The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 06, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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mm. news
Th template text of 8nator Cband
lers's ipoh proposing an Invtatlga
tion of the Not Scoila eoal syndicate.
otbrvriie known m tha Doinioloa Coal
company, oonUlna many luumtlng
polnta not found lu the tbort lumuiury
telegraphed at the time of the speech's
delivery. Aftr explaining the watered
capitalization of the company, aud uol
iutf that J,000,OUO of the preferred
tock bad boon reiervol. itt tb tlraa of
organization, "for th9 future needs of
tlit company," Mr. Chandler saidi
This Ik evidently a scheme which U to
po forward In ease of leguluticu of a cur
tain character by the congress of tbe
United Status. TUe whole gist und grava
men of this company is that by reason of
success of some Other Idea, or tho election
to office nf Hom president of lomo con
cress, tho duty on coal of 75 ceuts a ton
is to bn removed no thut thin coal com
pany can make money. I buva also beon
furnished with tho prospectus of tue
Broad Cove C'ual company, limited, who
liropose to mines ut Cape Hretou, lu Nov
rvutia, the Douilulou of Canada. This if
either a rlviil ortfituliiatlou or a tellow-or-fcauization
of the Douilulou Coul company,
imd it proceed tipou tno same theory,
ti at success is to ho given to the commer
cial venture by the tomovnl by the eon
jrreeM of tbe United States of the relating
duty upon C Jul. lu the prospectus of the
liroud Cove company i dad the following
htutetnou:: "Thuj It on b seou tbat
Dread Cove coul oun bo tll i ve rod eloa.jMdo
in Benton for H.4S p-'r ton Un than cowl
from Newport News, Va., Culled Status,
im 1 01 cents than from any other mine
lu iu-va Seo!U, with tii duly on.
Which tanti' wti' be leduesd if not
removed eutirvW." And bo profit-cms
tin a bhie baud priutod so an
to cull the stomal ntteutiou ot persons
who dojiio t) invest In the stock of this
company to this paiuftrauh, '".vbieu
will ho reduced if ma removed entirely."
The jurat;: uph in tue Pominuu l al Com
pany's prospectus, which give character
to tno whole proceeding uud shows what
is cuUuJ tbe motive of tue orauliatlou of
this oouipftuy. Is as follow.: "Suuuid the
United Mutes duty of 75 eouu per ton bi
roruoved, It ecsuis evident tbat thU com
pany will find a larte inurKot on the N j
Luyluud keabourd, for which Its petition
at tido water would otiahU it to oouspelo
on advantageous terms." Xow tbera !c
beyond all doubt, without goin,t outenii of
tho prospectus, the hcuij u-'ou whlcU ttis
compauy wus urbanized. It Is the theory
upuu w hich this ccuipauy li b ling uma
nt'ed today. It is a corporation oraulred
with $15,000, 0(H) of coiutuon stock, which
is apparent isouly to bo paid for if paid
for at all, to the extent of a million uud
u halt dollars, uud whioh st'jck Is jubjeot
to bo ilittributo 1 lu nil direction tor uuy
jiarpwo which tho um-igo; j of the cou
patiy may conclude to be a w ite on.
This being the case, ilr. Lhaudhr cou
tlnucd, us he lukl the prospectus on his
dk agula, the i'ominlcu Coal company
cu'Lt to be iuvesllgiiti'd. If cccgress hu 1
before it a rtveaas bill, uud if u $21,000,000
company wus orsauud, with its prosper
ity depending u.ju tho removal of a dui7
through the pdesuK' of a turili' blU, thac
cjiapiiuy was oue which couxruss could
uft,id to w. 'ch. The senute could allord
to luek ULd mil wLat was bwlug done by
those companies wtljh were ready to baud
out it cir securUios by millions in older
to iullueuce the uctiou of coutcoJ in re
inoviug the duty cn coiiL
Goailod Ly the Dom&ertits uatll hj v-ua
ccmpclled to mention names Senator
Chaudior laid:
There Ii one nuine which I will matlou
lu conncctiou with this Dominion Coal,
company that of Joha H. Uassell, of
Hassuchusetts, who wad the Democratic
caurlidnte for governor of that state, aud
was defeated. lie Is an avowed partici
pant in prospective profits of the Dominion
Coul company, which is to mase tha great
fortunes set out in this prospectus rroui
the removal of the tariff duty of 75 cent
a ton on coal. A tew days ago a New York
paper stated that John E. busiell came on
here to fcive couutel aud advice to Preii
dent Cleveland, uia the president of tha
United States bad written a Istter with
out addressltg It to anybody In particular,
and bad dated it July 2, aud that he kept
it as a sort of stock In trade of dynamite.
In due course of time, after an agonizing
birth of so mo sort, It saw the light one
d iy, to the consternntiou of the world aud
the consternation of the home of repre
sentatives, and to the surprise of every
fii-nutor lu tiiis enamour, aud particularly
te the senator from Maryland (ilr. Oor
iv an) and tbe senator from Tennessee (Vr.
i'r. l'resldont, I understand that John
E. Russell, a representative of tha Do
minion Coal company, wa loud in tbat
con ftrvnee, was loud about tue hotels of
of this city, and on the curs comiug her,
aud on the cars going aw.ty fro:n bore, la
bis declaration tiiut the president of the
United ought to plant himself Im
probably upon the doctrine of the Demo-cra-io
party that we must have free coal
for New Eulaud. Fur be it for m to say
that Mr. Russell wri not hosast aud liu
cer ia bis proposed treatment of the
rrent political pnudules of the Demo
cratic party, to which he belong. Lie un
doubtedly thought that it was good poliey
for tbe pir.ildeLt of the Utr.ted autoa,
than, ana thoro, to strike a h:ow for fits
coal to protect the grand priuclpU of f re i
raw material for the Democratic rarty
end to carry out the expectations of the
Dominion Coal company, of which he wai
a representative, and iu which he was a
participator. Nothwlttstauillng all this,
it 'torn, to me that John Z. litis -til, s an
adviiter of the president, lu rsforeuoe to
the removal of tn duty on coil, will bar
watchlnif and investigating, and I r
epRctfully submit to the senate thul the
fucts which I Lave already stated not onlr
Justify, but require an Investigation, such
as the resolution proposes.
The Stockholder fancies It sees in pro
coss of formation a continuous system of
electric railways excelled lu extent only by
the plans of the Pennsylvania Traction
company and the New York and Philadel
phia Electric Railway company. Tfiit
scheme as indicated at present Is to estab
lish a line, or system of linos, which will
ennect the principle citls and towns iu
the anthracite aual reg' smong the
number, fccranton, Wilkv Carbon
dale, fottsville. l'nttstowu, Mair, Min
rrsville, eto The Pottn ville aud ficbuylklll
Valley Traction company, which was in
corporated only a few days ago, proposes
to connect l'otisvhle, St. Clair and Miners
ville, and tho same people lutur
Crftod iu this company are alo
identified with tho Lackawanna.
Valley Rapid Tiansit company, which ou
Wednesday secured Control of the Car
boudalo and Fortst City l:au(ier Rail
way coiny)any. As tho latter', line ex
tnuls from Fiiroit City t Archbald, con
litclin with tbo Scran ton Traction com
pany's line, which extend, toward Pitts
ton, tho deal liua a peculiar ilolflcance,
Inasmuch as the Kciantoii corporation cou
tomplates eitendlu) IU line to Pulsion.
It is nsert( d tbat the latter compuny aud
the Rapid Transit company are controlled
by the same syndicate, but whether this
Is the case or not has not fully developed.
The impreHNlou remains, however, that
this syndicate scorns to be securiug control
of the various lines iu the coal regious,and
Interesting developments are expuctod.
Minor Industrial Notes:
It Is understood tbat General Suporin
tendout Wilbur, of the Lehigh Valley, has
been finally determined on as tho next
proMdent of thut company.
Receiver J. O. McOullough, of the Erin
rallwav, says tbat there la no truth in the
roporti that new defaults will be made in
interest due on bonds Sept. 1.
There was obartored tha Bucks County
Railway company, the line of whioh will
run through the principal streets of Doyloa
town, and from Doylestown to Oonter
Vlllaand Newtownj capital, 1100,000.
One effeot of tha strike in the west has
been to give to the lJolaware and Hudson
a big haulage of Central railroad coal cars.
These ca are taken north, over tbat road
and then west by a route not mod pre
viously. The Franklin Coal comptny ia making
active preparations for the re-bull Hug ot
Its breaker near tho Wilsou creek.
The Reading company It placing stand
ards on K.O (jondola cara, to be used tn
hauling Iocs gatlured up from points along
the Susiineliunna. They are to bo picked
up and taken back to Wtlliamsport, from
where they were oarrled by tho recout
The iron trade shows some improvement
aud manufacturers expect a betterduinand
In the near future. Prices show littlu
change und salss are made ou tho basis
v.hleh hns ruled during the past two
weeks. Tho market for raw materials,
Lowuver, is etrou.-ur.
E. T. Cowell. locutur ef 'Industries along
the Reading, has succeeded iu Uudiug loca
lions fur twenty-four industries of various
kiuds during the pat four mouths. Ho is
ot tlie opiuiou that in a low years tho
Schuylkill valley will ho dotted with huu
dreds of new industries.
A mile from StroudibniK, along the line
ef tl.e Wilkes-Barrn aud Ensteru raiiroml,
McFeirldge it Tiustow have a succoshIuI
duck farm, where lil,C00 ducks are uow
swimming on the ponds and thirty-one iu
cubators are constantly Increasing this
number. The ducks create a good deal of
amusemeut for pasongers over this line.
Two new passenger locomotlvas are now
lu eervii'o on tho 1'euufylvaula railroad
whloh who built In the Juniata hoie, and
have drirsrs six ft U'lit luctios in heignt.
Clue of these powerful ;tid rapidly-traveling
machines ia to run ou the Philadelphia
division, and the other ou the middle di
vision, and mo now beiag broken lu for
their new servtca.
Kiu & Soott, whoso forju of uioa have
hesii er orj;tirolly at work shufilng ut tbo
l'.ie!iuiimd colliery, at Mount: Cariuol, aiucj
January lu search of the .Maiatui tn vein,
Lave hud their offer is Clowned. Between
tun uud twelve fet of good rich coal have
been d'acovvred, This vtlti will tu werkul
to Its utmost tupucity and will a !d reutiy
to the output of cuul at that, coliinry.
'J h Qjnoi. Coal coirpuny uppllod for u
ehart July 10. It will eoi:sit ' (taiu:i
L Hnlsey, of v hlto ilavsu, a -id J'ol.i' .'
Cah.itiu, ex-couiessaiati, U. .11. Prv, Y. J,
It. Atwood, liaMC ('. Noti"hlld, Charles
W. Wellh, .. C Uarcia, CLari Y. -Vic
Hugh, attorney, and li. It. Jviiis, ad i f
VuUos-iiui'ie a id vicinity, sa.vs S.vai'd'a,
Thoy will otu uji and beglu n; siullnus
t.eit spring ou lauds ou tuu Wi.i.o.v tii.i.'t.'
The Tjeli'i;b Vsliy u ixporliuoutlug
with mild steal links and pins for car
couplings. Tialumeti wore l.otitled J-cV-tralJtysxko
that if tbe i Wii links and
plus brenk In s"v;c; the hrultuti parts ar.
to bo (v.-reruliy gathered and reuv.-ne 1 t j
the train and yardruastArs, with a state
inent ustallhig' the achlect to each. Iu
thw war It l expected that 'u tuorouifb
test will bs mu.'.t, aa.l if suiiufuct'ir they
Will doubtless be adopted.
The Reading Coal and lroa company's
Collieries aie suifcriog irow the scarcity of
water, alu.ost ti the extant that they did
ou account of tho drought tf laityeir.
All ot tl'9 washerioi at the coU'-trki are
ruubyml!.e water and at nearly i sll ot
them tLsre U not enough water for pump
,;e supply to knep the washirles "jolui;, as
most of the workings are nii-ariy free ot
Inside water, wuile tho fresh water supply
for team puipoies is runaiug very lov.-.
alilltury Tootles of Aulmals.
Indian wolves have been saeo to loavo
Borne of their number in ambush tit poluti
on the edjie of the jiiai;lo while others
drove In antelopes feedlntT in the opcu
ground boyoad. Hut wolves, its u rule,
hunt idoua or in f am! Una, except when
pruned by huor. W ilJ dos, however,
habitually combine to huut, and llalilivin,
In his "Ci;-nie of Iletignl," niiintluns a case
of four or live niai tsns hunting a fawn of
the "niuutjac," or biu hiivr deer.
But lu real military oiajiiz.itlon aud
sU'uU'ity, monkeys aie iiu uliead of nil
other anluia;, and iioUtidy tho diiiertnt
kinds of baboon. MiuudiuM Porkius fives
an excellent uociiiuit of tho tuctics of tho
tkurfaced llaiundryuds tht Uveil lu largo
colonics in tho cracks In the clifTs of the
Abyssinian :uounUia. ThebO crouturus
mswl ocaisioually to plan a f.uruglng dxpe
ditlon into the plain beloiv, and tbe order
of attack was most car dully otgauixed,
the old uuihj murcldng in front and on the
llanka, with a fow v cioso up tho rear uud
Lecp tlie rtt In order.
They had a codoof almils, hidtiug or ad
vancing tKxordlng to tho burks of tho
ecouts. When they reached the coru
Culrhi the main body plundered while the
old maies watched on all sidei, but
took nothiujj for tiiomiiolves. Tho others
stowed the corn lu their cheek pouches and
under their armpits. They arc ulso said to
dig wells with their hands and work da re
lays. Spectator.
Tho Iloauu l'art of Loudon.
To farm a true coneep'.ion of the Roman
city wc imi;-;t sweep .uvay all the accumu
lated results of modern art and industry.
We must create a tabula rasa, and remove,
us tbe mure figments of fancy, tho cathe
dral, the abbey, the tower, the swarming
throiigu of Cheapside ami the cmlltus
U-'iuures of briuk buildings th.U siiclter tho
millions of tbe London of today; dissolve
tho fpleudld wjiion, aud think only ot tho
past. Condnsid within the narruvv limits
of these wl, Its greatest IcnglU the river
front, ia greatest brca.ltu Ixawet-n Cri
plegate and f lie Thames, wo see the Roman
city. It is Inclosed by a wall of lUinnwirk
and coiiiont from twenty to thirty feet
high. Towers or rantella uppivtr t.t inter
vols. It was built upon tbo pilau ef nil other
llouuiii cities, and ruasjubieJ IV-mpeii or
Ll.iuum. Its four chief KUects, at leuat
forty lect wide, met lu its loruiu; they
wero perfectly straight and led dirv:tly to
the gates, At their side -v. ere narrow hm
ih?!, or lanes, all uiuaily straight and ivr-n
from sinuosities. Tbe Roman ungiuoers
laid out their strata with unchanging reg
ularity. Kvery street was paved with
smooth stone, likn thortc of Pornpeii, Pe
Eeath the sin.eU run the suiters uud the
water pipe we may m'siime so Invari
ably found lu every Roman city. WulUir
Ifcsuut in Harper's.
1 uuie 1 Irtt.
High-uiluded Father My eon, choose a
profession tliat will bring you fame, and
after t;at wealth will come.
Dutiful Son-Very well, father, I'll bo
oomo a professional bnwliail player. (.!ood
la Holland, Mich,, C. J. Poaburr ptib
lidies tbe NeWH, and in ltn roltiimn
strongly rec unriiends Dr. Thotnus' Cel c
trie Oil for cfnifhs, coldi, eore thrnut,'
catarrh and astuma
Cure for Kund toho.
A a waedy for all forms of lUudaciie
Elictrio Eitiors i ns ptoved to bo tue very
best. It effects a permanent cure and tin
moH diei'.ded sick heKdaches
yieid to its iiiUnenee. We urge all who are
uhlictod to proeuro a bottlo ai d uire tliii
remedy a fair trial, lu caries of habitual
constipation Electric Hitters cures by f,iv
ing tLo needed tone to the bowels, aud few
cases long resist the nso of this medicino.
Trv It once. Large bottles only Fifty cents
Rt Mutthews Br io', drug store.
Mr wf tray 8 Wim mm
atLii liLA. ir Vntl RiiitFS from Nor-
Bib IIUIJ MIU lllit .a..-.j- VOLU Dc-
tnUty, Weaknoss of Body and Mind. Wparuia
torrhea, aud luipotaucy, and all dissaaos thai
ni'lsu from overiudulveauu and self -abuse, mi
tjm "i iiiouioryauu rownr, uimness or vis
Ion, Prematura Old Ak aud many utlmr din
euites that led to liimnlty or ( imiinptlon
and an early erave, wrltafor a pnmuliliit.
Address GRAY UUUlClNS CO., Burial.).
N. Y. The NpwlBo Dledlelne Is sold by all
druggists at ipw paekMO, or six paeluitwi
for oor sent by mall on receipt ef
with every tlUKl order yg GUAHAsTEE
a cum or mousy --nl nl " "n
IVOn acoount ef counterfeits we have
adopted tho Yellow "Wrapper, ths only genu
ine. Hold in Buruutou by Aiatthuws llrue.
Etoski and Bonds.
New York. Aug. 4. Tbe railway and
miscellaneous share market presented a
linn trout today. Tbe uows ourreut was
favorable, it having boeu roported before
theopeniug tbat tho tariff conferees were
on the eve of adjournment. The rullway
lttt was etrengthoued by better tratllo rv
turns. Tho rie raugi'd from )i to 2 por
csnt. Rig Four, Lackawanna, alls
souri Pacitlc, bt. Paul. Jemey Con
tra), Louisville and Nhvill, Iteud
lug uud Canada Soutiiern being most con
spicuous In the upward movement, Wheel
ing and Lake Erie preferred lumped S'i to
U'J and olosed at 87 bid. The industrials
were strong and lu fair demand. V hiikoy
range 1 between lSKai'J't; Chlca-io Uas at
TUJi'a1-;: Uoneral Ele. tHo at Cnrd-l-geat
aiji, und lead at 8'.t. f ) -inliittofi
left olf strong, falas wore b'A.lhi i.hnru.
Railway aud miscellaneous ,bouds were
active and strong.
The lollowing onmnieie ta'no sDowinil tte
tr Huotuationa lu u-HITn ut jki) l sui-i'lia't
u:l rvlsed dilly hy Ls'lar i I'uhe.". st'Jek
brokers, li!l Wsoinlujc avsauei
Oosu- Hl.rh- Low CI'M-
inn. et. Mt.
Am. Cot. Oil
ul Sukur. lot)
A T. irt. F J Mi
("u. r-o 4.1
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17 -4
Culeano Oriin ui.d 1 1 ovlaiom.'
b.'i.iXTon, Aug- 1. The followlun uuo.a
ion4 uru uiii.j.. an 1 t irr il;.l dally Uj Li-ai-i'idU
r,atOi.h 1 rj;.l j.Ul vfvomlajr ve-
WHKAH Kaot. De
t'ltulug .Vvd J'1
llhiicht . toU
IaiWuS OvC-'i io(.
Cl.iM-.titr u;$ U
ci'iuic? -5
Illgaest -UK 45,
Lowe.-.' Ml 44-,
CU-aliiir ijj 4oK.
IMu-nhig v4 , iiO ....
I.or.ii: il'.?i ....
Clo-'IiC..'. SO ....
I (l.-li!n , 1," '05
llilthcet 11:0
W.nt 1 US ....
C'luMiiij 1J10 ....
Cpeju-g 710
Highest .....,. !lrl ....
L.ftul 710
Unsinn 712 ....
Orala-.' ('.7.1
Uii-lu-st ''77
Lowest.,.,, tii'i ....
ciuuiu o;o ....
4--.' t
Kcw Yoik
New Yom;, Au
rtdats Ka?ka.
4. Ftoca Sleady
and dull.
WiiiiAT Quiet, firm, lnwor; Ho. 3
-ed store aud elevator, 5.')iaS5o. ; ttlloat,
Kafiiio. : f. o. b., COIi.-CK,;. ; uuuradod
red, 6eat(ic.i No. 1 uurthuru, Ol'-jo. j op
;koi were dull aud closlug steady at ic.
uuder yestvrduy; September aud Ue.-cm-ber
most active; salss lucluded No. i red
August, 80)4 c. : September, 5tjic. j Octo
ber, 5?X. ; DeceuiVr. OO'c ; May, OJ.c.
Joan Lull, firm: No. il, 5ta5lVi.( elo
vator; 57c. alloat; options opened weak,
cl-jed steady at unchanged prices to He.
up; trading dull; buptvinbar and Decem
ber most active; August S.'c.; Septem
ber, MSc; October, He; November,
uSHc; Dscember, i0c j May, ifjx
0TS Quiet, stMtfjj options dull, Ir
regular, Kc- dowt; Ansust.3iVo.; Septetu
br, Sic: spot prlce, No. 0,42c: No. li,
white. 44,'1'a44Hc. ; No. H Cblta,:o, 4Uc; No.
3, 4ilc. ; Wo. i white, 43c; mixed western,
4um4J:. white do., 4onSc. ; white stute,
istrr Dull, Moadyj family, $13a$l4
tx'ra ines. I IfH.Sv'.
ih-.kf havs-duu, esa,
TiEitCKD UKEF-Meady, dull; city extra
India India mecs. $17al3.
Cur Meats bte.nly, tjulot; plfliled hol
lies, Vi pound 7)4c.) plcldod should
ers. ,Vc; plt klkd Lams, ll.ilUo.
Laiiij tifundy, (lutet; western otcan
V.40; city, 0K.
Potire Quiet, Arm: mess. ? 11. 1.' tail 50;
new men extra prime, nominal.
BtiTTBB Firm qtnet, state dalrv,
l&niilc; do. CTcamerr, 17a2)c; Peunsyl
fanla, do., 17nlc'ld.; western dairy,
I3nltiu.; Oo. ereaiLery, Ha'Jiic.; d"n.
factory, 12al5Xci tigiaa, 3lc; iniita
turi crearn'.'ry, l-)al7c.
ClirBK htearly, dull; stoto large, 7
a!c.; go. fancy, tftc: do. snail, 7
'.)?.;. part skiins, .IhSJc; full ukim-i,
I, (his Steady, quiet; elate
and IVim-
arlvanls, loe.; western
14o.( Clo. ptr Cflsc, tlpif.Od
freab, lilja
Fliilp.da7.pbut Till jw Marls'.-.
i rvu.nii.rviA. i allow wan
i dull aud price? were In buyers' favor.
Prli'a war-i; Prltno city la lugi-l.tml",
iuiji:.; 1 'fciD luuii 1 1 j, il; '.'hi i-ii, ; lie.
dark In l.arroli., vjanjjo.; wJto, 4;,u;
grease. EJ-C.
For. earache, toothache, aoro throat,
1 w..)led neck aud tho rt-wults of colds uud
Inf animation, nso Dr. Thomas' Edoctrlo
Oil the grei't pslu destroyer,
W. L 055f5LAS
r .'iltVivS .w sou
rV-;:!M $?!t?2'W0KK!Nf,-,lP.
V,. '"
V -V .-, .C ttf&SWM- ,,rn,
j:ZlKts El tyr e s"C0M ,
A .. it NO I Cit CATU.04U5
.;';V-''V-LC ;;yGt A5,
Yeu cud tare runner j iiir'jhiiwlug VV. I,.
llfiiiffl-iK KtiMr,
lucsnis, we are the Inr r bI :iiufTlurf i-i of
ii'lvcrtued slums la tbe oiid. nud eu iruiiK e
the va'ne by statiinlng t name end pike on
i th button, whu h jiotvt yuti k41bsI b'.h
I ptlcifi ii'nl tlie's pro:'.t. .-n sliit.
I ttjual work la style, si.-, jtt..iir tid
I wsrlii u-is lilies ' have tlietu -olii vc- ,.
wlirt at lower prleas tor Uii vai'.ie (jiveu tliuu
any otlisr iult. Take no sulntilule. If your
dealer eaunol supply you, we cux fcold by
The GENTJI2TB Now Haven
Kew York Warerooms No. 80
Fifth Avenuo,
- Bole dealer la this suction.
mCB-lil Adam Ave, Telephone BT'd'fl
a m a it
" I have given Covinine in
quite a number of cases of
Cholera Infantum and the so
called suui'iiier complaints of
children, and have been grate
ful beyond my expectations
with the results.
fin n i1 i -
XU& cmly E?aw PcotlJ
has in several case:;, beyond
ft qucstii in of d'-ii bt, averted
impending death from starva
tion. No ether food Iris gt"ci!
the uiiiforni good Ksulu that
IJoviuiue has."
Tor ."Die fcy nil druKl'iidi.
A I'Ai.'i itirs:Euy.
For nearly Cftv y-iui thi.4 wo.idcrf til rom
Idy hns proved if If tli.' li'S, i it. ' .'t. Hit
tut and btautit iiLlidote lor I .i.n lu . lie world.
Till: UVUKV.
I. AfjWAY'tl :ih.'tY K1.I.1E1? i:i fifo, re
liiul'i a..i etievtuil because of the utintulat
lr.(t anion ' f till' budy, udillntr tuiie to tlio one
mil in 'Itii'K to ituiiwud and increased vi-or
tho bit vitality l the p iy i-iotl s..' no
turo, aud thtoufl) ILls iivi-lthlul itiuiu'.-doti
Hid liiereaofnl sutlon tliu oausu or the VAItf
k-diiveu swur and a natural ciniditluu r.i
ttorud. It in Uuj the! tau AliADY Hi'Lltl''
ie t ' u ludrab'.y a-Upti for tho CUliiJ Oi
PAIN and ltb-)nttlio rlk of Injury wh'cii
Id i.uro to 1 null Irom the usouf iihuj- uf tlio
to-efcll'jC paiii riiuiioies oi toe iluy.
In laaug ii-ud'olncti to utov tain we ehoulu
vlld sulii if inflct Injury on tuu fvteni
Upiuui, alor:.'ilbe, litliJr.Ciia'ui) und Culorul
Hup lii.ui by lying lu noiisii of pirouii
ll.ii', waen the vslieiit loej tlio .o.v r of
fi'ilii;il. TUU l-i tiie iflot Jn.tructlVD pvn''
Ho--; It tiiHiks thi srnjtitotns. nlnitu up, ami,
lust-.i-d ot reuioWait trou'vl', Ircik ooivu
Cn s'.i mil -h, Uvcr ;-,nl l.owv's. end, 1C eon
t :UUid tor u laUKtli i t thue. kll.b tiui uc-rvuD
ami protiuons V.tsl or ionoral varalyili
I 1L"ie !h no noisiiky lor un.nj ti-'ne 111
! ct-r'.alu aj'ntil.', rum a posiclvii rsuejy like
KAU WAY'S UKAUT ltfcl.l&a will utop ttt)
0101 .soruiatni; pain qatkur. w.tiuat en
t.uili:rf tlie loint diuleulty la eitaur lulaut of
a cvr.z ti; ai l
Summer Complaints
Dysentery, Diarrhea,
Cholera Morbus;
Ahulf to a teasoOKUfttl of Keady ltuliof lu
a Indf tujjiblor of water, rapeatvd us often
af the dlv'jliitrui eoutlnue, aud a Uunuel ut
urutud with Heady Belief idaoad over tiis
Htiimsch ul'1 Oowuta. will aiord immediate
reliot uud eooli u tit ol a cure.
A Laii' to u iMMLOoktul In half a turn'. '.or of
water will In a fuw Eiluute-) cure Cramp'),
HimtiiK, bour Btomach. Kuartbuin, Kervou
M as, Blcepleteiiees. Bieli Ueada.-he, L'iarrhea.
1 y-iniituiy, Colic, Fhituloncy and ail iutuvuu)
11 ILL AM) 1LVI11, lliVEiiAKD
Notnnly cures tho patltut csiud with thl
tTiili! (oi to sutlers iu newly-sottled ilin
tiiets, where the .Vn'.urla or Akjii exists hut
If pei'i'lo ciiioshJ tn it wdl every moruhig,
oq ifottlng nut of lisd, la'ite tiioiv or tldrty
droiin ol the llnady Iluliif in si.d nt,
Hiy, u cracker, thuy 111 eMape attack). Thin
muft be done loeloru koIuk out.
'I Len Is not a rcuitdiil aeut In the world
that v III cum Fevur au1 yua and all utht-r
Malarious, k'i( ly K.M)W Y'b
' 1.L.S, o quick as UaDVTAY'3 KB tf)V K,
oUc. Per Coitlo. Said by Druaultits.
0 y mm o p
Ibe Great Liwi and Stom ec'ti
f or tbe cureorV! ll rdera of tlio ttoiaaoh,
Uvtr, Bowi-li. i-jeys. IJIudJur, Norvoun
li.KOoen, l.i o . ui tmietitu, 1 uuU-i-'u.', LW
tivoneiH, iudir it1. hi. ii.linU"r.n F. vur, In.
Qani'iiatlou ut 'a i)or!s. Pile. d a I utlmr
1 j mi. i mo i-: ii -1 1. i-turn-tl V scire. Put ily
Ten- table, uonialiiing to muroury, muii-raln
iiv ili.'ieto -iot,K ,,ruj(i.
I rice, 2j coats psi box. Bold by all drug
Dr. Rad n-ay'n PlUa are a cur" fnr thli com
plaint. Tl.ey ru-inre uti eiin.t to the .-tnmiou
und ennule i to tmrturtn Uu tuin-tiens Till-nyii'ptciu-i
oi' Uysp 'te'ift d;i!tipuir, und with
tiiein the lishlll .y uf t ie s.-nt -m to contract
ulRi-iifw. ako tue mi iliidni) Roe-mlli" tn
flirci'li ms.finil oliserv what wo say of "F dsn
ami ' r-i -i." rep I'llug al I
If' bund a Irltrr mtuiuii tn, Dli. HA1J WAY
4. I ... i.e. k Bojtia. Now Yuia, lor "irubu
aud True "
r.nooMtn tiT mi li.3Me-t Mioi.-i'. Atmenix-
. i l Uill iVi. ii ILL; .-
tp.vf.vcil rf"lTAt.TrP 9
in C '(ii-IAi-'JiiSwwicM
it4 V J--V.Uii.-.U..U.a. TV, Hatrraoi
- , ),4 i,A l"ii-JiB will tjr yii;i. A
it i - ,v-.j n''ni'i' wi. w iuuie"ii
i b ..'t'lV.nne !'., i-Tt.n:.
gs'V' "V 4'imn r'7. As uitluiil
f tlHSl't.C.Stl'iliMllijgsriy
fcSvr'li tiv to rtuffi eMf
In pnnV"t roo-W
t tt l:i lU at.
n of vn'J.
vi a nil ii ri l-'niprnw. i.
1 fiM i rt l'tiiKrUli. i:KlrlHv,Kl u,mi
ui uiiu. I. V An- tr TLuit, u. a. l
cry rxrxi t-.w ? &
I F rlTflr i
t a wp ren-fir for
I fc I I 1 1 u
nnf j'.nriij. I ,'i .
I'm un ,n'ii s,7ii !" irr
i tiie.
vu',a n rai rur.
iHir' jr fl )fml' yf"i"?-il
A il.irSMae tVyfii. inL V
I'nr sale b Matlbews Ui-oi. and Jehu
H i'lielpit.
At hln iiinviy-rniovalgd aud Ihemed Uotr'l at
CLAltlt'tt DVUiUT. I saw prepared to ftit
UihU tinve'.iu,- uiun and o ieial i. ii tlos with
mal-AraVf, MiW-r.TVLltO UlUii, etuula
or doubli'.'t i Uku Ih-.m Ui l uko WluJln.
(IraTol I', vd n u J all suburban vulate ami
ouiiiinor r ti, ii i hi reu.4ou.iblv li-Iuo. A laio
lUory uai u coiiauctjd with Uoiol lor travel
lug public.
Bank of Scranton.
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, $250,000
Tills banlc uflen to deptialtiirs ever
fanlUtjr warrant. 4 Ijy tlu lr hnbiuecs, blui
ousm euil lecMHHloUlty.
bii;t lul ulli iitiuu i;l nto business ao.
couuta lLlureitt .lil uu titne autioalts.
W1I.7IAM roSWWt.T, President.
tiki). II. CAVLl.V, tmu-'riialdnut
WUXIAJH 11. i'tCU, Ca.lilot.
William Ciiusell, iionrito II. Catlln,
AlfrfU timid, Juiuos Ai'olibuld, li-ury
lialln, jr., X '"oUli 1-utlicr
0 Ki4yJis,Ks
: National E?.ai of Scranton
i CAPITAL $250,000,
RAJirrt- H!NKK,rrnMeni.
V. . W. vihOV, V ice 1'roaiasaU uLLlil.ilS. Cashier
RAMLCt fltXES. JAl'U M Evvnr.AitT
lllVlNli A. i'lt.' ll, l lKIH Kll. FlNLKtr,
iIohki-ii J. Jimivtf, M.f. KiJMi.iimi.,
t'UAS, 1. M.VITIIKWS, J'lll T. I'olilliil.
, VV, WAXaO.v,
Tlds hank luvite-i rl'.o pulrouaga of Luuuoiv
mei. and ruiw ;;en-ruily.
Q .A A. 4(1
Largo Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass 8eed3
Guano, Bono Dust
end Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
i IMiiisea's Sons'
tanu'ucttirsrs of ths Celebrated
lOO.COO Bbl Por Annum,
Atlantic Refining Co.
2-liiuufaoturor and Uiiili-isla
ltai2:liD end Lrlcatinj
Lliisood Oil, N nptbiw nud Gimo
Huea of all ftrade.i. Axle UrsaKO,
I'lnlon Oreaw and Colliery Com
jiouudj aloo, alurjo liueoi Pw
rafflao VTux Cnndlss.
W ftko handle the Famous CRO'YM
ACME OIL, th only fuuilly afoiy
buiuiiiB oil in tbe market
Offleet Coal ExcbanKe, Wjouiini Afo
Vot ltsftlViue broott.
l . M
I'll VMIHA..- AMI l hil.UN.l
Dll. (). KUUAH UKA.N has romoved to 016
lipruce street, berautuu, ta. tJust op
posite court-house Square)
I Ut. A J. CUiTsEEErotlloe 2ul WasUintfton
I J avenue, corner- Kprnee) street, over
i raueko's druK stora I.oaldouoe, la Vino St.
oilleo buurs: 10.1)1 to U a iu. and s to aud
tl.DU to 7.3U p. rn. fauaday, 2 toni;
U. W. E. ALLEN.Offloe eor. Ladti
JL vanna and Wuihlnytou avos. ; over Leon
ard shoe sture; often boura 11) to 12 a. m. and
Uto 4 p. iu. ; ovouliujs at rualdeueiik tUN.
WimlilnirUin avo.
DK.UL. ritlit. I'ractlcs lloiltod to Ui
ouk-s of tue Lye, liar, Iiiij and Tbroat;
o.llco, I2i W yonjiiig uv Uebldonoo, O Vluii
bt rc-et. t
I it. I. M. (JA'T'Ea. 1W Wushiustua Aveuuo.
M Otllee hours, 6 tos s in.. l.Du to U aud I
1. 1 8 p.m. UiislUuuculalU lladKoa avenua
IGJI.i lT"A i.Via,il i OUiiiT'ili aud if
' ( o.nuioriWtuUu liu'ldnij; reiildijii'o ill
A udiuonavo; oftlne hours, lo to H 2 to 4, t-'
tj; lluiidays 2.U) to i. evuulim's at residence. A mm.o ot diei mcs of llij eye, ear, uosj
uud tbroat and kyuoooiogv.
'!:. K A V, sl I'euiiAvo ; 1 to ; call his.
uu.ot tvouiuu. iitMU'trica ami Ji. or euu.
i SI. C. llANtll-
Law and Cullaetlon of-
' f.ce. No. M17 b,
I. -ill Kyi in ia ., ui.j-naivw i -iiiK
nr.ti'ii, i'ti,; toliei-tioiia a specialty
1 uiiiinylvanJu; reliable corroupond-
rmo s .. ot.poaite ruresc
I owe. brri
tlll'uUKhi ut
nits lu eei y ci unty. jJi liA.xlJ, Attorneys und CViuiuiel-
l lorn ut Law, Couiinouwcaitli hulldiiisv
wueniukton are. w. i;. jtnst-p,
);ilAi:t t. U.INO.
W. II. Jitisuv, Ji..
W'rf.l.AHD.Tt AVtiihis t K.VAl'l', Attor
nev" .ui 1 iojinoloi's at Law, H' irablieaa
lii'Mdli' Waiilil: ,:tuti ae . Mei nnton. La.
(,A'l,i'r:jlbl.' ii wTEfU.k, Attornvys and
J J- tjimi !:i:-1 at Law; oliioos a uml li Library
LuildiLj, boiautou, 1 il
hi).-tv.'i:i,n IL PAll'Biil'iS,
Wii.i,iam AjJWli.C'iit
LI'HiiD ilANl), A'li.l.lAt J. Uu.VU. At
v t"iiK-ys and Coiir.Milliirs. Comiuouwealtb
lnilldii!i.'. .-ini ius Hi, IV m. J itt.
Uf i liiiYl.L, ii.rin.iy-ui-Law.Kos.lD and
ZO, Hiiit luildiu, Waeblus'tou uvenui).
1 i'fc'NHV M. "SKB1.7 law' fu i'rite
a 1 l.uiljlnu IXd Wushiuiitoti uvvmio.
; 'ItA'.Ii T Oh i LU, Aitutuey at Li.iv. lioom
-'i'.i-il i-'M-iinauii. )" ''ri.'.r. I'il
il' !;.'. '.' i. IU, I ifyC Z!S .VimUuiu
i . M. ViiX n-il' II. I t' .i ,iv., U II. wi'iare
( AM KM W. (.i.Kr'ijTtb, Atrney at Law,
' rwun a W. W r.nd IA O Ui iiioiu ir .ulth b'l i.
,,'A.':U:L W. KIjoIaK, Attm-ney ut
' "ia; -I, .1:1 1 1 loi.ert.. Ri-r-iaion, l'a.
La u
A. A n.E. Allot ni.y at Law, CI
Lu-lit f .ji,n nt;ii.. H -;i-;i tit. in. 1'n
i) I'. biii'liJ, ( oun-.' ilor ut Law. "t'.lcu.
I run, r :A V W ('oiiiui"U r.-ealt 'I lui'lolirt.
K. MTi:ii;;
- . I'l'V.WI llltll 14 1 1 1 1
AttJii.iiy at Law, Com
U Hi-t ;.nt in, I ;i.
. ciMl
.I i y.-ii ijr
. 1. Si i
11. hEl'LiKlLl'l, Att'triivy-Lcii.ns ncii't
1 ' t tiute-l on rei-.l e'.tnte n.-i unty. '."' Sprinii.
M F. EILLa ii, Attoriivi-hT-Lu-lAiV
1 t omiti,.' uvoiinfi. H'-inntiin.
M lliHH.S.
t 'OIOOi4 Or' THE LaCKA'.VANNA, Ser.m-l-
tou, i'.i., Oii'liatiid boj'j ui.d triiii, loi-toile'j
.-r tiuji.' iuorouRhiy traus voung thiluruu.
L'uUiio, uu tit reijuoit
ltr;v. TiJO-tA4 M. CANN,
WamEI( H. Lllii.Uj
-'A a id Kebo-jl, 4i2 Adams aveuuo. PupiU
nc-ilvi-J nt ail tjaos. b ox s t-jrin Will open
-.!. Hi.r 3.
ui-..n t i r -..
r 1 V. LACBACil, buii-.-ou DeutlstT NoTlU
V J . Wyi.niini: sve.
I'l'i I.N. nUm I -,
i: I.X'-h.ini'i-
rilli. I'.EFyi l.l'J S.niL.ts and Loan A-so-1
c.atio.i will .o:m you i:n noy ou easier terms
n i p.iy j-ou hotter en iuvontuient than any
itlmr OHHoehitiou. fall ou S. 4N. C'AlLL.V-
rit Ji n,.- Uni-U l.ui'cl'T.'
,! .1. il. CLaKK & CO., Irio-' smell, FlnnsU
and Nurserymen; etore Hi) WashinKtoa
.venus: ereeu bowe,13jJ orth llaiu avenud;
t. ro ti-h-iibi'iie 7.--.
liH.'.XD L'NIOX '1 FA CO., .lontu Uros.
JOS. KUETTEL, 5i5 LuckaT-.-anna avonuu,
Si-raetim. l'a . insinit'r i-f Wiri' -irpimn
l!OI i:t.H AM) liKSTAfRAXlx.
1 'iiE WESTMINSTEll, 217-211) Wyoming
1 avo. Honu.j h.-ated with steam: all mod
i ;i Improvements. C. M. Tiuiman. Prop.
"1MJE ELK CAFE, ia aud 127 Fraukliu ave
1 nuo. Kates reasuiiablo,
1'. Zieuleb. Proprietor.
t r L&TAii aTEIi llO'i KL.
W. ti. KCUENCK, Manntror.
-xteoutn etreet, ouo block east oi broadway.
at ITnion Square, New York.
Anicrlritn pirn. tiiSiper da'- and upward.
I 'OVNL llt-Ut'E. plan; Vool
rooaii upen uay ana nigau tsar sup-
lied wltn the 1
T. n. COYNE. Proprietor.
,'CKA."TON riOLSE. li'-ar I)., L. .ft W. pas
) seiiiter depot Conducted on the European
vir i-oii iv ecu. t'roprii'Tnr
:AV1S K'M.'LT, Ai'iiliit.-etH. Ilimiiu 21,
. S.i iiiid L'O f.iiiinieawi -altli b'M'g. Heranton.
i L. vTaL . LH, Aniriti.-ct. Office, rear of
. Jt f'M Waiihi'-iutoa avenue.
if L, BUOWN. Ar-h B. Architect, Price
liniirlint' 12,1 V :.utiti:y ton Avii.,tVraot.iri.
31 IX 'EI.I.A NKCl'S.
7vrKK'8 olicEEsf IIA - llL'SIO FOIi
1 ) Palls, plcuk"! pirtliu, receptlnns. wed-
irirs and ot ui Htt wot s ftirniiihod. l or terun
:-idrui4 li. J. ituuei. I'oii-.luotor, Ui' Wyoming
mi . nver l.lnllijrt's nisslc stnro.
1 1 IniiiliHr, Krtre building, Scranton, Pa,
.' T; HAKi.LE sFiTJTiKiSrPH'N riZuS7
' 1 Hipplies. cnvelcoes, paper Viflip, twine,
'.far jbouuet lo0 Waiiiiioa ave., boianton.
1 loliBi'.rt AND CA2iHlA.lL: t'OU SALiJ
i at l.'.sj Capouio uvt-nue
t. L. FOOTF, Agent
;"ha"nk "ii titows " a" co.. "w hole"
!o iL-ali ctf in Woodwuio, CiM-.hiiii) and
'II Cloth, 72U W. Lacks wariia avenue.
Hotel Wavarly
European FKn. Flrit-ola.! B r attelioA.
Li pot lor Leitfuer d i:n j jl's Tuunh tiuinir
U Cor, 15th tadFitotStj,, Mifo
Vest I'l-siiu'ilii f..r rsoldaiits of N.E. Panu",
tyl' Mil. Jill ctiriTvi.liinui'd lor tiuvdlmiit
to at " from trend H'.i e.-t stattnu and tha
I wclfth and tar t trs.'t station. D
tiralik- for vir.itn.f hi sntoulans aad pe
lie ui tlie AutlirhOltii Kajiju.
Meat Market
Tha latest irajnovod fnr
nlfibiiiKs aud apparatus for
keeping meat, tmttor andega
123 Wvoinlna Avo.
Come and sec us about the Job
Work you will need soon.
The Scranton Tribune Jol) Dept.
Anthracito coal used excluslvoly, Insuring
cleanliness and comfort
TIMS TABL IN Krrr.lT WAY 20, 1891.
Trains loave Herauton for Httston, Wilkn.
Earre. etc . ats ai, D.1IS, 11.80 a. m., 12.50, lua
8-au, 8 1, T .55, 11.U6 p. m, Bundays, II.U0 a. in,
LOO,, T.lOp. m.
for Ailantlo City, 8.20 a, m.
For New York, Newark and Elinafceth, 8.U)
(express) a. m., (oxpross with bullet
parlor car), 3.30 (express) p, to. Buuday. ili
p. m.
Foil MAurn CnrNK, Ai.i.entows,Betiu,s-
5IK-i!' fJiJ.hTtl"Blld HlbADKLl'lIIA, a. m..
J2.iiO,S.8il, 6.U0 (oxoopt Phlladolpbia) p. in.
Hunilay, 2.1S n. m.
o ,lLUT ,'",N" Bcn, Ocean Giiovb. etc., at
B.ti (wiib taroiiBh eari a. in., 12..V)p. in.
ror Heading. Luhauon and IlarrTahtirir, vi
Allontnwu, b.a) a. m., 13.50, o.uo. p.m. Buuday.
2. la p. in. "
For PottRvlllo, R.J0a. m., 12.rflp. m.
Heturniuit. Wave Now York, foot of Lihorty
b trout, iSiirtli river, at U10 (express) a. in.,
1.10, l.IW, 4.:j; (oxi row with Bullet parlor carj
p. nt. Unndav. 4.30 a. m.
Leavi J'lidadiilphia, Uondlug Terminal, O.0J
n. ni., 2.00 und i.:u p. ui. iSuuday, 6.7 a. in.
1 hrou.'li tlck-Bts to all poiuts at lowest ratoJ
may he had ou application In advauco to ths
ticket a'unt at tho statL u.
a 1'. BALDWIN,
Geu. Ruph
Coiiimeneinir May U). 1W2,
trains wid run as follows:
Trains leave llridicj Street
btutiou. bcrantoii, for l'ltti-
t. , VVlll,..u.llr.., Uti
&.''. 8 37, 10. 42 a. in.. "lZIO
1,25. Vis. 4.10, 5.1a, 0.15, U.lj
si a u i5 p. in,
For New York and Phila
delphia. b.UUa. I1L. 12.10. 1.2.1
t.'H, 4.111 and 11.30 o. m.
J'or H'.inefcdiilo(fro:n Delaware, T.ackawanni
and western depot), 7.00, b.3u, 10.10, 12.71
iu., ". 17, 5.10 p. m.
l or Carhoudalo and Intermediate stations,
5.10, 7.0U, 10.10 a. rn l'i.0(i m.,2.17, 3.2i.5.10,
t'i.i and 0 35 ii. in.; from bridge Blroot Depot
2.IU a. ni., 2. Lund 11 :i p. in.
1" ust hi uress to Albany. Haratoua. tho Adl-
I p ridiif k VJountalus, Huston and Now Euirliind
j iio.iit. 5.40 a in., arrivin- at Albany
. Sarutiu't 2.UIJ p. iu.,uri'l leaving Scranton at 2.17
p. m., errlving ut Albany ate1. 51' p. m., bar
In, -n, 12 .55 a. in , snd Boston, 7.00 a. m.
Tlio only dir-'-t routo between tlio coal floldj
land ft it-ton. "Tho Leading Tourists' Koute
I of Aiiioi iea'' to the Adirondack ilou-.italii ro-
M'l'ts, Lakes tieoi go aud L'bauiplaia, Montreal,
Time tables fhowine local and throuirh train
Bervieo bet ween stall--ns on all divibious Dola4
ware and lluiison sysx may ho obtained as
uli l'elawnie and UuuS -ket olll'-ps.
11. (. YUUNU, ' BUUDICK,
Second Vice President .-n. Pass. Ai
jlAV 13. 11.
Train leaves Scranton for Phllalolphta and
New York via. D. ti II it li. at 7.46 a.m.. 12.0
Vi and 11.3 p. m. via D., L. & W. It. It., 0 00,
8.01 11.20 u. uu, and l.i) p. rt
Leave Scrantun for Pittston and Wilkes
Earre via D., L. & W. K. h., 0.00, aOS, 11.2J
a. m , 1.80, a&J. 0.07. 8.50 p. m.
Leave Scranton for White Haven, Hazleton,
Put tHvillo und all point.-i oa tlie H.aver
J'e.idow aud I'ottsvlll 1 trunclies. via E. & W,
V.. 0 1Ju.ui.,Viu I). SiU.U U. at 7.15a.m.. 12.'i5,
4.141 p.m., via D.. L. & W. It. It., 0,00, 8.01,
11.20 am., 1.30, aw p.m.
Lenvo Scranton lor Ilethlehem, Eaton,
Readins, Ilarrlshurtl and all IntcrmeJiaH
points viaD.A; H.K.K. 7.10 a.m.. 12.0), 2.34, 11.81
f-m.,v!a D., L. it V. U. lt.,0.O0,.O3, 1L20 a. m.,
l.'.J p.m.
Leuve Scranton for Tunkh.iiinoclt. Towaadi,
Eh.-iira, Itliaju, Geneva and all iuteriiioill it-i
poiuts via D. & II. K.K...4ii a.iu..litt aa I 11.35
p. ni..via V. L. & W. K K., bO-i a in.,l.-i)p. in.
Louvc Scranton for Koeliestor, Ilutlalo, Ni
asiiri Falls, Detroit. Chieinro and all noluti
we,-t via D. It U. R. R. .'5 a m.,12.0i,.l-'..ll.8i
p. in., via D. L. tc VV. U. It. and Httstoii
Jar.ctlon, 8(rt a.m., I SO, P- iu., via E. & W.
1! tl., 3.41 ti. ui.
For Ehnlra and tho west via Saluumuo., vi
D. . jI. H. It. t.t;. a.m., 1;: 0J.ti.05 p. m.. via 1).
L. .- W. P..H., ,8.0.1 a.m., 1.10 aud .'J7 p. m.
Pullman purlor nud sleeping or L. V. chair
cars ou ail trains between L. it B. Junctiou or
Willri's-llirre and New York, PhiiadolpUli,
Lullalo un i Sai'pen!ou rn-idtr
KuLLlN 11. Vi'lLbUR, Gen. Hu;t.
CITAS. S, LEE. t'lsn. Pan. A't, Phlla .Pt.
AW.N0NNEMACUER,Ass't Oou.Pass. Aa'fc
Bouth Buthlsbem. l'a.
Trains leave Scraaton a follows: T.xprou
for Now York and ah poiuts East 1.40, 2.50,
6.15, UU and t in a, m.j 12 65 and 3.50 p. m.
ExpreM for ta.iton, Troutou, Pbiladolphtis
and tun South, t.00 and V.ij a. m.; Hot
and 3.50 p. m.
Wachlnc'on and way stations, 8.55 p. m.
Tut yhnena acrouimouatlon, e h) p. m.
Ezpr-ss fur Jilushasntou, Oswego, Elmlra,
Curulng, Rstb. I-aLsvlde, Mount Morris and
Buffalo, li.10. 215 a. m. and 121 p. m., mitkiri
close connections at Bullu'.o to all points In the
Wist, Nertbv.t and Southwest.
Huih acconimodatiou, Sam.
Bint'luipton aud wuy stations, 12.37 p. m,
INicuol.ou aeeciuuiixlatlou, lilt p. ut an
0 10 p. m.
' t-lngnsmton and Elmlra Express, 0.05 p. m.
Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswos
L'tica and RlchCtlJ Springs, 2.15 a, m. aud l.
p. m.
lttiucu, lb and Bath On. m. and 1.21 p. m.
For N'onbumherliind.PittstoH, Wllkos-Barre,
riymoutu, bloomnbur and Danville, mikinj
close couneotlous at Northumborland for
Wlllliiiesport, Hiirrtuburir, Baltimore, Wash" ami tb Soui.h.
Nortlmuibtrlnud nd Intormsdlate stations,
O.fti. tl.55 a. m. aud 130 aud (107 p. in.
Nnuticpso ana intermediate stations, a'H
and 11.80 a. m I'lvmouth and lutorrnodiats
stations, HM and S.5.' p. in. .,
1-ulimun parlor and sleeping coaches oa all
OIr1'or dtaili.d',inforuiation, pockettiuu tabUs,
etc." .Piny to ii. L. Smith, city Uaket oOo
82i Laoiawaunaavenue, or dopot Uckot onlck
Trains leave Scranton for New Yorlt and in
termediate points en the Erie railroad at 0.8J
a. 111. ai'C H.24 p- nu Also lor Houesdiile,
li.-.wley aud local points at 4 35, 0.45 a. m., and
3.24 p.m.
Ail the above uro throufih trains to and
from Uunrsdalo.
aiidiilonal train leaves Scrantna for
L'lti.' Ariel at 5.10 p.m. and arrives at Scran
ton from the Lane at 1 15 a m aud J.45 p.m.
Trains leave for Wiilcos-Uarro at 4.4J a, m
aua 3.41 p. m.
In I fTi i t June 2 lib, 1301.
ftorth Ueiiiii).
205 ?;)3uir
Smith Hound,
"TlibJ 901800
. . .0 y.
a m 3 a ,
w 6,'tTrnina imuy, fcx-- p, w 7 4 a,
1 p
cent. Mind iv t n m
cepi Minnny.)
f M
7 10
MTlvo l.eavfli
N. Y. Frnnkll i Ht.i
West 42nd streel
810 ....
Arrive I.phvoIa
Ky mi ..
8 1
S10 le'il,...
7B-,:2.0' ....
7Mi2-0i ....
7 4.-.L2 101 M
liui-i-CA Jiiiiiiiioui
owi a 61 ....
ecd n -i ....
0 18 2 22 ....
a fij oil ....
6 s:i 2 41 p u
6 4 I 2 .Hi 4
6 45 8 5S1 4 55
0 55 8 1 0 5 Oo
Stai light
I'luiinu Forli
I'OVIlll llo
Pli'iiAunt Mt.
K.iin-1 t r.y
Cai bi'inu.'o
White Url VO
Jenny 11
Park Place
Tla'lSii'lO 10
7 83.12 Ii. 10 01
T CM 2 oil 9 a
7 'Olili M' 1S
! iiIii -.ii ti as:
Odlill 311 Ul.V
0 4HII11S0I l-.'l
ft Oil .... li. Oil
ill 38 8 i.O 5 0.1
7 1 01 8 Itt 5 If)
7 ii 8 114. 6 81
7 27 13 881 5 a;
li 2 13 48 15 42
I. 4111 1 ti Vll'li
OilVll IS S5I
tia-'.rin6, sfii
7 81. 8 4fti 5 41
7 ft 61 1 5 51
7 J.-li 8 M 5 01
7 4tt 8 P9, 5 5
7 f-'i 4 04; 8 01
7 54 4 'J7 6 Of
7 56: 4 10: 0 111
8C0 4 Ml It
8 MM 17i 8 1
8 05 4 )i 6 20
U ;'!U I', livi
6 21111 03' 11
6 10 11 w s;:o
p 1411 im. S3''
fO 18;tliW 8D3
OlOile I.C H3"
t M'a 11.1 h
J.fave Arrive1
All trains run dully except Sunday,
f. '.Iiriililus that trains stop on signal for pass
t-ccure rntis via Ontario a Western befora
pittcs-i lriif tickets sod save money. Day aid
NIukI ilibleiS to tho West.
J.C. Anderson, Ocn. Pass AeU
T. I'Uicrott, Dlv. PaeS, Aift. Sgriintun, fa.
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for Improvement of thecom
ploxion, nothing oquala- Pozzoni's Powdor.