The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 06, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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ft D In Narrow and Crowded Ann Street,
Convenient to the Busy Part of the
Metropolis Something About a Class
of Men Who Ptuh Moreltle.
When you visit the fakirs' exchange anil
Mine to know it you will be able to noder
Itand at least ono circumstanoa that must
have struck you as being a trido queer.
Now, mauy person have at some time
Wslkrd from the city hall through Park
row and dowa Broadway im far u Wall
Street, and have noticed thnt the streets
were strangely oleiir of pe'ldlcra. Ooing
over thnt sums ground a couple of hours
later they have encountered a horde of
howling, hoarse voiced men and boya, their
fries arisiiiK far above the of the
Btreeta as they fairly assaulted the passers
by to compel them to bny the trinkets they
had for Kile.
If yon have noticed thi3you have per
haps wondered whence all these fiikirs have
so suddenly sprung. The key to this mys
tery is not hard to find ud is not a great
distance away. It is to be found at the
fakirs' exchange.
Just strike down Ann street from Park
row and halt at Theater alley, a short half
block away. You will sea nothing thore
that will remind you of the Produce ex
change or the Cotton exchange or the Real
Kftate exchauKe or anything of that sort.
You will seo on one side of Theater alley a
liquor store, on tho other another. The
yakira' exchange is right about there.
In the windows of one of these saloons is
a small crystal lake, in the center of that a
smaller island, and on that a bullfrog al
most as large as tho island. Ho is tho
tutelary Renins of the exchange. Wheu he
vras Hint put Into that aquarium he was a
brash sort of bullfrog. He started in to !
make things hum at once. In the same
place were several catllsh. If you have
ever attempted to toy in a careless manner
with a cattish you probably know that ho
has a very dcx ! led way of making himself
felt. This bullfrog ought to have known
this and perhaps he did, but as has been
said, he was brash. So he fooled with the
catllsh and they fooled with him.
Then one day he climbed on the island
before mentioned and began to wonder why
It was that catllsh were allowed in a civil
ized country to carry stilettos behind their
cant. That was two years ago, and the bull
frog has spent about all his time on that
Inland ever since. This biography of him
may seem irrelevant, but it isn't. The
numbers of the exchange treat him with
large consideration. They call him Robin
son Crusoe, and they claim that his powers
of hard and penostent thinking entitle
bim to respect. So if you want to get along
with them you will oast no reflection on
Crusoe, the frog.
The exchange is unique. There will be
days and days when it will be to all in
tents and purposes closed, when you will
see scarcely a member about. On thoso
days they are scattered all over the city in
every place where men and women congre
gate, selling with greater or less success
nuch wares as they have to offer. Then
you will see them drifting back to head
quarters, and on another day when you go
through Ann street you will find handcart
after handcart about Theater ulley and
men lounging about looking at Crusoe and
talking in groups. It is an exchange day.
It is not proper to class these men with
the small peddlers who sell shoestrings,
matches and the like. These are but work
ing on what is practically tho system of
the Italian padrones, albeit in this cose it
is worked by Hebrews. These peddlers in
Ann street ore usually either individual
merchants, so to speak, or members of a
combination, and in a general way with so
much unanimity of form that their head
quarters may really bo tenntd an exchange,
or at the very least a markets
Tbey have capital within certain limits,
and credit too. They will notdoal in things
that to their mind will not strike the pub
lic as either bargains or novelties. The
class of peddlers who deal in bargains buy
unfold stocks of magazines, books or il
lustrated papers, hats just gone out of nca
Nou, second hand articles that are easily
transferred by means of a handcart or with
the assistance of an ancient horse.
The dealers in novelties form the cream
of the exchange. They work on combina
tions. They watch every toy and novelty
manufacturing house in the business.
They have scheduled novelties that of
course change from year to year for every
holiday, whether it bo Christmas or Labor
Day. It was mainly through the efforts of
these men that tho "Fifteen Puzzle" be
came popular. When they beard, and
they did speedily, that the "Boulunger
March" was a good thing, it was but a day
or so wheu they were selling it by the tens
of thousands on the streets.
They watch every theatrical bit, every
Rnctt A of a public man, every great event,
and in fact study the public taste much
more clomly thun much greater men do.
Theynreiu touch with all the wholesale
houses in this city that deal with mechan
ical toys and novelties, and the managers
of these houses have no hesitation in say
ing that so fur us New York is concerned,
and that means a good deal, these street
fukirs arc rare good judges of what will go
and what will not.
i If you could sue nil the members of this
exchange at their headquarters you would
sco nn interesting throng. But that is
hardly possible.
They do not congregate at any specified
time. But if any new thing comes out
that is likely to sell ou the streets of New
York the manufacturer has but to let it be
known at Ann street nnd Theater alley. It
will be speedily tested, and if it is what it
is claimed to be by its inventor it will In
twenty-four hours bo on sali) in every im
portant point in New York, and a thousand
men and boys will bo shouting in its praise
ami selling it.
; For tills and other reasons the spot on
Ann street is unique, and for tho same rea
sons it may justly enough be called an ex
changeNew York Recorder.
Bpalu'e Mueh Toward Democracy.
When we oompare what onr Spain was
tudor the congress of 187(1 with what she
la today, the realisation of so much practi
cal progren and the harvest of so many
democratic ideas seem like a dream. Trials
were then held seoreUy, as lu Inquisitorial
times; justice now seeks the light, giving
greater security to the oitisen. We then
depended ou tribunals which themselves
were dependent upon the . government;
popular jury trials today give book to the
people the foremost of all sovereign at
tributesthe administration of justice.
Our party, called factious by the publlo
power, and as such persecuted, was then
declared Illegal; today Republican doc
trines con be preached in the light of day,
and will be aimed out, whou the nation
shall bold it fit, within the bounds of le
gality. Meetings then could be held only
through the tolerance of the government;
now we assemble because our right to do
to is acknowledged by the law.
The minister of the interior then had the
sole power of granting permits to publish
newspapers, and he subjected journals to
capricious suspensions and suppressions.
Today any Spanish citizen can found a
paper without making a deposit or giv
ing the name of the responsible editor; and
the excesses of the press are restrained by
ordinary penal legislation and punished
by publlo oooacknno and publlo opinion.
The only thing wanted to complete all this
marvelous evolution was to extend to all
the privilege of voting, formerly enjoyed
by a .feWj Universal suffrage, proraul-
gated In Jane, 1889, makes Spain a win
pleto democracy a free and parliamentary
democracy. Emilio Castelur in Forum.
Traveled by Hiaiaulf.
When D. P. Loveland, of northern Ver
mont, purchased a farm in Shelt.a a seri
ous problem presented itself to him. Ho
had a houseful of goods and some live
stock. To sell thorn meant a sacrilice to
bim, so be set bis Yankee ingenuity to
work to see bow be could move his stuff to
his new home without too heavy expense.
This is how be did it: He went to the sta
tion af eut and chartered the largest and
longest box oar to be had. Then he loaded
bis goods iulo it. These consisted of nil
his household goods, cue wagou, a plow
and honerake, 500 pounds of butler, ilfty
bushaU of potatoes, two barrels of buck
wheat, three horses, five cows, two pigs,
eleven sheep, sixty chickens uud throe
turkeys. By putting up partitions and
making a loft over the heads of tho cows
and horses for the smaller animals uud
ponltry, he got his live stock into less than
one-third of tho car.
Then ho began at the other end, and
packed in his household goods, taking his
wagon and horseruko apart for the sake of
compactness. These occupied nearly half
of the car. Then he slung a hummock
from the roof of tho car, put in a stove,
running the pipe out of tho door, nnd pro
pared to accompany tho goods himself.
Tho trip occupied live days, and during
that time Mr. Loveland occupied the car
with his effects, animate and inanimate,
and says ho enjoyed the trip. Ilis live
stock como out of their cramped quarters
iu good condition. Boston Transcript.
The latest lists and Itoniiets Are Devoid el
tho Songster's 1'limiUKi.
Hats both large nnd small uud small bon
nets are worn this season. They are, as a
rule, profusely trimmed, especially hats.
Straws are shown in greater variety than
for some years past and are often very beau
tiful. Not only is there the usual display
of plum and laco straws, with leghorn and
neupulitan braids, but a number of coarse
funcy straws and chipsure seen, picturesque
In Ehape and attractive in texture. All
shades of green, yellow, heliotrope and
brown may be found, while re.i, blue and
pure white ure also to be had. Coarse woven
straws come ulso in mixed colors, either
mude up or in piece braid, and are very ef
fective when trimmed with flowers and vel
vet. A great deal of green foliage is u?ed
with the flower sprays, nnd green blossoms !
are also favorites, tho mignonette being
particularly pretty. Lilacs are not so much !
used us they were last yeur, but roses and
violets retain their prestige. Sprays of
semldotible yellow chrysanthemums are
shown having large yellow middles, nnd
buttercups nnd dandelions also iigure
among the popular yellow flowers.
Much lace in black, white and ecru is
used. Sometimes it forms t he entire frame
of tho hut, sometimes it is mingled with
straw bruid for that purpose, and sometimes
it is used only in the trimming. Guipure,
spnngled net lace nnd the fine thread varie
ties are all employed, the latter to form
frilliiigsuroiuid the edge of the brim or full j
knife plaited rurblngs.
Jet and spangles are seen everywhere.
Jetted ostrich tips and qniils are used in I
prelerence to plain ones, and separate jet
crowns, brims nnd ornaments are for sale
in great numbers. Buckles have not yet
retired from fashionable favor and may be
found in gold, silver, steel, jewels and j'jt.
No birds arc seen ou the newest hats and
bonnets. A large number of black hatsare
worn, especially iu lace. They are elabo
rately made and triif.nied and are usually
enlivened by the tulditiou of a knot of car
mine, heliotrope or bright grceu Kdvet, or
a spray of latye red roses with leaves.
A skuKih i giveu of a cloke bonnet com
posed of a flue wire frame covered plainly
with silk not embroidered with a close pat
teru iu black spangles and gold bunds. The
brim lu front lsdivided and turned back on
each aide to form wings, which are covered
with overlupylug spangles. There is a nar
row twist of black velvet around the edge
of the bonnet, and the front is trimmed
with a twisted knot oi pinkish violet vel
vet, from the middle of which rises a gold
wire uigret. The strings are of black vel
vet ribbou. Jutui, Cnol.i.r.T.
Lost Children In New York.
Three thousand children lo:o I hen, selves'
yearly in New York and aro found by tho
; pollco In nil parts of tho city and frequent
ly in ft locality so far from their homos
that thy enn glvo no idea of how they got
there, says The Sun.
When a policeman finds a child who Is
evidently lost, Im first tries to locatoits
homo In tho immediate nolf-liborhond, nml
failing lu that ho either en; vi's tho child
or leads It to tho station hovM. If tho
child Is found early In the day, it Is kept
in tho station throe or four hours, in tho
j liopo that the pnrenfs or relatives, alarmed
nt Its disappearance, will como to tho sta
tion houso in search of It. If no ono comes
for tho child, the policeman takes tho lit
tlo ono to polico headquarters, in Mulberry
street, and up to the top floor of the build
ing, whero Is what may bo called tho Now
York clearing houso for lost children.
Almost any night In tho Rummer four
or five poor women may bo seen sitting on
tho fitono stops of the headquarters build
ing, hoping and wait ing for their lost chil
dren to bo brought in.
Tho Observance of Memorial Day.
In 1868 tho Grand Army of the Republic
first began to observe Memorial Day in a
formal munner. The Bouth adopted tho
custom of decorating its soldiers' graves
with flowers before the civil war closed,
and the practice sproad to tho north just
after the war, but it did nqL, beconiu gen
eral nntil 181)3. At that timcvioneral Logan
was commander-in-chief of the G. A. R.,
and his orders for the observance of tho
dny by the different posts was Issued early
in May, the 80th of May being designated
for the ceremonies. It was first called
Decoration Day, but subsequently it be
came known as Memorial Day. St. Louis
ITie murmur low of whispering grove I hear, '
rhe darting squirrel heeds mo not at play;
As 'twere at sonscless clod or lifolcss clay.
Low at my feet the bluejays light and peer,
So silent sit I, motion loss, forlorn,
ted life blood, chilled through vein and pulse,
creeps slow.
Resound tho distant wheels with rumble low,
As o'er tho bVokon bridge my lovo is borno.
Know ye death's Imago, hero on earth to part
With all that makes the bleaksome world more
An Instant liquid eyes with love gleam fond,
rhe grasp of breathing life thrills through tha
dnon, alone the stillness do not fear
Love kens no loss eternl'i beyond.
Slarr A. bawtelie inSsntoa Trat
J !' 'if.
Points for House Clranlne.
To avoid carpet moths: If you find no
appearance of moths in your carpets use
an "ounce of prevention." In other words,
after your carjKit has been lnid, spongo
thoroughly in a strong solution of salt and
water. It is well also to sprinkle salt un
derneath the carpet, hrdark corners, under
bookcases, couches, etc., where the carpet
Is least used. Above all, keep your rooms
sufliciently light, remembering that moths
should be numbered among those wicked
creatures who "preferdarkness rather thai,
light, because their deeds ure evil."
Rattan chairs which have grown dark
and discolored with use may be greatly im
proved by scrubbing with hot milk and
salt, and afterward exposing to the sun
and wind till dry.
in cleaning your pantry shelves use an
other "ounce of preve.uU.m.' Sprinkle a
mixture of powdered borax and iulveiiz"d
alum underneath the papers, and you won't
he likely to be troubled with aids.
A remedy highly recommended for tho
extermination of ruts and mice iscnrumeal
mixed with powdered glass. Spread the
mixture iu their favorite haunts; and it is
claimed they will tlee from the premises in
au incredibly short time.
Bad spots of oil or grease upon tho car
pet, which iail to yield 'to ordinary treat
ment, may often be removed with buck
wheat flour and water. .Make a Rtilf but
ter, spread upon the spots and nlluw it to
dry. Sometimes more than one application
will be necessary, but ordinarily when tl.e
Hour is swept oil' tho spots will disappear
willi it.
lirease spots upon wall paper may be re
moved with Fuller's earth. Make n thick
paste, spread carefully upon the spots, and
let it remain lor twelve hours. Brush it
oil, and if the spot has not cut disap
peared repeat the process. Sara Sedgwick
in Good Housekeeping.
Prompt Jtoitii'O
In tho "History of Beverly," Mass., the
following anecdote is related of a good jus
tice of the peace in the old colonial times.
Ou u cold night iu winter a traveler called
at his house for lodging. '1'he ready hos
pitality of tin; justice was about being dis
played, when the traveler unluckily ut
tered a word which his host considered
Upon this he informed his guest that he
was a magistrate, pointed out the nature
of the ol't'ctise, and explained tho necessity
of its being expiated by sitting an hour in
the stocks.
Remonstrance was unavailing, for cus
tom ut that time allowed the mngistrato
to convict and puuUli at once, and iu this
caso he acted as accuser, witness, jury,
judge and sheriff, all in ono.
Cold as it was, our worthy justice, aided
by his 9ou, conducted the traveler to the
place of punishment, an open place near
the meeting house where the stocks were
placed. Here the traveler was rou lined in
the usual manner, the benevolent executor
of the law remaining with him to beguile
tho time of its tedium by edifying conver
sation. At the expiration of the hour he was re
conducted to the house and hospitably en
tertained till the next morning, when tho
traveler departed wit h, let us hope, a de
termination to consider his words more
carefully before giving them utterance in
the hearing of a conscientious magistrate.
Youth's Companion.
rotting Decoy Ditelcs.
- It is said that all true sportsmen abhor a
pot hunter, and that no gentleman wiil pot
a duck. But they all do it. I have done it
myself. I have seen the best of them siieak-
Ingon to decoys, and have had tho pleasure
of protesting against some of the most
blatant taking a shot at mine. A short
time ago, in one of my rambles, I came
suddenly upon a line (loci; of mallards feed
ing in a little secluded pond near Columbia
slough. Fortunately I was not discovered,
and quietly drew back where 1 could study
the situation. My imagination came to my
aid, and I could see the ducks swimming
gracefully around, feeding leisurely, en
tirely unconscious of my presence and the
impending danger. I observed that by go
ing around to tho left 1 could come up be
hind a little clump of willows within easy
range of the game.
Hero was a pudding and no mistake.
Willi tlio stealthy tread or a cat 1 ap-
proached my unsuspecting victims. I even
got down and crawled. I was nearly to
the willows, and peered eaulioiislythrougli
them to make sure. The first tiling tiiat
I met my view was a dog silting there under
a leaning willow on his haunches, demure
ly looking out over the pond, iyil tho next
thing I saw was a mini quietly lighting his
pipe. To say that 1 sneaked back and
away clear away from that pond is put
ting it modestly, anil Friend 11. does not
know to this day how near I came to pot
ting his stoul of decoy ducks. Forest and
Jumping ut CoiicltiMous.
Penelope received a bunch of roses with
out a card. She was certain Jack had sent
them, nevertheless. Iu this she was right.
When Jack arrived in tho evening sho
exclaimed, "You did not send your card
with them, but I nm sure you paid for
them nevertheless." lu this she was
wrong. She forgot Mr. McAllisier's ad
vice, "Never hu embarrassing ii yuu can
help it." Mnnm-v's
pneumonia, fever:;, or other debilitating dis
cuses, your quickest vuy fo p I; tUsh nml
strength is v ith li: Piercu's Golden Medical
Discovery. That gives purity to your blood,
and rapidly builds up lost ilcsh uud strength.
Mr.". Xkai . of Owft.
tn mail, iviiu., hud
an ntiuek of measles,
followed by ft run.
chilis nnd iJfirimo
nUi. Her litiHbiind
writes: "I feel (rrutl
liiil with t in ('Meet of
yoer vonderlul mcill-
',."!.- "-- l i.m recommend
TyL-l ;"- It to anvtKHlv. unit led
I ' d '."' -'' ' 11 "'U iloini; llH-in Jns-f-
ir" : V ', i '-l f. I'ii!'e. hf wifo wits not
' ''-'' 'M' ' ,.,'lo to perform her
-household duties lor
Mkb. Neal. ci1 luoMlit). Mie has
uw-d two bottles of
'Golden Medical Tlroverv.' nud ie now able
to do all ln-r work. 1 think It the fjni'?t
medicine In the world, and 1 am. gratefully,
your life-long friend, J. Ii. i EAL."
1 1I I f r. ANTrrss A t w
limliiiiM J JJi
oh nio.EY myruiNED.
n m ii nv nn wfli'or?.
DR. HEBRA'S f:&,
oia era fm
Remove Frkloti, Pimpl'.j I V. J
Livor . Molet, fJljclihoaris; "t
Sunburn and Tin, tad r I rS,
stores tho skin to its orii;l- 1 .-('ivij
lial tollmen, producing A.'r 'W-Ia'.
clear and healthy com-iiO. J,-aW.-'--picilon.
preparations end peri'ertly nnmilTS. At f.ll
Gruiigista, or mailed lor 5 Jts. Bend ior Clreulur,
VIOLA 8KIM 80AP 11 ,lmr'r lnrarivM'i u
pkln jr.!rll)lt)tf Sop, uui'lM fir tho tollrt, oiift without a
rltal tor tlio nursery. AliEolulrlY pom M.A duUottsly modi.
cMsd. At ttrurKiiii, rVice 2S C:itt.
G. C. BITTNErt & CO., Toledo, O,
For Kale by Matthew Urns.
II. Fliolpti.
anil John
Rnva flur 4 rlriwtr walnut or onk In
prorod UILi Arm SlrReritwIngmichtc
liniiiicti. r.ickal pitted ,l-ld to llrhl
nnd heavy work; fniunUtd for 10 lain) wiih
Aulomitle ItohhlnH ladtr, Nrir-Tnrmlii; Cjllo
rinr riho(t!,Hflf-filtlnf Ndl arid acnmpltia
lot Ultfl Attthotthinpd inf lir oi
10 llit'i Trltl. hoinciirvri-otiirtd Id idetnct
n.nnflMw In Mi World's fair Medal awarded machine anddUicta
Omnia. Buy from fieronr and av dealn'i ami apnt' pMua.
rnrr Cut ThUdut and arnd to-rliY for marMna or force (ret
f Kfct cUliu,teitiruotil tin km! lllmi'Miif th.i Worltt'i Fnlr,
OXFORD 0118. CO.3i2WitjskAv.CH;CAa0,lll,
B f TV K, W I fcf
Castor ia Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neitber Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless sub&tituto
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil,
It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee Is thirty years' uso by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays
fevcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrlicoa and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho food, rejjulatcs tho stomach
and bowols, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho'Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend,
" Castoria Is nn excellent mediclno for chil
dren. lii ithers have repeatedly told mo of ita
food effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Osoood,
Lowell, Moss.
" Castoria Is tho best remedy for children of
viilch I am acquainted. I hope tlio day U not
fur distant when mothers willconslder the real
Interest of their children, and uso Castoria in
Bteadof theviirioiisquack nostrumswhicharo
destroying their loved ones, by forelniiophini,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby seudios
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. KiNcnELOK,
Conway, Ark.
The Centaur Company, Tl Karrny Street, New York City.
i i PimpSss, Blotches El
zzz ti g a a u a
Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
I-"--r r.i-iti iry.Hi'Comhiry anil i'rti:ir
B7)i.ilia, lorulund poisouliii;. mercu
rial .)'.u-'. n, u.aHriu, Uysp,.pHia. nml
la I'll U' ju.l anil tiicin iliy.oaio, hl.o
hlnu-liL'.i, piini-i.'--, oi l rliroiite iit',nri,
i -LttT. .ic;;iu bi-iui,, I'ry.-iii'ttiii-i,
tK'.'-iii;i wo luu v t'.iv, williaut kar of
Col:t'i..i-i.Hl.tliat Jr". P. P. la tliHlli'SC
b! :o-i imri it r lu tiie vnrlit.ami makes
pu.-iiive. .jrjoi-ly audponanualLUrca
ill all
I.;i'i!'-'i v. ho:o -.lyat'-Mnn nn poi.ind
nnd w ! .-( Iiiuod i.-. In -an linjturo coihiI
tinii. (in - t.i iiifii.itru-jl irroulariri.'s,
li-ot U'i.'iriy b' iio!'.! Ml tiy tlio W"
dorfel tui.iL! lind hiui. cl':ausinvr ir,,p.
eriiosiit I'. P. V. -Prickly Ash, Poko
F.oot ami t'otruiHluni.
iiPlllN- l"li:l.n. Mo., Ai:;. lltll. U.iiJ.
1 c ir ;!1h' ik In tlio lillicsr. term.' of
yoiiruifliciuo fn.m my i.v:n p-rsunil
Knorti.'d:o. I van'!i otoii Willi noai'tt
l' u iit, nl.'-jr'-N' ai'-l r!it'i.i;i;,i ism l'-r
;;,.v.-:ir ' vvu: treattxibyil.e Veryltess
lih- .-ii- .i.m ami j.;m'H1 liun 'rci! ot i!nl
liu, 1 rii'O t vi'ry k:i'wn ruint.'dy with"
oiu lin lt.T relief. I liavo only taki'n
ono U"i'io of j.nir P. P. P., and c.-.n
. cii."Tf iny nay it mis umc inoinoro
;'". I,.'', a liny thf mi" 1 liavo ovi.t ta.on.
1 cna rori,'.., -I'.vn' your u.oilicino to ad
euCcrer o( tlii ahov9 diseases.
MHS. M. M. VKAltY.
Elv Jgacld, Orbcu County, tdo.
P. P. P. purities thnMooJ.bnll'Jsnn
tlm v.--iir i-. ul ootulituiLil, iivt-.i
Pii-rn;:. lo vviikom-d li'.-rvoi, c-xpal
di- y;iK-.-i.:iivl'!ir tho pstU'nt heiiltl' ami
h;iHil.i,;M TLi;ro Hlu'lllia, UU)'M7
1,'citii:. . :inl l.iM3liU(le Itrst prevailed.
K"- ;wf f"-r' HE810HE3 ViTALIl .
i.:t -iii.'.w. t'',,; V i-K
ii ,' ;!
lothi;,.-. v: t i vV of Me.
THE CHEAT ami, ,,y.
prodoi'i i I tin ubo' o rc'iilt in .''0 it'i.r. It r
!mj-.v. i inily and iui;iy. I nn s whwi ail otlu rs bi.
uuumi'iiwillnw,ri tfio : lost luunhood. and i
it:i.n will ri'cov'-i' ilu-ir youtiilul vu'or lv uu:
lll.VIM). II. iinicMyauil diivlv r. ton kKitvoii
Mess. F,o: t Vilr.bty. jni'iih'ii.:y. Ninlitly l.uii-Mr:
'.ost I'ov.i-r. J ai!n:r Mini'y, Wit tnm lils.-tM
ill . fl 'i ts of tit'ii hitilrc or fiO't-.NUlid llidi-.rri tio
. 'lirl; ur its 11 i- : yy iii v. biif-il!''K , o;1 lnnrriiii; .
il oi:' ,- I'u-.'ti liy stic tlhil :ti tlio i;f at of d.Sf-ujJ". b
"ii;v 't tirrvf tmilr. liuiltlrr. bri
c bu n t'lti plntt rlmv to iniln rhorlma
' i.i". ii., firo ol yoinli. Ii viuili olf In n;i.
;! c:i'.dio'Oi..n, li .; i vi 1: r-v : ti-; r't'iVIY".
'o-r. II i nn b j oif'l icii in m .t iio, k''t. Jly Hi
i.uO iv r mo '."I'tri', or t-'ix tor i?, wllh a r-i
n writlvii Kttur.iii(io to euro or rein
iiinuoy. O:, uLr i:vo. Atl.Ir -a
''tf.,ED!0i;.'ECO..C3 RturSt.. CIIIWCO. i'
Fur ;ilo liy Mntltirm l!rim Iirni.ljt
rorautoii, I'a.
HEART LAKE, SusquJutmu Co.
U. E. CKOFUX Proprut.
'I HIS nOl'RE is strictly tmnpcrvir.t, Is iv
I nid won fur iish-l nml .il'K.V ii) '1
Ml l'UUUU Tllli YKAli UtlUN D: '
looiitoil midway hotwi'ou t()nt.roo an I Horn
ton, on .MontroHO hu I liai:uiiw:in in ltailro i
rix milos rrom U., Ii, & V. II H. ut Alt )
Bla-ion. and flvn miloi from M mtnn i; o.
in ity, oiiility- llvo; throe minutes' walk t ro
li. B. stiitiou.
;t)Ul Ui AT-. l f' IltNr, TCKI.U, A
FIlliK T UcliS.S.
Altitudo alioti: 2, ilKI 'oot, oqimlllnij lu t
reK)Hvt tho AJiroadMk aid C.iti.ill Motiu
I Inn (trove, plonty of fihala inl lioautiful
Hcouory, niRkiuir a Hiimmor Koaort uiiox
ce led lu bounty and cho iiuioss.
DanoitiK pavilion, sw-ln rn, croiiuot Rr onndt,
&e. Cold Sin Inn Wntor nnd pliiity ol Milk
llutf., 7 to 10 por ueok. M.oO pir
I'.xruvsinn tlckota sold at all stations onD.
L. & W. lino
l'oi t r uieotsall trulns.
Ladies Who Yaluo
A refined complexion musttiBe Pozzonl's Pow-I
dor. It produces a soft and beautiful skin.
" Castoria is no well adapted tochildren that
I recommend it as superior toaay prescription
kuowu to me."
H. A. AnciiEit, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
"Our physicians In tho children's depart
ment have spoken highly of thr experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
nml although we ouly have, anions our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet wo are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has woa us to look with
favor upon It."
United Hospital and Dispeksip.7,
Boston, Mass
AM.E3 C. Smith, Pnt.,
and Old Sores
Catarrh. Malaria-
find Kidney Troubles
entirely rcmoTett by P.P.i.
Prickly Auli, Poke Foot and Potas
sium, tLu Krcuto&t bluj'i puriUur on
Aarnrirrs-, 0 . July 21, ISM.
' Mk?vs. I.iiM'MAN nuor.. fiivaniinli,
Ca. t l'KAR !3lltK 1 ImiukIiv ft bottle or
your P. P. V. at Hot 3pilun!,,A.-l;.,anil
It lias donowe uioroa-i.'u tiian tliroo
month' tro.-vinieutat too Hot Bprma.
Hoed throe liottlos i:. o. .
ilcspccKully yu'.trs,
Aberdeen, Urowu County, 0.
t'apt. 3. D. Joliuulou.
To nil vtTiom It riiuy concern: I horrt
jv testify to ti.o tvoudttrttii Tiry?fcie3
of p. p. p. tor "Tiio'.ious ot il'i ki. I
nuiTorod lor Hovorl yoxrs vrJ.k ku mi
Hijtlitiy aud 0lHiirL'aiii4 ruptlon uu
my taeo. I trlod on-i- koowu reme
dy but In vain, until P. P. P. nusujad,
aud am now uutiroiy curr.
(blguedbyj J. D. .ir.RNSTOJT.
Lxuuuuu, Ga.
fililii Co.ioor Curcc!.
Tcitlmony f run the Mayor of XiwhhTex.
Peovik, Tr.T., Jan-nry V.. 1o?3.
JlK-irllS. I,U'I'.MN BKf-.. .lTaUuah,
: f,t'iir. ;(! 1 hav tri il yjur P.
P. P. tt a ill- t-aao of tH-klo, u.uully
known na fekin cuoor.ot tku tf ywars1
HtaninuK, ami f"U-jl rt ralUf: it
puriitos tho tilood rud rov.ftvti ail ir
ritation from tho Sl'Hl ot tli di'sane
and provents uny nradlnr of ue
pori. I lutvo taki.0 Dvetir aix li.ittloa
nnd tool oouiidMut. atiiiaKiUir6urdO
will Olivia a euro. U Uu iUo rllvoit
mo from ftiditfeiithin and atouiacll
troubloa. Votu-.i truly,
CAFV. W. M. r.VST.
Attoiuoy ut Law.
m ca can discssss im Res.
all rmuaoisTS sell it.
Upninn'a MIocli.Sa riiDonle, Go ' -
ynncir m
muuoiu i u
Coqirs 1 aoj 2 Commonwcaltli Sll'a
Hudo at thB MO0SI0 aud EUrill
Lnfllin & Kami Powder Co.'
Electrio Bntterlis, Fusm for explol
lug blast, t'ufdty Fuse nud
RepaunoChemical Co.'sHih Explosive!
mit finnn co.. ino'p. npiini, si.eon.ooj.
Ksr 6i.r.. hiioa in rnfi would.
"A dollar mvcU it a dollar tarntd."
!ilI.ilic' Soldi r rouoli DoukiiIu Kid Tint
n Hoot delivered fmu anywlaira in the U.S., on
receipt oi uu.u, .Money urner,
or 1'ottal Nolo for
KqunU every tiiv tho noot.i
nnd iu nil retail itores for
2.50. Wo mae this boot
our.elTM, thercforu we guar'
tmtf Uit jit, ttytt and wwrt
ir nny ono In not lauiiicd
will refund tho money
rncndauotiierpair. Opera
loo or i:onunon Btnte,
widths C, r K, !k Kit,
w sizes 1 to 8 and half
' SI I I I f "viies. amiyomuu;
"J iv;;-,;:'- free
Special terms to Vtaltr.
u.. V Aritf. ! t'..i ilihi.i .1 ll
(Viillvvprool. .ltd 100 pip, )ytk, illuiirtlwl Imm l
liflrflinpvl.tiiril.frfe by mill WhenHotRprlnp t
Bd M.rourynul, Oar Mnulo Remedy will r,'f
ptnlUtily cure. COUI IIHHIV CO.. ('bine III. ' 1
o y it- JJ.- ,
jliMiiii;vi-T tr ,
y wmmJ
The above brands of flaur ean be bad at any of tha following merchants,
who will accept TiibTiiibuni flour coupon ot 25 on each one hundred pouadi
of flour or 50 on each barrel ot flour.
Bcrnnton-P. P. PrUio, Washington avenm 1
Gold IMa Br.uii.
Cuninoro-F. P. l'rlc Gold llsdil Brand.
I'unnwre F. D. Uaulay. hiupuilutlvo Hninl.
Uyd I'lirk Crion ft Davis, Washburn St.
Gold ili'dul Urund; J soph A. iloura.Muiu
avenue, buporliitivo brand.
Green Kidjfe A.L.lipsuosr.tJIold MedalBrani
J. T.Welluls, buperiatlva.
rrovidcBoe Feiiuer A CluppolbN- Main ave-
Iiue, bupo! lutivu kraud;0. J (iillupiu, W.
W arkot stroot, Uoid Mad it Ui'aud.
Olyphaut duiues Jordau, Unperlativa Branl
Pwkvllla Sbanor K- tor Unporlntiv.'.
Jormyn C, U. Winturs & Co. Supoiaiativa
Arcnbald Jones, S rapson 8s Co., (toid Modal.
Carbondalo B. 8. Clark, Gold Modal Brand.
lbmesdalo-I. N. F.wtnr oi Co. Gold Meial.
Uinooka M. H. Lavolls
-mmmmk, mm
Daaler in Choics Confections and Frills.
1437 Capous9 Avenue.
uoiisii snoios
Wholesale aud retail dealers' in Wajconmakera' and Blacksmiths'
010 U ICLWW?
That v9 will GIVE you beautiful new pat
terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and
FORKS for an equal weisht,ounc8 for ounce,
cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en
graved free. A large variety of now pat
terns to select from at
Pierce reau
"No star wa3 ever lost we once have seen,
I7o alway3 may ho what wo might havo bean,"
ie? mmmi
Scranton, Pa
22 and 23 Commonwealth Euildinj
Manufactured at tho Wapw.dloppn Mills, Lu.
erne county Pu and ut WU
nuugtuu, Delaware.
General Agent for tha Wyoming DlBtrlct,
18 Wyomins Ave., Scranton Pa
Third National Bank Building.
THOS. FORD, Pittstm. Pa,
JUHN B B1I1TH & fciONi Plymouth, Pa,
E. W. MULLKJAN, Wilkra-Uarre. Pa.
Agents for tho Kpaun Clieinioai Com
tally's iiigh Exiplosivea.
Li Vwy UU .Lsj
From IhtK I. TVi turns, Kov.1, U
a ne riour
"CniCAao, Oot 81.-Fht first flol?Tj
annoanocmtBt ot World's Fair (M
plomas on floor baa ben mada, A
madal hai baea awardtd by tha
World's Fair Judges ta tha flour mann
factnrad by tba Washburn, Crosby Co ,
in tha great Waabburn Flour Mills,
Minneapolis, Tha committea reports
the floor Btrone and para, and entitles
it to rank aa first-claw patent flour fa1
family and bakers' ase."
Taylor Juflgs Co., Gold Medal; Athortoj
Ik Co., Superlative.
Puryea Lawronee Store Co.. Gold Medal
Moonic John McCrludle, Gold Modal.
Httston-M. W. O'Boyle, Gold Modal
Clark's Greun Frsoe Sc Pnrker, Superlative.
Clark's huramit-F. U. Yeuni-, Gold Modal.
lialtou-S. E. Kiuu Hon, Gold Modal Brand.
N h UoUon - J. E. Bardinx.
veriy-ai. . suss a on, uoia MeflnL
Factory vilU-Charles Gardner, Gold Modal
llopbottom-it. M. IW & Son, Gold Medal,
Tobytianna-Toeyhauna ft Leniirli Lumber
Co.. Gold Medal Brand.
Oon!dsboro-8 A. Adams, Gold Medal Bran
Mohcow Galea & Clomeuts, Gold Medal.
Lake ArM James A. Bortree, Gold Medal
Forest City-J. L. Morgan b Co., Gold Muds
mm ;yn: ."--;rj j-t.-., ?
I! of tha host quality fur domestlo ne,anfl
f ell sizes, dulivered In any part ot tue oitj
at lowest price.
Orders loft at my office.
Rear room, first floor, Third National Bant
er sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will
receive prompt attention.
hpecial oontracts will be made t or toe sals
Enrea Lanndry Co.
Cor. LIndon St. and Adams Ave.
Cocbi Bovaa bgvAum.
Ml kinds of Laundry work guarantee
tb bank