The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 06, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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know what
its true composn
. ...
given ou every label
'Pure" and "Sure.1
Morrmanfi Kooro
120 Wyoming Avonuo
Cave your COLLARS etarclied io tte C-V1
Way, v"h u yeu can have them done wlta eaft,
tliaUo UuttonhuLsOu- TWO COTS EACH,
Serge o
FORMERLY 73c. and SI, for
ONLY 53c.
Iu every desirable shade.
415 LACK! m
If you want
Carpets, Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
r r
very low.
VVilUams & Icloulif
127 Wyoming Ave.
To my friends: I hereby announce
that I will be a candidate for the nomi
nation of district attorney, before the
Republican County convention.
t Tribune remlers leaving for their
summm ' vacation cun liuve their fuvoi--Me
!..." ai'iit to tliniu without citru
fofct, oy ntltylug tills ollice nf tbe du
tlrril gliitwd In the paper'a ndilreia.
There will be o'meeting of tbe board of
mutineer of tbe Florence mission Friday,
Auir. 7 at 10 iu in.
To.luy tho Delaware, Lackawanna and
Wueterii company will pay its employes at
th Aucuiuclaui and LIU miuos.
The fuueret of tho late Francis Gallacr
hor will take pine from Lr borne, fcuj
Scran tou street, at 4 o'clock Alouday after
noon. By request, excunions to Foyotdlle via
Now York, Ontario and Weteru railroad
will be continued during the month of
August at popular prices.
N cbolas Fetzholrl entertained a numbo"
of friends at his home on Fourth street
yesterday, tho occasion boing the christen
iug of bis new arrived Uunsuior.
Open AU Nljht
at Lclimno's Spruce street.
Tiutday Kvmilnir'e Toclal,
A malo qna.tct;o, alo on of mixed
volcoa, together with solos by Hiss Cassia
fiahriel, will be heard at tho soclul next
Tuesday eventn?, Aug. 7, at the Young
Women's Chrisiiun uaaooiotiou'it uiitertniu
rnent. The girls of oar city will be ac
corded a hearty lecpption by the energetic
social committee. loo cream for tale at 3
ceiitti tor pliitn.
Grand Army ricnlo.
The Women's Relief corp, and Griffin
post, No. l.K), Grand Army of tho Repub
lic will hold a picnic at Laurel Hill park
Tii'Sday, Aug. 7, both afternoon and
evening. Clam chowder and other re
freshments will be for sale and there will
bo music for daiioinein the evening.
Excursion of Trainman.
The Moses Taylor lodge, Brotherhood of
Railway Trainmen, will run an excursion
to Northumberland Bnd Clement's park on
Tuesday, Aug. 14, via Delawaro, Lacka
wanna aud Western. Trains leave bcrau
ton at 6 o'clock. Tickets can be haa from
members of the above order,
Exchanges of the Wk.
During iBst week the exchanges at the
Fcranton Clearing house wore as follows:
Monday, $145; 41)7.01) Tuesday, 135,031.!!5j
Wednesday, $145,33.74; Thursday, $140,.
809.63; Friday, 'J8,H34.68 8aturday, 7..
M1.44i total, 741,51i7.6tf.
Extraordinary Btoreetlon TourBuf
falo, Niagara Falls, Totonto.
The popular Erie lines have arranged a
delightful pleasure tlip for th public along
their Hue for Tuesday, August 7th, to Buf
falo, Niagara Falls, aud Toronto, embrac
ing a great variety of scenic attractions at
email cost. Buffalo aud Niagara Falls ex
cursion tiokets will be good two, days. Tbe
Toronto tickets will be good four days to
Ppecial train will leave Carbondale at
6.80 a.m. Fare to Niagara Fulls and re
turn, 18.00, and only one dollar additional
to Toronto aud return.
For further information see small bills
or ticket agents of the brie. , '
Buy the Weber
and get tbe best. At Guernsey Bros.
you are
f eating when you use
Hears k Hagen
EagimcDlal Order Issued by Colonel Rippla
Concornlnu Encampment.
Ho Presented tha Best Packed
Knapsack Error of Company Com
manders at tho Reglmontal Drill.
Proper Way to Address Letters to
Soldiers at Camp Company Q of
Montroao Gottlng Many Racrults.
Col. E. II. Ripple has Issued the fol
lowing rejimmitnl orders;
liUAllQl'AltTUrvS 18th Rkmment, )
Tiiii'.u iiitkuuji, N, G. 1,
fCBANTo.v, Pu Aug. 8, 1S0L )
Regimental ordur No. 117.
In accordance with general ordor No. 8.
A, U. O. C. ii., thin regiment will go Into
camp at Gettysburg with ilia tlivlnion
.National Guards ut l'iiusylvtuiu l'roui
ttatunluy, Augujt 11, to August IS, iW-l.
Zitl company connnaudur will detail
iinu-coih!!ii:Niund ollicur and four mon
.". rogtmnntal camping party aud twalst
,;nts to tli" qun'tjrnit.-ter.
C'-ptalti tlontroae Barnard. Company l.,
U hereby de-tailed to talro charj;o of the
jtnpliig parry. The detail will report to
Inm iu heavy maicliiiitr order, witn two
days cooked rations, at tho ataliun of tho
iJelawhre, Lackawanna and Western rml
road couipaiiy, Mcruntou, ou Wednesday
morning at 5.45 a. m.
Cottipany cotuminders will send tbolr
cooks, cooking utiuisiU aud all the heavy
baggage of the companies with tho camp
ing party, as nothing but the persona) ta
gage cuu be taken with the reglmout. The
baggagj cars will be ou tuu siding at 8
a.m., lucttduy, Aug. 7, und muat be loaded
by 4 p.m. of LJul date. Iu making tho do
tuil company coimuaiulcis urd directed to
heluct the best uud uutt raiiable aud ox
pi rieucod men and, as fur m po.slblo, car
peuiorii mid othei uiochuuku. AstiUtaht
rr.rgoou, C'nurios N. Parke will accompany
tae detail. Captain Barnard will enforcu
strict military discipline and will report
lor court umrtlal any violaior, thereof.
III. Tte rejii.'j-jiitnl Held, stalf, drum
corps, and First battalion will assemble at
tho uruiory, Scranton City guard, ou Fri
day, Aug. 10, 8. p. m. The coiupunies of
tbo Second baUaliou will repot t to .Major
(ieorge II. Wbitnay at tho station of iliu
Delaware, Lackuwuuna and W cetera ruil
rond at tcrantou, not later thau 8.45 p. in.,
that date. The regiment will uppeur in
heavy marching order, ovorcoate rolled on
top of .kuapsack. with one day's cooked
rations in bavertacks.
Assembly will be sounded at 8.80 p. m. ;
adjutant's call 8.WI p. in. The train will
leave the dpot at 9 o'clock p. m. The
horsp.i arid ccjulpmants of the iield and
sinlf will bo at the car on the siding ready
to to loaded ut 0 o'clock p. m.
IV. Company commanders will take
with thmu to ramp duplicate of all eulist
mentp;ipers made since lust eacumyuieuc,
as they will be required at the iuapectiou.
V. Adjutant W. B. Millar ii hereby ap
pointud liibpoctor of guards for- thw ou
campmeut. Ho will bt obsyod and re
spected accordingly. All guards will re
port to him each day fur examination and
instruction. The hour foriustiuctlou will
be announced hereafter.
VI. The utmost attention will bo paid by
C'inmuuders of companies to the cieanll-ue.-s
of their men as to thotr pji son.-1, cloth
ing ana tents, uue men will uache at
least twice a week, aud the bathing hours
will be befoic C o'clock a. in. uud after ro
treat. Tlie hnir v, ill ba kept short and board
neatly trimmed, boiled clothes will bu
kept in au appropriate part of the cloth
ing bu. No articles of uuy Uud will bj
put nudr the beddiu. Ar;aa aud uc
coutrumuuts will at all times be kept
cleat) uud all articles of black leather pol
ished with blacking aud everything kept
iu order.
By order of
Colonel Eziu IL HiI'I'Le.
W. 8. UlLLAR, Adjutant.
s. o. p.. y
g. 3,1804. J
I 111 HI) lilUGADE, iN.
SCRANTON, I'll., Aug,
i;cgimeutai order JNo.
L The prizo for tho best Ducked kaup-
sack is hart by awarded to Sergeant Ge,
of Coaipuuy A, his having conformed more
nearly than any of the others to the ideal
of the board which adopted the knapsack.
II. The knapsack presented by Firsc
it'ergeaut Benjamin, Company II, having
presented some vary excellent points, a
second prize is horeby awarded to him.
III. The following directions aro pre
scribed for packing the kuupack, and will
be strictly observed.
Tho overcout will be rolled on top tlw
knapsack, the cape dotachod aud folded
liisida the knnpsuck. Either roll known
as the "Company 11 roll" or the compact
roll with closed cuds will bu allowed,
Each compauy choose which of tueeu
rolls it will adopt, and uoullnu itself en
tirely to the roll selected.
The woolen blanket Is to te neatly
ptoKed uud folJwd imide tho rubber
blanket, and of fuch fold and thape as to
lilt ue iimuto ot tu annpsioi: unci u jt pro
ject beyond the sides, tho rubber com
pletely covering tho woolen blanket; the
whole held in place by thn long straps.
The pendant straps will be hooked under
tbe W&IU belt on ehher fcidu.
By order ct
Col. i.zbaH, Ripple,
W. S. JIlllaa, AdjUtnUt.
The rorficientul rviev, Inspectlou
and drill at tbe No. 1 school site last
Thursday evening was rbasouabiy sat
isfactory. At the colonel's ocmui.iu.t,
"Prepare for liupootion,1' several oi
the couipaay commanders erred In not
immediately giving the command
"Open ranks." 'iwo or tUreu rkpeuto 1
tho colonel's command, whleli is
wvang. It It to be hoped that no suoh
serions break will happeu at InHpac
tton iu camp. Alter tho drill tlia
colonel psraled the ratlin sat ilirongh
tha prluolple strers of fie city wliluh
w.i) hvartily uujoysd by tbe lueu and
pleased the udmlrlur friends of tjj
regiment wno througeU the videwulus
end applauded the gallant aud tnatch
le tile as they passad ty. The oltl
zona c( Burantou should be treated
more frsqcently to n nljht nf tbs regl
meiiton parade; they would then huv)
a better conscptlon of what excellency
the regiment has attained.
It uisy not bo genrrally known
smo.jif tho rank and tilo of the rcgi
ment or the friends of tbe regiment
how close a call the Thirteenth regi
ment had to distinguish itself in the
recent Chlougo riots. Governor Paul
son tendered to Presidout Cleveland
tbo srvlcos of tho eutlre national
rnurd of the rtate at the tlmn when
matters looked very serious at Chicago
Ths governor's offer was accepted by
the president, aud he fully intended
calling upon tho Pennsylvania troops
to support tho regulars In malntainiug
the law and establishing peace and or
der. Tbe entire division was to be or
dered to eoncsutrate at Pittsburg at
an hour known only to tbe governor,
the division and brigado comtaandtrs.
Within two hours, when the ordur was
to be isiutd, matters at Chicago took n
favorable turn and Governor Pattlson
was advised the Pennsylvania troops
would not ba needed. The National
Guard of Pennsylvania is reaoguizod
by the president and Gineral rJoso
flold as the best organized and best dis
ciplined and most thorough equipped
national guard la the United States
end in any general emergency will be
tbe first to be calUd ont.
Tbe proper way to address letters to
members of the regiment while in
csinp to insure prompt delivery Is as
follows: First give rank, then name
in fall, then . company followed by
Thirteenth regiment, Third brigade,
N. G. P., Cainp Uauiuel W. Crawford,
Gettysburg, Adam county, Pa. If th
letter is intended for a privite. always
DreBx the term "Private," i' a non
commissioned oEo'T, designate "Ser
ge'ut"tr "Corporal;'' if a tuusluiuu,
so state, if an olnVer, jive his rauk.
The Drum corps gave the regiment
an agreeable surprise on paradi last
Thursday evening. The corps bits al
ways hern good, hot their exuellent
maalo Inst Thursday renin was t
superior to any previous effort '.b;t It
caught tbe admiration of the regiment
at ouoe. The regiment uevr uinreued
behind sueh inspiring and stirring mu
sio at produced by the oorpt upon this
occstion. The good work of Instruct
ors Wntklus and McDonald is havlu,?
a telling effect. The regiment may
well feel proud of its Drum corps. It
will have no anporior iu camp.
Tim prize otlerrsd by Colouol Blpple
for the t;t packed knnptauk was wou
by Sergeant G ie, Company A. B'-r-ffant
Boujaiuln, of Compauy II, how
ever, preuented the nesteikt pack, but
it did not conform trlt!y to the re
quirement. He was awarded second
1'iUd. Hbce the competition the nv,
kunptaokt havo beon issued to the non
couimlssloae 1 stall. Quui'tttriuaster
Ki.ieiiiit Wuikluj au l PnuoipU Huii
cluu JiIuLionnell have paoked thoir
kuaptacks aud have placed thum on
oxhlbitiou at headquarters Tins
pucks are far superior to any presented
tefore the board of odcra Monday
u!i;lit, and bad tliey b u oxtilbl;' I bo
fore the bourd would have undoubtedly
(von ilist prize. They a is aii near pir
l'eci, bu posslolw, leaving no possibility
for improvement. Should the regi
ment, be paraded fur inspection with
every pack ue r.stfect as Sei'eauts
Watkitis and Mobouuell, tha regiment
would surely be highly commended by
the iuspeetors. Compauy commanders
would do well to carefully examine the
puok of these two kanpn.icks.
Company G. of Montros. ou July 10
hud a endi table boom iu cultutments.
Tea now reernlte wero added to their
rolls. The following "ara their iiamud:
Burton E, White. Vera ii. Stoddard.
Enoch Bialth, HiUey F. CiHiidall,
Llert L. Stray, Fred 13. Rbinof&UBt, W.
H. Deanis, Harry 11. Barney, Frank
0. Spoucor uud Fitch L. Leonard. We
congratulate Company G in securing
such good reunite and wj cougratulato
tha recruits in enlisting iu euch a rood
Every enliotaJ man must wear the
regulation shoo nt-jnipectioa. A com
pany will be marked down if there is a
3luitle omission la thla partlsnlar just
.is it would be should they be u btitlou
or kf)j-tous mitslnj. Company com
manders should be tar t a it every man
wears the riiulutiou shoe ut impac
tion. Tbe sheo, however, should bo
worn ail through ths camu tour,
There will be a final rotfiniontBl drill
tomorrow evening ut the euuie hour
aril pluco as last Thursday. Every
cCicer and enlisted man should attend
this drill, m it will be boueucial to both,
Major Whitney, of Hosesdule, at
ttnilsd the drill last Thursday evening
1. Dd commauilud the Second battalion
la a very able manntr. The nnijo;
is keeping abreast with the regiment.
He will be in command nf the Second
buttalton tomorrow ulgbr,
The Thirteenth regiment will leave
for camp vlu the Delaware, Lacka
wanna and Western railroad next Fri
day evening at 9 o'clovk. The regi
ment goes into oamp for the seven
teenth conusautivo year, It goes to
Gettysburg with the avowed determi
nation to maintain if not excel its record
us tbo bent drilled and dUolpliri'id regi
ment iu the state. Each individual
member will do his part to attain this
end, and to uceoniplUa it every man
must bo present at inspection, not a
keystone from tha cap or button from
the coat must be misslug. The state
shoe must be worn and neatly polished.
Tha olothlcg must be scrupulously
clean, All brustos mast be polished
aud leathers blaeksaed. Tbe rifb must
be oleau as a whistle and steadiness in
the ranks must be observed. Gloves
must b white as snow. No collar ex
cept tho collar of the coat should bo
seen, and faces should be shaven and trimmed. If tho ubove is strictly
adhered to wa cannot b beaten.
Colonel F. J, Fltzsimmons, who has boou
ill for the past few weeks, will Imvo today
for Cape iiay to sook complote re-'toratiou
of his health.
Dounis J. Roche, of Pino Brook, lias an
nounced himself as a candidate for tbo
Democratic uomiuutlon for jury comniis
blonor. lie It a brother of ouico; Council
man John E. U-jcho.
Attorney W. ii. Gcarhavt la considered
very available courfi"..t-tlounl timber by thu
Keuiocratlo hokiei, but Air. Geaihi.rt has
not doctded that be warm tho empty honor
of a nomination this year,
Captain John C. Delsney has beon ap
pointed a one of the delegates to repres
ent tbe Mlxth ward Itepubliuau club of
Uarrhiburg at the convention of the State
League ol kepuhllcaii clubs.
tiiitor MoTague, of the Dioesau P.jcoi J,
7rbo is cue of the stalwart of the Deino
t U party, iu toelat ldbuo oZ that paper
comp'aine of tho fact tLr.t the local Dtiuo
trail j IcaiUn are doing nothing to
otiXiuglhen tho party for tho coming eljg
tiou. It le norv oonId-tr!d almost certnln (hat
James tfnlley will oo tho Democratic nom
ince for cierli of thu courts. A candidate
for eherilt' has not been deliuitely decided
upon ami Charles ncunut may us asited to
accept that uomiuution liif-ieuu ol the
nomination lor county treasurer lor which
lie wue ut urn sluted.
There la a rui iety of opinions exuibseil
among tho Democrats us to the bent tin.ii
to hold the county t-ouventloa. County
Chatruian F ahoy favors holding it prior tj
tho Itepublicaa oonventi m, but i-omo of
tho candidates tire anxious to have the
convention delayed until it is ascuitainej
wiiat the other groat political division will
do in thu way oi uumlug cauuiJaias.
Iu case of ex-Judge P. P. Smith's doolln
Ing to be tho Democratic nominee for
judge, there uro many j-'etn.crats who
favor tbo nomination of Elwurd Jlerri
Held, who was Judge Archbald't opponent
lor me samt-.-onicc oi-iore, jur. juernueld's
frlouds sav he would aoeept if the nomina.
tion wat tendered to hiin unanimously
Without auy ellort ou his purt to securu it.
The Republican candidates for tha
various county cfllcert are all working
hard to secure nouiiuations. The contents
are conduoted iu a spirit of good natured
rivalry and the decision or. thu convention
will be accepted as final by the candidates.
Tbe hoaltuy activity within tho Republi
can party It tho best evldouae of tho en
thusiasm and earneit dotei mlnatlou with
which the members of that political body
approucu tue comiug struggle.
Ooinn to Faivltv.
Scranton Dlvbdou. No. CO, Uniform
RanK Knlshtsof Pythias, and tbolr manv
friends, will go to Farvlew, Aug. 11. This
excursion promises to be the largest and
nioBt enjoyable of the season. The com
mittee iu charge havo a reputation at
royal entertainers, they having had a wide
experience Iu tuch matters.
Gonnunin baud and orchastra will furn
ish tho music, so that all (overt of terpsi
chnrsan pastime will have their taste grat
tiled In tbnt line. The fare for tho round
trip is at the extremely low rate of GO
cents for adults, and .80 cunts for children
under U years. Games of all kinds will be
indulged in, ana an going will be sure to
have a goou tnuo.
Shoe repairing promptly attended to at
tue uioue onoe store, "
It V.'ds a Host Mysterious and Daring
No Clue Announced Yet of the Thieves
Who Qot Away with $8,300 Worth
of Postage Stamps Government
Inspectors Working Day and Night
on tha Case Mr, Vandling Will
Not, It 13 Thought, Be Hold Liable,
Nothing could I? more mysterious
than the post oflke robbory of Thurs
day night by which tho Scrauton post
office was looted ol fS 300 worth of
KUmpsof the foil ivin? Ui'iiominittioiis:
800,000 twoj, CO. 000 ones. 80.000 threns,
10,000 fours and 10,000 five. Altogether
they would make a package which one
man could not well carry.
AUaough fjuino ut tho best men of
tbe govB' uitloitt necr't sorvtca have
been at woik on thu cuss day and
uUht, not the slightost clue to tho
thieves or the txaut method of tho
deed hud beeu obt.iiti 'd up to a luti
hour last nittht. .Tha Work wua utif
donbtedly well punned aud ably car
tied oat, and it is q-iibi s ,f j to say,
from what evldanco was Ult behind,
that tho work was not dotio by any or
dinary criminals.
It io now prstty generally W.U-ved
that tho deed was accomplished dur
ing Thursday uilit at an hour when
the two night chrks, Ituah Wright
and Chris Neher, were busy dispatch
ing mills and when tho w.itohtnnn,
Jol.u P. White, was inspecting a dlu-
tunt part or tne bniiaiiii;,
The vault flora vuich tho stamps
were extracted it located in Posmuiito'.-
Vandliug's room in the northeastern
corner of tho building. Nona of th'
wlddows or doors of the room were
foroed aud hi! wcro found as they hud
been left upon doling the offius Thurs
day night. The vault wua opened by
one who know tbe comhlnatiou or who
was an expert in openinrc sufes. Tbo
inner doors wcro forced opc.i with a
bummer uud chisel or iiminy. It is
evident that tbo robbers attor
gaining tho postmaster's room quickly
opened tho outside) doors and secrotinj;
theumelvM iuuidJ worked avy at thulr
loieure cut of reuch of the yes of th'j
wutobman who, as a rule, sutltQea
himnclf by peering through tho gbss
doors to Biirviv this room when ha
mokes bis rounds. How the robbers
got in and how thoy got away from
tho buildlug v.ith so much booty with
out attracting notice, is the mysterious
part of the ttfftlr.
The roblory w is not discovered vn'.ll
1,'ito Friday leruoon, when Assistant
Poatmustor lleimin Ostuwus, havits
occasion to go into the vault iiot!od
that tbe shelf which hd besnpilvd
high with the reserve supply of stamps
was empty, Uj thcu,;ht it mljht be
thut Postmaster Vaadling might huvo
changsd the stamps to anotber place of
safe kcepiug, bat he w.tu so startled by
bis discovery thut bu took the Hist truiu
to Mr. Yundllng's summer residence ut
Muplewuod to appraise him of his sus
picious find. The pojtmuster could not
explain the aUouut of thj stumps from
their accustomed plncc, so it was cou
eluded that they hod been stolon.
Wbeu tliuy became fully satisfied
that a theft bod bean committed word
was wired to the department at Wash
ington, A telegram was sent In return
informing him that tho inspector's de
partment would iwuiQdiutjly take
ohargn of the nffilr,
It is not thought that Postmaster
Yandllng will be held responsible for
the lost stumps, at it wus through no
fault of his that they wore taken, un
less it can bo shown thut bis night
watchman was cinlods. Tho govern
mcnt Itself provided tbo place where
the stamps wore kept and If it was in
secure the government is to blame.
The pottoftko at V bitiboro, near
Uticu, ii. Y., was burglarized Satur
day morning. Thrf hundred dollari
worth of stumps aad $100 iu cash was
secured. A man giving his mvno as
Colter was arrested in Elmlra' F riday
night. Ho had more postage stamps
about him thau was thought noeessary
und It is thought that ho may be con
nected with one or the other of thj
Hen Who vv't.l 1) ule tb Rowing Racca
at L;- AriI on Aug-. 14.
As the duy of the Preus club's re
gatta draws n..r He luteiest therein
becomes acaordlnly aocnutuiitad, find
everything connected with the Uj
event attracts attention. No moro es
sential feature towards tls succesc of
the regatta can be found than iu hav
ing oartmeu who are foremost in row
lug circles to us the course of.
iiuUM. Such in the standard of thorn
who will ofJLdat j at Lake, Ariel ou
Monday, Aug. 14 Tbeynre:
Uofree, Charles W. PrloiendariZ, of
tbe Fairmouiit Roving elnb. Phila lel
piiis; judgm nt the fi'ilah, J. L. Dalian.
tvu.jOf tho Arthur Kull a;'a iciation,
Elizsbetb, N. J. M. J. Doyle, of tb j
Iuttltute Boat dub. Newark, N. J. j
11. A. Dunn, jr., i,f the r.'.sst-.ic Coat
club, New r It, N. J.) Umekuepflrs, J.
Howard Bock, of the IVnt'ilvani:
Barge club, Phlladelphl i; E. K'Wlng,
of tho Sts-rs. Ply men tb j 0. Mel),
Wille, of the Trl'.mi, Newirk. N. J.j
Jturt"r, G. E. O. Chute, of the Atalun-l.-is.
Nevr Yurk.
Tb baridsonia O'Connor punch bowl,
eut at O'Connor' factory, und wl U U
Will b'i tho prize for the g-nicr fnnf
Are a total failure.
We have several
Jersey orchards and
will have first ship
ment Tuesday, Aug, 7.
429 Lacka. Ayo.
Wholesale and Retail,
eholls, will be reoelved here this morn
ing, and will be exhibited in nne of tbe
show wludows of Collins & Huckett
on Laokawanna aveuue. The medals
are an exuitdlngly fine production in
gold, sliver aud sulphur stone.
Boms have a rualtese cross
pendant some a keystone. They
were received from the manu
facturers ou Saturday evening and will
be exhlbittd Iu Samtera, Martin &
Delaney's and Collins & Iiuokett's win
dows. Thurj are forty-eight of them
and oue goes io eyury cursman who
pull In a winning crew.
Before the end of the week the entry
list will be completed, aad it looks
now as if it will greatly exceed those
made for the national regatta, always
the event in emut-ur rowing ciroles.
Police Begin the Annual Cleaning Out of
DhrsputabU Dlatriota.
The polio have for some timo past
been airiuc'ug for n general olouaing
out ot tbe disreputable districts in the
centre oily, a task whloh is found ne
cessary about onoe every year. There
is no way au yet discovered of squelch
ing these pi -ices and the only thing that
is left to be dons is to raid them when
they grow too bold, us always happens
when theso plnces remains uumolustod
for u time.
Yesterday mornlna a souad of seven
cfUoers in charge of Lieutenant Davis
made a doi-oent upoii cue of these
places kept by Carrie fcimith in Iiay
moud court, wituiu thecoulines of the
district commonly known us "Ileli'd
Half Acre." i.ievun mon and three wo
men were bg4d,
The women were Carrie Smith, Kit
lie Higgius and Geort'lii Bailey, At
tho hearing yeturdivy t.-ioy uublusb
ingly admitted the nature of their
occupation, but were discharged after
promising to quit tbe city. The men
werb lined (10 npieco and us very low
of them could scrape together that
much obange. tho station bouse shel
tered a majority of thum last night.
Conducted at the Railroad Young ffien'e
Chilotiaa Aescclation Rootuo,
A novel and interesting kind of re
ligions Instruction aud of a sort that is
bound to create considerable enthusl
miii among tho mumbers ot the Rail
road department ot tho Youug Men's
Christian association is the conversa
tional Bible cluss inauguroted by Sec
rotary, the iirst session of
which was held yeBterdoy afternoon.
A variety of interesting topics has beon
selected arid one will bo dise ased each
Sunday until Kept. 80.
Yesterday's tubjeet was "A Defeat
In Buttle and Its Cause.'' The method
o! etudy coutUts of n eerie of qmm
tioniugs in which each member takes
part by informul conversation. Tho
idea hus been pntia practice in Roehes
tor, whero tbe clats num'uer-i over 200,
and in Now York. About thirty mem
bers attended yesterday's claw which
will rapidly increase when its boncliU
and pljutwnt feature aro known. An
after meeting of a toatimoulal nature
led by a member will bo hold after each
class moetinn.
Promlbos to It Ont cf the Larrost of
tbe Year.
Meetings wtro r Aid In the South Side,
central city, Beilcvuo and Pine Brook
yesterday in the interests of the excur
sion of the eutuadral congregation to
Mountain park on Monday next.
The reports were ail of a nust eu
couragiug nature and show that tbo
excursion is to be cue of the largest
and most successful of the year.
There wilt be all kinds ot diversions
on tho grounds to entertain tho excur
Residents of tho Houth Sido will be
pleaded to lourn that Thomas J, lioore,
the manager of Council & Co.'t stores, is
out of daugor ut his home on Adams ave
nue. Dr. C.'iiuull, who is attending him,
bald lust night that whilu Air. Moore is still
very sick he considers tho crisis over oud
believes that his patient will now begin tj
By a full ot top coal In tho Sand Dunk
mines on Saturday, James Kearus of
Proapoct avonue, had his right le3 broken.
Ho also mu-talued a numbor ct bruises.
Sr. Gibbon,
of Now York city, will bo iu hiu Scranton
oCico, 441 Wyoming ovt-nue, every Mon
day from 8 in tho mortii::g until 1) in tho
Cor. way IIou?t), 13U aud 131 Fenn Ave.,
is where you will always find good Rorvico
ana courteous treatment, tbo table is al
ways supplied with the best iu tbo iniukt.
Transient and lucid trade solicited.
PilLjBl'hv'm Bet nukes boat broad.
SKARTjE. At Detroit. Mich., Henry H
h'e.trlo, formerly of Feranton. Fuuora1
in Houtrosu touuy at 4 o'clock.
We Paint and
Fire China
to Order.
Come in and
See Our
New Goods.
I . W. BERRY, Jeweler
Mia m
iif II
Best Set9 of Teeth, $8.00
Including the palnlws extracting
cf teeth by an entirely new prv
3. C, Snyder, D.D.S.
189 WXOilLU AVii
He Will Have Nothing Moro to Do
with the Scranton Baso
Ball Club.
The Sarunton Base Bull club, accom
panied by ex-Mauager Swift, returned
at midnight from Spilngtield. The two
dlsustrout defeats on .Saturday were
dae, It wat itutid, to the fact thut
Donovan cannot pitch and that Flana
ghan iu the second game Injured bis
fingers and thereafter was unable to
twirl In hit usual style.
Air. bwlft emphatically doclursd that
be Is done with the Scranton club. He
will havt nothing further to do with It
and 10ms onoulse will have to astnms
oharge today. When be left Reading
he says he was told to keep right
on managing tho club aud bat
been In oharge ever since. In
hU opinion tho principal ran
sou why Scran tou was defeated
by such lurgi scores on Saturday is that
our club, as at present constituted, is
outclassed. Nouo of the players ob
tained from Troy, excopt Fielder John
sun, be says, are an improvement on
the club's Slate league pluyers, and it
it now late iu tbe simou to strengthen
the elun materially.
While in the State league Mr. Swift
declared that the club made money.
He is eotivinced that it will lose money
In the Eastern league, aud at he doos
not want to be identified with a Von -ture
that it goiug ouckwavd, proposes
to retire from any hand in tho man-ugoin-nt
of the club.
The new playeis obtained from thu
Troy club did not arrive Inst night.
Thus far this teuton it is said that the
local us.ioclation has cleared $1,000.
All. Swift said that ou Saturday
Stahz was very aluk and unable to
play. The cintnges made in the posi
tions of pluyers was made necessary to
give the new men places on the
Mr. Swift's resignation will be pres
ented to tbo association tomorrow
night, It will eut forth us naions for
his uction that players have beeu siguod
without his kuowWdg-j or consent and
aguiust hln wiuhos and thut he does
not think the clnb will be a paying
property in the Eastern league, It it
suid thut eevtrul uf the players will ask
for their release so .that tiioy can sign
with SliGUunaoau or Philadelphia.
Swift was highly esteemed by tha
playert.and they are not, by uuy means,
well pleased with the present turn of
1st Up on tudcat While Kllaud Is
at the 11. loo Horo.
Today will probably witness the ar
rest ot a uozou or more newsboys to J
Correspondent John Niland, of tha El
miru Budget, vhom Dr. lL;(gorty wi-l
cLargo with sclllug pupera o:i
Sunday. Constable Bates, who is iu
the doctor's employ, wus about yester
day getting the names of boys engaged
in selling the Budget, uud will today
utter Dr. Unggerty tun Hworn to the
wit-runts, proceed to arrest the otl'ei.d
ors. Tho boys who will be prosocutod
are those for whom warrants were is
sued last week, but who were allowed
to escape with a warning not to be
airain ovying tho Budget. Dr. Hagger
gerty said last Light to u TltlBUNli re
porter: "I am firm In mv determination to
Preserving Kettles
TI13 time 13 near at
hand to U33 tiiain, so
figure clnad.
8-quart, fquorti 0-quart, Kquart, Fj
1 r r, p j r . , f t !
ZDS. 600. UC. tOC. L
1 lu-quart, is quart, li quart, is-quart,
bo. 65s. 75c. 90c.
Also 1-quart Tin Fruit f
Cans at 45c. cloz.
12G Penn Ave.
rtV'i1iii i t'---fr 11 " ' furl isi si'rii.Utr'
ilif s mm"
And you'll not ba treating yourself rlghi if you don't take advantage of it.
Every shoe In the boujo i reduce 1 to cost, and in my gco ls suou. us RUS
SETS aud all SUMMER CIIOES, a goad deal less than cost.
WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS, best quality, worth $1.50 a pair, will bo sold
for 73 CENTS.
Soma that are soilad an J discolored will bo sold for 23 CEkTS a pair.
There is no half way business abotn It, but n gwat houicfull of GOOD
SIIO&S at the coat oi making them. LET Ud SEE YOU.
Brown Thinks It's a Square Deal.
Ladies' White Parasols
40 Par Cent. Off.
50 Per Cent. Off.
35 Per Cent Off.
Don't You
make tbe Budget people call of! Mr.
Niland and make good tbe Injury they
have doue me. I can not afford to stand
idly by and allow a scurrilous journal
to traduce and vlllify my character. If
tbe Budget does not tqaelah Niland 1
will never let up on them nutli I have
stopped the ial of the paper in this
town entirely. I could prevent tbesale
of the paper at onoe by arresting every
boy who bandies it on Sunday, but as
that would eutsll great hardships on
many poor families I will be satisfied
with accomplishing this work by de
greet, arresting boys wbo have been
warned, and eonvinced that I am iu
dead earnest and finally wheu there
can be no doubt of my determination
and no chance for them to plead ignor
ance, I will ttrlko a sweeping blow. It
is not likely that a boy will rnn the
risk of paying a flue of 1 and costs a
second time."
A Watery Orave Probably the Remit of
The body of Patrick Flynn, of Dun
more, wus found iu Laurel lake Satur
duy morning, uud while It is apparently
a eueo of suicide the jury lmpunueled
by Coroner Klly postponed its verdict
until after evidence has bnaa heard to
morrow evening at the coroner's office.
Flynn was 55 years ot ago and was
u'lrritd. Since a recent amputation of
a leg ho hus been despondent aud fre
quently lutoxlcated. He was last neon
at 0 o'clook Friday evening near the
upot where his body was found.
Monthly Hitting tf tha Hedioal Ssoiety
Will Be Hold There.
Tho regular monthly meeting of tbe
Lackawanna County Medical society
will le held at Furviow on Tuotday,
Aug. 7. Fupors will be read by Dr.
Barnes and Dr. Logan,
Tho train leaves Dolnware and Hud
son stutiou at 2 !i0 p. ra. Dinner will
bu served nt Hotel Anthracite, Carbon
dale nt 7 p.' m, The doctors will bo
accompanied by their wives.
F.KrAiM.NO and custom work promptly
done at tho Globe Shoe Store.
nothing but the best.
You will be satisfied
if you call on J. BOLZ and
q-ct some of the bargains he
15 offering.
A $5 Coat for $1.49.
A $7 Coat for $3.
A Fine BlackClay Worst
ed Coat for 05, worth
Ladies' Cape2,ailshad33,
for 93c.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suits
for $175, worth $9.
During tbe Summer.
133 Wyoming Ave.
128 Wyoming Ave.
AT 75 Cents
a Pair.
Iu White Blajk, Tana and Grey,
Former Prises, $1, $1.25 and $1.50.
Is Now On
Cor' Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves.
25 Per Cent. Off
25 Per Cent. Off
Greatly Seduced Prices,
Think So?