The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 03, 1894, Page 7, Image 7

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A Pittsburg digpntoh lays: "A
meeting of tba railroad bituminous"
coal operator will be bold at the Slack
Coal agency tbla afternoon at 2 o'clock
to form a permanent organization of
railroad ooal operators to deal with
questions of common interest which
arise from time to time Si a the coal
trade. With the abandonment of the
Black Coal ageney aereral 'weeks ago
there remained no organization of
operator! in this district. The necessity
for a permanent organization baa been
reoognlzed at all times, bat was more
manifest daring the big bitamlnons
tlrikei. Each year the operators meet
the miners to arrange wuge scales, and
at other times it is nooessary for the
operutors to act In coucert to settle the
ever recurring disputes regarding
freight rates and differentials. At
present there Is no immediate work be
lore tue association to be formed, bat
they rnny have considerable to talk
atont within a short time. One of
the matters, and the most important
ever brought up, will probably be con
sidered by the association. It refers to
the regulation of the bituminous ooal
output to meet the actual necessities of
the markets.
"It is rumored that a big scheme is
in contemplation to restrict thj bitumi
nous coal production of the competi
tive fields to the demands of the trade.
In the anthracite coul distriot this is
done successfully. The operators meet
onos a month uud determine upon the
production for the following month,
from the stock on bund and ths market
prospocts. By this combination of in
terests the authracite producers are
enabled to condaot their business pro
fitably, and never get into a position
where it becomes necessary to reduce
the wages of tbeir miners to keep in
the market, as the bituminous opera
tori, and particularly those of the
Pittsburg district have bad to
do within the past year. The com
petitive field iu the bituminous trade
embraces Pennsylvania, Ohio, West
Virginia and to some extent Indiana
and Illinois. The plan of curtalliag
the output to prevent the overstocking
of the markets was first broached dur
ing the miners' strike, while tbe opera
tors and miners were holding the
Cleveland convention. Incidental to
the mining rate question, the stoppage
of production wbeuever necessary was
considered as the best means to main
iin living conditions for both miners
and operators at all times. One of the
primary causes that led to the disturb
ance of tbe coal trade and culminated
in tbe national strike of miners during
May was overproduction. Industries
bad suffered from a long siege of de
pression, while coal production contin
ued at the normal rate. When it was
found impossible to sell this coal and
realize the cost of production tbe oper
ators fell to cutting wages to get a few
cents the best of the other fellow to
catch what little business was going.
"This was practiced to such an ex
tent that the business finally became
unprofitable to everybody but tbe con
sumer and the strike and suspension of
production were the means of saving
muny bituminous coal producers from
bankruptcy und wore gladly welcomed.
There is now gruve danger of the earn)
condititions recurring. At the rate the
United States coal trade bus been pro
gressing it will overtake England in
two more years and will then be the
leading coal producing nation of the
world. Saward's annual compilation
of bituminous coal statistics is author
ity for tbe statement that coal is
cheaper in the United States at the
miu s than anywhere in the world. The
present produoing capacity far exceeds
itw demand of homo markets, and with
the difficulty of finding foreign mar
kutp, no extraordinary effort is needed
to overstock by millions of tons the
imitkuta open to American coal. The
only way out of the bole, apparent to
both operator and miner, is in tbe re
striction of production. While the
operators will probably find it im
practicable to secure the support of all
to the pnject outlined, it is thongbt
the co-operation of a sufficient num
ber of producers in the competitive
mutes cau be obtained to curry it out
successfully. There exists ancient ani
mosity between the operators of the
several states and within the various
districts, bnt if a feasible plan could
be offered, and all ore couvluced of the
advantages of tbe proposed combina
tion, the support ot nearly all would
be obtained.
"This matter will probably coma up
for consideration in tbe new association
of railroad coal shippers in the near
future. Organizations ot operators
have been formed in other state and
i. re favorable to tbe plan. All see the
necessity of sucu an arrangement con
ducted similar to tbe plan of the an
thracite shippers, but they falter at
the task of bringing tbe producers to
gether. To begin wltb, othar radical
reforms would have to be made, and
inflexible tonditioni made for a very
wide territory, witn exceedingly di
verso interest. Should the operators
make tbe effort, however, and full,
there is a probability tbut production
will be shut off periodically by the
miners through their national organi
zation. They realiz as well as ths
operators that unlimited produc
tion loads to the demoralization
of prices and wages, and a half sea
son uuder. conditions which enable
them to live decently is better than a
whole season during whloh they starve.
They wore so dowu-trodden last yar
that they considered that it was better
to starve wblU striking than starve
while working. Uuder as intelligent
leadership such as tbe miners now
bsve and a thorough organization in
the bituminous coal field the plan as
proposed is not entirely out of the
range of accomplishment. The strike
during spring demonstrated the bene
ficence of periodical stops, It would
bo utincessary to carry things to an ex
treme and inconvenienoe the commerce
of the country, as was done daring the
strike, bat to carry the suspension to
the point where it becomes necessary
to readily supply the markets. This is
the plan contemplated by the miners if
the operators should fail. It is not ths
purpose to squeeze tbe eoal consuming
public, bat to obtain a price fairly re
munerative on tbe capital Invested,
and to the labor employed."
The 'death or David R. Williams of
Wilkes-Barre Wednesday night ended
a promising career. He was taken
with crumps while bathing in the
Susquehanna and was drownod before
rescue could reaob him. Mr, Williams
was only 24 years old. He started at
bis profession, civil engineering several
yoars ago at Hazletou under E. II.
Lawall, now general supsrintendent of
the Lackawanna and Wilkes-Rarr
Coal company, who took blm from the
mines, reoogniziog his ability. He
cam to Wllkes-Barr as an employ ot
the Lfhlgb Valley Coal company, H
showed that be possessed the proper
qualification and his advance was rupid
and at tbe time ot his death he was
assistant division engineor, a position
be was filling with the utmost satisfac
tion. A sad feature iu Mr. William's
death was the fast that his father, who
was mine iupriutndent for the Pen
nsylvnnla Railroad company at Mt.
Carmel, was killed in an aecideut at
that place a year ago and this sad acci
dent following so closely is a terrible
blow to bis mother.
Differences whlsh existed between
the Norfolk and Western road and the
ooal operators on its line have been nd
jus tad, bat on what busts the oflloi.tls
decline to state. The opsrators wanted
63 cents per gross ton tut the tipples
and the railroad company offered 70
cent. It is believed a compromise of
75 cents bus been affected.
The great rate war between the
southern railroads and stOHinauip com
panies ended ut midnight Tuesday, and
the rates existing prior to tbe inaugu
ration of the fight are) now in fores.
For tbe past week the ruilrouds and
steauiBtiip companies have had about
all tbe freight they could handle, ad
vantage being tuken of the low rates.
i '
Minor Industrial Notes:
Superintendent Thomas, of the Tennes
see Coal and Iron Kuilroad compuuy, has
A collnpse of Inko and rail export rates
ia believed to bo certain unless trunk line
managers couio to soma agreement.
Tho rates of wages to be paid minors for
last half of July and half of August
has been fixed at U per cont. below tho
'.50 basis.
Thore are fifty-two gangways being op
erated at Jlaplo 11111 colliery, near Maho
noy City, the largest number at any single
colliery in that region.
The pumpwny which is being sunk by
the Lehigh uud WilUes-Ilnrre company nt
liouoy Brook bus attained the ilopth of
sevoutvfeet. It will be driven down 175
feet ultogether.
Wright A. Brown, who has been iu tho
employ of tbe Delaware and Hudson at
Urassy Islaud for a number of years, left
there to accept the position as engineor
for tbo Sterrick Creek Coal company at
E. J. Ilonry, western agent of tbe Le
high Valley line, who some time sinco wna
appointed export rate agent of the lake
lines, will resigu. The probability is that
he will be succeeded by Edward Walley,
formerly couuected witu the Boston and
Albany rond.
Two now passenger locomotives nro now
in service on the Pennsylvania railroad
which were built iu the Juniata shops,aud
hnve drivers 6 feet 8 inches in height. One
of these powerful and rapidly traveling
machines is to run on tho Philadelphia di
vision and the other on tho Middle divi
sion, and are now being broken in for their
new service.
Electrlo Bittars.
This remedy is becoming so woll known
and so populur us to neod no special men
tion. All who Lave used Eloctrio Bitters
sine the sumo song of praise. A purer
medicine does not exist and it is guaran
teed to do all tbut is claimed. Electrio
Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver
and Kidneys, will romove Pimples, Boils,
Suit Khoum and other affections caused by
impuro blood. Will drive ilularia from
tbe system and prevent as well as cure all
Malarial fevers. For core of Headache,
Contispation and Indigestion try Electric
Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed,
or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and ft
per bottle at Matthews Bros., Drug storo
IIave used Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for
croup and colds, and declare it a positive
cure. Contributed bv William Kay, 570
Plymouth avenue, Buffalo, N. Y.
Stocks and Bonds.
New York. Aug. 2. The Stock mar
ket was 11 rm iu the early trading on ac
couut of more encouraging reports from
the corn belt, which, however, were not
borne out by late advices from that sec
tion. In addition Loudon was more bull
ish. Louisville uud Naubville and tho
Grnngers led the early rise. Louisville
and Nashville rose l' to 40; St. Paul,
to 67: Burlington, to Eock Is
land, to 04. The bears covered freely in
these issues, but when their orders had
been executed tbe market drifted back
into dullness, which bus been its chief
characteristic of Into. Net changes show
losses of K to 2,Y per cent., American Su
gar leading, ht. Paul. Louisville and
Nashville and Erie gained to per cent.
Total sules wore 113,323 shares.
Tue following- coinpieto-taliln allowing ths
day's fluctuations m notivi) stocks is supplied
and revised daily by Laliar tt Fuller, stock
brokers, 121 Wyoming uveuuu:
Opou- Hub- Low Clos
iiiif, est. est. inc.
Am. Cot. Oil ...
Am Supar. 101 1U)'I 102 1U2U
A.T..VS.F 4 4 3M m
lan. So.
fen. N. J lHTk 10S. ()TU 107U
.l.;- M -.,r ...1- ..... . -
V.UIC dw 1. V lii. lot IU-'.'h
g., u. a y
Chic. Clss. 72W 7.;!-H
C..C.C. SBt. L
l-?4 l-J-4
Col., Ilnck.Val. 4T
D. & 11
r i.. & w litivj H'm lr.'u
V.Se C. F Ill I'.n. jsw sU
. E. Co licuj 30 ynu
Lake Shore 121) 12!) 12H lu
L. & N 4i 4i;U 4mi
Munliattau U'1'4 llll ll-ju, H
Miss. Po V1I14 IM'fcj jil :iu
Nut. Lead USM 3Hi 8H Xn
N.y.&N.E m uii i:h km
p. Y, Contial
S-y-.O.&VV U m 14J, U-j
ci. V., s. 8 W
U. S. C. Co 21 21 21 Kl
North Pao
North Pao. iif IM J;tM
Omaha 3l4 114)4 34U
Rnirlt Island KiU 1)4 Cl r:;y
K.T HlJ )4?i I4i.(i Wu
kt. Paul GVilj 67?4 lim s;u.
T..C.J6I. 17 17 17 17
Texas it I'ac H a'. X M i
Union Pad Ac 7?g ' 1 'M
Vt ubash pf
Western Union MM w Bi'i N'i
W.& 1,. E m !i:2 tr.i vl
W. & L. E. pfd i DlJ 85)4 36)4
Chicago Grain and Provlnloni.
SciWNioN, Aug. 2,-Tlie following quota
tions aro auppliHd aud oorrontod daily by L-liui-
& Fuller, stook brokurs,12l Wyoming ava
uutt. WHEAT. Sent. D.-o. May.
Owning- n 57 ,
HighUHt ir, fis ,,,,
I-owmk 6;;:y
ctS; U
P,!1''"1"'- "H Wi m
HlfilflHt 4 4tu 4,;.u
I-owost 47t$ 4".til 4Mi
ClosiiiK 4D6 b
OA'l 8.
0KitiinsT W .... IMU
Hik'hest W) .... ;ii
Lowest , Kl) V ,,,, ;(U6
CIoHinir 2;i ,,,, wit
pl'eniiig 1277
Highest , 12s7 ....
Lowost 11;77
Closjmr..,,, 12b7 "
0,P".n"'K M
HlKbeat 7,H)
Lownst K!'5 ,,,,
ClosiniJ , 7UIJ '
HiKhcHt. 7il
Lowest B2
ClOBlUB. fl;u ;
Nw York Produoe Market.
New Yoiik, Aug. 2. Flour More
steady, more aotive, chiefly spring pat
ents. WnitAT-Modorately aotive for exports,
c up closing firm; No. 2 red store and
elevator, Bfl'fc. : afloat, 5njfa67c.( f. o.b.,
67a; ungraded rd, 63a07c.( No. 1 north
eru, OjaOSc; options were fairly active
and irregular, closing steady at Kajtfc.
over yostojday; September and December
most active; sales included No. 8 red, clos.
'"8 August, 60c; lioptemuer, , tc;
October tejVj, November none
ber, Blc; May, 00V T
CON-Quiet, ttMtig, scarcbj Na 8,
63c. elevator; 'S7s57W afloat; optious
were aotive aud olosMTsteady al IKalVo.
over yssterdayi August dosed, 440.1
The Discovery of a Process of
I'romlnoiit Iople Express ThomsoWes
Frooly C'oiioeralug It and Juat What
They Bay Is Made l'ubllo.
It Is not often that science makes a
discovery that demands special inves
tigation on the part or tbe newspapers.
Once in a while it does, however, such
as occurred in New York recently.
It has boen stated positively that a
process has been found whereby food,
mixed with fruit acids, became di
gested before it bad even entered the
mouth. Certainly if this were true it
would mark an era in the history of
civilization, and the writer was dele
gated to thoroughly investigate aud
report upon the same.
The first call was made at the ofQcs
of the company which is now manu
facturing the food in question, uud I
was permitted to iuspuct the process
of manufacture. I found it exceed
ingly vlaboratD and scientific, and after
inspecting it thoroughly I was shown
tho way iu which it actually worked.
A piucu of fresh meat wui placed in
tin opeu dish and some of tho pre-di-gustod
food mixed with it, Almost
immediately there was a chango iu ths
color of the meat, next its iibors
seemed to separate, and soon it becime
a liquid mass, the same as it does in
the human stomach after beiug enton,
Tho effect, the change, tho entire pro
ce, was most wonderful and speedy.
''This, as yon see, is a doiuonstra
tion of what can be done," said tho
manager, "but we prefer that yon as
certain just what this food accom
plisbes with the people who use it.
Here is a list of names aud you are at
liberty to sso them und ascertain just
what thsir opinions may be."
Armed with this list, the writer be
gan a tour of investigation, with tho
following results:
Sergeant Ellas 13, Dunn, chief of the
Weather Bureau, was found in bis
office, looklug excesdingly woll. In
response to my inquiry he said: I
have used the pre-digested food Pas
kola myself and in my family, and I
must say thut I have found it just
what is claimed for it la fact. I have
been chanting the praises of it very
steudily ever sine I first began to use
it. Why shouldn't I? It baa built me
up and made a new man of me. You
eye how fresh and rosy I am aud I in
tend to ksep so."
Colonel John R. FjIIows, the elo
quent District Attorney of New York,
in response to my qnsstiou said: "If I
am c.iiiud upon to deliver au address
or make a speech upon which much
depends, I first look out for my stom
ach. When that is heulthy my brain
is clear, my thoughts are logical, and
it is a comparatively easy matter to
elothe them in proper language. When
lam not feoling well I take Paskola,
tbe pre-digtsted food, which sets tbe
stomach right, clears the cobwebs from
ths brain and sets the machinery of
thought and eloquence in motion.
There is nothing like Paskola for such
a purpose, uud I believe it bus won
more cases before a jury than you
would imagine."
lioth ilesirs. Howe and Hummel, the
well-known lawyers, fully confirmed
what I had already hoard. Mr. Ilowe
said :
"Lookot me! Fael how firm my
urmisl You can see I am in porfaot
health, aud yet I wus, not long ago,
advised by dootor to go away for my
health. My present condition Is tbe
result of the use of Paskola. It is a
labor-saving discovery saves your
stomach the labor of digestiug food.
Try it as I did. and grow fat and
His partner, Mr. Hummel, said:
"I have seen a uumber of people try
Paskola, whose stomachs were so weak
thut thuy could digest nothing else, but
who were able to assimilate this pre
digested food without the slighust
difficulty. I have known an udult mau
wasted to a shadow by indigestion, who
gained -10 pounds in threo months by
its use."
Wherovor I went the roports were
the same, and I was forced to the in
evitable conclusion that a great discov
ery had certainly beon made for build
ing up the system, increasing the
strength and prolonging tbe life, with
out any druin or strain npou the diges
tive organs, which has beon tbe great
bane of our Amerioaa life. Certainly
the results of the research proves so.
Any one who desires further infor
mation upon the subjjot should send
for 0 free pamphlet to tho Pre-Di-Keted
Pood Co., o'O Riado St., New
Septsmhor, October, UB'c. ; Novem
ber, 5;i)tfc. : December, 51o. ; May, Sic.
Oats Qniot, bibber, firm; options,
dull, firmer; August, iHc: September,
Sajjc.; spot prices. No. 2, 4iijja41c.: No. 8,
white. Ha. ; No. 'i Chicago, 4c.j No. If,
4Uc; No. i white, 42u43c: mixed western,
4in42j.j wbito do., 4iai0c: white state,
liXKV Steady, quiet; family, $12n$14
extra mes, $Sfif?.5U.
Hkkk Hamh Ouiet at $25.
TiBUCBD UiiKK-Steady, dull; city extra
India mi ss. $1713.
Cut JUkats-Steady, quiet; pickled bol-
I1US, 1- puuuilB, O'iC.j picmciu snouiu
ers, 0Jc.i picklod limns, llulJc.
Laud Dull; western steam closed
t7.!Jf; city, 0o.i option sale-, none; Sp
tfmber closed at S7.S5; refined, quiet; Con
tinent, 87.00; South America, i'7.t!o; com
pound. tlaO.'ic.
Por.K .More active, firm; mess, $14.25i.
14 WJ: extra prime, nominal.
liUTTKii t'airly active, firm; state dairy,
15u21c.; do. creamery, 172;ic.; Pennsyl
vania, do., 17u23c; western dairy,
12ial0e.; do. creamery, 14a'23o.; do.
factory, 12ul5c.( elgius, 23c; imita
tion creamery, 14alc,
Chekse fctfady,' quiet; stato largo, 7a
$c. do. fancy, bc; do. small, TVtfiiOc.;
part skims, !ia5c.; full skims, 2a2Wc.
Eoos-yuiet; steady; state and" Penn
sylvania, 15c; western fresh, 12Ja
14c; do. per case, $lu3.0U
Philadelphia Tallow Starkst
TniLADEU'niA, Aug. 2. Tullow was
dull and prices were a shade easier. Fries
werj: Prime city in hogsheads, 4a454'c.;
prime country, in barrels, 4c: do. darklu
barrels, Sa3c; cakes, 4Jc; greuse,
WEAK MEN Y0UR attention
ifii urent luiglisb Remedy,
w- S Cray's sP2ciflc m
ta44 eSl IF YOU SUFFER in Nor-
ttiixrumii und llama .1 ii imiw vriua lln.
bility,. Woalrnoas of Body, and Miud, Hiierma-'
ton Lea, nnu Itnpoteucy, and all diseases that
rise from ovor-mdulouou and avU -abuse, as
Ixiss or Memory anu rower, uiiiinass of Vis
ion, Premature Old A?o and muny other dis
eases that lead to Insanity or Consumption
aud nn early eravu, write for a pnmuhlnt.
Address GRAY MEDICINE CO., Uuiluto,
N. Y. The Hpooitlo Medlclno la sold by all
drOKKWU at f per paekaite, or six packages
for ',,or sent by mall un receipt of money, aud
with .very 16.00 order WE GUARANTEE
a cure or niouey reiuuuea.
rT"On account of counterfeits we hava
fdopted tlie Yellow Wrapper, tbo only genu
ine Bold in Scrautuu by ilattliows liros.
E p l p . P Pimples, Blotches'
jgE B B and Old Sores Eg
Marvelous Cures
in Blood Poison
and Scrofula
P. P. P. purlllos the blood, builds op
tbo vanlc and tlebllltuted, yives
strength to weukennil nurres, eipels
dleu:it'B.slTliii the patient health and
hnpiiluess where sickness, Kloomr
feelings and lassitude llrst prevailed.
For prlmiiry.sTOoudnry and tertinry
ayphllls, for blood polsonliiK. moruu
rial poUun, malaria, dyxpepsln, and
In till blood uud akin dlnuuaq.i, like
blotclins, plmjiloa, oM ciironip iik-ers.
ti ttur, sciiid heiui, bolls, eryalpulas,
et-zema-wo may suy, without fear of
contradletlon.thnt P. P. P. Is the best!
blooil purlliir Iu tliti world, and mnl;ea
fioaitive, soeedy and liermanout uuroa
nail cnsi-s.
LaOtes who?e syatotus are poisoned
And whom blond Is in an Impure condi
tion, dim to menstrual lrrt-ulariilus,
are re.'.'dini-ly bontDted by the w-n-Uortul
tonic audbloinicleuuslni; prop
ortiiiaiif P. -l'rickly Ash, Poko
Hoot aud I'otasnlum.
Bi-MMtii'ii'.Ln, M. , Auk, 14th,
I o:m spo:ik In the Llht-st terms of
yourmbdielue from my own personal
KnowludKO. 1 wasulTt-cteil with hoart
dlen.iM, pleurly und rhuumullMn for
3o yeitrs, was treated by the very best;
phyMir-lunr. ana spout hundreds of dol
lars, tried every known remedy wUh
out UndUiK' relief, I have ouly tuken
one iiottlo of your P. p. P., und eoa
cheerfully ny It has done nie moro
Kood than snythlnK 1 have aver taken.
1 can recommend your medicine to all
oullorors ol tlo abovo diso.inns.
8pi JgO'Jldi Qraen County, Mo.
National Bank of Scrantoi
CAPITAL $250,000,
SURPLUS $30,000,
W. W. WATSON. Vice Proaidaat.
U. WILLIAMS, Cashier.
Joseph J. Jhituyrf. HI. H. Kemkhkk.,
Cuas, P. ilAixutws, John T. Poutbu.
W, W. Waison.
This bank Invites tbo patronage of busiuoss
fficu aud Urms k'cuorully,
Cooms 1 and 2 Commonwealth Gld'&
Wade at the MOOHIO and BUSU
Lnfllin & Band Powder Co.'i
Electrlo Batteries, Fuse for oxploi
lng blasts, Safety Fuse aud
RepaunoChemicftl Co. 's High Explosive
nCITEB fiEICB CO.,IncV.rupltl,8!.WX00,
BJciST 81.K0 SliOU IH Tllli V'OKI.U.
"A dvllar saved it a dotlur umcil."
This I.ud los' holld I'roneh longi.-ln II id Bu t
touilaot dulivorvd frea anynliuru in tbe U.S., on
ittcijitorcafU, uoncy urdsr,
Dr roiul Nolo (or 1.M.
Canals every wuy Ui boots
soid In till rotatl stores for
$2.60. AV'a ruako tills boot
oursolvri, thuroturo wo gucv
anltfl ibojlt, ttuU and wear,
and If auy ono Is not taUsllad
we win raiuna tno money
or sand another pair. Opeta
Too or (.'eniinBn fuusr,
vrinuii c Jl), is, St Kli,
. alv.. 1 (A 1 nn.l t,.,l
''-jUei). Stud uoursiic;
-. . W4 let I HI IOII.
lluiittrat. a
if'TVr Cat.
&'-')'i.ft'rf lM
Dexter Shoe GULKK.'
Special rtniit i iMuurt.
Meat Market
The Finest in toe City.
Tbe latest improved fur
nishings' Biid apparatus for
kneping mat, bnttor and eggs.-
B23 Wyoming At.
At his nowly-renovated and licensod Ilotol at
CLAKK'8 SUMMIT, is now prepared to fur
nish traveling mon and social parties with
or double, U tnko them to Luke Wiuola.
Hravol Pond and all Buburban points and
Hummer resorts at roasonablo prices. A lanjo
ivory burn eouuootod wltlinotel tor travol
lug public.
Come and see us about the Job
V . wort you will need soon.
The ScrantQrt Tribune Job Dept.
and Old Sores
0 m I as n fl
uaiarrn, malaria
and Kidney Troubles
Are entirely rcnioel by P.P.I.
Prickly Ash, Poko Root and Pntas- "-J
alum, tbo greatest blood purlllor oa
tiarth. T ;5
AssnnKKW, O.. Jnly21.1TOl. -f
Uhssks. Ln'PMAN Bros., Harannab. j
Oa. t Hhak Bias I boUKbt a bottle of
f our P.P. P. at Hot 8prliiKS.Ark.,nnd
t huH done me more jrood than tiireo .r
i ruenths treatment at the Hut tjprluss.
1 Head three bottles C. ). I). r-O
Aberdeen, Brown County, O. sf3
Capt. J. D. Joliunton. a7
To all vhom it may conrtrn: I lioro- "
by testify to the wonderful properties
pfP. P. P. for eruption of the skin. I ,.T
eulTerod for several years with un un
iKhtly aud dlsuicreoablo oruptlon on
my face. I tried every known rt-mo-
dy but In vnln, until P. P. P. wus used, "Ej
and am now entirely cured.
(Sifuedby) J. D. JOllNflTON, j,
Bavaunah, Ua. C
Bkln Cancer Cured.
Tetiimony from the Ituyor of Sciutn,Tcx.
RnqmN.THX., January M, lWH. ' ZJ-.
Mkjuis. I.ipi-tf AN llnus. . Savaiinuh, -t'
On.: tietiikmi'n-1 Imvo ivle-l yoin- P. J5
P. P. for a disease of the :i!;la, u.ur.!ly
known as skin cauor,of thirty yi-ar:' $
naixlli'K, and louud K-'iut rallnf: 16 ..-.
purllloin.o--d and lr- "'
ruaiion fromtio. seat of tho din'-:io CTT-
and prevents any .ltir-adtnv i'( mo
torvK. I Uavo taken ttvtor :x b-ittl- "s-1-'
and fee! conlident tlui'.anoihiir course
will elleotacoro. 11 ha:. al:iu relieved '
me froia Imllirestlr-n and Hi)macU k O
troubles. 2&mrori, ?
Attorney at Law, :J
Book on Bid Diseases M Free.
PuopniETor.s, fD
Uppman's Ill!ick,Jvannah,C3
ill Hation
Eank of Ecrantoa.
CAPITAL, $200,000
SURPLUS, 1250,000
TbJ bank offers to depositors rTiry
facility warranted by tlielr Lalances, bui
Hess aud ri'spoiisibllltv.
hpeelal al tint Ion given to buslnciss ao
Count Interest yaid uu time deposits.
WILJ.TAM Tresldcnt.
CtO. H. OATLIN, Vlvo'1'i-i-sldont,
WILLIAM 11. I'LL a, luslilcr.
William Tonnoll, Gonrca If. Cntlln.
Alfred llauil. Jiiinos Arclibnld, lii-nry
Uelin, jr., AVlliiaui X uitu- Luthar
. Robinson's ks1
Unmifacturara of tbo Cclobratel
100.000 Etls. Per Annum.
Largo Medium and
White Clover,
Choice Timothy and
lawn Grass Seeds
Guano, Bone Dust
and Phosphates for
Farms, Lawns and
Sesas and
Hotel Wayerly
Europtvm Plan- First-oloss Bur attaohnA
Depot (or BerKuer A Euel's Xanubtouo-jl
IE Cot 15th MdFlltotSti, Phte
Host doslrabl for residents ot N.l Tonn
ylvaula. All eonvtnleiaes lor travolors
to and from Broad Btrei t statiou and tua
Twelfth and Market Htreut station. Lu
lirable for viritlng Horautonlaua anil ei
lie in the AnthraolU Keg-iuu. '
l liV.Mt 1AN1S AMlbU.(ilOli
DK. tl. i.L)GAH DF.AN bns removed totlW
b)iruce su-uHt, bcruiitou, 1'a. (.Just oo
pojito court-housd bquare. )
1 jit. A J. COKNKLL, Oilico 2J1 Wasliinirton
U avt-nuo, coruor Fpruca atrmt, ovur
I'ram:ko 8Uru2 storm Kusideuco, 7ti Viiiest.
ClikiH bom-s: 10..I) ti 1 a. iu. und it to! uud
tu7.SU p. m. Buutl.-iy, 2 to 3 p. in.
DH. W. K." ALUkif. Oilico cor. W.ka
wnnna and WiiKliiuirLou nvi-s. : ovor Loon
erd shoe store; oilice hoars, 10 to Hi u. tn. und
II to 4 p. in.; evt-uiuKS ut lujiUunuo, 5U.
V asjilnuton hvo.
lli.U L. 1-UF.Y, l'racticii limited to L"is
is i-tisos of tlio Eye, Kar, Noso and Turoat;
oilice, 1 Wyomiii ava Uusideuco, itiH Vine
Ut. li.M. OATli.S. lL'r WusliinKton Avuuui.
if Oilk-o Uouis, to U a.m., l.otlto II aud
to 8 p.m. UiwidiMii-a ;Hil) Muili'on avi-nua
U11N L? W li".N XZ, SlH .,"" U11KUH :a undU
t) ( omnionweultli buildlnit; rosidonco "11
Madison ar; oilico bour-i, 1J to H to 1, to
S; tinndays 2.9!) to 4. evc-ninm at resideuco. A
I orbtlty mudo of diye.-isi-s of tho oye, our, uosa
and tlirout und i;ynocoloiV.
It. KAY, UMil ruinAvo. ; 1 to llp.m ; cnll-Util.
Uis.of women, obstoti-irs and dis of uliil.
I M. C. KANt.'K'ri Law and Collcotlon of
l . Hen, No. -SI7 Spruco t., npjiosito Korcst
House. Brrunton, la,; roliictioiis a spi-cialty
tlirouuliout l'Linisylviiuiii; rt'liiiljli- colrcsiioml
f lits in every county.
II.,.SL-'1'.S ds iIA.mj, Altorneya und Couns')!
lors ut Luw. CoiuuK.nv.-oalth Imlldiui
WttauiuiiWn ava. V. II. Jt-im-p,
lliniAci; E. Hand.
W. 11. Jr.Fst:i', Jn.
yju.AHD, v."i:h:..v . k.nai'I. Att-.r-
it noys ami '.Vni;iii-.iors nt Law, i'.'-ruliiican
I'Ulltliii'r, W ashin'ton av".. Sennitou, l'.u
I A'i'' & Wliit DK," Attor"u.-vs"aiiT
X Couiisellor.'i at Law; olliccS li uud 8 Library
luiidiutf. bciautou, 1'a.
liOHWPt.ti IT. rATTT!ltt0S.
Wlt.t.IAM A. W1I.COX.
A Ll'ki:i) HANI), W 11,1,1AM -I. ilA.VU, At-
tornuys and Counsellors, Conimouwealtli
bnilditiir. liniimj li). ai und A.
WE. liDYI.E, Attorney -ut-I.uv,Nos.l and
!.0, linn- lmiliiin.t, a.sliiuiiton nvcnun.
HENiiY 11. snKlVVIIiwoin.-iw'iTPrico
lmililiiii,', l-'il Wusblnuton avenuo.
."UAN1C T. OK.-.,I,, Attorii-.yat Law. lloom
6. Coal Exeluit!-,-:., Ta.
MiL'l'UX V. I.(i ICY. I Alfy, itT Wiislimi?
t . II. VOX STOUCII, I ton uv.. C. IT. wi'iuro
JAjlKSW. OAKi'(llil), Attoinuv nt Law,
riHisi's Gil, W and (iS, 'i.niimouwi.-a'ltli b'l'B.
tJAMULI, W. EDitAit, Attinwy at Law.
OjUlliee, 3IT Hprucotl., Scrunton. 1'a.
T A. WATItES, Attorney nt Law, 42J
J J. Lu'-kawnntia sue., S'-i-niitrn. 1'a.
Ji I'. fiillTII, Counsellor nt Law. (Illta
I . rooms ol, oV al t 'otiiTiionwi-altn biiil'iiri'.'.
( ' H. E1TC11EU. Attorney nt Law, Coin
V ' . niotiwealtli liiillninir. Seranton, I'u.
('. Ci.iM Kit VS. IfJl S.rnee st.
DU. KKl'LiULK, Attoniev l.rmni no-o-tir.terl
on re d c-stiite seeurity.-IUs Hpni'-e.
Ii t. K1I.LA.1I, Atlornev at-Law,Ta) Wy
fiiiiinaveriiii-. s.-r;int n.
kJ ton, 1'a., pi ep iros boys aud Rirls for collegi
or businens: tborouclily trams vount; chilUroa
Cutulouo ut leiiuut.
I'rcv. Tttomas M. CAN.-,
W'.M.Ttll II. DfKlL.
und rcliool, 41- Adams avenue. t'upiU
r- reive 1 at all timos. Noxt teroi will uima
Solitnmoei- n.
( I C. LAUBACIl, burgeou Dtutist, Ho, hi
yy . Vyontiji avp.
H V. T H A I' l't IX. nffle. c,.t Kx-h-m""
TUIi KE1TBEIU .Savings n:id Lean Asso
1 ciation will loan you money on eusier terms
Slid pay you batter on Investment that) .my
ether association. Call on 8. ,. CALL1.N
Ill'K. Tl-lli- Ilnnk VnMdin-
Gl(. CLARK CO., heelsmon. Florists
and Nurserymen; storo 141 W'asuiUtfCoti
uvuiiud; green house, lUU liurtU Maiu uveuuo;
-tore teleplione ?s-;.
UKA X !) U N li M '1 E A.C.t ).. Jn-ies lire
V. iKi: M :ls.
I OS. KL'ETl'Kl 6ij Lackitwamri nvonui
iimi ''''''P- 1 11 e'l-eVl'V of Wil-.. J'-re"in
!l(tll:l.S AM) lSlrAC!;.NTi.
'I 'UK VlVbTJUXsVLlt. 2i;.l!l Wyoming
1 live. Koiinij heated with steam; nil mod
tun iiiipi-ovuuients. C. 11. Tlit MAN. 1'rop.
'PUR ELK CAI'E. VS, ami 1-.7 Franklin uvo
l nue. Kates reasomilile.
1'. y.n:i)i.i:it, proprietor.
' V Vv'- . sail-::;nc. Mnnaer.
Bixteontli stree, one block cast of Uroailway,
ut liiion Square, New York.
Anierl'-an plan, W.Ooper day and upwiinl.
(1UYNE LuUt-E, European plan; j;ood
J rooms, open d.iy and liilit. liar sup
piled with tbo best.
Ct KAN TON ll(Jf:-E. ''., U V. pa
leiiuer depot Coiulucted i.u the iairopean
ih--.'i - n i i u : --.jjn i p v 1 1 -t or.
AltCII I rut ! S.
"iVAVlS i- IU'l'l'T, Ai' jtooiiis
1 ' i'i and M ('oiiiuiiinwi-al'.U o'ld'ir. iSeranton.
'h AL'I EH." Areli-tectV Oilico, "roar of
J J, II'M asbinv-toii avenue.
1, 1.. mtOW.V. Arch R Ar.liitect, I'rico
i lnu'din. I?ii S li.sliinKion Ave.,Seratiton.
i) bulls, plenliv, partios, receptions, wed
cinfi's aua coiiciirt wui'iE furnUluni. Eor tonus
tildro.'s K. J. 1'iiuer, coniiuctor, 11? Wyoming
live., ovur Huibert's niiis c htoro.
lumber, Prico bulldin;, Scrunton, l'n.
Mi.UAlliiEii jiKOTIlEKM, I'lllXTEUhT
supplies, envelopes, p.ipsr baps, twine.
Wuruliuuso, 1U0 V a:iliiui;tou ave., ttcranton,
at l.yj tapousg iivenno
D. L.FOOTK, Agont.
"J.lvANK 1'. UliUWN CO., VUlOLK
J suio dealei-s iu Wooilwnro, C'ordaLro and
Oil Cloth, ?:.0 Y. Lackawaniia avemie.
HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co.
U. E. CKOI'UT Proprietor.
fl'IIIS BOrSE is strictly teuiporaue.i. Is n-.-w
I aid well fui-niMi.-l iiiel OPEN -' H T-')
HK V'JilLU! 'fill-: YEAU IWITNOj 8
located midway bitween llontr) o all 1 S.-ran-Ion,
on AionlMse mi l iawan-ri liailre-el,
hix miles fro n I)., L, & V. U. It. at Alfonl
Bia'loti, and llv. tiiilet from M uitnM.i; en
racity, "lnhty-llvu; three mhiuies' walk t rom
It. li. station.
tlOOl) IttiAT-i, I T'.l!lN(i TACK L1C, Sc.,
Altlttnlu nbout 2.HIKI, eipialllnir In this
veipiK't tlio AdirouiLieit a id Cattdll Moun
tains. lino urovos, plonly of shalo and lionntiful
cuiiery, i:iuklii' a .Sumiiur licsort uuex
ceded )u b.-anty a'al eiio.ipness.
Uaiicln;- pavilion, swln.-s. crou.-t e;r omuls,
lie. Cold Sprint; Water and pi uly ol At lilt.
Itntus, fc-7 to 810 pur u tell. Vl.uU per
l-.NCui-sinn tickets sold al all stations onD.
L. & W. lines
Pol t. r meets all trains.
Tlio GEUTJINE New LTaven
"Malhoshek" Pianos
How York "Warcrooma No. 80
Fifth Aveuuo.
Bole dealers la this 6otion.
OrriCE-'lJl Adams Avo., Telephone BTU'fl
Anthracite coal UKod exclusively, iniuriiij
cleanliness and l omloi t.
TIMi: lAItr.H J. Ei'l'l'CT JIAV-I), isni.
Trains leave Scranton for Pittst.iu. Wilkes
B.irre, etc.. nt U.lo, 11. .'Ill a. m., li.H). 2 o
?iiH' 'l','-1' I-,' H "' P '"' """aya, ll.U) a, iu.,
l.WI, 2.1.1, 7.10 p. in.
For Atlantic City. 8.:KI a, m.
For New York, Newni-K und Elizabeth, R.?l
(exiiress) iu in., li.iu (express with LuffuS
parlor car), a.JJ (cxprcssj p. nu yuiiihiy, ili
p. m. '
i on fliAi'rn Ctn-XK, Ai.i.r.NTowN,
ni:M, KAsToNund I'ini.Aiii i.i'iiiA, ..) a.
f,.i) (except lniiladuipiiia) p.
(Sunday, S.Ki p. m.. r
For I.oNii lli'iANcn, Ockam OnovE. etc,
E. etc..
e.M t with tlironuii .... - ,, , 1
For ltrnidiiiL'. T...I III imil iitiit I I nvniul ..iff. t!
'i p in.
Allentowu, b.2Ux in., l'i.;, p.m.' (juu'day.
2.1 1 p. in. 1
For Pottsville, a. in., l'J.;,n p. m.
P.eturniiiK. I, avo N,-w York, foot ol' Liberty
, iTi'v, r,Vt'r' !uu fexpri'ss) a m.,, 1..JW, -l.,,i (express with lUuiei. panor car
p. m. Sunday. 4.;i'l a. in.
Leave Philadelphia, p.esiliuif Tevmiual, 9.01
a. in.. -Ml .iiid l.:i i p. in, Sunday, (i a. -r,.
Tlirouirli tickets to all points at lowest ratu
may be had on application iu udvaucu to tUj
ticket at'out ut lllj sta'hn.
ii. p. HAi.nvviN,
J. II. OLITAT'SEN', Aifont
it'll. Slipt.
I JJS- Dl'.l.AVN .I(L A.M.) nun
k Jl , -''- P.UI.ItOAU
ljl?f I CoinineM- in ; .May til, K)
b'ts)' I I trains will run as follows:
C 1 - m M
I rams le:-vo Unil'ii strei t
Mat.on. Meranton, fur Pitts-
iWf- t likes ll.irre.etc.. S.IM,
A l.-'o. z:,'i.ui. iii, tU5, u.ij
y r ami li.. .) p. iii.
7(y J or New York nndPIiila-
llllll llill I- Iril:, lo . l '.lll '. '".
S-;..tMRiidll.:)p. m.
I or iloncil.iie (; rom Delaware. T.r-. "
mid wi-iteni d-potj, V Oj, b.i, lo iu .i.m., l ij
in., 17, p. in.
For ('.iilio:iiii!lo and interivlialo rtnUiim,
8. in, 7 1. -.;.), lu.lil a. in., 1:: o- , (y. i;, a. 21,5. hi,
li -o and II I'.i p. m,; ti-..m liridj-o trout Lepot,
"."I a. in., 2. Hand 11 ;.! p. ni.
l-'ast eTpi-es to Alti..uv, i-ar; tn::a, the Adt
roiidaek '.loiiutaius, li nn.l N w England
1 ooii i. .1. ;i a. in., arriv:u ; at Albany I2. li
hory to;.'a p. in. .and i":iviiw Seranion nt 2.17
p. m.. nrrivin.; at Al'einv at '.I" p. in., hai'a
tia, 12. .Ma. in., ami Ii s'on, 7.01 a. m.
The only direct route bi-twuen tlio coal flnbli
an 1 liohion. "Tlio Leadim; 'lHlriHts, lioiito
of America"' to tlio Adirondack .Mountain re
sorts, Lu!: s Ueoriio and Chainplain, Montroal,
Time tables showing local and tlinmuh train
forvice between i-talloiis on all divisions Deia
Wrtrn and P.uiif-on system, m-.y b i nlitained uC
all 1 )o-i,-;tro and Hudson te-k.-t olli'-es.
11. ti. YOU-NO, J. V. HL'KDU'K,
Eecond Vice Prosident. Oen. i'ass. Ant,
: . i uJ&y ?'..v ""vA kMi-'OAC
MAV i-;. I ''.II.
Train leaves Rera'iton f n- Philn T"lphin ,-in l
New Y'ork viiu 1). iV II. U it. nt 7.4.1 a. in.. 12.0
2.3S and U.IW p. m. via D., L. A: W. It. 1(., ti.od,
b.iH.11.20 a. in., and 1..H p. m.
Lcavo Si-rantoii for Pitlstou and Wilkis
Barro vial).. L. & W. U.K., ti.uj, S.UJ, 11.2J
a. ui , l.SU, 11.1)7. ii ii. m.
Leave Hcrnnton for 1 hite Haven, HazlMon,
Pottsvilio ami all points on tho Hi-aver
lloadow and Pottsvilb lir.'iiiclies. via E. A- W.
V.. i;.ii)a.ui.,v a D. ,i 1LK.K. at l.'.d.l.
2.IK -IMip.m., v:s U L. ic V. 11. H 0.(11, S.W,
11.2) a.m., i.lli). ILlii p.ra.
Leavo Serantnu for Petlil-'iiein. Eatnti,, Ilari-isburi; and all iiiternieiilati
points via U.iV li.IMi. 7.1.1 a in .12.0., 2. H, 11. ;H,via 1)., L. i: W. K. H..',r.ii-i. 11.2) a. in.,
l.a.i p.m.
Leavo Se.ranton for Titiiklpiuii iclf, Towan 1 1,
Eliuira. Ithaca, (lenova and ail iir.enue ii ito
points via I). A; 11. lt.l;.,i :i.iii..l2.i)1 and ll.:i
p. in., via D. L. & W. it. I!.. N ils a.m., 1. W p. m.
Leave Scranlon t. r ll-s-liester, Euil.ilo. Si
airara Falli, Chn-e.-o an-1 all t. oiiirs
west via I). & II. It. r. -..-,,l2 0.-,.:Ull.a
p.m.. via I). L. & W. P.. li. ntni Pit:to'i
Junction, 0.0s a.m., l.JU, S.o i p. in., via E. is W.
H.K..H.I1 P. m.
For Elinira and tlu west via Sabinnnci. vii
P. ii. is. It. i-.i ia.i.1.. 1: Ul.ti.iil p. in., via LV.
L. A; W. U.K.. ,!-.0s .i.m., 1 ,ii and n.07 p. m.
Pullman parlor mid s!eeoiie- or L. V. chilr
cars ou all trains betw. en L. & li. .Tuncti ni or
Wilkes-llarr,) ami New York, Pliilad lpaia,
Bullalo and SuMiemlon Ilridtr
HOLLIN" il. WILllL'H, U"n. Sunt.
CIIAS. s. LI E. (i -n. Ar t. Phila.Pi.
AlV.NOXNEMACHEli.A.'.s't Q-U.Pa,s. Ai't,
Souili Bethlehem, l a.
Trains leave !f"raiiii.n as follows: Fxprcsi
fe;-New York una alt t oojis E . 1 . 10, .ju
6.1I-, s.oi ni.u U.I.) a. m.; 12 51 iiiel .1.1) p. ni.
Express tor E:ist',n, Tr-'titoii, Pnilad. lplili
and the South, ul. t.'.'j and u.1 a. u. ; 12.ji
and p. ni.
S'n.s!iinyten and way Nations, S.i." p. m.
Tobvliiiuna ac-'ou:tii'iatii.u. 1" . nu
Eip'r ss f-r l".i:i:. -baint-'ii. Onv.v . Elmir.i.
Coruiu, P.uth. Iliinsvuie, M"ii'.t M jrns arid
Hullaio, 12.10. 2 1,1 a. in. und 1 21 p. in., m iking
close conr.octio::.! at Eutlalo to all pomU in tlw
West, Nor'ihwe.r, aud Suiuhwes..
Path accommodation, ii a. m.
Liiittlianiton and way ot.Uioi.s, 12.37 p. ra.
-Mcnoiioii accuiinaudat:oa, ut 4 p. ni. auij
C 1 1 p. ni.
Blnshaintnn and Elmira T'spress. 0 05 P m.
Expicss lor ( oriUiid, Syiin aso. Oswe,"
tticaaiul liiclifkld .Springs, 2.1.1 a. m. and 1.2l
p. in.
Ithaca, 2.1'i and ll.ith l n. m. and 1 21 p. m.
lor Nortiiunibei-biiid.Pittstoii, S'iikes-Earrn,
Plvmouth, lllooiiijbui'i; nil t l.ianville, maUiiist
eloso couiieeiio!!-; at NortliiiniberUuid tlir
Willlniusiiorl. Ib.ri -isbura, Laltimoro, Was
lliCt .01 and the Soiuh.
r.oi iliuiiili..rla7id nd inter.uediiito stations,
Sui, U..V, a. in. and l.:xi ami ii.u; p. ui.
Nautico.ij ana uitcriu(-.l'.:tt stations, s.U
and 11. tn a. in Plymo'i'li and intormediat J
stntions, 3..V) and S..1 : n. in. , .,
Pullman parlor and nki-plniS coaches oa tU
cxpress trams. , , . . ,
ror detailed iiifoi'inatiou, pocket tun itaWej,
etc., upply to M. L. Smitu, city ticiet oillcj,
oi Lai;kuwanuaaveuue, or depot ticket omen.
yj uoau
Trains leavo Srrantnn for Now York and I ri railroad at ti.oi
a. in. and 3.24 p in. AImj for llonesdali-.
liawley aud local points at il i1, 11.11 a. in., and
3.21 p in.
Ail ilni abovo aro throunh trains to and
flom lb mi sdale.
An additional train leaves Scr.intm fof
Lake Ar.el al a. Ill p.m. and arrives al Scran
ton from th.i Like at h 11 n in aud 7.11 p.m.
Trains lcavo lor Wilkes-Barra at t.U a. iu.
aud 3.41 p. iu.
haTo rk Uum
P--- ,7 .: A
a sNoi for
5N f i;-U.'CiAi,
In lll'ert June '2llh, I Mil.
Nnrili lliiunil.
805 203 SOli 20i '.,!' l 2fl!l
r. J si at ions L ., .
2 t 2 W (Trains Dalit-, Ex- CT 2
A i Copt Mm, lay. 1 ,- .
Arrive Leave,
N. Y. Er:iiil,ln M.I .
l'l .
West. 42 ,d sircet 7. VI
Wcciiawkeu ..., S lu
r !l eJ'
blvi ll.'i-
s iii' l m ,
rB.-'is.'-iii .
7 61.12 II! .
Arnvo leave a sir mi
llaiM'i ci; .liinclluii; ii on i
lln n cock
II C(l 2 M
! i
Pi't'ston park
(i 'S 2 22, ....
i '-'-' 2:il ....
2 41 p m
li I i 2 .'ii I 4 M
II 4.1' 2 .IS 4 MS
(i 8 ( li ,1 Hi
7:si2 2vinio,
7 m i is in oi!
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All trains run dully except Sunday,
t sKnllles that li ulns slop on sl;;uul for pas.
((cure rntfs via Ontario Western beforo
pnrclinslnfr t Icket s und save money. Day and
Klligt Jpiess to tlia West.
J.O. Anderson, cien. Pass Act.
T. Iflltcrolt, Dir. Pass, Agt, scrnutou, Pa.
For Delicacy,
For purity, and for improvement of the com
plexion, nothing equals Pozzoni's Powder.