The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 06, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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tit cratrfon txikm
Tmibunb Publishing Company.
E. P. KIN089URV.
fctatoimOmesi Tmaim Buiieme. ratnai
'l'l-Iuter' Ink," tlio reco;ulzil Journal
for advertiser, rule tilt NCHAMTON
IKinrXEBs the li ot advtnlInr medium
In Nortlii'.intern l"tiiiylvuta. "I'rluter'
Ink" linonl.
e 1 ; - ".' " " ?i - -
For Governor:
Daniel tt. nARTi.v
Of C'tNTI.U.
lw "if (; ,r nior:
lib' ALl.KUUUXV.
AjlOH H. j:yuk,
for Ocaeiury of lUrnul .:aTu.rj:
01'' rillLAHBI.HllI.U
lor Conyrtsiiutn-ki'-l.ur( ;
Hi fclYUl.HANN.l.
li' WVST.MONtil.AMD.
Flittiun Tlino, N.iv. 0
It is uisTiNCi'LY to tiw credit of
Hurens Miiloniy, of l'ltUtou, thut lie
would have nothing t do wit a thu
Junkif of ;iJ!'guJ r formers which in
brhipiiirittiton liit- dUivjiiUo abroad.
lUirgijfd Mulniioy Is "in lioueit ottioiul
unci a nuit'tnuiU, r-tirtkuluM iu whiuu
lie ilUJ' iP to Bomo extent i'miu et'i tulu
l'iti.'-loiiiiiiis with whom lu- U com-liellt-tl
:o iv.-ociiili;, ut liiiu".1, in tin ulli
ciul iclution.
Another Hawaiian Conspiracy'?
Tjh.' singular tittiUido of President
Clovehtul toward the baud of cila
creilit'.'d Hai;ii'.tm tuoutirebisU which
in now iu Washington upon a tulsiiou
of tiviicht'iy iu K'Oiuiilnjcui'U day nioro
nuuki-d. When tho othir di:y Mr.
liouteilc, of Mr.lno, otf iTert in tho houso
a resolution coiigtuluUting tho Ha
waiian jiutriots uj.on tht'tr Niieeessful
establishment of a republican govcrti
DiL'ut, and v(iciug our federal recogni
tion of that government, it was sup
posed that this proper and setiuly ac
tion, vx-.rwlr.g an it did tho real feel
ing of imietoetwwoutli'thH of tha
Ameiieim puoplo, would bo n.tllUd
cordially and without delay. This
resolution, it is iulcrestiiitr to note,
was an exact copy, except as to tha
chanced named, of . tho resolution
olleicd by Mr. MeCieury, tho Demo
cratic chairman of the house committee
on foreign uUiiirf, when Brazil becamo
a republic during General Harriaon'a
administration. It Is enld that on
Wednesday of last week, Mr. McCreary
expressed hla hearty approval of the
Bciitelle resolution and promised that
it should he promptly and favorably
reported. On Thursday, however, ho
"was, it Is alleged, summoned by tho
autocrat of the white house, who had
been advlwed of the approach of the ex
Quecu LU coterie of royalist conspira
tors. The outcome of this executive
command was that McCreary and his
ansociate cuckoos are now goinjr to try
to Hii'Uher the BoutelJu resolut Ion In
their committee.
The significance of this action at
Washington becomes clearer when we
we read lu the Pittsburg Times exactly
what the.e Hawaiian satellites of de
throned bar burl a a royalty expect to
accomplish during their negotiations
vith Cleveland and his man Friday,
tho mugwump secretary of state. They
w ill not, according to the Times,
Ask fur the rostoration of the quoou.
1 ha suUUacjof uu rnuit will be tor
iu)n-;.itrferer.ce on the part of the
Unil.d State and uo rcoui.luu offlou'ly
ot tlia iirent KOYruuiDt until Hawai
tiiiiB liiiva bad nn opyortaultv to milii iLa
difrnte tLaumlvn. 'Ita Uultud Stmm
will 1):! aairert to kp ita marlnos off tlio
island, cd if tula u doue a oiTll war will
foii Aj it Jortj-eigiit Uoura aftor th uaws
rcvJiB Hoaoluiu ttit tb UnlUd Statos
will bo uuutrul. ilr. Purkr a.ji tile buy
fortori of the quen outuunibxr ttio R
jiuuiiianit 10 to 1, and if tiia ajjUt atartK
Im-re will bu uo doubt of tlio itult. Ttie
tjueou's pauy will win iu a vary uliort
tiinrt id a rtul ropubi.e will
bo eHtabllshed. Tba Dole (jorerauieut,
La eaye, is not a r.publlo; it U
o gevernmont ty a dickator, the
proviAlncnl tovorament oudcr a now name.
Tim Iloyaltiti do not datlre a monarchy,
and that will not b akd In WaUinir;ou.
Vi at if wantad U a rial ropublio, not a
elose corporation uob a now exiits on
thu iBlBdd. but iiiould tbs Jtorallati b
auuctdsful, tbureia uo doubt that the quaan
will be eleoted prldut of ti e new gor
ernmant and that the will ruU by inffrago,
as oth( r beads of rapubllcs do. TU tom
winalon will lay beroretlio pmident a copy
of the coustijiulon of the Dolo gotorumuat
and try to couviuc biin tbat It It not a
rtpubha It only accepted by 8,00(J
letoiA, while the total Tots bm ru i as
liiKh an 16,000, and tbouki bo higher nud' T
the new order. Of tuute i.o aocepttid the
onstltnttoa. 1,000 are Portugueiu who can
ne'.thar read nor write. It 1 proponed
Tinder the goverunjeut the quoen's eunport
erg df.lre to lorm that all voter shall bo
ablo to read and write. The oduoated na
tives are all of the queen' party.
Thi-4, it should lo understood, is tl
statement given out for publication 1
tho man Parker, who was Queen LU
secretary of foreign affairs and who
understood now to he working in th
interest of the Claus Spreckels sugar
monopoly, tha Hawaiian lottery
swindle and another job for hliri-
eclf. Parker's statement Is undoubt
edly false, since it has heen reneatedlv
contradicted by witnesses whose vora
city is not In dispute; but whether
fidse or true, what has Grover Cleve
land to do with tho case? Cougresa
una tho American people have to
him and his obedient servant, Orea
ham, to keep their meddliug hands oil
Hawaii, mid this command wasnotao-
coinpnuied by any qualifying clauses
Arbitrary time limit. The Hawaiian
republicans, having established an in
dependent icvernment by tho crace
God and the strength of their own
Btout hearts, must be left to work out
their own destiny as best they may.
We have had enough Confederate In
termeddling and stabbing ln-tho-back
In this seotlon of the Pacific ocean.
tho sudden Bomorsault of BeprcHonto-
Uve McCreary Is In obedience to fur
ther purposes of stupid executive in
terfcrenoe, the sooner congress shows
Mr. Clovaland hla proptr functions
and point out to him the coublitu-
tlonal limitations of his oltlce, the bet
ter will It be for congress' self-respect,
always assuming that it has any left
We a,ke confirmed lu our suspicion
that the Eastern league might prove
It may not be beyond the executive
and diplomatic- end of this Democratic
administration to plot with a renounced
barbarian mu'iii for the over throw of
a new Lorn republic; but it is far La
yoiid thu American musses. Dusky
Lil'u little stratagem we suspect will
not work.
Tiik iLLUSTiuoi's potentate of tho
Celestial empire will need to urise early
In the mornings if It bo bis desire to
et ahead of the Japs.
Tho Jap at a Citizen.
Representative "Ylverett, of Massa
chusetts, lias introduced a bill in con
gress amending the revised statutes of
the United Hlales so ay to permit thu
naturalization of aliens of Japanese
descent. The adoption of tl.o bill is
dictated Ly wa;iy considerations of
justice uit'l expediency. There are
resident In nearly all our large Ameri
can cities, '.Sera utoti not excepted, edu
cated Japanese who are the pi ers of
any Caucasians in Ihosu j utilities that
detonnl tie good citizenship. They are
Industrious, temperate, lionc-Jl ai !
law-abiding; they have great keen
ness of pir''eption, are staunch and
loyal in their friendships, and, above
all, they possess the sovcrii'gu virtue)
of knowing enough to attend to their
own business.
The Ignorant Jap li a rarity iuthU
country, tor the reason that however
iguornnt ono may be when he gets
here, he refuses to remain ignorant.
His alertness of mind and extraordi
nary iilmbleatssof wit quickly euuea to
him In tue waysof our occidental clvll-
ization. He is, idso, loyal to his new
ties. If iu tho couioO of years ho
Bhould become converted to Christian
ity, the thances are several to ono
that the conversion is a genuine one,
and not one nictated by self-interest.
In these respects the Jap Is decidedly
superior to John Chinaman, who iu
the last analysis is made up very
hugely of ignorance, sensuality and
cunning. The percentage of China
men in this country who evolve into
really respectable citizens, worthy of
being trusted with a white man's
money or honor, is small; that of
Japanese, lare.
These comparisons have special in
terest in view of the fierce war now
raging between China and Japan.
Our knowledge of the two races is lim
ited to observation of them in our own
country; but In the foregoing opinions
wc are confirmed by men who have
traveled far and studied much. Al
though outnumbering the Japanese,
soldiery six to one, tho war forces of
China have thus fur been beaten in al
most every engagement; and it Is our
prediction that they will continue to
get beaten so long as the war shall last.
Of all the eastern nations, the Japanese
are the ono who impress ethnologists
as possessing tho most substantial
recommendations. Compare tho aver
ago immigrant from Japan as he Is
known in this country with the aver
age Slovak or Lithuanian as he is
kuoyn here; and it will no longer ap
pear singular that Representative
Everett should think the former as
well entitled to the privileges of nat
uralization as Is the latter.
We ake duly grateful to the I'owcra
for our extrication from a nauseating
surfeit of King Kelly and J'kldiebcek.
Mk ('LAdstonk's ailing eyes would
be gladdened at sight of many thb);M on
exhibition in America; but so long a'i
Spruce street has a wooden block pave
ment, the grand old man doubtless
doei well to stay quietly on the other
Tjto:':E who propose to "down Tom
Plntt" should not forget to provide a
One Honest Utterance.
Uncle Horace Bole, of Iowa, Is a
Democrat of the Democrats; but in his
recent speech ut tho Iowa- Democratic
convention he introduced a novelty
which, from a Democrat, la quite sur
prising. Ho actually spoke words of
truth to labor and omitted to play tho
demogogue. Referring to the unpre
cedented troubles in labor circles dur
ing the past four months, he deproT
cated the violation of law and sdd;
lata (till more amatd to kuoir that
within Uia circles of tloo milo.nn nr mud
who yot Crtud'imu tho authorities, both
:,ite and national, for interposing the
n.ilsUry ana of each to put en n;d to con
ditions that had reached a completed taio
of auarcby and ov. rturwu lu ome lumli
ci i) j every -ii.bUnc of law and i rder. If
thMo rnon are not brroft of ruon thry
niunt by thin time raliz thut "tliefltrlko."
H iu nikuy pUco lu tho incut
mt. In revolution, is mutreliv, i tho ia
oip!nt aiatio of riyil .ar, Jt Is vai. to
airt tbat thf seei Oof riot, iuetitidlnrif iu
aud bloodshed we hare vitmuscd are
not th worli of members of unjr of
tho unioiii, but, iutead, are thut of
the lawlras eleuiuula of the citioa m
whlrU tiny have occurred. If this Is liter
ally true, it cauuot relieve the unions In
question of tho responsibility for condi
tions that tholr owu act made possible,
and whieU, without uch act, would never
have vxiotod. Tbero i another plume of
thli question of lumuaaurablo importance
to Individuals, It 1 th queatlou of tha
inherent right or wrong of what Botue
labor leader term a "lyutpathotto strlko,"
and It win forcibly precnuted In thrPullman
strike. Th "lympathotio strike" mutt go
or the unions that engugo lu it will be do
troyod, aud with It mint uo forrr the
scuiiob otrlot and earnag tLat have ohur
acturlzed so mauy raeeut strike or tho
organizations ranponalble for them will bo
grouud Into duet under the Iron heel of an
awakud public sentiment.
The idea embodied In this deliver
ance la not especially unique, since It
is tho idea held by all thoughtful men
who have given sincere attention to
the developments of the past few years
in the Industrial world. That which
characterizes it aa worthy of reference
Is its unusual frankness. For once,
wo have tho romarkablo spectacle of
a Democratic campaign orator really
telling tho truth. Wo feel that we
should he derelict to au urgent moral
duty did wo not give to this extraordi
nary coincidence tho prominence that
It clearly deserves.
Coloxel MoCiiUns'a Times calls
Colonel Smith's Press several polite
kinds of a liar in reference to that
sugar deal; but this is merely the Mc
Clure method of attesting tho Press'
Tiik wm ruwABiiiMu of those ugar
senators would no doubt have been a
more artistic Job if the whitewash
brush hadn't inadvertently laid bare
such a big deal of truth.
Pie Counter.
In Ms iutor!'tIi)ff syndicate artlcl on
"lly Fimt hoult" iu Sunday Xow York
Sul, UoOert Lout Stev-n-ou iniiko a can
dul eo.u'eimloii. It t of "Tri';..lie Ii.l.nid"
hoii writing when lib jy: "It la pi.r.i.ip
not ulU'U that u map fSi'iir-jn p.i li'tly In a
tale; you it i n'.wuta inn rtuin Tb au
thor uiuiit. know h!a eouutry ulac, vbuther
r.-l or Imi'iMunrv, nit his l:uud; tlui iV-tu'-'ivh.
the points df tun (m,ii. tlw
pUco of the biin'4 rking, tho bxnavlour ut
tiiu uoon, should all bu boyond carll. Aud
how troulih'toi.10 to iuoou il I have
coy o to grief cvr tho neiou in 'I'tinm1
O'lo;' and so uon r.s that wm pointed out
lo ui adopted a pr.'C tutlon wbiuh I rcom
mend to othir uitm I never tnie uow
vHiiiiut ui. aiujuuuo. W illi an
aud '.he Map of tho eouutry aud tho pluu
of overy houbi, tiiher uciuully plotted oa
I u; or i r clearly aud imuiediately appro
hti.idcd In thn i:i1l1, a man may hope to
avutJ oitu cf the proatil pomlblp blund
tru. With the inup buf 'ro him ho will
pcurco allow the uu to set In the east, as
It dooa on 'Thn Autiquury.' With the
aUiiMiac at Land he wi.l scurto allow two
hori-ciueu, jjiirneyiug on tho luoat urgout
afTalr. to employ n!x days from 3 cf thu
Mv.iuuy till lute iu the Saturday night
upon J nn nc-T of say ninety or a huudrnd
Lillys; aud before tbo week 1$ out, and
p till ou the in nans, to covor fifty In one
day, an may be read at length in thu in
imitable novel ot 'Hob Hoy.' And It is
uuruinly well, though far from necessary,
to avoid t-uck croppwa."
k t-
His I'cruita:
An old farmer aud his sou called upon
nietho other day. Tho boy is about 11
or li year old. aud auswky, u;?ly dawd-
W. Ho wandered aiiiilosslT ubuiit the of-
C'jD. ruuninu the tip of his Augur over tlio
bi-Ui of iu booVi. At lunt I uskcil,
Well, my boy, would you liko to la a
"A doctor?-'
"Wall, v hr.t do you want to bf"
"Uy tnumWr! that's what you will bar
conmieuted tilx disyustod father earuosl
ly. Harper's Drawer.
It It. said a baby was recently born lu a
small Connecticut town which, if reports
la trno, rival anything of the kiuu yot
recorded, even by tho Iinloton corre
poudnt of tho Hilladelphla l'resj. Tho
parouti ore icwodta. TUo father la em
ploy rd by a farmor cutting ticiDur. and
weliihi ubuut l'J.) pouud. The motaor ii
a btout, healthy woman, vrsiMUiuj, por
hapi, too pound. Tho child I a male, us
perfectly fnrmud no babi can be, and at
' blrtn welched only el;ht ounces. Its
faco 1 about the site of a borne chestnut.
A ring worn ou tho little finger of Kb
mother wm easily slipped over bi foot
nearly up to th knoe. It is the opinion of
the atttud'of physician thar th child will
live. The chilU is so small that three of lu
liko could play hide aud seok lu a olar
SnE Didn't Scare:
Youug fapheail "Do you know. Miss
Vajfliir, I've a gweat mind to fwlichten
you by wockinii tha boatf' illss Vatiar
(sa Bthlatlo young woman) "A youug
man like you trind that with me once aud
th boat unset." "Did it. weullyf What
did you do)" "I swaia ashore and notiilod
the coroner. Paw. "
There i a iiood deal of saulty iu tuu au
ecuoiu of au lusauo pursou, narratod In
the Yar.kuo Bladu; A patient in uu in
tuue asylum imagined himself dead. Noth
ing ciuld drlru tul dal uwlon out of tha
mnu'a brain. One day hi physician bud
snappy tkonirht and said to him: "Did
you 'jrMB daid man bluedlj' "No,"
110 ronlld. "Did yoa c vor Iioft of a deR.l
limn bleelingF" "No." "Well, if you
will pxruilt me, I will try aa experiment
Vr'tth you and aw If you bied or not." The
paMunt gAT hi cousent, tho doctor
ivulppud out hi sca'.pjl and draw a little
b'ond "Thsro," he said, "you seo that
you blued ; that proves that you ar not
dfftd." "Not at all," tha pufiont Instantly
ro;'hd. 'That only proves thut dead
man can blood."
His wife is bai kl
lo moie ut night,
When .lecin to htm the town a sombre
Too dull and gray,
May be o f rth with paint to nisSa It
1Ji;'b had hi day;
Uie wlfols back I
Utit who la th'it
V' ith glony hat
An 1 tnp as i-prlngv .is tho step of fa'vn,
Who lea.-ro at niht, rutuiulna with tho
It Is the other man whose wife' jut rjare!
He'll n"- the painting uouel
llo'll have thu fun)
ho town shall never stay
Sj dull a'nl rur;
Hi wife lu g jual
Bo fjentle liRturo niakoa
A cuuiieusatiou svveotj
bbo nivi for want the ta!r-i,
And it l.-i uicuil
Aa when ihe Uuwor Is plucked auothor
;iri ,
S'julie, pi'"VHl!in( fur myriad ',
The town may nut, bo left to siay
All (lull and ir.iy;
Ojo ife tucie home today,
Another gm-s a ay.
(. It. Is. in Chicago i'is(.
cnmirjG snELr's'tVEs.
riulnl lpKin ErcwJ.
Thut plddr young ?lrl, Mis Popnllal, is
caftlmi u-pldous lie 'p's eyn.i t hoiicn:
0111 Mr t'emocrnt In Indiana. Flu would
probably line tn rrt t40 p.-r ffipitii out ot
bis purso, i eilly Wr. Upul)licaa, of l'onu
sylvunls, has iromlsud to give bur In re
turn for ber hand iu Novi-mhor. Wr.
Democrat, of Indiana, should fljht nhy,
however, of any bucQ lamentable monalll.
A journalist is a tuan who talks about
belLg ou newspaper, but is not. A news
paper niau la one who 1 on a newspaper
and makes no fuss abjut It, A former U h
man who works the soli and au agricul
turist Is ft man who work the farratx
Will Nrett to Deviate Widely.
JU'tuieapolit Timu.
The strike oommlasloo will accomplish a
great deal It Its method ana rcsulU are
entirely different trout tboso of any other
oouimiuBlou known to American history.
Tough on the Rain Makers.
JUinnaqpoIii Iimi. -These
are hard time indeed. Even the
rainmakers aro snablo to deliver their
Apportionment of Republican Hprn.
taiton Amonv th Variona DI-lot.
Pursuant to a meotlug of th Kapubll
ran County committee ueld on July 14tb,
18ft, tlie County Convention will bf
held ou Tuday, September 4th, ISlii, at 10
o'clock a. in., In the court home atiscrau
ton, for th purpose of plaoing lu nomlua
tion candidates for the following named
ollkes, to be voted for at the next general
election to bo held November t)ih, ltUMi
Congress, E erciith district; Judg., Forty
firth Judicial district; hrlfr, treasurer,
clerk of courts, j.rnihonotary, district at
torney, tecor Jr of deeds, register of wills,
aud Jury commlsnlouer.
Vigilance committees wiU Uold delegate
elections ou Saturday, brptembor 1st,
between the hour or 4 aud 7 p. m, Thry
will ulo ilve at leant two day public
ui tice of the time and place for holdiug
l i eluetlons.
Kach election district (hould eleot at the
said delegnto oleetlocj, two qualltkd per
sons to serve ax vigilance comiiili tee for oue
year, and have tnelr names ceitllled to, ou
tint credential ot delegates to the Couuty
Hie ri-preaeiitatlou ot delegate to the
Ciiuuty Convention 1 baxed upon the voto
cit, lait fall fur Fell, caudldute for Juilso
of supreme cuiirt, he bting the highest
rC'.oer votfui tur at said statu election.
Uuiler this rub t l e ncvorn! election dUtrlcts
are entitled to reprntentation ai toliowa,
Aivhbaid borouirh-
ht ward, Ut ill it..
1st r.l, 2d ulut.,
'-d ward
lid ward
l.'iaiy o .rough
I -I aid
d .vt.rd ,
Dd v. ard
r.tntou townxhlp. ...
t hflou tuwiiHiiiii... .
1 ovintou t'-waildp
latd.-it 1
J iM ilixt 1
1 IKldiHt S
1 4:ti dint 1
1 (.Hy Uaut buvough
Itit Hard 1
2 :ui.l i
2 l.l ward 1
l'KnuS'iiu township... I
1 ttirunton city
li 1st ward, Ixt dlt,. 3
1 list ward, '2d ilixt.. 1
...J ..'I.UI4.IIU low:.
.'.-rllicast di-.t
luy -I lKt vturil, 'M dist.. 3
0 xucr., im in,i,. .
1 M ward, lid Jwt... i
I '.'-.1 vi-r-l, ddi-,t... 1
I t'lwurd, 4ilitlst.. I
a ,1 v-.-t.rd, 6th .lift.. 1
II 8d ward, lot AM.. I
1 H ward. I'd dfc,t... 0
I iili wui d, lstilKt.. '2
U 4tl vuid, "l did'.,. 2
II 4ttt ward, adrift., 'i
1 Jih waul.'ltlidiai.. !J
0, Mil ward, IhtdiHt.. 3
li Ha ward, 2d diat.. 1
1, ,',ih waid, ild da.c, 3
1 6iliwi:rd.lthiH-it.. 2
2i Otli ward, lntdlnt.. 1
1: r.tli rfBrd, Si I
1! TtU ward, lstdlat.. 1
Ui Tth ward, ltd di:,t. . 0
7th ward, ild dint.. 1
X Ctli ward, lxtdlut.. li
1 fct'a ward, id dlat., X
(r.h, Istdlst., 3
1 llih ward, Kdiliiit.. 3
1 ll.thwuia i
It llth ward, lutillat. 'I
I llth waid, W Cut.
1 llth ward, 3d dlat. 1
1 lath ward, hit dKt 1
Mur'hwi-st illC...
i:u. 3 diflt
C'ai V'rulaLo -;ltv
IU f.-rd, 1st dint,.
M ward, 3d d;:it,,
2.1 v. aid, 1st
I'd ward, 2.1 Ui-it. ..
2d ward, 3d dl,t...
I'd ward, 1st dUt..
lid v.-ard, Jddlst...
M ward, 3d diat.,,
4th wind, 1st dist,,
ward, 2d,
41 h war-1, 3d Uu.t..
i'tli ward, lstdiiit..
(ith ward, 2 I dint. .
IHU ward, lstdl-t.,
'h ward, 2.1 diat..
Ini-ilBou city buro
Ifit ward.,,.
2d ward ,.
Dunruure boruiii'h
1st ward, lit d'.tt..
Is: ward, 2d di.i..
2d Vard, 1st dist..
2d ward, 2d dial...
1-1 ward, lt liist..
I'dwurd, 2IdUt...
iid ward, lid dist. ..
1 Uiii ward, 21 diet.. 1
4th ward 1
l.ltli ward, 1st dl: t I
M i ward
iltu ward, ' dUt..
llth ward, .. i diat.,
Elmiiui'rit io.-. ihip.
Full township -
2d 0.1 it
3d (list
Cllnliiiru boro'lb'h..
Uouldsbnru biirniiyh
U: oniifltud tcwiiia.ip
JelTnrxon ti.,'nsliip.
J.-rnuu borouah
1st ward
2d ward
1 Ulthwaid. Uddl'.t.
1! !St l i.-anl, 'Id dIM. i
l Hta ward, let ilUt 2
li Hth waril, lid dtau. 2
IMli waul, 1st dlst 3
l! leth ward, lid dlst, 2
1; 11-ti ward, h-t di-it 2
1 Pit ll ward, lid iliut. i
1 lTMi ward, 1st diat i
1 17th ward. 2d dut.
1 It-'tli v- ard
1 H'th war.l, 1st dint
I Mb ware, 2d-. list.
2 l'.'tli ward, 3d
2 i'.itli ward, 4th diet
1 IVth wrd, lt dxt
Ijd ward .
Lai :k wit una towus'p
20th ward, lid dint.
2uth ward, 3d dut.
iortn uisi. ........
Hi nth ('1st
Vest dist
ivtfd dist
Korthtisst dist..,.
Smith wust dist....
I-al'lmiiO boroUili.
I.ehljjh townfhlp.,,,
Mndlsnn township,.
1 ibi ward, tut (list.
2h, t ward, Vd dia; ,
3 si. AhlngtKntownB'p
1 Sprlnsr Brook t'wu'p
1 Scutt towimlilp
l:Vnvt-riy burouah. .,
1 Intou puruugu
t lstdilt 1
1, 2Jditt 1
alayilolu borbiigu,,.
Newton township...
N. Ablugt'n townii'p
Old Forgo tovnship
Total .
a w.
THE best investment
in real estate is to keep build
ings well painted. Paint protects
the house and saves repairs. You
sometimes' want to sell many a
good house has remained unsold
for want of paint. The rule should
be, though, "the best paint or
ccne." That means
trictly Pure
White Lead
You c.mnot afford to use chap
faints. To be sure of'getting Strict
y Pure White Lead, look at the
brand ; any of these are safe:
"Atlaatto," "Bcyraer-Baumjin,"
"Jdwett," "Davlfl-Ctanbers,"
" FUitieiitcoi;," "Armstrong Jt McKclvy."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors ar mUI In ont-pound cn9, each
can whip sutiicn-nt to tint sj poui.ds ot strictly
Vure White Lead llif disltt-tl shade ; tli. ate hi
nc senr.e rcailymljed palm.", but u corabir.Btion
of pcrtrctlv pure colors In the handiust form to
tint Strictly Pure While Letd.
A good uiauythoutanii dollars have been saved
pn jKrty-owncii by Uavinf, our book on painting
yn. f col jr-card. Scud u a postal cuid and g;t
L-lt hct.
KATIQN'AL X.k) CO., Ntw York.
-4 .- MM(-j"1l ... 5
f- '."il(v .-to
KL;1)1;cTIOX on our entire
Hue of CAKKIAOia.
& CO.
422 Lacka, Avenue.
For many yearu Oils Piano Im itoodln the froat ronis. It has been admired so much for its
pnro, rich tone, that it has become a standard for touo quality, until it ia considered tho highest com.
plimcut that can bo puid any riano to Bay 'It resembles the VYEDER."
We now have the full control of thin llano for this swtion aa well as many other flue Pianos
Which we are selling at greatly reduced prlooa aud ou oaay monthly payments. Don't buy until you seo
pur gooda and get our prices
Has gone the rounds again; therefore, our August news will
make it agreeable and profitable for you to visit the Bazaar
whenever in need of .cool, airy fixings, that help so much to
make life pleasant during this torrid weather.
$2.98 Ladies' Dnci Suits, cot to $1.98.
$1.98 Wrappim and Tea Com, cut to 83s.
$1 SSlrt Waists, cat to 49c.
$1.50 Shirt Waists, cat to 73c.
$2 Shirt Waists,
10c, Wash Goods
25c, fash Goods
Dress Lengths of Challies and fine Wash
in main aisle at prices next to
With tha New Valves
Out of Sight
Our new Bicycles are now
to be seen at our 314 Lacka
wanna avenue store.
And a full line of Boys' and
Girls' Wheels. We are mak
ing extremely low prices on
Second-hand Wheels,
S14 Lacka. Ave.
k Fall Assoidceat
Letter Copying Books
A 500-page- 10x12 Book, bounrj
In cbth, eheep back and oo. ners,
guaranteed to givo satis fucdou,
Only 90o.
tat!o!iar3 aid Ennravor:,
317 Lacka vaan'i Ave.
Dr. Hills' Son
c t teeth, ?B.KI; best sot, $H; for poM caps
nd teeth wlthtait platon. c.Uied cron-n nrt
t rldijo worli, roll f ir prleua aud reforei .
U'uKALUiA, for extracting toth witnouj
pain. Mouther. Koas.
Reynolds Bros,
cat to 88c.
at 5c,
aid Wool CMiies at
Brothers &
HtiBB ana
Selling Agents,
227 Lacka. Ave,
at Greatly Rcincei Prices
Crom Froezors,
Fooic & Shear Co.,
Sill L4 OKA. AVE,
"Jenny llnf
and Tomatoes,
Lima Baans, Ui Plant, etc,
and Get the
nnn a s.TmrvT.T
1 mjsm
1 Shoe Store
s o
ri r S
v t. j 1 i r s
Fabrics upon table
flpp. Triioiis Officsw Spruce St
b-id 12 years' cxpsilonas In the Blcy-i bust
lac- airenar mr lesainr wnoei3 or ail araoiw,
prepirctl to guwanUm
to nurcnuKO 1110 iavit
atisfatilbn. Thaio in
1110 invited to chII and examine
our couiplolft lino. Open evenings,
for catiiltipes.
tan or Bono stant
Tdtiiatnd nt snnitnit ot th) New York, On
I rkaui Vwiera Kullway, 2M foot a bora
lea- The highest steam railroad point in the
Hot an lino lakes Trlihtn from threi to
twenty miuutae' walk from hotil or station,
l'wo bttas lukes convenient pernb, piokurel
and o:ber common vurietles of flsti. eovera)
other lukes within half hour's drive.
Fer a day1 rjoTt and recroatlou tnkn Mew
Vurk,Outarlo aud Vfehtorn railway train loan
lag orantou at 4 50 aJB.irrivtnti nt Foyntolle.
at 10. to am. Baturuiug, train ioaTOt royn
telle 4.03 p.m., arriving In aorit n n.ra,
Uouco acoornmodiitions, ItX
Veterinary Surgeon and
Veterinary Dentist.
Prompt atti-ntton to calls for treatment of
all ilomcstio anlinitla.
Vctorluary Modldluon earof ully compounded
sud for sile at reasoaahlo prtoos.
Ollico ft Uio Dliiino Carrlaao Worlw, 121
D1X ( Ot'KT. Bcrauton. where! direct shoo
inn aftxruoons.
Qradiiato of the American
Votorluarv Col-
loe nud thn Cxjluinblau
tlve Mudli'lnii.
fithool of Conipara
Well, Sir!
Yes, sir! Wo
have a special
.trist hore to 'At
you who dooa
nothing else
Bit right down
and have you?
eyes fitted in
aeclontlflo manner
v --........i1.tiT1r!,t,,,3