The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, August 02, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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A pure cream of tartar
ruic auu uuin
It does more wort and finer work than any other. If you do
not find it exactly as represented you caiT return HtUo your grocer
and he will pay you back your money
t v . ' Cleveland Baking Powder Co., Nta York, Succour 0 Cleveland Brother.
Norrman& Moore
120 Wyoming Avenue
Have your COLLARS trohe4 to the M
ar when von can have thm done wltn iot
f FORMERLY 75o. and $1, for
ONLY 59c.
Id every desirable shade.
Hears & Hagen
If you want
Carpets, Draperies,
Wall Paper or Window
Shades, come to us.
We have a full line of
goods, and our prices are
very low.
127 Wyoming Ave.
To my friends: I hereby announce
that I will be a candidate for the nomi
nation of district attorney, before the
Republican County convention.
'Tribune reader leaving; for their
aunimer'tt vacation enn have their favor
ite paper limit to them without extra
coat, by notifying- thla office of the do
ttrel olmngen In tho paper' a!dre.
The Knights of honor have organized a
row lodgo with 87 members at Milwaukee,
The employ? of the Delaware and Hud
son company at the Manvilla colliery were
paid yesterday.
The re will be a regular meeting of the
board of health, at their rooms ia the
"Municipal building, at 3 o'clock tomorrow.
There was no meeting of the Sheridan
Monument association last night owing to
the absence of so many members from the
The select council will meet in regular
torsion this evening. The committee on
railways will convene previous to the
The city treasurer has been paid $3,173.13
from tbe city solicitor's department as the
July collections for sewers, pavements
aud grades.
Tbe weekly police drill was dispensed
with yesterday owing to the preparations
for the encampment which are going on at
the armory.
Today th Delaware, .Lackawanna and
Weitern company will pay the employes
of tbe Haktoad and Diamond mines for
their July labor.
James Gillespie, treasurer of the Dia
mond Colliery Accidental fund, filed bis
bond in tbe sum of $500 as treasurer of that
organization, with Prothnotary Pryor yes
terday. Commissions have been issued by Adjut
ant General Greenland to Captain Herbert
B. Chase, First Lieutenant Frank Bobling,
Jr., and Second Lieutenant William A.
BauD, of Company C, Thirteenth regi
ment. Following the example of E. E. Robath
an, of common council, Jonn E. Roche,
president pro tern ot the last meeting of
select council left after the mooting with
out attaobing his signature to a number of
resolutions and ordinances. He is at Lake
Ariel and has beeu requested to come to
the city and sign the documents.
Open All Might
at Lob man's Spruce street.
When Ton Go Shopping
Do not forget to oall at the General House
furnishing Store, 121 Penn avenue. That
is where you get A No. 1 China, Crockery,
GlasH, Tinware. Lamps, Notions, Hard
ware, Granite and Hotel supplies; and all
useful articles which are necessary in a
bouse from 3 cents upwards.
A Blokskb. 121 Penn avenue.
Hlohael Toollo's Bond.
The bond of Michael Tooliu, treasurer
of tbe school district of Arohbald, was
Died with Prothonotary Pryor yesterday.
It is in the sum of $17,000 and has the
names of Patrick Toolin, Patrick Quinnan
and Henry Revels attached to It as sure
ties. Charlie Brolaman'a Will.
The will ot Charles. Brutzman, late of
tbe city of Boranton, was admitted to pro
bate yesterday and letters testamentary
granted to Attorney O. W. Dawson and
Btenhen W. Mvers. Mr. Brutzman was
killed last Friday by falling from a ladder
i me Btipp building on Harrison avenue.
Buy the Websr
end get the best. At Guernsey Bros,
The ScranUn Traction Company Said to Be
Lackawanna Valley Rapid Transit
Company Purchases the Carbondale
and Forest City Systems A sweep
ing; Change Made in Board of Of
ficers and Directors A Thirty
Mile Connection Between Pittston
and Forest City Intimated.'
After nearly two months of rumors
and deals tbe electric railroad lines
and property of the Carbondale Trac
tion company and the Ciirbonilule und
Forest City Passenger Railway com
pany wre sold yesterday to the Lacka
wanna Valley Rapid Transit company.
This announcement is of pocnliar inter
tst to Bcriintoii people from tbe fuct
that the Cnrbondalo lines extudlns
from Forest City to Arcbbald, tiie
Scrauton Traction company's city
system, and the lattor's liuo extending
toward Pittston, make a possible ii3
inilti connection between Forest City
uud Pittston.
During Mr. Archer's regime as gtn
ernl manager of the Scrim ton corpora
tion, arrangements wore inadw with
Lemuel Amsrman nnd L. A, Wntres
nni the gentlemen associated with
them, whereby the Soranton Traction
company is running its cars on tbe
roadbed and rails owned by tlia gentle
men mentioned toward Pittston. The
agreement was that the work was to
be pushed dnring this summer and
autumn so that early in tbe winter a
service would be iu operation between
here and Pittston, and at a lati) hour
last night it could not bs loarned that
(his agreement hud beau cbuirje.l.
It ia intimated that tho Scran tou
Truction compuny is behind t he Car
bondule sale yesterday and will event
ually control the entire elc ctrie car sar
vice 'between that city and Pittston.
In this connection it mv h mentioned
that Attorney Horace E. Hind, of Jos
sups & Hand, who are the attorneys of
the Scrauton Traetioa company, has
been retained a the attorney of the
Lackawanna Valley Rapid Transit
''There were two syndicates after the
road," said yesterdays Carbondale
Herald, "one leiuir represented by
William Wulker of Mayfiold and J. D.
Stocker of Jrinyn; the other by John
V. Aitken and H. B. Jmlwiti of this
city. Mr. Aikens secured an option on
a controlling interest of the stock and
managed to secure the road. At tho
meeting of tbe stockholders, W. F.
Sadler, jr , resigned his position of
general manager, and Millard F.
Thompson resigned as treasurer. Thu
resignations of Directors H. II. Bet
then. Charles H. Mulltn, W. F. Sadler,
M. F. Thompson, of the Carbondale
Traction company, were read aud
"The reorganization then took place
and the folio win;; offlcrs were chosen:
President, H. B. Jndwia; secrtury
treasurer, J. M. Nicol. The following
were chosen to fill vacancies in the
bonrd of directors- John V, Aitkin, II.
B. Jadwin, J. M. Nicol, E E. Corev,
Uniondale; II. J. Breuuan, und J, D.
Stocker, J. M. Williams, and William
Wulker. members of the old board
held ever.
It is said that $80,000 was-paid for
the line or in other words that $100,000
worth of stock wns purchased fur that
figure, $20,000 being allowed or reser
ved for payment of the dlt of tho old
company. A bond of $50,000 was also
given to the new cowinny to protect
them from any cluitns ugainst the old
A Tribune reporter his been in
formed that the conditions of the
transfer of the property are based on a
099 your lease at an annual rental of
(1,300; tbe Transit company to as
sume all the bonded ind.ibtodness, to
relieve tho former from all claims for
damages, to keep the buildings insured
and the road and its fQuipnunts in
good order.
There were present at the meeting
Judge W. F.Stadler, of Carlisle: W. F.
Studlur. J. W. Astkeo, H. B. Jadwin,
D. J. Duncan, H.J. Brennao, S. Singer,
J. M. Nicol, of Carbondale; Charles
H. Mullen, of Carlisle; W. M. Eihler,
of Philadelphia; Elwln E. Corey, of
Uniondale: William Walker, Mayfuld;
J. D. Stocker, Jenny n; J. M. Williums
nnd Attorney Horace E. Hand, of
Scranton. W. B. Gritmon, of Carbon
dala, was also present as notary public,
Messrs Stadler and Mullen held the
hulk of the slock of the Carbondale
Traction company, the former voting
421 shares and the latter 1.500 share.
After the adjournment of the meeting
a transfer of the innjority of stock of
the company was madtf by these gen
tlemen to Mr. Aitken, who' is president
of tbe Rapid Transit company.
It is generally understood ut Carbon
dale that the present coinnuiy rupro
sents a syndicate of New York, Boston
and Philadelphia capitalists.
Tbe Carbondale Leader says:
The Rapid Transit company's rond,
when completod according to the present
plans, will number twenty-four milui of
track aud be one of the most extensive
electric lines In the country, In the
negotiations for the control of tho Trac
tion company's Hue. Mr. Aitken has met
and overcome many difficulties, nnd the
"light," as it is calloil, has boeu a stubborn
ouu. It has been known for some time
that the old couipuuy bus boon uxious to
uiaposa or tne road, ana tun morning s
cash payment throws it into the hands of
Mr. Aitken as president and general man
ajer of the Transit company and tho
syndicate which is behind hiiu.
What County Commissioner Says About
tbe Hatter.
"We have hud a thorough examina
tion made of the court house and before
very long will begin to make some re
pairs on it," said County Commissioner
Giles Roberts vestordnv.
"Tbe building is by no means in a
dangerous condition, but to prevent the
possibility of an accident we will have
iron rods, run across the building to
strengtnen the side walls. Tbe root is
all right for soma time to come, but
wuoa it u iouaa ueouasury to replace it
it is probable that tho side walls will
be raised ingli encu.;'U tu make tbe third
story ot full hcigtith.
;rlie work is of snoli a chancier
that ltaannot very well lot by con
tract aud tbe commissioners hav de
termined to have it done tv some ro-
lialde person by the day."
Contractor bohroeder visited tho
building ytsterdav. made measure
ments and took an inveutory of the
work to be done.
We Make a Kacord for Swimming North
An onlooker would eonrcelv under
stand the scene of greeting which ue
enred at tbe Delaware. Lackawanna
and Western station Tuesday when it
sunburned young man of nthlotic
build swune from the train from New
York and was iraniodiatiy In the midst
or nearty handshakes nnd vociferous
words of welcome from a group
of bappy workmen. The traveler was
John Taylor, of 135 Jeff arson avenue,
wiiose recent feat of swimming tbrf
North river from Hoboken to Now
York occasioned an article in the Ho
boken News, of which tho following is
a portion:
'John Taylor, a bricklayer, swam
from the Seventh street dock, this city,
to pier CD. New York, in 28 minutes.
Tb best previous time is said to have
teen 45 minutes. The swim was made
on a wugur of $50. At 7:110 Taylor dova
from tho dock. Ho started off with tbe
side stroke for some distance und then
took the breast strok. lie was accom
panied across by a rowboat. The pior
whs reached precisely at 7:53 Taylor
was pretty well exhausted after the
swim. The tide at the tima was run
ning out."
Tho article should bavo stated that
Mr. Tylor is a resident of Scrmitoii."
lie iH 25 yours of ago uud left this city
uunuj; too bricklayers strike last May.
Scranton Street Italians Indulge in tho
National Indoor Game In the
Hands of the L;iw.
Anthony Munvgot ia one of tho Itul
iuns who are looked upon as a sort of
lender tty bis countrymen. II" cam
over early nnd learned many Yankee
tricks, Including uioney-umkiiig, ell
of which be is teaching to his more
iguoraut countrymen in his own p"CU
liar wuy. He teucncH money making
by exemplification.. As a consequence
his pupils' monthly stipends ii.Ti t'.ieir
way into his collets, and utter terernl
yesrs of devotion to tbe task of loam
in j tho unsophisticated' idea how to
shoot, ha finds himself iu possession of
iuticri land and many bouses.
But nlas a halt has been callod to
liis rapacity. He has experienced a
short-circuit. Ho became too greedy
and the result is that he is in the bauds
of the law. Among other studies iu
the curriculum of Manygot's academy
was that of the tiatio.ial uamo, poker.
The pupil's look to tbe game with
gront avidity and nightly gathered ut
the academy to pursue their inwstiga
tions. A slit was made in tint tablo
aud its uses explained to the still
onts, The slit wns a novolty
and was thoroughly enjoyed for a long
time by the entire class. Soon, how
ever, tho pupils discovered that be
tween their losings to tho proressnr and
their contributions to Miss Kittio they
were paying a very high vote of tuition.
Thu beadle of the class, one Frank
Chiskey, decided that his classmates
should Btand the imposition uo longer
and concluded to break up tho school,
take their books and go bomo.
Alderman iitzjimmons was told of
tho goings oi at Munygot's and sent
one of bis officers over to bring the
cffetiding professor before the Eighth
wrd bar of justice, He was formally
charged by Cbiskoy with keepim; a
Cambiinir houso und was held iu ;2-"0
bail to make sure that he would la on
band in tho full to explain the work
ings of his school to the honorable
That's th Ruts on Mr. Cliver and kilts
Grew Were Married Here.
Edwin L. Cliver. of Pl.iladeliiliia.
and Mies Mary E Grew, of Fraukford,
were marriod yesterday by Rev. F. S.
Bdlentino, pastor of tho Church of the
Good Shepherd, of Green Ri lge,
ibere was u n ivor of rom iuce about
tb marring'.
Mr. Cliver is 21 years of nee and is a
salesman by occupation. His bride is
a pretty young woman of 18. The con
sent of her parents was obtained to the
marriage, but nevertheless the youiiij
people decided to come to this city to
Lave the knot tied.
They believe that Scranton is a lucky
To Our Patron.
relieving that a business douo on a
strictly cash basis wou'd roliovo us of a
largo amount of time and labor, now nec
essary in keeping our ncconnts uccurntoly,
and would enable us to more atten
tion to the details of our bu:;iuf, thereby
giving to customers the benelltot our per
sonal mpervltlon, we have decided to
adopt this system. This is being done in
many of the large citlos, nnd is working
very successfully aud saciafactory to all
pnrtios concerned.
On aud after Monday, September 3, we
shall require cash payment on the deliv
ery of all p'.ickagos. To those who may
find it inconvenient to pay cash each time
their work is returned, we will sell coupon
books from oue dollar to ten dollars allow
ing a discount of live cents on the dollar.
These books will be furuisliod by our driv
ers or at our ollices, but must bs puid for
in advance. Money will be refunded (or
all coupons relumed.
J. C. IlKilllllTEll,
Keystone Steam Lnuudrv.
John J. Van Nout, Mgr.,
Kurek feteam Laundry,
A. B. Waiiman.
Lnclciiwnui'M Steam Laundry.
John J., Mgr.,
West tide Laundry.
Enterprise Laundry.
Exiraoidlnary R.oreation Tour Euf
falc, Niagara Falls, Toronto.
Tho popular lines Imvo arranged a
delightful pleasure tup for tho public ulong
their liuo forTueaduy, August 7ih, to Buf
fulo, Niagara Fulls, and Toronto, embrac
ing a great variety of ccenic attractions at
small cost, buffalo and Nlagura Fulls ex
cursion tickets will be good two days. The
Toronto tickets will be good four duyH to
Special train will leave Carbondale at
6.50 o.m. Fare to Niagara Falls and re
turn, (3.00, and only oue dollar additional
to Toronto and return.
For further information see small bills
or ticket agents of tbe Erie.
Rav. C. A. McGWa Laotnra.
At the Howard Place Methodist Epis
copal church, at 8 o'clock this morning,
Ruv. C. A. McUee will address the Epworlh
Loague society of the church. Alter the
address refreshments will be served by the
ladies of the church.
L'eutensnt Madison's Suocsisor.
On Aug. 13, while thu Thirteenth regl
ment is in camn at Gettysburg an elec
tion will be held to fill the office of first
lieutenant of Company C, which was made
vacaut by the death of H. R. MadUou.
Tli3 Scranton Llederkracz's Enthusiastic Re
ception to Its Guests.
Societies from Out of Town Were
Banqueted at Music Hall Address
of Welcome Dslivered by Mayor W.
L. Connell Speech of Conrad
Schroedor Excursion of the So
ciety to Lake Ariel Today,
Around tbe festal board and amid
a bower of palms and evergreens
the Scranton Liederkrunz celebrated
Us silver jubilee at Musio bull Inst
niiht. Twentv-five years ago in the
dark days of 1H09 when the country
was ngitated with tbe cons-quences of
the War of the Rebellion, sixteen German-Americans
of this city organized
tb Liederkranz society.
Of the sixteen charter members but
three, of the number are alive; they aro
A. Conrad, Gorge Wahl nnd Philip
Geiiter. Mr. Conrad acted as mnsioal
director for twenty -one year, from
183a to 1800. From 1800 until tue pres
ent tho director has been Professor F.
F. KopOf. To tho ability and success
ful leadership of Profissor Kjpff is
duo, in a measure, the rank which 'Ae
Linderkrunz holds among munioiil'
ganizitions today. No less credit -ticues
to Conrad Sohroudar, the pi js
oul president.
At 8 cO lust night the guests bagnr.
to arrivo at Mulc hall and ranged
tliemelvHB around the bunquot board.
Tho visiting societies present wore as
follows: Eiiiheiisirunz. of New York;
Concordia, of Wilkes-Barre. Lteder
ltr.iriz, of lIones:lule;Ariuiis, of Wilkes-Ij.ut-,
Jlauuorchor, of Hizleton,
M.iimorchor, of Pittston; Maunurchor,
of Ilonesdale; Tnru Verelu, of Scrnr.
lon; Saengerrnnde.of Scranton; Greut-
li Verein, of Scrauton; Mminerohor, of
Hyde Park; Moz iri quartette, of South
The entrance to tlie hull was lined
with palms and about the Interior the
same decorations wore prof us dy ar
ranged. The stasre was banked with
evergreens trimmed with the American
and German baunT', and at tho front
of the etugo were, placed, studded in the
palms, tho priZH won nt musical con
tests, Oi the left was a costly silver
pitcher won at Ilonesdale in 1880, nnd
nearby were two others an onyx clock
won nt Wilkestnrre in lbbl and a
trophy won nt Reading in 1893. Oa
the right the- charter of the society
beamed from its sylvnu repose,
Thy reception committee, consisting
of E Moats, William Lmerioh, Charles
Wilmayer, Eiward Siebecker, Hnry
Dimler and Jacob Ferber, very system
atically provided places for the guests
and at 9 o'clock the evnning's festivity
was opened by Chairman Dr. Lndwig
Wehlun. lie delivered a speech iu
German and arter bidding everybody a
welcome, announced that the composi
tion, "Willkomen," would bs sung.
Accompanied by Bauer's full orchestra
tho assemblage unito 1 in the strain.
Occupying seats in the front line on
tbe platform, above the orchestra,
were the following: Dr. Ludwig
Wehlnu, eliairmau of the evening,
Conrad Schroedet, president of tho
Lbtderkranz society; Mayor W, L. Con-
mill, George Wahl, i. L. Wormier, E.
Moses, Dr. P. F. Guuster, Frank
Hummler and Frank Lsuthner. Dr.
Weblan introduced Mr. Schroeder,
who delivered a speech in Germau, in
which he reviewed the career of the
Liederkranz society from the beginning.
His remarks received many cheers and
mncu applause.
After the song, "Hundesliod," from
(.toot ne. Mayor Lounell wns introduced
He said it was n pleasant duty on
his part to extend a welcome to the
visitors and also a pleasant task to
rarer to the struggles or the Lteder
kranz, now celebrating its twenty-fifth
anniversary, and the happy rememb
rance that the society was still green
and had passed triumphant from the
blasts of so many winters. As chief
executive of Scranton ha bade a wel
come to tbe Kominers, and said that
our people may be young in history
but they are old in the art of welcoui'
ing strangers. The mayor's eloquent
greeting was received with contiuned
The seleollon, "Doniade," was sung
to tho captivating iur, "Tt-ra-ra-booni-de-ay,"
in whloh the audience joined,
Harold Lango, of tbe Now York
Liclien'ranz, spoke in German uud
pronounced a beautiful eulogv upon
the success of tbe boranton Lieder
krauz, and referred feelingly to the
deceased mmnb-rs who belonged to tbe
oruinul charter group,
The Ladies' section of the Lbder-
kranz, represented by Mrs. A. Conrad,
Mrs. William Siobecker and Mrs.
Jo-iepli Obnr, ascended the stage, and
Mrs. Conrad, tu appropriate words.
presented to the male members a silver
mounted driuliiug horn, Conrad
Schroeder accepted tbe gift in a felici
tou spech. Many other presents were
Today the Liederkranz and other
visitors will t'iij y a picnic at Lako
Ariel. Tne trains will leave the Erie
an I Wyoming d.tpot ut 8 15 o. m. und
1 6J and a.24 p. m.
Conway Hcuse, 132 and 134 Penn Ays,,
is where you will always find good service
anu courteous treatmeut,, the table is al-
wuys supplied with the best in the market.
lriinsiem, and local trade solicited.
. Ask for Spralt's. and take
no other. Wholesale prico
to tho IracTo and to parlie3
buying iu quantity.
23c. a cako, C3o. a box,
Indispensable for koune
uso aud housohold pets.
429 Lacka. Ays.
Eli Eoatid Condition Causes B m to
S Thing's tbe Wrong- Way. 'i.
The TRinUNE should not mnke Itself the
mouthpiece of secretary Diddleboek iu
anything concerning Mr. Saud.-rs, of the
iru'U. iue latter Uad uo par
ticularly against the secretary, uud would
never have kuown tiiere hud bee a any
change made in the drafted constitution
of the State league bad not bis attention
been called thereto by Mr. Uaulon, of
Uazletou, who was also a member of thu
committee, as ulr. Diddtebock did not
think it proper to Fend a copy of the
printed constitution into the hands ot
tuose wco suouiu nave urst received tuem.
Jlr. Suuders was not "tlually Admitted" to
the meeting, but when the time came for
him to be present bo simply walked Into
the room uud seated hi nut; If whero he
kuovv ho hud a proper right to bo. Truth,
"I hav alurjo sizs crow to pick with
Mr. Diddlebouk and I want to have it
out with bim right o:i the floor of that
meetiug. If Mr. Sanders did not use
tho above words in the presence of a
gn rpof reporters standing onlside tbe
m-L ,ing room in the Wyoming, then
there was a very clever veutrikquist
at work somewhere tiiere aoout
that time. The'Trutu should not muke
itself the mouth piece of noy otio to
udvise TllU Ti.ibunu as to w.o siiould
use its columns to givo expressions ou
newsy topics.
As to tho charge that theIbibcsb
hns made itself the mouthpiece of Sec
retary Did llebock it is nnuocesiary to
make any comment. Mr. Sanders is
respectfully referred to tho files of Tub
Trhiune for the last three days.
Vell Nigh Fatal Results That Follow
an Explosion in Marvin a Shaft
William J. Thomas und Daniel W.
Jones bad a narrow escape from death
at the Murviiia sliiitt yesterday.
Thomas was seriously iiij.ircd about
the head and is iu danger of losing the
uso of his ouo eye ut least.
it appears that yesterday morning
thu two men were preparing holes sim
ultaneously for blnstiug aud charged
tlfcin with Dowder. After they fired
the fuse they went to a place cf safety,
but only one shot exDiodod und think
ing that the other oue bud not caught
fire Thomas went back to invrsiigate
and just us he reached the place the
shot went oil nnd struck bim lu tne
He was brought to bis home cn
Wayne avenue uud his wounds dressed
by Dr. Donne. Dr. Fisher was also
called in as a specialist to examine the
Daaiel Jones escaped unhurt, but the
injuries Inflicted on Thomas are very
serious and much time must elapse be
fore be will show signs of recovery.
Ills esoupj from death was marvellous
and it is difficult to .explain how his
life was preserved.
The Game Will Probably Take Place on
Next Monday.
Arrangements for the cam) of ball
between teams composed of members
of tbe select uud common councils, are
well under way. Next Monday is tbe
day selected by the commoners, and
this date will bo submitted to Manager
Durr uud by bim to bis fellow sjlect
meu at to-night's meeting, for concur
rence. McCann and Connell will be the bat
tery for the selectmen, find Grier find
Thomas will be in the points for the
lower branch team. Muuuger Durr
stated lust night that he would prefi r
having the game played during Novcu ,
ber, wuen the weathur will be more
Long Slstaaos Tel.phona Fubicrlbsra.
Amonir those recently equipped with
metullic circuits nnd long uistuuee tele
phones are the following;
Scranton Uuiry rompuuy.
Third National bank.
Hcrunton Savings bank.
First National bank.
Norman & Mo. re. insurance agent?.
Scranton llrewing company.
fnsev & Kelly Brewing company.
M. Robinson brewery.
Sprulis lir.-s. lumber yard.
T. F. Leonard, hardware.
P. McNally. meat market.
M. J Kelly, b.k;ry.
Barber Asphalt company.
Iilue RidtrH Coal company.
Richards Lumber company.
Kohlar & Co., primers.
II. Montgomery & Co., wholesale pro
duce dealers.
FcnANTON Tribune business ofllco.
Scuantom Tribune editorial office.
H. .. Kinghl ury, mine supplies.
F. H. King-bury, mine supplies.
Keystone Hardware company.
Eureka laundry.
Dr. J. L. Woutz, office.
Scranton board of control, superintend
ent's offlce.
Scrauton board of control, socretury'a
E. N. Willard, rosidouce.
Kverott Witrren, residence.
Professor Phillip i, residence.
A. J. t.'usey, resilience.
H. N. Stetler, residence.
V: Oolan, residence.
Morris Goldsmith, ro.-idonce.
Ruv., residence,
Excursion to Kountuln. Faik.
The Taylor Methodift Episcopal church
congregation will rnu au excursion to
Mountain park on Friday, the train leav
ing the Central d"pot ut 8.JJ0 a. in. The
outlook is in voruble for a large crowd.
Eat ft head made from Pillsbury's Best
aud be healthy.
We Paint and
Fire China
to Order.
Come in and
See Our
New Goods.
W. W. BERRY, Jeweler
Best Sets of Teeth, $St00
Including tbe painless extrnctlnj
C( leutU by un entirely new prir
S. C. Snyder, D.D.S.
Pitcher Hodsoa Has Bjjq Sold to Boston Na
tional Lsagu3 Club.
The Chances Was Brought About by
the ill-Chos9n Bluffs of Mike Kelly
r.nd the Attitude of Secretary Did
dlebock A Number of the Troy
Players Have Been Signed Local
Team Will Return and Play Provi
dence Hereon Monday.
It can te stated on reliable informa
tion that the Scranton Biso Ball club
will play its last Slate league game at
Reading today and will play its first
Eastern league game at Springdjld to
morrow, Mondav thev will rotnrn to
this city nnd meet tbe Providence club
on the home nroJiuls.
This information was received from
A. L. Francois by telephone from
New York last eveoiug, along with
the anuouncemaut that liodson had
been sold to Boston.
It could not be learned at a late
hour last night that tbe papsrs ptr
taining to tbe transfer had been sigued.
but the fact that Mr. Francois was at
Springfield yeBterdsy signiug tbe cream
of the Troy players stamps the trans
fer to the Cistern loague as authentic.
Previous to the meeting of tbe State
league nt the Wyoming bouse in this
city on iursday night tho Scranton di
roctors hnd intended to remain in the
league for a time at. least. The mset
ing it will be remembered, wns attend
ed by a number of Scranton directors
aud thcyJwero80 sickened by the dicta
torial attitude of Secretary Diddlebock
that arrangements were made to re
cede from their intention an J join tbe
Eastern lengus.
At this meeting Mr. Diddlebock and
Mike Kelly were particular abusive in
their arraignment ot Scranton, its rep'
resentalivo bull team and all that ner
tuined to it. The Scranton directors
realized tbut it was their opponents
lust bin if rosort, but rather than sub
mit to farther flings of the'lssh. Mr.
Francois departed to New York aud
the east to cousumate the transfer aud
secure new players.
It was the lust straw to break the
back of the Scrauton club as far us its
3! EH
Never complain about
our Tiuning aud Plunib-
ing bills.
Because we have the
quickest and most com
petent workmen in the
city. "No boys." "Its
126 Penn Ave.
The Scranton Business College
New aud handsome building. AU modern improvements.
Location the best possible. Quiet and healthful.
Two Sessions Day and Evening. ,
Three Thorough and Complete Courses:
Business Course. Shorthand Course. Combined Course.
Proprietors fully alivo to the wants and requirements of busi
ness men.
Teachers who have spent many years of active work in counting
room and class-room. OPENING DAY, SEPT. 3.
Oflice temporarily in Garnev. Brown & Dllfitf IflniTMftRR Kl ffl
Co. 'sstore'enr. Adams Ave. and Linden St DUlB ULllllUUAD Ot UV.
Of SHOES Is Now On
And you'll not be treating yourself right if you don't take advantage of It.
Everv shoe in the bouse is reduce! to cost, and miny gools suoa us RUS
SETS and ull SUMMER SHOES, a good deal Ubs than cost.
WHITE CAKVAS OXFORDS, best quality, worth $1.50 a pair, will be sold
for 75 CENTS.
Soma that ara soiled anj disoolorod will ba sold for 23 CENTS a pair.
There is no half wuy businoss about It, but a great houseful! of GOOD
SHOES ut the cost of making them. LET U3 SEE YOU.
Of what wa
Straw Ilats, regular price 00o. thiB
week 85o.
Straw Hats, regular price $1.00; tbis
week C5o. '
Men's Neckwear, regular prioe 603. ;
this week 83 e.
Meu's Nclcwear, four -In-hands, reg
ular prioe 25o. ; this week 17a
Ladies' Shirt Waists, regular price
(1.15; this week 80u.
Summer Goods This Week
Agency for Dr. Jaeger's Woolen Goods.
conn.Jtlon wltn the State league is
concerned. The league officials reared
a huge bluff and Mike Kelly was the
man selected to carry it through, and
make tbe looal clnb believe It could
not leave the State league.
Hodson sale to Boston was announc
ed by President St. John, of the local
aisociation last night, so that all rear
that he will longertbe the instrument
to bind Scranton to the State lesgue la
at an end. What price Boston has paid
for bim Mr. St John professed not to
know, but said he did not think it was
a vsry large one.
Tbe Scranton club will leave Read
ing for Springfield after today's game.
It is probable that la the Springfield
game the Scrauton team will goon the
Held with its present organlzition, and
that the now players will uot be as
signed positions until next week.
nothing but the best.
You will be satisfied
if you call on J. BOLZ and
get some of the bargains he
is offering.
A $5 Coat for $1.49.
A $7 Coat for $3.
A Fine BlackClay Worst
ed Coat for $5, worth
Ladies' Capes.all shades
for 98c.
Ladies' Tailor-made Suit3
for $4.75, worth $9.
During the Summer.
133 Wyoming Ave.
next dime: bank.
128 Wyoming Ave.
AT 75 Cents
a Pair.
In White Black, Tans and Grey.
Former Prioes, $1, $1.23 and $1.50.
Cor. Lackawanna and
Wyoming Aves.
are doing with
Boys' Wash Suits, regular price $1.50;
this week 80s.'
Lsdies' Trimmed Hats, regular price
$150; this week 9 50.
Ladies' Trimmed Hats', regular price
$4.00; this week $3.00.
Ladies' Suits, regular prlos $10.03)
this week $0.00.
Other Goods in proportion.
mm llj ilAio