The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 08, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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puilisshco daily in 8cksnton, p.. t tmt
Tribuhb Publishing Company.
Niw YosnO.ncsi Taiauxs Buiioma-
nav. Manaqch.
"Prlutttr1 Ink," the recognized Journal
for uilvertiwn, rule the hi it AN TO Ji
TltllU XKuilhe best urivcHUlug medium
In urtliuaHterii l'uunsylvaulu. 'l't'iuters'
Ink" knows.
lor (Snwmor:
tor AuMvr Ventral:
fw Stertiar uflttrnal Ajain:
For ConTitniiieii itl-Lw u:
01' SLSyaiaiA.NNA.
Election Tim, Nov. 0
Is 1SS8, whex the Mills' bill was
brewing, Chairmuu Wilson was
vociferously imposed to five coal. In
1MJ4, when hi owu bill U uuilergoiug
rujiiiii'o, bo id strenuously forr.inst a
taiill'ou coal. Our modern taritl" re
former lluds it burd to lLip bis taw iu
The Luzerne Nominations.
The convention of Twelfth ilistiiet
Eei.ublionns iu Latulme.sser's bull,
Wilkes Barre, was tharaeterlzed by a
Epiriteil contest for the various nom
inations; but it was in the main a
good-natured convention and ono
alive to the supreme importance of
party triumph as distinguished solely
from individual ambitious. When,
after a ballot which many times oscil
lated toward and away from iiim, John
Liciseunng, or I pper LelU'li, was
llnally nominated by a substantial
plurality, the friends of his disting
uished competitor, ex-.Seuator Morgau
B. Williams, accepted the result us oue
of the fair fortunes of honorable politi
cal warfare, moved will; enthusiasm
to make the nomination unanimous
and left the ball at the convention's
Conclusion vowing to sink personal
disappointment iu their energetic sup
port of the majority's choice. The ex-1
pressiou of that veteran campaigner,
James JI. Isorris, whose marshaling of
the Williams forces was a brilliant ln
fclame of superior generalship, over
come alone by the great odds of tho
opposition, was typical of the genera
feeling among the defeated candidates
and their adherents, faid Mr. Xorris,
alter it was all over: "We were batten
fairly; and like jjood Republicans wo
will give to the party's nominee as
energetic und loyal support as if he
had been our personal preference."
Mr. Leisenrlng, whom tho Republi
cans of the mother county have thus
honored with a nomination carrying
with it, if over confidence be sufll
eleutly guarded against, a cheerful
prospect of flattering kucccss at the
polls, is a creditable representative of
the younger and more aggressive ele
ment in the party, who has never bo
fore been a seeker for office, but w ho
this time o!l'Lrs to the tervice of bis
pa:ty and his district an honorable
business record, showing clear-cut ca
pacity in the practical management of
men and affairs. He is not a dema
gogue; and iu the arts that iuspiro the
cordial contempt of men of brains and
principle he will undoubtedly be nur
pasted by the Democratic gentlemau
who will confront him. He does not
pander to debasing influences nor try
to court fickle applauso by theatric
poses as labor's false friend. He is
Content to rest his case before tho peo
ple upon Lis record as a level-htuiled
and generous joung man, of excellent
ancestry yet in cordial touch with rich
and poor alike; and above all, as the
candidate of those who wbli to re
place the shallow misrepresentation
of a Hines with tho prudent and siiga
cious representation of oue who will
not bring tho district Into reproach
and ridicule.
The various successful nominees for
county oflices, beginning with Captain
Alfred Darte, of Kingston, a sterling
veteran of battlefields martial as well
as political, are known to "be men of
mgacity and deserving, who will no
doubt receive tii'lr party's utmost sup
port. Tho inteTTst of spectators of this
convention centers naturally rather In
the character of its congressional nomi
nee. The work that bo will be called
upon todo.wben triumphantly elected
iu November, will concern not Luzerno
county alone, but Pennsylvania and
tho whole nation. It in a legiti
mate interest which tho citizens of In
dustrial Lackawanna take in the nom
ination and In the canvass of Mr.
Leisciiriug, ell'tctlng as It does the wel
faie of this entire section; and while
they would have cordially welcomed
the success of his distinguished oppon
ent lu convention, hud the delegates
ho willed, they are sincerely glad at
the condition In a neighbor county
which bodes so well for the over
whelming success of Republican prin
ciples, championed by one thoroughly
adequate to the responsibilities of Ms
great trust and exemplifying In his
persoual life and surroundings the best
aspirations of Intelligent citizenship,
We have Hoke. Smith's own words
for it that the coal fields of the south'
em Biaics cover over oi,ouu square
miles, which, as George W. Ariustead
states in the Tradesman, la seven times
as much as in Great Britain, and more
than in Russia, Great Britain, Ger-
niauy, Prance and Belgium combined.
The coke is excellently adapted to use
iu manufactures. Since 1880 the pro
duction oi coke has increased from 3,
000,000 of bushels to 125,000,1)00 bushels.
No wonder the south objects to free
Our kstef.mkd friend, the Wilkes
Barre News-Dealer, argues with much
zest In support of the proposition that
It is impossible "to make a huge tem
perance society out of tho Catholic
church;" but we trust that it is mis
taken. Surely temperance Is one of
tho corner stones of "Iho Christian reli
gion, be the denomination whatever it
may be; and a church which should
decline to advocate temperance, but
would, instead, go in for Intemperance,
would lie, as we view it, far removed
from real Christianity, whoso very es
sence is moderation and seeniliness in
all tho atlalrs of life. It is possible
that we mistake our contemporary's
intended meaning. Unless we are
greatly deceived, the Catholic church,
to Its credit be It said, is In fact just
what the News-Dealer denies, "a huge
temperance society" whose iiitlueuco
with reference to tho abuses growing
out of Intemperance is constantly be
coming greater.
The Best Labor Is the Cheapest.
It Is a circumstance of much more
than ordinary Higuilicance that the coke
operators of the Counellsville region
have decided 'at last to abandon the
experiment of imported negro labor at
their ovens and in their mines. Tho
Information that this experiment has
failed is by no means unexpected. It
was bound uot to bo a success for the
same reasons which determined its
failure in this locality, du-iug tho con
struction work on- tho new Panther
Creek railroad. The impelled south
ern negro was frequently vicious and
Incorrigible. When not this he was
so shiftless that even the cheap wage
at which his labor was hired failed to
make him an economical LivesiniHit;
and the coke operators, in sheer self
defense, lmve becuforctd to itirn ap
pcalingly to a higher grade of help.
This is uot the lirst nor tho worst
failure charged up on the book'? of
public opinion against t h.e soft coal and
coke operators of rennsylvariia. l''ew
persons are nowadays so llcrcoly k'sct
by political necessities as to feel coiu
pelled to refrain from condemning tho
importation, into the bituminous re
gion, of the squalid and illiterate la
bor contracted for among the unfortu
nates of central Europe. Originally
merely dumb, this labor became
through repeated disappointments and
privations, vicious and vengeful; and
there is today scarcely any dillereuce
between employes and employers in
its vicinity that it does not takeadvati'
tage of to ruter upon a career of vio
lence and often bloodshed. That it has
cost to its importers twice over as
much as was saved iu its cheaper scale
of wages is a fact which few dispute;
nor is this fact less certain when as
serted of those anthracite mining com
munities iu which an equally intract
able quality of labor has been em
ployed in a greater or less degree. The
corroborative fact in our own commun
ity that the intelligent miner, whether
of Welsh, Irish, Scotch, German or
English ancestry, is today at a dis
tinct premium as compared with tha
Slovak, the Lithuanian, the unlettered
Italian and the lower grade Pole, is in
structive in its significance.
Whether wo look over into Western
Pennsylvania or seek for evidence in
ourown home community, it is equally
distinct that the labor in any branch
of industry which is i eriuaiieutiy
eonomical is the labor that knows its
busiiiets und will attend to it, whether
its wages be high- or low. In an ago
of shifting industrial conditions even
the best of workiugmen are liable at
times t ) bo thrown Middouly out of
employment, or ollered wages mani
festly Incommensurate with their
worth and s'.dll. The prudent laborer,
however, will take the best pay that
he can honestly get, and tru it to his
merits to bring him letter pay in the
long run. He w ill realize that bu
ne?s lhictuatlons come to even the
wealthiest of men; and that, iu com
ing to him also they do not single him
out forFpi'dal per.-ecutlou, but instead
oliey a universal trade law, which no
individual and no class can pernmn
ently dodge or defy,
It took the committee on resolu
tions at the Georgia Democratic con
volition ten hours to agree on a silver
plank; and when dually it reached a
conclusion it was n most amazing one
The plank "demanded the inimediat
passage of such legislation as will re
Hioro snver to us constitutional p::si
lion as a money metai ana win secure
at once the free and unlimited coin;
of gold and silver on a parity and give
to every dollar hi circulation, whether
coin or paper, the same debt-paying
or puri-haslng power." When the
Georgia Democracy discovers such leg
islation as will "secure at once the free
and unlimited coinage of jiolrl und sil
ver on a parity" at the name time that
that It makes all dollars fqual, it will
confer a favor on an anxious world by
immediately making its discovery
public. Wo shall then prepare for per
petual motion, tho real elixir of life,
squared circles and the harmless eon
11 let of irresistible bodies bumping into
immovuble ones. Let tho bund play.
Govkunob Altoeld of Illinois is
now a full-fledged candidate for tho
United States senate; and if socialism,
anarchism, criminalism and dampliool.
ism can elect him lie will go hurtling
In among the Pollers and tho Kyles
with a majority that will nlmply make
their Popullstiu lieiula swim.
The 8HUU.L announcement by tho
cuckoo organs that the Democrats
have carried Tennessee reminds us,
by tho way, that tho Dutch onco cap
tured Holland.
If Senator Chandler bo uot moro
tender; und considerate of the bruised
feelings of that magnificent aud much
consecrated man lu tho White house,
Mr. Vilas will have him arrested for
contempt of Cleveland. Mr. Vilas, we
would have you understand, distinctly
abhors and resents tho breathing of so
much as a syllable of censure against
the man who once gavo him an office.
It is doubtless true that the Gor
man senators are protectionists lor
what there Is in it for them; neverthe
less they cuuuot yield now to the mer
cenaries of the house, for to do so
would be to lose sight both of principle
aud of pelf.
Mr. Cleveland, it seems, Is now
willing to sacrillce party principle and
party honor In the items of coal and
iron if he can only be permitted to de
liver his party's goods to tho sugar
Some men are Reformers evidently
for tho juukets there are in it.
Pie Counter.
YluiUlltlg U lint rospeuBlbU) (or tha BtutliP'
recently ui-.tnuU'U fiotu tuu Heruniou oi-
Hie nro evidently not up iu Koveruiumit
cleacu or the affir ot Uucle Sum. Mr.
Vuiiilliiit; ntul Lis UumUmeu will be u-lu
lucouutublo to U;o lust oeut of ihe vnh'ti
of the stump titUcn, Had retiubursuiueiit
cho ouly bt obluiumi by an not of rungreia.
la inn Mutter oi stumps ana iipiiiiB, ui'io
in tile postul ami iuturnul rvi:Ui Bervice,
iIil- Roveriimriit Is very can ful una Hllnns
ii i xctiM-it (or Hih lots or i nu aclluii f its
propi-ny. Tim i liiico boUtin under liruvj
b i.iU tor Ihti purpoiio of Umt(!tljl. ton tile
ju t Rticli liiilu l--Mt',-i its have breii elm: H' d
to l'odtiuiistor Vkaultijg'fl account tuis
4 0
ltuveuuo uu'uuts reiuto uconiiuti of a rob
bery of 45,1)00 worth of bji-r stiuu p which
oocr.rro;! iu Jlliaouri r.oum ye.irs usro. A
eousjilriicy was ru ined bolweun a bruw
cry bookkeeper unit drivers of b cr wag
ons fer the purpeHo of dutrnudiog tile
br.'wnry cuiipuiiy. It wim iicesnry la
ot(!er to sell tLobeer Ht.oleil to luvu tlij
ken propeilv stumpe'l. Stumps were
siolea from tlio rev-nu-i ulileo for tua pur
pose unci tho b.iokiteeper tile brew
ery iiccouutj in h milliner tuut ullowou the
ihiuvei to ispco of quite liiico rpinnti
ties of beer without detection. The lofs
of the Mumps, however, brought tho gov-
I'liiineut doteotlvod to iho trui!, iindiifier
n tiino tho c. iispirutora w-re cornered.
Although blumolesH, tho revenue stump
clerk, "who worked for a trilling sniaiy,
win cLiil upon to sottla tor iho lost,
slump-'. This ho was utiublo to do, ntu
his bondsmen were forced to Dottle tho
bill, Several years atiei wards tho houus
uiuu were reimbursed by uu act of con
Kres; but tho elrtmiiHtiim e impressed tho
fuel upon all that tho (overument allows
no fooliutf with its property uad that tho
man who voluntarily accepts nu ofiice of
uch grout responsibility must be yiopurej
to utuud grief whoa it is thrust upon him,
Notwithstanding tho delight with
which tie beratitui) and Elmhurnt turn
pike will bo received by sporting men and
the truveiliiiK public, there are some foot
ares of the outorprtio that w ill bo viewed
with stillness by tho lovers of uuture.
Tbo picturesque beauty of tho Nay Aug
chufui will Oo forever destroyed by the
bridge which is in course of election over
the busin below the fulls. It really seems
a pity that the crossing of Koariui; brook
could not have been loouteJ at tome other
p iutup or down the stream so that tbo
most attractive portion of the park might
have been spared tiio dosecrutiou of irou
Sho did not chi.lo ber fickle ewain,
Who wanted to be free ueniu
Tbis literary beauty;
Sho uid uot rave of lifelong pain
Aiidmunly fuli-h nnd duty;
She did not sob, nor sniif, nor snort,
Nor threaten in n fury
To tell her love tale out in court
Before a judyo aud jury.
Thoa what that threat so dread,
It tmilies him squirm aud grovel?
The fair luk-sliu-ir culmlv suid,
"I'll put yoa iu a novel.1'
i'lcc-Ac Up.
Everybody knows the story of the Eau-
lhUniuu who, dining with a mandarin, de
sired to know what meat ho was eHtiucr.
lie pointed to the dub and said interroga
tively: "U'-iuck-Uiiuckr lila boat shook
Lis head iiikI answered with the poiitestof
stniij.', "iin w-wow." Ami more, says
Lo'-ciiinii'a .Vtif;aztue, you have luuguucro
in its s.mplest elements.
Up the River:
A taper rod, aslnuder Huo,
A bull to leuipt tha ll-ihoti.
And iu tho shude of oio and piuo
One nmy the wicked world resign
And all its sinful wishes.
A lively hit, a sturdy pull
Tin' icudy lino inn-'elitiir
Oie'r cup tf joy is bubbling full
Lite's ii yard wide, or finest, wool,
With riot a wonted felling.
A gamy flitht, n lauded prize,
1 'crimps ba-s to mention.
And tin.' tho world may a'lverilBe,
'i wiil never out of art devi o
A purullol luvoutl-ju.
O, wcarii'd souls that sIrIi for pence,
And eiiroh tho town, o'er fuiliug,
Here is unwuteioil hlisu to lease,
With interest bi'iririnij to iticrOHm-
And "sou' west" vim's prevuilin.
'(Icoiyn K. Vowen.
,s a thirst que rich or, laor :b rapidly
b ing re) lucud b huttoi milk lu this city.
Tho whitu-ap; onod ei vitorn at local io.
inur.'.nta do not, iu; a rule, advertise bnt
tertnl.k, becmiso they tlo uot make ns
much profit, out of imslo ns they do out
of beer. Nevortliolem, buttermilk drink
ing k'oost ri.(lit on. Tno l'emioi), peruapn, w
that buttermilk, as u bevemije, while
cboerinir, cootiu anil mf rushing the thirs
ty wayturer, dots nut intoxhute liimand
ciicobrngen no reaction such us follows the
wane of alcoholic exh luratiou.
Li II unq Chang's Ai.tkknative:
I uo longer fed d rosed sluco they've taken
my vent,
Of tho hmotiful aureate hue;
For the jutkol was won by tho d' eds I had
Aud its lo: ler.v-.'B tio frightfully bin,!.
K'stttirrlbie teBt to be robbed of your
If you live lu tbe flowery lundj
Lut, though hitter my cup, iwill try to
Pear up,
I'or luvoniion brings cfjifort to bt.ud
I'll envelop till bruft, nino Its minus n
I'ingiirment of worthier note;
It ie practical, too, fo' between mo aud
I'll Invent iu u bullet-proof coat,.
UWiiiiitiiu .Sfur.
StUATt bill Vrii. Ue. T i eft.
Waflti!(on I'oft.
We make no Beeiei of our omnion as to
tho con'rov.irny, ho vuvr. Wertg.ird the
Bemtte bill us an ii.tltiitely wiier mid more
firovideiit mensuie tlinii the house bill.
ii the Urst plnee it provides an ample pub
lic revenue. Next, it does uot threaten
with imiUediute extinction those prrnt
American industries which the house bill
euros to have beau Intended to destroy.
Finally, it ran become it law if left to the
unbiased Ration of tbe Democrats lu con
grens. We repeat, with deliberation and
with absolute coudiloace, that tha souate
bill, if submitted to 'tho test of a party
vote under tho Australian ballot system
today, would rtusive an overwhelming
majority lu both hounas. We do not ques
tion tbe sincerity of the bouse conferees
or the leaders with whom they are toting.
W declare simply our profound oouvlc
tlon that tbo Democratic representatives
approve the sonato bill just as it stuuds
aud would vote for it if they bad the opportunity.
Apportionment of Republican Epreien
ta'.lon Among the Varioui Dlttrlcti.
Purguaut to a meeting of the Republi
can Couuty commutes neld on July 14th,
13!M, the Ctuuty Couvoutiou will be
held ou Tuesday, September 4th, 1804, at 10
o'clock a. iu., iu the court house at Scrac-
iou, lor tiw purpose of placing iu nomina
tion candidates for the following named
ofileen, to be voted for at tbe next general
ele- tlou to be held November Mb, 1HU4:
( 'ongre. Eleventh district; Judge, Forty
filth Judicial district; sheilil, treauure-r,
clerk or courts, prothouotury, uistnet at
torney, recorder of deeds, registor of wills,
and Jury commisdouer.
Vigilance committees will hold delegate
electious ou Saturday, September 1st, lb'.'t,
between the hours of 4 and 7 p. lu. They
will also give at leimt two days public
notice of the time and place for holding
ia eiepuons.
Euch election district should eleat at the
said delegate elections, two qualllled pur
sous to serve an vigilance committee for one
year, and liuvn their names cvrtilled to, ou
tho credentials of delegates to the Couuty
The reprof oLtntloa of delegates to the
County Convention is based upou the vote
cast hut fall for Fell, cuudid.ue (or judge
of tupreine court, he being the hichrst
Hleer voteil tur at Buid aiutti election.
Uuder this rule the several eltctl m districts
are eu itledto representation as follows,
ilrelibuM borough
1st ward, bit (Hit..
1st ward, ZA Uist..
'21 ward
tlil w ard
lstdist 1 1
ill dint i
i,h uiHt 1
1 .! i haut burough
Ltlakuly borough
1st ward
2! '2d ward
2 Hd ward
1 Kn'.s :n t-iwnfihlp...
I oei-.-tiluii eity-
I; 1st w i d, hit i! nt,,
Ij 1st wurd, 2d dist..
- 1st ward, Sd diHt-,.
w 2d ward, 1st dit,t..
1; K.I w,,rd, 2d (
II '2d ward, - d dist...
1 il l u-at'd, 4tll (list..
0 2J ward, 6th dist..
1; 2d ward, bit dint.,
l! .id ward. M (list...
II lib ward, lstdist..
U, 4tu wurd, 2,1 uist..
1, 4lh ward, 3d olat..
1 4tn ward, 1th di-it..
0 6th ward, I-.t(list..
1! (,t u ward, 2d diet.,
1 utb ward, ttd diat..
t Mbward,
2 mh ward, lKt (list..
1 Utb ward, 21 dist..
2; "tli ward, lstdist. ,
(), 7lb ward,.2d dist..
?th ward, ltd dist..
2 Sin ward, lstdist.,
1 Mil wutd. -.ddiat..
ti.h ward, lstdist..
1; Dili ward, 2ddit..
1: lmhward
1 lllh ward, lstdist.
1 lith waid, 2J dist.
V llth ward, M dist.
1 12ih wurd, 1st Uist
l 12!hward, 2 1 dist.
1 l.ttii wuru, 1st dist
1st Wuiil
'M 'Hird
h i ward
II t ilMHllil)
f ill ion tmvn i.tii....
I 'OVIIIL'toll t -Wl.shll)
(Jnrboiiil';h' towu lup
oii i-i!ioasi utsi....
N-l tIoVest ill- t....
.No. il l;sl
Carl iiinhilii city -
1st waul, 1st Uiut.,
1st ward, d Ht..
'id ward. 1st (list..
2-i ward, 1 deit...
Sd ward, ild ill-1...
t)-l v.aid, Ut ili ,t
nil war.l, 2d (list...
Ua ward, a,; -list...
Uli want, 1st dist. .
-It a ward. i.. inst..
Oh anl. U l ili;t..
atii wurd, Isid st..
ath ward, L'.l ill -t..
lit!; ward. IstdUt..
Oth ward. II dist...
Dickson City buio
isi waru
id ward
Dnumore borough
It,, ward, iKt uiav, ,
Is- Wild, ai di.t..
Ail ward, 1st dist..
'id waul, L'd dial. ..
3d war-1, 1st dist.,
lid ward, '2d dist...
.'1.1 ward, oil (list...
4t 1 ward
at.i ward
Oth ward, bit dint.,
litli ward, 21 dist..
Einitiuint ov.n-hij).
l-'el! toivii,Uip-
lst (let
2d ilist
m dist
(ilenbiirn huro'igh. ,
Clouldsboro bnrnugh
Mi Oi'till'ild to(-!istnp
Jetiei-H.iJi township,
Jerni:, ii Imrough
1st ward
2d ward
tld ward
Lncka-.Vuiina tmvns'p
North dist
Hnutii (list
West (list (list
Northeast (list..,.
Noutnwest (list..,,
Lai'lumo borough.
Lehigh towusiiiu...,
Mudisoii tov.-u .hit)..
I llith ward :.'d (list.
II Mill ward, :M (list.
1 liLh ward, 1st dist
1 lth ward, 2d diat,
I l-'illi ward, 1st (list
1! lath ward, 2d dist.
Ii liitli ward. 1st dint
l' lijiu ward, 2d diit.
1; !7ti: ward, 1st dist
li 17rli ward. 2d (li.)t.
Ii 1 St h ward
1 I'.iih ward, 1st dist
i l'.ltli ward, 21 ilist.
2, l'.itli ward, iJ (list.
2 jutli ward, 4th dist
1, 20th w..:d, 1st dist
- 2dtli ward, 2u dist.
2 2ilth ward, Sid dist.
1 21st ward, 1st dist.
2 21sl ward, d (list .
t) st. Ahhik'tiDi towns'p
1 Suriuufirook t'wu'p
1 Si-iittiiiwaship '2
1 vn uver.y iKjiougii.
1 Winttm Iwrougu
2 lstdist
r. 2a dist
T.Iayll-.'ld boii -ugh...
iewto:i t-'Wnstiip...
N. Abingt'ntowus'p
Old Forge toivubhlp
2 1 otul 184
N paint the best is the
cheapest. Don't be misled by
trying what is said to be "just as
good," but when you paint insist
upon havinp a genuine brand of
Strictly Pure
W hite Lead
It costs no more per gallon than
cheap paints, and lasts many times
as long.
Look out for the brands of White
Lead offered you ; any of the fol
lowing are sure :
"Atlantic," "Eovmer-Eauman,"
"JovGtt," "Davi3-Chambera,"
"Fahnestock." " Armstrong & McKelvy,"
For CoLoas. National Lead Co.'e
Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors arc sold lu onc-pound cans, each
ca i iicm tuilicicnt to Out 25 pounds ol strictly
I ieeWlntu Lead the desired shadej they are In
tin .(disc ready-nilxed paints. I .it u combination
I I r rL-ctly pare colors in the handiest form to Mildly Pure While Lead.
Afcood manythnusaud dollars have been snved by having 01. r buok 011 painting
c;'li r-c-rd. Send us a poiUl card aud get
both fris..
V'W?-.W 'ftl--rt
L . -it ""1. . : : ' rrf t ft
- 1.
KKDtXTiOX m our entire
line ol' rAKKIAGl'3.
Oc co.
422 Lacka. Avenue
For many years this Piano has stood in tho front ranks. It has beon admired so inuch for its
ptiro, rich tone, that it haa become a Btandard for touo quality, until it i cousldorod tho highest com.
lament that can be paid uny l'iano to euy "It resembles the WE BER."
We now have tho full control of thk Vinnn fm-thia Hop.tion as well aa many othor lino Pianos
which we are selling at greatly reduced Dricos and on oaav monthly
our gooda aud get our prices
THOSE who are building new homes, as well as those
who intend embellishing1 their present homes, we beer len
to say that our
Mew Fall Stools
is rapidly arriving, and orders that are placed from now until
September ist (during the slack season), that they can save at
least 10 Cent.
collection of all of the best makes to be found
anywhere in this city, and. we consider it no trouble to show
our goods.
Curtains anil Draperies Are a Specialty lift Ds
Special Sale of
WM!e and Gold Renaaissance, size S feet, only
White and Gold Corrugated, Extra Strong and Massive, size 5
With ths New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels.
814 Lacka. Ave.
A Fall Assortment
Letter Copying Books
ASOO-pae 10sl2 Eook, bountf
in cloth, Bbeop back aud corners,
guaranteed to give sati faction,
Only 90c.
Reynolds Bras.
station ors and Ennravsrs,
317 Lackawanna Avo.
Dr. Hill & Son
t twth. f6.30; bost sot, JS; for (toW WW
nil t.oth wltliont plains, nx'lol rrown snj
brlclim worn, c.ll lor rlcus til rufor a ooa.
1'ONAI.UIA, for dtructmi lutb wuUuuJ
tola. Mootlior. No gas.
Y. , Mm G. A.
Brothers &
Selling Agents,
227 Lacka. Aie.
S rrlUf KIET0K3.
mm u
it Greatly EeU Prices
i Cream Freezers,
Footed Shear Co.,
Green Cora and Tomtoss,
0 A
O and Get the
1 Best.
pavmonta. Don't buy uutil you acq
feet 6, only
224 Spruce St Op, Tribune Office.
In aiUitlon to tbe finest line of Now Whovkj oil t
Ciiirlti.-r, we ofter tl.o folowiug Hpwial Bargains f'.f
Awuu: 1 Stw:n.; Spwiul. 1 lniou spinal. 1 Iinpjjiul,
I ( V 2 MJ.'stic, 1 Victor, t Hickoriys nd d CnL
umWiis. all It vvrfnet o.n lition. Prlc?s from 8U t
ulou cub. Ci.ll uuii sucurc a irenulno taruiu.
- .I.,.., - i,y"ir i .is s
) S
' s:
,. i TiiTsTi- i i iim Thti'iiliii. m
Don't Forget It.
Scranton Press Club
LaR3 Ariel, Tuesday, Aug. 14
Prom jnnlor sincle ahull to tho big eluht.
croi suell, cwniiottd la y ll the best row
ing olubs nnil oitrsiueu in Amurloa, and
Botwwn Atiornuv C. Bmilh's "Flyinif Clond"
uud Ct)tin Joictill Groeuhsliill'a "Ariol."of
.veusrk, J,
SlVLtlAL lliAl.NS 1U031 ALL 1'OISrS.
Piom Bcrsnton, Danmora, Avoca. PIttstoo
Mid Port P.lichiiril-Adults.l; clii.dren.ivv.j
spwlhl Jr W V. train. From Cuibun la.e,
S1W; Mayii.M. SI, IS: Jot jiviu 81.10; Aroh
tin d, W;uttn, tuckvilio. (Uypdniit uud Prlno
burir. SI: tiwcisl D. A 11 tisin. Vrom Plr-
mouth Junctiuu. ilkjs-Bsrre, Parsons anil
Miliars' Mills, 81 ; sd11 U A li
Uilk. 1.25: .n-1a!
& Ii train
From HonesU.Je anj White Hills,
7k.; irom
H iwliy, 6.)o.; upwial E. A W. V. train. Sura.
tiuH tervlcn licimo in the aronlnfr.
Get your tickets earljr and avoid the excur
sion dav rush.
WaUn new.pnpoT looal columns for other
Veterinary Surgeon and
Veterinary Dentist,
TlXEl'HONE xl.
Promrt attnntU'D to calls for trostmontof
all dumestlo auiinu'is.
Veterinary Modiciues oarafully compounded
and for sulo ut reasonable prices,
Ofuoa st tha Ulumo Carrlice Works, 121
Jl.'X i OU 'it, Sor.uitoa. . heral dlroot sho
Graduat of the American Voterlnary Cob
h'To and tho Columbian bchool of Compirft
tlvo Mo :k-ine.
Well, Sir!
Yes, sir! We
have a special
ist hero to lit
you who doea
nothing else.
Sit right dowi
I If I f andhavo your
1 ' II eyes fitted ia
u scientific manuor.
Inserted iu THE TR1BUNB st tilt