LIVE BUSINESS MEN . -Don't tie up with ' down- at- the heel THEY PURCHASE PUBLICITY in journals that are on the up ward jnmp. TWELVE PAGES--84 COLUMNS. SCRANTON. PA., SATURDAY MORNINQ. AUGUST 4, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPT. JIIE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION AMONG SCRANTON BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTHER MORNING PAPER CASEIRO TO DOOMED TO DIE fhe Assassin of Caraot Sentenced to Meet Death Upon the Guillotine. VERDICT GIVES SATISFACTION The Murderer Brought Into Court Carefully Guarded Looked Pale and Jaded His Bravado Evidently nrrnH MnrhiH Snpctatora Pres- rinnrhiHino' Sranp of the ai exciting uispute oetween Prisoner and a Soldier Who estitied Against Hilm. Lyons, France, Aug. 3. (7i ASERIO SANTO, the murderer of I u. President Ciiruot, heard his I 11 ilooui pronouueed this morning. vs tin whs sentenced to die upon nit) guillotine. Wliua the assize court opened this morning, about the same class of audi nee Whs present as yesterday. A regi ment of soldiers surrounded tbe court house, mid detachments of infantry and cavalry guarded tbe approaches. As upon tbe opening day, a number of ii'uyly dressed woman occupied tbe principal seats in the gallery. Fewer of the general public were admitted into tbe bedy of the room. Caserio, who seemed to have passed a sleepless nitfht, in spite of his forced bravado, looked pale ana nervous as he wus led into the court room between two detective officers. Tha van that brought him from St. Paul prison was guarded by a squad of dragoons n the same manner us yes terday. Ev ry precaution whs taken to preserve tbe peace and prevent anar chistic outrage. Strangers in the city wire scrutinized and all known sym pathizers with tbe oause of the Beds were placed under special polios espi onage. While nobody In Lyons or France, for that mutter, anticipated any other verdist tnnn that of death, and that swiftly, noue were prepared for so sud den a termination of the trial. Son to himsnlf bad not for a moment indulged the hope that be would escape the knife, and had nerved himself to as sume a caimoeaa that his twitching fin gers belied. Nevertheless, it Is acknowl edged that the Hssassin has brought himself to regard himself in the light of a liberator and a martyr. H is so prettily vuin aud earegiously egotistical. Thus be poses before the court and spectators, and derives Immense satis faction out of the fact that a hundred newspaper scribes are at this moment sending accounts of his trial to the four quarters of the earth. SCENES AT THE TRIAL, The presiding judge, Breuillao, open ed the session at about 0 a. m. and im mediately orderod Caario to be pro duced. Lsblnnc. the soldier who win a follow prisoner with Caserio at Mar seilles, tstiQd that Caserio told bim that bo intended to kill President Car not, probably at Lyons, when the pres ident visited that city. "That is a lie," interrupted Casorlo excitedly. -'I never told you or any one else anything about mv plans." When Luciano's testimony wag fin ished, the publio prosecutor reviewed at length the details of tbe trial and demunded that tbe Jury should not hesitate to do its duty. Santo listened to his speech with a smile of contempt on his face. M. Dubreail, couasel for the defense follftwed with an appeal for the pris oner. He has d his defense on three point; (1) That there was lunacy in prisoner's family; (2) his anarchist surroundings; (3) the impossibility of reeonciliug the assassin's religious life with a premeditated attempt at murder. THE VERDICT RECEIVED. The jury was out about a quarter of an hour. When tbe jury returned Caserio was brought in and f iced the con-t for the last time. Judge Breuillao turned to the prisoner for a moment and then, addressing the jnry, asked the latter tbe formal question: "Is Caserio Santo Geronimo guilty or not guilty of the crime of assassinat ing tbe president of the republic?" Tuere was some eonfusion as the In. terpeter translated to the prisoner what he said; but audible over the interpreter's voice was tbe reply of tbe foreman of the jury: "Guilty with out extenuating circumstances." There was silense again aa the verdict was translated to Caserio, who reoeived it with oynloal smite." The presiding judgs, as soon as the prisoner was acquainted with tbe jury's finding, arose and, speaking directly to the assassin, said : "The coart con demns Caserio Santo Geronimo to death. You have three days In which to appeal to tbe court of oassation." When tbe sentence was ottered Ca serio exclaimed, "Vive la Revolution Soolalel" Notwithstanding the prisoner'! de fiant attitude, bis habitual smile dis appeared from bis faoe when the sent ence was pronounced. Throughout the city intense satis far Hon is expressed over the speedy sent ence of tbe miserable assassin, Those Beds who might be inclined to com miserate tbe wretch are following tbe dlotates of prudence and remaining out of eight. $5,000,000 DAMAGES ASKED. Br Railroad, from Chteaa-0 for Lossta Iifloted by the Blots. Chicago. Aug. 2. Samuel B. Foster, attorney for the railroads, today flUd additional olalms for damages growing out of the strike to tbe amount of (300. Mr. Foster sta tbat within tbe next thirty days 'ms will be filed iiralust tbeolty and county for $3,000, 000 damages. THAT BICYCLE AGAIN. A Beoond Ald.rmanlo Salt B.sran far the Btoverr of a 'Wheel. f Aldermen Fitziimmone yesterday dlnohorgtd Norton Wagner, accused by Walter, Thompson and company, of tbe laresny of a blcyole. Thompson, the prosecutor, swore out another war rant, tola time oerore Aiaerman Wright, and bad Wagner rearrested. Wagner entered bail for his appear ance at court after having waived a hearing. Before this second arrest it was Mr. Wagner's intention, so be him self states, to present the wheel to Walter, Thompson and company, SHORT STOP INJURED. Serious Acoid.nt at tbe Allentown-Lan-caeter Ball Qatne. Lancaster, Aog. 8. During the progress or the Alleotowo -Lancaster game today, James Toman, the short stop ot tne Lancaster club, was hit on the bead with a pitched ball in the sec ond inning by Kllroy and knocked in sensible. An examination showed that his skull was fractured, and bis condition tonight is very critical and he is not expected to live. EXPRESS HELD UP. A San Pranolioo Train Attaoked and an Messenger Shot. St. Louis, Aug. 8 Reports just re ceived at police headquarters state that the passenger train wbieb left here on tbe 'Frisco road at 8 20 this evening for Kansas City and points west was held np at Eureka, a station thirty miles from here, in St. Louis county. It is reported the express messenger was shot through tbe head. STATE OF TRADE. The Situation as Revealed in Dunn & Co's. Weekly Review Out look More Hopeful. New York, Aug. 8 R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: So much business has been deferred during the past year, and merchandise stocks have been so re duced, that tbe mure approach of a de cision in the tariff question without certainty what it is to be, has this week encouraged large preparation for increased business. In spite of outgo ing gold and sinking treasury reserves, small railroad earnings, some injury to crops and increased trouble in the coke regions, the tone and tbe outlook are more hopeful. Tbe injury to crops by hot winds and drought, if as great as some report, will affect all interests, hat at this season it is never easy to distinguish between local and general dum tge. After tariff uncertainties have van ished, It will be recognized that pur chasers and orders for tbe coming year win depend largely upon tbe crops. But at present the DrosDect of a deci sion in oongress, and the common Im pression tbat tbe pending bill may fall between the two houses. has stimulated some activity In textiles. Recovery in the iron market is hin dered by tbe trouble in the ooke region, where in any of the new eolorsn bunds have quit and gone back to the south, and the strikers have ducided to con tinue tbe struggle. Tbe volume of domsstlo business re flected by exchanges through clearing houses Is 22 6 par cent, less than last y'ir, and 23 8. per cent, less than in 1893 improvemedt however, onnnot presede but must follow recovery in manufactures. The railroads earning reported for July are 26 6 per cent, less than last your, and partly because of the sharp decline a year ago, the de crease for the latest week was only 13 1 per oont. The tonnage east bound from Chicago has nearly reeovered its former magnitude. Gold exports and other discourag ing features depressed the average prioe of stocks 40 cents per share, while legislative rumors helped to lift trust stocks 01 cents per share. Commercial liabilities thns far re ported in failures during July amounted to $9 016,778, of whlob $4,500,220 were ot maufuaoturing and $4 231,470 of trading concerns.jand the decrease of tbe month, though great in comparison with lust year, is hardly as muoh as has been expectea. The fail ure! this week bsve been 219 in the United States against 436 last year, and 44 in Canada against 84 last year. MOODY TENt"fIRE. Hugh VoOuire, of Miser's Kills, Charged with Isoeadiarleaa. Special to the Scranton TWoane. Wilkks-Barrb, Aug. 8 Detective T. E. Reynolds, of Scranton, yssUrdsy appeared before Alderman J. E Per kins and charged flush McGuire, of Miner's Mills, with having set fire to tbe Moody tent near Parsons on the night of July 8. 1, Tbe evidenoe against MoGulre was very convlnoing and the alderman held him in $500 ball to answer at court TOBIN WANTS HIS RELEASE. Olalms That Be la Being Unlawfully Detained. Attornay John P. Qolnnan yester day applied to Jndge Arch bald for a writ of habeas corpus io tbe ease of John Tobln who alleges that he is un lawfully detained iu the oouity jail. Tobln was oomtnitted on July 8,1894, by Alderman Falter for the theft of shoes. Jndge Arobbald granted the writ ana made It returnable next Tuesday afternoon in chambers. TICKS FROM THE TELE6RAPH. 'A strike of butchers has stopped all pack ing houses of South Carolina. Moody's conference for Christian work ers opeued at Northfleld, Mass. A company organized In New York will put newalsnds on all oable cars. Heavy raine put out tbe forest fires around the devested city ot Phillips, Wis. On a charge of counterfeiting bank notes, Raisell O. Hoyt was held uuder bail at New York. Captain Prioe will be the next New York police laino led to tbe slaughter. He will be removed. Running amuck in Rochester, Ind., a mad dog bit live boys and nine dogs before it was killed. , Four men were lest by tbe cutting In two of tbe schooner Glad Tidings by a whalebaok below Detroit. Enraged by a business diffloulty, Stephen Courtney, a drunken lunatic, of Wapello, Wis., fatally subbed Lawyer A. W. Jervls. LI HUNG C E The Chinese Bismarck Divested of tbe Order of the Yellow Jacket ALL DESERTERS ARE BEHEADED Shorn of Their Pigtails the Faltering Soldiers Are Put to Death Without Ceremony The Japanese Storm Shan Yong and Vanquish the Celes tials Who Outnumber the Attacking Party-LI's Enemies Plotting for His Overthrow. Shanghai, Aug. 8. TEE action nf the emperor iu di vesting Viceroy Ll Hung Chang, of the order of tbe Yellow Jacket has fallen like a thun derbolt it la fnararf that tha in. cident will leadtnhia nnmnlnta nvar- throw. He is regarded bere as the omy isaaer capaDie or coping with Ja pan in tbe inevitable long war. A cri sis is regarded as imminent. The emperor has been influenced in bis actlou by members of hie family hostile to the viceroy's pro-European policy. It is expiotsd that Sir Robert Hurt, tbe British representative, will assert bis authority and snpport Ll Hung Cbang. Tbe soldiers beheaded at Tien Tsio for desertion, pleaded In extenuation of their offenoe hunger and exhaustion. Before they were executed they were StriDned of nnlfnima unit thai pig tails were cut off. Tbe example 11 as mrriutu ine army. An edict has iron a fnrth that, tha army will receive double psy henee- lorio, auring tne war witn Japan, and U larae bonni haa hy.n nfTxrad tn (iff!. cers competent to navigate tbe Chi nees navai vessels ana transports. Japs storm sham yono, Washington, Aug. 3. A cablegram was reoeivud at tbe Japanese legation this evening, saying that on July 29 a portion of the Japanese troops sta tioned at Seoul made aa ad vance upon tbe Chinese position at Sban Yong, Which contained a larvae nnmh.r nf soldiers than in the Japanese body, and auer a ngnt wnicn lasted several hours, tbe Chinaaa roera rnntari anil driven from thele irrnnshnM VTanv prisoners and atnonitions of war were . a m. a . . capiureo, ana arter tne victory, on tbe morning of July 80, the Japanese troops proceeded to maroh to Gasan. The legation has not yet received any news of a fi;ht at the latter place, and bjlieves. in view nf what haa ku. I ' .. UW.UOTV UVV I, 1 oelvsd about tbe battle at Shan Yoing, tbat the report of tbe Cbinese victory at Aaonn or xasnan nave been con fused with a battle which took place at Gasan. Tbe legation officers bere sny that tbe Chinese would have to go me same aistance as tbe Japanese to teleersDh the reanlt nf an,.h a n.m. and tbey wish to again deny that a victory oas neen aebleved by tbe former, os news of it would have been received here. Tbe legation this aftoruooo received a detailed dianatch from .Tanan nnn. firming the accounts by the United Press of the sinking of the British transport Kow Snlng, and reiterating tbe assertion that the fight was begun by the firing of a torpedo from the Chinese warshin Chin JupaQetft craim Nnoiw Kan. WAS NOT A SUCCESS. Gregory 811k Braid Maaufaoturlng Com pany In Finaoolal Trouble. On an execution issued yesterday. Deputy Sheriff George Griswold levied on the stock and fixtures of the Greg ory Silk Braid Manufacturing com psny, of Providence. The exeoutlon amounts to $4,260 80. and was issued at tbe instance of Attorney J. Alton Davis, who is trustee for a number of creditors. The total amount of the judgments filed agiinst tbe company amounts to $16,460.80. The date of the sale has' not yet been decided upon. Tbe Gregory compaay was organized in Maroh, 1893, and the plant moved nere irom raterson, H. j, For some reason the venture was not a financial snscess, and of late debts have been asaamnlatlng rapidly, John A Msars is presldsnt of the company, William Chaffee, secretary, and H. E Parke, treasurer. MEETING OFORano LODGE, Interesting Event In A. P. A. Oiroles at Wilkes -Barre. On Ana. 8. 9 and 10. the fnrtv.fnnt-th animal aesaiun of the Riuht Worth w Grand lodge of the American Protes tant Association 01 me united States will be In session in Wilkes-Barre, A large parade, whlob will be held nn Ana-. 9. will be a faatnra nf tba n. easion. After the parade a pionto will be held at Mountain park. Among the lodces from Sorantnn anil its vicinity that will participate it tbe paraae are: aegis loage, no. IV I; Hyde nark-! Lackawanna lodire NY 11!) Tn. lor; Morning Star lodge, No. 79. Prov idence; Evening Star lodge, No. 65, jermru; ooramon longe, jno. Otf, Boran- tnn Rnu nf Maadow Rrnnlr Imiira XTa 62, Scranton; Star of Hope lodge! No. fT.. - r.. 1. . MI OF J I . , - t .... iuv, i, viiiiuiu i"ige, iO. 03. rnrent (JitV! Lilv of the Vulla InnV., No. 80, Carbondale. A Soranton Dcotor Bobbed. Tha raalilanra nf Wailartau- 1 1 Vlln. 1.. Univeriity place, Uouth Bsthlehein, was l-1 I Dk.uJ.. rrk. I i ruvuvu iuuiiui uiguu mp uurgiars es caped with awallet containing a large sum of money, the property of Dr. James . Hayes of this city, a relative, who is visiting there. A valuable collection of silverware was also stolen. REUNION AT MONTROSE. Survivors of the One Hundred and Forty- Third Will Meet There, The surviving members of tbe One Hundred and Forty-third regiment,, of Pennsylvania voluteers will bold there annus! reunion with tbe Susquehanna County Veterans' association, at Mont rose, September 4. The society met m Tankhannoelc last year and haa a. membership of 250, nearly tbe totarjlumber ot survivors or be of the famous fegiment, whioh num bered 1,492 men when they marohed to tbe front. Captain P. DeLacy, of tbli city , ! (Jrvni'ioun Ul mo bui-ifijt, IJBYlug 1 that nnaitinn ainna ann...fl. bold in? General Dana, who was it flr.t presiuent. SCRANToFllONORED. Rv. P. 3. VcMaaas Made Beoond Vice Preefdent of National C. T. A TJ. Special to the Scranton Tribune. St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 8 Scranton was houored bere today by the Na tion Catbolio Total Abstlnenoe con vention, whlob seleoted Rev. P. J. Mc Msnus, of the Scranton diocese for the offise of second vice-president. Tbe Scranton dtocase is well repre sented at tbe coa vent Ion, Among the most prominent men are C. G. Boland, who was made a member of tbe com mittee oa credentials, and James F. Judge, editor of the Index, a paper publisoed in the interest of tbe nnlon ut Soranton. A notioeabl v large repre sentation of the Wilket-Barre Tourist club is present, as Is also a large num ber from tbe Cathedral Tourist elub of Philadelphia. OLD SETTLERS REMEMBERED. House Paaae a Bill Recommending appropriation of $10,000. Washington, Aug. 8 The house was In session five hours this afternoon and the net result wae the pas sage of a bill direoting tbe pay ment of $10,000 to Representative Heard, of Missouri, for legal ser vices to tbe old settlers or western Cherokee Indiana out of tbe funds la the treusury and of a bill providing for the payment of about $40,000 of three per cent, district of Columbia green back certificates. Tbe conference report on the river and harbor bill was agreed to and a conferenr'e was ordered on tbe sundry civil appropriation bill, also upon the bill regulating the printing and pub lication of public documents. BUFFALO RACES. The Favorites Have a Very Hard Day Five Thousand Spectators Witness the Events. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 8. Over 5,000 people saw some most excelleut racing here this afternoon. Favorites had a very bad day, and three out of four were beaten. Red Bad and Expressive were nearly equal ohoioes In the open ing event for 8-year-olds, bat the colt oarried tbe bulk of t us money. He won tbe event in straight heats and iu the third one oat bis mark from 2.17 to 2.15J. B illoua was a red hot choice In tbe 2.20 trot, but she was unsteady and uiaile loaiag breaks in every heat. Ballano forced out Alur in the seoond heat, but the clip was too warm for her in tbe third and tie fell back beaten at tbe upper turn. Bullmont was made favorite in the even t for paosrs. but Ed. Eutoa out lasted bim. The greatest Interest was centered in the 2.10 trot, and the talent received a bard knock wben both Lord Clinton aud Ryland T, the original favorites, were knooked ont by Pamllee. Tbe track was a trifli heavy and a strong wind added to tbe handicap. This just suited Pamlico, and his staying quali ties brought him through ia fine shape. The summaries: 2.33c1hs, 8-year-olds, puree 11,000: Red Bud, ch. c by Redfern (C. Curry) 1 1 1 Limonero 2 8 Expressive S S 2 Ouoqua... , 8 8 4 Charming Chimes 4 4 S Cbide dig. bun up die. Time. 2.10X; 2.19: 2.15. 2.20 class, trotting, purse 15,000. Alar, br. in., by Alcantara (Gold smith 1 1 1 Miss McGregor. 6 8 2 Ballona 9 2 8 Gretehen 2 4 8 Aunt Delilah , 17 8 Stroatla 10 6 4 Gabriel i S 5 KleieS 7 9 6 Beaside ,..,'. 8 17 Glycere 4 dis. Time, 9.1, a,i3tf, 8.16H- 2.10 elaaa. trotttno- Puraa 12.000. Pamlico, b. s., by MeAnder (CurtU) 8 8 111 Byland , 1 4 7 7 8 Nightingale 16 0 8 Walter i 7 8 8 7 Lord Clinton 8 5 4 6 Mata Wilkee , , 7 6 8 8 5 Phoebe Wilkes , 6 8 8 6 4 Time-B.W& MIX. 3.1:, 8.12. 8.11 ' 2.16 elaaa. tinnino-r nnraa S.U OHO Ed Easton, b.c,, by Chimes () 1 1 8 8 3 1 ft. O. g 9 4 117 8 Bullmont 8 8 4 8 1 8 H. J. Rockwell 8 8 8 4 4 re A1"" 8 I I 8ro Russell B t M Mro Dolly Snankar ..8 !.. Joeko e 8 7 6 dis. Kamon 7 7 0 dr. Time. 2.14V. 2.1BV. 8.18W. 2.UU 9 8.17. Ueetlag for Ilea. Tbe first of a series of meetings for men only will be held in tbe ttallroad Depart ment of Young Men's Christian association at 848 o'clock Banday afternoon. A con versational Bible class will be conduoted by Secretary P. W. Pearsall and John Nice I, of the Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern machine shops, will conduct an after- meeting. Beaohad the dark Vein. Contractors Andrew Bmith aad Patar Eelly have completed in a very satisfac tory manner the sluicing and timberiug of the Marvin shaft from the 14-foot vein to tbe Clark vein, a distance of 158 feet. Tea chambers and two headings will be opeued up next Thursday, WASHINGTON NEWS JOTTINGS. A bill to exclude anarchists as immi grants has been introduced by Senator Bill. A dansarous counterfeit of the 810 les-al tender aotee,seriee of 1880, is In circulation. Tbe nresident bas ssnt to the senate tha nomination of Commodore Henry Erben to be rear admiral. ' Secretary Herbert has decided to build the new machinery for the oruiser Chi cago at the New York navy yard. The house anti-option bill was reported from tha committee on agriculture and plaeed on the senate calendar. . V, COMPROMISE TARIFF FIGHT An Agreement Said to Have Been Reached bj tbe Confcrrees. SUGAR MEN MAY CAUSE TROUBLE Four Members of the Conference Announce That the Tariff Deadlock Has Been Broken It Is Predicted That the President Will Sign the Bill Within Ten Days The Adjustment Necessary for Public Good Louis iana Senators. Washington, Aug. 8. n FTER the meeting of the cabinet Ml today four members announced each to a different person that Uu an agreement had been reached by the senate and bouse conferees on the tariff bill. Tbe basis of agreement was not disclcstd. but one of the most distinguished mumpers of the cabinet said to a United Press reporter: "You can announce tbat the president will sign the tariff bill within ten days." United Press bulletins announcing a tariff adjustment spread rapiJly through the eity and caused much ex citement. No one of the cabinet offi cers who spoke of the settlement would divulge tbe terms, but the inference was strongly conveyed that the senate bill with not very material conces sions Is the basis of the agree ment. Tbe paramouut reasons that seem to have brought abont an adjustment was stated to be the ab solute neceesity fur the cessation of the period of uncertainty in order tbat gov ernment finance might recuperate, gold exports stop, and the oountry be given an opportunity to resume business which has ulmost come to a standstill because of tbe long drawn out delay. WHAT THE HOUSE ACCEPTS. From other sources it is learned that the sugar schedule that will be agreed to and which has been oooeptod by the house oonferrees is as follows: Forty per cent ad valorem on all raw sugar and tbe same amount on all refined sugar, the doty to be collected, however, on the basis of tbe saccharine strength. In addition to this there is to be a differential to the refiner of one-fifth of a cent a pound and a dis criminating duty against those coun tries that pay an export bounty on re Hned sugar equlvallnt to the bounty paid. It Is understood tbat tbe govern ment will also regulate in some way the prioes of foreign sugars so as to prevent any attempt to juggle with the quotations. SUGAR MAKERS ARB SOUR. It is said tonight tbat the Louis iana senators und Messrs. Allen and Eyle, the latter representing the beet sugar iudnstry, will not accept tbe proposed schedule. It this be true, it is not apparent how the Democrats expect to pass the bill. There is no provision la the schedule for the bounty for 1894 and the Louisiana sen ators have declared tbat unless this bounty is put in tbe bill tbey cannot snpport it. It Is probable tbat by to morrow night tbe situation will have crystalized into something tangible and tbat tbe outcome will be known with some degree of defiulteness, COMING FESTIVAL. Choirs That Are Behtarelng for the Big Mueloal Event. Two choirs from Hyde Park, one from Taylor, one from Wilkes-Barre and one from Providence are already rehearsing for the coming festival at the Laurel Hill park eisteddfod, which takes plaoe oa September G and 7, and tbe secretary has reoeived assuranoes from Nantieeke, Plymouth and Pitts ton tbat OBotrs will be organized at once from these pi eofs. The brass band competition will also be very attraetive. The German Catholic chairs are already rehearsing and seas splendid work is expected from this source. Tbe female parties and male parties will be there in fall (wee. Utloa, Pittsburg, Slatington, Wilkes-Barrr, Plymouth, ;Nanticolie aud Plttsten will be fully represented with their best material. The pro gramme will be found in another col umn. TWO BURGLARS JAILED. The Hen Who Sobbed the Erie and Wyoming Station at Avooa. Abont two weeks ago the Erie and Wyoming railroad tool houss at Avoca was broken into and all the tools, in cluding a small stove, were stolen, The eoal aad iron police have been quietly working on the case and on Mendsy seeared clues and Information as to the culprits. A warrant was sc oured at Aiaerman Davison's office iu this eity and yesterday William Camp bell, of Avoca, was arrested, brought to town and given a hearing. Same of the stolen tools were found on bis premises and ho pleaded guilty to the charge ef burglary. He was then re manded to jail in deiauit or f i,uuu Dan to answer tbe eharge at court. This morning Detective Martin Crip pen, of Olypbant, of the coal and iron police, arrived in town with John Houston, the other burglar, in custody. Houston also lived in Avoca and after bit arrest tbe ptemlies wete searched and the stolen stove fonnd hidden un der his bam. He was also sent to jail to default of 11,000 ball for a furtusr hearing Wilkes Barre News-Dealer, Friday. GRAND ARMY MEMORIAL An Application for a Charter Hade by Colonel 7. L. Hitohoook. Colonel F. L. Hltehoook applied to the oosrt yesterday for a charter for tbe Grand Army ot the Republic Memorial ef Scranton. Tbe obieot of the asseelation is to ereot and main tain a building wblsb shall be a mem orial to all union soldiers, sailors and marines of the War of the Rebellion ; to provide a plaoe wnere records may be colleoted relating to the history ot the war and for the preservation of such historical relics or articles of in terest and value as may be collected within its walls. The subscribers to the artieles of In corporation are: Ezra H. Ripple, F. J. Amsden, Wm. Blume, Thanlel C. Snover, D. J. Newman, James F. Green, H. W. Loftus. R. G Clark. E. W. Pearee, T. D. Lewis. D. M. Jones. G. W. Sklllhorn. E. L. Buck. C. R. Smith, S. H. Stevens, L. M. Bunnell, and F. L. Hitchcock, of the Griffin post, and P. DeLacoy, John Horn, John T. Howe. F. W. Martin, Wm. E. Gaboon, W. L. Nash, A. E. Stonlng ain and Wm. Snyder, ot tbe Monies pout. Tbe association will be managed by twenty-five directors who are divided into five olasses of five each, tbe terms of whioh shall be oue, two, three, four and five years. When tha local grand army posts shall cease to exist the property of this corporstion Is to be come the property of the olty, man aged by a board ot trustees consisting of tbe mayor, oity treasurer, olty con troller and city solicitor. RUN DOWN BY CARS. A Ranaway Trip in Hyde Park Shaft Bkdly lojurlej a Mintr. Thomas Surrey, a miner at the Hyde Park shaft, was received at the Moses Taylor hospital yesterday suffering from a fracture of the left leg aud three broken ribs. He was endeavoring to stop a trip of runaway oars and was knooked down, sustaining tbe injuries noted above. HEAD CUT IX TWO. Shocking Death of Joseph Gilhool Who Fell Between Cars on the Ontario and Western. Special io the Scranton Tribunx. Carbondale, Aug. 8 This uf ternnon a fatal uccidt-nt oconrred on the On tario and Western railroad in this city, in whioh Joseph Gilhool, a 15-year-old son of Dermis Gilhool, of Brooklyn street, met death instantly. He had boarded a eoal train at the Brooklyn street crossing with the In tentlon of riding to Simpson to witness a game ot Case nail, but as tne train entered tbe cut on the West Side just before crossing tbe city, tbe boy's bat blew off and he jumped oft to get it, When trying to again mount the train he fell between tbe oars with his head aoross tbe rails. The wheels of the car caught his beud and cut it completely in two, diagonally across tbe face, one part lying on tbe opposite side of the rail from bis body. O ie band, which had fallen across tbe rail, was also badly mangled. Tbe body was taken to McHnle's un dertaking rooms on Salem avenue, where tbey were prepared for burial, after which they were removed to his late home on Brooklyn street. Eisteddfod at Fersdale. Arrangemeuts have almost benn com pleted for tbe big einteddfod at Ferndale. The principal participants will be as fol lows: Conductor, Rev. T. C Edwards. Kingston; adjudicator., Professor Edward Browne. Brxckviile, Canada; Or. Stoekv Hammond, Ejudlng; Professor Charles David Carter, Pittsburg; artists. Miss Aunle Wynne, fllahanoy City; u. Unrdon Thomas, New York city; pianist, Professor James Prescott, Msridea, Conn., presi dents of the dny, General 1). U. Hastings, Bellefonte; Hon, H. W. Allison, (mayor), Ailentowu, Piu ' A Frohibitlon Sermon. Rev. (i. L. Maice, pastor of the Greea Ridge Evangelical church, will preach a prohibition sermon on Sunday evening. The Women' Christian Temperance nuion and Probibition league of Green Ridge will be in attendance. New Pastor Ha Arrived. The Rev. A. Bergen Browe, pastor elect of the Waverly Baptist church, has ar rived on the field and will preach bis first sermon, as paitor, on Snnday moruing. On Tuesday, Aug. 7, the Sunday school uf this church w ill picuie at Lake Ariel. IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Perry Steinmetz dropped dead in a cem etery at Annville. Lightning struck tbe Second Lutheran churcb at Carlisle. A fall of top coal in a Shamokin colliery crushed lifeless Frank Adams. There is a spirited demand all over Penn sylvania for freight and box cars. While watching a horse race at Shamo kin, George Heasyl was rubbed of $153. In a runaway near Sb.nandoab, Mrs. Thomas Gray was thrown from a wagon and killed. Governor Fattison and bis party will re turn to the state capital today from their western jaunt. About ISO slate quarrymen employed by Simpson at Penn Argyl struck against a reduction of wages. Medical diplomas of the 800 successful applicants are now being sigued by the State Medical couucil. A horse threw Colonel C. T. O'Neil, su perintendent of the state arBenal at Harris burg, breaking his leg. In less than two hours nn Wednesday night iuches of rain fell iu the lower end of Lancaster oounty. The town of Kane wiil dig a gas well and furnish free gas to manufacturing compauies located there. The Bible conference of the Evangelical association of central Pennsylvania is in session at Pine Station, Clinton oounty. Tbe voters of Warren at a speoial meet ing decided to boud the town to bnild a tree bridge from that borough to Pleasant, Secretary Edee. of the state board of ag riculture, has gone to Montgomery oounty to slaughter cows amictea witn tuoeroui- osls. Berks county farmers have been advised by a scientieat to ventilate their barns to prevent them from being struck by light ning. Two elopers, Leonard Romanelle and Miunie Beffert, were baited at Pittsburg, the polioe thinking tbat the lover is a olothes house thief. Charters were eranted at the state de partment yesterday to tbe Bucks Couuty Railway company, oapltal $100,000, to build a line in Doylestown, Centreville and Newtown; and the Wyoming Oil com pany, of Soranton, capital $75,000. I 1 WEATHER FORECAST. I I Washington. Aug. &.For4att I 1 for eastern I'enntyhania, ihovs ers in tit morning; fair during Saturday; variabU winds 6t-omng north west, for western Ftnnevivanitx. fair. oeoler, northwindt. FILEY'S CLOSUT SALE -OF- SCOTCH Commencing today we offer our entire stock of Scotch Ginghams at 19c. Per yarcl Those who know the quality of our will realize the fact that they are the best value in the market today. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Am MINERS' Wholesale and Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruca Street. Lewis, Reilly & DaYies Comfort-Giving Shoe3 The only kind that give it, for tha summar, i3 our "Service & Kumfort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & DaYies We Examine Eyes Free of charge. If a doctor la needed yon are promptly told so. We also guarantee a perfoo fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, i 108 Spruce Street, GINGHAMS GINGHAMS DLCLOTHING I . 1KB