TIIE FCKANTON TltfRTJNE THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 2, 1894. PUSUSHIO DAILY IN SCRkNTON, P., VI THI Tmavata PutusHiNa Comph. . . . fc . KINOSBURV, KNI.Al MANAMA IDIOM- nwn rav, Makabii. INTCRID AT TMK MVTOPriOB AT eORANVON. teens-aura "Ail matts. "Frlntrnt' Ink," tlio recognized journal far advertisers, rates the hCRAMTUN TElUL'N'Uaathe best ltd vertlslns; medium In Northeastern l'juusyl vanla. "Printers' Ink" know. ECRANTON. AUOU3T a 1894. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Governor: DANIEL H. HASTINGS, Of CENTi.lt. for Lieutenant Givernor: WALTER LYON, Ol' ALLLUUKNY. For Auditor Gtneral: AMOS H. MYLIN, Or LANCASTER. For Secretary of Iternal Affairt; JAMES W. LATTA, OV PHILADELPHIA. for Conpreisman-at-Large: UALUSHA A. GROW, OK SUByCKHANNA. G120KGE K. HUFF, OF WKSTMOltELAND. Flection Time, Nov. U Nothing is too good for Serantou iang, not even Eastern league base ball. Strikes Do Not Pay. Kobert Layton, formerly immigrant inspector at Pittsburg, has made a clow study of the labor problem, so dulled. Borne things that he says thereabout possess interest if not slg niticauee. After deelaiinK Lis belief that strikes, aa a rule, do not pay, he continues: "There are two kinds of strikes. When men strike because they have been asked to accept a re duction, you can make a rather wvfe bet that they will be beaten. For a number of years I have made a study of this and 78 strikes out of 100 are lost to i the men. They are at great disad vantage. The employer knows that he is going to force a decrease in wages. He figures on this lonjr. before the men are informed of the fact. All his arrangements for carrying a strike to a successful issue are made and he has nothing to do but carry them out. This was especially impressed on me In the Homestead troubles. The days for such strikes are passed. Arbitra tion in such cases would win quite often and would at least leave the country in a more settled and peaceful condition. The strike which has a percentage of winning 5(5 times out of 100 is that one where an increase of wages Is asked for. Its day is not passed and I expect to see wise men win at this game for many years to come. It is a different sort of a battle. In fact things ore entirely reversed. The workman has the lead." Tills is true when the workman has justice on Lis side. With times pros perous and capital earning large profits be would be a very peculiar employer who would not cheerfully concede a reasonable advance in wages in pref erence to having his employes sullen and discontented, and possibly violent as well. It is not economy to any em ployer to hire cheap labor, merely be cause it is cheap. Sometimes extraor dinary circumstances make the pay ment of small wages a necessity even when employers know that their em ployes are worth more pay. Condi tions like this will right themselves in the natural order of things, just as water will everywhere seek Its level. Their readjustment would be retarded rather than hastened, however, by a policy of striking merely for the sake of revealing labor's strength. The idea of the strike is fuudamen tally war-like. In its inevitable mean ing and magnitude the modern striko Is an act of war, which often carries greater damage to Innocent people than it does to both parties to the bat tle. Arbitration would be effective because it would have public senti ment behind it the sentiment of self preservation, than which there is noue stronger when once fully aroused. In tho sense that strikes add to the ten sity of the situation and increase tho unnaturalness of it, It may be broadly said that whether they nominally succeed or fail, they do not pay; and intelligent labor should move away from rather than toward this clumsy recourse of sheer strength as opposed to both conscience and logic. That was a vicious blow whloh Editor Dana gave Secretary Oresham when in reply to a reporter's query how Qresham's foreign policy was re garded abroad, he said: "I do not re member to have heard Mr. Greshain's naino mentioned." The inference is somehow very general these days that Gresham as a diplomatist is not likely to set tho world alire. The States' Rights Dogma. By a vote of C2 to 68 the New York constitutional convention has rejected an amendment declaring that the state of New York Is an inseparable part of the nation known as the United States of America and that the constitution, laws and treaties of the United States are the supreme law of the land, to which every citizen of the state owes permanent allegiance. The debate upon the proposition, singular to relate, disclosed the existence of much feeling proi and con; and when the subjeot was finally tabled there were many members present who teemed to think almost that an aot of treason had been committed. The country is probably none the worse off because of the existence of men jealous of Its federal sover eignity. Nor do we quite agree with President Choate in his intimation that the purposed amendment cast an unnecessary refleotion on the attitude of New York toward the Union. It can scarcely be called a reflection upon a state to put ill words the conceded fact that it Is loyal to the general gov ernment; that it has no sympathy with the old pro-slavery doctrine of state supremacy; and that, taught by experience the wisdom of having no uncertainty over this matter, it in tended to express its views in a manner admitting no misunderstanding. The people of today, to be sure, know where New York stands, with out needing a diagram to instruct them; but the clear definition of that position might have a beneficial cfleet at some future time; and ought certain ly toexert an exemplary iulluenceupon other commonwealths that are less positive in their opinions. If the nomination of Senator Camer on for president affords the Democratic editors any amusement in this torrid August time, they are heartly wel come to keep right on. They need amusement. Stronger Lottery Legislation. A lottery bill which promised to make serious inroads into the business of catching gudgeons would bo some thing of a novelty. The one, however, which Representative Eroderick has formulated appears to deserve this dis tinction. It makes it an offenso pun ishable by a fine of $1,000 or two years in jail.or both, for any person to caused to be brought in from abroad, or de posited or carried in ttie mails, or car ried from one state to another, any pa per purporting to be or represent a ticket or hure or interest in any lot tery or similar enterprise, or who cause any advertisement of such an enter prise to be brought into the United States, deposited in the mails or carried from one state to another. It is, perhaps, beyond reach of the most ingenious lawmakers to wholly prevent the sale of lottery tickets or to protect those luckless persons who r.ro born with a desire to get rich quick. The fascinations of gambling have al ways found victims among men, and doubtless always will; and no form of gambling is likely to last longer than that which offers the glittering hope of great wealth in return for a paltry investment, clinching its attractiveness from time to time by calculated distrl buttons of prizes as baits for more ac tive speculation, liven when honestly conducted, a lottery is objectionable, in that it cheapens the valuo of money by induoiug patrons to expect much in return for little. And when the lot tery is notoriously dishonest, offering to its patrons not even the small con solation of equal opportunity, but seizing their immense investments with the absolute certainty that only a beggarly fraction of the money thus invested will ever get back to the in vestors, the necessity for its discour agement becomes doubly urgent. Ilecent laws on this subject have driven the big lotteries to cover; but they are yet doing a highly profitable business; and the bulk of tiieir profits is being drained out of the country, subtracting just so much from the home circulation of ready currency that is the life of trade. It is known, for instance, that the Louisiana lottery swindle is plying its artifices in Scran ton, and making loads of money there by. The same thing is true through out the state and presumably through out the country. It is far from dead. It will have to be fought fiercely and vigilantly for many years yet, or it will simply wriggle around and from under the law. From the denials of reports coming from the east in reference to the battles between the Chinese and sons f Ja pan, one is almost pereuuded that a Wilkes-Barre coi respondent has been writing specials to the press from tho scene of action. The Froa Pass Abuse. The introduction at Albany of a proposition to amend the constitution so as to prohibit public oillcials from accepting passes from railroads, has occasioned some comment. Second Vice-President J. T. lirooks, of the Pennsylvania railroad, has gone on record with several remarkable state ments. There was a time, he avers, when public oillcials were content to receive occasionally a trip pass for themselves. They have learned to at-k for passes themselves, for members of their families, and for political adher ents and others. They not only ask for passes good over lines which are controlled by the oillcers to whom they apply, but they ask for posses over con necting lines to distant and remote parts of the country, good at all seasons of the year. They not only lu-k for trip passes for themselves and friends, but they ask fur annual passes for themselves and friends, and no matter how many passes may bo granted to a single individual, if a siugle request be refused, the enmity of that oflicial is aroused and his ven geance exercised if he has an oppor tunity to do so. Then follows this remarkable as sertion, made, remember, by the second vice-president, of the largest and best-managed railway system in the United SUites: I liaro known a member of the supreme court of the United States to apply for freo transportation, the money value of which in a single lintauce was between 'iOO and OiM. Governors of states. United Btales senators, members of the bouse of representatives, members of every depart ment of the state government, from the governor to the janitor, ask aud expvot to recaiva thote favors. There is one state in the American Union whose constitution contains a provision prohibiting persons in the service of that state from receiv ing passes. That constitution in this re spect is a dead letter In the state where it exists, the members of all departments of state, including therein nearly all mem bers of the supreme oourtandof Inferior courts, receive and expeot, and even ask for, passes. A constitutional provUion on this subject should be broad enongh to make it a misdemeanor for any person elected or appointed to any position in the service of the publio to ask or receivo far himself or any other person free transpor tation. Witnln the last few years black- mailing legislators hate been introducing bills for the taxation of sleepirg-cur com panies, express companies, nud telegraph roiuD iniea. The result is that pusses are bxinx indued by three various organiza tions in Rrvuter or U.s nnmuer, ami tele granli pufsi-a dan now be found in the io"kets of nearly all inmber of the lujls Iiitura in all the importaut states. Such a condition of affairs can scarcely be tolerated perpetually. To be sure, the Intention, in most cases of oflicial pass-holding, is innocent. When, several days ago, we charged the president of the Pittston borough council with having besought three Tractiou company passes, he at first admitted it, asking "where was tho harm;" but later deemed it sufficiently grave to justify threatening us with a libel suit. This, of itself, indicates the changing temper of the people. No doubt the public once thought little or nothing about these things. But now adays it is beginning to wonder why oillcials who, in the main, are well paid, should expect something for nothing from the transportation com panies. Such a condition begins to look suspicious. Circumstances in legislation which without this knowl edge would be Inexplicable are easily accounted for when the pa3ses are taken into account. We do not know how far a prohibi tory constitutional amendment would check this evil; but we do know that the right kind of public sentiment would check it; and that kind of seutl meut is rapidly forming. Th e announcem icnt that ex-Banker Kockafcllow had promised a friend to write a formal statement explanatory of his business troubles is not credited by those who were once intimate with him. And yet, why not? Nobody believes that the lloc'safullow thou inula simply vanished by spontaneous disintegration; nor that any of the theories titus fur devised in explana tion of their disappearance is in all particulars thoroughly accurate. In other words, there is much iu Mr. Piockafellow's mind which has not yet reached tho public ear. The tide of popular sympathy is unmistakably turning iu his favor. What better plan to accelerate it than to honestly confess all that there is to be said? Colonel Wattkkson suggests that tlie Democratic incompetents at Wash ington be soused in a horse pond; but this is a familiarity with water that they would never understand. Senator Cameron's presidential boom lias won the unqualified indorse ment of the Harrisburg Patriot, Dem. Luzerne Keitblicans will nomi nate their county ticket mext Tuesday and leave the rest to the people. One mmci'LTY with many politi cians is that they ripen their crop be fore the sickle is sharpened. A T THE Pie Counter. v A fashionable ice this season, which is delicious and effective to servo either with mange ice cream, is a muscat water-ice. Tins ire in reality has not one droit of the juice of the famnut grape frum which it takes Its name. It is flavored with a good sherry and is mude bh follows, according to a recipe in the I'hiladrlphia Record: Squeeze the juice of f our lemons into a scant pint of sugar. Add the rind of one lemon, grating iu only the yellow part. Beat tlie sugar and lemou juice together, aud add slowly a pint aud a half of cold wnter, banting it in with the other ingredients. Now add a lablespoonful ot gelutiue, which has been souklug in halt a cup ot cold water for two hours. Turn a half cup of boiling water over the gelatine and stir until it is thor oughly iliseo.ved. Then stir it into the lemon juice and water. Add to this two wineglasses ot very palo sherry aud about two or thive dropt of spiuaou green. Add a drop at a time until the mixture takes on the P.le water-green tint of the ninscat grni-e. Freeze the ice like an ice rrmtm. Au oraue ice cream mmle nf Valencia (Tiniv, which have jusi now come into mi.iMrt, U e-peclully nice served with this wai ur ice. A Last Kesout: The preat physician leaned his chiu on his baud and guzed at hi-i patient. "It munt be done," said be. "What must be doner" queried the weep ing wife. "I must present my bill. It will either kill him or rouso him to recovery." In Uianupulia Journal. There is a 8tib3tri.tuni of wisdom under neath this "modern fuble" told by the Iu llaniipolis Jouruul: A curtain monarch, 1 1 vk lent and ui.fty temper, beeunvj of fended nt an Injudicious remark nt hi court fool, and, diuAviu ; his sword, cut off the unhappy fellow's ri(,'ht eur. The next (lay, having givxn the matter thought, tho monarch uvpio.iclied the couch where lay the fool iu much pain, uud apologized siu curely for his conduct, -xprcs.-bg great Borrow, "Your Morrow is beautiful tos.-e," cotn;.lalued the fool, "hut it dues not re store my enr," "The loss of your ear cuts no ice." replied the monarch. "It ii enough ihut I have eprossed my sorrow nud put myself nt p-.aca with my own conscience in so doiug." - Cry op the Mlltitudk: Btephen, Stephen. Two yeurs more of Stephen, We'll Leg for breud, We'll want for a bed, 'Till wo get rid of Stephen. -Sjirinyjieltl Union. There are moro ways than one to kill a cat. Tho bright brhloof four dny who, while puling tho lionoymoou with her bibulous Iiol'o lord ut a WuHuiugtou hotel. succeeded in prevouting Mm trom order ing wino for n mu.e friend and thought she had ncnievou a notable moral triumph. "Allriuht.my dour," the ubominabla hubby replied, then went ou talking for ten min utes or so. The iiuost thus tolls the rest: "At tho end of that time he told me tho uiom ietor wan a nice fellow whom I would enjoy meeting, aud asked it I would like to he introduced. Of course, considering the fact I was not born yesterday, I said yes, and wo went off and hud a lew old i)tu. borne women are bright, socr Tue Modern Version: Btrlko till your unarmed friend expires Strike at your altars and your flro., rJirike ut the green grnves ot your sires, Ool-darn our unlive land. Minnvapulis Journal. t A western editor, iu answer to the com plaint of a subscriber that fas did not give news enongb, advised Mm, when news was scarce, to read the Bible whloh be had no doubt would be news to him. It was after dinner and he was saying sweet Doinmgs 10 uer ont on ine piazza. "Do you know what I think of your" she asked in the pleased reproving tone women aueot on sucu occasions, "i nope it la nothing bad," be answered, aftor the mnn- aer ot men when that Question Is put to them. "Well, I think yon are a hollow mockery." lio folded bis bands across himself composedly. ' "A mockery, pos albly " he admitted, "but not hollow," and the light went out ia tL dining room. Detroit free Prcis. e Entirely Too Practical: "No, Herbert." she said in low tone, "it is lu,r,rMliii. I fuur to trust my fu ture with yon." Aiiawuy?" a uave waicoeu your cuuuuut .wwu It lacKs the mark of such devotion as my soul craves." "Do I not come to see yon four nights in the woolif" of, uuv 1 UAVV UVbrbvau o m fcelfinliuess in your nalure, which I fear." .U'k... ; 'Vnn Iikva nu..ot fnllpri tft Ifi&Vd in time to catch the last car." wasntngion mar, e Tire QiiiL of Many Gakbs: Diamonds, emeralds, pearls, Hlli things, satin and lace. Jove, how my crauium whirls! Is it queer I'm forgetting her facet Thin morning I met her in pink, This evening her ball dress wa green, In tho nf ternoon, pray lot me think, O, hordreis had u nil very sheen. And it's also the snme with her gloves, And her bat, and her shoes, and Lord knows, One's a ditudout chap when one loves. It may be the same with her hose. Bo, uo wonder my cranium whirls, Aud I grouu at my singular plight I have to make love to ten girls Ail iu one, from each morning till night. Tom Hall in Life. FOR DELEGATE ELECTIONS. Apportionment of Republican Bipresen tation Among the Various DUtrlots. Pursuaut to a meeting of the Republi can County coinmittoe i.eld on July 14tb, lS'Jl. tue County Convention will be held on Tuesday, September 4th, ISM, at 10 O'clock a. ill., in tuo court uoue ui Mcruu ton, for the purpose of placing in nomina tion candidate fur the following nunied ofiicoK, to be veted for at the next geiu'riil election to be held November Oth, 18'.4: Congress, Eloventh district; Judge, Forty fifth Judicial district; sheriff, treasurer, clorlt of courts, prothonotury, district at torney, recorder of deeds, register of wills, anil jury commifiuioner. Vigilauce committees will hold delegate elections oil Saturday, Si-ptembor 1st, IBM, between the hours of 4 ana 7 p. in. i hey will also give ut least two days public notice of tho time aud place lor hoUl.u said eluetious. Each elactiun district should elect at the snid delegate election!, two cnialmod per sons to servo us viuilauce committee for one year, and have their nuuies certined to, ou the credentials of delegates to the County Couveutiou. The representation of delegates to the County Convention is bised upon the voto cbt lust full tor Fell, caudidute for judgo of tupreme court, he being the highest ollloer voted for at said stnto election. Uudor this rule tho several election districts are eutitled to representation as follows, viz: Arrblmld borough - 1st dist 2d dist lid dist hit ward, 1st dial., 1 1st ward, '2d dist., 1 iilwsrd 1 4th dist 1 IMward 1 Blukulr horouxh Olypliant borough 1st ward 21 2d ward ist waru 2l ward 2 3d ward Hiiwurd 1 Ransom township... liHcrauton citv I 1st ward. 1st dist.. 1st ward, 2d (list.. 1st ward, 31 dist.. 2d ward, 1st dist., I'd ward, 2d d st... 2d ward. . d dist... 2d ward, 4th dist.. 2d ward, 6th dist.. ild ward, 1st dist.. 3d ward, 2d dist.., 4th ward, 1st dist.. 4th ward, 2d dist.. 4th ward, 3d dist.. 4tli ward, 4th diat.. fith ward, Istdist.. 6th ward, 2d disc. 6th ward, Sddist.. olh ward, 4 til (list., Oth ward, Istdist.. Oth Ward, 2.1 dint.. 7th ward, Istdist.. 7th ward, 2d dist.. 7th ward, 3d dist.. mil ward, 1st diet.. Mh waid. 2d dist.. Uth ward, Istdist.. Uih ward, 2d dist.. Kith ward Uth ward, Istdist. llthwaid, 21 diat. Ilth ward, tkl dist. 12th wurd, 1st dist 12th ward, 2J dist. lltth ward, 1st dist 13th ward. 2d dist, l:lth ward, 3d dist. Uth ward, 1st dist 1-ttb ward, 2d dist, lath ward, 1st dist lath ward, 2d dist. llltli ward. 1st dist Kith wurd, 2d diat. 17th ward, 1st dint 17tb ward. 2d dist. Northeast dist.,.. Northwest dint... No. 3 dist Carhondale city let ward, 1st dist., 1st ward, Sd d:st.. id ward. 1st dist.. Id ward, Uj dist... 2d wurd, 3d dltt... !kl ward, 1st dht.. itd ward, 2d dist... 3d ward, 81 dist... 4th ward, 1st d int.. 4th ward, 2d dist.. 4th ward, ltd dist.. fith ward, Intd ht.. Mh ward, 21 dist.. Ilth ward, letiii.1t.. Oth ward. 2d dist.. iJirks in City bore 1st ward 2 2d ward 1 Dunmoro borough 1st ward, 1st (list.. Ihi ward, 2d di-t., 2d ward, 1st dist. . 2d ward, 2d dist... lid ward, 1st dist.. Kd ward, 2d diat... 'M ward, ad dist... 4th ward fit li ward Oth ward, 1st dist.. iltli ward, 2d dist., Elrnhurst 'owuship. Fell township Istdist 2d oist Hd dist (Helibui u boro .gh.. Oouldsboro borough Ui eunllHid townsii p Jefferson township, J. rmi u borough I -t ward 2,1 ward , Jld ward lUth ward 1 llith ward, 1st dist 2 lllth ward, 2d (list, lilt li ward. 3d diat. i'.Hh wa-d, 4th riist 20th wsrd, 1st diet 2'ith ward, 2d (list. 2dtli ward, ltd oist. 2 st ward 1st dist. Lackawanna towiis'n North dst 2 r-out i di-t 1 West dist 2 21nt ward, 2d dist . 3 S. Abiiiirtoutowns'p 1 fSprins UrooU t'wu'p K st dist Nortlie:iat dist.. .. houthweat di't. ... I.al'lume bor"U'h. Lelrgli tornliii lli.dlsoii towntihlp.. .Mnylleld borough... Newton township.. , N. A 1 1 1 n lit II Ul.VNB U J neott lowimuip 1 Wavuny borouijh... 1 I Winton borough 21 lhtdist 1 II 2d dist 1 II 2i 'iotal Ui Old Forge townihiu Attest D. W. rOWELL, Chairman. J. W. BKOWNISG, Secretary. BABY CARRIAGES 20 PER CENT. REDUCTION on onr entire liue of CARRIAGES. COURSEN, CLEMONS & CO. 422 Lacka, Avenue 3r -.! , si BUY THE VV'EBER For many years tills Piano lias stood in the front raufcs. It has been admired so much for its pure, rich tone, that it has become a standard for tone quality, until it is considered the highest com pllment that con be paid any Tiano to say "It resembles tho WEBER." We now have the full control of this Piano for this eeotiou as well as many other fine Pianos which we are selling at greatly reduced prices and oa easy monthly paymonts. Don't buy until you see our goods and get our, prices . ' GUERNSEY BROTHERS' NEW STORE GOLDSMITH'S Has gone the rounds make it agreeable and whenever in need of cool, airy fixings, that help so much to make life pleasant during this torrid weather. $2.98 Ladies' Duck Suits, cut to $1.98. $1.98 Wrappers and Tea Gowns, cnt to 98c. $1 Shirt Waists, cnt to 49c. $1.50 Shirt Waists, cnt to 73c. $2 Shirt Waists, cnt to 98c. 10c. Wash Goods at 5c. 25c, Wash Goods and Wool Challies at 15c. Dress Lengths of Challies and fine Wash Fabrics upon table in main aisle at prices next to nothing. Goldsmith With the New Valvea Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 314 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheek' We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. J.D.WILLIAMS&BRO, 814 Lacka. Ave. 'LANK A Full Assortment Letter Copying Books OUE SPECIAL: A SOO pajo 10x12 Book, boun? In cloth, sheep back and corners, guaranteed to give satisfaction, " Only QOc. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGEAVING, Stationers ant Engravers, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill & Son Albany nt tooth, J5.50; best set, $3: for gold caps and tenth without platen, callod erown and bridge work, call fiir juices aud rcferenous. Q OMALGIA, for cztrautiug Wotlt without pain. Ho oth or. Kogas. OYEB F1B8T KATIONAZ. BAKU 224 V. IV. c A. BUIUDINQ Reynolds CUTTER again; therefore, our profitable for you Brothers & ri9!!:is.!i:::.EEi!!si:c:!i3;!iiaiEi:3;:!in:i::::::c:st:ui:.i!S.i::!i::3 iieniiuiiBiuig Shoe Store Selling Agents, 227 Lack. Ave. EVANS & POWELL, K PROPRIETORS. lU!!lllisLaiinillM!i:ilIinill!UniaiMIII9!i!!IimilllIlII31.3ll9E.IIIIItlUli: THEY ARE - o 8 AND WILL SOON BE GONE At Greatly Reduced Prices $ Cream Freezers, , OIL AND GAS STOVES i Footed Shear Co., 513 LVf K.t. AVE. KANCY Jcany linf Canteloupes. HOM 10 GROWN Green Corn and Tomatoes, Lima Beans, Ui Plant, etc. PIERCE'S MARKET and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE. aft m n A m -a 0 THE REMAINDER g OP OUR STOCK OP 1 ALASKA t REFRIGERATORS. I $ ICE BAZAAR ' 1 . . August news vill to visit the Bazaar Co irip any-. THE COLUMBIA BICfyLE AGENCY, Oppi Tribune Office, 224 Site 11 Having had 12 yoart' oxporleoc In th Icycl bnil naes aud the uicoucy fur leading Wheels ot stl irrtdoi, wear prepared to guarantor tatlHlaotion. Those ln tending to purchase are Invited to call aooMxamint our tioiuploto lin Open evooinus. Call or aendlsuun (or catuluguus. Poyntelle :: House AT LAKE POYNTELLE, WAYME COUNTY. PENNA Sitnated at summit ot tbs New York, On tario and Western Railway. fiat above i.a. The highest itiam railroad point In the ttats BoVen fine lakes witbln from three to twenty miautoe' walk from hotil or station. J wo bias lakes convenient-perch, pickerel and o:her common rarieties of Ash. aorcral other lukes within hilf hour's drive. For a day's sport and recreation take New York, Ontario and Western railway train lea v. iu stcrnnton at 8.80 a.m. .arriving at Poyntelle utlO.Ham. Returning, train loavei loyn telle 4.50 p.m., arriving In Boranton ItOpm. BOATS FREE TO OL'ESTS. FREE EXCURSION and PICNIC GROUNDS BATES FOR SUMMER BOAHDEnfl 8 TO $10 PER WEEK. House accommodations, SOL McCUSKER BROTHER 3, POYNTELLE. PA DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Dentist. TELEPHONE 2919. Prompt attention to calls for treatment of all domestic au'.mula Veterinary Medicines carefully compounded aud for sale at reasonable prices. Office at the Blurae Carriage Works, Ml DIX COURT, Scrauton. wuero I direct shoo ing afternoons. Graduate of the American Voterloary Col We and the Columbian School of Compara tive Medicine. Well, Sirl "Spectaoles!" Yes, sir! Wa have a special ist here to Ut you who does nothing else. Sit right down and have your eyes fitted ia BBciontifio manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. ' fnierted In THE TRIBUNE t 0 uteolQNE CENT A WQR0. WANT IDS. r