The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 06, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Have' You Seen the
It is well worth seeing, bring
ing to miiul some of the artistic
leal urea of the World's Fair. The
si'idge is m ule of Castile Soap. It
is a pure White Castile, and is a
loatiug Soap; made only from
pure vegetable oils. We are soil
ing it at the unheard of price,
I Cakes for 5c.
We are enabled to put the Soap
on sale at this low price bysnucial
arrangement with the manufac
turer, 'who is anxious to introduce
it to tlia trade in Scranton!
It is already having a big salo,
and we may have to pull the
bridge down iu a few days in or
der to supply the demands; there
fore, if you wish to have a look at
It make your visit as early as pos
sible. Bring the children with
you ; such a sight is always wel
come to the little ones.
For August, Now Ready.
Describes and contains the lead
ing Fashions, latest Dress Mate
rial, Stories, Auccdotes, Humor
ous Illustrations, Valuable Inlor
niation, elevating and pleasing
reading for the homo. Given
away to those who call for it at
our store.
A refined school homo. Prepares for tli8
best eg 8.
'I borough courses in Music and Art.
Toai-hurs' Llass gives beat preparation for
C ommercial Courso includes Typowritiug
and Shorthand.
Posi ions secured for Graduates,
bond fur new illustrated circular.
I'. M. Luo-MiS, A.M., Principal
T. V. Bertley, wife and daughter,
Misi Ttllk left Throop on Friday last
for Atlantic City.whttre thpy will spend
a months' vacation with Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Joneg.
G. B. Meeda and Lewis Evens left
town on Saturday for Lake Winola,
where they will spend it week.
Mill Nettie IBertly left town on
Saturday for Providence, where she
will spend a month with her sister,
Mrs Hxury Lee.
Mm. I. D. Williams, widow of the
late L D. Williams, of Hyde Park, was
in town Friday and purchased a lot on
Sanderson avenue.
Meiers Fuheringer and Colemnu
made a flying trip on wheels to Lake
W'inola nn Sunday last
Mrs. Bicheraon and Miss Barbara
Gill, bad a pleasant visit to Rioh
Xnondale last week.
Miss Helen Coring, of Peokvilla, was
a caller .in town one day last week.
Miss Edith Kttnnedr. of Wyoming,
is spending a few weeks' vacation with
ber brother, Robert Kennedy, of this
The Paneoast Coal eompany will be
gin to sink their air shaft to the Clark
Vein on Monday.
Miss Bridget Corcorln.who has lately
returned from a tour through Irelaud,
is visiting her brother, Douiiniek Cor
corin. Miss Mary Bertly is visiting her sis
ter, Mrs. Henry Le, of Providenee.
Robert Perry, of this plaes, a mem
ber of the Choral Glee and Banjo club,
left here for Richmonddale where he
joins bis parents who have been living
there for some time. Mr. Perry will
be greatly missed in the circle wherein
ha used to be quite a favorite.
Alice Summer ton is visiting friends
iu El win.
Mary Russell, who has been visiting
friends in Susquehanna, has returned
A fine stone walk has been laid in
front of the Baptist parsonage on
Church street.
Mrs. William MoLoud visited Biug
bamton yesterday.
Edward Gorman, of New Jersey, is
visiting at the residence of El Gil
christ. Mr. and Mrs. James Griffin, of Sus
quehanna, Hre visiting their brother,
George Griffin, in this place.
Miss Ida Hill, who has been visitin g
friends in Susqushanna, has returned
Liziie Conley is visiting friends in
John MoAloon, who has been on the
sick list, is recovering.
Winnie Tingley is visiting friends in
MIbs Rata Conley, of Blngbamton,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Dennis
Conley. .
Thomas McCarty Is calling on friends
in Faotoryville today.
Secretary Lease, of the Railroad
Youug Men's Christian association, of
Elmira, was in town yesterday.
The essential lung-healing principle of
the pine tree has finally been successfully
separated and rofined Into a perfect cough
medicine. Dr. Wood's Norway Piue
Syrup. Sold by all dealers on a guarantee
of satisfaction.
Highest of all in Leavening Towel. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The Republioau pniuuries were held
in this ulace Saturday. The contest
between Liisenrln and Williims for
congress added union interest to the
contest compared with other years and
as a result tno excitement wag high.
The following dolegates representing
the eleven wards of this borongli were
lecte.1; First ward, Hnry Koowlos;
Sfcond ward, Scott Wanner; Third
ward, Gnorjje Williams; Fourth war I,
Abel Beyon, Fifth ward, Henry Camp
bell j Sixth ward, first district, Will
lam Abbott ; mcouiI district, J tines
ftnsnkran s; Seventh ward, William
Wethers: Eighth ward, Henry Buwk
Uy; Ninth warj, Jjsep!) IIifnr;
Tenth ward, Janus Armstrong; Ele
venth wsrd, Benjuiiin Howell. Winle
it is not positively known how they
will vote the friends of Liisenrin;:
alaim they have u majority.
At a meeting of the school board
held Friday evening Patrick Loftu
was reeUctvl junior of tii" hig
school building at a iry o( if 0 ptr
month, and Mich il FhithII tor th
Uppr Pittstou sciiool at $1J a month.
The eluctiou of j,ni.ors tor t'i other
schools was postponed. The placing of
the teachers was not tikou up as ex
pected A child of Phillip Rider, the
butchxr, while swinging on Saturday
Ml and injured its urm qn.te badly
Luckily no hones were liroavoii.
- The Peiinsylviiuia Coal compinv
order the present week is as follows:
Ewen, Old Forge and No 6 collieries
will work. Ail otusrs will be i He,
The snpersensitiveness of certain
members of the town council toward
ai.y criticism mad upon thorn by tiie
newspapers will, no doutit, lirak out
afresh when they learn if tliey have
not upon their return home from
their junkot, of the "scorching" tlmv
received at the hands of the Troy, N
Y., Aritus a few days ago. Uuriug the,
week just closed that j mrnal, in relat
ing the visit of our co'uuuilmeu, in
plain Anglo-Saxon laugU'ig said tha:
two of the committee accoinpaiii d by
a Tn j in, instead of inspecting tin
pave, mule a tourof th- the tenderloin
district and were so drunk as to t uu
uble to discriminate, between brick and
asphalt. Such a statement, coming us
it does from a reputable newspaper,
cannot be misunderstood, and that any
of the committee would so f ir demea.i
themselves is to be regretted, for by si
doing i hey uot only have brought
olium upon themselves, but disgrace
upon the community thuy, uutortuu
uti ly, have the bo.ior to represent.
Robert S. Merour was brought home
to WllKet-Barre Saturday iroux the
hospital when be has been a patient
since bis accident, lit is uble to lioti
ble about a bit on crutches, t ut a very
wnak ankle and a gaiuo knaa will k'ep
him from active work for sumo little
The coroner's ii. quest in the West
Pittston shaft case nas again tiee.ii
postponed to nxt Wednesday at 2 p.
m, at Kquirj Gibuous' ofUjt'.
A nport reached here Saturday af
ternoon from Wiikes-Barre to the ef
fect that Abudnvgo Reese, es-coiitrs.-ler,
had been appoiut 'd division buiwr
iiitendxnt for the Lehigh Valley Coil
company, to fill the vacancy occasioned
bylhedeith of Colonel Mison. The
Latiigh Valley official, as well as Mi.
Reese, wer out ot the city, and til r
fore could not be seen in regard to the,
report. However, well known coal ui-n
that Were seen were iudiueJ !o plan
considerable reliance on the reuort.
Mr. R"se, it will be r mi nu'ojrjd
for a uumbir of years, was insi-U fore
man at the Exeter colliery und-r C jl
onul Mason.
Mrs. Ellen Ddvine, an old resident of
Pittston, died Friday evening at her
borne on Carroll street, aged GO y -,r-".
Sue is survived by one son, 'i'lionus,
and two daughters, Mrs. Michael K-l-ley
and Mrs. Patrick' Sweeney. Tim
funeral took place yesterday at 3 p. m.
with interment iu Market street ceme
tery. The local union of the Christian En
deavor held a meeting in the West Si 1
Methodist Episcopal church last even
ing for the purpose of hearing reports
from the delegates to the international
Endeavor convention recently held in
Cleveland. Papers were read by Cimrli-s
M. Allen, Henry S. Greeg, George
Weir, and Misses May Monie, Margaret
Msuie and Hattis Bsrtmr. The m t
ing wat largely atteuded and much
enjoyed, The special tnusio which had
been prepared for the event was adiuir
ably rendered und greatly pUus;l those
fortunate enough to be pres nt.
Let a public official be th tsr:;ot of
an attack by a pupir whose circa, uion
is ever so small, ha iinaginn tin wnolo
world has read the account. Let that
same paper solicit an advertisement
from that same official, who, perchance
is conducting a mercantile business, it
Is safe betting at. 10 to 1 that the official
will will say, "your circulation is so
small that nobody save a few will see
Dr. T. M. Johnson was called to Wn
terbury, Conn., Saturday morning on
professional business. He left for that
place yesterday and will be absent
several days.
Since all the various franchises have
been given out, except the paving and
sewering contracts, the interest in
being a councilman ceases.
It is daily becoming a flxsd fact that
"Manganism'' has bad its day in Pitts
Messrs. Ilennigan, Kearney and
Tigue may feel elated over being
"turned down" by the majority einc
the way the latter conducted them
selves on the trip has beeu made public.
Miss Sarah Goodman, of William
street, is visiting her cousin, Mrs
Moses Burgnnder, at Wilkea-B irre.
Miss Bin a Fay left yesterday to spend
a week at Glen Summit.
Miles, son of William Higgins, of
William street, who has been seriously
ill, 1b recovering slowly.
Abraham Axborn, of Scranton, spent
Sunday in town.
Miss Alice McDonnell, will leave in
a few days for Chicago to visit her
sister, Miss Susie, who is employed as a
teaoher in the public schools in that
- Misses Jennie and Etta Ilartman and
Nellie Ketcbam left Saturday morning
for Philadelphia. They will also visit
Atlantic City, and will ba absent about
two weeks.
The Misses Katie Carey, Maggie Mo
Nnlty, Julia Gillesnie and Jennie Coyne
left Saturday for Asbury Park to spend
two weeks.
Pharmacist Ed Reap is enjoying the
breezes of Atlantic City.
Misses Anna Dailey, Anna Dough
erty, B. O'Brien, Nellie UVUii and
Maifgiw Movies, spend yesterday at
Lxke Winola.
Ji'n A. Gillespie has resigned his
position us Pittston manager of the
Scranton Truth.
One of tli greatest ..(Jm-itiU m En
duuvcr events ever hold in this section
of the couutrv is promise to occur ut
F irvimv on Wednesday of ibis week,
Aug. 8. when C ;ii;inn eudeavorers
from five counties will msec tliero.
There will bo repreentaivs of
churches nil through itifl va'.liyr.
from Biniiatntou to Wilkos-B.irre.
ltov. Charles Rhodes, president of the
State union, will be present and will
d'diver a ) address. Il is expected that
Rev. B. J llevr, of Biuj;U.,iul.)o, i,s
WjII ,is bt'ier upM,krs of note, will b
present to 1'iid inspiration to tne goo i
work. T.iliiu .MnriMi) viil t;ln;; with
tae choir. A iiyma esp--iallv wntt oi
for the occasion o- R-v D I). Jenkins
will be sung. Tin uvnri, wine i u n
iieeu set to music by T. J. Davmmus.
oach , of Scrantoti, is as follow:
CHRISTIAN' exdeavoul:ks.
H'tiiiicr lliiniii )
Our Christiuii Live we' bring,
Our anient voices raise
And o'er in unison wo siir,
Our Captain's earnest, j
"For Cluist nntl t!ie Church,"
Emleavoivrs nro ;
And foi'Hard to a victory grand
Our powers all shall be.
la Christian love our prayers,
M.all rise and seal i tno n. ;
For blessings on our wayward no
la distant lauds a id nigu. Cuorua
Oar consecration vows
In love WO oft renew,
And to eaeti oilier aad to Christ
Eudo ivor to be true. chorus
In Christian love we sing,
Our joys of deavenly birth.
We wid not rest till Christ, our Kirc,
Is King of all the earth. Cui us
Tile programme of ex rcisis ur
rauged for t .e day is as foil iivs:
3I0r.XI.N0 ShSION", 11 A -It
Chairman Rev. T. A. ITut-hes
Lender J. F. Wihox
Selection Bauer's IaiuU
"What a Uatheritig," U. li., Io. p. 'ii
Hallelujah for the Crjs?,"
Luzerne County
Music Choir
Adilr. Ks, "Pio.'re-s" T. (.'. Manning
!Su"iestions by I'resideuts of ISi and
Tn-C uaty Uni-as.
"Throw Out tiie Life Line." No:. 5
and 0, p, (ij S.iHiueliainm County
Music (ios)t;l ( i,,ir
belectiou Di.uer's Hand
M n-iu Choir
Address K v. Cliaries It aodes
Uatuu-r iiymii, (Words by D. U. Jeu
kius, Music by T. J. Lavte-)
ayne County
"Thero Is a Royal Banner." No. 5, p. Ill)
L'irkawiiiiiia Count v
F.rliei's from Cleveland Convention
''Fuith Is the Victory," Xos. 5 and G,n. "1S
Wyoming Couniv
Mudc Choir
.Mi-pah Beuedition
bo.ictiou Katiei's Band
A s .ecial trai t will loava :-ci'iti'o:i
it 8 la i. m., (it-en Hi t!:- 8 2), Pr vi
d''uca 8 23 l):eks.iu 8 23. O vt otut 8 31.
I'eelcviU 8 3). ArciKuid 8-1'!, J-rrr i
8 17, Mofi Id 8 51, Carbon ial- 8 oj.
from irro and i.itTtujdi u
poiuts to Sor niton the regular train
leaving Willi -i B .rr ( at 7 10 a. m. will
be used, connecting at Scranton v. it a
the speci-il, Tha speci il will stop ut
all stations to Carbon dale.
John D. Cainero.i, who for tho Inst
fonr;een yours tun been in til i emtdoy
of I. D. Brtdi-y, tiie Miia strdet j
eler, and for tho past eight ye in has
been manager of tiie bminess during
.Mr. Br.i iley's sti,-in tlisoj'li, bis
purcti isd from his employer t ie bnii
o"B3 and iiereaft-r will' b t con In t -1
in his own nam. Tdr. Bradley will
reiurn to the south 1-aving th" busi
ness in the hands of a wortny succes
or. Tiie following is the list of eicur
hions to be run io Purview tliis week:
.Monday, Au. 0, M-tuodist Eiuscopal
churcj, of Factory viiie; Tu -s I iv. Au.r.
7, Primitive Meti.o litt ciiuroli. of O.y
pliaut; Wednesday, Aug. 8. You"i
People's Society of Chi isti:m li'id-av r,
tif fivj oU'iti's; Tnnrsd.-iy, Aug. 9,
Oxford Mina Amidental fund; Friday,
Aug. 10, Cjngregatiniiul ciincli, of
Scranton; Saturday, Aug. 11, Kuig'uU
of Pytlii .s, Scranton divisioii.
Tue l'uu. ral of Joiuph Gilhonl, who
v.a- kiilud on the ( and Welter. i
railroad on Friday iiflein am, w.i hold
Suud y afieruoou at 3 o'clock. Tho
Knights of Father M.itne.v, of wiiicu
the deceasod was a memb: r, attended
iu a body. Tiie remains wore interred
iu St. Rase cemetery,
A. b. B.tker, of Washington str 'nt, io
on a tea days' visit with friends iu
CiiniJiliersburg, Pa.
The of tho lat Cnurcilm ui
Jamo.4 M. C irdtti v.-ai hold oa Satur
day afternoon at 3 oVlocii, Services
were couduied at S,. U se cliuroh. The
p-,11 bearers were Me.srs. M irtin CI.
Cardan, John Carden, Patrick (virden,
Martin Carduu, Jmu-s Carden, Thorn is
Canliii, Miotiael Car liu and Jam 'S J,
Cardin, nil were relatives of tho de
ceased. The funoral was largely at
tended, many out of town friends being
present. The remains wore interred
in St. R)se" cem 't- ry.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Amelia
Deering was held on Situr lay after
noon at 4 o'clock from her late home on
Wayne street. Tue services w-re con
duct"d by R'-v. Charles Lo, pastor of
the First Presbyterian citutuii, The
music was furnished by a quartette
composed of Misses Lillian Jo ies and
Ella Hubbard, and Messrs. Low-ry
and Phillips. The pall bearers were
Messrs. S E. Sptugonburg, John II.r
mes, A. E Knox, Etwari James, N.
Mohrs and l) J. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Single, of South
Main street, celebrated tha Lwenty-fif th
auniversiry of their marriage in an
appropriate manner on Friday evening.
The marriage of MiB Mary Edith
Tryou and C. V. Estabmok will occur
ou Tuesday of this week, and uot Wed
nesday, as has been erroneously stated.
Mrs. J. II. Hards and two sons, of
Newburg, N. Y., are on a short stay in
this city, called here by the death of
the former's aunt, Mrs. Amelia Diier
inir. Randolph G. Mason Is nn a visit to
his parents at Rlonmond, Ya.
The Young Men's Christian associa
tion luroiture will be Bold at private
Rale. Prnnnrtfld nf tUa aula tvill ha an-
p'ied to tho payment of the association's
ist church yesterday, nor will there be
iuij cei vice iu xtiai unuren on nxi
Satibath, tlia pastor, ll. Willi im E i
gar,. being aw ay on his annual vacation.
Mr.. John Thomas, of Olyphant, it
visiting friends iu Mmtrosi uud vioi
uity. L. A. Tavlor, of the regular army,
statioucd in In'jw York, il at bis bom
In re on a twenty-lays' furloug.
Fred Biruuart, of Serant on, a con
ductor on the Wist Si do Tructlou line,
is calling on his Montrose friends.
Dr. H. II. J.ssnp oucupid lbs pul
pit of the Presbyterian church yester
day. v
On account of the enuine on t!io
L .okawaunaand Montrose rsilroa I trtv
iu out oa the ou' ward trip on Friday
afternoon, tho train was ono hour lat.
On the return trip an engine was a-'tit
from I f'.Ilateiicl to take the place of the
disabled one.
A game of ball was played at Frl .mds
villa on Friday between tiie Montr se
and I ri, ii iavill clubs, resulting iu a
score ot 17 to 21) in favor of Montrose.
Montrose tiie department will pnr
Bde on Sept. Gih iusttiad of tho 5'.h us
previously reported. Tho enc luii ment
of tno Grand Army will be hold her
atthat I i tu-) and ext'iiraiou trains will
be run fnun I invfb-i"iton and Cft'iton
at greatly lethiced r:tts. I; is cx-pe-'te
that tin) coming par id- will be
Hi" fio- 't ever' used in M mtrosx.
()"l.ii(.i c!unpa:i!ea vtil doubtless lie i.i
vii" I to pirticiiiate.
The peopio of ti is community wre
su-iriHiil and their h 'arts male sal on
Fri lay last when tlia report came, that
Liz?is Hunter was d 'ad. It s-emetl
imp-is dole from tli fact that on the
bu a lay b-fovenho w is in her p act iu
taw Pr Hbylerian churcai and Sunday
school and in the puo;ilii's m el
inij in t lie evening, Sli was a young
I idy bilov-'d by every odv, Wherever
slie went she carried i-nnsuine. Alw.r.
d.-as:t;t, always ha; pv, h m ule
Irit-uds, ILt home was it Souta Mont
rose, but sue sponc a (.Teat deal other
urn - here. U'r brother, Dr. Mark
Hunter, of Gilford, was visititi his
parents when Lizzi was taken aick,
and be did all in m.i power, assisted ti)
otliT phvsicians, to save her life, but.
earthly skill was not siiiUcient. Tlw
lnnn iiwas bol l from her Into homo
yester'ay afurn ioti at 3 o'clock and
was 1 irj ly atloude I.
Mi'sMtbel Rayiu.lls, (l.Tdglitor of
W. C. Reynolds, of Scranton, is the
t;ti"si of her aunt o i M-iiu struot
Mrs. E Guy, II. II. Morris and
Robert B-etw j.aVD b-ell aelec') I ilole
u'.tes to ittund tiie 1,'r-rt'. Cliris;iin E i
de.ivor coiiVention to lie held ut. Far
view ui xt W' dnes Uy.
MUs Iirleii Aiken is spending som-
tiin visuing friends iu C irbjtidali uud
viei il; v.
W V. Hand rick lias returned to his
Ititt s in Sera. .ton aftr ten days vac i-
tioa gpant here.
A large number of Mon'rosites wi,-iio.-sj
I the ball game at Frieudsvillu on
Frid .v.
W. E Titui, who h is baii at Vv'alt
ham, M:n., taking a course in a horo
l)t:ioal iustitti o, on friend
litre Siturliy. Hi is v-ry much
pleased with ids pio-pects of 8HC0
Th ) colored p"i;ili h Id a c imp in j)l
iiiK on the lair i-routid yesierliv.
Jubiioe singers from Scranton fur
i ism I music which was much ou
j yed.
A treat is iu stori f r tliosi w io at
tenl the couc-Tt to be iveu in the
x'r shyteti in cnurcli lounrrow night.
Tub Baptist .Sunday euaool will hoi I
tneir pienio at Like Cirey tomorr w.
A letter received from Chatl's G.
B li T, of Scranton, says that he has
r - eived the position of gateinun at the
Eim street crowing ou tlis D.diware
ia l Hiitltou rallnud. Ho Ins b'eu
I'liiployeil by til! sam- compiny for
over forty-live y ant, bo:;iunii)iX when
It -re W IS only out) Way of getting C )ai
io market, a ut 1 1 at was over tii-
r.i iii.iain to Hon as 1. tie. Avery few
iniii"s w ro then in operation,. Grmf
improV'.'tuxuU 'lavi b -eu uud) in forty
live y-ars, and h lias be n itblo io
watch the ''.ii Tut stepj iu til at direc
tion. .roi.K L.M.t.oz, can-iai.e nia'jn'actnrci-,
! I!) i arrali Kfeai, r.ttfl'a'o, N. Y., states;
I was trouble 1 with uausea of thi aiom
lieu, sil l; heada 'ae ami H' tieral dubiuiy.
Bardock Blood Hitters cured tue. "
C. M. Ilunn 'Well, representing the
PciiAN'ToN TtilUUN'S bindery, is in t .wn
for a few d tvs taking or l-rs for biml
ing of imnaziiiHS, muic, vi-ws, blank
bo'dr. an d notel risterj. Itapairiug
of old liootfs a p"ci ilty. Will Ua n.
'-ive siii'scriptions for Till" 'Ikibuve
Special iuduoi-m 'tit to yeaily buu--crioers
Parties d 'airing him io cill
will eonf r a f vor by drop dug a pos
tal card to box 3T7, H )tieK l)le, Pa., or
leavoorler al S B. Paim ir's, east of
covered blldgn
(iiles Sciienck nul wiffl, of Scran
ton, who have been spending som
lima wit'i relatives hers, have r.i
ttirntnl h nn".
Mrs. U'ury anl diui'itar
Evi'linu, have) return")-! from a two
weeks vj ,urn ai Lakj Ciyu.r i, Y.
Mies Aiiua Browa has returned from
n vhiit iv: Lanesbnro.
Tue punch bowl and ladl?. magnifi
cent sp c iu tu of cut glass, t: oaonto I
to tho Sciiuto'i Prays clito by O'Connor,
of II iwley, are n fxnit Uiou ut j.r.Iwin
&, So'-nci r's phamua'ty.
Thoi"i?itti of the Scranton Press
id :b at I. il; Ari -l, An X l l, isatirnct
tuir iniic i attention. Ticuots. 75 cents
for the rou 1 1 trip, for ?.ile at Gatdunr's
fnrnishing store
Mrs. G-'orge Curtis, of Chicago, is
visiting Ilon-s Ial" r.datiVfS.
E A. Call, of Scranton, was in town
Satnr lay.
An important maoting of the M ini f
City will be hell ut the City
hail next Frid ly nignt at 8 o'clock.
If you desire to hecom) a re-jnlar
sunscrih-r to the Scranton Tritoni;,
send word to The TitiuuNE agency by a
otrriur boy.
Four Rig Successes,
Ilnving tbo needed merit to moro than
rnihe cuod nil the advertising claimed lor
them, the following four remedies have
rmchi'd a phenomenal nale. Dr. Kind's
Kew Discovery for t'onsutnption, Cotmhs
iiinl Colds, each bottle (,-na auteed Elec
tric Bitters, tiie great remedy for Liver,
Stomach and Kidneys. Bucklon's Arnica
Kttlve, the best ill the world, and tlr.
King's Hew Life Pills, which are a perfect
pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to
do just what is claimed for them and the
denier whoso nnnio is attached herewith
v. ill be glad to tell you more of them, told
byllattliews Bros', drug store.
VThen Tally was sick, we rave her Castorta.
"Alien slio was a Child, sho cried for Castorla,
When sho became Miss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, sho gave tucm Castorla
Lake Winola.
The bill nt tho WiuoU house Satur
day night was ona of the most eujov
able ones of the season both in attend
ance und otherwise. The large ball
room was crowded and presented a
pretty sc-mo as the merry d inoers at
tired iu the brilliant liu)d sunrner re
ort costumes glided, over its polished
llor. Th musiaians, Messrs Loh
mann nud Shppird, outdid all former
events and roudered a delightful pro
gramins. Sunday was a beautiful day and
from early morning until sieep wooed
ihe visitors to their slumbers tha lake
whs crowded with boats.
Very few people have left the lake,
md for every one that roturns to th,-sr
labrj, ns many more coma to eujoy
the i tiBwflts to be derived from the
pure mountain air.
Am ititr tlia Soraatonians registered
at th") Winola House Sunday were Jay
S. Rji urf, Harry Piotlmroe, O. F.
Adams, J. K. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
A. G. Morgan, William P. W.dchel.
Mime E. Fuiiiiir, Mrs. und Mrs. H A.
Morgan, Percy Waters, Gnorgs Silk
tuan, E E. 'anthill, R. Taylor, O. C.
Uses, R. S. McMulInn, J, T. Phillips.
W. S. B-.van, tr. J. Barrowuun, T, J.
Meave, H. R. Long, George II. Mc-Li-ad,
llattie Stanton, A. Luce. From
Duniuore were E. E. Swarlz, Charles
P. S-iva;;?, Xick lii ii d. Henry Ueyoa.
U any others wero gnsti.
Two hunlreil gunts wra served
dinm.r at the Winolu Hons Sunday.
On Thtirsd-iy i-veiiing a farce comedy
entitled, "All Is Fair in Love and
War," will be presented at tho W'inola
lloJ3j thea'.or, It will be presented by
an amateur theitriual troupo and
premises to hi a treat. Tho proco ads
will Le for the benefit of th-) Winola
Episcopal church. Admission bus been
placed at 23 cents.
The pastor of tue B ptist church
will giv an exposition m-xt Salibalh
in of the p n alil of the Prodigal
Son, treating it in a literary sense,
oiitiuniiig the sam discourse in the
ev-iiiuir, making un application iu
spiritual s -uses.
A m lie qu irtettfl was organiz id lust
evening c .mpojod of four young men
of this plac-,
Dorrauce Fuller and Harry Thomas
are btii riding nwoif ty bicycles.
J. M. Warren, who has been sick for
some tim. is able to be about attain.
The eitih that will pi ,y the Dalton
team at Lak Ariel compris e the fol
lowing inetuha.-s and their positio ns:
Pitcher, S iiuley Bi.rtrxe; catcher, B
D Coop-r; first base, A B Cliy; s-c-nid
base, Rihert Snyder; thir l bag ,
Harry Christy; short stoi), D irranoe
Fuller. - riut ii-ld, Wallace Suyd-rj
ciiior 11 id, II. s. Fiuti; left fij.d, Z
C:i -rib) Miilar.l, a former resident of
this plat;., but now of Carbondalu, is
visum j: friends in town.
li ho
a y v
The fact that I lood's Sarsap?..'
rilla has cured tliousands of
others is certainly sufficient
reason for belief that it will
cure you. It makes pure,
rich, healthy blood, tones and
strengthens the nerves, and
builds up the whole system.
Remember i
ri oarsa-
2 pariila
ft -A f.o
v a ; -
r.e Sure Io tjet HOOD'S and
Only HOOD'S. !
Hoorl's Pill! tire esiii-ci.illy prrp-red to La
t.liai with Hood's Snrsaparilla. c. per boxi
Graaa Eilje Wteilnwa
Scranton Driving Pari
WEDEESQ-'Y fiFIEfl3ll,
ti 22, im, at 2 O'clock
L. A. XL Sanction and Eac9
A3mi3)ioa,52c. GranlStana, 15c
r .'a',: : ,r:- j i
Is cn Improvement ia Soap.
In the Trolley old methods
and materials are superseded by new
ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the
clothes sweet and clean and lasts longer
than other soaps. '
hi Your Grocer for It
If he docs not keep it send us order for
or for a Box 100 cakes 75 pounds 4.50.
Joseph f. Thorny Ellpfan.
227 Chestnut Street, Phila. "
Ispropsrrd to rsnolvB sammr bourdors und
furulaurikis fur tourist to surrouudiug tow us
sud suinuiar rosiuU.
I TP5'r. ,,. MARK.
LH ,-''y.v:-t--v : -J S-s
1 IE
EL fl H i j E
400-402 Lackawanna Ave.
We can serve you well. All the
desirable kinds are here and at
right prices. Then we have
other kinds of
ir ioor s CoirerinsB
' Linoleums, Mattings, Art Spares,
Linen Crumb. Cloths, k.
t-; V7
Byzantine, Smyrna and Oriental
Rugs all sizes, from a single door to
sizes large enough to cover an entire
mm a
406 and 408
No tales or history goes with the goods
we sell at our
dd and End Sale
You will find money by attending our
Odd and End S
It is cheap goodness not cheap cheap
ness that distinguishes our
cld and End Sale
Figures are eloquent when used to indi
cate the value we are giving at our
dd and End Safe
From a critical inspector you will turn an
eager buyer at our
Odd and End Sale
Goods marked in plain, large, low figures
at our
Odd and End Sale
rti hi1 if -i- jljnidii-Tt'iir"" "" " "
1 4
Lacka. Avenue.
Building, Carbondal