s LIVE BUSINESS MEN" Don't tie up with down- at- tho lieel THEY PURCHASE TUBLICITY in journals that are on the up ward jump. newspapers, ft 6 ? I EIGHT PAGES-5G COLUMNS. SCRAXTON. TA., FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, 1894. TWO CENTS A COIY. THE TRIBUNE HAS A LARGER BONA FICE 0 MM BUSINESS MEN THAN ANY OTr! IRCULATION AMONG SCR !ER HORNING PAPER THE PIGTAILS OFF FOR KOREA Twenty Thousand Chinese Troops Are March ing Upon Seoul. JAPAN'S CHALLENGE ACCEPTED The Emperor of tho Flowery Kingdom Orders His Warriors to Root Out the Pestilential Japs Uncle Sam Will Protect Subjects of Eoth Coun tries in Unhealthy Ports Russia Continues to Make Threats Chi nese Coasters Raise the American Flag. Copenhagen. Aug. 2. T is offleially announced hero that the Chinese northern fljot, con sisting of thirteen vessels, has loft Cbefoo for Korea. It is added that a buttle between the Chinese and Japanese may be very shortly ex pected. London. Aug. 2 A dispatch to the Times from Shanghai says that re ports received there from foreign otti-c-ials at S-oul, the capital of Korea, Bay the Chinese, tinder General YiS, on Sunday lust defeated tho Jnpanes forces near Asan. It U added that the Japanese withdrew to Sjonl. Twenty thousand JIaueburian Chin ese troops have crossed the Korean frontier and are marching upon SjouI. t. Petersuuiio, Aug. 3. It i3 ofli cially announced that Hunsia, desiring a settlement of the war between China and Japan, will act in couip'.eto accord with Great Britain in un tllort to st cure an Immediate solution of tho diffi culty. Fuiling this, Russia will not al low any power to take eve u parliul pos session or Koreu. Yokohama, Aug. 2. Tho Chinese minister at Tokio has demanded bis passports. Tho Chinese residents in Japan are being placed under tbo pro tection of the United States legation. Shanghai, Aug. 2. An official tele gram received here from Tien Tsin says that in tho battles fought July 27 and July 23 at Yashun, the Japanese were repulsed with a loss of over 2,000 men. THE E3IPEUOR IS EXCITED. Tien Tsin, Aug. 2. The emperor of China bus issued a manifesto in re sponse to japan's declaration of war. The manifesto declares that the em peror accepts tho war which Japan has thrust upon him, and orders the vice roys and commanders of the imperial forces to "root these pestilential Japan ese from their lairs," Tbe emperor throws the whole blame for the shedding of blood upon the Ja panese, who. he asserts, are fighting in an unjust cause. Tht emperor has expressed a desire to come to Tien Tsin in order to he near the center of interest, but Viceroy Li LInng Chang is opposed to the move ments on tho ground that Tien Tsin does not afford suitable accommoda tions for his majesty. A council of war wasbeld here today. Afterward the viceroy told tho repre sentatives of European powers that he was confident of the ultimate defeat of the Japanese, lie had no fears of au attack upon Taku, nstbo garrison there had been strongly reinforced. BltlTlSII AND AMERICAN FLAQ3. Shanghai, Aug 2 Although the treaty ports are exempt from hostilities during the war, tin precautions taken to block the Yang Tse-Klang have ren dered navigation unsafe except in broad daylight. Tho lights at entrance of river hve bean removed and many torpedoes nave been lata. The Cbiuet Htenuior plying between this port itnd King Poo has hoisted the British flair. lu Smith audCass local Chi''Kd coasters have raised the Amer ican fl ig. Washington, Aug. 2. A telegram bas been reeuve.i at tho Japanese le gallon from lokio stating thnt the good cfikea tondered by the United States havo been accepted to the ex tent that Japanese subjects iu China ports will be under tb protociioa of the American flag, as will also Chiuese lubjectB iu Japanese porta. SHOT AT SCHMIDT. But the Brewary Reoeivor Wouldn't Re oeive Her Bulla'. Cincinnati, Aug. 1. Mrs. John Kauitmau, wife of the well known brewer, attempted to shoot Emil Schmidt, tbe receiver, who has charge of the plant in front of the place ou Vine street, at noon today. Yesterday iiauuman sued ms wife for divorce, charging cruelty, neglect, etc. This morning she called at the browery to see her husbnnd, and was ordered off tbe premises by Mr. Schmidt. About noon Schmidt and his 12-year-old sou Artnur, lert me Drewery for home. Just as Schmidt placed his fnnt nn the step of bis buggy to entor, he was Biarnou ty a cry irom ms son, "Look out. father, that woman is irninr? tn shoot you." Schmidt whirled at onae to learn bis danger, but would have been too lute had not the weapon held by Mm. Kauffman missed fire. Th.i receiver grappled with the woman and only disarmed ber after a desperate struggle. An of!lcr was called and Mrs. Kauffman was placed under ar rest. Mrs. Kauffman blames Schmidt for most of ber domestio troubles. Slio admitted that she intended to kill Schmidt, saying that she was so angry ana excited that sue naa no control over herself. ORDERS FROM THE GUARD. Honorable Discharges Granted and Set' lfrnatlone Received. Harmsburq, Auk. 2. Orders have been issued from National guurd bead quarters honorably discharging the fol lowing officers. Captain Barclay Harding Warbur- ton, aide-do camp First brigade, re signed; First Lieutenant Douglass S. Fister, Company G, Fifth regiment resigned; Second' Lieutenant Robert Shoemaker, jr., adjutant of the Second regiment, resigued; Second Lieutenant James Ramsey Burnside, Company H, Tenth regiment, resigned; First Lieu tenant William B. Uowplund, quarter master, Eighth regtmont, resigned. TARSNEY ARRESTED. The Victim of a Tar and Foathen Soirae Disregarded a Subposna. Colorado Springs. Colo.. Aug. 2 An attachment has been issued foil Ad- utant General Tarsney, who bas dis regarded a subpoena to appear before the grand jury us a witness. lie will be brought from Denver nder arrest on his return from Kan- as City, where he went to identify ex- Deputy Sheriff Joseph Wilson, who is aiu to nave oeen tne leader or tne gang that tarred and feathered him. BOGUS BILLS OUT. Counterfeit Tan Collar Notes That D:fy Det'C'.ion. Washington, D. C, Aug. 2 Tho mast dangerous of counterfeit United States money discovered for years is anuouueed from the treasury dopaat ment today. Bscause it is so difficult of detection from the genuine uote tho counterfeit is described in minute do- tail, by tbe secret service in order to put the public upon its guard. The counterfeit 14 or tue 10 legal tender note, series of 1880, check letter I, face platw number S'-JjO, back plate umber 2292, signed by W. S. Rose- crans, register; J. V. Hyatt, treasurer, and bearing a portrait of Wi b t r and large round red s ml. NOVA SCOTIA COAL. Senator Chandler Sueeests That Search Light Bo Thrown Upon the Whitney Syndicate. Washington. Ann. 2. Senator Chanuler (Hyp. N. H.) occupied an hour and a half today in a statement of the reasons why ho had off-red and why tbe senato should should adopt his resolution for an investigation of the history of tho Dominion (J-ial com pany of Nova Sootiaiu connection with assurances that the tariff duty of 75 cents a ton on coal would be removed by congress. He quoted from tho pros pectus of the company to show that that was the principal inducement to help out the sale of its stock and bond. Ho gave the names of Mr. Whitney. of Boston ; Frank Jones, of Now Hump- hire, and John iu Russell, of Massa chusetts, as officers or representatives or tne company, ana spoke or the lat er gentlemen as one of the president s. inn Kitchen cabinet advisers who hd been consulted ' as to the famous Wilsou letter, aud who had been loud n his declarations, about the hotels and in the railroad cars, If the m-eiident would Insist on free coal be thought that such a statement of facts not only justified, but required the proposition tor an investigation. There were interruptions of Mr, Chand ler's speech, but there was no reply made to it, and Mr. Hill, (Dem., N.Y.), moved to lay the resolution on tiie table. The motion was rejected yeas 10, nays 30. The resolution then went to tbe calendar, and can only be Drought coioro me senato again on a motion and by a majority vote. Mr. reffer the Populist senator from Kansas, was the sponsor for a bill con ceived and prepared by the representa tives ot "the United states Industrial army, "now encamped near Washing ton or on its march to the capitol, un der the terms or wincb the secretary of war is to inaugurate a system of public improvements that will furnish employment to all United Stutas citi zens who may apply tor it at the me dium wages of $3 a day, and the secre tary of the treasury is tn provide fund by the issue of $250,000,000 in treasury notos. A bill for the exclusion of anarchists was reported from tho committee on immigration and was placed on the calendar. SEIDEL WAS TOO FUNNY. Mlzod in a Striko and Sow Takoi Med lclni from the Courts. Paterson, N. J., Aug. 2. Robert Seidol, tho Hamilton avenue saloon keeper who took nn active part ia the recent labor strike, was found truiKy today upon tho charge of sending threatening letters to William Strange, the silk manufacturer, and also to Jacob Weidimn, president of tho Wcid man Silk company. ihejury was out forty minutes. GHOULS AT WORK. MUcroants Attempt to Rob tho Qrave of Andrew Johnson Nashville, Tenn.. Aun. 2. An at tempt was luaCo last night to rob tho grave or rresiuont Andrew Johnson at tbe Hermitage, near this city. Tbe gnome ctug aowu several feet at the head of the grave, but seemed to have been frightened away before thev accompiisueu tneir designs. The evi donee of their work was discovered this morning. IN OUR OWiH COMMONWEALTH. In a mine hole at Shenandoah, Michael Durisu was drowned by bathlug. A train near Ltanian olace ran ovor and killed A. J. Young, of West Chester. The body of nn infant, that had been strangieu, was iouuu Dy miners near oua mourn. Attempting to mount a moving train at Centralia, Thomas Hngerty fell and lost bis life. Fallintr from a froicht train at Snydor- town, Conrad J. Koch, a Beading omyloye, nail a leg cut on ana may ate. Water burst into the St. Nicholas col liery, flooding tho lower section of tbe mine and making 0U0 bands idle. Although she carried in linr arms two DaDies, Mrs. Mary iiarkus, or South Beth' lehem, was jailid at Easton for larceny. seized with cramps while bathlug at Chester, Young Harjy Dranstleld. was drownd, his oompanion b.-iug unable to save uiw. The resignation of Captain Barclay H, MBi-curiou, or rannaelplila, as aid on uenoral Hchall's staff has beou received at iiarnsuurg. The sheriff yesturday closed tho grocery aiuro ui iinuKl a. ,vans, 111 juugstou, on nuiuoor or executions hold oy home ore. tutors, me imuiuties aud assets are un known at present. 'LL IUAT0LLI Catholic Total Abstlnenca Union in Session In St. Paul. ERY IMPORTANT CONVENTION The Recent Ruling of the Papal Le gate on Bishop Wattcrson's Letter Will Come-Up for Consideration. Officers of the Society and Com mittees Selected Scranton Man Honored with a Position on One of the Committees. Flicciallo tht Scranton Tribunt. St. Paul, Minn., Aug, 2.- T IIE twenty-fourth annual conven tion of th Catholio Total Abati nenco union of America, is now in ssiou her1. There are about 500 dolegates in uttondanc", represent ing every portion of the United State?. Each society is entitled to one dele gate and each diocesaa union to three delegate! at largi?. This convention, no doubr, will bo the most important ono ever held by the Catholic Total Abstinence union, as a most vital question, the attitude of the church towards the liquor trafiio, brought into prominence by the recent letter of Bishop Watterson and tbe ruliug of tbe Papal delegate, will be discussed and acted upon. As this is is the greatest temperance body in ex istence and the largest society within the pale of the Catholio church, its treatment of this all important subject will be awaited with much interest. The present officers of tho national society are: Bishop Cotter, of Winona, president, ana Hev, Ji. u. uovle, or Now York city, secretary. Father Cloary, of this city, was presideut tho society for five years, pre ceding the preannt incumbent, and s strongly idoutin.Kl with its work. Through this work he has mudo him self known in connection with the tem perance movement all over the coun try. P. A. Nolan, of Philadelphia, was for fifteen years secrotary of tho society. an increased membership. The convention met in St. Paul in 1882. At that time it had 33. OM mem hers; not it enrolls upward of 100,000 names. The sessions were opened on Wed nesday morning in tho auditorium. The regular meeting was preooded by a high mass in tbo cathedral at which a sermon and nddrets of welcome were delivered by Archbishop Ireland. Alter the conference had been form ally opened the convention elected Ed win Mulready, of Boston, and Wil liam A. Manning, of Cleveland, assist ant secretaries, and appointed a com mittee ou credentials, consisting of James Dough'-rty, of Philadel phia; James Breunnn, of Connec ticut; W. J. Flood, of Georgia; C. it. lioiantl. ot herauton, fa., and J. Rgan, of St. Paul. Assistnut State Attorney Elgertoti welcomed the del egates in belulf of tho state iu the af ternoon, and M. J. Costollo in behalf of tho city of St. Paul. The responses were by Vice President of the Union Washington J. Lognp, of Philadelphia. and Rt. Rev. B. J. Flyun, of Wilming ton, Del. The feature of the session was an in cident which indicates that u strong indorsement will bo given Mcr. Si tolli'8 declaration that people interest ed In the liquor business should not be allowed to lelong to Catholic societies, and his intimation that they should be ultimately barrAl f rom many privileges of the church. cheers for satolli. ''I ask this convention to rise," said Father O'Brien, "and join me in giving throe rousing cheers for these two il lustrions m-n anil Catholio leaders, Monsignor Satolli and Bishop Wuttor- son. At tms every man iu tue con ventlon aross aud cheered to the seuti- ment proposed. The session 1 to contmuo until D ri day evening. Tonight there will be a mass meeting in tho Auditorium, at which many men of note will make ad dresses. On Friday evening the entire con vention will bo transported to Minne apolis and given a banquet and recop tion at tbe West hotel. Ibis will be an expensive nftr, and the local churches are doing everything in their power to make the evening a succees This will be the closing event ot tue convention. TO JOIN THE POPULISTS. Labor Organizations Will Hereafter Em. braoi Folitio. Columiius, O, Aug R?presont' Uvea of Ohio United Mine workers, American Railway union, Knights of Labor. State Irados assembly. Street car employes and sevoral other labor organizations or tbe state nro secret caucus here today formulating a cull for a state convention to bo held here Aug. 10 and 17 to nominate a state ticket. That is the time set for Populist's state convention with whrm the labor organizations of Onio will form a coali tion. Among the leaders are John Mo Bride, A D. Mahon and Martin Wild aud other labcr chiefs who have mostly heretofore voted the old party tickets, They claim they will cist 17.3,000 votes. elect several cougressmou und elect their county ticket in all the citlos. SOUGHT A WATERY GRAVE. Unsuccessful Atismpt at Sulcldi in the Atlantic. Atlantic City, N. J Aug. 2. Mrs, William Adams, the young wife of Contractor Adams, of the West Jersey railway, having a residence in this city, tried to commit . suicide tonight by drowning herself iu the ocean. She was observed to leave the board walk and delib erately walk into the water. H. C. Jncoby, of Gormantown. who Is a vis itor here, started towards her from tho promenade, and instinctively realized that she contemplated suicide, ran to hor side. She struggled with him waist dsep iu tho surf to froe herself, and failing, pleaded with him to release her, telling him that she wis tired or livin-j and wanted to drown horsidf. With some difficulty Mr. Jucoby succesded in reaching tbo bench. Tbongii she woman renistod it overy step, 8 he was removed to hor home, 144 Chalfrotit avonne, in a closed vehicle. Ill heulth is assigned as ber reason for cr strange actions. WORK IS RESUMED. North Cambria Minors Resolve to Accept Thirty Cents Per Ton. Johnstown, Pa., Aug. 2 The min ers of Northern Cambria held another mass meeting near Carrol I ton this morning and resolved to go to wort for 'M cenls per gross ton. borne oi the mines that nave orders on hund will resum tomorrow, but a number will remain idle owing to ti e ack of buyers, tho Pocahontas region n West Virginia having takeu most of the orders from them. KUlilKI) IN ItUlSS. Torriblt Daath ot a Dotrolt Firamaa Caught by a Falling- Wall. Detroit, Aug. 2. Firo whioii started in Huston, Mills and Weeks lumber yard, located ut 2:40 Fraukliu street, ut o o clock this afternoon cuusuu a less o( more than 50,000 and the death of one fin-man and tiie more or less ser ous injury of five others. Tbe man killed was Eugene McCarthy, a pine mnn. T ;ie, fir o staited in a small shod iu the lumber yard, aud fanned by a stroug wiud was soon beyond control. It eommuuicutod to tbe secoud story brick planing mill of E. G. Richurdu, located on tho lumuer yard site, which was quickly destroyed. While six pipe- men were playing on tho mill about an hour utter tbo tire startod the enst wall bulged and fell without warning, bury- ing tbe men beneath, the debris. The work of rescue was quickly begun and five of tbe men wero taken out without very serious injuries. It was twenty minutes, however, before tho sixth man was reached and When he wus lifted out he was dead. LIL'S LAST HOPE. Will Ask Cleveland to Keep Hands Off Hawaii, Hoping to Foment a Revolution There. PiTTSBuno.Atig. 2 The Times gives this morning the first authentic and accurate information of tbe real errand or the representatives or ex-Uneen Liliuokalani to Washington. The ex queeu's party will not openly ask even I'ten ulent Cleveland to lend the active power of this republic to re-establish a monarchy in Hawaii. They have grasped the fact even iu those remote islands that be has bad enough of that. ibeir petition now is like thnt ot tbe heathen who got in close quarters with a bear, and prayed to his god for help, saying: "If ever you mean to help me, help me now. But if you don't help me, don't help the bear. Just you lay low, aud you'll see one of the puniest, toughest fights that ever you saw.' alio ex-queens frtendR wont this government to withhold its sup port, moral and physical, from tho present .rulers of Hawaii, to withdraw its marines and promise not to land them again. In that case they promise to go back and start a civil war, which will wlpo tbo Dolo government out of existence, and not up tbe ex queen as tbe president ot a new republic. Rno.9 Poatpined. Buffalo. N. Y.. Auk. 2. On account of a heavy raiustorm this morning the Orand Circuit races programmed tor tins alter noon have been postponed until toinor row. TICKS FROM THS TELEGRAPH. Great drought prevails in western Con uccticut. Chicago will fight bitterly the claims growing out of the btrike. Discovery of natural eas in the neich borhood greatly excited Moorelaud, Mich. flio nostofflco at Glen Cove, L. I has been robbed ot t,'ii0 iu stamps and i'MO in cash. Accusing his wifo of infidelity, Jerry Hickou, of Chicago, shot his. wife aud then himself. For tho fourth time Edward H. Jonoa.of UecrKetowu, U., una hoeu convictod ot the murder ot his bou. Fifteen castaways of tho wrecked whal er, Junius Allen, wore picked up off Alus ka by a patrol snip. The "dry" ticket carried Hynds county. luiss., leaving only six counties iu the state that allow liquor selling. Tho tilting of a raft at a South Chicago heaoll threw or and drowned Julius Ureen bury aud Minnie McCnuu. By the explosion of a locomotive boilor at 1-Ieltl station, engineer wuoawoy and Fireman Hunt wore miiea. Lightning's stroke, killed under a shed, Hubert Scnig.gm, sou of a millionaire lauker, of Mount Pulaski, 111. A heavy hail storm at Hills, Minn threshed tho wheat in tue shock and cut down hundreds of acres of corn. In a quarrel nt Kenosho, Wiss., James Furrey was fatally shot and u. a. Alorrou Wbumtod by Gui Williams, a sailor. TTnitpd States District Attorney Mil Christ, of Chicago, rotirejjin favor of Sher wood Dixon. Cleveland's appointee. Ot the SWOO.) worth of property of Adi.lnu Korse. ot Virginia, 111.. tM.0W in guld aud bi-nds was found hidden in a nail keg. An at tempt to ditch a passenger traiu ut Lima, O., was roiled Dy a mow iroigut pre cedinir it and discovering the turned switch. Virk has boen begun at Niagara Falls nn the Heveu-mile canal, whicn is to SUD' ply Love's Model City with 100,000 horse power. After beinir arnuitted of the murder of rVmil.ip.r.nr MaNallv at OlypoHUt. Ark, Pennvwriuht Powoll was re-arrested for train robbery. Vnr Rllorfod duioi-tion. Clara Park ob tniued divorce at Chicago from Uivuard Park, tho sculptor who modeled the Ada Rohan silver statue. With an awL the 9 and U -year-old boys of Peter Ultwon, colorau, oi nrriu, xx., gouged out the eyes of a 0-yoar-old com- pauiou. and then drowned him in a taulr. For, insulting Miss Nettle Nold, of St. Josnnb. Mo., whom he bad held up, a high wATtnan was knocked down by ber low. when a second bandit fatally shot the gtrl. E IS Because Its Maltl-Millioiiairo Owner Fears 'Twill Ba a Funeral Pyre. RAILWAY MAGNATE'S QUEER FANCY After Spending Two Millions on a Magnificent Granite Palace, Said to Be tho Finest Residence in the United States, Collis P. Huntington Wants to Relinquish It, It Is Said, Because of a Singular Superstition. New Yonic, Aug. 2. HEN Coliis P. Huntiugton gave out u short time ago that the big granite pal:ue he had built for himself was for sale o did not accompany the stab ment with any reason. Now,evorybod7 know that thero must ba some very good rea son to make him give un Huh palace, which had cost him nearly 2, 0011,000, not to npeak of tho thought and time e bad put into its elaboratn plans. Mr. Huutidgton, is ns everybody knows, a peculator acute, lar-sightod, above nil, daring, lie began life us n farm boy in Connecticut, and he roae to bo worth 100,000,000 at one time by dur ing, pure and uimplo. The first sup position was that Mr. Huntington hud again staked his fortune on a singlo throw and bad lost snob, a p irt of it that his big houit-.with its accomniinv- lug establishment, wus for the time too much for him. There were rumors of several large unsueeasful enterprises iu wnicu he was said to be the moving spirit, But when Mr. Huntiniiton w3 aeen he laughed and said he is all rigat and that his iiuancial condition has noth- ng to do with the sale of his palace. vvnen tue plans tor tne hoiue wore made, tbe Huntingtons were just buy ug tue Ueruua frince ilatzfeldt for their daughter, and it was said that the house was for the purpose of mak- nsr a grand entry into JNew York so ciety, which bud hitherto refused the lluntuigton3, despite their millions, So tbe now explanations revived this story and supplemented it wtth the statement that the Huntingtons had failed to got recognition, and, seeing unit tue new house would only bring humiliation, they had decided to give up tueir attempts upon society, as ruled by the Astors and planned by McAllister. This was very satisfactory, and even society people told it about and laugh ed over tbe way the Huntingtons had been rebuked. The new hours, will, its massive granite walls so much like a penal institution, seemed a monu ment to social failure, and nobody wondered that Huntington was anx ious to got It off his hands. I1E WANTS NO FUNERAL PYltE. But this social failure exnlanatiou wus as far from the truth as was the story of iiuancial embarrassment. The real reason why Huntington never moved into his house is so small that to most people it will seem redicnlous It is likely that Huntington himself wouiu puouciy aeny it lust us we all deny those little weaknesses which are nevertheless, so powerful iu all our lives. The great millionaire, the strong man, tbo fearless speculator, re i meu to move into his new house be cause he fearod that if he moved be would die. It was the old sunerstition that old men who grow rich Duild hue bouses for their own funerals. When Mr. Huntington started his plans, back in 1SSU, he no doubt thought of this superstition, but al lowed it to have little weight with him He planned slowly and elaborately.nna when the contractors at last got to work they built slowly and were again aud again delayed. He expected to move in three years ago, but it was only last year that the house began to get near completion, in the meautimo his health had bsooma less und less vigorous. His ago and his years of hard work and worry began to tell upon him. Thu superstition came back with renewed force and bo began to think a great deal about it. At Inst he became ab solutely convinced that.sliould he move in, the first function to which his friends would bi wanted would bo his luneral. lhou ho decided that he would not even koep tho house iu the family; thnt he would sell it aud re move every possible danger of his hav ing to occupy it. Aud ho will stick to bis idea. Ho will never live in that bouse; be will never furnish it, aud if he lives twenty years and the house re mains unsold, he will still bo of tho same mind. FltEIGHT CAK FIHE. Hallway VehicU Carrying- Oils and Powder Burns Fiercely. Wilkus-Baehu, Aug. 2. At 8 o'clock louiglit a box cur attached to a freight train on the Lehigh Valley railroad was discovered to bo on iiro at Pitts ton. Ihecarwai filled with gasoline and many bales of waste. Tho accu mulutiou of gnaiu the car cocaine lgnil ed from the inuterns used by the brakenian wheu the doors were thrown ono n and a bluz shot oat in an im uieuie volume. An uiurm was eouude but the firemen iu some manner did not respond in timt. The car was in the rear end of tho train, it whs backed out ou a switch nearby and by tlii time the fire department was on the scene and began pouring water on tho burning car. The water for some reason did not have muah fleet on tbe flames and nf tu an hour ot bard work the fire was ex tiugmshed. As soou as the fire was out all was ia darkness. Several tho firouwu entered the ear remove tbe contents. William Wil son, a fireman, became exhausted and was carried to a hotel near by, slightly burued. The Conductor en tered the car with a lamp and the flames burst out for the second time while a number of firemen were in the the car. George Drury was seriously burned on face and bands and was sent 0 U OCCUPIED o tho hospital, whilo fonr others wore badly burned ou fuoe and body. Ihe car being umir tho river It was then derailed and thrown into the stream. As soon ns it wus do-mc d safe to outer again, the contents were re moved and in the car was found sev eral kegs of powder put up in tin that were fortnnutaly riot ignited, llud they exploded there would have been a large loss of life. WOltK AT PULLMAN. Tbre Hundred lion Havj Bean Em ployed in the Shops. Ciiicaqo, Aug. 2. About 300 mon, some of them newly hired but the ma- ority from the ranks of the strikers, went to work in the passenger car repair department of tho full man works this inoraing. Every preparation had been made to prevent any outbreak as the men went through the street on their ay to work. About 1,000 people gathered in tho streets. Although some were a little boisterous, no dem onstration of oons.-quence was made. Tho camp of tho militia is stationed close alongside the repair shops. Superintendent Middletin, of the ullman company, expressed himself ns highly pleased with the showing this morning and statod that by the end of the week he expected a full force of mon would bo at work. The strikers are not downcast and ay that the new men uro not able to do the work satis factorily. FIHED BY A TACK. Origin of a Blaze That Killod Two Firomon, Injured Others and De stroyed Property. Philadelphia, Aug. 2. A tack drop ping iu a picker machine caused a 70,000 fire this evening in the four- tory mill at Randolph and Jefferson streets, occupied by McCloskey & U tiara, carpbt donning works, and John A, Crouin & Co., yarn spinners, nd two firemen were killed and seveu njurod Dy a fulling floor. The fire men killed wore George C.-issell. hose- man, and George W. Dickell, truck man, Tbe injured firemen wore Joseph Burns, Martin Caaev, William Cap iat, John Kelly, William Lumpf, ames Mcuarry and bamuel Cook, oreman. JNone ot tne injured will die, tut they have all serious bruises and contusions. About 4 45 a tack dropped into a picker m tchmo at whicn au operative of Croniu & Co. was at work on the third lloor, and the sparks flying amidst the inflammable yarn quickly created a bluze that rapidly spread through the room. There were about forty men and women at work in tho carpet cleaning works on the second floor and the third and fourth floors occupied by Croniu & Co. As tho smoke began to make its way through the lloortngs and nil the rooms a panic ensued among tho mun and women at work, and for a few moments there was imminent danger of even a more terrible catastrophe than the one that followed later. Three women fainted aud wore curried from the building from which every one succeeded in es caping. The flromen promptly responded 10 tho call and after about an hour's hard work extinguished the fire. While elevon of the firemen were on tbe third floor playing ou the bales of wool to ex tinguish any sp:trks that might be union;; them, tue charred joists gave way and the floor went through to the cellar, carrying with it nine of tho men. Coissei aud Uickell wore instant ly killed aud all the others badly brnised and cut by tue mass of debris that fell upon them. Tho 70,000 loai occasioned by the lire is divided as followed: James S. Cochran & Bros., owners of the build ing $23,000, fully insured; Croniu & Co , if'JO.000 ou stock and 13,000 m i chiuery; McCloi-key & O'Hara. $5,000 on stock. The tenants' loss is partly coverod by insurance. GIRL'S FOOLISH DARING. It Lsads Hor to Mako a Balloon Ascen sion and Heat Death. Anderson. Intl. , Aug. 2. In making her first balloon ascension iu this city last ovoning, Tillie S.ibern, of Rich mond, fell from the parachute, which did not work, and was dashed to death on tho rivor bank. Miss S'tbern's brother has inado thrie nscennions of late, and it was his feats that the unfortunuto girl admired and tried to imitate. Her brother pleaded with her not to do it. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Tho gnld resr-ryo tu the treasury was re duced to S.W.-lfy.OOO ypiiterday by tho fur- ther engagements at JNew lork yesterday for export Saturday nf $1,250,000 in gold for Europe, aud $50,000 for shipment to uauaua. WASHINGTON NEWS NOTES. Senator Voorhoes iR docidodly hotter. Thero were 133,000 eilvor dollars coinod in July. Three netv torpedo boats will bo con structed iu thu near fiituro with 45 ,00l) juiit appropriated by congress. Liiiuokalani's emissaries, who reached W ashington Tuesday night, have made no call upon .Secretary tire-sham yet. Speaker Crisp hn-t dotoriuined that he will not cuter thu licht for tbe Georgia senatoi'dhii). lie preiers to remain in the house. It is thought that $5,000,010 of appro S nations put iu the rivor ami harbor bill y the senate will bo struck out iu confer ence. The strike commission will begin work at Chicago Aug. IS, aud will rcoivo writ ten viowh and suggestions addressed to Washington up to thnt date. Senator Walsh proposes to give General James Longstreet (now a $l--a-momh pen sioner) a pension ot $50 a month for wounds received iu the Mexican war. Ex-Governor James E. Campbell, coun sel for the Ezetas and other Salvadnriau retiree?, is trying to secure their release upou arrival at Sau l-'raucisco ou the liouuingtou. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington. Aug. 2. Forecast for eastern rennsnlvania, show ers; cooler; southeast winds be coming west. For uestcrn I'ennsulvania, local rains and thunderslortna souihwtst winds becoming northwest. J RAIN CLOSING-DUT SALE -OF- Commencing today we offer our entire stock of Scotcii Ginghams at19o. Per yard- Those who know the quality of our MAIS will realize the fact that they are the best value in the market today. 510 and 612 Lackawanna Aye. MINERS' Wholesale aM Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street, Lewis, Reilly & Davies Comfort-Giving Shoes The only kind that give it, for the summer, is our "Service & Kumfort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & Davies We Examine Eye Freo of charge. If a doctor ia needed you aro promptly told so. We alao guarantee a perfect lit. LATEST ST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street, 1. 1 ME
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