rnE SCEAXTON raiBTTN'E-TIICJRSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 2, 1894. T TRYING TO SEE MOLTKE. WURAT HALSTEAD'S EXPERIENCE AT ! ! ST. AVOLD IN 1870. Da Full to Get a Glimpse or the Gnat ' Tlolil Karthal, Though Ha Slept In tbo 8am Hotal with the Astnte Coin snanUar Civilians Among Soldiers. When I wait about croaiinff the Rhine In the llrst week. of August, 1S70, attempt ing to witness the invasion of France by the armies of Germany, my equipment was belt of Froucu gold, a FarUiun silk hat and a Scotch cap, a auit of gray clothes and a brown blanket, a Held glass and a traveling bag with a shoulder strap, nod ilie bag contained a portfolio, with writing materials, some cakes of chocolato, n Change of underclothing, with two pairs of locks, a bunch of cigars, a box of matches and a pockc knife with one large bluili and a small corkscrew; also a combination fork and spoon, and a glass cup in a leathe r ease. My trunks hud been expressed to London, and my valise was abuudoned at Mannheim. My plan of campaign was based on the theory that the army of Invasion must fol low the r&Urouds, and I caaiped out, as it were, in a coupe car. M. D. Conway, then of London, was my companiou, philoso pher and friend, and we were resolved to oo the big war. We did not buy railway tickets, as there was none for sale, and our original strength was in misunderstand ing orders and disregarding all expostula tions. I remember to have been utterly unable to comprehend even very good En glish as it was spoken. Just before taking possession of a cur, where we hud no busi ness whatever to be, we succeeded in pur chasing a loaf of bread and two bottles of wine, one red, one white, and these were our reserved stores. We proceeded In fine style for eight miles, when we reached the town where Thomas Nast, the artist, was born, and there; for that or some other reason, was a detention of eleven hours, occupied in lit erary labors'. The sucOud night out we struck a small, wnt town lloinburg not the watering place or the great seaport and by oston- Lsblng luck got a room with a bed iu it, and It seemed that all night there was an astounding tramping In the street. This might liavo been a dream, but I was as sured a heavy column of troops passed through and wero in a hurry. A cheerful young matt with a gift of tongues stated that the king and Uismarck and Moltke had been there but "the day before yester day." EtfTEItmO FRANCE. ' This was good news, for it wus assurance that w'e were not too late. The cheerful young man said of courso the king was knnwu by everybody, there was no mis taking him, and Uiaruarck wus "the man with the tiger's eye," while Moltke was tall and slender, pale and thin faced, and said nothing, but you could tell ho knew everything. Wo were ordered not to cross the frontier into France, but evaded that restriction by climbing into u car und distributing cigars so plenty among the soldiers thut the in specting olllcers did not make out that civilians were Improperly present. The train In which we thus invaded France stopped within two miles of St. Avoid, and walking across the country there were the kiDg and Uismarck and Moltko apparently wailing for us. The king bowed graciously from a window above the post ollice, a two story stono house, and Bis marck, walking in front of headquarters, was told of tlV presence of American ed itors, and was at pains ut once to tell them he was pleased to see them, that there was Do reason why they should starve, and we were welcome on account of the millions of German blood iu America. Moltke was not visible-, bat I bad occa sion to know where he was. I was putting up at the Hotel do Paris, and that meant I ' was allowed to sit in the barroom and to ' sleep on a billiard table. The latter cere mony I managed with my Paris hat for a pillow. I had ascertained thut bat uinst go. As It was the only one in the army, it seemed to remind the soldiers in enormous numbers of something amusing, and they grew so hilarious that their cordial man I fustutious became mo tptonous, in the sense that Mark Twain list that word. 1 3hould not have minded a phase of un popularity on account of my hat, but ex cess of approbation was embarrassing Therefore I coucluded to use it as a pillow just once, and leave it in the house as a mysterious souvenir. It was very good as a support for the head, bnt somewhat stilf at first. DISTCUBED AT MIDMGIIT. About half way between midnight and daylight I became conscious of the pres ence, in the door which opened on a court. of a tall man wearing a Prussian cap und buttons, and that be was asking in French whether Moltke was there. I sut upou my couch (which was a restful change 6f po sition) und the tall man und myself strug gled with the language of the country, i had just succeeded in saying that Moltke was not In that room to the best of my ) knowledge and belief, when a man with a dripping cundle emerged from what the novelists would cull a secret passage and stated that the Held marshal had the apart ment immediately above So 1 have slept under the same roof with him. It has oc curred to me since thut the tall man with the buttons was au orderly sent to Moltke with dispatches that the French, were not trying to defend the line of the Moselle above Mets. .- The next day an officer, who was pleased to air bis Kugluui and carried a small volume containing Shakespeare's plays in painfully small print, told me thut if I wanted to see the great general he was soon to cross the railroad by a stone bridge which carried the turnpike over it,id I placed myself by the roadside, ns with a sharp turn it entered tbe bridge. Pres ently a squad of lauoeni appeared, their pennons fluttering under the sparkling spears, and then came a carriage drawu by four honea, guided by booted aud spurred pOKtilions, aud behiud it another squad of lancers. In tbe carriage was tho Gold mar shal, and tbe top that sheltered him from tho sun was one that drooped, protecting the single seat. Tbo speed of the turnout was a rapid, plunging, clattering trot. There was a deep limestone dust ou the rood, and Just as tho carriage whirled for the bridgo, v where Moltko was to bo fully seen face to face, the dust become a deuso cloud aud I suvr only a pair of long, slender, highly polished boot legs. I was very sorry about that dust, for it nearly choked mo besides spoiling the view. The king was ofton visible, and Dismarck, too, but Moltke was the 0110 who was Invisible. Murut llalstead in Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. Tho Kext Moraine Tho night before had seen Trimklns In a very hilarious humor. When he awoke in the morning bio brother asked him if ho would like to see himself in a glass. Ho replied. "Yes," and one of those convex affairs that distort the oountenanoo out of all approach to nature wus produced. "Great Scottl" was the sick man's ejacula tion. Then after a pause he said. "Well, 1 look pretty bad, I muss say, but It isn't a shadow to the way I feaL "Washington Post. u Beds are quite an Innovation in Russia, aud many well to do bouses are still un provided with them. Peasants sleep on the toDS of their ovens: middle olaas people aud servants roll themselves up in sheep skins and Ut down near stoves; soldiers rest upon wooden ooU without bedding, and it is only within, the last few years that students in schools have been allowed beds. The "Water Caak" Plant A celebrated African traveler mentions ihat in crossing ono of the many sandy des erts In that country he carao ncross tho only nown livine anecios of amia buluo, tno water cask" nhiat. The region it inhabits Is far from any stream of water, whero, as far as the eye can reach, nothing can be seen but beapR of sand. "The sight of th is little green creeper, which resembles the common ground ivy in some respects," he says, "lllled me with an intense longing to ouce more see the green meadows ami cool, lliudy forests which we had now lelt at Lust 300 miles behind. , "For four days we bad not seen even so much us a spear of grass or a dried up cac tus, the latter having been quite plentiful the weirk before, The botanist of the com pany, In examining one of the plants bund thus unexpectedly growing m me ceuter of a sandy African desert, noticed what he supposed was a green bulbous fruit trowing under tho thick leaves of tho creeper, almost resting upon the saud un derneath. Iu making un tCfort to pluck one of these for preservation it burst with a smart report, throwing water in the fuce and over the clothes of tho intrudiug natu ralist. Here, surely, we had a first clusa won dera plant growing In tho desert with no other greun thing iu sight, carrying Us own water bags with it. Parvin, our chemist, analyzed the water found iu soma of the bulbs picked for his inspection, and de clared It to lie absolutely pure, as much so us distilled ruin water, Jiach bulb or berry contained about two to four tablespocmfuls of wator. Aa it happened, we had a sup ply of water suflicient for our journey and to spare, but VVillinrusou, the botanist, nnd Parvin, the chemist, with all the enthusi asm of true scientists, plucked about a quart of tho water berries und extracted the water, something over a pint, und drank it with apparent relish." Tho Slunilstill Family. A very numerous family are the stand stills. Ono runs against them constantly, for they are in everybody's way, including their own. They plant themselves right in the middlo of life's busiest thorough fares and wait there, motionless us statues, expecting that fortune will eventually take them by the hand und lead them by flow ery paths to brownstone palaces. Fortune has no such intention, bho is a unsk luiry, and ns a rule avoids sleepy people. If she bestows anything upon them us sho hur ries by with her active favorites it is gen erally u scornful kick. People who strike while tho iron is hot enlist her sympa thies, but the indomitable, irrepressible fellows who make the iron hot with strik ing are her especial pets and proteges. What would the world be now if it had teen always in the hands of standstills? Thank the powers of progress in all Chris tian lands, und especially in this, the push ers are lords of the ascendant. Kveti the weaklings of that earnest class men of inferior muscle und limited caput ,(y are more tbuu n match for the entire, iniiss of stalwart do-nothings. A dwarf Avith an energetic will can walk over hundred purposeless six-looters. " hvon tho Tom 1 humus of the world of action are everywhere storming und carry ing the strongholds of tho standstills, nnd the time is not far distant when nothm will remain of tho giant bliinderuores of conservatism except u few moral fossils of no value save to arch.Tologists who may take an interest in tracing tho decline and fall of au obsolete race New York Ledger, The Deuth 1'cnaSty Among tho Creeks, "At the last legal execution in the Creek Nation I WU3 present," said Mr. Leo I1 Dennett, tbo government agent for tho five civilized tribes. "The details wire very different from nn execution in the nruij. A squad is detailed, mid some of the guns are left unloaded, so nobody can tell who iires the. fatal shot. At this Creek execution the condemned muii was seated on tho ground with his back against n treo and his legs stretched out in front. He was not bound to the treo nor wero his hands tied. Just before the execution some one put u bandage over his eyes, but the prisoner tore it oil and threw it nwav "Perhaps the strangest part of tho pro ceedings was thu selection of the execution ers. That was left to the condemned man. He was told t o pick nut the two men whom he wanted to do the shooting. Strange to say, one of his selections was his cousin Uoth men were from the light horse of tho nation. J lio two men, without any un necessary delay, walked out in front of the condemned man twelve or fifteen feet, knelt.down, lorelcd their rovolvurs, steady ing their barrels with their left hands, and (ired. Both bullets struck tho left breast over tho heart and not more than an inch and a half apart. The man fell over on his side, and in a few seconds was dead." St. Louis (j lobe-Democrat. How S'ld'iclmi Used un Idea. Perhaps tho wittiest of Sheridan's re torts wus delivered, us it seemeij, ofTliniid in tho house of coinmous. Ho said that Dundos resorted to his memory for bis jokes and to his Imagination for his facts. Uufortiuiately fur the extempore reputa tion of this jest.it is found set dowu in Sheridan's nolo book years before. Ho jots dowu the happy thought, "Hu em ploys ids fancy for his narrative and keeps ids recollection for his wit." Luter on ho expands this into, "When he makes bis jokes you applaud tho accuracy of his memory, and 'tis only when ho states his facts that you adiniro tho llights of Ids im agination." After tills he uses tho idea to tho confu sion of .Michael Kelly, a composer of music, who hud bcom a v.iiie merchant. "You will now import your musio und composo your wine." Filially he lets it off wlt'a a bang iu tho house of commons. Sun Francisco Argonaut. How Sir. :-. int Works. In a recent interview Mr. Walter .Ticsant is described its wearing spectacles and being clud in a black velvet jacket. He has a clear, penetrating voice and pleasaut smile. His eyes are dark gruy, his brow massive and heavy, while his mouth is firm und his beard thick. .Mr. Uesant's study is lined with'books on either side. A door opens out into the garden, so that when he wants a brief rest from his labors lie can take a turn und come back to work with renewed Eost. Hewrite3on blue paper (lnrge ser mon size) in u strikingly ueut, clear, rather small hand. The morning is spent' in work. Four or live times u week ho goes into town, lunches and transacts business at the Society of Authors, or elsewhere. What KnsluiKl' Army Cunts. The total expenditure on the urmy, on of taxes, in the caso of tho United King dom, was, in lflO, uccording to Sir Charles Dllke, $S2,5M),000, and in India tho same, or f 105,000,003, besides the ex pendituro out of loans and that of the ue-lf governing colonies, for the armies of the British em pire, Tho colonial altogether speud for themselves about S7,50O,0CO n year for army purposes, iu addition to tho contributions made by sumo of them toward the imperial forces and toward tuariue defense. ft is ono of Joseph Jefferson's peculiari ties to abhor theatrical passes. He never issues one himself and doesn't want his manager to do so, Whenever he readies a large city Jefferson goes to the box office of the theater where ho is to appear and spends from ten dollars to fi.ty dollars ou tickets to dlstributo among bis friends. In illustration of Darwin's lainstuklng methods a friend of tho great naturalist states that in one instance he employed a clerk for several weeks ut un expense of fifty dollars iu making investigations, and that tbe result wa condensed into throe Hues in his great work on the "Variation ot Animals." mi , . t f.-o.-v. FUTURE RAILROADING. ENGINES WITH A THIRTY FOOT A WIDE GAUGE. DRIVER AND A Trip fro in New York to Chicago In 1'nnr Hours, ut tho ltute of 800 Silica au Hour, and No Stops Between A l'rophoey That May Not He Fanciful. Ten years from now there may lie only ono railroad in this country, to which trunk lines will be feeders. The Americans of the near future must travel faster. There nre no reasonable grounds for be lieving that tho present record of loconio tive speed can be improved upon while the gauge and rolling stock coutiuue us the; now ore. Tbe diameter of tho locomotive drivei wheels must be increased to secure greatci speed, but master mechanics ure not at all agreed as to bow this can best be done. The enlargement of the drivers beyond seven feet would necessitate u widening ot tho gauge, ami this experiment is not like ly to be repeated while the present forms of rolling stock are in use. But sixty miles an hour is not fast enough for the American of today. The locomotive bos probably attained the max imum of its efficiency. It makes a moro economic use of steam than any other form of engine. The marine engine loses 81 per cent, of the latent energy iu thu coul, but tho locomotive utilizes fully 33 per cent, o! it. Therefore the problem is not to im prove the locomotive, but to enlarge its ca pacity to got over the ground. A NEW EI!A FtlliUSUADOWKD. This can only he done by some radical change in the form of tho roadbed und thu rolling stock. To increase tho diameter of the wheels is the first requisite. This will necessitate a widening of tho permanent way. Suppose the driver wheels to be thirty feet in height, the gauge ought to be twenty feet. Tho rails would have to be a foot high, and ought to weigh a tou to the rod. They will bo bolted to ties mado of the largest treo trunks obtainable. Mammoth "lish plates" will join them end to end. Tho cost of construction will bo trebled. Bridges and viaducts will have to bo built of the heaviest material, and tested to bear the weight of a R)-ton locomotive! Tlfb heaviest engines on the Pennsylvania rail road used in the passenger service weigli forty tons, and one live times as largo will give power enough to pull tho great cars that will travel on 30-foot wheels. The giguntio engiue will be suspended below tho xlcs, instead of resting upon them. The boiler will be built around tho axles, and the smokestack will not be higher than tho tops of the driver wheels. The cub will be very commodious, and lo cated just behind the smokestack atop tho boiler. Several (ircinen will be required, and they will be provided for on a platform at a lower level on the rear of the engiue F1UURKS DON'T DKCEIVIi. If the same number of piston strokes can be obtained by thirty foot driver wheels per minute ns attained by an engine with six foot wheels, the lucreaso in velocity will bo ns ninety feet lire to eighteen feet. In other words, (lie train will travel exact ly live times us fast. If the best speed of the present passenger locomotive bo sixty miles per hour it may be hoped that the engine of the future will attain !10O miles per hour. Strange us it now sounds, it will then bo possible to ruu out to Chicago after breakfast, tuko luncheon there with a friend and return to sleep iu New York. Chicago ought to be about a four hour ruu. The track will be kept absolutely clear, and there will not beany btopsexcepttochango engines at a half way point. (Jf course such u road can only bo mado to pay between great cities like Xew York and Philadelphia, Chicago or Hoston. In another generation there will be ten cities in tliis country with a million people each. The saving of timo will stimulate travel ing, and every train will be filled. The en gines will burn a tremendous lot of coal, hut thu cost of driving tho train will ho about the same as at present, becuuso tho time consumed will be a mere fraction of what is now requisite. Nobody will travel long distances by the old lines. There will not be any competition offered by tho ex isting systems of transportation. This brings us to a consideration of tho cars. They will he 18 feet wide and prob ably 150 feet long. The most scientific arti ficial ventilulion and beating apparatus will bo adapted to the cuss. Of course no windows can be left open on a train going 250 miles au hour. They will have to he closed with t'.m hsaviost plate glass double windows, iu fact. Thostructuroof thu cars will be much the same as those of today. I.ls DANGF.Iiiirs. They will bo Imiit wholly of iron and steel. Tho wulls will he steel plates, nnd the inte rior finish ami furnishing will bo beautiful nml luxurious. Thu size of tho cars will insuro a single compart nientforevery trav eler. An aisle will nut through tho car, and tho staterooms will he arranged on each side thereof, shut off by a curtain or wickerwork door. These rooms will be seven feet in width and provided with a large easy chair or sofa. Tho trains will bo vestihuled, so that it will be quite pos siblo to pr.ss from one car to tho other. It is very doubtful if the element of dan ger will bo increased. The cars of steel can be made of such form and braced iu such manner as to render them less liable to po to piccci in cose they leave tho rails. Collisions will lio impossible, because trains will never ba perniUtul to follow each other within half nn hour, and not oven then until the preceding train has passed the station, situated at least thirty minutes' time distant, says h") miles, Double track.1 ',','ill bo the rule, net tho ex cept ion. Dilliculties about slopping tho tr.iiu.'l when once under headway will occur, but they will bo met by improvements ou tho brakes thut will reader tho gigantic ma chinery us trortablu as any now in use. Au ingenious system of signals will be de vised, tho bell and whistle no longer being useful, becuuso they cannot bo relied upon. They will ba drowned by the noise of the monster train. The local servicoof the present roads will be utilized for intermediate points. If a man wants to go to Detroit be will run through to Chicago in four hours and thence to his destination by nn express, Cleveland and Pittsburg will ho reached by regular train from the station at which tho halt is made to change engineers. Cor. New York World. His Nnrao Is Lccjion. "Ilecnn't live comfortably iu tho coun try. He's too much givcu to anachron ism." "What's that got to do with It?" "Ho goes for truius ut the wrong time." -Puck". ; Thor was god of the chase, and wus rep resented us being sented on a couch of skins with twelve stars over bis head nnd a scepter In ids hand. Thursday, or "Thor's day," was the dcy Thor was worshiped. Ii.tlior uud Son. Father Wont an excuse, chf An excuse for being lato to school, ehr What wers you doing with yourself, sir playing mur blcsf Small Son No sir, 1 couldn't find my overshoes. , , w'ather You, couldu't,, eh, you careless hoyt They were whero you left them, of course. You ought to he t hrashed for Servant Please, sir, Mr. Nextdoor wants to know if you're ready t Wnt),uv Vna vnu ,f ,ni,n ll..!.t n...n.. right away. Whero in creutiou is my hatr UooU ?u:ws. 1)0 Ilcasts Have Souls There Is much good urgument In the lit erature of tho world to prove that many of the most eminent scientists, theologians, philosophers nnd dlviues have believed in tho Immortality of tho "beasts of the fields. " One of tho earliest records of such a curious notion may be found in the pages of tho Bible. See Ecclesiastes ill, 18-31. in the verses namea we And the following: 'I said in my heart concerning the cstato of tho sons of men, that God might mani fest them, and that they micht see that they themselves ure beasts. For that which befiilluth tho sons of men befalluth beasts: even one thing befalluth thein: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they havo ul! one breath, so that a man hath no pre eminence above a beast. All go unto one place; all are of tbo dust and unto dust all return. Who knoweth the spirit of the man that goeth upward, and the spirit of a beast thut goeth downward to thoeurth?" In tbe above quotation hcclcsuuitcs dovs not positively declare that animuls are to have a future existence, but he very plain ly says that they have tho same chances in that respect that the human family has. This was also tho belief of John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, and of thosa eminent Christian bishops Jeremy Taylor und Bishop Butler. Coleridge udvocated the same doctrine in England, Lumurtine in Franco and Agassiz in America. The lust named gentleman, tho greatest sci entist wc have ever had on this continent, und a man of profound religious convic tions, was n firm believer in some future life for the lower animals. A professor ut Harvard has completed n list of 185 European nuthors who havo written upon tho subject. Among the leading clergymen of this century who have publicly expressed their belief in u future life for animals are Joseph Cook and James Freeman Clark. At a recent trial a well knowu judgo declared that) one-half tho human race believed in tho sumo curious idea. St. Louis Republic. Truo to His Church. In Greenfield Meadows, Mass., about 1S-1S, lived one Edwin Smead, a farmer, whose dog was us constant as his muster in attendance ut the old First church. The meeting house contained a high pulpit, which was approached by winding stairs in front of the gallery containing tho sing ers. When tho congregation entered the church tho old dog, with the utmost gravity of manner, always climbed the pul pit stairs nnd composed himself fora nap. About 1S51 alterations wero made in tha meeting house. Tho seats Wero turned around, a platform was erected at the other end of the church, aud a modern dusk was placed upon it. When the day enmo for the reopening of the church tho old dog walked in with tha rest, and wearing an expression of deep disgust ut the changed appearanco of things, soiiL-ht tho stairs leadiug to the old pulpit, which, alas! had disappeared for over. Ho walked up one uislo and down the other, looking disturbed, und apparent ly aware thut he wus tiio object of ill-suppressed merrimout, until at last, bearing the voice of good old Doctor Chandler In tho opening services, he reluctantly and shamefacedly mounted tho modern plat form nnd composed himself to sleep. Not long after this Mr. Smead died, and his farm wiis sold to Mr. Parmenter, a go -a isapust deucou, who attended his el rch iu thu village. ' lie dog stuck by tho furm, but did not tP S to tho new religion. Every Sunday morning when tho family started for church iio was ready, and trotted uloug by tho sido of tho wagon until ho came to the placo whero tho road branched off toward the Congregational meeting house. At thut point liu parted company with tlio family and stood by his own creed. For some years longer the old dog was the most coustunt member of that society, ncvermissing uttunduuee upon tiie Sunday services, rain or shine, until his dog days wero ended. Cor. Youth's Companion. How to Kill tho Hoodoo. A solemn, discouraged looking man sat in the Bingham House looking vacantly at nothing und wishing ho were dead. Hu was about tho most miserable, unhappy individual iu four states, and he sat there for a couple of hours before his face sud denly lighted up with pleasure. Suddenly he took oir his hat, turned it around three times, and then walked off as full of joy us a green apple is of cramps. A bystander asked him what caused this sudden change from unhappluess to joy, and ho answered: "I've had tho worst kind of luck all day. Everything has gono ngainst me, and I couldn't understand why until a moment ago, when I recollected that early this morning I met a squint-eyed woman on the street wearing a straw hat. (Jf course that's tho worst luck n man can have on tho face of tho eart h. And I have actually forgot how to kill thu hoodoo. There's only one way, und that's to take oil your hut aud turn it nronnd three times. I've tried every other way eaten salt on my bread at dinner and rubbing my hands on a colored mun'twool, but theyuin't only one way to kill the hoodoo that travels with a cock-eyed woman wearing a straw hat, nnd that's to tako olf your dicer and turn it around throe times." Tho happy man wiuked his loft eye In n knowing manner and walked off enveloped in n rainbow of doublo leaded joy. Phlla dulphiu Press. Why Do Mon-or-Wur's Men 1'lijht? "It is a curious thing, nnd one which I could never satisfactorily account for," said an old tiuvy man tho other day, "but It the crews of nn American urd British man-of-war are given leave at '.he samo time in n foreign port tho result of broken heaiU anil noses Is no moro a matter of Hpeeumtton than the calculation of the ne;;t eclipse. As soon us they meet a row is started, which generally ends with all bands being disabled or arrested, some times both. 'It frequently happens thut the police in- terfure with tho contestants. Tho unwrit ten law in this ciiMi Is for the belligerents to join forces against tho common enemy. I havo often seeithe:n conieout victorious In their cnniccts with the olllcers of tho law, und, after adjourning to a neighbor ing saloon, begin again their interrupted hostilities. "But it is only ou neutral ground that these general engagements take placo. If they meet on l'uglish or American soil each tries to oiilvio the other In hospital ity." Iuv York Times, Our River and Harbor Touuuge. Our lake, river und coastwise touunge amounts to nearly 4,030,000 tons. The present marvelous cheapness of water transportation is of inestimable value to the people in enabling tlmt transportation to compete with railroads ami to regulate their chargos. Naturally tho demand fbr tho Improvement of tiio lake harbors, of connecting streams uud canals, und of tho immense valor courses ol tins country lias increased iu its importunity with the in crease of this commerce; but the increasing appropriations in tho river and harbor bills ai'o not even yet ono-hulf as lurge us tho amounts proposed by tho engineer board, Seuutor Fryo Iu Forum. Tho Immovable Coin. Place in the center of your hand when fully opened a Bllvcr dime Then beg a fricud to take u brush, und tell him that the pioco of money will be his If ho can brush it oil from the center of your baud. Your friend will do bis best, but will be come very tired, us the piece will move no more from the oeuter of your hand than If it was glued tbero. It is understood he cannot shake violently your hand, because the piece ot monoy would fall off. But hs must bo satisfied to do exactly as it he was brushing a coat in order to gain the coin, BUSINESS AND WRITING. EXPERIENCE CF ONE WOMAN WHO TRIED JOURNALISM., Soma of tho Reason That Induced nr to Give dp the Unpromising Realms of Newspaper Success for the More Sub stantial One of Assured Competence. It has been wittily said thut the success ful politician is the man who can eat saw llnst without butter, and certainly such a capacity must be a large factor iu all suc cess. I have eaten a good deal of sawdust in my time, and only recently acquired the right to add tho butter. Some ten years Bgo I was the most miserable of created beings a woman with three children de pendent upon her no training for work or special knowledge of nny kind, and I shared, in common with n good many other women, the conviction that my misfort unes gave me a certain claim upon people, and that 1 should make un income because it was necessary for me to do so or starve. I don't mind owning now that I came per ilously nenr doing tho latter. Ever since 1 li.uded in Now York, now over ton years ago, 1 hsve been able to find work of some sort, although it bus often been miserably ill paid, and, I am afraid, of very little real value. The first thing I hod to get rid of was my ambition and de sire for fame as a writer. A woman with three children soon finds she must hanker after more material tilings than n name in literature, and the time speedily comes when, as a hack, sho is ready enough to accept any kind of work and let who will have the glory, so long as she sees results in dollars uud cents. So it came to puss that, shortly after my arrival in New York, I was more than sat isfied if my copy was accepted aud a week's incoino assured, and perfectly jubilant when, by any chance, a task ot compiling fell to my share which would bring me more grist to tho mill. But it was a wretched existeueo. Many and many a day in midwinter I have tramped about Brooklyn und New York looking up open ingswriting at the point of the bayonet, as it wuro, for a miserable dollar; aud many a time aud oft have 1 written col umns of worthless trash which never saw tho light ut nil. But every hack can tell the same story, tho never ending efi'ort to producouud the difficulty of turning the production to account after all tbe miser able abortions of semi-literury life. 1 might to this day be walking tbe tread mill of itinerant journalism but for the frankness of my lneniis. I had a good many of them, nnd they wero unusually outspoken, probubly because they were really sorry for mo. Tho fault finding of faithful friends is valuable. FAULT FINDING FRIENDS. A publisher, whose nanio is a byword for philanthropy, ouce told me plainly that I should never succeed as a writer until 1 produced something worth reading, and he added, "I doubt if you have suiliciunt cultivation to do it!" 1 remember swal lowing this bitter pill with tears. A still franker friend, u business man, expressed his opinion of thu ubumiuable pridu thut could consider it ilignthtd to wntu rub bish for nothing und yet despiso honor able business, uddiug that a successful business man could easily buy up ull the authors in creation, and never miss the money, which, as 1 was only a hack and could not even aspire to authorship, was quito unnecessarily severe. It is to this caustic friend I owe the fact that I am today iu comfortable circum stances, and that my children nre highly educated und entirely independent of me. lio fell upon me with such severity that I asked what be would have me do, und was told, to my surprise, thut he himself had made his money mainly by his eloverness as an advertiser a fact which nt first mado no Impression upon m except that of sur prise that he should bo interested in any thing so commonplace. It reminded mo simply of atrocious il lustrations uud odious types, but after all there was something seductive iu the Idea of making -money, and 1 finally gave ear to the suggestion that instead of killing myself in producing bad nrticle9, which nobody wanted, I should try to produce good advertisements, which my friend as sured my everybody ut least everybody iu business would want. SCCL'KSS AND MONHY. I have found much truth iu his predic tion. The modest card 1 drew up at his suggestion and sent to the leading busi ness houses brought wonderfully prompt replies asking me to call, uud all at once a comic element entered into my life, and I found myu'tf quite suddenly in request, and for such funny things, tool about many of which 1 knew absolutely nothing, yet was expected, by thu terms of my curd, to be prepared to give advice upon. In my new undertaking I called myself a descrip tive writer, und was prepared to put any thing und everything into such shape thut the public would lie bound to want it. I very soon had my hands full. 1 should say there is nothing 1 have not written aliout, from soft soap to the circu lation of the blood, the latter on the under Btutiding that tho urticlu mi:ft satisfy a committee of six gentlemen beAiro I should be entitled to tho thirty dollars 1 asked for it. I rend it to them with a quaking heart, and came out victor, much to my surprise and theirs. Another time I was oflered ten dollars to draw up the form of a will in which a wo man could cut her husband off with n dime, but, culling to carry out my instructions, 1 found she had forgiven him nml wouldn't hurt his iVclings liyiiny such an item. Ah, welj! 1 learned wisdom slowly but surely, rhoouly thing 1 could do was to make suggestion. I could tell a business man what would be likely to bring him busi ness. Is It any wonder, then, that 1 wus listened to with respect, even when my suggestions hud lit tle value. At that time, ten years ago, trade jour nals were not a plentiful as tbey are now. I started ono or two, und undertook their wholo tnanu'-'eiuent, wvitiiig the articles, printing, publishing, even circulutlug. I hud much to learn, but the knowledge I gained soon paid in good coiu of the Re public, aud six months from my new de parture I was oll'ercd forty dollars a week hy a firm of good standing to look after the idvcrtising. Later on, when 1 was free'to work for others, this income was moro than doubled, and each fresh experience guiued was Just so much stored up capital. -A Business Woman la New York Times. mi 1 and 2 CcmmanwsaSth BiJ'g, 6CRAKTOX, VX MINING andBLASTINQ Hade at the MOOHTO and KUSLi DALE VORiA. Lafflin & Rnnd Powder Co.'( ORANGE GUN P0WDEB - Electrio Catteries, Fuse? for exploi lug blasts, gaiety Fuso aud RepaunoCherakoi Co.' High Explosive! sPBICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT. AND POTASSIUM jgjes Kiarvelous- Cures in Blood Poison umatism ilia and Scrofula P. P. P. purl Bos tn blood, bnllds op the vonlc nml debilitated, gives su or.Kth to weakened nerves, expels dttctnns. giving the patient health and haui'lncs i.'!iur sloknoss, icloomr feelings and lassitude llrst prevailed. For iTim&ry.SL'Oondary and tertiary syphilis, tor blood poisoning, mercu rial polnu, malaria, dyspupsla, and In all blood and sum ditonses, Ilka h!,irthtiH. nlmnlHH. fild nhrnnln ulnars. tottxr, scnld bund, boils, erysipelas, eczema-we iu:y any, without fear ol tfc- cmitrtttllctton.thatP. P. P. Is tho best blood puritlor In the world, and makes positive, apoedy and permanent oures fn all cases. gj5 lima i Ladios whoso systems aro poisoned HmP ' and whose blood Is in an Impure condl . ti0Ui (U1 co ni jnitnul lrreirularitlea, VJl aro peculiarly benellted by tho won ffC" dorfui toulo and blood cleansing prop ertliaof P. P. P.-PrioWy Ash, Poke Koot aud Potassium. 4V bpwkofield, Mo., Aug. Hth. 1X93. &1 I con spii!i In the highest terms of C"- your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affected with heart) "" dUoiino, pleurisy and rheumatism for 3") years, was treated by the Tery best) i,-, , physicians ana spent hundreds of dol- miJ Inrs, tried every known remedy with" 2 out finding relief. I havo only takea one bottle of year P. P. P., and can cheerfully nay It has done me more 6m good man anything I hare ever taken. " i c l.n .nnnmrnanil vniir mriifin A ta all fJf nn3rnrof the above dlaossea. ir!ta MRS. M. M. YEABY, . 6pi. jgflold, Oroen County, M 6pi. jgQold, Oro'en County, Mo. Hi Tank cf Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, $200,009 SURPLUS, $250,009 Ttila bank nffara to depositors every fa illty warrniilt 4 by tliulr balance, bus! nesu and responsibility. Special aiti'iitlon elien to business ac counts. Iiitei'cst paid ou time deposits. TVIX7.TAM CONNUX, President. OliO. 11. ('A1XIN, Vko-President, WILLIAM II. tKCfc, caahlea DIRECTOlta William Council, George H. C&tlln, Alfred If am). iTaiuea Arrtilvilri, Henry llelln, Jr., Villi I;, in X tioUk, Luther linlln The GENUINE New Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 18C3. Hew York "Wareroom3 No. 80 Fifth Avenue. E. C. BICKER & CO., Bole dealers iu this section. OFFICE ia Adams Ave., Telephone BTd'g Scranton Tribune pVERY description of Job Printing j Llf m the best style of the art. ! Promptness and Punctuality a I particular point. ' Experienced, practical and com i patent men in charge of each branch ot the work. We do not make a sham show ot cheapness and curtail the quantity or quality of the work. Dancing Orders, Hangers, Cards and Posters a -Specialty. Bill Heads, Note Heads, etc., printed at short notice. Estimates on all kinds of printing, small as well as large, cheerfully given. The Scranton Tribune Job Dept. IS ONE OP TI1K BEST EQUIl'PKD ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE CITY. EnoonsiD bt thc HioHriT Mcdioal AuTHoninca HEfiBSCHEKKS! iNiMt.iut will care yon. A wondf rful boon to siitTorflr from t olils, IsoreTbrouC, loMuenrn, ItroaoblCEs, orliAYl.'irvjillt. Afixdi iinmtctiutiretitf. Aacdioisiit Ifl pnnMt, reartr to J" on first indication oi eoli. C'ontlnuoid T'so Y:fftoo4e leinmiin nre. HatlsftoUuniniarantetfd or monoy refunded. lrlee, f.O rls. '1'rliU l'ri'S at Druggists. HcKtsturod mall. 60 couls. H. 1. CUSSMlK, His., lime Kitus, aid., U.S. A. OTBHMAnr'a P.I r NTH fl I l'he surpst and safest remedy for ill CIS I rlUU all sklDdlAOSsos. Kesema.ttoh.Ssll r,b((umLo'lHores,Hurns, Oirs. Wonderful rora edyforPlXKa). Prlae.Saets.at Drag- p 11 ar gifts or by muii prepaid. Address BsBbovo. Dnktv ronietlr. convenient to carrY For cale by Mattuewa Broa, and John U, l'helua. mm A w& JOB. . . m U' DEPT. sr EirmcLiHHiuoi ci av- vr.M 3TMN vn iniiiui Pimples, Blotches and Old Sores Catarrh, Malarl sKidneyTroubles . Are entirely rcuiured by P.P.P. rriuai; aui , u., awuv mu.i . woo slum, Uie greatest blood purifier on W eariu. Abbrbkin, O., July 21, 1891. Mbsbrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah. Os. t Deak sum I bought a bottle of your P. P. P. at Hot Springs, Ark. .and it has done me more good than three months' troaimeut at the liot Springs. Head three bottles C. o. U. Beupeottully yours, JAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, O. Capt. J. D. Johnston. To all vhom U may concern: I beTA by testify to the wonderful properties OX r. Y. r. lor eruJiiuuB ut lue sum. I nun' tared for several Years with an un sightly and dlsugreenblo eruption on my face. I tried every known reme dy but in vain, until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cured. (Signed by) J. V. JOHNSTON. Savanuab, Ua. Skin Cancer Cared. TaHmonyrom tht Uayor of SequinJtX, SKQrtm.TEX. , January M, 1893. Messrs. Lippman Bhos.. Savannah, Oa. ! tienlkmenl have tried your P. P. P. fur a disease of tne skin, usually Known aa akin canoer.of thirty years i. i ...... ... 1 1 ... . . Vitiriflna rhfl hlnnd and removes all Ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevents any spreading of the ores. I have taken flveor six bottles and feol confident that another course will eueub u vurc m uwo ica.ou me from indigestion and Btomacn troubles. Yours truly, oArr. w. m. nuai. Attorney ac Law,' Book en M Diseases UH Free. t ALL DBUaaiSTS SELL IT. "tH LIPPMAN PBOPBIET0BS, Idppman'i Bloclt, Savannah, G E, inson's Beer Brewery KnnfRctnrrs of the Celebrate PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bblfc Per Annum, Large Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & COMNELL CO. SrRAT;N i IVIOIOV. la KflVct Jane S4ta, 1804. North Hound. Mouth Bound, 205 203 1 20 1 208 9 04 208 i Stations y t..v 4 5 K o '(Trains Dally, Ex J I cept Huuilay.) IS P1" p w Arrive Leavoi i u 72i 7 10 7 0(1 N. Y. Franklin 8t. T 41.... f .... 8 10 .... Wcac 4sMi(l street Weohawktm p a P H Arrive Leave: llancock JunciloS r M' .... 8 1 151 1 0 0 0(1 606 618 6 25 6 32 8i6rr. 8H .... 828 .... 8 31 .... 8 41P H 8 50 4 60 8 58j M 8 18 6 03 8 08 6 08 8 19. 6 18 810 llancocK ' 81 ar light Presluu Fork Como Poyntelle Bulmont Ploiisant MU Vnlondnlo Forttet city CurlwmliUo Wlme Bridge MuytMil Jerniyu Archibald W'lntmi reckvlllo Olypuant Plckson Tliroop Providence l ark Place kuranton 7 5- 18 P0 7 61 7 4.' )A M ffwmiivioiffl 64 7 83181810 01 6 46 6 65 7 Sahara h 7 io.iig.rn nl I6W 7 011 49 S 710 0 51 It 81 9151 7t4l 84I 6 84 o wruso 1: 74718 88 687 fO 431 10 01 ft M O to'll) ss 8 46 6 45 161 6 61 8 54 6 61 6 41l I m' U0I, 7 31 6 8.'.! II 18' BO.' 741 7 431 6 Sii'rillS; 8 54 it II II to 7 4Hi 8 m 6 59 768 4 04 604 7M 4 0T 607 7661 410-610 8 on 4 14 6 1 8G8;(4 17i e IB 80t 4 80 6 20 (Ml 6l!l 11 07: 844 11 0.V H41 610 HI to is eio f M II 03 8 3'J II H 8IM ifRWl IU DO; V W 1 HA a leave Arrive1 A Mr HP H AU trains run dully except Sunday, t HiKMflestlittt u ulu stop on signal tor pas. eniterB (cure rates via Ontario Western tefore purcliftHlnir tickets and save money. Bjr and fcUigtKiyresstothe Went. J. O, Anderson, Gen. Pass Art. T. FUtoroIt, Dir. Pass, Agt. Scrautoo, Pa, 4) Poyw C NatuTftl Flalih Baby Cirri tM vi v com plM Vith ptfctod MmI wlwtli, ill. ipriofi, hnA w iu itaambut bandto. H4 f bNt mu faal.li.tt KQlLi,rUU l tutruliti Ut I . bbtrM adTUM. I0.UO0 Is tii Aiiniha LurLUhn tlmy Uaf, )UU tud Nil BiAtibbttlihhtw JtUaPMlM to)) Mf tf4 ,Ml4 it tbJ lent It ftttBTf 'prtee. WE17K TO- D V fur tur toift fRf.K UUaHlM Sons Seeds and Fertilizers mm SMS