t' THE SCKANTON TKIBTJH"E TUESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 7. 1894. BASE BALL Donovan Was a Large-Sized Fie for the Providence Batsmen. FEAR OF CHARLEY HORSE PREVENTED MORE RUNS WIlkes-Barre's Average Is Also Low ered by the Buffalos Syracuse Loses to Springfield and Erie to Binghamton Standing of the Clubs National and State League Sum mariesNotes ofSport3 in General. kROVIDENCE bats- uisu were enabled yesterday to add large percentage to tneir batting aver age, or at least they could have added again as inuch as they did were tbey so minded, as at no time was it impos sible for any one of them to plaoe the ball where thsy ehose, so muoU of a cinoh did they have on. Boranton's twlrler (?) graciously tendered us as a bonus with the Troy frsnohise. The leaders ef the league made their position more secure, while Scrantou keeps slowly deducting from her aver ages. About all we can be thankful for these hot days is that the olub from the "town near Scraaton" is also on the downward maroli. The position of the other clubs comprising the Enstern league remains prsutloslly unchanged. The percentages of the clubs, num ber of games wou and lost by each, and their standiug in the league race is as follows: Won. Lost. Providence.,... 43 U7 Hcrnuton 43 83 Wilkes-Barre... 3 35 Erie 84 M EulTulo 44 44 Kyniuuas 8S 41 Siiriugfleld 84 41 Biughamton.... i 53 Per C't. .C40 .573 .f7 .507 .5H0 .41 .40$ .ao7 YEltY, YEItY 110CKY. That Was the Condition ef ths Soranton Olub Yesterday. A thoroughly demoralized ball club is what Scranton put ou the diamond yesterday to eombat the .splendid or ionization that upholds the colors of Providence, the premier city of "Little EhoJy." To stsrt with Donovan did not ap parently try to pitch. Eis company may not be congenial or perhaps he has been led to believe be Is not want ed in Scranton. At any rate be pitched a very poor artieie of ball. The other members of the olub mads s desperate effort to keep right in bis class. Thsy refused to accept chances, made errors and apparently did about everything they reasonably could do to assist Providence to win. The olub was without a head. Swift was not on the bench to direct ail ilrs and Cnhill bad not arrived in the city. That kind of ball playing will not do in Scrunton. There are members of the Scranton olub who are deservedly fiopulsr for the work they have dons n the psBt but tbey will make a mis take if yesterday's performance is re peated. The association cannot affcr.) to tolerate any sulkers in the team and the man who indulges in it now should be released on the instant. This country is not so destitute of ball players wbo are swift enongb to play in the Eastern league but that the claons of the sulk ers can be supplied. The men who wear Scranton uniforms must have their heart in their worfc, something that cannot be said of more than one man that had a place on thelooal team yoiterday. Donovan was bit very bard nut a number of the base hits that the Provi dence men seoured could have easily been prevented bad the local players cared to mske a proper effort to stop ine can. jonnion was sens into left field to take Staltt's plaoe, the latter refusing to play. Wetzol covered cen ter and Rogers right field. It was a patch-work outfield and at its best wonld have been none too good. John son is a clever fielder, but is out of do sltion in left, as bis work yesterday snowed. Tommy Lovett, a few years ago one or tne star twiners or toe National league, was in the box for Providenoe and was found for six singles, two dou- , bles and a triple. Rogers led at the bat for the locals, having a single, dou' ble and triple to his credit. Cub Strieker, who was a member of the Scranton club a number of years ago, covers seoond base for the visitors. U was warmly applauded when he stepped to toe Dat id the first tuning. J. he at tendance was 1,300. Soore; SCRANTON. R. H. FO. A. Wetzel, c. f 0 0 0 0 Johnston, L f 0 1 S 0 Patcben, o 0 18 0 Msssey, 1 b 118 1 E. RnffBTir r. f O 8 8 O fcmltb, s. s O U 1 O Phelna, 2 b 0 0 8 3 Weitlake, 8 b 0 3 1 1 Ponovan, p 0 10 8 E. Titoher M.akin Beoelved Another D tab bing from Buffalo. Wilkes-Darre. Aug. 8 Wllkes- Barre lost today's game with Buffalo through inability to hit Hoffer, while BaUdlo round ileakln easy. Attend ance 850. Score: W1LKES-BARRE BUFFALO. It II. O. A. V.I ll ll.lll It Glllon8b. 1 0 0 3 0!O'Br'n!b. 1 0 5 8 0 u.biia'uU'DU ! -t 1 ODr'bylh.. S 1 1 Lezot'erf. 12 2 0 0 Collins If. 1 1 1 i u uiD;iiy rr.... 3 e o 5 0 0 Do'auUb... 1 a o i Bro'uelb. 0 I I O 0Cly'urc(..0 1 S 0 l'ottltlr... 0 2 8 0 OLuwoess.. 112 1 2 Hilloyd c... 0 14 Total. 1 10 24 11 PROVIDENCE. r. n. P.O. A. E Lyons, c. f 8 8 1 0 Biwsatt, 8 b 1 3 1 8 Knight, Lf 8 8 8 0 fn, s. s 1 3 1 5 cker, 2 b 4 4 4 '& ray, 1. f 0 1 0 1 Vnley, o 0 1 2 S ett, p 0 1 0 1 otals 14 21 27 15 unton 0 0010000 0- fvldence.,..5 5 110 110 x-14 arned runs Scranton. 1: Providenoe, first Dae by errors scranton, 2; ovidence. 1. Left on bases Hcran ton, rovtdeoce. S. r irst base on balls Utr movau. 2: Lovott. 1. Struck out By iovan, 2; Lovelt, 6. 'luree oese nits toners, Lyous Two btiso bits Mas- E. Koeers. Lyons, itogsrs, stricter. fray, AloAoley. btoleu bases uo- ey. Dou Die plays snntn to rneian to ey; bniltn to junssey to ralcnec; m to Btricker to Rogers: Rogers to :ker: Btricker to Rogers. Passed bulls bAnley. UmplreSnydor. Time THER EASTERN LEAGUE GAMES. lit Byraouse I recuse 0 40000800 ringflsld.,,,0 80000032 lUita Hvrarnan IB. Bnrinnfleld 111 ars-Syraense 0. tiDrinaneld 2. Bai rn 1 . ' ... . Bauswela ana Mess, uougnun ana : u mplre Uoescber. JQcmamton VUon..8 1 6 0 0 8 4 0 4-19 ... ..0 0000032- A-Alinghumton, 8: Erie, 5. Butteries veianey ana Karter; Uealy, Jttieia ana on. vmpire tunvews KEEPING US COMPANY. 3 0 I 0 0 u 8 0 0 0 1 2 O.Uotfur p... 0 1 0 4 0 Mo'on as.. 0 lloultlnp. 0 iuuu 4 11 24 8 2Total 9 12 27 14 1 Wllkns-Barro. 0 0000800 1-4 Buffalo 3 0000880 I V Earned rnuii Wtlkon B&rrB. 8: Unff.iln a Firnt base ou orrors-WllkeeBrr, 1; HuffalK, 2. Left on bws WllkeH-Brre, tf; Buffalo, il Fimtbajoou bulls-Oil llnokin, 1; oil Uoffor, 3 Ktrnck out Lozitte, McMahon, 2; Co'llna, Boyd. Hollar. TL'reo-bsa hits LtoJtto, LoweJ. Two-base liltn Hliiinnnn, 2; Lezotto, mill, kowm. dioiuu immi Liymer. Uouine iiuys .u iiHiion u euunnnu toiirown. lilt y plteber 0'Brlnn. Wild uitrl.or Hoffur. 1; Mookiu, L Umulro Swa.twooO. Tiiuo Hi. NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Boston Wathiug-ton 0 0001 24 0-T Bonton 0 0 2 0 0 0 12 1-15 Hits Washington. 11: Boston. 10. Er rors Washington, 0: Boston. 1. Batter- las ilsul and McUuire; Staloy and Ten ney. Umpire Keere. Game called to al low Washington to catch train. At Philadelphia Philadelphia-Balti more came postponed on accouut of lire in grand stand. At Plttsbura- Cleveland 0 1000028 00 Pittsburg 1 0 2 0 1 0 7 0 x-ll lilts Clovoland. 14: Pittsburir. 12. Er rorsCleveland, 2; Pittsburg, 4. Batter iesYoung aud Zimmer; Khret and Mor ritt. Umpire Uosglaud. At New York Brooklyn 1 0 4 7 0 2 0 2 221 New York.. ..3 1004000 0-8 Hits-Brooklyn. 25: New York. 0. Er rors Brooklyn, r;Nw York, 7. Batteries Kennedy and Daly; Vestorvelt, ClurUe, Wilson aud FarrolL Umpire Einaliu. At Louisville St. Lonis 0 000000101 Louisville 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-8 Bits- St. Louis. 0: Louisville. 7. Er- rors-St. Louis, !.': LouUvllltj, 1. Batter ies llawley and Twiuehamj Manafee and Grim. Umpire llurst. At Chicago Cincinnati.. ..2 0021001 8-9 Chicago 8 1 0 1 1 3 U 0 0-12 lilts Cincinnati, 10; Chicago, 17. Errors Cincinnati, 7: Chicago, 8. Butteries Cross and Murphy ;.rattou aud Kittredgo. uipirg .uvtuMue. STATE LEAGUE. At Reading Reading, 8; Philadelphia, 4, At HarriaburE UarrUbusr. 10: Skeunu- doab, 2. At Lancaster Lancaster. 15; lluzletou.a. At Pottsville-Pottsville. 34: Allen- town, 11. MANAGER SWIFT RECALLED. Words of a Famous Physician That Should Be Written on the Walls of of Every Nursery How to Supple ment Mother's Milk. "One half of the deaths of infants are oaussd by im proper feeding," should be written on the walls of every nursery. It is known to all doctors that thore Is uo food for an infant equal to the milk of robust woman, But there are hosts of mother wbo can not nurse their ohildren through the entire year, and many others wbo ougbt not to, as the nutriment which they furnish steadily loans in riohness and power to make firm flesh and bone and to keep baby well. This is espec ially true in summer. "Uow shall 1 feed inv babvl Is then the qnestion of these mothers wuo can uot nurse tbelr babies. " eed the littleone on laotated food." srvs the most experienced mother. Years and rears of snlendld results in the rearing of delicate children on laetated rood has given it its brilliant reputation union? mothers and physi cians. As a nutriment and preventive ox uisease it has been subjnoted t0 tne most trying ft-sts, and has brought nousands of babies through the hot summer sustaining tbelr strength in the exhausting diseases peculiar to ohild hood. llere is the experience of the sweet baby boy whose portrait is given above. me mother. Mrs. w. ti. r. Caron. who msldes at !)0 North First street, Merrldeu, Coon., writes. 1 take pleusnrs la sending vou the picture of our little Walter. He was a very sick baby and would not nurse. We trttd everything we could, but he never got well until a friend Tseom mended laetated food to us. We gave t to blm aud be improved rapidly. This is bis sweond summer and is very trying to him, as he is nutting teeth, but in spite of that be is larger than a good msny as old. He will eat noth ing bnt laotated food. I bops that I may have many chanoes to reoommend it, for I know of nothing else that de serves so much praise as laetated foo I." President Et. John 8a ji Ha Will Be la Charge of the Club Today. There is the merriest kind of a war in progress in the Scranton Bso Bull association. The deposing of Manager Swift was the Inciting cause. Stockholders are warring with end: others and the members of the club. wbo two weeks ago were like sa huppy family, are demoralized ana anxious to leave the oity. btaltz refused to play yesterday and it was with diffi culty that a number of other players could bs induced to go on the field. Patahen has an cSur from Cincin nati and would like to get away, aud Westiake, after yesterdays came, wanted to throw up the sponge. Flan- aghan. Massey and others are also dis gruntled. bwift during the day received an of fer to manage the Shenandoah club, and many of the players when ttity beard of it asked for positions on the team. These things made many of the stock holders do some lively thinking. An Informal meeting was held last night which eight members of the associa tion attended. At its conclusion Pres ident St. John said to a Tiuuune re porter: "You can announce that Air. Swift will continue to manage the Scranton olub. We sent for him tonight, had a conference and persuaded him to as sume charge of the team again today. He saw the players and they all agreed to go ou the field tomorrow and play as tbey have In the past, Mr. Swift is a money maker and we intond to re tain blm. If tf?. CaUill wants to plav on this team he will have to do it in the capacity of player, provided his Bor vices are satisfactory to Mr. Swift. Alex lJuun, jr., was met soon after the St. Jehn Interview, nt saldi "Cabill will be here tonight to man age and captain tne olub. We will have all the players we need to strengthen the olub. ' As the qusstlon of manager is to be finally decided at a meeting of the as sociation tonight,there promises to be a highly interesting session. In the meantime it behooves the Serantoa elub to play ball when it goes on the field. The patrons of the game have no particular interest In the pres ent contest, but tbey insist that they be given an txhlbitlon of the national game as It should be played when they pay their money for admission to the park. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Senator Hill is probably the most sr.. tbusiastic base ball cranlc In congress. Arthur Ball, of Chicago, has beon signed py meet. Louiscinoto piny second base, Leo Smith, wbo played at short for Bcranton yesterday, did nothing to dis tinguish himself particularly. He was ev idently discouraged by the conditions under wmcn ha was playing. The Little Potatoes Hard to Pesl wonld like to know through Tub Tktiiunk how oiu the members el tne ISlue Hulls are be fore accepting their challenge for a guine. Louis Hiuerfold, captain. The victory was a hard earned one and the team that runs up against Bcrauton with thu mistaken idea that they don't play the national game out them in the Peun sylvsnla league will And tbemsolves left at the wire. bpringueiu Union, Saturday, John Clirksou, once the king of pitchers, win pitca unit no more, r or a ween or more Clarkson has been in Michigan ar ranging to go iuto mercuntilo buaiuess lie started for Boston Thursduy, aud wi then go to Lansing, Mich., where he will be located hereafter. Hughes who pitched for Eastou early in tne season, out was couip iilea to quit on account of an Injury to his arm. Informed Mauager Smith, of Pottsvllle, the other day that bis arm is in good condition. He was directed to report lor duty and Fri' day went in the box and shut out Bhen- andoan. Before Saturday's games were played the Spriugtleld Union had the following comment on the fcruutou club: "Thore were hundreds of spectators who exnected Bpringfleld would Lave an eaay thing witb scranton yesterday, tueir opinions were considerably modified later on. Scranton is in the pennant race and will make the best of them bustle." The fact that kickiug doesn't win games ia euowu in tut uh oi tne uaitunoros. Captain Boblnson rarely makes an obio Uon when he does It is done quietly. As a result umpires pay attention to what ha says. Of coutse there are loud-mouthed players on the Baltimore team, but they do tneciUD more nam tnan goou wneu tlioy clatter. wasmugton otar. FEEDINGA DELICATE BABY WILL BE A GREAT REGATTA. Fine Raosa nt Lake Arltl One Weok from Today. From the entries and nssuranoe of en tries already received by M. E. Sanders, chairman of the Sorauton Press stub's regatta committee, it is evMeut that the races ou Lak Ariel ;next Tuesday will prove tbe squitio wouir of the ysar. and that It will dwarf the usual ly great regatta of tbe National asso ciation at Saratoga tuis week. While it is too early to announce the eutrlds, as they do not praotically close until next Friday afternoon, it can be stated thtt those already re ceived include some of the best oars men in Ameriua, and when it Is under stood that these oarsmen will null a fcuuiug sueu a mile through the still water of Lake Ariel in about 0 minutes time for the singles to 6 minutes for the doubles and (ours, the prowess of human energy can be well imagined Yet such is tbe case, and therefore in this skill lies tbe grat di'slderatnin that makes tbe rowing race by a skilled oarsman full of the same interest as that wtiiok attaohes to a race between noted trotters on the tnrf. Thore is now no doubt of tbe sncoess of the regatta, for with a eleven scull ing races aud tbe great yacht raoe be tween the "Flying Cloud" and tbe "Ariel," tbe latter vessel from Newark, N. J., there is sure to be uroused an enthusiasm which will bring out the great mass of people from up and down the valley, and from every point easy of icoess to Lake Ariel. All that tbe people nave to do is to get to Lake Ariel. There will .be no charge there to see the races. A Word. wiice cf eft Mni$ cost tAaf muaa, est sept Situation WantetLwhich art insert Agents Wanted. WANTED IMMSD1ATELY AJJ H.XPH neunuil Installment collector: must lia a hustler uud strictly toiuperato; single mo preferred ; utate oxperlouco. Addru&s cure of i ribiine. Help Wanted Male. UfANTED-MAN TO MANAUE BHANCH offlca ut s.T.nton. Unlaw. S1.O00 yuur; WOOcshIi and reforeums requlnd: oouimer cud references furniatiud. Huouilj, Did Pout Olllce building. Special Notices. THE ANNUAL MEKTINU Ok' TUB stockholders ia Scranton (ilaas Co. for tho elactlon ot directors aud other business will bo held at the office si L,arlc:twanua ava- uue, ou Butui'duy, August IS, ut 'i p.m. rri 1 tl.a i uu annual aiuoillltf oi .vuvaiiuiuui. 1U m, Qreeu Kldir'i Htoro OmpaiiT, Limited, will be held immediately nt close of iibove mooting. TO WIIOM IT MAY COSOEHN-I WILL Bull at the Arliltnitlou Koom, court liouae, Bcranton, Pa., on .Saturday, August 11. Ml, nt lUa.ui., JS.OtU lint mortage bouda ot tho Uregory bilk iliuiufuuturintf oomiiauy. iiunil A. Ittunu. VU VVANT THIS KEL1C-KKFBINT 1 Frank LchMu'h Illustrated Weekly Wur Illustrations 111-18(13. Two Volumes Folio, Sltl.ft); payablo monthly. IJ.OO. Iiohvered by eiorusa complete, prepaid. Address P. O, iuijuux, oie uiuson sired, scrnuiuu, i a. BLANK HOOKS, 1'AMPULEl'rt, MAtiA aliiflii. etc . bmitnl or rabouiid nt THB Tkihcms ulUco. (juick work, lt-jusouublii prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BS HAD AT 141, turunr DLtniCtt m,vv tuu vinuanu eo- Due. Twtjiuy muul tic no U fur Good V.I.. 1 I 1st utu , For Rent. OK KENT-TWO FUKNIMHED UOUllS, P ...:.. - i. i l i ..i oiu t ....I.... l: ?OR RENT ONE-HALF STORE. 120 L I'onu avenuu, 8 W per uiontu. T?OIt RENT N R'ELY-FUll 1SHED HALL J sultniiln for lodiio rooms. JOHN JLlt MYN, 119 Wyoming aVeuue. Res i Es'.ate. '5CKiToUEATiirr O VESTMENT AUEN0Y. oll'ers barenlua as fulluws: CITY BUSINEH8 PROPERTY. 10 ft front bv 5(1 ft, deeo. on 8i)ruoo street, reuU for 1700 310,000 40 ft. front bv SO feet deep, on Huruco street, corner alloy 10,500 Theae together (five HO ft. front on Spruce street betwi en lVnn aud Franklin, with alley on side. Spruce street property is advanciug ruuiuiy. CITY RESIDENCE PROPERTY. CORNER MONRdE AND VINE stroots. lot 5U.XS5, two dwellings, il), 0O. ivln u nice rrsidi uce aud an inc iud Ioi small investiuout; ALSO A PLOT OP a LOTS, irivinif iSJO ft. front ou Mo.iroe avenue, nenr Vino street. Theie make a Urst-claBS residence plot iu a (ler,lraule locality, ii not sold iu one not will sell above separately. WEST HIDE. Lot 60x180, South Slain avenue, adjolnln? reaidenoe of Smlih B. Mott, pri-e, Bii'oU; also lots on Rock street and Vest hud place. Only lour left. COUNTRY PROPERTY. A IlEiUTIFUL HOME AT IMLTON. PA.. modern bouse, spring water piped Int it from lull back, oitru lor t n to norsoi ami two cows, lion nor v with cementsd floor, voilun fruit. flue lawn, grand outlook; oao and a half to throe acres, as duairou. Sfi.OOO. Also lots ot about fume size on Western Slope, Daltou. Call or address SMITH 1). MOTT, Managor. No. 421 Lack ave. rear board trano. Horace at Auction. HOUSES AT AUCTION-AT CUSICK'S 1 1 stable. Bcrauton. irldav afternoon. Au 10, at I o'clock. LarK workers and good driv- or. Every borne guaranteed a represeutea. w . d. ml'1 'nr.. Lost. T OST BET WEE S HYDE PARK AVE. lJ anil Lincoln, on Jacksou. flue lace l and- kerchief, l'iudor please return to 1U1 Price Btrect WHIRLS OF THE WHEEL A Brooklyn man bes Invented a lamn for bicycles, the power for which is gen erated cy tne movement or tne wneeis. At U ties, N. Y., perk, July 28, F. J. Jenny broke tbe world s record for class A riders half mile handicap stuuuluir start. lie covered the distance in one minute aud two seconds. Tue lutest "fad" among wheelmen and which U llkoly io become popular is felt- covered saddle. lueBe felts make rlduie. especially on tho country roads, much more comtortaoie. Adolph Ooehlor, who rocently placed tue American nve mue competition record at 12.31. enys he can knock off a couple of seconds from that mark. He is coundont that with good pace-making he could go In IJ. In the 24-hours' bicycle race at tho Home Bill grounds, Shorland. of London. covered 400 miles and 900 yards; Peterson, of Coventry, covered iw miles, auu Chap pie, ot Chelsea, covered ii'j ' miles. Tbe world's recora was tnus oenteu by two miles. A bicyclist named Plnkert, started from Cape (irlsuez. In au attempt to croas the English channel on a land and water tricycle. His attempt was a failure, and he was finally picked up in i.n exhausted condition by a fishing boat and brought to tiologue. The aggregation of racing men, maua eers aud trainers wbo are uow traveling on the national circuit numbers about 100 men, and when they enter a comuaiativoly small tqwn tbo inhabitants have great dimculty in giving them sleeping accom modations, y Tyler made two attempts to boat Bliss's flying mllo marks ou the bicycle. He rode the first in 1.65 3-5, not succeeding, but making ihe world's records for two-thirds aud thrre-qunrteis. 11W two-third.' time was 1. 14 1-5; his quarter wus 1.134 1-5, 4-5 second Bilks'" mars, ilis second attempt to uinke tho diatauce was stopoed by bis fouling his pacers aud being thrown heavily. Harry Rue, the negro attendant cf Wheeler, in France, hus oballenged nny colored man to race him upon the Buffalo track, iu the French cupitul. The cbal loufte has been , accepted by Penrce, who rub Ldwarur, tne r.ngnsb crack; ulao by Backus called Bacchus bv the French Zimmerman's "dark secret," who wout over from New Jersey, Hud by another named Fijaro, supposed to be a Lair dresser. Thirty thousand people saw the world's road record for twenty-five miles broken by ten of the 100 odd riders in the annual llilseudgen road race on tne now famous course at Belle Isle, Detroit. Charlss Bar tUel, bolder of the world's record for Ufty miles, did the trick and covered the dis tance in 1.05 65, winulng the first time prize. O. D. Orant won second time prise with 1.05.59 1-6, and his brother, W. V. Urunt, third, in ono-flftb of a second slower time. mothers) Motharsil Hotaerstlt Mrs. Wlmlow's Bootbiug Syrup has bsen used for over fifty years by millions ot mothers for tbelr oliildren while toe thing, witb perfect success. It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain; cures wind colic and is the best remedy for dl arrhcoa. "old by dtuggists in every part of the world. Be sure aud ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup," aud take no no other kind. Twenty-dye cents a bot , tie. Strayed, STRAYED TO MY PREMISES A RED cow. owner can have same by payiiiK tor this ndvortlicme'it aim dauiaKes. H J. SHRINKS, nil Prospect Ave. Architects' Notice. ARCHITECTS' NOTICE COMPETITIVE plans and speoltlcatlona are Invited for a city buiidiue to be used lor fire department house aim police patrol itatlnn- A prospectus of tin' bulldluic may be men ;il the ottice of the cltv clerk, nt which olllce the said plunsaud opeclllcatior.i are to be submitted on or before Wednesday, August ti, HVi. iiy order of city councils. 11. T. LAVELLE, City Clort Scranton, Pa.. July 'M, 18114. Business Opportunities. riiHE NATIONAL SYNDICATE CO. DE X clared a dividend Aue. 2, of 40 per cent, as result of their plan of syndlvaf" aneeu latious for July. iiUuKE ii iltKCUAil, Ma.iBKers, I nicago. 1ULY DIVIDEND OF INTERNATIONA I. ft Syndicate Co., 1U0 per cent. The bix deul we mentioned has materialized and we oxpoc to declu re another 100 per cent, this niou.h UEO. I EWIS. Manaa-er ChlcHKO. 39 Proposals. wvvww OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE- I. J ceivod by the scretary of thu Lack. Township Scliool Hoard until August U, at tt.m.. tor the erection of a Hix-room fram School bulldliijf, to bo built nt Mcsic, l'a,, according to th plans and NpecHlcatioun ou Hie at tne residence of J.H. D ivey, architect, Main street, Mooiio, l'a. All bids must be ac coinpanlad by caih or uortiUud chock for 3 per cent, of tho amount of bid, to be forfaited iu ense ot failuia to exooute contract lf awarded. The beard rem vea thi right to reject any and all bids Proposals nust bo addressed to PATRICK HIUOIN:. feecivturv, Main street, Mluuoku, Pa, Mooslc. Aufjnat n, I81M Conno v&W Ladies' lluslin Underwear, kills, Bowns and Corset Govers er Sale Now On INSTATE OP HARRIET LYMAN. LA IE 1 j il tlie township or Madison.Liacuawauua county, Pa deceased. Letters testamentary upon the ahovc-named estate having been (.'ranted to tie under signed, all pero is having claims or demands nuiilnitthe said estate will present them for payment, and those IndiHed thereto will pleaao make lmuiudiiite imynunt to O P. VAN 11HUNT, MILKS A. LYMAN, Exsci on. WATSON & DIRirL, Attorneys tor Estit.i. Special SKIRTS FROM 50 CENTS TO $4.00 GOWNS FROM 50 CENTS TO 4.25 COVERS FROM 25 CENTS TO L50 None but the best materials used. Superb workmanship. Lat est novelties. Correct shapes. M NOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court House. Pine Fibre Mattresses Are NOW Made and Sold VERY CHEAP by The Scranton Bedding Company, CORNISH Lacka. and Adams Aves. Boe our FIiTEEN DOLLAE Solid Ouk Bedio m tfetf We bell l:trnitare as clieap a3 any house iu tho country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Ml Co. m and 07 mim ki 'NERVBSKBDt. uUfdU v all unani H mmwm restored! cases, auoh n Waak Memorr. Lou of Brtln Powar. HoaJaoha, JTakafuliioM, LuitMaobood.NiKhtlr BoiUaltmi, Nrousis.allrlBsaudlojiOl luueutirativa ' .v nun i .n Tin i ii i in 11 d nnier wii hi TV m rii,.n .'" - " - - r tfeJWaBa WjatJli o'-Vh mnm-v. nrcularfwe. Sold br all SrurgUta. AliorU,iae EFOHE.aFTERUSINQ.uuuilicr. Addruii REKVJS HEKI1CU.. Maeuulo TemplS. For Sale in Soranton, Pa., by H. O. SANDERSON, Druggist, o. Wajhlnfftoa and Soruce etroets. itiva Ofauni of altlwr Micautad by o?raiartiu. faUhlarrn. u of tobaooo. opium or tlmulanti, whioalead to luSriBtjr. LvD inrlnaanttT. Can he carried! o Ttpookol. S)l par bos. . fur a RESTORED MANHOOD FMT'THtSW 1 1 ISSIilli BiinaIISWI ,nVFSiI' SiliftS DR. Kom KBTEfiIKI PILLS Th vroBtrpmpilT fnrnerron. oroitratlon aad allnarroaadtiaaaaa of Uiegutieratlve orgauBiif eltaar aoi. BacbaiNurTou.rrotiratlrn, tail- uiK or iaji ananuooa, impvi.ncT, mnatiT Bnsiion., i uauiiui ..rrwcai Mental Worr;, eices.lv. um of Tokaooo or Opium, wUluk lead to Cos. iJlii ukii AXD AJTlkUl USiKU. avuiptlon aaii tntantty. WUa ever; W ortemsnlie a written nuar anut tncnrA nrrnfiwiil tlie uinniiv. iuld nt ill .110 ner box. O biixaa for.M. 1H. M01T'UCllllllCAXt0..t:lvliiud.lao. VorSale hjC. M. I1AH111S, Uruunlit, 1X7 l eun Avenue. Ui'lMa Mia All.t iNug. 1 Npw 1l.rnVA.V SS,yll'l AAN i aS le Cate I.rrout RESTORE LOST YIGOI: Will Vraea Ton nplo a wik. a S.rraui DiibllitV. LoalofS.xu lBT.luat.rT KmiiiltaifromaiiTcaui.. lf neglected, tucb trouble. l..o comuuiytloo or latai Hf, tl.Miper box by u.11,6 boxi- for Si. With ew- Sold with WRIT?!'' Illtj, Lou of Sexual Pow.r in .llliei u order we alv. writteu fSlL llKlllUNt CO. Bu&raiiiee to cure oi refutd tbe money. Al Ji i Bll&l cleT.ltud, Ohio. Foraale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ SCRANTON AND W1LK E8 B1RRE, PA.. S1ANUFAOTURKB9 O? Locomotives anfl Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Oflke. SCRANTON, PA, Dr. B. Grewer The Phllarioiphla Fpedal'st.and his a.soclatol staff of Enirlish atirl German phv.lc'ans, are now purmanently located at 811 SPRUCK ST., sen VN TON. The doctor la a (rraduate of the University of Pennsylvania, formerly demonstrator of physi oloey aud turirerv at tbe Medico Cliirurgkal Coileire of rhlladflrhla. A inenlalty of rhronie, Nervous, Bklu, Heart, Womb and Blood diseases. DISEASES OF THE RERYOOS SYSTEM The symptoms of which are dlzslneas, lack of confidence, sexual weakneas In men and wo man, ball riaing in the throat, apota floating before the eyns, loaa of memory, unable So con eentrate tho mind on one subjeet, easily startled whan suddenly spoken to, and dull, dlatreueed mind, which uutita thorn for per forming the actual duties of life, making hap- riuaas lmpoaaible; dlatresatug the action of he heart, oanaing flruu of heat, dupreaaion of spirits, evil fur.bod.uiga, cowardice, foar, dreams, melancholy, tire easy of company, feeling as tired In the morning as when retir ing, lack of energy, servousuuas, trembling, cunfuaion of thought, depreasion.constipattou, weakness of tbe Uiuba, etc. Those so affected should consult u. Immediately and be restor ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. Weakness of Young Men Cured, If you have boen given up by your physician call upon the doctor ana be examined, lis cures tue wor.tce.es or Nurvou.Detiillty. scro fula, Old Sores, CatarrhPlles, Female Weakness, ArToctlolia of the Eye. Ear, Note and Throaty Aethma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Crip ples of evory description. Consultations free and strictly sacred snd confidential. Olllce hours daily from 9 a. m. to 8 p.m. BuiidayS to i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE BOOKBINDING DEPT. has excellent facilities to do Its work, and can please the most fastidious. aNVTMINA IN TMC LINK Of aOOHSINDINS. TB t! r orxc. : ur Stock Damaged Public Set's. rpilE UNlKHSH.N KL) V, ILL, oiil.L AT J. pulilic aulo on M m-Ur, Atuust tl, hl'i, nt IU o'clock a. m,, a. If oDlc Wi Lackawauun avonue, il'tuen (j)aliar. of t'lu capital atuek of the Scranton Luae Curtain company, hold as collateral a 'curley onau ovorduu tioie. THI LACKAWANNA. TKUriT AND SAFE Ui P'iSIT VO. Jnlv ai. W1 Situations Wanted. WANTED. BY A BARBKlt OP LARGE aud varlod azntrlelice. a position. Ail. dress H Eox 223. Avoca, Luzorne On., Pa. (JlTUAl'lON WANTED BY M1DDLE O Uk'tJ woman an tioii9'.ikeier or could take care of invalid. K. D , Tribune otflco. SITUATION O ladv aewin and underwear. WANTKD-BY y the day a Addren. H. T A YOUJtO (I! N. Successful Discreticnxry Speculation. ' Dnposlts et l.'S snd upward reoelvorl. Our specialty la handling the trades of Demons not iu a position to make a liunlnew) of following tho markets. Tlila department la lu ehargs of a ooin potent expert of IS yeara' experience. Divlil eiiia imiii aeoil-niuntlily. Highest raforenoe given. Corre;i mdonce sollolted, F. T. KVAWi, Jit., & CO. Boom SiO BialtoJBnlldlUK, CUICAOO. imioiaiii9ntiic!ii!:iimuiiE8.is!iii:u j vwkiw. There is no smell of smoko or fire about them, and thay ars eriaally as good as baforo. 0W QOMQ ON and will last twonty-otia diys lougor. In thit tiuii va must disp:J3 of our stojk of Olothitij an,d Qsuts Furnlshiujfs by order of the iusurauce compauios, who have already given out the contract to repair our store, which wa damaged Saturday night, June 1, by the explosion and fire in tho building of our neighbors, Messrs. Davies & Griflla. Clotblag Sold at 33 Geab on the Dollar Less Than Cost to Make, D0IT1 DELAY. COME AT ONCE. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. AN ACTUAL SAVING OF 67 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Wa only mention a fow bargain); all other goods sold at equally astonishing low prices. BOYS' PANTS, 13c. MEN'S PANTS, 50c. BOYS' SUITS, 65c. Two for 23 Cents. Never Kip. Siuglo and Double-breasted. Men's Suits, for'y sold for $10, now $4.75 Men's Pants, sold for $5, now $2.00 Men's Suits, for'y sold for $16, now 8.25 Boya' Suits, Sold for $3.25, now 1.30 Furnishing Goods and all goods that are damaged at your own price. This is NOT a Permanent Fire Sale. It will last only 21 days longer. THE BELL CLOTHING HOUSE SIGN OF THE BELL, 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. CTSKXT DOOH IO THE BURNED DAVIES & GRIFFIN BUILDING.