LIVE BUSINESS MEN Don't tie up with down-at-the -heel newspapers. TIIEY PURCHASE PUBLICITY in journals that are on the up ward jump. EIGHT PAGES-56 COLUMjy fcCR ANTON. FA., MONDAY MOENINQ. AUGUST G. 1S04. ' TWO CENTS A COrY. thmtoWehas o t h e rm or n in g paper 5i DEBATE MAY BE Indications TLat Much More Talk Will Be Heard on Tariff Bill. LOUISIANA POSSESSES TOE KEY Senators from That State Who Are Opposed to the Sugar Schedule Likely to Make Trouble Republi cans Will Indulge In Fillibustering, It Is Prophesied Conservative Dem ocrats Condemn the Deadlock Un easiness Among House Democrats. Washington, D, C. Aug. 5. THE present work will probably seal the fate of the tariff hill. 'The Democratic inrabrs of tha conference committee met in tin informal way today and again went over th-s Mil. ugreeiug here und thereto ten tative changes in the hope that they conlj hasten a conelu-iion. Tue sen atorial contingent of the conference Weie unable to assure their colleaKties of the house that the new sujf'r schedule would be acceptable to the senate and secure the forty-three votes nececsary. The discussion In confer y ence toJBy, however, indicated that all partien recognized the necessity of making nn early report of some kind. The senate conferees decline to iudi- citte what the nature of that report will be, but one of th- in stated posi tlvely that there would Ira a conclusion reached not later than Wednesday nnd possibly by Monday. II inade the statement that there could be no compromise on coil and iron, and if the houne conferee) insisted upoa the bouse bill on th-. se items there would - oon be a disagreeing report The bouse men still demand some conces sion on tht-ie items. The parliamentary status of the bill is Kiviug its managers some uneasi ness. The bill in not in the possession of the senate. The house can take no aetion on the meaeure until after the 6ennte has acted and it is the possible result in the senate that causes the un eaxini ss that has been m mi ft at. Suae conservative Democrats in the hous who Dave here: of ore upheld the house bill are now condemning the deadlock. Could these men get a chance to vote on the bill it is bebieved tboy would override the conferees and haston the end of the Btruifgle. DEBATE MAY BE RENEWED. Whttt'-Tfr-Tniybtr -fhir "ronclu9lon reached by the conferees, the report muet first go to the senate and the tariff bill cannot be acted upon in the - house until that body bus before it the original bill aud the conference papers. How lono; it will take thru docuuieuts to get back to the house after the nut ter is aaiii opened iu the senate no political nugur can forutell. A disagreeing or an agreeing report is hound to renew the whole field of debate. The woolen, metal and cotton schedules are said to be as difficult of solution as the other three schedules around which so mnch polit ical Importance clings, Mr, Smith and Mr. Murphy have resisted from the iirat any serious encroachment npon the woolen and cotton scheduler, while, it is said, the retention of the iron and . metal schedule intact is the price of the silence of certain Repub licans who, should these be re duced, will at once resume dilatory tactics and insist ripon talking the con ference report to dvath. The situation iri the committee of conference may be summed up. The home insists upon some material concession on coal and iron ore; the senate refuses absolutely to tive mora thHti reciprocity on coal. Mr. Gorman will not listen to any proposition look ing to a graduated duty on these raw materials, or that the duty be left us is is with the proviso that it shall ex-pin- in three years and iron ore and bo then tranaferrel to the free list. The bonse conferees will agree to the sugar schedule recently mad public, ou the one-fifth b,.sU and the sugar senators, so called, have ac cepted it. LOUISIANA HOLDS THE KEY. Louisiana senators and Messrs. Allen and Kyle will not support it, and these four vot.s, togetber with those of Mr. Hill and probably Mr. Irby, would de feat the bill. With the sugar schedule ns it is now the senate was able to pass the bill only by a very small margin, and that too as it is claimed, in tha ha lief on the part of Louisiana senators ttiat the bounty was to be given them in conference. This bounty having . been refused it is problematical if tha Democrats could get the bill tbrongh again, if not it will be chunked. The managers on the part of the senate recognize that the deilemma in which they hud thmlvs and naturally drew the oontest that must come. In addition to this it was understood yesterday that at least fifteen Itepubli cans bad bound themselves by a tacit agrei men t that when the conference report again came into the senate they would use every means in their power to prevent the bill from ever Betting off the vice-president a table. This, of bUUlDDUJOUUfl UiUlB ill 1 UUtUOring. NEEDED IN PITTSBURG. A Good Government Ltague Has Ben Formed In Allegheny City. j Pittsburg, Aug. 5 An organization Known as the Good Government league lias been formed in Allegheny Cilv. The ol joct of the order is to rid that city of honses of ill repute, gambling nouses aim wiping out tne corruption said to exist in municipal affairs. The league is composed of prominent Allegheny cltiz-n. MINERS WILL WORK. ' Illinois Workman Agree to Aoctpt the Columbia age Soale. SrniNa Valley, 111., Aug. 5. The is of t liia city. La Salle, Fern, Jones, Seatonville, Ladd mi e, to the number of auflt id a mass meeting near f lis rday and witb the exception RENEWED of 200 La Salle miliars, who kv signed contrasts to return to work tomorrow at Columbia tomorrow, all voted in favor of prolonging the strike begun last May. The strikers also decided to march to La Sallo tomorrow morning aud hold a peaceable meeting for the pur pose of inducing the. La Salle men not to work. SCARED THE ROBBER. Forger Eak.r Hade Nervous by an As semblage of Bight-Ueer. Eellaike, Md,, Aug. 5. Horooe D. Baker, alias George P. Page, forger md bnk r.'bber, was safely ltm ied in Harvard county jail last night, having left Bridgeton, N. J., ut uoon. 1I was met at the jll by a large crowd of town's country people, who had heard of bis coming, and assembled to get a view of him. He was evidently badly friehteued at the demonstration aud quickly run into the jjil as soon as he lauded from the carriage in which he had ridden from Van Bittor. As soon as Sheriff Hughes closed the door behind him be gave a sigh of relief. MISllULEi) KANSAS. Affairs in the Populist Hotbed as Viewed by an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Topeka, Kan.,Auz. 5 The RepulH eta state central committee nan sprung the political sensation of the campaign. It is a letter written by Associate Jus tice St-phen H. Allen, of the supreme court to Lieuteuant Governor Percy Daniels, bearlug date of May ID, just bhfore the Ponulist State convention. Tho letter sayt: Itsetmsto be Generally conceded that the drift of santimnt is all in favor of the re-nomination of Govornor Lewelling and that of the other state ofliaers. You know there has beau much talk about the ad ministration of affairs in the largwr cities. Within tiie past few days I have lenr.ied. not from the enemies but from tho fr.etxls of tho administration, of circumstances showing that tho administration of affairs in some if not all cities of the first class is thoroughly corrupt, and that to the knowledge at least ot the governor I have also been told of circumstances which tended very strougly to indicate that tuis condi tion of affairs meets with his (auction. I cannot by lo;t-r undertake to put to gether the variuus things that I have learned without going out of my way to do so, nor do I wish at present to name my authorities. In fact, I vury much prefer cot to place myself in the attitude of tho accuser of anyb idy. and what I wish to suggest to you, and wish all people could know, is that very serious charges are now made and that during the campaigu we Bhall unquestionably have them to lace. It is an open secret that the prohibitory law has not bviL enforced in the Urger cities. You know I am not, to draw it mildly, a Pro hibition crank, yet it is very easy for me to see how readily corrupt practices be come associated with systematic disre gard aud violation of law. Our opponents in the campaign can start out with the clear aud admitted propo sition that the prohibitory law has beeu generally disregarded in the lur.'or citios. 1 tear also that they can easily show sys tematic Doodling by the police dopartmont meuts. liow much evidence will tUen bo requlrsd to couviuce thoxa of our people wuo are specially iutarested in the enforce meut of the prohibitory liw that this ad ministration u directly connected with all these practice-'. Jlost of ull, X dread pos sible developments showing, direct connec tion of tne executive otacers with theso matters. We have all te defend that we can possibly carry without having to meet charges of corruption. The letter was written on the su preme court letter head and the signa ture was compared with that of Jus tice Allen on other documents and found to be identical. Justice Allen is out of the state on a vacation. Chair man Breideothal doolines to talk. The Republican committee will hava the letter lithographed and scattered broad cast over the state. TICKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Tuberculosis prevails among cattle in the vicinity of Vaucouver. The alleged Asiatio cholera at Osville, 111., proves to bs cholera morbus. The black skin of an Evunsville, (Ind.), negro, aged 45, is graduallp turning white. After a four-months' strike, Streator, (111.), miners accepted the Columbus wage scale. ' To lessen production the Cordage Trust locuea out ouu workmen in Tucker s inin, Brooklyn. Many Russians in a North TopekaiKau.) colony will return home on accouut of bard times. In a blaze that lollowed a freight wrocl nerr Uucyrue, O.,four colored tramps were ourneu to death.-. Setting fire to his cell, Bell Tequancy, an Indian priouer at Koslyn, Wash., was burned to a crisp. In a quarrel with his wife.HenrvDahine. a Chicago wood carver, shut her dead and then ki lieu muiscir, A company todistiibute spirits in com petition wun tne w funky trust baa been organized at JNew York. In searching the ruins of Detroit's hi in ber Are, the body of Edward Beyers, a missing sawyer, wns aiscoverea. While drunk John Mlchaols. of Indian npolis, Ind., shot John Humphreys, a boy, at play, causing a ueam wound. Arrested for atealing Southern excress packages, C. V. Trenholm, a Jacksonville (r la.) messenger, coniessed ins guilt. A new labor federation on the Missouri Pacific will unite engineers, firemen, train men, switchmen and telegraphers. The eneacement of Miss Susie Whittier. an American girl without fortune, and Prince Beltozelski, of Russia, interests Newport, Tho body of ex-Connty Troasurer Neff. of Lakota City, Neb., has been found in Cry-tad lake, and there are suspicions of i oiu piay. Suit to cancel a patent covering 23,000 acres of Michigan has been bogun by tho government against the Indinna Railroad company. Admijal Meade hoisted bis flag on the ciuinir New York at Brooklyn Navy yard, assuming command of the North Atlantic squadron. On charges of cheating two Chicago brokers oat of $1,700 by a wire-tapping scheme, W. K. Metcalf and W. H. MoNutt were lodged in jail. The low rates of steerage passengers in Europe by the steamers from New York city have been wiped out. An increase of a was ordered yesterday. Hamilton De V-re has begun suit at New York for absolute divorce from bU wife, Blanche Pauline De Vere, for alleged AT ultnl BILL GAME The Grand Sland Consum.'d During a Chicago Ball Contest. HEKED IN BY WIRE EETTISG During tho Seventh Inning nt the Base Ball Game, Fire Is Discovered In a Portion of the Grand Stand. Hundreds of Spectators Rush to the Spot and Aro Suddenly Sur rounded by Flames Many Injured by Trying to Break the Wiro Fence. Chicago, Aug, 5. TIME was called in the seventh inning of the Chicago-Cincinnati base ball game this after noon at the West Side park by th" cry of tire, followed by scanes never before wituessed at a sporting evant in this city. Curiosity to see tho tire led more that 1,000 spectators to rush into danger and in their frantic efforts to extricate themselves from their peril ous positions they became pauic atrickun. Tbey found themselves hemmed in by tire on one side and u high barbed wire fence ou the other, erected to kep the people from encroaching on the iiuniotid. iho exits were few and small, and although otliar means of escaps wore provided by the quick action of players Ryan and Wilmot of the looal team, and President Hart, the imperiled and fear crazed crowd backed ugaiust the barbed wire fencing. Their mad null to get awav from the advancing 11 ms resulted iu the injury of scores. Anson was showing the visitiors how to hit the hull in tho seventh iutilug when a red light begtin to flash and rise along the side stand, where the 5i). cout spectators sit. There were 1. 000 ot thorn in the seats and U.UUil wit nessod the game altogether. A ltUSH AND PANIC. The breaking out of the fire caused a general rush of the people in that part of the grounds to the top of the stand to look at the tl lines. In a tew min utes they realized the danger of their position and broke for the nar row exits, which had already filled with smoke. The spectators who were in tin grand stand and on the bleachers were at a safe distance from the fire and got away into the field without any mishap. The woodwork of the stand ubd the piles of paper ami other rubbish thrown around provided fuel for the llames, which gained on the imprisoned men aud women before they knew it. All was confusion in nn instant among ;the occupants of the flaming woodau structure. Women ecre m"d in their fright aud men got jamm d against the sharp fences. The exits might us well not have been thjre. Hand, facts, limbs and clothing were cut and torn by the scrambling mass of humanity in trying to force a pus- sage tliroiicn the wire strand or over them. The fence would not give way, but Ryan and Wiiinot made a gap in it by using their bats like blnckt-miths. lluu u-'ils escaped that way. Five minutes after the last spectator had got out of reach of tho fl ttues every seat was being consumed. Iho grounds will be used tomorrow by fencing off the burned portion. The property of the olub was dam aged Silo. 000 before the fire department extingtlisued the flitnes. A cigar stub thrown among mutual) started the tire. HEADY FOlt CAMP Preparations Completed for the National G'la-d Event at Q-ttysburir. TTaT!1iis1U!I!(1 All;' fi (irmlimllv prm-tratious are ttetug completed for XT..I 1 1 l. ititi xxauuuai liu'ua eucaiapiugiib ut Gettysburg. Contracts for supplies Iiuvn hevn awnrdnl as follows- Oils Montgomery & Co., Harrioburg; beef aim nm, uru;yc co rnuuaeipnia i.rnrriw4. HurriHliiirr? Produce p.ntn. puny; vegetables, J. II. Hirsh, Gottya imrg; bay and straw, J. E. Baird 4ttUir'j- It is n w deuuitoly settled that two or three troopof cavalry and a battery of light artillery, United States army, will tak part in the National Guard of Pennsylvania encumpment at Gettysburg. Adjutant Geueral Greeu "laud is now in coirespondouce with tb war department regarding transpor tation. STRIKE IS OVEK. Officially Ctolaied Off at PhUburg DHner' Convention. PliiLLil'PBUKG, Pa., Aug, 5 The long strike is over. Late last night the iuinrs' convention voted to declare the strike ''off'' aud work will be resumed in most of the mines on Tuesday morn ing at the t -rms first announced by the operators, 40 cents a ton. The vote stood 137 in fuvor of declaring the strike off to 00 against. Thirteen thou sand miners were represented. A committee of five miners wa ap pointed to act in conjunction witb the resumption. Some of the national ofil- cers were severely criticized for agree ing to district settlements and partial resumption at the Columbus confer ence. FCOLHARDY UNDERTAKING. Captain Freltch 6 tarn for England In a Forty -Foot Boat. New Youk. Aug. 5. Captain A, Frvitcn, the daring navigator wh6 in tends to cross the ocean to tjtteenstowu in a 40 foot boat, started from the Bat tery this afternoon on his voyage, There was a large crowd of enthusiastic Scandinavians on the Battery wall to see him go. The Mina is a schooner rigged craft, with a center board, and the oaptain will also be the cook, mate and crew, He says be can make the voyage in about six week, ills vessel lias pro visions for six niouhs. The captain will keep close to the track of ocean liners and ask timm to report mm. The Mina was bailtby Captain Freitcb without assistance from auy one, and PD CI APD 0U I L i she is a shapely and sUnnsa boat, She bas two in lists and a cabin large enough lor the crew. TIIEY GIVE IT UP. Amerloan Hallway Union Jlembere Dolarlng the Strike Oft Ciiicaoo. Aug. 5. Tha American I ruiiwij union mis wuu ure sun on strike, held three meetings last night to consider the question ot declaring the Btrike off, Tue Wabash men met iu Lake Hall, 815 Root stre.t. About luu attended, it was a quiet, orderly business mesting and it was decided unanimous y to declare the strike elf. I he Lake Shore employes met iu Duunee hall, seventy-five being present. The meeting was confined te the Lake Shore employes, who decided to de clare tho strike off. At Corcoran's hall, town of Lake, 500 men aud boys cinpliiyed by the packing houses aud swituhing associations, held a stormy meeting lasting three hours. A motion to declare the strike off was carried by a bare majority aud the meeting broke up uuiid considerable excitement. GUN WAIFS SCIIE3IE. He Will Pay Highest Rates for Chi- nese Certificates Which Are Use ful in His Business. Denver, Aug. 5 Internal Revenue Collector New. of the district of Col orudo and Wyoming, bas unearthed some fradultnt Chinese registrations at Rock Springs, Wy., which bethinks will lead to the discovery of a great many more in Pauiiic coast districts. JJuriug the rush ot the Chinese to register last May 503 application pho tographs were received from Rock Springs. As there are only 023 China- men in Wyomiug. Duputy Collector Kabis was sent to Rock. Springs with the certiflj.ites, wun instructions to deliver each certifiarte iu person. Ho found all but twenty-two of the Chinese and was informed that the missing twenty two had gone to vari ous places, having lft instructions with their countrymen to forward tuoir certificates, Finding the deputy would not do this, they offered him all man ner of bribes, ranging from $1 to $1,000 for tha lot. In speaking of the affair General Kabis said: "Anxious to learn all I could, I ap proached a rather intelligent China man, saying. "Why is it that I cau only get such n small amount for these certificates?" In my addressing him thus, 1 led him to believe that there was nothing wrong in it. He finally told in-' that the certificate were worth from $''5 to $300 apiece, and as most of theso Cniuamen were over in British Columbia I should say to the Chinumea who wnntud the certificates that if - thv di4 not oilei; mo more money I would (end them to Gun v ab, at Portland, who would pay a largo price for them, lie said Gun Wad was a merohuut and was obtaining certificates so that ho could get those chinameu in British Columbia into the United States, aud that he was making a good deal ot money out of it." The matter bas been referred to the authorities at Washington. KOliEAN WAR SEWS. Three Chinese Warships Captured, Japanese at Canton Are Mobbed. London, Aug- 5. A dispatch to the Central News from Shanghai, dated Aug. 5, says-: "It Is reported that there bas been another eugaKemeut off the Korean coast ia which three Chinese warships were captured by the Japanese. The report hns not been confirmed. "A Japanese mob attacked the Chi nese residents in Kobe a day or two ago, severely maltreating them, A dangerous riot ecsued, in which many were injured. "A Chinese mob in Taku insulted tha members of the Japanese legation as they were returning bom from I'ekip. rue mobs action lei to a tumult which wss tardily suppressed by tb authoritiei, "Tae Japanese in Canton hava btsn attacked a uu rubor ot times by roughs. but thus far there bas been no serious trouble there. "Tb European municipal council of Shanghai bas warned the volunteors to be ready to act promptly in the event of rioting or incendiarism. ''The Smith und Cass coasting ves sels, which now fly the American fltg, have beeu forbidden by the American ronanl to land munitions of war iu Formosa." Tim officials of the Chinese legation in London say that they hava received no information concerning the naval engagement mentioned in the fcrego iug dispatch. They alto profess to re gard the fight of July 29 as a trifling and overruled utlsir. DEATH OF HENRY S. SEARLE. Formerly a Resident of Poranton and Died iu Detroit. The death of Usury S. Searle in De troit. Mich., will he received with re gret by a large circle of friends and acquaintances in this oity, where Mr. bearle was engaged in tne cotiee, tea and spice business from 1303 until 1875. He bad for a partner Charles W. Kirk patrick, now iu tb insurance business in this city, and resided with his family an Jefferson avenue. The remains will be brought from the west today by bis brother, Judge D. VV. Searle, of Montrose, where the funeral will occur at 4 o clook. The deceased is survived by five married children. Mrs. Sidney T. Hays, of Scran ton; Attorney E. B. W. 8earle, of Susquehanna; Warner and Ksynsford Searle, ot Detroit, ana Airs. Welling, of Trenton, ANOTHER MILL TO START. Pittsburg Iron Workers to Beoelv $4 Per Ton for Fuddling. PmsBuno. Pa., Aug. 5 The Pitts burg Forge and Iron company's man who have been on strike for two weeks will return to work tomorrow. Tha comnanv bas agreed to the anial gamated associate rats of $1 per ton for puddling. REGARDING LAWS OF If II Report ot Secretary of Internal Affairs Thomas J. Stewart. THE CAUSE OF LABORS U1EST The Secretary Believes That There Should Be An Examination and In spection of Every Person in Foreign Country Who Desires to Come to America, with Reference to Condi tion of Health, Finances, Intel ligence, Etc. Tho Present System a Menace to American Institutions. IlARRisnuita, Pa., Aug. 5. THE secretary of the treasury some time since appointed Dr. Joseph H. Senner, Herman Stomp and EI ward F. McSweeney commis sioners to report to him information regarding tao immigration laws. lhe commisinsuei's addressed sevoral inquiries to Governor Pattison and Secretary of Internal Affairs Thomas J. btewart has prepared uns'.vers to them. Secretary Stewart snya: "It would seem that the immigration laws as now constituted permit the entrance of a most undesirable class, who inter fere greatly with the intelligent labor ing class ot this country. "Wa believe that the nurest among the laboriug olass is largely due to the influx of uudesirabie labor. 'Wa would not recommend the dis tribution of immigrants to points at which labor is iu demand. Our pres ent facilities are adi quitto for trans porting our own wage earners in' suf ficient number to meet the demand MENACE TO AMERICAN INSTITUTIONS. ' Iroui nn official standpoint there is no means of determining now whether the padrone or contract system exists umong the immigrants who annually oomo to this country. The closo ob server, however, must be convinced that it does exist, and is a menace to American institutions. "There should be an examination and insp2etiou of every person who desires to immigrate here. This ex amination should be made by United States officials on the other side of lhe water and should hava reference to bis condition of health, financial circum stances, ability to be self supporting, degree of intelligence, etc. it snouid be made a grave offense for any. firm, corporation or person to be concerned, eitner directly or indi rectly, with the importation of foreign labor and coutract. RELIGION IN WOODS. Camp Meeting of Montrose A. II. E Zlon Church ot Laurd Hill. The congregation of tho African Methodist Episc pal Zion church, of Montroae, W. A. Fitch, pastor, conducted a camp meeting at Laurel Mill park yesterday rooming, afternoon aud evening. During the evening and the later hours of the afternoon a fair sizjd crowd was within the gates. Mr. Fitch preached during the afternoon from Genesis vii., 1, "And the Lor I said unto Noah, come thou and ull thy house into the ark." from which the ark was likened unto the abiding place of God-fearing people and tho coticlu slun drawn that it is wise to ob--y God's commands. Ia the evening the pastor preached from Involutions xxi., 23, "And the city bad no need ot the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it aud the lamb is the light thereof.' The various services were inter spersed with plantation melodies of the sacred variety. A FROGHtSib Vi CHURCH. CongreRatloo of All Souls' Church In creasing R ipidly In Siz. Rsv. G. W. Powell, pastor of All Souls' church, Pine street, yesirday preuchcu an xeeiint discourse from the text: "lis, the son of man, is come to seek and to savo that which was lost." Luke xix, 10. At the close of tho sertuan eight members were re ceived into the church, which was fol lowed by the communion. ..The Biuginy; was ot a bl uu order. Although R,;v. Dr. Powell has been here but a few months there is a large increase in the congregation, and the place of worship has been newly car peted, and a gothic porch added to the edifice, and iu spite ot hard times the society is moving ou into a prosperous condition. The pastor will enjoy a short vacation at the Clarendon as sembly, New York, where he will do liver a series of interesting lectures. THRILLING LEAP FROM BALLOON. Startling Exblbltloa of Nrve end Com age by Mlse Sandell. Miss Lula Rtndall, of Dotroit, Mich., whose performances have astonished every beholder, will make a balloon ascension at Lturel Hill park Wediies day afternoon at 4 o'clock. When ut the dizzy height of several thousand feet from the ground, she will desert the monster airship and drop to earth clinging to a frail and delicately con strutted parachute. This is conceded to be the most mar vellous and daring act ever aocom pllshed by a woman. The parachute is closed at tha time of the leap and is in fisted only after the rapid descent of 300 feet. In tha evening at 8 o'clock Prof Charles II, Kabrick will make an as- ceusiou with his pet dog, Grover. HE WAS SO AWFULLY TIREO. Wanted a Whole Furniture Store Where In to Seat Ela Wears' Eon When one of the proprietors of th V.(.nnnmv Fumltnre oomimnv nnnnml up the store Saturday morning he found a strange man sleeping on a beautifully upholstered couch. When he was arous d he innocently asked, "Is my oan ready, Maryf then rubbed his eyes, stared about him a while and started to go out. Officer Day was called in and th be wildered sleeper was taken nn to the station hou-,0 to make a comparative study of sleeping couches. An investi gation showed that be had foraed iu the cellar door from the rear and as cended to tho store room where he found in plenty what he was evidently looking for, a place to rest his head. Tiie mayor was convinced that the fel low meant no barm and released him from custody after ha had become sobered. NELLIE BLY HAD THE BLUES. he Took a Durst Brown Llq-iid to Cur It. Miss N Hie Bly, who resides in that portion of Scrautou'g tenderloin dis trict known as Kaymond court, at tempted to commit suicide ou Satur- uy by taking a do '6 of laudanum iu the house of Riley E 1 wards. Nellie Bays that Edwards is her hus band and that lealonsy ana fear of desertion by him induced her to at tempt self destruction. DEBS WILL TALK. Chicago Strikers May Now Shift for Themselves While Their Leader Makes Money Lecturing. Chicago, Aui. 5. At n meeting of the central strike committees of the American Railway Union at Uelicb's hall this morning it was decided to declare the great strike off In Chicago. i his does not iunlude the Chicago aud East Illinois nor the Santa Fe, where the mou have voted to continue the strike to settle local grievances, and where thov think tuuy nave a fair show of wiuuing. The example "t by the Chicago unions will be followed immediately by the unions throughout the western country and by Wednesday night at tne latest tho etrilto will be deeiared off all over the country except on the two roads named. President Debs left the citv this afternoon for Terra Haute and will go from (here to New York where he will deliver a lecture at Cooper Institute. Debs has been offered a largo salary to travel aud lecture under the auspices of a Boston lecture bureau which he may accept while erst. HE DROPPED DEAD. Appoplcxy Ended the Career of Elaok smith John Hamtll. John Ilamill. well known and famil iarly called Jack, the blacksmith, drop ped dead in the street in Dunmors yes terday alternoou about 0:30 o clock. He was tyiug hie horse preparatory to entering the lionse 'of a friend, when he suddenly collapsed aud fell suse- inss to the sidewalk. When onlookers rushed to bis assistance he was fonud to be doid. Corouer Kelly was notified and went to Duumore last night to in vestigate. tie adjuaged it a case of appopb-xy. tiamill was about bo years of age and a man of family, tie wag over six feet biLh and possessed unusual strength evea for so large a man. Among the old settlers be was es pecially well known, having been the leading horse shoer of this valley for many years. Ho resided at 1009 North Altuu avenue, RESULT OF HARSH PLAY. Lswis Bogare Die from th Effeot of a I low from a Comrade. Bordkntown, N. J., Aug. 5. A number of boys from here went fishing today and during seme skylarking, L"wis Rogers, aged 14, thrw a stone from u sling that struck the bat of Frank McConn, agsd 19 McConn re taliated by striking Rogers and the latter stnirgpred aud fell. Tho boy be came unconscious and soon died. McConn bad no intention of hurting young Rogers when be struck him and is overcome with grief at tha result of his blow. He gave himself up and is locked up to await the aotion of the governor. HfinrtlS IS STILL ATTORNEY. L'aa Not B-eu Relieved of Ela Official Dutlea at Taylor. Attorney J. M. Harris has not been relieved from the umi-s of his office as attorney of Taylor borough as hereto fore nnuouiKted. He is still in charge of the legal af fairs of Taylor, hut Attorney I. H. Bums has been employed to assist him in tiie prosecution ot the fight against tho street railway company. WIFE BEATER IN THE TOILS. Folic Holding Bim Until HI Wife Can to Prosecute Klin. Richard Lewis, of Wayne avenue, was nrrestod by Officer Matthews Sat urday lor beating his wife in a shame ful manner. lie was takau to the Central Polioe station, where he will be kept uutil his wife is able to appear against him. TiUFEL WAS HISTORICAL. A Socialist Editor Arrested for Printing the Republican Manifesto of '48. Bkklin, Aug. 5. Editor Teutel, of the Socialist paper Volkstimme of Mannheim, and the printers Dreesbach and Fentz, have been urrested on the chnrgs of high treason in having printed on Aug. 3 the Republican mani festo of 1813. Dreesbacu was formerly a membir of the reiahstag. ZIMMERMAN STILL WINS. Th Crack Amerioan Bicycle Elder Cap ture Firat Prize. Paris, Aug. 5 At the Velodrome Dh La Sein today, tha Tourville prize, distance 2,000 metres, was won by A. A. Zimmermun, the Amerioan wheel man. Louvet wns second. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington. Anrr. 4. Forncosf foreastnm I'ennsylvania, inmvas. ina. cloudiHexs, wavmer; north winds becoming south, t'or western i'enn mjhania, fair, slightly warmer; southeast winds. CLOSING-OUT SALE -OF- Commencing today we offer our entire stock of Scotch Ginghams at 19 c. Per yari Those who know the quality of our will real1'':? the fact that they are the best value in the market today. 510 and 612 Lackawanna Ave. MINERS' Wholesale and Retail. H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Lewis, Reilly & Davies Comfort-Giiing Shoes The only kind that give it, for the summor, is our "Service & Kumfort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & Davies We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor 1b needed you are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfect lit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES GIMAMS sV ". -v tfi ixv -7. Ths Jeweler, 08 Spruce Street. 1