TIIE SCEANTON TBIRTJNE -MONDAY MOItiNTNGrj AUGUST (5. 1S94; ASE lass mam Scranton Sulci's Tiira DieitJ at ths Hands of the SprlEtSQelds. mm TO HIT THE BULL CAUSE OF TEE DEFEATS While Both Donovan and Flanaghun Were Pie for the Springfield Bats men Wilkcs-Uarre's Dafoat Our Only Consolation Providonco and Erie the Other Eastorn League Winners Standing of the Clubs. National anil State League fiOsultJ. Notes of the National Game. OCAL Hss bull en tl tli uf lasts h.ul hoped fj If from the iiifc'ery JT1 Canton io their hti i"iti"l tlfort ia th. fc'j4,V1i Extern leiiu that 'tM l"8" so Ku to RwA tbeir cr,,Jlt llt tbs fl P i e'luse of the series " withb.irtDKa"U:,but the ease with whioh the p-Me of Scran ton wns demolished iu oth gtmeg played Saturday demonstrates tho faot that tbe home team will have to "yt on itoli" tUd grouted si-Mi of u hut tie if they wish to up with the Ii ern league procession, UJaviirtheieaii, clwnro of company nivl the rearrange ment of tho twain may have, iu the three rhiuos pi :iy J, wo.k.ij dtiastrous ly its fur aa wiatlug thi tamo wascou Certiei'. Pruv donee skill retain her poilUou at tue top nt the column, with Scrau ton a pretty fair second, Vllkes-Uiirre hold third place closely followed by Erie. Hm standing of the tln'is coxprwiaij the E3ti;rn lwajrue, -Kith their per contr.Kos, number of gines wou unl lost by each iu the race for the pu Vftut, follows! Won. Loit. Per He. rrovldeu.ee 47 J7 X'.i r-crniitoii -1J 31 .S'-iU VilUy3-liarre.., u. .'! .5'i Erie- 10 m .M-l liuiTulo 43 41 Mi fyracu-jo 40 .r7 r-prinetioU bo 41 .-iol Xliughauitou.... S!2 .210 CFaitiGFIELC'S TAO V.CTGwii-S, ficrantoa Offered No Ob;iucl to l'haxn on Saturday. Springfield, Mam., Aua. 0. Sorau ton cllered uo obituola to rlufctluld in the two auits plays! h9rd yt::rday. The local mea had ou their lotting clothes and bit the bull fit will. Ouly soven innings of each guute wttre played but that wan quite uuuuu. Tho score: Firat game SPniNQ?IELD. h. tr, V.Q. A. E. Shannon, ss 3 i 3 0 Donnelly, 3b 1 3 0 2 2 I.ruch, lib 13 4 10 HdirMer, rf 0 1 0 0 0 liutteiius. cf 2 2 0 0 0 Kadsan, if 2 3 3 0 0 Lenhy, o 0 1 0 I 0 lireckiundge, lb 3 3 10 0 0 Gruber, p 3 1 0 4 0 Totals 13 17 13 11 2 SCKANTON. li. J I. P.O. A. E. Wetzel, 8. s 0 0 3 1 0 Johueton, L f. 0 0 4 0 1 Patchea, a 0 1 1 0 0 JIuBsey, lb 0 1 10 0 0 Cahill, r. f 0 0 0 0 0 Phelan, 2b 0 0 0 3 1 mtth, 3b 0 0 0 3 0 Vetlake, o. 1 0 0 1 0 0 Donovan, p 0 0 0 0 1 Totals. 0 3 18 7 3 Fpringfleld 4 0 S 0 0 8-12 fccrsuton 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 Earned rnns SprlnRlleld, 0; Forantou.0. First bass by errors SpiicjiiiuM, 2; b;rau tou, 2. First bane on ball Off Donovan, 3. Strnck out Dy Dcaovau, 1. Throe bse hits Sbedler, Bottenu. Two baKe Jiits Lynch, Leahy, iircckluiidn. Sncri f,co hits Sheiller, Lesljy. Doubln ply llasboy, nlooe, Hit by pitcher By tim ber. UopireSwartwood. Time of game -1.10. Second Game SPRINGFIELD. u. it. P.O. a. E. Fhannon, e 1 0 2 y Donnely. 8b 0 4 0 2 1 Lyiich, 2b 3 2 2 3 2 Fchefllor, rf 2 .3 3 1 0 Bottenus, cf. 1 0 3 0 0 Kudoau, If. 2 4 0 0 1 Omenra, c a 2 3 0 0 HreTkanrideo, lb 3 1-10 0 0 Jailer, p 0 3 0 2 0 Cougklia, p 1 1 0 0 0 Total 20 20 21 10 4 8CP.ANTON. H. n. I'O. A. E' Wetzel, i. R 0 0 0 3 1 JohuHton, 1. t 0 0 2 0 1 Patohen, o 1 14 0 1 JMuey, 1 b 118 8u Cahill, r. f 0 0 2 0 8 Donovan, r. f 0 0 0 0 0 i'hi'lftn, 2 b 1 3 8 1 1 Fmlth, 3 l 0 0 0 0 1 Westltki), o. f 0 0 8 0 0 Flnnnagan, p 0 1 0 2 0 Total 8 5 21 0 5 Spriugtluld 8 0 4 8 1 6 4-20 Ibcranton 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 S Enrned rana SpringCis!.!, 6; 5 crr.nton. 1. carton. FOOD IS 1 MATTEii OP CLIMATE Tho Esquimo chews blulibnr be cause lie witnta carbon wantj to keep warm. IIo has no tjso for starch a non-heating food In our climato sixty-six per cent of our food is starch. Starch is not easily digested. Johann llott's Malt Extract aidtt digestion and tho assimila tion of food, banishes sleepless ness, irritability and nervous ness. A delightful cooling Bum mer bevorago. Look for signature of , . "Johann llofP' on nock label. Al others are imitations. Eisner &"Mcndelson Co., Sole A-gents, New York. f7 tUl First ba by errors Sprlugduld, 1; Bcrau- ton, i. tirat Dao on Dulls U!i Mliitu', n; Flauaghao, 6. Struck out By Mllltr, 8; Haungan, 2. Homo runs Orueura. Tiireo base hin Doucelly, NaiUaa. Two b;iat hitf Doun.'lly, Lynch,- SchnOlor, Phelaa. Buoritkn blti Lynch, liott.uua. Stolon bm Lyucb, 2, Doubi plsyi Shannon Lyuoh and B'tckinrid-fe. lilt br I'itchor Lynch, ScheOlur, Iluttoum. Wild pitch Flauachau. Passed b ills Patchuu, 2. Um pire Swarttvood. Tlaie 1.30. MEEKIN KNOCKED OUT OF THE BOX. Xu&do Sleds Hia I'irit Appt:ar.c with Wtlki-Brre MniuorittW. BtFFAto, Au. 5 Buffalo won n othtr deoUire vloiory ornr 'Wilkes Pirraon butnnlny. Meekin, lat of t!, Truy ulub, was knocked out of the box and Black burn took bis plaoo. The uti.ru: WlLKES-UAllliE LUfTM.P. It. )!. . A.E.I H. II. I'.A K. Olllon 3 b 1 1 ;a 1 O.O'Hr'nUh. 2 4 20 rttiau'urb 0 1 S 2 llir'bylii. 1 S 7 I) 0 Lcci'rf. V 2 0 1 0Yirl I : ! 0 0 lotii!f.. U U 0 0 0 D .lv rf... 12 10 0 Vurnero 118 0 (ii!l,r,W;i!i.. 0 13 10 im.'n.'U). 0 1 5 (' ili.'lyVr if. 1 2X00 ivttim.. 0 0 4 0 iii owi.'.iM. i 2 y :i o M.-.'on u 0 1 1 1 liuvd c... 2 i! i 0 0 lllVrnp. 1 1 0 1 O Uui.jr 3 3 10 0 Mv'kiup. 00 0 0 0 Tumi rlVt.J .... 1: a 27 7 0 3 8 24 H ili Wllkiu-Darre 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 1-8 UiitTulo 0 7 4 0 0 3 0 0 T 14 fciinioj runs-Wilk'Vi-Hiirr.i. 2; linfl':it 3. First biiio on ijulN luf HimI.'Iii, 2; tl. lli.t.'k burn. 3. l.tt on Imhoh Wllkes-lturrn, 1: Ilnf fain, i. Flint bwu on l'u:n-(Ht liuJIVr, 1. Struck out -lly M Jctn, 1; II otter, II. lloii.o runs 1'rnuby, llo.l'.'r. Tiireo two JittN Ijo zotc '1 wo haw Ult- !!rown, ''Mrb n, 1'aly, Dowsj, lj,.y.l. 2; llotlor, 3. Doublo U y-iV.Mi.iM-ll t S!i ini.tiii tn I'.t ivvii: ; li;i if:i.i' to .MoMulu.ii to Jlrown Wild itt"hw--M". klu, 1. I'uk.'U bull nnior, 1; Diyl t. L'miiiro UicscUir, Itmo 1..1J. OWiiH EA3TEH4 UUIilill GAMES. At F.rlti- Erle 1 110 0 010 1-5 IlUiirbamtou ..0 OU01001 1-8 llita Ert, J: IilOKhHintoL. 3. Errors Erl., i: Hiii'h ui ton, 3. Patteriei Jtc Uuiuue3, ii 'vir ni 'l (Juw.iu; Duryeaund linfur. Uiuplie kitti'iok. At Provldaoco lVovUl-!ico....0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 il i.-yiHcu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Hits Providence, 4; Hyracuao, (i. F,rr.n- I lovhleiicu. 1; ,srause, 0. iiattorioi r'lKau a:id ficAulcy; Laruott unJ Ucsm. Uuipiro Snyder. fJATICtl.a HAGUE. IiaHlinoro, 11); Philnlolplil 12, Cii.diiUUU, ; CiJViluUU, a. Poitou, 11; 'Vail.ln,:r.ji!, 5. Chic-'CO. 10; L miavilli1, 4. New York, 10; Urnoklyu, 8. New York, 0, Un nklyu, H. Phtabur?, 11; St. Loujh, o. STAlt LEAGUE. Pbilp.dolph!a, 4; Uiirriibnrrr, 3, Laiicnsttr. 0; Allciitown, 7 (12 inn,1 Uoadm;:, 7; liu;:!otoii, 3. PotUviilj, 0; Sinnuxida-ib, 2. KESULTi D 1,4 A TIE. GphUeJ Oisao llntwuu Y. 0. l. aud Eurnll;3. A sinlrited gami of ba.ie bill was pi iyd oa Saturday between the Youu Men' CUiUUaa HStoulatiou and Eureka teams at tho buee bull park. It lasted for eleven ipnicjra and resulted lu u tie. Nolan pitchid for the YounK Men' CluUtimi (joolulloa and linw lor the Enrfkas. Th4 eoor: V. SI. C. A...1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 C- 6 Eurekas 0 200001110 00 SUNDAY GAMES. IN A GARRISON FINISH. The Blaoni Bait th Coal Hoaveri la Un cxpoted Mauaer. Buffalo. N. Y.', Au. 5. -The Coal Reavers tied the ecoro and forged ahead in the ninth this afternoon, and were three runs ahead when the Bisons came to bat. About 2,500 spectators nearly had heart disease when the Eiaoui secured four runs and wou the game after two men were out. It was a sIubbIuk, see-euw contest aud the lead changed several tima3. Score: WILUEiS-BAIinii I BUFFALO. li. n. o. A. K.l (. ii. o. A. I Gillen, 3b. .2 3 i liO'Brlcn. 2bJ 2 3 0 1 &I.UUOU, -oi i o I'Uruioy.lb.l 3 L-zatto, rf.f 8 0 Veiling If.. 1 1 4 1 0 4 0 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 hette. cf.,.8 2 I 1 OiDnlv. rf....l 4 W:irn r r S I 1 U J!ll ..1 0 lirowu, lb.1 0 i. r i i. t n , y ui - o o v ri ii in i 'j ii .i (. inn ". u i;. ewe-. H...i i A 1 M -M h'n. m' 1 II A ' ll..,.i.'.H. .'.i 3 0 I 1 4 0 Keouuu, t U 1 0-Vickury, ii.3 3 Total ..1W 2(1-10 71 Total. ...2-) 10 27 J 0 Two out wkuu wiMilnu ruu nm mailc. Wilk"K-Larro 2 8 II 0 0 1 S 0 6--IU liiu-'ido 3 3 7 1 0 0 1 1 -20 EaruuJ r.inu-Wllkos-IlRi-ro 4. lli.Culo3. I.,-u on iniuM -Wiikos- ld.nn 12, lluirUo 7. l'lii, htm oa bnlls fIT Ki-o.ihii 4, nil Vlcliurv 11. Struck otit-l'.y K". nun 2, Vict-jry i. lt.uiui rum-W.-w ti'T, SiciluLon, Lowe :. Thru Im.so bits O'iii-it-u, Coiiiut. Two bam kit-iutti, Wuruer, Ptltit. Dull-, irniulmrt. Viclo-ry. Hit by i.ltnlidr-l'.rowu, ill li-n. Wl d I'itrheH-Kuenan. I'an.-ioil Iwila Waruor 2. ITini Iro Domoher. Tiiuo 2;Od, At Providence ProvUlQiico. ..I 8000000 P 3 Syracuie....'..0 0 0 0 0 l 0 0 01 Hits rrovldrncti, 13; Syrncnso, G. Er rorv Providonc-f, N; Syrntoso, 2. li.xti.oi ij? hjlllvan anl aicAuk'V; Kiirov and Ho-a. Ui;r,;lro Simldon. At LonUville Loitiiviilo 1 0003000 1 S bt, Louis 0 10000 0 0 12 UitM-Loulf.vllle, 10; St. Loul. 7. Er rors LouLviilo. .2: St. Louie, 1. Liitt. r ies Wadswoi-U and Wouvit, Clarkjou aud Tv.-inehiira. Umpire Humt. At. Chictigo Chicuifo 1 10 0 0 0-8 Cincinnati o 0 0 1 0 0 1 llltu Chicr.go, S; Clnciaue.fi, 4. Errors Ciiicaijo, 2; Cinciimntl, 3. IVitterie-i Griillu ami Schrivert Dwyer anj Jliirphy. Umpire Mc2tiade. Game stopped by the In tuo grand ataud. CLIMT3 FflOid rH DIAMOND. What an unmerciful drubbing Spritir; fipltldid give us on iiaiiirday. It is stated that the bane bull patronB in Ponton dUlike Tucker nnd want him re UiiBnd. Scranton will moot the PrcvlJenco club nt the ball park toduy, tomorrow and Wedtiosdsy. A Boston diptch nays that Hudson has sig'iod with tho tei.m from thu Huh for ?2jQ a nioiiih and reported for duty on Kaurd'iy. West, Km A. to. ua pitcher nlKU-'d by Lost..n aomc tlmo ego, lnm been re'i-iwcd. The Reading club hm f'.lml n claim for PliortBt' p Wetzel, aud tiie Pi.u ideipma "Goltt" have claimed l'luh'T l'iiiniiulian, Third Biineiuan Westlnko, Firl lliitnin.-vi Slass-y Bin! Ii -ft, Pielibr Stall i, of the Scranton club. l'hiladclpbia Inquirer. The Hi-ubeiiA and tlie lini iinn'i-s played a liiiiim of ball ot Jan o Uoj'h rihui da Saturday, which reinUed in victory fir t'ie DrummHi's by a scorn of 10 to 6. The features of the game wcro the foot exer clscs .f both tcaniB and the luu tho um pire had. Charles Petty aud Mlthucl Sullivan, two of the pitchers of the Washington club, have been served with their tou dave' no. tico of release. Petty will go to Kaunas City. Cincinnati has put lu a claim for Sullivan. Young btockdale, after two months' nbnenceon account of illnoaj, bos reported for duty and will take his regu lar turn at pitching. The Farmers Bae Ball club, of Clark's Summit, defeated the Ramblorn.of Justus, at the latter place hist Matnrday, 7 to 6. Loder and Smith waa the Summit buttery, and Wheeler and StoDe, Justus. The boys from the Summit feol very proud of their victory, as It is the first time Justus has been defeated this Heason. C. II. Warden, of Scranton, was the umpire, and gave satisfaction to both sides. JlllljllfluSlJI Four Heats Necessary to Decide B.lweea Three Starters. AH EXCITING FREE -F2S-ALL The Cet Half-Milj Was Made by Nellie B in 1.12 1-2 Fanny Blair, Keeley and MoMa Wcro .Winners. L. T. Payne and John Frlt2 Wore Conspicuous Figures In tna Hitch, Harness and Drive Race. Sitiirday'fl trotting meeting ot the (icntlemen's Driviuif. club was charac-tOi-iz.-d by well contented iinisnes and ftut tiuw iu fao'u race. The tmuvl number of grand Htimd speotutorii wi-ro lu attend moo and t'je lield con t lined perhapa more tlnti its averajr- quota of upictators in traps of high and low decree. The tim- m.dd in eaoh race was ex oepilonully fast according to clnniliui tion uud ea-ah winner acy ur-t I firut p Hl'ion ouly by a contest. The best, ueais in the four events werj us follows ; 8.00 class, Coxey, 1.23 2.60 clam, Keoiey, l.lS.'ff. 2.4(1 clasi, Mullio, 1 l."i'i. J Freo-lor- nil, A'eliin 11, i.Vi-i. The result of tho iret-for-i-ll puts Jim Mean, Trllly Way aud Nellie B ou i:u tquul plaae rud if .i mU-h riJ between tae trio U arrsnguj for the uext uu-etiug, which will be hel l Fri ll. ly of this W'elc, it would attract ; laro crowd. Enoh nn-'mul had boat of admirers lu tue gluml uln'.d yau-r-riuy, an J nl; bnt t'ji- frloiil-J of Jliu tJcare hro sallntled ti:t tho test htuse failed to wiu. AN FSTUltTilSIKO NUVULtY. Uy way of viulty a hito'i, hartjuua ;ud drive iuc.-vai lvit and proved hu acceptable f -n.l 't divriulon ami imus'tnetit. IU eoTiditto iu of th rute provl-Jod that the drivers ahcu! 1 liaruvss thi-lr i'il'-.ial aud hitch theiu to lujKKles und drlii a hulf-u.lit.-, the lirst under t:i) Vira to be declared the winner. Snaps .ud luuchanioal cppliano3 Were barred. L, T. Pnyre wan first away and made '.be Jap iu ii 10 from tuo t'mu lie bcgAti to harnvca tnd before JoLn Fii'z had climbed into his li-'Ji)'. V. A. Summers was the coud to start, tint Bt'i,wd on the lirdt turn to faetou a Wft, and made the lap behind Dr. (J. E. lliil. Tho lattor's tnir were flapping about tha horses heel, and bo ows it to bis steed's Btrong pull on the rc-lus that the 1"D whs muuj iu safety. Dr. Charles Hill und John Frua were given second und tnird positions bccumio their harnesses were properly fast ened, Ths scheme of tho racing cociiaittoo to work oil tho four trotting events by hata fiat:: the liret to the last oa the card, with five minutes intermission, was a djcluod sncoeai, aud at C.BO o'clock tbo sport waa ended, Following are tho eummnrUa: BUMMABIES C'F IlACliS. First race. 3 00 claas- Fanny Blair, b. m., G. 3S. Sholly...l 5 1 Coiey, g. W. G. i'srk 8 1 5 Fruiii H., br.g., F. C. liazzard 2 9 2 Harou Lais, br.m., Walter ilermyn.. 5 3 3 V.'illihiu, b.g., Trunk Men iUeld 4 4 4 Tine, Viiyi, 1.22, l.',0. Focond race, 2.S0cla-s Keeley, b.g., G. M. Hallstead 1 1 Duke, bl,g , L. T. Payne 2 2 Jack, b.g.. Dr. Charles Hill 8 8 Time, I.lMJtf. 1.19, Keeley driveu by Waltor Jormyn, Third race, 2.40 claim Mollle, b. m., Ambrose Spencc-r 1 1 Juux, b. g., Dr. Charles Hill a 2 Nut, b. Hi., 3. L. Crawford 2 S Magnolia, bl. ra., Dr. J. L. Weutz 4 3 Fanner Boy, b. g., L. Patersou 0 4 Time, UOtf, 1.17. aiollio driven by W. Jormyn, Jack by Dr. G. E. Hid, Xet by James alears. Feurth race, freo for all Jim UeuiD, g. g., Dr. Charles llul 1 3 1 8 3 Trilly Way, b. m., W. U. Gear- h-irt 2 1 Nellie 13, b. m., L. Patleriou 3 3 1 2 'imio, l.l;i, l.Vi, l.il. If Frank H. wtrs not ao bad a break er he might have won clthorcf the two last beat of ths Cut raoe. lie had his Srtld well to the rear when hu went iuto the ulrou the buck siratuh iu the secoud heut and had F.inuy Blair two leuKths to the bad in the etretou in the last heat wbeu he again was thrown frr-m his stride. Keeley s wiu was attended by lss ef fort thm any of the events Duke and Jack wad s henrt breuklng fiulshfir f.'cona position during tue last houl and hd the g.ud stand ou t.ptue wbuu tho form-.T got the plac j by an eyelash. Net gave llyllle a decided vbblleuge duiing all oi t.'.o l.it quarUr of the ftnstu'af, but w is UiiA'eu il a abort dlstancs from the tiul'i, where jlol'.le won by s nock. Jack was the iupyr tnnt factor in the second host and uiljbt bjve besu on veti termj with iollh at the wire had he uol. brvktn a 'ioZ 'ii leugtha av,y. JIM MRAH-V IIAP.I) WIN. Ti.o fir t hat of the fice-for-ail to Jim Minrj ty thiee opn iiml,hs but l ucli of the folio wlug heats wervt ooie wuu by tii.Uiil.ig co:it-iit. Tnlly SV uy was secmd in the stretch in the second bout and hualir wiu fiolu Jim Mens by a nck The nine horsjs were having it out in the uf.ie position iu the third heat when Ntdll li same down on the outnlde aud won by a scaut luarglu. Jim Mean and iVllie B esme neck and neck dowa fi streieb lu the last heat with Trllly VV Un tt-a three lengths away, Both u the leaders wore nn-t-T 1 lr.iUhiiimil at ttu wir-i Woeiu Jim r.ei.rs won by a shuri head. blutherxt Jkotbril ':otltTn!ll rs. V ititl'iiv'e Sootiitn( Syrun ha li 'i nerd for over llfty y.-are by miliiiin f u.ie here tor tueir oaililiiij v.-bUe kon.inni,. tvitii I'.'irfi'ot ho-j.;.-! I. e'jo'h'it th-j t,..i.vl tt'ftelis tl; t,"T.;,e. all' wb'd colic, d'i-1 Ii l! 1." r.rrlm. Hi'-l brdiujj t re-iiily for d! ( I tin- world. Be ur aud iuk Wliiu:ow' SuoUi'.mi? Sm"iii," and 'il'," and fikii no noeiliei- kind. Tw:ity-live ct-nUi a I '-t- tie. 1-Cl. A rolToK'.-t NtTlCK - THK UNDiUt Jx b irno-l. an a-idimr aprolnt-d liy tbo Or phan s Court ot t aeitawhon.i county to pts ujicu oiceii.-'iou- I'd" i t.i ac :ouut ut und to d s-ti-lbnto fund hi tlio humle uf li ries Oardmir, executor "f th but HI of H- m y (.'huso, 'lo coasml, bnroi y nl . en nolle that hs will ut end to attcuu t ' th" du ie - of In appo irmoot at tlu "Utiie, No tiOS spruco street, cn.ulo:i,l'a., on JViday, th . K th Uay of August. A. U. 1MU, nt Ida. m , nt wb ci tbu. find pln aU orsom bavlnir c'altns against tbo seld onuto must trjsent tiieni or l-e forever therjiittur du arred from coning lam: atu fund. DAVjl) W. 1IKUWN, Auditor, I" jTATtTOP "THOji A3 MCiXBX,"i.AT2 j ot tlm city of Scranton, couuty of I.ack.i wauna, Htate of 1'eiiiinyluaiila, deccam-d. Luttore tcstamouiaiy upon thj abuyu named estate having ben granted to the undersigned, nil persons having claims or demands aialnst tbo said estato will preseut tb m tor payment aud those indebted thereto shall please make immediate payment to THUS. J. MULLEN, Executor. Jkssui'S& Hamu, Attorneys. A Word. V.?j of rt Mnd oenf Oof mtieN m mat Situation Wanted,whUh art inurl Afuntu Wanted. UANTED IMMEDIATELY AN EXPB- ru-ucod iaitalluieat colloetor; mutt oe a hustler ami Btri :tly tn-iiporiito; iut,'l ""a lirclorrcd; it'itu expuriouco. Aildruas E.O.H., cave of i riliunc. ( ( EN'LH AL AUliKTS W ANTED SELIj VI lag now urticled to d.al.r.i: .-xctiiHive ti'rrltorv, no comootitli'ii, nocurltul mjuirod; tW lo pur rant, profit. Oilumbla (.'bouit cpl Co.. Ill1 1 i.Rrli..vii i . Q'lte-'e". 111. ,Hclp WantedMale. WTANTLD - OOOi). ACTIVE . YOUNU V nia:i t.. put light aim? roilnou buildtngs, mm wli-. bus ha I o.-ci.,)rli!'ic-J. Api'ly to V. l, i)i-,.'vr.'T t ... . ,1. ...... ah iivLjij, i.ariicinor iiwuw. 7AN I E!i-1W; OH THHEH TEAM t utom; must uuderstsnd taking care of and driving liorsim; exiKicted to write a fair tistiil: tiiuitwrnte. niarrloil man pro I' l-rml. luijuiro 112J Liiuioud .ivuuuo, Scrun ton Call 7 to U ru. H. H. HEWKTT & SON. Helo Wanted Female. WANirELmTtL'''r.it (1SNEKAL .iou-..-oiit. Ii.ipih-e at 30J Wash'i.gtuo ivciiuo l et .voo-i uuiir of 1 and 5 p.m.. Sutur-d- v.' Ipecinl Notice. iuf" ann'Tal 'iTiciTriNu ov thu A : tof'kliQ'.' i-iu il Scranton (Mass ('o. for tie) (.l-n-.l ion o: diriic: ir.-i and otLor bUHini.M "ill Im lielii ut tl.j ot'J'.-e. .11 Lai-kiiwauna nun, on S.it.tnUy Aci,'i:-- nt 2 p.m. (.'. Ui.NWuoU, rtocrctary. Thearnnal n,ooti:u o( stookboliluru lu the i ! i o.-ii liiJ otor-.i Ci-tr.pauv, LtiUiluit.wlU bo held iin..iodi.-iti-ly at cl an of ubi.ve im i-li. j J. il. ri l . l.ljl.. ri-criiiiu y. rpo WHOM IT 1! A V ( OSCl-UW-t WILL I doll at t!u Ai-bttMtivn ko-iu, oiirt I lio isn, tici-untun, l1.. on Saturday, Amf utit 11, i vi, at IUa.m.. i-iwl nrit morwtgo uoaun oi too Urjuorv bilk Jluiitifii'-tiirlnst coiiipaiiv. JOHN A. .Id Li A US. Voij vi aht ffi,FEi.icQrKi,it iTTr 1 Fr.iuk Loullo'1 llluntr.-ai.id Wokly Wr I)li.Tiur:'iuS lMI-likl"i. Two VotumtM loll.i, H i. V.'; payable i.uiiitbly, .f.'.OO. I'iiI vor.'d by expri-ss roiupli'lo, jir!:pald. Aild;-is I'. O. iti.'ODY, Ul UlUou litroi t, bcraatiin, 1'iw 1 LAN K "BinjKsT VAJfl'fi t.lh A MAO A I kiUuh, utc, bound or re'.-otii.il at Tun limieMs oliito. yuiek work. Ueaonublj (rici-.i. IEAI, Tli'KKrH CAN l'.S LAI AT Ml, lVi corner Hpruco ,r;l mid l'ra'iidiu uvo-mil.-. Twenty in al tieltiU for t-W. Wood ti.olu board. Fcr Runt ,10H KKNT ONK-HALK STOLIS. 120 J'ouu avenU'jBao jiui- inontu. ,''onitENT-NlCKLY.Fi;U..ISHEUllALL J iiuHable fur lodge rooms. J0U1 Jtili MVI, 110 Wyoiuiu iivii'iit'. ken ti.tKto. L;CltA.TuN 11F.AL ESI ATE AJSU ilN O VESTMKXT AUE1CY. ofli-rs bai-eain-i a" follows: l'1'F V M'SINISI PKOIERTY. 10 ft. front iy Vi ft. do-jp, ou bpruoo Htiiii-t, re i.-i !if ;oo 5'lO.Oi 0 to ft. flout by M foot doe;), outfpruee Btre'.-t. comer alloy 1 ii, ; "rf J Th-o t U"t!i"r rivo H ft. front on Scrui e etroct between Ponu and Franklin, with alley 011 alio. Spruce struvt pruiwty Is talrauuiog rapidiy. CITY HKSIljK.yCH I'KOP'-UTY. COitN-iK MuNK'iK A 'ill YLN'ia etreeto. lot tt-clo, t,wnd.vi-llliK-c, Io.'jOO. f.viu,',' n ult-e ri-ciili-uco and uu iuc-uu for mulliuvontuiout; ALSO A PLOT OF 3 LOTfci, gi ,-lin; ISO ft. front on Moiiroa avenue, near Vino mrout. TTuno make a lirt-t-lMa ri Jenco plot In a dchlrablo locality. If not sold iu uuo plot will Bull ubove separately. WKaT SIDE. Lot 601-1S0. Houth Main avonuo, adjoining renidotiee of Binlih B. Mott, price, S2,iu0; alaa lots on Lock street and Weait Bud pluce. Only lour left. COUNTRY PROPERTY, A BRAUTIFUL IIOUE AT LAL TON, PA., modern bouie, eprlui water piped into It from bill back, barn tor three huriio aud two cows, bounery with cemented lloor, youun fruit, fine lawn, grand outlook; ono aud a half to tbreo acre, as desired, 85,000. Alko lots of about same elzo ou Western Blupo, Dulton. Call or addross BMITH B. MOTT, Manager, No. 411 Lack, ave. roar board trade. Horata at Auction. HOUSE AT AUCTION-AT CUSICK'S str.blo. Scmnti'S, Friday ef(oriioou, An r. 10, ut I o'clock. Larg- workers uud good driv ers. Evory horse guarautued a represotited. W. P. SUM Kl-:. Strayed, ,lHiAYlllTT:o"rY A UiCD D row. Owner can havj sauin by paying for this auvurtiscme-1 and datuusoi. II ,t. SI'ItUKS. "27 Pronp-et Ave. Lcwt. T OST-LEFX IN UELAW ABB A.NL 11L1J Ji h - ii tram In l.Vrboudale, July 30, lady's i luili jav.Let. FiiiJer will plyaee write or re t i a tlio article 1 1 llov. J. M. Lewis, (.truce h'Cioiv, Hone ilaio, aud receive reward. f-tcliilec' Nolle). A HCBIT! CIS' NOVICE -COlll'ETITIVB J plane and Kvec-ltlciitli'iis are bivlt A tor a e'tv buitulitir to lw uol for fire ib-pui tiu':ti liuiiso nun pollc'i patrol 'tatlon- A prnnpeotui ot the liulldii g niav bo e n at tho olHco of the city clerk, at wlr.ch titflc the sa'.il p'sns and i rn'-ilicaiious are to be submitted on or before Wertni-sday, AUKUat K2, hl4. By ordur ot city ClUMCily. 11. T. T.AVELLE, CityClo-k. c!-ni,ton. Pi . .IuIt 24. l'.i). Public ''piiL rNDKKSlGNEl) WILL bELI.AT 1 public .ala on loudav, Ausuen IS, Wi, at id o cioi-K ii. ui at im unTu--'. 404 Laekuwaniia HV-'inu-, .I'lci'U i li.i juacei of lli-j cail;.il Muck of the -cia.itou Lace Ourtaiu company, lied ii-i collateral s -curltv ouau ovc-(luo no'e. Till. l,-U'iA'.VA .N.-V TRUiiT A Nil SAFE li I'nHIT Oo. .1'llv 2tl. Kl4. Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY M-DDLK- I.T ouud woman as hoi.s -ko per or could take i ai e of Invalid E 0 . 1 ribune ollico. L.'TL'A'lIii W WANT21V-BY A YOUNU l.dy s-ivliu' by tho d.;v ) tliu Uav aa ui'tssiuakor iddrusa, II. T. N. iib.I nun. rwcav. ; K i' ' V p t E ! I l l hi .H L v t,J w A tVJ a. To thai. b autoouit aud romantic sjiot, Mountain Pail -CN- , . Monday, Aug.13 It will be the great event; one of the finest gatherings ot the season. Take the family along. Refreshments sup plied on tho grounds. fyTralns leave Jersey Central 'de pot at 8, 6,ao, 0 and 41.80 a.m.. 2 and 8.30 p.m. CrKemembor, tickets are not good ou "The riyor," 12.00 p.m. mi Lad luslin Skirts, h id Special 1 SKIRTS FROM 60 0ENT3 TO $4.00 GOWNS FROM 50 CENTS TO 4.25 COVERS PROM 25 C3NT3 TO 1.50 None but the bent materials used. Superb workmanship. Lat est novelties, Correct shapes. OOHBLLY i AreNOVv- ISWIKBSNs. - ' Made aud Sold mmPmB VERY CHliAP by sSSBBWml The Scranton Bedding Company, Lacka. JT muL mil mi "Eco our FIFTEBaT DOLLAB Solid Ok Ledrcoin Hett We boil Varatturo is olioa-,) M any lioase lu tho country that iu U udn to give honosy valuo for tio Liouey. Try ua. mil Co. 1C5 uuD ! in? r3-iW w P-Sa'-F r?i!?C,8S'rJJtS "'wKV681i3ii. L Jzzi t-i J Lfrai'i.ljai5'5i.J fcrfot;3 S SilifeiW 4 a,u.cll.rf..l.or,.iU Iff i'rCl eases- luobatWeak tlenmrf, Losiof Eiatn Power, rmaujclie. WukntulaoM, fi f 1 Tl IomJJaabooit.r-iit.tly Kail.-Dli.ns: :,er..-u:oehi.alUralusBi.d!ciipl ljosr V wJi H J lata--ai'eCjnefUliei-si'ieaiii!di.yovererertJo0.jotabl i!...fS. ..a I W t it V ,k l Q ll-i3 OI I'' cute A .-r'-'5'Hi"t'i-n-riljunUT. c'snlienrrletilii fcyJiIri-t;r icail r.r.;;i'd J. WltU n IS -irder wo l si;i9'f"firr'w,reftiiilllieioi.-y. Or. ulnt free. !i v-w -Vr " oi1 reiima iiie money . For Sale In Scranton, Pa., by II. C. SA.NDERSON, Drolst, c. Waahlngtou and SorucB streets. trnnvni p is cT". Jl."l nr.. . H D IlO int. ror . MSwrsr'B FSllBxSOsAJj MMa nuu tsiu ; otner. iTtiocd for cUcGdux. rrlco tl.O per ooxe " ior e j.uij, I4. MOTTH CHEailCX. CO, Clcvelaad, Ohio, For Rale byC. M. HAKRIS, Druirnl.t, EVERY J f'4iyl! 'CX LlomcVoies reeds a i elUtlo, mo purest uregs Or. IPeai'o mi As: They are prompt, safe and certain In Tiwult. The penalne (I)r, Peal's) never tlssp nolnt. fclont any wloire, 61.00, Addicu PBAiltacicwu Ce,, tToreland, O, For sale by JCH.M H. PrlElCS, Spvuce Struct, Scranton, Pa. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CQ ECKANTOX AND WILKE8-EARRE, PA.. MANUFACTUKLU3 Ot Locomotives and Stationary Engines, Biers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General OlSoe, SCliANTON. PA. i P C i : ST333 t3.!!j;3:ir:;3:si;L;k:;3::iii3Dii:.;2.;L:::M There is no smell of smoke sale and will lust twenty-oaa d .yj loujr. la th.it titni wi dine dupuj of our sto )k of Olotuiu? and Oonts' Furnishings by order of tho lusnriiiico coinpnnios, who have already given out tho contract to repaif our store, which was dam ied Saturday night, Juno 10, by the explosion and firo in tho building of our neighbors, Messrs. D ivirs & Griifla. Clotiilag Sold ai 33 Coitj oa (lis D)llar Less Than Cost to Make. DON'T DELAY. COM S i AT ONCE. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. AN ACTUAL EAVI&a QV 67 C2ITT3 ON THS DOLLAR. Wo only nvjtitioti a f-v.v btrg.utii; 41 othor sold at cquitlly aslonishlnjj low prices. BOYS' PA3T5, 13c. Is EN'S PAh'TS, 5Cfl. BOYS' SUITS, 65a 1v,o f,.rC5 Cents. Never Wy. Biuyle and Double-broasted. Man's Suits, for'y sold for Moil's Suit3, for'y sold for 'Furnishing Goods and This is NOT a Permanent Fira Sale. It will last HIS bELL BIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. tsTTNEXI DOOU XO THK BURNED DA VIES & GRIFFIN BLILIUNO. Underwear, Sowns and - Summer Sale WflLLME 209 1. V Tl Bf3 iKicia.BG m. C'snlienrrledlii vent pociiot. tut perbox. O tur A. ve a n i t.u aucrttntee (w ouri .ir. unu iri-i. i-nw uy uu u. u. r ever cSarod to Ladloa, especially rsoommead. 71 ed to married Ladies. 1S7 I'enn Avenue. monthly, reirnlaUng medlclns. Onir ksnaltsa and enouia M used, u ; you want tho beat, get PeiisatfQjjafi FSSiis Pharmaoiat, cor. Wyoming Avenue and f Our Stock O rrn tap.. K y water, or lire about them, and tUey uro now mum m $10, now $175 $10, now 8.23 all good3 that aro damagad at your own price CLOTHING HOUSE "HeTTlli " ' l v Cor WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Houso. Dr. E. Grewer The rhtlnft'-lphls fipectollsLand h's nssoclatej staff of Enijllnh nnd Cterman phyo'einns, are now permanently located r,t 811 SPnuCK ST., SCR ANTON. Tho doctor isauraduatoof the Unlvorsity of Pennsylvania, fori, orlv domocstrnti-rof physi ology and surt'ery at "the ilcdico-Cblrurijicul toilore rf Phlladelrihia. A specialty of f bronlo, Nervous, fckin, Heart, Womb and L'lood diseases. EISEASES OF THS JiEEYODS SYSTEM The symptoms of which aro dlzzinoss, lark: of Confluence, ai su:il weakness in men end wo. man. ball rising iu tbo throat, spots floating before tho eyes, lota of memory, unable to con centrate tbe mind on one subjaot, easily startled when suddenly spnkon to, aud dull, distressed mind, which uuttts them for pur. formiutf the actual duties of life, making hap piness impossible; distresHirig the action of the beart, causing flush of beat, depression of spirits, evil foMbodiuirs, cowardice, fear, creams, melancholy, tiro easy of company, feeling as tired lu tbe morning as wb-n retir ing, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, oonfuslou of thought, deprcsnlnu.constlp'itiou. weakness of the llpihs, etc Thoso so affected should consult us'immedlaU-ly and be restor ed to perfoct boalth. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, Weakness of Young Men Cured, If you have been glvon up by your physician Call upon tbe doctor and be examined, lie cures tho worst cases of NorvousDobiUty.Scroi fula.Old S'ires.CatarrhPlles.Female Weakuoss, Abeotinns of tho Eyo, liar, Noso aud Throat, Aetbma, Deafness, Tumors. Cancers and Criy pl--.es of every description . Consultations ft-eo aud strictly sncrcd and coiitiili-iiti.il. otlic.i hours dally from 9 a. m. toll p.m. Bunday9tofc THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE BOOKBINDING DEPT. has ezoollcnt facilities to do Its work, and cao please the mct fastidious. aNVTHINQ IN THE USE Of ROOtlOINDINe. eq 'tally aa good as bofora. set Covers i iw On ' -f ,i-vo. t x; v amaged Man's Pants, sold for $5, now $2.00 Boys' 3uit3, Sold for $3.25, now 1.35 only 21 days longar. it