUea, euveiopes, paper buirs. twlna VureUoutiU, HI) Washingtou avo, Scruuton, 1'u. II OBSEH AND CAKKIAC1ES FOB SALE at lloi Cupouao aveuue. u. li. FOOTfc, Agent Tmunk p. ukUwn & co.7uiole i sale dealers tu Woodwaro, Cordage aud Uli Cloth, iv M. Liseaawantia avenue. Hotel Waverly F.uroi)P.l Plan. Kirst-olass Bar attsoheS. ))i put for iloruor A l.ugol's Tanuoutuaor Loer. 1 1 Cor, M end TM PtiilaJi Vosl desirable for residents of N.K. PonnJ lylvnniii. All convenUiiieos for travelnt-j to and from Broad Street station and tha Twelfth and Market Htrnt utatiou. 1) Tallin for visiting horantoulaua aud p tie lu tha Anthracite Kegloo. T. J. VICTORY, pr.opRiEToa. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest In ths City. Tho latost improved fur nishings aud apparatus for keeping meat, butter and egja. C23 WvomlDg Ave. IV E CAN GIVE YOU SATISFACTION Come and see us about the Job Work you will need soon, Tlis Scranton Tribune Job Dept. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J. LEHIGtT AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION AutLracite coal used exclusively, Insuring cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 20, ISO!. Trains leave Scranton for Pittaton, Wilkes. Parro, etc., at 8 .2d, tl.15, 11.80 a. m., 12.50. 2.0JL 8.,, 7.2, 11.U5 p. iu, Sundays, .() a. ul. 1.00, 2.1.-), 7.10 p. in. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For Now York, NewarH aud Ellzaboth, 8.33 (express) a. m.. VIM (eiorosa with Iliiffot parlor car), 8.M (express) p. uu Sunday, U.15 y. ui. Fon MArrn CnuNK, Ali.kntown, Betulc. V.' F'.liT.)H nd riui.ALti.PHiA, 8.4J a. m.. i, mo, i.oo (except Pluladelpliia) p. m, nday, 2 .13 p. m. r 'or IjONa H II Witt Dnrlw rjnrtvi nl- &::o ( wi th thruiim, ear) a. in., 12.40 p. m. ' ror neauinir, Lebanon aud Harrlaburg, v( Allontowu. 8.U1 n. m ij .'ji s on .,, oU..- 2.1"i p. m. ' ' Jor l'ottsville, 8.1(1 a. m., 12.H)p. in. lteturniiiR leave New Vork. foot of Liberty t'-et. Xorth river, at tklO (express) a. mj, 1.1(1, l.:, 4.ii (express with Bmi'et parlor carl p. ul r'.unday, 4.;i a. m. Leave Philadelphia, RoadtnR Terminal, 9.03 a. m., l;.OU and p. ni. Sunday, 6 27 a. nw Thronch tickets to all points at lowest rat may he had on application lu advance to t!i ticket afont ut thu station. U. I'. BALDWIN, J.H.OLnATTBEN. -Oeu. Bupt. DELAWAEB AND UUD- hU.N KAIL.KOAD. Vluly ud hV9 Trains will loavo Pcran- tun nLuiiviu iur mroouumo and lntermeiliato points nt t'.n r. i-. i mi u.)f.:...i ,.,1,1 i ..v. u.i'i, i w, n.-o I'.im a.m , 12.00, 2,20, 8.55, 5.15, 8.15, 7.25, 9.10 and 11.2U p.m. For Farview, Waymart and Honosdale at ,.00. .25 and 10.10 a.m., 12.00,2.20 ai.d 5.15 p. in. F;r Album-. Saratoga, the Adlroudai.-ks and Montr-a! at OAS a m. and 2.2(1 p.m. For Wllkcs-Iiarre and mtermedlnto points at 7.15, 8.45. and 111.45 a.m, 12.03, 1,20, 2.3d. 4.(l, 5.1U, 0.115. a.l5an-lll.:)8 p.m. Trains will urriveat Keruiitoa Station from (arbondale uud iiitermediiite pniuts at 7.40, S.40, V Mi and 10.10 a.m., 112 CO. 1.17, 2.1W, IW, 1 54, 8 65. 7 4.. 9 11 and 11.33 p.m. rom UuiiDsJale. Waymart nnd Farview at 9.E4 a.m... liioo, 1 17, 8.40, 5.56 und 7.45 p.m. From Mi.nrreal, taratojja, Ailauy, oic, at 1..VI and U.;l p.m. Fio;n Ilki'S-barrenndlntcrinodlato points nt 2 15, P 01. lui 5 and 11 55 11.., 110, 2,11, 3;,9, 5.10, u.u,T.2J, 9.03 und 11.16 p.m. MAY 18. 11. Train lenvos Scranton for Philadelphia nil New York via. 1). & 11. It K. nt 7.15 a.m.. W) 2.H and ll.ils p. m via D., L. As W. It. K., tt.OH b.iW.ll.SMa. ui.,and 1.30 p. m. Leavo Scranton for Pittston and WilkOT Barro via I).. L. & V. H. K., U.UJ, alia, ll.ZJ a. m, nai. ii.07. )j. .o p. m. Leave bcrnnton for W'hltu Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville and all points on tho Heaver .Meadow und Pottsvillo brajichos. vui E. tt w. V.. U-10 a.m., via IX &1LH.H. ut "-15a.m., U05. VM. i. p.m., via D., L. & Y. It. R, a'JO, t.U). 11.211 a.m., k.M, S.0U p.m. Lieavo oeranton lor uotuienem, taston. ReadliiB. Uarrisbur nnd all intermedial points via D.& H.H.R. I.ih a.m.. 12.0"., 2.3$, 1LJ i.m.,via li,, u & v.. u. lt..u.uo &.oa. li.M a. m., l.;W p.m. Leave hcrnnton for Tunlcbannock. Towandi. Elmira, Ithaca, Geneva and all intormedltte points via U. & U. R.Il.,S.ii a.m.,L!.Uj and 11.3S p. U. U & W. K It., 8.0-1 a.m.,1.30p. m. lioave scranton tor Hneliontor, Jiudalo, ix t acara Falls Lletrnit. Cliicairo and all noiuti west viaD. & H. P.. E., " a.m.,12 0J,!).l.'..I1.3J p. ni., via U. h. & W. B. It and Pittiitoa Junction, 8.0ti a.m.. 10. 8. iu P. m.. via E. & W. B.ii..3.41 u. ra. For Elmira and tho we4 via Salamanot, vi I), ii H. it. It. s. i.-'i a.m., U0."i,ti.Uo p. ra.. via D.. L. & W. U.K., ,8 03 a.m., and 0.1 p. m. Pmlman parlor and sleeuiuir or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wilkes-Barro and Now York, Phiiad -lpiiia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridce. KULL1N H, WlLBUlt, Gon. Sunt. CHAS. a. LICE. Gen. Pass. Aiz'L Phila.'.P. AW.NONNEMACHEU.Ass't aun.Pasa. Ai'W boutu iiutuii-neni, fa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANLT WESTERS RAILROAD. Trains loavo Scranton ss follows: Express for New Vork aud all nomts Eat.t. 1.40. g.&iL 6. If, 8.0U and U.&3 a. ta. ; If Ki aud 3M p, m. Exprosa for Easton, Trenton. Philadalphl and the South, 5.1a, 8.00 and 9.53 o m.; Hot anuii.o'J p. m. Wnohington and way stations, 3.G5 p. m, TobyLanna accommodation, S 10 p. m. F.xiir on for Binghauiton, Oswego, Elmlrn. Coinliig, Bath. Dansvtlla, Mount llorrit an J Buffalo, 12.10. 2 l a. ra. and 1.21 ii. m., makinic cleso counoctions at Buffalo to ail points iu UU West, Northwostand bouthwest. Baih aocommadation, H n Binghamton and way stations, 13.37 p. ra, Nlcuoboa acoommodatlou, at 1 p. m. anj 8,r p. m. Binghamton and Elmira Express, 6.05 p, ra. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, . OsWWPK Ctica aud Richfield bprlnga, Xli a. ul aud IM p. ia. Ithaca, tl6 and Bath 11 a. m. and 1 "I p. m. For N orthumburlund,PltUtou, Willi es-Ilarra, Plymouth, Blconuburg and Danville, making close connections at Nort'mraberland for WHllamriport, Harrljburi;, Baltimore, Waaut liiKton and the South. Northumberland and intermediate station 61, lUim. and 1..10 and 6.07 p. m. Nantir.oao aua lutui mediate stations, 8.0 and 11.21' u. m. Plyumutli and intormodiat stiitions. 3.')iand p. m. Pullman ravlor and sleeping coaches on all Yor detadtfd'iutornia'Jou, pocket tim -j taWos, etc., apply to AI. L. Smith, city ticket offlu a2s Latkawanuttaveuuo, or depot ticket ouicia. ERIE AND WYOMING! VALLEY RAII. UOAD Trains leave Scranton for Now York and in termediate points on tho Erie railroad at d-tt a. m. and &.'A p. m. Also for llonesdale, Kawley and local points at 6.35, 8.13 a. ui .anl 8.24 p.m. All the abova aro through trams to and from UoD'sdulo, An additional train leayos Scranton for Lake Ariel at S.10 p.m. nud arrives nt Scran ton from tha Lake at n IS a ra. nnd 7.13 Trains loavo lor Wilkes-Barro at 4. 40 a. m. aud 3.11 p. in. SrRANT'lM 1 IVIsiION. In l lfecc June 24th, 1H01. Nortli Uouutl. eos.sbsiioiT" 'b J- J feoiuh Uouad, 102 fl i 200 Stntloas a s y, r !(Trnlns rnlly, ExJ "3 I wpt Miutiny.) lAnlve " l.elivei N Y Franlilln nr. ,P Hi M .... TS.. 7d .... I m West, 42nd sti-eot 7 id .... '01 p m r m! w eonawken 810 lArrlvo Leave' ur ml 8C0 11.1 iliaiiiTck J'mctloai ewil a Ai fi 10) 1 (Mi Hancock ffl 'i .... 6 181 U 'ii .... U'ili .... 0 3i S 41 p fl 4 1 1 a I 4 50 7Sj 7 SI 1 1 a sti . IllNtl! . IS40A Siarllifht PrcMou Park Cemo Poyntelle liclnioiit Pleasant Mtk Unlmidiilo Forset City Cinbundiilo lnte iUidgo lluyheld Jermyn Archibald Wlntnn P.-i'kvlllo Olyi'liimt lMokson Tliioop Providence Park Place 7 4! Ti'Hilv'IO IM 7 aiiia isiiooi1 4.H i 8 4 r.j 8(6 6 0S i m'tiiiMi u j si (II M 8 Oil 5 OS 8 ID 6 IS 811 5 84 7UmIii sld 3 6iviu ml vir-il 710, 7t4 0 JHIUSO 1-J T 27 13 881 6 ar f8 4'e ,...119 0 fl Pl!,l8 48 5 48 6 41111 SHI ir 86l 18 6 5 Offiiriliol 8 54 7 84) 8 45 5 41 74' 8 61 5 61 7 411 8 54 5 61 Y 411 8 54 7 4; 8 Ml 7 tSi 4 04 7 54J 4 or 7 CK 4 10 8(XM Ml 6 2.i;ll 11 CM 7 4; 8 Mil 6 5J 6Sr. ll W 8 4-1! 01,11 m 8 41 604 607 6 is ii oi h no 6 1411 O'i 8 a--. f6 lS IHWl 8SH 10,10 Mi 8 30 r ii 'a m a 614 61 620 8 02 (4 l?i Scranton 8 06 4 20 A 1 P l' Leave Arrive II P II All trains run dally except Sunday, t nlH-iillles that trains stop ou lUfaal tor (83 Bonjtcrs. ceoiire raffs via Ontario a Western before imrehiislnsr tickets aud save inoct. Day and rilhutaipreaiitotho west. .1. 0. Andoi-aon, 0?n. Pass Agt. T. rutoi'oft, Dlv. I ass, Agt. Bcrnnton, Pa. For Delicacy, I For purity, and for improvement of the com plexlon, ncthinn equals Ponom't Powder. (itfj I CommeucinB Mondaj rIir II 3 1, nil trainswill arrivea Th. -BM M iliini-l 1I...T,, 1 n,.l. V "f KWan,1B avenue station a ID