THE SCIf ANTON TEIBt) NIC TUESDAY MOENINO, AUGUST 7, 1894. 7 GENERAL NEWS OF Thir it a large (and of ibrwd tenia In the following axtraot from s ront ineeoh bf Governor Eaat Nelson, of Alinatiotai A itudV of onr statistics and an limi tation of our agricultural and industrial development makes it Dlain that the rapid growth of our nation in conimerca, iu transportation facilities and in manufac turing baa been not at tba expense or de triment or our agricultural interest, out father to their nraat advancement and benefit. The great army ot men engaged la these other pursuits have been the chief fonsuiners or onr agricultural proaucts. But for them the demand would have boon Very limited and the borne market exceed ingly ecant. Our chief reliance would have been in the foreiga demand, which li uncertain and quite limited, and where We bave to compete with the eutira world, both at to prices and quantities Today scarcely 20 per cent of all our agricultural produots flud a market abroad. In truth, ur agricultural Interests needed, above all things, that which li now complained of theimployement of extensive capital in other industrial pursuits, in order that tho field of labor might be enlarged and the demand for agricultural products greatly Increased. And without our extensive network of railroads, radiating in all di rections and extending to the outormost verges of our couutry, agriculture would bave been kept within narrow bounds and would have been confined to the lands within easy reach of our seaboard and of cur inland lakes and water courses. Our railroads are today the indispensable dis tributors of our products and com merce. Without them all traffic and intercourse would be at a stand still, and society would be in a state of apathy and helplessness. The recent Strikes bave demonstrated how entirely dependent we are upon the transportation facilities of onr railroads. It was fortun ate for our farmers that the strikes did not occur at a time when crops were to be sold and marketed. Bad they occurred at that time and continued at considerable length, much hardship and distress would bnve been the result. The oapltal which built onr railroads and estab lished our great manufacturing en terprises and furnished work fur thousands of worthy and industrious la boring men was not capital abstracted or withdrawn from agricultural pursuits, nor capital raised by taxutlon or government loans; but capital gathered from the sur plus funda of people from all over the world; some of them very rich, many of them of moderate or limited means. This capital, when it came, enme as an investment and not in any spirit of hos tility, for it depended for Its reward, mora than any other capital, upon the general prosperity of the entire couutry. And at the time when it came it was overmuch needed and could scarcely have been obtained from any other source, and it has brought to us In its wake a large army of unemployed and furnish them with lsbor. Now what good can be accomplished, what Immediate aud substantial relief cau be obtaiued by ar raying the farmers against the capital which has developed onr rnilrouds and our manufacturing establishments? Capital may become tyrannous and so, too, may lubur. but neither the oue nor the other should therefore be suppressed. There seems to be some foundation according to ''Holland," for the report that capitalist have in eoatemplation to extension of various trolley systems aud the building of new ones so that iu the coarse of a year or two It will be possible to go by trolley ear from New York city to Albauy or Troy, 130 miles away. The plan contemplate a system similar to that one wbieu has iu view the connection of the cities intermediate, eo that one who choose to do o way go from New York to Philadelphia by trolley line. At the next session of the Connecticut legisla ture legislation will be sought whloh will make it possible to build a trolley line across the state, with a view, doubtless, ultimately of connecting the cities lying between New York and Boston. Some of the electrician here do not fear to predict that by the boginniug of the next century all of the considerable eitles east of the AUe gbenies and north of the Potomao will be united by trolley wires a they now are by telegraph ones, and there is let belief in the feasibility of sapplautlng steam by electricity when swift ana long distance' service such, for in stance, an uninterrupted trip between New York and Philadelphia la the oue the traveler desires. The New Haven railroad, however, In its recent great improvements has go constructed its track and roudbed as to make it pos sible to utilize eleotrloity if a satisfac tory motor is ever invented. The annual report of State Gag In spector Jordan, of Indiana, containe much that is interesting. The amount of capital invested in the state, due to the dlsoovery of natural gag, he says, is $800,000,000 and the influx of invest ment ten tl ones. The gas his been drawn upon so heavily that there is no more produetiv territory to be had. He saya that already the limit of sup ply baa been reached and that the Initial rock pressure hag fallen from 850 pounds to 240 pounds. Many wells have been abandoned and the end is only a question of time. The report points out that daring the first four years of consumption the waste of a a was equivalent to (30,000,000. The waste (till continues in the domestic use, whloh ought to be dispensed to the consumers in meters instead of through mixers. Cheap piping and cheap con necting hare already caused much waste of gas. Minor Industrial Notes: - Lehigh Valley car shops at Easton, em ploying 500 men, will hereafter operate tour days a week. The Chronicle states that railroad earn ings afford evidence of an improving tend ency in the general situation. By order of Attorney General Olnoy the eutt against the Southern Pacific railroad at San Francisco was dismissed. It was stated on Saturday that the Philadelphia-Reading reorganization commit tee controls about 05 per cent, of the out standing general mortgage bonds. Presldsnt Fowler, of the New York, On tario and Western, ssys that the annual report soon to be Issued will show an in crease in surplus of about $150,000. The western lines, in view of the light business from tnrough travel, are turning their attention largely to excursion busi ness, hoping thus to take in enough money to tide over the dull season. It is claimed that a long strike of the bituminous coal miners has completely ex hausted stocks of coal all over the west, and that to replenish these stocks the carrying interest will bave a heavy traffic In coal for many months to come. The report of the Boston and Albany for the year ending June 80, shows it was one of the worst ever experienced by the company. Tho company formerly earned 14 per cent, on (20,000,000 of stock. Last year, on $S5,000,000 of stock it earned 9.0 per cent. And yet the stockholders of moat roads would think the millennium was close at band were their roads to show anything like this. There Is likely to be fun for travelers east-bound from the Psoiflo coast It is said that, on Thursday, Burllugton agents bought, In Ban Franolsoo, aeven Union Pa cific tickets toChioage at a eat of (18.60. These tickets reed over the St. Paul from Omaha. Another ticket at the same rate waa bought, reading over the Northwest ern from Omaha. It is not believed either of the above lines joined in the cut, and the entire blame le laid on the Union Pa INDUSTRIES cific. The Burlington will, it Is said, meot the reduced rate over Its own counter in San Francisco, and thus the pace will be set tor all competing lines, and no means of telling when or where the fun will stop. It is said the mission to England of Ron. W. B. Ives, president of council la the Dominion cabinet, is not to purchase new rillee for the northwest mounted po lice, as given out, but to float a company whose purpose is to build a line of railway from Point Levis to Montreal, aud sell it to the government as the Montreal exten sion of the Intercolonial, which has its present terminus at Point Lovls, opposite Quebec dure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Beadacho Electrio Bitters has proved to be the vory best. It effects a permaueut euro aud the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its iuflueuce. W urge all who are afflicted to procure a bottle aud give this remedy a fair trial. Iu cases of habitual constipation Electrio Bitters cures by giv ing the needed torn to the bowels, and few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Largs bottles ouly Fifty couta at Matthews Bros', drug stora, For earache, toothache, sore throat, swelled neck and the results of colds aud lnilummation, use Dr. Thomas' Ecloetrio Oil the great pain destroyer. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stoake and Bonds. New York. Auir. 6. Wall street re view: The railway and miscellaneous share market was characterized by irregu larity today. At the opening the Grangers aud Sugar wore weak, whilo Western Union, Missouri Puclllo and a number of other railway Issues were firm. Before 11 o'clock there was a change for the better in the Grangers, the early sellers showing a disposition to cover the contract. The railway list outside of the Grangers first advanced J to IX per cent, and then lost K to yt per cent, of this gain wbeu the corn carriers dropped iu the last half hour. Industrials were quiuter aud only 17,000 shares of Sugar chuaged hands dur ing the session. The stock sold at 104fa 100 aud closed at Wo. Iu the luactivo issues, Baltimore roie to 7 aud Erie preferred 2 H' to 2!. The market closed weak and per cent, lower ou the day. Salus were 134,850 shores. Tiis following ceinpiew tauie snowing the day's fluctuations in aotlva stocks is auppllud and rerised dally by LaUar A Fuller, stuek brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Hl.'h- Low Clos ing, eat. est. !"'r. 1m. Cot. Oil Wi t'H 2VA 271.J Am Sugar. loft! 100 104W lOMi A.T. AS. 4'4 4l 4 Hi, Can. So... i-'fi 4'J'g . Can. N. J KM 101) I0J 1UD CUlo A- N. W IWi 1U4 UMIJ liH'4 Q., B. Q T.'i 72KJ 7lji Ms CLlg. Uss. 7,ll(, 7l T;w5 7;(T c.,c.c.Bt. L.... arts 875 wjj &H Col., Uook.Val. A T. 17 17 17 17 D. iU D., L. W 101 Ml ll'4 164 D. & o. r iu nK io trie G. E. Co 3.1U Wi SWV4 LakeShvre W) 12t'i8 1IWU L. A M 48 47U 4Vjtj Manhattan U4'i 115 HI 114 Ills. Pao iU 27t 25V(S 201 Nat. Lead iWti 392 8-Vi 8l)U N.T.AN.E ... .... .... N. T. Central W 976 l7 V1U N. Y O. W 1 15 15 15 N. Y.. 8. tf W 144 Uii HU 1416 a. s. c Co -a tin wi North Pao North Pao. pf., 14 U 14 Id-. J l? Omaha... 365a 86M Pac. Mall Reading 18 1SW 17i m Rook Island o4t4 M'-o t8 C.1 R.T 15U 10W lMii St. Paul 68 Sii 58tj 5Cb T., C. A 1 17U IS 18 17V4 Texas & Pao 9 8j U Union Pacltlo & 8W 8 8 Wabash of 114 IH HV$ 14 western union ro-t Miss mi w.jt u E luu ion 104 lutt w. &L. lipid w iu ssjs Chicago Grata and Provisions SrrUNfo. Aug tirins lira mirih .i . 0. TLe following quota aad oorruotdd dally by La- Bar & fuller, stook Droaers.ui w rowing are- IiUO. WHEAT Sont. M 55 mi 1 46 Don. 67?i 61154 40U 4l May. C3 112 2 4U$ 4H4 4U S4H l!4 W Onenlns Mlffllant I.owast Closing COKN. Opening.., Hi if hunt... Lowest..,, lie Closing..., OAT8. Opening ,, Illchuif. 63! 8" 30 a. 1315 lil.'S 1.405 1U15 715 no 712 717 tXl ma an mi Lowest,. Cloulnir.. PORK, Open'ng tllihu.t Lowest Closing LAKD. Opening ,,, Highest Lowest Closing SHOUT RIBS. OtiAnlnw Highest Lowost Closing ficranton Wholesale Market. Dried apples per pound, 0jia7a : evap orated apples, llaHo. per pound; Turkl.h nrnnee KnSlft pntrlldli i.i,i..titi 0.,uiy . layer raisins, il. 751. 80: muiuateN. fl.00 1 trt 1 tr.i . .. - i.u uer uui; uew voieuciaa, oaic. for pound. Beans Marrow-fats, 93.C0a3.15 por bnahel; mediums, tl.83al.U0. PiAS-6reu, ll.loal.30 per bushel) split, .50a2.60; lentels, 5 to So. per pound, Tl 1 1 b,v m. r oiAiuaa n w, per oarrei, f AOUiii ia Onions Bushel, (xic. Butteh 17o. to Slo. per lb. Crxiss Va9e. per lb, Eoes Fresh. UalSe. Meats llama ia.t imnll liams 13iy, . 9Kc: boukUn, 0c; belllw. to.i lnokoa V1..Ut...A U . 1.1- 1 " Ltrnslielsifj UHUliU, 1U, BsiogED BEKr-Outslds, 18)io.j sets, Iftt InaiilACl nnil Lrnnlrlun liU'A Anmsi licttd siuukQd beef, 1 pound cuna, 12.25 UUifiVU, Pork-Mssi at 115; short out, 10. 1.ABD Lear in tlerees at Ue.; In tubs, Oe.i in 10-pound palls, 9: in 5-pound s-t e-pouna pan, lue. per pound; compound lard tiercel, 7c. ; tub-s iKc; 10-pound palls, per pound; 1 7 o v a" ''0, PBr pounaj o-pouna palls, 8c. per pouru. Frirra ... . , M.00ai25; Ohio and Indiana amber, at ii'fin' ur"naul ea.S0j rye flour, at Fiid illxed, per cwt., at ?l, 10. .0QV.RT,i 'lWi 89 to 02. oats, fi8 to 6r. per busheL Rye STRAW-Por ton, tl3ul6. HAV-14.60nlfl. New York Jroduee Market, New York. Auir. 6. Fi.nnnnnii t,M ' w.., uviU steddy. Winter Wheat-Low arade $1.85a2.C0; ao. isir so loncy, ea.uK.t)j; ao. patents I2.75a8.20; Minnesota clear, 2.85aa,65; do. sirnigum,; uu. patents, f a.04; low extras, tl.t)5a2.50; city mills, 3.55n3.0S; do. patenta, W.25a4 85. Wheat Dull, hlghiir, firm; No. a red store and elevator, 57c; afloat, 55Wn o. v., osc; nu. a nngraued red, MaC8o.i No. 1 northern, OSo.; options advances, closed firm at lc. over Batur duy with trading modcrstti, December and September most active; sales includod No. 2 rod closing August, 57c: September, 68a t December, 01c ; Alay, COWo. Cork Dull, easier; decidedly higher; No. 2, SOc; elevator; 6'J.iillc. afloat; op tions were moderately active aud closed steady at iaSo. over Saturday, August, 0o. ; September, 6So.j Ootober, 670.; November, 57a; December, 53)o. May, 53o.; September, May and December most active. Oats Dull, easlor; options, firmer; August, 85 o. September, 8,'Kc; October, 8Kc.; spot prices, No. 2, 40Ka41c: No. 2, white, 4Wo. No. 8 Chicago, 41Has2u.; No. "i 8t,Jc.; No. 3 white, 43o.t mixed western, 40a4jHe. white do., 40a54o. white state, 40a54c Baaf-steady, quiet, family. $12aiI4, extra mess, SaiS.50. Beef HAis-Quiet; 123. Tierced Bur Quiet, steady; city extra India mess, 17al8. Cut MEATS-Qulat, steady; pickled bel lies, 12 pounds, TJiaj piokled should ers, 60. ; pickled hams, U&alUo. AtiuDLTS-Nonilnal. Lard Firmer, qultt; western atot.m t7.60 asked: city, $7; Septeuilwr closed 17.60; refined firm; continent, 17.73: Couth Amerloa, f8; compound, Uafia. Pork Firmer, quiet, IlldOtextra prime, 113.13.50. Butter Quiet, Steady, state dairy, 15a21c; do. creumery, 17a23c; Psunsyl vanla, do., 17a23o.; western dairy, rjulGo. ; do. creamery, 14a28c.; do. factory, ISalSWat elgius, 23c; imita tion creamery, lll7c Cheese More active; state large, 7 aRKc; do. fancy, bjc; do. small, T)a 0c; part skims, 3a5)ic; full skims Euos Easier, quiet; state and Penn sylvania, HKulSo.; western frsh, 12a 13Jic; do. per case, IU3.00 Philadelphia Tallow Markst. PaiLADkLPHiA, Aug. 0. Tallew wn dull ud prices were Iu buyore favor. Prices werji Prime city iu hogsheads, 4a4e.; prime country, in barrelB, 4c: do. dark lu barrels, 8a8c; cakes, 4c; grease, 8c. In Holland. Mich., C. J. Doesbury pub lishes the News, aud in its columns strongly recommends Dr. Thomas' Ech.o triu Gil for coughs, colds, sore throat, catarrh aud asthma. The Ureuthlog of a Locomotive The "breathing" of a locomotive that is to suy, the uutubor of puffs nlven by a railway engine during its jouruoy do peuUs upon the clrcunifureuoea of iU driv ing wheels and their speed. No muttor what the rate of speed may bo, for every one round of the driving wheels a locomo tive will give four puila two out of each cylinder, tho cylinders being double. The of driving wheels vary, some being eighteen, nineteen, twenty uud even twenty-two feet iu circumference, ulthoujib. they are generally made of about twenty feet. Tho express speed varlia from flfty our to Ufty-olKht miles un hour. Taking the average clrcumferenco of the driving wheel to be tweuty fuet and the srict'd per hour fifty miles, a locomotivo will give, ?olng ut expresa speed, 8S0 puffu per minute, or 52,800 puffs per hour, the wheel revolving 12,200 times lu sixty min utes, giving 1,0M puffs per milo. There fore an express truin going from London to Liverpool, a distance of 201 miles, will throw out 213,043 pulls before uv'ving at Its di'atlnuUou. During tho tourist season of 1SS3 tho Journey from Loudon to Edinburgh was nccompllahed In less than eight hours, tho distance being 401 miles, giving a speed throughout of fifty miles un hour. A lo comotive of an express train from London to Edinburgh, subject to tho above condi tions, will give 423,450" puffs. Iron. Four lioceutrio Bequests, The friends of an Irish nikcr, who sus pected thut tho deceased had hourded a great sum of money.woro filled with astou ibhmcntaml disgust when tho following testamentary document was read: "I give and bequeath to my sister-in-law, Alary Dennis, four old worsted stockings, which she will find underneath my bed; to my nephew, Charles Macartney, two other pairs of stockiugs, lying in tho box where I keep my linou; to Lieuteuunt Johnson, of bis majesty's Fifth regiment of foot, my ouly pair of white cotton stockings and my own scarlet greatcout; and to Hannah Bourke, my housekeeper, In return for her long and faithful services, my cracked earthen pitcher." Hannah first found her tongue, and toll ing the other legatees that she relinquished all claim to her valuable share of the prop erty, retired lu anger from tho scene. In equal rage Charles kicked the pitcher after her, when, as tho crock broke, out tumbled a great number of golden guineas. Tho other legatees Immediately searched for their stockings, etc., and to their great joy found them ull to bo crammed full of money. All the Year Round. A Suggestion to Contributors. The Into Philip Welch, who flooded all tho comic papers and some of the serious ones with the mast original, tho most con ciso and pointed paragraphs, wrote each one they wore always short In tho mid dle of a sheet of good, thick uoto paper. Thus he secured two advantages. Hav ing a sheet at paper for each joku he was under uo temptation to lengthen his wit ticism to suit the page; and for the uuturo of his material, such us oue would use for an lnvltutiou to an eveuiug party, natur ally led him to be concise uud finished to have a beautiful bon mot iu the exact mid dle of a beuutlful expanse of white. I will ouly add thut I make these obser vations chiefly for the benefit of my friend Peuloper, whoso comparative failure us a humorist I attribute to his use of cheap yellow paper aud an ill sharpened pencil. Taverner In Boston Post. A Wily Youth. "I'm to havo my photograph taken to day," she said. "Indeed," ho replied. "May I beg one when It Is completed?" "Oh, I couldn't think of letting you havo 011c." "Well," be said resignedly, "I'm sorry." Then he added, "There Is one thing tho photographer won't need to do when he is taking your picture." "What is that)"' "He weu't need to tell you to look picas aut, for you alwuys look pleasant." "Perhaps I may be ablo to spare you one," she said after a pause. New 1'ork Press. sBcecham's pills are for biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, bad taste in the mouth, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Book free; pills v 2c. At drugstorcs.or write li.F. Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Stand at the Mead. For thirty years Puebcr Watch C'aaos biivc besu endorsed by every prowinuut dca lerintlicUnltudStnies. Tho Ducb.'r trade mark iu this country, aud tho Ball mark iu Eng lend crv a guurau tee of pure metal. 17- jewel Uauapdsn movo- iceuts iu Dculiar cues stand at the head. If yonr dealer does not keep our wtcUs mall us your adtlruss unil we wiU send vuu tUe name of a dealer who does. Tun Dcbbkh WiTca Womts, Cuuton, O. MR. FRED WE1CHEL At his nowly-renovatod and licensed Hotul at CLAKlC'd SUMMIT, Is now prupared to fur nish traveling mo 11 nud siclul parties with theLATKUT, NEW-STYLED K1GS, slush) or double, to take them to I alio Winola, Gravel Pond aud all suburban points and Bummer rosorts at reasonable prices. A lariro ilvory barn connected With Uotol tor travel log public. CURES ad Blood. OUHES Bad Blood. CCRES Bad Blood. sTasMesi s is fts 1 Si'isy I have beon sufTorlntt ten yoars with Erysipelas. Have tuseo doctors moUlclnos and patent medicines of most ail kluilit, but none saeinod to dc mo any good. I finally made up my mind to try Burdock. Blood Bit Ur a. Have used tool bottles of B. B. B., and think myself entirely cured. Mrs. N. J. McCaixt, bsrvlM, BonTur Co., Pr. Purifies The BLOOD. TWO BALLOON ASGEN3ICHS AT Laurel Hill Park Next Wednesday MISS LUIU RA KDALL, of Detroit, Ulch., under the management of Pro, Cbas. Katirlcb, (Till rualce a balloon esrea tlon, puraoUute drop and trnpeae poifor- manes at Laurel Hill Park. WarinniAmr tVtiousta, at 180 am. 'ilis glaaallo balloon will be inflated in lull view of the audlenoe. The trapoze ivnsi, iuq voiini.iui us uie oaitoosi ana tne l.scent are sights truly wonderful to ba. held. Tn lb. AV.ntliit nl 7 IU Pnf rt, TX Kabrioh will make au ascension With hie pet dog, Grover, surrounded with diffor-ent-cotored lights. No oue should fall to tto thi. rich treat. ADMISSION, 10 CENT3. THE CATHEDRAL To that beauteous and roinaullo spot, Honntaln Park, -ON- Monday, Aug.13 It will be the groat event; oue of the finest gatherings of the season. Take tba family along. Refreshments sup plied on the grounds. fgT'Tralne leave Jersey Cwutral do pot ui 8, 8.0, 9 aud 11. 0 n.ui..2und 8.U0 p.ui. Ciif Remember, tickets are not good oa "The Flyer," 12 V) p.uo, GRAND CLASS A BICYCLE RACE MEET OF THE ' Green Ridge VLcslmea AT Scranton Driving Pari WEDKESDRY AFTERHQQN, August 22, 1894, at 2 O'clock L. A. W. Sanction and Hace Rules. Admission, 60c. Grandstand, 15c HASSON KTARK. AT THE OLD DEPOT HOTEL, FACTORY V1LLE, la prepared to recolve attminnr boarders and furnish ris for tourists to surrounding towns and summer resorts. wok EXCURSION Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200, SURPLUS, $250, Tills tipple offM. to depositor, over, facility w.rr.iud j tii0u balauees, bo.i lies, aud rsiuusllilltT. Special attention. 8lon tn buHlnossae. couula. luterest puta oa time deposits. U ILi.IAM CONNKT.T Tresldent. UtO. H. OA TUN, Vico-l'r,.sl(J(,t, WILLIAM II, HitK, Casule DiltliUTOIta William Coonoll, George ir. Cat I In. Allied Uand. Jumes Archl.uld, Henry Helln, jr., AVUUuui X kuitb. Lutlior iMll-.n THIS National Bank of Scranton CliGAMZEO 1031 CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000. FAIILTiIj W.W. WA'J'KON, Vice I'roaideat A. a NVlLLIAilrf. Cashlur. ElitECTons. PAMrai IUjtr. jahes M' F.vEnnAHT, lllVlNQ A". FjNCn, PltltCT. n. FlNLKV, Josiii'ii J. Jeiimvm, 21. M. Ki:meki;h., Ciua, I', auii'iimvs, John T. 1'ouxau. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL TIiIr hank Invltns tho patron&gs ot buslnesn tnou and llrma generally. Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CORNELL CO. E Beer Brewery Sfannfacturart of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, Atlantic Refining Co. Manufacturers and Dealsrsln! llluminatiiig and Lubricating LlnEeed Oil, N apt has and Gaso lines of all grades. Axle Grsasa, Pinion Grease and Cplliery Com penndj also, large line ot Pa rofflne Wax Candles. We alao baodlo the Famous CR0WM AGKE OIL, the only family safety borning oil in the markot WILLIAM MASON, Hanafleft Offloes Ooal Eicohanao, Wyoming At WeriaattViallroyk. Beets and Fertilizers Robinson s Sons BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL tinman utrtuiL V nn. loalto court-house Square.) 1 )H. A. J. tONNELL, Offlca 2ul Washington rr avanus, cornar Hpruce street, ovor ranoka sdrug storo. kosldonce, Vii Vlnast Olllca hours: 10.aitol2a. m. und i to 4 and MUUW;!) p. m. Buuda to 8 jm. )H. W. E. ALLEN, Offloo cor. Lacks-- wanna and Washington avos.; ovor Leon, ard shoo store; ollico hours, 10 to 12 a. m. and "to 4 p. ui.; evonlQKS at rualdouco, J ashlngton aT6. DH. U L. FHB.v7Piactl Uuiited to DIs. decs of tho Eye, Ear, Nora and Throat; oulce, Hi V youiing avow Uosidouuo, Vina st rent. DH. L.M. GATES. 11:6 Washington Avenu CHHto hours, 8 to t a.m., to 3 and to S p.m. Rosldouco UW) Madison avenua imi.N L. WENX2, M. I)., Olhous ttl und 41 O Oommonwealili building: rosidonos 711 Madlaonava: offloa hours, 10 to 12, 1! to 4, I to o; Buudays 2.30 to 4. vouiugs at roHidunca. A tpwlnlty mado of dironsos of tho eyot ear, noss laid throat aud gynooology. ) R. KAY. )!08 1'tnuAva. ; 1 to 3p.m ; cull 2002. i-.ia.m wuiiiqii. ousioiru's ana uis. or cnii. LAWYIiltS. T SI. C KANCK'S Law and Collnotlon of. flco. No. 817 Bnruco St., opposito Forest House. Bcranton, 1'a.S collections a spoclalty tin out'hout Pouiwylvania; rellaulo corrosiiouu cits In verycouiity. A UA.Ml, Attoruoya and Counsel Law, Commonwealth building, WaahingtoB a vs. W . H. J assr p, lionAct K Hand. W. H. Jess cp, Jb. W1LLARD. WARKEN A KNAl'P, Attor npyn and Counselors at Law, Republican lulldinu, Wushlm,-ton ave.. Horanton, l'a. UATTKHSON & W1LC(U, Attorneys and I Counsellors at Law; oftlues U and Library luildiii bcranton. Pa. RflSWtr.t, R PATTlRSOIt WlLMAM A. WILCOX. A LFHEDHAND, WILLIAM J. UANU, At i Y tornuys and Cuunnollors, Conunonwalth tiuil(Iin. Rooms l, m ud n. w V. BoYLK. Attorney at-Law.Nos.l and J!U, Burr liuildipg. Washington avonue. II L.NHY II. SKIU.Y-Law oliites iu trice Dulldlnu, 12 Washington avenue. LUtANK T, OKIiLL, Attorney at Law. Itooin J il'oal Exchange, bnranbiu, I'n. MILTON W. LOW MY, I Atfyn lf.7 Wushinj I'. H. VON STOHCH. f ton av., C. H. squnre A11ESW. OAKKOKI), Attornuv at Law, t?-!.''"!?,1 H Comnionwea'lth b'l g. OAMUEL W. EOUAit, Attorney at Lw. J Oftlcu. 317 t unicest., 8(ir!iton, Fa. A. WATUES, Attorney at Law, 41 J, Lackawsnna auo.. Svraninn, Pa j) P. BM1TH, Connsollor at Law. Office, 1 . rooms 51. W, M ('mumnnwualtli building. ' ' It. PITCH EH, Attorney at Law, Com tnonvfalth IiiiUhIdk. Bcranton, l'a. COJlKOVrt. 821 Kpnii: t. DB. ItEPLOULiC, Attornov Loans noo tinted on rual cat a to Kcourlty.'tliH Hprimn. 1 1 F. KILLXm, AttorueT-afLavK VV l omlngareniia. Hrrantnn. S( IKXH.S. SCHOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA, Horan 'J ton. Pa., prepuros boys and glrla forcoliegs r buvinoss: thoroughly trains Toung childrea Uatalok'ua at royuott. Hev. Thomas M. Casx Waltbb li. Bl'EI.U MISS WORCEbTER'S K1NUEUOAKTEN an Ecliool, 412 Adams avuuun. pupilt rt'eelvod at all times. Kelt term will oieu opto nibor 3. DhN I ivrs. ; ' V. LAUBACIl, Burgeou Uentisti No, IU s, Wyoming ave. M. STKAT'iQN', nflir-., CM FT"li-in-'i. I.IIAS. PllK REPULLIO Savings and Loan Ass.)-I- ciiitlou will loan you niunoy on eusier terms ml pay you bettor on luveatmont than any thor HBsoclatlon. Call on S. N, CALLLN- ''1'lt. D'mn Tt;p,k biiildlni? SEEDS. ; H. CLARK & CO., Seedsmen. Florists T, and NurFerymen; store lli Washington venue; green liouso,l&l North il.iiu avenue; lure tclHphono 7r'2, TICAS. 'iKAXD UNION 1 EA CO.. Jones Bros. VIUK Nt KEKNS. JOS. KUETTEL, 5iJ Lackawanna avenua t Hrrniitoii, P'l.. mannf'r t Wire Si-reem 11UTKLS AMI Itl'hTAl'ltANTo. pUE WESTMINSTER, K17-219 Wyoming I nvo. Rooms heated with steam: all mod in iiniirovomeuta. C. M. Thiimas, Prop. 'l'UE ELK CAKE, IS and 127 Franklin ave X nuo. Rates reasonable. littiXJlI&sTER HOTEL. ' W. O. ISCHENCK, Manager. Uixtoouth street, on block east of Lroadway, at Union hquaro, New York. American pjan, X'60 per day and upward. fiuYNE HOUSE, fcuroiioan plan: 'good v rooms. Open day and night. Bar ' sup. tilied with tho best. P. TI- COYNE, rronrlntor. VJCHANTON HOUSE, near D.t U & W. pas J Senger depot Conducted on the European p'.m. VifToti Kofii.Proprletnr. AliCIMTlif'TS. I (AVIS botl'l'. Aro.iitiM.-ts. Rooms 21, ! go mid ai Coniinouweulth D'ld'g. Scranton. I L.WALTER, Architect. Ofileo, rear of J 000 Washington avenuu. l,1 L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect, Price i building, l&l sslilugton Ave., Scranton. MISt l:i.l. A MODI'S. IJAUER'S OKCHESTBA - MUSlO FOR U balls, piculca, parties, receptions, wed ilings and ooucort work furnished, l'cr terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming ive., ovor Ilulbert's music store. OliC'HEsf BA - JlIUSlO TIORTON D. 6WAKT3-WllOLEHALE 1 1 lumber, Price building, Scranton, Pa. MJARtlEH ' huofHEIUl," PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twins. Warehouse, loO Wauiugtou ave., bcranton, l'a. II UKSEH AND CARRIAGES FOR SALE at ir.JJ tapousj Rvonue. D. L.FOOTE, Agonfc L'-KANK P. BROWN & CO.. WHOLE J sale dealers In Woodwaro, Cordage aud Cloth, 7t;0 W. Lackawanna avenue. Hotel Wayerly European Plan. First-class Bar attaches, lit pot for Bergnor A Engel's Tanahmunor Boor. U Cor, 15tb and FWbHt Sti., Flillaii Most dislratil.1 for rastdsnts of N.E. Tonn! lylvanla. All conveniences lor travelers to and from Broad Street station and the t welfth and Market dtrent station. Lie limbic for visiting hsrsutoniaus aud peo tie in the Aiithraolta Region. T. d. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR AYLESWORTH'G Meat Market The Finest In the Citj. The latest improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, batter and eggs. 123 Wyoming Ave, WI CAN GIVE VOU SATISFACTION injji J Come and see us about the Job Work you will need soon. The Scranton Triiuine Job Dept. l"lB. G. EDGAR DEAN hna ,mntl ,nl CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. IEHIGHAND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coal used exclusively. Insuring oleonlineas and comfort, TIMI TABU t!f EFFECT MAT 20, 1894. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes. lS ist,PJ' 1L3 . ".60, 2.0U, 8 J0, coo, 7.&I, 11.U5 p. m. Bundaya .() a. nv. 1.00, 2.15, T.10 p. m. -w m For Atlantlo City, 8.W a, m. For Now York, Newark and Ellzaboth, 8.33 (express) a, m., (expross with Buffet parlor car), 8.M (express) p. m. Bunday, ili p. ni. For MarcH Chunk, Allentown, Bethls In1?' F,8X?,ana Puiladew-hia, 8, a. m.. 12.o0, 3.30, 6.U0 (except Philadelphia p. in. bunday, 2 I.'j p. m. s .if.'? .!LN'.lB"A"CH' 0cEA! Gkovb, oto., ao 8.20 ( w th through ear) a. in., 12.W p. m. ' tor Reading Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allontown, 8.20 a. m., 12.50, 6.00, p.m. Bunday! .1) p. m. " For PotUvllle, 8.20 a. m., 12.80 p. m. lUiturnlng. leave Now York, foot of Liberty fWA,1! rlv"' t,,Uo (express) a. m.' Lio,, 4.SI (express with Bullot parlor cari p. in. Sunday. 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.01 a. m., tOO and 4 30 p. m. Sunday, 6.X7 a. ir Through tickets to all points ut lowost rate may be had on application la advance to the ticket agent at tho station. a P. BALDWIN, J, II. OLHAC8EN, Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND HUD SON RAILROAD. Commencing Hay 20, 1892, trains will run as follows: I ruins leave Bridge Streot Station, Scranton, for Pitts- (a JwlyJS l"ui iiaes-Darre, eic.s.wi, V B if 1-1S' aii8' 41u' W far r auu ii.oo p. m, 7 " for Now York and Phlls- ' . , . . oolphia, 8.00a. in., 12.10, i.2.5, 2-88. 4.10 and 11.80 p. m. For Honesdalo (from Delaware, Lackawanna and western depot), 7.0J, 8.110, lO.rn aUL y w in., 2.17, 6.10 p. m. For Carbondalo and Intermediate station. 6.40, 7.0O, 8.30, 10.10 a. m., 12.00 m.,2.17. 8.25,5 10, 1 20 and Dili n. m. from Bridge Street DepoL 2.U1 a.m.,2.17nndliar. m. V Fast express to Albany, Saratoga, the Adi rondack Mountains, Boston and New England points, M0 a m., arriving at Albany 12,43. Saratoga 2.20 p.m..andlcavlng Scranton at 2.17 p. m., arriving at Alnany atd.ut1 p. la, Sara toga, 12.53 a. m ., and Boston, 7.00 a. m. Tno only direct route between the coal fields and Buston. "The Leading Tourists' Route of Amorica" to tho Adirondack Mountain re sorts, Lukes Georgo and Champlnln, MontroaL et". Tlmo tables showing local and through trnla Borvice between ttations on all divisions Dola Waro and Hudson xystein, may bo obtained ut all Delaware and Hudson ticket offlt-es, 11. (i. YOUNG, J. W. BURUICK, Becoud Vice President. Gen. Pass. AgU MAV 13. ISDi. Train leaves Scranton fur Philadelphia an Now York via. D. & II. R R. at 7.40 a.m.. 12.0 2.8M and U.SS p. m via D., L. & W. It. It., (1.00, 8.06. 11. J u.-m., and 1.30 p. in. Leave Scranton for Pittston nnd Wllkss Burre via 1).. L. ft W. R. K., tl.OO, &Ctj, 11.2J a. m , 1.30. 8.61). 0.07. 8. .0 p. m. Leave hcranton for Whito Haven, Hajleton, Pottmillo ami nil points on the Beavor lleadow and Pottsvilto branches, via E. & W. V.. 4Ua.m..via D. 4H.H.8. at 7.1,1 a.m., 12.05. 2.88. 4aO p.m., via D., L. ft W. E. E 0.00, 8.08, 11.20 am, 1.30, 160 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Uuriisbiirg nnd all intermediate points via D.& H.R.B. 7.45 a.m., 12.00, 2.38, 11.34 p.m., via D., L. & W. R. B.,I1.00,S.U8. 11.20 a, m 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton for Tunktunnock, Towanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intormodlita points vlu D, Se II. R.R..8.40 a.m..l2.05 aud 11.3 p. m..via D. L, ft W. R. R., 8.0! a.m.,1.30 p. in. Leave Scranton for Hochestor, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago aud all points wot viaD. & U. R. R.. n.15 u.m.,12 0j, p. m, rta D. L. & W. R. E. and Pittston Junction, 8 .08 a.m , 130, 8 io p. in., via E. & W. R.R.. 8.I1D. m. For Elmlra and tlia west via Salamanot, via D. A H. H. R. t.4.: a.m., 1205.6.05 p. m.. via D.. L. At W. H.R., ,8.08 a.m., 1.80 aud 0.07 p. m. Pullman parlor slid slooping or L. V. chair cars on all trains botween Ij. Ss B. Junction or Wilk-es-Barrn and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge ROLL1N H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. CHAS. S, LEE. Gen. Pass. Ag't, Phila..Pi. A.W.NONNEMACHER,Aaa't Oon.Pasa. Ag't, South Bethlvhem. Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERS RAILROAD. Trains loave Scranton as follows: Express for New York and all points East 1.10, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 aud 9.6a s, m.; 12 65 and 8.50 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton. Philadelphia and tho South, 6,15, 8.00 and 9.51 a. m.; U6 and 3.60 p. m. Washington aud way stations, 8.63 p. m, Tobyhanna aocommodation, 8.10 p. m. Expr ss for Blnghamton, Oswego, Elmlra, Corning, Bath. Dunsvllle, Mount Morris ana Buffalo, 12.10, 215 a. m. and 121 p. m., making rlose connectious at Buffalo to all points la the Wost, Nortbwost and Southwest. Bath accommodation. Sam. biughamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m, N ionoliou accommodation, tit p, m. anij 0 10 p. in. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, 60S p, nv, Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego Utica and Iilchdeld Springs, 2.15 a, m. and 1.24 p. m. HUaca, 2.16 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1 24 p. ra. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes-Barr, Plymouth, Uloomsburg and Danville, maklns close connections at Northumberland for, Willlamsport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Waslv iugton aud the South. Northumberland and Intermediate stations, 6.00, .65 a m. and 1.110 and 6.07 p. m. Nantiooae anu intermediate stations, 8.0S and 11.2) a. m Plymouth aud intermediate stntious, 8.50and8.52p. m. . Pullman parlor ana sleeping coaches on all "for d'atsllod'iiif ormatlon, pocket tlmi tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket offloe, 328 Lacauwaunaavenue, or depot ticket ouosa ERIE AND WYOUING VALLEY RAIIs ROAD Trains leave Bcranton for Now York and In termediate points ou the Erie railroad at 0.3 a. in. aud 3.21 p. m. Also for Houosdale, llnwluy and local points at 8.35, 9.45 a. m., and 3.24 p.m. Ail the above are through trains to ana from Honesdalo. An additional train leaves Scranton for Lake Ariel at 6.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran ton from the Lake at 8 15 a m and 7.45 p.m. Trains leave for Wilkus-Barre at 4.40 a. in. and 3.41 p. m. 8CRAMTON DIVISION. In Iitlect June 24lh, 1904. North Bound. Ituiilh Bound, 80S; 8031x0 1? Stations (Trains Dally, Ex cepifcunaay.) Arrive Leave N. Y. Franklin St. Wear. 42nd street Weehawken lArrlve Leave 8 DO 1 161 .... lOlfl .... C .Mil jlltiucoek Junction 6 001 siSTTTI, 8101 H uncock starlight Preston Park uonio Poyntclle Belmont Pleasant Mt IJniondiUo Vorset cay Caihondale Whiw Bridge alayneld Jcruiyn Arohlbald Wluton Peckvllla Oly pliant plcksnn Throop Providence l'urk Place bcranton 0 91 li 11 6 in! s n 7M 7 61 12 46 I9 4IU .s 9 31 7 46 TSS eon 9 41 S6C P M I1I1K.I10 10 64 6 45 460 7 8; 12 1 10 01 I9H 465 7 2V 7 w 7 0o! 9M 9 48 9 8S 8 56 8 (11 6 03 8 09, 6 08 urn 18 68 11 49, 7 10 7 54 19) 618 St 6 81 8 81 11 31 9161 83 ft 1801 91' 9 fl7:f!t ftai K ai M4l III 82l8 4 4'J 041 6 85 1 2lli 9 01 891 8M 8 46: 64) 11 18 7 40 8 61 (61 8 61 I6t o tt; r it 15 6X!H n n 7 48 8 64 860 7 48 8 59 8 Will 071 84-1 8 II 8.10 712 4 04 6 04 607 610 lit 6 '21 11 Wi 7 iw 4 sr 619111 03 tf Iva A ,n 8 Mil 4 I J 6H11 m i fO 18itl067 010 10 66! 8 88 8 Cf4 17 1 a 8ti 80n42oct0 U M'F mV M lilt M Leave Arrive All trains run dally except 6unda?. f. Mlgnltles that trains stop on signal tor pas. aenfrera t.ecure rates via Ontario Western Mats purchasing tickets and save money, Day tui Slhgt auress to the West J. C. Anderson, Oen. Pass Agfa T. FUtcrott, Dlv, Pass, Agt. Bcranton, ra. What is More Attractive Than a pretty (ace with a fresh, bright complexion. For it, use Pononl's Powder. 808,8011800 hi la 5 1(5 r i lp III I I U Ml ::::?a::: .... T40 .... I.. .... 810 .... ... 700 .... p n'p III A 1