THE SCTlANTOk TJillHWE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUST S, 1801. STELLE . fis Mill 134 Wyoming We' will show you what you want. GOOD BR -t'SK THE- And always have Good Bread. UANUFACTrRFD AXD FOR SALE TO 'iUE TUADE l!V SHI EEWARS C? FE1TS ) THE FFNtliuE FPPUHH Punch Cigars B. 3c Co., frr nr Vo-i m Fiph rjtfisf. Carney, Brovrn & Co. Mfr's, lk.ll.. llOk-t. MjUAi.ti. Dr. H. B. WARE PRACTICE LIMITED To THE YE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT 408 Spruca Straet. ClH.e Hours: 9 to 1 1. SO. t 2 TO 5. To the Republican Party of Lacka wanna County: I hereby announce that I Will be a candidate for the effic of recorder of deeds of Lack.-.wanna county before the next Republican corvention. H. L. HALSTEAD. PERSONAL. Senator M. E. McDonald and Mrs. Mc Donald hnve returned from Atlantic City. Miss Florence Jennings, of Xorwalk, Con"., is a guest at the residence of T. C. Mi's E'ta Levi, of Philadelphia is vi-it-inij her cousins, the .Misses Levi, of Peua avemi-. Jii.-s Carrie Pries will leave this morn intr tn friends in Pniladelpliia and A;lantic City. Myron Kas-on, deputy prothouotary, is home ft' m .'u.-qncliauna county whore he ppent his rummer vaca i'.n. D. B. Atherton was in New York ye: ter day on business connected wi'b the board of trade and is expected to return today. . Mrs; Dauiel Kin? anil dausjnters, Nellie and Kate, ol Linghaniton, who has been visitii.R Mrs. P.ins at tae fit. Denis, have returned home. John P. Illsey. of Philadelphia, president of the Scranton Traction compaiir, ar rived in town y.-aterday morning and will spend a few days inspecting the roads in this city. Oeorse FI. Post, meirluT of tlie Forty eight conitre-s from the Fiftee i th Pennsyl vania district, ljh.i-s;5, niul nowpreeid nt of the Standard Car Coupler company, of New Yoik city, wa here last ninlit en ronte from a few days' recreation in Mon trose to his business in New York. Mr. Pi st was probably ofie of tho bet known wits in this section of the state and from an editor of a small country newspaper, line won his way through service iu New York newspaper work to his present presi dency of one of the largest corporations in the country. fcrar.ton'a Bualntis Intrrtats. Thk TiiiiiuNE will soon publish a care fully compiled and classified list of the leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing and professional interests of Scranton and vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully Illustrated with photogravure views of our pnhlic build ings, bu-iinetM blocks, streets, etc., together With portraits of leading citizens. No fimilar work has ever given an equal rep resentation of Scranton's inHny indus tries. It will be an invaluable exposition of our business resources. hent to persons outside the city, copies of this hnndsomo work will attract new comers and be an unequalled advertisement of the city. The circu lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those conrerned as well as the city atlarge. Kepre-entativos of Tim Tkiiiunb Will Call Upon TllOSB W1IOSK NAMKS are dkhiiiko in this edition and explaiu its nature more fully. Those desiring views of their rasidnncos In this edition will please have notice at the ollice. . Wattr Fihprs. Pure water secures good health. T. F. Leonard, at 6o5 Lackawanna avenue, has for sale four styles of stone water filters that are sold at prices within reach of all, and are as easily cleaned and taken care of ' as a water pail, and will last for years. The filter is all stone, nothing to rn-ir, cor rode or become foul and will fitter from four to twelve gallons pur day. Drop in - nud see them. Eucklen'a Arnloa Salve. ,The bent salve In the world for Cnti Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Halt Rheum, Fever Korea, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all bkm Eruptions, aiul posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It itguarauteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price lib cents per box. For tale by Matthews Bros, Rinit, pnre, wholesome bread made from Ave. PIANOS . MANS o I Foe to Dyspepsia o 3 AD SHOW WHITE " FLOUR. lie Weston il Co ruibbury's best. NEWS IF WEST SI Fire in the Millinery Store of Miss Thompson on South (lain Avenue. Ida irnrn JiUiU Fine Entertainment Given by Electric Camp of Patriotic Order of True Americans Lecture of Kongo tvlor iya, of Japan Drunken Men Create Trouble on a Taylor Car Other News Notes from Across the River. The nlarm of fire which was sound, I from hi x oj at Main avenue and Jacic 8 n street yesterday afternoon wan caimed I'V ii liiz- in the millinery store of Miss Ll'i Thompaim on South Haiti avoune. "I'll buililin is a two story frame dwelling owned by Mrs. W. HacUctt of the central city. Mi Tti. in piumi uses an oil stove ami s um very liijiit fabric.- iu t li atoro bcciine incited by it. The whole interior of the store was soon in a blnz. Franklin nnd (.'olumbia, Fire com panies responded, and two s-tronina il water hoou subdti 'il t t 11 mien. The inteiior of tlif Bioro im cui plrtfly den iroycd. The utuvr tl ir of the build ing was occupied by Jlrt W. T. tirif tit tie, tht bimciifiit by Kichnrd Urav 'ii.l tho ivnr ly Mr. ami Mis. W. K Uoihb. The latter carried no insur ance, and their losi uy both tire aii'i w hit is ureat. Mrs. Uriffuus and Uichard Gray fnreil better. M,iss Xh nips m's insurance ia fl,DJl, which does mil ewer her loss n li t" mock. The klu m (;( to the building is iiboul jtiiKI. An incident in coniiocli jii with t ie tir which may yet come up for uiVii' consideration is the ritfht of mi cftictr to remove any prison from the front of a burning building who klot not up pour to he a lireni'iti. Oili cer Ssteiiheii Dyer yesterday tools his punt in front of the Imruiui; structure to make room for the tiro laddies lo perform their duties. Tne crowd surged backward before tho lutou, except on man. Air. Dyer told him to move back, but be would not. II -j allied him if lie was a li re in in and tii- nun rmdied: 'OU, I'm all ritiiit." lie would ahow no firetuau's bailee iiul Officer Djvr removed the man by jiieer lorce. Tne hitter afterward proved to be n prominent member of the fire depart ment, uud will report (.Hiker Dyer's conduct to the head of tuo police ilo partmeiit. P. 0. T. A. bNTERTAINS. An Eijoyabli Atliir G.vau List Even- in The rooms of Electric ciiiup, Xo. o. Patriotic O.-.ier nf Trtu Am means, oVt-r Jenkius' drn store, were well filled last evening at the entertain ment and soci'U uiveti ny the rueui-oi-ra of the order. Tne room was beau .t.'uilv decorated with lh'3 and bunt i:iu whicli tustefaily sdonied the walls. Pictures of tuo prsid-'iits and cele brated utatesmuu occupied conspicuous pl.ic-s. Mrs. Cieore Iloast-r was 'cumrmau of the evtuiiikf. Tile programme oiiem d with an ad lress of welcome by Miss Anna Uanutt Stpuen Hughes re citrd and the Diukioa Liu.j club i;ave one of tbeir splendid selections. . Miss Lillie Evans. caild of o years, cave iwo recitations with marvelous expr-s- si'in. A uu l by Ali.ssea Stella btubblc- bine aul Anna Liuniett followed. A luet by the Clark sisters drew forth urent api lause and a baritone solo w is rfnlerea by tJeiiiile uiuziusky. Miss Etta Mi.yle, of Moscow, also sani;, Ine fntrrtaiuraut closed with a se lection by tlie Ladies' Glee club, con sisting of Mr. .Randolph Jons and Misses Vie Jpn , Mattle Williams, Eit.i Moyle and Nouna Williams. Cake and cream were afterward served and a social time iu dulg-'d in. FIGHT OKI A CAR. Drunken Ken Try to Create a Disturb ance. The passengers on an Eynon and Taylor car were treated to a disgrace ful scenS at a late hour last evening It was ocensioned by a drunken man who was making insulting remarks in the car. He was acn mpanled by two others of his own calibr , and thoy en tered into a spirited discussion. This was more than the conductor, who Is also a special ofiior, cotili stand, and th perpetrator was prompt ly ej-cted. This made the otner two men very demonstrative and hot words ensued. Limn preferring their ride home to the d.f ease of their companion they desisted. RUN DOWN BY A WAGON. Harry Brown R cnivn a Painful Abra aloo of tha Log. Harry Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Brown, of North Sumner avenue, was painfully ii jured yester day morning while at play in the street. A grocery wagon happ iued to pass along and Young Brown jainp'.d on the side step of the wagon. As the wagon began to linTii the boy lost his hold and fell beneath the wheels, one of them passing ov. r his leg A deep cut was mado but tlie bone was not injured. Dr. M. J. Will iams was summoned uud dressed the wound. DISCOURSE ON JAPAN. An Inatructiv Lotur Ctlvan by Learned Japanns. Keogo Morlyu, a Japanese, who is now studying Cnristunity at an Amer ican institution, g ive a very interest iug lecture last livening before a large audience in the Jackiou Street Baptist church. He spoke on the manners and custom oft tho peopla, telling of tbeir peculiarities and relating many curious unecdotes. .He dwelt on their religion, stating that a large nnmbsr are now becoming Christians. American missionaries have done good work in that section. Mr. Moriya speaks with a fluency that is surprising. LITTLE WEST SIDE NEWS NOTES. Misses Mnmo and Alillio Ilabhlntt, of Plymouth, will return home today lrnm an extended vieit with friends on this side. The committee in connection with the benefit of A brain Thomas will meet this evening iu Lynns' Ball, South Main ave nue. The Delaware, Lackawanna and West- oru company will pay their employes at the Sloan and Hampton mines and the car suops touay. Morgan M. Jenkins, of Danville, ro tnrned home last evening after a visit with his couidn, Plumber Will D. Orifflthb, of North Sumner avonue. We Bre clearing out the wholo of our stock of fine etchings. Chicago Art Co., IS7 Penn avenue. , Company F held their Inst drill last evening before going to camp. The follow ing members have been elected as the ad vance guard and loft for Gettysburg this t: II .. r . -1 , . ral Walk'T. nntl Privates Raymond, Miiiib lleld and Walker. A .CRAP AT THE B LL PARK. Eyarjthln Wont at Ytrda7' Game, 8q No ArreBta Followed. Tatrick Dukshii and James D.nvd are two of the most lusty rooters who fr qtient the ball park. Yesterday they had adjoining sats on tin Jack Neat tier of the hi. aohors. Duusn's yelliiK and kicking at the nmpi re's decision distrusted Dutid, who told bitn to "no ehowanu;." Duutran, who is an old tn.iii, ( rue I'lii d to administer a shnUini; to ymiiu Uoml, but Dond was in no i.iiluor to he hIiiio!;, and to etiiplmsiz liin teneral dislikk- for that sort of tliini; planted his foot on Diij'an's nose. Tne old m, ui proceeded to l'olaliato nud here the !niiu sto ) d, Wh'u the jjam- was proceedod with ( Hirers lind tie cmhatunts Hiiate I at i xireine ends of the lile ich rs, whre i ach f-n Mit the r.'.st of the ulternooii o- n pin tr blood i 1 1 chH from his fuee. T'no police tlioiiKl.t any old thinu was jtisiiliiihlo at yesiord.iy's name and did not arrest the belligerents. MSINKSS IS (JOOl). A Travelling Man Says That Scranion Is Today tho Most Prosper ous City in llio State. ''I'nsinoss iu this valley nud in bVrauion particularly is betcer tlian in any other portion of the state," said n traveling tiiiiuicial man tia TltlUI'NU reporter last evening, k-imilur expres sions are frequently heard, but tho re porter's conversation with the gentli i ii ii n quoted ahovo is particul irly gra tifying from the fact Hint he is general agent in en islerii Pennsylvania for a In uncial Hssociaiiim whose ngeuls solicit cash investments, lie said: 'Our solicitors come in contact with all classes, but thoy havo to deal par ticularly with salaried men with fam ilies, business i:in with minor inter ests aod loners'o inoomos are pT haps iJ'.'.jlH) annually. Now when such a clas (i Miplo have money, the fayt is significant that a corresponding state oi all ilrs exists among their mora 1 v fortunat br-'thMi. Our i:i"ti are located in all tlie counties touched by the Susque hanna riv-r and in the counties east of that stream. Throughout the territory south of Lackawanna c unty our b est men nro locate !, yet nearly doulda the ainouut of lnisiin s8 is being done in and iiiljiciit to S'ranton compared with any other similar territory. "Business ni'ti in Scrauton do no: appear to cry 'hard times, 'and the few who do complain, do it ns a 111 kttor of foriil and with tho spirit thai a low will sav 'it looks iike raiu.' Our agents have been i.t work licroovera m 'titli with splendid success yet-twenty days was the period lir't decided upon. There seems to bo lio stop to our success and it will probably be another Week before Wo leav'j the citv. "Xo, sir; if money is 'tiht' in Scrantou we iiivvo vet to be undo awato of it." i SOUTH' SIDE JOTTINGS, Mis Lizzie Coyne, of Locust street, is visiting friends iu Cartioudale. Andrew J. II st, of Cedar avenue, re turned yesterday from Boston. The members of St. John's church will hold a soeial tbi-t evening in their hall. Misses Helen, Anna and Janet Jones, of Titistan avenue, nro summering lit Flcet viile. A: ax Phillip, of Cedar avenue, went to riiilndelpnut yesterday to have an opera tion p rfo'. nied on his eye. The Scrimton Traction compiny is re placing tho ol I poles along i'litstou and Cedar avenues with new ones. Cards are out announcing the mnrriage of Frank liurke, of .Miuooka, and Mi.-s Luviuia, of Uirney avenue. The Women's n'-s.inntion of tho Pros pect Avenue Metlii di-t Episcopal church is 8 ending the day at Alaplewuod. Miss Magu'io Loahey, cf Prospect nve nue, has returned trom Now York, where sue was sp -mllii;: lior summer vacation. Mieliad Madden, of llellevuo, while boating at .M aintain lake, fell into the wat r ami had a narrow escape from drowning. Misses Julia and Susie Fysmihaeh, of Bethlehem, who had b"eii visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Powers for a week, returned homo yesterday. Anton Fls,h, of Cedar avenue, has been elected to represent St. Mary's church at the Catholic convention iu Now York, September 10 to lit. The membership committee of the South Hide young Women's Christian association gavo a social last evening at 11121 Cedar avuuuo. A very enjoyable time was hud. Mrs. Pe er Hart man and Mrs. Dippre, two well known ladies of this side, were lying HI tho point of death last night. In case small h p.j were entertained of recovery. John L ich, of AMCi Pittston avenue, en tertained a large number of Ins irienils last evening, the oceasiou being his bil l h dny. The ilaydn leo and I! club was present and enlivened the event with choice selections. Joseph Jani'ki. of West Pittston, was given a hearing before Alderman O'M alley, ot the Twentieth ward, yesterday on the charge of passing n forged cheek for $100 on Anthony Shepeliiuiski.of the Twentieth ward, lie whs held for trial. DUNMOiXu DOINGS. ( urds nro out announcing tlio mnrrmgo of Mips Alice AUirpn.v, or Drinker street, to John Fad Ion, ot Olypliiint. Miss IShia haggerly is visiting friouds in New York city. Mrs. T. P. Lulch worth Rpent Sunday in Hyde Park. Edward Angwin, jr., wns appointed grand instructor t Mm last, mooting of, crnnd castlo ut tile Knights of tho Uolden Eagle. Mis. Frank Ilittiuger, of Hawl y, is vis itiug her sister, Mis. Jacob PI .-teller. Miss Kac'nel Plotcher, of Philadelphia, is visiting here. Shoe repairing promptly attended to at the Ulotio Shoe stoi o. Miss Alice Spencer, of Uloom street. leaves today on amoutu s vacation to Pleas ant Mount. Mrs. M. J. Drown, cf Jossup, Is visiting in town. O. W. Potter is ill at his homo on Drink er street. 8. (). Kerr, i f Sornnton, delivered n lec turo iu the Methodist church last ovenlug. We CAl.t. attention to tho new nilvortise niontofW. E. 1) iiigliu $1.1).) shoe which appears in our Issue today. Wo have ev ery assurance from t he manufmttiirer that the recent niipinvenu ntii iu style and quality will give more satisfaction than ever to tho wearers cf thc3U popular buocs. ' Mualo Boxes Exclusively. Pest made. Phiy any desired number of tunes, uautschl to Sons,, rnannractui ers, KiilO Chestnut si roet, Philadelphia. Won (lerful orrbentrial organ, only $5 and WO. Specislty: Old music boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tuuos. in;. M'CLAIN Mary, Infant daughter of Joi n W. and Katie Mcclain, Hgi-a u monies and 4 days. 1-uuernl tomorrow alter noon at I) o'clock. IS OF NORTH ID Constable Bernard Davles on Unlicensed Sale of L'qnor. HIS EXPERIENCE IN THE PAST Four Years Ago tho Hotelkeepers of the North End Formed an Associa tion and by Co-operating with Con stablo Davics Much Good Was Ac complishedMr. Davies' Opinion on the Subjoct News Notes A 1 liiiiUNE reporter yosturJay called the attention of Constable Iiirnard Da vies, of I he Second ward, to tha previ ous articles in this dep ii tinent dealing with the question of "noles in tho wall.'' Mr. Davis was some time ago one of the most eii' rgotio co'iulables in connection with the suppression of ille gal drinking shops and his remarks will be of interest. He stated that four years ago the North End saloon lwepers formed au association from which emanated a re quest to him lo return all unlicensed drinking shops in the Second ward. Furlueriiiore, thev promised all legiti mate assistance in obtaining reliable evidence and securing convictions of guilty parties. Accompanying this was ih- ir expression that ttiey were anxious to live up to the letter of the law uud to be protected in turn by wiping out the unlicensed business. Mr, Davis added: "They did nssiat we and tho result was that with our joiut efforts wo t" uuvuda conviction in nearly every chho and practically wip 'd out the boles iu tho wall in the Second ward, llow evur nothing was dona in the adjoin ing wards and naturally our hotel keepers became discouraged in having to light the battle alone." IN UNION TIlICItK IS HTKKNUTH, Mr. Davies said with some emphasis that he is confident that if the hotel keepers niul the citizens throughout the city and county would join hands iu the crusade and assist the constables in one united, effort the days of the un licensed liquor seller would soon ba numbered. lievertiug to the proceed ings in the Second ward, he added: "Since the disruption of tin work of the Hotelkoeper's association I have re turned several parties, but have had no assistance or encouragement on tho p it t of the citiz tus except at rare inter vals an anonymous letter, aud in these casi s they have resulted in an expense to the county and practically eiionur aged other oli'enders to ba more deliiut when they saw tho poor results of the prosecution I am s ilisfl id that there are a number of unlicensed pUces iu this ward, tut I hvo no evidence sullioietit to convict. I know what the law requires mo to do and I try to do it. I believe if tho county would ex pend a littlo money iy way of remun erating constables, say or we could all aril to do sola j detective work and be held in some resptct by the 1)1! hue. In conclusion Mr, mvia made the llowiug remarks which are of special importance: llie tilaiu fact or tne matter is, ere are a great untiy voters in this county and some i mcials who do not want crime of this kind suppressed. It can be stopped if the ciliz-ms want it, nut under existing laws, without as istunce, tho constables of this county will never wipe out this illegal trailio. MORE CARE IS EXERCISED. Mr. Davies outspoken words coming from a man of bis experience and knowledge of the question are of great value, lie bus in concise sentences re dded tho opinions of many lending ami respected citizms in the North End. Some one must be at fault in this disgraceful neglect in carrying out the law. Sinco the matter has been ventilated in 'J he Tribune an improve ment has been m initert in some parts of Providence, and more care is exer cised iu these vile dens as to persons who nre granted admission. A prominent citizen of the North End said to a Titint'NE reporter ycter day: "Many p rsons are delighted with Til li lr.ini'NES espousing the movement eg luH boles iu thu wall The Bush and Notch are honeycombed with these places. L ist Sunday 1 oh served batches of boys ranging from 10 to lb years of age entering these openly and without iliiliuulty and others of the same age coming out in a drunken con ilitinn. I mil convinced that more seeds of evil are sown by these places than by auy oue other cause. NORTH END BRIEFS. The employes at the Cnyugaaud Brisbin mines will be paid tomorrow. Arniit Thomas, the North Eud mail nnin, is enjoying a vacation at Toronto. A baby daughter has arrived to gladden the homo of Juhu Malum, ,14 Parker street Messrs. Dillon and Murray's "Congress of Novelties" Will be Held at tho armory tonight. Owing to repairs being necessary at tho Brisbin win u has been suspended for the rest ol the week. Elegantly framed pictures are being sold for half (n ice ot lrauio. Chicago Ai t t o. 17 Penn iivenno. Patrick Welsh was awarded thirty days in the county jail fur the assault on an old man iu l'roviiloiice yestorday. Miss Cn'liorini) Mauley, of Brick nvenno. and Bridget Jordan, of West J nrket street, nro t-puuding their vacation at L ike mola. The f.lrcen Hidgo Baptist church will hold their annual picnic in connection with the Sunday school ou lliursUiiy at Laurel Hill park. Mis Jeanolto Christmas, of West Market, street, is entertaining Miss Day. formerly of tho Oral school, but now of Trenton, N. J. John Tranton, of Margaret avenue, me with nn accident yesterday at L-ggett' i Trek owimr to a premature explosion Trnnton is badly hurt in the face and ouo arm. William J. Thomas, or wayne avenno. Is recovering slowly from the effects of bis accident. hamuei ijioweiyu, or I'arK Place, is acting as night atteudeut upou bun. Mrs. Uulh Davies, of Wayno avenue, met with an ace dent yesterday, resulting iu spraining of her foot, which will prevent her accompanying the party arranged for to go to Harvey's inao on piuuniey. Jack Welsh, in a stafo of intoxication attacked an old man yesterday near the Square, but to his surprise the old gentle- inau turneii rmiuu mm nuiiiiuisi,erci severe cilstigatioii. Both wore arrested. The Citizen's band is to be congratulated iiimn the success of their picnic at Frear grove last evening. Excellent limine was discoursed bv the members of the bam and the largo number who enjoyed the dancing testified to tne excellence of the nrraugoineutt. ELECTRIC WIRE FIRES AN AWNING. Lots of Exotteraent for a Chart Time, But Little Damage Done, An eloctrio light wire set fire to awning iu front of II. Lehmeu'o cloth ing store, corner of Lackuwauna nnd Franklin avenues, last night about o'clock, Int before the firem n arrived the blaze had been extinguished with bucksts of water. The alarm . was sounded just at a time when the streets were thronged and cons quuiitly an immense crowd was quickly assembled. The bad con dition of the Peiin and Lsckawnnna avenue street intersection caused th lire companies no littlo trouble iu reaching the scene. DELEGATES TO STATE CONVENTION. Will Bo Elected by Thirteenth Ward Re publican Club on 'lhur-day. Tho U-publicau club of the Thir teenth waid will hold a mo 'ting on Thursday evening at the ofllce of Aid eimaii Bailey on Dickson avenue. Il promises to lie a most inn-resting meeting, as three delegates and three alternates will be elected to attend the tatft coiiT'iitiou of the League of 11'- publicun Clubs at llarrisourg on Sept. 5. I'm! KM T that iiood's Snrsnpnrilln, once fairly trie I, becomes tho family medicine, spunks volumes for its excellence mid me dicinal merit. Hood's Snrsnparilla is na ture's co-worker. Boon's Pu.i.s brcome the favorite ca thartic wilh everyone who tries them, "Oc. 640,000 School House No. 27, L. Walter, architect, bids, to ho opened this mon th, to be built on oiumbia avenue. aits for Hale ou this avenuo at low pricos for a brief period. AKTIIL'lt 1- ItOTlll.NlillAM. Euildinif f, r fnln. Ininiiro at Conrad Schrouder's ofiico, 'oniinoii Wealth Building. SOLE AGENTS FOH T TDBTCV'O CUT GLASS L1DJDM 0 L AUG EST LINE OF Haviland & Co.'s Cllina White 81lJ DacorateJ. Silverware, Lamps, Chamber Sets, WEICHEL k MILLAR Ii6 Wyoming Ave. If a Tornado Strike Scranton It would cause littlo more surprise to our citizens than FREEMAN'S NEW SPOT CASH PRICE LIST WATCHES, DIAMONDS.JEW ELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC., never have been sold before at such prices; but, remember there is no CREDIT at Freeman's. Our line of Groceries is completa and you can rely on them being the finest. If you want a delicious, high-flavored TEA, try our New Crop JAPAN for 50c; worth 75c. C. DITCHBURN 4.7 LACKAWANNA AVE. TH- CELEBRATED it i'MP 3 i La.i Lu.., i P3CANOO re at I'renoni tin" Nnt Popular anil rrrftrra bj llUHlMIK Alll.ltl. Wirerooms: Opposite Cohir.iluis Mnnumont, ROOP tlnnlnit and aolderlnis nil rlono awny with liy the HHHot HAKT.MAN rt I AT ENT PAINT, which coimiKta of initredi nta Well-known to nil It can lie applied to tin, galvanized tia, nheet iron rooTH, m bo ti brick welllnita, which will prevent iilmnlutely nnv cruiiitiliu, craekliiK or lireakinir of till brick. It will outlast tinning ot any kind by many yenrn.and it'a cost dees not exceed one firth that of tho cost of tlnnhttf. Is sold by the job or peunil. Contracti taken by AMOMU HAIU11IAN.N, tU7 iiirohSt, NBA BALL j f n .l I Til! . I VV I BliOGEBiES XvF-l Mr: W' You Need Them V And a visit to Martin & Delany s will be wilder you at their immense stock of thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AVENUE. ii CT3 To be closed half value. CAP3, worth from 39c. to bs closed out at h n 173 rca n n n a r n I ' fix J I 308 Lacka. Ave. CLEARING SALE 10 ioz. Lace Cans At less than HALF VALUE and other gocda-in proportion. H!;:s:!::::!3:3:2::!::!s:E:i::i23s:in:;i:::i:.i::!M:M!!t!:!.:i!if:n!HiM.:iiuiril Scientific Eye By WILL EUYA FASHIONABLE SOFT BRIM AT CONRAD'S. It's a Great Shock tn tlie folks v-lio urn cl-dtninir t hey undersoit ill ol hers to tlml lli.'it k itliait tho le.-ist tass or blii-ter we are uiviait custom ra the bou Hit ol' siu-li oiipoi luaiiiiis ns tlieso. A htrleilv llluh Unide l.rall-"olirli t lieil, 181) 1 pal I era, f' r IS I 10 chhIi. lfitin paUi-rii, (SI. Ml Wheel, lor I.",. IStll pnlteni. ftlOO Wheel, lor 83insti these pricos make the business at curatory FLORE Y S" HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have removed llieir ofiico to their Warcrooiiw, NUMBERS 141, 143,145,147, 149, J51 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8631 mm RAT 'Syt ' '''' f , V.'LJ 'THE BEST IS; AYE, THE CHEAPEST." AVOID IMITATIONS OF 'AND SUBSTITUTES FOR SAPOL O out at LESS than M $1.25, vill Testing Free DR. BR. SHIMBERG, 25c. 1 m mm 11 The Specialist on the Eye. Headaches and Ner. vousiiei-s relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyeglasses and Spectacle at the Lowe-t Prices. Best Artificial Kvhs iusertel for 65. 305 SPUL Ci: ST., 0; p. Old Post OSce. II. A. HULBERT'3 City Musio Store, PTFIVvVAT ROM DKCtt Kit ItltOTHKCS KHAAU H & P.ACsi V1XL.IZ, J HALtl. 47 IHt a lwc atock of Ant-aim MfSlCAl! WKnOHAXOI&l titbiu, tia. L.iu Another Advocate of OKS. IIFAVO(H X UAU1H.U: CKVn.KMK'N-U ua.irdB mo crenj piiatiiro to at ii to thut your vx prwti of XtrMct hit; tcrth tin 11 t;riinil urcei 14 my oiihi', tt ml I hiMirtily n-commrn! It t4 nil I Hliu-firly liopo t Ii it t albeit wlli tt ill lnrri.. Yiiir4 resjrrtfully, CAl l IS. II. llliVAN r, Scranton, Ti Henwocd k Wardall, PLXTISTS, 31G Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after M.av 21 make a areat rednl tlon 111 the pricet of plati-H. All work tfUtiV auteod flrat-clasa iu every varticular. A. V. JURISCII 435 SPRUCE STREET EICYCLKS AND SPORTINC GOODS. flotor, Qendron. F.ellpae, LovelL Diamond and Other Vi huola. itostiiene l-i w i f - i . 4